OmniAICreator's picture
1e3518b verified
- config_name: default
- split: filtered
path: Japanese-Roleplay-Dialogues-Filtered.jsonl
- split: original
path: Japanese-Roleplay-Dialogues-Original.jsonl
license: apache-2.0
- text-generation
- ja
- roleplay
- 10K<n<100K
# Japanese-Roleplay-Dialogues
This is a dialogue corpus collected from Japanese role-playing forum (commonly known as "なりきりチャット(narikiri chat)"). Each record corresponds to a single thread.
For the `original` version, no filtering has been applied.
For the `filtered` version, the following filtering and cleaning conditions have been applied:
- If the number of unique `poster` in the `posts` of each record is 1 or less, delete the entire record.
- If the length of the `posts` is 10 or less, delete the entire record.
- Normalize poster names by removing all whitespace characters (both full-width and half-width spaces) and anonymizing them.
- Retain only records where the top two posters account for 90\% or more of the total posts.
- Remove posts from posters other than the top two posters.
- Among the top two posters, neither should account for more than 60\% of their combined posts. (i.e., each of the top two posters should account for at least 40\% of their combined posts).
- Remove initial consecutive posts from the same poster until a different poster appears.
- Remove final consecutive posts from the same poster until a different poster appears.
- Merge consecutive posts from the same poster into a single post, separated by line breaks.
Not all dialogues are purely role-playing. Some records include initial discussions about the settings, or they may continue from other threads.
This dataset is intended for use in machine learning applications only.