It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Yasha is introduced to Marion, who welcomes the Mighty Nein back and offers them food and rooms. you informs her mother that Algar has fled the city and claims she doesn't know why. DM: "Huh. Well, that may very well be a great turn of luck in my benefit, definitely. Thank you for looking into that." Player: Of course! Yeah, we were going to talk to him and everything, but he is gone, so... DM: " Well... that makes me feel more comfortable, thank you very much." Player: Of course. DM: "I appreciate it." Player: Do you guys want to eat anything? (sounds of agreement) DM: "Very well! I will ensure that you are all properly taken care of this night." (clapping twice) She goes ahead and brings the servants back in. A meal is placed for the rest of you, and as the evening progresses, and you take a bit of time to rest--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You had discussed with them, last time, a plot - fixing their seemingly not-very-well-put-together plot into a better direction (thankfully) - to acquire a wax seal within the home of Lord Sutan, to create a letter that you feel would be incriminating. Then to infiltrate the High Richter's home, do the same, and then report them to the Lawmaster or whoever else you think would be of higher estate... DM: It's fine. They succeed. You shout this and one of them (groan). They grab and throw you into the room. You (whoosh) into the chamber and they close the door, pushing you inside of it. Player: It would've been a plus three modifier, sorry. DM: Well, what's the DC of the spell is what I'm asking? Player: I'm trying to find that. I'm not used to magic. DM: That's okay. Player: Yeah, never mind. DM: It's fine. They shove you into the chamber. They close the door. You land on the ground and you hear it lock behind you. Player: All right. DM: You are now a dangerous patient who needs other glancing. While that's happening and they're distracted by that, you guys--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy manages to get a shot off and pushes Yenk away, although Yenk still gets a hit on him. Yenk falls off the wall due to the force. DM: 13 points of damage. Gets pushed back. Because he's still holding onto the edge, he has to see if he can-- No, it does not. Yenk loses grip from the blast of the gun after punching you, stumbles back. Claw hits the edge and falls down prone to the ground at the base of the ravine. 40 feet. Player: 50 feet. DM: 50 feet. Taking an additional 16 points of bludgeoning damage, which is halved. Player: Do I join the initiative order? DM: You do. Go ahead and roll initiative. Player: 21. DM: 21. All right. That ends Yenk's turn. Vorugal does not get the ice breath back. However, does see both of you in the vicinity.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tary and the party are welcomed into the Darrington estate, where they meet Tary's father. DM: "That is good. Just know that I was worried. You fill your head with these fantasies and ideals and step out into the unknown. Do you know how many men and women are found gutted in the streets and left and abandoned to rot away in forests by some bandits on the roadside? Not to mention the various beasts of the wild out there. I was worried about you." Player: Well, I was in danger for much of my time away, but that's not a bad thing, sometimes. Becoming an adventurer or whatever I am now, it wasn't supposed to be easy. It was supposed to be hard, and it was, and it had risks. But along the way, I did much, and I stand before you now as a different man than who left. One who has been through a lot and knows the dangers of the world, but is also a survivor. You know, when I left, I told you I was going to prove myself to you. That I would bring you back stories of my exploits and show you what kind of a man I really was. And I wrote a lot of them down in a book, but I don't think I want to show it to you, because I don't think you deserve to see it. You never supported me as a child, and you don't now. Financially, yes, but not as a father. And the things I did while I was away-- well, the book is a diary now. It's for me, not for you. DM: "Taryon... while my parenting may have been strict or distant at times, I didn't reflect on my care for you. We have a legacy in this family to maintain." Player: Yes, I know. That's all you seem to care about. DM: "That's all that matters." Player: It's not all that matters. I know that I carry your blood and that means a lot to you. DM: "This money that you seem to relish in, that you took without asking, the last of our coffers. Your grandfather started this, and I've done everything to maintain it. And your interests, your attention, could not be brought to learn and maintain this business after me, so I've had to turn to Maryanne. It's not that I don't love you, but you have another purpose in this family. And that is why I've brought you here." Player: And what is that? DM: And you watch as his hands are shaking and he's fidgeting and scratching his chin and running his fingers through his sideburns. "We're impoverished. I haven't been able to pay our staff in nearly two months. Everything that I had to do to maintain this legacy has come back to bear fruit, and the debt that we owe is vast." Player: I don't believe you. Where's the money? Where's the family money? DM: He looks around at the rest of you, and you can see now there is trepidation with having this conversation in front of strangers. Player: It's all right. They're with me. DM: He reaches over and grabs off his desk an already opened bottle of some sort of wine. Takes a quick swig and sets it down. Slumps into his chair in front of the fire and rests his face on his hand. "Everything your grandfather Oberon built, it's on the verge of fading away. All the taxes we claim on our lands now go straight to a syndicate that we owe a lot of money to. Unless we find a way to pay off the debts of your father and his father before him, we will all be thrown into the cold or worse. Now, I've seen this storm coming for a while, Taryon. I've spent years trying to coax a family union with the Truscans; you know this. After much toil and diplomacy, they have agreed to wed you to their daughter Lydia. This union will bring our family a renewed avenue to wealth and protection within the empire! We can stave off this terrible end, and you will be a hero within the family." Player: I don't understand. The way we lived, the way you talked, made it seem like there was endless money, forever. DM: "This stems to your lack of respect."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the Platinum Sanctuary, the twins are greeted by Highbearer Vord. He offers to seal Opash's book in a vault beneath the city, but you, who doesn't entirely trust him, tells him they didn't actually bring it with them. DM: No, because Imposter is the ability to mimic somebody else. It has nothing to do-- A disguise kit is what you're using. Player: And I've always had a disguise kit. DM: Correct. Player: Because I did something back in the home game, I did something. DM: Yeah, you've done a couple of things. But it's not an ability you have. Player: No? DM: Well, you do have an ability, but it's only for you, it's not for Doty.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you walks into Avantika's darkened, candlelit cabin, where she asks you to tell her how he was chosen by Uk'otoa. Caleb goes into Frumpkin, currently a one-ounce elf owl, who perches on the balcony where he watches but cannot hear the conversation. DM: She leans her shoulder against the doorway, looking over at your eyes, distantly reaching for memories, and goes, "There has been one other. It's been many years. This came to me through a series of unexpected--" You see her searching for the right words and says, "I've always considered myself a very lucky person. At first I thought this was a terrible portent, when this beautiful Uk'otoa spoke to me. It was a purpose that nobody else in Darktow was going on, and with that I began to gather my crew. It took a while, but each of them began to believe as well. All of them support, and when this is done, the blessing is high. Nay, he is unstoppable behind me as I am on the sea." Player: The blessing, you say? I haven't heard speak blessing. I've heard words of encouragement. And your crew believes as you do? DM: "They have now, yes. I've read the books, I've looked up about the Ki'Nau. I've learned of the history. As they once were the masters of the Lucidian Ocean so too will be I. So too can be us." Player: I look forward to this very, very much. I noticed, as we were leaving your quarters, that beautiful iron piece above your doorway. A snake circling back upon itself, the eye in the middle, but it seemed there were small eyes all around the body of the snake. DM: "They say that Uk'otoa is an infinite length entity, a serpent that entwines the entirety of the water. That is but eyes across its body to see what else it must conquer." Player: That sounds-- DM: "Beautiful?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Comparing it to his intact map of the Lucidian Ocean, he agrees it looks like the Inkclaw Reef. If it is, the X marked on the burned map seems to be the island of Urukaxl. DM: Yasha actually approaches from the side, overhearing the conversation, looks up to you, Caduceus, and goes, "I know what it's like to be looking for some meaning. Some guidance. Do you trust in your visions?" Player: I did. I-- yeah. DM: "And you have strong faith in this thing you follow?" Player: Yes. DM: "Then if you ever go off the path, maybe they'll tell you. You just have to keep looking." Player: Well, that's fair. I hadn't really thought about that. DM: "It's kind of new to myself as well." Player: We're heading towards an island. I've heard stories. Let's go to the island. DM: As you guys are--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Yasha grapples him, and Fjord tells him to surrender, which he does. They recover the package he was guarding: a beautiful wooden box. DM: There are three locks. There's one lock in the front, and two on each side. Rapidly, they come open. Player: Wow. I want to go look. DM: Okay. You go to open it up and the inside, it's soft, velvet interior of the case. There you see a small ceramic pot of some kind, roughly about that big, that has a lid on it, and it is enclosed. Then above it, mashed in there, a paintbrush. About a foot long. Player: A foot-long paintbrush and a little pot of paint. DM: A little pot of paint, it looks like. Player: We're not going to touch this. We're going to take these to our friends who know what to do with it. DM: The guard glances over and goes, "This is bullshit. This is fucking bullshit."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Judging by the weather, they have arrived somewhere in Exandria. As Vox Machina comes within range of the base of the tower, they are addressed by an omnipresent, directionless voice. DM: Pike and Scanlan. Because you took the carpet, you're going to have to be near Grog for where you guys land. Going to be the circumstance there. Percy, you just run up the side to get there? Player: No, I was on the carpet and hopped and left them because they had to go pick up. DM: If that's the case, then I'll say that you're landing. Player: No, they had to go get Scanlan-- DM: Oh, you had to go get Scanlan? Player: It's 35 feet. DM: If you guys had leave Scanlan behind, that's a whole different thing.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He manages to fix the gun quickly and looks up, seeing Sir Kerrion Stonefell standing behind the desk. Percy tells him, If you're lucky, you die last. DM: That definitely misses. As you swing in, (nervous yell) just ducks out of the way, and even though he's older, he reacted pretty quickly. Your weapon slams into the ground, splintering some of the wood. You peel back for a second attack. Player: That makes me even angrier. And now I'll use inspiration. 18... minus five, 23! DM: 23 does hit! Plus ten damage. Player: Okay. Plus eight is 13, 17, 27! DM: 27 points of damage, ooh! Player: Plus four for the fire damage, but still the 27 total. DM: So, as he ducks out of the way, you bring up the hammer a second time and (whack) smack him right square in the chest. (grunts) The wind escapes him for a moment and the flames lick across the front of his chest. He catches himself on the table between the sofa and chair behind him. Gets back on his feet. Looks to you for a second and pulls out two short swords.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The two imps still in the chamber turn invisible and attempt to flee. The Wall of Fire dissipates, revealing Taryon's bleeding unconscious form. DM: Because technically they were in melee range with you, since you pushed them out of the way, as they vanish you do get one attack of opportunity across them with disadvantage. Player: Ooh! Am I still all fire giant form? DM: Yes you are. Player: That's cool. Okay. With disadvantage? DM: With disadvantage. Player: On both of them? DM: On just one of them. Player: Just one of them? DM: Because you only have one reaction.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you mentions that the ritual to revive the tree would take some time, up to eight hours for the greatest effect. Scanlan protests that healing the tree doesn't matter because none of them know anything about Pelor anyway. DM: 16? Okay. Pelor is the god of the sun and agriculture. It's a good deity and is generally worshipped by farmers and simple folk and people that live off the land, and generally it's the most nature-based deity of the main spectrum, outside of Melora, which is the deity of nature. Player: Oh. Well, dope! Would I know stuff like that too, then? DM: You know of Pelor, yeah. There are elements of Pelor's following that bleeds into your druidic nature, though you don't necessarily follow a deity. Player: Right. We're free. DM: You believe that the essence of nature in itself is your patron. Player: Totally. DM: You are not a religious man by nature, and you know that there is a strong following of Pelor in the town. The entire graveyard that you talked about earlier, that one is largely built around the imagery of Pelor. And of all the gods that are worshipped here, Pelor's probably 75% of the population of Whitestone where, in some shape or form, if not devout worshippers, at least were like, yeah, Pelor's cool.