AITA-Reddit-Dataset /
OsamaBsher's picture
Added paper
- text-generation
- text-classification
- 100K<n<1M
# Dataset Card for AITA Reddit Posts and Comments
Posts of the AITA subreddit, with the 2 top voted comments that share the post verdict. Extracted using REDDIT PushShift (from 2013 to April 2023)
## Dataset Details
The dataset contains 270,709 entiries each of which contain the post title, text, verdict, comment1, comment2 and score (number of upvotes)
For more details see paper:
### Dataset Sources
The Reddit PushShift data dumps are part of a data collection effort which crawls Reddit at regular intervals, to extract and keep all its data.
## Dataset Card Authors
@OsamaBsher and Ameer Sabri
## Dataset Card Contact