LibriS2S / alignments /13 /00012-chancellor_map_DeEn.csv
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0,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_1.flac,00012-f000001,0.256922,Robert Kurtis hat dem Kapitän Alles mitgetheilt.,"XII. OCTOBER nd.Curtis has told the captain everything; for he persists in ostensibly recognizing him as his superior officer, and refuses to conceal from him our true situation."
1,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_2.flac,00012-f000001,0.256922,"Kapitän Huntly ist, wenn auch nicht in der That, so doch dem Wortlaute nach sein Vorgesetzter, und er darf ihm Nichts verheimlichen.","<MERGE> XII. OCTOBER nd.Curtis has told the captain everything; for he persists in ostensibly recognizing him as his superior officer, and refuses to conceal from him our true situation."
2,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_3.flac,00012-f000002,0.576364,"Bei dieser Nachricht hat Kapitän Huntly kein Sterbenswörtchen geantwortet, sondern ist nur mit der Hand über die Stirn gefahren, wie ein Mensch, der sich irgend einen Gedanken vertreiben will; dann ist er ruhig in seine Cabine zurückgekehrt, ohne einen Befehl zu ertheilen.","Captain Huntly received the communication in perfect silence, and merely passing his hand across his forehead as though to, banish some distressing thought, reentered his cabin without a word."
3,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_4.flac,00012-f000003,0.77255,"Robert Kurtis, der Lieutenant, der Ingenieur Falsten und ich, wir treten zu einer Berathung zusammen, und ich erstaune über die Kaltblütigkeit, die Jeder unter diesen Umständen an den Tag legt.","Curtis, Lieutenant Walter, Falsten, and myself have been discussing the chances of our safety, and I am surprised to find with how much composure we can all survey our anxious predicament."
4,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_5.flac,00012-f000004,0.386962,"Alle Möglichkeiten einer Rettung werden erwogen, und Robert Kurtis faßt unsere Lage in folgende Worte zusammen.","There is no doubt said Curtis, that we must abandon all hope of arresting the fire; the heat towards the bow has already become wellnigh unbearable, and the time must come when the flames will find a vent through the deck."
5,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_6.flac,00012-f000004,0.06038250000000001,"Die Feuersbrunst kann unmöglich beschränkt werden, und schon ist der Mannschaftsschlafraum am Vordertheil kaum noch zu bewohnen.","<MERGE> There is no doubt said Curtis, that we must abandon all hope of arresting the fire; the heat towards the bow has already become wellnigh unbearable, and the time must come when the flames will find a vent through the deck."
6,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_8.flac,00012-f000006,0.48,"Wenn vor Eintritt dieser Katastrophe das Meer es erlaubt, werden wir das Schiff auf den Booten verlassen.","Falsten and I agreed with what he said, but I pointed out to him that he had quite overlooked the fact of there being thirty pounds of combustible matter in the hold."
7,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_10.flac,00012-f000005,-0.0294014,"Wer weiß, ob wir seiner nicht leichter Herr werden, wenn es zum Durchbruch gekommen ist.","If the sea is calm enough for us to make use of the boats, well and good; we shall of course get quit of the ship as quietly as we can; if on the other hand, the weather should be adverse, or the wind be boisterous, we must stick to our place, and contend with the flames to the very last; perhaps, after all, we shall fare better with the fire as a declared enemy than as a hidden one."
8,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_11.flac,00012-f000008,1.04294,"Vielleicht bekämpfen wir den Feind, der sich offen zeigt, erfolgreicher, als den, der sich verbirgt!","No; it is a matter that I cannot take at all into my reckoning, it must remain in higher hands than mine."
9,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_12.flac,00012-f000009,0.538211,"Das entspricht meiner Ansicht, bemerkte ruhig der Ingenieur.",We bowed our heads in a silence which was solemn.
10,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_13.flac,00012-f000010,0.819643,"Auch der meinigen, setzte ich hinzu.","In the present state of the weather, immediate flight was, we knew, impossible."
11,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_14.flac,00012-f000006,0.199947,"Doch, Mr. Kurtis, ziehen Sie gar nicht in Betracht, daß dreißig Pfund jener furchtbaren explosiven Substanz sich im Kielraum befinden?","<MERGE> Falsten and I agreed with what he said, but I pointed out to him that he had quite overlooked the fact of there being thirty pounds of combustible matter in the hold."
12,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_15.flac,00012-f000012,0.320248,"Nein, Mr. Kazallon, antwortet Robert Kurtis, mit einem Uebermaße von kaltem Blute, das ist nur ein Detail, welches mich nicht besonders kümmert.","But tell me, Mr. Falsten, I asked, is it possible for picrate of potash to ignite without concussion?"