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Dairon reveals how much she hates and distrusts the Kryn, and mentions she will be traveling to Bladegarden soon. DM: No, but it'll be an item on your person tomorrow. When I get in there to customize it. It'll be waiting for you. Player: I'll wake up in the morning, early after my drug hangover, and make my way, quietly. DM: Quite a headache. Player: Quite a headache! Coffee, the bacon that I had in my pocket from yesterday. DM: Pocket bacon! It's the best kind! Player: I head to the Cobalt Reserve. DM: Cobalt Soul. Cobalt Reserve is on Tal'Dorei. Player: Sorry, the Cobalt Soul branch in Zadash. DM: All righty. You head to the Archive. What would you like to do? Player: I'll see if I can find Dairon. DM: All right. You ask around for a bit. Some of the various monks recognize you on entry, and they greet you with an acknowledging nod. You didn't make a lot of friends while you were here, of course. Player: Sup? DM: However, you do come across Archivist Xenoth who, as you're asking the question, one of the monks sends you over to Xenoth. He goes, "Oh, Beauregard. It's good to see you." Player: Hey! DM: "How may we help you?" Player: Is Dairon in? DM: "I can go and inquire. Are you here for more training?" Player: Just find Dairon. Thank you. DM: He looks genuinely spooked by the smile and is like, "That's something. Manners! That's new. I'm proud of-- " Player: Just go find Dairon. DM: "Right, all right." He turns around and ascends up one of the slowly curving staircases that is carved through one of the bookshelves. You see a bookshelf that ends and then a further depth in and there's a staircase that rides up to the top. There's a second level above. He's gone for about 15 or so minutes and then eventually descends the stairs. From behind, you can see Dairon. Her dark skin over the shoulders draped in this long cloak-vest, similar to the arraignments you wear, but with a deep gray. Her at-home wear. As she steps down, her elvish features smiling, her eyes taking acknowledgement of your presence, approaches you. "You have called for me." Player: Talk in private? DM: "Of course. This way," and Dairon walks past. Xenoth goes, "It was good to see you, Beauregard!" Player: Bye, Xenoth! DM: Dairon leads you to one of the meeting chambers, which is usually used for research and individuals that want to quietly read through books or take notes. Dairon closes the door behind, and it's just the two of you. "So what are the honors?" Player: Just want to let you know I'm in town and busy. DM: "Good. I've heard. You are making a small name for yourself with your friends." Player: Is that good or bad? DM: "I don't know, is it?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They agree and make their way into the fray. Dodging through and around burning buildings, the party takes down a few of the gnolls, including a couple of undead ones. DM: All right, cool. All right, well let's roll it back a little bit here and see how this helps you. All right, cool. So. No, it's fine. So Jester, Molly, what are you guys doing? Player: I was going to run to see where the cart was going. Full dash. DM: Okay. As you sprint off, with a full dash, you don't quite get as close as Nott does. Player: No, I wouldn't. DM: Because Nott is much faster. Player: Is he triggering my spider sense at all? DM: No.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The attack missed, but she was able to Blink into the Ethereal Plane afterwards. Finally Caleb and you dropped into the chaos. DM: As you go to fire a second round, you pull back and shoot and the mechanism misfires slightly and all of a sudden it scrapes you on the side of the cheek and you're like, "Ah!" Player: Damn it. Okay. DM: Okay. You still have your movement if you wanted to move. Player: No, because it'll hit me. I mean, I guess it'll hit me anyway, right? DM: I mean, you can still move within its melee if you wanted to try and re-maneuver. Player: Okay, I'll walk around away from the fire guy. DM: Okay. There you go. The fire guy does get an attack against you. Player: Okay. DM: That is a 12. I don't think that hits you. Player: No. DM: You just manage to avoid it. Okay. Caleb, you're up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He charges at the dire wolf with his greataxe and lands two hard-hitting blows, the beast wounded but growling with its fangs bared. Waking up from Grog's shout, the party finds themselves surprised and ambushed by more orcs and another that seems to be a half-ogre/half orc humanoid rushing towards Percy. DM: Yeah, he does not make that. So you shoot, he gets knocked prone. As you shoot his foot out from under him, he stumbles to one knee and then you just kick out and push him onto his back. That's the first shot. Player: And it does six points of damage-- I'm sorry, it does 12 points of damage plus three points of fire damage. DM: Nice. Player: And now my other shot. Marking that off. I'm going to shoot him while he's down. DM: Okay. Player: So, do I get a bonus to hit there? DM: You have advantage because he's prone. Player: Okay, I get advantage. So I'm actually using-- DM: He's right there in front of you and he's not able to really dodge effectively, so I'm going to give you advantage on this attack.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Then Tiberius uses Telekinesis to slam one ogre into the other and they are both knocked prone. Tiberius turns to Grog and yells, They're all yours, buddy. DM: Okay. You pull out your arrow and as you pull it back, a little bit of energy courses through your fingers, strikes through your arrow. You can now see this crackling energy as you're pulling it taut in your bow. You let it loose, roll for attack. Player: Okay! 21! DM: 21 hits. Player: All right. Then I do something else. 1d8. Right? DM: Yep. You do the damage of the arrow plus the damage of the spell. Player: Holy moly! So that's this. 13 for the arrow and then 4d8 for the spell. (counting) 17! DM: 17. Okay. The ogre that's been beaten, blasted by the fireball, it's getting up-- (grunt). It grabs its club, and it begins to get up on one leg as the Lightning Arrow slams into its chest. You can see it hits. Looks down for a second, and then the charge pulses through its entire torso. As it does, it screams out, "Ugh!" into the cavern, its whole muscle system locks tight and it falls forward again, onto its chest, smoke rising off of its whole upper area, unmoving, on the ground. He is gone.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Roughly eight days into the journey, they spot a Clovis Concord ship. Avantika says they could head it off, and asks you what he thinks they should do. DM: Yes, Bouldergut is on this ship. She has been moved from The Mistake partially because Bouldergut acts as a bodyguard to Avantika and because the other ship itself is in serious need of repairs. They assume probably don't put the giant heavy ogre on it. Player: Can I find Bouldergut? DM: Sure enough. Bouldergut is down there currently getting ready with a giant great club that is carved from an older masthead. Player: Bouldergut? DM: "What?" Player: I'm sure that is just for show, yes? DM: "Right. For show." Player: It's important you understand I have an agreement with the captain. No unnecessary bloodshed. You will make sure that the rest of the men know this. DM: She looks back and Avantika goes, "Oh don't worry. You are the quartermaster. You are the one who is to be boarding any sort of ships that we encounter so you choose your people."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy starts running towards Grog, unloading his last two shots at the dominated orc. Both shots impact and down the orc. DM: As the flower girl picks up the back end, you guys trudge on horseback into the heart of this section of the Vesper Timberlands. It is a very dense forest and you find that any straight-road path is not going to function, as you're constantly having to weave in and out from the thick tree trunks and heavy foliage that has taken over the floor. Plus a layer of snow that tends to encapsulate the area, your movement is relatively restrained than this pace you're normally used to going. You have-- what bonuses do you have because of the forest terrain? Player: I have-- DM: To the group's movement, if any? Player: Yes, movement is fine for all of the group. DM: Thankfully, though, you have Vex guiding you on this path and where it would be a very difficult experience pushing through this forest, especially with the time limit you have, she is able to find the quickest paths to dodge any of the heavy areas that are dense with dangerous snowfall. Player: I would also like to perception ahead and make sure that nothing is going to sneak attack us again. DM: Understood, understood.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before they leave Vex'ahlia asks if she has seen an older gnome and Yulia says she hasn't seen Wilhand, which might be a good thing. She shows them the hiding place they were using, with a broken shrine to Melora. DM: Okay. You see, even a quick glance, there's a small broken statue that lies to the ground, and you can see the semblance of a destroyed shrine. This back room was a shrine to Melora, and has since been seemingly tossed aside in the hurried state of trying to protect one's family. Player: Can I reach down and pick up the statue? DM: It's in three pieces. As you pick it up, she goes, "Oh, I'm so sorry, we--" She goes for your hand and goes, "I didn't-- hopefully she'll forgive us, I know she will." Player: Tell me about this deity. DM: "Melora?" Player: Melora. DM: And you've heard Melora, it's a whole section of Vasselheim that is based around her sphere of influence, and she is actually where most of the food in Vasselheim is grown in such a cold environment, her blessing is what allows the land there to be fertile for crops from many different places.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On Vax's request, Gilmore procures a favor for him with the Lyceum. Vax also purchases three enchanted daggers, presumably as a gift for Kynan Leore. DM: "Well, looking at these, this one--" She points to the one that looks like just a casual, wood chest. "This would be easier to hide in plain sight amongst the rest of your furniture. This one, however, would be difficult to locate in a more shaded, or lightless, circumstance." Player: Hm. I want ostentatiousness. DM: "Then perhaps this one?" Player: Yes, please. That. Thanks. Thank you. 200 to you. Also, I know Gilmore is otherwise entertained. Can you try to identify something for me? Do you have that-- I mean, judging by the glint in your eye and beauty in your heart, I'm sure you have many skills I don't know about, but I'm wondering if you could identify this small, red vial with a floating something in it, that I procured quite some time ago! Do you remember that? DM: Yes. This vial, if I recall, it has this small-- Player: Have I tried this, once before? DM: No, this is the one that was found-- Player: Me and Pike found some stuff in somebody's house? I don't even remember, this was a year ago. DM: Right. Yes, okay. There we go. And make a persuasion roll, actually, on this one.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Above that, x bars against the wall where, in the center, you saw a gold inlaid seal with an empty triangular shape, like a pyramid inverted, and a series of these iron warriors that were embedded in the walls. Behind the stairway, you saw means of smelting metal and other forms of material. DM: So that's going to end its turn. The chest slams shut now and the flames retract back inside, and you watch it exhaust smoke out each sides of its armor, and the flames that you saw burning in there are now dimmed, but beginning to flare up again. The one that's by you, Grog, is going to go ahead and move adjacently. Its head spins around for a second to look up at you and then it spins back to you, it's going to make two strikes at you with its greatsword. It has advantage on you because you used reckless. Player: Yes, it does. DM: All right. That is 31. Player: That hits. DM: That is 30. Player: 30 points of damage. DM: No, that's two attacks. Player: Oh yeah, they both hit. Of course. DM: Okay. So for these, 33 points of slashing damage, reduced to half. Player: What is that? DM: So that's 16? Right? Yeah.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After they finish talking to Claudia, they see a group of finer dressed people in the tavern, and Claudia tells the group she's helping them work through some issues . The strangers and Claudia all go to the basement. DM: No, you do not. They all look at their hands. The younger one with the mustache keeps stroking the front of his face and goes, "I'll raise four." You don't roll yet. You have to raise first. Player: I thought I was trying to cheat and replace one of my things. DM: Oh, you were. Yes, you're right. Player: Do I get to choose what it is, or do I roll again? DM: You just roll again. Player: Okay. I rolled it. It was shit. Okay. DM: He goes, "Raising an additional two gold pieces."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A couple of hours later, the ship comes upon an unnatural-looking fog bank in the ocean. Adella tries to veer around it. DM: Yeah, you're fine. So you move around behind Trinket. All righty. That ends your turn, Vax. Percy, you're up. Player: Okay, I'm gonna take a quick look around to see if I can figure out what's causing this fog because it's annoying me. DM: Perception check. Player: That's a 19. DM: Glancing about in the area, it's hard to see, especially from this vantage point. The area is so heavily obscured with fog. You do glance and see what looks to be a very, very faint general glow in a lower area towards the edge of the ship. But that's all you can make out. Player: Starboard? Port? DM: It'd be on this side. Player: All right. Somebody take a look at anything. There's a glow coming from the starboard side of the enemy ship. It's the one closest to our ship. We need to find out what's causing this fog. In the meantime, I'm gonna slowly make my way down a couple of the ropes. Is that an enemy right there? That guy? DM: You're up here. Player: Yeah, I know. I'm asking if that's an enemy on our ship, right there. DM: This is an enemy right there.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny you, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope? DM: I'd say yes, because the only reason you didn't have disadvantage with the other blade is because it was within an existing wound and then you pulled back. Player: Then I miss. DM: Okay, the other dagger, you go ahead and stab again, this time it hits a dense part of muscle and does sink in, but not enough to do any serious damage from the inside. Player: And there's air queefing in and out of this slot? DM: A little bit, yes. It's about that wide. You staying there? Player: Yes. No. I'm going to slide my body and try to stick head and dagger arm out of it and hang half in and half out, if possible. DM: Yeah. Go ahead and make a straight strength check. Player: 13. DM: 13? That's fine. Thankfully, the DC's lower because you managed to carve the large wound in. You plant your feet against the other muscle wall that you are between and you push off and get yourself through. And in the most awkward, tiny birth, just above your armpits, your head and arm emerge out the side. Immediately a gust of wind hits your hand as you realize and look down: you are hundreds of feet above the ground. Bramblewood right beneath you. But you are partially out of the dragon.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On Vax's request, Gilmore procures a favor for him with the Lyceum. Vax also purchases three enchanted daggers, presumably as a gift for Kynan Leore. DM: 11. His head turns to the side a little bit, peering through you with a slight scowl. "Last we talked, the reason we didn't report you to the guard for breaking through our defenses was you promised to look beneath the city and bring back various artifacts you were in search of." Player: Ooh, we found one! DM: "Did you, now?" Player: A couple, yes. And we killed a bunch of those buttholes. DM: "Can I see one of these artifacts?" Player: I don't have it on me right now. DM: "We're done here, Headmaster." And the mirror shimmers and closes suddenly.