LibriS2S / alignments /67 /00009-frankenstein_map_DeEn.csv
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0,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_0.flac,00009-f000002,0.9,"Es war eine trostlose Novembernacht, als ich mein Werk fertig vor mir liegen sah.","It was on a dreary night of November, that I beheld the accomplishment of my toils."
1,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_1.flac,00009-f000003,0.21617600000000006,"Mit einer Erregung, die fast einer Todesangst glich, machte ich mich daran, dem leblosen Dinge den lebendigen Odem einzublasen.","With an anxiety that almost amounted to agony, I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet."
2,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_2.flac,00009-f000003,0.21617600000000006,Es war schon ein Uhr morgens.,"<MERGE> With an anxiety that almost amounted to agony, I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet."
3,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_3.flac,00009-f000004,0.0973077,"Der Regen klatschte heftig an die Fensterscheiben, als ich beim Scheine meiner fast ganz herabgebrannten Kerze das trübe Auge der Kreatur sich öffnen sah.","It was already one in the morn ing; the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer of the halfextinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the crea ture open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs."
4,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_4.flac,00009-f000004,0.0973077,Ein tiefer Atemzug dehnte die Brust und die Glieder zuckten krampfhaft.,"<MERGE> It was already one in the morn ing; the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer of the halfextinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the crea ture open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs."
5,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_5.flac,00009-f000005,0.912922,"Wie könnte ich Ihnen beschreiben, was ich empfand, und das Ungetüm schildern, das ich da mit so viel Mühe und Fleiß geschaffen?","How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavoured to form?"
6,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_6.flac,00009-f000006,1.1762,Seine Glieder waren proportioniert und seine Züge hatte ich möglichst schön gemacht.,"His limbs were in propor tion, and I had selected his features as beautiful."
7,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_8.flac,00009-f000008,0.24,Großer Gott!,Great God!
8,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_9.flac,00009-f000009,0.0385417,"Seine gelbliche Haut genügte kaum, um das Geflecht von Muskeln und Adern zu decken; sein Haar war glänzend schwarz und lang; seine Zähne wie Perlen.","His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his wa tery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complex ion, and straight black lips."
9,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_10.flac,00009-f000009,0.0385417,"Aber das alles bildete nur einen um so auffallenderen Gegensatz zu den wässerigen Augen, die sich von den Augenhöhlen kaum abhoben, der faltigen Haut und den schwärzlichen, schmalen Lippen.","<MERGE> His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his wa tery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complex ion, and straight black lips."
10,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_11.flac,00009-f000010,0.498913,Nichts ist flüchtiger als die menschlichen Gefühle.,The different accidents of life are not so changeable as the feelings of human nature.
11,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_12.flac,00009-f000011,0.6493270000000001,"Nahezu zwei Jahre hatte ich gearbeitet, nur um etwas zu schaffen, dem ich Leben einflößen könnte.","I had worked hard for nearly two years, for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body."
12,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_13.flac,00009-f000012,0.774026,Dazu hatte ich mich also meiner Ruhe und Gesundheit beraubt!,For this I had deprived myself of rest and health.
13,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_14.flac,00009-f000013,0.8274950000000001,"Mit der ganzen Glut meines Herzens hatte ich mich nach der Vollendung gesehnt, und nun war die Schönheit des Traumes verblichen, unsäglicher Schrecken und Ekel erfüllten mich.","I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart."
14,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_15.flac,00009-f000014,0.676259,"Unfähig, den Anblick meines Geschöpfes noch länger zu ertragen, rannte ich aus dem Laboratorium und in mein Schlafzimmer, wo ich auf und abging, da ich keine Ruhe finden konnte.","Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room, and continued a long time traversing my bedchamber, unable to compose my mind to sleep."
15,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_16.flac,00009-f000015,0.152328,"Schließlich aber kam doch eine entsetzliche Müdigkeit über mich und ich warf mich auf mein Lager, vollkommen angekleidet, und hoffte auf einige Zeit Vergessenheit zu finden.","At length lassitude succeeded to the tumult I had before endured; and I threw myself on the bed in my clothes, endeavouring to seek a few moments of forgetfulness."
16,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_17.flac,00009-f000015,0.152328,Es war umsonst!,"<MERGE> At length lassitude succeeded to the tumult I had before endured; and I threw myself on the bed in my clothes, endeavouring to seek a few moments of forgetfulness."
17,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_18.flac,00009-f000016,1.03594,"Wohl schlief ich, aber die furchtbarsten Träume quälten und ängstigten mich.","But it was in vain: I slept indeed, but I was disturbed by the wildest dreams."
