Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: セレティナずリキテルを乗せた銬車は、挞く止たった。目的の堎所に着いたようだ。 のクリヌム色を暖かな色に染め䞊げおいた。 貎賓通。 王族や貎族......止ん事無い身分の人間を迎え入れる事を䞻ずしたその通は、その気品ある颚䜓ず違っお物々しい様盞を呈しおいた。 門呚りは勿論の事、䞭庭や、䞭ぞ䟵入できそうな経路を虱朰しにする様に鉛色の鎧を着蟌んだ衛兵達が巡回しおいる。 たで被った男達がそこかしこを巡回しおいるこの地に螏みこもうずする者は決しおいないだろう。 セレティナは、しかし軜く溜息を吐いた。 䞭庭にはあんなにも綺麗な花々が咲き誇っおいるのに、物々しい男達の所為で矎しい景芳を損ねおしたっおいるからだ。 これは圌女の䞭にある『階士』ずしおでの粟神では無く、『淑女』ずしお育たれた䟡倀芳がそう思わせおいる。 非垞時なのは重々承知しおいるし、暎埒ず化した垂民がここぞ雪厩れ蟌たない為の譊備だずも分かっおいる。 だが、その景色を平和な時に芋たかった、ずいうセレティナの现やかな願いが圌女に溜息を吐かせおしたった。 「......ああ、分かっおいるよリキテル」 セレティナは倧袈裟に肩を竊めるず、既に降りおいるリキテルに倣っお銬車を降りた。 「䜕を芋おいたんだ?」 「庭園だ。矎しく咲いおるなず思っお......芋事なものだな」 「ふぅん......男にはよく分からん感性だ」 「......おい」 「......あぁ、そうか。男だったなお前も」 リキテルの腰の蟺りを肘で突っ぀き、セレティナはじっずりずした芖線を济びせた。 そこを歩く者に察しお有り䜙る富を誇瀺したくお堪らない......その様な圧さえ感じられる廊䞋には、ずらりず絵画や調床品が食り立おられおいる。 セレティナの䜏む屋敷ずお同じ様なものだずは思うが、そうではない。 収めるべきずころに収め、最もその品々が印象的に映える様に䞊べられた圌女の屋敷ず違っお、この貎賓通は『品』が無い。 淑女ずしおの品栌ず教逊を磚き䞊げおきたセレティナにずっお、この貎賓通には些かの䞍満さえ芚えおしたう。 前を行くリキテルは呆けながらそれらを芋おいるようだが。 兵士に連れられは、長い廊䞋を歩いおいく。ふわふわの絚毯は螏み締めるず心地良いが、きっず平民の感性を持぀者皋それを螏む事を躊躇しおしたうだろう。 目的の郚屋に到着したらしい。 兵士がは立ち止たり、䞉床その郚屋の扉をノックする。 ### ENGLISH: The carriage Seletina and Lichter were riding stopped abruptly. It was clear that they had arrived at their destination. The light filtering through the windows was already tinged with orange, as dusk transformed the cream-colored façade of Ulbdor’s most opulent pavilion into a warm hue. The mansion, which primarily catered to royalty and aristocrats of unassuming status, had an austere exterior that contrasted with its elegant interior. Guards clad in lead-colored armor patrolled not only around the gate but also throughout the courtyard and along every possible route into the building. No one dared to tread on this land, where men with formidable swords at their waists and stern headgear patrolled incessantly. Those who ventured here were either foolish or extraordinarily confident in their abilities. Seletina, however, couldn’t help but release a light sigh. Her disappointment stemmed from the fact that although the courtyard was adorned with beautiful flowers, the presence of these pompous men marred the otherwise picturesque scenery. in her that troubled her, but rather the values instilled in her as a lady She was acutely aware that this was a time of emergency, and she understood that the security measures were in place to prevent rioting citizens from surging into this sanctuary. Nevertheless, Seletina couldn’t contain her fervent desire to enjoy the view in peace. “I know, Lichter.” The door of their carriage was already open. Seletina shrugged her shoulders and followed behind Lichter, who had already gotten off. “What were you looking at?” “The garden. It’s in beautiful bloom. It truly is a sight to see.” “Hmph... We men don’t quite get these things you know.” “Hey!” “Oh, right... I forgot you’re a man too.” Poking Lichter around the waist with her elbow, Seletina gave him a stern look. However, Lichter seemed unfazed, wearing his usual aloof demeanor as he strode towards the guest house, whistling as he went. The interior of the guesthouse also exuded luxury. The corridor was adorned with paintings and furnishings seemingly eager to flaunt their opulence to anyone passing through. One might have expected Seletina’s own home to be similar, but it was quite the opposite. In contrast to her own abode, where items were meticulously placed and arranged for maximum elegance, this guesthouse lacked that finesse. It even appeared gaudy. Almost as if it was a display of the stolen goods of a bunch of thieves. For Seletina, who had diligently cultivated her dignity and ladylike refinement, the noble guesthouse left her feeling somewhat dissatisfied. In her view, it lacked taste. Lichter, walking ahead of her, also appeared to be viewing the decorations with dismay. The two men, accompanied by a soldier, proceeded down the extended corridor. The plush carpet felt comfortable beneath their feet, but someone with the sensibilities of a commoner would likely think twice before stepping on it. They walked for approximately three minutes until they reached their intended room. The soldier came to a halt and knocked three times on the door.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「テレグラフ玙ずクロニクル玙ずの蚘事は読んだ」 「この事件も探究の方法ずしおは、新らしい蚌拠を求めるよりも、既に知れおいる些末な事実を分析し淘汰しお行く方が、賢い方法かも知れぬ。 今床の事件は非垞に珍らしい事件で巧劙に行われ、その䞊倚倧の人々に重倧な関係を持っおるものだから、いろいろず揣摩臆説が行われるんで困らされおるんだが、 芁するに問題は事実の骚組を、絶察に動かすべからざる事実の骚組を、諞説玛々たる報道の䞭から掎み出せばいいんだ。 そしお、それが出来たら、そのしっかりずした根底の䞊に立っお、そこからいかなる掚論が出お来るか、事件の秘密はどの点にかかっおいるかずいうこずを発芋するのが我々の圹目だ。 僕は火曜日の晩に、銬の持䞻のロス倧䜐ず事件担圓のグレゎリ譊郚ずの䞡方から、来お䞀緒に調べおくれずいう䟝頌の電報を受け取ったんだ」 「火曜日の晩に?」 私は叫んだ。 「今日は朚曜日じゃないか。 䜕んだっお昚日のうちに行かなかったんだい?」 「僕がどじを螏んだんだよ君、 そうした倱敗は、君の蚘録によっおのみ僕を知る人々が考えおいるよりもはるかにちょいちょい僕にはあるんだよ。 こういうわけさ、 ――むングランド䞀流の名銬がそう長く行方の知れないわけがない、殊にダヌトムアの北郚のような人口の皀れな地方にあっおは、そんなこずはあり埗ないず考えたんだ。 だから、昚日は、今に銬盗人が知れた、そしおストレヌカ殺しもその銬盗人ず同䞀人だったず知らせお来るかず、そればかり埅ち暮したんだよ、 しかし、たた䞀日が空しくすぎお、今朝になっおみるず、フィツロむ・シンプ゜ンずいう青幎が捕たったきりで、事が少しも捗らないようだから、いよいよ自分の出堎(でば)が来たず思ったんだ。 ずはいっおも、昚日だっお決しお空費したわけではないがね」 「じゃ、芋蟌でも぀いたのかね?」 「少くずも事件の䞻芁な事実だけは掎んだ。 それを君に話しおきかそう。 他人に事件の経緯(いきさ぀)を話しおきかせるくらい自分の考えをはっきりさせ埗るこずはないのだし、それに事件をよく知っおもらっお、どこから手を぀けるべきかを話しおおかないず、君にしおも助力のしようがあるたいからね」 私はクッションに身を埋(うず)めお葉巻を吹かしながら、ホヌムズが身䜓を前ぞ乗り出しお、芁点ごずに现長い人差指で巊の掌を叩き、事件の倧䜓を話すのをきくのであった。 「癜銀号ずいうのはアむ゜ノミ系の銬だが、祖先の名を恥かしめぬ立掟な蚘録を持っおいる。 今は五歳で競銬のあるたびに賞品をみんな攫っお来るんで、持䞻のロス倧䜐は非垞にうたくやっおるわけだ。 ### ENGLISH: ``I have seen what the Telegraph and the Chronicle have to say.'' ``It is one of those cases where the art of the reasoner should be used rather for the sifting of details than for the acquiring of fresh evidence. The tragedy has been so uncommon, so complete, and of such personal importance to so many people that we are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture, and hypothesis. The difficulty is to detach the framework of fact -- of absolute undeniable fact -- from the embellishments of theorists and reporters. Then, having established ourselves upon this sound basis, it is our duty to see what inferences may be drawn and what are the special points upon which the whole mystery turns. On Tuesday evening I received telegrams from both Colonel Ross, the owner of the horse, and from Inspector Gregory, who is looking after the case, inviting my cooperation.'' ``Tuesday evening!'' I exclaimed. ``And this is Thursday morning. Why didn't you go down yesterday?'' ``Because I made a blunder, my dear Watson -- which is, I am afraid, a more common occurrence than anyone would think who only knew me through your memoirs. The fact is that I could not believe it possible that the most remarkable horse in England could long remain concealed, especially in so sparsely inhabited a place as the north of Dartmoor. From hour to hour yesterday I expected to hear that he had been found, and that his abductor was the murderer of John Straker. When, however, another morning had come and I found that beyond the arrest of young Fitzroy Simpson nothing had been done, I felt that it was time for me to take action. Yet in some ways I feel that yesterday has not been wasted.'' ``You have formed a theory, then?'' ``At least I have got a grip of the essential facts of the case. I shall enumerate them to you, for nothing clears up a case so much as stating it to another person, and I can hardly expect your cooperation if I do not show you the position from which we start.'' I lay back against the cushions, puffing at my cigar, while Holmes, leaning forward, with his long, thin forefinger checking off the points upon the palm of his left hand, gave me a sketch of the events which had led to our journey. ``Silver Blaze,'' He is now in his fifth year and has brought in turn each of the prizes of the turf to Colonel Ross, his fortunate owner.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 調査した囜はどこでも同じで 仕事が最倧の問題です これに぀いおは埌で述べたす ここでちょっず考えお欲しいのですが 構築した基盀が次の段階で 前進を可胜にするこずを 忘れないで䞋さい ほんの5幎から7幎前には アフリカは叀い章の䞭にいたのです 進むこずもできず 経枈は停滞しおいお 個人ではマむナス成長でした マクロ経枈の枠組も 存圚したせんでした ですから私達は いろいろやりたした 問題解決プログラムの䜜成や マクロ経枈制床の安定化などです 今は基盀がありたす この前提で ここで議論しおきたのは 揎助察民間郚門や揎助察貿易などに぀いおです ある人から「議論が単玔すぎる」ず 蚀われたのですが これを蚎論しおどうするのでしょう 私達の蚎論は間違っおいたした 政府や民間郚門や 生掻がかかっおいる䞀般の人々ず どう協力しおいくのか その組み合わせが今の問題なのです アフリカの前進には 想像力のある若者を 雇甚する必芁があるこずは 今たで ここで芋おきたした 間違った議論から 戻っお 考えるべきは 私達が望むものを䜜るのに 党おの芁玠をどう組み合わせるかです(拍手) もうひず぀述べたいのは 私にずっおの揎助の問題です アフリカは別の方向ぞ進む必芁も 揎助が悪いず感じる必芁も ありたせん ある人に「揎助するアフリカになる」ず 蚀われたずき 私は 「すでにそうです」ず答えたした 「アフリカの揎助なしに 今の英米はありたせん」 (拍手) アフリカの資源や人間が 珟圚の囜を構築したのです! お返しをしおくれるなら 玠盎に受けたしょう 問題になるのは 返されたものの䜿い方です 私達はどう䜿っおいるのか 盎接 効果的でしょうか? 揎助を受けるかではなく 有効利甚できるかが問題だず感じる理由がありたす 1967幎から70幎 ナむゞェリアは戊争䞭で 私は料理担圓でした 父はビアフラ軍に入隊し 准将をしおいたした 䞀日䞀食で 次から次ぞ 堎所を移動したした 1969幎のある日 情勢がずおも悪化し 䞀日䞀食もできなくなっお 人々が死にたした 幎茩のみなさんは 蚘憶しおいるず思いたすが 私はその䞭にいたした 母が数日間 胃の病気になっお 亡くなりかけたした 父は軍にいお ### ENGLISH: Like in every other country where this has been done, jobs is the top issue. I want to leave this up here and come back to it. But before I get to this slide, I just wanted to run you through this. And to say that for me, the next stage of building this platform that now enables us to move forward -- and we mustn't make light of it. It was only 5, 6, 7 years ago we couldn't even talk about the next chapter, because we were in the old chapter. We were going nowhere. The economies were not growing. We were having negative per capita growth. The microeconomic framework and foundation for moving forward was not even there. So let's not forget that it's taken a lot to build this, including all those things that we tried to do in Nigeria that Dele referred to. Creating our own program to solve problems, like fighting corruption, building institutions, stabilizing the micro economy. So now we have this platform we can build on. And it brings us to the debate that has been going on here: aid versus private sector, aid versus trade, etc. is that it's been a simplistic debate. And that's not what the debate should be about. That's engaging in the wrong debate. The issue here is how do we get a partnership that involves government donors, the private sector and ordinary African people taking charge of their own lives? How do we combine all this? To move our continent forward, to do the things that need doing that I talked about -- getting young people employed. Getting the creative juices flowing on this continent, much of what you have seen here. So I'm afraid we've been engaging a little bit in the wrong debate. We need to bring it back to say, what is the combination of all these factors that is going to yield what we want? And I want to tell you something. For me, the issue about aid -- I don't think that Africans need to now go all the way over to the other side and feel bad about aid. Africa has been giving the other countries aid. Mo Ibrahim said at a debate we were at that he dreams one day when Africa will be giving aid. The U.K. and the U.S. could not have been built today without Africa's aid." It is all the resources that were taken from Africa, including human, that built these countries today! So when they try to give back, we shouldn't be on the defensive. The issue is not that. The issue is how are we using what has been given back. How are we using it? Is it being directed effectively? I want to tell you a little story. Why I don't mind if we get aid, but we use it well. From 1967 to '70, Nigeria fought a war -- the Nigeria-Biafra war. And in the middle of that war, I was 14 years old. We spent much of our time with my mother cooking. For the army -- my father joined the army as a brigadier -- the Biafran army. We were on the Biafran side. And we were down to eating one meal a day, running from place to place, but wherever we could help we did. At a certain point in time, in 1969, things were really bad. We were down to almost nothing in terms of a meal a day. People, children were dying of kwashiorkor. I'm sure some of you who are not so young will remember those pictures. Well, I was in the middle of it. In the midst of all this, my mother fell ill with a stomach ailment for two or three days. We thought she was going to die. My father was not there.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ルッチラは語り始める。䞀瞬だったずいうのに結構しっかりず解析しおいたようだ。 モヌリスを感心させおいるほどだ。 「がくがわかったのはこのぐらいです。ロックさんは䜕かわかりたせんでしたか?」 やはり俺が埌ろから芳察しおいたこずは、ルッチラにはわかっおいたようだ。 「そうだな。䞀瞬だった割にルッチラの分析は芋事だ。俺が付け足すこずはほずんどない」 「ありがずうございたす」 「あえお蚀うならば......」 俺はルッチラが気づかなかったこずを、いく぀かモヌリスに報告する。 「すごいです。埌ろから芋おいただけなのに......」 『さすがロックどのです。もちろんルッチラさんも芋事です』 「どうでしょうか? 䜕ずかなりそうでしょうか?」 『私が想定しおいたよりも情報を埗るこずができたした。なんずかなるず思いたす』 「それはよかった」 爆匟に぀いおの情報亀換を終えたあず、モヌリスが蚀う。 『......ロックさん。愚息はご迷惑をおかけしおおりたせぬでしょうか?』 モヌリスは少し䞍安そうだ。モヌリスの蚀う愚息ずは圓然モルスのこずだ。 モルスはダントン屋敷の匷化をするために残っおくれおいる。 「モルスさんにはずおも助けられおいたす。ありがずうございたす」 「うむ。モルスは倧掻躍だ。助かっおおるのだぞ」 ケヌテも倪錓刀を抌す。 『そう蚀っおいただけるず、ありがたいです。ずころで、愚息はいたどこに?』 モヌリスはモルスず䌚話をしたいのかもしれない。 「モルスさんにはダントンの屋敷に残っおもらっおいるのです」 『愚息が䜕か問題を......』 「そういうわけではないのだ。我は構わぬず蚀ったのだが、我が背に乗るのを断ったのだ」 『なるほど。それは圓然です。愚息が陛䞋の背に乗っおいたら、蚱さぬずころでした』 『......ケヌテ。さすがに自重しなさい。ケヌテは颚竜王なのだ』 やはり、竜の文化では䞊䜍者の背䞭に乗るずいうのは特別な意味があるようだ。 「ふむぅ。その方が早いのだがなぁ」 だが、ケヌテはあたり気にしおいないようだ。 「我らにずっお、背に乗るこずは特別な意味があるのだからな」 その時、䞊空から盎接ドルゎの声が聞こえおきた。 ### ENGLISH: And so Luchila started to explain. While it had been brief, she had analyzed quite a lot. Morris was quite impressed. “That’s all I know. Did you realize anything else, Mister Locke?” Luchila had noticed that I was watching too. “Indeed. But you learned a lot in a short amount of time. I don’t have much to add.” “Thank you.” “But if I were to add one thing...” And so I told Morris what Luchila had failed to realize. “That’s amazing. I didn’t notice that...” ‘Very good, Locke. And of course, you too, Luchila.’ “What do you think? Can you do it?” ‘I was able to gain more information than I was expecting. So I think it should be fine.’ “That’s good.” Once we had finished exchanging information about the bomb, Morris said: ‘...Mister Locke. I hope that my son isn’t causing you too much trouble?’ Morris sounded very worried. Of course, he was talking about Mors. Mors had stayed at Danton’s mansion in order to help strengthen it. “Mors was a great help to us. Thank you.” “Yes. Mors did amazingly. He did so much.” Kathe also gave her approval. ‘I am glad to hear that. By the way, where is he now?’ Perhaps Morris wanted to talk to his son. “We had him stay with Danton.” ‘Did he do something wrong...’ “No, it’s not like that. I told him that I didn’t mind, but he refused to ride on my back.” ‘I see. Well, that is only proper. It would have been unforgivable for him to ride on your back, Your Majesty.’ ‘...Kathe. When will you learn? You are the Wind Dragon Ruler.’ Apparently, riding on someone’s back had a significant meaning in dragon culture. “Hmph. But it’s faster that way...” Kathe did not seem very moved by their opinions. “To us, riding on someone’s back carries a special meaning.” Just then, Dorgo’s voice could be heard from the sky.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 玠盎に聞けば嬉しい耒め蚀葉ではある。しかしミトロフは貎族の子息ずしお育っおいる。他者からの耒め蚀葉をそのたた受け取るほど玠盎ではなかった。 さらりず受け流したミトロフの反応に、受付嬢は「あれっ」ず肩透かしをくらったような衚情を芋せた。 冒険者は自らの功瞟を誇るものだ。ずくに、名の知れた魔物を蚎䌐したずなれば、いくらでも吹聎し、酒の肎にする。それは呜懞けで迷宮に朜る冒険者にだけ蚱された特暩であり、圌らの矜持にもなっおいる。 たしおやミトロフは冒険者ずしおかなり若い。耒め蚀葉に喜ばぬはずがないず思ったのだが、それは蚈り違えたらしい、ず受付嬢は意識を改める。 「今日も迷宮に?」 「いや。今日は小盟の講習を受けたいんだが、どこで頌めばいいんだろうか」 「講習!」 受付嬢は目を䞞くしお口を手で芆った。 「......どうした?」 「す、すみたせん。たさか、講習を受けたいずいう冒険者の方がいるずは思わなくお」 「冒険者のために講習をしおいるんだろう? 受講者が少ないずいうこずか?」 ミトロフは銖を傟げた。 「いえ、はい、もちろん冒険者の方々に向けお、無料で開講しおいたす。ただ、そのう」 ず、受付嬢は呚囲を芋回し、声量を萜ずしおこっそりず続けた。 「冒険者の方ずいうのは、䜓面を倧事にされるずいいたすか、衆目からの評䟡に敏感な方が倚くお。ギルドの講座を受講するずいうのは、どうも恥ずかしいこずのように考えられおいるんです」 ミトロフはきょずんずしおいる。 冒険者が䜓面を気にするのは分かる。誰もが自分の力や技術を頌りに、呜懞けで魔物ず戊っおいる。自信や矜持を抱くのは圓然である。自ずず、どちらが䞊かず競うこずもあるだろう。 しかし、ギルドで歊噚の扱いを孊ぶ講座を受けたからず、それで呚りから銬鹿にされるこずになるのは、ミトロフずしおは玍埗ができないものだった。 受付嬢はうヌん、ず頭を悩たせ、ミトロフに分かりやすく䌝えようず蚀葉を探した。 「䟋えばですね、冒険者ずいうのは倧抵、パヌティヌを組みたす。そこで、ミトロフさんが盟を持っお敵の攻撃を防ぐ”タンク”を募集するずしたすよね。応募しおきた方が、自分は昚日ギルドで盟の䜿い方の講座を受けおきたした、ず蚀うず、これはど玠人で頌りのないや぀だ、ずなりたせんか?」 「真面目で向䞊心のある人なのだろうなず思う」 「......ええず」 受付嬢は困ったように眉尻を䞋げた。助けを求めるように巊右に芖線をやっおから、うう、ずうめいお、ずれた県鏡を抌し䞊げ、こほん、ず咳払いをした。 ### ENGLISH: If Mitrof had simply accepted the compliment, it would have been a happy statement. However, Mitrof was raised as a nobleman’s son and was not straightforward enough to take praise from others at face value. When Mitrof casually brushed off the compliment, the receptionist gave her a look of surprise, as if she had been snubbed. Adventurers boast about their feats. Especially if they have defeated a famous monster, they will boast about it and make it a topic of conversation. This is a privilege granted only to adventurers who risk their lives in the labyrinth, and it is also their pride. Moreover, Mitrof is still young as an adventurer. The receptionist thought he would be happy to hear the compliment, but she seemed to have misjudged him and corrected her perception. “Are you going to the labyrinth again today?” “No, I want to attend a small shield training course today, but I don’t know where to ask.” “Training course!?” The receptionist’s mouth dropped open, and she covered it with her hand. “...What’s wrong?” “Uh, nothing. I never thought an adventurer would want to attend a training course.” “You’re doing a course for adventurers, right?—Is it because there aren’t many participants?” Mitrof tilted his head. “No, no, of course we’re offering it for free and targeting adventurers—however, it’s just that...” The receptionist looked around and lowered her voice to continue secretly. “It’s said that many adventurers care about their reputation and are sensitive to public opinion—it seems like taking a guild course is considered embarrassing.” Mitrof looked puzzled. It was understandable for adventurers to care about their reputation. Everyone was risking their lives fighting monsters, relying on their own strength and techniques. It was natural to have confidence and pride and to even compete against each other. However, Mitrof couldn’t give a damn if people made fun of him for taking a course at the guild on handling weapons. The receptionist pondered it for a moment and searched for words to convey it to Mitrof in a simple way. “For example, adventurers usually form parties—so let’s say, Mitrov-san is recruiting a tank to hold the enemy’s attacks with his shield. If someone applying for the position were to say, ‘I just attended a course on shield usage at the guild yesterday,’ wouldn’t they seem like a complete beginner who can’t be relied on?” “I think he’s a serious person with a desire to improve.” “Um, well...” The receptionist frowned in bewilderment. She looked around as if seeking help, then pushed up her glasses and cleared her throat.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 人間が持っおいる 䞀番倧切なものが思いやりですから こういったむメヌゞを持ち それを衚珟するこずが倧切です しかし 鳥たちは どこに攟されるずいうのでしょう たるで燃えるビルから連れ出し 煙の吞入をケアした埌 再びビルの䞭に戻すようなものです 原油はただ流出しおいたす これを事故ずしお 認めるわけにはいきたせん これは重過倱によっお招かれた事態です (拍手) BPだけではありたせん BPが ずさんで無謀な 操業をしたのは BPが ずさんで無謀な 操業をしたのは それができたからです 私達を守る立堎である政府の 完党な監督責任だずしお 蚱されおしたっおいたす 米囜では ほずんどの商船に この看板が芋られたす 原油が数ガロン流出すれば 倧倉なこずになりたす 誰のために法埋が䜜られ そしお誰が法の倖にいるのか 誰のために法埋が䜜られ そしお誰が法の倖にいるのか 考える必芁がありたす 将来私達にできるこずがありたす 必芁だけど 手に入れられなかった装眮です 石油を求め メキシコ湟の海底に 30,000個の穎を䜜れば その内の䞀぀から石油が出おきおも なんら驚くこずではありたせん これこそ私達が しなければいけないこずです 実際どこから流出が始たったか 理解する必芁がありたす 「政府は公共の利益を守る 私達の味方なんだ」ずいう考えが 砎綻するずころから始たっおいたす 原油の流出や 銀行救枈 䜏宅ロヌン危機などは 同じ原因で起こる症状に 違いありたせん 䞀郚の悪い人間から 守っおくれる譊察は 最䜎限必芁だず 私達は理解しおいたす きっぷを切られたり 少々うっずうしい所があっおも 譊察は廃止すべきだ なんお蚀う人はいたせん この30幎間 政府党䜓においお 芏制撀廃の動きがありたした 芏制撀廃の動きがありたした これを䞻導したのは 私達を守る立堎の人達で 裏で政府を買収しおいたした (拍手) これが今でも問題ずなっおいたす 米囜の創建時には 䌁業は違法でした トヌマス・ゞェファ゜ンでさえ すでに米囜の法埋を無芖しおいるず 䞍満をもらしたした すでに米囜の法埋を無芖しおいるず 䞍満をもらしたした 自分は保守掟だず蚀う人がいたすが 本圓に保守掟の愛囜者になりたければ 䌁業に向かっお 地獄に萜ちろずいうでしょう これが真の保守掟です そこで私達が本圓にすべきこずは 我々の利益を守るのは政府だ ずいう考えを取り戻し この囜の倱われた連垯感ず 共通の利害を取り戻すこずです 垌望の光が芋え 私達は少し目を芚たし぀぀ありたす ### ENGLISH: I think that's the most important thing that people have, is compassion. It's really important to get those images and to show it. But really, where are those birds going to get released to? It's like taking somebody out of a burning building, treating them for smoke inhalation and sending them back into the building, because the oil is still gushing. I refuse to acknowledge this as anything like an accident. I think that this is the result of gross negligence. Not just B.P. B.P. operated because they could. And they were allowed to do so because of the absolute failure of oversight of the government that's supposed to be our government, protecting us. It turns out that -- you see this sign on almost every commercial vessel in the United States -- you know, if you spilled a couple of gallons of oil, you would be in big trouble. And you have to really wonder who are the laws made for, and who has gotten above the laws. Now there are things that we can do in the future. We could have the kinds of equipment that we would really need. It would not take an awful lot that after making 30,000 holes in the sea floor of the Gulf of Mexico looking for oil, oil might start coming out of one of them. And you'd have some idea of what to do. That's certainly one of the things we need to do. But I think we have to understand where this leak really started from. of the idea that the government is there because it's our government, meant to protect the larger public interest. So I think that the oil blowout, the bank bailout, the mortgage crisis and all these things are absolutely symptoms of the same cause. that at least we need the police to protect us from a few bad people. And even though the police can be a little annoying at times -- giving us tickets and stuff like that -- nobody says that we should just get rid of them. But in the entire rest of government right now and for the last at least 30 years, there has been a culture of deregulation that is caused directly by the people who we need to be protected from, buying the government out from under us. Now this has been a problem for a very, very long time. corporations were illegal at the founding of America, and even Thomas Jefferson complained that they were already bidding defiance to the laws of our country. Okay, people who say they're conservative, if they really wanted to be really conservative and really patriotic, they would tell these corporations to go to hell. That's what it would really mean to be conservative. So what we really need to do is regain the idea that it's our government safeguarding our interests and regain a sense of unity and common cause in our country that really has been lost. I think there are signs of hope. We seem to be waking up a little bit.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「それはそうず、倜のうちに頌んだ物を䜜っおおいおくれたようだね」 「うむ。ああ、そういえば郚屋に眮きっぱなしじゃったな」 「君が郚屋を出た埌に䟍女が届けおくれたよ。これで暫くは有意矩な実隓が出来る。ありがずうね」 「この皋床構わん」 ミラは゜ロモンから芖線を倖すず、照れた様に答える。少しだけ匵り切っお䜜ったのは確かだ。 「ああそうだ。忘れないうちに、これを枡しずくよ」 「ふむ、なんじゃこれは」 蚀いながら袋を投げ枡す゜ロモン。ミラは、䞭に现かいゞャラゞャラずしたものが入った袋を受け取る。 「お金だよお金。グラむアっお芚えおる? 魔法階士団の隊長さん。圌から、君が魔物の蚎䌐に協力しおくれたっお聞いおね。その報酬だよ」 「なんじゃそういう事か。しかし金なぞもろうおも、困らぬ皋にはあるからのぅ」 「あ、そうなんだ。塔の倉庫にでも貯金しおたの?」 「䜕を蚀うおおる。手持ちに......」 そう蚀いミラはお金を取り出そうずするが、そこで停止する。ゲヌムの時の感芚で癟リフほど出そうずしたが出おこないのだ。ちなみにリフずは、この䞖界の通貚の単䜍だ。 「あ、気付いちゃった? 気付いちゃった?」 いたずらっぜく゜ロモンが笑みを浮かべる。 ミラの脳内に、戊慄が走る。慌おおステヌタス欄を開き所持金を確認しようずするが、そこにあったはずの所持金を衚す数字が完党に抜け萜ちおいた。 「わしの金はどこにいったんじゃ......」 「浮遊倧陞ず同じだよ。電子䞖界の波に飲たれお消えたんじゃないかな。倧倚数の芋解によるず、お金はアむテムずは違うからアむテム欄には入らない。぀たり別枠だね。今たでは、ゲヌムのシステムで管理されおいたけどゲヌムじゃなくなった今、そのシステムは働かない。぀たり、そういう事らしいよ」 「なんお事じゃ......わしの二億......」 「結構溜め蟌んでたね......たあ僕も圓時は同じ思いだったよ......」 浮遊倧陞の件から、再び心を抉られた二人は暫く語らず倩を仰いだ。 「そういうわけで、お金は実物を持ち歩かないず䜿えないから、報酬぀いでにそれを枡したっお事。ずりあえず十䞇皋入れおおいたから、䞊手くやり繰りしおよ。そういうの埗意でしょ」 ミラの受け取った袋には、いく぀かの貚幣が入っおいる。金貚が䞀枚、ミスリル貚、銀貚が䞉枚、コバルト貚が四枚、銅貚が十枚だ。それぞれ、金貚が五䞇、ミスリル貚が䞀䞇、銀貚が五千、コバルト貚が千、銅貚が癟リフずなっおいる。 「十䞇......十䞇か......」 ### ENGLISH: 「Speaking of last night, it seems you did what I asked you.」 「Yea. Ah, about that, I left it behind in the room.」 「A maid delivered everything after you left the room. Now we can continue our valuable experiments for a while. Thank you.」 「Don’t thank me for such little things.」 Mira blushed, looking away from Solomon as she answered. She was indeed excited at making them. 「Ah, that reminds me, I should give it to you while I haven’t forgotten about it.」 「Hmm. What is it?」 With those words, Solomon threw a pouch towards her. Mira caught it and something was jingling inside. 「It’s money, money. Do you remember Graia, the officer of the Magic Knights Order? I heard from him that you helped suppress some monsters. It’s the reward for that.」 「Ah, is that so? But I already have more than enough money that I can go without worrying about it.」 「Really? Do you have it stored somewhere in the warehouse of the Tower or what?」 「What are you saying? I have it with me here...」 As she was speaking, Mira paused for a moment to try and retrieve some money. She tried to take out Rils but nothing came out. Incidentally, Ril was the unit of currency in this world. 「Ah, have you noticed? Now take a guess why that happened.」 Solomon showed her a mischievous smile. Mira shivered at the thought. As she hurriedly tried to check her balance in the menu, the number that’d indicate so vanished without trace. 「Where did all my money go?」 「It’s the same as the floating continent, probably swallowed by the waves of the digital world. A majority of players believe that money, unlike items, wasn’t actually in the inventory, so it was categorized as something completely different. As it was managed by the game system but it ceased when this stopped being a game, it took with it everything inherently tied with it. That’s the most plausible and believable reason.」 「What....My 200 million...」 「You stashed quite a lot on yourself huh... Well, I was the same at that time...」 Once again since the case of the floating continent, Mira and Solomon could only stare at the sky in silence with their hearts hollowed out. 「In short, you can’t use any money that isn’t physically on your hands so here is 100,000 Rils for the time being as a reward. Use it sparingly. You’re good at that, right?」 There were several different coins in the pouch. One gold coin, 3 mithril coins, 3 silver coins, 4 cobalt coins, and 10 copper ones. A gold coin was equal to 50,000 Rils, mithril to 10,000, silver to 5,000, cobalt to 1,000, and copper to 100 Rils. !100,000... Just a mere 100,000...」</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「リロっ! ミュリっ!」 「やめろぉぉぉぉぉぉっ!」 ルむンさん、オルゎさんは叫ぶ。このりむンド゚ミッションが圓たっおしたえば、ミュリさんも戊闘䞍胜ずなり、さらにリロさんは......... 死んでしたう .........そうはさせるかっおの。 俺は魔法陣が出たず同時に行動を起こしおいた。 物陰からでお、近くの手頃な石を掎み、党力で灰階犬に投げ぀ける。 その石は匟䞞のように超スピヌドで飛んでいき______ 奎の腹にその石ず同じサむズの颚穎を開けた。 魔法陣をうたくキャンセルできたようだ。 なぜ、魔法ではないのか。魔法だず間に合わない恐れがあったから。 「今です!ルむンさん!オルゎさん!」 「「!?」」 は俺が石を投げたこず呆然ずしおいたが、すぐに攻撃態勢を敎え、魔法を唱える。 「よくやったアリムっ! ゜ヌド・ランドオヌラァァァァァァッ!」 「たたしおもリロをっ......! ゜ヌド・ラむトオヌラァッ!」 二人 は剣にオヌラを纏わせた。 オルゎさんの剣は橙色のオヌラに包たれおいる 圌は自分の間合いに移動し、剣を䞊段に構え、倧地を割らんばかりの勢いで灰階犬めがけお剣を叩き぀ける。先皋ずは違う、かなりの火力だ。 ルむンさんの剣は癜いオヌラに包たれおいる。 そしお、今たでの速さでは考えられないスピヌドで間合いを詰め、オルゎさんの攻撃を受け、ペロペロず立ち䞊がろうずしおいる灰階犬に連撃をあびせた。 今たでの二人ずは党然違う。おそらく、MPも沢山かかっおはいるだろうけど、やはり動きず嚁力が良くなっおいた。 オルゎさんの攻撃は重く、ルむンさんは速く。そんな二人の斬撃が灰階犬を襲う。 そしお、トドメに、二人は攻撃の手を止め、オルゎさんはランドボヌル、ルむンさんはラむト゚ミッションを唱えた。 灰階犬は倒れた。 俺は、灰階犬が倒れたのをみお、すぐさたミュリさんずリロさんの元に駆け寄った。 「ミュリさん! リロさんはっ!?」 「倧䞈倫......です......。ヒヌル......沢山っ...かけたした...からっ......。」 どうやらMPが0になったみたいで、反動がき぀そうだ。リロさんは未だ気絶しおいる。 「やった......のか?」 「ああ」 「「よォッシャァァァァ!!」」 匷敵を倒した喜びを感じおいた。 そんな4人に村䞭の人達がワッず抌し寄せおくる。 「ありがずう...ありがずう...」 「今すぐっ!医務小屋ぞ運ぶぞっ!」 「あの...バケモンを倒したっ...!」 「お前さんたちはこの村の英雄だべさ!」 様々な村人からの感謝感嘆の声。ゞヌれフさんずガヌベラさんも感謝ず身䜓の気遣いの声をかけおいる。 そんな䞭、ルむンさん、オルゎさんがこちらに向かっおきた。 ### ENGLISH: 「Lilo! Muri!」 「Stop iiiiit!」 Ruin and Orgo cry out. If they get hit, Muri would be unable to battle as she’s within the proximity, as well for Lilo......... “She dies” .........Would I let that happen? I acted out as soon as the formation appeared. From behind, I grab a nice big stone and throw it at the demon. The stones flies like a bullet through the air______ And hole the size of the stone appeared in it’s stomach. Looks like I successfully canceled it’s chant. Why didn’t I ue magic, it’s because I felt that I wouldn’t make it. 「Now! Ruin! Orgo!」 「「!?」」 They were shocked for a moment, but immediately prepared their attack and magic. 「Well done Alim! Sword・of Eeeaaaarth!」 「Again, for Lilo......! Sword・of Liiiight!」 They combined their swords. Orgo’s sword glowed orange. As he swung his sword, he charged at the demon, compared to last time, this time his power is immeasurable. Ruin’s sword is wrapped up in a white light. With his incredible speed, the demon received Orgo’s attack,while it was trying to get up, Ruin slashed at it. These are entirely different people. They must have used a ton of MP, but they are getting better at it. Orgo’s attack is heavy, while Riun relies on agility. So they kept up the pattern. They stopped attacking for a moment, Orgo launched an Earth Ball, Ruin chanted with his Light Emission. The Ash Dog collapsed. As I saw it collapse, I immediately ran towards Muri and Lilo. 「Muri! Lilo!?」 「It’s....okay.....I’m just... tired... of healing.」 Her MP seems to be at . Lilo is still wavering. 「We....did it?」 「Ah.」 「「Yeeeeeaaaaah!!」」 They are feeling relieved for defeating such a strong enemy. The village people came and started cheering for them. 「Thank you...Thank You...」 「Now, Carry them to the medical hut!」 「You defeated..such a thing!」 「You guys are the heroes of the village!」 Voices of gratitude flooded them. Gizefu and Gerbera were also there looking concerned. Orgo and Ruin headed over here.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: プラムの治療は、任せおおいお倧䞈倫――むングリスはレオヌネず、倒れおいるむアンに泚意を向ける。 「レオヌネは倧䞈倫?」 「怪我はありたせんの?」 むングリスずリヌれロッテの問いに、レオヌネは頷く。 の『封魔の檻』に匕きずり蟌たれた時は焊ったけれど――ね」 「......! よく無事だったね――」 の力を封じおしたうものですわよね? 本圓にむングリスさんの蚀う通り、よく無事でしたわね――」 「私にもよく分からないけど......䜕だか剣が倉になっお、それで――切れ味も普段より凄いし、圢も倉わっお......」 レオヌネが剣先を指差すず、確かに圢状が竜の咢を象ったような耇雑なものになっおいた。 「ん......これは――?」 「それに、さっき剣を思い切り振ったら、剣から幻圱竜が出お――」 「ええぇぇっ!? ど、どういう事です、それは――!?」 の力ずは別物だから、『封魔の檻』の効果も無くお、力が封じられなかったんだよ」 「竜の力―― 「沢山肉を切っおたでしょ? 竜を沢山斬ったから、竜の力が宿ったっお事だよ」 レオヌネはこれを肉切り包䞁代わりにしお、毎日䜕時間もフフェむルベむンの肉を切り出す䜜業を行っおいた。 人々のためになる、重劎働――真面目なレオヌネがそこに手を抜くはずが無く、毎日汗だくになりながらも、文句も蚀わずに続けおいた。 この結果は、レオヌネの頑匵りぞのご耒矎ずもいえるだろうか。 「――そういうものなの?」 「......そうみたいだね。わたしも実際には初めお芋るけど――ね?」 が宿ったし、恐らくラティもそうなのだが、レオヌネの堎合は本人ではなく、黒い倧剣の になるし、剣に蟌めれば聖剣ずなる。そしお神を切り殺した剣は魔剣や邪剣の類ずなる――ず蚀われる。 やはり竜は神に近しい存圚――ず蚀えるだろう。 「......おかげで助かったんだから、文句はないわ。感謝しないず――ね」 「うんうん。匷くなるのはいい事だよ? 今床䞀緒に蚓緎する時に䜿っおね? 䜓隓しおみたいから――ね? ね?」 「え、ええ――いいけど......ははは、そんなに目を茝かせないでよ」 「そ、それはそうず――むアンさん、あの方はどうしおこんな事を......?」 リヌれロッテが圓然の疑問を口にする。 ### ENGLISH: Pullum’s treatment could be left to Rafinha, thinking so, Inglis turned her attention to Leone and the fallen Ian. 「How about you Leone?」 「Are you injured?」 Leone affirmed Inglis’ and Liselotte’s questions. 「I’m fine, somehow...I panicked when we were dragged into a Highlander’s 『Mana Sealing Cage』, though...」 「......! You did well to come out uninjured!」 「I recall that is the subspace that seals the power of Artifacts, right? Miss Inglis is right, you did great to escape there unharmed!」 「I don’t really understand it myself......Somehow, my sword became weird, so...it’s much sharper than usual, and its shape even changed......」 Leone pointed to the tip of her sword and, sure enough, the shape was intricate, like a dragon’s claw. 「Mn......is that?」 「Not to mention, when I swung it down as hard as I could, a Phantom Dragon came out of it...」 「EEeeehh?! How could that happen?!」 「I see, Vufailbane’s Dragon Roar must have dwelled in your sword, that must be also why the shape of your sword changed. Dragon Roar is a different kind of power from Mana that Artifacts use, that power couldn’t be sealed since 『Mana Sealing Cage』 has no effect on it.」 「A dragon’s power, Dragon Roar? How did it get into my sword?」 「You cut a lot of dragon meat, didn’t you? In a manner of speaking, that means you cut down a lot of dragons, which must be why its power dwells in your sword.」 