LibriS2S / alignments /11 /00007-castle_map_DeEn.csv
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0,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_0.flac,00007-f000003,0.8650030000000001,"Sobald der kummervolle Zug in die Burg trat, gingen ihm Hippolite und Matilde entgegen, die Isabelle, durch einen vorausgesandten Bedienten, von ihrer Ankunft benachrichtigt hatte.","The sorrowful troop no sooner arrived at the castle, than they were met by Hippolita and Matilda, whom Isabella had sent one of the domestics before to advertise of their approach."
1,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_1.flac,00007-f000004,0.5890569999999999,"Die Damen ließen Friedrich in das nächste Zimmer tragen, und begaben sich weg, während die Wundärzte seine Wunden untersuchten.","The ladies causing Frederic to be conveyed into the nearest chamber, retired, while the surgeons examined his wounds."
2,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_2.flac,00007-f000005,0.857499,"Matilde erröthete, Isabellen und Theodoren bey einander zu sehn: doch suchte sie es zu verbergen, indem sie jene umarmte, und ihr Beyleid an dem Unfall ihres Vaters bezeugte.","Matilda blushed at seeing Theodore and Isabella together; but endeavoured to conceal it by embracing the latter, and condoling with her on her father's mischance."
3,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_3.flac,00007-f000006,0.778906,"Bald berichteten die Aerzte der Fürstin, von des Markgrafen Wunden sey keine gefährlich; auch wünsche er seine Tochter und die Prinzessinnen zu sehn.",The surgeons soon came to acquaint Hippolita that none of the Marquis's wounds were dangerous; and that he was desirous of seeing his daughter and the Princesses.
4,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_4.flac,00007-f000007,0.563723,"Theodor konnte dem innern Triebe, Matilden zu folgen, nicht widerstehn, und gab vor, er müsse seine Freude an den Tag legen, daß er nicht länger besorgen dürfe, Friedrichen im Zweykampf erlegt zu haben.","Theodore, under pretence of expressing his joy at being freed from his apprehensions of the combat being fatal to Frederic, could not resist the impulse of following Matilda."
5,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_5.flac,00007-f000008,0.4602270000000001,"Aber Matildens Augen senkten sich so oft, wenn sie den seinigen begegneten, daß Isabelle, die ihn eben so aufmerksam beobachtete, als er Matilden anstarrte, bald errieth, wer der Gegenstand seiner Neigung sey, dessen er in der Höhle gegen sie erwähnte.","Her eyes were so often cast down on meeting his, that Isabella, who regarded Theodore as attentively as he gazed on Matilda, soon divined who the object was that he had told her in the cave engaged his affections."
6,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_6.flac,00007-f000009,0.407842,"Während dieses stummen Auftrittes, fragte Hippolite den Markgrafen: warum er diesen geheimnißvollen Weg eingeschlagen sey, seine Tochter zurückzufordern? und streute bey der Gelegenheit verschiedene Gründe ein, die ihren Gemahl entschuldigen sollten, daß er eine Eheverbindung zwischen ihren beyderseitigen Kindern gesucht habe.","While this mute scene passed, Hippolita demanded of Frederic the cause of his having taken that mysterious course for reclaiming his daughter; and threw in various apologies to excuse her Lord for the match contracted between their children."
7,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_7.flac,00007-f000010,0.08443969999999999,"Friedrich war wohl wider Manfred aufgebracht, aber darum nicht unempfindlich gegen Hippolitens Höflichkeit und Wohlwollen.","Frederic, however incensed against Manfred, was not insensible to the courtesy and benevolence of Hippolita: but he was still more struck with the lovely form of Matilda."
8,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_8.flac,00007-f000010,0.08443969999999999,Mehr noch rührte ihn Matildens liebliche Gestalt.,"<MERGE> Frederic, however incensed against Manfred, was not insensible to the courtesy and benevolence of Hippolita: but he was still more struck with the lovely form of Matilda."
9,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_9.flac,00007-f000011,0.642857,"Weil er sie an seinem Lager zu verweilen wünschte, berichtete er Hippoliten seine Geschichte.","Wishing to detain them by his bedside, he informed Hippolita of his story."
10,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_10.flac,00007-f000012,0.8541290000000001,"Er war, so erzählte er, bey den Ungläubigen gefangen, als ihm träumte, seine Tochter, von der er seit seiner Gefangennehmung nichts erfahren hatte, sey in eine Burg gesperrt, wo sie das allerschrecklichste Unglück bedrohe: und würde er in Freyheit gesetzt, so solle er sich in einen Wald neben Joppe begeben, dort werde ihm mehr offenbart.","He told her that, while prisoner to the infidels, he had dreamed that his daughter, of whom he had learned no news since his captivity, was detained in a castle, where she was in danger of the most dreadful misfortunes: and that if he obtained his liberty, and repaired to a wood near Joppa, he would learn more."
