LibriS2S / alignments /18 /00015-undine_map_DeEn.csv
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0,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_0.flac,00015-f000001,0.751861,Es lebte sich seit der letztern Begebenheit still und ruhig auf dem Schloß.,"After this last adventure, they lived quietly and happily at the castle."
1,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_1.flac,00015-f000002,0.12451400000000001,"Der Ritter erkannte mehr und mehr seiner Frauen himmlische Güte, die sich durch ihr Nacheilen und Retten im Schwarztale, wo Kühleborns Gewalt wieder anging, so herrlich offenbart hatte;","The knight more and more perceived the heavenly goodness of his wife, which had been so nobly exhibited by her pursuit, and by her rescue of them in the Black Valley, where Kuhleborn's power again commenced; Undine herself felt that peace and security, which is never lacking to a mind so long as it is distinctly conscious of being on the right path, and besides, in the newlyawakened love and esteem of her husband, many a gleam of hope and joy shone upon her."
2,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_2.flac,00015-f000002,0.12451400000000001,"Undine selbst empfand den Frieden und die Sicherheit, deren ein Gemüt nie ermangelt, solange es mit Besonnenheit fühlt, daß es auf dem rechten Wege sei, und zudem gingen ihr in der neu erwachenden Liebe und Achtung ihres Ehemannes vielfache Schimmer der Hoffnung und Freude auf.","<MERGE> The knight more and more perceived the heavenly goodness of his wife, which had been so nobly exhibited by her pursuit, and by her rescue of them in the Black Valley, where Kuhleborn's power again commenced; Undine herself felt that peace and security, which is never lacking to a mind so long as it is distinctly conscious of being on the right path, and besides, in the newlyawakened love and esteem of her husband, many a gleam of hope and joy shone upon her."
3,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_3.flac,00015-f000003,0.42244,"Bertalda hingegen zeigte sich dankbar, demütig und scheu, ohne daß sie wieder diese Äußerungen als etwas Verdienstliches angeschlagen hätte.","Bertalda, on the other hand, showed herself grateful, humble and timid, without regarding her conduct as anything meritorious."
4,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_4.flac,00015-f000004,0.610912,"Sooft ihr eines der Eheleute über die Verdeckung des Brunnens oder über die Abenteuer im Schwarztale irgend etwas Erklärendes sagen wollte, bat sie inbrünstig, man möge sie damit verschonen, weil sie wegen des Brunnens allzu viele Beschämung und wegen des Schwarztales allzu viele Schrecken empfinde.","Whenever Huldbrand or Undine were about to give her any explanation regarding the covering of the fountain or the adventure in the Black Valley, she would earnestly entreat them to spare her the recital, as she felt too much shame at the recollection of the fountain, and too much fear at the remembrance of the Black Valley."
5,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_5.flac,00015-f000005,0.820833,Sie erfuhr daher auch von beiden weiter nichts; und wozu schien es auch nötig zu sein?,She learned therefore nothing further of either; and for what end was such knowledge necessary?
6,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_6.flac,00015-f000006,0.8906129999999999,Der Friede und die Freude hatten ja ihren sichtbaren Wohnsitz in Burg Ringstetten genommen.,Peace and joy had visibly taken up their abode at castle Ringstetten.
7,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_7.flac,00015-f000007,0.89375,"Man ward darüber ganz sicher und meinte, nun könne das Leben gar nichts mehr tragen als anmutige Blumen und Früchte.","They felt secure on this point, and imagined that life could now produce nothing but pleasant flowers and fruits."
8,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_8.flac,00015-f000008,0.790197,"In so erlabenden Verhältnissen war der Winter gekommen und vorübergegangen, und der Frühling sah mit seinen hellgrünen Sprossen und seinem lichtblauen Himmel zu den fröhlichen Menschen herein.","In this happy condition of things, winter had come and passed away, and spring, with its fresh green shoots and its blue sky, was gladdening the joyous inmates of the castle."
9,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_9.flac,00015-f000009,1.11667,"Ihm war zumut wie ihnen, und ihnen wie ihm.","Spring was in harmony with them, and they with spring."
10,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_10.flac,00015-f000010,0.917143,"Was Wunder, daß seine Störche und Schwalben auch in ihnen die Reiselust anregten!","What wonder then, that its storks and swallows inspired them also with a desire to travel?"
