2 values
The joke doesn't work because we don't know why he would be untruthful about his bed.
Tom was so tired , he lied about his bed .
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The joke is a pun. 'Underhanded' can refer to tricking or taking advantage of someone in a sneaky way, or it can be referring to throwing a ball by swinging the arm below the shoulder.
I never understood why people liked to play soft ball . It ' s a very underhanded thing to do .
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The joke is a pun. A rattle snake is a type of snake that this may be. To rattle something off is to say something quickly or easily from memory.
Go away , you snake ! Tom rattled off .
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The joke is a pun. A Prior (or prioress) is an ecclesiastical title for a superior in some religious orders. 'Prior' generally means 'before' as in 'prior approval' which means to have permission beforehand.
Priests can ' t marry without prior approval .
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The joke is a pun. Deadwood could mean unproductive workers. Since this is a lumber company, deadwood could also just mean dead wood from trees.
The lumber company downsized . They got rid of the deadwood .
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This is a pun. Shooting for a position means making it one's intent to achieve. Shooting also is what guns do to fire bullets. An army officer would likely use a gun. So the joke is that people literally shoot for that position.
An army officer is a position that some people shoot for .
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The joke is a pun. Electric companies provide energy in the form of electricity for customers. A high energy person would be someone who is very excited or enthusiastic about what they are doing.
An electric company is always looking for high energy employees .
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This is a pun on the phrase 'to boot', which usually means 'to emphasize that you have added something else to something', but it also works here because boots are a type of shoe/ footwear
Some shoe sales have a good selection to boot .
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from scratch' means 'from the beginning of a process using only raw materials', and is also a pun on a scratch made in car metal.
In parking lots , arguments often start from scratch .
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A pound is a place where unwanted dogs are kept until they can be adopted by someone. A pound can refer to weight, so one pound of something is 0.45 kilograms of weight. Food can be bought by the pound. This pun is a play on the word pound.
Food for bad dogs is bought by the pound .
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This sentence is a pun. It's saying that actors are cast through good and bad acting. The word used is stages instead of acting. A stage is a raised platform that actors act on.
Actors are cast through their good and bad stages .
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The hip is at the upper part of the leg. When something is "hip" it is fashionable. The joke is a play on the word hip.
The most popular operation for orthopaedic surgeons is upper - leg surgery : very hip .
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Aerobics is a form of exercise, which "work out" is another term for. Worked out is also used to mean coming to a conclusion based on context. Tom worked out the work out.
' ' This must be an aerobics class , ' ' Tom worked out .
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A faculty can mean a group of university departments, with faculties being the plural. Faculties refers to mental aptitude. Academicians refer to people that are intellectuals. To lose one's faculties is to lose mental capability.
OLD ACADEMICIANS never die , they just lose their faculties
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The joke is a pun. 'Dawn' can refer to the the time of day when sunrise happens. An idea can also 'dawn' on someone, meaning they suddenly came to a realization.
Those who get up at sunrise have many ideas dawn on them .
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"Frosty disposition" can mean someone who is being unfriendly, or emotionally cold. Frosty is an adjective that can also refer to the temperature being cold. Frosty was cleverly chosen as an adjective to refer to a skier's disposition and to describe a cold day.
A skier who loses a race on a cold day will have a frosty disposition .
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This is a play on words. The phrase "cutting words" means words spoken forcefully but "cutting" also refers to scissors cutting paper.
Those with scissors shouldn ' t use cutting words .
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This is a pun on 'rose' which in this context is referring to the color rose, but it's also being used because 'rose' can also mean the past tense of 'rise' which is what the sun does in the early morning
The color of the sun in the early morning : rose .
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Boyle's law is a law that relates the pressure and volume of an ideal gas. Pressure is the amount of force applied to an object. Pressure, in the expression "under too much pressure" means someone is experiencing a lot of stress because they have so much to do. The joke is playing off the different meanings of pressure, and the person referred to has the name Boyle.
Boyle said he was under too much pressure .
