LibriS2S / alignments /13 /00022-chancellor_map_DeEn.csv
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0,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_1.flac,00022-f000002,0.466546,"Nun schwimmen wir also auf dem Meere, und das auf einem Fahrzeuge, dessen Festigkeit nur sehr zweifelhaft ist; doch haben wir ja zum Glück keine allzu weite Fahrt vor uns.","NOVEMBER th to DECEMBER st.Here we were then once more at sea, and although on board a ship of which the stability was very questionable, we had hopes, if the wind continued favourable, of reaching the coast of Guiana in the course of a few days."
1,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_2.flac,00022-f000003,-0.0304132,"Es handelt sich nur um 800 Meilen, und wenn der Nordostwind nur einige Tage anhält, so wird der Chancellor, der vom Wind im Rücken nicht so arg angegriffen wird, die Küste von Guyana mit Sicherheit erreichen.","Our way was southwest and consequently with the wind, and although Curtis would not crowd on all sail lest the extra speed should have a tendency to spring the leak afresh, the Chancellor made a progress that was quite satisfactory."
2,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_3.flac,00022-f000003,-0.0304132,Beim Cours nach Südwesten nimmt das Leben an Bord nun wieder seinen gewohnten Lauf.,"<MERGE> Our way was southwest and consequently with the wind, and although Curtis would not crowd on all sail lest the extra speed should have a tendency to spring the leak afresh, the Chancellor made a progress that was quite satisfactory."
3,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_4.flac,00022-f000003,-0.0304132,Die ersten Tage vergehen ohne weitere Zufälle.,"<MERGE> Our way was southwest and consequently with the wind, and although Curtis would not crowd on all sail lest the extra speed should have a tendency to spring the leak afresh, the Chancellor made a progress that was quite satisfactory."
4,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_5.flac,00022-f000004,0.0852357,"Die Richtung des Windes bleibt immer günstig, doch vermeidet Robert Kurtis zu viel Segel beisetzen zu lassen, da er eine Wiedereröffnung des Lecks fürchtet, wenn das Schiff zu schnell fährt.","Life on board began to fall back into its former routine; the feeling of insecurity and the consciousness that we were merely retracing our path doing much, however, to destroy the animated intercourse that would otherwise go on between passenger and passenger."
5,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_6.flac,00022-f000004,0.0852357,"Eine traurige Fahrt, wenn man zu dem Schiffe, das einen trägt, kein Zutrauen haben kann.","<MERGE> Life on board began to fall back into its former routine; the feeling of insecurity and the consciousness that we were merely retracing our path doing much, however, to destroy the animated intercourse that would otherwise go on between passenger and passenger."
6,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_7.flac,00022-f000005,0.500714,"Jeder ist mit seinen eigenen Gedanken beschäftigt, und an Bord entwickelt sich nicht jene lebhafte Mittheilungslust, wie bei einer raschen und sicheren Seefahrt.","The first few days passed without any incident worth recording, then on the th, the wind shifted to the north, and it became necessary to brace the yards, trim the sails, and take a starboard tack."
7,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_8.flac,00022-f000005,-0.0246429,Während des 29. geht der Wind um ein Viertel nach Norden zurück.,"<MERGE> The first few days passed without any incident worth recording, then on the th, the wind shifted to the north, and it became necessary to brace the yards, trim the sails, and take a starboard tack."
8,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_9.flac,00022-f000006,0.0403509,Die Segelstellung muß geändert und die Steuerbordhalsen müssen beigesetzt werden.,"This made the ship lurch very much on one side, and as Curtis felt that she was labouring far too heavily, he clued up the topgallants, prudently reckoning that, under the circumstances, caution was far more important than speed."
9,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_10.flac,00022-f000006,0.0403509,In Folge dessen neigt sich das Schiff stark nach der Seite.,"<MERGE> This made the ship lurch very much on one side, and as Curtis felt that she was labouring far too heavily, he clued up the topgallants, prudently reckoning that, under the circumstances, caution was far more important than speed."
10,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_11.flac,00022-f000006,0.0403509,"Robert Kurtis zieht die Bramstengen ein, denn er bemerkt wohl, wie stark die Seitenneigung den Chancellor belästigt.","<MERGE> This made the ship lurch very much on one side, and as Curtis felt that she was labouring far too heavily, he clued up the topgallants, prudently reckoning that, under the circumstances, caution was far more important than speed."
11,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_13.flac,00022-f000007,0.535714,Die Nacht vom 29. zum 30. ist dunkel und dunstig.,The night came on dark and foggy.
12,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_14.flac,00022-f000008,0.475824,Die Brise frischt immer mehr auf und unglücklicher Weise droht der Wind nach Nordwesten umzuschlagen.,"The breeze freshened considerably, and, unfortunately for us, hailed from the north west."