11,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_11.flac,00007-f000013,0.549351,"Der Traum beunruhigte ihn, er konnte der Anweisung, die er ihm gab, nicht gehorchen, seine Ketten drückten ihn schwerer als zuvor.","Alarmed at this dream, and incapable of obeying the direction given by it, his chains became more grievous than ever."
12,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_12.flac,00007-f000014,0.6214970000000001,"Indem er aber hin und her überlegte, wie er es anstellen müsse, seine Freiheit zu erlangen, erhielt er die angenehme Nachricht, daß die verbündeten, in Palästina kriegführenden Fürsten, sein Lösegeld bezahlt hätten.","But while his thoughts were occupied on the means of obtaining his liberty, he received the agreeable news that the confederate Princes who were warring in Palestine had paid his ransom."
13,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_13.flac,00007-f000015,0.729396,"Sogleich brach er auf zu dem Walde, welchen sein Traum bezeichnet hatte.",He instantly set out for the wood that had been marked in his dream.
14,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_14.flac,00007-f000016,0.551613,"Zwey Tage lang wanderten er und seine Gefährten durch den Forst, ohne eine menschliche Gestalt zu entdecken.","For three days he and his attendants had wandered in the forest without seeing a human form: but on the evening of the third they came to a cell, in which they found a venerable hermit in the agonies of death."
15,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_15.flac,00007-f000017,0.622034,"Am Abend des dritten kamen sie zu einer Zelle, wo sie einen ehrwürdigen Einsiedler mit dem Tode ringend fanden.","Applying rich cordials, they brought the fainting man to his speech."
16,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_16.flac,00007-f000018,0.548571,"Durch die Hülfe köstlicher Herzstärkungen, gaben sie dem heiligen Manne die Sprache wieder.","My sons, said he, I am bounden to your charitybut it is in vainI am going to my eternal restyet I die with the satisfaction of performing the will of heaven."
17,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_17.flac,00007-f000018,0.744498,"Kinder, sprach er, ich dank' euch um eurer Barmherzigkeit willen.","My sons, said he, I am bounden to your charitybut it is in vainI am going to my eternal restyet I die with the satisfaction of performing the will of heaven."
18,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_18.flac,00007-f000019,-0.0415966,Aber sie kann mir nicht helfen.,"When first I repaired to this solitude, after seeing my country become a prey to unbelieversit is alas! above fifty years since I was witness to that dreadful scene!"
19,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_19.flac,00007-f000019,-0.0415966,Ich gehe in die ewige Ruhe.,"<MERGE> When first I repaired to this solitude, after seeing my country become a prey to unbelieversit is alas! above fifty years since I was witness to that dreadful scene!"
20,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_20.flac,00007-f000020,0.307343,"Ich sterbe zufrieden, da ich den Willen des Himmels erfülle.","St. Nicholas appeared to me, and revealed a secret, which he bade me never disclose to mortal man, but on my deathbed."
21,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_22.flac,00007-f000021,0.642857,"Dies ist die furchtbare Stunde, und ohne Zweifel seyd ihr die auserwählten Krieger, denen ich das anvertraute Geheimniß entdecken soll.","This is that tremendous hour, and ye are no doubt the chosen warriors to whom I was ordered to reveal my trust."
22,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_23.flac,00007-f000022,0.610212,"Sobald diesem armseligen Leichnam der letzte Dienst erwiesen ist, grabt unter dem siebenten Baume nach, der zur linken dieser dürftigen Höhle steht, und eure Mühe Herr, mein Gott, nimm meinen Geist auf!","As soon as ye have done the last offices to this wretched corse, dig under the seventh tree on the left hand of this poor cave, and your pains willOh! good heaven receive my soul!"
23,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_24.flac,00007-f000023,0.618699,Dies war der letzte Seufzer des frommen Mannes.,With those words the devout man breathed his last.
24,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_25.flac,00007-f000024,0.648159,"Bey Tagesanbruch, fuhr Friedrich fort, verscharrten wir seine heiligen Gebeine in die Erde, und gruben an der Stäte, die er uns angegeben hatte.","By break of day, continued Frederic, when we had committed the holy relics to earth, we dug according to direction."
25,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_26.flac,00007-f000025,0.397477,"Wie groß war unser Erstaunen, als wir in einer Tiefe von ungefähr sechs Fuß, das ungeheure Schwerd entdeckten, das jetzt in Ihrem Hofe liegt.",But what was our astonishment when about the depth of six feet we discovered an enormous sabrethe very weapon yonder in the court.
26,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_27.flac,00007-f000026,0.146556,"Auf der Klinge, die damals zum Theil ausser der Scheide war, obgleich wir sie nachher hereinstiessen, um das Ganze fortbringen zu können, lasen wir folgende Zeilen Gnädige Frau, sagte der Markgraf, und wandte sich gegen Hippolite, es ist besser ich wiederhole sie nicht.","On the blade, which was then partly out of the scabbard, though since closed by our efforts in removing it, were written the following linesno; excuse me, Madam, added the Marquis, turning to Hippolita; if I forbear to repeat them: I respect your sex and rank, and would not be guilty of offending your ear with sounds injurious to aught that is dear to you."