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To be short-tempered is to be someone that gets easily angered. To snap at something means to quickly take an angry tone with someone. To snap can also mean to break suddenly. The word snap fits the vine in both ways. The vine is personified as being short-tempered, but it can also be physically snapped, or broken by the wind. This joke is a play on the word snap and its different meanings.
Vines are extremely short - tempered . They snap at the slightest wind .
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Something that is a "huge hit" is something that is extremely popular or successful. A pinata is a colorful toy animal that contains candy inside of it. If hit and split open, the candy falls out. Pinatas are made to be hit. This joke is a play on the word hit.
Did you hear about the new pinata ? It ' s a huge hit .
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This is a play on words. The phrase "deep trouble" means a very difficult situation but "deep" also refers to deep waters where swimmers swim.
Swimmers have to be careful not to get into deep trouble .
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The joke is a pun. A 'jerky' ride would be a bumpy ride, or a ride that involves swerving and quick turns. 'Jerky' is also a type of dried meat snack.
The meat truck took a long time to deliver because of the Jerky ride .
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A goal is an action of scoaring in many sports, and a coach is someone who manages a sports team.
Coaches usually have a goal in mind .
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Nag is another word for a horse. When someone is nagging, they are complaining. So this joke is using the word nagged as a way to complain about someone who is riding a horse when someone wants them not to.
' ' I told you not to ride that horse , ' ' Tom nagged .
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State can mean a piece of defined territory, or it can mean a condition someone is in. This joke can apply to both.
Many people need to learn to be happy with the State they are in .
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This is a pun on 'skip out' which in this context is meaning that the friends will leave school early, but it's also being used because you can also literally skip with rope
Two friends took ropes to school so that they could skip out .
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These [PROFESSION]'s daughter jokes are not that clever or funny.
She was only a Farmer ' s daughter , but she knew hundreds of ways to fertilize .
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A log is a journal. To "keep problem logs" can mean that the lumberjacks have to keep track of problems they've encountered while logging in a journal. Logs can also refer to a part of a tree that has been cut off. So, "to keep problem logs" can also mean that the lumberjacks have to physically keep the logs that gave them problems. This joke is a play on the double meaning of "keep problem logs".
Lumberjacks have to keep problem logs .
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This is a pun on the phrase "steal away", which means to sneak away, and how burglars steal.
Old burglars never die they just steal away .
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To fall for someone means to fall romantically in love with someone. To fall also means to move downward rapidly. The verb fall is being used both ways here.
High on a ladder he saw a beautiful girl below . He fell for her .
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"The tops" means the best, or of the highest quality. A bikini top is the part of the bikini that goes across the chest. This joke is playing on the word "tops".
Our bikinis are exciting . They are simply the tops .
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The joke is a pun. To 'snap' can mean to make a sudden loud or angry retort to someone. One could also 'snap' a picture, meaning to capture a picture.
' ' I can take photographs if I want to ! ' ' Tom snapped .
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The joke is a pun. Candies are usually sweet tasting. The phrase 'sweet victory' generally means a victory that feels good.
Winning candy as a prize is always a sweet victory .
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This joke gives the word "resonate" a double meaning in the context of a drum repair - where a drum "resonates" sound, and something that doesn't resonate well means it wasn't taken very well as news.
When they told him that his drum couldn ' t be fixed , it didn ' t resonate very well .
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This pun is using the word checked in lieu of checkmate, which in chess means to basically be in a position where you are guaranteed to lose/essentially defeat. In hockey, checking is when another player crashes into a player that contains the puck.
Hockey players are terrible chess players because they are always getting checked .
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The joke is a pun on the word 'flexible'. Having a flexible schedule means that times for appointments or meetings can be moved if needed. Yoga is an exercise of flexibility of the body.
For class schedules Yoga instructors are flexible .
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A suggestion is a psychological process carried out during hypnosis to get another person to think and act a certain way. The joke is using the word "suggestions" as if it's an item you could buy. So, when a business has no more things to sell, they can't earn a profit, and they go out of business. The joke is centered on the word suggestion.