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog tells her to let her rage build and he will help her take down Raishan when the time is right. The meeting mostly consists of the group trying to figure out their next plan of attack, settling that they will go for Thordak before Raishan. DM: 25? Okay. It's hard to read the demeanor of Raishan in general. It's this middle ground of neutral expression with a half-cocked grin. Information flows at this consistent rate of being generally difficult to read. The beat of hesitation is meant for emphasis, more than covering, if that makes any sense. So it seems to have an honesty to it, if you could read any honesty from Raishan. Player: Raishan, now that we know you're you, do you have to continue the ruse of being Asum, or can you bring him here? DM: "I can certainly bring him here if you'd like. However, he is doing quite a lot of good with the Clasp, and Brom and Tofor underneath Emon right now, and they've managed to save many lives and continue to do so." Player: Maybe you could pop him over then? Just for a little bit. DM: "Well--" Player: You're quite powerful. DM: "What do you have need for Asum?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She decides to wait and cast Sunbeam as soon as she gets a visual on him. you slams the Titanstone Knuckles together to cast Enlarge on himself. DM: As you climb over the side, you do manage to get right over (impacts) right there. You see the erinyes is ducked down with the longbow drawn, with an arrow. Looks up and sees your much larger, now, face, grinning over the side, as you grin back and then (impact) land on the opposite. Player: (panting) Hold on, I need a breather. Naw, I'm just fucking about. You're dead. Can I go into a frenzied-- no, that was my bonus action, so I get two. Can I do reckless, Great Weapon Master, two attacks on She-Ra? DM: Yes, you may. Player: 21. DM: 21? Does hit. However, she's going to use her reaction to parry. So, as you begin to do that, she releases the tension on the arrow, pulls her longsword out, and parries the blade to the side. It adds four to her AC, and you miss by one. The axe slides off and slams into the stonework next to her as she begins to step away from you. Player: Whoa. Do I know if she can do that again? DM: You don't know.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group eventually finds a place where they camp for the night. While they're there, you convinces Jester to invite Avantika and Jamedi into Caleb's Tiny Hut. DM: "I share what is needed. I share with them the elements of the dreams and visions I've been given. For me it is one thing to have a loyal crew; it is another to have a crew that has faith in you beyond being just captain. I do not want a mutiny, and what's more effective than someone that thinks that not only are you a proper captain, but you are the link to their god?" Player: Very effective. DM: "There are ranging levels of belief, maybe, but I think with the time we spend together and the willingness to understand the possibilities of having a captain with such capabilities at their disposal, that-- well, riches are not that far off on the horizon, eh?" Player: Blind belief is quite remarkable. I'm assuming you've shown them things to garner some level of expectation of your abilities? DM: "Oh, do not misunderstand, I myself have gutted and cut down dozens of men who have attempted to take my position." Player: I don't doubt it for a moment. DM: "Speaking of which," and she removes her dagger and rapier and looks about and you can see beautiful weapons, very well made and very well kept. In fact, most of her equipment that she has, you can see her fiddling with occasionally to adjust and clean things as she moves through. There's a very forceful intent to make sure everything is properly placed and well taken care of on her person. She looks about and goes, "And as much as we are keeping an eye on us ahead, I am still keeping and eye on all of you, of course." Player: I would expect nothing less. DM: "Because, while I would like to believe this new-found kinship could make for some very incredible possibilities in the future, you cross me and this blade will find your heart faster than anything you've seen move." Player: Let's hope it doesn't come to that. DM: "I hope not either." She reaches out and pokes your nose and turns around.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina, with nothing to do for the moment, head to Gilmore's Glorious Goods. The party enter Shaun Gilmore's shop in Abedar's Promenade, where you makes a beeline to find the man himself. DM: Gilmore's a very handsome gentleman. I would say he's not fit and muscular. He is a handsome, comfortably jovial gentleman. Player: I'm picturing Jeremy Irons in a wizard robe. DM: Kind of. Imagine him with a little more paunch. Player: Okay. DM: But very charismatic. Open chest to his vest, with a number of gold chains and medallions that dangle around. Player: I feel you. DM: It's almost like a wizard's track suit. (all laugh)
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina are on a boat. DM: Okay. Keeping an eye out, and as you move, you catch a little more of the shape in the distance. It looks a little small to be a landmass. If it is landmass, it's a very small one. Player: Oh. DM: But it's stationary. Player: Oh, it could be another ship, possibly. DM: It could be a ship, it could be anything that would be stationary. Literally, it's only because of your keen vantage point, and your honed eyesight, that you're able to even make that slight, little bump in the horizon from here. Player: All right. Captain? DM: As you fly down, you see her, she's at the front of the ship. She has her one hand currently on the wheel, and she's looking out, chatting to the side with one of her crewmates, and turns around as you fly down next to her. She's surprised at your immediate appearance and she's like, "Oh, (gasps) sorry, I--" Player: You'll get used to that someday. DM: One of these days, I'm sure. "What can I do for you?" Player: I see something on the horizon; do you know of any masses in the area? Maybe a ship, or island, or-- DM: "Take the helm." She hands off the wheel to one of her compatriots, and she rummages over in one of the small chests to the side, and pulls out a large scroll and slams it onto a table she keeps maybe ten feet off to the right of her. And she goes through and pulls out a few instruments. Marks the sun and takes a good five minutes or so getting a really strong idea of where the positioning is. She looks down. "No, not much in the way of landmasses out here, my dear." Player: Do you have a telescope? DM: She goes and pulls out her particular eye glass. It's small, but functional. Glances over, and you look over in the direction and point it out. There's nothing on the horizon. Player: May I take that and fly up? I swear I'll give it back. DM: There's a long pause--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The rest of the Mighty Nein resist the song's effect and attack. Jester's Spiritual Weapon and Caduceus's Swarm of Beetles hurt one harpy enough that it stops singing. DM: Back to the top of the round, harpies. Those two harpies full dash, full run, go spinning back in the direction they came. As far away from you as they can get. Player: Auf Wiedersehen! DM: Those two, for the time being, are out of the way. Let's see if they can make their save. Nope! Player: They have to be out of line of sight. If they can see there's me on the boat-- DM: That's true, yeah. Player: That's what the spell says. DM: Yeah, facing away doesn't matter. Yeah, no, they're still running. Player: See ya! DM: Okay. There's the one on the back that's near death, it's going to attempt to fly away as well. It's going to move and dash. That's 80 feet out, and it's trying to catch up with the other two. Now there's three of them fleeing. That one, that one, and that one. All right. The two that are attacking-- there's two that are attacking the mast. One picked him one, one that's singing. I know, I'm trying to remember where it is. Okay, yeah. There we go. There's the one that tried to grab the one deckhand, it's going to swoop down and try and grab him again because he hasn't made his way fully in. Does manage to grab him. Swoops down, only gets partial, only 15 feet up with him. That's its turn. Let's see, the other two are going to go ahead-- Two are fleeing. That's fleeing. Oh, there's only one that's free. That one is going to attempt to attack one of the other sails because there's multiple sails up at that point. A smaller one. You know what? No, it's going to come after you since you're the one that's holding the sail. It's going to swoop down and attack you with claws.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance. DM: Okay. Looking at the barrel, there are no traps currently set, and it's not locked. The only traps were on the outside of the cellar, from what you knew previously, and as that mechanism had already been shown to you by Garthok, so that was easily disabled. Player: I'm not going to go crazy, I'm just going to go to the bottom of the ladder-- in I go. DM: Okay. So while you guys are taking a rest-- Player: 30 for stealth. DM: You drop down the ladder. As you head down what probably comes to about 15, 20 or so feet into pitch black-- it's completely dark down there. Do you have any light source, or do you want to-- Player: I have a Flame Tongue Dagger. DM: Okay, so you pull the Flame Tongue Dagger. It puts out a very, very low candlelight, opens up the vicinity to you as your feet splash down into very, very shallow, a couple inches, shallow water. Looking around you, you are in a subterranean sewer system. The smell hits you as you hit the bottom of it. This is the entire underbelly of Emon, and there is the slight sound of trickling water that's rushing through this tunnel you're currently standing in. The ladder drops close to about a foot above the floor before it comes to a complete stop. Looking to your right, it descends a little further down on that side, and you can hear-- make a perception check. Player: 22. DM: Okay. To the right of you, what should be the eastern tunnel, you can hear the sound of trickling water growing louder; it's almost like this stream meets another. As you listen to the left, and the stench is pretty rough in this part, to the left you can see in the tunnel is a very, very faint dim, yellow light that is shifting ever so slightly in the distance as it curves around out of view. It is level to where you are now, actually, slight incline for a little bit.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She then retreats back through the window and hides. you strafes clockwise around Utugash and fires his Ring of the Ram at full strength towards the devil, but the blast misses completely. DM: The ram head goes careening out of the wall of fire, slamming into the stone work and causing a big crack in the stone in the wall. The pit fiend says, "I will eat your face first." Player: Oh Jesus, I like my face. DM: You're still hasted. Player: Still hasted. For my second thing, I can only do a melee attack. I can't cast anything, I can't reach into my satchel or anything. DM: The bonus action you have from Haste is for weapon attack only. Or you can try and run away. Player: Yeah, I could. DM: So he'll get an attack of opportunity on you.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You began to look throughout the room. You found a sword across the upper ceiling, an ornamental blade of some kind. DM: For the most part, the places of worship, they're not very prominent. They're not huge temples. They're kept here out of law that was decided upon, but they're nice. They usually have a handful of crownsguard stationed to each, but it's not like they're under intense watch. There aren't a lot of worshipers during certain times of the day. Player: Is there any one that seems emptier than other ones? DM: Of all of them, I would say it would be the Raven's Den, which is at the Ossuary Gates, which is the large, vast graveyard of most of the higher-ranked families of this city. The Matron of Ravens' temple is the one that's least attended, largely because, dealing with death, it's not as bright and welcoming to the common folk. Player: Could I try to get in there when nobody's in there? DM: Okay. You wait for a while, and see a moment where it is relatively calm. The outside of the shrine is this iron obsidian archway that stretches up about 20 feet to frame a small shrine, topped with a statue of the Matron, and her ravens about her, this circle of ravens that curves around. You see the female figure standing in stone, the sculpture of the porcelain face-- the only material that's not the same as the darkened stone around her-- it's a white porcelain mask that is affixed to the front of the statue. At the base of it, you can see a number of bowls and offerings that have been left around from people that have come and passed through. Beyond that, there is a door to the small shrine behind it, it's this small structure. Maybe 20 feet by ten feet. It's not a very large shrine. You've seen groups of people that function as morticians, in long dark robes and dark clothing, that have entered and exited this facility. You wait for a while, as there is one body that's being interred at a family plot, and then as they all begin to scatter, you see a few other leave, and at that moment, the interior, from what you can tell, is empty, or at least you've watched three individuals leave. Player: Can I get in my disguise kit and affix a mustache onto her porcelain mask, and put a wig on her, and then write across the bottom of it "The Traveler was here," and leave a pamphlet? DM: You can certainly try. Player: I want to see as much as I can do in that amount of time before anybody comes back. DM: Sleight of hand for the mustache. Player: Oh no. Off to a good start. Nine. DM: As you leap up onto the statue, and go to affix the mustache to it, a voice over by the shrine says, "Excuse me? Excuse me!" Player: Oh hello, yes? DM: You see a pale young man, short blonde hair, emerge with a similar dark robe that you didn't see in the inside of the shrine. He goes "Could you please-- you're not allowed to climb the statue." Player: There was a smudge on her face, and I know that the people get really pissed when there's stuff on their statues. I was trying to clean it off for you. DM: "I appreciate that-- Well, thank you. It's just-- considered--" Player: I rub my arm across it to try and clean it off. DM: "Thank you so much." Player: I think I got it though! Don't worry. DM: "I appreciate that." Player: I'm going to sit here and worship her now. That's all. DM: "Please do. Please I can pray with you if you'd like." Player: Oh, that'd be great. DM: He sits down next to you and you both silently sit there, on your knees, and begin to pray quietly up to the Queen. You watch as one raven looks down over you both. Soon as he looks up and finishes his prayer, he extends his hand for a moment and it takes off. Player: Does that always happen when you pray to this lady? DM: "Not often, but perhaps she smiles upon you." Player: She does. I know she does because she likes me so much because I worship her real good. DM: "All right. Well, have a good day." He gets up. Player: You too. DM: At this point, the rest of the funeral procession is now returning to the shrine.