It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau offers to be friends, and Jester gives her a big hug from behind as she's walking away. DM: As the rest of you are enduring the chaos of the rains above, keeping focused and keeping it steady, it's exhausting, both the attention required for you specifically and the hour being late. Thankfully, you slept in, so you can go on for quite some time. Yasha, where on the ship are you standing? Player: Anywhere I can be helping Fjord. If they need help with the lines-- DM: The lines seem to be okay. Fjord's at the helm with Orly, so they're both towards the back. Player: Okay. I want to stay anywhere on the boat where the storm is most visible, so I guess-- DM: Probably closer to the bow or the foremast. Player: That's where I'll be. DM: Okay. In keeping this going, do you head back up to help Fjord, or are you heading to rest as well?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. you managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope? DM: If it would have hit-- at whatever angle it would be, even then, it's only that wide and it would still puncture a tiny slit, and due to the density of both the muscles of the creature and its body, it took damage and there's a little bit of blood coming from the wound, you imagine, but it's not like it's going to leave an open, cavernous hole. Player: It's a cut. DM: Yeah, it's a cut. Player: Got it. DM: But you did see where it (tearing noise) through. Player: And when it went out, I didn't see any daylight or anything. Just disappeared. DM: You just saw it (tearing noise) through the creature's stomach. You do see a little bit of blood beginning to pour out of where the wound was.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog slams his war axe into the roof, splitting it open. Grog slides down into the room below, Pike jumping onto his foot and falls to the side. DM: (explosion) He gets shot in the back of the shoulderplate, you hear it ricochet and a little bit of blood begins to streak off the back of his head. He looks over his shoulder with an angry grunt, you can see now this dwarf, who's still swelling in size. It looks, (growls), an angry nostril flare. You, have your bow ready? Player: I wanna do Lightning Arrow on the guy attacking my brother. DM: That guy there? Player: Yeah. DM: Okay, go ahead and roll to attack. Player: Ugh, I don't think I hit. DM: What'd you roll? Player: I had rolled a four. DM: A four, you had a plus 11 to hit, it's going to be a 15, unfortunately you miss. The arrow streaks past. Yeah, the arrow just ended up striking the wall back here and (explosion) arcs lightning throughout the wall, unfortunately does not-- Player: I Hunter's Mark him anyway, just for future stuff. DM: You used your-- Player: That was a bon-- DM: You used your bonus action to cast Lightning Arrow. Player: Oh! So I get a regular attack now? DM: Well, that was part of your regular attack, like your next arrow you fired.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy offers to show Tary his library at some point, and does show off the mechanism of Bad News. Tary, remembering his fee, writes Vox Machina a check for 16,000 gold (50,000 originally, minus expenses). DM: I could use the distraction, to be honest. You'll be fine, I mean, it's all tying up loose ends, and I'm more needed helping people that really need what I can do right now. Player: I understand. DM: It won't be long, they're gathering a lot of great healers. I know Keeper Yennen's coming along-- Player: Oh, good. DM: -- and we're gonna be doing some people some real good. Player: All right. DM: Might even bring the love of my Lady to a few people. Her light can definitely heal a lot of wounds and spirits, so. Player: All right. I give her a big hug, and I whisper in her ear. You don't always have to put on a brave face, dear. DM: She pulls back from you and kind of pats you on the side of your face. "Yeah, I do." And she smiles and turns around and puts her hand out, and Allura takes her hand. "Are we ready?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth, you'ahlia, and the lifeless body of Vax'ildan, meanwhile, materialize from Keyleth's Plane Shift on the outskirts of Vesrah. DM: Okay, I see. I got you. Okay so you climb onto the back of the giant raven, clutching your brother in one arm, and as the wings pick up, you use all the might that you have to just hold on. You're used to flying under your own power usually, not somebody else's. But as the wings take off, the sea breeze, thankfully, is not too heavy that day. And as you coast in, coming down, dodging between the various buildings heading towards the central risen chamber. You watch as the upper, third-tier level of this, there's a single chamber that is open and the outside wall is a series of pillars that makes up the structure. On the inside, you can see it dips down into three different sunken platforms, and in the center there are a handful of small statues, there's incense being burned, and what looks to be a small altar of some kind. There are four figures there inside, all dressed in similar blues and greens, aquas and whites, most of them are just long robes with dangling shell-based jewelry, and various smoothed-off stones that have been found tossed and rounded by the elements through the years. And in the center of the chamber, in the process of lighting a few of these, you're not quite sure of the material, but they appear to be candles, as you see they're being lit like candles. You see Uvenda is walking with her staff, taking this long burning tube, and is currently setting them alight as you approach. As the wings of the raven begin to prepare for landing, the wind kicks up in front and you see some of the other guardians put their arm up and look up curiously. Some of them reaching back and preparing for whatever may be there. Uvenda's voice however rings out across the center of this chamber and says, "Stop! Stop. I know this one who approaches." And as they all slowly back up, Uvenda stumbles upward, sets aside her small hand-based wick to one of the servants and approaches the raven as you begin to slink off the side of the bird. Player: Please! Are there any clerics here? DM: "We do have some here of a healing-based nature. Yes. Has he been hurt?" Player: He's-- He's dead. DM: She slowly approaches and reaches over and puts her hand on the forehead of Vax's corpse. Runs her thumb along the cold skin. "Indeed. The kraken claims another." Player: No. No, he won't claim him. What can we do? DM: "The power that is at our disposal could perhaps bring him back, though his form may be different than you recall."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party, after essentially forcing this individual to reveal themself, the rakshasa fled through a tunnel underneath its room into a long subterranean tunnel fraught with traps that were set to protect it. The party managed to avoid these rather deftly until the steady decline of the hallway, combined with the increasing moisture and scent of refuse, caused a slick surface and our fantastic cleric, Brother Kash, Kashaw, slipped and fell down. DM: Looking on the far side, it's partially buried in the ground from the collection here, but you can see there is a bit of a push, like the door had been opened briefly and pushed things away, then slammed shut, and it's slowly starting to coalesce back towards it. Player: All right. Hold on, everybody. I walk right toward it, perception checking the area around it and the door itself. That's 24. DM: 24? The door appears to be a normal door. Nothing strange about its presentation. However, upon checking the handle on the edge of it, it does appear to be locked. Player: Locked. All right, well, I pull out my little sack and I pull out one of these (twing) and go to work on it. That is a 28. DM: 28. In a matter of seconds-- this is an old-school lock, and one that is generally used for not very security-required rooms. Flick of the wrist, (click, creak) the door pushes inward a little bit and you have to get your strength in to push back the cluster of dried and liquid plant matter that is rotting against it, with just enough of a gap to push through into a dark room beyond, it looks like. Player: I Fonzie'd it. DM: You did, kind of. Player: (Fonzie impressions) Hey. Okay, Tiberius, are you still lighting up this room? DM: He is currently the only light source, yes. Player: Okay, so there's probably a little bit of light going in there, so I'm trying to look in to see what I can see from his spill-in there. DM: Okay. Glancing into the next room, you can see there's a little bit of a trickle of liquid that has spilled from underneath the doorway from this room. And you get the feeling this door isn't open very often, if at all, and the little bit of slime that has coasted through only goes about five, ten feet into a long stone hallway that disappears in the darkness no more than maybe 20 feet from you. Even with the low light, you can see pretty far. To the right and left of you, though: sets of iron bars. Player: Okay. Tibs. Follow that. Try and keep behind me. And I throw up the hood and go as low to the ground as I can, and I start to Gollum along the floor, looking at the ground in front of me in the dim light, trying to see if I can see any traps ahead of me. DM: Okay. Go ahead and make a perception check. Player: 25. DM: 25. As you begin walking into the hallway, you go past, and you start to notice from the visual around you, there's smooth stone floor. The iron bars are all the way across with some partitions between. This is in particular a subterranean holding facility, some sort of an underground prison, and it's very quiet and there is no light in here. There are sconces set up, but it looks like there have been no recent torches set. Player: Hear anything? DM: Hearing? You hear nothing. It is absolutely still and quiet.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They see many Dragonborn with tails who were killed in the initial battle. After inspecting the lair and gaining a bit of semblance of a plan, Percy asks if it is possible for them to take one of the bodies. DM: "Many, yes. But small amounts... why? If you wish to take what they have, they mean nothing to us. One or two turned over will make no difference to the dragon." Player: Pull that one down, then. DM: "Right." She points to it. Some of the Ravenites come over and haul one of the corpses off of the spike. It breaks off and snaps, and they bring it and throw it to the ground and step back. Player: Thank you. (sighs) It is exactly what I expect, I would assume. DM: The robes are familiar. The scale color is familiar. Player: I look it over. I check. DM: There, locked in the moments of valiant defense of his city, frozen and lost, the remains of Tiberius Stormwind, left a hero defending his people, defaced by Vorugal the Frigid Doom.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Erathis looks over us. There will be a time in which our salvation will come. DM: Yeah. There's four around him in the amphitheater. There are probably another ten or so scattered about the various ground surrounding it, just doing their own private prayer. Player: Do I have an opinion on Yennen? DM: Yennen? From your previous experience and what you've heard is a very-- can be a bit arrogant in his worship, but not in a way that is considered dangerous or impactful to when the de Rolo families were in rule. He does good for the people. Kind of a tool at times. But he practices well and he keeps the people's spirits up for those who worship. Player: We found him a bit obnoxious to our means and ends on occasion? DM: On occasion, but mostly just his personality. Nothing he's done personally. He's not a bad person, by any means. He's just, you know. Player: He's also not a lapdog. DM: Yeah. Strong-willed in his ideas.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi. DM: "I know of him. He doesn't come in and drink, no. He spends most of his days over there in that big Trial Forge Temple of Kord." Player: He never comes out? DM: "He'll go into the city on occasion. But he's one of them, how do I put it? 'Medititive' types." Player: "Medititive"? DM: "Yes. Spends a lot of time thinking. Sleeping while standing up. It's weird." Player: What? I don't understand. How do you do that? DM: "You'll have to ask him." Player: "Medititive." DM: "Yes."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. Fjord, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb. DM: Just so you know, this ship travels on an average pace of around 48 miles a day. Right now with the damage the sails have sustained, you're close to 20. You're less than half speed on the ship with the damage it's sustained at the sails. It's going to take you a while to get anywhere. But you have it. Player: How big are the holes? Are they giant? DM: They're beyond Mending. Player: Okay. DM: Mending can do little tears and things. Player: No, I'm not talking Mending, I'm talking how big are the holes? DM: For the ones that are damaged, the sails are mostly destroyed. They caught fire and burned.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog gets one that has a point on it. They return to the others and Grog shows off his hat. DM: I mean, there are a few individuals here that are part of the guildhall. The hierarchy here is more like the few that run it, and then everyone else comes and goes as they please. Player: Yeah, yeah, come here, you. Do you have a tub? Do you have a bath? Look at me. Do you have a bath? I need a bath. DM: "You look pretty rough." Player: Yeah? DM: "Yeah. We could-- we got a washroom in the back, if you need it." Player: Is it hot? I feel like I need it to be hot. DM: "You get what you get. It's water, buddy."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A scuffle ensues as they chase down a necromancer, a number of cultists, and some creatures from the Shadowfell. During the fray, Scanlan gets Sprigg back on his feet, and Keyleth kill a couple of the cultists with a Firestorm. DM: So the second dagger, you shiv him in the side and he (groans) goes to spin with the heavy crossbow and try and pull away, and as soon as the poison through him he goes, (gurgles) and you can see blood vomit down the front of his chest, his eyes roll back and he twinges and falls to the ground. Player: And there's another guy there who can see me, right? DM: Yeah, and he's hidden, but he's like (scared, heavy breathing). Player: Whisper. DM: Okay, he's trying to see that you're not being seen. Player: That is 31. Yeah, okay. So that is two plus eight is ten, plus psychic damage. 18. I'm going to bamf there with Whisper. DM: Okay. All righty. You hit him and you stand there. You're right in front of him now. All righty. That ends your go. As you appear over on the other side, you realize that over in the clearing there, there is another one of the robed figures, this one clutching a long, black, smooth staff that crooks over in the front that looks like a hand holding an eye.