The hypnotist went out of business because he ran out of suggestions .
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The joke is a pun. A 'phobia' is a fear that one has about a specific thing. The person 'feared' that the book wouldn't help them.
I was going to buy a book on phobias , but I was afraid it wouldn ' t help me .
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This is a pun on the word "faculties". When someone loses their faculties, it means they are mentally or physically declining. When you are dying, you mentally and physically decline. Faculties can also refer to a body of professors at a school. University presidents are in charge of a faculty. This joke is about university presidents.
OLD UNIVERSITY PRESIDENTS never die , they just lose their faculties
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Moonshine is a type of alcoholic beverage illegally produced. A moonshiner is someone that makes moonshine. The person in the joke is saying that they "still" love the moonshiner's daughter. The word "still" can be seen in "distilled". A "distilled beverage" is an alcoholic beverage. This joke is playing on the word "still".
She was only a Moonshiner ' s daughter , but I love her still .
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This is a play on words. The word "present" means a gift given on special occasions but "present" also means the current time period.
Everyday is a gift from god , that is why it is called the present
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This is a pun on 'carry it off' which in this context means to successfully execute a plan, and it's being sed here because thieves literally carry out items they steal
The thief had a bold plan . He figured he could carry it off .
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This is a play on words. To "waste away" means become thinner and weaker but "waste away" also references how sewage workers work dealing with "waste", or trash that is discarded.
OLD SEWAGE WORKERS never die they just waste away .
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In mathematics, an expression is a sentence with a minimum of two numbers and at least one math operation. Someone using "strange expressions" could refer to facial expressions. But, it can also refer to using unusual math expressions. The joke is playing on the word "expressions".
OLD MATH PROFESSORS never die , they just use strange expressions .
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This is a pun on 'frank' which means open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters, but it's also being used because 'frank' is another term for hot dog
The hot dog vendor answered , with a tone quite frank .
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The joke is a pun on the word 'relief'. A relief can mean the feeling of being able to relax after an important task was completed. Ancient walls often had carvings into them making intricate designs called reliefs.
When ancient wall sculptors were finished it was a relief .
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"Degree of ambiguity there" means that there's more than one inerpretation of something. A degree can mean an academic qualification given to students who have successfully completed a course of study. A university is a place of education where degrees are earned. The joke is playing on the word degree and different ways of using it.
I might study something at a university that someone once told me about - there is a degree of ambiguity there .
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Fish are a type of seafood. Fish have scales, some fish have small scales. Scales are a bony plate that protect the fish. For a business to start out on a small scale means a business that starts out quite small, it doesn't have a lot of employees. The joke is using "small scale" in a business sense, but also to relate to scales on fish.
Seafood operations start out on a small scale .
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A logician is someone who studes logic. A premise can mean the base of an argument. A premise can also mean a piece of land with buildings on it. Old logicians never die, they leave (a location), or they just leave their premise, or their argument base.
OLD LOGICIANS never die , they just vacate the premises .
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Rash is another word for reckless. A rash is also a temporary outbreak of red, bumpy, itchy patches of skin. A dermatologist is a skin doctor. This pun is a play on the word rash.
Dermatologists often make rash statements .
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This is a pun on the word "drill". Drill corps has the word drill in it. A dental drill is an instrument used by dentists and this joke is about dentists.
Army dentists make a good drill corps .
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Falling and hitting the ground hard is often called a heavy landing. A landing is also a flat platform in parts of stairs. So people dancing on stairs, if they're not careful, could have a heavy landing on the landing.
Careless stair dancers are heading for a heavy landing .
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This is a pun on 'drive' which means 2 different things in golf and racing. In golf, 'drive' means is a long-distance shot played from the tee box, intended to move the ball a great distance down the fairway towards the green, and in racing 'drive' means operate and control the direction and speed of a motor vehicle.
A racer who was also a golfer really knew how to drive .
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Steep can be used to refer to a slope rising or falling sharply, but it can also be used to refer to how much something can cost. The text is combining the meaning.