27,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_28.flac,00007-f000026,0.146556,"Ich ehre Ihr Geschlecht und Ihren Rang, und mag Ihr Ohr nicht durch Ausdrücke kränken, die das beleidigen, was Ihnen theuer seyn muß.","<MERGE> On the blade, which was then partly out of the scabbard, though since closed by our efforts in removing it, were written the following linesno; excuse me, Madam, added the Marquis, turning to Hippolita; if I forbear to repeat them: I respect your sex and rank, and would not be guilty of offending your ear with sounds injurious to aught that is dear to you."
28,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_29.flac,00007-f000027,1.27,Er schwieg.,He paused.
29,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_30.flac,00007-f000028,0.3,Hippolite zitterte.,Hippolita trembled.
30,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_31.flac,00007-f000029,0.7285229999999999,"Sie zweifelte nicht, der Himmel habe Friedrichen bestimmt, das Geschick zu vollführen, welches ihr Haus zu bedrohen schien.",She did not doubt but Frederic was destined by heaven to accomplish the fate that seemed to threaten her house.
31,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_32.flac,00007-f000029,0.621835,"Mit zärtlicher Angst sah sie auf Matilden, eine geheime Zähre schlich sich über ihre Wangen.",She did not doubt but Frederic was destined by heaven to accomplish the fate that seemed to threaten her house.
32,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_35.flac,00007-f000031,0.65,"Wir Menschen müssen seine göttlichen Gebote, in Demuth und Unterwürfigkeit annehmen.","It is our part to deprecate its wrath, or bow to its decrees."
33,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_36.flac,00007-f000031,0.18,"Uns geziemt es, seinen Zorn abzubitten, oder uns vor seinem Rathschluß zu beugen.","It is our part to deprecate its wrath, or bow to its decrees."
34,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_37.flac,00007-f000032,0.500775,"Wiederholen Sie sein Urtheil, gnädiger Herr, wir sind auf alles gefaßt.","Repeat the sentence, my Lord; we listen resigned."
35,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_38.flac,00007-f000033,0.6263569999999999,"Friedrich war bekümmert, so weit gegangen zu seyn.",Frederic was grieved that he had proceeded so far.
36,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_39.flac,00007-f000034,0.907565,"Hippolitens Würde und geduldige Festigkeit erfüllten ihn mit Ehrfurcht, und die zarte schweigende Liebe, mit der sich die Fürstin und ihre Tochter ansahen, erweichte ihn fast zu Thränen.","The dignity and patient firmness of Hippolita penetrated him with respect, and the tender silent affection with which the Princess and her daughter regarded each other, melted him almost to tears."
37,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_40.flac,00007-f000035,0.10472999999999999,"Doch fürchtete er, sie noch mehr zu beunruhigen, wenn er länger anstände nachzugeben, und so wiederholt' er, mit leiser stammelnder Stimme, folgende Zeilen.","Yet apprehensive that his forbearance to obey would be more alarming, he repeated in a faltering and low voice the following lines: Where'er a casque that suits this sword is found, With perils is thy daughter compass'd round; ALFONSO'S blood alone can save the maid, And quiet a long restless Prince's shade."
38,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_41.flac,00007-f000035,0.10472999999999999,"Wo sich dies Schwerd zu seinem Helm gesellet,wird deiner Tochter fährlich nachgestellet:Alfonso's Blut ist ihr zum Schutz beschieden,und beut dem Geist des Ahnherrn endlich Frieden.","<MERGE> Yet apprehensive that his forbearance to obey would be more alarming, he repeated in a faltering and low voice the following lines: Where'er a casque that suits this sword is found, With perils is thy daughter compass'd round; ALFONSO'S blood alone can save the maid, And quiet a long restless Prince's shade."
39,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_42.flac,00007-f000036,0.752351,Was gehn die Fürstinnen diese Reime an? fragte Theodor ungeduldig.,"What is there in these lines, said Theodore impatiently, that affects these Princesses?"
40,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_43.flac,00007-f000037,0.8963780000000001,"Musten sie durch eine geheimnißvolle Zurückhaltung erschreckt werden, die so wenig Grund hat?","Why were they to be shocked by a mysterious delicacy, that has so little foundation?"
41,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_44.flac,00007-f000038,0.00840658,"Das sind harte Worte, junger Mann, sprach der Markgraf.","Your words are rude, young man, said the Marquis; and though fortune has favoured you once My honoured Lord, said Isabella, who resented Theodore's warmth, which she perceived was dictated by his sentiments for Matilda, discompose not yourself for the glosing of a peasant's son: he forgets the reverence he owes you; but he is not accustomed Hippolita, concerned at the heat that had arisen, checked Theodore for his boldness, but with an air acknowledging his zeal; and changing the conversation, demanded of Frederic where he had left her Lord?"