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He also sees a hatch slam open as Duke Goran Vedmire pulls himself up onto the roof. you summons Bigby's Hand as the goliath stalks towards him. DM: Okay. So you create the hand next to him, and as he starts stepping forward towards you with his sword at the ready, there's a shimmer in the air as a giant kind of vaguely purplish arcane hand all of a sudden appears. He looks confused for a second and rears back to try and attack it. As the hand pulls back, comes rushing forward towards him, I want you to go ahead and make a strength check with the hand. Player: Oh shit, he's strong. DM: The strength is plus eight, so add eight to this roll. Player: 17 plus eight... DM: Natural one. (cheering) Player: I'm going to kill everyone in this motherfucking house! DM: I've rolled so many ones today. This is ridiculous.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three charge at Grog as one heads towards her. The three warmongers swarm Grog, four of their attacks landing. DM: 19 on the first strike, the second one is 13, so that's a total of 32 points of slashing damage to you. And that's going to end the barbarians' turn, everyone else finishes out surprise round, now we're back into full initiative, everyone's in play, top of the round, Vex, you're up. Player: Okay. If I aim an arrow, it's at disadvantage? DM: If you aimed specifically for something? It would be at disadvantage and a minus five to hit. Player: Okay. I'm going to cast, I'm going to cast-- DM: I mean, he's paralyzed, so it would have advantage, so it would cancel out, it would be just a regular attack at minus five. Player: Okay, here's my question. DM: Yes? Player: The siege arrow that Percy gave me, is that a magical weapon or a technical weapon? DM: It's a technical weapon, it's used essentially against structures, objects. Player: So just structures. DM: It's an explosive in an arrow that is used primarily to destroy structures, yeah. Player: So it wouldn't harm people? DM: I mean, it would hurt people like a regular arrow, and it might do a little bit extra, but-- Player: Not anything crazy? DM: Not that you know of, you don't have a full understanding of what the arrow's capable of. You did not create it.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so. DM: There you go. All righty, cool. So you hit him across the face and you hit him to the other side. He comes back, aligns his chin, and you can see he's now stooping in for some sort of an uppercut as he slips to the side a little bit with a sidestep. That will be a 25. A 20. And a one. So what's your AC? Player: 20. DM: All right, so both the first two hit. As he comes low for a full-on uppercut, hitting you for, that would be six points of damage (whack) under the chin. As you're currently reeling from the impact, he crouches down and is going to go for a knee to the middle of your groin. That is another six points of damage (whack) right in the Phillip junk. You instinctively give out a (grunts) from the impact. After that point, he comes up and it looks like he tries to go for some sort of a pile-drive grapple, and you instinctively kick off of him and his third attack is completely wasted. It's now your go. Player: No one fucks with Phillip Jr. I would like to bull rush and try and tackle him, and if it succeeds, I'd like to headbutt him on the ground. DM: Okay, okay. It's an action to do that, so you can use your bonus action to attempt-- Player: And I would only get two attacks, right? DM: You only get one with this, technically. It's an action to grapple.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Though Keyleth is worried that Sprigg might be used and discarded by the spell, Sprigg reassures her, and they all join hands to Plane Shift. They pass through the Divine Gate, then drift through void for a while before another white flash lands them in what looks like an empty, decadent bathhouse. DM: You do. It's ironic that you did that. (chuckles) Glancing through, it appears to be describing a birth. Describing a tunnel, then a light, then a cry. Player: I skip to the end. Last page. DM: It seems to be an older man, surrounded by his family-- Player: I've got it. I put it down. I pick up another one. DM: You glance through this book. Player: First page. DM: Begins very similarly to the last one. Player: Last page. DM: This one actually ends with what appears to be a horseback riding accident.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The bear clamps his jaws over the vampire's head and tears it off, the body turning to mist as he screams in pain. The mist hovers in place. DM: There's still some thick, purplish, congealed blood in his mouth, but the vampire's form has been forced to mist at zero hit points. All right, that brings us to Keyleth. Player: Okay! So seeing Vax go over the table and being like, "That was cool," I'm also going to be like (grunts) over the table. I'm going to join the Dukes of Hazzard train. DM: Acrobatics check. Player: Damn it. That's not bad! DM: It's not a huge difficulty. Player: Acrobatics? 17? DM: 17, yeah. You jump up (shh) slide across, land across. The bonus there is that it takes only one block of movement to get across. That's five foot there. Player: So I'm going to come in and I see a headless dude with mist swirling around him? DM: No, you just see Grog, Vax, and Trinket in the center of this foyer, with a big cloud of mist near Trinket and Grog, and an entire array of guards with heavy crossbows trained down on the three of them in this ambush pit.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike realizes she has seen this place in a vision, as well as a cavern of blue crystal beyond it. They decide to cross it. DM: Yeah. Not sinking, but not being pulled out, either. It's this stalemate right now between the two. The vine is taut and holding Trinket level. Player: Okay, I'm going to spend my movement to get nice and firm, sit myself down, pull out the big gun. DM: Okay. Bad News. You see it over this wall now. The top of this stalagmite-- it's about 50 feet to the top. You get to the top, you pull the Bad News out. You have a pretty clear shot down towards the entity. Player: Taking a sharpshooter shot. Natural 20 on the first shot. (all cheer) DM: Go ahead and roll damage for this one. Player: This is going to be so much fun. (counts out loud) 42 points of damage. DM: How do you want to do this? (all cheer) Player: I take a bead and I want to wait until the eye is looking right at me, and I want to take it right through the eye. DM: Okay. So as the entity turns around, its head cocked to the side, its tendrils (sucking noise) flailing around it, one lifting it up. You can see, it begins to reach up to bring a lash down upon the bear that is being clasped on the ground, its eye streaks around and catches yours. You release, pull back on the trigger... (gunshot) The impact blows you off the top of the stalagmite. You fall in the air, but in that split second, you keep your vision on as you're floating back and this whole-- this moment as time slows, not wanting to lose this moment, you see the bullet (ssst) into the head. One of the eyes now goes dark from the crimson impact. The jaw opens slack (groaning), with all the teeth exposing as the back of the head (explosion). Player: (maniacal laughter) DM: Explodes. All across Vax. Who was standing behind it, just (vrushh)
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, It is slightly blocked by the Wall of Stone but the space is big enough for them to squeeze in. Using Spiritual Weapon, Pike attempts to lasso the duergar guard but catches the wall instead. DM: 8 damage, all right. Your second arrow manages to find its mark. As it sticks pretty close to where the first arrow hit, or where he was shot from the Bad News. The duergar just shrugs it off angrily, and aims his crossbow from once on Percy, now onto you. Player: (nervously) Haha. DM: It's getting its shot at you. That is a 17 versus armor class. Player: Nope. DM: Nope? Player: Nope. DM: You manage to just dodge out of the way. You hear it whiz past your ear. That brings us to Percy.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three locks' scratchings translate to the Common equivalent of 'open me', one of the locks' scratchings warns the party not to open it. you discovers that the lock saying 'No' is trapped, and the ones saying 'Yes' aren't. DM: Okay. So you back up-- You notice at this point, as you step five feet back that that weapon he's carrying is pretty long and has a pretty decent reach. You may have to disengage to get out of there without taking another strike. Player: But if I were to go left or right, would I be out of range of hitting him because of the doorway? DM: You would be over here, probably, yeah. Player: So if I move sideways either way I can't hit him? DM: Correct. Player: So I'm not going to do that. I'm going to just step back against the back wall and hold. DM: Are you using your disengage action or not? Player: Was I within five feet of him? Yes, I'm going to use disengage. DM: Okay. So you use your bonus action to disengage. Because you're not used to fighting these long polearm weapons, as you begin to take another step back, you realize he can actually hit you from further away than you expect.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so. DM: So six damage? Okay, as you position him up, (whack) the elbow hits, and you can feel it sink in. What bones are there are mostly splintered and broken, and you get a good inch into his face with your elbow. As you pull back, he's looking really rough, and one of his eyes is beginning to swell entirely shut. Player: We look like a Rocky movie right now. DM: Yeah. This is a full-on, drag-out fight. Player: I must break you! DM: He angrily looks down at you, (snarls) and he reaches both of his hands up again in a giant hammer fashion. That's going to be a 17? Player: Misses. DM: A 20. Player: Hits. DM: And a 15. Player: Misses! DM: So he brings it down. (wham) As it hits, you manage to take the brunt of it in the shoulder. The second hit comes down and slams you for eight points of damage. (wham) This one, you can feel the sternum crack. As he brings up his fists a third time, attempting to end this, you use the leverage you had when you pushed him up to actually spring your entire body upward and force him off you. He manages to get to his feet and you just get up and you both are bleeding from all over your faces with giant bruises, and both of you are barely holding yourselves up, breathing heavily. It's your go. Player: I'm going to rush at him, spit on my knuckles, swing back, and at the last second, take my right foot and drive it right through his kneecap. DM: Roll for attack. Player: Fuck you! Yes! 24. DM: 24 hits. Player: 22. DM: 22. Player: 19? DM: 19 just barely hits. (cheering) All right, so as you run forward, bring the leg up, (whack) you hit the side of the knee. Roll damage.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of Vex and you, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city —and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists. DM: You're restrained, which means you can't move. The actual definition: attacks against you have advantage. Your attacks have disadvantage. Player: So I can still do stuff? DM: Correct. Player: What do freezing up and haste do mixed together? Anything? Cancel out? DM: It doesn't cancel out, it just means that you have disadvantage on all of your attacks. Your speed is zero; you can't move. Player: Do I have a third attack? DM: You do have a third attack.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, It tells her of skittering beasts that were awakened by the smaller one, a baby-like creature whose scream brought down the mine. Keyleth recognizes the skittering beasts, by their description, as ankhegs. DM: Yeah. This is what it would look like if you were to build to scale. Okay. So you guys find a place in the trees? Who's helming finding that spot? All right. Go ahead and roll an investigation check. Player: 15? DM: Okay. Player: Oh wait! I honestly don't know anymore what my favored terrain does for me. DM: No, this is exactly where to use it because forest is your favored terrain. This is exactly the kind of thing it would help with. Player: I always feel like I'm bullshitting it now. What am I rolling? Investigation? DM: Yes. Player: 24. DM: 24. You find one massive tree. The trees here can get pretty big, and there's one thick tree that the branches are pretty easy to climb, and up top it branches out and all the various branches that make up the canopy. It's almost like this little bowl at the very top, just underneath where the heavy foliage descends, and it's a perfect place for you guys to make a camp higher up off the ground.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog then takes the first bead of divinity -- the one from Ioun-- smashes it on the Anvil, and folds the powdered remains into the first ingot. With aid from Keyleth and Scanlan in the form of spells and inspiration, he does the same with the bead from Pelor, but has trouble with the one from the Raven Queen. DM: It is currently dangling off the side, along with other series of tools: tongs and other smaller blacksmithing accoutrements. Player: I'm going to run in that direction. DM: Okay. Five, ten, 15, 20. Another step, and you're starting to hit the molten metal and rock. Player: Molten metal and rock? I can't jump that, can I? DM: You can try, yeah. Make an athletics check. Player: Not an acrobatics check, I take it? DM: Not for the leap. Player: But there are chains that I can reach there? DM: If you're leaping towards the chains, you can attempt to grab it, yeah. Player: Well, I'm going to attempt to grab the hammer. DM: Okay. Are you using it to swing, or are you just trying to grab and hold on? Player: If it's available for a swing, I'll try for a swing. DM: Okay, I'll give you advantage if you're going for the chain, then, as you're swinging across it. Go for it. Player: Roll with advantage? Athletics? DM: Athletics.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The next morning, they split the party. Beau and you go to the Wharfmaster. DM: I don't know, just double checking. He looks at you and goes, "Hold on a second." You see his gears turning and he goes through a couple books. "Unfortunately, by the records records we have here, Vandren and his ship was lost at sea months ago." Player: You don't say. DM: "I apologize." Player: That's quite unfortunate. I've been given a task here in town. Algar, does he do a lot of business here on the wharf? DM: "Yes, he comes and goes rather commonly, yes." Player: I happen to have crossed paths with him one night while drinking. I guess we made quite the impression on him, and we are to deliver some items to his place of residence. However, my friend here was shit-faced and we forgot to ask where he lives. I was hoping, perhaps, if you could give us a point in the right direction? DM: "I honestly don't know where he lives. But I know where he works." Player: Oh yes, then, that would be most helpful. DM: "All right, he works in the Sluice Weave." Player: The Sluice Weave. Not loose leaf, Sluice Weave. DM: "The Sluice Weave." S-L-U-I-C-E. Sluice Weave.