18,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_19.flac,00009-f000017,0.896423,"Mir war, als sähe ich Elisabeth in der Blüte ihrer Jugend und Gesundheit in den Straßen von Ingolstadt dahinschreiten.","I thought I saw Elizabeth, in the bloom of health, walking in the streets of Ingolstadt."
19,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_20.flac,00009-f000017,0.860099,Überrascht und erfreut eilte ich ihr nach und schloß sie in die Arme.,"I thought I saw Elizabeth, in the bloom of health, walking in the streets of Ingolstadt."
20,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_21.flac,00009-f000018,0.16803099999999999,"Aber kaum hatte ich ihr den ersten Kuß auf die Lippen gedrückt, als sie fahl wurde wie eine Tote; ihre Züge veränderten sich und ich hielt den Leichnam meiner Mutter in den Armen.","<MERGE> Delighted and surprised, I embraced her; but as I imprinted the first kiss on her lips, they became livid with the hue of death; her features appeared to change, and I thought that I held the corpse of my dead mother in my arms; a shroud enveloped her form, and I saw the graveworms crawling in the folds of the flannel."
21,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_22.flac,00009-f000018,0.16803099999999999,"Ein Leichentuch umhüllte sie, in dessen Falten ekle Würmer krochen.","<MERGE> Delighted and surprised, I embraced her; but as I imprinted the first kiss on her lips, they became livid with the hue of death; her features appeared to change, and I thought that I held the corpse of my dead mother in my arms; a shroud enveloped her form, and I saw the graveworms crawling in the folds of the flannel."
22,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_23.flac,00009-f000019,0.270785,"Ich fuhr entsetzt auf; kalter Schweiß rann mir über die Stirn, meine Zähne klapperten und meine Glieder zitterten.","I started from my sleep with horror; a cold dew covered my forehead, my teeth chattered, and every limb became convulsed; when, by the dim and yellow light of the moon, as it forced its way through the windowshutters, I beheld the wretch — the miserable monster whom I had created."
23,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_24.flac,00009-f000019,0.270785,"Und da da stand im bleichen, gelblichen Lichte des Mondes, das durch die Fenstervorhänge drang, das Ungeheuer, das ich geschaffen.","<MERGE> I started from my sleep with horror; a cold dew covered my forehead, my teeth chattered, and every limb became convulsed; when, by the dim and yellow light of the moon, as it forced its way through the windowshutters, I beheld the wretch — the miserable monster whom I had created."
24,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_25.flac,00009-f000020,0.7254550000000001,"Es hielt den Bettvorhang mit einer Hand zurück und stierte mich mit seinen Augen an, wenn man überhaupt von Augen reden kann.","He held up the curtain of the bed; and his eyes, if eyes they may be called, were fixed on me."
25,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_26.flac,00009-f000021,0.4965189999999999,"Es öffnete seine Kinnladen und stieß einige unartikulierte Laute aus, während sich die Haut seiner Wangen unter einem häßlichen Grinsen runzelte.","His jaws opened, and he muttered some inarticulate sounds, while a grin wrinkled his cheeks."
26,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_27.flac,00009-f000022,0.926253,"Ob es gesprochen hat, kann ich nicht sagen, denn ich hörte es nicht, weil ich davonrannte, als es die Hand nach mir ausstreckte, und die Treppe hinuntereilte.","He might have spoken, but I did not hear; one hand was stretched out, seemingly to detain me, but I escaped, and rushed down stairs."
27,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_28.flac,00009-f000023,0.019799,Ich suchte Zuflucht im Hofe des von mir bewohnten Hauses.,"I took refuge in the courtyard belonging to the house which I inhabited; where I remained during the rest of the night, walking up and down in the greatest agitation, listening attentively, catching and Chapter IV fearing each sound as if it were to announce the approach of the demoniacal corpse to which I had so miserably given life."
28,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_29.flac,00009-f000023,0.019799,"Dort ging ich bis zum Morgen auf und nieder, aufs tiefste erregt, und lauschte auf jeden Laut, der sich aus dem Hause vernehmen ließ.","<MERGE> I took refuge in the courtyard belonging to the house which I inhabited; where I remained during the rest of the night, walking up and down in the greatest agitation, listening attentively, catching and Chapter IV fearing each sound as if it were to announce the approach of the demoniacal corpse to which I had so miserably given life."