42,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_45.flac,00007-f000038,0.00840658,"Wem das Schicksal einmal günstig war Mein theurer Vater, sprach Isabelle, empfindlich über Theodors Hitze, die wie sie wohl merkte, ihren Grund in seinen Gefühlen für Matilde hatte, werden Sie nicht ungehalten über die Anmerkungen eines Bauern Sohns; er vergißt die Achtung, die er Ihnen schuldig ist; er war nie gewohnt Hippolite bekümmert, daß sich Heftigkeit ins Spiel mische, mißbilligte Theodors Dreistigkeit, doch mit einem Blick, der seinem Eifer Gerechtigkeit wiederfahren ließ, und fragte Friedrich, um das Gespräch zu verändern, wo er ihren Gemahl verlassen habe?","<MERGE> Your words are rude, young man, said the Marquis; and though fortune has favoured you once My honoured Lord, said Isabella, who resented Theodore's warmth, which she perceived was dictated by his sentiments for Matilda, discompose not yourself for the glosing of a peasant's son: he forgets the reverence he owes you; but he is not accustomed Hippolita, concerned at the heat that had arisen, checked Theodore for his boldness, but with an air acknowledging his zeal; and changing the conversation, demanded of Frederic where he had left her Lord?"
43,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_46.flac,00007-f000038,0.00840658,"Der Markgraf wollte antworten, als man draussen ein Geräusch vernahm.","<MERGE> Your words are rude, young man, said the Marquis; and though fortune has favoured you once My honoured Lord, said Isabella, who resented Theodore's warmth, which she perceived was dictated by his sentiments for Matilda, discompose not yourself for the glosing of a peasant's son: he forgets the reverence he owes you; but he is not accustomed Hippolita, concerned at the heat that had arisen, checked Theodore for his boldness, but with an air acknowledging his zeal; and changing the conversation, demanded of Frederic where he had left her Lord?"
44,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_47.flac,00007-f000039,0.567516,"Da man aufstand, nach der Ursache zu fragen, traten Manfred, Geronimo, und ein Theil des Gefolges, die von dem, was vorgegangen war, etwas unbestimmtes vernommen hatten, in das Zimmer.","As the Marquis was going to reply, they heard a noise without, and rising to inquire the cause, Manfred, Jerome, and part of the troop, who had met an imperfect rumour of what had happened, entered the chamber."
45,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_49.flac,00007-f000040,0.775,Ist meine Stunde gekommen?,thou dreadful spectre! is my hour come?
46,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_50.flac,00007-f000041,0.688,"Theurester, gütigster Gemahl! schrie Hippolite, und schloß ihn in ihre Arme, was sehn Sie?","My dearest, gracious Lord, cried Hippolita, clasping him in her arms, what is it you see!"
47,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_51.flac,00007-f000042,0.8375,Worauf starren Ihre Augen?,Why do you fix your eyeballs thus?
48,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_52.flac,00007-f000043,0.932051,"Wie? sprach Manfred athemlos, siehst du nichts, Hippolite?","What! cried Manfred breathless; dost thou see nothing, Hippolita?"
49,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_54.flac,00007-f000044,-0.055,Warum mir?,"Is this ghastly phantom sent to me aloneto rue, who did not For mercy's sweetest self, my Lord, said Hippolita, resume your soul, command your reason."
50,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_55.flac,00007-f000044,-0.055,Ich habe dich nicht Um Gottes Barmherzigkeit willen! sprach Hippolite.,"<MERGE> Is this ghastly phantom sent to me aloneto rue, who did not For mercy's sweetest self, my Lord, said Hippolita, resume your soul, command your reason."
51,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_56.flac,00007-f000044,-0.055,"Besinnen Sie sich, mein Fürst!","<MERGE> Is this ghastly phantom sent to me aloneto rue, who did not For mercy's sweetest self, my Lord, said Hippolita, resume your soul, command your reason."
52,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_57.flac,00007-f000044,-0.055,Fassen Sie sich!,"<MERGE> Is this ghastly phantom sent to me aloneto rue, who did not For mercy's sweetest self, my Lord, said Hippolita, resume your soul, command your reason."
53,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_58.flac,00007-f000045,0.666176,"Hier ist niemand als wir, Ihre Freunde.","There is none here, but us, your friends."
54,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_59.flac,00007-f000046,1.11964,Ist das nicht Alfonso? rief Manfred.,"What, is not that Alfonso? cried Manfred."
55,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_60.flac,00007-f000047,0.08333330000000001,Siehst du ihn nicht?,Dost thou not see him? can it be my brain's delirium?
56,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_61.flac,00007-f000047,0.08333330000000001,Ist es ein bloßes Traumbild meines Gehirns?,<MERGE> Dost thou not see him? can it be my brain's delirium?
57,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_62.flac,00007-f000048,0.201786,"Dies, mein Gebieter? antwortete Hippolite.","This! my Lord, said Hippolita; this is Theodore, the youth who has been so unfortunate."