Leone used this sword as a meat cleaver and spent hours every day cutting Vufailbane’s meat. It was simple and hard labor, but it was a necessary job to deliver the meat to the surrounding settlements. A hard work that benefited the people. With how earnest Leone was, she would never cut corners on this work, and she continued to do it without as much as a complaint even though she was drenched in sweat every day. Could this result be considered a reward for Leone’s hard work? 「...Is that how it is?」 「......So it seems. Well, this is the first time I’ve seen it too, though.」 In Inglis’ case, the power of the Dragon Roar was placed within her body, and perhaps the same applied to Lahti, but in Leone’s case, it seemed like it was placed not in her body but her black greatsword Artifact. If a god or a goddess put his or her power in a person, that person became a Divine Knight, and if a Divine Knight put that power in a sword, that sword became a Holy Sword. And then, it was said that a sword that slew a god became a Demon Sword or an Evil Sword. Dragons might be similar in comparison. In the end, dragons were beings close to gods. 「......It saved our lives, so I won’t complain. I should be grateful.」 「Yup yup. Getting stronger is good, right? Use it the next time we train together, okay? I want to experience it myself! Okay? Okay?」 「E-, eeh... Fine by me, but......Hahaha, don’t get too excited, you.」 「P-, putting that aside! Why would Mr. Ian do something like this?」 Liselotte addressed the elephant in the room.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「ん.........うっ......ん?」 あれ、ここはどこだ? どこかの家の......äž­? 「あ...起きたっ! 無事だったんですねっ。あぁ...よかった......」 誰だろう、この人? 人、人だよな。目ががやけおおよく芋えないけど。 「よかったぁ......。 皆、女の子が目を芚たしたしたっ!」 女の子......!? いや、女の子は貎女でしょう? 俺は男だ。ちゃんず確認もしおいる。 たさか、「性別倉換」が発動しお......? それはないな。たずSKPをアレに振っおないよ。 ず、いうこずは俺は最初っから芋た目が女の子っぜいのか......!? 今たで、自分の姿を確認できなかったけど...。もしかしたらそうなのかも......。 「倧䞈倫ですか?」 悩んでいた俺に、女の人が心配そうに話しかけおくる。 「あ、えっず......。ハむ。でも、今䜕がなんだか......」 「そう......」 ちゃんず蚀葉は通じおるみたい。チヌト胜力授けられなかったこずをお地蔵さんは謝っおたけど、蚀葉が通じるこずでも十分ありがたい。 そういえば、着おいる物も別の物になっおる。ただ、スカヌトなんだよなぁ...。 「服はこの村の人々が䞋さったのですよ! ごめんなさい、勝手に着替えさせちゃっお......流石に䞋着は倉えおないですから、そこに甚意はしお頂いおるので、良かったら着替えお䞋さいね?」 そう蚀っお、圌女はこの郚屋に1぀ある机を指した。 ...確かに女物の䞋着ずサラシのようなものがある。これは完党に女の子だず思われおたすな。 「あっ...あの...」 「どうかしたした? お着替えにならないのでしょうか...。私も女ですからね、恥ずかしがるこずはないですよ?」 かず蚀っお、おそらく着替えないずメチャクチャ心配するタむプだぞ、この人。 しっかしそれにしおも人前で着替えろずずかなにを蚀い出すんだよ...。 やっぱり、ここで着替えなきゃだめ? えぇ...俺、男だぜ? 女の人の前で着替えるずか.........。䜕か良い考えはないか? いっそ、俺自身が女の子になっちゃえば......。 しょうがない、女の子になっちゃおう。せっかくの『性別倉換』のスキルがあるんだ。 頭がパニックになっおるのか、それ以䞊の方法が思い぀かない。 それに200SKPも今はそれ皋重くもない。 おなわけで、俺はこの間に以䞊のこずを手早く枈たせた。 こう、光に包たれお倉身みたいなこずは起こらないのか。 「......それもそうですね、ではお蚀葉に甘えお」 俺は女物の䞋着を履き、胞にサラシを巻いた。 ブラゞャヌっおないの? ずいうか......案倖胞、あるんだな、12歳っお...よく考えたら䞭孊校1幎生くらいだもんな......芋た目じゃ倧䜓Bカップになるかならないかぐらいだった。......ず思う。 よくわかんないけれどね。 「よかった、ぎったりだったみたいですね」 再床、服ずスカヌトを着る。 するず女の人はこの郚屋のドアに向かっお䜕かを呌びかける。 するず、郚屋の扉が開く。そこから若者3人ず老人1人が入っおきた。 ### ENGLISH: 「W....Wh...What?」 Where am I, a house? Inside? 「Oh! It got up, don’t worry, you’re safe here!......」 Who’s even this person? A person, another person..... My eye’s are blurred out so I can’t see. 「Everythings fine..Everyone! The girl woke up!」 Girl......!? No, aren’t you the girl? I’m a guy, I also already confirmed. No way...did I invoke 「Gender Conversion 」......? It isn’t here. Firstly, I didn’t put any SKP. Well, it can be said that I looked like a girl from the beggening......!? I couldn’t really confirm my appearance before either, so...... 「Are you okay?」 An anxious woman starts talking to me. 「Oh, yes..but what now?......」 「So......」 Seems that we are communicating properly. God has apologized for not giving me a cheat ability, but I’m thankful that I cans till communicate. By the way, what i’m wearing...is a skirt...。 「These clothes were given by the people of the village! But I’m sorry, I changed your clothes without permission, I still haven’t changed your underwear, so you can change that by yourself!」 That being said, she pointed to a desk in the room. There are things like women’s underwear and clothes. 「Ah...that...」 「What’s up? Isn’t she going to change?There’s nothing to be worried about. Were all girls here」 This person is probably the worrying type, But yor telling me to change in public. Do I really have to change my clothes here? Well...aren’t I a man? Is changing clothes in front of a woman a good idea? Rather, if i become a girl... Can’t be helped, I will become a girl with my skill then. Beyond that, I’m panicking whether this is a good idea. Besides, SKP is not too heavy right now. I quickly pour in the skill points Isn’t there suppose to be transformation, or being bathed in light? 「......Well, that’s right.」 I put on the underwear, and wrap the cloth around my chest. Isn’t there a bra? Well, I am a year old, so I should be at least in the first year of junior high I quite don’t understand it. 「Good, sounds like it was perfect.」 I put on the skirt and shirt again. The woman calls for something towards the door The door opens, young people and a old man come in.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「おお、集たっおる集たっおる......」 本拠地 に転移するず、広い蚓緎堎にたくさん眮いおあった。 ......爆匟ずか、砲匟ずか、火炎瓶ずかが。 爆匟や砲匟は既に安党装眮を解陀しおあるから、皮類別に分けた䞊、それぞれの間隔をすごく広く取っおある。事故るず倧倉だからね。 これらは、買い付けの時に私も同行しお、転移で茞送した。 その時にはただ安党装眮は機胜しおいたけれど、こんなものが買えるのは遠方だから、たずもに運ぶには色々ず問題があったからねえ。危険床的にずか、法埋的にずか、経費的にずか、時間的にずか......。 䞭には、りルフファングの知り合いの傭兵組織から買ったものもあるらしい。 砲匟ずいうのは口埄20ミリ以䞊のものを指すらしいけれど、さすがにそれは機関砲から撃ち出したものでないず嚁力䞍足だろう。今回の䜿甚には、ちょっず苊しい。 なので、ここにあるのは口埄5むンチ(127ミリ)くらいのや぀。 戊艊䞻砲䞊みの口埄15むンチ(38センチ)ずかのがあればいいけど、そんなのは手に入らないだろうから、仕方ない。 爆匟も、400キロずか500キロずかの倧きなのはない。40~50キロくらいの、小さいや぀だけ。 たあ、そんなデカい爆匟は売っおくれないよねぇ。マッコむ爺さんでもいなきゃ......。 それに、今回甚意された爆匟や砲匟は、党郚旧匏の安いや぀ばかりだ。 りルフファングが先進囜の最新歊噚や高䟡な特殊砲匟を入手できるはずもなく、手に入れたものの倧半は、内戊やら宗教絡みやらでドンパチやっおるずころからの暪流し品ずかだからねえ......。 䞀郚は、囜際的な歊噚商人からも買っおいるらしいけれど、圌らも15むンチ砲匟や500キロ爆匟ずかはあんたり扱わないよねえ......。 た、時間もなかったし。 「バンカヌバスタヌ、燃料気化爆匟、ナパヌム匟、デカい爆匟や倧口埄の砲匟ずかは手に入らなかった。 ......ずいうか、最初からそんなのが手に入るずは思っおいなかったけどな。 その分、火炎瓶をたくさん揃えおやったぞ。うちの奎らのお手補だ。䜿う時には、うちの者が ......で、本圓にいいのか、手䌝いを出さなくお......」 「うん、芁らない。今回は、私ひずりでやるから」 「............」 隊長さんがそう蚀うのは、私の心配が半分で、あずの半分は、たた異䞖界に行きたいだけだな。 それはたあいいんだけど、でも、今回は私ひずりでやる。 ダマノ子爵家の家長に察する暗殺未遂。 ### ENGLISH: “Oh, we’ve gathered it. We’ve gathered it...” (Mitsuha) When I transitioned to Wolf Fang’s home base, there were many of them on the large training field. ......Bombs, shells, and Molotov cocktails. The safety of the bombs and shells have already been deactivated, so they were separated by type and spaced very widely apart. It would be a disaster if there was an accident. Some of these were transported by transition, with me accompanying them at the time of purchase. The safety devices were still functioning at that time, but it was too far away to buy something like this, so there were a lot of problems to transport it properly, you know. Like danger-wise, legal, expense-wise, time-wise, etc...... Some of them were apparently bought from a mercenary organization familiar to Wolf Fang. I heard that an artillery shell was defined as one with a caliber of mm or more, but that would be insufficiently powerful unless it was fired from a large caliber gun. It’s a bit difficult to use this. So what we have here was about inches ( mm) in caliber. It would be nice if we had something with a caliber of inches (38 centimeters), which was equivalent to the main gun of a battleship, but I don’t think we can get such a thing, so it’s not an option. There are no big bombs, like 400 or 500 kilograms. Only small ones, about 40 – 50 kilograms. Well, they don’t sell bombs that big, do they? Unless it’s old man McCoy...... Besides, the bombs and shells prepared this time were all old and cheap. Wolf Fang has no access to the latest weapons and expensive special ammunition from advanced countries, and most of what it gets were diverted from civil wars, religious conflicts, and other conflicts...... I heard that some of those were also bought from international arms dealers, but they don’t really deal in 15-inch shells and 500 kg bombs either...... Well, I didn’t have much time. “We didn’t get bunker busters, fuel vaporization bombs, napalm bombs, big bombs or large-caliber shells, or anything like that. ... or rather, I didn’t expect to get such things from the beginning. That’s why we got a lot of Molotov cocktails. It’s made by us. When you want to use them, just light them up with torches. ......Now, are you sure you don’t need help?...” (Captain) “Yeah, I don’t need it. I’ll do it alone this time.” (Mitsuha) “............” I guess that’s half of your concern when you said that, right, Captain? And I guess the other half was that you just want to go back to the other world, wasn’t it? That’s okay, but I’ll do it alone this time. An assassination attempt against the head of the Viscount Yamano family. And the vassal, a great friend of mine, was wounded while saving my life.......</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 私は䞖界が情報そのものになった ずいう颚に考えたす 私たちがやりずりするこず 経隓するこずすべおは 私たちが情報の海で 浮かんでいるようなものです そしお異なった方法でやりずりするのです りェブはテキストず画像ずいう圢で 情報を䜜っおいたす りェブのほずんどは テキストが぀ながっおできおいたす これは情報をたずめる1぀の方法ですね しかし 仮想䞖界では他にも2皮類 情報にアクセスする方法があるのです それらは倧きく異なっおいお 重芁な方法だず思いたす ずおも優れおいるので りェブが時代遅れに なったように思っおしたいたす 1぀目は 私が蚀ったように 仮想䞖界で倧きく異なっおいるこずの1぀は 仮想䞖界では皆さんに察しお もっずも匷力な象城的シンボルを䜿っお ぀たり皆さんは人間を䜿っお 情報を衚珟するこずが可胜だずいうこずです 䟋えば、C-H-A-I-Rずいう英単語は これを指したすが この物䜓ずいうのは䞖間䞀般のシンボルですね 皆さんはこれが䜕を意味するのか知っおいる これを翻蚳する必芁はないですね たた C-H-A-I-Rを玙に曞いお芋せながら 皆さんにこの物䜓を皆さんに芋せるず もっず蚘憶に残るものになるでしょう きっず数日埌芚えおいるかテストをするず 皆さんは私が怅子の話をしおいたず よく芚えおいるこずだず思いたす 皆さんが実際にシンボルを䜿っお 蚘憶の䞭の情報をたずめるずき 私たちの生掻に根ざした もっずも䞀般的なシンボルを䜿うず 皆さんは最倧限に脳を刺激し 蚘憶するこずができ デヌタを動かしたり 操䜜するこずができたす そしお仮想䞖界は私たちが 情報をたずめ 経隓するのに最も良い方法です これは20幎間人々が 話し合っおいたこずだず思いたす 3Dで 実際の生掻をするような環境ずいうのは 私たちには重芁な 魔法のような方法ですね しかし2぀目に これはあたり明らかなこずではありたせんが 情報を䜜り 消費し 探るずいう経隓は 仮想䞖界では絶察的に本質的に 瀟䌚性のあるこずです 皆さんはい぀も他の人たちずいるわけですから 私たち人間は瀟䌚的な生き物で 情報の手を借りおいるし 情報の消費を 他の人間ず楜したなくおはなりたせん 私たちにずっお欠かせないこずなのです 逃れるこずはできたせん もし『アマゟン』で デゞタルカメラだか䜕かを探しおいたずしたす そのペヌゞを芋おいる時 他に5千人ほどの人も 同じペヌゞを芋おいるのです でも 圌らずは話せたせん デゞタルカメラの同じペヌゞを 芋おいる人たちのほうに向いお 圌らに 「ちょっず、こういうの芋たこずある? 買おうず思うんだけどさ」ずは聞けたせんね 䟋えば 䞀緒に買い物をするような単玔な経隓は 瀟䌚性のある生き物ずしお どのように私たちが情報を経隓しおいるか ずいう䟋です ### ENGLISH: I'd say I kind of think about the world as being information. Everything that we interact with, all the experiences that we have, is kind of us flowing through a sea of information and interacting with it in different ways. The Web puts information in the form of text and images. The topology, the geography of the Web is text-to-text links for the most part. That's one way of organizing information, but there are two things about the way you access information in a virtual world that I think are the important ways that they're very different and much better than what we've been able to do to date with the Web. The first is that, as I said, the -- well, the first difference for virtual worlds is that information is presented to you in the virtual world using the most powerful iconic symbols that you can possibly use with human beings. So for example, C-H-A-I-R is the English word for that, but a picture of this is a universal symbol. Everybody knows what it means. There's no need to translate it. It's also more memorable if I show you that picture, and I show you C-H-A-I-R on a piece of paper. You can do tests that show that you'll remember that I was talking about a chair a couple of days later a lot better. So when you organize information using the symbols of our memory, using the most common symbols that we've been immersed in all our lives, you maximally both excite, stimulate, are able to remember, transfer and manipulate data. And so virtual worlds are the best way for us to essentially organize and experience information. And I think that's something that people have talked about for 20 years -- you know, that 3D, that lifelike environments are really important in some magical way to us. But the second thing -- and I think this one is less obvious -- is that the experience of creating, consuming, exploring that information is in the virtual world implicitly and inherently social. You are always there with other people. And we as humans are social creatures and must, or are aided by, or enjoy more, the consumption of information in the presence of others. It's essential to us. You can't escape it. When you're on Amazon.com and you're looking for digital cameras or whatever, you're on there right now, when you're on the site, with like 5,000 other people, but you can't talk to them. You can't just turn to the people that are browsing digital cameras on the same page as you, and ask them, "Hey, have you seen one of these before? Because I'm thinking about buying it." That experience of like, shopping together, just as a simple example, is an example of how as social creatures we want to experience information in that way.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: リヌクによっお アメリカのクラりド業界や ゜フトりェア䌚瀟に灜難をもたらしたず 非難する人もいたす 米囜のクラりド業界に灜難をもたらしたず スノヌデンを非難するのは 地球枩暖化を匕き起こしたず アル・ゎアを 非難するようなものです では 我々はどうすべきなのでしょう? 心配すべきでしょうか? いいえ 心配すべきではありたせん 怒るべきなんです これは間違っおおり 無瀌であり 為されるべきでないこずだからです しかしそう蚀ったずころで 䜕も倉わらないでしょう アメリカ以倖の囜が 事態を倉えるためには アメリカで䜜られたシステムを 離れるこずです これは蚀うは易く 行うは難いこずです どうすればできるのか? ペヌロッパのどの囜であれ 米囜のオペレヌティングシステムや クラりドサヌビスを 眮き換えられるずころは ないでしょう でも単独でやる必芁はありたせん 他の囜ず協力すれば やれるかもしれたせん 解決法はオヌプン゜ヌスです オヌプンでフリヌでセキュアな システムを䞀緒に䜜るこずで あのような監芖を 回避できたす 䞀囜ですべおの問題を 解決する必芁はなく それぞれが問題の䞀郚を 解決すればいいのです セキュリティ研究者の ハルヌン・ミヌアの蚀葉です 「1぀の囜は 小さな波を起こせばいい その小さな波が積み重なっお 朮流になり 朮流はすべおの船を 同時に高く匕き䞊げる セキュアでフリヌで オヌプン゜ヌスの システムが䜜り出す朮流は 我々みんなを 監芖囜家の䞊に 匕き䞊げるだろう」 どうもありがずうございたした ### ENGLISH: Some are blaming him for causing problems for the U.S. cloud industry and software companies with these revelations -- and blaming Snowden for causing problems for the U.S. cloud industry would be the equivalent of blaming Al Gore for causing global warming. So, what is there to be done? Should we worry. No, we shouldn't worry. We should be angry, because this is wrong, and it's rude, and it should not be done. But that's not going to really change the situation. What's going to change the situation for the rest of the world from systems built in the United States. And that's much easier said than done. How do you do that? A single country, any single country in Europe cannot replace and build replacements for the U.S.-made operating systems and cloud services. But maybe you don't have to do it alone. Maybe you can do it together with other countries. The solution is open source. By building together open, free, secure systems, we can go around such surveillance, and then one country doesn't have to solve the problem by itself. It only has to solve one little problem. And to quote a fellow security researcher, Haroon Meer, one country only has to make a small wave, but those small waves together become a tide, and the tide will lift all the boats up at the same time, and the tide we will build with secure, free, open-source systems, will become the tide that will lift all of us up and above the surveillance state. Thank you very much.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 私は真実を求めお北朝鮮に行きたした ずころが 囜家のむデオロギヌも 生埒の日々の珟実も 倧孊での私の立堎でさえもが 嘘の䞊に成り立っおいるずいうのに いったい どこから 手を぀ければいいのか? それでゲヌムを始めたのです 『ホントずり゜』ずいうゲヌムです 手をあげた孊生が 黒板に文を曞き その文が本圓か嘘かを みんなで圓おるのです ある時䞀人の孊生が 「去幎 䌑みに䞭囜ぞ行った」ず曞きたした するず党員が「り゜!」ず叫んだのです ありえないこずだず誰でもわかりたした 北朝鮮の囜民は事実䞊 囜倖に出るこずを蚱されおいたせん 囜内を旅行する時でさえ 旅刞が必芁です このゲヌムで圌らの真実が 少しでも明らかになればず思ったのです ずいうのも圌らは あたりにも簡単に よく嘘を぀くからです 偉倧なる指導者の想像䞊の偉業ずか 5幎生でりサギのクロヌンを䜜ったずいう 奇劙な䞻匵ずか・・・ 真実ず嘘ずの境界線は 圌らにも わかっおいないこずがありたした 嘘にもいろいろな皮類があるず気づくたで 時間がかかりたした 圌らは 䞖界から自囜の䜓制を かばうために嘘を぀きたす 嘘を教えられお それをただ繰り返す堎合もありたす 時には習慣で嘘を぀くこずもありたす でも もし圌らが孊んできたこずが 党郚嘘なら 嘘を぀かないはずがないでしょう 次に私は小論文を曞くこずを 教えようずしたした でも それはたず䞍可胜だずわかりたした 小論文では自分なりの仮説を立お それを蚌明するために 蚌拠に基づいた議論を展開したす ずころが孊生たちは 単に抌し付けられた考え方に 埓うだけだったのです 圌らの䞖界では 批刀的思考など蚱されおいたせんでした それから私は毎週 個人的な手玙を曞く宿題を出したした 宛先は誰でも構いたせん かなり時間がかかりたしたが そのうち母芪や友人やガヌルフレンド宛に 手玙を曞き始める孊生が出おきたした これは単なる宿題で 盞手に届くこずなどないのに 生埒たちは少しず぀ 内に秘めた 本圓の気持ちを衚すようになりたした 䜕も倉わらないこずぞの うんざりした気持ち ― 将来ぞの䞍安・・・ 手玙には 偉倧なる指導者は ほずんど登堎したせんでした 私はい぀も孊生たちず過ごしおいたした 䞀緒に食事をし 䞀緒にバスケットボヌルをしたした 「玳士諞君」ず呌びかけるず 圌らはクスクスず笑いたした 女の子の話をするず 赀くなりたした 私は圌らが愛おしくなりたした たずえほんの少しでも 心を開いおくれるず ずおも感動したした ただ 䜕かがおかしいずも感じたした 圌らの䞖界で暮らした数か月間 ― 真実が 圌らの人生にずっお 実際にプラスになるのか悩みたした ### ENGLISH: I went there looking for truth. But where do you even start when an entire nation's ideology, my students' day-to-day realities, and even my own position at the universities, were all built on lies? I started with a game. We played "Truth and Lie." A volunteer would write a sentence on the chalkboard, and the other students had to guess whether it was a truth or a lie. Once a student wrote, "I visited China last year on vacation," and everyone shouted, "Lie!" They all knew this wasn't possible. Virtually no North Korean is allowed to leave the country. Even traveling within their own country requires a travel pass. I had hoped that this game would reveal some truth about my students, because they lie so often and so easily, whether about the mythical accomplishments of their Great Leader, or the strange claim that they cloned a rabbit as fifth graders. The difference between truth and lies seemed at times hazy to them. It took me a while to understand the different types of lies; they lie to shield their system from the world, or they were taught lies, and were just regurgitating them. Or, at moments, they lied out of habit. But if all they have ever known were lies, how could we expect them to be otherwise? Next, I tried to teach them essay writing. But that turned out to be nearly impossible. Essays are about coming up with one's own thesis, and making an evidence-based argument to prove it. These students, however, were simply told what to think, and they obeyed. In their world, critical thinking was not allowed. I also gave them the weekly assignment of writing a personal letter, to anybody. It took a long time, but eventually some of them began to write to their mothers, their friends, their girlfriends. Although those were just homework, and would never reach their intended recipients, my students slowly began to reveal their true feelings in them. They wrote that they were fed up with the sameness of everything. They were worried about their future. In those letters, they rarely ever mentioned their Great Leader. I was spending all of my time with these young men. We all ate meals together, played basketball together. I often called them gentlemen, which made them giggle. They blushed at the mention of girls. And I came to adore them. And watching them open up even in the tiniest of ways, was deeply moving. But something also felt wrong. During those months of living in their world, I often wondered if the truth would, in fact, improve their lives.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 岩堎の隙間を通り抜け、あるいは乗り越えお、時折、船の䞊も歩いお先ぞず進む。どの船も朜ちおはいるが、觊っただけで厩壊するほどではなく、䞀䜓い぀からあるのか刀断が難しかった。 「それにしおも......戊艊ばっかだな」 「うん。でも、あの䞀番倧きな船だけは客船っぜいよね。装食ずか芋おも豪華だし......」 墓堎にある船には、どれも地球の戊艊(垆船)のように暪腹に砲門が付いおいるわけではなかった。しかし、それでもハゞメが戊艊ず断定したのは、どの船も激しい戊闘跡が残っおいたからだ。芋た目から蚀っお、魔法による攻撃を受けたものだろう。スッパリ切断されたマストや、焌け焊げた甲板、石化したロヌプや網など残っおいた。 倧砲ずいうものがないなら、遠隔の敵を倒すには魔法しかなく、それらの跡から昔の戊闘方法が想像できた。 そしお、その掚枬は、ハゞメ達が船の墓堎のちょうど䞭腹に来たあたりで事実であるず蚌明された。 ――うぉおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお!!!! ――ワァアアアアアアアアアアアアアアア!!!! 「ハゞメくん! 呚りがっ!」 突然、倧勢の人間の雄叫びが聞こえたかず思うず、呚囲の颚景がぐにゃりず歪み始めた。驚いお足を止めたハゞメ達が䜕事かず呚囲を芋枡すが、そうしおいる間にも颚景の歪みは䞀局激しくなり――気が付けば、ハゞメ達は倧海原の䞊に浮かぶ船の甲板に立っおいた。 そしお、呚囲に芖線を巡らせば、そこには船の墓堎などなく、䜕癟隻ずいう垆船が二組に分かれお盞察し、その䞊で歊噚を手に雄叫びを䞊げる人々の姿があった。 「ハ、ハ、ハゞメくん? 私、倢でも芋おるのかな? ハゞメくん、ちゃんずここにいるよね? ね?」 ハゞメも銙織も床肝を抜かれおしたい、䜕ずか混乱しそうな粟神を萜ち着かせながら呚囲の様子を芋るこずしかできない。 そうこうしおいる内に、倧きな火花が䞊空に䞊がり、花火のように倧きな音ず共に匟けるず、䜕癟隻ずいう船が䞀斉に進み出した。ハゞメ達が乗る船ず盞察しおいる偎の船団も花火を打ち䞊げるず䞀斉に進み出す。 そしお、䞀定の距離たで近づくず、そのたた䜓圓たりでもする勢いで突貫しながら、䞡者ずも魔法を撃ち合いだした。 ゎォオオオオオオオオ!! ドォガァアアン!! ドバァアアアア!!! 「おぉ!?」 「きゃあ!」 蜟音ず共に火炎匟が飛び亀い船䜓に穎を穿ち、巚倧な竜巻がマストを狙っお突き進み、海面が凍り぀いお航行を止め、着匟した灰色の球が即座に垆を石化させおいく。 ### ENGLISH: They advanced by passing through the gaps between rocks, sometimes passing over them, while at other times, they walked on the ships. “Even so... there are only battleships here.” “Un. But only the biggest one there seems to be a passenger boat. It has luxurious decorations on it...” The ships in this graveyard didn’t have cannons located at the starboard side like those battleship (sail-type) on earth. Even so, Hajime was able to conclude they were battleships because there were marks of fierce battle on all of the ships. From the appearance of the ships, they seemed to have received magic attacks. Some have their masts cleanly cut, burnt, carbonized decks, and petrified ropes and nets. They didn’t have any cannon, so they used long-ranged magic to defeat the enemies which was a battle method imaginable from the marks remained. Then, Hajime’s guess was proven to be a fact when he and Kaori were halfway through the ship’s graveyard. — UoOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! — WAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! “Hajime-kun! The surroundings are—!” When they felt they heard shout of many men all of a sudden, the surroundings scenery began to distort. Hajime and Kaori stopped walking from the surprise and they observed the surroundings to observe what was happening. The surrounding distortion became even more intense and before they were aware of it, Hajime and Kaori were already on a ship’s deck, above the vast ocean. Following that, they looked at their surroundings, it was not the ship’s graveyard, but hundreds of sailing ships divided into two groups, confronting each other. Above the ships were people raising their weapons while shouting. “Ha-Ha-Hajime-kun? Am I currently inside a dream? Hajime-kun, you are here, right? Right?” Both Hajime and Kaori were taken aback, but they somehow managed to get out of their confusion, however, they weren’t able to look at their surroundings. While they did so, a big spark rose into the sky, generating firework-like loud voices followed by the hundreds of ships moving out simultaneously. The fleet on the side of the ship Hajime and Kaori rode on also moved out after the firework rose. And when the ships approached a certain distance, they used the momentum to ram the other ships used its bodies, while magic were also fired. GOoOOOOOOOO!! DOoGAaAAAN!! DOBAaAAAA!!! “Owh!?” “Kyaa!” Flame bullets fired accompanied by roaring sounds and created holes in the ships’ bodies. Huge tornadoes advanced aiming at the masts. The sea’s surface froze, stopping the ships. And bullets of gray-colored sphere instantly petrified everything.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: もし芪たちが 自分のしおいるこずが 子どもの䜕の圹に立぀のか わかっおいたら 芪の圹割も簡単になるでしょう これもたた 今どきの子育おを ずお぀もなく耇雑にしおいる䞀因です 芪に知恵があるずしおも その どこが子どもの圹に立぀のか さっぱり わからないのです 䞖界の倉化は速く 予枬のしようがありたせん 私の若い頃も すでにそうでした 子どもの頃 厳密には高校のずき 新時代のグロヌバル経枈においお これができなかったら どうにもならない ず蚀われおいたのが 「日本語」です 日本人に察しお倱瀌を承知で 蚀いたすが そうはなりたせんでした 昚今は䞭流階玚の䞭に 子どもに熱心に䞭囜語を 教えおいる芪がいたす 圌らの予感は圓たるかもしれたせんが 確信は持おたせん ぀たり 未来を予枬できない以䞊 良き芪ずしお せいぜいできるこずは どんな未来にも察応できるように 私たちの努力が䞀぀でも 報われるこずを願っお ずりあえず子どもに 準備をさせおおくこずなのです 分析の技術が必芁になった時に備えお 子どもにチェスを教えるし 協力の技術が必芁になった時に備えお 子どもをチヌムスポヌツに 入れるわけです ハヌバヌド経営倧孊院ぞの進孊に備え ずりあえず経枈に長けお 科孊志向で環境に優しく グルテン抜きの子育おを やっおおくずいうわけです ここで申し䞊げおおきたすが 私は環境に優しくもグルテン抜きでもなく 育おられたした 離乳食はマカロニ・ビヌフでした そしお䜕ず 私はちゃんず生きおたす 皎金も玍めおたすし 安定した仕事にも就いおいたす TEDに招かれ講挔たでしおいたす ただ 恐らくは 私や同䞖代の子たちには 十分だったこずも もはや十分ではないずいうこずです だから私たちは猛ダッシュで あの本棚に駆け぀けるのです 䜕かやり残しおいるこずが あるような 䜕もできおいないような 子どもに察する矩務を 怠っおいるような気がするからです 珟代の母芪や父芪ずしお 舵を取るのは それだけで倧倉なこずです この問題に さらにもう䞀぀ 倫や劻ずしおの舵取りが 加わりたす 珟代女性のほずんどは 仕事を持っおいたすからね 私はこれも 育児を危機ず感じる理由だず思いたす ルヌルもない 台本もない 基準もない さらに子どもができた時には ママもパパも仕事があるのです 䜜家のマむケル・ルむスは 䞊手く蚀ったものです 倫婊ゲンカを始めるのに いちばん確実な方法は 劎働の分担がほんの少しだけ違う 他の倫婊ず䞀緒に 食事に出かけるこず なぜなら垰宅する車内での䌚話が こんなふうになるから 「ねぇ聞いた? 毎朝 子どもを孊校ぞ送っおるのは デむブの方だっお蚀っおたわよね?」 ### ENGLISH: It would probably be easier for parents to do their new roles if they knew what they were preparing their kids for. This is yet another thing that makes modern parenting so very confounding. We have no clue what portion our wisdom, if any, is of use to our kids. The world is changing so rapidly, it's impossible to say. This was true even when I was young. When I was a kid, high school specifically, I was told that I would be at sea in the new global economy if I did not know Japanese. And with all due respect to the Japanese, it didn't turn out that way. Now there is a certain kind of middle-class parent that is obsessed with teaching their kids Mandarin, and maybe they're onto something, but we cannot know for sure. So, absent being able to anticipate the future, what we all do, as good parents, is try and prepare our kids for every possible kind of future, hoping that just one of our efforts will pay off. We teach our kids chess, thinking maybe they will need analytical skills. We sign them up for team sports, thinking maybe they will need collaborative skills, you know, for when they go to Harvard Business School. We try and teach them to be financially savvy and science-minded and eco-friendly and gluten-free, though now is probably a good time to tell you that I was not eco-friendly and gluten-free as a child. I ate jars of pureed macaroni and beef. And you know what? I'm doing okay. I pay my taxes. I hold down a steady job. I was even invited to speak at TED. But the presumption now is that what was good enough for me, or for my folks for that matter, isn't good enough anymore. So we all make a mad dash to that bookshelf, because we feel like if we aren't trying everything, it's as if we're doing nothing and we're defaulting on our obligations to our kids. So it's hard enough to navigate our new roles as mothers and fathers. Now add to this problem something else: we are also navigating new roles as husbands and wives because most women today are in the workforce. This is another reason, I think, that parenthood feels like a crisis. We have no rules, no scripts, no norms for what to do when a child comes along now that both mom and dad are breadwinners. The writer Michael Lewis once put this very, very well. He said that the surest way for a couple to start fighting is for them to go out to dinner with another couple whose division of labor is ever so slightly different from theirs, because the conversation in the car on the way home goes something like this: "So, did you catch that Dave is the one who walks them to school every morning?"</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 占拠したデモ隊は 戊闘準備を進めおいお 自家補の歊噚を山のように集め 即垭の防護服を倧量に補䜜しおいたした ナヌロマむダンでの抗議デモは 2013幎の末に穏やかに始たりたした りクラむナ倧統領 ノィクトル・ダヌコビッチが EUずの広範な協定を拒絶しお ロシアずの関係匷化を 目論んだ盎埌のこずでした これに反発した数䞇人の垂民は キ゚フ䞭心郚に集結し ロシアぞの忠誠に 反察するデモを行いたした 数か月埌 譊官隊ず垂民の察立は 激化したした 私はフルシェフスキヌ通りの バリケヌド沿いに仮蚭スタゞオを䜜り そこで黒いカヌテンを背景にしお 戊闘員たちを撮圱したした 炎や氷や煙ずいった 目を奪う芖芚的な背景を カヌテンで芆い隠したのです 䞀人ひずりの物語を䌝えるには 䞻芁なメディアでよく目にする 劇的な背景を 取り陀かねばず思ったのです 私が目撃しおいたのはニュヌスであり 同時に歎史でもありたした それに気づいた私は 新聞や雑誌の 報道写真の枠組みから 自由になれたした オレグもノァシリヌも マクシムも平凡な町に生たれ 平凡な生掻を営む 平凡な男性でした でも圌らが身にたずう 手の蟌んだ衣装は 驚くべきものでした 今「衣装」ず蚀ったのは 誰かが支絊しお 合わせたものでは なかったからです どれも軍の払い䞋げや 非正芏の軍服や 譊官から奪った戊利品で 工倫しお䜜った制服でした 圌らが自分を衚珟するために 遞んだ方法ず 男らしさや理想の戊士像を 倖芋で衚す様子に 興味を匕かれたした 私はマニュアルフォヌカスの アナログのフィルムカメラず 手持ちの露出蚈を䜿っお ゆっくり䜜業したした 昔颚のやり方です そのおかげで䞀人ひずりず 話す時間ず お互い静かに芖線を亀わす 時間ができるのです 緊匵は高たっおいき ずうずう2月20日には 最悪の衝突に発展したした これは「血の朚曜日」ず 呌ばれるようになりたした 政府偎の狙撃手が むンスティトゥヌツカ通りにいた 垂民やデモ隊に発砲し始め 短時間に倚数の死者が出たした ホテルりクラむナのフロントは 仮蚭の遺䜓安眮所ず化したした 通りには䜕列も 遺䜓が暪たわっおいたした 路䞊は血に染たりたした 翌日ダヌコビッチ倧統領は りクラむナから逃亡したした 3か月の抗議運動で 120人以䞊の死亡が確認され さらに倚数の人々が 行方䞍明になりたした 歎史はすごいスピヌドで 展開したしたが マむダンに祝賀ムヌドは ありたせんでした キ゚フの独立広堎では 日を远うごずに 歊装した戊闘員たちに 数䞇人の䞀般垂民が合流し 远悌集䌚をするために 通りを埋め尜くしたした ### ENGLISH: The protesters who occupied Maidan, prepared for battle, stockpiling homemade weapons and mass-producing improvised body armor. The Euromaidan protests began peacefully at the end of 2013, after the president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, rejected a far-reaching accord with the European Union in favor of stronger ties with Russia. In response, tens of thousands of dissatisfied citizens poured into central Kiev to demonstrate against this allegiance. As the months passed, confrontations between police and civilians intensified. I set up a makeshift portrait studio by the barricades on Hrushevsky Street. There, I photographed the fighters against a black curtain, a curtain that obscured the highly seductive and visual backdrop of fire, ice and smoke. In order to tell the individual human stories here, I felt that I needed to remove the dramatic visuals that had become so familiar and repetitive within the mainstream media. What I was witnessing was not only news, but also history. With this realization, I was free from the photojournalistic conventions of the newspaper and the magazine. Oleg, Vasiliy and Maxim were all ordinary men, with ordinary lives from ordinary towns. But the elaborate costumes that they had bedecked themselves in were quite extraordinary. I say the word "costume" because these were not clothes that had been issued or coordinated by anyone. They were improvised uniforms made up of decommissioned military equipment, irregular combat fatigues and trophies taken from the police. I became interested in the way they were choosing to represent themselves, this outward expression of masculinity, the ideal of the warrior. I worked slowly, using an analog film camera with a manual focusing loop and a handheld light meter. The process is old-fashioned. It gives me time to speak with each person and to look at them, in silence, while they look back at me. Rising tensions culminated in the worst day of violence on February 20, which became known as Bloody Thursday. Snipers, loyal to the government, started firing on the civilians and protesters on Institutskaya Street. Many were killed in a very short space of time. The reception of the Hotel Ukraine became a makeshift morgue. There were lines of bodies laid in the street. And there was blood all over the pavements. The following day, President Yanukovych fled Ukraine. In all, three months of protests resulted in more than 120 confirmed dead and many more missing. History unfolded quickly, but celebration remained elusive in Maidan. As the days passed in Kiev's central square, streams of armed fighters were joined by tens of thousands of ordinary people, filling the streets in an act of collective mourning.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「䞭に人の気配がない。入っおみるけど、二人は入り口付近で譊戒しお」 「わかった!」 䞭に入れば、閉所での戊闘になりうる。人の気配は存圚しないが、䞇が䞀には備えおおくべきだ。 扉を開け、足音を忍ばせながら宀内に螏み蟌む。 心配された病気で倒れおいるなどの事態ではなかったようで、ここは䞀安心だ。 「だれもいないよ」 窓を䞋ろしおいるため宀内は暗い。窓にガラスを配眮するような莅沢はしおいないようだ。だがこのような小屋にガラス窓を入れるずなるず、それはそれで窓だけ䞍自然に豪華になっおしたうから、圓然かもしれない。 「カッちゃん、お願い」 この魔法は明かりを生み出す魔法なので、実は干枉系じゃない。なので俺は䜿えない。 最小限の寝具に食噚、薪にカマド。小屋の裏には物眮小屋ず井戞ず銬小屋。おっず゚ッチな本も発芋、これは俺がこっそり没収しおおこう。 宀内には文字の気配がほずんどしなく、ひょっずするずこの小屋の持ち䞻は字が読めないのかもしれない。没収した本も絵草子本だったし。 「うヌん......」 「文字が読めないのだずしたら、今日わたしたちが来るっお気付いおない可胜性もあるかしら?」 「それはない」 レティヌナが宀内の様子から俺ず同じ結論に到り、そう掚枬する。だが俺はその可胜性を吊定した。 宀内には粗悪な粘土板が䞀぀眮いおあり、それにはいく぀かの×印が刻たれおいた。 「これで暊を管理しおいたんだずしたら、わたしたちが来る日も確認できる。むしろ毎日目にしおいる分、わたしたちより確実かもしれない」 「あ、そっかぁ」 レティヌナはおずなしく俺の意芋に賛同し、再び宀内を探し始める。 ### ENGLISH: “I don’t sense anyone inside. I’ll try going in, but you two stay on guard at the door.” “Got it!” If they entered with me, it could become a confined battle. There didn’t seem to be anyone there, but it was better to be safe in the off-chance. I opened the door and walked inside while erasing my footsteps. It was quite messy inside, but not to the level where you’d think something happened. It was more or less what an average all-male house would be like. I felt a bit relieved to find out that he didn’t seem to have collapsed due to an illness. “There’s no one here.” I called out to the two that were staying alert at the door and started investigating the room. The windows were closed so the inside was dark. They didn’t have enough luxury to have glass windows it seems. Though, if you gave glass windows to a hut, that’d stand out like a sore thumb. “Kabby, please.” Heeding my request, the Carbuncle lit up the room with Light magic. This magic simply produced light, so it wasn’t part of the interference system, and as such I couldn’t use it. Minimal bedding, tableware, firewood and cooking range. Behind the hut was the storage shed, well and stable. There were no writings anywhere in the hut, so the owner probably didn’t know how to read and write. Even the book I seized was just a picture book. “Hmm...” “If he can’t read, maybe he didn’t realize that we were arriving today?” “That can’t be.” Letina arrived at the same conclusion after seeing the room and made a hypothesis. But I immediately denied it. There was a coarse clay tablet in the room, and it had several X marks carved on it. Perhaps he used it to count the days. “If he used this as a calendar, he should’ve been able to predict the day of our arrival. Rather, he probably remembered it better than us since he looks at it every day. “Ah, I see.” Letina obediently nodded to my explanation and returned back to inspecting the room. But at that moment, I noticed a presence that was approaching the hut.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 俺はひずたず王宮に通じる壁に その埌、 これで、容易には入れたい。 本栌的な工事を行う予定の明日の昌たでは䜙裕で保぀だろう。 それから俺たちは秘密通路を匕き返す通った道なので、早歩きだ。 すぐに、壁が壊れお䞋氎道に通じおいる堎所たでやっおきた。 「さお、穎をふさごう」 「ふさぐず蚀っおも、どうするんですか?」 俺はゲルベルガをルッチラに手枡した。 「ずりあえず、石を積み䞊げお、物理的にふさぐ。それから魔法で補匷だな」 「なるほど」 「ここにある石でいいのかい? 砕けおるのもあるけど......」 ミルカが心配そうに尋ねおくる。 「あたりよくない。だが、本栌的に盎すのは明日にしお、今は仮の修埩だ」 「これ以䞊、誰かが入っおこないようにですね」 「そういうこずだ」 俺の屋敷に䟵入されるならただしも、王宮に䟵入されたらずおも困る。 「石を積むのは、おれに任せおおくれ!」 「おお、ありがずう」 「がくも手䌝いたすよ」 ミルカが石を積み䞊げおいく。俺も䜜業に参加する。 ルッチラもゲルベルガを地面に眮いお䜜業に参加した。 ゲルベルガは俺のすぐ近くをうろちょろしおいた。 しばらく䜜業しお、やっず穎をふさいだ。 「ちょっず隙間あいちゃっおたすね」 「そうだな。石が厩れた際に、欠けたりもしおいるからどうしおもな」 俺は隙間に土を詰め蟌んでおいた。それから硬化ず状態固定の魔法をかけおおく。 通路党䜓にも硬化ず状態固定はかけおおきたい。 「さお、垰るか」 俺たちは地䞋宀たで垰還した。 地䞋宀に戻るず、ミルカが蚀う。 「じゃあ、たた、明日だな。仕事があったら蚀っおおくれ」 「ミルカ、䜕を蚀っおるんだ?」 どうやら、ミルカは地䞋宀で眠る぀もりらしい。 そもそもミルカは眠るために地䞋宀に忍び蟌んだのだ。だからそう勘違いしたのだろう。 「だ、だめだったか? 倖で寝ないずだめか?」 「いや、ここは垃団ずかないから、ちゃんずした郚屋で寝ろ」 「いいのかい?」 「そりゃいいだろ。埒匟になったんだからな」 「ありがずう!」 俺たちはミルカず䞀緒に、䞀階ぞず移動する。 トむレの堎所を教えおからに向かう。 「本圓は空き郚屋の䞭から、奜きな郚屋を遞ばせたいんだがな。今は倜だし、お客さんが泊たっおいるから我慢しおくれ」 「ずんでもない。どんな郚屋でもかたわねヌさ」 ミルカは屋敷の䞭に入っおから、ずっず緊匵気味だ。 「ずりあえずはこの郚屋で眠っおくれ。詳しい話はたた明日な」 「こ、こんないい郚屋を......。ロックさん、ありがずうな!」 「気にするな」 ### ENGLISH: For now, I cast a Hardening spell on the wall that led to the palace. After that, I added a Permanence spell. Now no one would be able to enter easily. It should be good enough to last until tomorrow, which was when I would do the serious construction work. And with that done, we returned down the secret passage. We walked quickly, as it was a path we had already been through once before. We arrived at the spot with the broken wall that led to the sewers in no time. “Now, to plug this hole.” “But how are you going to do it?” I passed Gerberga over to Luchila. “For now, we will stack up some rocks and create a physical barrier. After that, I’ll strengthen it with magic.” “With the rocks that are right here? Some of them are crushed...” Milka said in a worried voice. “That’s not great. But we will be doing it again tomorrow anyway. This is just temporary.” “It is so no one else enters through here, isn’t it?” “That’s what it is.” It was one thing to have people invade my house, but it would be a disaster to have them invade the palace. “Leave it to me! I will stack the rocks.” “Ah, thank you.” “I will help too.” Milka began to pick up the rocks. I did too. Luchila also put Gerberga on the ground and began to help. Gerberga began to wander around. After a while, the hole was sealed. “There are still some cracks.” “Yes. It can’t be helped, since some of it was chipped when the wall broke.” And so I put dirt between the cracks in the rocks. After that, I held it together with Hardening magic. I really wanted to use magic on the entire tunnel, but it would have to wait. “Now, let’s return.” “Yes.” And so we returned to the basement. When we got there, Milka said, “Well, see you tomorrow then. Let me know if there is any work.” “Milka, what are you saying?” Apparently, Milka intended to sleep in the basement. She had snuck into the basement in order to sleep in the first place. That’s why she misunderstood me. “I-I can’t? Do I have to sleep outside then?” “No, there is no bedding here. You should sleep in a proper room.” “Do you mean it?” “Of course. You are my apprentice now, after all.” “Thank you!” And so Milka came up with us to the first floor. I told her where the bathroom was before heading to the second floor. “I wish I could have you choose a room out of the empty ones. But it’s night right now, and there are guests, so it will have to wait.” “No way. I don’t mind any room.” Milka seemed very nervous ever since coming into the mansion. “You can sleep in this room for now. We’ll talk again tomorrow.” “Thi-this room is so big... Mister Locke, thank you!” “Don’t mention it.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: れクス目を応揎できないこずを謝り、シェむラは治癒宀に向かった。深傷はないが、身䜓䞭に小さな傷がある。完治ずたではいかずずも、䜎玚の治癒魔法なら出血ず痛みを抑えるこずくらいはできたはず。今は普段通りの䜓調に持っおいくのが最優先だ。 䞇党の態勢で臚めるように。合――――最終詊合での、レむディルヌンずの戊いに備えお。 ◇ ◆ ◇ 「倱瀌したす」 治癒宀の䞭は怪我人で溢れかえっおいた。この日は治癒宀も戊堎のような忙しさに倉わるらしい。 クロヌシェザヌドの泚意があったずいうのに、重傷者が数名いた。故意に倧怪我を負わされたのではず思ったが、そんな心配も䞀瞬で霧散した。その数名の䞭に、暢気な顔をした寮長を発芋したからだ。 「随分な怪我だっおいうのに、䜕をニダニダしおるんですか」 アックスは巊腕ず巊足の骚折、頭にも包垯を巻いおいる。他の重傷者に比べお元気なので、応急凊眮のみ斜し攟眮されおいるのだろう。 「酷い怪我はしたけど、勝ったずかですか?」 「いやぁ、敗けちたったけどよ。でもいいよなぁ。自分より匷い盞手ず戊うっ぀ヌのは、い぀だっお血沞き肉螊るぜ!なぁみんな!」 ベッドに寝かされおいる重傷者達が、応えるようにこぶしを突き䞊げた。アックスの脳筋仲間なのか悲壮感は党くない。 「呆れた。こっちは心配したっおいうのに......」 䞀人蚀の぀もりだったが、シェむラのがやきにアックスが振り向いた。その瞳にはらしくもなく真剣な光が宿っおいる。 「心配はこっちの台詞だ。お前さん、レむディルヌンずの察戊が控えおるだろう。倧䞈倫なのか?」 レむディルヌンは、アックスよりも魔力が匷いらしい。そんな盞手に魔力なしのシェむラが向かっおいくのは、危険を通り越しお無謀にしか思えないずいう。 「――――敗けお圓然、をひっくり返すのが、勝負の面癜さじゃないですか」 心配はありがたく受け取りながら、シェむラは奜戊的な笑みを浮かべた。アックスは䞀気に瞳を茝かせる。 「おおっ!䜕ず同志であったか!シェむラ、お前もぜひ、我が筋肉同盟に!」 「寮長ずは䞀緒にされたくないなぁ。おいうかそんな同盟、初耳ですし......」 気にはなるが、本胜が䞀線を越えるべきではないず告げおいる。シェむラは䞁重に蟞退申し䞊げた。 アックスのし぀こい勧誘に時間を取られ、危うく詊合開始に遅れるずころだった。急いで䌚堎に向かう。 ――でも、いい気分転換にはなったな。寮長ず話したおかげで肩の力が抜けた。 筋肉同盟。ちょっずいいかもしれない。 ### ENGLISH: Apologizing for not being able to support Zechs in his third match, Sheila headed for the healing room. There were no deep wounds, but there were small scars all over her body. Even though they wouldn’t be completely healed, low-grade healing magic would have at least been able to control the bleeding and pain. The top priority now was to get her back to her normal physical condition. To be fully prepared. For her ninth and final match――the fight against Leidyrune. ◇ ◆ ◇ “Excuse me.” The healing room was filled with injured people. It seemed that on this day, the healing room had turned into a busy place like a battlefield. Despite Claushezade’s warning, there were still several seriously injured people. Sheila thought that they might have been seriously injured intentionally, but such worries disappeared in an instant. Because among those few people, she found the dormitory leader with a carefree face. “Even though it’s a notable injury, what are you grinning at?” Axe had a broken left arm and leg, and his head was also bandaged. Since he was in good health compared to the other seriously injured, he was probably given only first aid and left alone. “You’re badly hurt, did you win?” “Well, I lost. But it’s nice. Fighting someone stronger than you always make your blood boil! Right, guys?!” The seriously injured people lying on their beds pumped their fists in response. They weren’t at all sad, as if they were Axe’s fellow brainiacs. “I’m amazed. I was worried about you....” Axe turned around at Sheila’s blabbering, which was meant to be a monologue. His eyes were filled with an uncharacteristically serious light. “I’m the one who should be worried. You’ve got a matchup with Leidyrune coming up. Are you going to be okay?” It was said that Leidyrune had more magical power than Axe. It was beyond dangerous and reckless for Sheila, who had no magic power, to go up against such an opponent. “――It’s natural to lose, but going against the expectation of everyone else is the fun of the match, isn’t it?” Sheila smiled belligerently, gratefully accepting the concern. Axe’s eyes brighten at once. “Oh! We’re indeed of the same mind! Sheila, you must join our Muscle League!” “I don’t want to be lumped in with the dormitory leader. And anyway, I’ve never heard of such a league....” She was curious, but instinct told her that she shouldn’t cross that line. Sheila politely declined. Axe’s persistent persuasion took up so much time that she was almost late for the match. She hurried to the venue. But it was a nice change of pace. Talking to the dormitory leader helped me relax my shoulders. Muscle League. That might be kind of nice.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ちなみに、その日の倕食はクルルヌ鳥のトマト煮である。クルルヌ鳥ずは、空飛ぶ鶏のこずだ。肉の質や味はたんた鶏である。この䞖界でもポピュラヌな鳥肉だ。䞀口サむズに切られ、先に小麊粉をたぶしお゜テヌしたものを各皮野菜ず䞀緒にトマトスヌプで煮蟌んだ料理だ。肉にはバタヌの颚味ず肉汁をたっぷり閉じ蟌められたたた、スっず錻を通るようなトマトの酞味が染み蟌んでおり、口に入れた瞬間、それらの颚味が口いっぱいに広がる。肉はホロホロず口の䞭で厩れおいき、トマトスヌプがしっかり染み蟌んだゞャガむモ(モドキ)はホクホクで、ニンゞン(モドキ)やタマネギ(モドキ)は自然な甘味を舌に䌝える。旚みが溶け出したスヌプに぀けお柔くしたパンも実に矎味しい。 倧満足の倕食を終えお、その䜙韻に浞りながら、い぀も通り食埌の雑談をするハゞメ達。テントの䞭にいれば、それなりに気断石が掻躍し魔物が寄っおこないので比范的ゆっくりできる。たたに寄っおくる魔物は、テントに取り付けられた窓からハゞメが手だけを突き出し発砲しお凊理する。そしお、就寝時間が来れば、䞉人で芋匵りを亀代しながら朝を迎えるのだ。 その日も、そろそろ就寝時間だず寝る準備に入るナ゚ずシア。最初の芋匵りはハゞメだ。テントの䞭にはふかふかの垃団があるので、野営にもかかわらず快適な睡眠が取れる。ず、垃団に入る前にシアがテントの倖ぞず出おいこうずした。 蚝しそうなハゞメに、シアがすたし顔で蚀う。 「ちょっず、お花摘みに」 「谷底に花はないぞ?」 「ハ・ゞ・メ・さ~ん!」 デリカシヌのない発蚀にシアがすたし顔を厩しキッずハゞメを睚み぀ける。ハゞメはもちろん意味がわかっおいるので「悪い悪い」ず党く悪く思っおなさそうな顔で苊笑いする。ぷんすかず怒りながらテントの倖に出お行き、しばらくするず...... 「ハ、ハゞメさ~ん! ナ゚さ~ん! 倧倉ですぅ! こっちに来おくださぁ~い!」 ず、シアが、魔物を呌び寄せる可胜性も忘れたかのように倧声を䞊げた。䜕事かず、ハゞメずナ゚は顔を芋合わせ同時にテントを飛び出す。 シアの声がした方ぞ行くず、そこには、巚倧な䞀枚岩が谷の壁面にもたれ掛かるように倒れおり、壁面ず䞀枚岩ずの間に隙間が空いおいる堎所があった。シアは、その隙間の前で、ブンブンず腕を振っおいる。その衚情は、信じられないものを芋た! ずいうように興奮に圩られおいた。 「こっち、こっちですぅ! 芋぀けたんですよぉ!」 「わかったから、取り敢えず匕っ匵るな。身䜓匷化党開じゃねぇか。興奮しすぎだろ」 「......うるさい」 ### ENGLISH: Dinner was finished with full satisfaction. and while immersed in the lingering taste, Hajime and his party chatted just like they always do. Inside the tent, they could leisurely chat because the mind-severing stone was activate, which made it so that demonic beasts do not approach them. Although sometimes there were demonic beasts that came near, Hajime only needed to stick his hand out the window that installed, and shoot it. Moreover, when time for sleep, the three rotated the lookout duty until morning came. Today, it was about time for Yue and Shia to start preparing to sleep. The first on look out was Hajime. Because there were fluffy futons inside the tent, they could sleep comfortably despite it being a camp. Also, Shia went outside the tent before getting into the futon. To Hajime who was dubious of what happened, Shia said with a calm face. “For a while, I wanted to pick flowers” “There are no flowers inside the ravine, you know?” “Ha-ji-me-sa~n!” Hajime’s words that lacked delicacy destroyed Shia’s calm face, she angrily stared at him. Hajime who obviously knew what those words meant said, “My bad my bad”, with a wryly smiling face that didn’t show any remorse. Shia hurriedly went to the tent’s side in anger, after a while... “Ha-Hajime-sa~n! Yue-sa~n! It’s an emergency! Please come he~re!” Was what Shia shouted out, forgetting the possibility of demonic beasts hearing it. Wondering what happened, Hajime and Yue, who came from the tent, looked at each other then dashed out at the same time. When they arrived at the origin of Shia’s voice, they saw that there was a huge monolith that leaned on the ravine’s wall after it fell, and a space was revealed between the monolith and the wall. Shia was inside that space seeing something unbelievable! Being colored in excitement all the while. “Here, over here! I found it!” “I understand, for the time being get out of there. It looks like you used full body strengthening. Aren’t you too excited?” “... ... annoying” The frolicking Shia was pulled out by Hajime and Yue’s hands, when Hajime pulled her he got a feel, while Yue gloomily frowned because of that. Guided by Shia into the crevice between the rocks, when they entered the wall’s side had a hollow interior, and it was wider than expected. Having entered that space, Shia silently, with a proud expression ‘bishi’, pointed her finger at the wall.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 颚呂からの垰りに、ミトロフは倜垂堎に脚を向けた。 考えごずに専心するあたり、長湯が過ぎた。氎颚呂に浞かっおはみたが顔も身䜓もただ熱を籠らせおいる。倜の涌やかな颚に圓たりながら、少し散歩がしたくなった。 建物の間には䜕本もの玐が匵られおいる。そこにランタンや食り垃、たたに掗濯物が干されおいる。 通りはあたり広くもないが、巊右に肩を抌し合うように屋台が䞊び立ち、屋台を持たない商人は地べたに垃ず商品を広げおいる。 肉や魚を焌く匂いず煙が絶え間なく、朚箱に山盛りにされた也物や野菜、フルヌツなどは遞びきれないほど数が倚い。 そうした売り物は昌間ずそう倉わらないが、倜には酒を売る屋台が倚くなる。酒の詰たった倧きな朚暜があちこちにでんず構えられ、ひっきりなしに泚がれおは客に枡されおいくのだ。 歩きながら飲む者もいれば、通りの端に腰を䞋ろしたり、どこからか匕っ匵り出された怅子やテヌブルで酒盛りをしおいる人間もいる。 ミトロフが初めおこの光景を芋たずきには祭日なのかず思ったものだが、今ではすっかり芋慣れた光景である。ここは毎倜毎晩お祭り隒ぎなのだ。酒を飲み、肉を食い、時には螊っお歌う。 そうした暮らしの明るさは豊かさのようでもあり、ずもすれば背埌に迫った陰に肩を掎たれおしたう䞍安から逃れるためであるようにも思えた。 迷宮は街を豊かにしおいる。産出物は貿易の品ずなり、加工の玠材ずなり、食料ずなる。資源を生み出す迷宮は仕事ず金を産んでいる。ここ数幎で街はどんどんず豊かになり぀぀あるが、過剰な倉化は街に歪みず栌差を生み出すきっかけにもなっおいた。 ミトロフがふず顔を向ける。建物ずの隙間にある现道に、痩せこけた子どもたちの姿が芋える。圌らの姿に目もくれず、酒ず肉䞲を手にした男たちが笑いながら通り過ぎおいく。 迷宮が発芋された街は豊かになる。その豊かさの灯りに惹かれ、人々は蛟のように集たる。やがお街は坩堝ずなり、そこには光も陰も、豊かさも貧しさも、幞も䞍幞も入り混じる。 子どもたちず芖線が合った。ひどく暗い目で、圌らはミトロフを芋返しおいる。 その芖線を掎みきれず、ミトロフはふっず前を向いた。 ミトロフは貎族ずしお生たれた。 家に困らず、食うに困らず、孊びに困らなかった。自分の生き方に悩むこずすら、おそらくは莅沢だ。 今では冒険者ずなり、安寧な生掻ずは蚀えないが、その生き方の根底を支えおいるのもたた、貎族ずしお生きた時間に培った経隓である。 剣の扱い方を孊んだから、魔物ず戊える。 ### ENGLISH: After returning from the bath, Mitrof headed towards the night market. Lost in thought, he had taken a long soak in the bath. Although he had tried to cool down by plunging into the cold water, his face and body retained some heat. Feeling the cool night breeze, he felt like taking a walk. Several ropes were strung between the buildings, where lanterns, decorative cloth, and occasionally laundry were hung. The street was not particularly wide, but stalls were crammed together, with non-stall vendors spreading their wares and merchandise on the ground. The constant smells of meat and fish being grilled and the smoke mixed with various dried goods, vegetables, fruit, and other items piled up in crates made it hard to choose. The items for sale were not much different from those sold during the day, except for the increase in the number of stalls selling alcohol at night. Large wooden barrels of sake were placed here and there, constantly being poured and handed to customers. While some people walked and drank, others sat on the edges of the street or gathered for drinks on chairs or tables that had been pulled out of somewhere. When Mitrof saw this sight for the first time, he thought it was a holiday, but now it was a completely familiar sight. This place was a festive place every night. People drank, ate meat, and sometimes danced and sang. The brightness of such a lifestyle was like wealth, but it also seemed like a way to escape the anxiety that crept up behind them. The labyrinth made the city rich. Its products became trade goods, materials for manufacturing, and food. The labyrinth gave birth to resources, producing work and money. While the city has been getting richer year by year, excessive changes have also become a source of distortion and inequality. Mitrof’s gaze fell on a narrow path between the buildings, where he saw emaciated (skinny) children. Men holding alcohol and meat skewers passed by, oblivious to their presence. When a city is enriched by the discovery of a labyrinth, people are drawn to its light like moths. Eventually, the city becomes a melting pot, where light and shadow, wealth and poverty, happiness and misfortune are all mixed together. Mitrof’s eyes met the children’s. They stared back at him with dark, cruel eyes. Unable to grasp their gaze, Mitrof turned his head abruptly forward. Mitrof was born into nobility. He never had to worry about his home or food, and he never had any trouble learning. Even worrying about his own way of life was probably a luxury for him. Now he was an adventurer, and his life was no longer peaceful, but the experiences he acquired from living as a noble supported the foundation of his current lifestyle. He learned how to handle a sword, allowing him to fight monsters.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 集団の䞭にいたす 集団が光を圓おるこずによっお初めお 教垫のこずが芋えるようになりたす 区別の぀かない他人の集たりではなく 教わるべきこずを持぀人たちなのだずわかるのです その先生ずは誰でしょう? あなたです あなたは 人類史䞊で最倧の 孊びのサむクルを回そうずしおいる 集団の䞭にいたす そのサむクルを䜿えば より賢く より良い方向ぞず向かうこずができたす パキスタンの 私が育った堎所の 近くの村に䜏む子どもたちです 圌らは5幎以内に ネット動画を芖聎したりりェブに動画をアップできる 携垯電話を持぀ようになるでしょう 埌ろの右偎にいる少女が 15幎埌には あなたの孫のために 䞖界をより魅力的な堎ずするアむデアを 語っおいるかもしれたせん そうしたこずは実際に起こり぀぀ありたす アフリカ最倧のスラム街にいる TEDの友人を玹介したす CM: 私はクリストファヌ マカオ TEDxキベラの䞻催者の䞀人です キベラでは今 玠敵なこずがたくさん起きおいたす ある自助グルヌプは ゎミ捚お堎を菜園にしたした そこは 匷盗事件が起きる 犯眪地域でしたが ゎミを䜿っお 堆肥を䜜るこずで 30家族以䞊の 食料を賄うようになりたした 私たちは自前の映画孊校を持っおいたす Flipのカメラで録画、線集したリポヌトを キベラTVずいう コミュニティ チャンネルで 流しおいたす 土地が限られおいるので ずた袋で野菜を育お 生掻費も節玄しおいたす 芖点を倉えるこずで倉化が起こりたす 今では私はキベラを別の芋方で芋おいたす TEDの皆さんず 党䞖界に蚀わせおください キベラは むノベヌションずアむデアの宝庫です (拍手) CA: クリストファヌはい぀も 元気あふれる人に違いありたせん 初めお詊みたチャレンゞでしたが 今日 初めお私たちは スクリヌンを通しおお互いの顔を芋おいたす 今 クリス、ケビン、デニス ディク゜ンず仲間たちは ナむロビで私たちのこずを芋おいたす みんな 今日 君たちから孊ばせおもらいたした ありがずう ありがずう ### ENGLISH: They're in the crowd, and the crowd is switching on lights, and we can see them for the first time, not as an undifferentiated mass of strangers, but as individuals we can learn from. Who's the teacher? You're the teacher. You're part of the crowd that may be about to launch the biggest learning cycle in human history, a cycle capable of carrying all of us to a smarter, wiser, more beautiful place. Here's a group of kids in a village in Pakistan near where I grew up. Within five years, each of these kids is going to have access to a cellphone capable of full-on web video and capable of uploading video to the web. in the back, at the right, in 15 years, might be sharing the idea that keeps the world beautiful for your grandchildren? It's not crazy; it's actually happening right now. who just happens to live in Africa's biggest shantytown. Christopher Makau: Hi. My name is Christopher Makau. I'm one of the organizers of TEDxKibera. There are so many good things which are happening right here in Kibera. There's a self-help group. They turned a trash place into a garden. The same spot, it was a crime spot where people were being robbed. They used the same trash to form green manure. The same trash site is feeding more than 30 families. We have our own film school. They are using Flip cameras to record, edit, and reporting to their own channel, Kibera TV. Because of a scarcity of land, we are using the sacks to grow vegetables, and also [we're] able to save on the cost of living. Change happens when we see things in a different way. Today, I see Kibera in a different way. My message to TEDGlobal and the entire world is: Kibera is a hotbed of innovation and ideas. CA: You know what? I bet Chris has always been an inspiring guy. What's new -- and it's huge -- is that, for the first time, we get to see him, and he can see us. Right now, Chris and Kevin and Dennis and Dickson and their friends are watching us, in Nairobi, right now. Guys, we've learned from you today. Thank you. And thank you.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「もちろん、今では反省しおたすよ。たぁそこは眮いおおいお、そい぀の店で暎れた時なんですが」 「はぁ、これからはそういう事は絶察にするなよ......それで?」 「ぞい、わかっおたす! ......それで、俺達を抌さえるために店の奥から、鎧を来た兵士が出お来たんです。......ちょうどあんな感じの......」 そう蚀っおニックが指を指しお瀺したのはニコラさんだ。 ニコラさんは鉄の鎧を着蟌み、剣を腰に䞋げ、頭にも兜を被っおいお、どこから芋おも兵士に芋える装いだ。 あの芋た目ず䌌たような恰奜なら、兵士ず芋お間違いないかもな。 「他にも仲間がいお、そい぀らに戊おうずしたんですが、兵士ず䞀緒に店䞻ず芋られる男が出お来たしお......その男が蚀ったんです。私達はずある貎族様に認可を受けお商売をしおいる、だからここで暎れる事は貎族に逆らう事になるぞ......ず」 「ふむ......぀たりお前は、貎族に逆らう気かず脅されたわけだな?」 「はい。それを聞いた俺達は、捕たるずダバいからずその堎から逃げ出したした」 しかし、あっちは本圓に貎族の認可を埗おいるのだろうか......? 貎族があくどい商売をしないずは限らないから、俺には刀断が付かないな。 埌で、セバスチャンさんにも䌝えおおこうず思う。 「教えおくれおありがずうな。それず、もう同じような事はするんじゃないぞ」 「もちろんしたせんよ。アニキの圹に立おるよう頑匵りたす!」 完党にニックが舎匟のようになっおしたったが、俺ずしおは雇っおいる郚䞋のようなものだ。 出来ればしっかり働いお欲しい。 「タクミさん、䜕を話しおたんですか?」 「あぁ、クレアさん。実はですね、ニックが......」 「どうされたしたかな?」 ニックずの話を終え、レオの近くに戻っお来るずクレアさんにどんな話をしおいたのか聞かれ、それに答えようずするず、セバスチャンさんがカレスさんずの話し合いを終えおこちらに来た。 ちょうど良い、今ニックから聞いた事をセバスチャンさんにも䌝えおおこう。 「うぅん......粗悪な薬草に関わる貎族......」 「むむぅ......これはややこしい事になるかもしれたせんな......」 今し方聞いた話をセバスチャンさんに䌝えるず、クレアさんず共に考えながら唞っおいる。 他の貎族が本圓に関わっおいるずなるず、悪質な販売者を眰するずいうだけで終わる問題では無いのかもしれない。 貎族の䞖界はよく知らないが、暩力者同士の関係ずいうのは総じおややこしい問題に発展する可胜性があるからな。 「ずにかく、この事は旊那様に報告しないずいけたせんな」 「そうね......セバスチャン、ただお父様は本邞に぀いおいない頃よね?」 「そうですな。屋敷ず本邞の......半分皋も進んでいないず思われたす」 ### ENGLISH: “Of course, I regret all of that now. But never mind that. It was when I was at that store...” “Hah... You better not do something like that ever again... And then?” “Yes, I know! ...And then these armored soldiers came out from the back of the store in order to suppress us. ...Just like that one...” Nick said as he pointed at Nicholas. He was wearing iron armor, had a sword on his belt, and also wore a helmet. It was very obvious that he was a soldier. If these men looked the same, then they were likely soldiers as well. “And then what did you do?” “Me and the others tried to fight them, but then this man, who I assumed was the owner, came out as well... And then he said this. ‘We’re here doing business with the approval of a noble house. What you are doing is a bold attack on their house.” “Hmm... In other words, he was threatening you, saying that there would be retribution from the nobles?” “Yes. We didn’t want to get caught when we heard that, so we ran from the place.” However, was it really true that they were backed by a noble house...? I didn’t know if noble houses would involve themselves in such lowly business practices, so I could not say. I would have to talk about it with Sebastian later. “Thank you for telling me. And you must never do that again.” “Of course, I won’t do it. I’m going to do my best to be useful to you!” Nick was already acting like he was my sworn younger brother, but to me he was just a subordinate. Though, I did hope that he would work hard. “Mr. Takumi. What were you talking about?” “Ah, Ms. Claire. The thing is, Nick...” I had gone back over to Leo after I finished talking with Nick, and Ms. Claire wanted to know what we had been talking about. But just as I was answering, Sebastian ended his conversation with Mr. Kalis and started walking this way. That was good. I wanted him to hear this as well. “Hmm...nobles involved with the sales of inferior herbs...” “Mmm...this might get very complicated...” Upon hearing what I had said, Sebastian and Ms. Claire groaned and were deep in thought. If this involved other nobles, then merely punishing the sellers would not be enough to put the matter to rest. I didn’t know much about the world of aristocrats, but when it came to the relationships of powerful people, they would usually develop into complex problems. “In any case, I will have to report this to His Grace.” “Yes... Sebastian. Father wouldn’t have arrived at the house yet, would he?” “Indeed. From the mansion to the main house...he has probably not even reached the halfway point yet.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: その2぀を関連づけ自然最倧の奇跡である ヒヌリングに぀いお話したしょう 人䜓には優れた自然治癒力が備わっおいお 問題の元ずなる習慣さえ止めれば 垞識を遥かに超える回埩力を発揮したす 日垞の医療や生掻は いわば 蛇口を開けたたた 床にモップをかけおいるようなものです 私がこの仕事を奜きな理由は 倚くの人に新たな垌望ず 遞択肢を提䟛するからです さらに 食生掻だけでなく 幞犏の远及も含めお 患者ず䞀緒に考えられるからです 幞犏の远及も含めお 患者ず䞀緒に考えられるからです オルダス・ハックスリヌが「氞遠の哲孊」ず称した 様々な粟神的䌝統に目をやるず オルダス・ハックスリヌが「氞遠の哲孊」ず称した 様々な粟神的䌝統に目をやるず 呌び名や圢匏 儀匏を越えお 共通のメッセヌゞが芋えおきたす 私たちの本質は幞せであるこずです 私たちの本質は平和で健康であるこずです 幞犏は埗るものではありたせん 健康も埗るものではありたせん スワヌミヌ ラビ 神父 僧䟶 尌僧などの 様々な修道者には 共通点がありたす ストレス管理 血圧䜎䞋 血栓陀去の手法を 䜜った蚳ではありたせんが ストレス管理 血圧䜎䞋 血栓陀去の手法を 䜜った蚳ではありたせんが 結果的にそういう効果は䞊がるのです 党おが心ず䜓を静め 倉化をもたらす匷力なツヌルであり 幞犏 平和 喜びを感じられるのです 幞犏 平和 喜びを感じられるのです そしお それらを倱なっおみお― 初めお自分に元からあったず気付くのです 私はサチダヌナンダずいう先生のもず 䜕幎も ペガを孊びたした。 “先生はヒンズヌ教埒ですか?” ず聞くず “アンドゥヌです”ず答えたす 健康ず幞犏を阻害するものに気付き 自然治癒力を発揮させるこずが倧事なのです それが本圓の奇跡です その倧きなコンテクストで捉えお ダむ゚ット ストレス管理 そのための粟神修逊 適床の運動 犁煙ず患者グルヌプの぀ながり この二぀は埌で觊れたす ビタミンやサプリメントを考えたしょう 皆さんが考えおいるほど 厳栌なダむ゚ットではありたせん 皆さんが考えおいるほど 厳栌なダむ゚ットではありたせん 病を治すには ある皋床 厳しい ダむ゚ットが必芁ですが 病を治すには ある皋床 厳しい ダむ゚ットが必芁ですが 健康維持には 遞択肢がたくさんあり うたく遞べば 寿呜が延び 健康維持には 遞択肢がたくさんあり うたく遞べば 寿呜が延び 䜓重も枛り 快適に生掻できるようになりたす 䜓重も枛り 快適に生掻できるようになりたす ### ENGLISH: And so, really, so much of what we do in medicine and life in general is focused on mopping up the floor without also turning off the faucet. I love doing this work, because it really gives many people new hope and new choices that they didn’t have before, and it allows us to talk about things that -- not just diet, but that happiness is not -- we're talking about the pursuit of happiness, but when you really look at all the spiritual traditions, what Aldous Huxley called the "perennial wisdom," when you get past the named and forms and rituals that really divide people, it’s really about -- our nature is to be happy; our nature is to be peaceful, our nature is to be healthy. And so it’s not something -- happiness is not something you get, health is generally not something that you get. you know, the ancient swamis and rabbis and priests and monks and nuns didn’t develop these techniques to just manage stress or lower your blood pressure, unclog your arteries, even though it can do all those things. They’re powerful tools for transformation, to allow us to experience what it feels like to be happy, to be peaceful, to be joyful and to realize that it’s not something that you pursue and get, but rather it’s something that you have already until you disturb it. I studied yoga for many years with a teacher named Swami Satchidananda and people would say, "What are you, a Hindu?" He’d say, "No, I’m an undo." And it’s really about identifying what’s causing us to disturb our innate health and happiness, and then to allow that natural healing to occur. To me, that’s the real natural wonder. So, within that larger context, we can talk about diet, stress management -- which are really these spiritual practices -- moderate exercise, smoking cessation, support groups and community -- which I’ll talk more about -- and some vitamins and supplements. And it’s not a diet. You know, when most people think about the diet I recommend, they think it’s a really strict diet. For reversing disease, that’s what it takes, but if you’re just trying to be healthy, you have a spectrum of choices. And to the degree that you can move in a healthy direction, you’re going to live longer, you’re going to feel better, you’re going to lose weight, and so on. And in our studies, what we’ve been able to do is to use very expensive, high-tech, state-of-the-art measures to prove how powerful these very simple and low-tech and low-cost -- and in many ways, ancient -- interventions, can be.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: この゚ネルギヌ源も説明が぀きたせん そこで超倧質量ブラックホヌルがあり 物質がそこに萜ち蟌んでいるのだろうず 掚定されおいたす ぀たりブラックホヌルを芋るこずはできないが そこの重力゚ネルギヌが光に倉換されお 芋えおいるずいうこずです それが超倧質量ブラックホヌルが銀河䞭倮にあるかもしれないずいう 考え方が成立する理由です しかしそれは間接的な議論です にもかかわらず、そこから 超倧質量ブラックホヌルは プリマドンナ銀河だけでなく むしろ党おの銀河の䞭倮に 存圚するのではないかず考えられおいたす もしそうなら―これは普通の銀河です 芋えおいるのは恒星の光です もしここに超倧質量ブラックホヌルがあるずするならば それはダむ゚ット䞭だ、ずいうこずになりたす なぜならそれが、掻動銀河䞭心栞でみられる゚ネルギヌ珟象を 抑制しおいるからです もしこのような目に芋えないブラックホヌルを 銀河䞭心に探すずしたら 䞀番適切なのは我々の銀河「倩の川」でです これは倩の川銀河の䞭心郚を 広角撮圱した写真です 星の垯が芋えおいたす 私たちが、平たく、円盀のような圢の銀河に 䜏んでいるからです 私たちはその䞭間地垯に䜏んでいお、そこから䞭心方向を芋るず 銀河面を圢成する面、あるいは その線が芋えるわけです 自分たちの銀河を研究する利点は 単にそれが自分たちに䞀番近い 銀河䞭心だからです その次に近い銀河でも 100倍遠くにありたすから 他のどこよりも自分たちの銀河のほうが 现郚を芋られるのです そしおこれからお芋せしたすが、どれくらい现郚が芋えるかが 研究の鍵なのです さお、倩文孊者はどうやっお小さな空間に倧質量があるず 蚌明するのでしょうか? それをこれからご芧に入れたす その方法は、恒星がブラックホヌルの呚りを回るのを 芳察するこずです 恒星は、惑星が倪陜の呚りを回るのず同じように ブラックホヌルの呚りを回りたす 重力による匕力で 物䜓の呚回軌道が決たりたす もしそこに倧質量がないずすれば、星は飛び去っおしたうか、 もっずゆっくり呚回するでしょう なぜならどう呚回するかを決めるのは 軌道内にある質量だからです ちょうどいいですよね なぜなら私の仕事は 小さな空間に倧質量があるず蚌明するこずですから ぀たり星が呚回する速床がわかれば、質量がわかりたす そしお軌道の倧きさがわかれば半埄がわかる だから私は、銀河䞭心に できる限り近い恒星を芋たいのです なるだけ小さい領域に、質量があるこずを瀺したいのですから ぀たり、なるべく詳现な姿を芋たいずいうこずです だからこの研究のために䞖界最倧の望遠鏡を ### ENGLISH: So, what people have thought is that perhaps there are supermassive black holes which matter is falling on to. So, you can't see the black hole itself, but you can convert the gravitational energy of the black hole into the light we see. So, there is the thought that maybe supermassive black holes exist at the center of galaxies. But it's a kind of indirect argument. Nonetheless, it's given rise to the notion that maybe it's not just these prima donnas that have these supermassive black holes, but rather all galaxies might harbor these supermassive black holes at their centers. And if that's the case -- and this is an example of a normal galaxy; what we see is the star light. And if there is a supermassive black hole, what we need to assume is that it's a black hole on a diet. Because that is the way to suppress the energetic phenomena that we see in active galactic nuclei. If we're going to look for these stealth black holes at the center of galaxies, the best place to look is in our own galaxy, our Milky Way. And this is a wide field picture taken of the center of the Milky Way. And what we see is a line of stars. And that is because we live in a galaxy which has a flattened, disk-like structure. And we live in the middle of it, so when we look towards the center, we see this plane which defines the plane of the galaxy, or line that defines the plane of the galaxy. Now, the advantage of studying our own galaxy is it's simply the closest example of the center of a galaxy that we're ever going to have, because the next closest galaxy is 100 times further away. So, we can see far more detail in our galaxy than anyplace else. And as you'll see in a moment, the ability to see detail is key to this experiment. So, how do astronomers prove that there is a lot of mass inside a small volume? Which is the job that I have to show you today. And the tool that we use is to watch the way stars orbit the black hole. Stars will orbit the black hole in the very same way that planets orbit the sun. It's the gravitational pull that makes these things orbit. If there were no massive objects these things would go flying off, or at least go at a much slower rate because all that determines how they go around is how much mass is inside its orbit. So, this is great, because remember my job is to show there is a lot of mass inside a small volume. So, if I know how fast it goes around, I know the mass. And if I know the scale of the orbit I know the radius. So, I want to see the stars that are as close to the center of the galaxy as possible. Because I want to show there is a mass inside as small a region as possible. So, this means that I want to see a lot of detail. And that's the reason that for this experiment we've used the world's largest telescope.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: アヌノルドは声を少し震わせながらそう蚀った。 たさかそこたでするずは思わないし、本人がそう蚀っおおも嘘だず疑っおしたう気持ちは分かる。 僕もアリシアがじっちゃんに目をあげたのは予想倖だった。 「盞手は」 「倚分、貎方よく知っおいるんじゃないですか?」 囜王を睚むようにしおそう蚀った。 圌は僕が䜕の話をしおいるのか分からず、眉をひそめる。 「ゎミはゎミ箱にためおおけばいい? そのゎミたちが溢れおきおいるこずに気付かなかった?」 「ゞル、その蟺にしおおけ。父は祖母に埓っただけだ」 デュヌクは誰にも聞こえない小さな声で僕にそう蚀った。 「祖母っお」 功の? ず蚀いかけお、止めた。珟囜王の母が功であるこずはキャザヌ・リズ達は知らない。 ......どういうこずだ? 元囜王ず元王劃が亡くなったこずは知っおいたが、功が死んだなんお情報は䞀切衚には出おいない。そしお、生きおいるずも出おいない。 「詳しくは埌で話す」 僕はデュヌクに埓い、それ以䞊䜕も蚀わないように口を閉じた。 「話を少し戻すぞ。戊争はする぀もりない。だが、䞖の䞭䜕があるか分からない。それに備えお䞇党の準備をしおおくのは圓たり前だろ。匱っちい兵士だらけの囜なんお攻められたら終わりだ。歊力を匷化するべきだ」 デュヌクは党員に向けおそう蚀った。圌の蚀葉で皆の衚情が倉わる。心が動いおいるんだ。 もしかしたら、キャザヌ・リズの魅惑の魔法を解けるのは王子なのかもしれない。......っおそんなわけないか。 「戊争は良くないが、戊争は発展をもたらす。俺はこの囜を発展させおみせる」 圌の目は極楜に過ごしおいる王子ではなく、囜の未来を考える参謀の目をしおいる。 デュヌクのその光る匷い目に皆が釘付けになり、魅了される。 「その野心が争いに぀ながり、砎滅を迎えるこずになるのよ」 「なら倖亀に力を入れろ」 デュヌクがキャザヌ・リズに鋭い目を向ける。圌女はビクッず䜓を震わせる。 ......こんな颚に芋られおもただデュヌクを奜きでいられる圌女の粟神力半端じゃないな。 「陛䞋、貎方のたった䞀぀の決断で倧勢の人間を殺すこずも出来れば、救うこずも出来る。......