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, When Vax emerges from the vision, he finds a small black opal in his hand. Grog, Scanlan, and you head next to the Trial Forge to visit Earthbreaker Groon. DM: "You have drawn Kord's attention once, directly. He is aware of you. Should you wish to speak, that I can teach. It is a long process. Piety, meditation, and learning of the history of the Storm Lord himself. But it can be done." Player: How long of a process is this, that we're talking? DM: "You cannot rush faith." Player: I'm not trying to rush faith. I'm just saying that Vecna has ascended to godhood. We have a limited amount of time to take him down. We need to speak with Kord. DM: "I cannot help you." Player: You can't speak to him directly? DM: "I can meditate and reach out, perhaps." Player: Maybe draw his attention to us? The need is dire. DM: "It doesn't work the way you ask. Kord isn't a giving god." Player: He's not? DM: Make a religion check. Player: Okay, yeah, this is going to go so well. Hold up. 20? DM: Okay. You know about Kord. Kord, from what you understand, is the god of competition and storms and chaotic nature and good-neutral territory, but emphasizes contest and--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She noticed a groove running from the crystal's alcove towards the pedestal where she landed when she first dropped into the room. Twiggy cast Disguise Self to look like the portrait from the library, hoping the dragon would mistake her for Halas. DM: But it doesn't seem to be convinced, necessarily. Unfortunately. Dragons are pretty perceptive. Good call, though. That ends your turn? Fire elemental's go. Player: He multi-attacks. DM: But can it fly? Player: No. It can't. DM: It's out of range, unfortunately. Player: He sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius. DM: (burning) There you go. Does it stay put or move anywhere?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm. DM: 31 points of lightning damage to it. All righty! As you step to the side, releasing the bolt of lighting energy, it blasts into the front of its face. You can see one of its jaw mandibles gets torn off from part of the impact, you can see now the deep red blood begin to pool on the side of its face and drip down as it looks over, whipping its head in your direction. Player: (whimpers) Do I still have any movement? DM: Yeah, you only moved ten feet, so you still have 15 more feet. Player: I'm going to try to shuffle back into the tunnel there a little bit. And for my bonus, I'll Healing Word myself. DM: Go for it. Player: Okay, what is that, d4? Great, yeah, six points. Awesome. DM: All right, that finishes Scanlan's turn. Percy, you're up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb changes Frumpkin into a spider. At the guard shift change after midnight, the group splits into two: Nott, Caduceus, and Keg in one group; Caleb, you, and Nila in the other. DM: Well, it's-- oh, that's fine, we'll do that. So that's nine-- add the two together-- it's nine plus four. So 13 points of damage on top of that. Right as you're slamming down, go ahead and make your next attack. Player: Mm-hmm, 23. DM: With advantage, these are with advantage because he's paralyzed and prone. Player: 23. DM: Go ahead and roll damage, crit. Player: That's much better. Eight plus four, so 12 damage. DM: 12 points of damage. Yeah, that'll do it.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A breath of frost kills one of the giants before it is able to do much. Percy's engineering talent makes a showing, between a hand grenade and one of the exploding arrows he made for you. DM: So as you pull back your arrow, the actual shaft begins to spark with bluish energy as you release it. The arrow transforms (energy noises) into an arcing bolt of electrical energy. It impacts and courses through the upper torso of the dragon, as it's (grunts) still trying to shake off the damage it took from Percy's attack. It manages to push off most of the impact, but still takes damage from it. There's also a burst of fire from the impact, as well, you can see a bit of flame trickle up the side of his body and it eventually goes out from the cold in the air. Player: That was one attack. DM: Yes. Player: Okay. DM: But was the spell an action? Player: The Lightning Arrow is a bonus. DM: Oh, okay. So it makes your next attack do that. Right. Gotcha. So you have one more attack. Player: So I am going to send Trinket. Where is he? DM: Trinket's over here with the giants guarding him. Player: Dear lord. Can Trinket run around and attack his butt? DM: It's actually up on top of a 15-foot platform. Player: Oh, so Trinket can't do shit right now. DM: Not right now, but Trinket can move if you like. Player: Trinket's going to move, and I'm going to attack again, can I do that? DM: Yeah, you can do that. Player: We want to spread out. DM: That's as far as Trinket get can get, there. Player: Can I attack again? DM: You can, yeah. Player: All right, I'll hit him again. Okay, just a regular attack through the bow. DM: Yep. This is your second use of it, though; you're done with it. Player: Yes. 17. DM: 17. As you fire the arrow, it takes its wing and (whoosh) batters it out of the way, and the arrow shatters in mid air. You see a burst of fire as it does nothing.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Finally, as she begins to fall asleep, a vision does appear: a bipedal creature with six yellow eyes emerging from a pond. She wakes up and begins the Hunt. DM: 11, okay. Best you can tell, given the circumstances, the brief vision you had, the angle of the moonbeams are coming from the right and left, meaning from your perspective, they're coming at this angle upon the water. And as you step out into the night, you can see the moon is in a certain place in the sky where your vision, if that is in-- Player: If I turn that way, it'll be coming at me this way. DM: Depending on if it's in a northern direction or not. You're trying to think of where the lake was. There are a couple of ponds that you've seen in the forest. You're not fully aware. Percival might be the person to ask about this. Player: Okay, okay. I'm going to run to Percy. Do I need to-- ooh, am I allowed to ask him? I'm going to run to Percy. DM: Okay. Percival, you've kind of been hoping that everything worked out okay. You haven't heard anything from Vex'ahlia since the morning. She's been gone for a good 13 hours at this point, and it's close to midnight. Player: At least I got some sleep! DM: A little bit.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you goes first of Vox Machina, throwing the Sword of Kas to strike Vecna from below. Vecna, who seems shaken by the appearance of his nemesis' sword, banishes you from the battlefield. DM: 31 hits. So as you're getting the chain, as you leap over and go running across the platforms, you can see the entire platform is lilted to one side and some stones are tumbling and skidding off the side. You can see bits of the stone are charred from the immediate destruction and impact of the meteors. And as you pull the chain out, as you rush and attach it, the voice pulses through your head. "Yes! He's here. Right there. Kill him! Take him down! Deliver me!" Player: Can't wait. Okay. Calm down. 22. This is undead? DM: Yes. Player: Just checking. Ten, 32, 33. Plus enlarge. Plus four, so 37 necrotic damage. DM: Necrotic? Player: Well no, I'm sorry. Not necrotic. Just 37 regular slashing damage. DM: All right, so 37 points of slashing damage. All right. With that you toss the blade up into the side. "Oh." And you see for a second, there's a brief flash of recognition and a slight sliver of worry on his brow for but an instant, before his hand reaches up and grabs towards to try and pull the blade out.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe. DM: All right. So as you ascend the side of the nearest tree, and it resembles Atreyu climbing up the tree in the Swamp of Sadness, as it's these large gnarled branches and bits of muck and dust falling off the sides, and the oil slick that is surrounding the base makes it difficult to find your handholds, but you do eventually get your way up into the tree over the next five to ten minutes. You were going to cast Commune with Nature, you said? Player: Yes. DM: All right. What do you want to ask? Player: Do I sense a cancerous tree in the area? DM: You're asking this of the tree? Or is this the land around you, right? Player: Yeah, I'm not asking the tree. DM: You concentrate for a second. You feel yourself link with the land, and it's a very jarring sensation. You're used to connecting with nature being this serene, wonderful experience. This is like plugging into a nightmare. Suddenly, your thought process is filled with this ever-drawn sense of dread. You feel this cold sensation fill your form, and you manage to get this information across, but it leaves this very hollow feeling in the center of your being. Feeling out, you do not sense a cancerous tree, but you do sense the strengthening presence of the source of this entire swamp's perpetual destitution and slow decay, further to the northwest of this. Player: Northwest. Okay. So I can safely assume that the tree that they're heading towards is not cancerous. DM: Correct.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog then takes the first bead of divinity -- the one from Ioun-- smashes it on the Anvil, and folds the powdered remains into the first ingot. With aid from Keyleth and Scanlan in the form of spells and inspiration, he does the same with the bead from Pelor, but has trouble with the one from the Raven Queen. DM: So. Let's see here. Grog, Percival. You head to the original chamber before this. You find the tongs and some of the metallic ingot-based molds. You take in pieces of platinum equal to the amounts you guys had pulled up before. How much was it? Player: 300 platinum each. DM: That was for the face. For the trammels. Player: Oh. Would those little pyramids work to make the trammels? Or it needs more? DM: Well, no. There's other molds there with the smelting device. Player: I got 4,920 platinum. DM: If I recall, it was 1,500 platinum per piece, I believe.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you asks about Vandran, but the records show he was lost at sea. Algar works in the Sluice Weave. DM: "Fuck if I know, to be honest. He takes up space. He's done some work at the docks here and there, but he rubs me the wrong way. Probably find him drinking at any of the dives." Player: That is where we should look. DM: "If not drowned already." Player: Ah, yes. We did notice actually last night, there seemed to be an influx of strange characters coming in last night. Did you happen to see anything around this area? DM: "There were some strange cats that came in last night off the docks, yes." Player: Anything in particular that caught your eye? DM: He starts giving you a curious look. "You're asking a lot of questions for a person I've just met." Player: I'm sorry, I'm so new here. I was just hoping to acclimate myself and perhaps-- DM: "Of course. Let me give you a very prestigious piece of advice, I think that will help you in your business dealings here: Don't ask so many questions."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Approximately twenty-five refugees survive and stay the night in Greyskull Keep's temple. As the party tends to the wounded refugees and damaged structures, Grog and Percy begin arguing about using the evil skull from General Krieg's house to make a wish to undo the recent disaster. DM: Okay. She looks about curiously and the dwarf goes, "Okay, what have we stepped into here?" And Allura puts her hand on his shoulder and goes, "Don't worry. I apologize for my intrusion. I had a-- is everything all right?" Player: We could use your help at this moment. DM: "Certainly. Sorry, this is a long-time friend of mine, Elementalist Drake Thunderbrand. If you don't mind him accompanying us as well?" Player: Is he good? DM: "Oh, he's one of the finest." Player: A good person? DM: "I've put my life in his hands a number of times, yes."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you clicks his Boots of Haste and walks up to the archway. It leads into a hallway with one door at the end and another on either side. DM: There appears to be a hallway. There's a hallway that goes across the way. There's a door at the end of the hallway, and two doors to the right and left of this hallway. Player: All right, I'm going to juke to the left. I'm going to go to that door and try the knob. DM: Right here? Player: Nope, no, the other door in the room I'm in. DM: Oh, over here? Player: Yeah. DM: You go over there and you try it. (click) It opens up. Player: (singing) Perception! DM: Opens up into what appears to be a storage room. Player: Nothing. DM: Series of barrels, small grain sacks in the far corner. It appears that most of the dry storage for the kitchen is kept in this room.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb ducks into an alleyway and does disguise self to look resplendent. He sent Frumpkin to follow after you and the guard kicked him out of the plane. DM: At the corners of these roads, you can see these tall lanterns that contain a very faintly ever-burning flame. Between each of them, there's a long, white, silken banner that hangs as part of decoration along each road. The roads themselves feel like they're always in some loose parade-type celebration, that's just part of the decor of the vicinity. The stark contrast between the Outersteads, to even the moderately average Innersteads, to the Tri-Spires is astronomical. Player: Can I ask the guard What is that building? DM: "Have you not been here before?" Player: No. I'm new to town, actually. DM: "Interesting. You're in the Silken Terrace. What you're looking at right there is called the Triumph Chime. It's got all sorts of bars, gambling halls, inn rooms, brothel, everything you need up here." Player: Oh, wow. I didn't think you had things like this in the Empire. DM: "We've got them in places. What, you think we're uncivilized folk? Where are you from?" Player: I'm from the Menagerie Coast, actually. Nicodranas. DM: "Huh. Well, you'll feel right at home, yeah." Player: Quite. DM: "Well, here you are. Pillow Trove." As he motions over to the side, you see this luxurious inn that has this cylindrical appearance to the front and then turns into a blocky building behind. It has this gold and deep purple coloration to the pillars that hold up the various walls to each intersection, and as soon as you walk inside, the scents of scented candles and various lavender-type smells hit your nose. The element of it reminds you of home. As you walk inside, there's a beautiful semi-circle desk, and a human woman, probably in her mid-20s or so, jet black hair that's straight and dangles past her shoulders, watches you approach, as the guard says, "I'll wait here and escort you out when you're done." Player: Thank you very much, kind sir! I walk grandiosely up to the woman. Hello. I have a package that's being delivered to here. DM: "Very well. What is the name receiving?" Player: Jester. DM: "I shall inquire. I'll be back here in just a moment." Player: Thank you very much. DM: As she leaves from the front desk, you can see there are two crownsguard that are assigned to the sides that are keeping a close watch on you, but they're lackadaisy through their day. You get the sense they probably don't have to work too hard this side of the city. About five minutes pass. Player: Is anybody watching me? DM: They're both watching you, but not intently like hawks, more just making sure you're not doing anything silly. You watch as a rather bounding obese merchant in his late 40s or so comes barreling down the stairway, sniffling hard and rubbing his nose. He's dressed really well-- maybe a size too small, trying to reclaim a presentation maybe of a younger self and he hasn't quite come to terms with the fact that he's hitting that age. As he walks past, he goes, "Ah. Good day." Player: Good day. DM: He exits the building. Another five minutes pass, and eventually the woman comes back and she goes, "I'm sorry, we don't have a package for that name here. Is there any other it might be under?