LibriS2S / alignments /11 /00009-castle_map_DeEn.csv
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0,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_0.flac,00009-f000001,0.858333,"Da Geronimo am Abend die Burg verließ, forderte er strenge von Theodor, ihm zu sagen, warum er ihn gegen Manfred beschuldigt habe, daß er Theil an seiner Flucht genommen?","Jerome, at quitting the castle overnight, had questioned Theodore severely why he had accused him to Manfred of being privy to his escape."
1,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_1.flac,00009-f000002,0.550948,"Theodor gestand, er habe das aus der Absicht gethan, zu verhindern, daß nicht Manfreds Argwohn auf Matilde fallen mögte; und setzte hinzu: Geronimo's heiliges Leben und Amt sey ja vor dem Zorn des Tyrannen gedeckt.","Theodore owned it had been with design to prevent Manfred's suspicion from alighting on Matilda; and added, the holiness of Jerome's life and character secured him from the tyrant's wrath."
2,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_3.flac,00009-f000005,0.5187689999999999,"Die liebliche Matilde hatte stärkeren Eindruck auf ihn gemacht, als kindliche Zuneigung.","He had little curiosity to learn the Friar's reasons, and less disposition to obey them."
3,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_4.flac,00009-f000007,0.588286,"Die ganze Nacht ergötzte er sich an Träumen der Liebe, und lange nach dem Morgengebet erinnerte er sich erst, daß der Mönch ihn an Alfonso's Grab beschieden habe.","All night he pleased himself with visions of love; and it was not till late after the morningoffice, that he recollected the Friar's commands to attend him at Alfonso's tomb."
4,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_5.flac,00009-f000008,0.5021979999999999,"Jüngling, sprach Geronimo, da er ihn ansichtig ward, dein Zaudern mißfällt mir.","Young man, said Jerome, when he saw him, this tardiness does not please me."
5,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_6.flac,00009-f000009,0.946212,Haben die Befehle eines Vaters schon so wenig Gewicht?,Have a father's commands already so little weight?
6,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_7.flac,00009-f000010,0.388877,"Theodoren wolten die Entschuldigungen nicht recht glücken; er schob seine Verspätung darauf, daß er zu lange geschlafen habe.","Theodore made awkward excuses, and attributed his delay to having overslept himself."
7,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_8.flac,00009-f000011,0.788462,Hast du nicht auch geträumt? fragte der Mönch mit strengem Ton.,And on whom were thy dreams employed? said the Friar sternly.
8,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_9.flac,00009-f000012,0.97,Sein Sohn erröthete.,His son blushed.
9,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_10.flac,00009-f000013,-0.197917,"Unbesonnener! fuhr der Klosterbruder fort, dem darf nicht also seyn.","Come, come, resumed the Friar, inconsiderate youth, this must not be; eradicate this guilty passion from thy breast Guilty passion! cried Theodore: Can guilt dwell with innocent beauty and virtuous modesty?"
10,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_11.flac,00009-f000013,-0.197917,Reiß diese schuldige Leidenschaft aus deinem Herzen.,"<MERGE> Come, come, resumed the Friar, inconsiderate youth, this must not be; eradicate this guilty passion from thy breast Guilty passion! cried Theodore: Can guilt dwell with innocent beauty and virtuous modesty?"
11,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_12.flac,00009-f000013,-0.197917,Schuldige Leidenschaft! rief Theodor.,"<MERGE> Come, come, resumed the Friar, inconsiderate youth, this must not be; eradicate this guilty passion from thy breast Guilty passion! cried Theodore: Can guilt dwell with innocent beauty and virtuous modesty?"
12,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_13.flac,00009-f000013,-0.197917,"Wohnt die Schuld, bey schöner Unschuld und sittsamer Tugend?","<MERGE> Come, come, resumed the Friar, inconsiderate youth, this must not be; eradicate this guilty passion from thy breast Guilty passion! cried Theodore: Can guilt dwell with innocent beauty and virtuous modesty?"
