LibriS2S / alignments /23 /00016-around80days_map_DeEn.csv
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0,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_3.flac,00016-f000004,0.10705799999999999,"Aouda nicht so gut gesorgt, als Phileas Fogg gewünscht hätte.","However, the trip from Calcutta to Hong Kong only comprised some three thousand five hundred miles, occupying from ten to twelve days, and the young woman was not difficult to please."
1,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_4.flac,00016-f000004,0.10705799999999999,"Zudem handelte sich's nur um eine Fahrt von dreitausendfünfhundert Meilen, elf bis zwölf Tage, und die junge Frau war kein peinlicher Passagier.","<MERGE> However, the trip from Calcutta to Hong Kong only comprised some three thousand five hundred miles, occupying from ten to twelve days, and the young woman was not difficult to please."
2,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_5.flac,00016-f000005,-0.103125,Während der ersten Tage dieser Fahrt lernte Mrs.,"During the first days of the journey Aouda became better acquainted with her protector, and constantly gave evidence of her deep gratitude for what he had done."
3,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_6.flac,00016-f000005,-0.103125,Aouda den Herrn Phileas Fogg näher kennen.,"<MERGE> During the first days of the journey Aouda became better acquainted with her protector, and constantly gave evidence of her deep gratitude for what he had done."
4,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_7.flac,00016-f000006,0.414516,Bei jeder Gelegenheit gab sie ihm die innigste Dankbarkeit zu erkennen.,"The phlegmatic gentleman listened to her, apparently at least, SHE SHOWED HDI THE MOST IITELY GEATITUDE."
5,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_9.flac,00016-f000009,0.843083,"Er wachte darüber, daß es der jungen Frau an nichts mangelte; kam regelmäßig zu gewissen Zeiten, wo nicht zum Plaudern, doch um ihr zuzuhören.","He visited her regularly each day at certain hours, not so much to talk himself as to sit and hear her talk."
6,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_10.flac,00016-f000010,0.613525,"Er erfüllte gegen sie auf's Strengste die Pflichten der Höflichkeit, aber mit der Grazie und Unmittelbarkeit eines Automaten mit eigens dafür eingerichteten Bewegungen.","He treated her with the strictest politeness, but with the precision of an automaton, the movements of which had been arranged for this purpose."
7,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_11.flac,00016-f000011,0.917797,"Aouda wußte nicht recht, was sie von ihm halten sollte, aber Passepartout gab ihr in Kürze Auskunft über das sonderbare Wesen seines Herrn.","Aouda did not quite know what to make of him, though Passepartout had given her some hints of his master's eccentricity, and made her smile by telling her of the wager which was sending him round the world."
8,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_12.flac,00016-f000012,0.658163,"Sie lächelte ein wenig; aber sie verdankte ihm ihr Leben, und ihr Retter konnte dadurch nichts verlieren, daß sie ihn mit dankbarem Auge ansah.","After all, she owed Phileas Fogg her life, and she always regarded him through the exalting medium of her gratitude."
9,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_13.flac,00016-f000013,0.766766,"Aouda bestätigte die rührende Geschichte, welche der Hinduführer von ihr erzählt hatte.",Aouda confirmed the Parsee guide's narrative of her touching history.
10,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_14.flac,00016-f000014,0.6075189999999999,"Sie gehörte allerdings der Race an, welche unter den Eingeborenen den ersten Rang behauptet.","She did, indeed, belong to the highest of the native races of India."
11,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_15.flac,00016-f000015,0.337634,Manche parsische Kaufleute haben durch Baumwollenhandel in Indien großes Vermögen erworben.,"Many of the Parsee mer chants have made great fortunes there by dealing in cotton; and one of them, Sir Jametsee Jeejeebhoy, was made a baronet by the English government."
12,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_16.flac,00016-f000015,0.337634,"Ein solcher, Sir James Iejeebhoy, war von der englischen Regierung in den Adelstand erhoben worden, und Mrs.","<MERGE> Many of the Parsee mer chants have made great fortunes there by dealing in cotton; and one of them, Sir Jametsee Jeejeebhoy, was made a baronet by the English government."