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. you, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb. DM: You guys have now pushed into the rest of the seafaring mist. It takes you a while to move beyond the Dragshallow Reef, the better part of the day before you escape the channel at the pace you're moving. The clouds are pretty heavy now. The open sky that you enjoyed on your way to Darktow has now become-- not a storm front by any means, but definitely cloudier skies. As you're heading outside, you can see Yasha smelling the air and be like, "This might be getting close to storm weather." Player: Is that a good thing? DM: She smiles. Player: It's a good thing. DM: Continuing past into that space, repairs are being done best you can, with the ship still limping along. You make your way out of the Dragshallow Reef, out into open waters, and the ocean is yours. Player: Can I find Orly? DM: Yeah. Player: I'll bring out the map. DM: Bring out the map.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At that moment, you and Jester fell onto the raised platform, catching the dragon off guard. As the dragon reared up to attack, Fjord cast Blink on himself, vanishing into the Ethereal Plane. DM: Yeah, it is concentration, so you're considered concentrating right now. It's friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the elemental. Player: Okay. What do I-- that's not good. DM: Do you have stats for the elemental? Player: Nope. I did when I was a druid. DM: It's okay. I'll find it right now for you, and I'll text it to you. Player: I can also use D&D Beyond. DM: Yeah, do that. Pull up the fire elemental there. Initiative, what's the number on there?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some strange cold feelings felt earlier by Fjord 16 , you 17 , and Caleb were revealed to be Dashilla ensorcelling them and sneaking away before they noticed her. Dashilla may cause a creature she has ensorcelled to react to a false image. DM: Five points of damage, reduced to two. She's going to rush toward you and take two claw strikes at you. Natural 19! Wow, fucking 19s this past round. Yeah, that's a 26 to hit you. Player: It hits. DM: On the second strike, a natural 17. Player: That also hits. DM: Yep, they both hit you. You take, ooh, 19 points of slashing damage from the first hit and 17 points of slashing damage from the second. Player: Damn. DM: That's ten feet of movement, and she's going to-- Player: Oh, I use Hellish Rebuke! DM: Go for it.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party awakens to a clean-shaven Caleb. They descend into the first chamber. DM: If you'd like to-- fucking stay! If you want to, you can appear up top there and get a flanking bonus. Player: That sounds dandy. DM: You can use it against them, they can use it against you, as long as you are directly across from an enemy with an ally, you can give yourself flanking benefit. Player: Great. I will break my Hex, and I will use a Hexblade's Curse as my bonus action on that gentleman. DM: On this one? Okay. There you go. Player: I will make two attacks with the Wastehunter falchion against him with the monstrous-- DM: Go for it. Player: Flanking gets-- what does it add? Does it do anything? DM: Flanking? It's advantage on your attacks. Player: Okay, so first attack. 15. DM: 15 does hit. Player: Great. And the second one. Neither of those are a crit, but that's a 24 on the second one. DM: That hits, roll damage for each. Player: (counting) 17. For the Hexblade, four points of damage, so 21 on the first one. (counting) 17 on the second. DM: How do you want to do this? You fucked that guy up. Player: I'll shift in right behind him and see Molly looking around, give him a little wink, and I'll take the falchion and take the back of his head off. DM: Molly, it’s pulling back ready to leap at you, and as it lurches towards you it stops, you watch as the upper half of its shoulders and head slip and slough off into the water.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors. DM: The other large orc, the larger one with its axe is going to take two attacks with its greataxe against you. That is a 21 to hit and an 18 to hit. Player: Wait, I'm getting attacked by someone else, too? DM: Yeah, the other large orc there. Player: Yeah, both of those hit. DM: All right. You take 24 points of slashing damage as both of the greataxe blows come on from the other side, you're being-- Player: 24? DM: --chiseled down now. Yes. That's going to end their turn. That brings us to Scanlan.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She finds the pond from her vision after about 40 minutes of travel, identifies the footprints of the creature, and stealths after it. In a glade, after following the footprints for a while, you finds that the trail has gone cold. DM: That is 28 points of slashing damage, and then it's going to attempt to bite you. You watch now this snub crocodile-like jaw unhinges and opens up with these natural spiked teeth on the top and bottom sides. It's going to reach out towards you. That is a 15. Player: That doesn't hit me. DM: It goes to bite towards you, and after the first strikes hit you, you duck out of the way and you hear him snatch together over top, making a horrible clenching noise, but you are not in the jaws when they close. As you look up as you duck down, it pulls back and (snorts) in a "what have you got?"-type expression. What are you doing? Player: Okay, I'm going to pop Trinket out. DM: Okay, where? Player: Behind him. DM: You watch this tiny arc of black energy arc over and you swear you see two of the eyes, even though there is no visible iris, follow the immediate motion as the rest stay focused on you, and then Trinket appears behind it. (roars) Player: I'm going to disengage. DM: Okay, as your bonus. Player: And bamf up into the sky on my broom. DM: All righty. How high up are you going? Full movement? Player: What is that, 30? DM: That is 30, yes. Player: Yeah, but I want to get up to a tree that's far away from him. I don't want to hang out on the broom, I just want to be high enough that he can't jump up to me right away. You know what I mean? DM: Yep, so you are right up there. Player: Okay, and then I want to brace myself in a tree, so if I fell off the broom I wouldn't fall onto the ground. DM: So full movement would be about 20 feet up and ten feet back? Player: Yeah, sure. DM: Okay, so you would be about there, and you would be a little bit lower. We'll say for the purposes of this, because that direction does matter. All right, so you're back over here. Got it. Right up against this tree. That's your bonus action, that's your movement, what else are you doing?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the sidelines, Scanlan yells inspiration at you and Cutting Words at Kern. Keyleth attempts to heal you from a distance, but gets caught by a nearby Bastion. DM: (whack, whack) Yeah. And for those who are paying attention: they're both raging, they both take half damage, but since they're both doing it, we're negating both abilities because otherwise this battle would take three hours. (whack, whack) These fists, you see as they hit you, they're not just extremely strong and powerful previously, but they're hitting precise areas where you feel the muscle and bone is less resistant. There is technique to these punches that wasn't there before. Player: No problem! DM: He is going to dodge to the side here. (whoosh) Dodge off to the side (whoosh). Prepares himself, fists ready, for a defensive action. It's your go. Player: All right, I would like to enter a frenzied rage, and I would like to-- since he moves off to my side, I see him move, and I throw a back fist into the concave area of his nose. DM: Okay. Player: 23. DM: 23 hits. Player: Great. That is-- motherfucker, six. DM: Six damage? Player: Yes. DM: All righty. Player: I would like to then reach forward, as he's reeling back from that hit, with both of my thumbs and throw them towards his eyes. DM: You're going to attempt to blind? All right, so what this is going to be is for your second attack, a loose grapple, and we'll see if you can manage to push forward from that point. So go ahead and make an athletics check. Player: 14. DM: 14. That is going to be a 16 on his end, unfortunately. As you reach up, he (whoosh) slaps the hands away. His defensive posture-- he was ready for that sort of advance and he just knocks them to the side with a grin. Yeah. You do still have a bonus action, if you wish to use it. Player: If he knocks it aside, I take my right leg and I throw it to the outside of his kneecap, trying to snap his ACL or MCL. DM: Okay, go ahead and roll for the attack on that. Player: That's a 27. DM: 27 does indeed hit. Player: Why didn't that happen before? That's seven. DM: Seven points of damage? Oof, all right. As he pushes your hands out of the way, (whack) a resounding snap sound as your foot hits the side of his thigh. His leg muscles themselves are like a tree trunk and take most of the impact of the damage and you see him (pained cry). You can see the pain in his face. His grin gives way to a sudden grimace of pain. Your leg is now held in place; he resisted the full force of the blow to some physical damage himself, but not enough to knock the knee out. Do you want to move at all, or are you going to stay where you are? Player: I would like to move to flank his right side. DM: All righty.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog tells her to let her rage build and he will help her take down Raishan when the time is right. The meeting mostly consists of the group trying to figure out their next plan of attack, settling that they will go for Thordak before Raishan. DM: Drake steps forward and goes, "I think that's a fine plan of action. Reach out to all those you brought in. Hopefully we can get a few of our friends in this as well." Player: Did an airship ever arrive? DM: They all look at each other, a bit confused. "No." Player: An airship? Did anyone see an airship flying around? DM: "I didn't see one." And Cassandra goes, "No. There hasn't been an airship here, no. Are we expecting one?" Player: Mm-hmm. DM: "Good to know."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The herald comes down and asks for their names, Beau tries to pass them off as the Mighty Nein but the herald insists on their individual names, as they'll be needed to dispense a reward. Fjord gives the name Philbin, Beau says Lawrence, Nott gives Cowerie, you says Esma, and Yasha says Barry. DM: "All right, Barry. Okay (clears throat). This here is a writ of Lawmaster intent. This will give you entrance to the location of where the job is supposed to take place. This supposed creature has holed up in a sewer nexus right on where the Interstead Sprawl meets with the outer wall of the Tri-Spires. We need you to travel down there, and, well, let's say there's a whole region on the inside where we've been hearing about this backing up of various liquid and strange noises from cleaners who were making their way through, so we sent a few crownsguards down and came across a mass of congealed sewage slime and webbing, so the fucking cowards ran back and we need to dig deeper. So here we are: find a way of whatever is creating this disturbance, kill it, take it back with proof of the kill, whatever built that little nest, and the Crown is willing to drop you about 700 gold pieces." Player: 700 gold pieces? DM: "That's correct." Player: Just for the entrance, they are aware that there are several of us, we are just representatives of a slightly larger group. DM: "Well, you have to divide it evenly from the 700 you get." Player: Of course, but we can all get entrance from this writ? DM: "All the ones that are named on here." Player: You need all the names of everybody involved? DM: "There's more involved?" Player: Well, we're called the Mighty "Nine," aren't we? DM: (groans) Takes the writ. "And who are the other companions?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott says that they've been very clear that they're in this for what they can grab for themselves. She corrects Fjord's assumption that she relies on Caleb for protection, saying it's the other way around. DM: Yeah, he's a balding, portly gentleman, middle age or so. As you walk in, he, "Aye, can I get you something?" Player: Hey Clay, how's it going? Long night? DM: "All right. Crazy night, from what I'm hearing." Player: I know, right? Can I go ahead and get a double to help with the night? DM: "Aye, certainly. Here you go." Player: Had anyone come in tonight? Any one of the usuals? Seen Ulog? Seen Kara? DM: "No? No. Oh no, Ulog was in earlier this evening." Player: Yeah? DM: "He was here for a while, and then left with some friends. Think Dolan and his boy were in for a bit. They rushed out in a hurry about an hour ago?" Player: All right. You didn't see them rush out with anybody? DM: "Just the two of them." Player: Mention where they were going? DM: "No, they just up and left. Figured they were done for the evening. They looked a bit hurried."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The creature bites at Vax, but the rogue manages to dodge some of the damage. Its tail wraps around Grog, crushing, grappling, and restraining him. DM: 19 points of piercing damage as its mouth lashes out, takes a chunk of your shoulder for a second, and you wrench yourself away and keep running. Player: Ugh. DM: Take the rest of your turn. Player: Ugh, okay. I'm going to shoot him. DM: Yes, you are. Player: Okay. That is 22. DM: That hits. Player: Okay. 14 for the first hit. DM: Okay. Player: Second one is through the blazing bow, at 22. DM: Second one hits, first one misses, or did it hit? Player: Oh no, 14 was the damage to it. DM: For damage? All right, second one, blazing bow?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place. DM: Okay, so, 20-foot radius so we'll say probably in the back here and forward this way, so this area between these. So as Keyleth, you put your arms up and this burst of glowing luminescent pinkish-purple energy begins to sparkle through the air like glitter suspended in low gravity, and it drifts through the air in the entire vicinity, you can see it clinging to you guys a little bit. All right. Are you going to move or you going to stay where you are? Player: I'll step back a bit. DM: Step out of the Faerie Fire or into it? Player: Step out of it. DM: Okay. Am I? Player: That's good. DM: Just ten feet? Okay. Ending your turn, Keyleth. Pike, you're up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You made your way to the bottom, subterranean, guardian chamber, where you met a yuan-ti abomination that was laying guard to the true guardian: a large hydra. The hydra had turned around and laid waste to much of your party, but you managed to, through a series of clever choices, uses of fire magic, and some rapid assaults, managed to cleave all the heads from its body and kill it just in time. DM: Looking at his person, he has a short bow and a dagger, and that is it. He's not armed for any sort of main assault. In fact, most of his equipment and materials, in the way he's armored and dressed, is for expediency, lack of sound, and meant to blend into his surroundings fairly easy. A lot of browns, grays, and dull greens. He's definitely more of a scout and a tracker, based on his skill set from what you've seen, than any sort of frontline fighter. Player: I want to go over to Avantika. DM: As you approach, she gets up and rummages off the side and pulls off a small lantern she keeps notched on the side of her belt. Player: Do I see anything else tucked up under there while she is doing that that looks of interest or of importance? DM: Make a perception check. Player: Okay, okay. 19. DM: Nothing in particular beyond what she previously had, that you can tell at the moment, no. It's a small lantern, maybe that big, and she pulls a piece of cloth out that was meant to keep it from clattering or making any noise on the inside. She pulls out the cloth, tucks it in her pocket, ignites the end of an oil wick. The lantern glows a bit and gives off some light. She begins walking along the walls of the inside of the chamber.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After slamming his feet into the sand and preparing himself for conflict, he beckons you towards him. you faces off with Earthbreaker Groon. DM: 21, that's right, yeah. So you manage to resist, the effect of the stunning strike. He's gonna go for the secondary attack. Player: Okay. DM: Which was seven plus 13, it's 20, so that still hits you. Player: Yeah. DM: You take 18, reduce that to nine. Player: Oof . DM: Make another constitution saving throw.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He also casts Telekinesis on Grog and tows him with them. Scanlan says a prayer of thanks to the horses left behind, knowing that they'll probably die of starvation. DM: All right, as you guys are holding tight, both Scanlan and Vax are trying to grab something, holding onto rocks, but before they can get enough, they're both so small, it pushes them out. Player: How much time has passed? DM: It's three seconds. Oh! Passed since the bridge? About five, six minutes. Player: Can I try to catch them because I still have the Telekinesis going? DM: You can catch one of them. Player: (yelling) Why, Matthew?! DM: Because the spell has to be directed!
