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f000001,1.920,6.840,"Words cannot paint the horror of the Princess's situation."
f000002,6.840,31.960,"Alone in so dismal a place, her mind imprinted with all the terrible events of the day, hopeless of escaping, expecting every moment the arrival of Manfred, and far from tranquil on knowing she was within reach of somebody, she knew not whom, who for some cause seemed concealed thereabouts; all these thoughts crowded on her distracted mind, and she was ready to sink under her apprehensions."
f000003,31.960,37.480,"She addressed herself to every saint in heaven, and inwardly implored their assistance."
f000004,37.480,42.840,"For a considerable time she remained in an agony of despair."
f000005,42.840,53.960,"At last, as softly as was possible, she felt for the door, and having found it, entered trembling into the vault from whence she had heard the sigh and steps."
f000006,53.960,71.800,"It gave her a kind of momentary joy to perceive an imperfect ray of clouded moonshine gleam from the roof of the vault, which seemed to be fallen in, and from whence hung a fragment of earth or building, she could not distinguish which, that appeared to have been crushed inwards."
f000007,71.800,78.520,"She advanced eagerly towards this chasm, when she discerned a human form standing close against the wall."
f000008,78.520,82.440,"She shrieked, believing it the ghost of her betrothed Conrad."
f000009,82.440,88.880,"The figure, advancing, said, in a submissive voice Be not alarmed, Lady; I will not injure you."
f000010,88.880,104.400,"Isabella, a little encouraged by the words and tone of voice of the stranger, and recollecting that this must be the person who had opened the door, recovered her spirits enough to reply Sir, whoever you are, take pity on a wretched Princess, standing on the brink of destruction."
f000011,104.400,110.640,"Assist me to escape from this fatal castle, or in a few moments I may be made miserable for ever."
f000012,110.640,114.760,"Alas! said the stranger, what can I do to assist you?"
f000013,114.760,129.320,"I will die in your defence; but I am unacquainted with the castle, and want Oh! said Isabella, hastily interrupting him; help me but to find a trapdoor that must be hereabout, and it is the greatest service you can do me, for I have not a minute to lose."
f000014,129.320,139.040,"Saying a these words, she felt about on the pavement, and directed the stranger to search likewise, for a smooth piece of brass enclosed in one of the stones."
f000015,139.040,144.480,"That, said she, is the lock, which opens with a spring, of which I know the secret."
f000016,144.480,158.520,"If we can find that, I may escapeif not, alas! courteous stranger, I fear I shall have involved you in my misfortunes: Manfred will suspect you for the accomplice of my flight, and you will fall a victim to his resentment."
f000017,158.520,165.000,"I value not my life, said the stranger, and it will be some comfort to lose it in trying to deliver you from his tyranny."
f000018,165.000,178.680,"Generous youth, said Isabella, how shall I ever requite As she uttered those words, a ray of moonshine, streaming through a cranny of the ruin above, shone directly on the lock they sought."
f000019,178.680,187.920,"said Isabella; here is the trapdoor! and, taking out the key, she touched the spring, which, starting aside, discovered an iron ring."
f000020,187.920,190.200,"Lift up the door, said the Princess."
f000021,190.200,196.600,"The stranger obeyed, and beneath appeared some stone steps descending into a vault totally dark."
f000022,196.600,198.800,"We must go down here, said Isabella."
f000023,198.800,205.400,"Follow me; dark and dismal as it is, we cannot miss our way; it leads directly to the church of St. Nicholas."
f000024,205.400,219.240,"But, perhaps, added the Princess modestly, you have no reason to leave the castle, nor have I farther occasion for your service; in a few minutes I shall be safe from Manfred's rage only let me know to whom I am so much obliged."
f000025,219.240,241.840,"I will never quit you, said the stranger eagerly, until I have placed you in safetynor think me, Princess, more generous than I am; though you are my principal care The stranger was interrupted by a sudden noise of voices that seemed approaching, and they soon distinguished these words Talk not to me of necromancers; I tell you she must be in the castle; I will find her in spite of enchantment."