13,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_15.flac,00022-f000009,0.705882,"Die meisten Passagiere halten sich in ihren Cabinen auf, Kapitän Kurtis verläßt dagegen das Oberdeck niemals, und die ganze Mannschaft verbleibt auf dem Verdecke.","Although we carried no topsails at all, the ship seemed to heel over more than ever."
14,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_16.flac,00022-f000009,0.453214,"Noch immer neigt sich das Schiff ganz bedeutend, trotzdem es gar kein Obersegel mehr trägt.","Although we carried no topsails at all, the ship seemed to heel over more than ever."
15,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_17.flac,00022-f000011,0.470048,"Gegen zwei Uhr Morgens will auch ich mich in meine Koje zurückziehen, als einer der Matrosen, der im Kielraum gewesen war, eiligst daraus hervorkommt und ausruft.","Towards two o'clock in the morning I was myself preparing to go to my cabin, when Burke, one of the sailors who had been down into the hold, came on deck with the ominous cry, Two feet of water below."
16,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_18.flac,00022-f000012,0.5327270000000001,Zwei Fuß Wasser!.Robert Kurtis und der Bootsmann eilen die Leiter hinab und finden die traurige Neuigkeit nur allzuwahr.,In an instant Curtis and the boatswain had descended the ladder.
17,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_19.flac,00022-f000013,0.488916,"Ob sich der Leck trotz aller Vorsichtsmaßregeln wieder geöffnet hat, oder ob einige schlecht kalfaterte Fugen auseinander gewichen sind, läßt sich noch nicht sagen, jedenfalls dringt das Wasser wieder in den Kielraum ein.","The startling news was only too true; the seawater was entering the hold, but whether the leak had sprung afresh, or whether the caulking in some of the seams was insufficient, it was then impossible to determine; all that could be done was to let the ship go with the wind and wait for day."
18,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_20.flac,00022-f000014,0.519822,"Der Kapitän kommt auf das Verdeck zurück, läßt das Schiff wieder vor den Wind legen, damit es weniger umher geworfen wird, und so erwartet man den Tag.","At daybreak they sounded again:Three feet of water! was the report, I glanced at Curtis, his lips were white, but he had not lost his selfpossession."
19,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_21.flac,00022-f000011,0.0015873,Beim Sondiren am Morgen findet man drei Fuß Wasser.,"<MERGE> Towards two o'clock in the morning I was myself preparing to go to my cabin, when Burke, one of the sailors who had been down into the hold, came on deck with the ominous cry, Two feet of water below."
20,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_22.flac,00022-f000011,0.0015873,Ich sehe Robert Kurtis an.,"<MERGE> Towards two o'clock in the morning I was myself preparing to go to my cabin, when Burke, one of the sailors who had been down into the hold, came on deck with the ominous cry, Two feet of water below."
21,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_23.flac,00022-f000012,0.190909,"Eine leichte Blässe fliegt über sein Angesicht, doch bewahrt er seine Kaltblütigkeit.",In an instant Curtis and the boatswain had descended the ladder.
22,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_24.flac,00022-f000013,0.331906,"Die Passagiere, von denen einige auf das Verdeck gekommen sind, werden von dem Vorfall unterrichtet, den zu verheimlichen doch schwierig gewesen wäre!","The startling news was only too true; the seawater was entering the hold, but whether the leak had sprung afresh, or whether the caulking in some of the seams was insufficient, it was then impossible to determine; all that could be done was to let the ship go with the wind and wait for day."
23,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_25.flac,00022-f000013,0.331906,"Ein neues Unglück, sagt Mr. Letourneur zu mir.","<MERGE> The startling news was only too true; the seawater was entering the hold, but whether the leak had sprung afresh, or whether the caulking in some of the seams was insufficient, it was then impossible to determine; all that could be done was to let the ship go with the wind and wait for day."
24,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_26.flac,00022-f000016,0.647187,"Das war vorauszusehen, habe ich geantwortet, indessen können wir nicht weit vom Lande entfernt sein, und hoffe ich, daß wir es erreichen.",I told M. Letourneur that I could not help hoping that there might yet be time to reach the land before the last crisis came.
25,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_27.flac,00022-f000014,0.185396,Gott möge Sie erhören! erwiderte Mr. Letourneur.,"<MERGE> At daybreak they sounded again:Three feet of water! was the report, I glanced at Curtis, his lips were white, but he had not lost his selfpossession."
26,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_29.flac,00022-f000015,0.0629433,"Er ist gegenwärtig, mein Herr, fällt da Miß Herbey ein.","He quietly informed such of the passengers as were already on deck of the new danger that threatened us; it was better that they should know the worst, and the fact could not be long concealed."
27,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_30.flac,00022-f000015,0.0629433,"Der Ingenieur schweigt bei diesen Worten, dem Ausfluß eines frommen Glaubens, über den nicht zu streiten ist.","<MERGE> He quietly informed such of the passengers as were already on deck of the new danger that threatened us; it was better that they should know the worst, and the fact could not be long concealed."