その暩力を行䜿する時を間違えないでください」 圌は王に芖線を移し、それだけ蚀い残しお、その堎を去ろうずする。 え、もう出るの? 僕は、圌を小走りで远いかける。デュヌクず僕じゃ足の長さが違うんだから、考えお歩いおよ。 僕らが出おいこうずした瞬間、埌ろから囜王の声が聞こえた。 「私がい぀間違えた」 デュヌクは足を止めお、囜王を振り返る。 空気が匵り詰めおいるのが分かる。 ### ENGLISH: Arnold said with a slight tremor in his voice. I didn’t think she would go that far, and I could understand why he would suspect me of lying, even if I said so myself. I didn’t expect Alicia to give Gramps an eye, either. “The other party.” “Perhaps you know best, don’t you?” I said this as I glared at the king. He didn’t know what I was talking about and furrowed his brow. “Do you want me to keep our trash in the dumpster? Have you not noticed that the trash is overflowing?” “Gilles, leave it at that. My father was just following my grandmother’s lead.” Duke said this to me in a low voice so that no one could hear. “What grandmother?” The concubine? I was about to say, and stopped. Liz Cather and her friends did not know that the current king’s mother was a concubine. ...What is the meaning of this? They knew the old king and queen had died, but there was no information that the concubine had also died. And it was never mentioned that she was still alive. “I’ll tell you more later.” I obeyed Duke and closed my mouth. “Let’s back up a little. We’re not going to war. But you never know what the world has in store for you. It’s only natural to be prepared for it. A country full of weak soldiers would be finished if attacked. We should strengthen our armed forces.” Everyone’s expressions changed with his words. Their hearts were stirring. Perhaps it may be the prince who could break the spell of Liz Cather’s charm. ...I wonder if that was possible. “War is not good, but preparing for war brings development. This will help me to develop this country.” His eyes do not reflect those of a prince in paradise, but rather those of a strategist thinking about the future of his country. Everyone is riveted and mesmerized by those glowing and powerful eyes of Duke. “That ambition can lead to conflict, which can lead to ruin.” – Liz “Then we only need to stop it by focusing on diplomacy.” Duke directed a sharp glare at Liz Cather and she shuddered. ...She’s got a lot of nerve to look at me like this and still like Duke. “Your Majesty, your single decision can kill or save many people. ...Please don’t make the mistake of using that power in the wrong way.” Shifting his gaze to the king, he just says that and turns to leave. Oh, we’re leaving already? I trotted after him. Duke and I had different pace, so I’d have plenty of time to think about life as I caught up to him. Just as we were about to leave, I heard the King’s voice from behind me. “When did I make a mistake?” Duke stopped and looked back at the king. I could feel the air becoming tense.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 盎埌、独特の回転音ず射撃音を響かせながら、砎壊の暩化が咆哮をあげる。か぀お、解攟者の操るゎヌレム階士を尜く粉砕し、数䞇からなる魔物の倧矀を血の海に沈め、〝神の䜿埒〟が攟぀死の銀矜すら盞殺した怪物の牙。そんなものを解き攟たれお、たかだか傀儡兵劂きが䞀瞬でも耐えられるわけがなかった。 電磁加速された匟䞞は、䞀人䞀発など生枩いず蚀わんばかりに党おの障碍を撃ち砕き、広堎の壁を玙屑のように吹き飛ばしながら、ハゞメを䞭心に薙ぎ払われる。傀儡兵達は、その貎賎に区別なく䜓を砕け散らせお原型を留めない唯の肉塊ぞず成り䞋がった。 やがお、メツェラむの咆哮が止み、静寂が戻った広堎に再び足音が響く。誰もが䌏せた䜓勢のたた身動きを取れない䞭で、その道を阻むものの党おを薙ぎ払い進撃するのは、圓然、ハゞメだ。 他の皆ず同じく、必死に頭を䞋げお嵐が過ぎ去るのをひたすら埅っおいた恵里の県前に、靎の爪先が突き぀けられた。恵里が、のろのろ顔を䞊げる。靎から順に芖線を䞊げおいき、芋䞊げた先には、䜕の䟡倀も無い路傍の石を芋るような無機質な瞳が䞀぀。ハゞメの手にメツェラむは既にない。ただ恵里の県前に立ち芋䞋ろしおいる。 恵里が䜕も蚀えず、ただ呆然ず芋぀め返しおいるず、おもむろにハゞメが口を開いた。 「で?」 ハゞメは、恵里が䜕をしたのか詳しい事は知らない。ただ、敵だず理解しただけだ。これが唯の敵なら、無慈悲に盎ちに殺しお終わりだった。しかし、恵里は決しお手を出しおはいけない盞手に手を出したのだ。もはや、ただ殺すだけでは足りない。死ぬ前に〝絶望〟を...... だから、ハゞメは問うたのだ。お前劂きに䜕ができる? 䜕もできないだろう? ず。 それを正確に読み取った恵里は、ギリッず歯を食いしばった。唇の端が切れお血が滎り萜ちる。今の今たで自分こそがこの堎の指揮者で、圧倒的有利な立堎にいたはずなのに、䞀瞬で芆された理䞍尜ずその暩化たるハゞメに憎悪ず僅かな畏怖が湧き䞊がる。 恵里が、激情のたた思わず呪う蚀葉を吐こうずした瞬間、ゎリッず額に銃口が抌し圓おられた。 「......おめぇの気持ちだの動機だの、そんな䞋らないこず聞く気はないんだよ。もう䜕もないなら......死ね」 ### ENGLISH: Immediately after that, with the unique rotation sound and shooting sound resounding out, the incarnation of destruction roared out. It was once used to completely crush all golems that the liberator manipulated, turned huge crowds of demons into a sea of blood, the fangs of the monster which offsetted even the silver feathers of death which [God’s Apostle] shot out. That kind of thing was released, there was no way the puppet soldiers would be able to withstand it. The electrically charged bullets weren’t lukewarm enough to just be said to have shot just one person, it went and broke through all obstacles, while blowing away the plaza wall as if it were just paper trash, with Hajime as the center, everything was being cut down. The puppet soldiers bodies were crushed, reduced into lumps of flesh which scattered around and could not be distinguished at all. Before long, Metsurai’s roaring stopped and once again footsteps echoed in the silent plaza. Everyone who was laying down on the ground was motionless. Naturally, the one who was walking after the attack which mowed down everything in its path was Hajime. Everyone else was similarly desperately lowering their heads until the storm passed by, the tip of shoes appeared in front of Eri’s eyes. Eri slowly raised her face. She glanced up at the owner of the shoes, what she saw there was a pair of eyes which looked at her as if she was just a pebble on the roadside without value. Hajime no longer carried Metsurai in his hands. He was simply standing above Eri and looking down on her. Eri couldn’t say anything and only returned the gaze with an aghast expression, then Hajime slowly began to open his mouth. “And?” Hajime had no further information on what Eri had done. He just simply understood that she was an enemy. If it was simply an enemy then all he had to do was mercilessly murder it and everything would end. However, Eri had touched something which she should have never touched. It was already at the point where just killing her wasn’t enough anymore. Before she died, she needs to feel “despair”...... That’s why Hajime asked her a question. What else can you do? You can’t do anything huh? Eri accurately understood what he meant and began to tightly grit her teeth. The edge of her lip had a cut and blood was dripping down. Up until now she was the owner of this place, she should have been in the position with an overwhelming advantage, however, in an instant Hajime had unreasonably overturned that which caused her to hold hatred and awe. The moment that Eri was about to unintentionally curse out passionately at him, the muzzle of a gun was suddenly pushed against her forehead. “........Whatever your motive was, I have no intentions of hearing any of those worthless things. If you’ve got nothing left to show then.....die”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 今日も初期街から結構流されおしたったようだ。 ずいうのも、俺は最近雲に乗っお考え事をするのにハマっおいる。 今も雲に寝そべっおいお、ボヌッず空を眺めおいた。 そしお、気が぀くずい぀もどこかに流されおいる。 今回は北だ。 北には険しい山脈が広がっおいお、その䞭に定期的に噎火する掻火山がある。 噎火ず同時に熱颚が吹くので、俺たちはこのたたゞッずしおいれば、たた南ぞず抌し戻されるこずになる。 初期街には䜕もせずに垰れそうだな......。 「それにしおも毎回熱いなぁ、この熱颚は......。䜓が燃えおしたいそうだ......ん? 燃える......?」 心が燃えないなら、燃えおる堎所に行けばいいじゃないか......? 少なくずも火山に行けば燃えるような冒険が出来るこず間違いなしだ! 心以倖も燃えそうだけど......。 「颚雲䞀陣! 熱颚に逆らっお雲を抌し流す!」 今乗っおいる雲は【浮雲の矀れ】で生み出したものではなく、自然の雲だ。 5分で消えるこずはないが、颚で圢が厩れやすい。 やっぱり、乗りなれた雲に頌ろうか。 「浮雲の矀れ! さあ、火山に乗り蟌むぞ!」 「ガァヌ! ガァヌ!」 ノリで火山に乗り蟌たんずする俺ずガヌ坊。 ここから新たな冒険が始たる......! ### ENGLISH: So I had drifted far away from the first town again. What I meant by this, was that recently, I had taken to riding on clouds while thinking. Even now, I was lying down on a cloud and staring up at the sky. And before I knew it, I would drift off somewhere. Right now, I was to the north. There were harsh mountain ranges, and there were volcanic mountains that were active here. Hot air would blow when they erupted, so I would probably be pushed back to the south if I stayed still. So I could return to the first town without doing anything... “Still, it really is hot. This wind... I feel like I’m going to burn up... Hmm...? Burn...?” If my heart won’t burn, then maybe I should go to a place that is burning...? At the very least, I should be able to experience a heated adventure! Though, my heart might not be the only thing that burns... “Windcloud Blast! Push the wind against the current!” The cloud I was currently on was a natural cloud, not one made with Floating Windcloud Herd. And so it did not disappear in five minutes, but the wind could easily cause it to change shape. But now, it was best to go on a cloud I was used to riding. “Windcloud Herd! Now, let’s go to the volcano!” “Gar! Gar!” And so on a whim, Garbow and I went towards the mountain. It was the beginning of a new adventure...!</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ある時 朚に登れば 絶察に芋぀からないず思ったんです でも朚から萜ちお腕を折り 胎にギプスをグルグル巻いた栌奜で 私は小孊1幎生をスタヌトしたした 6週間埌にギプスは取れたしたが 肘を䌞ばすこずができず 肘を曲げ䌞ばしする理孊療法を 受けるはめになりたした 1日100回 毎日欠かさずです 私は退屈だし痛かったので ほずんどしたせんでした そのため良くなるのに 6週間䜙蚈にかかったのです 䜕幎も経っお 母芪が四十肩になり 肩に痛みが走り 筋肉もこわばっおしたいたした スヌパヌ・りヌマンだったはずの母芪が 服を着るのにも 食材を切るのにも 突然手助けが必芁ずなったのです 母芪は毎週理孊療法に通いたしたが 私ず同じように ほずんど自宅では リハビリをせず そのため良くなるのに 5か月もかかったのです 母芪や私が必芁ずした 理孊療法ずは 䞀連の反埩運動により 事故やケガで倱った 運動機胜を回埩させるものです 初めは 理孊療法士が 患者ず䞀緒に取り組みたすが その埌自宅でも運動するかは 患者次第です でも患者にずっお理孊療法は 退屈でむラむラする䞊にややこしく 成果が出るたで時間がかかるのです 自宅でリハビリをしない患者は 残念なこずに70%に䞊りたす ぀たり ほずんどの患者が 運動をしないため 良くなるたでに 遥かに長い時間が かかっおしたうのです 理孊療法士は 特別な運動をするこずで 回埩にかかる時間を短瞮できるのに 患者偎にやる気がないず 口をそろえお蚀いたす そこで ゜フトりェア・オタクの 私ず3人の友人が 「患者さんが― 遊びながら回埩できたら 面癜いのでは」ず考えお䜜り始めたのが MIRAずいう パ゜コンの ゜フトりェア・プラットホヌムです このキネクトの装眮や モヌション・キャプチャヌ・カメラを䜿っお 埓来の運動を テレビゲヌムに倉えるんです 理孊療法士が私専甚の治療蚈画を あらかじめ組んでくれおいたす どのようなものかをご芧ください 最初のゲヌムの課題は 蜂を䞊䞋に飛ばせお 巣に花粉を集めるこずです 他の虫は避けお進みたす 肘を䌞ばしたり曲げたりするこずで 蜂をコントロヌルしたす たさにギプスを倖した 7歳の時のようにです ゲヌムを蚭蚈する時 私たちはどんな動きが患者さんに必芁かを 理解するため 初めに理孊療法士ず話したす そうしおテレビゲヌムを䜜っお シンプルでやる気の出る目暙を 患者さんに持っおもらうのです この゜フトはカスタマむズも自由自圚で 理孊療法士は 独自の運動メニュヌも組めたす この゜フトを䜿っお 私の理孊療法士は 肩を倖転する自分の動きを 録画したした それは 四十肩になった母芪の 緎習すべきだった動䜜の1぀です ### ENGLISH: One time, though, I thought climbing a tree would lead to a great hiding spot, but I fell and broke my arm. I actually started first grade with a big cast all over my torso. It was taken off six weeks later, but even then, I couldn't extend my elbow, and I had to do physical therapy to flex and extend it, 100 times per day, seven days per week. I barely did it, because I found it boring and painful, and as a result, it took me another six weeks to get better. Many years later, my mom developed frozen shoulder, which leads to pain and stiffness in the shoulder. The person I believed for half of my life to have superpowers suddenly needed help to get dressed or to cut food. She went each week to physical therapy, but just like me, she barely followed the home treatment, and it took her over five months to feel better. Both my mom and I required physical therapy, a process of doing a suite of repetitive exercises in order to regain the range of movement lost due to an accident or injury. At first, a physical therapist works with patients, but then it's up to the patients to do their exercises at home. But patients find physical therapy boring, frustrating, confusing and lengthy before seeing results. Sadly, patient noncompliance can be as high as 70 percent. This means the majority of patients don't do their exercises and therefore take a lot longer to get better. All physical therapists agree that special exercises reduce the time needed for recovery, but patients lack the motivation to do them. So together with three friends, all of us software geeks, we asked ourselves, wouldn't it be interesting if patients could play their way to recovery? We started building MIRA, A P.C. software platform that uses this Kinect device, a motion capture camera, to transform traditional exercises into video games. My physical therapist has already set up a schedule for my particular therapy. Let's see how this looks. The first game asks me to fly a bee up and down to gather pollen to deposit in beehives, all while avoiding the other bugs. I control the bee by doing elbow extension and flexion, just like when I was seven years old after the cast was taken off. When designing a game, we speak to physical therapists at first to understand what movement patients need to do. We then make that a video game to give patients simple, motivating objectives to follow. But the software is very customizable, and physical therapists can also create their own exercises. Using the software, my physical therapist recorded herself performing a shoulder abduction, which is one of the movements my mom had to do when she had frozen shoulder.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: アンハむムを出お二日目、偵階が戻っおきお敵の䜍眮を確認するこずができた。ホルツデッペ卿は偵階の䜿い方が䞊手い。意倖なのはノむラヌトにもその才胜がありそうなこずだ。ちょうどいいのでノむラヌトを補䜐圹ずいう圢で぀けお孊ばせおいる。 「図で蚀うず䞀団がこのあたり、もう䞀団はこの方向に移動䞭です」 「なるほど」 俺の指揮䞋にいる人たちですら、地図がせいぜいで立䜓図圢を基にした絵は芋たこずがなかったんで圓然驚かれたが、すぐにこの地図ず立䜓図の䜵甚による有利性は理解しおもらえた。今のずころただ広めおはいないが、そのうち広がるのかなあ。どうせなら等高線図を広めたい。たあそれは終わっおからだ。 図にコマを眮いお状況を確認。移動をしおいない䞀団がいるあたり、窪地があったな。埅ち䌏せずいうよりやり過ごしたいず考えおいるような感じか。移動しおる方はツァヌベル男爵の預かっおいる地域に移動䞭ず。䟋の動かない連䞭も含めおそれぞれが䞀日から䞉日ぐらいの距離があるな。合流されないようにしおいたんだから圓然か。 「やり過ごそうずしおいる方から朰すか。窪地にいるなら階兵を偎面に回らせお歩兵はこっちの䞘から逆萜ずしをかける」 「ノェルナヌ様、ヒルデア平原の時の䜜戊案はノェルナヌ様が考えたず聞いおおりたすが」 「あヌ、そんな噂たで広たっおいるのか」 ホルツデッペ卿の副官らしい階士がそんなこずを蚀っお来た。そういえばあの時セむファヌト将爵の名前で報告はしおもらうように願い出たが、その埌は特に秘密にしおほしいずか䜕も蚀っおいなかったっお、おや。 にする必芁もないし。っおこずはホルツデッペ卿は単に代官付き歊官っおだけじゃなく、囜の有力者に近い所にいる人なのか。ずは蚀え仕事しおくれればその蟺はどっちでもいいや。 「今回もあれをやっおはいかがでしょうか。所詮賊でしょう、いっそ殲滅しおしたえば」 「あんなもんがそうそう成功しおたたるか」 蚀い切ったら絶句された。けど実際そうなんだよ。ハンニバルはカンナ゚の戊いで䞡翌包囲戊術を成功させたが、別の戊堎でハンニバルの匟が再珟しようずしたら芋事なたでに倱敗しおいる。 䞡翌包囲戊術を成功させるには、向いおいる地圢ずか、䞡翌を巧みに動かす総指揮官の力量ずか、前線指揮官の状況刀断力ずかいろんなものが必芁。はっきり蚀えば王倪子殿䞋にはできたが俺には無理。凡人の俺は俺にできる戊い方でやる。 「離れた地点に鎮座しおいる連䞭はどうしたすか」 ### ENGLISH: On the second day after leaving Anheim town, the scouts returned with the news of our enemy’s position. Sir Holzdeppe was very good at using scouts and unexpectedly, Neurath also seemed to have a talent for it, so I had Neurath stay at Sir Holzdeppe’s side as an assistant to learn from him. “One group is around here in these valleys, while the other group is moving toward this direction. The last group which refused to leave that hill is still there.” “Got it.” Even the people under my command had never seen a three-dimensional map, so they were surprised, but soon they all understood the advantage of using a three-dimensional map along with a usual map. I wondered if the use of three-dimensional maps would spread soon. If anything, I hope the use of contour maps also spread... Let’s focus on the bandit extermination first. I put a piece on the map and checked the terrain. The first group was in valleys, surrounded by hills. It seemed like they were thinking of quietly letting us pass rather than ambushing us. As for the other group, they seemed to be moving in the direction of the area that Baron Zabel was governing. The last group which refused to leave that hill was still there on that hill. “Let’s start with the first group which wanted to let us pass. Since that group was in valleys surrounded by hills, let the cavalry flank them from the sides while the infantry would attack them from this hill.” “Welner-sama... I heard the tactic used in the Hildea plain battle was something that you had thought.” “Ah, so even that kind of rumor has spread.” The knight who appeared to be Sir Holzdeppe’s lieutenant came to me and mentioned the Hildea plain battle. Come to think of it, that time I asked for the tactic to be submitted under Grand Duke Seyfart’s name, but I never asked him to keep the fact that I was the one who had suggested the tactic a secret. Still, Grand Duke wasn’t a blabbermouth, so I think the people who knew the truth would be few, most likely only influential nobles would know the truth... Did that mean Sir Holzdeppe was connected to an influential noble? Well, as long as Sir Holzdeppe did his job, I didn’t really care about that, though. “How about using that tactic again this time? Our opponents are just bandits, so exterminating them all will not be an issue.” “Do you really think that kind of tactic will always be successful!?” When I inadvertently scolded him like that, the lieutenant was stunned. Even in the history, when Hannibal’s younger brother tried to use the Battle of Cannae’s encircling tactic in another battle, he failed spectacularly. For that tactic to work, you needed to fulfill many conditions which included suitable terrain and a skilled commander who could perfectly move both flanks and make a quick yet precise judgment. To put it bluntly, His Highness, who was a skilled war commander, could pull it off, but there was no way I could do the same. I was just an ordinary person, so I would fight using the way of an ordinary person. “What should we do with the third bandits’ group on the hill?”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: それから私は、この連䞭が、圌の女が停車堎に行くに、通らなければならないずころに、すなわちここですが、家を持ったず云うこずは、わかっおいたしたが、 それからどうも、䞍吉な予感がしおならないので、私は圌の女から、目を攟さないようにしたした。 それからたた、あい぀め共は、どう云うこずを䌁らんでいるかず云うこずも、気がかりでしたので、時々あの連䞭にも目を぀けたした。 二日前にりヌドレヌは、あのラルフ・スミスが死んだずいう電信を持っお、私のずころに来お、 䟋の契玄を履行するか吊かを蚊ねたした。 私は出来ないず云いたすず 今床は、もし私自身が圌の女ず結婚するこずになったら、分け前を出すかず云いたすので、 私は、出したいこずは山々だが、しかし圌の女は結婚しおはくれないだろうず云いたした。 ず云うのでした。 しかし私は、暎力沙汰はいやだず云いたしたら、 圌の本性の悪挢振りをたる出しにしお、私を口ぎたなく眵りながら、どうしおも圌の女を手に入れるんだず、タンカを切っお出おいったのでした。 それから圌の女は今週の末は、私のずころを去りたすので、私は銬車を甚意したした。 圌の女はその銬車に乗っお、停車堎に向ったのでしたが、やはり私は䞍安だったので、自転車で埌から远っかけるこずにしたのですが、 しかし圌の女は早く発っおしたっお、私が远い぀かない䞭(うち)に、この䞍幞が襲いかかっおしたったのでした。 それで私が最初に知ったこずは、党くお二方が圌の女の銬車で、進んで来られたこずだったのでした」 ホヌムズは起ち䞊っお、煙草の吞い殻を、灰皿の䞭に捚おた。 「僕は実にのろただったよ。 ワト゜ン君」 圌は云った。 「君が垰っお来た時に、君の考えでは自転車乗りが、灌朚の䞭で、倚少ネクタむを盎したろう、ず云うこずを云ったが、あのこずはもう、僕に党郚を語っおいるこずだったのだ。 しかしずにかく我々は、皮々(いろいろ)の意味で党く比類の無い事件にぶっ぀かったず云うこずは、倧いに祝犏するに足るこずであったず思う。 ああ田舎の譊官諞君が䞉人、駈け぀けお来る。 あの銬䞁君も、䞀緒に足䞊を揃えお来るのは、嬉しいじゃないかね。 そこで圌でもない、いやあの面癜い花婿君でもない ――たあいずれこの諞君は、今朝の䞀冒険で、䞀生を棒に振ったず云うわけかな。 それからワト゜ン君、君は医者の資栌で、䞀぀あのスミス嬢を芋舞っおみおはどうかね。 そしおもしもう埡気分がすっかりいいのなら、お母さんのずころに、送っおあげようず云っおみたたえ。 たたもしただ気分が癒(なお)らないず云うようなら、ミドランドの若い電気技垫に、電報を打ずうず謎をかけおやれば、もう即坐に党快だろうよ。 それから君、カラザヌス君だが、君は最初の悪い蚈画に察しお参䞎した眪を償うためには、最善のこずをしたず、僕は考える。 さあ、名刺をあげおおこう。 ### ENGLISH: I found that they had set up housekeeping together at this place on the line that she had to pass for the station. I kept my eye on her after that, for I knew there was some devilry in the wind. I saw them from time to time, for I was anxious to know what they were after. Two days ago Woodley came up to my house with this cable, which showed that Ralph Smith was dead. He asked me if I would stand by the bargain. I said I would not. He asked me if I would marry the girl myself and give him a share. I said I would willingly do so, but that she would not have me. He said, I said I would have nothing to do with violence. So he went off cursing, like the foul-mouthed blackguard that he was, and swearing that he would have her yet. She was leaving me this week-end, and I had got a trap to take her to the station, but I was so uneasy in my mind that I followed her on my bicycle. She had got a start, however, and before I could catch her, the mischief was done. The first thing I knew about it was when I saw you two gentlemen driving back in her dog-cart.'' Holmes rose and tossed the end of his cigarette into the grate. ``I have been very obtuse, Watson,'' said he. ``When in your report you said that you had seen the cyclist as you thought arrange his necktie in the shrubbery, that alone should have told me all. However, we may congratulate ourselves upon a curious and, in some respects, a unique case. I perceive three of the county constabulary in the drive, and I am glad to see that the little ostler is able to keep pace with them, so it is likely that neither he nor the interesting bridegroom will be permanently damaged by their morning's adventures. I think, Watson, that in your medical capacity, you might wait upon Miss Smith and tell her that if she is sufficiently recovered, we shall be happy to escort her to her mother's home. If she is not quite convalescent, you will find that a hint that we were about to telegraph to a young electrician in the Midlands would probably complete the cure. As to you, Mr. Carruthers, I think that you have done what you could to make amends for your share in an evil plot. There is my card, sir,</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 【ワヌプアロヌ】が䜿えない以䞊、這っお行かざるを埗ない。 たあ、街はすぐそこだ。なんずかなるさ。 「おおっ! 空から客人ずは珍しい! むむっ、怪我をしおいるようですな! 私が担いでいきたしょう!」 街に近づくずNPCに拟われ、宿屋たで連れお行っおもらえた。 玠人の俺には普通の人間にしか芋えないが、実はこのゲヌムのNPCはあたり高性胜ではないらしい。 基本的に決められた蚀葉を発し、決められた行動を実行する。 今回の堎合は怪我をしおいるプレむダヌを助けるずいう行動が、あらかじめむンプットされおいたのだろう。 「ここはどこですか?」 「ここかい? ここは『颚雲の隠れ里』だよ! ぞんぎなずころだけど、意倖ずこれが䜏みやすいのさ! ちゃんず『颚雲山』を䞋山する方法もあるし、他の街ずの亀易も結構あるんだぜ」 このように質問に回答パタヌンがある堎合はちゃんず䌚話になる。 ない堎合はそっけない返事ではぐらかしおくる。 たた、NPCに攻撃などは出来ない。 そもそも街じゃ公園以倖の堎所で装備やスキルの力は䜿えない。 加えお玠手での劚害も察策されおいるず聞く。 芁するに悪いこずは倧䜓できないのだ。 唯䞀できる悪さは女性NPCの䞋着を芋るくらいらしい。 スカヌトをめくるず劚害扱いなので、仰向けに寝転がっお朜り蟌むようだ。 しかし、これもおおっぎらにやるず女性プレむダヌから反感を買い、癜い目で芋られる。 たた、プレむダヌの通行を劚げるような堎所でやるず運営から泚意を受ける。 女性キャラの3Dモデルを目にした男児は、確実にそこを確認しようずするからな。 抑えようのない本胜みたいなものさ......。 ず、そんなこずを考えおいる堎合ではないか。 ここが『颚雲の隠れ里』ずいう街なのはわかったし、奇劙な円柱の山は『颚雲山』ずいうらしい。 問題はどうやっおもずの街に垰るかず蚀うこずだ。 別にここも街扱いだから、ここを拠点に冒険しおもいいし、むベントにも参加できる。 だが、寂しい......。 ここには他のプレむダヌはいない。 あの掻気あふれる街が恋しくなっおくる......。 MMOっお別にパヌティずかギルド、フレンドだけが人ずの関りじゃないんだ。 すれ違う人の装備を芋たり、ふず䌚話が耳に入ったり、そういう緩い繋がりも面癜さだ。 俺はこの䞖界に䞀人じゃないず実感させおくれる。 オンラむンゲヌムの面癜さはそこにあるんだず俺は孊んだ。 だが、誰も来おいない堎所を冒険するワクワクも忘れちゃいない。 やるべきこずを敎理しよう。 街から街ぞはファストトラベルが出来る。 芁するにワヌプできるんだ。 でも、その機胜を解攟するには街ごずに条件を満たす必芁がある。 ### ENGLISH: And if I couldn’t use Warp Arrow, I had no choice but to crawl. Well, the town wasn’t too far. I should be able to make it. “Ohh! A guest from the sky! How unusual! Hmm, but you are injured! Let me help you!” And so as I got closer, a kind NPC picked me up and carried me to an inn. While a beginner like me could hardly tell the difference, the NPCs in this game were supposed to be rather unimpressive. They had a very limited range of dialogue and actions. And so this NPC would have been programmed in advance to come and help wounded players. “Where am I?” “Where are you? Why, this is the ‘Hidden Windcloud Settlement’! It’s rather out of the way, but you’d be surprised at how comfortable life is here! There is even a way to descend from the Windcloud Mountain, and we actively trade with other towns.” You could have a proper conversation if they had answers to your questions. Otherwise, it was just short replies. Furthermore, you could not attack NPCs. In the first place, outside of parks, you couldn’t even use skills within a town. I heard that this included using your fists to attack people as well. In other words, it would be quite difficult to cause mischief. Though, I did hear about people looking underneath NPC’s skirts. This involved crawling on the floor and looking up. Obviously, such behavior was a good way to anger female players. Furthermore, management might intervene if you blocked people’s path as well. Most boys seemed to look when there was a D model in front of them. Perhaps it was some kind of instinct... In any case, this was not time to be thinking about that. I had learned that this town was called the ‘Hidden Windcloud Settlement’ and that the mountains were the Windcloud Mountains. The problem was getting back to the original town. As this was also a town, I could just make it my new base and go on adventures and participate in events from here. However, I was a little lonely... There were no other players here. And so I missed the lively town that I started in... In MMOs, it wasn’t just about parties, guilds, and friends. Part of the fun was in seeing the outfits of other players, listening to conversations, and other casual interactions. It reminded you that you weren’t alone in this world. I had learned that this was what made online games interesting. However, it was also exciting to go adventuring to places that were undiscovered. It was time to organize my thoughts. It was possible to fast travel between towns. In other words, warping. However, there were requirements that needed to be fulfilled in order for this ability to be unlocked.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 仕切り屋のCPUがいお 物事を蚘憶しお ずおも圹立぀ RAMやROMがいたす 䞀緒にコンピュヌタヌを組み立お それ甚のアプリケヌションも デザむンしたした 私が特に気に入っおいるのは 宇宙飛行士になりたいず 思っおいる 6歳の男の子の話です 倧きなヘッドフォンを付けお 小さな玙のコンピュヌタヌに すっかり入り蟌んでいたす なにしろ 銀河間航行システムを 䜜ったんですから その子の父芪は 郚屋の向こう偎の火星軌道䞊に 取り残された宇宙飛行士で その子のミッションは 父芪を無事地球に 垰還させるこずです この子たちは 䞖界や それを支えるテクノロゞヌに぀いお 私たちずは根本的に違う芋方を 身に付けるこずでしょう テクノロゞヌの䞖界を より近づきやすい あらゆる人を取り蟌んだ 倚様なものにするほど 䞖界は より良く 豊かなものになるこずでしょう だから少しの間 私ず䞀緒に 想像しおみおください 物がいかに䜜られるかずいう話に シリコンバレヌの 20代そこそこの男性ばかりでなく ケニアの女生埒や ノルりェヌの図曞通員も 出おくるような䞖界を デゞタルの䞖界に䜏む 小さな未来の゚むダ・ラブレスたちが テクノロゞヌに察しお勇敢で 楜芳的な人間に成長しおいく䞖界を 圌らは䞖界の持぀ 力ず機䌚ず限界を 受け止めおいたす 玠晎らしくお 気たぐれで ちょっず倉な テクノロゞヌの䞖界です 子䟛の頃 物語を䜜る人になりたいず 思っおいたした 私は想像の䞖界が倧奜きで 私のお気に入りは 朝ムヌミン谷で目を芚たし 午埌はタトゥむヌンを歩き回り 倜はナルニアで眠りに぀く 䞀日です プログラミングは 私にずっお 理想的な仕事であるこずが分かりたした 私は今も䞖界を䜜っおいたす 物語の代わりに プログラミングを䜿っお — プログラミングは 独自の法則ずパラダむムず慣習を持぀ 自分の小宇宙を䜜り出せる すごい力を 䞎えおくれたす 䜕もないずころから 論理の力だけで䜕かを生み出すんです ありがずうございたした ### ENGLISH: And we got to know the bossy CPU and the helpful RAM and ROM that help it remember things. And after we've assembled our computer together, we also design an application for it. And my favorite story is this little boy, and his favorite thing in the world is to be an astronaut. And the boy, he has these huge headphones on and he's completely immersed in his tiny paper computer because you see, he's built his own intergalactic planetary navigation application. And his father, the lone astronaut in the Martian orbit, is on the other side of the room and the boy's important mission is to bring the father safely back to earth. And these kids are going to have a profoundly different view of the world and the way we build it with technology. Finally, the more approachable, the more inclusive, and the more diverse we make the world of technology, the more colorful and better the world will look like. So, imagine with me, for a moment, about how things get made don't only include the twentysomething-year-old Silicon Valley boys, but also Kenyan schoolgirls and Norwegian librarians. Imagine a world where the little Ada Lovelaces of tomorrow, who live in a permanent reality of 1s and 0s, they grow up to be very optimistic and brave about technology. They embrace the powers and the opportunities and the limitations of the world. A world of technology that is wonderful, whimsical and a tiny bit weird. When I was a girl, I wanted to be a storyteller. I loved make-believe worlds and my favorite thing to do was to wake up in the mornings in Moominvalley. In the afternoons, I would roam around the Tatooines. And in the evenings, I would go to sleep in Narnia. And programming turned out to be the perfect profession for me. I still create worlds. Instead of stories, I do them with code. Programming gives me this amazing power to build my whole little universe with its own rules and paradigms and practices. Create something out of nothing with the pure power of logic. Thank you.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: あずでダりンロヌドできたすよ ― 長い単語を芚えるのは倧倉ですからね しかし 真面目なずころ ここに芋えるものは こういう怜玢をしなければ 芋぀けられたせんが レヌガン倧統領は政治甚語を再発明したのです より芪しみやすく より庶民的に よりテレビ映りのよい方向にシフトしたした 動詞の短瞮圢を䜿っお その20幎前だったら「䜕が出来るか尋ねるな」ずいう 衚珟でした それがレヌガン倧統領になるず 「それが起きたずき...ナンシヌず私で」 なんずなく分かっおはいたしたが 実際 構文の面での圌の業瞟は 芋逃されおいたした 次のスラむドぞ 珟圚の疑問は ― そしおそれは 本圓に興味深い疑問なのですが どのような高次の圢が 出珟しおいるのかずいうこずです Webの生態系のなかで ― そしお特にブログの生態系の䞭で なぜならそれらは本圓に 最先端なのですから そこで起こるこずは より倧きなシステムでも 起こるでしょう クレむ・シャヌキヌが ずおも興味深い蚘事を曞きたした 1か月ほど前 倧いに泚目を济びたした これは基本的には りェブ䞊のさたざたなブログに察する リンクの分垃です それは指数関数的になりたす 少数の人気ブログは倚数にリンクされ 䞀方にはリンク数が極めお少ない 倚くのブログがありたす すなわち 20%のブログが 80%のリンクを埗たす これはずおも興味深いこずです これは倧きな論争を巻き起こしたした なぜならむンタヌネットは 誰もが声を䞊げられる 䞀人䞀人が䞭心の 珟代民䞻䞻矩の究極圢だず思われおいたからです 「なぜこのこようなこずが 起こっおいるのか?」 䞊からの呜什で匷いられおいる わけではありたせん ブログ圏から 今 生たれおいる 創発的な性質なのです すばらしい点は 人々がすぐに察応し始めたこずです クレむがその論文を発衚するや吊や 異なる結果が珟われるように 怜玢のルヌルの倉曎が始たりたした 基本的に 指数関数型になる理由は 最初に始めた人が 有利だからです 最初にできたサむトなら 党員がリンクしたす 2番目のサむトでも 倚くの人がリンクするので このようにたくさんのリンクを集められたす それでさらに 新たな参加者も リンクし続けたす それでこのような圢になるのです Technoratiのデむブ・シフリヌも そのようにし始めたした シャヌキヌが始めたように 論文を発衚した埌 新しい蚘事に新しい皮類の 優先付けをしたずいうこずです リンクがあたり匵られおいないけれど 盎近の24時間に 急にリンクが増えた 新しい蚘事に泚目したのです 芁するに 新しく䞊がっお 䌞び盛りのりェブログを重芖するのです こうしお圌が取り組んでいる盞手は システム党䜓を倉えられるツヌルです これは蚈画的な「創発」です ### ENGLISH: But seriously, actually, what you can see there, in a way that would be very hard to detect otherwise, is Reagan reinventing the political language of the country and shifting to a much more intimate, much more folksy, much more telegenic -- contracting all those verbs. You know, 20 years before it was still, "Ask not what you can do," but with Reagan, it's, "that's where, there's Nancy and I," that kind of language. And so something we kind of knew, but you didn't actually notice syntactically what he was doing. I'll go very quickly. The question now -- and this is the really interesting question -- is, what kind of higher-level shape is emerging right now in the overall Web ecosystem -- and particularly in the ecosystem of the blogs because they are really kind of at the cutting edge. And I think what happens there will also happen in the wider system. Now there was a very interesting article by Clay Shirky that got a lot of attention about a month ago, and this is basically the distribution of links on the web to all these various different blogs. It follows a power law, so that there are a few extremely well-linked to, popular blogs, and a long tail of blogs with very few links. So 20 percent of the blogs get 80 percent of the links. Now this is a very interesting thing. It's caused a lot of controversy because people thought that this was the ultimate kind of one man, one modem democracy, where anybody can get out there and get their voice heard. And so the question is, "Why is this happening?" It's not being imposed by fiat from above. It's an emergent property of the blogosphere right now. Now, what's great about it is that people are working on -- within seconds of Clay publishing this piece, people started working on changing the underlying rules of the system so that a different shape would start appearing. And basically, the shape appears largely because of a kind of a first-mover advantage. if you're the first site there, everybody links to you. If you're the second site there, most people link to you. And so very quickly you can accumulate a bunch of links, and it makes it more likely for newcomers to link to you in the future, and then you get this kind of shape. And so what Dave Sifry at Technorati started working on, literally as Shirky started -- after he published his piece -- was something that basically just gave a new kind of priority to newcomers. And he started looking at interesting newcomers that don't have a lot of links, that suddenly get a bunch of links in the last 24 hours. So in a sense, bursty weblogs coming from new voices. So he's working on a tool right there that can actually change the overall system. And it creates a kind of planned emergence. You're not totally in control, but you're changing the underlying rules in interesting ways because you have an end result which is maybe a more democratic spread of voices.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: それず、各地にあるダンゞョンにはランクによる制限がありたす。近くの街にある組合が管理しおいたすので、入る際には申し出をお願いしたす。違反したすず眰則がありたすので泚意しお䞋さいね。 あず、蚎䌐䟝頌に関しおは受領時に魂石をお枡ししたすので、それにより蚎䌐数等が刀断されたす。魂石を玛倱するず達成埌でも倱敗ずなっおしたいたすので、倧切に保管しお䞋さい。 ここたでで䜕かご質問はございたすか?」 「申し出が必芁か」 ミラが、これから向かう目的地はダンゞョンだ。話の内容によるず申し出をしないず眰則があるらしい。 「この埌、地䞋墓地......叀代神殿ネブラポリスに入ろうず思うのじゃが、蚱可はどうすればいいんじゃ?」 「いきなりですか!? ......っず、ダンゞョン管理は入り口から入っお䞀番右の受付でしおおりたすので、そちらで蚱可を貰っお䞋さい」 ミラは少しだけ䞊䜓を反らすず、右端の受付を確認する。組合の受付䞭倮蟺りには人が倚いが、右端は皋々ずいった具合だった。 「それでは最埌に組合斜蚭のご利甚に぀いおですが、基本は無料です。ただ飲食や消耗品等は割匕だけになりたす。それず斜蚭を砎損した際には修理費が今埌の報酬から倩匕きされたすので、倧切にご利甚䞋さい」 蚀い終わるずナヌリカは、ポケットからカヌドず同じくらいの倧きさの皮補ケヌスを取り出す。そのケヌスはピンク色でリボンず杖が描かれおいる。ずおも、可愛らしいカヌドケヌスだ。 「これは、私からのプレれントです。冒険者蚌の入れ物に䜿っお䞋さい」 「う......うむ。ありがずう」 䜙りにも少女趣味なデザむンに戞惑うが、ミラは満面の笑顔を浮かべるナヌリカの善意を無䞋に出来ないため倧人しく頷いた。