11,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_11.flac,00015-f000011,0.794258,"Während sie einmal nach den Donauquellen hinab lustwandelten, erzählte Huldbrand von der Herrlichkeit des edlen Stromes und wie er wachsend durch gesegnete Länder fließe, wie das köstliche Wien an seinen Ufern emporglänze und er überhaupt mit jedem Schritte seiner Fahrt an Macht und Lieblichkeit gewinne.","One day when they were taking a pleasant walk to one of the sources of the Danube, Huldbrand spoke of the magnificence of the noble river, and how it widened as it flowed through countries fertilized by its waters, how the charming city of Vienna shone forth on its banks, and how with every step of its course it increased in power and loveliness."
12,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_12.flac,00015-f000012,0.487755,"Es müßte herrlich sein, ihn so bis Wien einmal hinabzufahren! brach Bertalda aus, aber gleich darauf in ihre jetzige Demut und Bescheidenheit zurückgesunken, schwieg sie errötend still.","It must be glorious to go down the river as far as Vienna! exclaimed Bertalda, but immediately relapsing into her present modesty and humility, she paused and blushed deeply."
13,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_13.flac,00015-f000013,0.0262878,"Eben dies rührte Undinen sehr, und im lebhaftesten Wunsch, der lieben Freundin eine Lust zu machen, sagte sie:","This touched Undine deeply, and with the liveliest desire to give pleasure to her friend, she said: What hinders us from starting on the little voyage?"
14,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_14.flac,00015-f000013,0.0262878,"Wer hindert uns denn, die Reise anzutreten?","<MERGE> This touched Undine deeply, and with the liveliest desire to give pleasure to her friend, she said: What hinders us from starting on the little voyage?"
15,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_15.flac,00015-f000014,0.717391,"Bertalda hüpfte vor Freuden in die Höhe, und die beiden Frauen begannen sogleich, sich die anmutige Donaufahrt mit den allerhellsten Farben vor die Sinne zu rufen.","Bertalda exhibited the greatest delight, and both she and Undine began at once to picture the tour of the Danube in the brightest colors."
16,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_16.flac,00015-f000015,0.5411020000000001,"Auch Huldbrand stimmte fröhlich darin ein; nur sagte er einmal besorgt Undinen ins Ohr: Aber weiterhin ist Kühleborn wieder gewaltig? Laß ihn nur kommen, entgegnete sie lachend; ich bin ja dabei, und vor mir wagt er sich mit keinem Unheil hervor. nur sagte er einmal besorgt Undinen ins Ohr: Aber weiterhin ist Kühleborn wieder gewaltig?","Huldbrand also gladly agreed to the prospect; only he once whispered anxiously in Undine's ear, But Kuhleborn becomes possessed of his power again out there!"
17,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_17.flac,00015-f000016,0.601304,"Damit war das letzte Hindernis gehoben, man rüstete sich zur Fahrt und trat sie alsbald mit frischem Mut und den heitersten Hoffnungen an.","Let him come, she replied with a smile, I shall be there, and he ventures upon none of his mischief before me."
18,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_18.flac,00015-f000017,0.650155,"Wundert euch aber nur nicht, ihr Menschen, wenn es dann immer ganz anders kommt, als man gemeint hat.","The last impediment was thus removed; they prepared for the journey, and soon after set out upon it with fresh spirits and the brightest hopes."
19,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_19.flac,00015-f000018,0.28633000000000003,"Die tückische Macht, die lauert, uns zu verderben, singt ihr auserkornes Opfer gern mit süßen Liedern und goldnen Märchen in den Schlaf.","But wonder not, oh man, if events always turn out different to what we have intended."
20,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_20.flac,00015-f000019,0.246674,Dagegen pocht der rettende Himmelsbote oftmals scharf und erschreckend an unsre Tür.,"That malicious power, lurking for our destruction, gladly lulls its chosen victim to sleep with sweet songs and golden delusions; while on the other hand the rescuing messenger from Heaven often knocks sharply and alarmingly at our door."
21,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_21.flac,00015-f000020,0.278873,Sie waren die ersten Tage ihrer Donaufahrt hindurch außerordentlich vergnügt gewesen.,During the first few days of their voyage down the Danube they were extremely happy.