29,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_30.flac,00009-f000023,0.019799,"Mir war es, als müßte der häßliche Dämon nahen, dem ich so leichtsinniger Weise Leben verliehen hatte.","<MERGE> I took refuge in the courtyard belonging to the house which I inhabited; where I remained during the rest of the night, walking up and down in the greatest agitation, listening attentively, catching and Chapter IV fearing each sound as if it were to announce the approach of the demoniacal corpse to which I had so miserably given life."
30,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_31.flac,00009-f000024,0.420588,"O, kein Sterblicher hätte ohne Grauen den Anblick dieses Gesichtes ertragen können.",Oh! no mortal could support the horror of that counte nance.
31,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_32.flac,00009-f000025,0.457143,"Eine Mumie, die lebendig geworden, konnte nicht so abscheulich sein als dieses Unding.",A mummy again endued with animation could not be so hideous as that wretch.
32,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_33.flac,00009-f000025,0.487013,"Ich hatte es betrachtet, als es noch nicht vollendet war.",A mummy again endued with animation could not be so hideous as that wretch.
33,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_34.flac,00009-f000026,0.545724,"Es war schon damals überaus häßlich, aber als diese Muskeln und Gelenke sich zu bewegen begannen, sah ich, daß ich etwas geschaffen, das sich Dantes Phantasie nicht grausiger hätte vorstellen können.","I had gazed on him while unfinished; he was ugly then; but when those muscles and joints were rendered capable of motion, it became a thing such as even Dante could not have conceived."
34,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_35.flac,00009-f000027,0.555556,"Es war eine Nacht, die ich mein Leben lang nicht vergesse.",I passed the night wretchedly.
35,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_36.flac,00009-f000028,0.793478,"Zuweilen pochte mein Puls so rasch und heftig, daß ich fühlte, wie sich jede Ader anspannte; und dann war es mir, als müsse ich zu Boden sinken vor Schwäche und Elend.","Sometimes my pulse beat so quickly and hardly, that I felt the palpitation of every artery; at others, I nearly sank to the ground through languor and extreme weakness."
36,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_37.flac,00009-f000029,0.169915,"Es war aber nicht nur das Entsetzen, es war auch die bitterste Enttäuschung, was mich so niederdrückte.","Mingled with this horror, I felt the bitterness of disappointment: dreams that had been my food and pleasant rest for so long a space, were now become a hell to me; and the change was so rapid, the overthrow so complete!"
37,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_38.flac,00009-f000029,0.169915,"Die Träume, die ich so lange genährt, die meine Freude gewesen, wurden mir nun zu Höllenqualen; der Wechsel war zu rasch, zu überwältigend.","<MERGE> Mingled with this horror, I felt the bitterness of disappointment: dreams that had been my food and pleasant rest for so long a space, were now become a hell to me; and the change was so rapid, the overthrow so complete!"
38,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_39.flac,00009-f000030,0.813508,"Endlich kam der Morgen heran, trüb und feucht, und mit meinen schmerzenden Augen konnte ich auf dem Kirchturm erkennen, daß es eben sechs Uhr war.","Morning, dismal and wet, at length dawned, and discov ered to my sleepless and aching eyes the church of Ingol stadt, its white steeple and clock, which indicated the sixth hour."
39,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_40.flac,00009-f000031,0.277041,"Der Türhüter öffnete das Tor des Hofes, der diese Nacht meine Zuflucht gewesen, und ich eilte auf die Straße hinaus.","The porter opened the gates of the court, which had that night been my asylum, and I issued into the streets, pac ing them with quick steps, as if I sought to avoid the wretch whom I feared every turning of the street would present to my view."
40,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_41.flac,00009-f000031,0.277041,"Mit raschen Schritten ging ich in der Stadt herum und war in steter Furcht, daß mir an der nächsten Ecke das Ungeheuer entgegenkommen könnte, dem ich zu entfliehen wünschte.","<MERGE> The porter opened the gates of the court, which had that night been my asylum, and I issued into the streets, pac ing them with quick steps, as if I sought to avoid the wretch whom I feared every turning of the street would present to my view."
41,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_42.flac,00009-f000032,0.589216,"Ich wagte nicht heimzugehen, sondern irrte umher, trotzdem mich der Regen, der von dem grauen, trostlosen Himmel unaufhörlich herniederfloß, schon bis auf die Haut durchnäßt hatte.","I did not dare return to the apartment which I inhabited, but felt impelled to hurry on, although wetted by the rain, which poured from a black and comfortless sky."