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Allura and Kima arrive, Allura reporting that Vecna's cloud has spread across the Ozmit Sea to Tal'Dorei. When Vex mentions that Vecna can spy on anyone at any time, Vord offers to loan her a ring called the Band of Shrouds, saying it will protect against prying magics. DM: It looks like most of the sanctum is now dissipating and heading out towards the front of the temple and going about some sort of structured exit to prepare for this assault. Player: Allura! DM: As she's standing by, walking with Kima, they're in a heated discussion with a member of the Paramours of the Quadroads. She turns. "Vax'ildan, yes. It's good to see you." Player: It is so good to see you. We need advice. We need help. There you go. When we fought Vecna, he threw us around like ragdolls. He held us. He did whatever he wanted. Do you have any way, any thing, any suggestion for helping us avoid his grasp again? Because if it went the way it went the last time we are fucked right out of the gate. DM: "What do you perceive as the weaknesses you suffered in that previous battle?" Player: What was that? DM: "What do you perceive are the weaknesses that you suffered in that previous battle?" Player: He was able to hold us, magically. DM: "There are ways to make sure those bindings don't hold you still. There are magics that can prevent that. And if your enemy is as strong a magic user as I know, he will use distance to his advantage. Close that distance and make it your advantage. I know not quite what he's capable of in his new ascended form, and that scares me. But strike quickly, strike true. Everything you've got, work together. Communicate. And anything you can do to allow yourself preparation, and the jump on this fray, do it. That ring that Vord gave you, that'll be a boon enough. If you can catch him off guard, that might mean everything."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you and Scanlan break off to try to find the Lord of the Quadroads, whom you hopes may owe him a favor, while everyone else proceeds to the Temple of Sarenrae. At the temple, Pike asks a fellow devotee about physically contacting Sarenrae, then kneels at an altar to pray. DM: Yeah, there's the captain. The one that looks scared looks over and says, "Is your other friend around? The other big one?" Player: Kind of blanched complexion, orange hair? DM: "Yeah with the--" Player: Hits people in the face? DM: "That one." Player: Somewhere around here. DM: Turns to the guard captain and goes, "There's another one around here. Possibly two." Player: You know, the thing about that one, though, he doesn't like to leave loose ends. DM: Make an intimidation check.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi. DM: He comes back and he's now keeping, previously it was out in the open, he's learned his lesson. He has these glass vials, similar to what they put potions in, but now he's filling them with powder. And he brings out about four of them. "This is as much as I will spare. I already sold a lot recently to the lady. I have my own tinkering to do, but if you wish to buy these?" Player: Yes. DM: "I would be happy to sell." Player: That would be lovely. DM: "Okay. Process of distilling, drying, preparing, 250 gold!" Player: I think that's very fair. DM: "Wondrous! Deal, deal."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina, with nothing to do for the moment, head to Gilmore's Glorious Goods. The party enter Shaun Gilmore's shop in Abedar's Promenade, where you makes a beeline to find the man himself. DM: "Dragonborn. But yes! How about yourselves? You look like you've --" He gives you all a look over. "--like you've maybe not slept in a fortnight." Player: Well. We're lucky we're not dead. It came close a couple of times. We were off on official business for the emperor. We've been underground for weeks and weeks. We've only seen the sun for a couple of days. DM: "Oh. That kind of a weekend. I know how that goes." Player: Needless to say, our stores are terribly depleted. We are going to need to stock up a bit before we head out of town again. I don't want to rush things, though. I think my friends probably want to shop about. My sister can probably handle things for me. I would love to take a stroll with you around the city. Get a bit of lunch, a bite, and hear about what's been happening. Hear the rumors of town. We all know nobody matches your shrewdness in business. That's no surprise. DM: (chuckles) Player: But I'm wondering what you've heard. What's on the wind? Can you take the afternoon off? DM: He looks over at the same half-elven woman who was trying to stop you earlier. She gives a look like, 'what's he going to say?' No one's ever asked him this question. He goes, "For you? Of course." (all laugh)
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb casts Identify on the bag from Lorenzo's room, learning that it is a Bag of Holding. Fjord flips the bag inside out, dropping the contents all over the floor. DM: It was just casting a spell, and she wasn't always touching it necessarily. She was just near it, and sometimes would touch it. Player: (growling) DM: About two dozen teeth clatter to the ground, from varying backgrounds, and levels of decay. A meat hook: a handheld meat hook. Looks a bit rusted. Player: Gross. DM: There is a red gem a well-carved red gem about that big, not quite a ruby, called a corundum gem. A sealed envelope-- a wax-sealed envelope, but as part of the seal there's a coin pressed into the seal. Player: A special coin? What does the coin look like? DM: That's what it looks like.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pyrah has been destroyed, apparently during Thordak's escape from the Elemental Plane of Fire. Where the Fire Ashari village once stood, there is now nothing but sundered wood, charred bodies, and trees flattened by an explosive blast. DM: So you take Allura's hand and you put your focus into the crystal sphere, your vision lifts out of the keep with extreme speed. You find your visual surroundings thrust across the Ozmit Sea. You find yourself swooping across the shores of Othanzia, over the forests, eventually coming upon the blackened clouds that perpetually hang above the charred mountain range that contains the home of the Fire Ashari and the entrance to the elemental plane of fire. Your vision crests the mountain and steps into the valley of broken, blackened shale to the ever-burning forest. As you come upon it, you recall where the Fire Ashari village was and where you were greeted before and given your trials. Where there is now nothing but sundered, broken wood, tents, destroyed bodies burned and charred and curled up in horrible ever-gasping pain. The forest itself is flattened from the inside out, like a blast from the center of it just exploded outward, the trees all bent and snapped at the base, and in the center, where there once was that small pool of molten lava that you created the portal through and stepped into the elemental plane, there is a large, ominous, flickering gash between the planes that is roughly 30 to 40 feet in width and height that is pulsing as fire and magma pours out of it. You can see wandering imps and elementals and various entities slowly peeking out and escaping and wandering throughout the mountain tops. From what you can see, there are no signs of any survivors. Player: It destroyed everything. They killed everyone. DM: Allura at this point, who pulls out of the ritual, reaches out and grabs you by the shoulders. Player: We failed. DM: And she looks you in the eyes, and for a moment you feel like her normally warm and embracing face has gone cold and intense and her voice seems to echo with an undercurrent of arcane focus and volume. She goes-- Player: My people failed, we failed our cause. DM: "Keyleth, you failed no one, this is not your doing. This burden is ours as a people to hold, do not let this wash over you or he wins. This is their making, this is not yours. These creatures are evil incarnate, and it is our job, our true calling to end what they have done. Do not let this crush you, you are stronger than that. Pull yourself together. Your people, those that remain, they stand behind you." Player: I'm not as strong as you, Allura. DM: "But you can be and you will be. Do you trust me? Do you trust me?" Player: Yes. DM: "Good." Her grasp releases. Player: That's my people. DM: "And mine, and all of ours. There are many secrets in these lands. I'm a firm believer that there's always a way to victory, if we are smart about it and if we're quick about it. Now, I think we should look for survivors. Gather those we know that can rally to our cause, in Emon and beyond. What say you?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Kashaw Vesh, a human cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Hotis then attempts to flee but is held back by Tiberius. As the team assault him, a suit of armor animates and comes to his aid, hitting them all with a stored Fireball. DM: All right, so. That is the creature's turn. It finishes its spell, pulls back. However, the gem goes to a dull, dark state. No more stored magical energy. Kash, what are you doing? Player: I've got to heal myself, unfortunately, because I'm getting down there. So I'm going to Cure Wounds. DM: Okay. At what level? You can cast it at a higher level. Player: I know. I'm not sure I want to, yet. You know what? I am. I'm going to Mass Cure Wounds right now, just because I'm so low. DM: Okay. Player: So it's level 5. DM: Okay, so Mass Cure Wounds.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you waits for Vex to return from her walk with Percy. He tells her to keep both eyes open and Vex says she is very perceptive. DM: As you approach the door, you look down and see a smear of dark, reflective oil across the walkway about two feet leading up to your room. You guys have a cluster of rooms in this long hallway, and it arcs around like an L. So you guys are in this big L of all your rooms scattered throughout. Player: How thick is it? Is it viscous? DM: Yeah, it's pretty slippery. Player: Put my hand in it. Does that stay? DM: The hand stays for a minute, then-- Player: Goes away. DM: Yeah, it's pretty thick. Player: All right. DM: Also has a fume to it.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy decides to try his hand at finding a magic shop. Despite his efforts at haggling with the storeowner he does find, he utterly fails to convince her to sell her wares for a reduced price. DM: "Well, knowing that is now a magic potion of healing and two other magical potions, that is a very valuable belt with its contents. I would sell you just the belt for five silver pieces. To include the vials, and they do come as a set, unfortunately, that would run you 275 gold pieces." Player: Now, see, we don't know what kind of healing potion that is, and those other two vials could have-- there is an expiration date on those things. And how long have you had it? DM: "We've had it for a number of years." Player: A number of years? Well, in that case, they've probably gone stale by now. I would say 75 gold at the very best. DM: (chuckles) "That is not going to work." She reaches out and takes the belt away from you and sets it back down on the inside. Player: 75 gold will not do you for that, then? DM: "For the belt, maybe." Player: For the belt, obviously. We've already established that that's in the silver range and certainly not touching the gold. DM: "Right, but you're willing to have and to offer that 75 gold for it, please." Player: 75 gold for the entire set. DM: "No, it's not going to work. I'm sorry."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb messages Nott that the guards are on their way downstairs, and their continued exploration show no one else upstairs. Reluctantly, Caleb uses the scroll of Invisibilty that Calianna gifted him, telling Keg he'll stay with her and bamfing spider-Frumpkin onto her shoulder. DM: He's still standing, but he's looking pretty beat up and he's just making vowel sounds now. Speech isn't capable given the series of events that have transpired. Player: I'm going to say Shut up! And crack him across the face again with my bonus, my off-handed. DM: Also with advantage. Player: That was a Gil, but he did good. 19. DM: That hits, roll damage. Player: Nine damage. DM: As you're like, "Shh!" (crunching noises) Player: Shh, go to sleep. DM: Just repeatedly slamming his head into the stone until his arms go limp. You slide his face across the stone as he collapses to the ground. [cheering] Player: I'm going to take my scarf, wipe the wall. DM: As you're doing that, the guy behind him, who was his backup, sees this happen, because his initiative's next in the order, and he turns and runs. [laughter, cheering] He goes at a full run and then a dash, so he's about 60 feet away from you down the hallway getting near the front doors of the fortress.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the Platinum Sanctuary, the twins are greeted by Highbearer Vord. He offers to seal Opash's book in a vault beneath the city, but Vax, who doesn't entirely trust him, tells him they didn't actually bring it with them. DM: How do you say this? (all laugh) She's literally outside, sitting on the outside wall of the gate, leaning forward, just on a stool, with a loaded crossbow over her lap, looking out at the distance. And you're down below, about 20 feet down. Player: You there, excuse me. Hello? DM: She looks over the top. "Yeah?" Player: Hi! Taryon Darrington. New member of the group. Hi. DM: "Hi." Player: Yes, we're working on a very important project. It's an undercover mission in a foreign land, and we're going to need a disguise. Specifically, a wig, a convincing wig. We all thought that it might be a good idea to have some real hair for this wig, and, well, you have beautiful hair. I wouldn't mind if you would lend it to the cause. I'd like to buy your hair for 100 gold pieces. (all laugh) DM: Go ahead and roll a persuasion check.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He then inspires you with his harmonica. Keyleth, under the thrall of the ghost, attacks Scanlan with her staff and hits despite the bard's Cutting Words. DM: All three hit? All right, so no attacks of opportunity against Trinket. Roll damage, and everyone takes that damage. Player: I don't know what to roll for cannonball damage because I've never actually gotten to hit. DM: Oh, I know. I have this. It's 2d6 plus four. Player: Okay. For each person? DM: Yep. Player: Oh, okay, so ten for Keyleth. DM: Ten points of bludgeoning damage.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He turns away from the group and notices Scanlan and Percy, still disguised as peasants. Not recognizing Percy, he brings two of his guards forward. DM: All right. As you guys are making your way back towards the tavern, there is a small group of Whitestone villagers walking and having a conversation. Not heated, but there is a sense of desperate conversation amongst them. And, standing with them you can see there's an older gentleman, mostly bald, long scraggly gray hair that falls past his shoulders, a little bit hunched. He's wearing dark leathers and a cloak that's over one shoulder and drags the ground behind him. And they're talking to him and he's growling to himself and the best you can make out is there's an argument about farming shipments and the inability to make dates and requirements. He shouts back to the remainder, says, "Listen, it is beyond my control. This is what has been decreed by Sir Kerrion. That is how it'll be. If you cannot provide, then taxes will be pulled. If you cannot pay, then there are far worse things we can take. Now, be on your way!" And steps away from the group, looks over and sees a little boy and this in the shadows skulking individual. "You there!" Player: Yes? DM: "You new around here?" Player: A bit, yes. DM: "I don't recognize you." And two of the guards step forward. Player: I suppose it's our good luck, then. DM: "What's your name?" Player: (sighs) Reggie. DM: Make a deception check.