13,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_17.flac,00016-f000016,1.1875,"Aouda war eine Verwandte dieses reichen Mannes, welcher zu Bombay wohnte.","Aouda was a relative of this great man, and it was his cousin, Jeejeeh, whom she hoped to join at Hong Kong."
14,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_19.flac,00016-f000017,-0.047589099999999995,"Ob sie Zuflucht und Beistand bei ihm finden würde, konnte sie nicht behaupten.","Whether she would find a protector in him she could not tell; but Mr. Fogg essayed to calm her anxieties, and to assure her that everything would be mathematically — he used the very word — ar ranged."
15,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_20.flac,00016-f000017,-0.047589099999999995,"Herr Fogg antwortete hierauf, sie möge nur ganz ruhig sein, es werde sich Alles mathematisch genau regeln!","<MERGE> Whether she would find a protector in him she could not tell; but Mr. Fogg essayed to calm her anxieties, and to assure her that everything would be mathematically — he used the very word — ar ranged."
16,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_21.flac,00016-f000017,-0.047589099999999995,So pflegte er sich auszudrücken.,"<MERGE> Whether she would find a protector in him she could not tell; but Mr. Fogg essayed to calm her anxieties, and to assure her that everything would be mathematically — he used the very word — ar ranged."
17,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_22.flac,00016-f000018,0.266667,"Ob die junge Frau diesen horribeln Ausdruck verstand, muß dahingestellt bleiben.","Aouda fastened her great eyes, clear as the AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS. sacred lakes of the Himalaya, upon him; but the in tractable Fogg, as reserved as ever, did not seem at all inclined to throw himself into this lake."
18,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_23.flac,00016-f000018,0.266667,"Doch ruhten ihre großen Augen auf denen des Herrn Fogg, ihre großen Augen, die so klar waren, wie die heiligen Seen des Himalaya!","<MERGE> Aouda fastened her great eyes, clear as the AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS. sacred lakes of the Himalaya, upon him; but the in tractable Fogg, as reserved as ever, did not seem at all inclined to throw himself into this lake."
19,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_24.flac,00016-f000019,-0.17875,"Aber der spröde Herr Fogg, so zugeknöpft wie jemals, schien nicht ein Mann zu sein, der fähig wäre, sich in diesen See zu stürzen.","The first few days of the voyage passed prosperously, amid favourable weather and propitious winds, and they soon came in sight of the great Andaman, the principal of the islands in the Bay of Bengal, with its picturesque Saddle Peak, two thousand four hundred feet high, looming above the waters."
20,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_25.flac,00016-f000019,-0.17875,Dieser erste Theil der Fahrt des Rangoon verlief unter vortrefflichen Umständen.,"<MERGE> The first few days of the voyage passed prosperously, amid favourable weather and propitious winds, and they soon came in sight of the great Andaman, the principal of the islands in the Bay of Bengal, with its picturesque Saddle Peak, two thousand four hundred feet high, looming above the waters."
21,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_26.flac,00016-f000019,-0.17875,Das Wetter war leidlich.,"<MERGE> The first few days of the voyage passed prosperously, amid favourable weather and propitious winds, and they soon came in sight of the great Andaman, the principal of the islands in the Bay of Bengal, with its picturesque Saddle Peak, two thousand four hundred feet high, looming above the waters."
22,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_27.flac,00016-f000019,-0.17875,Diese ganze Partie des unermeßlichen Bengalischen Busens war der raschen Fahrt günstig.,"<MERGE> The first few days of the voyage passed prosperously, amid favourable weather and propitious winds, and they soon came in sight of the great Andaman, the principal of the islands in the Bay of Bengal, with its picturesque Saddle Peak, two thousand four hundred feet high, looming above the waters."
23,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_28.flac,00016-f000020,-0.0137255,"Der Rangoon bekam bald GroßAndaman in Sicht, die Hauptinsel der Gruppe, welche durch das malerische, zweitausendvierhundert Fuß hohe Gebirge SaddlePeack den Seefahrern weithin kenntlich ist.","The steamer passed along near the shores, but the savage Papuans, who are in the lowest scale of humanity, but are not, as has been asserted, cannibals, did not make their appearance."
