LibriS2S / alignments /18 /00004-undine_map_DeEn.csv
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0,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_0.flac,00004-f000001,0.518085,"Es mögen nun etwan acht Tage her sein, da ritt ich in die freie Reichsstadt ein, welche dort jenseit des Forstes gelegen ist.","It is now about eight days ago since I rode into the free imperial city, which lies on the other side of the forest."
1,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_1.flac,00004-f000002,1.03776,"Bald darauf gab es darin ein schönes Turnieren und Ringelrennen, und ich schonte meinen Gaul und meine Lanze nicht.","Soon after my arrival, there was a splendid tournament and running at the ring, and I spared neither my horse nor my lance."
2,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_2.flac,00004-f000003,0.771691,"Als ich nun einmal an den Schranken still halte, um von der lustigen Arbeit zu rasten und den Helm an einen meiner Knappen zurückreiche, fällt mir ein wunderschönes Frauenbild in die Augen, das im allerherrlichsten Schmuck auf einem der Altane stand und zusah.","Once when I was pausing at the lists, to rest after my merry toil, and was handing back my helmet to one of my squires, my attention was attracted by a female figure of great beauty, who was standing richly attired on one of the galleries allotted to spectators."
3,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_3.flac,00004-f000004,0.642353,"Ich fragte meinen Nachbar und erfuhr, die reizende Jungfrau heiße Bertalda und sei die Pflegetochter eines der mächtigen Herzoge, die in dieser Gegend wohnen.","I asked my neighbor, and learned from him, that the name of the fair lady was Bertalda, and that she was the fosterdaughter of one of the powerful dukes living in the country."
4,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_4.flac,00004-f000005,0.903173,"Ich merkte, daß sie auch mich ansah, und wie es nun bei uns jungen Rittern zu kommen pflegt: hatte ich erst brav geritten, so ging es nun noch ganz anders los.","I remarked that she also was looking at me, and, as it is wont to be with us young knights, I had already ridden bravely, and now pursued my course with renovated confidence and courage."
5,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_5.flac,00004-f000006,0.814412,"Den Abend beim Tanze war ich Bertaldas Gefährte, und das blieb so alle die Tage des Festes hindurch.","In the dance that evening I was Bertalda's partner, and I remained so throughout the festival."
6,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_6.flac,00004-f000007,0.557983,Ein empfindlicher Schmerz an seiner linken herunterhängenden Hand unterbrach hier Huldbrands Rede und zog seine Blicke nach der schmerzenden Stelle.,"A sharp pain in his left hand, which hung down by his side, here interrupted Huldbrand's narrative, and drew his attention to the aching part."
7,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_7.flac,00004-f000008,0.960073,Undine hatte ihre Perlenzähne scharf in seine Finger gesetzt und sah dabei recht finster und unwillig aus.,"Undine had fastened her pearly teeth upon one of his fingers, appearing at the same time very gloomy and angry."
8,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_8.flac,00004-f000009,-0.0207921,Plötzlich aber schaute sie ihm freundlich wehmütig in die Augen und flüsterte ganz leise:,"Suddenly, however, she looked up in his eyes with an expression of tender melancholy, and whispered in a soft voice: It is your own fault."
9,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_9.flac,00004-f000009,-0.0207921,Ihr macht es auch darnach.,"<MERGE> Suddenly, however, she looked up in his eyes with an expression of tender melancholy, and whispered in a soft voice: It is your own fault."
10,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_10.flac,00004-f000010,1.19515,"Dann verhüllte sie ihr Gesicht, und der Ritter fuhr seltsam verwirrt und nachdenklich in seiner Geschichte fort.","Then she hid her face, and the knight, strangely confused and thoughtful, continued his narrative."
11,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_11.flac,00004-f000011,0.186486,"Es ist eine hochmütige, wunderliche Maid, diese Bertalda.","This Bertalda was a haughty, wayward girl."
12,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_12.flac,00004-f000012,1.0357100000000001,"Sie gefiel mir auch am zweiten Tage schon lange nicht mehr wie am ersten, und am dritten noch minder.","Even on the second day she pleased me no longer as she had done on the first, and on the third day still less."
13,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_13.flac,00004-f000013,0.779183,"Aber ich blieb um sie, weil sie freundlicher gegen mich war als gegen andre Ritter, und so kam es auch, daß ich sie im Scherz um einen ihrer Handschuhe bat.","Still I continued about her, because she was more pleasant to me than to any other knight, and thus it was that I begged her in jest to give me one of her gloves."