f000026,241.840,246.120,"Oh, heavens! cried Isabella; it is the voice of Manfred!"
f000027,246.120,249.680,"Make haste, or we are ruined! and shut the trapdoor after you."
f000028,249.680,260.440,"Saying this, she descended the steps precipitately; and as the stranger hastened to follow her, he let the door slip out of his hands: it fell, and the spring closed over it."
f000029,260.440,268.000,"He tried in vain to open it, not having observed Isabella's method of touching the spring; nor had he many moments to make an essay."
f000030,268.000,277.440,"The noise of the falling door had been heard by Manfred, who, directed by the sound, hastened thither, attended by his servants with torches."
f000031,277.440,281.040,"It must be Isabella, cried Manfred, before he entered the vault."
f000032,281.040,285.800,"She is escaping by the subterraneous passage, but she cannot have got far."
f000033,285.800,295.320,"What was the astonishment of the Prince when, instead of Isabella, the light of the torches discovered to him the young peasant whom he thought confined under the fatal helmet!"
f000034,295.320,298.880,"Traitor! said Manfred; how camest thou here?"
f000035,298.880,301.520,"I thought thee in durance above in the court."
f000036,301.520,306.600,"I am no traitor, replied the young man boldly, nor am I answerable for your thoughts."
f000037,306.600,311.160,"Presumptuous villain! cried Manfred; dost thou provoke my wrath?"
f000038,311.160,314.240,"Tell me, how hast thou escaped from above?"
f000039,314.240,317.800,"Thou hast corrupted thy guards, and their lives shall answer it."
f000040,317.800,330.160,"My poverty, said the peasant calmly, will disculpate them: though the ministers of a tyrant's wrath, to thee they are faithful, and but too willing to execute the orders which you unjustly imposed upon them."
f000041,330.160,335.880,"Art thou so hardy as to dare my vengeance? said the Prince; but tortures shall force the truth from thee."
f000042,335.880,339.080,"Tell me; I will know thy accomplices."
f000043,339.080,344.200,"There was my accomplice! said the youth, smiling, and pointing to the roof."
f000044,344.200,364.760,"Manfred ordered the torches to be held up, and perceived that one of the cheeks of the enchanted casque had forced its way through the pavement of the court, as his servants had let it fall over the peasant, and had broken through into the vault, leaving a gap, through which the peasant had pressed himself some minutes before he was found by Isabella."
f000045,364.760,368.160,"Was that the way by which thou didst descend? said Manfred."
f000046,368.160,369.560,"It was, said the youth."
f000047,369.560,374.360,"But what noise was that, said Manfred, which I heard as I entered the cloister?"
f000048,374.360,378.040,"A door clapped, said the peasant; I heard it as well as you."
f000049,378.040,380.320,"What door? said Manfred hastily."
f000050,380.320,388.280,"I am not acquainted with your castle, said the peasant; this is the first time I ever entered it, and this vault the only part of it within which I ever was."
f000051,388.280,396.240,"But I tell thee, said Manfred wishing to find out if the youth had discovered the trapdoor, it was this way I heard the noise."
f000052,396.240,397.920,"My servants heard it too."
f000053,397.920,404.720,"My Lord, interrupted one of them officiously, to be sure it was the trapdoor, and he was going to make his escape."
f000054,404.720,412.160,"Peace, blockhead! said the Prince angrily; if he was going to escape, how should he come on this side?"
f000055,412.160,414.920,"I will know from his own mouth what noise it was I heard."
f000056,414.920,419.480,"Tell me truly; thy life depends on thy veracity."
f000057,419.480,426.200,"My veracity is dearer to me than my life, said the peasant; nor would I purchase the one by forfeiting the other."
f000058,426.200,433.920,"Indeed, young philosopher! said Manfred contemptuously; tell me, then, what was the noise I heard?"