24,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_29.flac,00016-f000020,-0.0137255,Man fuhr längs der Küste ziemlich nahe vorbei.,"<MERGE> The steamer passed along near the shores, but the savage Papuans, who are in the lowest scale of humanity, but are not, as has been asserted, cannibals, did not make their appearance."
25,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_30.flac,00016-f000021,0.541304,Die wilden Papua's der Insel ließen sich nicht sehen.,"The panorama of the islands, as they steamed by them, was superb."
26,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_31.flac,00016-f000021,0.483357,"Es sind zwar Geschöpfe, die auf der untersten Stufe menschlicher Bildung stehen, aber Menschenfresser sind sie doch nicht.","The panorama of the islands, as they steamed by them, was superb."
27,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_32.flac,00016-f000022,-0.10491199999999999,Die Inseln bildeten ein prachtvolles Panorama.,"Vast forests of palms, arecs, bamboo, teak wood, of the gigantic mimosa, and treelike ferns covered the foreground, while behind, the graceful outlines of the mountains were traced against the sky; and along the coasts swarmed by thousands the precious swallows whose nests furnish a luxurious dish to the tables of the Celestial Empire."
28,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_33.flac,00016-f000022,-0.10491199999999999,"Im Vordergrunde war es mit ungeheurer Waldung, Pisang, Areka, Bambus, Muskat, Thekbäumen, riesenhaften Mimosen, baumartigen Farrenkräutern bedeckt, und den Hintergrund bildeten zierliche Gebirgssilhouetten.","<MERGE> Vast forests of palms, arecs, bamboo, teak wood, of the gigantic mimosa, and treelike ferns covered the foreground, while behind, the graceful outlines of the mountains were traced against the sky; and along the coasts swarmed by thousands the precious swallows whose nests furnish a luxurious dish to the tables of the Celestial Empire."
29,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_34.flac,00016-f000022,-0.10491199999999999,"Die Küsten wimmelten von Tausenden köstlicher Salanganen, deren eßbare Nester im himmlischen Reich ein beliebtes Gericht bilden.","<MERGE> Vast forests of palms, arecs, bamboo, teak wood, of the gigantic mimosa, and treelike ferns covered the foreground, while behind, the graceful outlines of the mountains were traced against the sky; and along the coasts swarmed by thousands the precious swallows whose nests furnish a luxurious dish to the tables of the Celestial Empire."
30,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_36.flac,00016-f000024,0.7947960000000001,"Was trieb während dieser Fahrt der Agent Fix, den sein Unstern in diese Rundfahrt fortgerissen hatte?","What was detective Fix, so unluckily drawn on from country to country, doing all this while?"
31,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_38.flac,00016-f000026,0.946957,"Es wäre ihm in der That auch schwer gewesen, über den Grund seiner Anwesenheit an Bord sich auszusprechen, ohne bei Passepartout, der glauben mußte, er sei zu Bombay geblieben, Verdacht zu erregen.","It would have been difficult to explain why he was on board without awaking Passepartout's suspicions, who thought him still at Bombay."
32,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_39.flac,00016-f000027,0.630142,"Aber die Logik der Umstände brachte ihn doch dazu, die Bekanntschaft mit dem braven Jungen wieder anzuknüpfen.","But necessity impelled him, nevertheless, to renew his acquaintance with the worthy servant, as will be seen."
33,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_40.flac,00016-f000028,0.041511,"Wie das kam, wird sich gleich zeigen.",All the detective's hopes and wishes were now centred on Hong Kong; for the steamer's stay at Singapore would be too brief to enable him to take any steps there.
34,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_41.flac,00016-f000028,0.041511,"Alle Hoffnungen, alle Wünsche des PolizeiAgenten waren jetzt auf einen einzigen Punkt concentrirt, Hongkong; denn das Packetboot hielt zu kurze Zeit bei Singapore an, um in dieser Stadt etwas vornehmen zu können.",<MERGE> All the detective's hopes and wishes were now centred on Hong Kong; for the steamer's stay at Singapore would be too brief to enable him to take any steps there.
35,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_42.flac,00016-f000028,0.82,"Es mußte also zu Hongkong die Verhaftung erfolgen, oder der Dieb entwischte ihm ohne Möglichkeit seiner habhaft zu werden.",All the detective's hopes and wishes were now centred on Hong Kong; for the steamer's stay at Singapore would be too brief to enable him to take any steps there.