14,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_14.flac,00004-f000014,0.563566,"Wenn Ihr mir Nachricht bringt und Ihr ganz allein, sagte sie, wie es im berüchtigten Forste aussieht.","I will give it you when you have quite alone explored the illfamed forest,' said she, 'and can bring me tidings of its wonders.'"
15,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_15.flac,00004-f000015,0.753147,"Mir lag eben nicht so viel an ihrem Handschuhe, aber gesprochen war gesprochen, und ein ehrliebender Rittersmann läßt sich zu solchem Probestück nicht zweimal mahnen.","It was not that her glove was of such importance to me, but the word had been said, and an honorable knight would not allow himself to be urged a second time to such a proof of valor."
16,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_16.flac,00004-f000016,0.593478,"Ich denke, sie hatte Euch lieb, unterbrach ihn Undine.","I think she loved you, said Undine, interrupting him."
17,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_17.flac,00004-f000017,1.2689700000000002,"Es sah so aus, entgegnete Huldbrand.","It seemed so, replied Huldbrand."
18,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_18.flac,00004-f000018,0.255319,"Nun, rief das Mädchen lachend, die muß recht dumm sein.","Well, exclaimed the girl, laughing, she must be stupid indeed."
19,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_19.flac,00004-f000019,0.257143,"Von sich zu jagen, was einem lieb ist?",To drive away any one dear to her.
20,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_20.flac,00004-f000020,0.245455,Und vollends in einen verrufnen Wald hinein.,"And moreover, into an illomened wood."
21,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_21.flac,00004-f000021,0.761538,Da hätte der Wald und sein Geheimnis lange für mich warten können.,The forest and its mysteries might have waited long enough for me!
22,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_22.flac,00004-f000022,0.8365739999999999,"Ich machte mich denn gestern morgen auf den Weg, fuhr der Ritter, Undinen freundlich anlächelnd, fort.","Yesterday morning. continued the knight, smiling kindly at Undine, I set out on my enterprise."
23,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_23.flac,00004-f000023,0.4875890000000001,"Die Baumstämme blitzten so rot und schlank im Morgenlichte, das sich hell auf dem grünen Rasen hinstreckte, die Blätter flüsterten so lustig miteinander, daß ich in meinem Herzen über die Leute lachen mußte, die an diesem vergnüglichen Orte irgend etwas Unheimliches erwarten konnten.","The stems of the trees caught the red tints of the morning light which lay brightly on the green turf, the leaves seemed whispering merrily with each other, and in my heart I could have laughed at the people who could have expected anything to terrify them in this pleasant spot."
24,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_24.flac,00004-f000024,0.996182,"Der Wald soll bald durchtrabt sein, hin und zurück! sagte ich in behaglicher Fröhlichkeit zu mir selbst, und eh ich noch daran dachte, war ich tief in die grünenden Schatten hinein und nahm nichts mehr von der hinter mir liegenden Ebne wahr.","I shall soon have trotted through the forest there and back again,' I said to myself, with a feeling of easy gayety, and before I had even thought of it I was deep within the green shades, and could no longer perceive the plain which lay behind me."
25,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_25.flac,00004-f000025,0.505058,"Da fiel es mir erst aufs Herz, daß ich mich auch in dem gewaltigen Forste gar leichtlich verirren könne und daß dieses vielleicht die einzige Gefahr sei, welche den Wandersmann allhier bedrohe.","Then for the first time it struck me that I might easily lose my way in the mighty forest, and that this perhaps was the only danger which the wanderer had to fear."
26,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_26.flac,00004-f000026,0.6758430000000001,"Ich hielt daher stille und sah mich nach dem Stande der Sonne um, die unterdessen etwas höher gerückt war.","I therefore paused and looked round in the direction of the sun, which in the mean while had risen somewhat higher above the horizon."
27,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_27.flac,00004-f000027,0.602941,"Indem ich nun so emporblicke, sehe ich ein schwarzes Ding in den Zweigen einer hohen Eiche.",While I was thus looking up I saw something black in the branches of a lofty oak.
28,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_28.flac,00004-f000028,1.0608600000000001,"Ich denke schon, es ist ein Bär, und fasse nach meiner Klinge; da sagt es mit einer Menschenstimme, aber recht rauh und häßlich, herunter:","I thought it was a bear and I grasped my sword; but with a human voice, that sounded harsh and ugly, it called to me from above: 'If I do not nibble away the branches up here, Sir Malapert, what shall we have to roast you with at midnight?'"