f000059,433.920,439.400,"Ask me what I can answer, said he, and put me to death instantly if I tell you a lie."
f000060,439.400,446.800,"Manfred, growing impatient at the steady valour and indifference of the youth, cried Well, then, thou man of truth, answer!"
f000061,446.800,449.280,"Was it the fall of the trapdoor that I heard?"
f000062,449.280,451.120,"It was, said the youth."
f000063,451.120,456.160,"It was! said the Prince; and how didst thou come to know there was a trapdoor here?"
f000064,456.160,459.520,"I saw the plate of brass by a gleam of moonshine, replied he."
f000065,459.520,462.520,"But what told thee it was a lock? said Manfred."
f000066,462.520,465.520,"How didst thou discover the secret of opening it?"
f000067,465.520,471.400,"Providence, that delivered me from the helmet, was able to direct me to the spring of a lock, said he."
f000068,471.400,477.960,"Providence should have gone a little farther, and have placed thee out of the reach of my resentment, said Manfred."
f000069,477.960,484.480,"When Providence had taught thee to open the lock, it abandoned thee for a fool, who did not know how to make use of its favours."
f000070,484.480,487.440,"Why didst thou not pursue the path pointed out for thy escape?"
f000071,487.440,491.840,"Why didst thou shut the trapdoor before thou hadst descended the steps?"
f000072,491.840,501.960,"I might ask you, my Lord, said the peasant, how I, totally unacquainted with your castle, was to know that those steps led to any outlet? but I scorn to evade your questions."
f000073,501.960,508.520,"Wherever those steps lead to, perhaps I should have explored the wayI could not be in a worse situation than I was."
f000074,508.520,512.640,"But the truth is, I let the trapdoor fall: your immediate arrival followed."
f000075,512.640,517.640,"I had given the alarmwhat imported it to me whether I was seized a minute sooner or a minute later?"
f000076,517.640,524.680,"Thou art a resolute villain for thy years, said Manfred; yet on reflection I suspect thou dost but trifle with me."
f000077,524.680,528.120,"Thou hast not yet told me how thou didst open the lock."
f000078,528.120,543.760,"That I will show you, my Lord, said the peasant; and, taking up a fragment of stone that had fallen from above, he laid himself on the trapdoor, and began to beat on the piece of brass that covered it, meaning to gain time for the escape of the Princess."
f000079,543.760,548.720,"This presence of mind, joined to the frankness of the youth, staggered Manfred."
f000080,548.720,554.240,"He even felt a disposition towards pardoning one who had been guilty of no crime."
f000081,554.240,559.000,"Manfred was not one of those savage tyrants who wanton in cruelty unprovoked."
f000082,559.000,571.000,"The circumstances of his fortune had given an asperity to his temper, which was naturally humane; and his virtues were always ready to operate, when his passions did not obscure his reason."
f000083,571.000,578.440,"While the Prince was in this suspense, a confused noise of voices echoed through the distant vaults."
f000084,578.440,589.680,"As the sound approached, he distinguished the clamours of some of his domestics, whom he had dispersed through the castle in search of Isabella, calling out Where is my Lord? where is the Prince?"
f000085,589.680,594.760,"Here I am, said Manfred, as they came nearer; have you found the Princess?"
f000086,594.760,598.040,"The first that arrived, replied, Oh, my Lord!"
f000087,598.040,599.360,"I am glad we have found you."
f000088,599.360,603.240,"Found me! said Manfred; have you found the Princess?"
f000089,603.240,610.880,"We thought we had, my Lord, said the fellow, looking terrified, but But, what? cried the Prince; has she escaped?"
f000090,610.880,618.360,"Jaquez and I, my Lord Yes, I and Diego, interrupted the second, who came up in still greater consternation."
f000091,618.360,624.360,"Speak one of you at a time, said Manfred; I ask you, where is the Princess?"
f000092,624.360,629.040,"We do not know, said they both together; but we are frightened out of our wits."
f000093,629.040,634.040,"So I think, blockheads, said Manfred; what is it has scared you thus?"
