LibriS2S / alignments /13 /00006-chancellor_map_DeEn.csv
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0,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_1.flac,00006-f000001,0.455654,"Der Wind weht mit einer gewissen Heftigkeit aus Nordosten, und der Chancellor hat mit gerefften Marssegeln und den Focksegeln beilegen müssen.","VI. OCTOBER th to OCTOBER th.The wind is blowing hard from the northeast; and the Chancellor under lowreefed topsail and foresail, and labouring against a heavy sea, has been obliged to be brought ahull."
1,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_2.flac,00006-f000002,0.17441900000000002,"Die See geht hoch, und das Schiff arbeitet schwer.",The joists and girders all creak again until one's teeth are set on edge.
2,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_3.flac,00006-f000002,0.545902,Die Zwischenwände der Cabinen seufzen mit einem nervenerschütternden Geräusche.,The joists and girders all creak again until one's teeth are set on edge.
3,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_4.flac,00006-f000003,0.25,Die Passagiere halten sich in der Hauptsache unter dem Deck auf.,"<MERGE> I am the only passenger not remaining below; but I prefer being on deck notwithstanding the driving rain, fine as dust, which penetrates to my very skin."
4,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_5.flac,00006-f000004,-0.0542379,"Ich allein ziehe es vor, auf dem Verdeck zu bleiben.","We have been driven along in this fashion for the best part of two days; the stiffish breeze has gradually freshened into a gale; the topgallants have been lowered, and, as I write, the wind is blowing with a velocity of fifty or sixty miles an hour."
5,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_6.flac,00006-f000004,-0.0542379,Aus der frischen Brise ist die Bewegung der Luftschichten in die der scharfen Windstöße übergegangen.,"<MERGE> We have been driven along in this fashion for the best part of two days; the stiffish breeze has gradually freshened into a gale; the topgallants have been lowered, and, as I write, the wind is blowing with a velocity of fifty or sixty miles an hour."
6,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_7.flac,00006-f000004,-0.0542379,Die Bramstangen sind herabgelassen.,"<MERGE> We have been driven along in this fashion for the best part of two days; the stiffish breeze has gradually freshened into a gale; the topgallants have been lowered, and, as I write, the wind is blowing with a velocity of fifty or sixty miles an hour."
7,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_8.flac,00006-f000004,-0.0542379,Der Wind legt jetzt in der Stunde fünfzig bis sechzig Meilen d. h. gegen dreißig Meter in der Secunde zurück.,"<MERGE> We have been driven along in this fashion for the best part of two days; the stiffish breeze has gradually freshened into a gale; the topgallants have been lowered, and, as I write, the wind is blowing with a velocity of fifty or sixty miles an hour."
8,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_9.flac,00006-f000005,0.07717389999999999,Seit zwei Tagen fahren wir so dicht als möglich am Winde.,"Although the Chancellor has many good points, her drift is considerable, and we have been carried far to the south we can only guess at our precise position, as the cloudy atmosphere entirely precludes us from taking the sun's altitude."
9,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_10.flac,00006-f000005,0.07717389999999999,Trotz der guten Eigenschaften des Chancellor weicht das Schiff merklich ab und treiben wir mehr nach Süden.,"<MERGE> Although the Chancellor has many good points, her drift is considerable, and we have been carried far to the south we can only guess at our precise position, as the cloudy atmosphere entirely precludes us from taking the sun's altitude."
10,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_11.flac,00006-f000006,0.0523539,"Der durch Wolken verdunkelte Himmel gestattet keine Aufnahme der Sonnenhöhe, und da man die Lage des Schiffes demnach nicht zu bestimmen vermag, so muß man sich mit einer Schätzung derselben begnügen.","All along throughout this period, my fellowpassengers are totally ignorant of the extraordinary course that we are taking England lies to the NORTHEAST, yet we are sailing directly SOUTHEAST, and Robert Curtis owns that he is quite bewildered; he cannot comprehend why the captain, ever since this north easterly gale has been blowing, should persist in allowing the ship to drive to the south, instead of tacking to the northwest until she gets into better quarters."
11,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_12.flac,00006-f000006,0.0523539,"Meinen Reisegefährten, gegen die sich der zweite Officier nicht ausgesprochen hat, ist es völlig unbekannt, daß wir einen ganz unerklärlichen Weg verfolgen.","<MERGE> All along throughout this period, my fellowpassengers are totally ignorant of the extraordinary course that we are taking England lies to the NORTHEAST, yet we are sailing directly SOUTHEAST, and Robert Curtis owns that he is quite bewildered; he cannot comprehend why the captain, ever since this north easterly gale has been blowing, should persist in allowing the ship to drive to the south, instead of tacking to the northwest until she gets into better quarters."