29,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_29.flac,00004-f000029,0.5066039999999999,"Wenn ich hier oben nicht die Zweige abknusperte, woran solltest du denn heut um Mitternacht gebraten werden, Herr Naseweis?","And so saying it grinned and made the branches rustle, so that my horse grew furious and rushed forward with me before I had time to see what sort of a devil it really was."
30,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_30.flac,00004-f000029,0.520452,"Und dabei grinzt es und raschelt mit den Ästen, daß mein Gaul toll wird und mit mir durchgeht, eh ich noch Zeit gewinnen konnte, zu sehn, was es denn eigentlich für eine Teufelsbestie war.","And so saying it grinned and made the branches rustle, so that my horse grew furious and rushed forward with me before I had time to see what sort of a devil it really was."
31,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_31.flac,00004-f000030,0.60119,"Den müßt Ihr nicht nennen, sagte der alte Fischer und kreuzte sich; die Hausfrau tat schweigend desgleichen;","You must not call it so, said the old fisherman as he crossed himself; his wife did the same silently."
32,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_32.flac,00004-f000031,0.708,"Undine sah ihren Liebling mit hellen Augen an, sprechend:","Undine looked at the knight with sparkling eyes and said: The best of the story is that they certainly have not roasted him yet; go on now, you beautiful youth!"
33,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_33.flac,00004-f000031,0.135,"Das beste bei der Geschichte ist, daß sie ihn doch nicht wirklich gebraten haben.","<MERGE> Undine looked at the knight with sparkling eyes and said: The best of the story is that they certainly have not roasted him yet; go on now, you beautiful youth!"
34,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_34.flac,00004-f000032,-0.17083299999999998,"Weiter, du hübscher Jüngling.","The knight continued his narration: My horse was so wild that he almost rushed with me against the stems and branches of trees; he was dripping with sweat, and yet would not suffer himself to be held in."
35,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_35.flac,00004-f000032,-0.17083299999999998,Der Ritter fuhr in seiner Erzählung fort:,"<MERGE> The knight continued his narration: My horse was so wild that he almost rushed with me against the stems and branches of trees; he was dripping with sweat, and yet would not suffer himself to be held in."
36,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_36.flac,00004-f000033,0.720072,"Ich wäre mit meinem scheuen Pferde fast gegen Baumstämme und Äste angerannt; es triefte von Angst und Erhitzung und wollte sich doch noch immer nicht halten lassen. Zuletzt ging es grade auf einen steinigen Abgrund los; da kam mir's plötzlich vor, als werfe sich ein langer weißer Mann dem tollen Hengste quer vor in seinen Weg, der entsetzte sich davor und stand; ich kriegte ihn wieder in meine Gewalt und sah nun erst, daß mein Retter kein weißer Mann war, sondern ein silberheller Bach, der sich neben mir von einem Hügel herunterstürzte, meines Rosses Lauf ungestüm kreuzend und hemmend.","At last he went straight in the direction of a rocky precipice; then it suddenly seemed to me as if a tall white man threw himself across the path of my wild steed; the horse trembled with fear and stopped: I recovered my hold of him, and for the first time perceived that my deliverer was no white man, but a brook of silvery brightness, rushing down from a hill by my side and crossing and impeding my horse's course."
37,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_37.flac,00004-f000034,0.864706,"Danke, lieber Bach! rief Undine, in die Händchen klopfend.","Thanks, dear Brook, exclaimed Undine, clapping her little hands."
38,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_38.flac,00004-f000035,0.97679,Der alte Mann aber sah kopfschüttelnd in tiefem Sinnen vor sich nieder.,"The old man, however, shook his head and looked down in deep thought."
39,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_40.flac,00004-f000038,0.621211,Dabei grinzte er mit einer recht dummen Höflichkeit aus dem breitgeschlitzten Maule hervor und machte viele tausend Scharrfüße und Bücklinge gegen mich.,"At the same time he kept grinning with stupid courtesy, exhibiting his huge mouth, and making a thousand scrapes and bows to me."
