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This is a poorly written joke that changes tenses near the end. It's supposed to be a pun on 'knows all the stakes', since gardeners use rakes to garden.
She was only a Gardener ' s daughter , but she knows all the rakes .
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This is a play on words. The word "intoxicating" means exhilarating or exciting but "intoxicating" also means causing impairment due to alcohol consumption.
We should make a beer commercial . It sounds simply intoxicating .
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The joke is a pun on the word 'stalling'. 'Stalling' can mean drawing out extra time before doing something. Public bathrooms or wash rooms have stalls for privacy, so 'stalling' could potentially mean being in a stall.
My student was late for class , claiming he was in the washroom . I think he was stalling .
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This is a pun on 'high spirits' which means lively and cheerful behavior or mood, but it's also being used because 'spirits' is another name for liquor
A heavy drinker of hard liquor appears to be in high spirits .
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Flowers are a type of plant that many like to cultivate because they are nice to look at. When a flower is growing into full maturity, it is said to be blossoming. The word blossoming can also mean maturing or developing in a promising way. The word blossoming is used here to describe how a business is going. The joke is playing on the word "blossoming" because it describes what healthy flowers do, and a business that shows promise in being successful.
So , how ' s the flower business going ? Oh , it ' s blossoming quite nicely .
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This is a play on words. A "suit" is a lawsuit filed in a court of law but a "suit" is also a set of nice clothes cleaned at the dry cleaners.
A dry cleaners had a dozen suits in court .
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This is a pun on the word "immersed". Swimmers immerse, or cover, themselves in water. When someone is very focused and involved with something, they are said to be immersed with it. This joke is about swimming instructors.
Swimming instructors are always getting immersed in their work .
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Scotch is a drink. To scotch is to put an end to. The joke is referring to whiskey and dismissing drinking rumors. The word "scotch" is cleverly used to say the person had to dismiss drinking rumors.
They said he drank 2 bottles of whisky a day , but it wasn ' t true . He had to scotch those rumours right away .
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A cul-de-sac is a type of circular road structure typically found in neighborhoods or residential areas that loops back around to the original road. It's also a dead-end, meaning it doesn't continue to anwhere new. A dead-end job is a job that leads to nothing in the future.
Building a cul - de - sac would be a bit of a dead - end job .
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Pop' is short for 'popular' music, but here it's also a pun on what happens to balloons when they meet sharp objects.
A group called the Balloons sings pop music .
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The joke is a play on words. Dairy cows on a farm are milked by farmers squeezing their udders into a bucket. The phrase 'milked it for all it was worth' can typically be used to mean that someone who was injured or has some valid court charge against someone else abusing the power to get as much profit out of the court case as possible.
Did you hear about the farmer who got attacked by a cow ? He milked it for all it was worth .
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The joke is a pun. Weather forecasters predict the weather and the chance of clouds in the sky. Having clouded thoughts means having distractions or fogginess that prevents focused thinking.
Weather forecasters thinking is sometimes clouded .
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This is a play on words. The phrase "won't cut it" means the barber doesn't measure up to the speaker's standards. However, here the speaker saying a strange barber "won't cut it" means that the speaker won't allow the barber to cut their hair.
I ' m very picky about my hair , so a strange barber just won ' t cut it .
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The joke is a pun. A hurdle is an obstacle that one has to jump over in a hurdle race. To 'get over' something is to overcome it, whether it is a personal issue that requires changing one's attitude, learning to live with a change, or to fix one's situation.
I used to have a fear of hurdles , but I got over it .
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In the United States, the president has a group of people that he meets with on a frequent basis to help advise him. These people are members of the cabinet. The cabinet is a part of the executive branch of government. A cabinet can also refer to a cupboard with shelves in it for storing things. The joke is centered on the word "cabinet" and its different meanings.
Old presidents never die they just keep going through their cabinets .
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sound business practices' normally means having practices that can hold up against scrutiny and predictable changes. Here though it's also a reference to the sound that music makes.
A music store owner has to have sound business practices .
