LibriS2S / alignments /18 /00011-undine_map_DeEn.csv
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0,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_0.flac,00011-f000001,0.8940620000000001,"Die Gesellschaft saß bei Tafel, Bertalda mit Kleinodien und Blumen, den mannigfachen Geschenken ihrer Pflegeeltern und Freunde geschmückt, wie eine Frühlingsgöttin, obenan, zu ihrer Seiten Undine und Huldbrand.","The company were sitting at dinner; Bertalda, looking like some goddess of spring with her flowers and jewels, the presents of her fosterparents and friends, was placed between Undine and Huldbrand."
1,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_1.flac,00011-f000002,0.597039,"Als das reiche Mahl zu Ende ging und man den Nachtisch auftrug, blieben die Türen offen; nach alter, guter Sitte in deutschen Landen, damit auch das Volk zusehen könne und sich an der Lustigkeit der Herrschaften mitfreuen.","When the rich repast was ended, and the last course had appeared, the doors were left open, according to a good old German custom, that the common people might look on, and take part in the festivity of the nobles."
2,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_2.flac,00011-f000003,0.576923,Bediente trugen Wein und Kuchen unter den Zuschauern herum.,Servants were carrying round cake and wine among the spectators.
3,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_3.flac,00011-f000004,0.956608,"Huldbrand und Bertalda warteten mit heimlicher Ungeduld auf die versprochne Erklärung und verwandten, sosehr es sich tun ließ, kein Auge von Undinen.","Huldbrand and Bertalda were waiting with secret impatience for the promised explanation, and sat with their eyes fixed steadily on Undine."
4,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_4.flac,00011-f000005,1.18151,Aber die schöne Frau blieb noch immer still und lächelte nur heimlich und innig froh vor sich hin.,"But the beautiful wife still continued silent, and only kept smiling to herself with secret and hearty satisfaction."
5,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_5.flac,00011-f000006,0.771921,"Wer um ihre getane Verheißung wußte, konnte sehn, daß sie ihr erquickendes Geheimnis alle Augenblick verraten wollte und es doch noch immer in lüsterner Entsagung zurücklegte, wie es Kinder bisweilen mit ihren liebsten Leckerbissen tun.","All who knew of the promise she had given could see that she was every moment on the point of betraying her happy secret, and that it was with a sort of longing renunciation that she withheld it, just as children sometimes delay the enjoyment of their choicest morsels."
6,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_6.flac,00011-f000007,0.6125,"Bertalda und Huldbrand teilten dies wonnige Gefühl, in hoffender Bangigkeit das neue Glück erwartend, welches von ihrer Freundin Lippen auf sie herniedertauen sollte.","Bertalda and Huldbrand shared this delightful feeling, and expected with fearful hope the tidings which were to fall from the lips of Undine."
7,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_7.flac,00011-f000008,0.195,Da baten verschiedne von der Gesellschaft Undinen um ein Lied.,Several of the company pressed Undine to sing.
8,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_8.flac,00011-f000009,0.641667,"Es schien ihr gelegen zu kommen, sie ließ sich sogleich ihre Laute bringen und sang folgende Worte.","The request seemed opportune, and ordering her lute to be brought, she sang the following words: Bright opening day, Wild flowers so gay, Tall grasses their thirst that slake, On the banks of the billowy lake!"
9,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_9.flac,00011-f000010,0.587755,"Morgen so hell,Blumen so bunt,Gräser so duftig und hoch.",What glimmers there so shining The reedy growth entwining?
10,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_10.flac,00011-f000011,0.12391300000000001,An wallenden Sees Gestade!,Is it a blossom white as snow Fallen from heav'n here below?
11,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_11.flac,00011-f000011,0.12391300000000001,Was zwischen den Gräsern.,<MERGE> Is it a blossom white as snow Fallen from heav'n here below?
12,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_12.flac,00011-f000012,0.15,Schimmert so licht?,"It is an infant, frail and dear!"
13,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_13.flac,00011-f000012,0.330556,"Ist's eine Blüte weiß und groß,Vom Himmel gefallen in Wiesenschoß?","It is an infant, frail and dear!"
14,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_14.flac,00011-f000013,0.259091,"Ach, ist ein zartes Kind!.Unbewußt mit Blumen tändelt's,Faßt nach goldnen Morgenlichtern;.O woher?","With flowerets playing in its dreams And grasping morning's golden beams; Oh! whence, sweet stranger, art thou here?"
15,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_15.flac,00011-f000014,0.596013,"Woher, du Holdes?.Fern vom unbekannten Strande.","From some faroff and unknown strand, The lake has borne thee to this land."