13,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_14.flac,00009-f000014,1.046,"Es ist Sünde, erwiederte der Mönch, die zu lieben, die der Himmel zum Verderben verdammt.","It is sinful, replied the Friar, to cherish those whom heaven has doomed to destruction."
14,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_15.flac,00009-f000015,0.451679,"Das Geschlecht des Tyrannen wird von der Erde vertilgt, bis ins dritte und vierte Glied.",A tyrant's race must be swept from the earth to the third and fourth generation.
15,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_16.flac,00009-f000016,0.691071,Kann der Himmel die Missethat der Frevler an den Reinen heimsuchen? sprach Theodor.,Will heaven visit the innocent for the crimes of the guilty? said Theodore.
16,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_17.flac,00009-f000017,-0.0414894,Die reizende Matilde hat Tugenden genug,The fair Matilda has virtues enough To undo thee: interrupted Jerome.
17,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_18.flac,00009-f000017,-0.0414894,"Dich unglücklich zu machen, unterbrach ihn Geronimo.",<MERGE> The fair Matilda has virtues enough To undo thee: interrupted Jerome.
18,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_19.flac,00009-f000018,0.979632,"Hast du sobald vergessen, daß der wilde Manfred zweymal dein Todesurtheil sprach?",Hast thou so soon forgotten that twice the savage Manfred has pronounced thy sentence?
19,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_20.flac,00009-f000019,0.935632,"Ich habe eben so wenig vergessen, erwiederte Theodor, daß seiner Tochter Erbarmen mich aus seiner Hand erlöste.","Nor have I forgotten, sir, said Theodore, that the charity of his daughter delivered me from his power."
20,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_21.flac,00009-f000020,0.6880310000000001,"Unrecht kann ich vergessen, Gutthaten niemals.","I can forget injuries, but never benefits."
21,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_22.flac,00009-f000021,0.721753,"Das Unrecht, welches Manfreds Geschlecht dir erwiesen, sprach der Mönch, übersteigt deine Begriffe.","The injuries thou hast received from Manfred's race, said the Friar, are beyond what thou canst conceive."
22,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_24.flac,00009-f000022,0.5298390000000001,Unter diesem Marmor ruht die Asche Alfonso des Guten.,"Reply not, but view this holy image!"
23,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_25.flac,00009-f000023,0.5093409999999999,"Er war ein Fürst mit jeglicher Tugend geschmückt, der Vater seines Volks, die Freude der Menschen, Knie nieder vor ihm, halsstarriger Jüngling, und horch auf.",Beneath this marble monument rest the ashes of the good Alfonso; a prince adorned with every virtue: the father of his people! the delight of mankind!
24,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_27.flac,00009-f000023,0.0648408,Alfonso! höchstbeleidigter Fürst!,Beneath this marble monument rest the ashes of the good Alfonso; a prince adorned with every virtue: the father of his people! the delight of mankind!
25,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_28.flac,00009-f000023,0.0648408,"Möge dein unbefriedigter Schatten, Ehrfurcht gebietend, mich im Schauer dieser Luft umschweben, daß meine zitternden Lippen",<MERGE> Beneath this marble monument rest the ashes of the good Alfonso; a prince adorned with every virtue: the father of his people! the delight of mankind!
26,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_29.flac,00009-f000024,-0.11578900000000004,Ein Fußtritt naht sich!,"let thy unsatisfied shade sit awful on the troubled air, while these trembling lipsHa! who comes there?"
27,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_31.flac,00009-f000025,0.5181819999999999,"Die unglücklichste der Frauen, antwortete Hippolite, und trat in das Chor.","The most wretched of women! said Hippolita, entering the choir."
28,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_32.flac,00009-f000025,0.0375,Darf ich näher kommen?,"The most wretched of women! said Hippolita, entering the choir."
29,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_33.flac,00009-f000025,0.0375,Warum kniet dieser junge Mann?,"<MERGE> The most wretched of women! said Hippolita, entering the choir."