36,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_43.flac,00016-f000029,0.854167,Hongkong war in der That noch der einzige Fleck englischen Landes auf der ganzen Reise.,"The arrest must be made at Hong Kong, or the robber would probably escape him for ever."
37,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_44.flac,00016-f000030,1.02308,"Weiter hinaus boten China, Japan, Amerika dem Herrn Fogg eine sichere Zuflucht.","Hong Kong was the last English ground on which he would set foot; beyond, China, Japan, America offered to Fogg an almost certain refuge."
38,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_45.flac,00016-f000031,0.390233,"Zu Hongkong aber, wenn er endlich den ihm nachgesendeten Verhaftsbefehl bekäme, wollte Fix die Verhaftung Foggs vornehmen, und ihn der Localpolizei überliefern.","If the warrant should at last make its appearance at Hong Kong, Fix could arrest him and give him into the hands of the local police, and there would be no further trouble."
39,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_46.flac,00016-f000031,0.390233,Damit hatte es keine Schwierigkeit.,"<MERGE> If the warrant should at last make its appearance at Hong Kong, Fix could arrest him and give him into the hands of the local police, and there would be no further trouble."
40,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_47.flac,00016-f000032,-0.0261745,Aber über Hongkong hinaus reichte ein bloßer Verhaftsbefehl nicht hin.,"But beyond Hong Kong, a simple warrant would be of no avail; an extradition warrant would be necessary, and that would result in delays and obstacles, of which the rascal would take advantage to elude justice."
41,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_48.flac,00016-f000032,-0.0261745,"Es mußte eine förmliche Auslieferung stattfinden, welche Zögerungen und Hindernisse aller Art mit sich führte, die der Schurke benutzen konnte, ihm definitiv zu entrinnen.","<MERGE> But beyond Hong Kong, a simple warrant would be of no avail; an extradition warrant would be necessary, and that would result in delays and obstacles, of which the rascal would take advantage to elude justice."
42,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_50.flac,00016-f000034,0.599911,"Also, sagte sich Fix wiederholt, während ihm in seiner Cabine die Zeit lang ward, also, entweder der Verhaftsbefehl wird zu Hongkong sein, und ich fasse meinen Mann ab, oder er ist noch nicht da, und dann muß ich um jeden Preis seine Abreise verhindern!","I have failed at Bombay, and I have failed at Calcutta : if I fail at Hong Kong, my reputation is lost Cost what it may, I must succeed !"
43,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_51.flac,00016-f000035,0.969643,Ich bin mit meinem Plane zu Bombay durchgefallen und zu Calcutta!,"But how shall I prevent his departure, if that should turn out to be my last resource ?"
44,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_52.flac,00016-f000034,0.708379,"Wenn ich zu Hongkong meinen Zweck verfehle, so ist mein Ruf dahin!","I have failed at Bombay, and I have failed at Calcutta : if I fail at Hong Kong, my reputation is lost Cost what it may, I must succeed !"
45,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_53.flac,00016-f000035,0.326573,"Koste es, was es wolle, jetzt muß ich zum Ziel.","But how shall I prevent his departure, if that should turn out to be my last resource ?"
46,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_54.flac,00016-f000038,0.423387,"Aber was kann ich machen, um nöthigenfalls die Weiterreise dieses verfluchten Fogg zu hindern?.Wenn alles sonst fehlschlüge, war Fix entschlossen, dem Passepartout alles zu offenbaren, ihn seinen Herrn, dessen Schuld er sicherlich nicht theilte, kennen zu lehren.","The servant, enlightened by his disclosure, and afraid of being himself implicated in the crime, would doubtless become an ally of the detective."
47,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_56.flac,00016-f000039,0.781412,"Doch war dies immer ein gewagtes Mittel, das nur in Ermangelung jedes andern angewendet werden dürfe.","But this method was a dangerous one, only to be employed when everything else had failed."
48,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_57.flac,00016-f000040,0.610672,Passepartout könnte ja durch ein einziges Wort bei seinem Herrn den Handel gänzlich verderben.,A word from Passepartout to his master would ruin all.
