LibriS2S / alignments /13 /00045-chancellor_map_DeEn.csv
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0,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_0.flac,00045-f000001,-0.18,Am 16. Januar.,XLV.
1,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_1.flac,00045-f000002,0.4995060000000001,"Wir liegen Alle auf den Segeln ausgestreckt, und die Mannschaft eines vorübersegelnden Schiffes würde eine mit Todten bedeckte Seetrift zu sehen meinen.","JANUARY th.If the crew of any passing vessel had caught sight of us as we lay still and inanimate upon our sailcloth, they would scarcely, at first sight, have hesitated to pronounce us dead."
2,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_2.flac,00045-f000003,-0.0336449,Ich leide furchtbar.,"My sufferings were terrible; tongue, lips, and throat were so parched and swollen that if food had been at hand I question whether I could have swallowed it."
3,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_3.flac,00045-f000003,-0.0336449,"Könnte ich bei dem jetzigen Zustande meiner Lippen, meiner Zunge, meiner Kehle überhaupt noch essen?","<MERGE> My sufferings were terrible; tongue, lips, and throat were so parched and swollen that if food had been at hand I question whether I could have swallowed it."
4,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_4.flac,00045-f000004,0.5548609999999999,"Ich glaube es nicht, und doch werfen wir Alle, meine Gefährten und ich mit, einander wilde Blicke zu.","So exasperated were the feelings of us all, however, that we glanced at each other with looks as savage as though we were about to slaughter and without delay eat up one another."
5,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_5.flac,00045-f000005,0.894545,Die Hitze ist heute bei gewitterdrohendem Himmel noch stärker.,The heat was aggravated by the atmosphere being somewhat stormy.
6,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_6.flac,00045-f000006,0.518387,"Dicke Dünste wälzen sich empor, aber ich will glauben, daß es vielleicht überall regnen kann, nur über dem Flosse nicht.","Heavy vapours gathered on the horizon, and there was a look as if it were raining all around."
7,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_7.flac,00045-f000007,0.282721,"Dennoch sieht Jeder mit begehrlichem Blicke diese Ansammlung von Wolken, und unsere Lippen lechzen nach ihnen.","Longing eyes and gasping mouths turned involuntarily towards the clouds, and M. Letourneur, on bended knee, was raising his hands, as it might be in supplication to the relentless skies."
8,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_8.flac,00045-f000008,0.20625,Auf den Knieen liegend erhebt Mr. Letourneur stehend die Hände nach dem unerbittlichen Himmel!,It was eleven o'clock in the morning.
9,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_9.flac,00045-f000008,0.065625,"Ich lausche, ob irgend ein fernes Rollen ein Gewitter verkündigt.",It was eleven o'clock in the morning.
10,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_10.flac,00045-f000009,0.464266,"Es ist elf Uhr Morgens; die Dunstmassen verdecken jetzt die Sonne vollkommen, doch schon haben diese ihren elektrischen Charakter merklich eingebüßt.","I listened for distant rumblings which might announce an approaching storm, but although the vapours had obstructed the sun's rays, they no longer presented the appearance of being charged with electricity."
11,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_11.flac,00045-f000010,0.656313,"Offenbar wird sich kein Gewitter entladen, denn das ganze Gewölk hat eine gleichmäßige Färbung angenommen und seine am Morgen so scharfen Ränder sind in einer verbreiteten grauen Dunstmasse verschwunden und verschwommen, die jetzt nur noch einem in der Höhe schwebenden Nebel gleich zu achten ist.","Thus our prognostications ended in disappointment; the clouds, which in the early morning had been marked by the distinctness of their outline, had melted one into another and assumed an uniform dull grey tint; in fact, we were enveloped in an ordinary fog."
12,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_12.flac,00045-f000011,0.6717029999999999,"Doch kann denn dieser Nebel keinen Regen gebären, und wäre es noch so wenig, wären es nur einige erquickende Tropfen!",But was it not still possible that this fog might turn to rain?