30,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_35.flac,00009-f000026,0.151014,Was bringt euch zu diesem verehrten Grabe?,why at this venerable tombalas! hast thou seen aught?
31,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_36.flac,00009-f000026,0.151014,Ist ein Geist euch erschienen?,<MERGE> why at this venerable tombalas! hast thou seen aught?
32,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_37.flac,00009-f000027,0.370862,"Wir hatten uns vor dem Himmel niedergeworfen, antwortete der Mönch ganz verwirrt, ihn anzuflehn, daß er den Plagen dieses jammervollen Landes ein Ende mache.","We were pouring forth our orisons to heaven, replied the Friar, with some confusion, to put an end to the woes of this deplorable province."
33,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_38.flac,00009-f000028,0.193397,"Verbinden Sie sich mit uns, gnädige Frau.","Join with us, Lady! thy spotless soul may obtain an exemption from the judgments which the portents of these days but too speakingly denounce against thy house."
34,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_39.flac,00009-f000028,0.556358,"Vielleicht erhält Ihre makellose Seele eine Ausnahme von dem Gericht, das die Schreckenszeichen dieser Tage, nur zu sprechend, über Ihr Haus verkündigen.","Join with us, Lady! thy spotless soul may obtain an exemption from the judgments which the portents of these days but too speakingly denounce against thy house."
35,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_40.flac,00009-f000029,0.829665,"Ich bitte Gott inbrünstig, es abzuwenden, sprach die fromme Fürstin.","I pray fervently to heaven to divert them, said the pious Princess."
36,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_41.flac,00009-f000030,0.8917579999999999,"Sie wissen, ich habe mein Leben hingebracht, Segen für meinen Gemahl und für meine schuldlosen Kinder zu erbitten.",is taken from me! would heaven but hear me for my poor Matilda!
37,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_42.flac,00009-f000030,0.245455,Ach! mein Sohn ist von mir genommen!,is taken from me! would heaven but hear me for my poor Matilda!
38,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_43.flac,00009-f000031,0.65,Höre nur der Himmel mein Gebet für die arme Matilde!,Father! intercede for her!
39,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_44.flac,00009-f000031,0.1875,"Ehrwürdiger Vater, reden Sie für die.",Father! intercede for her!
40,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_45.flac,00009-f000032,0.287234,Jedes Herz muß sie segnen! rief Theodor mit Entzücken.,"Every heart will bless her, cried Theodore with rapture."
41,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_46.flac,00009-f000033,0.665517,"Schweig, vorlauter Jüngling, sprach Geronimo.","Be dumb, rash youth! said Jerome."
42,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_47.flac,00009-f000034,0.1868,"Liebevolle Mutter, lehnen Sie sich nicht gegen die Rathschläge des Himmels auf.","And thou, fond Princess, contend not with the Powers above! the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away: bless His holy name, and submit to his decrees."
43,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_48.flac,00009-f000034,0.1868,"Der Herr hats gegeben, der Herr hats genommen, der Nahme des Herrn sey gelobt!","<MERGE> And thou, fond Princess, contend not with the Powers above! the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away: bless His holy name, and submit to his decrees."
44,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_49.flac,00009-f000035,0.225,"Ich lobe ihn jeden Augenblick, sprach Hippolite.","I do most devoutly, said Hippolita; but will He not spare my only comfort? must Matilda perish too?ah!"
45,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_50.flac,00009-f000035,0.225,Aber wird er meines einziges Trostes nicht verschonen?,"<MERGE> I do most devoutly, said Hippolita; but will He not spare my only comfort? must Matilda perish too?ah!"
46,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_51.flac,00009-f000036,0.208696,Muß auch Matilde sterben?,"Father, I camebut dismiss thy son."
47,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_52.flac,00009-f000037,0.4573430000000001,"Ach, ehrwürdiger Vater, ich kam aber entlassen Sie Ihren Sohn.",No ear but thine must hear what I have to utter.