13,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_16.flac,00012-f000007,0.162886,Warum sollte es auch?,"<MERGE> No he gravely replied, I have not forgotten it, but it is a circumstance of which I do not trust myself to think I dare not run the risk of admitting air into the hold by going down to search for the powder, and yet I know not at what moment it may explode."
14,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_17.flac,00012-f000008,0.735714,Kann ich das gefahrdrohende Colli mitten aus dem brennenden Cargo heraussuchen?,"No; it is a matter that I cannot take at all into my reckoning, it must remain in higher hands than mine."
15,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_18.flac,00012-f000009,0.44102,"Und das aus einem Raume, dem wir jeden Luftzutritt verwehren müssen?",We bowed our heads in a silence which was solemn.
16,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_19.flac,00012-f000015,0.692571,"Nein, daran denke ich gar nicht!",We now prepared to go on deck.
17,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_20.flac,00012-f000010,0.233824,"Noch bevor ich ausspreche, kann das Pikrat seine entsetzliche Wirkung äußern, das ist wohl wahr.","In the present state of the weather, immediate flight was, we knew, impossible."
18,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_21.flac,00012-f000011,0.102011,Indeß entweder erreicht das Feuer jenes oder nicht!,"After a considerable pause, Falsten, as calmly as though he were delivering some philosophic dogma, observed, The explosion, if I may use the formula of science, is not necessary, but contingent."
19,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_22.flac,00012-f000011,0.102011,"Der erschwerende Umstand, den Sie anführen, ist für mich nicht weiter vorhanden.","<MERGE> After a considerable pause, Falsten, as calmly as though he were delivering some philosophic dogma, observed, The explosion, if I may use the formula of science, is not necessary, but contingent."
20,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_23.flac,00012-f000016,0.666532,"Es liegt in der Hand Gottes und nicht in der meinigen, uns diese schreckliche Katastrophe zu ersparen!.Robert Kurtis hat diese Worte in ernstem Tone gesprochen, und wir senken die Köpfe, ohne darauf zu antworten.","As we left the saloon, in which we had been sitting, Curtis seized my hand."
21,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_24.flac,00012-f000017,0.6026090000000001,"Da der Zustand des Meeres eine Benutzung der Boote ganz unmöglich macht, so dürfen wir an jenen besonderen Umstand nicht weiter denken.","Oh, Mr. Kazallon, he exclaimed, if you only knew the bitterness of the agony I feel at seeing this fine vessel doomed to be devoured by flames, and at being so powerless to save her."
22,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_25.flac,00012-f000018,0.309441,"Die Explosion ist ja nicht unbedingt nothwendig, hätte wohl ein Formalist gesagt, sie ist nur eine zufällige!.Eine ähnliche Bemerkung äußerte der Ingenieur auch wirklich.","Then quickly recovering himself, he continued, But I am forgetting myself; you, if no other, must know what I am suffering."
23,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_26.flac,00012-f000012,0.9804350000000001,"Auf eine Frage möchte ich Sie noch um eine Antwort bitten, Mr. Falsten, sagte ich.","But tell me, Mr. Falsten, I asked, is it possible for picrate of potash to ignite without concussion?"
24,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_27.flac,00012-f000013,0.194118,Kann das NatronPikrat sich auch ohne Stoß entzünden?,"Certainly it is, replied the engineer."
25,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_28.flac,00012-f000021,0.475,"Gewiß, entgegnete der Ingenieur.",I asked.
26,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_29.flac,00012-f000014,0.0,"Unter gewöhnlichen Verhältnissen ist das Pikrat nicht mehr entzündlich, als das Pulver, aber ebenso wie dieses.","<MERGE> Underordinary circumstances, picrate of potash although not MORE inflammable than common powder, yet possesses the same degree of inflammability."
27,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_30.flac,00012-f000015,0.192,Falsten hatte das Wort ergo gebraucht.,We now prepared to go on deck.
28,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_31.flac,00012-f000016,0.32721999999999996,"Sollte man nicht glauben, er docire in einem Cursus der Chemie?","As we left the saloon, in which we had been sitting, Curtis seized my hand."
29,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_32.flac,00012-f000016,0.32721999999999996,Wir sind nach dem Verdeck zurückgegangen.,"<MERGE> As we left the saloon, in which we had been sitting, Curtis seized my hand."
