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The joke is a pun. Fire fighters douse fires in buildings. A 'burning question' is not something actually on fire, but it is a phrase that means 'an urgent or crucial issue under heated discussion.'
The fire chief was always asked burning questions .
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Boiling is a type of cooking method that involves heating a liquid to the point where bubbles form. There are different ways that eggs can be prepared, and boiling eggs is one way. "What it boils down to is this" is a saying that is expressing what the most important aspect of something is. In this case, "eggs taste good" is the most important aspect. This is a play on the word "boil".
What it boils down to is this : eggs taste good .
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A globetrotter is a member of the Harlem Globetrotters, a trick and performance basketball team that uses theatrics, using much skill and balance. Getting around someone in basketball is considered skillful and agile.
She was only a Globetrotter ' s daughter , but she manages to get around .
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To get alarmed means to get concerned about. It seems that to get alarmed can also be taken in the literal sense meaning people receiving alarms, or put alarms on themselves. Salespeople like to see people get "alarmed" or concerned because then they'll be able to sell more security equipment.
Salespeople selling security equipment like to see people get alarmed .
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The joke is a pun on the word 'lame'. Lame can mean 'uncool' or not good enough. 'Lame' is also used to refer to a horse or other animal that has a broken or damaged leg and cannot walk normally. The student was limping, so one could say they are lame.
A student limped into class with a lame excuse .
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This is a pun on "burn the candle on both ends" and "bright". "Burn the candle on both ends" is an idiom that means to exhaust yourself by overworking. That is not a very wise, or "bright" thing to do. "Bright" also means a shining light, which is what you create when you burn a candle. If you literally try to burn a candle on both ends, that is not very wise, or "bright", because you can only light a candle on the side with the wick. The candle won't be as bright as a not-so-bright person would think it would be.
If you burn the candle on both ends , you’re not as bright as you think .
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This is a pun on 'played out' which usually means when you hear a song/ artist too much and you lose interest in them.
OLD MUSICIANS never die they just get played out .
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This is a pun on the word 'battery' which in this context means an extensive series, sequence, or range of things, in this cases are thes tests. But 'battery' is more commonly known as a container consisting of one or more cells, in which chemical energy is converted into electricity and used as a source of power, which is what electricians deal with
To become an electrician you have to pass a battery of tests .
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This is a pun on 'waste away' which usually means to become thinner and weaker because of illness or lack of food, but it's also being used because sanitation men work in waste management
OLD SANITATION MEN never die , they just waste away
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This is a pun on 'degrees' which in this context initially refers to an academic rank conferred by a college or university after examination or after completion of a course of study, or conferred as an honor on a distinguished person, but it's also being used because another definition for degrees is a unit in any of various scales of temperature, which is what weather forecasters deal with
Weather forecasters have to have lots of degrees .
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The joke is a pun. Bubblegum is something that people chew. To get 'chewed out' means to get scolded by someone. It implies that the man had to be freed from the vat of bubblegum by people chewing their way through the gum.
The man who worked in the gum factory fell in a vat of bubblegum . His boss had to chew him out .
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This is a play on words. Scissors are a tool for cutting things. "Didn't cut it" is a phrase meaning that something is insufficient or not enough to succeed, in this case the subject's business plan. His scheme to manufactor a cutting tool did not "cut it".
His business plan to manufacture scissors just didn ' t cut it .
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This is a play on words. The word "high maintenance" means demanding a lot of attention but "high" also refers to how giraffe's necks are so long that they're high in the sky.
Are giraffes good pets or are they too high maintenance ?
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A geographer is someone that studies the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere. A geographer uses maps in their line of work. A map is a picture that details an area. A legend can refer to a diagram on a map explaining the symbols on the map. Legends is its plural form. A legend can also mean someone that is famous. This joke is playing on the word "legends" and its different uses.
OLD GEOGRAPHERS never die , they just become legends .
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This is a pun on 'instrumental' which means serving as a means of pursuing an aim or policy, but it's also being used since 'instrumental' also means a piece of music without any vocals
Soon after he joined the band , the guitarist was instrumental .