28,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_31.flac,00022-f000018,0.44718,Inzwischen ist auf Anordnung Robert Kurtis' der Dienst an den Pumpen organisirt worden.,"Curtis at once divided the crew into two sets, and made them work incessantly, turn and turn about at the pumps."
29,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_32.flac,00022-f000017,0.6756979999999999,"Mit mehr Resignation als Eifer geht die Mannschaft an die Arbeit; aber es geht um den Kopf, und die in zwei Rotten getheilte Mannschaft löst sich an den Pumpenstangen ab.","Falsten was about to give vent to an expression of despair, but he was soon silenced by Miss Herbey asserting her confidence that all would yet be well."
30,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_33.flac,00022-f000018,0.320235,"Im Laufe des Tages wiederholt der Hochbootsmann die Sondirungen, und man erkennt, daß das Meer langsam, aber unablässig in den Schiffsraum eindringt.","Curtis at once divided the crew into two sets, and made them work incessantly, turn and turn about at the pumps."
31,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_34.flac,00022-f000019,0.201969,"Zum Unglück kommen die Pumpen häufig in Unordnung; sie verstopfen sich entweder durch Asche oder Baumwollenbällchen, welche sich noch im unteren Theile des Kielraumes befinden.","The men applied themselves to their task with resignation rather than with ardour; the labour was hard and scarcely repaid them; the pumps were constantly getting out of order, the valves being choked up by the ashes and bits of cotton that were floating about in the hold, while every moment that was spent in cleaning or repairing them was so much time lost."
32,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_35.flac,00022-f000019,0.201969,Bei der nothwendig werdenden Reinigung verlieren wir natürlich eine gewisse Zeit und die Erfolge unserer Mühe.,"<MERGE> The men applied themselves to their task with resignation rather than with ardour; the labour was hard and scarcely repaid them; the pumps were constantly getting out of order, the valves being choked up by the ashes and bits of cotton that were floating about in the hold, while every moment that was spent in cleaning or repairing them was so much time lost."
33,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_36.flac,00022-f000020,-0.0269461,Am folgenden Morgen ergiebt eine neue Untersuchung fünf Fuß Wasser im Raume.,"Slowly, but surely, the water continued to rise, and on the following morning the soundings gave five feet for its depth, I noticed that Curtis's brow contracted each time that the boatswain or the lieutenant brought him their report."
34,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_37.flac,00022-f000020,-0.0269461,"Wenn das Herausschaffen desselben aus irgend einem Grunde ausgesetzt werden müßte, so würde das Schiff also sinken.","<MERGE> Slowly, but surely, the water continued to rise, and on the following morning the soundings gave five feet for its depth, I noticed that Curtis's brow contracted each time that the boatswain or the lieutenant brought him their report."
35,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_38.flac,00022-f000021,0.68575,"Ueberhaupt kann das ja nur eine Frage der Zeit, und zwar einer sehr kurzen Zeit sein.","There was no doubt it was only a question of time, and not for an instant must the efforts for keeping down the level be relaxed."
36,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_39.flac,00022-f000021,0.491429,"Schon ist die Schwimmlinie des Chancellor um einen Fuß gesunken und sein Stampfen wird stärker, da er sich nur schwerfällig mit den Wellen hebt.","There was no doubt it was only a question of time, and not for an instant must the efforts for keeping down the level be relaxed."
37,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_40.flac,00022-f000022,-0.00333333,"Den Kapitän Kurtis sehe ich auch die Augenbrauen runzeln, sobald ihm der Lieutenant oder der Hochbootsmann eine Meldung machen.","Already the ship had sunk a foot lower in the water, and as her weight increased she no longer rose buoyantly with the waves, but pitched and rolled considerably."
38,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_41.flac,00022-f000022,-0.00333333,Das ist kein gutes Vorzeichen!,"<MERGE> Already the ship had sunk a foot lower in the water, and as her weight increased she no longer rose buoyantly with the waves, but pitched and rolled considerably."
39,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_42.flac,00022-f000023,0.08288039999999999,Die Arbeit an den Pumpen ist den ganzen Tag und die Nacht über fortgesetzt worden.,"All yesterday, and last night, the pumping continued; but still the sea gained upon us."
40,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_43.flac,00022-f000023,0.08288039999999999,Dennoch nimmt das Wasser zu.,"<MERGE> All yesterday, and last night, the pumping continued; but still the sea gained upon us."
41,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00022-chancellor_44.flac,00022-f000024,-0.0456522,Die Mannschaft ist erschöpft; unter den Leuten werden Anzeichen von Entmuthigung bemerkbar.,"The crew are weary and discouraged, but the second officer and the boatswain set them a fine example of endurance, and the passengers have now begun to take their turn at the pumps."