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you's axe, however, takes a chunk out of it. The party continue to fight as the Trickfoots scatter and hide. DM: Right there. You come up right to the side of it, and you can look up and see it now. It's forming this wall of screaming faces at you, and a lot of them are watching as-- all of them are facing Pike as she disappears, and all of a sudden, all at once, a hundred faces go (shhhp) to you, and (gurgling growl). What are you doing? Player: All eyes on me. I swing at it. The first one regular. DM: Okay. Player: 28. DM: 28 hits. Go ahead and roll damage. Player: We'll see what happens now. 24 points of damage. DM: 24 points of damage. As you rush up angrily, you swing your axe, with additional? Player: Necrotic, four. DM: All right, 28. All right, cool. You swing, and as your axe cleaves through the side of it, you watch as parts of it break open, sending chunks of it flying, and the creature (shrieks) seems to scream in pain from the impact.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan Dimension Doors into Percy's workshop, sees Percy outside the door, and heads that way. He sees the enemy right in front of him and retreats back into the workshop, inspiring Percy as he does. DM: Nine. As you pull over your Pepperbox, you're like, (ping). The actual barrel comes off and hits the ground and rolls off toward the back of the room. Player: I'm tossing it into my room. I'm using an action surge. Actually, can I even do that? Yes, I'm going to use my action surge, and I'm going to walk over to the wraith on the ground, put the barrel of Bad News up to it, and pull the trigger. DM: The wraith is no longer on the ground, by the way. Player: Is he not? DM: The entity actually, upon looking, is immune to being prone. So we won't retcon anything, but as you go to pull the barrel up, you can see now the face is standing up before you. Player: I'm just going to try and shove it until I hit something and then pull. DM: Okay, so go ahead and roll with disadvantage with Bad News. Player: 22. DM: 22 hits. Go ahead and roll damage.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He and his party were left for dead, but his patron goddess, Tiamat, kept him alive. He offers a temporary alliance with Vox Machina against Vecna. DM: Okay. First off, make a perception check as you glance out to see how close you are to the nearby wall. Player: 30. DM: 30, okay. You notice you're on a different part of the city than you were previously. If the city's moving forward, if you consider the direction that the titan is traversing forward, you guys were to the back and right side of Thar Amphala. Like a clock; if twelve o'clock is where it was traveling, you guys were around four or five o'clock. Looking now at the layout of the city, you're closer to 11 and 12 right now. And you're maybe about 200 feet from the nearest wall. You can see the curvature of the dome is pretty striking from your current position. And you can see the pulses, the waves. Imagine like a reverse waterfall of energy shooting upward. And every now and then, there's a burst. Player: Does it look like there's an area that the pulses are brighter, along the wall? DM: Yes. You do see the pulses aren't universal. There are certain locations, about six of them throughout the city, that you occasionally see them (bursting), and they spread out. Player: Are we close to one of those pulses? DM: You can maneuver there. It's not directly behind you, but you can eventually get to that location, yeah.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus, you, Jamedi, and Nott ran towards the stairs to the outside. Beau and Jester waited by the well for Fjord. DM: It gets you to the last bit of air as it's about to hit the surface. At the end of this combat round, basically after Fjord, the chamber that Beau is in is now full. The water has filled the entirety of the temple. Player: So all the way to the tippy-top? DM: Yes. Player: Oh, balls. I'll use bonus action and movement to go as high as I can. Do I reach the trap door? DM: You do reach the door. Player: I will pull out the wire from my spell components and try to jimmy to lock. Oh god, I don't know what to do! I'm underwater, yeah? So I still have action, so I'm going to try to open the lock. DM: Okay. Make a lock picking attempt.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The dwarf's skull has a hole bored into it, like the goblins Vex discovered earlier. The hooded figure nods towards the duergar general and they walk back to the barracks. DM: You hear what sounds like guttural Dwarvish being shouted angrily, cursing from the interior, and a few other dwarven voices also joining in-- more than two. You hear some horrible, sick thuds and some impacts and some cries of pain. And eventually, the five duergar dragging the captives walk out, carrying cudgels at their side, still dripping with fresh blood. They kind of go amongst their own business from there. Player: Okay. I think I'll go back to my fellows. There's nothing I can see-- that door doesn't lock-- does it lock by any chance? DM: It's just an opening tent. Player: Open tent. There's nothing lying around, none of that black armor lying around or anything? Any extra things -- DM: Not on the street. Player: Okay, I think I will just make back for my friends, then. DM: Okay, make a stealth check.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He sees another statue, Vandran, which he also destroys. He ascends out of the water into a dark stone chamber, with a carving of a serpent with multiple carved eyes on its body. Watching. DM: You don't need to. That was more helpful earlier in the campaign, when everything was a super mystery. You spilled all the beans recently, so it's fine. You walk in darkness, your eyes trained on a barely visible horizon of faded blue. The lightless midnight horizon that breaks this endless void. The ground is soft beneath your feet and your slow gait bounces slightly with each step. Like time is crawling in this buoyant space. You look down at yourself, obscured by a shadow, until a faint yellow light bursts from your sword. The light of a yellow eye now open from the hilt like a lantern, lighting a tangled forest of kelp before you. Bubbles escape the corner of your mouth, but you breath the waters calmly, like a thick vapor. "Learn." You search through the mass of shifting slick sea vines eventually coming upon the base of a staircase going up. "Grow." What do you do? Player: I climb those motherfucking stairs. DM: As you ascend the cold stone stairs, the beam of the eye lighting the way, your passage is suddenly blocked by something. A statue; humanoid, but featureless. "Provoke." Player: I'll fire two blasts of Eldritch Blast at it. DM: The statue breaks apart, its various shards emerging from the detonation and slowly sinking in what is now the thick waters around you. As the head tumbles past the light of the edge of your sword, the face is recognizable in a flash: Sabian. You push beyond, continuing to ascend the stairs. You come upon another statue, larger and looming more than the last. What do you do? Player: Witch Bolt, right to its chest. DM: As the darkened energy arcs from the hilt of your blade, hitting it you watch as the cracks spider up the stone before it detonates into hundreds of shards of dark stone. You see half of the face slowly hit and clatter onto the stone before falling off to the side. Vandren. Do you continue up? Player: The stairs, are they staying the same, is there anything at the foot of the statue after they break apart? DM: Looking down the statue itself is now immaterial. You've entirely annihilated it and you glance over the side, and what few shards still remain, slowly drift beyond your view into the dark abyss below. Player: I'll move forward. DM: Continuing to ascend these steps one by one, they grow more and more narrow. You think you see an approaching surface of some kind. You're clear of the water, suddenly breaking the surface and you're standing in a dark stone chamber. You've managed to get all the way up standing within the ankle high water in the middle of the stone chamber and you watch, as all the liquid begins to drain. Until there's no more water around you. Revealing in the center of this chamber, an intricate circle in the ground, maybe two feet across. Beautiful ancient craftsmanship, detailed to depict a serpent body coiled. Carved eyes emerging from the creature's body every few inches. The center of the water is a circle of water, like a well. "Watching." What do you do? Player: I'll summon the sword and hold the eye facing the circle. DM: As you hold the blade up, you see the light hits the water and is absorbed by it. You don't see anything beneath it. It seems to be just a void that eats the light. Player: Void that eats the light. Can I walk into the center of the circle? DM: You step into it? Player: Well, I definitely do now. DM: Well, is that what you want to do? Player: Yeah. DM: Okay, you step into the circle, it's only a few inches deep of water and your feet feel the bottom. It is shallow. You're now standing above it, it's only about two feet across, so it's basically you standing over the small pool. Player: Is there a ceiling, are there walls, are there statues in this space? DM: Looking around you, you can see stone walls and you could see a ceiling above you. It is almost plain featureless room, aside from the very edges of stone stacked upon itself. Player: Watching. Can I look into the eye of the sword, do I see anything? DM: You look towards the hilt and the eye stares back at you. The light temporarily blinding you for a moment, as you adjust. Player: What the fuck? Can I try and take the edge of the blade and press it into the floor? DM: You press the blade in through the water and it hits the stone. Player: Jesus. (English accent) I don't know what you want from me! DM: No response. Then you hear once more, "Watch." Player: I've stared at the eye. Fuck. I have no idea. DM: Make a perception check.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy says the something terrible has happened and needs help fixing something. A voice calls out and asks if he is trying to fix himself or something else. DM: As you step out of the room, you hear a whisper come from beyond the chamber, within the darkness. It says, "Is it yourself you wish to fix or something more?" Player: I don't think I can be fixed. There is something broken in the world. DM: "Then come. Let us talk." Player: ...I don't understand how these things work. I'm so sorry. Where do you wish me to go? DM: "Have faith." Player: (disbelieving laugh) DM: "Step in. Join me."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the Platinum Sanctuary, the twins are greeted by Highbearer Vord. He offers to seal Opash's book in a vault beneath the city, but you, who doesn't entirely trust him, tells him they didn't actually bring it with them. DM: It's how nimble your fingers are. It's a dexterity bonus plus the proficiency modifier for a disguise kit. If you are proficient with this kit, with the disguise kit? Player: Oh, my gods. DM: What are your proficiencies? Player: I don't think so. I mean, I don't know, so I'm just going to say no. DM: Then it's just dexterity. Player: Dexterity. DM: Just roll a d20, add your dex bonus. Player: Okay. All right, I'm going to go for like, a General Krieg-type look to the face? I'm going to do my best-- DM: Okay.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Kashaw Vesh, a human cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so. DM: All right. As you guys step across the way. It's about a block up. One of them is partially inside the alley between two of the buildings. You can see he has one hand up on the wall and the other down. One of them is relieving himself on the side of the building, while the other is keeping watch, arms crossed, looking out across the road. The one that's immediately present, or before you, you can see is human, a scruffy brown beard around the edge of the chin. The hair itself is cut very short. A little heavier in appearance. A little muscle, a little layer of winter padding, but the black leather armor definitely gives you the appearance of somebody who is a Bastion of the Raven Queen. As you approach, the hooded half-elf, the dwarf walking with the giant axe, and the bumbling dragonborn, the human cleric with a very angry disposition, and the awkward half-elf druid stepping in pace with him. Gives you all a cursory look and immediately puts a hand to his side where you can see that there is a rapier currently sheathed. "Aye, you walk with purpose." Player: We walk for the Guild. DM: "Slayer's Take it is?" Player: It is. DM: "What business have you on this side of town, then? Aren't you supposed to be out past the walls killing creatures and such?" Player: Our business takes us where our business takes us. Our business brings us here today. DM: "All right, then what's your business?" Player: You might be having some trouble? DM: "Aye." Player: What's causing you trouble and what's going to get us out of here might be the same thing. DM: The gentleman to the left of him finishes shaking off the rest of his alleyway journey.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place. DM: 14 and 12, yeah, so it was 26 psychic damage you took on the first strike and the second one was seven, too. 21. Player: I thought the second one failed? DM: The third one. It has three attacks. Player: Oh, there's three. DM: Yeah. Player: Okay, so what was the total, sorry? DM: It would be 26 and 21, so yeah, 47 points of psychic damage as its arm reaches out towards you and strikes. Also, I need you to make a wisdom saving throw.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi. DM: Just enough pause for you to duck out of the way. However, he uses that inertia to spin back on Vax for a 27. Player: Uncanny Dodge. DM: And a 21. Player: That hits. DM: Okay. Player: So first one Uncanny Dodge, second one full brunt. DM: So Scanlan, you take nine points of bludgeoning damage.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They make their way to Greyskull Keep, where they find that their old servants, Laina and Erwen, have returned. DM: You guys head into the city, and with each street corner there's another building with a roof that's being re-roofed. You can see walls being re-stoned and structured. You can see carts being brought in from the docks as trade has now begun anew within the city, and there is a semblance of culture, life and society continuing to still re-emerge and spread with each visit to the city, and it's very heartwarming and harkening to the good that you've done through the struggles and challenges leading up to this time. Player: I'm sorry, old man, who's in charge here these days? DM: "In charge of what?" Player: The city? Who's running things? DM: "Oh, the Council." Player: They're doing all right? DM: "I think so?" Player: Okay, everything steady as she goes? DM: "I mean, my house is in ruins and I haven't seen my grandchildren but--"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites you, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm. DM: Okay, go for it. She throws down a couple of Cure Light Wounds. She's going to do 3rd level to each of you. Player: Dope. DM: Of Cure Wounds. This'll be 3d8 plus five to each of you. So 23 to you, and 21 to you, Scanlan. She'll do a third one to you, Keyleth. Because you're looking pretty rough, right Keyleth? Player: Huh? DM: You're looking pretty rough? Player: I'm at 65 now, with that. So I'm still 30 under. DM: So on top of that you get another 13. Pike's going to stay with you guys.