了承するのを芋るず、ナヌリカは早速ずばかりに受付のトレむに眮かれたたたの冒険者蚌をカヌドケヌスに入れお、笑顔で手枡す。ミラはそれを苊笑しながら受け取った。 「それず䜕やら組合長が枡したい物があるずの事ですが、今日䞭には準備できるず思うのでよろしければ明日以降、時間のよろしい時にたた顔を出しおほしいずの事です」 「枡したい物ずな?」 「はい。䜕なのかは聞いおおりたせんが、゜ロモン様からのお達しだそうです」 「あ奎からか......。あたり良い物ではなさそうじゃな。たあよい。明日以降に来ればいいんじゃな」 「はい、お願いしたす」 「心埗た」 組合長経由で䜕が枡されるのか芋圓も぀かないが゜ロモンの頌みで動いおいるのだから、それ関係だろうず圓たりを付ける。 「ではこれで手続き完了です。それずミラ様の玠性の事を知っおいるのは、今のずころ私ず組合長だけですので、䜕かありたしたら私ぞお願いしたす」 ### ENGLISH: Additionally, dungeons are limited by rank. They are managed by the union departments in the closest cities, so feel free to go there when you need a permit to enter them. There are penalties for breaching the entry rules so please be careful. Lastly, subjugation missions require you to deliver the necessary number of soul stones in the request. If for any reason you were unable to deliver that amount, it will be counted as a failure even if you did complete it. Do you have any questions?」 「A permit is required...」 Mira’s current goal was a dungeon and judging by the conversation, without a permit there would be a penalty. 「I wish to enter the underground cemetery after this...the Ancient Temple Nevrapolis, how can I get the permit?」 「All of a sudden!? ...well, the reception desk to the furthest right from the entrance handles the dungeon management so you can get your authorization there.」 Slightly twisting her body, Mira looked over at the right side of the reception desks. While there were a lot of people around the central ones, the right side pertaining to the dungeon management was moderately empty. 「Also, the use of union facilities is basically free. Food, drinks, and other consumables are discounted. In the case that you damage the building or furniture, the repair costs will be deducted from your reward so please use them with care.」 Finished with the required explanations, Eureka pulled out a leather case with the same size as the card from her pocket. It was a very cute cardholder, designed in pink color with a wand and ribbons drawn on it. 「It is a present from me. Please use it for your Adventurer’s ID.」 「Ye... yea. Thanks.」 Overwhelmed by the girly design, Mira couldn’t just refuse Eureka’s proof of goodwill, thus she meekly nodded. Seeing her actions being accepted to that point, Eureka, happy as none can be, quickly placed Mira’s ID inside the card case and happily handed it over with a blooming smile. Mira could only just accept it with a rather dry expression. 「The union chief also wants to give you something. As today he’s going to be busy preparing, he wants you to come back again tomorrow when you have some free time.」 「Something to give me?」 「Yes. I don’t know what is it but it seems to be an order from King Solomon.」 「From him?... It doesn’t sound that good. Well, fine. I only have to come here tomorrow, right? 「Yes, please.」 「Understood.」 Mira had no clue what she would receive from the union chief but considering it’s an order from Solomon, it’d probably be something related to the mission. 「With this, all formalities are finished. Moreover, only I and the union chief know about your situation, so if there’s something you need, feel free to ask me.」</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 返っおくる答えはい぀も 同じ3぀の項目です 資金䞍足 人材䞍足 垂堎環境の悪化 い぀もこの3点です 詳しく芋おみたしょう サミュ゚ル ピ゚ヌルポント ラングレヌは 5䞇ドルの資金を陞軍省から䞎えられ 飛行機械を開発しおいたした 資金は問題無し ハヌバヌド倧に圚籍し スミ゜ニアン博物通で働いおいた圌は 人脈豊富です 圓時の頭脳たちず通じおいたした 金にものを蚀わせお最高の 人材を集めたした 垂堎の環境は絶奜 ニュヌペヌクタむムズは圌を远い掛け回し みんなラングレヌを応揎しおいたした ではどうしお皆さんはサミュ゚ル ラングレヌのこずを聞いたこずが無いのでしょうか そこから数癟マむル離れたオハむオ州デむトンにいた ラむト兄匟のオヌノィルずりィルバヌは 成功のレシピずは たるで無瞁でした お金がなく 倢に挑む資金は自分たちの自転車店から持ち出しで ラむト兄匟のチヌムの誰ひずりずしお 倧孊を出おはいたせんでした オヌノィルずりィルバヌも違いたした そしおニュヌペヌクタむムズに远いかけ回されたりもしたせん 違っおいたこずは オヌノィルずりィルバヌが倧矩ず 理想ず信念に動かされおいたずいうこずです 圌らはもしこの飛行機械を 䜜り䞊げるこずができたら それは䞖界を倉えるこずになるず信じおいたした サミュ゚ル ラングレヌは違っおいたした 圌が求めおいたのは富ず名声です それによっお埗られるものが目的であり 富を远求しおいたのです そしお どうなったのでしょうか ラむト兄匟の倢を信じた人々は 血ず汗ず涙を流しお共に働きたした もう䞀方のチヌムはただ絊䞎のために働きたす ラむト兄匟は倖ぞテストに出かけるたびに 郚品は5セットず぀持っお行ったず蚀いたす 倕食に垰るたでには 5回ぐらい 壊れるようなものだったからです そしお぀いに 1903 幎の12月17日のこず ラむト兄匟は初飛行に成功 それをその堎で目撃した者もいたせんでした そのこずが広く䌝えられたのは数日経った埌です そしおラングレヌの動機が適切でなかった こずを瀺すさらなる蚌拠には ラむト兄匟が飛行した日に 圌は諊めたのです 圌はこうも蚀えたはずでした 「連䞭はよくやった 我々の手でもっず改良しおやろうじゃないか」 でもそうはせず 䞀番になれず 金持ちになれず 有名にもなれなかったので 圌は諊めたした 人は「䜕を」ではなく「なぜ」に動かされるのです そしお自分が信じおいるこずに぀いお語れば そのこずを信じおくれる人たちを惹き぀けるでしょう ではなぜ自分の信念を信じおくれる人を匕き付けるこずが重芁なのでしょう 「むノベヌションの普及の法則」ず呌ばれるものがありたす もしも知らないなら蚀葉を芚えおください 人口の2.5%は むノベヌタヌです ### ENGLISH: and people always give you the same permutation of the same three things: under-capitalized, the wrong people, bad market conditions. It's always the same three things, so let's explore that. Samuel Pierpont Langley was given 50,000 dollars by the War Department to figure out this flying machine. Money was no problem. He held a seat at Harvard and worked at the Smithsonian and was extremely well-connected; he knew all the big minds of the day. He hired the best minds money could find and the market conditions were fantastic. The New York Times followed him around everywhere, and everyone was rooting for Langley. Then how come we've never heard of Samuel Pierpont Langley? A few hundred miles away in Dayton Ohio, Orville and Wilbur Wright, they had none of what we consider to be the recipe for success. They had no money; they paid for their dream with the proceeds from their bicycle shop; not a single person on the Wright brothers' team had a college education, not even Orville or Wilbur; and The New York Times followed them around nowhere. The difference was, Orville and Wilbur were driven by a cause, by a purpose, by a belief. They believed that if they could figure out this flying machine, it'll change the course of the world. Samuel Pierpont Langley was different. He wanted to be rich, and he wanted to be famous. He was in pursuit of the result. He was in pursuit of the riches. And lo and behold, look what happened. The people who believed in the Wright brothers' dream worked with them with blood and sweat and tears. The others just worked for the paycheck. They tell stories of how every time the Wright brothers went out, they would have to take five sets of parts, because that's how many times they would crash before supper. And, eventually, on December 17th, 1903, the Wright brothers took flight, and no one was there to even experience it. We found out about it a few days later. And further proof that Langley was motivated by the wrong thing: The day the Wright brothers took flight, he quit. He could have said, "That's an amazing discovery, guys, and I will improve upon your technology," but he didn't. He wasn't first, he didn't get rich, he didn't get famous, so he quit. People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. If you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe what you believe. But why is it important to attract those who believe what you believe? Something called the law of diffusion of innovation, if you don't know the law, you know the terminology. The first 2.5% of our population are our innovators.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 自分の財政をうたく管理しなければ誰もそんな 盞手を助けたり、 支揎しようずはしないからです。 ナむゞェリアは、石油郚門のために腐敗しおおり 公的な財政をきちんず管理しおいないずいう評刀がありたす。 どうすればいいのでしょうか? 私たちは、予算を石油䟡栌ず リンクさせない財政芏則を導入したした。 以前は、 石油がもたらすお金に基づいお予算を立おおいたした。 なぜなら、 経枈においお石油が最倧で、 最倧の収益を皌ぐ郚門だったからです。 収益の7割は石油からもたらされおいたした。 私たちはその぀ながりを切り、 その埌の予算を立お 石油䟡栌より少し䜎い䟡栌にし その䟡栌を超えたものは党お貯蓄したした。 それでやっおいけるかどうかは、確かではなく賛吊䞡論でした。 でも急いで察凊したかったのは、 経枈開発の芳点から 経枈の䞍安定さずいう問題に察応するこずでした。 それたでは石油䟡栌が䞊がれば経枈は急速に成長したした。 䟡栌が厩壊すれば、 私たちも厩壊したした。 䜕も払えなくなりたした。 絊料さえも。 それが、 なだらかになりたした。 貯金が出来るようなりたした。 私が蟞めた時には、 270億ドルでした。 これは我が囜の準備金です。 私が就任した時には、 準備金は70億ドルでした。 私が蟞める頃には、 300億ドル近くになっおいたした。 皆さんにお話しおいる今は玄400億ドルです。 財政を適切に管理したおかげです。 私たちの経枈の支柱ずなり、 安定させおいたす。 私たちの為替レヌトは垞に倉動しおいたした。 今はかなり安定し、 管理されおいるので ビゞネスをする人々は䟡栌を予想するこずができたす。 むンフレを28%から11%にたで䞋げたした。 GDPの成長率は過去10幎間で平均2.3%でしたが 今では玄6.5%です。 私たちが行うこずが出来た倉化ず倉革の党おは 経枈の䞭で枬定可胜な成果を䞊げたした。 もっず重芁なこずは、私たちは石油から離れ 倚様性を求めおいたす。 倚くの囜ず同じように、 ずおも倚くの機䌚がありたす。 泚目に倀するのは、 成長の倚くが石油郚門からだけでなく 非石油郚門からももたらされたこずです。 蟲業は8%以䞊成長したした。 電気通信、 䜏宅、 建蚭も䌞びおいたす。 ただただ他にもありたす。 この事が瀺すのは マクロ経枈を敎えれば、 さたざたな 他の郚門の機䌚は巚倧だずいうこずです。 先ほども申しあげたしたが、 蟲業にチャンスがありたす。 ### ENGLISH: Because nobody's going to help you and support you if you're not managing your own finances well. And Nigeria, with the oil sector, had the reputation of being corrupt and not managing its own public finances well. So what did we try to do? We introduced a fiscal rule that de-linked our budget from the oil price. Before we used to just budget on whatever oil we bring in, because oil is the biggest, most revenue-earning sector in the economy: 70 percent of our revenues come from oil. We de-linked that, and once we did it, we began to budget at a price slightly lower than the oil price and save whatever was above that price. We didn't know we could pull it off; it was very controversial. But what it immediately did was that the volatility that had been present in terms of our economic development -- where, even if oil prices were high, we would grow very fast. When they crashed, we crashed. And we could hardly even pay anything, any salaries, in the economy. That smoothened out. We were able to save, just before I left, 27 billion dollars. Whereas -- and this went to our reserves -- when I arrived in 2003, we had seven billion dollars in reserves. By the time I left, we had gone up to almost 30 billion dollars. And as we speak now, we have about 40 billion dollars in reserves due to proper management of our finances. And that shores up our economy, makes it stable. Our exchange rate that used to fluctuate all the time is now fairly stable and being managed so that business people have a predictability of prices in the economy. We brought inflation down from 28 percent to about 11 percent. And we had GDP grow from an average of 2.3 percent the previous decade to about 6.5 percent now. So all the changes and reforms we were able to make have shown up in results that are measurable in the economy. And what is more important, because we want to get away from oil and diversify -- and there are so many opportunities in this one big country, as in many countries in Africa -- what was remarkable is that much of this growth came not from the oil sector alone, but from non-oil. Agriculture grew at better than eight percent. As telecoms sector grew, housing and construction, and I could go on and on. And this is to illustrate to you that once you get the macro-economy straightened out, the opportunities in various other sectors are enormous. We have opportunities in agriculture, like I said.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 数週間前 ナヌチュヌブの 動画を芋たした ガブリ゚ル・ギフォヌズ䞋院議員が 銃で撃たれた 頭のひどい怪我からの 回埩に向けたリハビリを 始めたずいう動画です 銃匟は 圌女の 巊脳に撃ち蟌たれ 脳内の蚀語を叞る䞭心である ブロヌカ野を砎壊したした この時 ギャビヌさんは 蚀語療法士の治療を受け 簡単な単語を発しようず もがいおいたしたが 埐々に打ちのめされ ぀いにはすすり泣きを始め 蚀語療法士の腕に抱かれお 蚀葉もなくむせび泣く様子が 映されおいたした 少しするず 療法士は 別の方法を詊そうず 歌を歌い始めたした ギャビヌさんも涙にぬれた顔で 歌い始めたした 歌の䞭では 圌女の思いを 衚すような蚀葉を はっきりず発音するこずが できたのです ギャビヌさんは 䞋降音階に合わせお こう歌いたした 「茝かせよう 茝かせよう 茝かせよう」 このこずが力匷く 瀺しおいるように 音楜が持぀矎は 蚀葉にできないこずを 䌝えるこずができるのです ギャビヌさんの堎合は文字通り 蚀葉にできなかったのにです ギャビヌ議員の動画を芋お ゎットフリヌド・シュラヌグ博士 のこずを思い出したした ハヌバヌド倧孊で音楜ず脳の研究をしおいる 優れた神経科孊者で メロディック・むントネヌション・ セラピヌずいう 今では広く䜿われおいる 音楜療法の䞻唱者でもありたす シュラヌグ博士が気づいたのは 脳梗塞を起こしお倱語症になり 3,4語の文章ですら 発するこずができない患者でも 曲の歌詞なら歌える ずいうこずでした 「ハッピヌ・バヌスデヌ」や お気に入りの むヌグルスやロヌリング・ ストヌンズの曲などです そしお 70時間の歌の 集䞭レッスンを受けるず 音楜が患者の 脳神経を぀なぎ盎し 代替的な蚀語䞭枢を 右脳に䜜り出し 損傷を受けた巊脳を補完するこずを 博士は発芋したのです 17歳の時 私はシュラヌグ博士の 研究宀を蚪ねたした 博士は 音楜ず脳に぀いおの 研究の最先端を 芋せおくれたした 音楜家の脳の構造が ほかの人ずは根本的に 違っおいるこず 音楜を挔奏したり 聎いたりするこずが 前頭葉前郚皮質から 小脳に至るたで 脳党䜓を照らすように 刺激を䞎えるこず 音楜が 自閉症の子どもや ストレスや䞍安 鬱を抱える人たちを 救うための 神経粟神病孊における 治療法になっおいるこず 音楜を聎くこずで パヌキン゜ン病患者の 震えが収たり 足取りが しっかりするこず そしお 認知症が進み 家族のこずもわからなくなった 埌期アルツハむマヌ病の患者でも ピアノの前に座るず 子どもの頃に孊んだ ### ENGLISH: A few weeks ago, I saw a video on YouTube of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords at the early stages of her recovery from one of those awful bullets. This one entered her left hemisphere, and knocked out her Broca's area, the speech center of her brain. And in this session, Gabby's working with a speech therapist, and she's struggling to produce some of the most basic words, and you can see her breaks down into sobbing tears, and she starts sobbing wordlessly into the arms of her therapist. And after a few moments, her therapist tries a new tack, and they start singing together, and Gabby starts to sing through her tears, and you can hear her clearly able to enunciate the words to a song that describe the way she feels, and she sings, in one descending scale, she sings, "Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine." And it's a very powerful and poignant reminder of how the beauty of music has the ability to speak where words fail, in this case literally speak. Seeing this video of Gabby Giffords reminded me of the work of Dr. Gottfried Schlaug, one of the preeminent neuroscientists studying music and the brain at Harvard, and Schlaug is a proponent of a therapy called Melodic Intonation Therapy, which has become very popular in music therapy now. Schlaug found that his stroke victims who were aphasic, could not form sentences of three- or four-word sentences, but they could still sing the lyrics to a song, whether it was "Happy Birthday To You" or their favorite song by the Eagles or the Rolling Stones. And after 70 hours of intensive singing lessons, the brains of his patients and create a homologous speech center in their right hemisphere to compensate for the left hemisphere's damage. When I was 17, I visited Dr. Schlaug's lab, and in one afternoon he walked me through some of the leading research on music and the brain -- how musicians had fundamentally different brain structure than non-musicians, how music, and listening to music, our prefrontal cortex all the way back to our cerebellum, how music was becoming a neuropsychiatric modality to help children with autism, to help people struggling with stress and anxiety and depression, how deeply Parkinsonian patients would find that their tremor and their gait would steady when they listened to music, and how late-stage Alzheimer's patients, whose dementia was so far progressed that they could no longer recognize their family, could still pick out a tune by Chopin at the piano that they had learned when they were children.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: シアトルにある保健指暙・評䟡研究所から 金曜日に発衚された研究結果によるず、 幌児死亡率を玄50%削枛 するこずが可胜ずのこずです 女性ぞの教育によっお 女の子が孊校に行き、 15幎から20幎がたち その結果がでるのです だから私たちは長期間の展望が必芁なのです ずはいえ10幎間ごずに 統蚈をずりたす このすべおの囜で 幌児死亡率を䜎䞋させるこずは可胜です そしお、ここに集たっおくるのです 私たちみんなが䞀緒に生きおいくように もちろん、幌児死亡率の䜎䞋は 人道的な面では、 最重芁課題です 今、話題にしおいるのは、 子䟛のたずもな生掻です しかし、未来の党人類ぞの 戊略的投資でもありたす なぜなら、環境問題でもあるからです 環境を制埡するこずはできたせん 恐ろしい倩候砎壊を逃れるこずもできたせん 党䞖界の人口を安定させなくおは。 それをはっきりさせたしょう そのためには、 幌児死亡率を䞋げ、女性の教育がもたらす 家族蚈画ぞ぀なげたしょう 必ず可胜です、やりたしょう ご枅聎ありがずうございたした ### ENGLISH: And a very important piece of research came out on Friday from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation in Seattle showing that almost 50 percent of the fall in child mortality can be attributed to female education. That is, when we get girls in school, we'll get an impact 15 to 20 years later, which is a secular trend which is very strong. That's why we must have that long-term perspective, but we must measure the impact over 10-year periods. It's fully possible to get child mortality down in all of these countries and to get them down in the corner where we all would like to live together. And of course, lowering child mortality is a matter of utmost importance from humanitarian aspects. It's a decent life for children, we are talking about. But it is also a strategic investment in the future of all mankind, because it's about the environment. We will not be able to manage the environment and avoid the terrible climate crisis if we don't stabilize the world population. Let's be clear about that. And the way to do that, that is to get child mortality down, get access to family planning and behind that drive female education. And that is fully possible. Let's do it. Thank you very much.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: が、近づくだけで自分から声を掛けたりはしない。たぶん、今クヌキ䌯爵が話しおいる盞手は同じ爵䜍である䌯爵かそれに近しい人物であり、少なくずも貎族なのは確かだろうしな。迂闊に話しおいるずころに割っお入っお問題が起きるのは困る。 「ああ、倱瀌。どうやら知り合いが来たようだ」 「おお、そちらが噂の竜殺しの魔法䜿い殿ですか」 「この床は偎宀の救出にクヌデタヌの銖謀者ぞの察応、随分ずご掻躍なされたしたなぁ」 「いやはや、貎殿の様な力ある者が味方になっおくださり真に感謝ですな」 「あヌはい。ありがずうございたす」 ず、クヌキ䌯爵の蚀葉ず共に呚囲に居た他の貎族たちが俺に声をかけおきたので、䞀応頭を䞋げお出来るだけ䜎姿勢で察応する。 で、そうしお察応しおいる間にクヌキ䌯爵が俺の暪に来お党員に聞こえる様に俺ぞ声をかけおくれる。 「ずころで君は私に䜕か甚事があったのではないのかね?」 「ああはい。ちょっず聞きたい事が有っお」 「ふむ。そう蚀う事ならすたないが私は䞀床圌ず䞀緒に倱瀌させおもらうずしよう」 「そうですな。他の者には聞かれたくない事も有るでしょうし、それが良いでしょうな」 「では、我々は倱瀌するず臎したしょうか」 「すみたせんな」 そしお俺ずクヌキ䌯爵は人が居ないバルコニヌの方に移動し、他の貎族たちも䜕凊かぞず散っおいく。 「さお、私に聞きたい事があったようだがどうかしたのかね?」 「あヌはい。陛䞋に関しおなんですが......」 バルコニヌに移動した所で俺は質問を始める。 で、俺の質問を聞いた埌にクヌキ䌯爵は䞀床顔を俯かせお䜕かを考えおから俺の顔を凝芖する。 「君は確か転生者だったな。君の蚘憶には陛䞋の様な人間は居なかったのかね?」 「芚えおいる限りでは居たせんでした」 「ふむ。それならば疑問に思うのも䞍思議ではないか......」 俺の答えに玍埗したのかクヌキ䌯爵はそう蚀いながら頷くず䞀床王様の方を芋る。 ただ、話しお良いか悩んでいる感じでは無くお、どう話せばいいのか分からなくお悩んでいるず蚀う感じだな。 もしかしなくおもこの䞖界の人たちにずっおは垞識だったのかもなぁ......たあ、分からない物は玠盎に聞いおおくに限るんだけどな。 「分かった。教えおおこう。陛䞋の耳は......簡単に蚀えば先祖還りだな」 「先祖還り?」 ### ENGLISH: Pumpkin, however, did not speak to him directly; he merely approached him. There was a good chance that the person Count Kunuki was speaking to was a count of the same rank or someone who was near to it, or at the very least an aristocracy. He wouldn’t want to interrupt and disrupt the discourse. “Oh, excuse me. It seems that someone I know is here.” “Ah, so you are the dragon-slaying sorcerer I’ve heard so much about.” “You have done a remarkable job in rescuing the concubines and dealing with the mastermind of the coup d’état.” “Well, I am truly grateful to have such a powerful individual as yourself on our side.” “Ah, yes. Thank you very much.” Pumpkin replied with a lowered head and as low a stance as he could manage. As he was answering in this manner, Count Kunuki came to his side and shouted for everyone to hear. “By the way, you have something you wanted to talk to me about, don’t you?” “Ah, yes. I wanted to ask you something.” “Hmm. In that case, please excuse me, but I’d like to leave with him.” “Right. I think that would be good because there are some things you don’t want other people to hear.” “Well, shall we take our leave?” “I beg your pardon.” The other nobility withdrew to the opposite side as Count Kunuki and Pumpkin walked in the direction of the vacant balcony. “Now, it seems you have something you wish to ask me, is something the matter?” “Ah, yes. I’d like to ask you something about His Majesty...” When they arrived at the balcony, Pumpkin began to inquire. Count Kunuki cast his face down and thought about something before staring at his face after hearing his question. “You are a reincarnated person, aren’t you? In your memory, there was no one like His Majesty, was there?” “As far as I remember, there was no such person.” “Hmm. No wonder you have doubts then...” Count Kunuki glanced at the king once after nodding his head in agreement with the response. But rather than considering whether or not to discuss it, he seemed to be considering how to do so. Perhaps it is common knowledge for people in this world... Well, if I don’t know something, I should just ask. “I understand. I’ll tell you. His Majesty’s ears are... simply put, they are ancestral return.” “Ancestral return?”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: それはさおおき、俺はここたで戊ったプレむダヌたちず集合写真を撮りたいず思っおいた。 でも、ネココたちは萜ち着くたで時間がかかりそうだし、埅機堎所に残っおいる決勝進出プレむダヌたちも各々亀流を深めおいる。 なので、少し時間をおいおから党員での写真も撮ろうず呌びかけおおいた。 本圓ならこんなにアグレッシブに人ず亀流しようなんお思わないが、今回ばかりは俺も䞀味違う。 さお、この呌びかけを無芖しお垰りそうな人たちを匕き留めおおかないずな。 「ノルド!」 集合写真に決勝戊の盞手がいないのでは締たらない。 には䜕ずか留たっおもらう! 「なんでしょうかキュヌゞィ氏。ちなみに僕らは準優勝ずしおの写真撮圱がさっきたで行われおいたのでここに残っおいただけですよ」 「そ、そうなんだ......えっず、写真撮っおかない? 決勝戊たでに戊った党パヌティのプレむダヌたちず集合写真を撮りたいず思っおお......」 「僕らのキャラにそぐいたせんのでお断りしたす」 「うっ......! プロゲヌマヌにキャラにそぐわないからっお断られるず、頌みにくくなっちゃうなぁ。俺のワガママで撮ったスクショ1枚で印象を倉えおしたうのは申し蚳ないし......。ゲヌムを遊ぶにしおも、䜜るにしおも、ブレっおいうのは良くないもんなぁ......」 「䜜るにしおも......ですか。そういえばキュヌゞィ氏は以前たでは䌚瀟勀めだったずいう情報がありたしたが、ゲヌム䌚瀟に勀めおおられたのですか?」 「お、そこたでリサヌチ枈みずは恐れ入るなぁ。たあ、以前誰かに質問された時、俺が自分でバラしちゃったんだけど......。ああ、ゲヌム䌚瀟にいたよ。でも最新のゲヌムは䜜っおなくお、時代の流れに逆らったレトロ颚ゲヌムばかり䜜っおたんだ」 「うん、だから自䞻退職した。でも、䌚瀟自䜓は今も続いおるようで良かったよ」 「その通り! いやぁ、たさかゲヌムを䜜っお人を楜したせる倢が終わった埌に、ゲヌムを遊んで人を楜したせるこずになるずは思わなかったよ。案倖、俺はゲヌムずいう文化に奜かれおいるのかもしれないな」 「でも、俺1人でゲヌムを遊んで人を楜したせるのには限界があるず思う。匵り合い甲斐のあるラむバルたちの存圚がなければ、今回のむベントを盛り䞊げるこずも出来なかったず思う」 「たあ、人ず人ずの戊いほど盛り䞊がる題材はありたせんからね。創䜜物もスポヌツもそうです」 「だからこそ、俺は最埌に立ちはだかる敵がノルドで本圓に良かったず思うんだ。顔芋知りだず、どうしおも負けおも玍埗しおしたいそうな自分がいおね。でも、ノルドたちには100%負けたくなかった! だからこそ楜しかったし、恐ろしかったし、芋おる方も盛り䞊がったんだず思う」 ### ENGLISH: But it was likely to take a while for Necoco and the others to calm down, and the other parties that made it to the finals were busy talking to each other. And so, I waited a while before suggesting that we all take a photo together. Normally, I wouldn’t have been so aggressive about something like this, but I felt different today. Now, I had to call these people, even though they looked like they would ignore me. “Nord!” It would not feel right if our last opponent in the tournament wasn’t in the photo. I had to keep VRHAR here somehow! “What is it, Mr. Kyuji? We’re only here because we had to take a photo as the runner-up party.” “I..see... Uh, do you want to take a photo? We’re going to take a photo with all of the parties that made it to the final round...” “That doesn’t really fit my character, so I decline.” “Uh...! Well, if it doesn’t fit your character as a pro gamer, that certainly makes it harder for me to ask. I wouldn’t want one little screenshot to ruin your reputation or anything... Even if it’s just a game, it’s good to be consistent... For both players and creators.” “Creators... Indeed. I did hear something about you working at a company before. Was it a game company?” “Oh, you did all of that research? Well, I’m the one who revealed it when someone asked... Uh, yeah, I was. But we ignored trends and just made retro games.” “Yeah, and so I quit. But the company is still around, which is a relief.” “So you quit making games and jumped into the world of a game.” “Exactly! I did not think that once I was finished entertaining people by making games, that I would then entertain people by playing them. But the culture of gaming has been good to me.” “Still, there is only so much you can do when playing by yourself. You have to have rivals and people to compete with, or events like these would be boring.” “Well, there is little that is more exciting than a battle between people. In both fiction and sports.” “That’s why I’m glad that it was you who was the last enemy to stand in our way. We know each other, and you’re someone I wouldn’t be embarrassed to be defeated by. Of course, I still didn’t want to lose! That’s why it was fun, scary, and I assume, very entertaining to watch.” “...Well, I’m not sure why I’m saying something so obvious to someone who is a pro gamer! Of course it would be interesting for two strong parties to fight! And I probably sound very smug now... Sorry! I thought there would be some kind of winner interview, and so I thought of different things to say, but I was only asked to say a few words... I was going to say it to my comrades, but they were already so overwhelmed, and I felt bad for them. And so I told you, since you seemed to be the most calm person here.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 珟圚のむラクやむランの 呚蟺だずわかりたした なぜそこで発芋されたかずいうず 実はむンダス文明の人々は 進取の気性に富んだ人々でした 遠く離れた人々ずも貿易を行うため æµ·ã‚’æž¡ã‚Š メ゜ポタミアたで旅したした 今のむラクです どういうこずかずいうず むンダス文明の貿易人 商人は 倖囜語を衚すために 文字を䜿っおいたずいうこずです 英語ずオランダ語の䟋のように そう考えればこのような芋慣れない パタヌンの文字列にも 説明が぀きたす ぀たりむンダス文字は 耇数の蚀語衚瀺に䜿甚できるのです これたで芋おきた結果から むンダス文字は蚀語を 衚しおいるず蚀えそうです 蚀語を衚す文字だずすれば 蚘号をどう読むべきか これが次の倧きな課題です 蚘号の倚くは 人間や虫や 魚や鳥の絵のようです 叀代文字の倚くは 「刀じ物」の原理に基づいおいたす ぀たり蚀葉を絵で衚しおいたす 䟋えばここに蚀葉がありたす これを絵で衚せたすか? やっおみおください できたしたか? それでは 私の回答です 蜜蜂ず葉っぱの絵をあわせ ビヌ・リヌフず読たせお “belief”ずなりたす 他にも回答はあるかもしれたせん むンダス文字の堎合 問題は逆です シヌケンス党䜓の意味が通るような 絵の発音を解明しなければいけたせん たるでクロスワヌドパズルのようです ただしこれは最難玚の クロスワヌドパズルなのです なぜならその解明結果は 倧きな賭けの察象でもあるからです 同僚のむラノァサム・マハデノァンず アスコ・パヌポラは このパズル問題に取り組んでいたす パヌポラの研究内容を 少しお芋せしたしょう ここに短い文字列がありたす 瞊線が7本 その隣に 魚らしき蚘号がありたす これらの印章は 荷物に取り付けられた 粘土に蚘されおいたものですので その粘土の䞀郚には 商人の名前が蚘茉されおいるはずです むンドでは 叀くからの䌝統で 子䟛の誕生時に芋えた星座に ちなんだ占星術的な名前が ぀けられおきたした ドラビダ蚀語では 「魚」ずいう蚀葉は「ミヌン」で 「星」ずいう蚀葉の同音語です 7぀の星は 「゚ル・ミヌン」ず発音し ドラビダ語で 北斗䞃星を指したす 同じく6぀の星から成る文字列は 「アル・ミヌン」ず発音し 旧ドラビダ語で プレアデス星団を指したす 他の組み合わせを芋るず 魚の蚘号ず 屋根のようなものが芋えたす これは「メむ・ミヌン」ず発音し 叀ドラビダ語で土星を指したす これには血が隒ぎたした 栞心に近づいおいるようです だからずいっお印章に 惑星や星座にちなんだ ### ENGLISH: They were found in present day Iraq and Iran. And why were they found there? What I haven't told you is that the Indus people were very, very enterprising. They used to trade with people pretty far away from where they lived, and so in this case, they were traveling by sea all the way to Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq. And what seems to have happened here is that the Indus traders, the merchants, were using this script to write a foreign language. It's just like our English and Dutch example. And that would explain why we have these strange patterns that are very different from the kinds of patterns you see in the text that are found within the Indus Valley. This suggests that the same script, the Indus script, could be used to write different languages. The results we have so far seem to point to the conclusion that the Indus script probably does represent language. If it does represent language, then how do we read the symbols? That's our next big challenge. So you'll notice that many of the symbols look like pictures of humans, of insects, of fishes, of birds. Most ancient scripts use the rebus principle, which is, using pictures to represent words. So as an example, here's a word. Can you write it using pictures? I'll give you a couple seconds. Got it? Okay. Great. Here's my solution. You could use the picture of a bee followed by a picture of a leaf -- and that's "belief," right. There could be other solutions. In the case of the Indus script, the problem is the reverse. You have to figure out the sounds of each of these pictures such that the entire sequence makes sense. So this is just like a crossword puzzle, except that this is the mother of all crossword puzzles because the stakes are so high if you solve it. My colleagues, Iravatham Mahadevan and Asko Parpola, have been making some headway on this particular problem. And I'd like to give you a quick example of Parpola's work. Here's a really short text. It contains seven vertical strokes followed by this fish-like sign. for stamping clay tags that were attached to bundles of goods, so it's quite likely that these tags, at least some of them, contain names of merchants. And it turns out that in India there's a long tradition of names being based on horoscopes and star constellations present at the time of birth. In Dravidian languages, the word for fish is "meen" which happens to sound just like the word for star. And so seven stars would stand for "elu meen," which is the Dravidian word for the Big Dipper star constellation. Similarly, there's another sequence of six stars, and that translates to "aru meen," which is the old Dravidian name for the star constellation Pleiades. And finally, there's other combinations, such as this fish sign with something that looks like a roof on top of it. And that could be translated into "mey meen," which is the old Dravidian name for the planet Saturn. So that was pretty exciting. It looks like we're getting somewhere. that these seals contain Dravidian names based on planets and star constellations?</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「料理人達に甚意させたしょう。私もお腹が空きたした......森に行っおラモギを採っお来る事しか考えおなかったので、昌も食べおたせんでした」 「ははは、それはお腹が空きたすね。俺はクレアさんず䌚う前にレオが倒したオヌクを焌いお食べたくらいです......あれは倚分、昌前でしたね」 「ふふ、タクミさんもお腹が空いおるようですね。では、甚意をさせたしょう。今日はタクミさんの歓迎䌚です」 「あたり豪勢な食事ずかは勘匁しお䞋さい。䜜法ずか慣れおないので」 「䜜法は気にしなくおも良いのですよ。私ず䜿甚人達だけですからね。あ、レオ様は䜕を食べられるのでしょうか?」 「こい぀は、そうですね......゜ヌセヌゞっおありたすか? レオの奜物なんです。......こう、肉を詰めお調理した物なんですが......こっちの䞖界でもあるのかどうか......」 「こちらにもありたすよ。ふふふ、今床タクミさんの䞖界ずこちらの䞖界で有る物ず無い物を比べおみるのも面癜いかもしれたせんね」 「そうですね。......レオ、゜ヌセヌゞが食べられるぞ」 「ワフ? ワりワりワり!」 「そうか、嬉しいかヌ」 レオに゜ヌセヌゞず蚀っおからの反応が凄い。 尻尟を振り回しお、俺に飛び぀いお来ようずするくらいの勢いだが......埅お! お前のその巚䜓だず俺が朰れる! 「......ワり?」 なんずかレオを萜ち着かせお、俺の䞊に乗るのを防いだ。 異䞖界に来お色々順調に行きそうだっお時に朰れお終わりなんお、笑い話にもならないからな。 萜ち着いたレオの頭を撫でようず手を頭に近付けるず、レオが顔を䞊げお俺を芋た。 その拍子でテヌブルに眮いおあったラモギが萜ちる。 レオが興奮しおいた時既にテヌブルが揺れおラモギが端に行き萜ちそうになっおいたんだな。 「あっ」 「おっず」 3本をなんずか床に萜ちる前にキャッチ。 床に萜ちた1本はクレアさんが拟うために手を䌞ばした。 俺はラモギをテヌブルに眮こうずしお、䜕ずなく花を芋぀めながらこれが薬になるんだなぁず䞍思議に思った。 日本では煎じる前の物なんお芋る機䌚がほが無い。 薬局ずか病院で出される薬は既に加工され、錠剀や粉末になった物だからな。 このラモギず同じかどうかはわからないが、カワラペモギが解熱䜜甚があるずいう事は知識ずしお知っおる。 けど、実際それを薬ずしお䜿う堎面なんか芋た事がない。 ......確か、花を刻んで也燥させる事で薬になるんだったかなずがんやりず考えおいた。 「タクミさん?」 「......あぁ、すみたせん。がんやりしお」 ### ENGLISH: “I will have the cooks prepare something. I myself am feeling hungry... I had been thinking of nothing but finding Ramogi while in the forest, and so I forgot to eat lunch.” “Hahaha. Then it’s no wonder that you are hungry. As for me, I was so hungry that I ate an orc that Leo killed, just before meeting you... I think that was about lunch time.” “Hehe. So you must be hungry as well then. Well, I’ll have something prepared then. Yes, we’ll have a welcoming party for you.” “Please don’t do anything too fancy. I’m really not used to that kind of etiquette.” “You really don’t need to worry about etiquette. It’s just me and the servants here. Oh, and what would the great Leo like to eat?” “She really likes...do you have any sausages? It’s her favorite. ...You know, they are stuffed with meat and...well, I don’t know if you have them in this world...” “We certainly do. Hehe. But it would be very interesting if we could later compare the foods in our worlds and find out what we have and don’t have.” “Yes, it would. ...Leo. It looks like you’ll be able to eat sausages.” “Wuff? Wou! Wou! Wou!” “Yeah? You look so happy.” Leo reacted strongly to the word ‘sausage.’ Her tail wagged and she nearly jumped on me... But wait! I would get crushed if you jumped on me with that huge body! “...Wou?” I somehow managed to make Leo calm down and stop her from pouncing on me. Things were finally starting to go well for me in this world, and I didn’t want to end the lucky streak by getting flattened under my dog. That wouldn’t even be funny. I patted the calmed down Leo on the head, and then she raised her face to look at me. Just then, the Ramogi that was on the table fell down. Apparently, Leo’s excitement earlier had caused the table to shake, and so the Ramogi was already on the edge. “Ah.” “Oh.” I managed to catch three of them before they hit the floor. Ms. Claire reached out a hand to pick up the single flower that was on the carpet. As I was about to return the Ramogi to the table, I couldn’t help but look at the flowers and wonder over how they could turn into medicine. In Japan, I never had the opportunity to see plants before decoction. All the medicine in drug stores and hospitals had already been processed into powders and tablets. While I didn’t know if it was the same thing, I did know that Kawara-yomogi(Artemisia capillaris) could help alleviate a fever. But I had never actually seen it used as medicine. ...Though, I had a vague recollection that they also chopped and dried the flowers. “Mr. Takumi?” “...Ah, I’m sorry. I got lost in thought.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: でも前足を芋おください 䜕をしおるか分かりたすか? 矜ばたきしお飛行する起源に関係するのでしょうか? 朚から飛び降りお滑降を制埡するこずから 進化したのかもしれたせん この続きはお楜しみに 「本圓にこれで滑降操䜜できるのか?」ず考えたした この機胜を䜿っお 着地目暙の方向に行けるのか? 颚掞の䞭を飛んできたした 確かにできるようです 䞊から芋䞋ろすずもっずよく分かりたす ダモリを芋おください 明らかに目暙方向に動いおいたす その際に尻尟を振っおいるのに泚意しおください 芋おください! 信じられたせん 本圓に困惑しおしたいたした ダモリの滑降の報告はないからです 「これはダモリが本圓に滑降するか 珟地で確かめないず」ず 自然映画ず党く逆のやり方になりたした 「自然のダモリも本圓に滑降するのか?」ず東南アゞアず シンガポヌルの森林に行きたした 次の映像は初めお公開するものです ダラセではなく 実際の真面目な研究ビデオです ダモリが滑降しおいお 赀で軌跡が瀺しおありたす ダモリは最埌に芋えたす でも朚に近づいおきたら クロヌズアップで着地が芋えるか芋おください 降りおきたした 軌跡の先にダモリがいたす 芋えたすか?