LibriS2S / alignments /13 /00041-chancellor_map_DeEn.csv
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0,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_0.flac,00041-f000001,-0.12,Am 8. Januar.,XLI.
1,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_1.flac,00041-f000002,0.842776,"Die ganze Nacht über bin ich neben dem todten Körper geblieben, und Miß Herbey hat wiederholt Gebete für sein Seelenheil verrichtet.","JANUARY th.All night I remained by the side of the poor fellow's corpse, and several times Miss Herbey joined me in my mournful watch."
2,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_2.flac,00041-f000003,0.145238,Bei Anbruch des Tages ist der Leichnam völlig erkaltet.,"Before daylight dawned the body was quite cold, and as I knew there must be no delay in throwing it overboard, I asked Curtis to assist me in the sad office."
3,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_3.flac,00041-f000003,0.145238,Ich hatte Eile.,"<MERGE> Before daylight dawned the body was quite cold, and as I knew there must be no delay in throwing it overboard, I asked Curtis to assist me in the sad office."
4,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_4.flac,00041-f000004,0.761029,"Eile, ihn in's Meer zu werfen, und ersuchte Robert Kurtis, mir in diesem traurigen Geschäfte beizustehen.","The body was frightfully emaciated, and I had every hope that it would not float."
5,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_5.flac,00041-f000005,0.79373,"Nach Einhüllung in seine Kleidungsstücke werden wir ihn den Wellen übergeben, und ich hoffe, daß er bei seiner außerordentlichen Magerkeit sich nicht schwimmend erhalten wird.","As soon as it was quite light, taking every precaution that no one should see what we were about, Curtis and I proceeded to our melancholy task."
6,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_6.flac,00041-f000006,0.483178,"Mit Tagesgrauen treffen wir, Robert Kurtis und ich, gewisse Vorsichtsmaßregeln, nicht gesehen zu werden, und entnehmen den Taschen des Lieutenants noch einige Gegenstände, welche dessen Mutter zugestellt werden sollen, wenn Einer von uns am Leben bleibt.","We took a few articles from the lieutenant's pockets, which we purposed, if either of us should survive, to remit to his mother."
7,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_7.flac,00041-f000007,0.481071,"Eben als ich den Leichnam in die Kleidungsstücke bringen will, die ihm als Bahrtuch dienen sollen, kann ich eine Bewegung des Entsetzens nicht unterdrücken.","But as we wrapped him in his tattered garments that would have to suffice for his windingsheet, I started back with a thrill of horror."
8,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_8.flac,00041-f000008,0.769388,"Der rechte Fuß fehlt, das Bein ist nur noch ein blutiger Stumpf!","The right foot had gone, leaving the leg a bleeding stump!"
9,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_9.flac,00041-f000009,-0.0317383,Wer ist der Urheber dieser Schändung?,"No doubt that, overcome by fatigue, I must have fallen asleep for an interval during the night, and some one had taken advantage of my slumber to mutilate the corpse."
10,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_10.flac,00041-f000009,-0.0317383,"Ich bin also doch wohl in der Nacht einmal der Ermüdung erlegen, und Jemand hat sich meinen Schlummer zu Nutzen gemacht, diesen Körper zu verstümmeln.","<MERGE> No doubt that, overcome by fatigue, I must have fallen asleep for an interval during the night, and some one had taken advantage of my slumber to mutilate the corpse."
11,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_11.flac,00041-f000009,-0.0317383,"Aber wer, wer hat das gethan?","<MERGE> No doubt that, overcome by fatigue, I must have fallen asleep for an interval during the night, and some one had taken advantage of my slumber to mutilate the corpse."
12,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_12.flac,00041-f000010,0.445227,"Robert Kurtis sieht rings umher, und seine Augen sprühen Flammen.",But who could have been guilty of so fowl a deed!
13,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_13.flac,00041-f000011,0.683129,"An Bord bemerkt man nichts Ungewöhnliches, nur einige Jammerlaute unterbrechen das Stillschweigen.","Curtis looked around with anger flashing In his eye; but all seemed as usual, and the silence was only broken by a few groans of agony."
14,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_14.flac,00041-f000012,-0.016836700000000003,Vielleicht belauert man uns!,"But there was no time to be lost; perhaps we were already observed, and more horrible scenes might be likely to occur."
15,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_15.flac,00041-f000012,-0.016836700000000003,"Eilen wir, die Ueberreste in's Meer zu bringen, um noch schrecklichere Auftritte zu vermeiden.","<MERGE> But there was no time to be lost; perhaps we were already observed, and more horrible scenes might be likely to occur."