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"Nailed it" means to have successfully completed something. A hammer is a tool used to push nails into an object such as a piece of wood. Nails are short, thin pieces of metal with a sharp end that are used to keep structures together. If something is "nailed" it means that something has had a nail driven into or through it. The joke is centered on the word "nailed" and its different meanings.
I didn ' t know which hammer to get , but I think I nailed it .
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This is a pun on the word "motions". A motion can refer to a proposal given at a meeting. It can also refer to the physical notion of moving, such as the shaking of an earthquake. The meeting is about earthquakes.
During the meeting about earthquakes , there were several motions .
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The joke is a play on words. Avogadro's number is a rule about large numbers and proportionality with molecules. Avogadro 'expected a large number', which could mean a large number in his formula, or it could be a large amount of people to attend some class or speech.
Avogadro expected a large number to attend .
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"Hard to beat" means that something can't get any better than what is. "Hard to beat" can also mean difficult to injure by hitting. A boiled egg is hard to injure, or you can't get any better than a boiled egg. This joke is playing on the word "hard to beat" and its different meanings.
A boiled egg is hard to beat .
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This is a pun on 'ignited' which in this context means to arouse or inflame (an emotion or situation), but it's also being used because 'ignite' can also mean catch fire or cause to catch fire, and fire fighters deal with fires
Being a fire - fighter ignited my interest heavily .
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This is a pun on "hounded". The wife hounded, or nagged, this person about the puppy. Hounded has the word hound in it. A hound is a type of dog or puppy.
I gave in when my wife hounded me about getting a puppy .
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The joke is a pun. The internet is sometimes called 'the world wide web'. Weaving a 'tangled web' generally means getting wrapped up in confusion.
Oh what a tangled web we weave . On the Internet .
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The tip of an arrow has a point. A point is the sharp end of a tool. Point can also refer to a concept, or an explanation. Getting "a point across" means to convey a concept. This joke is playing on the word "point" and its different meanings.
Why do archers shoot arrows ? Could it be they are trying to get a point across ?
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This is a pun on 'kicking myself', which is another way of saying you regret something, in this case the speaker is regretting not taking karate lessons earlier in his life, but it's also being used because you kick things in karate
I am kicking myself I did not take up karate earlier .
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A mug is a type of cup that can hold hot beverages and retain its heat. To mug someone means to attack or rob someone. Mugging here refers to stealing, it's just clever that "mugging" was used as mugs so often hold coffee.
Stealing someone ' s coffee is called ' mugging ' .
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Companies often have hierarchy, with people reporting to a person in a higher position, and an important person would be high up, with a number of people under them in the hierarchy. A groundskeeper at a cementary would have people under him in the literal sense.
The groundskeeper at a large cemetery was important because he had 5000 people under him .
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Magnets attract certain metals like iron, nickel and cobalt. Attractiveness can also pertain to humans, and can refer to how appealing someone is to look at. The joke is playing on the word "attractive" and how it pertains to both magnets and humans.
Those who make magnets can be quite attractive .
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A quarterback is a role in American football that frequently involves passing the ball to other players in the course of gameplay. "Pass away" is a way of saying "to die". The play on words here is the overlap between the senses of the word "pass".
Old quarterbacks never die , they just pass away .
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This is a pun on the word exhausted. An exhaust is the part of a car that emits gas. Exhausted can refer to being really tired or the state of being completely depleted. So the people worked to exhaust the gas levels of cars and that made them tired so they came home exhausted.
Those who work on reducing auto emissions go home exhausted .
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This is a play on words. The phrase "make a good point" means to make a fair or interesting argument. However, "make a good point" also refers to making the end of a pencil sharp, as one does using a pencil sharpener.
Sometimes a pencil sharpener is needed in order to make a good point .
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A board is a group of people that are the decision-making body of a company. A board can also mean a long, thin, flat piece of wood that can be used to build floors. A lumber company is a company that sells lumber, which is wood that has been processed into beams. This joke is a play on the term "board meetings".
Lumber companies have many board meetings .
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The joke is a play on words. 'Let us remove your shorts' sounds incredibly innapropriate and uncomfortable as it sounds sexual. A 'short' in electricity however is a short circuit, where an electric current is passing through an unintended path and may generate heat or shocks.