30,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_33.flac,00012-f000017,0.21524699999999997,Robert Kurtis ergreift meine Hand.,"Oh, Mr. Kazallon, he exclaimed, if you only knew the bitterness of the agony I feel at seeing this fine vessel doomed to be devoured by flames, and at being so powerless to save her."
31,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_34.flac,00012-f000017,0.21524699999999997,"Kazallon, sagt er, ohne einen Versuch seine Erregung zu verbergen, diesen Chancellor, dieses schöne Schiff, das ich so sehr liebe, durch Feuer zerstören zu sehen, ohne etwas dagegen thun zu können.","<MERGE> Oh, Mr. Kazallon, he exclaimed, if you only knew the bitterness of the agony I feel at seeing this fine vessel doomed to be devoured by flames, and at being so powerless to save her."
32,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_35.flac,00012-f000018,0.0928571,"Mr. Kurtis, Ihre Erregung.","Then quickly recovering himself, he continued, But I am forgetting myself; you, if no other, must know what I am suffering."
33,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_36.flac,00012-f000018,0.0928571,Ich könnte sie nicht bezwingen!,"<MERGE> Then quickly recovering himself, he continued, But I am forgetting myself; you, if no other, must know what I am suffering."
34,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_37.flac,00012-f000023,0.592683,"Sie allein sind Zeuge dessen, wie viel ich leide.","How long that train may be, 'tis not for me to say."
35,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_38.flac,00012-f000020,-0.04,"Doch, es ist vorüber, fügte er hinzu, aber ich sah den Kampf, den er bestand.",Is our condition quite desperate?
36,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_39.flac,00012-f000024,0.441667,Ist die Situation ganz verzweifelt? fragte ich darauf.,And with these words he left me.
37,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_40.flac,00012-f000022,0.152632,"Nun, unsere Lage ist folgende, antwortete wieder ruhig Robert Kurtis.","It is just this, he answered deliberately we are over a mine, and already the match has been applied to the train."
38,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_41.flac,00012-f000022,0.152632,"Wir befinden uns über einer Mine, deren Lunte schon entzündet ist.","<MERGE> It is just this, he answered deliberately we are over a mine, and already the match has been applied to the train."
39,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_42.flac,00012-f000023,0.472233,"Jetzt ist nur die Frage die, wie lang diese Lunte wohl ist.","How long that train may be, 'tis not for me to say."
40,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_43.flac,00012-f000024,0.24782600000000002,Dann zieht er sich zurück.,And with these words he left me.
41,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_44.flac,00012-f000025,0.461905,"Jedenfalls ist es der Mannschaft und den übrigen Passagieren noch unbekannt, wie ungeheuer ernst unsere Lage ist.","The other passengers, in common with the crew, are still in entire ignorance of the extremity of peril to which we are exposed, although they are all aware that there is fire in the hold."
42,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_45.flac,00012-f000026,0.18068199999999998,"Seit er von der Feuersbrunst gehört hat, beschäftigt sich Mr. Kear damit, seine werthvollsten Objecte zusammen zu raffen und denkt an seine Frau natürlich gar nicht.","As soon as the fact was announced, Mr. Kear, after communicating to Curtis his instructions that he thought he should have the fire immediately extinguished and intimating that he held him responsible for all contingencies that might happen, retired to his cabin, where he has remained ever since, fully occupied in collecting and packing together the more cherished articles of his property and without the semblance of a care or a thought for his unfortunate wife, whose condition, in spite of her ludicrous complaints, was truly pitiable."
43,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_46.flac,00012-f000026,0.18068199999999998,"Nachdem er gegen den zweiten Officier halb befehlend den Wunsch geäußert hat, das Feuer zu löschen, und ihn für alle Folgen desselben verantwortlich gemacht, zieht er sich in seine Cabine im Hintertheil zurück und kommt nicht wieder zum Vorschein.","<MERGE> As soon as the fact was announced, Mr. Kear, after communicating to Curtis his instructions that he thought he should have the fire immediately extinguished and intimating that he held him responsible for all contingencies that might happen, retired to his cabin, where he has remained ever since, fully occupied in collecting and packing together the more cherished articles of his property and without the semblance of a care or a thought for his unfortunate wife, whose condition, in spite of her ludicrous complaints, was truly pitiable."
44,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_48.flac,00012-f000027,-0.07096770000000001,Kear seufzt und stöhnt und findet trotz ihrer sonstigen Lächerlichkeiten doch allgemeines Mitleid.,"<MERGE> Miss Herbey, however, is unrelaxing in her attentions, and the unremitted diligence with which she fulfils her offices of duty, commands my highest admiration."