48,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_53.flac,00009-f000038,0.7483029999999999,"Was ich noch zu sagen habe, darf kein sterbliches Ohr vernehmen, als das Ihrige.","May heaven grant thy every wish, most excellent Princess! said Theodore retiring."
49,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_55.flac,00009-f000039,0.14,Geronimo sah finster aus.,Jerome frowned.
50,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_56.flac,00009-f000041,0.197143,"Darauf entdeckte Hippolite ihrem Gewissensrath, welchen Vorschlag sie Manfred angegeben habe; daß er ihn gebilligt, und jetzt hingegangen sey, Matilde Friedrichen anzubieten. Geronimo konnte nicht verbergen, wie sehr ihm der Anschlag misfiel; er versteckte sich aber hinter dem Vorwand, es sey ihm unwahrscheinlich: daß Friedrich, Alfonso's nächster Blutsverwandter, der sein Erbtheil zu fordern hergekommen, mit dem unrechtmäßigen Besitzer seines Eigenthums sich verschwägern würde.","Jerome could not conceal his dislike of the notion, which he covered under pretence of the improbability that Frederic, the nearest of blood to Alfonso, and who was come to claim his succession, would yield to an alliance with the usurper of his right."
51,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_57.flac,00009-f000042,0.517308,"Aber nichts glich der Bestürzung des Klosterbruders, als ihm Hippolite gestand, sie finde sich bereit, der Ehescheidung nichts in den Weg zu legen, und ihn um seine Meinung fragte, ob sie sich bey ihrer Nachgiebigkeit beruhigen könne?","But nothing could equal the perplexity of the Friar, when Hippolita confessed her readiness not to oppose the separation, and demanded his opinion on the legality of her acquiescence."
52,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_58.flac,00009-f000043,0.589356,"Da war der Mönch sehr eifrig, den Rath zu ertheilen, den sie von ihm begehrte, und ohne zu erklären, warum er der vorhabenden Heirath zwischen Manfred und Isabellen so abgeneigt sey, schilderte er Hippoliten die Sündlichkeit ihrer Einwilligung mit den allerbeunruhigendsten Farben, drohte Gottes Gericht, wenn sie nachgäbe, und befahl ihr auf das strengste, jeden Vorschlag dieser Art, mit ausgezeichnetem Unwillen zu verwerfen.","The Friar caught eagerly at her request of his advice, and without explaining his aversion to the proposed marriage of Manfred and Isabella, he painted to Hippolita in the most alarming colours the sinfulness of her consent, denounced judgments against her if she complied, and enjoined her in the severest terms to treat any such proposition with every mark of indignation and refusal."
53,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_59.flac,00009-f000044,0.767073,"Unterdessen hatte Manfred Friedrichen zugesprochen, und ihm die gedoppelte Verbindung vorgeschlagen.","Manfred, in the meantime, had broken his purpose to Frederic, and proposed the double marriage."
54,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_60.flac,00009-f000044,0.447256,"Dieser schwache Fürst war von Matildens Reizen bezaubert, und ließ sich das Anerbieten nur zu gern gefallen.","Manfred, in the meantime, had broken his purpose to Frederic, and proposed the double marriage."
55,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_61.flac,00009-f000045,0.544828,"Er vergaß seine Feindschaft gegen Manfred, welchen mit Gewalt aus seinem Besitz zu setzen, er wenig Hofnung vor sich sah.","That weak Prince, who had been struck with the charms of Matilda, listened but too eagerly to the offer."
56,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_62.flac,00009-f000046,0.5225850000000001,"Vielleicht, schmeichelte er sich, werde die Verbindung seiner Tochter mit dem Tyrannen keinen Nachfolger hervorbringen, und so sey ihm, durch seine Vermählung mit Matilden, die Erbnahme erleichtert.","He forgot his enmity to Manfred, whom he saw but little hope of dispossessing by force; and flattering himself that no issue might succeed from the union of his daughter with the tyrant, he looked upon his own succession to the principality as facilitated by wedding Matilda."