16,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_16.flac,00011-f000015,0.6008819999999999,"Trug es hier der See heran;.Nein, fasse nicht, du zartes Leben,Mit deiner kleinen Hand herum;Nicht","Nay, grasp not tender little one, With thy tiny hand outspread; No hand will meet thy touch with love, Mute is that flowery bed."
17,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_17.flac,00011-f000016,0.212727,"Hand wird dir zurückgegeben,Die Blumen sind so fremd und stumm.","The flowers can deck themselves so fair And breathe forth fragrance blest, Yet none can press thee to itself, Like that faroff mother's breast."
18,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_18.flac,00011-f000016,0.43636400000000003,"Die wissen wohl sich schön zu schmücken,Zu duften auch nach Herzenslust,Doch keine mag dich an sich drücken,Fern ist die traute Mutterbrust.","The flowers can deck themselves so fair And breathe forth fragrance blest, Yet none can press thee to itself, Like that faroff mother's breast."
19,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_19.flac,00011-f000018,0.709091,"So früh noch an des Lebens Toren,Noch Himmelslächeln im Gesicht,Hast du das Beste schon verloren,O armes Kind, und weißt es nicht.","A noble duke comes riding by, And near thee checks his courser's speed, And full of ardent chivalry He bears thee home upon his steed."
20,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_20.flac,00011-f000019,0.258621,Ein edler Herzog kommt geritten.,"Much, endless much, has been thy gain!"
21,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_21.flac,00011-f000020,0.456818,Und hemmt vor dir des Rosses Lauf;Zu hoher Kunst und reinen Sitten.,Thou bloom'st the fairest in the land!
22,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_22.flac,00011-f000019,0.246429,Zieht er in seiner Burg dich auf.,"Much, endless much, has been thy gain!"
23,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_23.flac,00011-f000022,0.276667,"Du hast unendlich viel gewonnen,Du blühst, die Schönst im ganzen Land,Doch ach! die allerbesten Wonnen.","Undine dropped her lute with a melancholy smile, and the eyes of Bertalda's fosterparents were filled with tears."
24,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_24.flac,00011-f000021,0.51,Ließ'st du am unbekannten Strand.,"Yet ah! the priceless joy of all, Thou'st left upon an unknown strand."
25,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_25.flac,00011-f000022,0.217146,"Undine senkte mit einem wehmütigen Lächeln ihre Laute; die Augen der herzoglichen Pflegeeltern Bertaldens standen voller Tränen. So war es am Morgen, wo ich dich fand, du arme, holde Waise, sagte der Herzog tief bewegt; die schöne Sängerin hat wohl recht; das Beste haben wir dir dennoch nicht zu geben vermocht. die Augen der herzoglichen Pflegeeltern Bertaldens standen voller Tränen.","Undine dropped her lute with a melancholy smile, and the eyes of Bertalda's fosterparents were filled with tears."
26,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_26.flac,00011-f000023,0.79,"Wir müssen aber auch hören, wie es den armen Eltern ergangen ist, sagte Undine, schlug die Saiten und sang.","Yes, so it was on the morning that I found you, my poor sweet orphan, said the duke, deeply agitated; the beautiful singer is certainly right; we have not been able to give you that `priceless joy of all.'"
27,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_27.flac,00011-f000024,0.0165414,"Mutter geht durch ihre Kammern,Räumt die Schränke ein und aus,Sucht, und weiß nicht was, mit Jammern,Findet nichts, als leeres Haus.","But we must also hear how it fared with the poor parents, said Undine, as she resumed her lute, and sang: Thro' every chamber roams the mother, Moves and searches everywhere, Seeks, she scarce knows what, with sadness, And finds an empty house is there."
28,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_28.flac,00011-f000024,0.0165414,Leeres Haus!,"<MERGE> But we must also hear how it fared with the poor parents, said Undine, as she resumed her lute, and sang: Thro' every chamber roams the mother, Moves and searches everywhere, Seeks, she scarce knows what, with sadness, And finds an empty house is there."
29,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_29.flac,00011-f000025,0.278571,O Wort der Klage.,An empty house!
30,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_30.flac,00011-f000026,0.11688299999999999,"Dem, der einst ein holdes Kind.","Oh, word of sorrow, To her who once had been so blest, Who led her child about by day And cradled it at night to rest."
31,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_31.flac,00011-f000026,0.11688299999999999,"Drin gegängelt hat am Tage,Drin gewiegt in Nächten lind.","<MERGE> Oh, word of sorrow, To her who once had been so blest, Who led her child about by day And cradled it at night to rest."