49,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_60.flac,00016-f000044,1.5,Wer war diese Frau?,Who was this woman ?
50,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_61.flac,00016-f000045,0.795455,Welches Zusammenwirken von Umständen hatte sie zur Begleiterin Fogg's gemacht?,What combination of events had made her Fogg's travelling companion ?
51,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_62.flac,00016-f000046,0.939927,Offenbar waren sie zwischen Bombay und Calcutta mit einander in Verbindung gekommen.,They had evidently met somewhere between Bombay and Calcutta; but where ?
52,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_65.flac,00016-f000047,0.624077,"Im Gegentheil, war es nicht Zweck dieser Reise durch Indien, mit dieser reizenden Person zusammen zu kommen? denn reizend war sie doch gewiß!","Had they met accidentally, or had Fogg gone into the interior purposely in quest of this charming dam sel ?"
53,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_66.flac,00016-f000048,1.14286,Fix hatte sie im Verhörsaal zu Calcutta wohl bemerkt.,Fix was fairly puzzled.
54,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_67.flac,00016-f000049,0.0756119,"Man begreift, wie sehr der Agent von Neugierde gestachelt sein mußte.",He asked himself whether there had not been a wicked elopement; and this idea so AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS. impressed itself upon his mind that he determined to make use of the supposed intrigue.
55,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_68.flac,00016-f000049,0.0756119,"Er fragte sich, ob nicht eine verbrecherische Entführung dabei im Spiele gewesen.",<MERGE> He asked himself whether there had not been a wicked elopement; and this idea so AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS. impressed itself upon his mind that he determined to make use of the supposed intrigue.
56,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_69.flac,00016-f000048,0.8,Ja! Das mußte wohl der Fall sein!,Fix was fairly puzzled.
57,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_70.flac,00016-f000049,0.666285,"Dieser Gedanke setzte sich im Gehirn unseres Fix fest, und er sah wohl ein, welchen Vortheil er aus diesem Umstande ziehen konnte.",He asked himself whether there had not been a wicked elopement; and this idea so AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS. impressed itself upon his mind that he determined to make use of the supposed intrigue.
58,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_71.flac,00016-f000050,0.7787229999999999,"Mochte diese junge Frau verheiratet sein, oder nicht, eine Entführung fand statt, und es war möglich, dem Entführer zu Hongkong Verlegenheiten der Art zu bereiten, daß er sich nicht durch sein Geld aus denselben herausziehen konnte.","Whether the young woman were married or not, he would be able to create such diffi culties for Mr. Fogg at Hong Kong, that he could not escape by paying any amount of money."
59,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_72.flac,00016-f000051,0.695349,Aber man durfte nicht die Ankunft des Rangoon zu Hongkong abwarten.,But could he even wait till they reached Hong Kong ?
60,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_73.flac,00016-f000052,0.656349,"Dieser Fogg hatte die abscheuliche Gewohnheit, aus einem Dampfboot in das andere gleichsam hinüber zu springen, und bevor noch die Sache angefaßt worden, konnte er schon in weiter Ferne sein.","Fogg had an abominable way of jumping from one boat to another, and, before anything could be effected, might get full under weigh again for Yokohama."
61,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_75.flac,00016-f000054,0.550549,"Nun war dies ganz leicht, weil das Packetboot zu Singapore Erfrischungen einnahm, und Singapore durch einen Telegraphen mit der chinesischen Küste in Verbindung stand.","This was easy to do, since the steamer stopped at Singapore, whence there is a telegraphic wire to Hong Kong."
62,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_76.flac,00016-f000055,0.745322,"Doch beschloß Fix, bevor er handelte, um sicherer zu gehen, Passepartout zu befragen.","He finally resolved, moreover, before acting more positively, to ques tion Passepartout."
63,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_77.flac,00016-f000056,0.768035,"Er wußte, daß es nicht sehr schwer war, diesen Jungen zum Plaudern zu bringen, und entschloß sich, sein bisheriges Incognito aufzugeben.","It would not be difficult to make him talk; and, as there was no time to lose, Fix prepared to make himself known."