22,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_22.flac,00015-f000021,0.626812,"Es ward auch alles immer besser und schöner, so wie sie den stolzen flutenden Strom weiter hinunterschifften.",Everything grew more and more beautiful as they sailed further and further down the proudly flowing stream.
23,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_23.flac,00015-f000022,0.751607,"Aber in einer sonst höchst anmutigen Gegend, von deren erfreulichem Anblick sie sich die beste Freude versprochen hatten, fing der ungebändige Kühleborn ganz unverhohlen an, seine hier eingreifende Macht zu zeigen.","But in a region otherwise so pleasant, and in the enjoyment of which they had promised themselves the purest delight, the ungovernable Kuhleborn began, undisguisedly, to exhibit his power of interference."
24,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_24.flac,00015-f000023,1.02651,"Es blieben zwar bloß Neckereien, weil Undine oftmals in die empörten Wellen oder in die hemmenden Winde hineinschalt und sich dann die Gewalt des Feindseligen augenblicklich in Demut ergab; aber wieder kamen die Angriffe, und wieder brauchte es der Mahnung Undines, so daß die Lustigkeit der kleinen Reisegesellschaft eine gänzliche Störung erlitt.","This was indeed manifested in mere teasing tricks, for Undine often rebuked the agitated waves, or the contrary winds, and then the violence of the enemy would be immediately humbled; but again the attacks would be renewed, and again Undine's reproofs would become necessary, so that the pleasure of the little party was completely destroyed."
25,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_25.flac,00015-f000024,0.8573729999999999,"Dabei zischelten sich noch immer die Fährleute zagend in die Ohren und sahen mißtrauisch auf die drei Herrschaften, deren Diener selbsten mehr und mehr etwas Unheimliches zu ahnen begannen und ihre Gebieter mit seltsamen Blicken verfolgten.","The boatmen too were continually whispering to each other in dismay, and looking with distrust at the three strangers, whose servants even began more and more to forebode something uncomfortable, and to watch their superiors with suspicious glances."
26,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_26.flac,00015-f000025,0.5575760000000001,Huldbrand sagte öfters bei sich im stillen Gemüte:,"Huldbrand often said to himself: This comes from like not being linked with like, from a man uniting himself with a mermaid!"
27,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_27.flac,00015-f000025,0.607136,"Das kommt davon, wenn gleich sich nicht zu gleich gesellt, wenn Mensch und Meerfräulein ein wunderliches Bündnis schließen.","Huldbrand often said to himself: This comes from like not being linked with like, from a man uniting himself with a mermaid!"
28,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_28.flac,00015-f000026,-0.08571430000000001,"Sich entschuldigend, wie wir es denn überhaupt lieben, dachte er freilich oftmals dabei:","Excusing himself as we all love to do, he would often think indeed as he said this: I did not really know that she was a seamaiden, mine is the misfortune, that every step I take is disturbed and haunted by the wild caprices of her race, but mine is not the fault."
29,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_29.flac,00015-f000026,-0.08571430000000001,"Ich hab es ja nicht gewußt, daß sie ein Meerfräulein war.","<MERGE> Excusing himself as we all love to do, he would often think indeed as he said this: I did not really know that she was a seamaiden, mine is the misfortune, that every step I take is disturbed and haunted by the wild caprices of her race, but mine is not the fault."
30,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_30.flac,00015-f000027,0.636522,"Mein ist das Unheil, das jeden meiner Schritte durch der tollen Verwandtschaft Grillen bannt und stört, aber mein ist nicht die Schuld.","By thoughts such as these, he felt himself in some measure strengthened, but on the other hand, he felt increasing illhumor, and almost animosity toward Undine."
31,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_31.flac,00015-f000027,0.583721,"Durch solcherlei Gedanken fühlte er sich einigermaßen gestärkt, aber dagegen ward er immer verdrießlicher, ja feindseliger wider Undinen gestimmt.","By thoughts such as these, he felt himself in some measure strengthened, but on the other hand, he felt increasing illhumor, and almost animosity toward Undine."
32,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_32.flac,00015-f000028,0.982805,"Er sah sie schon mit mürrischen Blicken an, und die arme Frau verstand deren Bedeutung wohl.","He would look at her with an expression of anger, the meaning of which the poor wife understood well."