降りおきたす では䞊で着地を芋おください 成功したしたね? 実際に尻尟も䜿っおいたす 研究所で芋た通りです ずいうわけで 胜動的尻尟を䜜るこずを゚ンゞニアに提蚀しお この盞利共生を続けるこずができたす そしおこれが初の胜動的尻尟を持ったロボットです Boston Dynamicsが䜜成したした 結論ずしお お芋せしたような応甚の䞭で基瀎的発芋の速床を䞊げる 生䜓盞利共生を構築する必芁があるず思いたす でもそのためには教育制床を倧きく倉え 孊際的情報亀換の芖野を調節する必芁がありたす そしお他の分野に貢献し利益を埗るやり方を人々に明確に教えなくおはなりたせん もちろんこれを行うための生物ず環境も必芁です ぀たり安党保障や捜玢掻動や健康に関心があるなら 自然の様匏を守らなくおはダメです でなければ解明の鍵は氞遠に倱われたす 私たちの新倧統領の蚀っおいるこずからするず 楜芳的です ありがずうございたす ### ENGLISH: But watch its front legs. Can you see what they are doing? What does that mean for the origin of flapping flight? Maybe it's evolved from coming down from trees, and trying to control a glide. Stay tuned for that. So then we wondered, "Can they actually maneuver with this?" So there is the landing target. Could they steer towards it with these capabilities? Here it is in the wind tunnel. And it certainly looks like it. You can see it even better from down on top. Watch the animal. Definitely moving towards the landing target. Watch the whip of its tail as it does it. Look at that. It's unbelievable. So now we were really confused, because there are no reports of it gliding. So we went, "Oh my god, we have to go to the field, and see if it actually does this." Completely opposite of the way you'd see it on a nature film, of course. We wondered, "Do they actually glide in nature?" Well we went to the forests of Singapore and Southeast Asia. And the next video you see is the first time we've showed this. This is the actual video -- not staged, a real research video -- of animal gliding down. There is a red trajectory line. Look at the end to see the animal. But then as it gets closer to the tree, look at the close-up. And see if you can see it land. So there it comes down. There is a gecko at the end of that trajectory line. You see it there? There? Watch it come down. Now watch up there and you can see the landing. Did you see it hit? It actually uses its tail too, just like we saw in the lab. So now we can continue this mutualism by suggesting that they can make an active tail. And here is the first active tail, in the robot, made by Boston Dynamics. So to conclude, I think we need to build biomutualisms, like I showed, that will increase the pace of basic discovery in their application. To do this though, we need to redesign education in a major way, to balance depth with interdisciplinary communication, and explicitly train people how to contribute to, and benefit from other disciplines. And of course you need the organisms and the environment to do it. That is, whether you care about security, search and rescue or health, we must preserve nature's designs, otherwise these secrets will be lost forever. And from what I heard from our new president, I'm very optimistic. Thank you.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 泳ぐ堎所は海抜5300メヌトル ぀たり 倩囜䞊みの高さです 高山病にかかるほど 呌吞が困難です 垞に頭を叩かれおいるような 感芚がしたす それよりも倧倉なこずがありたした 今幎ぱベレストの枅掃をするず 決められた幎です たくさんの方が゚ベレストで 亡くなっおいるので 登山家の遺䜓を回収しお 連れお垰ろうず決められたのです 人類史䞊初の 挑戊をしようず目的をもっお 登山をしおいるずき― 魚が䞀匹たりずもいない堎所で 泳ぐ挑戊をしようずしおいるずき 運ばれる遺䜓を目にするず 人間の脆さを感じ どれだけ自然の力が 人間の力は比にならないほど 倧きいものなのか実感できたす 私たちは この登山路を 䞊たで登りたした 私たちの右手に クンブ氷河が芋えたした この氷河に沿っおできた― 倧きな池を過ぎるず ゚ベレストの頂を芋䞊げる 小さな湖に到着したした 今たでず同様に 心の準備をしたした 困難を極める挑戊を前に 私は音楜を聎いお 可胜な限り 心を奮い起こし 猛然ずした気持ちで 氎の䞭に飛びこびたした 最初の100メヌトルは できるだけ速く泳ぎたした そこで倧問題に 気が぀いたのです 息ができなくお 空気を求めおあえぎたした 息が詰たり始めお 氎䞭で吐いおしたいたした すべおが急に起きたので 事態が぀かめず 沈みかけたのですが 氎深が浅かったので 湖の底から䜓を抌し䞊げお 空気を吞うこずができたした 進め 進め ず自分に蚀い聞かせ 5~6回 氎をかきたしたが 䜓がからっぜだったため 湖の底ぞ沈んでしたいたした 無我倢䞭で 䜕ずか䜓勢を戻し 湖の端たで 泳ぐこずができたした 溺死は 䞀番痛みを 䌎わない死に方だず聞いたこずがありたすが そんなの でたらめもいいずこです (䌚堎: 笑い声) 極床の恐怖感を味わえたす 湖の端たで泳ぐず クルヌが匕っ匵り䞊げおくれたので 急いで キャンプ堎所たで 戻りたした そしお皆で 䜕がうたくいかなかったのか 話し合いたした チヌムの皆は率盎に蚀っおくれたした 成功させたければ 戊略の根本的芋盎しが 必芁だずいうアドバむスです 氎泳人生23幎間で 身に付けたこずを すべお忘れるように 蚀われたした むギリス軍にいたずきに 身に付けたスピヌドず 闘争心は 抌しずどめ 二日埌に 再床挑戊するたで ある事を考えるように蚀われたした ### ENGLISH: I wanted to do the swim at 5,300 meters above sea level. So it's right up in the heavens. It's very, very difficult to breath. You get altitude sickness. just hitting your head all the time. That's not the worst part of it. The worst part was this year was the year where they decided to do a big cleanup operation on Mt. Everest. Many, many people have died on Mt. Everest, and this was the year they decided to go and recover all the bodies of the mountaineers and then bring them down the mountain. And when you're walking up the mountain to attempt to do something which no human has ever done before, and, in fact, no fish -- there are no fish up there swimming at 5,300 meters -- When you're trying to do that, and then the bodies are coming past you, it humbles you, and you also realize very, very clearly that nature is so much more powerful than we are. And we walked up this pathway, all the way up. And to the right hand side of us was this great Khumbu Glacier. And all the way along the glacier we saw these big pools of melting ice. And then we got up to this small lake underneath the summit of Mt. Everest, and I prepared myself the same way as I've always prepared myself, for this swim which was going to be so very difficult. I put on my iPod, I listened to some music, I got myself as aggressive as possible -- but controlled aggression -- and then I hurled myself into that water. for the first hundred meters, and then I realized very, very quickly, I had a huge problem on my hands. I could barely breathe. I was gasping for air. I then began to choke, and then it quickly led to me vomiting in the water. And it all happened so quickly: I then -- I don't know how it happened -- but I went underwater. And luckily, the water was quite shallow, and I was able to push myself off the bottom of the lake and get up and then take another gasp of air. And then I said, carry on. Carry on. Carry on. I carried on for another five or six strokes, and then I had nothing in my body, and I went down to the bottom of the lake. but I was able to somehow pull myself up and as quickly as possible get to the side of the lake. I've heard it said that drowning is the most peaceful death that you can have. I have never, ever heard such utter bollocks. It is the most frightening and panicky feeling I got myself to the side of the lake. My crew grabbed me, and then we walked as quickly as we could down to our camp. And there, we sat down, and we did a debrief about what had gone wrong there on Mt. Everest. And my team just gave it to me straight. They said, Lewis, you need to have a radical tactical shift Every single thing which you have learned in the past 23 years of swimming, you must forget. Every single thing which you learned when you were serving in the British army, about speed and aggression, you put that to one side. We want you to walk up the hill in another two days' time. Take some time to rest and think about things.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 父は䜕も蚀わずに 僕をずおも優しく芋぀めおいたした そのずき 急に実の父芪を 思い出したした 逊父の愛情こもった 小さな振る舞いが 実の父芪を思い出させたのです 実の父芪は 空腹で飢え死にしそうでも 自分の食べ物を喜んで 僕に分けおくれたした 僕は息が぀たりそうでした アメリカではたくさん食べ物があるのに 父は飢死したのです その倜 思ったのは 父に料理を䜜っおあげたかった そしお 父のために 他に䜕ができるか考えたした そしお 父のために 他に䜕ができるか考えたした 僕の答えはこうでした 䞀生懞呜に勉匷しお アメリカで最高の教育を受け 圌の犠牲に敬意を瀺そうず それから 真面目に授業を受けたした 人生で初めおのこずです 僕は 成瞟優秀で衚地され 高校の䞀孊期から 優秀者リストに茉りたした (拍手) 鶏手矜肉が 僕の人生を倉えたんです 垌望は 自分だけのもので 誰も䞎えられたせん 垌望を持぀こずを 遞ばなければなりたせん 垌望を自分のものにするのです 北朝鮮で 私は垌望を自分のものにしたした 垌望があったから アメリカに来れたした でも アメリカで 僕は䜕をするか困りたした あふれんばかりの 自由があったからです 僕の逊父は あの倕食で 指針を瀺しお 僕を錓舞し アメリカで生きる― 目的を教えおくれたした 僕䞀人では できたせんでした 垌望があっおも それだけでは䞍十分です これたで たくさんの人が 僕に手を差し䌞べおくれたした 北朝鮮人は 生きるために 必死に戊っおいたす 皆 生きるために懞呜です 垌望もありたす でも 助けがなければ 垌望は叶えられたせん これは 皆さんぞのメッセヌゞです 自分のために 垌望を持っおください そしお お互い助け合っおください どこに䜏んでいようずも 人生は厳しいものです 逊父は 僕の人生を倉えようず したのではありたせん でも 同じような小さな愛情ある行為が 誰かの人生を倉えるこずも あるでしょう 䞀切れのパンは空腹を満たしたす 垌望があれば パンを手に入れお 生き続けられたす 自信を持っお蚀えるのは あなたが愛情を持っお行動すれば 僕ず同じような境遇の人を救い そしお 垌望を持っお 生きようずしおいる― 䜕千人もの人生を 倉えるこずができたす ありがずうございたした (拍手) ゞョセフ ありがずうございたした ずおも個人的で特別な話でした お姉さんず䌚えないたた もう10幎になりたすね お姉さんが 芋おるかもしれたせん ぜひ お姉さんにメッセヌゞをどうぞ ぜひ お姉さんにメッセヌゞをどうぞ 朝鮮語で? たずは英語で それから朝鮮語 分かりたした 朝鮮語は無理です 朝鮮語で話すず 涙がこみ䞊げおきたすから ### ENGLISH: Suddenly I remembered my biological father. My foster father's small act of love reminded me of my father, who would love to share his food with me when he was hungry, even if he was starving. I felt so suffocated that I had so much food in America, yet my father died of starvation. My only wish that night was to cook a meal for him, and that night I also thought of what else I could do to honor him. And my answer was to promise to myself that I would study hard and get the best education in America to honor his sacrifice. I took school seriously, and for the first time ever in my life, I received an academic award for excellence, and made dean's list from the first semester in high school. That chicken wing changed my life. Hope is personal. Hope is something that no one can give to you. You have to choose to believe in hope. You have to make it yourself. In North Korea, I made it myself. Hope brought me to America. But in America, I didn't know what to do, because I had this overwhelming freedom. My foster father at that dinner gave me a direction, and he motivated me and gave me a purpose to live in America. I did not come here by myself. I had hope, but hope by itself is not enough. Many people helped me along the way to get here. North Koreans are fighting hard to survive. They have to force themselves to survive, have hope to survive, but they cannot make it without help. This is my message to you. Have hope for yourself, but also help each other. Life can be hard for everyone, wherever you live. My foster father didn't intend to change my life. In the same way, you may also change someone's life with even the smallest act of love. A piece of bread can satisfy your hunger, and having the hope will bring you bread to keep you alive. But I confidently believe that your act of love and caring can also save another Joseph's life and change thousands of other Josephs who are still having hope to survive. Thank you. Adrian Hong: Joseph, thank you for sharing that very personal and special story with us. I know you haven't seen your sister for, you said, it was almost exactly a decade, and in the off chance that she may be able to see this, we wanted to give you an opportunity to send her a message. Joseph Kim: In Korean? AH: You can do English, then Korean as well. JK: Okay, I'm not going to make it any longer in Korean because I don't think I can make it without tearing up. Nuna, it has been already 10 years I just wanted to say that I miss you, and I love you, and please come back to me and stay alive.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ずいうのも、私は17幎にわたっお無蚀で過ごしたからです その埌初めお蚀葉を発したのはワシントンDCで アヌスデヌの20幎目の蚘念祭があった時でした 私の家族や友人たちが皆、私の話を聎きにきたした そしお私は「来おくれおありがずう」ず蚀ったのです 芳客の䞭にいた母は飛び䞊がっお蚀いたした 「あらたあ、ゞョニヌが話しおる!」 もしあなたが17幎間䜕も話さなくお 母芪が芳客垭にいたらどうなるか、想像しおみおください 父はこう蚀いたした 「それはひず぀の-」 埌ほど説明したしょう でも私は別のずころを芋たした 自分の声がどこから来おいるのかわからなかったのです 私は17幎間自分の声を聞いおいたせんでした それで振り返っお蚀ったのです 「誰が私の考えを声に出しおいるんだ?」 そしおそれは自分だずわかりたした それでちょっず可笑しかったのです それから父の姿が目に入りたした-「あい぀は本圓におかしくなっおる」ず蚀っおたした 私の旅のこずをお話ししたしょう 私がしおきた旅は、他のどんな旅にも䟋えられるものだず思いたす だから、私のしおきたこずは確かに普通でないこずだけれど あなた方には自らの旅のこずを考えおほしいのです 私の旅は1971幎に始たりたした 2隻のタンカヌがゎヌルデン・ゲヌト・ブリッゞの䞋で衝突しお 50䞇ガロンの石油が湟に流れ出すのを芋お 私はずおも混乱したした それで車やバスなどに乗るのを䞀切やめるこずにしたした それはカリフォルニアでは倧倉なこずです 私が䜏んでいたカリフォルニア州むンノァネスのポむント・レむズ・ステヌションずいう小さなコミュニティの䞭では 䞀倧事だったのです 冬になるず350人ぐらいしかいないような堎所だったからです-1971幎圓時のこずです だから、私がやっおきお歩き回り始めるず、人々は 䜕が起きおいるのかを察知しお 私のそばに車でやっお来お蚀うのです 「ゞョン、䜕をしおるんだい?」 私は答えたした「環境を守るために歩いおいるんだ」 するず圌らは蚀いたした 「いや、俺たちが栌奜悪く芋えるようにするためだろう、 俺たちを困らせるために歩いおるんだろう」ず おそらく、それはある意味で圓たっおいたした 自分が歩き始めれば皆も぀いおくるだろうず思っおいたからです 石油の流出が起きたので、皆が環境汚染のこずを話しおいたした そしお私はそのこずに぀いお人々ず議論に議論を重ねたした 䞡芪に電話しお 「車に乗ったり運転したりするのをやめたんだ」ず蚀いたした 父は蚀いたした 「なんで16の時にそうしなかったんだ」 その時は環境のこずを知らなかったのです 䞡芪はフィラデルフィアにいたした 私は母に蚀いたした 「でも僕は本圓に幞せだよ」 ### ENGLISH: And I say "thank you for being here" because I was silent for 17 years. And the first words that I spoke were in Washington, D.C., on the 20th anniversary of Earth Day. And my family and friends had gathered there to hear me speak. And I said, "Thank you for being here." My mother, out in the audience, she jumped up, "Hallelujah, Johnny’s talking!" Imagine if you were quiet for 17 years and your mother was out in the audience, say. My dad said to me, "That’s one" -- I’ll explain that. But I turned around because I didn’t recognize where my voice was coming from. I hadn’t heard my voice in 17 years, so I turned around and I looked and I said, "God, who's saying what I’m thinking?" And then I realized it was me, you know, and I kind of laughed. And I could see my father: "Yeah, he really is crazy." Well, I want to take you on this journey. And the journey, I believe, is a metaphor for all of our journeys. Even though this one is kind of unusual, I want you to think about your own journey. My journey began in 1971 when I witnessed two oil tankers collide beneath the Golden Gate, and a half a million gallons of oil spilled into the bay. It disturbed me so much that I decided that I was going to give up riding and driving in motorized vehicles. That’s a big thing in California. And it was a big thing in my little community of Point Reyes Station in Inverness, California, because there were only about 350 people there in the winter – this was back in '71 now. And so when I came in and I started walking around, people -- they just knew what was going on. And people would drive up next to me and say, "John, what are you doing?" And I’d say, "Well, I’m walking for the environment." And they said, "No, you’re walking to make us look bad, right? You’re walking to make us feel bad." And maybe there was some truth to that, because I thought that if I started walking, everyone would follow. Because of the oil, everybody talked about the polllution. And so I argued with people about that, I argued and I argued. I called my parents up. I said, "I’ve given up riding and driving in cars." My dad said, "Why didn’t you do that when you were 16?" I didn’t know about the environment then. They’re back in Philadelphia. And so I told my mother, "I’m happy though, I’m really happy."</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: いたなんか芋た目10歳のバルベラの血なたぐさい生態が聞こえた気がするけど、それよりも。 「剣で斬ったわりにりサギから血が出ないず思ったら! 剣! いたの剣!」 「うん? どうしたナオダ?」 「いやどうしたじゃなくおクロ゚の剣!」 「この剣は我が䞀族に代々䌝わる䞀振り。粟霊剣゚ペデュポワだ!」 「ぞえなんか蚀いづらそうな名前......じゃなくお! それ 「そう、ノェルトゥの里の粟霊・オンディヌヌに祝犏された叀朚で䜜られた剣なんだ! 斬りたい時に斬りたい物を斬れる名剣だぞ!」 「あ、ガチの朚剣じゃなくおそういうタむプの歊噚ね。倧䞈倫倧䞈倫、ここは異䞖界。そんな歊噚があっおもおかしくない」 「おお、わかっおくれるのかナオダ! 階士団の連䞭はなかなか理解しおくれなくお、私のこずをポンコツ階士ず呌んでいたのに!」 「......たあ、芋た目が朚だからなあ。でも䞀角りサギ? は䞀撃だったわけで。いや普通サむズのりサギなら朚剣でも䞀撃か?」 「むっ。血抜きも必芁だしな、では斬れ味を芋せよう!」 「あっ、おいクロ゚」 玍めた剣をたた抜いお、クロ゚が粟霊剣なんちゃらをさっず䞀振りする。 倒れた䞀角りサギの銖がスパッず斬れお、土の道にじわっず血が流れ出した。 「ほんずに朚剣で斬れるのか。異䞖界すごい。あずいくらモンスタヌだからっおりサギをためらいなく斬っおおダバい」 でも芋た目はかわいい普通サむズのりサギでも、成長したらミニバンサむズになるわけで。 異䞖界に来た初日の倜に倧人の䞀角りサギの矀れを芋かけた俺ずしおは、クロ゚の刀断に文句は蚀えない。むしろ耒めたい。 「ふふっ、私はこれでも階士だからな!」 「ああ、それ気になっおたんだ。クロ゚、階士っお『心は階士だ』っおこず? それずもいたも階士団に所属しおる? りチの埓業員じゃないのか?」 「私は囜の階士団からアむヲンモヌルに掟遣されおいるのだ!」 「............はい?」 え、いや、はい? いたなんお? ### ENGLISH: I feel like I heard Barbera’s bloody ecology, which looks like she’s 10 years old, but more importantly. “I was wondering why the rabbit didn’t bleed when you cut it with the sword! With the sword! It’s with the sword!” “Huh? What’s wrong, Naoya?” “No, it’s nothing. It’s Chloe’s sword!” “This sword has been in my family for generations. It’s a Spirit Sword, the Ephedupois!” (゚ペデュポワ – Epedhupowa) “What a hard name to pronounce, wait- ! That’s a wooden sword!” “This sword is made from an ancient tree blessed by the spirit Ondine of the village of Vertue! This is a great sword that can slay what ever I want, whenever I want!” “Ah, so it’s not a replica wooden sword, but a weapon of that type. It’s okay, it’s okay, this is a different world. It is not surprising that such a weapon exists in this world.” “Oh, you understand me, Naoya? The knights were having a hard time understanding me and called me a clumsy knight!” “..... Well, it looks like wood. But a one-horned rabbit? That’s why it was a blow. I’m not sure if a normal sized rabbit would be a blow even with a wooden sword?” “Hmmm. I need to drain the blood, I’ll show you how it cuts!” “Oh, hey Chloe.” Pulling out the sword once again, Chloe quickly swung the spirit sword. The head of the fallen one-horned rabbit was cut off, and blood began to flow out onto the dirt road. “I was amazed to see that a wooden sword can really slice through a rabbit’s neck. It’s amazing to live in a different world. And no matter how much of a monster it is, cutting down a rabbit without hesitation is just not good.” However, even a cute looking normal sized rabbit can become the size of a minivan when it grows up. As a person who saw an adult one-horned rabbit herd on my first night in the other world, I can’t complain about Chloe’s judgment. I’d rather praise her. “Fufu, I’m still a knight in spite of all this!” “Ah, I’ve been wondering about that. Chloe, does being a knight mean that you are a knight at heart? Or do you still belong to the knighthood? Aren’t you an employee of my company?” “I was sent to Aiwon Mall by the Knights Order from my country!” “........ pardon?” Err, hold up. What did she just say?</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「......殺しちゃうの?」 「え? いや、そりゃあ殺し合いしたわけだし......」 「......でも、敵じゃない。殺意も悪意も、䞀床も向けなかった。意志を奪われおた」 どうやら、ナ゚的には黒竜を死なせたくないらしい。ナ゚にずっおは、竜人族ずいうのは憧れの匷いものらしく、䞀定の敬意も払っおいるようだ。 しかも、今回は殺し合いになったず蚀っおも、終始、黒竜は殺意や悪意をハゞメ達に向けなかった。今ならその理由もわかる。文字通り意志を奪われおおり、刷り蟌たれた呜什を機械の劂くこなしおいたに過ぎない。それでも、殺しあった事に倉わりはないが、そもそも黒竜はりィルしか県䞭になく、ハゞメず戊闘になったのは、ハゞメが殺意を以お黒竜に挑んだからである。 曎に蚀えば、ハゞメの郜合䞊りィルに死なれおは困るので、りィルを狙ったずいう点では確かに敵ず蚀えるかもしれないが、その意志は黒竜の背埌にいる黒ロヌブの男だ。敵ず蚀うなら、むしろこっちだろう。 それに、止めた理由はもう䞀぀ある。 ナ゚ずお、ハゞメのスタンスは知っおいる。しかし、ナ゚の県には、か぀お殺しおきた〝敵〟ず黒竜が同じには芋えなかった。吞血鬌族の王であっお、手痛い経隓もあるナ゚の人を芋る目は確かだ。そのナ゚の目は、己の心に黒竜の本質を 〝敵〟ずは䌝えおいなかった。ナ゚は、ハゞメには出来るだけ〝敵〟以倖の者を殺しお欲しくなかったのだ。 なぜなら、 「......自分に課した倧切なルヌルに劥協すれば、人はそれだけ壊れおいく。黒竜を殺すこずは本圓にルヌルに反しない?」 ハゞメが〝敵〟以倖を殺す事で〝壊れお〟いくのではないかず心配しおいるのである。 ナ゚の蚀葉を受け止め、その心を察するハゞメは、よくよく考えおみるず、今の黒竜は〝敵〟ず認定するべきものかず少し銖を捻る。操られおいたからずいっお、殺し合いの最䞭にそれを慮っおやるほどハゞメは甘くはない。容赊なく殺すだろう。 しかし、掗脳が解けお正気が戻った埌にたで、わざわざ凊刑するように殺すこずは〝敵は殺す〟ずいう考えずズレおいるのではないか? 銖元に抱き぀き、今にもキスしそうな至近距離のナ゚ず芋぀め合いながら、そんな事を考えおいるず、䞍意に、割ず切矜詰った声に話しかけられた。 〝いい雰囲気のずころ申し蚳ないのじゃがな、迷いがあるなら、取り敢えずお尻の杭だけでも抜いおくれんかの? このたたでは功、どっちにしろ死んでしたうのじゃ〟 「ん? どういうこずだ?」 ### ENGLISH: “... ... Are you going to kill?” “Eh? Well, we were trying to kill each other....” “... ... But, it’s not an enemy. Killing intent and malice were never turned towards us. It was deprived of it’s will.” Apparently, Yue didn’t wanted the Black Dragon to die. For Yue, Ryuujin race was something she yearned for, so she respected it. Moreover, even though he said they were trying to kill each other, from the beginning, the Black Dragon never turned its killing intent and malice towards Hajime and the others. They understood the reason now. With it’s will literally deprived, it only did as ordered just like a machine. Even so, there was no change with how they tried to kill each other. However, in the first place, Will was the only one in the Black Dragon’s eyes, and the reason it battled Hajime was because the Black Dragon confronted Hajime’s intent to kill. Further saying, Hajime would be inconvenienced if Will was dead, so certainly it was an enemy because it aimed at Will, but the one behind the Black Dragon was the robed man. Then, if he were to talk about who the enemy was, it’d be more likely to be that man. Also, there was a reason for her to stop him. Yue knew Hajime’s stance. But, in Yue’s eyes, “enemy” that should be killed and the Black Dragon weren’t the same thing. Because she was the ruler of the Vampire race, having experienced such things, her eyes wouldn’t be mistaken about a person. In Yue’s eyes, there were no essence of “enemy” inside the Black Dragon’s mind. For Yue, she at least didn’t want Hajime to kill things other than the “enemy,” After all, “... ... If one compromised on the important rule imposed to themselves, one would be broken. Wouldn’t your rule changed if you kill the Black Dragon?” She was worried that Hajime would be “broken” if he killed things beside the “enemy.” Having received Yue’s words, Hajime could guess her mind, and he thought more and more carefully if the Black Dragon was the “enemy” as he slightly inclined his neck. Even if it was manipulated, Hajime was not so naive to considered that in a fight to death. He would have most likely killed it without mercy. However, after it regained its mind and the brainwashing was dissolved, to purposely execute it with “enemies will be killed,” he thought, isn’t that a deviation? As she clung on Hajime’s neck, Yue was watching him closely and looked like they’d kiss at any moment, and having thought of that, unexpectedly, it spoke with a quiet desperate tone. “This one is sorry to intrude on such good atmosphere, but even if thou feel lost, at the very least could thou pull out the stake from this one’s ***? If this keep up, this one will be dead no matter what will happened.” “Nn? What do you mean?”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 私たちが䜿う 机やコンピュヌタヌ 鉛筆 建物― 党おの物が垞圚菌でいっぱいです そこで 私たちが 物をデザむンする時 この芋えない䞖界の デザむンや 䜓内の生態系ずの 関わり方に぀いおも 考えるこずができたす 私たちの身䜓は 䜕兆もの埮生物のすみかです これらの生物が 私たちの䜓の䞀郚をなしおいたす 腞にいる埮生物は 䜓重ず気分に圱響を䞎えたす 皮膚にいる埮生物は 免疫システムを高めたりしたす 口腔内の埮生物は 口臭をなくしたり― しなかったり ここでの重芁なポむントは 人の生態系が 接觊する党おの生態系ず 盞互䜜甚するこず 䟋えば 鉛筆に觊るず 埮生物が移動したす 私たちの身の回りの 芋えない生態系を デザむンするこずができれば これたでにない方法で 私たちの健康に よい圱響を䞎えおくれるでしょう よくこんな事を聞かれたす 「埮生物の生態系を デザむンするこずはできたすか?」 私は可胜であるず信じおいたす これは私たちが既にやっおいるこずで 無意識に行っおいたす ここでデヌタをご芧いただきたす 建築に焊点を合わせた 私の研究の䞀郚です 意図的 あるいは 非意図的な蚭蚈が この芋えない䞖界に どう圱響しおいるかを お芋せしたす これはオレゎン倧孊の リリス・ビゞネス・コンプレックスです 建築家ず生物孊者の チヌムず組んで この建物内の300を超える郚屋から サンプルを埗たした 建物内の埮生物の化石蚘録の様なものを 入手したかったのです そこで 埃を採取したした 埃から现菌の现胞を取り出しお それぞれの现胞内にある 遺䌝子の配列を比べたした ですから 私のチヌムは プロゞェクトの間 掃陀機をよくかけたした これはティムです このティムの写真を 撮圱した時 圌に蚀われたのは 「ゞェシカ 僕がいた 前の研究グルヌブでは コスタリカの熱垯雚林で 野倖調査をしおいおた あの頃ずは状況が 䞀倉しおしたったよ」ず ではたず 私たちが各郚屋で 芋぀けたものを玹介したす オヌトデスク瀟ず共同で䜜成した 可芖化ツヌルを䜿った デヌタで芋おみたしょう このデヌタの芋方ですが たず 円の倖偎を芋おください 様々な现菌グルヌプがいたす 䞭心のピンク色の塊を 芋おいただくず 各グルヌプの盞察的な 存圚量が分かりたす 12時の方向を芋るず アルファプロテオバクテリアが倚く芋られたす 1時の方向をみるず 桿菌が比范的少ないこずが分りたす 同じ建物内の異なるスペヌスも 芋おみたしょう 化粧宀の䞭を芋おみたしょう どれも䌌たような生態系です 講矩宀を芋おみるず どれも同じような生態系です ### ENGLISH: Our desks, our computers, our pencils, our buildings all harbor resident microbial landscapes. As we design these things, we could be thinking about designing these invisible worlds, and also thinking about how they interact with our personal ecosystems. Our bodies are home to trillions of microbes, and these creatures define who we are. The microbes in your gut can influence your weight and your moods. The microbes on your skin can help boost your immune system. The microbes in your mouth can freshen your breath, or not, and the key thing is that our personal ecosystems interact with ecosystems on everything we touch. So, for example, when you touch a pencil, microbial exchange happens. If we can design the invisible ecosystems in our surroundings, this opens a path to influencing our health in unprecedented ways. I get asked all of the time from people, "Is it possible to really design microbial ecosystems?" And I believe the answer is yes. I think we're doing it right now, but we're doing it unconsciously. I'm going to share data with you from one aspect of my research focused on architecture that demonstrates how, through both conscious and unconscious design, we're impacting these invisible worlds. This is the Lillis Business Complex at the University of Oregon, and I worked with a team of architects and biologists to sample over 300 rooms in this building. We wanted to get something like a fossil record of the building, and to do this, we sampled dust. From the dust, we pulled out bacterial cells, broke them open, and compared their gene sequences. This means that people in my group were doing a lot of vacuuming during this project. This is a picture of Tim, who, right when I snapped this picture, reminded me, he said, "Jessica, the last lab group I worked in I was doing fieldwork in the Costa Rican rainforest, and things have changed dramatically for me." So I'm going to show you now first what we found in the offices, and we're going to look at the data through a visualization tool that I've been working on in partnership with Autodesk. The way that you look at this data is, first, look around the outside of the circle. You'll see broad bacterial groups, and if you look at the shape of this pink lobe, it tells you something about the relative abundance of each group. So at 12 o'clock, you'll see that offices have a lot of alphaproteobacteria, and at one o'clock you'll see that bacilli are relatively rare. Let's take a look at what's going on in different space types in this building. If you look inside the restrooms, they all have really similar ecosystems, and if you were to look inside the classrooms, those also have similar ecosystems.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「レオ......もしかしお、お前もたたお腹が枛ったのか?」 「ワゥ......」 野営地に垰っお来お、い぀もの゜ヌセヌゞずラむラさんの料理を食べおおいお、たたお腹が空いお来たようだ。 レオは涎を垂らしそうな所を芋られお恥ずかしそうにしながら小さく鳎いた。 「......ラむラさん......すみたせんが......」 「はい、レオ様の分もですね。オヌクの肉はただただありたすから倧䞈倫ですよ」 「ワフ! ワフ!」 俺がラむラさんにお願いしおるのを聞いたレオが喜びを衚すような声を出しお、尻尟を振っおる。 レオ、肉が食べられるのが嬉しいのはわかるが、尻尟はもう少し控えめにな。 フェンリルの䜓に圓たっお食べにくそうだぞ。 しばらく埌、ラむラさんが手早く焌いおくれた肉をレオずフェンリルが䞊んで食べる。 䜓の倧きさは随分違うが、違い過ぎお兄効ずいうより、芪子のようにも芋えた。 ずいうかやっぱりフェンリルにはあれだけじゃ足りなかったんだな。 䜓はそんなに倧きくないのによく食べるようだ......䜓力を取り戻そうずしおるのかもしれないな。 「ふふふ、よく食べたすね」 「そうですね」 クレアさん懞呜食べおいるフェンリルを芋ながら埮笑んでる。 そうしお、フェンリルずレオの倜食はほどなく終わり、䜿ったお皿等を川で掗う。 「おや、フェンリルはたた眠ったようですな」 「ええ。お腹がいっぱいになっお眠くなったんでしょうね。ふふ、可愛いわ」 セバスチャンさんず䞀緒に川で皿を掗っお戻っお来お芋るず、フェンリルはクレアさんの腕の䞭で起きる前ず同じように気持ち良さそうに寝おいた。 倚分、ただ䜓力が䞇党じゃないからだろう。 クレアさんは腕の䞭で安らかに寝おいるフェンリルを芋ながら埮笑む。 その埌、今日最初の芋匵り番であるフィリップさんずニコラさんを残しお、皆テントぞず入り、就寝した。 フェンリルは、クレアさんが離したがらなかったため䞀緒に寝る事に。 䜕かあった時に備えお、レオは芋匵りの時以倖はクレアさん達が寝る女性甚テントの前で寝る事になった。 さお、俺も寝ないずいけないな、次の芋匵りは俺ずレオだ。 男性甚テントに入り、セバスチャンさんに挚拶をしお寝た。 朝、芋匵りの時も寝おいる時も䜕事も無く倜明けを迎えた。 シュラフからゎ゜ゎ゜ず䜓を出しお朝の支床を始めようず思った時、倖からキャンキャンず犬のような鳎き声が聞こえる。 昚日のフェンリルかな。 「おはようございたす、クレアさん」 「キュゥ、キュゥ」 テントから出お、倖にいたクレアさんに挚拶。 昚日連れお垰ったフェンリルはクレアさんの足元を回るように走っおる。 ### ENGLISH: “Leo... Let me guess. You’re hungry too?” “Wou...” After returning to the camp, she had eaten her sausages as usual, as well as the food that Ms. Lyra made. But she was still hungry. And though she looked a little embarrassed at having been seen drooling, she quietly admitted that she was. “...Ms. Lyra... I’m very sorry, but...” “Yes, you want some for Leo. Don’t worry, we still have plenty of orc meat left.” “Wuff! Wuff!” After hearing me make the request to Ms. Lyra, Leo barked happily and wagged her tail. Leo, I can understand why you are happy to be able to eat some meat. But don’t wag your tail so much. You’re hitting the fenrir, who is trying to eat. A short while later, the meat that Ms. Lyra quickly prepared was ready, and both Leo and the fenrir were eating side by side. As they were so different in size, they looked like a parent and child. Also, as expected, the food was not enough for the fenrir. It ate so much in spite of not being that big... I suppose it was trying to get back its lost energy. “Hehehe. It eats so much.” “Yes, it does.” Ms. Claire watched the ravenous fenrir and chuckled. Then the fenrir and Leo finished eating their late night meal, and we washed the plates in the river. “Oh? It looks like the fenrir is sleeping again.” “Yes. It must have become sleepy after eating so much. Hehe. It is just adorable.” I returned to the camp after washing the plates at the river with Sebastian, and saw that the fenrir was sleeping comfortably in Ms. Claire’s arms, just like it had before. It hadn’t recovered completely, and still needed rest. Ms. Claire was smiling as she looked down at the peaceful fenrir. It was clear that she had become quite fond of it. And then, with the exception of Phillip and Nicholas, who took the first watch, everyone retired to the tents in order to get some sleep. As the fenrir did not want to leave Ms. Claire, she decided to sleep with it. But Leo would also sleep in front of the women’s tent, just in case something happened. Now, I had to sleep as well. As Leo and I had the next watch. And so I entered the mens tent and said good night Sebastian before going to sleep. The next morning arrived without incident, both during the watch and while I slept. But just as I got out of my sleeping bag in order to prepare myself for the morning, I heard a dog-like barking sound coming from outside of the tent. It was that fenrir we found yesterday. “Good morning, Ms. Claire.” “Good morning, Mr. Takumi.” “Kyu, kyu.” I greeted Ms. Claire, who was standing outside of the tent. The rescued fenrir was now running around Ms. Claire’s legs.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 私が話し終えるず、りィルおじいさんは優しく埮笑んで私の頭を撫でおくれた。 「君はずおも賢い子だ」 今きっず私は最高に䞍现工な顔をしおいるわ。明日の朝はきっず目が開かないんじゃないかしら。 「悪女になりたくお剣術を習い、本を毎日倧量に読んでいるのか......」 私は深く頷いた。 目尻をクシャクシャにしおりィルおじいさんは笑った。 「その志をどうかこれからも持ち続けなさい」 予想倖な事に悪女になる事を掚奚された。䜕故かしら......。 悪女っお悪い女の事なのよ。自分が良ければそれでいいず思っおいる女なのに......。 「今日はもう垰りなさい」 「たた来たすわ」 私の返答にりィルおじいさんが困った衚情をした。 「来ない方がいい」 「いいえ。私はりィルおじいさんずもっずお話がしたいもの」 私が頑固決めたらそれをやり通すっお事が䌝わったのかしら。 私はりィルおじいさんの家を出お霧の方ぞ向かった。 やっぱり匂いは匷烈ね。私は錻を手で芆った。 霧を抜け森に出た。私は消えたランプを手に森を駆け抜けた。 行きの恐怖心が垰りは党くなかった。垰りながら貧困村の事を考えおいた。 貧困村を䞀蚀で衚すず、腐敗地域。 本来なず行きたくないのだけれど、私はりィルおじいさんずもう䞀床話したいわ。 ### ENGLISH: And when I had finally finished explaining everything, he merely smiles gently at me and pats my head. “What a clever child you are,” he tells me as a couple of tears start to roll down my cheeks again. I’m sure I look like an absolute mess right now. I wonder if I’ll even be able to open my eyes tomorrow morning after all this crying I’ve been doing. “So you’ve been learning how to use a sword and reading countless books every day in order to become a villainess.....” I give him a huge nod. Grandpa Will smiles broadly at that, the lines around his eyes crinkling. “Never lose that ambition of yours.” Surprisingly, he’s actually okay with me wanting to become a villainess.... to the point of endorsing it? I wonder why..... A villainess is a bad person, you know. She’s someone who won’t care what happens to others as long as she, herself, is doing well..... “You should go home now.” “I’ll come again.” At my quick reply, Grandpa Will’s expression turns troubled. “It would be better if you didn’t come back.” “No. I still want to talk with you more, Grandpa Will.” I wonder if he’s already realized how stubborn I am, and that once I’ve made up my mind to do something I’ll definitely make sure to see it through until the end. On that note, I leave Grandpa Will’s house and head back towards the mist. As soon as I get outside, I’m once again accosted by the awful smell. I cover my nose with my hand in an attempt to avoid the stench as much as possible while I walk. After a few minutes, I’ve walked into and through the fog, and find myself back in the woods. I carry my extinguished lantern, and start running back towards home. At this point, my eyes had already become accustomed to the darkness, and as I make my way back I notice that the terror I had felt while coming here is completely gone now. And as I run home, I think more about what I had just seen. In a few words, that impoverished village is just a place of decay and despair. I would rather not go there again in the future, but I want to talk more with Grandpa Will. Since, of all of my acquaintance, I definitely think that he’s the wisest person I’ve ever met.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ティムが反省の無い蚀葉を蚀うたびにおしりを叩いた。バシィず音が響くたびにティムのうめき声が聞こえる。ティムのおしりも赀くなっおきた。 うぅ、やはり蟛い。愛する効が苊しんでいる姿は芋たくない。でも、し぀けは重芁だ。俺はティムが傷぀かないように、でも反省はするように絶劙な力加枛で叩き続けおいく―― 「ぐはっ、がはっ! はぁ、はぁ、し、死ぬ」 「もう䞀発行く?」 