32,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_32.flac,00011-f000027,0.420513,"Wieder grünen wohl die Buchen,Wieder kommt der Sonne Licht,Aber, Mutter, laß dein Suchen,Wieder kommt dein Liebes nicht.","The beech is growing green again, The sunshine gilds its wonted spot, But mother, cease thy searching vain!"
33,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_34.flac,00011-f000028,0.288889,"Vater weiß, in seinen Zimmern.",Thy little loved one cometh not.
34,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_35.flac,00011-f000029,0.142105,"Findet er die Todesruh,Hört nur bleicher Mutter Wimmern,Und kein Kindlein lacht ihm zu.","And when the breath of eve blows cool, And father in his home appears, The smile he almost tries to wear Is quenched at once by gushing tears."
35,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_36.flac,00011-f000030,-0.020339,"O, um Gott, Undine, wo sind meine Eltern? rief die weinende Bertalda.","Full well he knows that in his home He naught can find but wild despair, He hears the mother's grieved lament And no bright infant greets him there."
36,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_37.flac,00011-f000031,0.497512,"Du weißt es gewiß, du hast es erfahren, du wundersame Frau, denn sonst hättest du mir das Herz nicht so zerrissen.","Oh! for God's sake, Undine, where are my parents cried the weeping Bertalda; you surely know; you have discovered them, you wonderful being, for otherwise you would not have thus torn me heart."
37,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_38.flac,00011-f000032,0.7888890000000001,Sind sie vielleicht schon hier?,Are they perhaps already here?
38,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_39.flac,00011-f000033,0.214286,Wär es?,Can it be?
39,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_40.flac,00011-f000034,0.624679,"Ihr Auge durchflog die glänzende Gesellschaft und weilte auf einer regierenden Herrin, die ihrem Pflegevater zunächst saß.",Her eye passed quickly over the brilliant company and lingered an a lady of high rank who was sitting next her fosterfather.
40,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_41.flac,00011-f000035,0.684416,"Da beugte sich Undine nach der Tür zurück, ihre Augen flossen in der süßesten Rührung über.","Undine, however, turned toward the door, while her eyes overflowed with the sweetest emotion."
41,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_42.flac,00011-f000036,0.805523,"Wo sind denn die armen, harrenden Eltern? fragte sie, und der alte Fischer mit seiner Frau wankten aus dem Haufen der Zuschauer vor.","Where are the poor waiting parents? she inquired, and, the old fisherman and his wife advanced hesitatingly from the crowd of spectators."
42,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_43.flac,00011-f000037,-0.009375,"Ihre Augen hingen fragend bald an Undinen, bald an dem schönen Fräulein, das ihre Tochter sein sollte.","Their glance rested inquiringly now on Undine, now on the beautiful girl who was said to be their daughter It is she, said the delighted benefactress, in a faltering tone, and the two old people hung round the neck of their recovered child, weeping and praising God."
43,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_44.flac,00011-f000037,-0.009375,"Sie ist es! stammelte die entzückte Geberin, und die zwei alten Leute hingen lautweinend und Gott preisend an dem Halse der Wiedergefundnen.","<MERGE> Their glance rested inquiringly now on Undine, now on the beautiful girl who was said to be their daughter It is she, said the delighted benefactress, in a faltering tone, and the two old people hung round the neck of their recovered child, weeping and praising God."
44,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_45.flac,00011-f000038,1.11301,Aber entsetzt und zürnend riß sich Bertalda aus ihrer Umarmung los.,"But amazed and indignant, Bertalda tore herself from their embrace."
45,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_46.flac,00011-f000039,0.667691,"Es war zu viel für dieses stolze Gemüt, eine solche Wiedererkennung in dem Augenblicke, wo sie fest gemeint hatte, ihren bisherigen Glanz noch zu steigern, und die Hoffnung Thronhimmel und Kronen über ihr Haupt herunterregnen ließ.","Such a recognition was too much for this proud mind, at a moment when she had surely imagined that her former splendor would even be increased, and when hope was deluding her with a vision of almost royal honors."
46,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_47.flac,00011-f000040,0.887136,"Es kam ihr vor, als habe ihre Nebenbuhlerin dies alles ersonnen, um sie nur recht ausgesucht vor Huldbranden und aller Welt zu demütigen.",It seemed to her as if her rival had devised all this on purpose signally to humble her before Huldbrand and the whole world.