45,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_49.flac,00012-f000028,0.51541,"Miß Herby glaubt sich unter diesen Umständen von den Pflichten gegen ihre Herrin nur um so weniger entbunden, und widmet Jener die erdenklichste Sorgfalt.","OCTOBER rd.This morning, Captain Huntly sent for Curtis into his cabin, and the mate has since made me acquainted with what passed between them."
46,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_50.flac,00012-f000029,0.405263,"Ich muß das Benehmen dieses jungen Mädchens bewundern, der ihre Pflicht über Alles geht.","Curtis, began the captain, his haggard eye betraying only too plainly some mental derangement, I am a sailor, am I not?"
47,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_51.flac,00012-f000030,0.424528,"Am nächsten Tage, dem 23. October, läßt der Kapitän den zweiten Officier nach seiner Cabine rufen.","Certainly, captain, was the prompt acquiescence of the mate."
48,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_52.flac,00012-f000029,0.8980299999999999,"Zwischen Ihnen entspinnt sich folgendes Gespräch, dessen Inhalt mir Robert Kurtis mitgetheilt hat.","Curtis, began the captain, his haggard eye betraying only too plainly some mental derangement, I am a sailor, am I not?"
49,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_53.flac,00012-f000031,0.518199,"Kurtis, sagt der Kapitän mit irrem Blicke und den offenbaren Anzeichen geistiger Störung, ich bin doch wohl Seemann, nicht wahr?","I do not know how it is, continued the captain, but I seem bewildered; I cannot recollect anything."
50,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_54.flac,00012-f000032,0.173684,"Gewiß, Herr Kapitän.",Are we not bound for Liverpool?
51,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_55.flac,00012-f000030,0.362264,"Nun gut, stellen Sie sich vor, daß ich von meinem Geschäfte nichts verstehe. ich weiß nicht, was mit mir vorgeht.","Certainly, captain, was the prompt acquiescence of the mate."
52,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_56.flac,00012-f000031,0.36354699999999995,ich vergesse. ich bin mir unklar.,"I do not know how it is, continued the captain, but I seem bewildered; I cannot recollect anything."
53,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_57.flac,00012-f000031,0.36354699999999995,Sind wir seit unserer Abreise von Charleston nicht nach Nordosten gesegelt?,"<MERGE> I do not know how it is, continued the captain, but I seem bewildered; I cannot recollect anything."
54,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_59.flac,00012-f000032,1.03492,Wir haben aber doch nach Liverpool geladen?,Are we not bound for Liverpool?
55,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_61.flac,00012-f000033,-0.0321429,Und der. ?,<MERGE> yes! of course.
56,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_62.flac,00012-f000036,0.233333,"Wie heißt doch das Schiff, Mr. Kurtis?",And what is the name of the ship?
57,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_63.flac,00012-f000034,0.0,Der Chancellor.,<MERGE> And have we kept a north easterly direction since we left?
58,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_64.flac,00012-f000037,0.978571,"Ah, richtig, der Chancellor!","The 'Chancellor,' sir."
59,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_65.flac,00012-f000036,0.24782600000000002,Wo befindet er sich jetzt?,And what is the name of the ship?
60,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_66.flac,00012-f000037,0.257143,Im Süden des Wendekreises.,"The 'Chancellor,' sir."
61,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_67.flac,00012-f000039,0.4351060000000001,"Gut, gut; ich verpflichte mich auch nicht, ihn nach Norden zurückzuführen!","Well, Curtis, I really can't take her back to the north."
62,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_69.flac,00012-f000038,0.009375,Das könnte ich nicht. ich wünsche meine Cabine nicht wieder zu verlassen.,"Yes, yes, the 'Chancellor,' so it is."
63,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_70.flac,00012-f000039,0.589431,ich kann den Anblick des Meeres nicht ertragen!,"Well, Curtis, I really can't take her back to the north."
64,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_71.flac,00012-f000040,0.797067,"Herr Kapitän, antwortet Robert Kurtis, ich hoffe, daß unsere Sorgfalt.","I hate the sea, the very sight of it makes me ill, I would much rather not leave my cabin."
65,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_72.flac,00012-f000041,0.026712299999999998,"Ja, ja, ist schon gut,. wir werden später sehen indeß, ich habe einen Befehl für Sie, den letzten, den Sie von mir empfangen werden.","Curtis went on to tell me how he had tried to persuade him that with a little time and care he would soon recover his indisposition, and feel himself again; but the captain had interrupted him by saying, Well, well; we shall see byandby; but for the present you must take this for my positive order; you must, from this time, at once take the command of the ship, and act just as if I were not on board."