12,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_13.flac,00006-f000007,0.367347,England liegt im Nordosten und wir segeln nach Südosten!,"I was alone with Curtis today upon the poop, and could not help saying to him Curtis, is your captain mad?"
13,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_14.flac,00006-f000008,0.345789,"Robert Kurtis vermag sich die Hartnäckigkeit des Kapitäns nicht zu deuten, der doch mindestens versuchen sollte, nordwestlich zu steuern, um günstige Strömungen zu erreichen!","Perhaps, sir, I might be allowed to ask what YOU think upon that matter, was his cautious reply."
14,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_15.flac,00006-f000009,0.855,"Seitdem der Wind nach Nordosten gegangen ist, treibt der Chancellor mehr und mehr nach Süden.","Well to say the truth, I answered, I can hardly tell; but I confess there is every now and then a wandering in his eye, and an odd look on his face that I do not like."
15,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_16.flac,00006-f000010,0.609375,"Heute, als ich mich mit Robert Kurtis allein auf dem Oberdeck befand, sprach ich ihn darum an.",Have you ever sailed with him before?
16,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_17.flac,00006-f000011,0.29090900000000003,Ist Ihr Kapitän von Sinnen? fragte ich.,No; this is our first voyage together.
17,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_18.flac,00006-f000012,0.778125,"Das möchte ich Sie fragen, Herr Kazallon, antwortete mir Robert Kurtis, da Sie ihn aufmerksam beobachtet haben.","Again last night I spoke to him about the route we were taking, but he only said he knew all about it, and that it was all right."
18,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_19.flac,00006-f000013,-0.101923,"Ich weiß nicht recht, was ich Ihnen darauf antworten soll, Herr Kurtis, doch gestehe ich, daß seine ganz eigenthümliche Physiognomie, seine verstörten Augen. fahren Sie zum ersten Male mit ihm?",What do Lieutenant Walter and your boatswain think of it all?
19,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_20.flac,00006-f000014,0.836364,"Ja, er war mir früher unbekannt.",I inquired.
20,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_21.flac,00006-f000015,0.563291,Und Sie haben ihm Ihre Bemerkungen über den von uns eingeschlagenen Weg nicht vorenthalten?,"Think; why they think just the same as I do, replied the mate; but if the captain chooses to take the ship to China we should obey his orders."
21,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_22.flac,00006-f000016,0.521698,"Gewiß nicht, doch er entgegnete mir, daß das der richtige sei.","But surely, I exclaimed, there must be some limit to your obedience!"
22,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_23.flac,00006-f000017,0.6180180000000001,"Herr Kurtis, fuhr ich fort, was denken aber Lieutenant Walter und der Hochbootsmann darüber?","Suppose the man is actually mad, what then?"
23,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_24.flac,00006-f000018,0.00869565,Sie denken wie ich.,"If he should be mad enough, Mr. Kazallon, to bring the vessel into any real danger, I shall know what to do."
24,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_25.flac,00006-f000018,0.00869565,Und wenn Kapitän Huntly das Schiff nach China führte?,"<MERGE> If he should be mad enough, Mr. Kazallon, to bring the vessel into any real danger, I shall know what to do."
25,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_26.flac,00006-f000019,0.182143,So würden sie gehorchen wie ich.,With this assurance I am forced to be content.
26,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_27.flac,00006-f000019,0.234375,Der Gehorsam hat aber seine Grenzen?,With this assurance I am forced to be content.
27,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_28.flac,00006-f000020,0.561905,"Nein, so lange die Führung des Kapitäns das Schiff nicht in Gefahr bringt.","Matters, however, have taken a different turn to what I bargained for when I took my passage on board the Chancellor."
28,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_29.flac,00006-f000021,0.235714,Wenn er aber geisteskrank wäre?,The weather has become worse and worse.
29,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_30.flac,00006-f000022,0.369128,"Ja, wenn er das ist, Herr Kazallon, dann werde ich sehen, was zu thun ist!.An solche Verhältnisse hatte ich freilich nicht gedacht, als ich mich auf dem Chancellor einschiffte.","As I have already said, the ship under her large lowreefed topsail and fore staysail has been brought ahull, that is to say, she copes directly with the wind, by presenting her broad bows to the sea; and so we go on still drift, drift, continually to the south."
30,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_31.flac,00006-f000023,0.5494899999999999,Inzwischen ist das Wetter immer schlechter geworden; über den Atlantischen Ocean braust ein vollkommener Sturm.,How southerly our course has been is very apparent; for upon the night of the th we fairly entered upon that portion of the Atlantic which is known as the Sargassos Sea.
