StoryNoryTTS / filelist /multi_speaker_val.txt
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DUMMY1/sn84_0075.wav|0|The boy and the goose slept soundly through all of this.
DUMMY1/sn84_0076.wav|0|In the morning the boy got up, paid his bill with a golden feather, and left the inn with the goose under his arm.
DUMMY1/sn84_0077.wav|0|The sisters had no choice but to follow on behind him.
DUMMY1/sn84_0079.wav|0|Along the way they met the bishop:
DUMMY1/sn84_0080.wav|1|“What a sight!”
DUMMY1/sn84_0081.wav|0|He exclaimed.
DUMMY1/sn84_0082.wav|1|“It’s hardly right for three young women to follow a boy around like that!”
DUMMY1/sn84_0084.wav|0|In doing so he found that he was stuck to her and had to follow.
DUMMY1/sn84_0085.wav|0|Further up the road they met a police sergeant.
DUMMY1/sn84_0086.wav|0|The bishop called out to him:
DUMMY1/sn84_0087.wav|1|“Sergeant. Help me get free from this young woman’s shoulder.
DUMMY1/sn84_0088.wav|1|I’m stuck to her and people are bound to start all kinds of gossip about it!”
DUMMY1/sn84_0090.wav|0|At the top of the road they met the mayor.
DUMMY1/sn84_0091.wav|1|“What’s this town coming to?”
DUMMY1/sn84_0092.wav|0|Cried the mayor.
DUMMY1/sn84_0093.wav|0|“The bishop and the police sergeant are following three young girls who are following a young boy;
DUMMY1/sn84_0094.wav|0|all holding on to each other in a most unseemly fashion.
DUMMY1/sn84_0095.wav|1|Have they gone mad?”
DUMMY1/sn84_0096.wav|0|As he spoke, he tried to pull the police sergeant and the bishop away – but in doing so he found that he was stuck to both of them, and had to follow on.
DUMMY1/sn84_0097.wav|0|The boy led the little line of the townspeople along up the road, and at the top of the hill they passed the King’s palace.
DUMMY1/sn84_0098.wav|0|Now the King’s daughter was very beautiful, but she had the saddest face in the whole wide world.
DUMMY1/sn84_0099.wav|0|She had never laughed and not once even smiled.
DUMMY1/sn84_0100.wav|0|The King was so troubled by the young princess’ unhappiness, that he had made a special law:
DUMMY1/sn84_0101.wav|0|Whosoever could make her laugh and smile would win her hand in marriage.
DUMMY1/sn84_0102.wav|0|But the truth was that nothing very funny ever happened inside the royal palace.
DUMMY1/sn84_0103.wav|0|All the King’s servants and advisers were far too high and mighty to understand what would make a young girl laugh – or indeed to allow anything amusing to happen at all.
DUMMY1/sn84_0104.wav|0|As the boy, known as Dummy, went past the palace, he still held the golden goose under his arm;
DUMMY1/sn84_0105.wav|0|and he was followed by the innkeeper’s three daughters, the bishop, the police sergeant, and the mayor.
DUMMY1/sn84_0106.wav|0|The princess looked out and saw the important people in their uniforms being tugged along behind three girls and a boy with a goose.
DUMMY1/sn84_0108.wav|0|She burst out laughing and ran, still giggling, to her father to tell him all about what she had seen.
DUMMY1/sn84_0109.wav|0|When the King looked out of his window and saw the procession, he couldn’t help laughing himself.
DUMMY1/sn84_0110.wav|0|He sent for his guards and told them to bring the boy and his followers directly to him.
DUMMY1/sn84_0111.wav|0|When the boy entered the King’s chamber, with the followers behind him;
DUMMY1/sn84_0112.wav|0|the mayor, the bishop and the policeman all called out angrily that he should pay for his crime with his head.
DUMMY1/sn84_0113.wav|0|The king, still laughing, said that on the contrary – he would be rewarded with the hand in marriage of his daughter, the princess.