66,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_73.flac,00012-f000042,0.6961390000000001,"Ich höre, entgegnete der zweite Officier.","Under present circumstances, I can do nothing."
67,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_74.flac,00012-f000043,0.636111,"Mein Herr, nimmt der Kapitän das Wort, von jetzt ab existire ich nicht mehr an Bord und Sie übernehmen das Commando des Schiffes.","My brain is all on a whirl, you cannot tell what I am suffering; and the unfortunate man pressed both his hands convulsively against his forehead."
68,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_75.flac,00012-f000042,0.5140239999999999,"Die Verhältnisse sind stärker als ich,. ich vermag nicht zu widerstehen.","Under present circumstances, I can do nothing."
69,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_78.flac,00012-f000043,0.24224099999999998,"Aufmerksam betrachtet der zweite Officier Den, der bisher an Bord befehligte und begnügt sich zu antworten.","My brain is all on a whirl, you cannot tell what I am suffering; and the unfortunate man pressed both his hands convulsively against his forehead."
70,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_79.flac,00012-f000043,0.24224099999999998,"Es ist gut, Herr Kapitän.","<MERGE> My brain is all on a whirl, you cannot tell what I am suffering; and the unfortunate man pressed both his hands convulsively against his forehead."
71,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_80.flac,00012-f000044,0.8947370000000001,"Nach dem Verdeck zurückgekehrt, erzählt er mir das Vorgefallene.","I weighed the matter carefully for a moment, added Curtis, and seeing what his condition too truly was, I acquiesced in all that he required and withdrew, promising him that all his orders should be obeyed."
72,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_81.flac,00012-f000045,0.129647,"Ja wohl, sage ich, wenn der Mann auch noch nicht ganz von Sinnen ist, so leidet er doch am Gehirn und es ist besser, daß er sich seines Mandats freiwillig begeben hat.","After hearing these particulars, I could not help remarking how fortunate it was that the captain had resigned of his own accord, for although he might not be actually insane, it was very evident that his brain was in a very morbid condition."
73,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_82.flac,00012-f000045,0.129647,"Ich trete unter sehr ernsten Umständen an seine Stelle, erwidert mir Robert Kurtis.","<MERGE> After hearing these particulars, I could not help remarking how fortunate it was that the captain had resigned of his own accord, for although he might not be actually insane, it was very evident that his brain was in a very morbid condition."
74,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_83.flac,00012-f000046,0.574746,"Doch, wie dem auch sei, ich werde meine Pflicht zu thun wissen.",I succeed him at a very critical moment; said Curtis thoughtfully; but I shall endeavour to do my duty.
75,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_84.flac,00012-f000047,0.630208,"Nach diesen Worten ruft der zweite Officier einen Matrosen herbei und befiehlt ihm, den Hochbootsmann zu suchen.","A short time afterwards he sent for the boatswain, and ordered him to assemble the crew at the foot of the mainmast."
76,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_85.flac,00012-f000048,0.505495,Der Hochbootsmann erscheint in kurzer Zeit.,"As soon as the men were together, he addressed them very calmly, but very firmly."
77,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_86.flac,00012-f000049,0.241713,"Hochbootsmann, sagt Robert Kurtis zu ihm, lassen Sie die Mannschaften sich am Großmast versammeln.","My men, he said, I have to tell you that Captain Huntly, on account of the dangerous situation in which circumstances have placed us, and for other reasons known to myself, has thought right to resign his command to me."
78,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_87.flac,00012-f000049,0.241713,Der Hochbootsmann zieht sich zurück und wenige Minuten später umringen die Leute des Chancellor den bezeichneten Platz.,"<MERGE> My men, he said, I have to tell you that Captain Huntly, on account of the dangerous situation in which circumstances have placed us, and for other reasons known to myself, has thought right to resign his command to me."
79,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_88.flac,00012-f000050,0.636538,Robert Kurtis begiebt sich mitten unter sie.,"From this time forward, I am captain of this vessel."
80,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00012-chancellor_89.flac,00012-f000051,0.06529410000000001,"Jungens, sagt er mit ruhig ernster Stimme, in der Lage, in welcher wir uns befinden, und aus anderen mir bekannten Gründen hat Mr. Silas Huntly sein Commando als Kapitän niederlegen zu sollen geglaubt.","Thus quietly and simply the change was effected, and we have the satisfaction of knowing that the Chancellor is now under the command of a conscientious, energetic man, who will shirk nothing that he believes to be for our common good."