f000094,634.040,640.760,"my Lord, said Jaquez, Diego has seen such a sight! your Highness would not believe our eyes."
f000095,640.760,653.680,"What new absurdity is this? cried Manfred; give me a direct answer, or, by Heaven Why, my Lord, if it please your Highness to hear me, said the poor fellow, Diego and I Yes, I and Jaquez cried his comrade."
f000096,653.680,664.760,"Did not I forbid you to speak both at a time? said the Prince: you, Jaquez, answer; for the other fool seems more distracted than thou art; what is the matter?"
f000097,664.760,687.240,"My gracious Lord, said Jaquez, if it please your Highness to hear me; Diego and I, according to your Highness's orders, went to search for the young Lady; but being comprehensive that we might meet the ghost of my young Lord, your Highness's son, God rest his soul, as he has not received Christian burial Sot! cried Manfred in a rage; is it only a ghost, then, that thou hast seen?"
f000098,687.240,692.680,"worse! my Lord, cried Diego: I had rather have seen ten whole ghosts."
f000099,692.680,702.080,"Grant me patience! said Manfred; these blockheads distract me."
f000100,702.080,709.120,"art thou raving? thou wast wont to have some sense: has the other sot frightened himself and thee too?"
f000101,709.120,712.920,"Speak; what is it he fancies he has seen?"
f000102,712.920,740.800,"Why, my Lord, replied Jaquez, trembling, I was going to tell your Highness, that since the calamitous misfortune of my young Lord, God rest his precious soul! not one of us your Highness's faithful servantsindeed we are, my Lord, though poor menI say, not one of us has dared to set a foot about the castle, but two together: so Diego and I, thinking that my young Lady might be in the great gallery, went up there to look for her, and tell her your Highness wanted something to impart to her."
f000103,740.800,753.160,"cried Manfred; and in the meantime, she has made her escape, because you were afraid of goblins!Why, thou knave! she left me in the gallery; I came from thence myself."
f000104,753.160,762.280,"For all that, she may be there still for aught I know, said Jaquez; but the devil shall have me before I seek her there again poor Diego!"
f000105,762.280,765.200,"I do not believe he will ever recover it."
f000106,765.200,774.160,"Recover what? said Manfred; am I never to learn what it is has terrified these rascals?but I lose my time; follow me, slave; I will see if she is in the gallery."
f000107,774.160,779.880,"For Heaven's sake, my dear, good Lord, cried Jaquez, do not go to the gallery."
f000108,779.880,783.320,"Satan himself I believe is in the chamber next to the gallery."
f000109,783.320,790.160,"Manfred, who hitherto had treated the terror of his servants as an idle panic, was struck at this new circumstance."
f000110,790.160,795.600,"He recollected the apparition of the portrait, and the sudden closing of the door at the end of the gallery."
f000111,795.600,800.840,"His voice faltered, and he asked with disorder What is in the great chamber?"
f000112,800.840,808.480,"My Lord, said Jaquez, when Diego and I came into the gallery, he went first, for he said he had more courage than I."
f000113,808.480,812.560,"So when we came into the gallery we found nobody."
f000114,812.560,816.120,"We looked under every bench and stool; and still we found nobody."
f000115,816.120,818.640,"Were all the pictures in their places? said Manfred."
f000116,818.640,823.840,"Yes, my Lord, answered Jaquez; but we did not think of looking behind them."
f000117,823.840,827.000,"Well, well! said Manfred; proceed."
f000118,827.000,832.080,"When we came to the door of the great chamber, continued Jaquez, we found it shut."
f000119,832.080,835.800,"And could not you open it? said Manfred."
f000120,835.800,855.080,"yes, my Lord; would to Heaven we had not! replied henay, it was not I neither; it was Diego: he was grown foolhardy, and would go on, though I advised him notif ever I open a door that is shut again Trifle not, said Manfred, shuddering, but tell me what you saw in the great chamber on opening the door."