DUMMY1/sn84_0114.wav|0|For an entire week after that, the innkeeper’s three daughters, the bishop, the policeman, and the mayor were all stuck to the golden goose and to one another.
DUMMY1/sn84_0117.wav|0|He lived with his beautiful wife and they had six happy smiling children, and the palace was often filled with laughter.
DUMMY1/sn209_0000.wav|0|Then the man filled the manger with hay.
DUMMY1/sn209_0001.wav|0|But Pinocchio did not like that any better.
DUMMY1/sn209_0002.wav|0|"""Ah, you don't like hay either?"" he cried angrily."
DUMMY1/sn209_0003.wav|0|"""Wait, my pretty Donkey, I'll teach you not to be so particular."" Without more ado, he took a whip and gave the Donkey a hearty blow across the legs."
DUMMY1/sn209_0004.wav|0|Pinocchio screamed with pain and as he screamed he brayed:
DUMMY1/sn209_0013.wav|0|At that second beating, Pinocchio became very quiet and said no more.
DUMMY1/sn209_0014.wav|0|After that, the door of the stable was closed and he was left alone.
DUMMY1/sn209_0015.wav|0|It was many hours since he had eaten anything and he started to yawn from hunger.
DUMMY1/sn209_0016.wav|0|As he yawned, he opened a mouth as big as an oven.
DUMMY1/sn209_0017.wav|0|Finally, not finding anything else in the manger, he tasted the hay.
DUMMY1/sn209_0018.wav|0|After tasting it, he chewed it well, closed his eyes, and swallowed it.
DUMMY1/sn209_0019.wav|0|"""This hay is not bad,"" he said to himself."
DUMMY1/sn209_0020.wav|0|"""But how much happier I should be if I had studied!"
DUMMY1/sn209_0021.wav|1|Just now, instead of hay, I should be eating some good bread and butter.
DUMMY1/sn209_0022.wav|0|"Patience!"" Next morning, when he awoke, Pinocchio looked in the manger for more hay, but it was all gone."
DUMMY1/sn209_0023.wav|0|He had eaten it all during the night.
DUMMY1/sn209_0024.wav|0|He tried the straw, but, as he chewed away at it, he noticed to his great disappointment that it tasted neither like rice nor like macaroni.
DUMMY1/sn209_0025.wav|0|"""Patience!"" he repeated as he chewed."
DUMMY1/sn209_0028.wav|0|"Have patience!"" ""Patience indeed!"" shouted his master just then, as he came into the stable."
DUMMY1/sn209_0029.wav|1|"""Do you think, perhaps, my little Donkey, that I have brought you here only to give you food and drink?"
DUMMY1/sn209_0031.wav|1|You are to help me earn some fine gold pieces, do you hear?
DUMMY1/sn209_0032.wav|1|Come along, now.
DUMMY1/sn209_0033.wav|1|"I am going to teach you to jump and bow, to dance a waltz and a polka, and even to stand on your head."" Poor Pinocchio, whether he liked it or not, had to learn all these wonderful things;"
DUMMY1/sn209_0034.wav|0|but it took him three long months and cost him many, many lashings before he was pronounced perfect.
DUMMY1/sn209_0035.wav|0|The day came at last when Pinocchio's master was able to announce an extraordinary performance.
DUMMY1/sn209_0036.wav|0|The announcements, posted all around the town, and written in large letters, read thus:
DUMMY1/sn209_0037.wav|0|GREAT SPECTACLE TONIGHT LEAPS AND EXERCISES BY THE GREAT ARTISTS AND THE FAMOUS HORSES of the COMPANY First Public Appearance of the FAMOUS DONKEY called PINOCCHIO THE STAR OF THE DANCE -- -- The Theater will be as Light as Day That night, as you can well imagine, the theater was filled to overflowing one hour before the show was scheduled to start.
DUMMY1/sn209_0038.wav|0|Not an orchestra chair could be had, not a balcony seat, nor a gallery seat;
DUMMY1/sn209_0039.wav|1|not even for their weight in gold.