31,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_32.flac,00006-f000023,0.519925,"Das Schiff war gezwungen, mit dem großen Bramsegel und dem kleinen Focksegel beizulegen, d. h. es bietet dem Winde seine Breitseite.",How southerly our course has been is very apparent; for upon the night of the th we fairly entered upon that portion of the Atlantic which is known as the Sargassos Sea.
32,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_33.flac,00006-f000024,-0.125967,"Trotzdem weicht es mehr und mehr ab, und immer weiter gelangen wir nach Süden.","<MERGE> An extensive tract of water is this, enclosed by the warm current of the Gulf Stream, and thickly covered with the wrack, called by the Spaniards sargasso, the abundance of which so seriously impeded the progress of Columbus's vessels on his first voyage across the ocean."
33,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_34.flac,00006-f000024,-0.125967,"Darüber kann kein Zweifel mehr sein, nachdem der Chancellor in der Nacht vom 11. zum 12. in die große SargassoSee gelangt ist.","<MERGE> An extensive tract of water is this, enclosed by the warm current of the Gulf Stream, and thickly covered with the wrack, called by the Spaniards sargasso, the abundance of which so seriously impeded the progress of Columbus's vessels on his first voyage across the ocean."
34,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_35.flac,00006-f000025,0.363612,"Diese SargassoSee, welche der warme Golfstrom angehäuft hat, ist eine weite Wasserstrecke, bedeckt mit Varecpflanzen, welche die Spanier Sargasso nennen, und über welche die Schiffe des Columbus bei ihrer ersten Fahrt über den Ocean nur sehr schwer hinwegkamen.","Each morning at daybreak the Atlantic has presented an aspect so remarkable, that at my solicitation, M. Letourneur and his son have ventured upon deck to witness the unusual spectacle."
35,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_36.flac,00006-f000026,0.376101,"Bei anbrechendem Tage bietet uns das Meer einen ganz eigenthümlichen Anblick, der auch die Herren Letourneur veranlaßt, trotz des brausenden Windes, der auf den metallenen Strickleitern spielt, als wären es Harfensaiten, auf Deck zu kommen.","The squally gusts make the metal shrouds vibrate like harpstrings; and unless we were on our guard to keep our clothes wrapped tightly to us, they would have been torn off our backs in shreds."
36,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_37.flac,00006-f000027,0.215385,"Unsere Kleider sind fest und eng an den Körper gebunden, und würden zerrissen werden, wenn sie der Wind irgendwo erfassen könnte.",The scene presented to our eyes is one of strangest interest.
37,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_38.flac,00006-f000028,0.473656,"Das Schiff schwankt auf diesem durch die fruchtbaren FucusFamilien verdeckten Wasser, einer weiten Fläche von niederen Gewächsen, durch welche sich der Kiel wie eine Pflugschaar hindurch arbeitet, furchtbar hin und her.","The sea, carpeted thickly with masses of prolific fucus, is a vast unbroken plain of vegetation, through which the vessel makes her way as a plough."
38,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_39.flac,00006-f000029,-0.0176056,"Manchmal treibt der Wind lange Faserschlingen hoch empor, die sich um die Takelage wickeln und gleich grünen Guirlanden von einem Maste zum anderen hängen.","Long strips of seaweed caught up by the wind become entangled in the rigging, and hang between the masts in festoons of verdure; whilst others, varying from two to three hundred feet in length, twine themselves up to the very mast heads, from whence they float like streaming pendants."
39,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_40.flac,00006-f000029,-0.0176056,Einige dieser oft mehrere hundert Fuß langen Algen umschlingen die Maste bis zu den Spitzen.,"<MERGE> Long strips of seaweed caught up by the wind become entangled in the rigging, and hang between the masts in festoons of verdure; whilst others, varying from two to three hundred feet in length, twine themselves up to the very mast heads, from whence they float like streaming pendants."
40,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00006-chancellor_41.flac,00006-f000030,0.636396,"Mehrere Stunden lang hat man gegen diesen wahrhaften Sturmangriff der Varecs anzukämpfen, und nachmals muß der Chancellor mit seinem von Hydrophyten und sonderbaren Lianen bedeckten Strickwerk mehr einem wandelnden Bosquet in einer ungeheuren Wiese ähnlich gesehen haben.","For many hours now, the Chancellor has been contending with this formidable accumulation of algae; her masts are circled with hydrophytes; her rigging is wreathed everywhere with creepers, fantastic as the untrammelled tendrils of a vine, and as she works her arduous course, there are times when I can only compare her to an animated grove of verdure making its mysterious way over some illimitable prairie."