Sign on an electrician ' s truck : Let us remove your shorts .
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This is a play on words. To "lose one's pull" means to become less impactful but "pull" also refers to how dentists sometimes need to pull teeth.
OLD DENTISTS never die , they just lose their pull .
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A janitor is someone that cleans and maintains buildings. It's common to see a janitor sweeping a floor. When someone is "swept off their feet" it means that they are suddenly very attracted to someone in a romantic way. The text is tying in the job duties of a janitor with their daughter being romantically attracted to someone using the word "swept".
She was only a Janitor ' s daughter , and she was often swept off her feet .
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Fencing is a type of sport. Each touch in fencing is worth one point. To "get the point" can mean successfully touching the opponent with the sabre, but it can also mean "to understand". This joke is playing on the different interpretations of "get the point".
I took up teaching fencing as I wanted my students to get the point .
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This is a play on words. The word "lightweight" means someone who becomes inebriated after consuming relatively little alcohol but a "lightweight" is also someone who weighs very little, allowing the wind to help them travel quickly. Also a "breeze" means something is very easy but a "breeze" is also a gust of wind.
One of the joys of being a lightweight is that commuting by wind is a breeze !
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The joke is a play on words. The phrase 'just taking up space' means to be wasting a spot by being there when it doesn't matter to that person, or there would be nothing gained from it. Astronomy is the study of space.
I thought about studying astronomy for university but I knew I would just be taking up space .
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This joke falls flat. It's supposed to be a play on 'extreme home makeover' and it's not even accurate.
Jesus did the only extreme world makeover , the flood
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Derivative can mean imitative of the work of another person. A derivative in math is the rate of change of a function with respect to a variable. The person is using the math term derivative to express disappointment.
I just finished reading Newton ' s Principia Mathematica , and found much of it to be rather derivative .
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To be kept in "good standing" means to have a good reputation. Standing is a position that a human being takes on their feet with straight legs. If someone is kneeling then they can't be standing, their legs are bent and not straight. So, it's just ironic that kneeling would keep someone in good standing.
A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing
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This is a play on words. The term "flat dwelling" means a building arranged in separate units but here "flat dwelling" means buildings that are literally flat, meaning level and smooth. The punchline is that vertical living spaces are "flat" dwellings because they are all height and very little width.
Vertical living is flat dwelling .
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This is a pun on the phrase "wound up". Wound up is another way of saying "ended up". "Wound up" can also refer to when you turn the knob/key/crank on a watch or clock to keep it running. This joke is about watches.
I was looking for watch batteries but I wound up at a clock shop .
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A reaction is a chemical process in which two or more substances act on each other and are changed. A reaction is also a person's ability to respond physically and mentally to external stimuli. Disappointment can be seen and worn on the face as a reaction. The joke is playing on the word reaction and its different meanings.
For a chemist disappointed in an experiment the reaction was on his face .
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To put a spin on something is to put a different perspective on something, or describe a situation in a biased way. To spin means to revolve rapidly. A merry-go-round is an amusement park ride that spins rapidly. Politicians are known for twisting, or spinning a story to put themselves in a more favorable light.
Politicians get onto the merry - go - round and then put a spin on it .
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The joke is a pun. Massage therapists have to physically touch their customers to give a massage. 'A touch of style' is a saying that means a stylish addition or flair.
Massage therapists need a touch of style .
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It can be offensive because the game was mostly carried by the offensive line of the winning team, or because fans of the losing team were offended.
A high scoring football game can be very offensive .
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This pun is using the phrase "get rolling", meaning to get going or get moving, in the context of working in a tire factory, which is where tires are made. Tires roll, or move in revolution.
If you work in a tire factory you have to get rolling every morning .
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This is a play on words. The term "stereo speakers" refers to audio speakers built into a device but here "stereo speakers" refers to two twins who are speaking very loudly.
A pair of loud twins were stereo speakers .
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The joke is a pun. To say something has a 'nice ring to it' means that it sounds nice. 'Ring' could also mean the wedding ring, which may in fact be a nice ring.