DUMMY1/sn209_0040.wav|0|The place swarmed with boys and girls of all ages and sizes, wriggling and dancing about in a fever of impatience to see the famous Donkey dance.
DUMMY1/sn209_0041.wav|0|When the first part of the performance was over, the Owner and Manager of the circus, in a black coat, white knee breeches, and patent leather boots, presented himself to the public and in a loud, pompous voice made the following announcement:
DUMMY1/sn209_0042.wav|1|"""Most honored friends, Gentlemen and Ladies!"
DUMMY1/sn209_0044.wav|0|And the applause grew to a roar when Pinocchio, the famous Donkey, appeared in the circus ring.
DUMMY1/sn209_0045.wav|0|He was handsomely arrayed.
DUMMY1/sn209_0046.wav|0|A new bridle of shining leather with buckles of polished brass was on his back;
DUMMY1/sn209_0047.wav|0|two white camellias were tied to his ears;
DUMMY1/sn209_0048.wav|0|ribbons and tassels of red silk adorned his mane, which was divided into many curls.
DUMMY1/sn209_0049.wav|0|A great sash of gold and silver was fastened around his waist and his tail was decorated with ribbons of many brilliant colors.
DUMMY1/sn209_0050.wav|0|He was a handsome Donkey indeed!
DUMMY1/sn209_0051.wav|0|The Manager, when introducing him to the public, added these words:
DUMMY1/sn209_0053.wav|1|I shall not take your time tonight to tell you of the great difficulties which I have encountered while trying to tame this animal, since I found him in the wilds of Africa. Observe, I beg of you, the savage look of his eye.
DUMMY1/sn209_0054.wav|1|All the means used by centuries of civilization in subduing wild beasts failed in this case.
DUMMY1/sn209_0055.wav|0|I had finally to resort to the gentle language of the whip in order to bring him to my will.
DUMMY1/sn209_0056.wav|1|With all my kindness, however, I never succeeded in gaining my Donkey's love.
DUMMY1/sn209_0057.wav|1|He is still today as savage as the day I found him.
DUMMY1/sn209_0058.wav|1|He still fears and hates me.
DUMMY1/sn209_0059.wav|1|But I have found in him one great redeeming feature.
DUMMY1/sn209_0060.wav|1|Do you see this little bump on his forehead?
DUMMY1/sn209_0061.wav|0|It is this bump which gives him his great talent of dancing and using his feet as nimbly as a human being.
DUMMY1/sn209_0062.wav|1|Admire him, O signori, and enjoy yourselves.
DUMMY1/sn209_0065.wav|0|"If the weather threatens rain, the great spectacle will take place at eleven o'clock in the morning."" The Manager bowed and then turned to Pinocchio and said:"
DUMMY1/sn209_0066.wav|1|"""Ready, Pinocchio!"
DUMMY1/sn209_0067.wav|0|"Before starting your performance, salute your audience!"" Pinocchio obediently bent his two knees to the ground and remained kneeling until the Manager, with the crack of the whip, cried sharply:"
DUMMY1/sn209_0068.wav|0|"""Walk!"" The Donkey lifted himself on his four feet and walked around the ring."
DUMMY1/sn209_0069.wav|0|A few minutes passed and again the voice of the Manager called:
DUMMY1/sn209_0070.wav|0|"""Quickstep!"" and Pinocchio obediently changed his step."
DUMMY1/sn209_0071.wav|0|"""Gallop!"" and Pinocchio galloped."
DUMMY1/sn209_0072.wav|0|"""Full speed!"" and Pinocchio ran as fast as he could."
DUMMY1/sn209_0073.wav|0|As he ran the master raised his arm and a pistol shot rang in the air.
DUMMY1/sn209_0074.wav|0|At the shot, the little Donkey fell to the ground as if he were really dead.
DUMMY1/sn209_0075.wav|0|A shower of applause greeted the Donkey as he arose to his feet.
DUMMY1/sn209_0076.wav|0|Cries and shouts and handclappings were heard on all sides.