42,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_43.flac,00009-f000033,0.616121,"Lange setzte ich meinen Spaziergang fort und meinte, durch die rasche Bewegung des drückenden Gefühles ledig zu werden, das auf meiner Seele lastete.","I continued walking in this manner for some time, endeav ouring, by bodily exercise, to ease the load that weighed upon my mind."
43,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_44.flac,00009-f000034,0.962667,"Straße um Straße durchwanderte ich, ohne mir klar zu werden, wo ich war und was ich wollte.","I traversed the streets, without any clear conception of where I was, or what I was doing."
44,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_45.flac,00009-f000034,0.930357,"Mein Herz klopfte in entsetzlicher Furcht und ich eilte dahin, ohne mich umzusehen.","I traversed the streets, without any clear conception of where I was, or what I was doing."
45,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_46.flac,00009-f000036,0.603333,"Plötzlich befand ich mich der Herberge gegenüber, vor der die Post und die Reisewagen zu halten pflegten.","Continuing thus, I came at length opposite to the inn at which the various diligences and carriages usually stopped."
46,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_47.flac,00009-f000035,-0.0523284,"Ich hielt in meinem Laufe inne, ich weiß nicht warum.","<MERGE> My heart palpitated in the sickness of fear; and I hurried on with irreg ular steps, not daring to look about me: Chapter IV Like one who, on a lonely road, Doth walk in fear and dread, And, having once turn'd round, walks on, And turns no more his head; Because he knows a frightful fiend Doth close behind him tread."
47,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_48.flac,00009-f000036,0.41969700000000004,"Aber ich stand so einige Zeit und hatte die Augen starr auf einen Wagen gerichtet, der gerade vom anderen Ende der Stadt herankam.","Continuing thus, I came at length opposite to the inn at which the various diligences and carriages usually stopped."
48,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_49.flac,00009-f000037,0.364286,"Als er sich genähert hatte, erkannte ich, daß es die Schweizer Post war.","Here I paused, I knew not why; but I remained some minutes with my eyes fixed on a coach that was coming towards me from the other end of the street."
49,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_50.flac,00009-f000037,0.364286,Sie hielt gerade vor mir.,"<MERGE> Here I paused, I knew not why; but I remained some minutes with my eyes fixed on a coach that was coming towards me from the other end of the street."
50,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_51.flac,00009-f000038,1.17867,"Als die Tür geöffnet wurde bemerkte ich im Innern Henry Clerval, der sofort heraussprang und auf mich zueilte.","As it drew nearer, I observed that it was the Swiss diligence: it stopped just where I was standing; and, on the door being opened, I perceived Henry Clerval, who, on seeing me, instantly sprung out."
51,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_52.flac,00009-f000039,0.680192,"Lieber, lieber Frankenstein, rief er, wie froh bin ich, dich zu sehen!","My dear Frankenstein, exclaimed he, how glad I am to see you! how fortunate that you should be here at the very moment of my alighting!"
52,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_53.flac,00009-f000039,0.680192,"Welch schöner Zufall, daß du jetzt gerade da bist, wo ich ankomme.","<MERGE> My dear Frankenstein, exclaimed he, how glad I am to see you! how fortunate that you should be here at the very moment of my alighting!"
53,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_54.flac,00009-f000040,0.791304,"Ich empfand eine unbeschreibliche Freude über die Ankunft Clervals und bei seinem Anblick mußte ich meines Vaters, meiner Elisabeth und meiner Heimat gedenken.","Nothing could equal my delight on seeing Clerval; his presence brought back to my thoughts my father, Elizabeth, and all those scenes of home so dear to my recollection."
54,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_55.flac,00009-f000041,0.773451,"Ich ergriff seine Hand und vergaß all mein Elend und Unglück; ich fühlte das erste Mal seit Monaten wieder eine ruhige, ernste Freude.","I grasped his hand, and in a moment forgot my horror and misfortune; I felt suddenly, and for the first time during many months, calm and serene joy."
55,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_56.flac,00009-f000042,0.902917,"Ich war deshalb imstande, meinen Freund in der herzlichsten Weise zu begrüßen und ihn zu meiner Wohnung zu führen.","I welcomed my friend, there fore, in the most cordial manner, and we walked towards my college."
56,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_57.flac,00009-f000043,0.6779109999999999,"Clerval erzählte mir von unseren gemeinsamen Freunden und von seiner Freude, daß es ihm nun auch vergönnt sei, nach Ingolstadt zu kommen.","Clerval continued talking for some time about our mutual friends, and his own good fortune in being permitted to come to Ingolstadt."