58,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_63.flac,00007-f000048,0.201786,Dies ist Theodor.,"<MERGE> This! my Lord, said Hippolita; this is Theodore, the youth who has been so unfortunate."
59,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_64.flac,00007-f000049,0.7748659999999999,"Der unglückliche Jüngling Theodor! sprach Manfred traurend, und fuhr sich mit der Hand über die Stirn.","Theodore! said Manfred mournfully, and striking his forehead; Theodore or a phantom, he has unhinged the soul of Manfred."
60,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_65.flac,00007-f000049,0.378595,"Theodor oder eine Traumgestalt, er hat Manfreds Seele aus ihren Fugen gerissen.","Theodore! said Manfred mournfully, and striking his forehead; Theodore or a phantom, he has unhinged the soul of Manfred."
61,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_66.flac,00007-f000050,-0.00731707,Wie kommt er hieher?,But how comes he here? and how comes he in armour?
62,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_67.flac,00007-f000050,-0.00731707,Wer kleidete ihn in Waffen?,<MERGE> But how comes he here? and how comes he in armour?
63,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_68.flac,00007-f000051,0.25,"Er ging, glaub' ich, Isabellen zu suchen, antwortete Hippolite.","I believe he went in search of Isabella, said Hippolita."
64,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_69.flac,00007-f000052,0.0,Isabellen! rief Manfred mit erneuerter Wuth.,"Of Isabella! said Manfred, relapsing into rage; yes, yes, that is not doubtful."
65,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_70.flac,00007-f000052,0.0,"Ja, ja, daran ist kein Zweifel!","<MERGE> Of Isabella! said Manfred, relapsing into rage; yes, yes, that is not doubtful."
66,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_71.flac,00007-f000053,0.72,"Aber wie entrann er aus dem Gefängnisse, worin ich ihn zurückließ?",But how did he escape from durance in which I left him?
67,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_72.flac,00007-f000054,0.811584,"Setzte Isabelle ihn in Freiheit, oder dieser alte pfäffische Heuchler?","Was it Isabella, or this hypocritical old Friar, that procured his enlargement?"
68,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_73.flac,00007-f000055,0.66,"Ist ein Vater strafbar, gnädiger Herr, fragte Theodor, der sein Kind zu retten wünscht?","And would a parent be criminal, my Lord, said Theodore, if he meditated the deliverance of his child?"
69,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_74.flac,00007-f000056,0.819255,"Geronimo erstaunte, sich ohne Grund von seinem eignen Sohn gleichsam angeklagt zu hören, und wuste nicht was er denken sollte.","Jerome, amazed to hear himself in a manner accused by his son, and without foundation, knew not what to think."
70,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_75.flac,00007-f000057,1.02529,"Er konnte nicht begreifen wie Theodor entronnen, wie er bewafnet, und mit Friedrich zusammengekommen sey.","He could not comprehend how Theodore had escaped, how he came to be armed, and to encounter Frederic."
71,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_76.flac,00007-f000058,0.589123,"Dennoch wollte er nicht wagen, nach dem zu fragen, was Manfreds Wuth gegen seinen Sohn vielleicht vermehren würde.",Still he would not venture to ask any questions that might tend to inflame Manfred's wrath against his son.
72,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_77.flac,00007-f000059,0.295588,"Geronimo's Schweigen überzeugte Manfred, er habe Theodors Befreyung bewirkt.",Jerome's silence convinced Manfred that he had contrived Theodore's release.
73,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_78.flac,00007-f000060,0.909259,"Alter undankbarer Mann! sprach er zu dem Mönch, lohnst du so meine Wohlthaten und Hippolitens?","And is it thus, thou ungrateful old man, said the Prince, addressing himself to the Friar, that thou repayest mine and Hippolita's bounties?"
74,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_79.flac,00007-f000061,0.722321,"Ist es dir nicht genug, den innigsten Wunsch meines Herzens zu bestreiten? bewaffnest du auch deinen Bastart, und bringst ihn in meine eigne Burg mir Hohn zu sprechen?","And not content with traversing my heart's nearest wishes, thou armest thy bastard, and bringest him into my own castle to insult me!"
75,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_80.flac,00007-f000062,0.315,"Gnädiger Herr, sagte Theodor, Sie thun meinem Vater Unrecht.","My Lord, said Theodore, you wrong my father: neither he nor I are capable of harbouring a thought against your peace."
76,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_81.flac,00007-f000062,0.315,"Weder er noch ich sind im Stande, einem Gedanken gegen Ihren Frieden Raum zu geben.","<MERGE> My Lord, said Theodore, you wrong my father: neither he nor I are capable of harbouring a thought against your peace."
77,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_82.flac,00007-f000063,0.58026,"Sprech' ich Ihrer Hoheit Hohn, wenn ich mich Ihr übergebe? fügte er hinzu, und legte sein Schwerd ehrfurchtsvoll zu Manfreds Füßen.","Is it insolence thus to surrender myself to your Highness's pleasure? added he, laying his sword respectfully at Manfred's feet."