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors. DM: Okay. So we'll go ahead and take a break as the party is resting for the evening, we'll be back here in a few minutes, guys, to continue this next chapter of Vox Machina's adventure. All right, see you in a little bit. [break] Hey guys, welcome back. So. Kicking into high gear to return to the game as it's going. You guys go through your restful evening, except for Grog, resting up and getting prepared for whatever comes your way, except for Grog. As you spend the night fending off sleep, staring at Craven Edge there on your lap, feeling the cold blade against your fingertips and considering and still feeling the strength that it's imbued upon you pulsing through your veins. Player: Yeah, could I ask it one question? DM: Yeah, yeah. Player: Right, it was a good day, right? Like, superb. DM: "Yes." Player: Do you remember your former owners? DM: "I do." Player: Do you remember Lord Briarwood? DM: "I do." Player: How was he? DM: "He was a stalwart champion. He kept me fed. Mostly." Player: Did he give you a goal? You know, before we put him into different pieces, he was, like, trying to build up this god called Vecna. You don't know anything about a god called Vecna, do you? DM: "Doesn't interest me." Player: No? DM: "No." Player: Just the blood. DM: "Just the hunger." Player: Right, the hunger. DM: "It's all there is, is the hunger." Player: But look, we did really good today. So I'm not going to go to sleep, I'm going to carry this over the next day, I want to see how hard we can push this. DM: "So close to being full." Player: You're close to being full? Hold on, how many more lives do you need? DM: "I'm close." Player: Do you know, do you know what happens when you get full? Like, do you get bigger? Do I get stronger? DM: "Feed me and you'll find out."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She chases after Protto and Ruzza, who have disappeared further along the hallway into the next room. The still-invisible Caleb follows, sending spider-Frumpkin ahead, who sees another caged, manacled and gagged prisoner in the next room before the guards shut the door behind them. DM: Frumpkin curls beneath the door frame, revealing this other hired guard that was back further in the chamber. Protto and Ruzza, they've lifted another barred trap door that guards another set of stairs that goes deeper below into another chamber. Player: A dungeon in a dungeon? DM: They're stepping further down into this next bit, at which point Protto looks over his shoulder and goes, "Hurry!" (arrow firing) No, he gets an attack before you can pull him back. That's a 16 plus six; that's a 24. Player: Maybe it's only one point of damage! DM: That is 11 points of piercing damage. Player: (groaning) DM: A rapid-fired arrow about that long, I'd say, against a spider would look terrible if it wasn't a fey entity that dissipates into dust as it blinks back into its home dimension.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As they move through the city, the group encounters clusters of undead from two factions: one wearing symbols of Pelor, the Dawn Father, while the other faction seems to be associated with Vecna. you, looking more closely at a group of skeletons as they pass, determines they must be at least 500 years old. DM: I called the airport to try and coordinate this time with you guys. Cost me 17,000 dollars for that one five-second bit, so enjoy it, guys. Player: Worth it. DM: Totally worth it. Player: These bodies, compared to the ex-champion of the Raven Queen, do these bodies seem even older? More decayed? Do we have any sense for how old these fuckers are? DM: You would have to get up close and that would be a medicine check. Would you want to try and make your way close enough to one of these bodies to inspect it enough? Player: How far off are they? DM: If you guys continue moving forward, you'll be at that intersection in about 30 seconds.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After having some time to catch up with her, exchange information about your travels, youd had discovered that there have been some issues with one client of hers within the town, and managed to gather a little bit of information, but began to seek more about this Algar, this figure who had grown jealous of other clientele, and seemed to be becoming a point of concern for Marion, and you took it upon yourselves to look into this individual, and possibly find a way to resolve this while you're in town. You also began to run into some other curious mysteries, you went to the lighthouse, and spoke with the lighthouse keeper there for a bit, you had found a strange tower in the open quay, and then eventually discovered along the wharf, a tavern of familiar name, based on some of the previous things you were looking out for, the Wayfarer's Cove. DM: Sitting there on the table, both these large, scaled, coming to the point of these hooked claws, these hands are wrapped around this heavy tankard. The head shifts over your direction where the eye patch meets your gaze first before the other eye creeps past the extending hard brow. "I'm sorry, what you asking, eh?" Player: I was asking how you got your eye patch. Did you-- did somebody shoot it out of your eye? DM: "Well t-that's certainly a possibility, cher." Player: You don't remember? DM: "You don't think that perhaps someone's going to tell you their life story just without even knowing you? You can buy me a drink first." Player: Oh yeah, I will buy you a drink if you tell me how your eyeball went missing! DM: "Very well."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Uten tells Keyleth that he has been in the city for twelve years and worked with Senokir in the jewelry business for ten of them. It is unknown how long Senokir has been in the city, as he keeps his personal life very private. DM: "Well, here it's a few rooms. It's large enough to house Whaska and his servants to construct the crafts that they are good at." Player: What do they construct? DM: "As far as I know, arms, armor. You see, fire giants, they find their sense of self-worth in society by their craftsmanship. So it's a very important thing for some." Player: Right. Yeah. So, like, wheels? Or like weapons? Arms? You said arms. DM: "I said arms." Player: I have a hard time listening when you talk like that. DM: "Would you like me to speak slower?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They catch the attention of some Carvers and pretend to be sightseeing. The guards become scared of Trinket so you sends him mopishly back to the tavern. DM: (growls) You hear in the distance. The one goes like, "Look, I'll show you to the statue and that's it, then you got to go." Player: All right. Thank you. DM: "I don't see many half-elves here and honestly I'm excited to meet you, so let's do this quickly. Come with me." He leads you further into the cityscape. Down the road, you end up going through a few buildings. You find one large wrought iron fence with a series of carved spikes towards the top, and you see the beautiful dark marble building with the gold trim. Player: Oh, this one's amazing. DM: "This is what you were talking about, Greyspine Manor. Lot of rich sons of bitches." Player: Wow, so you said the Greyspines own this one? DM: "Aye."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Lionel Gayheart Chod, a half-orc bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and Grog charge out to handle them. DM: Closest to you are the skeletons here, or if you wanted to rush around and get the guy with the big heavy armor. Player: That's the old guy? DM: There's an old one with a staff, there's a black knight in all the armor with the halberd, or there's some skeletons. Player: Can I make it over to the black knight? DM: Yeah, you can make it over to him. Player: Yeah. DM: You get up to him right there.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The guardian retreats from the anvil, stops, and turns around, holding up a giant, cleaver-like sword with the flat facing out. As Grog steps up to the anvil, the guardian tilts the blade so that the edge faces forward. DM: Okay. So you head up the stairs. The water elemental swarms around the side. You see wherever it moves forward there's steam pouring off from the heat of the ground and the surrounding metal and stone. As it comes up the steps, more and more steam (sizzling) emerging off the back of its body, it comes to the top and it's now next to Grog. You send it towards the anvil? Player: Yeah, but didn't Grog train to the right? DM: Grog stepped to the right and then began to step forward and then stopped. Player: Does the water elemental seem to be catching its attention at all, or is it still looking at Grog? DM: It's still looking at Grog. Player: Can I move the elemental to the left to see if it follows the elemental? DM: Okay, the elemental moves to the left. It doesn't follow the elemental.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three locks' scratchings translate to the Common equivalent of 'open me', one of the locks' scratchings warns the party not to open it. you discovers that the lock saying 'No' is trapped, and the ones saying 'Yes' aren't. DM: In order to sneak attack a creature, you have to have an ally adjacent to the enemy, not to you. The idea is, they're being harried by two different points and can't form a good defense Player: Okay, all right. Then I'm going to use Disengage, I'm going to step five feet back. I'm going to use one action to click my Boots of Haste. And then can I attack, because the boots are on, after that? Then I'll throw a dagger at him. DM: Okay. Player: That is a 24. DM: 24 does hit. Player: All right. 11 from the Keen Dagger. DM: All right. Cool. All right. We have now officially, as of this moment, entered combat. You technically would be next in the initiative round at this point, but you're holding your action until-- what are you holding your action until? Player: I was only going to do that if you told me that I could move around him, now that I know that I can't-- DM: All right, you did that, okay. Okay, never mind. Gotcha. All right, cool. So that will be, in theory, the first opening to the battle. Now we start the initiative order. All right. So now we're starting off. Vex, you're up first.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy walks up to the doors and tries to open them, but can't. Vax prepares to unlock it, but there isn't a lock; the doors are barred from the inside. DM: With a brief burst of wind energy, a shimmering form, somewhat humanoid in shape, but still amorphous appears. Player: Hi, Darrell. DM: (wind sounds) and begins to shove itself up against the bottom of the wooden bar. Make your check, as well. Player: That was a six. Is that for me? DM: That's for you, and then roll and add five for your Unseen Servant. Player: So, five extra to that is 11. Right? No? DM: Roll again, add five. Player: Oh, I see. Four. So that's a nine. DM: The three of you, one mystically summoned from a plane beyond your own, cannot seem to budge this single wooden door! You've defeated beholders. You've slaughtered illithid underneath, in the Underdark, deep in the belly of the planet. But this door bests you!
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A frustrated Tiberius yells at them, intimidating them until they step back. Tiberius apologizes and gets off with a warning and a threat. DM: You make your way through the alleyways, eventually back towards the building proper. What would you like to do? Player: Just going to watch, that's all. Do I see any security details? See who's guarding the place. DM: There are Carvers doing rounds around the city. On the streets wandering through in pairs, keeping watch. You don't see any particular guard outside, but you do see individuals moving past windows. There's a little bit of light from the inside of the buildings. Player: No Carvers or any sort of guard detail outside the house? Anything like that? DM: Not between the gates. The yard area and to the front door. Player: Okay. Heavily heavily guarded by the looks of what's inside and what's outside the gate? DM: What's outside the gate? You're hard pressed to find a moment where the street isn't visible to some Carver. This area is pretty well guarded. You figure largely because the person who is currently the Ironkeeper of the entire city of Kraghammer lives within that building as well as one of the more powerful dwarven families, so it's pretty well watched. Player: Okay, I'm going to head back to the inn, then. I'm not going to poke the bear. DM: You all eventually gather back at the tavern.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, That done, they begin to plan their way forward, using Locate Creature to determine the direction that the rakshasa has gone. Finding that their way forward is blocked by a stream of acid, the party mount up on the flying carpet. DM: The carpet takes 16 points of acid damage. As you're taking your turn to pull it out as opposed to trying to escape from that point, you take another 15 points of acid damage, until eventually you're pulled out from the entire pool and carried over to the other side and then dropped on the other side, both of you guys pulling the carpet out. The carpet itself, its color has dampened. Portions of the corners of the carpet have dissolved, and you can see the liquid on it is still eating away at the actual fibers of the carpet. You're still submerged. You take another 18 points of acid damage, reduced to nine again. Same as you took last time. And what are you doing? Player: Me? I'm trying to climb up onto the rock that is right there that I didn't jump onto. DM: Right here? There's only enough room for two people. Player: Who's on it now? DM: Currently, Tiberius and Thorbir. Player: Well, I guess I'm swimming through acid, then. DM: You can try and get on there, but you'd probably push somebody else off. Player: No, I'm just going to start wading towards the other side. DM: Okay. Athletics roll. It is a very thick, gloopy liquid. Player: That's all right because I rolled a 19, so that is a total of 21. DM: 21. That'll be enough to get you just towards the edge and you (grunts) pull yourself out onto the side of the stonework, taking a final 13 points of acid damage, halved because of your armor. You take seven. (pants) On the side, both you and Kashaw are catching yourself, wiping it off the parts of the flesh. You can see, there's scarring on your skin from where the liquid began to dissolve some of the flesh on the outer layers. The carpet itself is still (sizzling). The edges of it are starting to burn away and dissolve.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls. DM: Nine points of force damage as the lollipop hits it in the back of the skull and it leans forward and grabs the back of its skull with this pounding, throbbing pain in its head. Player: And then I'm going to use Toll The Dead on the one in front of Beau. DM: All righty. So what does it have to roll? Player: He has to roll a wisdom saving throw. DM: Okay. And the range of that one is? Player: 60 feet. DM: So that rolls a nine plus zero, nine. Player: Yeah! So he takes 1d12 necrotic damage! Two. It's a little bell this time. DM: Just a little bell. You watch as a little bit of blood comes out the side one of the hyena's ears.