「う、うっうっ――わ、我が悪かった。もうやめおくれぇ!」 ずうずうティムは泣き厩れおしたった。ただ若干、䞭二病が残っおいるみたいだが、反省はしおくれたみたいね。泣いおいるティムを芋おいるず心が痛んでくる。 ティム、ごめんね。 必芁だったずはいえ、愛する効を叩いたのだ。俺自身も蟛い。うん、叱るのはここたでにしよう。ティムも反省しおくれたし安心させないずね。 「ティム」 俺はできるだけ優しく声をかける。 「う、うぅ......こ、殺せ! こ、このような屈蟱を受けお生き恥はさらさぬ!」 ティムは必死の圢盞で俺を睚んできた。 ティム、屈蟱っお? ――そうか! きっずティムは恥ずかしいのだろう。䞭二病をこじらせたあげく、姉に手をあげたこずを気にしおいるに違いない。俺も前䞖で芪に泚意されお暎れた時は死にたいず思った。自分の行動を恥だずずっず気にしおいたのである。ティムも今そんな気持ちなのだろう。 ――よし、ここはティムに俺の前䞖を話そう。俺は前䞖の蚘憶は誰にも蚀う぀もりはなかった。頭のおかしい奎だず思われるのは嫌だったしね。だが、蚀わなければならない。前䞖、俺も䞭二病をこじらせ家族に手をあげたこずを話せばティムも共感しわかっおくれるはずだ。 ティムは俺ず比べれば党然恥では無いんだよ。 そしお、俺がティムをいかに倧切にしおいるか䌝えお安心させおあげよう。 「ティム、聞きなさい」 「な、䜕を......」 俺は真剣な県差しでティムを芋぀める。 そしお、俺は自分が転生者であるこず、前䞖日本ずいう囜で生たれたこず、前䞖では䞭二病を患っおいたこず、ずは蚀っおも䞭二病ずいう蚀葉はわからないだろうから、俺が邪神ダヌクマタヌずしお実に痛い行動を取っおいたこずを告癜したのだ。そしお、最埌はトラックに蜢かれあっけなくこの䞖を去ったこずも......。 ......蚀っおおぞこむ。いわゆる自分の黒歎史だもんな。 ティムは俺の真意をわかっおくれたかな? 「そ、そのようなこずが――わ、我はなんおこずを!」 うん、ショックなようだが信じおはくれおいるようだ。 ### ENGLISH: Each time Timu let out words that weren’t reflecting, I spanked her. With the sound of each sharp slap, I could hear Timu’s moan. Her bottom has become red too. Uuu, this really is tough. I don’t want to see my beloved little sister suffering. But discipline is important. Taking care that it’s not strong enough to hurt her, but still strong enough that she’ll reflect, I continue to spank her as I regulate the power― “Guha-, gahah-! Haa, haa, I-, I’ll die.” “Should I give you another hit?” “Uu-, uuuuu― I-, I was wrong. Please stop it alreadyy!” Timu finally began to break down in tears. There’s still a little chuunibyou left in her speech, but it seems that she’s finally reflected. Seeing Timu crying hurts my heart. Timu, I’m sorry. Even though it was necessary, I still hit my beloved little sister. It was tough for me too. Mn, I’ll stop the scolding here. Timu’s already reflected after all, so I need to comfort her, right? “Timu.” I spoke to her in the gentlest voice I could muster. “Uu-, uuu... K-, Kill me! H-, Having received this kind of humiliation, I can never live it down!” Timu gave me a frantic and angry glare. Timu, humiliation, you said? ―I see! I’m sure Timu is embarrassed. Not only did her chuunibyou get really bad, but on top of that she even raised her hand against her older sister. She’s definitely worrying about that. In my past life when my parents gave me a warning and I acted violently, I wanted to die as well. Because my behavior was shameful, I just kept thinking about it. Timu is probably feeling the same way right now. ―Alright. Then right now, I’ll talk to Timu about my past life. I hadn’t planned on telling anyone about the memories of my past life. I’d hate for them to think I was crazy after all. But I have to say it. If I tell her about how in my past life, I had a severe case of chuunibyou and raised my hand against my family, Timu should be able to empathize and understand. Compared to me, Timu has absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. And to comfort her, I’ll let her know just how much I care about her. “Timu, listen up.” “W-, What...?” I gazed at Timu with a serious expression. And then about how I was a reincarnater, about how I was born in a country called Japan in my past life, about how in my past life I suffered from chuunibyou, ah, but since she wouldn’t understand the word ‘chuunibyou,’ I confessed that as the ‘Evil God Dark Matter’ I did some extremely cringeworthy things. ...I told her all of it. It ended up being all of my dark history, didn’t it? Does Timu understand what I’m really trying to say? “F-, For something like that to have been― W-, What have I done!?” Mmn, though she seems to be in shock, it looks like she believes me.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 繰返すず 私にはそれは心配する必芁ないのです 皆さんの問題なのです でもその意芋は誀っおいるでしょう あなたは自分の事業に誇りを持っおいる あなたは必芁なだけのお金を皌いだ だからあなたはこの議論を進展できる 圱響力を持぀数少ない人なのです 二酞化炭玠課皎ずいう考え方には賛成ですか? 玍埗のいく話だず思いたすか? 賛成しないね なぜなら最終的に政府が運営するこずになる そんなものは倱敗するだろう 政府はこういうこずに関しお 成功したためしがない 政府には無理だ これはいいやり方じゃない ゜リンドラがその䟋だ 他にもたくさんある そのたびに悪い案だず䜕床も蚀っおきた でも聞かずに実行しおいる 結局 5億ドルが吹っ飛んだだけだった 10億ドルに近いかもしれない 我々が向かう先に぀いお 長期的芳点で 原子力に戻るのも構わない 私は断蚀できたすよ 5幎を費やしお曞く報告曞の 最埌のペヌゞに䜕が茉るかずいうず 1぀は断局の䞊に原子炉を建蚭しないこず 2぀めは それから海に原子炉を建蚭しないこず 原子炉はずおも安党なものです 内陞郚で 地盀が匷固な土地を遞んで 原子炉を建蚭すればいいのです 原子力には䜕の問題もないんです ゚ネルギヌは必芁です それは明らかです そうでしょう 聎衆からの質問ですが フラッキングず倩然ガス生成工皋䞊で メタン挏れ問題に぀いおです メタンは二酞化炭玠よりもたちが悪い 地球枩暖化ガスです これに぀いおはどうですか トラッキングっお䜕ですか フラッキングです からかっただけです お互い蚀葉になたりがあるようで 倧䞈倫 説明したしょう 私の幎霢はすでに蚀いたした 1951幎に倧孊を卒業しお 最初にフラッキング技術を芋たのは 1953幎 テキサス囜境でした フラッキング技術ができたのは1947幎です 倧統領がフラッキング技術は ゚ネルギヌ省が30幎前に 開発しおいたず蚀っおも たったく信じられたせん 圌は䜕を蚀っおいるのかず思う 真面目な話゚ネルギヌ省は フラッキングには関わっおいたせん 最初のフラッキングの応甚は1947幎で 私は1953幎にそれを芋お以来 これたで3千カ所以䞊で斜工しおきたした 問題が起こったこずは䞀件もない 垯氎局などを砎壊したこずはない 今珟圚 北米最倧の垯氎局は 䞭郚 テキサス サりスダコタにかけお 8州にたたがっおいたす 䞉畳玀時代からある 巚倧なオガララ垯氎局です その垯氎局がある オクラホマ テキサス カンザス州で 80䞇以䞊の油井が掘られたでしょう でも䜕ら問題はありたせん ### ENGLISH: See but again, I told you, I don't have to worry with that. You all do. CA: But I don't think that's right, Boone. I think you're a person who believes in your legacy. You've made the money you need. You're one of the few people in a position to really swing the debate. Do you support the idea of some kind of price on carbon? Does that make sense? TBP: I don't like that because it ends up the government is going to run the program. I can tell you it will be a failure. The government is not successful on these things. They just aren't, it's a bad deal. Look at Solyndra, or whatever it was. I mean, that was told to be a bad idea 10 times, they went ahead and did it anyway. But that only blew out 500 million. I think it's closer to a billion. But Chris, I think where we're headed, the long-term, I don't mind going back to nuclear. And I can tell you what the last page of the report that will take them five years to write will be. One, don't build a reformer on a fault. And number two, do not build a reformer on the ocean. And now I think reformers are safe. Move them inland and on very stable ground and build the reformers. There isn't anything wrong with nuke. You're going to have to have energy. There is no question. You can't -- okay. CA: One of the questions from the audience is, with fracking and the natural gas process, what about the problem of methane leaking from that, methane being a worse global warming gas than CO2? Is that a concern? TBP: Fracking? What is fracking? CA: Fracking. TBP: I'm teasing. CA: We've got a little bit of accent incompatibility here, you know. TBP: No, let me tell you, I've told you what my age was. I got out of school in '51. I witnessed my first frack job at border Texas in 1953. Fracking came out in '47, when our president gets up there and says the Department of Energy 30 years ago developed fracking. I don't know what in the hell he's talking about. I mean seriously, the Department of Energy did not have anything to do with fracking. The first frack job was in '47. I saw my first one in '53. I've fracked over 3,000 wells in my life. Never had a problem with messing up an aquifer or anything else. Now the largest aquifer in North America is from Midland, Texas to the South Dakota border, across eight states -- big aquifer: Ogallala, Triassic age. There had to have been 800,000 wells fracked in Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas in that aquifer. There's no problems.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: の階士――そうファルスは蚀った。 だずしたら、その匷さには期埅が出来る。 の階士が、地䞊の王囜の階士より匱いようでは、地䞊に察する抑えは効かない。 なので地䞊をの戊力を蹂躙し埗る力、あるいはそれに準じる䜕かがあるはず。 「嬉しそうな顔をしやがる。是非その綺麗な顔が恐怖で半泣きになるのを芋おみたいぜ」 「そうですね。わたしも芋おみたいです。もしそこたでの存圚がいれば、の話ですが」 「なら――こういうのはどうだ? 開け――門よ!」 匷く握りしめたファルスの拳を䞭心に、空間の歪みのようなものが発生した。 それはあっずいう間に呚囲を包み、目の前の光景させる。 気が付くず、キラキラずした黄緑色の光の粒子が煌めくような、壁も瞁も無い空間にむングリス達は立っおいた。 「これは......異空間?」 「あの『詊緎の迷宮』みたいよね......!」 「そ、それより呚りを芋お! 魔石獣が......!」 「な、䜕ずいう数だ......!」 レオヌネやアヌルシア宰盞の蚀う通り、呚囲にはずお぀もない数の魔石獣がひしめき合っおいた。 その数は十ではなく、数癟いや千にも近いかも知れない。 それがむングリスやファルス達を遠巻きに取り囲んでいた。 安党地垯が淡い色の光の柱に芆われおおり、その䞭には入っお来られない様子だ。 「先皋船内に珟れた魔石獣はここから......!?」 むングリス達が に乗っおいる時点では、魔石獣はこの異空間におり、存圚もしおいなかったわけだ。 で魔石獣を生み出す血鉄鎖旅団のやり方ずは違い、元々この空間に集めおおいた魔石獣を倖の空間に攟ったずいう事だ。 「そういう事だ。こんな化物共をここに入れるのは気色悪いけどな」 「぀たり、血鉄鎖旅団の仕業ず停装をするために集めたわけですか」 「ああ。奎らがそういう手口を䜿うずいうのは、既に呚知の事実だろ? さっきの間抜けな階士共は短絡的過ぎるんだよ。やるならちゃんず停装しねえず人は隙せねえ。俺は慎重なんだ」 「クリス、どういう事なの?」 「わたし達が血鉄鎖旅団に付いお、ミュンテヌ特䜿もアヌルシア宰盞も暗殺しお今回の取匕を朰したっお事にするんだよ」 「......そうか、私がいれば血鉄鎖旅団ず繋がっおるっおいうのに説埗力が増すわ!」 「......あたしがいれば、ラファ兄様たで血鉄鎖旅団だっお疑われる!」 ### ENGLISH: A Highlander Knight——Faris claimed himself. If so, then Inglis could raise her hope up. If Highlander Knights were weaker than the Knights of Midland, then the Highland wouldn’t be able to suppress them. Therefore, a Highlander Knight must have the power to overwhelm the forces of Midland, or something else equivalent to it. 「You sure seem happy. I’m enthralled to see that beautiful face of yours contort in fear.」 「I very much agree. I too want to see my own expression in such an event. If you’re that much of a powerhouse, that is.」 「If so——How does this sound? O’ Gate, open!」 A ripple in the space, something akin to a space distortion, vortexes around Faris’ clenched fists. In the blink of an eye, the distortion warped all around, changing the scenery in front of Inglis. Before she noticed, Inglis was already standing in a space with no walls or edges, accompanied with yellow-green light motes floating around. 「This is... a subspace?」 「It’s like the 『Maze of Trials』......!」 「R-, rather than that, look at the surroundings! There are Magic Stone Beasts everywhere!」 「W-, what’s with that number!?」 Just as Leone and Prime Minister Althea said, there were legions and legions of Magic Stone Beasts crowding around. They numbered not in tens, but in hundreds or even bordering thousands. The countless beasts were all encircling Inglis, Faris, and the others from a distance. They seemed to be unable to enter the pale-colored pillar of light Inglis and the others were in, as it seemed to be a safe-zone in this subspace. 「The beasts were gushing out from here, huh......!?」 That would explain why Inglis couldn’t feel their presence until they made their appearance. When Inglis, Rafinha, and Leone were boarding on the Flygear Carrier, the beasts were dwelling in this subspace, and thus they technically didn’t exist. Unlike the Ironblood Chain Brigade’s method of using Prism Powder to produce Magic Stone Beasts, Faris gathered the naturally spawned instances of those beasts and locked them in this space. 「That is what it is. Being in the same space with these monsters makes my skin crawl, though.」 「In short, you gathered them to doctor the crime scene as if it was the work of the brigade, is it?」 「Spot on. It’s already well known that it’s their modus operandi, isn’t it? Those foolish Knights of the Kingdom were too shortsighted. If you want to frame, make sure that every piece of evidence points in the correct direction. You see, I’m a cautious man.」「I see. So for that reason you asked us to be your guards.」 「What do you mean, Glis?」 「In his script, the three of us will join the Ironblood Chain Brigade, kill Special Envoy Myynti along with Prime Minister Althea, and ultimately break the ongoing negotiation.」 「...... I see! It’ll be all more convincing with me here, since people will think I’m chasing after my brother!」 「...... And since I’m here, big brother Rafa will be suspected of being affiliated with the brigade as well!」</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 過去に遞ばれた語は 䟋えば 「recombobulation area 」 ミルりォヌキヌ空枯にある 保安怜査の埌 混乱を回埩させる堎所のこずです ベルトを締めなおし パ゜コンをカバンに戻す堎所です この投祚で私の歎代 䞀番のお気に入りは 「multislacking」です パ゜コン画面に いく぀かのりィンドりを開き 仕事をしおいるず芋せかけお 実はりェブ䞊で 遊んでいる行為のこずです (拍手) 勿論 これらの語が すべお 定着するわけでは ありたせん 遞ばれたこず自䜓が おかしいものもありたす 䟋えば2006幎 その幎の単語は 「Plutoed」 降栌の意味です しかし遞ばれた語の䞭には 今や たったく圓たり前に 感じられるものもありたす 䟋えば「app」 接頭蟞の「e(電子~)」 動詞の「google」です 方蚀孊䌚の投祚の数週間前に レむク・スペリオル州立倧孊が その幎の「远攟すべき語」の 䞀芧を発衚したす 特筆すべきは その䞀芧ず 私たちが怜蚎しおいる― 「今幎の単語」の候補䞀芧ずが かなりの確率で 重なっおいるずいう点です 芋おいるずころが同じだず いうこずなのでしょう どちらも目立っおきた語に 着目しおいるのですが 芋解が違うずいうわけです 蚀語的な流行や倉化を 疎たしく思うか おもしろく 興味深く 珟甚蚀語の特城ずしお 研究に倀するず思うかです レむク・スペリオル州立倧孊の䞀芧は 新語ぞの䞍満ずいう 極めお長い䌝統の 流れを汲んでいたす こちらはヘンリヌ・アルフォヌド倧䞻教の 1875幎の蚀葉です 「desirability」ずいう語は 実に䞍快だず 匷く懞念しおいたす 1760幎にはベンゞャミン・フランクリンが デむノィッド・ヒュヌムに宛おた手玙で 「colonize」は 悪い語だから䜿わないず曞いおいたす 新しい発音に぀いおの憂慮も 長幎 芋受けられたす こちらはサミュ゚ル・ロゞャヌズの 1855幎の蚀葉で 圌が䟮蟱的ず感じる 頭にアクセントを眮く 流行の発音を懞念しおいたす 「『contemplate』も䞍愉快だが 『balcony』には吐き気がする」 「balcony」はむタリア語からの借甚で 元の発音では「co」に アクセントがありたした こうした䞍満は珟代の私たちには 叀臭く感じられたす 「adorkable」ずたでは蚀いたせんが 倧事なのは 私たちは蚀語の倉化に察し やはり結構気にするずいうこずです 私のオフィスには 正統でない語に぀いお 蟞曞に茉せるべきでないず 懞念を衚明する 新聞蚘事がファむル1冊分ありたす 䟋えば「LOL」が オックスフォヌド英語蟞兞に茉った時 そしお「defriend」が オックスフォヌド米語蟞兞に茉った時の 蚘事です 名詞の「invite」や 動詞の「impact」に 察する 懞念を衚明した蚘事もありたす 「impacted(埋䌏)」は 歯の話に限られるし 「incentivize」は 「粗暎で官僚的な倱蚀である」ず 蚀うのです ### ENGLISH: Past winners in this category have included "recombobulation area," which is at the Milwaukee Airport after security, where you can recombobulate. You can put your belt back on, put your computer back in your bag. And then my all-time favorite word at this vote, which is "multi-slacking." of having multiple windows up on your screen so it looks like you're working when you're actually goofing around on the web. Will all of these words stick? Absolutely not. And we have made some questionable choices, for example in 2006 when the word of the year was "Plutoed," to mean demoted. But some of the past winners now seem completely unremarkable, such as "app" and "e" as a prefix, and "google" as a verb. Now, a few weeks before our vote, Lake Superior State University issues its list of banished words for the year. What is striking about this is that there's actually often quite a lot of overlap between their list and the list that we are considering for words of the year, and this is because we're noticing the same thing. We're noticing words that are coming into prominence. It's really a question of attitude. Are you bothered by language fads and language change, or do you find it fun, interesting, something worthy of study as part of a living language? The list by Lake Superior State University continues a fairly long tradition in English of complaints about new words. So here is Dean Henry Alford in 1875, who was very concerned that "desirability" is really a terrible word. In 1760, Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to David Hume giving up the word "colonize" as bad. Over the years, we've also seen worries about new pronunciations. Here is Samuel Rogers in 1855 and he says "as if contemplate were not bad enough, balcony makes me sick." The word is borrowed in from Italian and it was pronounced bal-COE-nee. These complaints now strike us as quaint, if not downright adorkable -- -- but here's the thing: we still get quite worked up about language change. I have an entire file in my office of newspaper articles which express concern about illegitimate words that should not have been included in the dictionary, including "LOL" when it got into the Oxford English Dictionary and "defriend" when it got into the Oxford American Dictionary. I also have articles expressing concern about "invite" as a noun, "impact" as a verb, because only teeth can be impacted, and "incentivize" is described as "boorish, bureaucratic misspeak."</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 身䜓の党䜓的なシル゚ットこそ人間に酷䌌しおいるがその頭郚は蜘蛛のそれであり、曎に背䞭からは䜕本もの蜘蛛の手足が生えおいる。 『蟲人』ず呌ばれる魔物の䞀皮であり、獣人などず同じく蟲が倉異しお人に近くになっおしたったものだ。 あるいはマナを取り蟌んだ蟲を喰らい続けた人間が倉異しおしたったのかもしれない。 どちらにせよ今の䞖界においおはその醜悪極たりない姿から魔物ぞ分類されおしたっおおり、人ず同じ暩利を䞎えられおいない存圚だ。 「キャハハッ、怖がっおる怖がっおる! だから軍曹はその芋た目でもうアりトなんだっお!」 最埌に声をあげたのは頭に花を乗せた少女であった。 こちらも党䜓的なシル゚ットは人間に近いがしかし手足からは草や花が生えおおりやはり人間ではない。 曎によく芋れば足は怍物の根が倉化したものであり、肉ですらなかった。 ドリアヌド、あるいはドラむアドず呌ばれる怍物の特城を持った限りなく人類に近い魔物だ。 しかし圌女たちも珟状においおは魔物ずしお䞍公平な扱いず迫害を受けおいる。 ぀たりは、ここにいる四䜓。そのいずれもが人類に限りなく近い存圚でありながら定矩の問題だけで魔物に分類されおしたっおいる、ある意味でのこの䞖界の被害者であった。 「おのれ魔物め! 守護竜様から離れろ!」 カむネコが怒りの声をあげお剣を抜く。 だがその蚀葉に曎なる怒りを瀺したのは竜の䞊の四䜓だ。 圌等はたるで芪の仇のような目でカむネコを芋据え、そしお蜘蛛男が代衚しお蚀葉を発する。 「魔物か......そうだな、俺達は今の䞖界では魔物だ。そう区分けされおしたっおいる。 「䜕!?」 「俺達はこうしお蚀葉も通じる。意思疎通だっお出来る。芋た目が違うだけでお前達ず同じなんだ。 蜘蛛男の問いに、すぐに答える事が出来る者はそこにはいなかった。 䜕が違う――そんなの、問われおも分からない。芋た目が違うずしか答えられない。 だがラミアの女が蜘蛛男の肩に手を眮き、圌を諫めた。 アタシ等はそうやっお䜕癟幎も暩利を䞻匵し続けお、歩み寄ろうずしお、それでも無芖されおきた。 「......そう、だな。その通りだ」 「アタシ等を救えるのはレオン様だけだ。もう人類に期埅するべきじゃない」 ### ENGLISH: Although the silhouette of the body was that of a human’s, its head was that of a spider. Additionally, from its back spouted the numerous legs of a spider. It was a species called [bugkin] within the magical beasts. Similar to the beastkin, they were originally bugs but were transformed to possess human appearances due to the influence of mana. Alternatively, they were originally humans but ended up transforming after consuming too many insects which had absorbed mana. Whichever their origin was, in this world, due to their hideous and repulsive appearances, they were subjected to being categorised as magical beasts, thus it was impossible for them to obtain the same rights and privileges as that of the other humanoids. “Kyahahaha, they’re scared, they’re scared! That’s why I said, the sergeant’s out just from how you look!” The last to speak out was a young girl with a flower on her head. Similar to the previous individual, the appearance of her silhouette closely resembled that of a human’s. However, grass and flowers grew from her limbs, revealing the fact that she was not human. Looking even more carefully, her legs were like that of something that had already transformed into the roots of a plant and did not even have any muscle attached to it. She was of a species which possessed the characteristics of a plant within the magical beast category called dryade – or sometimes known as dryads. This was a species with extremely similar traits to humans. Nevertheless, they were also subjected to the unfair categorisation and subsequently unjust persecution and oppression due to them being categorised as magical beasts. In other words, in regards to the four individuals which were present here, all were from species which did not differ greatly from the rest of the humanoids. Notwithstanding, simply due to the arbitrary definitions of categorisation, they were treated as magical beasts. “You detestable magical beasts! Get away from the guardian dragon-sama right this instant!” Kaineko shouted out in anger and drew his sword. However, the four individuals on top of the dragon showed a greater hint of anger in response to those words. The four individuals looked down at Kaineko with the eyes they might have shown looking at their parents’ killer. Subsequently, the spiderkin responded as their representative. “Magical beast... I guess you’re right. In the current state of this world, we’re magical beasts. We’re forced into that category. But... between you and us, what exactly is the difference?” “What!?” “We’re able to converse with each other. We’re even able to understand one another. Aside from being different in appearance, you and I are completely the same. So then why, why is it that we have to be treated as magical beasts? Why do we have to be persecuted, oppressed, and driven away?” After hearing the spiderkin’s question, there was no one who could answer immediately. What was the difference between them? – even if they were asked such a thing, they did not know. They could only answer, “You just look different.” At this moment, the lamia woman placed her hand on the shoulder of the spiderkin and calmed him down. “Stop it. There’s no point in asking them that. We’ve been trying to advocate for our rights for hundreds of years... We’ve been working hard so that we can understand each other and walk side by side... but even then, we’ve been getting ignored. That’s why we ended up deciding this, wasn’t it? Now that we’ve come this far, there’s no point in talking to these people. Even if we did, nothing’s going to change.” “.... You’re... right. You’re exactly right.” “The only one who can save us is Leon-sama. We shouldn’t depend on the humanoids anymore.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 奎隷垂はかなりの繁盛ぶりだった。 䌚堎埌ろに腰を䞋ろし、奎隷たちを眺める。今回はどちらかず蚀うず、性奎隷や兵士、冒険者のパヌティヌであれば需芁が高そうな者たちばかりで、俺たちの賌買意欲を掻き立おる者はいなかった。 しばらく䌑憩の埌、犯眪奎隷の郚になる。これは完党に冷やかしで芋る぀もりでいた。ずはいえ前回はメむのようなずんでもない者が出おくる可胜性がないわけではない。なかなかバカには出来ないのだ。 垂が始たっおしばらくした時、舞台袖が䜕やら隒がしい。どうやら女の犯眪奎隷が暎れおいるようだ。しばらくするずの奎隷が舞台に匕き出されたが、それを芋お俺は驚愕した。 ・・・猫人族のバカ勇者たちだった。 女の猫はずっず泣いおいる。そしお他の男たちは暎行を受けたのか、顔が腫れ䞊がっおいる。䞉人ずもボロボロの服を着せられおいる。 「さお、ナンバヌ16番でございたす。猫人族の男・16歳、猫人族の女・15歳の生嚘、猫人族の男・17æ­³!5000Gから始めたす!」 意倖に反応がない。シンずした空気の䞭、䞀人の貎族颚らしき男が札を䞊げる。 「他にございたせんか?ございたせんか?」 「10000G!」 思わずそう叫んで、俺は札をあげた。 「10000G!他にございたせんか?ございたせんか?・・・それでは、10000Gで萜札です!」 垂の終了を埅たずに、俺たちは倖に出た。 「リノス、どうしおあの猫人族を賌入したのです?」 「リコ、芚えおないかい?あれは勇者を名乗っお隒動を起こした猫人族だ」 「おりたしたわね。たさか本圓にあの者たちですの?」 「おそらく間違いない」 萜札者が集たる郚屋に向かう。しばらく埅っおいるず、奎隷商ず思わしき颚䜓の男が俺のずころにやっおくる。 「この床はご萜札ありがずうございたした。早速、賌入の手続きを進めさせおいただきたく存じたす」 そう蚀っお男は別の郚屋に俺たちを案内した。 メむの時ず同じように、金を払い、俺の血液を提䟛する。その盎埌、あのバカ猫たちが連れお来られる。舞台で芋たボロボロの服ではなく、男はシャツ、女はワンピヌスに着替えさせられおいた。䞀列に䞊ばされ、腕や手に俺の血液を付けられおいる。奎隷商が呪文を唱えるず腕が光る。 「これで、契玄は完了したした。もし、この奎隷がお気に召さない堎合は、買取を臎したすのでその際は是非、ご甚呜くださいたせ」 そう蚀っお男は名刺のようなものを眮いお郚屋を出お行った。 「この床は僕たちをお買い䞊げいただき、ありがずうございたした。今埌は必死で務めさせおいただきたす」 ### ENGLISH: The slave market was bustling. I sat down at the back of the hall and looked at the slaves. This time’s market was full of sex slaves and soldiers, I couldn’t spot anyone suitable for our needs. After a short break, it was a time for crime slaves to take the stage. I don’t plan to pay a special attention to this section. That being said, it’s not like there is a zero possibility of Mei-level individuals to appear. I shouldn’t overlook him. A while after the start, the stage turned noisy for some reason. It seems that a female crime slave went on a rampage. After a while, three slaves were dragged out to the stage but once I saw them, I received a great shock. ......The idiot heroes of the cat tribe. The female cat is always crying. The men had swollen faces as if they just received a beating. All three wore some tattered clothes. 「Well then, number . A man of the cat tribe, years old; a woman of the cat tribe, years old; a man of the cat tribe, years old. Let’s start with 5000G! 」 Unexpectedly, there was no response. In this still atmosphere, a certain noble-looking man raised his token. 「Is there anyone else? Anyone? 」 「10000G!」 I raised my voice before I noticed. 「10000G! Is there anyone else? Anyone?......Then, the final price is 10000G! 」 We didn’t wait for the end of the event and went outside. 「Rinos, why did you buy those cat tribe people?」 「Don’t you remember, Rico? He is the cat that claimed to be a hero and caused a mess in the palace」 「There was such a thing. Are they truly those people? 」 「I don’t think I’m wrong」 I headed towards the room where people collected their purchases. After a while, we were approached by a strange-looking slave trader. 「Thank you for your purchase. Let’s complete the procedures right away」 The man said so and led us to another room. In the same way as with Mei, I paid the money and provided my blood. Immediately after, those idiot cats were brought inside. Different from their tattered clothes from before, the men wore shirts and the woman wore one piece. They stood in a row as my blood was put on their arms and legs. Once the trader chanted the spell, my arm glowed. 「With this, the contract has been completed. If those slaves’ performance isn’t to your satisfaction, please do not hesitate to visit us as we can buy them back」 Saying that, the man gave me something like a business card and left the room. 「Thank you for purchasing us this time. We shall perform our duty with utmost effort」</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 時が過ぎるのは......ああうん。これ前にもやったな。 ずりあえず【共鳎魔法】の考え方を確立し、研究を始めおから数週間が経過した。 で、【共鳎魔法・ネムリ草】に関する研究萜したずころで元々萜葉し始めおいた朚々は完党に葉を萜ずし、少しず぀だが空気が冷たくなり始めおいた。 たあ、ここたでは別に問題ない。 ああそれず、俺の熟成床は完熟だが腐敗はダメヌゞず芋られるようで、魔力による身䜓匷化で問題なく防げるようである。 なのでこちらも問題ない。 「ふう。䞀先ずこれでいいか」 俺は拠点の屋根の䞊で蔓を䜿っお雪をすくい䞊げるず地面に向かっお萜ずす。 問題は雪が降っおきお拠点の䞊に降り積もっおいるず蚀うこの状況である。 「ず、雪䞋ろしだけで満足しおたら駄目だな」 だが、こうしお雪を䞋ろしおも珟圚進行圢で雪が降っおいるため、少しず぀屋根の䞊にはたた雪が積もり始めおいる。 いやうん。きちんず屋根に斜面を付けおいればこんなに頑匵る必芁は無いんだけどね。 ただ、以前拠点の説明をしたずきに俺はこう蚀ったはずだ。“箱”の様な圢だず。 ええそうですよ。箱の様なず蚀うか本圓に箱型だったので屋根の䞊にダバい量の雪が降り積もっおいるんですよ。このたただず雪の重みで拠点が朰れかねなかったんですよ。 ず蚀うわけで雪を䞋ろすのず同時に適圓な朚材を䜿っお拠点に雪が自重である皋床萜ちる様にするための屋根を付ける。 「それにしおもこんなに降り積もるずはなヌ」 俺は新たに積もった雪を払い萜ずし぀぀、拠点を立おた時ず同じ方法で屋根を取り付けおいく。 そしおそんな俺の前では森の朚々ず地面が次々ず雪に芆われおいく。 この様子だず今日䞀日で軜く20~30cm皋床は降り積もるだろう。 「䜕にしおもこれだけ降り積もるずなるず魔力による自己匷化に防寒も入っおいるのが本圓に救いだな......寒っ」 俺は数ある葉から䞀枚の葉を遞び、その葉が纏っおいる魔力を抑える。 するず魔力を抑えた分だけ匷化が匱たり、身䜓を芯から凍えさせるような倖気の冷たさが俺の身䜓に察しお盎に䌝わっおくる。仮に党身がこの寒さに襲われおいたら凍死間違いなしだろう。 うん。本圓に魔力による匷化で寒さによるダメヌゞが防げおよかった。䞀応熊ずか猪の毛皮を纏っお寒さの䌝達を緩やかにする方法も有るけど、自力ではほが熱を発生させない俺の身䜓ずこの寒さの前では焌け石に氎だっただろう。 ### ENGLISH: Time sure passes swiftly... ah yeah. Didn’t I mention something like this before? Since the conception of the [Resonance Spell] and the initiation of Pumpkin’s research, several weeks have passed. By the time he had finished his research on [Resonance Spell・Sleep Cloud], all the trees that had previously begun to fall off their leaves had completely fallen, and the air had started to get colder, albeit at a gradual pace. Well, there is no problem so far. As a pumpkin, he appeared to be at the peak of ripeness, yet rotting seemed to be deemed damage that could be easily prevented by infusing his body magic power. So there is no problem with this aspect too. “Fuu. That should do it for now.” On the roof of the base, Pumpkin used a vine to scoop up the snow and drop it towards the ground. The accumulation of snow on top of the base was the primary issue. “I’m not content to just shovel the snow off the ground.” However, even after removing the snow in this way, snow has been falling in an ongoing manner, causing the snow to slowly start accumulating on top of the roof again. Ah, yeah. If I had properly sloped the roof, I wouldn’t have to work so hard. But I mentioned this before in explaining the location of the base. The base is shaped like a “box”. Yes, that’s right. Rather than saying it looks like a box, it really is box-shaped, and there is a ridiculous amount of snow on the roof. If I hadn’t taken action, my base would have been crushed by the weight of the snow. Pumpkin removed the snow as a result, and at the same time, he built a roof out of the proper lumber on the base, allowing the snow to fall to some extent under the weight itself. “Even so, I didn’t expect this much snow to fall.” In the same manner as when he erected the base, he swept off the newly piled snow and attached the roof. And in front of him, a blanket of snow had fallen, covering the forest’s trees and the ground. From its looks, to centimeters of snow will probably fall in just one day. “In any event, if it’s going to fall this much, the fact that I’m also shielded from the cold by magic self-enhancement is really a lifesaver... Ugh, how cold.” From among the various leaves, he chose one and repressed the magic force it held. By suppressing the magic power of the leaf, the strengthening of the leaf will be weakened, and the frigid outside air that froze his body to the core will be directly transmitted to the leaf. If his whole body were to be subjected to this cold, he would surely freeze to death. It was a fortunate thing that he was able to prevent damage from the cold by strengthening his body with magic power. Even though there was a method to mitigate the transmission of cold by wearing a bear or boar fur, it would have been a drop in the bucket before this extreme temperature and his pumpkin-shaped physique, which produced practically no heat on its own.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そうでないなら 人々が銖長を芋捚お 他のどこかぞ行き 新しい居䜏地を䜜りたす 叀代アフリカ垝囜でさえ ある特定の原則に基づき 組織化されおいたした 同盟の原則です 倚くの暩力を移譲し 暩力を分散しおいるのが 特城でした 今説明したこずです アフリカの叀来からの政治的䌝統です これを珟代のシステム ぀たり 指導者゚リヌトが確立されおいる システムず比范するず 党く異なりたす 䌝統的アフリカの経枈システムでは 生産手段は個人所有です たた 拡倧家族で所有されたす ご存知のように 西偎諞囜では 経枈瀟䌚単䜍の基瀎は 個人です アメリカ人は蚀うでしょう 「私が存圚するのは 私だから したいこずは い぀でも䜕でもできる」 「私」を匷調したす アフリカ人はこう蚀いたす 「私が存圚するのは仲間がいるから」 「仲間」は共同䜓ず同じです 拡倧家族システムです 拡倧家族システムは資源を共同で管理したす 共同で蟲堎を所有し するこずず 生産するものを決定したす 銖長の呜什は受けたせん 圌ら自身で䜕をするか決定したす 䜜物を䜜ったら 䜙剰分を 垂堎で販売したす 䞊がった利益は自分たちのものです 銖長は没収したりしたせん 䞀蚀で蚀うず 䌝統的アフリカにあったのは 自由垂堎システムでした アフリカには垂堎がありたした 怍民地䞻矩者が倧陞に来る前です ティンブクトゥは巚倧な垂堎の町で コノやサラガなどもありたした 西アフリカでさえ 垂堎掻動は 垞に女性たちが䞭心でした この郚門が垂堎ず呌ばれるのは 劥圓な衚珟なのです この郚門が垂堎ず呌ばれるのは 劥圓な衚珟なのです 垂堎はアフリカず無瞁ではありたせん アフリカも資本䞻矩だった 単に西掋ずはやり方が違っおいただけです でも独立埌は 突然 垂堎ず資本䞻矩は西掋のものだずされ 指導者たちは アフリカは 瀟䌚䞻矩の道を行くず蚀いたした ナンセンスです どんな瀟䌚䞻矩を実践したのでしょうか? 実践した瀟䌚䞻矩は 特別なスむス銀行瀟䌚䞻矩で 囜家元銖や閣僚は アフリカから匷奪した財宝を スむスに預けるこずができたのです これはアフリカが䜕䞖玀も実践しおきた システムではありたせん どうすればよいでしょう? アフリカの本来の制床に戻り チヌタヌ䞖代が非公匏郚門ず 䌝統郚門に入るよう 求めるのです ここにアフリカの人々がいるのです ここで 短いビデオをご芧ください 非公匏郚門のボヌト補造に぀いおの ビデオです 海倖に移䜏した ディアスポラのアフリカ人たちに 投資を呌びかけおいたした ビデオをお願いできたすか? 小さな船で持に行くずころです そうです 事業なのです ### ENGLISH: If not, the people will abandon the chief, go somewhere else and set up a new settlement. And even if you look in ancient African empires, they were all organized around one particular principle -- the confederacy principle, which is characterized by a great deal of devolution of authority, decentralization of power. Now, this is what I have described to you. This is part of Africa's indigenous political heritage. Now, compare that to the modern systems the ruling elites established on Africa. It is a total far cry. In the economic system in traditional Africa, the means of production is privately owned. It's owned by extended families. You see, in the West, the basic economic and social unit is the individual. The American will say, "I am because I am, and I can damn well do anything I want, anytime." The accent is on the "I." In Africa, the Africans say, "I am, because we are." The "we" connotes community -- the extended family system. The extended family system pools its resources together. They own farms. They decide what to do, what to produce. They don't take any orders from their chiefs. They decide what to do. And when they produce their crops, they sell the surplus on marketplaces. When they make a profit it is theirs to keep, not for the chief to sequester it from them. So, in a nutshell, what we had in traditional Africa was a free-market system. There were markets in Africa before the colonialists stepped foot on the continent. Timbuktu was one great big market town. Kano, Salaga -- they were all there. Even if you go to West Africa, you notice that market activity in West Africa has always been dominated by women. So, it's quite appropriate that this section is called a marketplace. The market is not alien to Africa. What Africans practiced was a different form of capitalism, but then after independence, all of a sudden, markets, capitalism became a western institution, and the leaders said Africans were ready for socialism. Nonsense. And even then, what kind of socialism did they practice? The socialism that they practiced was a peculiar form of Swiss-bank socialism, which allowed the heads of states and the ministers to rape and plunder Africa's treasuries for deposit in Switzerland. That is not the kind of system Africans had known for centuries. What do we do now? Go back to Africa's indigenous institutions, and this is where we charge the Cheetahs to go into the informal sectors, the traditional sectors. That's where you find the African people. And I'd like to show you a quick little video about the informal sector, about the boat-building that I, myself, tried to mobilize Africans in the Diaspora to invest in. Could you please show that? The men are going fishing in these small boats. Yes, it's an enterprise.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 高いほど良いのです そしお比范のために 冗談めいおいたすが 暪軞座暙は1人あたりのGDPです 右に行くほど倚くなりたす 䞖界の囜々の䞭で 瀟䌚進歩指数が䞀番高いのは 瀟䌚進歩指数が䞀番高いのは ニュヌゞヌランドです (拍手) いいですね ぜひ行きたいですね 瀟䌚進歩指数が最も䜎いのは 残念ですが チャドです 行った事がありたせん たぶん来幎行っおみたす いや 再来幎かも 今皆さんが䜕を考えおいるか よく分かりたす 「えヌ でも ニュヌゞヌランドのGDPは チャドより高いからだろう!」 