57,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_63.flac,00009-f000047,0.354063,"Er wandte also nicht viel gegen den Antrag ein, und stellte sich nur zum Schein, als könne er nicht zusagen, bis Hippolite ihre Beystimmung zur Ehescheidung gegeben habe.","He made faint opposition to the proposal; affecting, for form only, not to acquiesce unless Hippolita should consent to the divorce."
58,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_64.flac,00009-f000048,0.764,Dies nahm Manfred über sich.,Manfred took that upon himself.
59,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_65.flac,00009-f000049,0.568585,"Entzückt über diesen glücklichen Erfolg, und ungeduldig, sich in den Fall zu setzen, wo er Söhne erwarten könne, eilte er in das Zimmer seiner Gemahlin, entschlossen, ihr Gefälligkeit abzudringen.","Transported with his success, and impatient to see himself in a situation to expect sons, he hastened to his wife's apartment, determined to extort her compliance."
60,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_66.flac,00009-f000050,0.556589,"Unwillig erfuhr er, sie sey ins Kloster gegangen.",He learned with indignation that she was absent at the convent.
61,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_67.flac,00009-f000051,0.708835,"Sein Gewissen gab ihm ein, Isabelle habe sie wahrscheinlich von seinem Vorsatz unterrichtet.",His guilt suggested to him that she had probably been informed by Isabella of his purpose.
62,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_68.flac,00009-f000052,0.041244199999999995,"Es fiel ihm bey, sie möchte sich vielleicht ins Kloster begeben, um dort zu bleiben, bis sie ihrer Scheidung Hindernisse in den Weg legen könne.","He doubted whether her retirement to the convent did not import an intention of remaining there, until she could raise obstacles to their divorce; and the suspicions he had already entertained of Jerome, made him apprehend that the Friar would not only traverse his views, but might have inspired Hippolita with the resolution of talking sanctuary."
63,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_69.flac,00009-f000052,0.041244199999999995,"Geronimo war ihm immer verdächtig gewesen; daher besorgte er, der Klosterbruder werde nicht nur seinen Absichten widerstehn, sondern habe auch Hippoliten den Entschluß eingeflößt, sich an heilige Stäte zu verfügen.","<MERGE> He doubted whether her retirement to the convent did not import an intention of remaining there, until she could raise obstacles to their divorce; and the suspicions he had already entertained of Jerome, made him apprehend that the Friar would not only traverse his views, but might have inspired Hippolita with the resolution of talking sanctuary."
64,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_70.flac,00009-f000053,0.44244300000000003,"Ungeduldig, dies Räthsel zu lösen, und jenen Wirkungen entgegen zu arbeiten, eilte Manfred ins Kloster, und kam grade an, als der Mönch die Fürstin aufs eifrigste ermahnte, der Ehescheidung niemals Raum zu geben.","Impatient to unravel this clue, and to defeat its success, Manfred hastened to the convent, and arrived there as the Friar was earnestly exhorting the Princess never to yield to the divorce."
65,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_71.flac,00009-f000054,0.199043,"Was suchen Sie hier, Fürstin? sprach Manfred.","Madam, said Manfred, what business drew you hither? why did you not await my return from the Marquis?"
66,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_72.flac,00009-f000054,0.199043,"Warum konnten Sie nicht warten, bis ich vom Markgrafen zurückkam?","<MERGE> Madam, said Manfred, what business drew you hither? why did you not await my return from the Marquis?"
67,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_73.flac,00009-f000054,0.505405,"Ich ging hieher, versetzte Hippolite, Ihrer Hoheit Rathschlüssen Segen zu erflehen.","Madam, said Manfred, what business drew you hither? why did you not await my return from the Marquis?"
68,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_74.flac,00009-f000056,0.389855,"Meine Rathschläge bedürfen keiner pfäffischen Vermittelung, sprach Manfred.","My councils do not need a Friar's intervention, said Manfred; and of all men living is that hoary traitor the only one whom you delight to confer with?"