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She falls backwards off the platform out of sight. Not knowing if she is just unconscious or dead, Grog leaps down and heads towards Vex. DM: Trinket's trying to get in on this side. All right, Percy's gone. Scanlan, do you want to try anything? Player: I can move within 30 feet of Vax? DM: You'd have to get on the ground to do it. Player: All right. DM: Okay, make an acrobatics check, yeah. Player: 23. DM: 23. Okay, so you only take three points of damage from the fall. You don't fall prone. Okay, so going full movement from there, you can get there. Grog, full movement. Where are you going?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside. DM: In practice, yeah, whatever looks small enough and should fit, though it doesn't, but you make it fit. And it doesn't help. You do eventually find in one of the cells, closed and locked as you look by, there is one person in guard armor, in Westruun guard armor, that is in the cell. Not moving. Player: Hey. Hey, you. I kick him in the back a bit. DM: No movement. Player: I kick him harder. DM: No movement. Player: I look down the hallway. I back up a few steps. And I really run up and kick him really hard. DM: He just lurches over onto the side. Not moving. Player: Yeah, you're dead. Can I pat him down? DM: Yeah, you reach in and you can smell the decay starting to set in. And as you get close you can reach through the bars and see him, the actual area is closed and the door appears to be locked, and inspecting the body very quickly you can see that he was stabbed multiple times from behind and probably left in here to bleed out. Player: Low perception. DM: But you do find on him what appears to be a ring of keys. Not directly on his body, but underneath the corpse, like he was-- you gather best you can, someone probably grabbed it, got their way out, used that moment to stab him and escape. Player: Nice! I take the keys and I jauntily run by Orn Blackfoot and I go to Abjurist-- Hey, do you know who those other two voices are at the end of the hallway? Like, did you have anyone with you when you got put in here? DM: "No, no one with me. Although-- been plenty of angry discussion from that dwarven fellow down the way." Player: Yeah, he's got a really rough accent. DM: "I can hear you!" Player: Shit. My voice carries. Are you all right here for one minute? I have to go perform an interview real fast. DM: "I'm all right." And he just finishes eating the little bit of the ration that you gave him, like dried meats and bread. Player: All right, sit tight. All right, you two, put both your hands outside the cell where I can see them. DM: They both put their hands out. The dwarven man you can see puts his hand out, the skin is very wrinkled and you can see the varicose veins on it, the arm hair that you see on the dwarven arm is white, like bright white. The female hand comes out is thin, but the skin looks a little softer and younger.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth knocks on the door and quietly calls out for Jordana. A nervous voice from inside asks who they are. DM: 18. There's a pause. "Crazy grandma? Come in." You hear the sound of a locking sound and the door opens up ever-so-slightly. A very, very dimly lit interior, there's a small lantern, a hooded lantern across the room. Other than that, you see the shadow of Jordana as she ushers you all in out of the rain. Player: So, hey guess what? It's started. DM: "Yeah, apparently." She closes the door behind you, looks out the window that has the curtains closed and goes, "Okay. So. It's underway. It's not safe to be here right now." Player: No. DM: "Did anyone see you come in?" Player: No, no. DM: "Good. Who are you?" Player: "Oh. Well." How about Seeming? This whole time, have we looked like crazy peasants during the battle? DM: No.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi. DM: All right. Now it is Groon's turn. Groon is going to rush up to the front of Grog-- actually no, to the side here so you're both in combat, technically, and is going to make a flurry of blows attack using another one of his ki points. So that's gonna be four attacks, all against you, Grog. Player: Okay. DM: So that's a 27, hits, I'm pretty sure. Cocked. 26. Player: 27 and 26? DM: 16? Player: Oh, it misses! DM: And 28.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away. DM: You are unable to really feel around. You're like holding your hammer here, and the whole thing is squeezing against you and the muscles are pulling in, tense. Player: There's no way that I could try and push out with my legs to try and pull something out of the bag of holding, is there? It's too tight for that. DM: Well, what are you trying to pull out? Player: Maybe the alchemy jug? DM: You could probably pull the alchemy jug out if you wanted to, yeah. Player: I pull out the alchemy jug. DM: All right. And you force it out and hold it on the inside. Player: And I get super fucking wasted-- No, I'm kidding. (all laugh) I look inside of it, and I say, oil. DM: Okay. The jug now produces a bunch of oil. Player: Yeah. DM: It gets to fill up the inside of the jug.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A breath of frost kills one of the giants before it is able to do much. Percy's engineering talent makes a showing, between a hand grenade and one of the exploding arrows he made for you. DM: It's still damage! So as you release the arrow, it just misses the top of the platform, and you get just enough of an angle that it hits one of the wings as it pulls it up, sticks into the part of its hand that crests the top of the wing. It (growls)-- Player: And I say, fuck you! DM: Okay. And it echoes, "Fuck you, fuck you..." Do you or Trinket wish to move? Player: We're as far away as we can be, and I can't move any closer. DM: That's true. So now you and Trinket both make wisdom saving throws to try and shake the fear. Oh, and you're frightened, so actually, roll again on the attack. Disadvantage on the attacks. Just roll again. You're frightened. Player: No, both of those sucked. The first one was 20. 20 was the first! DM: So a total of 20 for the second roll? Well, that would hit. Well no, it has three-quarters cover so it wouldn't, unfortunately. Player: Matthew Mercer. DM: You were frightened! It's part of the effect. I had to remind myself that. So the arrow splinters off the top of the wing as it reaches upward, and you still feel the fear clutching your physical self. Player: Now we try to shake it off. DM: Now you try and shake it off.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog uses his Titanstone Knuckles to Enlarge and runs out right towards the dragon. Scanlan, still invisible, dashes through the ice. DM: That will put you about there. Okay. Yenk has a reach of ten because his arms are long, and you're within his combat range, so as soon as you fly up, he swings out with his fist to attempt to impact you. Player: All right, Uncanny Dodge. DM: As you're with your wings, dagger out, this fist comes swinging like a battering ram from the side. That is 22 to hit. Misses. (whoosh) You just barely dodge out of the way. You feel the force of it, the wind batter a bunch of errant falling sleet and snow across your face, but you rush past, the hasted bonus saving you on that one. Player: Okay, so how far did I just go? DM: That would have been 55 feet. Player: 55 feet. I can go 120 in one action, so that's my movement. DM: Halved, yeah. Player: Halved, but 120, so that's my movement, total. I'm going to throw Whisper in his face. I'm not going to bamf there; I'm just going to throw the dagger. DM: Into Vorugal? Player: Vorugal's face. That's halfsies, so I'm going to roll it again. That's way better. That is a 32. DM: That hits. How many Luck have you used, by the way? Player: One. That is 12 plus the psychic damage. DM: I thought you used Luck once before, today. Player: I don't think so. Not since waking up. DM: It would have been yesterday. You're right.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you then asks the final question, from one father to another. The questions having been asked and the magic fading, the body reverts to its lifeless state. DM: It's just 11. All right, and one of them takes five points of damage and (impact sound) looks down at this little gnome that's there. Player: No, no, I'm still invisible. It's not a concentration spell. DM: Invisibility, I'm pretty sure that as soon as you do-- Player: Oh, fuck. DM: The spell ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell. Player: Casts a spell? DM: Yeah. Player: Even though it's a concentration spell? DM: Yeah, you can cast other instantaneous spells, but as soon as you cast a spell you become visible. Player: What? DM: High-level invisibility, improved invisibility is the one that remains.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With a high-level Hold Monster, he paralyzes Zahra, Kash, and both their mounts, sending them plummeting back over the side of the tower. As Vecna's wounds again begin to seal, he telekinetically raises the central platform of the broken tower. DM: We're starting up at Grog's turn. We'll be right back here. Guys, we'll see you back here in just a minute. We'll make it quick, because we've got to rush in. Fast. Hold tight, and we'll see where the rest of this battle will go. See you guys in a minute. [break] And welcome back everybody. Before we get back into the fray, the winner in the chat tonight of the Wyrmwood giveaway was TwoOrThreeGodzillas. Congratulations, TwoOrThreeGodzillas. Enjoy dividing it amongst yourselves. Hope it's a good time for you, small box for a big creature, well done. So bringing it back in, last we left off, Vecna had just sent down another blast of arcane meteors pulled from beyond the realm slamming into the ground and sundering many of you, sending Scanlan into a point of near death where he popped back thanks to an aptly cast Death Ward in preparation for this combat. Vecna's round has ended with him shifting over to the opposite side of the battlefield. Grog, you're up. Player: From where I was released by the eagle when Scanlan changed back, I'm 20 feet off the deck. How far, if I was hereish-- DM: If you were here and had gone straight up then fell back down, which technically would have dealt nine points of bludgeoning damage, reduced to four because you're ever raging. You've landed on the ground. Player: And he is off the deck how high about now? What would you ballpark it? DM: Vecna? I'd say probably 80 feet from down there. Player: This is one of those moments. I'm going to hold my action until I am within melee of, or fucking closer to-- DM: What action are you holding?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A scuffle ensues as they chase down a necromancer, a number of cultists, and some creatures from the Shadowfell. During the fray, Scanlan gets Sprigg back on his feet, and Keyleth kill a couple of the cultists with a Firestorm. DM: I will say, at proximity to the flames that are starting to catch, you do take three points of fire damage. Player: Fine. DM: You threw the dagger at the big guy? Player: Whisper goes to the window at that guy there. DM: Go ahead and roll an attack. Player: And it's flanking, right? Because of where Grog is, or Keyleth? DM: It's not flanking, but you get to add sneak attack modifier. Player: Okay. Yeah, that's fine. That's 32. DM: Yeah, that hits. So you appear next to it. Player: Three plus psychic damage is four plus this junk. (counting) 33, doubled to 66 plus psychic damage is 74. Bamf there. DM: And you appear next to it. As the dagger sinks into its torso, you watch as its chest muscles and the iron cage-like armor around it seems to swallow the dagger. As it goes inside, you watch as some of the muscles all of a sudden (squelch) fall off of its body, like whatever energy's holding it together is untethered and this weird, fleshy, stitched-together creature is starting to fall apart. It's looking pretty hurt.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The fog follows them as they move, so that eventually Adella must give up and venture into the fog, losing all visibility. Keyleth and Tary give themselves gills and dive into the water to investigate. DM: Yeah, you grab whatever papers you can, there's a small leather tube, you grab that. Looking about inside, there's a ring of keys. You find a bunch of scattered coins throughout the room. It looks like there was a couple of small chests that just opened up and-- Player: I'm looking more for magic, I don't care about gold-- magic or weird. DM: Right. Player: Catch the eye. Are the keys, like-- DM: They look like some sort of opening device, yeah. Player: Oh, no. Okay, yeah, I'm gonna grab them anyway. DM: Okay. So you grab the keys. Cool. All right.