f000121,855.080,859.640,"my Lord! said Jaquez; I was behind Diego; but I heard the noise."
f000122,859.640,869.960,"Jaquez, said Manfred, in a solemn tone of voice; tell me, I adjure thee by the souls of my ancestors, what was it thou sawest? what was it thou heardest?"
f000123,869.960,875.240,"It was Diego saw it, my Lord, it was not I, replied Jaquez; I only heard the noise."
f000124,875.240,879.120,"Diego had no sooner opened the door, than he cried out, and ran back."
f000125,879.120,881.520,"I ran back too, and said, 'Is it the ghost?'"
f000126,881.520,894.920,"The ghost! no, no,' said Diego, and his hair stood on end'it is a giant, I believe; he is all clad in armour, for I saw his foot and part of his leg, and they are as large as the helmet below in the court.'"
f000127,894.920,909.080,"As he said these words, my Lord, we heard a violent motion and the rattling of armour, as if the giant was rising, for Diego has told me since that he believes the giant was lying down, for the foot and leg were stretched at length on the floor."
f000128,909.080,930.200,"Before we could get to the end of the gallery, we heard the door of the great chamber clap behind us, but we did not dare turn back to see if the giant was following usyet, now I think on it, we must have heard him if he had pursued usbut for Heaven's sake, good my Lord, send for the chaplain, and have the castle exorcised, for, for certain, it is enchanted."
f000129,930.200,935.640,"Ay, pray do, my Lord, cried all the servants at once, or we must leave your Highness's service."
f000130,935.640,941.160,"Peace, dotards! said Manfred, and follow me; I will know what all this means."
f000131,941.160,947.240,"my Lord! cried they with one voice; we would not go up to the gallery for your Highness's revenue."
f000132,947.240,951.360,"The young peasant, who had stood silent, now spoke."
f000133,951.360,955.480,"Will your Highness, said he, permit me to try this adventure?"
f000134,955.480,960.520,"My life is of consequence to nobody; I fear no bad angel, and have offended no good one."
f000135,960.520,976.120,"Your behaviour is above your seeming, said Manfred, viewing him with surprise and admirationhereafter I will reward your braverybut now, continued he with a sigh, I am so circumstanced, that I dare trust no eyes but my own."
f000136,976.120,978.880,"However, I give you leave to accompany me."
f000137,978.880,992.080,"Manfred, when he first followed Isabella from the gallery, had gone directly to the apartment of his wife, concluding the Princess had retired thither."
f000138,992.080,999.680,"Hippolita, who knew his step, rose with anxious fondness to meet her Lord, whom she had not seen since the death of their son."
f000139,999.680,1007.680,"She would have flown in a transport mixed of joy and grief to his bosom, but he pushed her rudely off, and said Where is Isabella?"
f000140,1007.680,1010.880,"my Lord! said the astonished Hippolita."
f000141,1010.880,1015.680,"Yes, Isabella, cried Manfred imperiously; I want Isabella."
f000142,1015.680,1024.720,"My Lord, replied Matilda, who perceived how much his behaviour had shocked her mother, she has not been with us since your Highness summoned her to your apartment."
f000143,1024.720,1029.240,"Tell me where she is, said the Prince; I do not want to know where she has been."
f000144,1029.240,1044.160,"My good Lord, says Hippolita, your daughter tells you the truth: Isabella left us by your command, and has not returned since;but, my good Lord, compose yourself: retire to your rest: this dismal day has disordered you."
f000145,1044.160,1046.800,"Isabella shall wait your orders in the morning."
f000146,1046.800,1049.840,"What, then, you know where she is! cried Manfred."
f000147,1049.840,1058.200,"Tell me directly, for I will not lose an instantand you, woman, speaking to his wife, order your chaplain to attend me forthwith."
f000148,1058.200,1066.600,"Isabella, said Hippolita calmly, is retired, I suppose, to her chamber: she is not accustomed to watch at this late hour."