16,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_16.flac,00041-f000012,0.596907,"Nach einem kurzen Gebete des Kapitäns lassen wir den Leichnam in die Fluthen gleiten, in denen er sofort versinkt.","But there was no time to be lost; perhaps we were already observed, and more horrible scenes might be likely to occur."
17,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_17.flac,00041-f000014,0.192857,Donnerwetter!,It sank immediately.
18,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_18.flac,00041-f000015,0.193333,Die Haifische werden gut gemästet!.Wer sprach das?,"They are feeding the sharks well, and no mistake, said a voice behind me."
19,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_19.flac,00041-f000014,0.24375,Ich drehe mich um.,It sank immediately.
20,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_20.flac,00041-f000015,0.304348,Es war der Neger Jynxtrop.,"They are feeding the sharks well, and no mistake, said a voice behind me."
21,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_21.flac,00041-f000016,0.178571,Der Bootsmann stand gleichfalls in meiner Nähe.,"I turned round quickly, and found that it was Jynxtrop who had spoken."
22,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_22.flac,00041-f000017,0.228947,"Vermuthen Sie, sage ich zu ihm, daß jene Unglücklichen diesen Fuß.","As the boatswain now approached, I asked him whether he thought it possible that any of the wretched men could have taken the dead man's foot."
23,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_23.flac,00041-f000018,0.406667,"Diesen Fuß. ah, ja! erwidert mir der Hochbootsmann.","Oh yes, I dare say, he replied, in a significant tone and perhaps they thought they were right."
24,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_24.flac,00041-f000019,0.228571,Im Uebrigen war das ihr Recht.,Right! what do you mean?
25,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_25.flac,00041-f000020,0.325,Was?,I exclaimed.
26,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_26.flac,00041-f000021,0.361538,Ihr Recht? rufe ich erstaunt.,"Well, sir, he said coldly, isn't it better to eat a dead man than a living one?"
27,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_27.flac,00041-f000022,0.163346,"Herr, entgegnet der Hochbootsmann, es ist besser, einen Todten zu verzehren, als einen Lebendigen!.Diese frostige Antwort läßt mich verstummen, und ich gehe, um mich zu sammeln, nach dem Hintertheile des Flosses.","I was at a loss to comprehend him, and, turning away, laid myself down at the end of the raft."
28,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_28.flac,00041-f000023,0.247826,Gegen elf Uhr überrascht uns ein glücklicher Zufall.,"Towards eleven o'clock, a most suspicious incident occurred."
29,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_29.flac,00041-f000024,0.239535,"Der Hochbootsmann, der schon seit dem Morgen seine Angelschnuren wieder hat nachschleppen lassen, erzielt einen Erfolg, er hat drei Fische gefangen.","The boatswain, who had cast his lines early in the morning, caught three large cod, each more than thirty inches long, of the species which, when dried, is known by the name of stockfish."
30,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_30.flac,00041-f000025,0.44927,"Es sind drei ziemlich große Schellfische von vierundzwanzig Centimeter Länge und zu der Art gehörig, welche getrocknet unter dem Namen Stockfisch bekannt ist.","Scarcely had he hauled them on board, when the sailors made a dash at them, and it was with the utmost difficulty that Curtis, Falsten, and myself could restore order, so that we might divide the fish into equal portions."
31,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_31.flac,00041-f000022,0.585965,"Kaum hat der Hochbootsmann die drei Fische an Bord gezogen, so stürzen sich die Matrosen auf dieselben.","I was at a loss to comprehend him, and, turning away, laid myself down at the end of the raft."
32,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_32.flac,00041-f000023,0.105556,"Der Kapitän Kurtis, Falsten und ich werfen uns dazwischen, und die Ordnung ist bald wieder hergestellt.","Towards eleven o'clock, a most suspicious incident occurred."
33,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_33.flac,00041-f000024,0.160987,"Es ist freilich wenig, drei Schellfische für vierzehn Verhungerte, doch es bekommt Jeder seinen Theil.","The boatswain, who had cast his lines early in the morning, caught three large cod, each more than thirty inches long, of the species which, when dried, is known by the name of stockfish."
34,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_34.flac,00041-f000028,0.452471,"Die Einen verschlingen die Fische roh, man möchte sagen, noch lebend, und das thun die Meisten.","For myself, I confess that I swallowed my portion of fish just as it was,raw and bleeding."