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you and Yasha kill one before she can fly away holding one of the crew. Caleb casts Fear and forces two more to flee. DM: That'll do it. (cheering) And all out of hit points. So (arrow sound) the second one, you watch as it goes (pained sounds) and it begins to just careen down towards the edge of the ship. Player: Oh no! DM: It's about to slam-- we'll see, there's a percentage chance here. Player: Ooh, percentage dice? DM: I'm going to roll a percentile dice to see if it hits either on the deck, or over the edge. No, it hits on the deck. Player: Oh, nice. DM: 50% chance of either. It crashes in to the other guy, slams in to the side of the railing, manages to pull free and catches up with the other guy as they both run inside the ship. At this point, the other harpies now are just--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party awakens to a clean-shaven Caleb. They descend into the first chamber. DM: If you want to move around to get onto land, otherwise you're going to be having a hard time in the water here attacking them because you're constantly swimming. Player: Can I do that? DM: You still have movement, yeah. So you can move five, ten, 15, 20, 25 there. So you manage to whip around, get out, up onto land and not end up with a disadvantage on your attacks. Player: Okay, the first one is 15? DM: 15 does hit, yes. Player: Woohoo! Okay, second attack; not as good, 12. DM: 12 does not hit, unfortunately. But the first strike, as you pull up, cracks it right in the jaw. The next one, it manages to bash your arm out of the way and it deflects off the side-- no impact. Player: Okay, that's seven damage. DM: All righty, the first strike. Player: And then I am going to take my bonus and spend a ki point to do Patient Defense. DM: Okay, so as you get up on land, you focus and looking around side-to-side, make sure that you're aware of everything around you and get ready to defend and deflect. Player: A little in shock. (pants) Ah! DM: Okay, that finishes Beau's turn. Jester, you're up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth follows behind, but can't get close enough to attack. you charges in, raging, and runs up to Jarett. DM: All right, so you charge in. Angry, you see Jarett's currently reaching back and trying to go for his crossbow now that this entity's in his face. He's grappled it with one arm and he's reaching back to try and grab it. You come rushing in. Go for it. Player: I take out a holy oil vial out of the Bag of Holding, I crush it in my hand, and I take a swing at whatever he's holding. DM: All right. Cool. So as you pull out (glass breaking) the pain from the glass even further angers you in your rage. You can see a mix of holy water and blood trickle down from your fist as you clench it. Go ahead and swing for a punch with disadvantage. Player: That's a one. DM: So that first strike just whiffs over. Through your anger, you're unable to focus on where this entity may be. Player: Not off to a good start with this. Number two. Disadvantage. Fuck. DM: What's the total? Player: 15. DM: 15 just barely hits. Go ahead and roll. Player: One of these guys? DM: Go ahead and roll that. Half that damage, yes. Player: One. Plus rage, which is-- DM: Plus strength. Player: Oh, right. Eight. DM: So eight points of damage to it. All righty. (whack) It hits, and you hear this (yelps) sound as it takes the impact, and you can see this strange, angry face appear suddenly out of the shimmering air that just then disperses again, and you don't quite know where it is. You can make a third strike now, if you want.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The lights shift and the beautiful Ruby of the Sea descends the staircase and begins gently singing, entrancing the audience with her enchanting voice. DM: She immediately starts brushing your hair with her fingers on the side, "You've gone so far and traveled so much. You have to tell me about what you've done." Player: I will of course! Do you want me to finish lacing you up? Your performance is tonight. DM: "Yes, it is, please. Do not mind, she knows what to do." Now in front of the mirror with you behind her, she's looking at you through the mirror over her shoulder as you're helping lace up the back of her bodice. Player: We went to a town, and it was burned down and we killed a bunch of gnolls and we took off their ears. Then we went to another city and we fought these fish people in this swamp and it was really crazy. Oh my gosh, you should meet this monk girl that I know. She's crazy and she fights with her fists and also with a staff and she's really strong. There's this other girl who has wings. And I tell her all about it. DM: She's enthralled, listening to all this. "I would never have thought my little Jester would be seeing the world and fighting creatures." Player: Fighting so much; you should see how strong I've gotten. DM: "I want to see how strong you've gotten." Player: Well, I mean, okay. Do you want me to punch you? DM: "Perhaps, wait until after the performance? I've just applied my-- anyway." At that point she stands up and Nadine helps her put the rest of her dress on. It's this beautiful deep purple, satin-type material. It's low-cut with this beautiful, long, training sleeve that hangs down past her knees when her arms are at her side. Puts on her necklace, a faint velvet choker that pulls across the back of the neck there and in the center is a small blue gem that she keeps to remind herself of you. She takes a moment to look in the mirror, "Well, how do I look?" Player: You look beautiful, Mama. DM: "Then perhaps you should go join your friends." Player: Oh right, I can't disguise myself anymore, though. Can I borrow a cloak or something? DM: "Perhaps." You can technically spend higher spell slots to cast a lower level spell. Player: Shit. DM: If you want to, it's up to you. Player: Okay, that's all that I'll do. I'll cast it again. DM: Okay.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Dranzel says he assumed the guy was staying in the tavern. When asking the barkeep if Riskel is staying in the tavern the barkeep becomes guarded and defensive, saying that no one matching that description is staying there at the moment. DM: As you head to the barkeep, you see a dwarven woman wearing a simple blouse, but pulled up past the elbows. She's currently wiping down part of the front-- you can see her hair is pulled up to a ponytail that drifts past her shoulders down to the center of her chest. She glances up to you as you approach. "Hi, so what can I get you, dear?" Player: Hi. You have rooms, yes? DM: "We have rooms, aye. We only got one currently not occupied." Player: Do you have an older gentleman? Elven, battle scars-- I describe him-- staying here right now? DM: "No? No, I haven't seen someone like that." Player: Insight-check her? DM: Make an insight check. Player: That's okay. 23? DM: 23? Her demeanor has changed, and she has gotten guarded. "Nope, haven't seen anyone like that here. Sorry! No. A lot of patrons coming through." Player: Yeah. So many people come in and out. It would be so easy to lose sight of somebody like that who came in. I put five gold pieces onto the countertop. It sure would be wonderful if you could remember anything about him being here, however. DM: She takes her cloth that she's wiping the counter with, and wipes over and pushes the gold coins towards you. Pulls back and goes, "Sorry, dear. I can't help you."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Algar sees them and orders Xundi to finish them off quickly. Roll initiative. DM: 18 points of damage on the first strike. You carve through, you watch as a big piece of it splashes away. It's looking hurt. It's not heavy, but you're starting to see some wear and tear on the creature. You make your second attack? Player: Does he look like he's getting loose at all? DM: No, it looks like he's still held in there. Player: Oh, fuck. And I don't get to roll again, right? DM: No, you don't have a means for getting advantage. Remember, you have your reckless strikes. Player: Oh yes, let me do reckless. DM: Is that what you wanted to do? Player: Yeah. DM: All right. Usually you say that at the top of the turn but it's been a while so you can do that. Player: Okay that'll definitely hit. Yeah, I'm sorry I'm out of practice, guys. DM: It's all good, it's all good. Player: And I'm on east coast time. Okay, 24. DM: 24 hits, yeah. Go ahead and roll damage.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As they catch up with the titan, Grog's Titanstone Knuckles begin to vibrate in resonance. Still about 200 miles away from Vasselheim, Scanlan and J'mon render the group invisible for the approach to the titan. DM: All right. Another giant arm swings, but swings wide as it attempts to swing in the same place it did before. It does not seem to see the two of you quickly approach the proximity of its torso. You hear this (zooming) passing over you by about 30 or 40 feet. Player: Oh, trying to go for J'mon? DM: No, trying to go where you guys were. You still have a visual point on it, so you direct and tug Vax by the hair and ears in the direction of the path you saw. Player: By the ponytail. DM: Yeah, basically. And there, on the edge, you can see J'mon Sa Ord there, wings flapping, as you guys rocket down and land right on the edge of the footsteps. There's about a five-foot gap where the water isn't rushing past. Player: Okay. I immediately cast Control Water and suck it inside. DM: Okay. The waterfall stops and bends upward and is now being held. You guys have a row of steps ahead of you that are safe enough to land on right now. They're still slick with water, but there isn't a rushing waterfall pouring over them.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan jumps off of you's shoulder, pulls out his Wand of Magic Missiles, and fires eight darts at the giant, causing some of its flesh to fall off and expose bone. The giant turns its head to face him, aware that it is now flanked. DM: Hits. He's very slow-moving and a very large target, he's very easy to hit, thankfully. So as you rush up, first, what you got? Player: 22 for the first one. DM: 22, nice. Player: 13 for the second one. DM: Nice. Player: 15 for the third one. DM: Nice! (whack) You slam the hammer into the side of one of its calves. It buckles for a second and you can see the muscle itself kind of snap and a piece of bone is now jutting out of the side of its leg. Player: (singing) Now we got Grog's blood. DM: With that, you swing the hammer around and slam it into the bone, actually jamming it deeper into its leg. (all yell) Player: Yes, yes! DM: As you pull back, these slow flames kind of burning the outside, you can see the flesh sizzling with the impact of the burning hammer. Swing it once in your hand, whack! Onto the other side, this time the actual leg bursts out that side and it falls almost a little bit, it's sort of walking on this stump of a leg now, you pretty much destroyed the bottom half of its middle of its calf to its foot, it's just slumping over, the toe's still kind of wiggling on its own. It's now half on part of its leg as at this point it kind of rotates in place towards you now, using one hand to get around as it brings this club up. Looking up into its face now, as you haven't really had a close-up on this, it's strange to see, you see there are similar features, you've encountered stone giants this up close and this personal, there is where your brethren, your blood comes from. However, half of its face is torn off by some sort of large claw mark. Where there would be an eye is just this sunken socket and there are these streaks of dried blood that long before the rainstorm came are just smeared across the face, and part of its jaw is broken open and you can see jagged broken teeth underneath, its tongue lolls out the side and it just (undead groan) reaches up with its club to come on down. All right, so the first, it's going to come down and strike you with this giant club-like piece of heavy wood and metal. That's a natural 20.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you sends Frumpkin to scout it out. He sees that the chimes are in a tree, and rather than wood are made from yellowed dried hollow bones tied with sinew. DM: It doesn't catch your mind as anything that is a defensive mechanism to undead that you would recognize. Player: It's hanging from a tree? DM: It is, about seven feet above Frumpkin. Player: I am going to send Frumpkin up the tree. DM: Okay. Player: I am going to send Frumpkin toward the branch. DM: Frumpkin manages to climb the tree using the outside of the somewhat twisted bark, getting to the top. From that viewing point, as Frumpkin gets out there you can--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they find a cave filled with magical darkness. Keyleth shifts into an earth elemental to scout the cave, finding that it contains a strange planar rift and a group of grick. DM: There is a singular cave on the far end. There's a slight outcropping, and then it leads into that one 20-foot-wide cavern that goes deeper in there. Player: I'm going to creep up just to the edge of the cave. I'm not going to go in. Is it a separate perception check for the inside of the cave as well? DM: Yes. Player: All right. DM: You want to make a stealth check one more time? Stealth check first. Player: Stealth check is good. It's a 21. 31. DM: 31, okay. So making your way up, you dodge from low on the side of the beach, jumping in front of these strange stone platforms, keeping in, look for cover. You make your way up against the side of a wall, begin to glance inside. Make a perception check. Player: And that is 19. DM: 19. It's pitch-black in the cavern. You have no light source, unfortunately. You have darkvision, which does help you to a certain extent. You cannot see the entirety of the cavern, but you can see about, let's say, 40 to 60 feet in. The beach gravel comes to a halt and comes to this smooth stone flooring. You don't see anything that particularly catches your attention. Player: Manufactured or made, or just paved floor? DM: It looks like it has some natural change in the topography. It's not a polished floor, but it's definitely been worn over time.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percival shoots Clarota in the head, releasing Scanlan, who had been grappled by the turncoat. As the remaining illithids take heavy damage, the two of them Plane Shift out of the room in self-preservation. DM: What are you doing? The other doorway isn't blocked, you have mind flayers running in, you have probably more and more swarming from underneath the temple, probably over at some point, from what you've seen of the temple structure. Player: Okay, so I'm going to attempt to crush the Horn. With a thousand pounds of pressure. DM: Okay. Player: Because my Telekinesis is still going. DM: That's true. Player: I can't do anything else without dropping this thing because as soon as I do anything else, I drop the horn. So I have to do that first. DM: Okay, so you use your action, go ahead and roll for that, for the crushing of Telekinesis.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, When Lionel mentions that his boss is called the Meat Man, Vox Machina are all immediately intrigued; however, Lionel has never heard the name Shorthalt , nor does he recognize the description of their former gnomish companion, Scanlan. He tells them that his boss' actual name is Aes Adan. DM: "I'm but a humble merchant from Ank'harel, and I'm seeking to make some contacts in this rumored emerging metropolis of Whitestone. Yes?" Player: Yes. DM: "Now, I have information that may be of use to you, my compatriots have told me. And, should my gatherers and whisperers be correct, in trade I would like to get some information from this one." Player: Possibly. What is it that you want to know? DM: "Rumors tell me of these fabled Riflemen of Whitestone." Player: Yes. DM: "While paltry mechanical imitations have occasionally come across the markets on our side of the world, I hear that you were the designer of these instruments of death."