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This is a pun on the phrase 'bounced back' which means to return quickly to a normal condition after a difficult situation or event, in this case the event being bankruptcy. However, It's also being used because rubber balls tend to bounce back if you throw them against a wall/ floor
The place that made rubber balls almost went bankrupt , but they bounced back .
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A great fall means a sudden uncontrollable descent. But, fall can also refer to the season that we also call autumn. So, this joke can be understood as Humpty Dumpty had a great (as in enjoyable) fall (as in autumn). Or, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, as in a huge uncontrollable descent.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall - and a pretty good spring and summer , too .
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This is a pun on 'unique teaching position' in that it is initially referring to the idea that teaching yoga is a unique role, but it's also being used because in yoga you literally contort your body into unique positions
Becoming a yoga instructor offers the possibilities of a unique teaching position .
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This is a pun on 'still' which in this context is implying that rather than dying, old moonshiners just stay in place and don't move, but it's also being used because 'still' is also an apparatus for distilling alcoholic drinks such as whiskey.
OLD MOONSHINERS never die , they just keep still .
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Bank can mean a place that stores money, or engages in monetary transactions. A bank can also mean land that is alongside a river or lake. This joke is playing on the word bank and its different meanings.
If you have to pay to go to the river , we ' d better stop at the bank .
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When someone is fishing, they use fishing hooks to catch fish. To be hooked on something is to be very interested and enthusiastic about something. This joke is a play on the word hook.
Those who like sport fishing can really get hooked .
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This is a play on words. Derringer is a small handgun. The phrase "one shot at fame" means one chance to achieve something but here "shot" refers to the gunshot a Derringer can produce.
Derringer had one shot at fame .
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The joke is a pun. To 'venture' is to take a risky or daring journey or undertaking. A start-up is a 'business venture' where new business is formed with a plan and expectation that financial gain will follow.
' ' I invested in a hi - tech startup , ' ' Tom ventured .
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This is a play on words. A "good turn" is a helpful or friendly act but here a "good turn" refers to how acrobats do flips or turns in the air.
Acrobats are always doing good turns .
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"Spring into action" means to take action quickly. The word spring can also refer to the season spring, which is warm and ideal for watching plants grow in the garden. Gardeners are people that like to cultivate plants. This joke is playing on the word spring and its different meanings.
Gardeners like to spring into action .
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A stand-up comedy is a comedy performance where a comedian performs in front of a live audience. Takeoff can mean the act of rising in flight, which refers to aircrafts. Takeoff can also mean a parody, or a humorous imitation. This joke is playing on the different meanings of the word takeoff.
Two airline pilots in a stand - up comedy did a takeoff .
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The joke is a pun. Saying someone is 'alright' means they are okay and recovered from whatever had happened to them. If someone loses their left side and somehow lives, you could say that they only have their right side, so all of them is right, or 'all right'.
Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off ? He ' s all right now .
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Archimedes was a scientist that created a principle called "Archimedes' principle". This principle says that a body at rest in a fluid is acted upon by a force pushing upward called the buoyant force. Buoyant describes the ability to stay afloat. Buoyant also describes someone in a cheerful or optimistic disposition. This joke is playing on the word buoyant and its different meanings.
Archimedes was buoyant at the thought .
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When someone "sticks to their word" it means that they are going to do what they said they were going to do. Glue is a substance used to stick objects together. When something sticks, it adheres. The joke is playing on the word stick and how it's used in "stick to their word" and literally, through glue.
Always trust a glue salesman . They tend to stick to their word .
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This is a play on words. The word "plastered" means very drunk but "plastered" here means covered in plaster, as a building's walls would be before they are painted.
OLD PAINTERS never die they just get plastered .
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To be fired at a job means the employer terminates employment against the will of the worker. Showing up late for work multiple times can be enough to get fired. To fire a cannon means to set it off. The use of the word "fire" is used in two ways here.
When the human cannonball was late for work he got fired .
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This is a play on words. The word "fair" means right or just but a "fair" is also a common term for a traveling carnival.
The guy who sold his carnival got a Fair deal .