13,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_13.flac,00045-f000011,0.570543,"Da, der Regen, der Regen! rief plötzlich Daoulas.",But was it not still possible that this fog might turn to rain?
14,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_14.flac,00045-f000012,0.537888,"Und wirklich, in der Entfernung einer halben Meile hat der Himmel jene schrägen Striche, welche man beim Regen beobachtet, und ich sehe die Tropfen von der Wasserfläche wieder in die Höhe springen.","Happily this hope was destined to be realized; for in a very short time, Dowlas, with a shout of delight, declared that rain was actually coming; and sure enough, not half a mile from the raft, the dark parallel streaks against the sky testified that there at least the rain was falling."
15,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_15.flac,00045-f000013,0.460638,"Der Wind, der sich etwas mehr erhebt, treibt sie zu uns.",I fancied I could see the drops rebounding from the surface of the water.
16,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_16.flac,00045-f000014,0.70875,"Möchte dieselbe Wolke sich doch nicht vorher erschöpfen, bevor sie über uns weggegangen ist!","The wind was fresh and bringing the cloud right on towards us, yet we could not suppress our trepidation lest it; should exhaust itself before it reached us."
17,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_17.flac,00045-f000015,0.5531520000000001,"Gott hat endlich einmal Mitleid mit uns; in großen Tropfen fällt der Regen, so wie aus einer Gewitterwolke.","But no: very soon large heavy drops began to fall, and the stormcloud, passing over our heads, was outpouring its contents upon us."
18,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_18.flac,00045-f000016,0.600526,"Doch ein solcher Platzregen ist niemals von Dauer, und wir müssen, so schnell es angeht, möglichst viel davon aufzufangen suchen, denn schon färbt ein hellerer Lichtschein den unteren Rand der Wolke über dem Horizonte.","The shower, however, was very transient; already a bright streak of light along the horizon marked the limit of the cloud and warned us that we must be quick to make the most of what it had to give us."
19,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_19.flac,00045-f000017,0.52608,"Robert Kurtis hat die halbzerbrochene Tonne so aufstellen lassen, daß sie möglichst viel Wasser aufnehmen kann, und ringsum spannt man die Segel in der Art auf, daß sie die größten Oberflächen bieten.","Curtis had placed the broken barrel in the position that was most exposed, and every sail was spread out to the fullest extent our dimensions would allow."
20,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_20.flac,00045-f000018,0.09473680000000001,Wir liegen auf dem Rücken mit offenem Munde.,We all laid ourselves down flat upon our backs and kept our mouths wide open.
21,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_21.flac,00045-f000019,0.8390629999999999,"Das Wasser benetzt mein Gesicht, meine Lippen, und ich fühle, daß es in meine Kehle dringt!","The rain splashed into my face, wetted my lips, and trickled down my throat."
22,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_22.flac,00045-f000020,0.0333333,"O, unaussprechliche Freude!",Never can I describe the ecstasy with which I imbibed that renovating moisture.
23,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_23.flac,00045-f000020,0.0333333,"Das ist neues Leben, das in mich einzieht!",<MERGE> Never can I describe the ecstasy with which I imbibed that renovating moisture.
24,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_24.flac,00045-f000021,0.643636,"Die Schleimhäute meiner Kehle werden bei dieser Benetzung wieder schlüpfrig, und ich athme die belebende Flüssigkeit fast noch mehr ein, als ich sie trinke.","The parched and swollen glands relaxed, I breathed afresh, and my whole being seemed revived with a strange and requickened life."
25,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_25.flac,00045-f000022,0.463475,"Zwanzig Minuten lang hat der Regen angedauert, dann löst sich die halberschöpfte Wolke in der Atmosphäre auf.","The rain lasted about twenty minutes, when the cloud, still only half exhausted, passed quite away from over us."
26,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_26.flac,00045-f000023,0.18125,"Wir haben uns gebessert wieder erhoben, ja, gebessert.","We grasped each other's hands as we rose from the platform on which we had been lying, and mutual congratulations, mingled with gratitude, poured forth from our long silent lips."