40,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_41.flac,00004-f000039,0.722353,"Weil mir nun das Possenspiel sehr mißhagte, dankte ich ihm ganz kurz, warf meinen noch immer zitternden Gaul herum und gedachte, mir ein andres Abenteuer, oder, dafern ich keines fände, den Heimweg zu suchen, denn die Sonne war während meiner tollen Jagd schon über die Mittagshöhe gen Westen gegangen.","As this farce was now becoming inconvenient to me, I thanked him briefly and turned about my still trembling steed, thinking either to seek another adventure, or in case I met with none, to find my way back, for during my wild chase the sun had already passed the meridian; but the little fellow sprang round with the speed of lightning and stood again before my horse."
41,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_43.flac,00004-f000042,0.454406,"Platz da! sagt ich verdrießlich, das Tier ist wild und rennet dich leichtlich um.","Ay, ay!' snarled the imp, with a grin still more horribly stupid."
42,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_44.flac,00004-f000043,0.330665,"Ei, schnarrte das Kerlchen und lachte noch viel entsetzlich dummer, schenkt mir doch erst ein Trinkgeld, denn ich hab ja Euer Rösselein aufgefangen; lägt Ihr doch ohne mich samt Euerm Rösselein in der Steinkluft da unten,","Give me first some drinkmoney, for I have stopped your horse; without me you and your horse would be now both lying in the stony ravine; ugh!"
43,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_46.flac,00004-f000046,0.7422890000000001,"Und zugleich ließ ich ein Goldstück in seine wunderliche Mütze fallen, die er bettelnd vor mir abgezogen hatte.","I then trotted on; but he screamed after me, and suddenly with inconceivable quickness was at my side."
44,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_47.flac,00004-f000047,0.37907,"Dann trabte ich weiter; er aber schrie hinter mir drein und war plötzlich mit unbegreiflicher Schnelligkeit neben mir. Ich sprengte mein Roß im Galopp an; er galoppierte mit, so sauer es ihm zu werden schien und so wunderliche, halb lächerliche, halb gräßliche Verrenkungen er dabei mit seinem Leibe vornahm, wobei er immerfort das Goldstück in die Höhe hielt und bei jedem Galoppsprunge schrie: Falsch Geld!","I urged my horse into a gallop; the imp ran too, making at the same time strange contortions with his body, halfridiculous, half horrible, and holding up the goldpiece, he cried, at every leap, 'False money!, false coin!, false coin!, false money!"
45,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_48.flac,00004-f000048,0.043692,Falsche Münz!,and this he uttered with such a hollow sound that one would have supposed that after every scream he would have fallen dead to the ground.
46,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_49.flac,00004-f000048,0.043692,"Und das krächzte er aus so hohler Brust heraus, daß man meinte, er müsse nach jeglichem Schreie tot zu Boden stürzen.",<MERGE> and this he uttered with such a hollow sound that one would have supposed that after every scream he would have fallen dead to the ground.
47,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_50.flac,00004-f000049,0.5375,Auch hing ihm die häßlich rote Zunge weit aus dem Schlunde.,His horrid red tongue moreover hung far out of his mouth.
48,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_51.flac,00004-f000050,0.0909664,Ich hielt verstört; ich fragte: Was willst du mit deinem Geschrei?,"I stopped, perplexed, and asked: 'What do you mean by this screaming? take another piece of gold, take two, but leave me.'"
49,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_52.flac,00004-f000050,0.0909664,"Nimm noch ein Goldstück, nimm noch zwei, aber dann laß ab von mir.","<MERGE> I stopped, perplexed, and asked: 'What do you mean by this screaming? take another piece of gold, take two, but leave me.'"
50,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_53.flac,00004-f000051,0.584489,Da fing er wieder mit seinem häßlich höflichen Grüßen an und schnarrte:,"He then began again his hideous burlesque of politeness, and snarled out: 'Not gold, not gold, my young gentleman."
51,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_54.flac,00004-f000052,0.545519,"Gold eben nicht, Gold soll es eben nicht sein, mein Jungherrlein; des Spaßes hab ich selbsten allzuviel; will's Euch mal zeigen.","I have too much of that trash myself, as I will show you at once?'"
52,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_55.flac,00004-f000052,0.4103770000000001,"Da ward es mir auf einmal, als könn ich durch den grünen festen Boden durchsehn, als sei er grünes Glas und die ebne Erde kugelrund und drinnen hielten eine Menge Kobolde ihr Spiel mit Silber und Gold.","I have too much of that trash myself, as I will show you at once?'"