78,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_83.flac,00007-f000064,0.725412,"Hier ist meine Brust, durchbohren Sie die, gnädiger Herr, wenn Sie glauben, daß ein rebellischer Gedanke darin wohnt.","Behold my bosom; strike, my Lord, if you suspect that a disloyal thought is lodged there."
79,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_84.flac,00007-f000065,0.9384450000000001,"Mein Herz hegt keine andre Empfindung, als Verehrung gegen Sie und die Ihrigen.",There is not a sentiment engraven on my heart that does not venerate you and yours.
80,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_85.flac,00007-f000066,0.623656,"Der Anstand und das Feuer, mit denen Theodor diese Worte sprach, nahmen jeden Anwesenden zu seinem Vortheil ein.",The grace and fervour with which Theodore uttered these words interested every person present in his favour.
81,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_86.flac,00007-f000067,0.93193,"Selbst Manfred war gerührt; daß er aber Alfonso so ähnlich sah, mischte geheimes Grausen in seine Bewunderung.","Even Manfred was touchedyet still possessed with his resemblance to Alfonso, his admiration was dashed with secret horror."
82,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_87.flac,00007-f000068,0.231169,"Steh auf, sprach er, ich verlange deinen Tod nicht, aber entdecke mir deine Geschichte, und wie du mit diesem verrätherischen Greise zusammenhängst.","Rise, said he; thy life is not my present purpose."
83,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_88.flac,00007-f000069,0.291045,"Gnädiger Herr, sprach Geronimo eifrig Schweig, Betrüger! gebot ihm Manfred.","But tell me thy history, and how thou camest connected with this old traitor here."
84,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_89.flac,00007-f000070,0.242308,Ihm soll nicht eingeblasen werden!,"My Lord, said Jerome eagerly."
85,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_90.flac,00007-f000071,0.5217390000000001,"Auch bedarf ich keines Beystandes, gnädiger Herr, sprach Theodor.",impostor! said Manfred; I will not have him prompted.
86,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_91.flac,00007-f000072,0.478571,Meine Geschichte ist sehr kurz.,"My Lord, said Theodore, I want no assistance; my story is very brief."
87,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_92.flac,00007-f000073,0.595789,"Ich war fünf Jahr alt, als Seeräuber meine Mutter und mich von der Küste Siciliens nach Algier entführten.","I was carried at five years of age to Algiers with my mother, who had been taken by corsairs from the coast of Sicily."
88,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_93.flac,00007-f000074,0.0238636,Meine Mutter starb in weniger als Jahresfrist vor Gram.,"She died of grief in less than a twelvemonth; the tears gushed from Jerome's eyes, on whose countenance a thousand anxious passions stood expressed."
89,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_94.flac,00007-f000074,0.0238636,"Augen entstürzten Thränen, tausend marternde Gefühle standen auf seinem Gesicht.","<MERGE> She died of grief in less than a twelvemonth; the tears gushed from Jerome's eyes, on whose countenance a thousand anxious passions stood expressed."
90,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_95.flac,00007-f000075,0.876724,"Ehe sie starb, fuhr Theodor fort, band sie einen pergamentenen Zettel um meinen bloßen Arm, welcher besagte, ich sey der Sohn des Grafen Falconara.","Before she died, continued Theodore, she bound a writing about my arm under my garments, which told me I was the son of the Count Falconara."
91,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_96.flac,00007-f000076,0.138889,Es ist wahr! seufzte Geronimo.,"It is most true, said Jerome; I am that wretched father."
92,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_97.flac,00007-f000076,0.138889,Ich bin der unglückliche Vater!,"<MERGE> It is most true, said Jerome; I am that wretched father."
93,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_98.flac,00007-f000077,0.661047,Kann ein Pfaff niemals schweigen? sagte Manfred.,"Again I enjoin thee silence, said Manfred: proceed."
94,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_101.flac,00007-f000078,0.158166,Sein Gut lag am Ufer des Meeres.,"I remained in slavery, said Theodore, until within these two years, when attending on my master in his cruises, I was delivered by a Christian vessel, which overpowered the pirate; and discovering myself to the captain, he generously put me on shore in Sicily; but alas! instead of finding a father, I learned that his estate, which was situated on the coast, had, during his absence, been laid waste by the Rover who had carried my mother and me into captivity: that his castle had been burnt to the ground, and that my father on his return had sold what remained, and was retired into religion in the kingdom of Naples, but where no man could inform me."
