DialogZoo / src /preprocess /MultiWOZ_2.1.py
AnAutomaticPencil's picture
data preprocessing update
# Refer https://github.com/thu-spmi/damd-multiwoz/blob/master/preprocess.py
from utils import parse, read_json_file, read_line_labels, write_json_file
import os, re, json, spacy
from collections import OrderedDict
from tqdm import tqdm
import shutil
all_domains = [
mapping_pairs = {
"it 's": "it is",
"don 't": "do not",
"doesn 't": "does not",
"didn 't": "did not",
"you 'd": "you would",
"you 're": "you are",
"you 'll": "you will",
"i 'm": "i am",
"they 're": "they are",
"that 's": "that is",
"what 's": "what is",
"couldn 't": "could not",
"i 've": "i have",
"we 've": "we have",
"can 't": "cannot",
"i 'd": "i would",
"aren 't": "are not",
"isn 't": "is not",
"wasn 't": "was not",
"weren 't": "were not",
"won 't": "will not",
"there 's": "there is",
"there 're": "there are",
". .": ".",
"restaurants": "restaurant -s",
"hotels": "hotel -s",
"laptops": "laptop -s",
"cheaper": "cheap -er",
"dinners": "dinner -s",
"lunches": "lunch -s",
"breakfasts": "breakfast -s",
"expensively": "expensive -ly",
"moderately": "moderate -ly",
"cheaply": "cheap -ly",
"prices": "price -s",
"places": "place -s",
"venues": "venue -s",
"ranges": "range -s",
"meals": "meal -s",
"locations": "location -s",
"areas": "area -s",
"policies": "policy -s",
"children": "child -s",
"kids": "kid -s",
"kidfriendly": "kid friendly",
"cards": "card -s",
"upmarket": "expensive",
"inpricey": "cheap",
"inches": "inch -s",
"uses": "use -s",
"dimensions": "dimension -s",
"driverange": "drive range",
"includes": "include -s",
"computers": "computer -s",
"machines": "machine -s",
"families": "family -s",
"ratings": "rating -s",
"constraints": "constraint -s",
"pricerange": "price range",
"batteryrating": "battery rating",
"requirements": "requirement -s",
"drives": "drive -s",
"specifications": "specification -s",
"weightrange": "weight range",
"harddrive": "hard drive",
"batterylife": "battery life",
"businesses": "business -s",
"hours": "hour -s",
"one": "1",
"two": "2",
"three": "3",
"four": "4",
"five": "5",
"six": "6",
"seven": "7",
"eight": "8",
"nine": "9",
"ten": "10",
"eleven": "11",
"twelve": "12",
"anywhere": "any where",
"good bye": "goodbye",
normlize_slot_names = {
"car type": "car",
"entrance fee": "price",
"duration": "time",
"leaveat": "leave",
"arriveby": "arrive",
"trainid": "id",
def clean_time(utter):
utter = re.sub(
r"(\d+) ([ap]\.?m)", lambda x: x.group(1) + x.group(2), utter
) # 9 am -> 9am
utter = re.sub(r"((?<!\d)\d:\d+)(am)?", r"0\1", utter)
utter = re.sub(r"((?<!\d)\d)am", r"0\1:00", utter)
utter = re.sub(r"((?<!\d)\d)pm", lambda x: str(int(x.group(1)) + 12) + ":00", utter)
utter = re.sub(
r"(\d+)(:\d+)pm", lambda x: str(int(x.group(1)) + 12) + x.group(2), utter
utter = re.sub(r"(\d+)a\.?m", r"\1", utter)
return utter
def clean_text(text):
text = text.strip()
text = text.lower()
text = text.replace("’", "'")
text = text.replace("‘", "'")
text = text.replace(";", ",")
text = text.replace('"', " ")
text = text.replace("/", " and ")
text = text.replace("don't", "do n't")
text = clean_time(text)
baddata = {
r"c\.b (\d), (\d) ([a-z])\.([a-z])": r"cb\1\2\3\4",
"c.b. 1 7 d.y": "cb17dy",
"c.b.1 7 d.y": "cb17dy",
"c.b 25, 9 a.q": "cb259aq",
"isc.b 25, 9 a.q": "is cb259aq",
"c.b2, 1 u.f": "cb21uf",
"c.b 1,2 q.a": "cb12qa",
"0-122-336-5664": "01223365664",
"postcodecb21rs": "postcode cb21rs",
r"i\.d": "id",
" i d ": "id",
"Telephone:01223358966": "Telephone: 01223358966",
"depature": "departure",
"depearting": "departing",
"-type": " type",
r"b[\s]?&[\s]?b": "bed and breakfast",
"b and b": "bed and breakfast",
r"guesthouse[s]?": "guest house",
r"swimmingpool[s]?": "swimming pool",
"wo n't": "will not",
" 'd ": " would ",
" 'm ": " am ",
" 're' ": " are ",
" 'll' ": " will ",
" 've ": " have ",
r"^\'": "",
r"\'$": "",
for tmpl, good in baddata.items():
text = re.sub(tmpl, good, text)
text = re.sub(r"([a-zT]+)\.([a-z])", r"\1 . \2", text) # 'abc.xyz' -> 'abc . xyz'
text = re.sub(r"(\w+)\.\.? ", r"\1 . ", text) # if 'abc. ' -> 'abc . '
for fromx in mapping_pairs:
tox = mapping_pairs[fromx]
text = " " + text + " "
text = text.replace(" " + fromx + " ", " " + tox + " ")[1:-1]
return text
def clean_slot_values(domain, slot, value):
value = clean_text(value)
if not value:
value = ""
elif value == "not mentioned":
value = ""
elif domain == "attraction":
if slot == "name":