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance. DM: 12, that'll work, because none of them-- only one of them did 20 damage and it's minimum of ten, so as long as you get above a ten with each one, you're fine. Player: Okay. So I got to do two more? DM: Yeah. Player: Yeah, that's 16 plus two. DM: Okay. Another one. Player: 17 plus two. DM: Another one. Player: Two plus two. DM: You have advantage on these. Player: Seven plus two. Nine. DM: Nine. Nope. Player: No good. No bueno. DM: With that, you lose your concentration on the Domination spell. As that fades--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Hotis then attempts to flee but is held back by you. As the team assault him, a suit of armor animates and comes to his aid, hitting them all with a stored Fireball. DM: I'm clarifying this because the spell says this. They make a dex saving throw, or they're lifted by the pillar. If they make a save, they are not touched by the pillar. Player: Right. That means they don't get pinned by it. DM: No, they don't take any damage. If they make their save, they dodge out of the way. That's how the spell is designed. Player: All right. DM: It's primarily intended to be a defensive spell that can occasionally be used offensively, if they fail their save. The shield guardian takes the damage. Player: And he's pinned. DM: And he's pinned, currently. Yep.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The tunnel continues in a slow decline and curve to the left. Twenty minutes down there is a small alcove to the right where they find another abandoned camp of four tents and another seal of Bahamut. DM: And as you glance about you can see, in this alcove, looking at the dirt itself, it looks like there was a serious struggle. You can start seeing drag mark-- Player: Can I use Tracking and see what happened, like Prince Humperdink, please? Can do? DM: Ah, well, this is part of your investigation roll, essentially. Player: Okay, okay. DM: Unless you want to track to where the tracks went, that's a different story. That's-- Player: Well, can I see who was attacked first? Does it look like Kima was attacked, or she-- DM: It's hard to tell, you see some of the footsteps, and some of the drag marks, while mostly worn over, elements do show some of the fairer folk. The duergar have a very distinct footprint or size. You do see one that resembles more of, like, gnomish or halfling origin. You see drag marks in the dirt, you see other individuals, looks like there were chunks of rock that have been chopped off the side of the wall that look fresh, where you can see the soot that has settled into this part of the cavern is no longer visible where these scratch marks basically took off and exposed fresh rock. Player: The drag marks, do they lead outside of the alcove and down? DM: They do, and they lead down the tunnel further.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance. DM: With that, you look over and see the rooftop up there. You leap off each side, Ninja Gaiden-style. Hop onto the rooftop with a solid view of the entire battlefield before you, including the one flying creature up there. Player: Oh, okay. Then I'm going to Hunter's Mark the magic user. DM: All righty. Player: And I'm going to Conjure Barrage in a cone to get as many of those fucks as I can. DM: Okay, so it's a 60-foot cone. Right there? Player: Yeah, sure. Sorry, Scanlan. DM: You will hit Scanlan, as well.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the sidelines, Scanlan yells inspiration at you and Cutting Words at Kern. Keyleth attempts to heal you from a distance, but gets caught by a nearby Bastion. DM: You see him snarl to the side as you toss his wineskin to the ground and you chug your own. It tastes very heavily-- this is frost giant strength, you said? Player: Or the stone giant, yeah. DM: Oh, the stone giant. It tastes very heavily of black charcoal, dust, grit, and the actual liquid itself has a very gravelly texture as it goes down your throat, and you can feel chunks getting caught, but you push through and continue gulping it. It's thicker, like a molasses, than it is an actual liquid. You finish it off, toss it to the side. Go ahead and mark your increase to strength for this. Player: I got it down already. DM: You came prepared! Player: (singing) We're going to need a montage, a montage. DM: You toss your wineskin to the side. The bookie, you hear now, raises his hand. "All here in attendance. We have here in the Crucible this day, a rematch of titans. The standing champion of all the Braving Grounds of Vasselheim: Kern the Hammer." (cheers) (booing) Coins start raining on you copper, silver, and gold pieces spin down on the ground around you, Grog. You guys just stand tensely locked in that warrior glare. "Challenging him, once again, tail between his legs, intent on claiming his glory, returning to the Crucible, Philip." Player: No! Philip is dead. There is no Philip. There is only Grog, the Vengeful. (cheering) DM: Cheers go up around the outside of the Crucible. You can now see the entire crowd-- the energy itself is electric in the air; eyes are intense and bloodshot. Everyone is looking down into what is about to be, hopefully, a drag-out, throwdown fight. You feel the rippling strength of your stone giant elders tearing through your body. You flex, and you hear with each muscle tensing and the popping of bones and sinew as you prepare yourself for this. As you're doing this, you see across the way, Kern cracks his knuckles, and you can see the giant scar from his snarling lip. You realize he hasn't been snarling this whole time; it's just the natural state of his current smile. And then he snarls. You can see his orcish tusks protruding out, and the gums themselves, black and purple, peering out from underneath his upper lip that you once destroyed. "I'm going to take yours this time, boy." Player: Enough words, toothless. Let's do this. DM: Roll initiative.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A couple of hours later, the ship comes upon an unnatural-looking fog bank in the ocean. Adella tries to veer around it. DM: The fog is still in this vicinity right now. So, you're under the effect of a Fog Cloud spell... for the area. So, basically, the area around is heavily obscured. So that will increase uh, AC to a number of individuals. Perfect. All right, so. So first off, this elemental rushes forward to Grog, splashes around in your direction. Grog, it's gonna go ahead and take a series of swings at you. Player: Sweet. DM: Yeah, it's gonna take two slam attacks. That is a 23 to hit? Player: Hits. DM: And an 18 to hit. Player: Hits also. DM: All righty. So you suffer 12 points of bludgeoning damage. That's full damage. You're not raging. Player: Nope. DM: And that is 15. 15 points of bludgeoning damage. Player: Total? Or 12 and 15 both? DM: 12 and 15. Player: Gotcha. DM: All right, that ends that guy's turn. Next up is Vax and Vex.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Lionel Gayheart Chod, a half-orc bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Everyone orders drinks, you asking for a chocolate milk. Grog asks this newcomer barbarian a few questions, sizing him up, then punches him across the jaw. DM: No, no. You're now raging, so now your muscles swell, the veins bulge out, with this big grin on his mouth. When Grog's raging, Grog's angry rage. He's happy rage. Player: Oh, check it out! You can see my veins go (jingling). DM: So what do you want to do for your turn? Player: I want to go and do... So I run up to him, and I go to do the really cool thing I heard in a cool story where I twist up my fist and I go (whoosh) (pow). I've always wanted to try this, and this looks like a better time than ever to try it out. DM: So, roll for an attack and it's plus ten. We'll say plus ten for this. Player: 17. DM: What's your AC? 17? Go ahead and roll a d4 and add your strength modifier, which I think is a plus five.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He asks to know what Vox Machina have been doing over the last week, so Vax'ildan gives the account of what they accomplished underneath Kraghammer. Kima vouches for the account. DM: Allura stands up and begins to leave. The sovereign stands up and as he stands up the guards come out and they come to his side. Player: Good Sovereign, if I can have a moment? Did I hear correctly that Lord and Lady Briarwood were in town? DM: "They were but a week ago." Player: They were but a week ago? And they've left, have they? DM: "Yes. Do you know of Lord and Lady Briarwood?" Player: Just in passing. Did they have business in town? Was there something in particular? I'm just curious. It doesn't really matter. I mean it does matter but not particularly. DM: "It was relatively routine, we're establishing an official trade route through the northeast. Spanning the Boreal Plane to Whitestone." Player: Oh. DM: "They inherited the region after the unfortunate demise of the Derolo family." Player: Yes. DM: "However our ambassador has noted that they've rebuilt rather well and honored the memory of the family and they're really committed to reestablishing the foothold of Whitestone in the north. So they came here on a diplomatic mission to open trade."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A scuffle ensues as they chase down a necromancer, a number of cultists, and some creatures from the Shadowfell. During the fray, Scanlan gets Sprigg back on his feet, and Keyleth kill a couple of the cultists with a Firestorm. DM: You see, currently down below-- make a perception check. Actually, you wouldn't even see them from your perspective. Player: I just rolled a natural 20. DM: Right, it's blocking your vision from this side. You do see Scanlan, you see Sprigg who is currently conscious, you see this necromancer who is currently held with brambles, and you see two streaking flames and hear screams on this side of the building. Player: Weird question, really quickly. Where is that giant log trap? DM: Right there. Player: How much swing does it have? Is it locked all the way over here, or is it hung back there? DM: It looks more like a drop.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you already vandalized with the Raven's Den and the Hearth of the Allhammer, and decides to skip the Valley Archive of the Cobalt Soul, since it's where Beau and Caleb are training and researching. She also decides against the King's Hall, since there are a lot of guards and it is the center of local law enforcement. DM: As you're rushing down, you look and there's two open doorways. One of them appears to be a dark interior, the other appears to lead to some sort of candlelight. The hall's coming to an end ahead of you. Right or left, which way are you going? Player: Wait. Say that again. DM: There's two open doorways. One is dark on the inside, the other seems to have candlelight from the interior. Player: Dark. DM: All right, you duck into the dark room. Player: This is like a Choose Your Own Adventure. DM: Yeah. The footfalls are coming faster and faster behind you, and Nott, you're noticing that they're drawing weapons and one of them appears to be pulling out some sort of a bead out of their pocket. That's all you notice.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back Blaze commercial International Tabletop Day 2018 reel Key Question Deadpool clip DM: That finishes Molly's go. Now, the ogres take their turn. This one right here, next to Beau, as you charged up and attempted to pummel it, go in a defensive stance, (chuckles). He's going to make two greatclub swings towards you, with disadvantage, because you have your-- Even with disadvantage, that is a 19 to hit? I rolled a 19 and a 13. Player: Uh-huh. DM: That hits. The second one, that is an 18 and a 14. Player: Okay, miss. DM: The second one misses. The first one, as it swings down towards you with heavy aggression. That is 13 points of bludgeoning damage as it slams into you and you hit up against the tree. As you barely catch yourself and right, the second swing goes through, and with that, you manage to pull underneath, your defensive stance ready to go, and you jam the club into the tree. The tree actually shakes, sending a bunch of leaves and a couple of birds scatter out from the inside as the ogre pulls the club back. Player: 13, correct? DM: Correct. With that, the ogre goes ahead and-- Actually, he's just going to move over here, and is going to shout at the dogs, "Go! Carve face!" The dogs get ready to pounce.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However the devil manages to resist the spell, which backfires on the druid by flashing in her eyes. you decides to head downstairs to try some of that meat the devils have been eating. DM: Okay. As the two of you head down, you can see-- There's that one central table to the left western side of the room that has almost like a trough look to it, with the jagged edges? Player: Yup. DM: Currently has four imps that are perched on the edge that are just tearing into bits, tearing it off and chewing and they all stop and look up at you, all four at once, as you walk down and they all just slowly chew as you approach and walk into the chamber. Player: Are they wearing armor and shit? DM: No. Player: Okay, good. DM: They are not wearing armor. Ipkesh is present, but not at the same table he was earlier. He's currently at the bar area talking with his rotund barkeep.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex explains about the stones and warns them that Thordak might come. you starts Plant Growth and helps to cast aside snow from the cropland. DM: It affects all normal plants within a hundred-foot radius. So you have a very specific portion that you revitalize in the ravine. Player: Okay. Well, I talked to Tooma and find out where she-- DM: Actually, no, all plants in a half-mile radius are-- Player: That's what I thought, yeah. In the eight hour one that's like, crazy. DM: I should have kept reading. Okay, so yeah. You talk to her about it, and she tells you, "The ravine itself does not have the nutrients to support crops, but we had farmland right above the ravine." Player: All right. Do you plan to still reside there? DM: "Once the snow melts, yes." Player: I'll do what I can. And I go there. DM: Okay. You get there, and through the use of your elemental magics, you easily cast aside the snow. And from underneath, you can see where once there was a heavy amount of cropland that has all died off because of the recent freeze that came with Vorugal. You take the eight hours to concentrate and as you, do you enrich the land. You can watch as many of these dead seeds come to life with green once more. Suddenly, you see sprouting bits of delicious cabbages and other forms of produce begin to spring to life and grow nutrient rich. As this happens, you can see a few of the Ravenites who followed you to watch this are taken aback and excitedly rush down to tell the rest of the people. The rest of you are bored out of your mind for the next eight hours.