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Finding "the root of a problem" means finding the basic cause, or origin of something. A square number is a number multiplied by itself. We see the words "square" and "root" in the joke. The square root is a number which produces a quantity when multiplied by itself. The joke is circled around the word "root" and how it can create "square root" and also fit into the saying "the root of the problem".
In equations with square numbers I can never find the root of the problem .
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This is a play on words. The word "snorted" means to make a sound with one's nose to express indignation but "snort" also means to inhale something through your nostrils, as one does with angel dust.
' ' Angel dust ? Me ? Never touch it ! ' ' Tom snorted .
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This is a play on words. The phrase "making lots of dough" means making a lot of money. However, here "making dough" means literally making dough, as a baker would.
Old bakers never die , they just keep making lots of dough .
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The joke is a pun. 'Taking steps' to avoid something generally means to have some kind of practice or habit that one does in order to avoid something they dislike. If one avoids taking an elevator, they would have to use stairs most likely, and literally will have to 'take steps'.
I usually take steps to avoid elevators .
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This is a pun on the term 'trash talk' which is to use insulting or boastful speech intended to demoralize, and it's also being used because garbage men deal with actual trash
Why don ' t people like to talk to garbage men ? They mostly talk trash .
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The joke is a pun. Palm trees grow in warm sunny areas, and would provide shade from the sun. Saying a deal is 'shady' means it seems suspicious and untrustworthy.
He was selling palm trees , but people thought it was a shady deal .
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This is a play on words. To hear something "through the grapevine" means to hear about something informally from the people you know. However, "through the grapevine" also refers to how wine is made from grapes that grow on grapevines.
You often hear of a good wine through the grapevine .
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This is a pun. When asking about a suspicious offer in a store or market, one might say 'what's the catch' to mean 'what is the hidden requirement or cost of this deal?'. When talking about fish, the whole group of fish caught that day might just be referred to as 'the catch'.
There was a sale at the fish market today . I went to see what was the catch .
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This is a pun on 'final goal' which in terms of soccer would mean the last goal of the game, but here it's being used to mean the players are reaching their final purpose in life
OLD SOCCER PLAYERS never die , they just achieve their final goal .
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If someone is saying that they can't stand something, they are saying they can't tolerate something. In order for a human being to stand they need their legs and feet. If you don't have legs, you can't stand.
I couldn ' t stand to be without my legs .
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A search warrant is a court order that allows law enforcement to conduct a search of a person or location. "Warranted" means justified. "Warrant" can be found in "warranted" and references search warrant.
Police can do a search if it ' s Warranted .
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The joke is a pun. When reading a decimal number out loud, the period is read as 'point' or 'dot', for example 'one point five'. To say something 'has a point' means that it has some reason or meaning .
Decimals have a point .
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To brace one's self means to prepare one's self due to apprehension. The word "brace" is found in "braces". Braces in dentistry are a tool used by orthodontists to straighten someone's teeth. This joke is playing on the word "brace" because it can be found in "braces" and the joke is referring to an orthodontist visit.
For the orthodontist visit , the boy had to brace himself .
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This is a play on words. To be "on the same wavelength" means people are thinking or acting in agreement with each other. However, here "on the same wavelength" refers to how wavelengths are sound waves that make up what people hear on the radio.
The two inventors of the radio were on the same wavelength .
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This may be that rare OLD [PROFESSIONS] joke that actually works because the pun here implies finality. Achieving their final goal means the hockey players are self-actualized, both athletically and in their life's legacy.
OLD HOCKEY PLAYERS never die , they just achieve their final goal .
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This is a play on words. The phrase "rocked to sleep" means to help someone fall asleep by moving them back and forth in a gentle rhythmic motion. However, here "rocked to sleep" refers to the subject of the joke playing rock and roll music until he falls asleep.
The guitarist passed out on stage , he must have rocked himself to sleep .
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Cement can mean to seal permanently, but it can also refer to the powdery substance made with clay that is used in buildings. Cement is an ingredient in concrete. Concrete is a mixture of aggregates. The joke is saying that you should seal in your mind the correct formula for concrete.
The correct formula for concrete is worthwhile to cement in your mind .