69,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_75.flac,00009-f000057,0.197581,"Giebt es denn unter allen Menschenkindern keinen Vertrauten für Sie, als diesen grauen Verräther?","Profane Prince! said Jerome; is it at the altar that thou choosest to insult the servants of the altar?but, Manfred, thy impious schemes are known."
70,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_76.flac,00009-f000057,0.197581,"Sie lästern, gnädiger Herr, sprach Geronimo.","<MERGE> Profane Prince! said Jerome; is it at the altar that thou choosest to insult the servants of the altar?but, Manfred, thy impious schemes are known."
71,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_79.flac,00009-f000058,0.581159,"Der Himmel kennt sie, und diese tugendhafte Fürstin.","Heaven and this virtuous lady know themnay, frown not, Prince."
72,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_80.flac,00009-f000058,0.247826,"Zornige Blicke schrecken mich nicht, gnädiger Herr.","Heaven and this virtuous lady know themnay, frown not, Prince."
73,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_81.flac,00009-f000059,0.758621,Die Kirche verachtet Ihre Drohungen.,The Church despises thy menaces.
74,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_82.flac,00009-f000060,0.5603600000000001,Der Kirche Donner sprechen lauter als Manfreds Wuth.,Her thunders will be heard above thy wrath.
75,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_83.flac,00009-f000061,0.634455,"Wagen Sie es, Ihr verfluchtes Vorhaben der Ehescheidung weiter zu betreiben, bis der heilige Vater in Rom darüber entschieden hat, so werfe ich seinen Bannstrahl auf Ihr Haupt.","Dare to proceed in thy cursed purpose of a divorce, until her sentence be known, and here I lance her anathema at thy head."
76,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_84.flac,00009-f000062,0.529412,"Vermeßner Rebell! sprach Manfred, und gewann es über sich, den Schauder zu verbergen, womit ihn die Worte des ehrwürdigen Geistlichen erfüllten; darfst du dich erfrechen, deinen rechtmäßigen Fürsten zu bedrohn?","Audacious rebel! said Manfred, endeavouring to conceal the awe with which the Friar's words inspired him."
77,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_85.flac,00009-f000063,0.497619,"Sie sind kein rechtmäßiger Fürst, sagte Geronimo, Sie sind kein Fürst!",Dost thou presume to threaten thy lawful Prince?
78,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_87.flac,00009-f000064,-0.0871378,"Sie, Ihre Ansprüche gegen den Markgrafen zu bewähren, und ist das geschehn, Es ist geschehn, versetzte Manfred.","<MERGE> Thou art no lawful Prince, said Jerome; thou art no Princego, discuss thy claim with Frederic; and when that is done It is done, replied Manfred; Frederic accepts Matilda's hand, and is content to waive his claim, unless I have no male issueas he spoke those words three drops of blood fell from the nose of Alfonso's statue."
79,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_88.flac,00009-f000064,-0.0871378,"Friedrich erwählt Matilden zur Gemahlin, und ist zufrieden, seine Ansprüche aufzugeben, wenn ich männliche Nachkommenschaft erhalte.","<MERGE> Thou art no lawful Prince, said Jerome; thou art no Princego, discuss thy claim with Frederic; and when that is done It is done, replied Manfred; Frederic accepts Matilda's hand, and is content to waive his claim, unless I have no male issueas he spoke those words three drops of blood fell from the nose of Alfonso's statue."
80,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_89.flac,00009-f000064,-0.0871378,"Da er diese Worte sprach, ließ die Bildsäule Alfonso's drey Tropfen Bluts aus ihrer Nase fallen.","<MERGE> Thou art no lawful Prince, said Jerome; thou art no Princego, discuss thy claim with Frederic; and when that is done It is done, replied Manfred; Frederic accepts Matilda's hand, and is content to waive his claim, unless I have no male issueas he spoke those words three drops of blood fell from the nose of Alfonso's statue."