27,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_27.flac,00045-f000023,0.18125,"Man drückt sich die Hände, man spricht wieder!","<MERGE> We grasped each other's hands as we rose from the platform on which we had been lying, and mutual congratulations, mingled with gratitude, poured forth from our long silent lips."
28,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_28.flac,00045-f000024,0.11513,"Es scheint, als ob wir gerettet wären!","Hope, however evanescent it might be, for the moment had returned, and we yielded to the expectation that, ere long, other and more abundant clouds might come and replenish our store."
29,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_29.flac,00045-f000023,0.48,"Gott wird uns in seiner Barmherzigkeit noch andere Wolken senden, die uns noch mehr Wasser bringen werden, Wasser, das wir so lange entbehrt haben!","We grasped each other's hands as we rose from the platform on which we had been lying, and mutual congratulations, mingled with gratitude, poured forth from our long silent lips."
30,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_30.flac,00045-f000025,0.664655,"Und auch das Wasser, welches nur auf das Floß gefallen ist, wird ja nicht verdorben sein, denn die Tonne und die Leinwand haben es aufgefangen.","The next consideration was how to preserve and economize what little had been collected by the barrel, or imbibed by the outspread sails."
31,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_31.flac,00045-f000026,0.108838,Aber es muß sorgsam aufbewahrt und darf nur tropfenweise vertheilt werden.,"It was found that only a few pints of rain water had fallen into the barrel to this small quantity the sailors were about to add what they could by wringing out the saturated sails, when Curtis made them desist from their intention."
32,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_32.flac,00045-f000026,0.679837,"In der That, die Tonne enthält jetzt zwei bis drei Pinten Wasser, und wenn wir das noch ausdrücken, was die Segel eingesogen haben, so vermögen wir unsern Vorrath noch bis zu einer gewissen Grenze zu vermehren.","It was found that only a few pints of rain water had fallen into the barrel to this small quantity the sailors were about to add what they could by wringing out the saturated sails, when Curtis made them desist from their intention."
33,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_33.flac,00045-f000027,0.438431,"Die Matrosen wollen eben zu jener Operation schreiten, als Robert Kurtis sie durch einen Wink daran hindert.","Stop, stop! he said, we must wait a moment; we must see whether this water from the sails is drinkable."
34,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_34.flac,00045-f000028,0.2875,Einen Augenblick! ruft er.,I looked at him in amazement.
35,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_35.flac,00045-f000029,0.462971,Wird dieses Wasser auch trinkbar sein?.Ich sehe ihn staunend an.,Why should not this be as drinkable as the other?
36,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_36.flac,00045-f000029,0.367849,"Warum soll dieses Wasser, das doch nur vom Regen herstammt, nicht trinkbar sein?",Why should not this be as drinkable as the other?
37,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_37.flac,00045-f000030,0.348312,"Indessen drückt der Kapitän ein wenig von dem aufgesaugten Wasser einer Segelfalte in die Weißblechtasse, kostet dasselbe, und zu meiner größten Verwunderung wirft er diese von sich.","He squeezed a few drops out of one of the folds of a sail into the tin pot, and put it to his lips."
38,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_38.flac,00045-f000031,0.0551168,Ich koste nun auch selbst.,"<MERGE> To my surprise, he rejected it immediately, and upon tasting it for myself I found it not merely brackish, but briny as the sea itself."
39,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_40.flac,00045-f000032,0.780121,"Es rührt das daher, daß die so lange Zeit dem Einflusse der Wellen ausgesetzten Segel sich mit Salz imprägnirt und dem aufgefangenen Wasser einen sehr hohen Gehalt davon mitgetheilt haben.","The fact was that the canvas had been so long exposed to the action of the waves, that it had become thoroughly impregnated by salt, which of course was taken up again by the water that fell upon it."
40,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00045-chancellor_42.flac,00045-f000033,0.05625,"Doch, sei es!","Disappointed we were; but with several pints of water in our possession, we were not only contented for the present, but sanguine in our prospect for the future."