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The word blow can refer to wind moving aggressively. Blow can also mean an intense hit. The joke is playing on the word blow regarding a tornado because it has different meanings, and both apply.
When the tornado went through town it was quite a blow .
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I think the joke is a pun. 'Going underground' can mean to hide from the public. It can also mean physically going under the ground through digging, for example. Since they are talking about setting up sewer pipelines, it would involve physically going underground to build.
A city worker who campaigned for new sewer pipes finally had to go underground .
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This is supposed to be a funny pun about being unable to leave a comb behind and the fact that combs are used to part hair. However, the message contradicts itself - it can't be all that valuable if it can't even part hair.
My comb is invaluable - I can ' t part with it .
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The joke is a pun. A metronome makes a periodic ticking and helps musicians stay on 'beat' or with the correct rhythm and timing for a song. To say one can't 'beat' a price would mean that a price is the best one available.
I bought a metronome for 20 bucks . You can ' t beat that price .
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A pick is a tool used to strum the cords on a guitar. A guitarist that knows how to pick music means they have good taste and know what a good selection is. The joke is using the word pick to show selection (the verb form) and the noun form is what is used to strum a guitar.
If you don ' t know how to choose music ask a guitarist - they know how to pick .
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degrees tell if something is hot or cold
The inventor of the fahrenheit scale solved the problem by degrees .
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The person can't envision their own future dispossessed of their eyes, and they literally can't see themselves in the mirror without eyes.
I can ' t really see myself without eyes .
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A professor is a type of teacher that teaches at a university. To lose class means to act in a way without grace, poise, or maturity. To lose a class can also mean to lose the ability to teach a class. Class also has the definition of being a time period when a teacher teaches a group of students together. This joke is playing on the word class and its different meanings.
OLD PROFESSORS never die , they just lose their class .
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In soccer, dribbling means to take the soccer ball and move it past opponents with slight touches of the feet. Dribbling can also refer to saliva leaving the mouth. As people get older, they sometimes lose control over the muscles in their face and mouth and can drool. This joke is playing on the different meanings of dribbling.
OLD SOCCER PLAYERS never die , they just go on dribbling .
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To "pick something to pieces" means to criticize all aspects of something. "To pick" means to select. The joke is centered on the word pick and how it can be used to describe selecting something, or to criticize something.
Pick your friends , but not to pieces
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Guglielmo Marconi was an Italian inventor and electrical engineer. Electrical engineers often handle wires. Marconi was not "wired up about going" means that Marconi was not excited about going. The word "wired" was cleverly chosen here as the last name Marconi can reference Guglielmo Marconi, the electrical engineer.
Marconi was not wired up about going .
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These OLD [PROFESSIONS] never work because the puns are not allusions to death.
OLD GUNS never die they just get loaded .
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The expression "geared up" means to be ready for the big game. Geared up also means having all the gear you need on. Mechanics fix machines which often require fixing the gears. Gears are a set of toothed wheels that work together in a machine. This pun is a play on the word gear.
Employers like their mechanics to be geared up .
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A ledger is a book containing records of account transactions. Accounting is the process of keeping financial accounts. Accounting also means to consider or regard in a certain way. The joke is on the word "accounting" and its different meanings.
Life’s a ledger , are we giving a good accounting of ourselves
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The joke is a pun. The phrase 'dirty cop' tends to mean a corrupt police officer. In this case, the officer doesn't bathe except for one day every year, so they are literally dirty.
Officer Jones takes his yearly bath every June . He is a characteristic example of a dirty cop .
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This is a joke based on the idea that when you're flying, time can seemingly move quicker and if you're wearing a watch, the time (on your wrist) is technically flying
When you ' re wearing a watch on an airplane , time flies .
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This guy is Zoolander-level stupid! 'ticks' could refer to the ticking of the second hand on the watch, or be a pun on 'tics', or bugs that bite skin in the absence of repellant (bug spray).
He put bug spray on his watch to get rid of the ticks .
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The joke is a play on words. For an argument to 'carry a lot of weight' means it is a sound argument and others can see the reasoning, or that the person who said it is respected by others who value their opinion. 'Weight' however may be referring to the fact that elephants are very large heavy animals.