47,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_49.flac,00011-f000043,1.04677,"Der alte Fischer aber hatte seine Hände gefaltet und betete still, daß die hier seine Tochter nicht sein möge.","The old fisherman, however, had folded his hands, and was praying silently that this might not be his daughter."
48,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_50.flac,00011-f000044,0.17533800000000002,"Undine wankte todesbleich von den Eltern zu Bertalda, von Bertalda zu den Eltern, plötzlich aus all den Himmeln, die sie sich geträumt hatte, in eine Angst und ein Entsetzen gestürzt, das ihr bisher auch nicht im Traume kundgeworden war.","Undine, pale as death, turned with agitation from the parents to Bertalda, and from Bertalda to the parents; suddenly cast down from that heaven of happiness of which she had dreamed, and overwhelmed with a fear and a terror such as she had never known even in imagination. have you a soul?"
49,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_51.flac,00011-f000044,0.17533800000000002,Hast du denn eine Seele?,"<MERGE> Undine, pale as death, turned with agitation from the parents to Bertalda, and from Bertalda to the parents; suddenly cast down from that heaven of happiness of which she had dreamed, and overwhelmed with a fear and a terror such as she had never known even in imagination. have you a soul?"
50,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_52.flac,00011-f000045,0.694075,"Hast du denn wirklich eine Seele, Bertalda? schrie sie einige Male in ihre zürnende Freundin hinein, als wolle sie sie aus einem plötzlichen Wahnsinn oder einem tollmachenden Nachtgesichte gewaltsam zur Besinnung bringen.","Have you really a soul, Bertalda? she cried again and again to her angry friend, as if forcibly to rouse her to consciousness from some sudden delirium or maddening nightmare."
51,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_53.flac,00011-f000046,0.653583,"Als aber Bertalda nur immer noch ungestümer wütete, als die verstoßenen Eltern laut zu heulen anfingen und die Gesellschaft sich streitend und eifernd in verschiedne Parten teilte, erbat sie sich mit einem Male so würdig und ernst die Freiheit, in den Zimmern ihres Mannes zu reden, daß alles um sie her wie auf einen Wink still ward.","But when Bertalda only became more and more enraged, when the repulsed parents began to weep aloud, and the company, in eager dispute, were taking different sides, she begged in such a dignified and serious manner to be allowed to speak in this her husband's hall, that all around were in a moment silenced."
52,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_54.flac,00011-f000047,0.8921049999999999,"Sie trat darauf an das obre Ende des Tisches, wo Bertalda gesessen hatte, demütig und stolz, und sprach, während sich aller Augen unverwandt auf sie richteten, folgendergestalt.","She then advanced to the upper end of the table, where Bertalda has seated herself, and with a modest and yet proud air, while every eye was fixed upon her, she spoke as follows: My friends, you look so angry and disturbed and you have interrupted my happy feast by your disputings."
53,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_55.flac,00011-f000048,0.653914,"Ihr Leute, die ihr so feindlich ausseht und so verstört und mir mein liebes Fest so grimm zerreißt, ach Gott, ich wußte von euern törichten Sitten und eurer harten Sinnesweise nichts und werde mich wohl mein lebelang nicht drin finden.","I knew nothing of your foolish habits and your heartless mode of thinking, and I shall never all my life long become accustomed to them."
54,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_56.flac,00011-f000049,0.536726,"Daß ich alles verkehrt angefangen habe, liegt nicht an mir; glaubt nur, es liegt einzig an euch, sowenig es auch darnach aussehen mag.","It is not my fault that this affair has resulted in evil; believe me, the fault is with yourselves alone, little as it may appear to you to be so."
55,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_57.flac,00011-f000050,0.892683,"Ich habe euch auch deshalb nur wenig zu sagen, aber das eine muß gesagt sein: ich habe nicht gelogen.","I have therefore but little to say to you, but one thing I must say: I have spoken nothing but truth."
56,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_58.flac,00011-f000051,1.00227,"Beweise kann und will ich euch außer meiner Versicherung nicht geben, aber beschwören will ich es.","I neither can nor will give you proofs beyond my own assertion, but I will swear to the truth of this."
57,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_59.flac,00011-f000052,0.560453,"Mir hat es derselbe gesagt, der Bertalden von ihren Eltern weg ins Wasser lockte und sie nachher dem Herzog in seinen Weg auf die grüne Wiese legte.","I received this information from the very person who allured Bertalda into the water, away from her parents, and who afterward placed her on the green meadow in the duke's path."