if value == "t":
value = ""
if value == "trinity":
value = "trinity college"
elif slot == "area":
if value in ["town centre", "cent", "center", "ce"]:
value = "centre"
elif value in ["ely", "in town", "museum", "norwich", "same area as hotel"]:
value = ""
elif value in ["we"]:
value = "west"
elif slot == "type":
if value in ["m", "mus", "musuem"]:
value = "museum"
elif value in ["art", "architectural"]:
value = "architecture"
elif value in ["churches"]:
value = "church"
elif value in ["coll"]:
value = "college"
elif value in ["concert", "concerthall"]:
value = "concert hall"
elif value in ["night club"]:
value = "nightclub"
elif value in ["mutiple sports", "mutliple sports", "sports", "galleria"]:
value = "multiple sports"
elif value in ["ol", "science", "gastropub", "la raza"]:
value = ""
elif value in ["swimmingpool", "pool"]:
value = "swimming pool"
elif value in ["fun"]:
value = "entertainment"
elif domain == "hotel":
if slot == "area":
if value in ["cen", "centre of town", "near city center", "center"]:
value = "centre"
elif value in ["east area", "east side"]:
value = "east"
elif value in ["in the north", "north part of town"]:
value = "north"
elif value in ["we"]:
value = "west"
elif slot == "day":
if value == "monda":
value = "monday"
elif value == "t":
value = "tuesday"
elif slot == "name":
if value == "uni":
value = "university arms hotel"
elif value == "university arms":
value = "university arms hotel"
elif value == "acron":
value = "acorn guest house"
elif value == "ashley":
value = "ashley hotel"
elif value == "arbury lodge guesthouse":
value = "arbury lodge guest house"
elif value == "la":
value = "la margherit"
elif value == "no":
value = ""
elif slot == "internet":
if value == "does not":
value = "no"
elif value in ["y", "free", "free internet"]:
value = "yes"
elif value in ["4"]:
value = ""
elif slot == "parking":
if value == "n":
value = "no"
elif value in ["free parking"]:
value = "yes"
elif value in ["y"]:
value = "yes"
elif slot in ["pricerange", "price range"]:
slot = "pricerange"
if value == "moderately":
value = "moderate"
elif value in ["any"]:
value = "do n't care"
elif value in ["any"]:
value = "do n't care"
elif value in ["inexpensive"]:
value = "cheap"
elif value in ["2", "4"]:
value = ""
elif slot == "stars":
if value == "two":
value = "2"
elif value == "three":
value = "3"
elif value in ["4-star", "4 stars", "4 star", "four star", "four stars"]:
value = "4"
elif slot == "type":
if value == "0 star rarting":
value = ""
elif value == "guesthouse":
value = "guest house"
elif value not in ["hotel", "guest house", "do n't care"]:
value = ""
elif domain == "restaurant":
if slot == "area":
if value in [
"center of town",
"city center",
"town center",
"centre of cambridge",
"city centre",
value = "centre"
elif value == "west part of town":
value = "west"
elif value == "n":
value = "north"
elif value in ["the south"]:
value = "south"
elif value not in [
"do n't care",
value = ""
elif slot == "day":
if value == "monda":
value = "monday"
elif value == "t":
value = "tuesday"
elif slot in ["pricerange", "price range"]:
slot = "pricerange"
if value in ["moderately", "mode", "mo"]:
value = "moderate"
elif value in ["not"]:
value = ""
elif value in ["inexpensive", "ch"]:
value = "cheap"
elif slot == "food":
if value == "barbecue":
value = "barbeque"
elif slot == "pricerange":
if value == "moderately":
value = "moderate"
elif slot == "time":
if value == "9:00":
value = "09:00"
elif value == "9:45":
value = "09:45"
elif value == "1330":
value = "13:30"
elif value == "1430":
value = "14:30"
elif value == "9:15":
value = "09:15"
elif value == "9:30":
value = "09:30"
elif value == "1830":
value = "18:30"
elif value == "9":
value = "09:00"
elif value == "2:00":
value = "14:00"
elif value == "1:00":
value = "13:00"
elif value == "3:00":
value = "15:00"
elif domain == "taxi":
if slot in ["arriveBy", "arrive by"]:
slot = "arriveby"
if value == "1530":
value = "15:30"
elif value == "15 minutes":
value = ""
elif slot in ["leaveAt", "leave at"]:
slot = "leaveat"
if value == "1:00":
value = "01:00"
elif value == "21:4":
value = "21:04"
elif value == "4:15":
value = "04:15"
elif value == "5:45":
value = "05:45"
elif value == "0700":
value = "07:00"
elif value == "4:45":
value = "04:45"
elif value == "8:30":
value = "08:30"
elif value == "9:30":
value = "09:30"
value = value.replace(".", ":")
elif domain == "train":