To many girls the word ' marriage ' has a nice ring to it .
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A taxidermist is someone that prepares and stuffs dead animals for display. A buffet dinner is a type of dinner where people self serve the food they want to have for dinner. After dinner, people tend to feel really full. Another expression for feeling really full is feeling stuffed. This joke is playing on the wrod "stuffed" and its different meanings.
I went to a buffet dinner with my neighbor , who is a taxidermist . After such a big meal , I was stuffed .
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This is a play on words. The word "form" means paperwork that the government often reqires you to fill out. However, "form" is also a type or category or something and there are multiple types of government.
You have to fill out many government forms because there are many forms of government .
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This is a play on words. To "go out" at night means to engage in social activities after dark. However, here not going out after dark refers to how lighthouse keepers stay at the lighthouse in the evenings to ensure ships don't crash into shore.
She was only a Lighthouse keeper ' s daughter , but she never went out at night
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The joke is a pun. A boat or yacht can 'keel over' meaning capsized or laid on their side on land, either way with the keel part of the boat showing. If a person 'keels over' it means they suddenly fall or drop or become in pain. A heart attack would make one keel over.
OLD YACHTSMEN never die , they just keel over .
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This is a pun on 'conviction' which in this context means the quality of showing that one is firmly convinced of what one believes or says, but it's also being used because 'conviction' can also mean a formal declaration that someone is guilty of a criminal offense, made by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.
' ' I find you guilty , ' ' said the judge with conviction .
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If something is shocking, that means it's either surprising or the source of electrical shocks. In this joke it's both because the book failed commercially.
A book called ' Current Trends in Wiring your House ' turned out to be a shocking failure .
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This joke is sort of an observational joke, just using a relevant science term in physics to refer to a specific group of scientists.
A group of physicists is called a nucleus .
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In golf, to swing a long drive is to hit a golf ball quite far. A long drive can also refer to how long you have to travel in a vehicle to get to a destination point. This is a play on the term "long drive".
To golf at your favorite course may require a long drive .
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Poor driver. The driver got 'mugged', or stolen from, and 'mugged' is a pun on the kind of cup beers are traditionally drunk from. Also, 'barrelled' could refer to the speed of the truck, and also a pun on beer barrels
The runaway beer truck barrelled down the freeway after its driver was mugged .
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There is a play on the word "mothballed" here. "Mothballs" are a type of pest repellant used to protect things such as wool garments. "Mothballing" is a verb used loosely to mean retiring something from active use due to age or irrelevance. So an old wool coat, which would be protected from pests such as moths with mothballs, is retired because it is too old or worn out, that is to say it is "mothballed".
OLD WOOL COATS never die , they just become mothballed .
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The joke is a pun. 'Fan' is another word for someone who follows and frequents shows, a performer, or a sporting team. 'Fan' could also mean an air conditioning device.
When the air conditioning failed in the indoor stadium there was a fan protest .
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A cube can be considered a block. A block is a solid piece of hard material, typically with flat surfaces on each side. A mental block is an inability to think through or recall something. The word block is being used in different ways here.
When the artist tried to draw a cube he had a mental block .
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This is a play on words. To be a "drag" means something is a bore or a pain. However, "drag" also means the action of pulling something along forcefully, since someone water-skiing is being dragged or pulled along by a boat moving through the water.
While having a hard time water - skiing , the boy commented , ' This is such a drag . '
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The joke is a pun. Donuts have holes in the center of them. To say a court case is 'full of holes' means that there is missing evidence or reasoning to come to a conclusion that is trying to be argued in court.
The case against a donut thief was full of holes .
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I think the joke is that they are ducks, not chickens. The phrase 'what are you chicken?' is often used to mean 'are you scared?'.
The first duck wouldn ' t go in the water . The other duck said ' ' What are you , chicken ? ' ' .
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In baseball, an E.R.A. stands for "earned run average" which is the number of earned runs a pitcher allows per nine innings. An era describes a period of history with a particular characteristc. The joke is on the word "era" because it also could serve as an acronym for "earned run average".