33,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_33.flac,00015-f000029,0.612632,"Dadurch, und durch die beständige Anstrengung wider Kühleborns Listen erschöpft, sank sie gegen Abend, von der sanftgleitenden Barke angenehm gewiegt, in einen tiefen Schlaf.","Wearied with this exhibition of displeasure, and exhausted by the constant effort to frustrate Kuhleborn's artifices, she sank one evening into a deep slumber, rocked soothingly by the softly gliding bark."
34,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_34.flac,00015-f000030,0.621954,"Kaum aber, daß sie die Augen geschlossen hatte, so wähnte jedermann im Schiffe, nach der Seite, wo er grade hinaussah, ein ganz abscheuliches Menschenhaupt zu erblicken, das sich aus den Wellen emporhob, nicht wie das eines Schwimmenden, sondern ganz senkrecht, wie auf den Wasserspiegel grade eingepfählt, aber mitschwimmend, so wie die Barke schwamm.","Scarcely, however, had she closed her eyes than every one in the vessel imagined he saw, in whatever direction he turned, a most horrible human head; it rose out of the waves, not like that of a person swimming, but perfectly perpendicular as if invisibly supported upright on the watery surface, and floating along in the same course with the bark."
35,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_35.flac,00015-f000031,0.782195,"Jeder wollte dem andern zeigen, was ihn erschreckte, und jeder fand zwar auf des andern Gesicht das gleiche Entsetzen, Hand und Auge nach einer andern Richtung hinzeigend, als wo ihm selbst das halb lachende, halb dräuende Scheusal vor Augen stand.","Each wanted to point out to the other the cause of his alarm, but each found the same expression of horror depicted on the face of his neighbor, only that his hands and eyes were directed to a different point where the monster, halflaughing and halfthreatening, rose before him."
36,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_37.flac,00015-f000034,0.5522729999999999,"Von dem Geschrei, das sich darüber erhob, erwachte Undine.",The universal cry raised at the sight awoke Undine.
37,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_38.flac,00015-f000035,0.48563,Vor ihren aufgehenden Augenlichtern verschwand der mißgeschaffnen Gesichter tolle Schar.,"As she opened her eyes, the wild crowd of distorted visages disappeared."
38,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_39.flac,00015-f000036,0.6088439999999999,Aber Huldbrand war empört über so viele häßliche Gaukeleien.,But Huldbrand was indignant at such unsightly jugglery.
39,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_40.flac,00015-f000037,0.742105,"Er wäre in wilde Verwünschungen ausgebrochen, nur daß Undine mit den demütigsten Blicken, und ganz leise bittend, sagte: Um Gott, mein Eheherr, wir sind auf den Fluten; zürne jetzt nicht auf mich. zürne jetzt nicht auf mich.","He would have burst forth in uncontrolled imprecations had not Undine said to him with a humble manner and a softly imploring tone: For God's sake, my husband, we are on the water, do not be angry with me now."
40,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_41.flac,00015-f000038,0.489749,"Der Ritter schwieg, setzte sich und versank in ein tiefes Nachdenken.","The knight was silent, and sat down absorbed in revery."
41,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_42.flac,00015-f000039,0.142373,Undine sagte ihm ins Ohr:,"Undine whispered in his ear: Would it not be better, my love, if we gave up this foolish journey, and returned to castle Ringstetten in peace?"
42,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_43.flac,00015-f000039,0.142373,"Wär es nicht besser, mein Liebling, wir ließen die törichte Reise und kehrten nach Burg Ringstetten in Frieden zurück?","<MERGE> Undine whispered in his ear: Would it not be better, my love, if we gave up this foolish journey, and returned to castle Ringstetten in peace?"
43,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_44.flac,00015-f000040,0.0464523,Aber Huldbrand murmelte feindselig:,"But Huldbrand murmured moodily: So I must be a prisoner in my own castle, and only be able to breathe so long as the fountain is closed!"
44,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_45.flac,00015-f000040,0.0464523,Also ein Gefangner soll ich sein auf meiner eignen Burg?,"<MERGE> But Huldbrand murmured moodily: So I must be a prisoner in my own castle, and only be able to breathe so long as the fountain is closed!"
45,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_46.flac,00015-f000040,0.0464523,"Und atmen nur können, solange der Brunnen zu ist?","<MERGE> But Huldbrand murmured moodily: So I must be a prisoner in my own castle, and only be able to breathe so long as the fountain is closed!"