if slot in ["arriveBy", "arrive by"]:
slot = "arriveby"
if value == "1":
value = "01:00"
elif value in ["does not care", "doesnt care", "doesn't care"]:
value = "do n't care"
elif value == "8:30":
value = "08:30"
elif value == "not 15:45":
value = ""
value = value.replace(".", ":")
elif slot == "day":
if value == "doesnt care" or value == "doesn't care":
value = "do n't care"
elif slot in ["leaveAt", "leave at"]:
slot = "leaveat"
if value == "2:30":
value = "02:30"
elif value == "7:54":
value = "07:54"
elif value == "after 5:45 pm":
value = "17:45"
elif value in ["early evening", "friday", "sunday", "tuesday", "afternoon"]:
value = ""
elif value == "12":
value = "12:00"
elif value == "1030":
value = "10:30"
elif value == "1700":
value = "17:00"
elif value in [
"does not care",
"doesnt care",
"do nt care",
"doesn't care",
value = "do n't care"
value = value.replace(".", ":")
if value in ["dont care", "don't care", "do nt care", "doesn't care"]:
value = "do n't care"
if normlize_slot_names.get(slot):
slot = normlize_slot_names[slot]
return slot, value
def parse_belief_state(raw, dial_domains, constraint_dict, model):
for domain in dial_domains:
if not constraint_dict.get(domain):
constraint_dict[domain] = OrderedDict()
info_sv = raw[domain]["semi"]
for s, v in info_sv.items():
s, v = clean_slot_values(domain, s, v)
if len(v.split()) > 1:
v = " ".join([token.text for token in model(v)]).strip()
if v != "":
constraint_dict[domain][s] = v
book_sv = raw[domain]["book"]
for s, v in book_sv.items():
if s == "booked":
s, v = clean_slot_values(domain, s, v)
if len(v.split()) > 1:
v = " ".join([token.text for token in model(v)]).strip()
if v != "":
constraint_dict[domain][s] = v
belief_state = []
for domain in constraint_dict:
cur_domain_bs = {
"intent": "", # FIXME
"informed_slot_value_table": [],
"requested_slots": [], # FIXME
"domain": domain,
for slot in constraint_dict[domain]:
"slot": slot,
"values": [
"value": constraint_dict[domain][slot],
"cononical_value": constraint_dict[domain][slot],
"relation": "=",
return constraint_dict, belief_state
def preprocess(args):
if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir):
data = read_json_file(os.path.join(args.input_dir, "data.json"))
test_split = read_line_labels(os.path.join(args.input_dir, "testListFile.txt"))
dev_split = read_line_labels(os.path.join(args.input_dir, "valListFile.txt"))
model = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "train.jsonl"), "w") as train_writer, open(
os.path.join(args.output_dir, "dev.jsonl"), "w"
) as dev_writer, open(
os.path.join(args.output_dir, "test.jsonl"), "w"
) as test_writer:
for dial_id in tqdm(data):
origin_dialog = data[dial_id]
constraint_dict = OrderedDict()
# preprocess current dialogue
dialog = {
"turn": "multi",
"domain": [], # FIXME
"dialog": [],
# parse all domains
dial_domains = []
for dom, g in origin_dialog["goal"].items():
if dom != "topic" and dom != "message" and g:
if dom in all_domains:
for _, dial_turn in enumerate(origin_dialog["log"]):
dial_state = dial_turn["metadata"]
utterance = " ".join(clean_text(dial_turn["text"]).split())
if not dial_state: # user
new_turn = {
"roles": ["USER"],
"utterance": utterance,
"dialog_acts": [], # FIXME
else: # system
constraint_dict, new_bf_state = parse_belief_state(
dial_state, dial_domains, constraint_dict, model
dialog["dialog"][-1]["belief_state"] = new_bf_state
new_turn = {
"roles": ["SYSTEM"],
"utterance": utterance,
"dialog_acts": [], # FIXME
# write to file
if dial_id in test_split:
test_writer.write(json.dumps(dialog) + "\n")
elif dial_id in dev_split:
dev_writer.write(json.dumps(dialog) + "\n")
train_writer.write(json.dumps(dialog) + "\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse()
schema = {
"taxi": ["leave", "destination", "departure", "arrive"],
"police": [],
"hospital": ["department"],
"hotel": [
"attraction": ["area", "type", "name"],
"train": ["destination", "day", "arrive", "departure", "people", "leave"],
"restaurant": ["food", "pricerange", "area", "name", "time", "day", "people"],
ontology = {domain: {slot: True for slot in schema[domain]} for domain in schema}
write_json_file(ontology, os.path.join(args.output_dir, "train_ontology.json"))
os.path.join(args.output_dir, "train_ontology.json"),
os.path.join(args.output_dir, "dev_ontology.json"),
os.path.join(args.output_dir, "train_ontology.json"),
os.path.join(args.output_dir, "test_ontology.json"),