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon returning to the city of Whitestone, they found the rebellion was successful. The undead hordes have fallen to the blades of the surviving rallied warriors of Whitestone. DM: The crowd look among themselves and one of the lead architects for this whole endeavor nods to you. "Sounds like a fair trade. If you're certain, sir." Player: I'm a very stringent businessman. Do hurry before I change my mind. DM: Gold piece is in your hand faster than you have a chance to-- you chip a tooth. Player: I don't understand this practice. It tastes like shit. Tastes fucking horrible. DM: Two casks of their precious ale roll up to the base of your foot. Player: (gasps) Two?! DM: Two. Player: One for each arm, eh? All right, the one that I have, I'm not stopping, until it's completely empty. Bring your goblets and cups. It's time to get fucked up. DM: Fantastic. All right, Vex.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog tells her to let her rage build and he will help her take down Raishan when the time is right. The meeting mostly consists of the group trying to figure out their next plan of attack, settling that they will go for Thordak before Raishan. DM: All right! So, bringing it back in. As your blade swings through and passes through the form of Seeker Asum, it shimmers and then darts backward into the corner of the room. Player: I immediately sheath and say No more tricks. If we're going to do this, we need everybody to know what's on the table. DM: At which point, everyone who stood up and held off at the chaos, you see all the faces going off in realization. Asum goes from a defensive position and then stands up again. Crosses the arms. Player: We're either going to win, or we're not. I was hoping you were going to take care of that. DM: "We're working on that plan as we speak. But pardon me if I take a few-- how do you say-- careful backups in case one would take a blade and stab at an ally, supposedly." Player: You know damn well that we're not allies. You know damn well that this is a tenuous relationship. And you know that neither of us trust the other. DM: At which point, Allura puts her hand out and goes, "I'm sorry. What the hell is going on here?!" Player: We'll get there. I would hope that you wouldn't trust us, and I would hope that you understand that we don't trust you. But we need to make a real plan now. DM: As the tension slowly subsides, Gilmore puts his finger up, "Pardon my momentary ignorance. Would you like me to cleanse the room?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There was a cart of horses pulling a group of four gnomes that all eventually revealed themselves to be family of Pike Trickfoot. After taking them in, whether or not Vox Machina was excited or eager to, nevertheless they treated them with hospitality, gave them a place to stay, gave them food for the evening, conversations were had, and information was passed around. DM: "Of course. Enjoy. I'll just--" And she goes back to her meal and begins cutting it up with fervor or frustration. Player: Can I take JB and ask her, did you happen to see my home on the tour? DM: "I don't know where you live." Player: Would you like to see? I'd love to show you. DM: She sidelong glances at Pike helping Ogden up as they begin to make their way out. "You know what? Yes. I would love that." Player: All right. I take her. DM: So you guys begin making your way. While they exit, because Ogden's a little slower, you and Ogden eventually make your way out to the front part of the castle, walking along the side grounds. He's with his cane, walking. "What did you wish to discuss, young Pike?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They turned Caleb away after seeing the state of his clothes. you convinces the guard to walk her to the Pillowtrove. DM: After asking some questions and making your way around you eventually find the Tri-Spires, which is not too difficult to see once you know what you're looking for. You see these three very unique-looking towers that ascend past a round wall that encases the interior of this elite portion of the city. As you approach the wall-- the outer walls you see are basic stonework and masonry, thick as they may be and used as from a defensive position-- these walls are made of solid marble, and look more decorative than designed to be a military buttress of any kind. As you approach, you can see there are two entrances to it-- or at least you've been told there are two. The one that's nearest to you opens in the direction of the Pentamarket, and while the portcullis is lifted you see there are two crownsguard there, currently standing with spears and shields at the ready. A horse-drawn carriage clomps by you and makes its way inside. You guys approach and one of the guards steps forward. "Can I help you, please?" Player: Yes, we have business at the Pillow Trove. DM: "I don't think you do. Please, shove off." Player: Oh, well, I have business at the Pillow Trove. DM: "What's your business with the Pillow Trove?" Player: I have a package that's being delivered there. What business do you have at the Pillow Trove? DM: "Look, your friend here looks like he just wandered out of the Evening Nip if anything, so it would be best--" Player: Oh, yes, I hired him to protect me because you know I'm very fragile and delicate, but if he doesn't look well enough to be my guard, you're welcome to walk me instead. DM: They look at each other. Make a persuasion check.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, During the second watch, you is awakened by his Alarm and sends Frumpkin to investigate. Frumpkin sees a merrow has emerged into the chamber, who sees both the bodies and Frumpkin, and throws a spear at him, but you is able to bamf him out safely. DM: The loudest cat you've ever heard. Frumpkin is the neighborhood cat in heat at this point. He makes his way down through the tunnel. Make a perception check with disadvantage for Frumpkin because he’s now coming around the edge. Player: Someone told me that cats have advantage on perception. Are they full of shit? You’re my DM. Would it cancel out, is why I'm asking? DM: Would it cancel out? I would ask you to keep the stats of your cat on you for future reference. Player: I will. DM: They have advantage on wisdom perception checks that rely on smell. I'd say sure. Player: So cancel? DM: Yeah, it'll cancel out, so a straight roll.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The papers he burned were mostly maps. Their job was to meet with Marius LePual and either get the money back, or the orb, and deliver either to Avantika. DM: There was some things with bits of coded language on it, it looked like. But those have also been burned, and they're in chunks. You do your--? Player: Yeah, it takes ten-ish minutes to do Comprehend Languages, and if I'm touching-- DM: Is it ten minute casting time? Player: It is ten minutes plus one minute as a ritual. So yeah. DM: As a ritual, it's whatever the duration is-- Player: Casting time one action, plus ten minutes. DM: One action plus ten minutes, okay. There you go. Then it would be a total of 11 minutes. All righty. While you're working on that, you guys can continue to pry, if you want.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina made the relatively grim journey back to the mountainside, finding it now brimming with volcanic rock and volcanic activity that previously lay dormant. Upon climbing the side of the mountain, you found remnants of the Pyrah tribe still alive and making their way up the mountain, as damaged as they are, in hopes of sealing this now progressively swelling tear between the prime Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Fire. DM: Okay, so as you throw the dagger, it goes right past Grog's ear and you hear the (whoosh) of the wind as it just brushes past your face. After you finish your backswing with Craven Edge, as the salamander creature rears back from the impact, it looks towards you, and its eyes twitch ever so slightly to your right as it sees the incoming blade a little too late as it (impact) right into its right eye socket. Its tongue lolls out of its jaw as it falls onto its back, and its tail moves and twitches for a few seconds before it eventually goes limp. Player: No, no, he's still alive! And I kick him. Now he's dead. DM: Grog stomps it into the ground. The twitching stops, the salamander now destroyed. Player: Does the dagger stay in his eye socket? DM: It's currently in the eye socket, yeah. Player: Ooh. Can I reach down and grab it? DM: Yeah. You reach down and grab the dagger, and as you pull it out, (poof) it turns into smoke in your hand.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All carts passing through are being thoroughly inspected. Fjord uses the dodecahedron, since he'll be doing the talking. DM: Well, it's a series of chemicals. Tar, amber, resin, and things that are pulled from tree sap. There are other processes where you can distill that down, along with some more crude clays, to create this kind of adhesive. If you'd like to. Player: Yeah, I'll turn into a little gnome or something, and go around and shop, and get all the components I might need. DM: Okay. So you can go ahead and do that. Go ahead and make a general deception check. Player: Oh boy. Yeah, that's a two. DM: Okay. So you-- Player: Oh, but deception's a minus three, so. DM: So negative one?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Silverware, tools, and coins looted from ships were tangled in the seaweed near the bases of the walls all around the chamber. The Mighty Nein realized that the floor they were walking on was almost completely covered in humanoid bones. DM: Okay. Glancing around, you can see areas where the seaweed is slowly shifting from the movement of Caleb's Expeditious Retreat. What was once still shifts, and you can see elements of the stone wall behind it. Your eyes barely make out a handful of small carvings in the wall. Small runic letters that are not in line, but at angle sporadically carved at places, but where the seaweed moves over and blocks it. Player: Does my Detect Magic-- which I think is just barely still up? I don't feel like this has been a ten-minute venture since that. DM: Yeah, I'd say you're pushing the edge on this one. Player: It's not much longer, I know. DM: I'd say as you step into this chamber-- are you heading to the center of it? Player: No, I'm just coming in and looking around. DM: As you're standing at the mouth of this, just past the edge, you do not detect anything particularly magical. Then as you take your first step into the chamber, you see this. You almost run into it. In the middle of this chamber, there is a small two-foot pedestal and a disc, a stone disc about that wide and about two feet from edge to edge that is resting on it but at an angle. It looks old. It looks weathered and there appears to be a spiral of runes, two sets of them, that curve inward around each other before merging in the center with one singular sigil where they meet.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside. DM: Look down, you see a young woman, maybe in her late teens, early twenties, long brown hair, tangled, covering one half of her face. You can see the edges of her lips are cracked from just dryness and lack of moisture. She's wearing, both of them actually are wearing just these long, simple cloth drape-over robes that are just, y'know, for any prisoners in here that need to not be wearing their normal clothing. Player: I've got three other goblets left, can I both give them a goblet and some ale, just to wet their lips and get a drink in? DM: They eagerly take it and begin scarfing it down, the dwarf's like, "Oh! That's nothing!" You can look at the dwarf now, he's elderly, crotchety, half-blind, one clouded eye, but for being a man who's been stuck in prison and slowly dying, he's got this wry grin on him at all times. Player: You're turning away good ale. Looks like you've seen many a moon. DM: "You're telling me that. But no, seriously, that's like half full. Come on, don't be stingy!" Player: I like your gall. And I pour more ale in. DM: "That's the ticket!" It's like spilling on the sides and getting stuck in his bright, bushy white beard, and each bit that dribbles down, he goes-- catches it and then pushes it back in, not wasting a single drop. Player: Beautiful. If you don't mind, ladies first, love, what is your name? Why are you in here? DM: "It's Amelia. I was taken because they were-- the beasts were dealing with an uprising from some of us farm folk and, well, they took me as leverage in the argument. Stopped their-- stopped their arguing." Player: You're-- you're farm folk? DM: "Yeah." Player: Do you have any family? DM: "I do." Player: What are their names? DM: "There's my father Reginald."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place. DM: Yeah, you have no visual on him. The smoke entity has moved into the wall and is nowhere in your visible range right now, so you have nothing that you can attack in theory that you know of. Player: Okay. DM: If you have any buff spells, anything you want to do in preparation for it, or hold your action as well until it reappears, you can do that. Player: Okay, I'll hold my action. DM: Okay. Player: Yeah. DM: Are you staying put? Are you moving at all, or do you want to stay where you are? Player: I think I'll stay. I can't see where I'm at, but I think I'll just stay. DM: Okay. Cool.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord tells them he sees visions of a giant eye, and hears a voice. The sphere reminds him of that eye, and he wants to know where the temple is. DM: Okay! It (whoosh) (clattering), the small shatter. The guy's like, "Who goes there?" (grunting) He goes walking in that direction. You get one final crate that you get to. You pull it open. Looking inside, it looks to be-- I'm sorry there isn't a whole lot more to find, but most of the cargo here is food. You find a lot of an older set of fruit, maybe various things that were brought from their last destination. The smell immediately hits you, of like fermenting orange and other types of various sweet, or at least now sweet, and fermented fruit. Player: Yeah, I'll grab some of that, too. DM: Okay. You quickly fill your pockets. It's squishy to the touch. When they put it in there, it (squish) on the inside. You feel it, the cold wetness of it, spilling against your shirt. You get some pockets filled with fermented fruit. Player: Okay, so I got an armful of gunpowder. DM: Yep. Player: Armful of rotting fruit. DM: Yeah. Player: That's a success. [cheering] DM: You make your way back? Player: I'm going to head back, yeah. DM: Okay, make another stealth check. Player: Oh boy, with advantage, I hope? DM: Yep.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax decks one of the skeletons with his right fist which has the symbol of Sarenrae sewn into the glove. The skeleton shrugs off the weak attack. DM: 11? Okay. As you smack into it, you can see the bones themselves are brittle by nature, but the solid slamming force of a thick piece of honed metal into the side of this bone-brittle creature just sends it shattering to the side. You get the feeling that these entities are particularly fragile against bludgeoning weapons. So your first strike just scatters one of the skeletons across the ground. You have one more in your reach if you want to go for your second attack. Player: Yeah. DM: Okay. Player: 20. DM: 20. Go ahead and roll damage on that one. Player: 16. 22. DM: (explosion noise) The second one just explodes up into the air. You can see one of its shields goes flying off and lands on one of the roofs, almost like Walter White's pizza.
[ "DM", "Player" ]