57,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_58.flac,00009-f000044,0.293956,"Du kannst dir leicht vorstellen, sagte er, welche Schwierigkeiten es kostete, meinen Vater zu überzeugen, daß mit der Kenntnis der Buchführung noch nicht alles Wissen erschöpft sei.","You may easily believe, said he, how great was the difficulty to persuade my father that it was not absolutely necessary for a merchant not to understand any thing except bookkeeping; and, indeed, I believe I left him incredulous to the last, for his constant answer to my unwearied entreaties was the same as that of the Dutch Chapter IV schoolmaster in the Vicar of Wakefield: 'I have ten thousand florins a year without Greek, I eat heartily without Greek.'"
58,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_59.flac,00009-f000044,0.28343,"Ich bin mir auch heute noch nicht klar, ob er es wirklich eingesehen hat, denn seine ständige Antwort auf meine immerwährenden flehendlichen Bitten war das, was der holländische Schulmeister im Vikar von Wakefield sagt:","<MERGE> You may easily believe, said he, how great was the difficulty to persuade my father that it was not absolutely necessary for a merchant not to understand any thing except bookkeeping; and, indeed, I believe I left him incredulous to the last, for his constant answer to my unwearied entreaties was the same as that of the Dutch Chapter IV schoolmaster in the Vicar of Wakefield: 'I have ten thousand florins a year without Greek, I eat heartily without Greek.'"
59,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_60.flac,00009-f000046,0.949425,"Ich habe zehntausend Gulden im Jahr und das Essen schmeckt mir ausgezeichnet, ohne daß ich Griechisch kann.","It gives me the greatest delight to see you; but tell me how you left my father, brothers, and Elizabeth."
60,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_61.flac,00009-f000046,0.25665,"Aber schließlich besiegte die Liebe zu mir doch seine Abneigung gegen die Wissenschaft und er erlaubte mir dann, eine Entdeckungsreise ins Land des Geistes zu wagen.","It gives me the greatest delight to see you; but tell me how you left my father, brothers, and Elizabeth."
61,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_62.flac,00009-f000047,0.608824,"Es freut mich herzlich, dich wiederzusehen, aber nun sage mir auch, wie geht es Vater, wie geht es meinen Brüdern und Elisabeth?.Sie sind gesund und zufrieden, nur machen sie sich Sorge, weil du so selten etwas von dir hast hören lassen.","Very well, and very happy, only a little uneasy that they hear from you so seldom."
62,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_63.flac,00009-f000048,0.777358,"Übrigens habe ich vor, dir deswegen noch die Leviten zu lesen.","By the bye, I mean to lecture you a little upon their account myself."
63,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_64.flac,00009-f000049,0.6664720000000001,"Aber, lieber Frankenstein, fuhr er fort, nachdem er kurz sein Gespräch abgebrochen und mir gerade ins Gesicht gesehen hatte, es ist mir eben jetzt erst aufgefallen, wie elend du aussiehst.","But, my dear Franken stein, continued he, stopping short, and gazing full in my face, I did not before remark how very ill you appear; so thin and pale; you look as if you had been watching for several nights."
64,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_67.flac,00009-f000050,0.519617,"Ich bin seit einiger Zeit so angestrengt tätig gewesen, daß ich nicht zur Ruhe kam.","You have guessed right; I have lately been so deeply engaged in one occupation, that I have not allowed myself sufficient rest, as you see: but I hope, I sincerely hope, that all these employments are now at an end, and that I am at length free."
65,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_68.flac,00009-f000050,0.519617,"Aber ich hoffe zuversichtlich, daß all das nun vorüber ist und ich endlich wieder mein eigener Herr bin.","<MERGE> You have guessed right; I have lately been so deeply engaged in one occupation, that I have not allowed myself sufficient rest, as you see: but I hope, I sincerely hope, that all these employments are now at an end, and that I am at length free."
66,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_69.flac,00009-f000053,0.547521,"Ich zitterte am ganzen Leibe und war nicht imstande, an die Erlebnisse der vergangenen Nacht zu denken, geschweige denn von ihnen zu erzählen.","I then reflected, and the thought made me shiver, that the creature whom I had left in my apartment might still be there, alive, and walking about."
67,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_70.flac,00009-f000052,0.669748,Ich schlug ein rasches Tempo ein und bald hatten wir mein Haus erreicht.,"I walked with a quick pace, and we soon arrived at my college."