35,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_35.flac,00041-f000025,-0.0602672,"Robert Kurtis, André Letourneur und Miß Herbey haben die Ueberwindung, zu warten.","Scarcely had he hauled them on board, when the sailors made a dash at them, and it was with the utmost difficulty that Curtis, Falsten, and myself could restore order, so that we might divide the fish into equal portions."
36,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_36.flac,00041-f000025,-0.0602672,Auf einer Ecke des Flosses entzünden sie mittels einiger Stückchen Holz ein Feuer und rösten ihren Antheil.,"<MERGE> Scarcely had he hauled them on board, when the sailors made a dash at them, and it was with the utmost difficulty that Curtis, Falsten, and myself could restore order, so that we might divide the fish into equal portions."
37,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_37.flac,00041-f000025,-0.0602672,Ich habe nicht denselben Muth gehabt und verzehre das Fleisch noch blutend!,"<MERGE> Scarcely had he hauled them on board, when the sailors made a dash at them, and it was with the utmost difficulty that Curtis, Falsten, and myself could restore order, so that we might divide the fish into equal portions."
38,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_38.flac,00041-f000030,0.720463,"Mr. Letourneur ist nicht weniger ungeduldig gewesen, als ich und die meisten Anderen.","The boatswain's delight at his success was, excessive, and amounted almost to delirium."
39,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_39.flac,00041-f000031,0.414443,Wie ein ausgehungerter Wolf stürzte er sich auf das ihm zukommende Stück Fisch.,"I went up to him, and encouraged him to repeat his attempt."
40,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_40.flac,00041-f000027,0.19814600000000002,"Wie vermag dieser unglückliche Mann, der so lange Zeit nichts genossen hat, nur überhaupt noch zu leben?","<MERGE> Most of us devoured the food raw, almost I might say, alive; only Curtis, Andre and Miss Herbey having the patience to wait until their allowance had been boiled at a fire which they made with a few scraps of wood."
41,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_41.flac,00041-f000033,0.9,Ich begreife das nicht.,I'll try again.
42,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_42.flac,00041-f000029,0.49378,"Ich erwähnte die große Freude des Bootsmannes, als er seine Angelleinen einzog, und diese Freude steigert sich fast bis zum Wahnwitz.","M. Letourneur followed my example; the poor man devoured his food like a famished wolf, and it is only a wonder to me how, after his lengthened fast, he came to be alive at all."
43,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_43.flac,00041-f000030,0.451128,"Wenn der Fischfang noch weitere Beute liefert, ist es sicher, daß er uns vor einem grauenvollen Tode rettet.","The boatswain's delight at his success was, excessive, and amounted almost to delirium."
44,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_44.flac,00041-f000031,0.577865,"Ich spreche deshalb mit dem Hochbootsmann und treibe ihn an, seine Versuche zu wiederholen.","I went up to him, and encouraged him to repeat his attempt."
45,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_45.flac,00041-f000038,0.501675,"Ja wohl! antwortet er mir, ja. gewiß. ich werde es thun!","I had some very good bait last night, he said."
46,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_46.flac,00041-f000034,0.4,Und warum legen Sie die Schnuren nicht schon wieder ein?,"And why not try at once, I asked."
47,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_47.flac,00041-f000040,0.7382350000000001,Jetzt nicht! erwidert er ausweichend.,"He steadily returned my gaze, but said nothing."
48,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_48.flac,00041-f000036,0.28887,"Die Nacht ist günstiger als der Tag zum Fange der größeren Fische, und wir dürfen auch den Köder nicht verschwenden, denn vorhin haben wir Dummköpfe auch nicht ein Stückchen übrig gelassen, um es zum nächsten Fischfang zu verwenden!.Das ist wahr, und der Fehler vielleicht nicht wieder gut zu machen.","Besides, I must manage to get some bait, for we have been improvident enough not to save a single scrap."
49,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_49.flac,00041-f000037,0.718735,"Indessen, werfe ich ein, da es Ihnen das erste Mal gelang ohne Lockspeise.",But you have succeeded once without bait; why may you not succeed again?
50,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_50.flac,00041-f000046,0.3,Ich hatte welche.,"Living, did I say?"
51,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_51.flac,00041-f000038,0.16875,Eine gute?,"<MERGE> I had some very good bait last night, he said."
52,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_53.flac,00041-f000039,0.8091430000000001,Haben Sie auch noch etwas für Ihre Angelhaken übrig? frage ich.,I stared at him in amazement.