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ogden tells her the history of how the Trickfoots were first cursed. He explains that he has spent his life researching this curse, and once succeeded in exorcising it from Johann some years ago. DM: "Let's just say that some of our family aren't the most subtle." She looks down and to the side and averts her gaze. "They're good people. They're very good people. Johann has done a lot for us, but he's more prideful than the rest of us. As soon as anyone starts any shit, he's the first to get in their face about it. He's a fiery one. It's why Astra took to him." Player: She's fiery as well, it seems. DM: "She's something." Player: If you could settle down anywhere, where would it be? DM: She looks around at the whole city. "Probably right here." Player: Whitestone is quite wonderful. DM: "It's very nice. People here are far less dubious than the folks in Kymal, at the very least." Player: Pike's buttered us up quite well. DM: "I miss her a lot. We grew up together. I don't know if you knew that." Player: I heard. How old was she when she left? DM: "I don't know the specifics of it, but me and her were both in our first decade." Player: What was that like, having Pike leave and you staying behind? DM: "We were friends. She was my only friend, at the time. I've always been a reader. They tell me the first of my kind, so I didn't take to making new friends very well. That, and Uncle needs someone to look after him, and I didn't really want to drop the ball on that." Player: Well, you're a good person. DM: "I'm a person." Player: Would you like to see the library? DM: "You have a library?" Player: It's growing. DM: "Yes, please!" Player: I don't know how big the library is right now. DM: In Castle Whitestone? Player: I mean, it's my particular-- DM: Oh, your personal library? It's not huge. Player: I'm growing it! DM: I know, but it took a while to construct it, and then some books have made their way in. It's maybe a third full, but as you show her, she's like, "What kind of books do you have?" Player: Oh, well, a lot of books about really terrible gods. Some good gods. Oh! I have something about the Feywild; I remember picking that up. Would you like to learn about the Feywild? DM: "Yeah. I've only heard a few things." Player: I go dig through my books and find it. DM: She takes her straightened hair to the side, and she nervously steps back with it and smiles with her little gap tooth. "Are you sure?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tries to call Scanlan over her Earring of Whisper, but she is just out of range. Percy runs up to the door and opens it, letting light and the sounds of battle enter the dining room. DM: Okay, so you just swing around (fwwwt) to the inside. You look up and immediately you see this curved banister and a whole row of guards up top with heavy crossbows. In the center, you can see some blur as Grog, Trinket, and some individual are in the middle of this tussle. The individual currently has Grog grasped by the throat. Player: How crazy-- I don't know if I can do Minor Illusion that way right now. So I'm going to call Hex on that first guard there. DM: Which one? Right there? Player: Yep. DM: Okay. Player: I'm going to burn my action surge, and I'm going to start taking my shots, and I'm just going to work my way up. DM: Okay, so you swing around the corner and look up at the one guard. As you concentrate for a second, bringing your gun up, your eyes begin to go black again, the smoke pouring out from the corner of it. Smoke begins to pour out of the midsection of the guard, who looks confused for a second, and it swirls around him as part of the Hex that has him marked, as you release your next three blasts.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord manages another kill with Eldritch Blast, leaving two up, including the priest. Caleb takes a hit that breaks his concentration on Molly's Haste, stunning Molly for a round. DM: Right now, you're in the water, so with full speed, you're probably not going to get to it unless you take an action to dash. Player: Okay. I'll hop up back on that, out of the water there. DM: You have 30 feet of movement. There's the guy who's underwater over here somewhere, and there's the guy that's currently assaulted by most of your team on the other side. Player: Okay, so I'll move closer to where I think the guy is. DM: (counting) There? Player: And then I will cast Healing Hands on myself. DM: Okay, so you reach down and touch the front of your chest-- Player: Bring me to a whole seven. DM: Oh, shit.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny you, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope? DM: This opens up slightly more, and you get to see a portion of the mineral growth-- a lot of the moisture that has coalesced into the ceiling has come into a central point, and over time, it just built up these central columns of rock and natural materials. A few pools have gathered towards the base. You see portions of the ground where elements of the acrid liquid that filled the pool over here just dripped in. Whether they began this way or turned by the dragon's presence, you are unaware. But that's as far as you can see. Player: Further along the wall, that little rock-- yeah. And just a little bit past it. And then closer to you. DM: At this point, you can make out that additional pool of acid, the far back corner and a risen platform, you see the portion of the cavernous stone beginning to mass into a higher level towards the far back corner. Player: I listen. DM: Roll a perception check. Player: 20. DM: 20. You listen in... Silence. Stillness. The very faint whisper of wind far behind you.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They also discovered that the tower in the center is titled Entropis, where all the magic is being funneled at the moment. Thus having found this information, they gathered their resolve and continued their trek deeper and deeper into the city surrounding the tower Entropis, to discover what their purpose is here in Thar Amphala. DM: You continue further into the city. You still hear the distant, low shrieks of the gloom stalkers (shriek) overhead, swooping past in clusters, circling around. Occasionally you watch one or two swoop down and land on a distant rooftop, and you hear the crunching of heavy stone and whatever materials were still remaining on the roof of that structure as it lands and surveys a bit, and then (whoosh) takes off and joins the rest of its kin. Player: Do any of the buildings look remarkable or interesting? I'm trying to keep an eye out for any building that may have anything inside it of vague importance. Either the building itself is slightly more interesting, or it looks like maybe someone has boarded something up to try and maintain some kind of vigil against the darkness? I'm not entirely sure. Out of the ordinary. DM: Okay. Make an investigation check. Player: I knew you were going to say that. I'm not good at this. Nope. Nope, nope. That's a four. That's a natural one. DM: A lot of these buildings are hard to tell apart when they're all just in this state of disrepair and destruction. Player: Some of them have doors. DM: Some of them do. Some of them have windows, kind of. Player: Holes where windows might be. DM: Possibly. Some, you can't tell if it's a hole, or a window. Or a door? As you press forward.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables. DM: 12 does not hit. As you rush forward to swing with your first strike, the one that'd been firing at you from the previous round notices your approach, throws the longbow over the arm and brings up the shield in the same motion and deflects the quick thrust of your staff. Player: Uh-huh. Okay. DM: If you're doing Flurry of Blows you have two more attacks on it. Player: Yeah, wonder if that's a good idea. Maybe I should-- I'm going to Patient Defense this again. Do I have a bonus attack? DM: No, you do that instead of your bonus attack. You hit once, it gets deflected, and you spend your bonus action to do Patient Defense. Player: That didn't go as well as I thought. DM: That's all right.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party, after essentially forcing this individual to reveal themself, the rakshasa fled through a tunnel underneath its room into a long subterranean tunnel fraught with traps that were set to protect it. The party managed to avoid these rather deftly until the steady decline of the hallway, combined with the increasing moisture and scent of refuse, caused a slick surface and our fantastic cleric, Brother Kash, Kashaw, slipped and fell down. DM: 22. Okay, so you pull off and away. You can see where it dragged across your scales, it left this nasty trail of black-- whatever you would call it, saliva-- but you manage to slip it off your hand, and you feel like it's probably not going to bother you too much. However, as you steady yourself, one of the tentacles comes swinging down towards you. That is also with disadvantage. That would be a 21 to hit. Player: Yeah, that hits. DM: All right. You take seven points of bludgeoning damage from the impact. That's only four points of piercing damage as the spines slam into your side and seem to stick onto you. You are also considered grappled and restrained for the time, as the tentacle wraps around you and the spines are digging into your body. It now has you by your waist and is holding you in place. Player: This is fun. How much damage is that, total? DM: That'd be a total of 11 damage. Player: Really? Plus the other damage? DM: Plus the bite, no. Did you not write down the bite damage I told you? Player: That's 16, so 26? 27. So what's half of that? DM: Half of that? Player: Because of the Stoneskin. My Stoneskin is still up. DM: Stoneskin is still up. That is correct. How long does that last? Player: Hour? DM: Hour. Yeah, that should've lasted long enough. You're fine, yeah. So half of that would've been-- Player: I cast that when we were chasing him-- DM: Yeah. 13 points of damage. Player: Okay. 13 points. DM: That was a lot of technicality in one turn. Well done, Tiberius. All right.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan manages to get some gold from Grog, although the latter is not great at counting. Percy checks in on Cassandra and tells her they've killed another dragon. DM: She gives you a very keen look. And you can see Cassandra. As much as she is the healthiest you've seen her physically, her eyes have dark circles over them. It looks like she's been very harried by the events of these past few weeks. Understandably so. But she takes and looks over the sheet and goes, "Well, very well. Should be an interesting meeting then." Player: I think so. I do think so. It's good to see you taking command. DM: "It's good to see you, and I look forward to you sharing some of the burden soon." Player: Yes. DM: "Right?" Player: Quite possibly. DM: "Right?" Player: We will discuss whence the dragons are taken care of. DM: "Good." Player: We will discuss, at the very least, relieving you of some of this burden. DM: "Good." Player: I know it is not fair. DM: "Whatever is fair in this life? The wonders of lordship and ladydom."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina, with nothing to do for the moment, head to Gilmore's Glorious Goods. The party enter Shaun Gilmore's shop in Abedar's Promenade, where you makes a beeline to find the man himself. DM: Yes. Gilmore, who has sweeped you out into the middle of Abedar’s Promenade, takes you by the arm and begins to lead you happily up towards the Erudite Quarter of Emon, which has a secondary wall around it as well. As he brings you along, he talks happily and loudly about how, "It’s rather wonderful the way that we were presented with this opportunity over in Westruun. It’s magnificent, the team they’ve assembled to build this brand. I’m very excited at how they brought it to my attention. I wanted to keep things very localized, of course, but it seems--" Player: Will you trust the folk in Emon to handle your business or will you go between? DM: "The folk in Westruun?" Player: Yes. DM: "The folk in Westruun?" "I have a couple of friends there that will oversee the process, but I will be very involved and keeping an eye, so I’m not too terribly worried. Besides, it’s a much smaller business we’re running there and it’ll be fine. Oh, look ahead." As you guys step into the Erudite Quarter, he’s now brought you into essentially what is an outdoor botanical garden that is just a very nice walk. Grass across the ground, with fine well-cut bushes. There is a canopy of beautiful trees that are arcane, through arcane means, twisted and sculpted to form this long tunnel. It’s strangely romantic. As Gilmore begins to walk you down, there’s a fountain to the side, and he says, "What about you? How’s Vox Machina been? How’ve they been treating you? How are you, Vax?" Player: Well, we’re tired, to be sure. I was not kidding before, we really are lucky to be alive. And that’s thanks in large part to a lot of the gear you outfitted us with the last time. DM: "Wondrous, I’m happy to help. And have you been keeping up your end of the bargain? Have you been singing the praises of Gilmore’s Glorious Goods across Kraghammer and beyond?" Player: You were mentioned in Kraghammer. I regret to inform you, though, that we were forced to travel underground rather quickly and the duergar and the other things that we ran into were not really customers you’d want to deal with. No, our lives were too much in harm’s way. But now that we’re above ground, I’m looking to pick up where I left off. DM: "Very well." And do your shop honor. Player: Your contribution to what we’ve done -- And I place my hand on his hand. --was no small part in our survival. And I give it just a little squeeze. And I want to thank you. I don’t know that I would be standing here if not for your help. DM: "Had it not been for Gilmore’s Glorious Goods." (all laugh) He looks you deep in the eyes, pats the top of your hand, and goes, "Vax. This, that moment, that is why I do what I do." Player: You’re a unique man, Gilmore. No question. Never met anyone quite like you. DM: "Well. Would you care to share a glass of wine with a man not quite like anyone else you’ve met?" Player: Indeed. What do you recommend in the area? DM: "Oh, please, come, there are casks that pour the finest of honeyed Syngoran wine. I know perhaps you’ve not been home for quite some time?" Player: That’s a complicated thing for me, one that I’m not really quite ready to talk about yet. DM: "Oh." Player: Maybe someday. DM: "Maybe with enough wine."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party awakens to a clean-shaven Caleb. They descend into the first chamber. DM: Fjord vanished. You see two now turning their eyes towards Mollymauk who's right there. There's one across the way that's currently barrelling on Beau and there's the one at the top of the stairs right now that looks like it's commanding a giant storm. Player: I'm going to go over to the one by Beau. DM: Over here? Player: Yeah. DM: So that's five, ten, 15, 20, 25, 35. You're in the water swimming, so your attacks are at disadvantage right now. Player: Okay. All right. DM: If you wanted to do Reckless, you could counteract that, but you'll be taking-- Player: Well, I had one natural 20, and then 18 was my lowest. DM: Wait, so that was disadvantage?