I went to buy some property with a hill on it , but it was a little steep .
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This is a funnier joke that works because it implies the speaker is lying. To be 'clean' of an addiction is to not be using that substance, but since it's used here as a play on what soap does, the speaker is probably still addicted and telling people in a tongue-n-cheek kind of way.
I used to be addicted to soap , but I ' m clean now .
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This is a pun on the phrase "steal away". To "steal away" means to leave secretly, which can fool people into thinking they are dead. Plagiarists "steal" people's work without giving them credit.
OLD PLAGIARISTS never die , they just steal away .
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This is a pun on "kicking the habit". Kicking the habit means to stop doing something you have difficulty controlling, like an addiction. It has the word "kicking" in it, which is what you do in soccer. The person needing to kick the habit is someone who plays soccer too much.
You really are addicted to soccer , you should think of kicking the habit .
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The joke is probably that Eskimos live in cold weather. No real punch line. The format does not work for this joke and therefore the setup of death has nothing to do with the joke(?) that eskimos live in cold places.
OLD ESKIMOS never die , they just go cold .
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This is a pun on 'stable' which in this context means sane and sensible; not easily upset or disturbed, but it's also being used because 'stable' also is a building set apart and adapted for keeping horses.
A horse is a very stable animal .
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The joke is a pun. A human cannonball is a person who performs an act in a circus or similar show by getting fired out of a cannon. Finding someone of 'the right caliber' means finding someone who has the proper quality or level of ability. 'Caliber' also means the internal diameter or bore of a gun barrel.
When the human cannonball retired they couldn ' t find a replacement of the right caliber .
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This is a pun on the word "downhill". When someone goes to the Olympics, it's probably the best thing that ever happened to them. They are at the highest point in their life, so anything after that decreases in greatness. A common phrase people use to describe this phenomenon is that it's "all downhill from there". Downhill is also the direction you go when you ski and the joke is about a skier.
A skier who makes it to the olympics finds that it is all downhill from there .
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Opposed means to be in disagreement of. Opposed also means to be across from. The thumb and forefinger are anatomically opposed, but can also mean that they are in argument (while the three fingers were willing to cooperate).
Three fingers were willing to cooperate but the thumb and forefinger were opposed .
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This is a play on words. The word "flop" refers to a crash in the stock market but "flop" also references how Viagra treats erectile dysfunction to prevent a different kind of flopping.
The stock market crashes , but Viagra beats the flop .
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A pickpocket is someone that steals, or takes what is not theirs away from others. To "steal away" means to slip away sneakily. "Steal away" can also be taken literally, and it means that someone is stealing. This pun is playing on the phrase "steal away" to explain what happens to old pickpockets.
OLD PICKPOCKETS never die , they just steal away .
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"Going through many drills" can mean going through many dental drills. It can also mean going through a lot of practice, so practice drills. This is a play on the word drills.
Dentists practice by going through many drills .
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This is a play on words. To have "designs on" means to have a secret desire for something. However, a "design" is also a visual pattern or decoration, which references the fact that tattoos are visual designs on a person's body.
A tatoo artist has designs on his clients .
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Buffaloed means baffled. Buffalo and bison are both bovine mammals. The joke is playing on the word "buffaloed" meaning confused, but also relating to the bovine mammal.
A case of disappearing bison had police completely buffaloed .
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A meteorologist is someone who studies weather, and the phrase under the weather means to feel sick or ill, not healthy. Instead of dying, they just get under the weather.
OLD METEOROLOGISTS never die , they just get under the weather .
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In baseball, a base is one of four spots that must be reached in order to score a run. A military base is a facility operated and owned by the military. The joke is playing on the word "bases" and its different meanings when it comes to baseball and the military.
A baseball player joined the army and did the round of military bases .
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A flash sale means a sudden sale, but to flash also means to show your private parts, which is what an exhibitionist does
The exhibitionist went to the store because he heard they were having a flash sale .