68,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_71.flac,00009-f000053,1.09713,"Ich überlegte und schauderte bei dem Gedanken, daß die Kreatur, die ich in meinem Zimmer zurückgelassen, immer noch dort sein könnte.","I then reflected, and the thought made me shiver, that the creature whom I had left in my apartment might still be there, alive, and walking about."
69,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_72.flac,00009-f000054,1.26454,"Ich fürchtete mich, das Ungeheuer wieder zu erblicken, noch mehr aber fürchtete ich, Henry könnte es sehen.",I dreaded to behold this monster; but I feared still more that Henry should see him.
70,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_73.flac,00009-f000055,0.763037,"Ich bat ihn also, einige Augenblicke am Fuße der Treppe zu warten, und tastete mich durch das dunkle Treppenhaus hinauf zu meinem Zimmer.","Entreating him therefore to remain a few minutes at the bottom of the stairs, I darted up towards my own room."
71,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_74.flac,00009-f000057,1.05432,"Erst als ich die Hand auf den Türdrücker legte, kam ich wieder zu mir und kalt lief es mir über den Rücken.",I then paused; and a cold shivering came over me.
72,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_76.flac,00009-f000057,0.655844,Aber keine Spur von dem Gefürchteten.,I then paused; and a cold shivering came over me.
73,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_77.flac,00009-f000059,0.5842109999999999,"Ich sprang förmlich in die Wohnung hinein, doch Wohnzimmer und Schlafzimmer waren leer; der unheimliche Geselle war fort.",I stepped fearfully in: Chapter IV the apartment was empty; and my bedroom was also freed from its hideous guest.
74,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_78.flac,00009-f000059,0.41737,"Ich konnte es gar nicht fassen, daß mir ein solch ungeheures Glück beschieden sein sollte.",I stepped fearfully in: Chapter IV the apartment was empty; and my bedroom was also freed from its hideous guest.
75,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_79.flac,00009-f000060,1.19415,"Aber nachdem ich mich überzeugt hatte, daß mein Feind wirklich geflohen war, klatschte ich vor Freude in die Hände und eilte hinunter zu Clerval.","I could hardly believe that so great a goodfortune could have befallen me; but when I became assured that my enemy had indeed fled, I clapped my hands for joy and ran down to Clerval."
76,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_80.flac,00009-f000061,0.385714,Ich nahm ihn dann mit herauf und das Mädchen brachte sofort das Frühstück.,"We ascended into my room, and the servant presently brought breakfast; but I was unable to contain myself."
77,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_81.flac,00009-f000062,0.366149,"Ich war jedoch unfähig, mich einen Augenblick still zu halten; mein ganzer Körper vibrierte vor Erregung und mein Puls hämmerte wie rasend.","It was not joy only that possessed me; I felt my flesh tingle with excess of sensitiveness, and my pulse beat rapidly."
78,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_82.flac,00009-f000062,0.59726,"Ich sprang über die Stühle, klatschte mit den Händen und lachte laut und übertrieben.","It was not joy only that possessed me; I felt my flesh tingle with excess of sensitiveness, and my pulse beat rapidly."
79,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_83.flac,00009-f000063,1.17591,Clerval schrieb das alles anfänglich der Freude des Wiedersehens zu.,"I was unable to remain for a single instant in the same place; I jumped over the chairs, clapped my hands, and laughed aloud."
80,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_84.flac,00009-f000064,0.297321,"Bei näherer Beobachtung aber mochte er in meinen Augen einen wilden Fieberglanz entdeckt haben, den er sich nicht erklären konnte.","Clerval at first attributed my unusual spirits to joy on his arrival; but when he observed me more attentively, he saw a wildness in my eyes for which he could not account; and my loud, unrestrained, heartless laughter, frightened and astonished him."
81,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_85.flac,00009-f000064,0.297321,"Auch mein lautes, rücksichtsloses, herzloses Lachen war ihm vielleicht aufgefallen und hatte ihm Sorge eingeflößt.","<MERGE> Clerval at first attributed my unusual spirits to joy on his arrival; but when he observed me more attentively, he saw a wildness in my eyes for which he could not account; and my loud, unrestrained, heartless laughter, frightened and astonished him."
82,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_86.flac,00009-f000065,0.5307689999999999,"Was hast du denn nur, lieber Viktor, was hast du denn? rief er.","My dear Victor, cried he, what, for God's sake, is the matter?"
83,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_87.flac,00009-f000066,0.2875,Lache doch nicht so häßlich.,Do not laugh in that manner.