53,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_56.flac,00004-f000053,0.518023,"Kopfauf, kopfunter kugelten sie sich herum und schmissen einander zum Spaß mit den edlen Metallen und pusteten sich den Goldstaub neckend ins Gesicht.","Suddenly it seemed to me as if I could see through the solid soil as though it were green glass and the smooth earth were as round as a ball; and within, a multitude of goblins were ranking sport with silver and gold; head over heels they were rolling about, pelting each other in jest with the precious metals, and provokingly blowing the golddust in each other's eyes."
54,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_57.flac,00004-f000054,0.783261,"Mein häßlicher Gefährte stand halb drinnen, halb draußen; er ließ sich sehr, sehr viel Gold von den andern heraufreichen und zeigte es mir lachend und schmiß es dann immer wieder klingend in die unermeßlichen Klüfte hinab.","My hideous companion stood partly within and partly without; he ordered the others to reach him up heaps of gold, and showing it to me with a laugh, he then flung it back again with a ringing noise into the immeasurable abyss."
55,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_58.flac,00004-f000055,0.8163729999999999,"Dann zeigte er wieder mein Goldstück, was ich ihm geschenkt hatte, den Kobolden drunten, und die wollten sich drüber halb totlachen und zischten mich aus.","He then showed the piece of gold I had given him to the goblins below, and they laughed themselves halfdead over it and hissed at me."
56,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_59.flac,00004-f000056,0.869892,"Endlich reckten sie alle die spitzigen metallschmutzigen Finger gegen mich aus, und wilder und wilder, und dichter und dichter, und toller und toller klomm das Gewimmel gegen mich herauf; da erfaßte mich ein Entsetzen wie vorhin meinen Gaul.","At last they all pointed at me with their metalstained fingers, and more and more wildly. and more and more densely, and more and more madly, the swarm of spirits came clambering up to me."
57,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_60.flac,00004-f000057,1.0399,"Ich gab ihm beide Sporen und weiß nicht, wie weit ich zum zweiten Male toll in den Wald hineingejagt bin.","I was seized with terror as my horse had been before: I put spurs to him, and I know not how far I galloped for the second time wildly into the forest."
58,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_61.flac,00004-f000058,0.723399,"Als ich nun endlich wieder still hielt, war es abendkühl um mich her.","At length, when I again halted, the coolness of evening was around me."
59,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_62.flac,00004-f000059,0.940635,"Durch die Zweige sah ich einen weißen Fußpfad leuchten, von dem ich meinte, er müsse aus dem Forste nach der Stadt zurückführen.","Through the branches of the trees I saw a white footpath gleaming, which I fancied must lead from the forest toward the city."
60,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_63.flac,00004-f000060,0.512767,"Ich wollte mich dahin durcharbeiten; aber ein ganz weißes, undeutliches Antlitz, mit immer wechselnden Zügen, sah mir zwischen den Blättern entgegen; ich wollte ihm ausweichen, aber wo ich hinkam, war es auch. Ergrimmt gedacht ich endlich mein Roß darauf los zu treiben; da sprudelte es mir und dem Pferde weißen Schaum entgegen, daß wir beide geblendet umwenden mußten.","I was anxious to work my way in that direction; but a face perfectly white and indistinct, with features ever changing, kept peering at me between the leaves; I tried to avoid it, but wherever I went it appeared also."
61,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_64.flac,00004-f000062,0.561759,"So trieb es uns von Schritt zu Schritt, immer von dem Fußsteige abwärts, und ließ uns überhaupt nur nach einer einzigen Richtung hin den Weg noch frei.","Thus it drove us step by step ever away from the footpath, leaving the way open to us only in one direction."
62,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_65.flac,00004-f000063,0.432512,"Zogen wir aber auf dieser fort, so war es wohl dicht hinter uns, tat uns jedoch nicht das geringste zuleide.","When we advanced in this direction, it kept indeed close behind us, but did not do us the slightest harm."
63,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_66.flac,00004-f000064,0.53542,"Wenn ich mich dann bisweilen nach ihm umsah, merkte ich wohl, daß das weiße, sprudelnde Antlitz auf einem ebenso weißen, höchst riesenmäßigen Körper saß.","Looking around at it occasionally, I perceived that the white face that had besprinkled us with foam belonged to a form equally white and of gigantic stature."
64,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_67.flac,00004-f000065,0.662195,"Manchmal dacht ich auch, als sei es ein wandelnder Springbronn, aber ich konnte niemals recht darüber zur Gewißheit kommen.","Many a time I thought that it was a moving stream, but I could never convince myself on the subject."