81,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_90.flac,00009-f000065,0.418571,Manfred erblaßte.,"Manfred turned pale, and the Princess sank on her knees."
82,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_91.flac,00009-f000065,0.418571,Die Fürstin sank auf ihre Knie.,"<MERGE> Manfred turned pale, and the Princess sank on her knees."
83,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_92.flac,00009-f000066,0.528714,"Sehn Sie, sprach der Mönch; erkennen Sie an diesem wunderbaren Zeichen, daß Alfonso's Blut sich mit dem Blute Manfreds nie vermischen will.",Behold! said the Friar; mark this miraculous indication that the blood of Alfonso will never mix with that of Manfred!
84,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_93.flac,00009-f000067,0.764407,"O mein Gemahl, sprach Hippolite, lassen Sie uns dem Himmel unterworfen seyn.","My gracious Lord, said Hippolita, let us submit ourselves to heaven."
85,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_94.flac,00009-f000068,0.544949,"Nicht, daß Ihre immer gehorsame Gattin sich gegen Ihr Ansehn empört.",Think not thy ever obedient wife rebels against thy authority.
86,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_95.flac,00009-f000069,0.8229549999999999,"Sie will nichts, als was Sie wollen und die Kirche.",I have no will but that of my Lord and the Church.
87,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_96.flac,00009-f000070,0.18529400000000001,Dieser ehrwürdige Richterstuhl entscheide über uns.,To that revered tribunal let us appeal.
88,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_97.flac,00009-f000071,0.540812,"Wir dürfen ja die Bande, die uns vereinigen, nicht auflösen.",It does not depend on us to burst the bonds that unite us.
89,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_98.flac,00009-f000072,0.00617496,"Billigt die Kirche die Auflösung unsrer Ehe, so geschehe sie.","If the Church shall approve the dissolution of our marriage, be it soI have but few years, and those of sorrow, to pass."
90,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_99.flac,00009-f000072,0.00617496,Ich habe nur wenig kummervolle Jahre zu leben.,"<MERGE> If the Church shall approve the dissolution of our marriage, be it soI have but few years, and those of sorrow, to pass."
91,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_100.flac,00009-f000073,0.717983,"Wo kann ich sie so gut verbringen, als am Fuß dieses Altars, als in Gebeten für Ihr Heil und Matildens?","Where can they be worn away so well as at the foot of this altar, in prayers for thine and Matilda's safety?"
92,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_101.flac,00009-f000074,1.63864,"Aber bis dahin dürfen Sie nicht hier bleiben, sagte Manfred.","But thou shalt not remain here until then, said Manfred."
93,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_102.flac,00009-f000075,-0.196491,Folgen Sie mir in die Burg.,"Repair with me to the castle, and there I will advise on the proper measures for a divorce;but this meddling Friar comes not thither; my hospitable roof shall never more harbour a traitorand for thy Reverence's offspring, continued he, I banish him from my dominions."
94,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_103.flac,00009-f000075,-0.196491,"Dort werd' ich an die gehörigen Mittel denken, eine Ehescheidung zu bewirken.","<MERGE> Repair with me to the castle, and there I will advise on the proper measures for a divorce;but this meddling Friar comes not thither; my hospitable roof shall never more harbour a traitorand for thy Reverence's offspring, continued he, I banish him from my dominions."
95,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_104.flac,00009-f000075,-0.196491,Der pfäffische Zwischenträger kommt dort nicht hin!,"<MERGE> Repair with me to the castle, and there I will advise on the proper measures for a divorce;but this meddling Friar comes not thither; my hospitable roof shall never more harbour a traitorand for thy Reverence's offspring, continued he, I banish him from my dominions."
96,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00009-otranto_105.flac,00009-f000076,0.589286,Mein gastfreyes Dach soll keinen Verräther beschützen.,"He, I ween, is no sacred personage, nor under the protection of the Church."