46,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_48.flac,00015-f000041,0.803349,Da drückte Undine schmeichelnd ihre schöne Hand auf seine Lippen.,I would your mad kindredUndine lovingly pressed her fair hand upon his lips.
47,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_49.flac,00015-f000042,0.826154,"Er schwieg auch und hielt sich still, so manches, was ihm Undine früher gesagt hatte, erwägend.","He paused, pondering in silence over much that Undine had before said to him."
48,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_50.flac,00015-f000043,0.842857,Indessen hatte Bertalda sich allerhand seltsam umschweifenden Gedanken überlassen.,Bertalda had meanwhile given herself up to a variety of strange thoughts.
49,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_52.flac,00015-f000046,0.504303,"Über alle diese wunderlichen Dinge nachsinnend, knüpfte sie, ohne sich dessen recht bewußt zu werden, ein goldnes Halsband los, welches ihr Huldbrand auf einer der letzten Tagereisen von einem herumziehenden Handelsmann gekauft hatte, und ließ es dicht über der Oberfläche des Flusses spielen, sich halb träumend an dem lichten Schimmer ergötzend, den es in die abendhellen Gewässer warf.","Musing on these strange things, she unclasped, scarcely conscious of the act, a gold necklace, which Huldbrand had lately purchased for her of a travelling trader; half dreamingly she drew it along the surface of the water, enjoying the light glimmer it cast upon the eveningtinted stream."
50,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_53.flac,00015-f000047,0.583871,"Da griff plötzlich eine große Hand aus der Donau herauf, erfaßte das Halsband und fuhr damit unter die Fluten.","Suddenly a huge hand was stretched out of the Danube, it seized the necklace and vanished with it beneath the waters."
51,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_54.flac,00015-f000048,0.659459,"Bertalda schrie laut auf, und ein höhnisches Gelächter schallte aus den Tiefen des Stromes drein.","Bertalda screamed aloud, and a scornful laugh resounded from the depths of the stream."
52,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_55.flac,00015-f000049,0.269231,Nun hielt sich des Ritters Zorn nicht länger.,The knight could now restrain his anger no longer.
53,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_56.flac,00015-f000050,0.7343189999999999,"Aufspringend schalt er in die Gewässer hinein, verwünschte alle, die sich in seine Verwandtschaft und sein Leben drängen wollten, und forderte sie auf, Nix oder Sirene, sich vor sein blankes Schwert zu stellen.","Starting up, he inveighed against the river; he cursed all who ventured to interfere with his family and his life, and challenged them, be they spirits or sirens, to show themselves before his avenging sword."
54,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_57.flac,00015-f000051,0.00112457,"Bertalda weinte indes um den verlornen, ihr so innig lieben Schmuck und goß mit ihren Tränen Öl in des Ritters Zorn, während Undine ihre Hand über den Schiffesbord in die Wellen getaucht hielt, in einem fort sacht vor sich hinmurmelnd und nur manchmal ihr seltsam heimliches Geflüster unterbrechend, indem sie bittend zu ihrem Ehherrn sprach:","Bertalda wept meanwhile for her lost ornament, which was so precious to her, and her tears added fuel to the flame of the knight's anger, while Undine held her hand over the side of the vessel, dipping it into the water, softly murmuring to herself, and only now and then interrupting her strange mysterious whisper, as she entreated her husband: My dearly loved one, do not scold me here; reprove others if you will, but not me here."
55,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_58.flac,00015-f000051,0.00112457,"Mein Herzlichlieber, hier schilt mich nicht.","<MERGE> Bertalda wept meanwhile for her lost ornament, which was so precious to her, and her tears added fuel to the flame of the knight's anger, while Undine held her hand over the side of the vessel, dipping it into the water, softly murmuring to herself, and only now and then interrupting her strange mysterious whisper, as she entreated her husband: My dearly loved one, do not scold me here; reprove others if you will, but not me here."
56,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_59.flac,00015-f000051,0.00112457,"Schilt alles, was du willst, aber hier mich nicht.","<MERGE> Bertalda wept meanwhile for her lost ornament, which was so precious to her, and her tears added fuel to the flame of the knight's anger, while Undine held her hand over the side of the vessel, dipping it into the water, softly murmuring to herself, and only now and then interrupting her strange mysterious whisper, as she entreated her husband: My dearly loved one, do not scold me here; reprove others if you will, but not me here."