An elephant ' s opinion carries a lot of weight .
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This is a pun on 'under the weather' which means to be sick, but it's also being used since forecasters deal with weather
The forecaster was away because he was under the weather .
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This is a play on words. The phrase "large scale" means extensive but a "scale" is also a device used for measuring weight. Here a "large scale effort" means a scale capable of measuring large or heavy objects like sumo wrestlers.
The weigh - in at the Sumo wrestling tournament was a large scale effort .
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The joke is a pun. The phrase 'we need to hear a pin drop' means that they want it so quiet that the sound of a pin falling to the floor can be heard. In bowling, pins are the objects that players try to knock over with bowling balls.
Bowling Alley : Please be quiet . We need to hear a pin drop .
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The joke is a play on words. The phrase 'look up to him' could mean that the people respect and admire him, but it could also mean that they have to physically look upward to see his face because he is so tall.
At seven foot six he was a great basketball player and everyone looked up to him .
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This is a pun on 'check out' which in this context means enter the price of goods in a supermarket into a cash machine for addition and payment by a customer, but 'check out' is also an informal way of saying death
OLD CASHIERS never die they just check out .
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The joke is a pun with a triple meaning of the word change. Transformers are robot characters from a television series called Transformers. They change forms from a giant robot into inconspicuous vehicles. Change also refers to coins. Change could also refer to structural change in the way problems are handled in a government or society, which is what "being a big fan of change" sometimes means. The transformer, probably an autobot, is a good guy who carries coins in his pocket because he's a big fan of change.
The Transformer always had a lot of quarters with him . He was a big fan of change .
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To jog one's memory is to encourage it to remember things it might not remember in the moment. Jogging is running, but running at a slow speed.
I can ' t recall the last time I did any running , but I ' ve been jogging my memory .
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This is a pun on the word "needling". They're having a bad day so they pester, or needle, people. Part of a nurse's job includes inserting needles into a patient's skin.
Whenever the nurses have a bad day they just keep needling people .
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This is a pun on 'erased' which means rub out or remove (writing or marks), like writers do, but it also means remove all traces of (a thought, feeling, or memory), which is akin to death
OLD WRITERS never die , they just get erased .
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The joke is a pun. Giving 'an inch' to someone means to compromise on something they are demanding. An inch is also a unit of measurement found on a ruler, which is a stick with markings to measure distances up to a foot. A 'ruler' is also a word that means someone who has authority over someone or something, like a king or president.
If you give some managers an inch they think they ' re a ruler .
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This is a pun on 'denominations' which when referenced at church usually means a group or branch of any religion, but it's being used here because it can also mean the face value of a banknote or coinwhich can refer to when the collection baskets at church
A church welcomed all denominations but preferred tens and twenties .
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The joke is a pun. 'Moonlighting' in terms of a job means to have a second job in addition to one's regular employment. Astronomers study space and all the objects within it. Moonlight--the sun's light reflected off the moon--may be a thing an astronomer collects data on.
His day job was astronomy but at night time he was moonlighting .
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Marble is a type of material that sculptors can use when creating sculptures. The expression "to lose one's marbles" means to lose one's mental facilities. The joke is saying that sculptor lose their mental facilities but chose to use an expression that uses a material sculptors sculpt with.
OLD SCULPTORS never die they just lose their marbles .
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Reception is used to mean both the act of catching a forward pass and to the social function after a wedding.
The All - Pro wide receiver ' s wedding was a little bit shaky , but his reception was excellent .
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The joke is a play on the phrase 'time would run out'. Time 'running out' means that the time left before an event happens or something ends is drawing closer. Legs are used to run, so if a clock had legs, the joke is that it would 'run out' which sounds like the clock is running outside.
If a clock had legs , time would run out .
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This is a pun. Real estate agents sell property. Saying she was only a real estate agent but she gave a lot away, sounds like she was a very charitable person. However as a real estate agent she probably literally sold a parking lot or an empty lot.
She was only a Real estate agent ' ' s daughter , but she gave a lot away .
