PGLearn-Small / 89_pegase /config.toml
klamike's picture
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820c1df unverified
# Name of the reference PGLib case. Must be a valid PGLib case name.
pglib_case = "pglib_opf_case89_pegase"
floating_point_type = "Float32"
# data sampler options
noise_type = "ScaledUniform"
l = 0.6 # Lower bound of base load factor
u = 1.0 # Upper bound of base load factor
sigma = 0.20 # Relative (multiplicative) noise level.
type = "ACOPF" = "Ipopt"
solver.attributes.tol = 1e-6
solver.attributes.linear_solver = "ma27"
# Formulation/solver options
type = "DCOPF" = "HiGHS"
type = "SOCOPF" = "Clarabel"
# Tight tolerances
solver.attributes.tol_gap_abs = 1e-6
solver.attributes.tol_gap_rel = 1e-6
solver.attributes.tol_feas = 1e-6
solver.attributes.tol_infeas_rel = 1e-6
solver.attributes.tol_ktratio = 1e-6
# Reduced accuracy settings
solver.attributes.reduced_tol_gap_abs = 1e-6
solver.attributes.reduced_tol_gap_rel = 1e-6
solver.attributes.reduced_tol_feas = 1e-6
solver.attributes.reduced_tol_infeas_abs = 1e-6
solver.attributes.reduced_tol_infeas_rel = 1e-6
solver.attributes.reduced_tol_ktratio = 1e-6