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The word 'charged' here could have two meanings. The guys were caught and the wording 'be charged' makes it sound as if they are being tried in court for a crime. Battery acid is a chemical that gives an electrical charge to devices the battery is connected to. Being charged may mean they are energized with electricity, but that's just a joke, drinking battery acid is deadly.
The two guys caught drinking battery acid will soon be charged .
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There are two meaning of "connections" here. It can mean physically attached to eachother such as conjoined twins are. It can also mean sharing something in common. Twins in general have identical genes and come from the same parents.
Conjoined twins aren ' t the only twins with special connections .
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This is a pun on 'shrink' which means to move back or away, especially because of fear or disgust, but it's also being used because 'shrink' is also another term for psychiatrists
OLD PSYCHIATRISTS never die , they just shrink away .
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The joke is a pun. An electric company provides electricity, or 'power'. The saying 'power corrupts' is referring to how people in high positions in businesses or government may not remain morally good, as the temptation to do bad things may be greater.
Power corrupts , especially at the electric company .
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This is a pun about earning interest, as in interest rates on money and fascination, from god. Helping a poor person is considered a good gesture in the eyes of religion.
He who lends to the poor gets interest from god
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A boxing ring is place where people box, and it is actually in the shape of a square even though it is called a ring. To call something square means to call something "even" or "tied". This joke is playing on the word square and its different meanings.
After they had it out in the boxing ring , they called it square .
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When "pride goes before a fall" it means that arrogance usually proceeds some kind of failure. Pride is taking joy in one's admiration. Humilty is the opposite of pride, it's about being modest and not indulging in admiration of the self. The word fall means to move downward, or to lose balance and collapse. Fall can also be used to describe the season between summer and winter. The joke is centered on the word fall and its different meanings.
If pride goes before a fall , humility should arrive by that winter
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This is a pun on 'precipitous' which in this context means done suddenly and without careful consideration, but it's also being used because 'precipitous' can also mean dangerously high or steepl like rock climbing can be
Her decision to take up rock climbing was precipitous to say the least .
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The joke is a pun. A spruce tree is a widespread coniferous tree which has a distinctive conical shape and hanging cones, widely grown for timber, pulp, and Christmas trees. To 'spruce up' is to make (someone or something) look cleaner, neater, or more attractive.
Before he sold Christmas trees , he got himself spruced up .
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To look at something in the wrong fashion means to see something in the wrong point of view. Fashion relates to a way of dressing that is popular for a designated period of time. Here, to "change clothes" means to change the point of view of something. The joke is a play on clothes and fashion.
I ' m blind enough to look at the situation in the wrong fashion , so I changed my clothes .
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This is a play on words. A "mammoth" undertaking means a difficult or complicated task but a "mammoth" is also a prehistoric mammal.
Reassembling the skeletons of prehistoric mammals can be a mammoth undertaking .
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The joke is a pun on the phrase 'see me through'. The soup is made with fish eyes, and eyes are used to see. The phrase 'see me through the week' means that the soup should last the entire week.
I made a batch of fish eye soup , it should see me through the week .
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Stir means move, or to mix thoroughly. Stir is a verb commonly used with spoons (so spoons stir, or mix drinks thoroughly for example). The person thinks they are a spoon. "Sit there and don't stir" means "sit there and don't move". This is a play on the word stir.
Doctor , doctor , I keep thinking I ' m a spoon . - Sit there and don ' t stir . Next .
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Skiing is a sport involving the use of skis to glide on snow. Downhill skiing is a type of skiiing that involves skiiers going downhill on skills. If someone is saying their skills are really going downhill, means that their skill set is getting worse. This joke is playing on the word "downhill" and how it applies to skiing, and skills.
My skiing skills are really going downhill .
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A play on the phrase "all the signs were there", commonly meaning that there was enough obvious evidence of an issue that an observer should have been able to notice it before it explicitly manifested itself. if an employee of the road department is stealing, and their theft includes road signage, which they are keeping at their house, then quite literally "all the signs were there".
My friend was fired from his job at the road department for stealing . I have to say I saw it coming . The last time I was at his house all the signs were there .