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The joke is a pun. Elephants have 'trunks' which is their long nose-like body part. 'Trunks' is another word for swim shorts. The pun implies that they are wearing swim shorts.
It ' s OK to watch an elephant bathe as they usually have their trunks on .
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"He was a little short" can refer to the boy being short of cash and not being able to pay for lunch. "He was a little short" can also refer to the small boy's height, saying he is too short to reach over the counter and hand over the money.
A small boy went to the counter to pay for his lunch but he was a little short .
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This is a pun on 'transparent' which in this context measn easy to perceive or detect, but 'transparent' can also mean allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen, which is what windows literally are
He was trying to sell me new windows , but his motivations were transparent .
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This is a play on words. "Inflation" refers to a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing power of money. However, "inflation" also means a general increase in the size of something, like a balloon, implying that inflation is causing businessmen to become inflated or fat.
Why are all businessmen fat ? Must be all the inflation .
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A polka dot is a dot found on a piece of fabric as a design. A polka dot typically sits with many other polka dots as part of the design. A spot is a round mark. A spot can describe what a polka dot looks like. A spot can also refer to a particular place. Finding "a good spot" means finding a good place. It's clever that the joke is using the word "spot" to mean "place" when talking about painting polka dots.
Those who want to paint polka - dots have to find a good spot .
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I think the joke is that 'up in arms' sounds like the students are upset about something, but when a question is asked by a teacher, students usually raise their arms and hands to be picked to answer the question.
The teacher asked a question and the students were all up in arms .
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Bluff is another word for cliff, but it can also mean lie. Tom bluffed about climbing cliffs, so Tom is lying when he says he can climb cliffs. Bluffed is used here to mean lying, but also references cliffs.
Sure I can climb cliffs ! Tom bluffed .
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This is a pun on the phrase 'stroke of genius' which means an outstandingly brilliant and original idea, but it's also being used because Da Vinci was a painter and when you paint with a brush each movement is called a stroke
Leonardo Da Vinci could use a paint brush to make a stroke of genius .
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The joke is a pun. 'Rounding up' something has two meanings. One meaning is to gather up animals in a herd. The other meaning is to round up a number to a bigger unit in mathematics, for example rounding 1.5 to 2.0.
I know a rancher who has 100 head of cattle , but he thought there were only 99 until he rounded them up .
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This is a pun on the word fishy. Sushi seemed suspicious, or fishy, to Joe, so he refused to eat it. Sushi is fishy in the sense that it is fish.
Joe refused to eat sushi because it looks fishy .
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I think this is an oblique reference to hitting a ball in a sports game - the kind of professional sport that would obviously have a major league.
He realized he ' d made the major leagues when it finally hit him .
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A locksmith is someone that makes and repairs locks .A combination lock is a type of lock that uses a dial that spins in order to open it. The locksmith should have a "good combination of skills" meaning, they should have a varied skill set. The joke is clever in using the word "combination" as it can relate to a lock type. The joke is centered on the word "combination" and its different uses.
A locksmith has to have a good Combination of skills .
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A quiver is a container that can be used to hold arrows. Quivering is an adjective that means trembling or shaking. The person in the joke is talking about where they keep theirs (in a quiver) while also quivering. The joke is using different definitions of the word quiver.
This is where I keep my arrows , said Tom , quivering .
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This is a pun on 'momentum' which is defined as the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity, but it also means the impetus and driving force gained by the development of a process or course of events.
My new theory on inertia doesn ' t seem to be gaining momentum .
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The joke is a pun on the word 'blustered'. Bluster is a word that can describe wind blowing. When bluster is used to describe the way a person talks it means to talk in a loud angry way.
' ' This wind is awful , ' ' blustered Tom .
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This is a pun on 'blowout' which initally means an event at which goods are sold at heavily discounted prices, but 'blowout' can also be when your tires suddenly rupture
Did you hear about the tire dealer that had a blowout sale ?
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This is a play on words. To "break down" means to collapse or cease to continue but "breaking down by age and sex" refers to analyzing statistics which is what actuaries do.
OLD ACTUARIES never die they just get broken down by age and sex .
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