f000149,1066.600,1070.920,"Gracious my Lord, continued she, let me know what has disturbed you."
f000150,1070.920,1073.160,"Has Isabella offended you?"
f000151,1073.160,1077.720,"Trouble me not with questions, said Manfred, but tell me where she is."
f000152,1077.720,1080.400,"Matilda shall call her, said the Princess."
f000153,1080.400,1083.360,"Sit down, my Lord, and resume your wonted fortitude."
f000154,1083.360,1088.920,"What, art thou jealous of Isabella? replied he, that you wish to be present at our interview!"
f000155,1088.920,1093.720,"Good heavens! my Lord, said Hippolita, what is it your Highness means?"
f000156,1093.720,1097.800,"Thou wilt know ere many minutes are passed, said the cruel Prince."
f000157,1097.800,1100.760,"Send your chaplain to me, and wait my pleasure here."
f000158,1100.760,1117.440,"At these words he flung out of the room in search of Isabella, leaving the amazed ladies thunderstruck with his words and frantic deportment, and lost in vain conjectures on what he was meditating."
f000159,1117.440,1125.600,"Manfred was now returning from the vault, attended by the peasant and a few of his servants whom he had obliged to accompany him."
f000160,1125.600,1132.920,"He ascended the staircase without stopping till he arrived at the gallery, at the door of which he met Hippolita and her chaplain."
f000161,1132.920,1140.880,"When Diego had been dismissed by Manfred, he had gone directly to the Princess's apartment with the alarm of what he had seen."
f000162,1140.880,1149.320,"That excellent Lady, who no more than Manfred doubted of the reality of the vision, yet affected to treat it as a delirium of the servant."
f000163,1149.320,1163.200,"Willing, however, to save her Lord from any additional shock, and prepared by a series of griefs not to tremble at any accession to it, she determined to make herself the first sacrifice, if fate had marked the present hour for their destruction."
f000164,1163.200,1192.520,"Dismissing the reluctant Matilda to her rest, who in vain sued for leave to accompany her mother, and attended only by her chaplain, Hippolita had visited the gallery and great chamber; and now with more serenity of soul than she had felt for many hours, she met her Lord, and assured him that the vision of the gigantic leg and foot was all a fable; and no doubt an impression made by fear, and the dark and dismal hour of the night, on the minds of his servants."
f000165,1192.520,1197.160,"She and the chaplain had examined the chamber, and found everything in the usual order."
f000166,1197.160,1207.440,"Manfred, though persuaded, like his wife, that the vision had been no work of fancy, recovered a little from the tempest of mind into which so many strange events had thrown him."
f000167,1207.440,1230.560,"Ashamed, too, of his inhuman treatment of a Princess who returned every injury with new marks of tenderness and duty, he felt returning love forcing itself into his eyes; but not less ashamed of feeling remorse towards one against whom he was inwardly meditating a yet more bitter outrage, he curbed the yearnings of his heart, and did not dare to lean even towards pity."
f000168,1230.560,1234.680,"The next transition of his soul was to exquisite villainy."
f000169,1234.680,1255.320,"Presuming on the unshaken submission of Hippolita, he flattered himself that she would not only acquiesce with patience to a divorce, but would obey, if it was his pleasure, in endeavouring to persuade Isabella to give him her handbut ere he could indulge his horrid hope, he reflected that Isabella was not to be found."
f000170,1255.320,1266.480,"Coming to himself, he gave orders that every avenue to the castle should be strictly guarded, and charged his domestics on pain of their lives to suffer nobody to pass out."
f000171,1266.480,1280.120,"The young peasant, to whom he spoke favourably, he ordered to remain in a small chamber on the stairs, in which there was a palletbed, and the key of which he took away himself, telling the youth he would talk with him in the morning."
f000172,1280.120,1288.440,"Then dismissing his attendants, and bestowing a sullen kind of halfnod on Hippolita, he retired to his own chamber."
f000173,1288.440,1301.400,"end of chapter 1."