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This is a pun on "late". They were called the late professor Brown because of their tardiness as well as the fact that they were dead. You use the word "late" to refer to a deceased person.
An old professor who was never on time died and was called the late professor Brown .
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This is a pun on 'go in cycles' which means a course or series of events or operations that recur regularly and usually lead back to the starting point, but it's also being used because the official word for bike is bikecycle
Bike sales go in cycles .
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The joke is a pun. Bungee cords are used for bungee jumping, in which one drops from a ledge and the stretchy bungee cord will 'bounce' the person back up from where they dropped. To 'bounce back' from an injury or trauma is another way to say to 'recover' from it.
He had a difficult time bouncing back from his bungee cord accident .
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The joke is a pun. Wigs are false hair pieces that people sometimes wear. One might comb their hair with a brush or a comb, but to 'comb' an area means to search it thoroughly, without missing any spot.
A wig van blew up on the motorway - police are combing the area .
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The joke is a pun. A 'patent' is a title for ownership over the design of an invention. 'Patent' can also mean easily recognizable or obvious.
He stole an invention and then told patent lies .
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"Blended so well" could mean that the frog had changed their outside color to match the color of the milkshake. Or, it could mean that the frog was blended into the milkshake, as in they were chopped up and combined well. This joke is playing on the word "blended" because it could mean two different things in this scenario.
The frog went unnoticed in the milkshake because it blended so well .
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This is a joke because it's saying that the woman who was looking for her nails realized she had filed them away, meaning put them away in a filing cabinet, but it's also being used because you can also 'file' your nails meaning shave them down
In the office she was frantically looking for her false nails only to discover she had filed them away .
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To "lose grip" means to lose one's ability to think or behave in a normal way. In wrestling, grip strength, or how firmly one can hold onto something, is important. Old wrestlers apparently lose their ability to behave in a normal way, but they also lose their grip strength. This joke is playing on the term "lose grip" and its different meanings.
OLD WRESTLERS never die they just lose their grip .
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This is a pun using the phrase "still of the knight". The men found the moonshine whiskey operation in the evening, which suggests that "still of the knight" refers to "still of the night". "Still of the night" means late at night when it is quiet and dark. "Night" sounds like "knight". Sir Lancelot is a knight. A "still" is a device used to distill alcohol, which moonshine whiskey is an example of. So when they say the men "shattered the still of the knight" they mean that not only did their activities disturb the quietness of the night, but they also destroyed the distillation device the knight Sir Lancelot uses to make moonshine whiskey.
One evening King Arthur ' s men discovered Sir Lancelot ' s moonshine whiskey operation and shattered the still of the knight .
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This is a pun on 'charge' which in the context of batteries means store electrical energy in a battery or battery-operated device. But 'charge' is also being used because it can also mean record the cost of something as an amount payable by (someone) or on (an account).
When buying a battery you should never have to charge it .
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The joke is a play on words. Boomerangs are designed to return to the point they were thrown from when flung through the air. The phrase 'it came back to me' can usually mean 'I remembered it', but in this case the boomerang might have literally come back.
I couldn ' t quite remember how to throw a boomerang , but eventually it came back to me .
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A "planted question" is a rehearsed question. The word "planted" was cleverly used here because the joke is referring to an agricultural presentation. "Agricultural" is a word related to agriculture, which is the practice of growing plants and livestock. A plant is a living organism that grows in the earth and has a stem, leaves, and roots. "Plant" is in the word "planted". This joke plays on the word "planted".
Why did the agricultural presentation go so smoothly ? They planted questions .
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This is a pun on 'fret their lives away' which in this context means that rather than dying the guitarists worry their lives away, but it's also being used because 'frets' are a part of guitars
OLD GUITARISTS never die , they just fret their lives away
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This is a pun on the word lousy and nitpicker. The word nitpicker sounds like someone who picks nits, the eggs of lice, out of their hair. Lousy sounds like the word louse.
OLD NITPICKERS never die , they just feel lousy .
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