95,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_102.flac,00007-f000078,0.158166,"Die nemlichen Räuber, die mich und meine Mutter wegführten, hatten es verwüstet; das Schloß war bis auf den Grund abgebrannt.","<MERGE> I remained in slavery, said Theodore, until within these two years, when attending on my master in his cruises, I was delivered by a Christian vessel, which overpowered the pirate; and discovering myself to the captain, he generously put me on shore in Sicily; but alas! instead of finding a father, I learned that his estate, which was situated on the coast, had, during his absence, been laid waste by the Rover who had carried my mother and me into captivity: that his castle had been burnt to the ground, and that my father on his return had sold what remained, and was retired into religion in the kingdom of Naples, but where no man could inform me."
96,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_103.flac,00007-f000078,0.158166,"Mein Vater verkaufte bey seiner Zurückkunft, was ihm übrig geblieben war, und begab sich in ein Kloster des Königreichs Neapel, in welches, konnte mir niemand nachweisen.","<MERGE> I remained in slavery, said Theodore, until within these two years, when attending on my master in his cruises, I was delivered by a Christian vessel, which overpowered the pirate; and discovering myself to the captain, he generously put me on shore in Sicily; but alas! instead of finding a father, I learned that his estate, which was situated on the coast, had, during his absence, been laid waste by the Rover who had carried my mother and me into captivity: that his castle had been burnt to the ground, and that my father on his return had sold what remained, and was retired into religion in the kingdom of Naples, but where no man could inform me."
97,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_104.flac,00007-f000079,-0.0641026,"Verlassen und freundlos, arm an Hofnung je das Entzücken einer väterlichen Umarmung zu genießen, ergrif ich die erste Gelegenheit, nach Neapel zu segeln.","Destitute and friendless, hopeless almost of attaining the transport of a parent's embrace, I took the first opportunity of setting sail for Naples, from whence, within these six days, I wandered into this province, still supporting myself by the labour of my hands; nor until yestermorn did I believe that heaven had reserved any lot for me but peace of mind and contented poverty."
98,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_105.flac,00007-f000079,-0.0641026,"Von dorther wandert' ich, seit sechs Tagen in dieser Provinz, und nährte mich von meiner Hände Arbeit.","<MERGE> Destitute and friendless, hopeless almost of attaining the transport of a parent's embrace, I took the first opportunity of setting sail for Naples, from whence, within these six days, I wandered into this province, still supporting myself by the labour of my hands; nor until yestermorn did I believe that heaven had reserved any lot for me but peace of mind and contented poverty."
99,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_106.flac,00007-f000079,-0.0641026,"Bis gestern Morgen glaubt' ich, der Himmel habe mir kein andres Loos beschieden, als Seelenruhe und Zufriedenheit in Armuth.","<MERGE> Destitute and friendless, hopeless almost of attaining the transport of a parent's embrace, I took the first opportunity of setting sail for Naples, from whence, within these six days, I wandered into this province, still supporting myself by the labour of my hands; nor until yestermorn did I believe that heaven had reserved any lot for me but peace of mind and contented poverty."
100,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_107.flac,00007-f000080,0.631797,"Dies, gnädiger Herr, ist Theodors Geschichte.","This, my Lord, is Theodore's story."
101,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_108.flac,00007-f000081,0.797194,"Ich bin über Hoffen gesegnet, daß ich meinen Vater finde; ich bin über Verdienst unglücklich, daß ich mir Ihrer Hoheit Mißfallen zugezogen.",I am blessed beyond my hope in finding a father; I am unfortunate beyond my desert in having incurred your Highness's displeasure.
102,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_111.flac,00007-f000082,0.04,"Meine Ehre befiehlt mir hinzu zu setzen, was er verschweigt.",He ceased.
103,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_112.flac,00007-f000083,0.29375,"Seine Bescheidenheit fordert mich auf, gerecht zu seyn.",A murmur of approbation gently arose from the audience.
104,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_113.flac,00007-f000084,0.526154,"Er ist einer der tapfersten jungen Männer, auf christlichem Grund und Boden.","This is not all, said Frederic; I am bound in honour to add what he suppresses."
105,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_114.flac,00007-f000084,0.6242310000000001,"Er ist heftig; aber wie kurze Zeit ich ihn auch kenne, verbürg' ich seine Wahrhaftigkeit.","This is not all, said Frederic; I am bound in honour to add what he suppresses."
106,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_115.flac,00007-f000085,0.617308,"Wäre das, was er erzählt, nicht wahr, er würd' es nicht sagen.","Though he is modest, I must be generous; he is one of the bravest youths on Christian ground."
107,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_116.flac,00007-f000086,-0.12934,"Junger Mann, ich ehre diese Freimühigkeit, die Ihrer Geburt geziemt.","<MERGE> He is warm too; and from the short knowledge I have of him, I will pledge myself for his veracity: if what he reports of himself were not true, he would not utter itand for me, youth, I honour a frankness which becomes thy birth; but now, and thou didst offend me: yet the noble blood which flows in thy veins, may well be allowed to boil out, when it has so recently traced itself to its source."