The baseball pitcher ' s retirement was at the end of a wonderful ERA .
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This is a pun on the word "point". In mathematics, a decimal number has a point, or dot, that indicates that it is not a whole number. The phrase "have a point" means that you have a good reason to support an argument. It can also mean that something has a purpose. In the joke, the person might have disliked maths because they thought it had no purpose, no good reason to be used. But because they saw the point, or value, in decimals, they like the subject now. They also saw the literal point, or dot, in the decimal number.
I used to hate maths but then I realised decimals have a point .
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The joke is a pun. A 'cell' is another word for a prison. A 'cell' is also the name of the microscopic units that make up the bodies of living creatures.
I always believed my body was a prison for me . I was right , in biology I learnt they were made of cells .
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This is a pun on 'joint' which initially means shared, held, or made by two or more people, parties, or organizations together. But it 'joint' also means a point at which parts of an artificial structure are joined, and knees and elbows are both jointed limbs
Artificial knees and elbows were developed during a joint project .
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A fledgling is another word for young bird. Fledgling can also be used to describe a person that is new or without experience. The author is new or without experience. This is a play on the word "fledgling".
When the baby bird penned his first novel he was just a fledgling author .
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This is a pun on 'backed out' meaning the speaker chose not to go forward with the chiropractor appointment but it's also being used since Chriopractors deal with peoples backs
I had an appointment with the chiropractor , but I backed out .
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This is a pun on 'fatal blow' which usually means a forcible stroke that kills a living thing, but it's also being here because when you take a breath you are blowing air out, so if you're last breath would be a fatal blow meaning it's the last breath before you die
Your very last breath will be a fatal blow .
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To pull something off is to be able to succeed in something. When it comes to clothing, to be able to "pull off style" means to achieve the look. Being able to pull something off also means being able to remove something. So, if you can't pull off tight jeans, it means you can't remove the jeans from your legs, or you can't achieve the look you were aiming for.
I try wearing tight jeans , but I can never pull it off .
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This is a joke playing off the say "barely contain his excitement", but 'repress' is used here instead since Freud dealt with repressed memories
Freud could barely repress his excitement .
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"Pass" can have two meanings here. The first would be "to encounter in passing", as in each one was going in a direction opposite to the other when they encountered one another. The second would be "passing" digestive matter, e.g. a bowel movement. Cannibals eat other human beings, so the wordplay here is that he is presumably excreting the digested remains of his brother.
The cannibal passed his brother in the woods .
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This is a play on words. To "take a dive" means refers to company profits suddenly falling much lower than they were. However, here "take a dive" refers to swimmers diving or leaping into the water.
Endorsement by an olympic swimmer caused a company ' s profits to dive .
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"Snapped" can mean angrily. Snapped can also be the past tense of the verb "snap" which is the verb used to explain what people do when the take pictures. They snap pictures. Tom "snapped" at someone who is taking pictures. This joke is playing on the different meanings of the word snapped.
What are you taking pictures of ? Tom snapped .
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"To croak" is another way of saying that somone has died. To croak is to make a deep sound from the throat. The sentence written can be taken literally or figuratively.
OLD FROGS never die , but they do croak .
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The joke is a pun. A question that tests the student's abilities to complete math equations is called a 'math problem'. 'Problems' could also refer to personal conflicts between people, or 'drama'.
Math class is full of drama . There are so many problems to work out .
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This is a joke because they're implying that arguments about weather are so inconsequential that they'll eventually end, or 'blow over', but is also works since weather blows things over
Arguments about the weather will eventually blow over .
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This is a play on words. To be "out of the picture" means to be irrelevant but here "out of the picture" means not being in a photograph.
Old photographers never die , they ' re just out of the picture for a while .
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This is a pun on the word "dead". Dead gorgeous is a phrase that means extremely beautiful. It has the word dead in it and this joke is about morticians. Morticians put makeup on dead people to make them look less pale and more beautiful.
Morticians make you feel dead gorgeous .
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This is a play on words. The term "sage advice" means words of wisdom but "sage advice" also refers to advice related to using the spice "sage". Here the advice is that the subject should add more of the spice sage to their stuffing.