65,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_68.flac,00004-f000066,0.035714300000000004,"Ermüdet gaben Roß und Reiter dem treibenden weißen Manne nach, der uns immer mit dem Kopfe zunickte, als wolle er sagen: Schon recht!","Wearied out, the horse and his rider yielded to the impelling power of the white man, who kept nodding his head, as if he would say, 'Quite right, quite right!'"
66,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_69.flac,00004-f000066,0.035714300000000004,Schon recht!,"<MERGE> Wearied out, the horse and his rider yielded to the impelling power of the white man, who kept nodding his head, as if he would say, 'Quite right, quite right!'"
67,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_70.flac,00004-f000067,0.99771,"Und so sind wir endlich an das Ende des Waldes hier herausgekommen, wo ich Rasen und Seeflut und eure kleine Hütte sah und wo der lange, weiße Mann verschwand.","And thus at last we came out here to the end of the forest, where I saw the turf, and the lake, and your little cottage, and where the tall white man disappeared."
68,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_71.flac,00004-f000068,0.704287,"Gut, daß er fort ist, sagte der alte Fischer, und nun begann er davon zu sprechen, wie sein Gast auf die beste Weise wieder zu seinen Leuten nach der Stadt zurückgelangen könne.","It's well that he's gone, said the old fisherman; and now he began to talk of the best way by which his guest could return to his friends in the city."
69,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_72.flac,00004-f000069,0.752387,"Darüber fing Undine an, ganz leise in sich selbst hinein zu kichern.","Upon this Undine began to laugh slyly to herself; Huldbrand observed it, and said: I thought you were glad to see me here; why then do you now rejoice when my departure is talked of?"
70,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_74.flac,00004-f000072,0.729592,"Oder prob es lieber nicht, denn du würdest zerschellt werden von den blitzschnell getriebnen Stämmen und Steinen.","Or rather don't try it, for you would be dashed to pieces by the stones and trunks of trees which are carried down by it with the speed of lightning."
71,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_75.flac,00004-f000073,0.8375,"Und was den See angeht, da weiß ich wohl: der Vater darf mit seinem Kahne nicht weit genug darauf hinaus.","And as to the lake, I know it well; father dare not venture out far enough with his boat."
72,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_76.flac,00004-f000074,0.693339,"Huldbrand erhob sich lächelnd, um zu sehn, ob es so sei, wie ihm Undine gesagt hatte, der Alte begleitete ihn, und das Mädchen gaukelte scherzend neben den Männern her.","Huldbrand rose, smiling, in order to see whether things were as Undine had said; the old man accompanied him, and the girl danced merrily along by their side."
73,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_77.flac,00004-f000075,0.561357,"Sie fanden es in der Tat, wie Undine gesagt hatte, und der Ritter mußte sich drein ergeben, auf der zur Insel gewordnen Landspitze zu bleiben, bis die Fluten sich verliefen.","They found every thing, indeed, as Undine had described, and the knight was obliged to submit to remain on the little tongue of land, that had become an island, till the flood should subside."
74,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_78.flac,00004-f000076,-0.08148150000000001,"Als die dreie nach ihrer Wandrung wieder der Hütte zugingen, sagte der Ritter der Kleinen ins Ohr:","As the three were returning to the cottage after their ramble, the knight whispered in the ear of the little maiden Well, how is it, my pretty Undineare you angry at my remaining?"
75,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_79.flac,00004-f000076,-0.08148150000000001,"Nun, wie ist es, Undinchen?","<MERGE> As the three were returning to the cottage after their ramble, the knight whispered in the ear of the little maiden Well, how is it, my pretty Undineare you angry at my remaining?"
76,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_80.flac,00004-f000076,-0.08148150000000001,"Bist du böse, daß ich bleibe?","<MERGE> As the three were returning to the cottage after their ramble, the knight whispered in the ear of the little maiden Well, how is it, my pretty Undineare you angry at my remaining?"
77,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_81.flac,00004-f000077,0.291429,"Ach, entgegnete sie mürrisch, laßt nur.","Ah! she replied, peevishly, let me alone."
78,18.undine_1503_librivox,00004-undine_82.flac,00004-f000078,0.518492,"Wenn ich Euch nicht gebissen hätte, wer weiß, was noch alles von der Bertalda in Eurer Geschichte vorgekommen wär!.","If I had not bitten you, who knows how much of Bertalda would have appeared in your story?"