108,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_117.flac,00007-f000086,-0.12934,"Sie haben mich eben beleidigt: aber das edle Blut Ihrer Adern mag wohl aufsprudeln, wenn es so neulich erst seine Quelle entdeckt hat.","<MERGE> He is warm too; and from the short knowledge I have of him, I will pledge myself for his veracity: if what he reports of himself were not true, he would not utter itand for me, youth, I honour a frankness which becomes thy birth; but now, and thou didst offend me: yet the noble blood which flows in thy veins, may well be allowed to boil out, when it has so recently traced itself to its source."
109,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_118.flac,00007-f000087,0.547416,"Kommen Sie, mein Fürst, er wandte sich gegen Manfred kann ich ihm verzeihen, so mögen Sie es noch viel leichter.","Come, my Lord, turning to Manfred, if I can pardon him, surely you may; it is not the youth's fault, if you took him for a spectre."
110,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_120.flac,00007-f000088,0.284615,Dieser herbe Stich erbitterte Manfreds Seele.,This bitter taunt galled the soul of Manfred.
111,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_121.flac,00007-f000089,0.12381900000000001,"Vermögen, antwortete er hochherzig, Wesen aus einer andern Welt meine Sinnen mit Schauder zu erfüllen, so steht das in keines lebenden Mannes Macht.","If beings from another world, replied he haughtily, have power to impress my mind with awe, it is more than living man can do; nor could a stripling's arm."
112,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_122.flac,00007-f000089,0.12381900000000001,Mir würde des Knaben Arm,"<MERGE> If beings from another world, replied he haughtily, have power to impress my mind with awe, it is more than living man can do; nor could a stripling's arm."
113,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_123.flac,00007-f000090,0.28275900000000004,"Mein Gemahl, unterbrach ihn Hippolite, Ihr Gast bedarf Erholung.","My Lord, interrupted Hippolita, your guest has occasion for repose: shall we not leave him to his rest?"
114,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_124.flac,00007-f000090,0.28275900000000004,Wollen wir ihn nicht seiner Ruhe überlassen?,"<MERGE> My Lord, interrupted Hippolita, your guest has occasion for repose: shall we not leave him to his rest?"
115,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_125.flac,00007-f000091,0.664157,"So sprach sie, ergrif Manfreds Hand, nahm Abschied von Friedrich, und führte die Gesellschaft fort.","Saying this, and taking Manfred by the hand, she took leave of Frederic, and led the company forth."
116,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_126.flac,00007-f000092,0.0111286,"Dem Fürsten that es nicht leid, eine Unterredung abzubrechen, welche die Aeußerung seiner geheimsten Gefühle in Anregung brachte.","The Prince, not sorry to quit a conversation which recalled to mind the discovery he had made of his most secret sensations, suffered himself to be conducted to his own apartment, after permitting Theodore, though under engagement to return to the castle on the morrow a condition the young man gladly accepted, to retire with his father to the convent."
117,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_127.flac,00007-f000092,0.0111286,"Er ließ sich in sein Gemach zurückführen, und erlaubte Theodoren, seinem Vater ins Kloster zu folgen.","<MERGE> The Prince, not sorry to quit a conversation which recalled to mind the discovery he had made of his most secret sensations, suffered himself to be conducted to his own apartment, after permitting Theodore, though under engagement to return to the castle on the morrow a condition the young man gladly accepted, to retire with his father to the convent."
118,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_128.flac,00007-f000092,0.0111286,"Doch muste er versprechen, am nächsten Morgen zur Burg zurück zu kehren; und der junge Mann ließ sich diese Bedingung gern gefallen.","<MERGE> The Prince, not sorry to quit a conversation which recalled to mind the discovery he had made of his most secret sensations, suffered himself to be conducted to his own apartment, after permitting Theodore, though under engagement to return to the castle on the morrow a condition the young man gladly accepted, to retire with his father to the convent."
119,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_129.flac,00007-f000093,0.139356,"Matilde und Isabelle waren mit ihren eignen Gedanken zu beschäftigt, zu wenig eine mit der andern zufrieden, als daß sie gewünscht haben solten, diesen Abend länger zusammen zu bleiben.","Matilda and Isabella were too much occupied with their own reflections, and too little content with each other, to wish for farther converse that night."
120,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_130.flac,00007-f000093,0.139356,Jede ging in ihr Zimmer.,"<MERGE> Matilda and Isabella were too much occupied with their own reflections, and too little content with each other, to wish for farther converse that night."
121,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_131.flac,00007-f000094,0.8664700000000001,"Sie schieden mit mehr Ausdrücken der Höflichkeit und weniger Zuneigung von einander, als seit ihrer Kindheit unter ihnen obgewaltet hatten.","They separated each to her chamber, with more expressions of ceremony and fewer of affection thou had passed between them since their childhood."
122,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00007-otranto_132.flac,00007-f000095,0.576659,"Waren sie ohne Herzlichkeit von einander gegangen, so suchten sie sich desto ungeduldiger auf, sobald der Morgen graute.","If they parted with small cordiality, they did but meet with greater impatience, as soon as the sun was risen."