My stuffing was bad , so I got some sage advice .
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These OLD PROFESSIONS jokes rarely work because the puns are not metaphors for dying.
OLD HOUSEWIVES never die , they just wash away .
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A synonym for a peach seed is pit. To feel something in the pit of one's stomach means to feel a sick feeling in your stomach, usually from anxiety. The person in this joke swallowed a peach seed and felt anxiety. This joke is playing on the word "pit" because it's a synonym for seed, and it's referring to someone's anxiety felt in the stomach after swallowing the seed.
She swallowed a peach seed and could feel it in the pit of her stomach .
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This sounds more like a friendly invite than a pun, even though I know huddles happen in football.
Come huddle with us before the big game
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A kickoff in football is when the place kicker, which is a kicker on one team, kicks the ball to the opposing team. An opening kickoff is one kind of kickoff that puts the ball into play at the start of a game. The joke here is using the word "kickoff" to explain the company football team get together.
The organizational get together for a company football team was called a kickoff meeting .
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This is a pun on 'pinch', which in this context means the crab experienced financial hardship, but it's also being used since crabs have clwas that can pinch you
Did you hear about the crab in financial difficulty ? It was starting to feel the pinch .
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A "draft" can refer to early versions of a project, particularly a written item, as well as a serving or pour of a beverage, typically alcoholic. The play on words here is that "draft" can refer to either sense because of the writing and testing for a recipe.
When writing out drink recipes you have to have a first draft .
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This is a play on words using the word "net". A net is used to cushion a trapeze artist's fall. "Net wages", which refers to the income the trapeze artist (or any other professional) gets after deducting income tax, has the word "net" in it.
The trapeze artist had to buy his own safety equipment . Every Friday he drew his net wages .
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Crude oil is a type of oil that is unrefined.The word crude can also be applied to describe language, not just oil. The oil executives were using crude language, or unrefined language.
Oil executives are always using crude language .
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This is a pun on how the word parted can mean both to separate from each other or a way in which you style your hair. A balding man might part what hair he has left in such a way as to cover his bald spot.
A balding man and his hair are soon parted .
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A winning streak refers to a continuous succession of victories experienced. Streaks can refer to a hair coloring technique where thicker sections of hair are lightened using foil. This joke is playing on the word "streak" and its different uses.
The athlete colored her hair and started a winning streak .
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This is a pun on 'drop off' which can be taken to mean a term for falling alseep, but also if you were on the edge of your bed you could physically drop off the side
For insomnia move to the edge of the bed and you ' ll soon drop off .
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Karate is a martial art. A karate chop is slang for a knifehand strike which is a form of hitting someone during a fight. Chops can refer to meat, such as pork chops. The word "chop" is found in "chops" and chops can refer to a type of hitting technique, or food. The joke is playing on the word chops.
A karate school restaurant served mainly chops .
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This is a pun on the word "squares". Squares are boring people who play it safe and aren't adventurous. "Squares" are also shapes. This joke is about geometry, the study of shapes.
My advanced geometry class is full of squares .
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The joke is a pun on the words 'high volume'. High volume in terms of manufacturing means being produced in great numbers. Speakers produce sound, and volume is also the word used to refer to how loud the speaker is projecting noise.
Stereo speakers are made by ' high volume ' manufacturers .
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This is a pun on the words "noteworthy" and "composed". Noteworthy means important, something that people take notice of. Noteworthy has the word "note" in it. "Note" relates to musicians because musicians play musical notes. Composed means calm, but it can also mean when a song is written. Musicians can play composed songs or compose the songs themselves.
Noteworthy musicians are very composed .
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A coffin is a box that a corpse is put in, and buried in. A grave is a place of burial for a dead body. Grave can also mean serious, so "grave matter" means "serious matter". This joke is playing on the word "grave" and its different meanings.
Digging a hole for a coffin is a grave matter .
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This joke is using the word "croak" to refer to both dying and the sound a frog makes, within context of removing a frog's vocal cords to make them immortal.
Biologists have recently produced immortal frogs by removing their vocal cords . They can ' t croak .
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