58,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_60.flac,00011-f000053,0.6873239999999999,"Sie ist eine Zauberin, rief Bertalda, eine Hexe, die mit bösen Geistern Umgang hat!","She is an enchantress! cried Bertalda, a witch, who has intercourse with evil spirits."
59,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_61.flac,00011-f000054,0.845455,Sie bekennt es ja selbst.,She acknowledges it herself.
60,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_62.flac,00011-f000055,0.977882,"Das tue ich nicht, sagte Undine, einen ganzen Himmel der Unschuld und Zuversicht in ihren Augen.","I do not, said Undine, with a whole heaven innocence and confidence beaming, in her eyes."
61,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_63.flac,00011-f000056,0.774667,Ich bin auch keine Hexe; seht mich nur darauf an.,I am no witch; only look at me.
62,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_64.flac,00011-f000057,0.743333,"So lügt sie und prahlt, fiel Bertalda ein, und kann nicht behaupten, daß ich dieser niedern Leute Kind sei.","She is false and boastful, interrupted Bertalda, and she cannot prove that I am the child of these low people."
63,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_65.flac,00011-f000058,0.6872159999999999,"Meine herzoglichen Eltern, ich bitte euch, führt mich aus dieser Gesellschaft fort und aus dieser Stadt, wo man nur darauf ausgeht, mich zu schmähen.","My noble parents, I beg you to take me from this company and out of this city, where they are only bent on insulting me."
64,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_66.flac,00011-f000059,0.884375,"Der alte, ehrsame Herzog aber blieb fest stehen, und seine Gemahlin sagte: Wir müssen durchaus wissen, woran wir sind;","But the aged and honorable duke remained unmoved, and his wife, said: We must thoroughly examine how we are to act."
65,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_67.flac,00011-f000060,0.469003,"Gott sei vor, daß ich eher nur einen Fuß aus diesem Saale setze.",God forbid that we should move a step from this hall until we have done so.
66,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_68.flac,00011-f000061,0.787288,"Da näherte sich die alte Fischerin, beugte sich tief vor der Herzogin und sagte: Ihr schließt mir das Herz auf, hohe, gottesfürchtige Frau.","Then the old wife of the fisherman drew near, and making a low reverence to the duchess, she said: Noble, godfearing lady, you have opened my heart."
67,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_69.flac,00011-f000062,0.749339,"Ich muß Euch sagen, wenn dieses böse Fräulein meine Tochter ist, trägt sie ein Mal, gleich einem Veilchen, zwischen beiden Schultern und ein gleiches auf dem Spann ihres linken Fußes.","I must tell you. if this evildisposed young lady is my daughter, she has a mark, like a violet, between her shoulders, and another like it on the instep of her left foot."
68,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_70.flac,00011-f000063,0.45,Wenn sie sich nur mit mir aus dem Saale entfernen wollte.,If she would only go out of the hall with me!
69,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_71.flac,00011-f000064,0.8351350000000001,"Ich entblöße mich nicht vor der Bäuerin, sagte Bertalda, ihr stolz den Rücken wendend.","I shall not uncover myself before the peasant woman! exclaimed Bertalda, proudly turning her back on her."
70,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_72.flac,00011-f000065,0.8160430000000001,"Aber vor mir doch wohl, entgegnete die Herzogin mit großem Ernst.","But before me you will. rejoined the duchess, very gravely."
71,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_73.flac,00011-f000066,0.480328,"Ihr werdet mir in jenes Gemach folgen, Jungfrau, und die gute Alte kommt mit.","Follow me into that room, girl, and the good old woman shall come with us."
72,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_74.flac,00011-f000067,0.726012,"Die drei verschwanden, und alle übrigen blieben in großer Erwartung schweigend zurück.","The three disappeared, and the rest of the company remained where they were, in silent expectation."
73,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_76.flac,00011-f000070,0.819643,"Bertalda ist des Fischers Tochter, und so viel ist, als man hier zu wissen braucht.","Bertalda is the fisherman's daughter, and that is as much as it is necessary to inform you here."
74,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_77.flac,00011-f000071,0.716807,Das fürstliche Ehepaar ging mit der Pflegetochter fort; auf einen Wink des Herzogs folgte ihnen der Fischer mit seiner Frau.,"The princely pair left with their adopted daughter; and at a sign from the duke, the fisherman and his wife followed them."
75,18.undine_1503_librivox,00011-undine_78.flac,00011-f000072,0.920513,"Die andern Gäste entfernten sich schweigend oder heimlich murmelnd, und Undine sank herzlich weinend in Huldbrands Arme.","The other guests retired in silence or with secret murmurs, and Undine sank weeping into Huldbrand's arms."