64,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_81.flac,00016-f000060,0.424051,"Passepartout spazierte eben auf dem Vordertheile, als der Agent auf ihn zustürzte und rief.","The detective rushed forward with every appearance of extreme surprise, and exclaimed, You here, on the ' Rangoon' ?"
65,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_82.flac,00016-f000060,-0.00153061,Sie auf dem Rangoon!,"<MERGE> The detective rushed forward with every appearance of extreme surprise, and exclaimed, You here, on the ' Rangoon' ?"
66,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_83.flac,00016-f000061,0.7676470000000001,"Herr Fix an Bord! erwiderte Passepartout, höchlich erstaunt, als er seinen Reisegefährten auf dem Mongolia erkannte.","What, Monsieur Fix, are you on board ? returned the really astonished Passepartout, recognizing his crony of the AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS."
67,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_85.flac,00016-f000064,0.227586,"Aber, Sie reisen ja ebenfalls um die Erde?",Are you going round the world too ?
68,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_87.flac,00016-f000066,0.954902,"So! sagte Passepartout, dem Anschein nach etwas erstaunt.","Hum! said Passepartout, who seemed for an instant perplexed."
69,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_88.flac,00016-f000067,0.539151,"Aber wie kommt's, daß ich Sie nicht seit unserer Abfahrt aus Calcutta an Bord gesehen habe?",But how is it I have not seen you on board since we left Calcutta?
70,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_89.flac,00016-f000068,0.274468,"Wahrhaftig, ein Unwohlsein. ein wenig Seekrankheit.","Oh, a trifle of seasickness, — I've been staying in my berth."
71,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_91.flac,00016-f000069,0.477444,"Ich vertrage den Golf von Bengalen nicht ebenso gut, wie das Indische Meer.",The Gulf of Bengal does not agree with me as well as the Indian Ocean.
72,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_92.flac,00016-f000070,1.19412,Und Ihr Herr Phileas Fogg?,And how is Mr. Fogg?
73,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_93.flac,00016-f000071,0.92,"Vollkommen wohl, und so pünktlich, wie sein Reisebüchlein!","As well and as punctual as ever, not a day behind time !"
74,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_95.flac,00016-f000072,0.9714290000000001,"Herr Fix, Sie wissen's wohl nicht, daß wir auch eine junge Dame in unserer Gesellschaft haben.","But, Monsieur Fix, you don't know that we have a young lady with us."
75,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_96.flac,00016-f000073,0.824675,"Eine junge Dame? fragte der Agent, der sich stellte, als verstehe er nicht, was sein Begleiter sagen wollte.","A young lady? replied the detective, not seeming to comprehend what was said."
76,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_97.flac,00016-f000074,0.0642993,"Doch setzte ihn Passepartout bald in Kenntniß davon, was vorgegangen war.","Passepartout thereupon recounted Aouda's history, the affair at the Bombay pagoda, the purchase of the elephant for two thousand pounds, the rescue, the arrest and sen tence of the Calcutta court, and the restoration of Mr. Fogg and himself to liberty on bail."
77,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_98.flac,00016-f000074,0.0642993,"Er erzählte den Vorfall in der Pagode zu Bombay, den Ankauf des Elephanten für zweitausend Pfund, wie's bei der Verbrennung herging, wie sie Aouda befreiten, wie das Tribunal zu Calcutta sie verurtheilte und gegen Caution wieder frei gab.","<MERGE> Passepartout thereupon recounted Aouda's history, the affair at the Bombay pagoda, the purchase of the elephant for two thousand pounds, the rescue, the arrest and sen tence of the Calcutta court, and the restoration of Mr. Fogg and himself to liberty on bail."
78,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_99.flac,00016-f000075,0.602128,"Fix, dem die letzteren Vorfälle bekannt waren, stellte sich, als wisse er's nicht, und Passepartout konnte nicht dem Reiz widerstehen, einem Zuhörer, der soviel Interesse dafür zeigte, seine Abenteuer herzuerzählen.","Fix, who was familiar with the last events, seemed to be equally ignorant of all that Passepartout related; and the latter was charmed to find so interested a listener."
79,23.reise_um_die_erde_in_80_tagen_1510_librivox,00016-in80tagen_101.flac,00016-f000078,0.18,"Nein, Herr Fix!",Not at all.