53,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_54.flac,00041-f000040,0.0219512,"Ja wohl, antwortete der Seemann mit leiser Stimme und wendet sich ohne ein weiteres Wort weg.","He steadily returned my gaze, but said nothing."
54,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_55.flac,00041-f000050,0.386667,Die dürftige Nahrung hat uns aber doch einige Kräfte gegeben und neue Hoffnungen erweckt.,An unlucky number! said Andre with a mournful smile.
55,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_56.flac,00041-f000051,0.683229,"Wir sprechen von dem Fischfange des Hochbootsmannes und können es gar nicht glauben, daß dieser nicht wiederholt von Erfolg sein werde.","During the night the boatswain cast his lines from the stern of the raft, and, unwilling to trust them to any one else, remained watching them himself."
56,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_57.flac,00041-f000042,0.273913,"Sollte das Geschick endlich satt sein, uns zu prüfen?",Yes! he almost whispered and left me without another word.
57,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_59.flac,00041-f000043,0.638227,"Unsere Gedanken sind nicht einzig und allein auf die martervolle Gegenwart gerichtet oder auf die furchtbare Zukunft, die uns doch drohend bevorsteht.","Our meal, meagre as it had been, served to rally our shattered energies; our hopes were slightly raised; there was no reason why the boatswain should not have the same good luck again."
58,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_60.flac,00041-f000044,0.551426,"Die Herren Letourneur, der Ingenieur Falsten, der Kapitän Kurtis und ich erinnern uns der einzelnen Vorkommnisse seit dem Schiffbruche, lassen die Bilder der Umgekommenen an uns vorüberziehen, die Details der Feuersbrunst, die Strandung des Fahrzeugs, das HamRockEiland, den Leck, die schreckliche Fahrt in den Mastkörben, das Floß, den Sturm, alle jene Zufälle, welche uns jetzt so fern zu liegen scheinen.","One evidence of the degree to which our spirits were revived was that our minds were no longer fixed upon the miserable present and hopeless future, but we began to recall and discuss the past; and M. Letourneur, Andre Mr. Falsten, and I held a long conversation with the captain about the various incidents of our eventful voyage, speaking of our lost companions, of the fire, of the stranding of the ship, of our sojourn on Ham Rock, of the springing of the leak, of our terrible voyage in the topmasts, of the construction of the raft, and of the storm."
59,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_61.flac,00041-f000054,0.536275,"Alles das hat uns betroffen, und doch leben wir noch!",He had neither seen nor heard me coming.
60,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_62.flac,00041-f000055,0.12,Wir leben!,"Well, boatswain!"
61,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_63.flac,00041-f000046,0.3,Aber kann man diesen Zustand wirklich ein Leben nennen?,"Living, did I say?"
62,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_64.flac,00041-f000047,0.934749,"Von achtundzwanzig sind wir nur noch vierzehn übrig, bald vielleicht nur noch dreizehn.","Ay, if such an existence as ours could be called a life, fourteen of us were living still."
63,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_66.flac,00041-f000049,0.2875,Am Morgen gehe ich auf ihn zu.,We should then be thirteen.
64,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_67.flac,00041-f000058,0.747594,"Kaum graut der Tag, und mit den brennenden Augen sucht der Angler schon die Dunkelheit des Wassers zu durchdringen.","Those villainous sharks have eaten every morsel of my bait, he said, in a desponding voice."
65,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_68.flac,00041-f000052,1.07045,"Er hat mich weder schon gesehen, noch kommen hören.",In the morning I went to ascertain what success had attended his patience.
66,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_70.flac,00041-f000057,0.245455,"Nun, wie steht's, Bootsmann?",He turned round quickly.
67,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_71.flac,00041-f000058,0.709091,Die verdammten Haifische haben mir den Köder weggeschnappt! antwortet er mit tonloser Stimme.,"Those villainous sharks have eaten every morsel of my bait, he said, in a desponding voice."
68,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_72.flac,00041-f000059,0.7863640000000001,Und sie haben keinen mehr?,And you have no more left?
69,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_73.flac,00041-f000062,0.43734,"Nein! Und wissen Sie, was damit bewiesen ist? fügt er hinzu und drückt mir den Arm.","Then grasping my arm he added, and that only shows me that it is no good doing things by halves."
70,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00041-chancellor_74.flac,00041-f000062,0.647582,"Damit ist bewiesen, daß man nichts blos halb thun soll.","Then grasping my arm he added, and that only shows me that it is no good doing things by halves."