57,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_60.flac,00015-f000052,0.272727,Du weißt ja!,You know why!
58,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_61.flac,00015-f000053,0.214925,Und wirklich enthielt sich seine vor Zorn stammelnde Zunge noch jedes Wortes unmittelbar wider sie.,"And indeed, he restrained the words of anger that were trembling on his tongue."
59,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_62.flac,00015-f000054,0.655944,"Da brachte sie mit der feuchten Hand, die sie unter den Wogen gehalten hatte, ein wunderschönes Korallenhalsband hervor, so herrlich blitzend, daß allen davon die Augen fast geblendet wurden.","Presently in her wet hand which she had been holding under the waves, she brought up a beautiful coral necklace of so much brilliancy that the eyes of all were dazzled by it."
60,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_63.flac,00015-f000055,0.724906,"Nimm hin, sagte sie, es Bertalden freundlich hinhaltend; das hab ich dir zum Ersatz bringen lassen, und sei nicht weiter betrübt, du armes Kind. das hab ich dir zum Ersatz bringen lassen, und sei nicht weiter betrübt, du armes Kind.","Take this, said she, holding it out kindly to Bertalda; I have ordered this to be brought for you as a compensation, and don't be grieved any more, my poor child."
61,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_64.flac,00015-f000056,0.8,Aber der Ritter sprang dazwischen.,But the knight sprang between them.
62,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_65.flac,00015-f000057,0.233381,"Er riß den schönen Schmuck Undinen aus der Hand, schleuderte ihn wieder in den Fluß und schrie wutentbrannt:","He tore the beautiful ornament from Undine's hand, hurled it again into the river, exclaiming in passionate rage: Have you then still a connection with them?"
63,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_66.flac,00015-f000057,0.233381,So hast du denn immer Verbindung mit ihnen?,"<MERGE> He tore the beautiful ornament from Undine's hand, hurled it again into the river, exclaiming in passionate rage: Have you then still a connection with them?"
64,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_67.flac,00015-f000058,0.760641,"Bleib bei ihnen in aller Hexen Namen mit all deinen Geschenken und laß uns Menschen zufrieden, Gauklerin du!","In the name of all the witches, remain among them with your presents. and leave us mortals in peace, you sorceress!"
65,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_68.flac,00015-f000059,0.8661129999999999,"Starren, aber tränenströmenden Blickes sah ihn die arme Undine an, noch immer die Hand ausgestreckt, mit welcher sie Bertalden ihr hübsches Geschenk so freundlich hatte hinreichen wollen.","Poor Undine gazed at him with fixed but tearful eyes, her hand still stretched out, as when she had offered her beautiful present so lovingly to Bertalda."
66,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_69.flac,00015-f000060,0.7506619999999999,"Dann fing sie immer herzlicher an zu weinen, wie ein recht unverschuldet und recht bitterlich gekränktes liebes Kind.","She then began to weep more and more violently, like a dear innocent child bitterly afflicted."
67,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_70.flac,00015-f000061,0.539091,"Endlich sagte sie ganz matt: Ach, holder Freund, ach, lebe wohl!","At last, wearied out she said: Alas, sweet friend, alas! farewell!"
68,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_71.flac,00015-f000062,0.856452,"Sie sollen dir nichts tun; nur bleibe treu, daß ich sie dir abwehren kann.","They shall do you no harm; only remain true, so that I may be able to keep them from you."
69,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_72.flac,00015-f000063,0.519658,"Ach, aber fort muß ich, muß fort auf diese ganze junge Lebenszeit.","I must, alas! go away; I must go hence at this early stage of life."
70,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_73.flac,00015-f000064,0.9944440000000001,"O weh, o weh, was hast du angerichtet!","Oh woe, woe! what have you done!"
71,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_75.flac,00015-f000067,0.533389,"Stieg sie hinüber in die Flut, verströmte sie darin, man wußt es nicht, es war wie beides und wie keins.","Whether she plunged into the stream, or flowed away with it, they knew not; her disappearance was like both and neither."
72,18.undine_1503_librivox,00015-undine_77.flac,00015-f000068,0.2,Ach bleibe treu!,oh remain true! oh woe!