84,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_88.flac,00009-f000067,0.6642859999999999,Wie miserabel du aussiehst.,How ill you are!
85,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_90.flac,00009-f000070,0.383333,"Er kann es dir sagen rette mich, rette mich vor ihm!","Oh, save me! save me!"
86,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_91.flac,00009-f000071,0.698426,"Ich meinte zu fühlen, wie das Ungeheuer nach mir griff; ich schlug wie wütend um mich und brach dann ohnmächtig zusammen.","I imagined that the monster seized me; I struggled furiously, and fell down in a fit."
87,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_92.flac,00009-f000072,0.21071399999999998,Armer Clerval!,Poor Clerval! what must have been his feelings?
88,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_93.flac,00009-f000072,0.21071399999999998,Was mußt du ausgestanden haben?,<MERGE> Poor Clerval! what must have been his feelings?
89,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_94.flac,00009-f000073,0.475576,"Er hatte sich so innig auf ein Wiedersehen gefreut, und so mußte es enden!","A meeting, which he anticipated with such joy, so strangely turned to bitterness."
90,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_95.flac,00009-f000074,1.00747,"Aber ich konnte ja seinen Gram nicht sehen, denn ich war bewußtlos und kam lange, lange nicht mehr zu mir.","But I was not the witness of his grief; for I was lifeless, and did not recover my senses for a long, long time."
91,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_96.flac,00009-f000075,0.160563,"Mit diesem Zwischenfall hatte ein heftiges Nervenfieber seinen Anfang genommen, das mich monatelang ans Bett fesselte.","This was the commencement of a nervous fever, which confined me for several months."
92,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_97.flac,00009-f000076,1.0263200000000001,Während dieser Zeit hatte Henry ganz allein meine Pflege übernommen.,During all that time Henry was my only nurse.
93,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_98.flac,00009-f000077,0.822672,"Später erfuhr ich, daß er meinen Lieben in der Heimat die ganze Gefährlichkeit meiner Krankheit verschwiegen hatte, weil er wußte, daß mein Vater schon zu alt war, um die lange Reise zu machen, und daß Elisabeth sich zu Tode gehärmt hätte.","I afterwards learned that, knowing my father's advanced age, and unfitness for so long a journey, Chapter IV and how wretched my sickness would make Elizabeth, he spared them this grief by concealing the extent of my disorder."
94,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_99.flac,00009-f000078,0.73963,"Da er überzeugt war, daß niemand imstande wäre, mich aufopfernder und aufmerksamer zu pflegen als er, und fest an meine Wiederherstellung glaubte, wagte er es, die Verantwortung zu übernehmen und so den Meinen einen Liebesdienst zu erweisen.","He knew that I could not have a more kind and attentive nurse than himself; and, firm in the hope he felt of my recovery, he did not doubt that, instead of doing harm, he performed the kindest action that he could towards them."
95,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_100.flac,00009-f000079,0.442857,"Ich war wirklich sehr elend daran, und sicherlich hat mich nur die unausgesetzte, hingebende Pflege meines Freundes vom Tode errettet.",But I was in reality very ill; and surely nothing but the unbounded and unremitting attentions of my friend could have restored me to life.
96,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_101.flac,00009-f000079,0.862136,"Das Ungetüm, dem ich das Leben gegeben, schwebte mir immer vor und in meinen Fieberphantasten spielte es die Hauptrolle.",But I was in reality very ill; and surely nothing but the unbounded and unremitting attentions of my friend could have restored me to life.
97,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_102.flac,00009-f000080,0.738462,Henry wußte sich anfangs meine Reden nicht zu deuten und hielt sie jedenfalls für die Produkte eines fieberglühenden Gehirns.,"The form of the monster on whom I had bestowed existence was for ever before my eyes, and I raved incessantly concerning him."
98,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_103.flac,00009-f000081,0.768246,"Da sich aber dieselben Szenen immer wiederholten und meine Gedanken immer auf denselben Punkt zurückkehrten, wurde er sich doch klar, daß irgend ein seltsames, schreckliches Ereignis zu meiner Erkrankung den Anlaß gegeben haben mußte.",Doubtless my words sur prised Henry: he at first believed them to be the wanderings of my disturbed imagination; but the pertinacity with which I continually recurred to the same subject persuaded him that my disorder indeed owed its origin to some uncommon and terrible event.
99,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_104.flac,00009-f000082,0.866597,"Sehr langsam schritt meine Genesung vorwärts, immer wieder aufgehalten durch Rückfälle, die meinem Freunde viel Gram und Sorge verursachten.","By very slow degrees, and with frequent relapses, that alarmed and grieved my friend, I recovered."