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables. DM: As it's holding the child and it's looking down at the young boy, lifting it off the ground and bringing it towards its jaws as its teeth open wide, its lips curl back like it's ready to take a quick little nibble of the child's arm. Suddenly the bolt hits it in the side of the jaw and it's sticking out. (squeal, snarl) It starts looking over in your direction and it looks right towards you. (growl) Player: Can I use my regular-- regular gnoll. Do I have remaining movement as a bonus? DM: No, it's your full movement to get there. Bonus action you can dash if you want to. Player: Yes. I will dash away, but I can't hide. I will dash behind those rocks to my right. DM: Over here? Player: Yes. In those skulls or anywhere around there. DM: That works fine there. Beau.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Most of the party use Disguise Self to make themselves look wealthier, and less like unusual races. They leave the cart and the owl with the front hand of the inn and you tells him they'll be staying. DM: As you guys have been standing in the middle of the foyer area, you're pushed ahead by another group of about four individuals. They look to be merchants, well-dressed for the occasion, and they push passed. "Ah, excuse me." They go and find another table, and you get the sense that the room probably is going to be filling up. Player: We should probably get a table as soon as possible. Where's the backstage door? Where do I get to my mom? DM: Your mom actually descends for her performance, so you'd have to go upstairs. Player: I want to go upstairs. DM: Okay. Just you? Player: Yeah. DM: All right. So you guys all find a table?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau responded she has no respect for authority. Lorenzo responded Then another life it is. DM: Okay. You pour acid on the lock. It's going to take a moment. Acid isn't an immediate thing, if you're not going to splash it on somebody. It has to eat through metal. Player: Well, shit. Then I won't do that. DM: You would know that as an alchemist. Player: I will-- Shit, what do I do? I can't kill anything here. I'm going to try the lock. I'm going to try the lock. there's nothing else I can do. DM: All right. Player: It's a natural one. DM: I think the signs are pointing in a direction. What are you doing, Nott?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you and Nott use WC and the horse from Alfield, which are pulling the cart. you rests in the back while Nott drives the wagon. DM: He goes "Well, first off that's terribly rude, affecting me with any sort of arcane-based nature enchantments upon first meeting you when I've been so gracious." Player: Ja, we're a bunch of Arschlochs, yeah, we're assholes it's fine, but I'm just saying-- DM: "But do you pay?" Player: Today we do. DM: "Then I think we will do quite well working together." Player: Okay, you see this one? The purple one? He will cut you from navel to nuts, so please, have fun with us, but don't you fuck us. DM: "I know better than to cross anyone with a--"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. Fjord, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of you. DM: You wake up, come to consciousness on the ground. Fjord is getting you up. You look over your shoulder, and you can see there's a whole shit ton of guards in the area that are subduing Yasha. Caduceus seems to have put his hands up. Player: What is my distance from the boat? DM: From the boat? From now, you'd be about 160 feet. Player: 160 feet? If I got to my feet, that's half my movement. DM: Correct. Player: If I moved ten feet I'd be within 150 feet, correct? Yeah? DM: Yeah.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog gets one that has a point on it. They return to the others and Grog shows off his hat. DM: "They are comfortable." As he walks in, still bandaged on the arm, you can see there's a small kettle of tea set by the small fireplace right there. It's a tiny little table and a tiny little stool that he's just kind of sitting on right there. And he goes and he reaches over for the kettle. "(groans)" Tries to pick up the cup and just pours the tea into it. Player: (alarmed stuttering) I'm going to stop and attach and begin strapping this. DM: "(confused stuttering)" Player: Let me show you. It attaches like this. DM: "Ooh." Player: Here are the two switches. (clicking) And for your mine. DM: "Eh? Oh." Player: I grab, hit the button, twist, pull. DM: "Oh? Eh? I just got that!" Player: And I get the spike and attach it. DM: "Oh." Player: Remove it, put the hand back on. Tea? DM: (chuckle, click) (excited laughter) "Tea?" Player: Sure. Why not? Always say yes. DM: "Need another cup. (grunts)" He stands up and goes over, still holding the kettle and splashing everywhere, and he's flipping through cabinets and knocking pieces of glass out. "Ah! Found it." Pulls out another little ceramic cup and pours the tea in, sets it down. (chink, click) "(cackles)" "To new hands!"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The undead dragon -- none other than the slain white dragon, Obatalá, that once served as Arkhan's mount -- unleashes a breath of bone shards at him. Vox Machina leap to Arkhan's defense, deciding it is best to face the Briarwoods now rather than later. DM: That's easy enough. Make an athletics check, actually, in case something goes horribly bad. You are raging, so you get advantage. Player: 25. DM: Okay. Easy enough. At that height, you take eight points of bludgeoning damage, reduced to four, and (impact) you land, arcing over her, both feet to each side of her, and you're standing, looming over her body as she's wrapped up in vines, going (grunting). Player: I fucking hate this dead bitch. And I raise the sword and start swinging down in these huge arcs at her. The first two attacks at her. DM: Okay. As you pull the blade up, the voice goes, "Yes. Her. She's part of the web. Her. Her!" And you give into the fury. Go ahead and make your attacks. Player: Are they with advantage because she's prone? DM: Correct. Well, she's restrained.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They decide to try to move away from it, and while they walk, Calianna tells Beau that she was raised by the Cult of the Caustic Heart, who kept her in seclusion and told her she was special and important. Meanwhile, the troll continues to keep pace with them off in the trees. DM: No traps, nothing like that. You do notice there are wounds across the body. Beyond the leg missing, there are a number of wounds. You can make a medicine check to try and ascertain what they are. Player: Ten. DM: Okay. They seem to be a combination of bite and claw marks. Not super deep slashing, but definitely a gash across the shoulder, the neck. There is one large puncture wound about that wide that's right around where the sternum is. But whatever punctured it, one of the edges is torn out, like something hooked was placed in and then pulled through, dragging the flesh with it. Player: Does her face look like-- DM: Intact. Player: Yeah, we don't know this person, right? DM: No, you do not recognize this person, lifeless. You do see some rough elements of tattoos along the neck similar to the banded neck tattoos of members of The Gentleman's crew that you had seen before. Not as thick and dense, but you can see that there is a pattern to the acquisition of some of these tattoos for the ones who run the smuggling line. You're starting to ascertain and put that together, but intact.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ripley reappears out of reach of you. He throws his sword in desperation at her. DM: 32 points of damage. As she appears, you throw the axe, and it's a very short distance, so a big amount of your physical strength is put behind it. The axe embeds itself right in her upper abdomen, and she's like, (groaning). It's still in her right now, and she's, "No." Player: I'm throwing my sword. DM: You're going to throw? Player: Yeah! DM: All right, roll with disadvantage. Player: I have advantage on my attack because I just inspired. Mythcarver. DM: Mythcarver? Yeah, but you'll have disadvantage, so it's your regular attack with no proficiency bonus. You're not proficient at throwing weapons, so this is a serious penalty.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina head down to the quarry as bloodied dwarves begin to come out of one of the tunnels, followed by ten goblins. A goblin attacks one of the dwarves; Percy, Vex and Vax attack the goblins. DM: With you guys charging in, you can now see a handful more goblins are rushing out. They are like running really fast, sprinting. Player: I throw Entangle up, in the distance wherever they're coming from. DM: Okay, what's the radius on that? Player: Like a hundred feet. DM: That's the range. What is the radius? Player: Oh, 20-foot radius. DM: Okay. You find a portion of the central point where the things exit from the tunnel and these strange reddish vines begin to protrude and to begin to grab nearby goblins and pull them up in this massive, weird vine creature. You hear (stomping) and you now see two larger ogre-like creatures come storming out.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nila speaks with a bird which tells her the forest has been like this since before its time and to beware of spirits and bone-spurred beasts. It leads them to the Mardun house, the Estate Sybaritic, a dark red wood two-story estate at the edge of the city that's in the beginning stages of showing disrepair, surrounded by a tall spear-topped stone wall. DM: "I'll pass on the message! You'll be summoned if necessary, but (clicks tongue)" Gives a motion over to the other guard who's finished eating, who's also pulled the shortbow off the shoulder and has knocked an arrow into it. Gives a whistle and the doors to the estate open, and you watch as three more guards emerge with crossbows, and one with a heavy crossbow at the ready. They all keep them at the ready, very close eye. One of them begins to patrol the outside of the building. You get the sense immediately that there's a general anxiety and tension at this space when strangers approach. They're being very careful. Player: Can I look around, do I see anybody who's hidden, watching from windows up above, anything that looks like we're being watched? DM: Make a perception check. Player: Not by guards, necessarily. 21. DM: You glance up, and on the second floor there is two sets of double windows. They're paned, one of them looks to be partially opened, and you can see on the inside there are curtains. One, the curtains are closed, the other is drawn to a side, and you see a figure looking out below. As soon as you look up and see it, the curtain closes. Player: Did I catch a glimpse of what the figure looks like? DM: The figure looked to be human, though the skin was dark. That's as best as you can get before they vanished.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, a group of suspicious temple workers interrupts, capturing Nott in a translucent force hamster ball while you casts Blink, multiple Charm Person spells, Mirror Image, and Hold Person to evade and misdirect her pursuers. She uses Dispel Magic on Nott's hamster ball and Nott doubles dashes away. DM: The Cloak of Shadows thing? All right, cool. As they're chasing, you Channel Divinity. You give a silent little whispered prayer to the Traveler to give you the opportunity to escape. Player: Please don't fuck me! DM: You vanish. You are invisible for the next six seconds. Player: I run as fast as I can and turn a corner. DM: Okay, and with that, you duck around into a little nook on the outside of an abode or home that's placed here on the outside of the temple. In that moment, make a stealth check with advantage, because you're invisible. Player: Natural 20! DM: Okay. You hear the voices of the crownsguard going on like, "What--where-- Spread out! Where did you see them go?" "I didn't see. They just vanished! This is ridiculous. We're all going to get into serious trouble if we don't find them." They all begin to scatter about, and you begin to weave your way through some of the nearby alleyways into the shadows of the night. Yeah, that invisibility completely cut off their eyeline to keep following you.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax hops up and bravely runs away, away. Tiberius misses a Counterspell as Delilah Briarwood deals him 21 points of psychic damage and drop his Intelligence and Charisma to 1, reducing him to instinctual responses and disabling his flying. DM: You take 66 points of necrotic damage as a sickly beam of black energy streaks out from her finger, plows into your torso, and you feel as if your soul is temporarily pulled from a portion of your body. For a second there, your eyes glance past the threshold of death, and you manage to pull yourself back in. The cold resonates through the rest of your body, and all of a sudden the temperature outside, which was already pretty chilly, feels freezing cold. Brush with the Finger of Death. All right, she is going to move over towards Sylas right here, getting into a protective standpoint, glancing down at the unconscious body of Vax. That brings us to-- we have Grog, Tiberius, and Scanlan. Player: I'm going first. Fucking shit. I know she's got me in her fucking claws. DM: You've figured this out now, after this whole (yelps). Keyleth, of course. Player: Can I still see through the window? DM: You can see through the window right there, yeah. It's hard, at this point. Player: Okay, I'll use my bonus action first to cast Healing Word on Vax. (singing) Oh, that Vax elf-- DM: What's the range on Healing Word?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trinket, who had been sleeping outside Percy's workshop, attacks the one next to Percy. Jarett gets up and runs to the cell, unlocking the door. DM: It swings towards you, and a giant slam of extremely condensed air with a raking claw impact hits you in the torso, doing 15 points of bludgeoning damage. The other one swings out, same direction. This time you actually pull off to the side and knock it out of the way with your Pepperbox. The one back there is going to attempt to grapple. Succeeds. That's its action, and you can see the driver that you had put into prison is currently being (choking) making strangling sounds in the distance. That ends it. Trinket's up. Player: Trinket. He can see Percy getting attacked and instinct takes over, and he runs forward and he claws him. DM: All right, go ahead and roll for the attack. Player: That does not hit. That's a natural 20. DM: That will hit! It begins. Player: Oh, that's the wrong thing. That's a 2d4. DM: So roll 2d4 and then multiply those by two. Player: 17 damage. DM: 17 damage, nice. Trinket runs up, coming out of his somewhat sleepy stupor, goes for a bite attack and grabs nothing with it, and turns around and rakes a claw backwards, manages to get the back of whatever this entity is, and you hear it scream (gasping scream). You do, at least.
[ "DM", "Player" ]