100,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_105.flac,00009-f000083,0.910598,"Ich erinnere mich noch genau des Augenblickes, da ich zum ersten Male wieder Dinge wahrnahm, die mich umgaben; wie ich mich darüber freute, daß die gefallenen Blätter nun nicht mehr zu sehen waren, sondern daß die Knospen an den Bäumen vor meinem Fenster aufsprangen.","I remember the first time I became capable of observing outward objects with any kind of pleasure, I perceived that the fallen leaves had disappeared, and that the young buds were shooting forth from the trees that shaded my window."
101,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_106.flac,00009-f000084,0.5098739999999999,"Es war ein wunderschöner Frühling, der zu meiner Gesundung ein gut Teil beitrug.",It was a divine spring; and the season contributed greatly to my convalescence.
102,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_107.flac,00009-f000084,0.470168,"Ich empfand, wie sich Gefühle der Liebe und Freude wieder in meiner Brust zu regen begannen.",It was a divine spring; and the season contributed greatly to my convalescence.
103,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_108.flac,00009-f000085,0.684984,"Allmählich wich der Alb von mir, der mich so bedrückt hatte, und nach kurzer Zeit war ich so froh wie damals, als mich jene unselige Leidenschaft noch nicht gepackt hatte.","I felt also sentiments of joy and affection revive in my bosom; my gloom disappeared, and in a short time I became as cheerful as before I was attacked by the fatal passion."
104,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_109.flac,00009-f000086,1.02955,"Teurer Clerval, sagte ich, wie gut und edel du bist!","Dearest Clerval, exclaimed I, how kind, how very good you are to me."
105,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_110.flac,00009-f000087,0.340652,Diesen ganzen Winter hast du mir geopfert statt zu studieren.,"This whole winter, instead of being spent in study, as you promised yourself, has been consumed in my sick room."
106,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_111.flac,00009-f000088,1.10497,Wie soll ich das je heimzahlen?,How shall I ever repay you?
107,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_112.flac,00009-f000089,0.746154,"Ich mache mir bittere Vorwürfe, denn ich war ja die Ursache, und bitte dich mir zu verzeihen.",I feel the greatest remorse for the disappointment of which I have been the occasion; but you will forgive me.
108,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_113.flac,00009-f000090,0.841584,"Ich will nichts, als daß du dich nicht aufregst und möglichst bald gesund wirst; und da du dich gerade in so guter Laune befindest, darf ich doch etwas mit dir besprechen?.Ich zitterte.","You will repay me entirely, if you do not discompose Chapter IV yourself, but get well as fast as you can; and since you appear in such good spirits, I may speak to you on one subject, may I not?"
109,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_114.flac,00009-f000090,0.179883,Etwas!,"<MERGE> You will repay me entirely, if you do not discompose Chapter IV yourself, but get well as fast as you can; and since you appear in such good spirits, I may speak to you on one subject, may I not?"
110,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_115.flac,00009-f000091,1.10909,Was konnte das sein.,I trembled.
111,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_116.flac,00009-f000093,0.787755,"Vielleicht dies Etwas, an das ich gar nicht zu denken wagte?",Could he allude to an object on whom I dared not even think?
112,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_117.flac,00009-f000094,0.7305560000000001,"Rege dich nicht auf, sagte Clerval, der bemerkt hatte, wie ich blaß wurde, wenn es dich quält, will ich nicht weiter davon reden.","Compose yourself, said Clerval, who observed my ch ange of colour, I will not mention it, if it agitates you; but your father and cousin would be very happy if they received a letter from you in your own handwriting."
113,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_118.flac,00009-f000094,0.775419,"Aber ich wollte nur sagen, daß dein Vater und Elisabeth glücklich sein würden, wenn sie endlich einmal wieder einen Brief von deiner eigenen Hand erhielten.","Compose yourself, said Clerval, who observed my ch ange of colour, I will not mention it, if it agitates you; but your father and cousin would be very happy if they received a letter from you in your own handwriting."
114,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_119.flac,00009-f000096,0.557143,"Sie wissen ja nicht, wie krank du warst, und dürften sich deinetwegen ängstigen.",Is that all? my dear Henry.
115,67.frankenstein_de_1211_librivox,00009-frankenstein_120.flac,00009-f000096,0.24782600000000002,"Ist das alles, lieber Clerval?",Is that all? my dear Henry.