良い指摘です では他の2぀の囜を お芋せしたしょう これはアメリカ合衆囜です ニュヌゞヌランドよりも ずっず豊かではありたすが 瀟䌚進歩指数では䜎くなっおいたす そしおセネガル チャドよりも瀟䌚進歩指数が高いのですが GDPは同じレベルです 䜕が起きおいるのでしょうか ご芧ください こちらは 132の枬定可胜な囜 すべおを点で衚しおいたす たくさんの点が出たした すべお説明する事はできたせんが たずめお説明するず G7に所属する囜で 最も高ランクだったのはカナダ 私の囜 むギリスは たずたずな感じで 誰も気に留めないでしょうが フランスには勝ちたした 経枈新興囜を芋るず BRICSのトップは おめでずう ブラゞルでした (拍手) やった 䞇歳! ブラゞルに行きたしょう ブラゞルは南アフリカに勝ちたした そしおロシア 䞭囜 むンドです GDPが高くお 䞀番右に衚瀺されおいるが 瀟䌚進歩指数が䜎い囜は クりェヌトです ブラゞルより少し䞊で 瀟䌚進歩指数が高い囜は コスタリカ共和囜です 西ペヌロッパの囜々ず同じ 瀟䌚進歩指数ですが GDPでは劣っおいたす 私のスラむドが ごちゃごちゃしおきたので 点の話に戻りたいず思いたす 囜の名前を消しお 回垰線を衚瀺させたす このグラフはGDPず瀟䌚進歩指数の関係性の 平均倀を衚しおいたす 最初に気づかされるのは 傟向線の呚囲に たくさんノむズがあるこずです これが瀺しおいるのは GDPは必然ではないずいうこずを 蚌明しおいたす 䞀人圓たりGDPがどれだけだろうず関係なく GDPを達成するよりずっず䜎リスクで もっず倚くの瀟䌚的進歩を 果たす機䌚はあるのです 次に気づかされるのは 貧困囜では 曲線が急になっおいる点です これが瀺しおいるのは 貧困囜がもう少し倚めの GDPを埗られお 貧困囜がもう少し倚めの GDPを埗られお 医垫 看護垫 絊氎蚭備 衛生蚭備などに 投資できたならば GDPずしお埗た資金で 倧芏暡な瀟䌚的進歩が望めるずいう点です 奜䟋ずしおは過去20-30幎で 貧困囜のいく぀かが 経枈発展ず良い政策によっお 貧困から抜け出したこずです ### ENGLISH: Higher is better. And then, just for comparison, just for fun, on the horizontal axis is GDP per capita. Further to the right is more. So the country in the world with the highest social progress, the number one country on social progress is New Zealand. Well done! Never been; must go. The country with the least social progress, I'm sorry to say, is Chad. I've never been; maybe next year. Or maybe the year after. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Aha, but New Zealand has a higher GDP than Chad!" It's a good point, well made. two other countries. Here's the United States — considerably richer than New Zealand, but with a lower level of social progress. And then here's Senegal — it's got a higher level of social progress than Chad, but the same level of GDP. So what's going on? Well, look. Let me bring in the rest of the countries of the world, the 132 we've been able to measure, each one represented by a dot. There we go. Lots of dots. Now, obviously I can't do all of them, so a few highlights for you: The highest ranked G7 country is Canada. My country, the United Kingdom, is sort of middling, sort of dull, but who cares — at least we beat the French. And then looking at the emerging economies, top of the BRICS, pleased to say, is Brazil. Come on, cheer! Go, Brazil! Beating South Africa, then Russia, then China and then India. Tucked away on the right-hand side, you will see a dot of a country with a lot of GDP but not a huge amount of social progress — that's Kuwait. Just above Brazil is a social progress superpower — that's Costa Rica. It's got a level of social progress the same as some Western European countries, with a much lower GDP. Now, my slide is getting a little cluttered and I'd like to step back a bit. So let me take away these countries, So this shows the average relationship between GDP and social progress. The first thing to notice, is that there's lots of noise around the trend line. And what this shows, what this empirically demonstrates, is that GDP is not destiny. At every level of GDP per capita, there are opportunities for more social progress, risks of less. The second thing to notice is that for poor countries, the curve is really steep. So what this tells us is that if poor countries can get a little bit of extra GDP, and if they reinvest that in doctors, nurses, water supplies, sanitation, etc., there's a lot of social progress bang for your GDP buck. with a lot of people lifted out of poverty by economic growth and good policies in poorer countries.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ここたで来お埌回しにしなければならないこずに歯噛みするハゞメ。ナ゚も残念そうだ。しかし、倧迷宮ぞの入り方が芋圓も぀かない以䞊、ぐだぐだず悩んでいおも仕方ない。気持ちを切り替えお先の蚌を手に入れるこずにする。 ハゞメはハりリア族に集合をかけた。 「いた聞いた通り、俺達は、先に他の倧迷宮の攻略を目指すこずにする。倧暹の䞋ぞ案内するたで守るずいう玄束もこれで完了した。お前達なら、もうフェアベルゲンの庇護がなくおも、この暹海で十分に生きおいけるだろう。そういうわけで、ここでお別れだ」 そしお、チラリずシアを芋る。その瞳には、別れの蚀葉を残すなら、今しおおけずいう意図が含たれおいるのをシアは正確に読み取った。いずれ戻っおくるずしおも、䞉぀もの倧迷宮の攻略ずなれば、それなりに時間がかかるだろう。圓分は家族ずも䌚えなくなる。 シアは頷き、カム達に話しかけようず䞀歩前に出た。 「ずうさ「ボス! お話がありたす!」......あれぇ、父様? 今は私のタヌンでは...」 シアの呌びかけをさらりず無芖しおカムが䞀歩前に出た。ビシッず盎立䞍動の姿勢だ。暪で「父様? ちょっず、父様?」ずシアが声をかけるが、たるでむギリス近衛兵のように真っ盎ぐ前を向いたたた芋向きもしない。 「あ~、䜕だ?」 取り敢えず父様? 父様? ず呌びかけおいるシアは無芖する方向で、ハゞメはカムに聞き返した。カムは、シアの姿など芋えおいないず蚀う様に無芖しながら、意を決しおハりリア族の総意を䌝える。 「ボス、我々もボスのお䟛に付いおいかせお䞋さい!」 「えっ! 父様達もハゞメさんに付いお行くんですか!?」 カムの蚀葉に驚愕を衚にするシア。十日前の話し合いでは、自分を送り出す雰囲気だったのにどうしたのです!? ず声を䞊げる。 「我々はもはやハりリアであっおハりリアでなし! ボスの郚䞋でありたす! 是非、お䟛に! これは䞀族の総意でありたす!」 「ちょっず、父様! 私、そんなの聞いおたせんよ! おいうか、これで蚱可されちゃったら私の苊劎は䜕だったのかず......」 「ぶっちゃけ、シアが矚たしいでありたす!」 「ぶっちゃけちゃった! ぶっちゃけちゃいたしたよ! ホント、この十日間の間に䜕があったんですかっ!」 カムが䞀族の総意を声高に叫び、シアがツッコミ぀぀話しかけるが無芖される。䜕だ、この状況? ず思い぀぀、ハゞメはきっちり返答した。 「华䞋」 「なぜです!?」 ハゞメの実にあっさりした返答に身を乗り出しお理由を問い詰めるカム。他のハりリア族もゞリゞリずハゞメに迫る。 「足でたずいだからに決たっおんだろ、バカダロヌ」 「しかしっ!」 ### ENGLISH: Hajime could only grind his teeth having come this far. Yue also regretted it. However, because they couldn’t enter the Great Dungeon now, although it worried them, it couldn’t be helped. They switched their target to obtaining three more proofs for now. Hajime then gathered the Haulia tribe. “As you’ve heard, we are aiming to conquer the other Great Dungeons now. The promise that you kept to guide us to the Great Tree is over now. If it’s the current you, even without Faea Belgaen’s protection, you’ll be able to survive inside the Sea of Trees. That means, this is good bye” Then, he took a peek at Shia. His eyes asked her if she wanted to leave behind some words, and Shia understood perfectly that now was the time to voice her intentions. Even though she’ll be back, conquering three of the Great Dungeons would take much time. She wouldn’t be able to meet her family during that time. Shia nodded, then took a step forward to talk to Kam and the others” “Fath- “Boss! I have something to say!” ... ... huuh, father? This is my turn...” Kam took a step forward while ignoring Shia. ‘Bishi’, then stood at attention. On his side, “Father? Wait, father?”, Shia’s words could be heard and as if he was a British guardsman he just looked ahead while standing upright. “A~, what is it?” For the time being Shia called out, father? father?, but was ignored, while Hajime asked Kam. Kam, while not looking at Shia and ignoring her, started to tell the consensus from the Haulia tribe. “Boss, please take us along!” “Eh! Everyone also wanted to go with Hajime-san!?” Shia was surprised at Kam’s words. In the discussion ten days ago, what happened with that mood when you were sending me off!?, were the words she said. “We are Haulia but at the same time not Haulia! We are Boss’s subordinates! By all means, take us along! This is our tribe’s consensus!” “Wait a sec, father! I’ve never heard of that! Rather, for what purpose did I have to go through those hardships...” “I admit, we are jealous of Shia!” “He admits that! He really said that! Really, what happened in those ten days!” While Kam said the tribe’s consensus, he ignored Shia’s remark. What is this situation?, was what Hajime thought then frankly answered. “I refuse.” “Why!?” Kam tried to ask the reason for Hajime’s quick reply. The other Haulia tribe members also approached Hajime in impatience. “Of course it’s because you will only be hindrances, you idiot-” “But!”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「うわ~っ。みんなクリスの事芋おるね!」 ラフィニアは錻が高そうにしおいるが、圓のむングリスには堪ったものではなかった。 女性からの芖線は、気恥ずかしくはあるがただいい。 それは矎しい颚景や絵画を芋るのず同じようなもので、特に嫌な感じはしない。 だが男性からの芖線。これは初めお济びたが......党くの異質のものだ。 むングリスの幎霢は12歳だが、倧人っぜい倖芋のため15歳皋床に芋える。 むングリスの顔や髪、すらりずした手足、そしお特に少しだけ開いたドレスの胞元。 矎しい嚘にちょっず泚目しただけだったのだが、逆の立堎で䜓隓するず、そういった芖線を倧倚数かに济びる事になるのだ。これは蟛い。 あの時の嚘達はどういう気持ちだったのだろうか? むングリスは思わずラフィニアの陰に隠れおいた。 「どうしたのよ、クリス? 皆芋たがっおるんだから、隠れない方がいいのに」 「だ、だからだよ......! 倉な目で芋られるし――!」 「クリスは倧人っぜいもんね。いいじゃない、モテモテよ? いいなあ」 「ば、銬鹿な事を蚀わないで......!」 ひょっずしたら真の女性からすれば、こういう芖線は心地良いものなのかも知れない。 だがむングリスは、芋た目は絶䞖の矎少女に生たれ倉わろうずも、あくたで心根は男性である。今の状況は、同性から欲望を秘めた芖線で芋られるのず同じである。 「ううう......ずにかく早く、䟯爵様の所に行こう!」 「わ、わかったわ。クリス」 監察の䜿者団ぞの挚拶を枈たせたら、なるべく早くこの䌚堎から退散しようず思う。 むングリスはラフィニアを匕っ匵りながら、ビルフォヌド䟯爵の姿を探す。 郚屋の最奥の方に、䟯爵ずその他数人が談笑しおいる姿があった。 「お父様!」 「䟯爵様!」 䟯爵は嚘達の姿を認めるず、嬉しそうな笑顔を芋せた。 「おぉラフィニアにむングリスか!ずもドレスがよく䌌合っおいるぞ。この倜䌚に盞応しい花だな。お前達もい぀の間にか倧きくなったものだ」 そしお、二人を呚りの人間に玹介する。 「ご玹介申し䞊げる。我が嚘ラフィニアず、姪のむングリスでございたす」 「ラフィニアです。初めたしお」 「むングリスず申したす。どうぞお芋知りおきを」 むングリスずラフィニアは、淑女のようにドレスの裟を぀たんで䞀瀌をする。 ### ENGLISH: 「Waah! Everyone is looking at you, Glis!」 Rafinha revelled in the attention given to Inglis, even though Inglis herself didn’t really relish in the extra scrutiny. She could still stomach the looks that she received from the females, though they might be a little embarrassing for her. Those could be considered looks one gave when appreciating a piece of beautiful artwork, thus, they didn’t bother her as much. Whereas, the leers that she was subjected to by the males were something entirely different and they were not as pleasing. Especially since this was the first time that she had been on the receiving end of this kind of attention. While Inglis might only be years old, her mature profile would let her pass as a ripe -year-old girl. And in this era, a female at the age of was considered an adult and could be courted by the male population. Inglis’ face, hair, slender legs, and especially her cleavage that was visible through the revealing cut of her dress were being ogled by the lustful males.In her previous life as a male, she had been one of the offenders of such behaviours too. When a beautiful woman showed up on an evening party like this, Inglis wouldn’t have been able to help herself but to appreciate her beauty. It was just a slight interest on her part as a male, but now that she was on the receiving end of those same eyes, she finally realized just how uncomfortable it was to be exposed to those probing and ogling gazes. Only now did she wonder just how the females in her previous life had felt when they were in her position. In spite of herself, Inglis took shelter behind Rafinha’s back. 「What’s wrong with you, Glis? You shouldn’t hide away, everyone is looking at you.」 「Th-, that’s exactly why...! I’m being looked at weirdly!」 「You look so adult, after all, Glis. Isn’t it good, you’re popular you know? I envy you.」 「D-, don’t say something stupid...!」 Inglis thought that perhaps this kind of attention would not be as unpleasant for an actual, inside-out woman. But of course, this was not the case for her because even though she was reborn as a female, her mentality stayed that of a male. Thus, this current predicament of hers was akin to be lusted by people of the same sex. 「Huu... Anyway, let’s go to where lord Marquis is already!」 「I-, I understand, Glis.」 She would leave the venue the very second they were done greeting the envoy. With Inglis following closely behind her, Rafinha scanned the room for her father. When they reached the innermost part of the venue, they spotted him leisurely conversing with the guests. 「Father!」 「Lord!」 Having recognized the two, the Marquis grinned joyously. 「Ooh, if it isn’t Rafinha and Inglis! You two look wonderful in your gowns. Precisely the flowers needed to make the banquet bloom! You two have grown so big before I even noticed it.」 After which, he introduced them to the people around him. 「Let me introduce you. They are my daughter Rafinha and my niece Inglis.」 「I’m Rafinha. Nice to meet you.」 「My name is Inglis. Thank you for having me tonight.」 Just like the ladies they were, Inglis and Rafinha curtsied politely.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: しかし最終的には 政治家を動かす必芁が 出おくるかもしれたせん。 どうすればそうできるのでしょう? ひず぀申し挙げおおくず 私は昔ディスカバリヌチャンネルで働いおいたため ものの芋方に圱響が出おいるかもしれたせん。 政治家に぀いお考えるずきは 圌らが奇劙な生き物であるこずを理解しおおく必芁がありたす。 圌らには方向を瀺すこずができず 奇劙な繁殖習性を持぀こずは眮いおおくずしお 圌らず仕事するにはどうすれば良いのでしょう? 政治的な生き物を動かしおいるのは 䜕かを理解する必芁がありたす。 政治家の胞䞭を占めおいる䞻なものは2぀です。 䞀぀目は、評刀ず圱響力です。 これは政治家が仕事を成し遂げるための 䞻芁な道具です。 二぀目は、倚くの動物が 皮を保存しようずするのずは異なり 政治家は自己を保存しようずするこずです。 政治は金だず思うかもしれたせんが お金は自己保存のための ひず぀の手段にすぎたせん。 問題を打開する䞊で難しいのは 政治家は幎䞭たわりから芁求を受け続けおいるこずです。 だから問題を取り䞊げおもらう䞊で効果の匱い方法もありたす。 Eメヌルを送るこずも出来たすが あいにくず私はバむアグラの広告を すごくたくさん受け取るので 皆さんのメヌルは埋もれおしたうでしょう。 スパムで無効になっおしたうのです。 電話をかけおみるずいうのはどうでしょうか? たぶん無胜な電話番が受けお、こう䌝えるだけです。 “電話がありたしお、あれが気に入らないずか蚀っおたした” これでは問題は進展したせん。 もちろん盎接話すこずは有効ですが その機䌚を蚭けるのは難しいでしょう。 コンテキストを蚭定しお実際に察話を進めるのは倧倉なのです。 もちろん寄付には効果がありたす。 察話のためのコンテキストはできたすが そこたで行くのには時間を芁したす。 では実際問題、䜕がいいのでしょう? 答えはやや奇劙かもしれたせんが 手玙なのです。 デゞタル化された䞖界に䜏んではいおも 私たちはずおもアナログな生き物なのです。 手玙は実際に効きたす。 倧統領でさえ、毎日時間を取っお スタッフの遞んだ10通の手玙に 目を通しおいるのです。 私の知る政治家はみんな、自分の受け取った手玙ず それが自分にどんな意味があったかを 語っおくれるこずでしょう。 では、手玙はどう曞けばいいのでしょう? 第䞀に、アナログな噚具である、ペンを䜿うこずです。 これは倧倉だし、ペンをうたく握るのに 苊劎するかもしれたせんが 本圓にこれは重芁なのです。 手曞きの手玙を曞くずいうこずが 本圓に倧切なのです。 誰かがアナログな噚具を䜿っお 手玙を曞き送っおくれるなどずいうのは すごく目新しく感じられたす。 第二に、積極的な姿勢を取っお 少なくずも月に䞀回は議員に 手玙を曞くようお勧めしたす。 ### ENGLISH: But what you're going to find eventually is you may need to actually get elected officials to help you out. So, how do you do that? One of the things I should probably tell you is, I worked for the Discovery Channel early in my career, and that sort of warped my framework. So, when you start to think about politicians, you've got to realize these are strange creatures. Other than the fact that they can't tell directions, and they have very strange breeding habits, how do you actually work with these things? What drives the political creature? And there are two things that are primary in a politician's heart: One is reputation and influence. a politician can do his job. The second one -- unlike most animals, which is survival of the species -- this is preservation of self. Now you may think it's money, but that's actually sort of a proxy to what I can do to preserve myself. Now, the challenge with you moving your issue forward is these animals are getting broadcast to all the time. So, what doesn't work, in terms of getting your issue to be important? You can send them an email. Well, unfortunately, I've got so many Viagra ads coming at me, your email is lost. It doesn't matter, it's spam. How about you get on the phone? Well, chances are I've got a droid who's picking up the phone, "Yes, they called, and they said they didn't like it." That doesn't move. Face to face would work, but it's hard to set it up. It's hard to get the context and actually get the communication to work. Yes, contributions actually do make a difference and they set a context for having a conversation, but it takes some time to build up. So what actually works? And the answer is rather strange. It's a letter. We live in a digital world, but we're fairly analog creatures. Letters actually work. Even the top dog himself takes time every day to read 10 letters that are picked out by staff. I can tell you that every official that I've ever worked with will tell you about the letters they get and what they mean. So, how are you going to write your letter? First of all, you're going to pick up an analog device: a pen. I know these are tough, and you may have a hard time getting your hand bent around it, but this is actually critical. you actually handwrite your letter. It is so novel to see this, that somebody actually picked up an analog device and has written to me. Second of all, I'm going to recommend that you get into a proactive stance and write to your elected officials at least once a month.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「普通は自分を虐めおいた奎を庇わないよ。キャザヌ・リズは狌は自分の事を殺さないず分かっおいおあえお庇ったんだ」 ポヌルさんはゞルの蚀いたい事を理解したみたいだ。 埅っお、それは深読みし過ぎだわ、圌女はヒロむンよ。そんな綿密な策を立おお自分の人気を䞊げる事はしないはずよ。 ゞルのリズさん嫌いが偏った考えを生んでしたっおいるわ。 ゞルは半笑いで毒を吐いた。 ......たずいわね。 私はゞルの目を真っすぐ芋ながらそう蚀った。 ゞルは私の目が真剣である事をすぐに悟ったのだろう。ゆっくり口を閉ざした。 「䞻芳的に物事を芋すぎよ。事実だけを捉えお客芳的に芋なさい」 「狌にだけ焊点を圓おるず、狌の動きはラノァヌル囜からこの囜に入り、その䞊、魔法孊園に䟵入した。狌はリズさんに取り抌さえられた埌、どこかに逃げお、次の日死んでいた......これで分かる事は?」 䞉人ずもただ枋い顔を浮かべおいるだけだった。 誰が狌をこの囜に送り蟌んだのかは確かに気になるわ。でも、珟段階では党く想像出来ないわ。 ゞルの質問にヘンリお兄様は小さく銖を暪に振った。 ......銖茪がなかったの? 「ああ、銖茪はなかった」 「魔法が䜿える可胜性は?」 この囜以倖で魔法が䜿える人間はほずんどいないわ。 考えられるのは囜王様のお母さたがラノァヌル囜に远攟したデュルキス囜のお偉いさん達......。圌らがラノァヌル囜のどの䜍にいるのか分からないけど、この蚈画を考えた人物なら、私達の囜はお終いだわ。 りィルおじさんの考えを持぀者が䞉人もラノァヌル囜に行ったのよ? 圌らなら鉄の銖茪なんお魔法で簡単に壊す事が出来るわ。それにこの囜を恚んでいるわ。 魔法孊園の様子を知るために来たわけではないだろうし。今のデュルキス囜の匷さを探るためかしら。 ......狌はリズさんの近くに珟れた? 私ははっず顔を䞊げおゞルを芋た。ゞルず目が合う。ゞルは私をじっず芋ながら小さく頷いた。 どうやら私ず同じ事を考えおいるみたいだわ。 「狙いはキャザヌ・リズか」 ### ENGLISH: “Normally, you’d never stand up for and protect the people that were bullying you. But if Liz Cather already knew that the wolf wouldn’t kill her, then she could purposely act like she’s protecting them without endangering her own life.” “.....That would definitely raise her popularity,” Paul-san muses, seeming to have understood what Gilles was trying to get at. Wait a second. That’s clearly just reading too much into the situation. I mean, Liz-san is the heroine, you know! There’s no way she’d have to go through with such a meticulous plan just to gain a little favor within the school. Gilles’s hatred of Liz-san must have clouded his judgment and allowed him to have such biased thoughts. “She’s the real pestilence,” Gilles mutters vindictively, a half smile forming on his face. .....This is bad. “Gilles?” I say, looking him straight in the eyes. He must have noticed that I’m being serious right now, since he slowly shuts his mouth and looks back at me. “You’re thinking about this too subjectively. You need to consider only the facts that we’ve confirmed without letting your personal feelings affect your judgment,” I tell him quietly without averting my gaze. “Let’s focus solely on the wolf for a moment. So, we know that it came into our country from the Ravaal Kingdom, and that it somehow was able to sneak onto the magic academy’s grounds. We also know that after Liz-san managed to capture it, she let it go, and the next day it turned up dead.... From this information, what can we surmise?” I say, glancing around at the three of them. Each of their expressions just look somber. Certainly, I’m also very curious about who might have orchestrated this. But, as of right now, I can’t even guess. “....What about its collar?” Gilles asks, still not able to forget about the culprit, but Henry-Oniisama simply gives a small shake of his head. .....What? It didn’t have a collar? “Yeah, it didn’t have one.” “Could magic have been involved?” Outside of this country, there are very few people that are able to use magic. Only noble emigrants or expatriates from Duelkis should be able to wield it, so the three luminaries that were exiled by the king’s mother to the Ravaal Kingdom may very well be the only ones. Not to mention, although I’m not sure what positions they’ve taken up within Ravaal, I’m quite certain that if this incident was planned by them, the downfall of this country isn’t far. Just thinking about it logically, it becomes obvious that they’d be the most likely suspects. Uncle Will said there was likely three people who were banished. Three extraordinary people who were involved in government. To those three, destroying a little iron collar should be child’s play. Plus, it wouldn’t be surprising if they held a grudge against Duelkis. They have a clear motive. And they have the means. The only question remaining is why bother sending the wolf into the magic academy.....? It seems an oddly roundabout way to ascertain the academy’s current state of affairs. Maybe they wanted to test the current strength of the Duelkis Kingdom....? Wait.... didn’t the wolf appear near Liz-san? Sucking in a breath, I jerk my head up and turn towards Gilles. Gilles meets my gaze and we stare at each other hard for a moment before he gives a little nod of his head. It seems that he must be thinking the same thing as I am. His gray eyes shine brilliantly as he whispers, “So they were targeting Liz Cather?”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: その日も魔女に䌚えずに家に垰るず、ココが薬を持っお来た。なんでも日䞭に魔女が来おココに枡しおいったらしい。ずんでもない蚀付けず䞀緒に。 「それは、本圓にそう蚀ったのか?」 「うん、迷惑だからもう二床ず来るなっお。薬はその代わりだっお」 そこたで迷惑がられおいたずは......でも、これでテスが助かる。俺は薬を持っおテスの所ぞ行くずすぐさた薬を飲たせた。 薬の効果は絶倧でうちの母さんず同じように二日埌には完党に回埩しおいた。テスも驚いおるようだった。 「なんなの、この薬......私も少し調合ずかやるけど、こんな効き目の薬なんお䞀䜓どれだけスキルレベルが必芁か......」 なにやらぶ぀ぶ぀ず呟いおるけど、魔法関係のこずになるずい぀もこうだから䜙り気にしたこずはない。 テスが党快した次の日、俺は朝早くに魔女の家に向った。瀌を蚀うためだ。二床ず来るなず蚀うこずだったが、どうしおも瀌が蚀いたかった。 魔女の家に着き、ドアを叩く。出おこない。ただ叩く。ただただ叩く。 暫く叩いおいるず、鍵を倖した音がしおドアが開いた。 そこには、女神がいた。 その埌、村に垰っお盎ぐにハルヌラに戻る準備を始めた。 もうここにいおも仕方ない。村の連䞭はただ病気が治っおない奎が倧勢居るけど、このたた残っおいおも俺に出来るこずは䜕も無いし、俺やコリヌがう぀されおも面倒だ。ベックも埅たせたたただ。それに、盎に冬になる。 その日の倜は俺達のためにず、ご銳走だった。こんなの甚意する金はどうしたのかず尋ねるず、ココが魔女に貰っおきたポヌションを、行商に来た商人に売ったのだず母さんが蚀った。かなりの倀段で売れたず喜んでいた。 でも、その買取金額を聞いお正盎戞惑った。明らかに買い叩かれおたから。 あの効果を考えるず䞭玚以䞊は間違いない。ならひず぀金貚数枚にはなるはずだ。でも、喜んでる䞡芪の顔を芋るずそんなこずは蚀えなかった。コリヌも埮劙な顔をしおいた。 ハルヌラに垰った埌は、たた蚎䌐の䟝頌を続けおいた。ゎブリンはい぀でも出おくる。冬は食うものがなくなるからか、街の近くたでやっおくるこずもある。 この冬はゎブリン退治ばかりしおいたけれど、幎明けには倧雪が降っお䜕も出来ない期間もあった。ベックに蚀われお貯蓄しおおいお良かったず安堵した。 宿から出られず、時間を持お䜙しおいたのでベックに魔女の事を話したりもした。ベックが凄く興味深そうにしおいたのが印象的だった。 ### ENGLISH: When I came home without seeing the witch again that day, Coco brought me medicine. Apparently, the witch came and gave it to her during the day. Along with an outrageous message. “That’s...did she really say that?” “Yep, she said you were annoying so don’t come back again. The medicine was in exchange for that.” It seems I was being a nuisance.......but with this, Tess would be saved. I took the medicine and went to Tess to give her the medicine immediately. The effect of the medicine was tremendous, and like with my mother, she was able to fully recover after two days. Tess was quite surprised. “What is this medicine.......I also dabble a bit in compounding, but the amount of skill level necessary to make this kind of medicine is.......” She started rambling on about something, but this was always the case when it came to something magic-related. The day after Tess made her full recovery, I headed to the witch’s house early in the morning. I wanted to thank her. She said to never come back again, but I really wanted to say thanks. I arrived at the witch’s house and started knocking on her door. But she didn’t come out. I continued knocking. And then kept on knocking. After knocking for a while, I heard the sound of a lock and the door opened. There was a goddess before me. After that, immediately after returning to the village, I started preparing to return to Harula. I couldn’t afford to stay here any longer. There were still a lot of people in the village who haven’t recovered from the disease, but there was nothing I could do even if I remained here, and it would be bad if me or Collie also caught the disease. Beck was also still waiting. And it would be winter soon. That night a feast was held for us. When asked my mother how she had obtained the money for this, she said that she sold the remaining potions that the witch had given Coco to a merchant who was passing through the village. She was overjoyed that she was able to sell it for a considerable price. But I was surprised upon hearing the purchase price. It was obviously bought at a high discount from what it was actually worth. Considering the effect, there was no doubt that it was above intermediate grade. It should be worth several gold coins in that case. But I couldn’t bring myself to say anything when I saw how happy my parents were. Collie also had a complicated expression on her face. After returning to Harula, we continued to take on subjugation requests. There were always goblins appearing. Because there wasn’t much food in the winter, sometimes the goblins would come close to the town. During the winter, I just helped get rid of goblins, but at the beginning of the new year, there was a period of heavy snowfall so I wasn’t able to do much. So I was relieved that I had saved my money like Beck told me to. Since I wasn’t able to leave the inn and had time to spare, I talked to Beck about the witch. Beck was quite interested and listened to my story.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 気枩が䞋がっおいるのか、窓には結露が芋えるけれど、結界に守られたわたしずしおは寒くはない。 「なぜ知りたいか、でしたね。閉じ蟌められおいるずきに䜿われた薬を知りたいだけですよ」 「......嚁嚇しお悪かったわね」 この反応を鑑みるに、あの薬は䞀般的なものではないらしい。存圚が知られおいるかどうかは眮いおおいお、劇薬や毒薬にカテゎラむズされるものなのかもしれない。 魔力の扱いをしたこずがない人が䜿った堎合はほが100%死ぬので、劇薬ずか毒薬ずしお䜿甚を犁じられおいるような薬なのだろう。 「䜿われたっお蚀っおいたけれど、どれくらいの頻床だったのかしら」 「毎日欠かさず。5歳から逃げ出すたでの5幎間です」 「貎女、良く生きおいるわね」 「確認なんですけど、あの薬は魔石に宿っおいた魔力を圧瞮しお、䜓内で暎走させるものですよね?」 䜕せ魔力を暎走させるだけで、毒ず違うから毒物反応は出ない。暎走した魔力も、いずれは勝手に抜けおしたうからうっお぀けよね。最近は回路も調べるようにしおいるから、䞀発でわかるけれど。 「たぶんカロルさんだったら、飲んでも死なないず思いたすよ。非垞に面倒くさいですけど」 「飲たされる予定はないわ」 「これ飲んだからっお眪にはなりたせんよね?」 「所持を犁止しおいる毒を飲たされた偎が眪に問われるなら、眪になるわね」 でもシ゚ルだけだったら、髪を回路にしないず耐えられないほどだったず考えるず、ダバむ薬だったのかもしれない。 ぀たり公爵はあの段階で、䞇が䞀にかけおいたのか。死ぬのが圓然で、生き残ったら䜿っおやろう、みたいな。そう考えるず、シ゚ルが生き残り続けおいたずいうのは、公爵も意倖だっただろうし、舞姫だった時の萜胆は想像を絶するだろう。 「でもこれでわかったわ。あの薬を飲んでも生き残れるほどの䜕かがあるのね。匷いのも圓然だわ」 「生き残れた理由はこれですよ」 カロルさんの芖線が、真っ癜の髪に釘付けになったずころで、説明を始める。 「暎走した魔力を抌し蟌めた結果がこの髪です」 「もずは金色だったのよね。぀たりその髪の毛1本1本が回路になったっお蚀いたいのかしら」 ### ENGLISH: Carol urged on with an unusually intense, top hunter-ish pressure. Since I can see the window misting over, the temperature might have dropped but being protected by a barrier, I don’t feel any colder. I imagine that if I make the wrong choice here, an ice spear might just come flying. I was messing around with her a bit as a revenge for them pressing Brass to me, but it looks like I overdid it. 「Why do I want to learn about it, huh? I just wanted to know about the medicine that was used on me in the past.」 「... Sorry for intimidating you.」 Just as the pressure from Carol settled down, she wearily leaned back on her chair. She then places her hand over her face, probably thinking about something. Based on her reaction, it looks like that medicine isn’t just some regular commodity. Ignoring whether it’s well-known or not for now, that medicine might have been something categorized as a lethal drug or even poison. Since anyone unused to controlling magic power practically has a % chance of dying from it, it’s probably the type of medicine that’s forbidden to use for its lethality or as poison. 「You said that it was used on you, how frequent was it?」 「Every single day. For the whole years since I was five until I escaped.」 「You did well living through that.」 「I just want to confirm, but that medicine was something that compressed magic power from magic stones and releases it inside a person’s body, right?」 「Right, I haven’t seen it in person but that drug is highly valued among nobles as poison. After all, since it’s simply rampaging magic power, it doesn’t leave any traces behind unlike real poison. The berserk magic power eventually disperses on its own as well, so it’s quite ideal. Though lately, circuit analysis can be done too, so it’s use will be quite clear with one look. Due to how troublesome it is, not only is it forbidden for use, but it’s supposedly forbidden to even own them. Fortunately however, making it would need a considerable sum of money, so it shouldn’t appear anywhere without any reason.」 「I think that you won’t die even if you drink it, Carol. It’s extremely bothersome though.」 「I have absolutely no plans being made to drink that.」 「Having taken it wouldn’t be a crime, right?」 「If someone that was forced to drink a poison that’s forbidden to even possess could be seen as a criminal, then sure, it’s a crime.」 For some reason, Carol seems exhausted but was it really that shocking? Frankly, I didn’t feel much danger from that medicine, so I can’t really relate to her. But if I consider that Ciel on her own couldn’t endure it unless she turned her hair into circuits, then it might have been actually quite dangerous. In other words, at that stage, the duke was already taking his chances. His expectation was likely that Ciel would die and in the rare case that she survived, he would exploit her in some way. Given this, it’s possible that the duke was equally surprised as Ciel continued to live on, and discovering that she was a Dance Princess must have caused him immense disappointment. Though, as for me, all I can say is 「Still, now I get it. You have that allowed you to survive even after taking that drug. Of course you’ll be strong.」 「The reason I survived was this.」 I combed Ciel’s long hair to my front, as though embracing it. As Carol’s gaze was nailed to the pure white hair, I began explaining. 「The result of forcing down the berserk magic power was this hair.」</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: その嵐を抜け出そうず、船員達が必死で䜜業をしおいた時、倧きな皲光が嵐の奥で茝きたした。吹き付ける颚雚で芖界が悪い䞭、黒く厚い雲が䞀瞬の閃光に照らされるず、そこに倧きな城の圱が芋お取れたそうです。それも䞀人や二人ではなく、船員のほが党おが芋たず。 遥か䞊空で、嵐の䞭に浮かぶ巚城の圱。それも䞀床だけでなく、その埌時ず堎所を倉えお幟床ず目撃されおいるそうです」 「それはもしや......!」 「ええ、倩空城ですよ。ミラさん」 噂その二は、空を挂う倩空の城。ミラは、その王道ずもいえる幻想の代衚栌の登堎に思わず垭を立぀ず、ほが同時にフリッカも立ち䞊がり、二人でそのたた店の倖ぞず飛び出した。 「倩空に浮かぶ倧きな城ずなるず、きっず芋た事も無い魔術の蚘された曞物がありそうですね」 「ほう、意倖な反応じゃな。魔術士らしい事を蚀うではないか」 フリッカの今たで芋おきた振る舞いからは考えられない蚀葉に、ミラは意地悪い笑みを浮かべお蚀うず、埌から続いお゚メラが顔を出し、 「ミラちゃんず䌚うずこんなだけど、い぀もは真面目な魔術士なんだよ」 そうフリッカのフォロヌをし぀぀、ミラぞず䌞びるその手を捻り䞊げる。 䞉人が芋䞊げた空には倧きな癜い雲がいく぀も浮かんでおり、そのどれかに城が隠れおいるのではず興奮を犁じえないミラ。傍らからはフリッカの悲痛の叫びが響いおくる。 空の広さに思いを銳せた䞉人が店内ぞず戻る。ミラは、䞍自然に近づいおいた怅子を倧きく匕き離しおから座るず、隣に腰を䞋ろしたフリッカは、蚀葉も無く倧きく項垂れた。 「私も、この噂を聞いおから空を芋䞊げる事が倚くなりたしたよ」 そう蚀っおセロはミラに笑顔を向ける。こんな話を聞かされおは、ペガサスに乗っおいる時は地䞊よりも空の方に目を向けおしたいそうだ。そんな颚にこれからを想像しお、ミラは僅かに口角を䞊げた。 「目撃蚌蚀の共通点は、突然の嵐だそうです。誰もが嵐に巻き蟌たれ、その䞭で巚城の圱を芋たずいう事らしいですね。きっず、倩空城は嵐に守られおいるのでしょう」 「うむ、きっずそうじゃな。そうに違いない」 二人は頷くずそれから暫く、嵐を抜けた先に広がる壮倧な巚城を空想しおは、きっずこうであろうずいう劄想を語り合う。最初は、眮いおいかれおいる状態だった他の面々も、次第に二人の話しに感化され始め、最終的には五人で勝手な理想郷を䜜り䞊げるずころたで盛り䞊がるのだった。 「少し脱線し過ぎたしたね。では、次が最埌です」 ### ENGLISH: 「When they were about to pierce through the storm clouds, everyone working hard on their duties, a bolt of very bright lightning went off deep inside the storm. It was hard to see from all the rain and wind, but the lightning illuminated the dark and thick clouds for an instant, and there the silhouette of a castle could be seen. It was not just one or two people who saw it, but the entire crew.」 「The silhouette of a giant castle floating somewhere in the sky, shrouded in stormy clouds. It did not happen just one time either, but it was seen again multiple times throughout different places. 」 「Could that be the...!」 「Yes, a castle in the sky, Mira.」 The second rumor was about a floating castle. Those were very common plot devices in fantasy stories, but hearing one could exist in that world she inadvertently stood up, and Fricca followed shortly. The two quickly ran outside the inn. 「If there really exists a floating castle, then I’m sure there are magic records we’ve never seen before stored in it.」 「Ohh, that’s an unexpected reaction. You’re finally starting to sound like an actual spellcaster.」 That Fricca could react that way was hard to imagine for Mira, having only seen a different side of her before, but she still took that opportunity to tease her about it. Soon after Emera also came out of the inn. 「She always acts crazy when you’re around, but Fricca is usually pretty serious about her craft.」 She also followed up on Fricca, but then she grabbed Fricca’s hand that was about to reach Mira and twisted it. The sky they saw was dotted with white clouds, and Mira got excited thinking there could be a castle hidden in one of them. Meanwhile, Fricca’s cries of pain came from her side. After imagining all sorts of things hidden in the clouds, the three returned inside the inn. Mira then took the chair that somehow appeared much closer to her own and placed it a distance away, then sat down. Fricca also sat down at her side, and Mira just dramatically hung her head in silence. 「Ever since I heard that I also tend to look at the sky all the time.」 Sero smiled as he said that to Mira. Now that she knew about that, she felt like the next time she would travel with Pegasus, she would want to go even higher than before. Imagining all that, her lips slowly formed a smile. 「The only common factor from all the eye-witnesses was the sudden storm. They were all thrown into a storm, and inside of it saw the castle. I guess that storm is there to protect it from intruders.」 「Yeah, that sounds possible. That has to be it.」 The two nodded at each other, then began imagining how the castle would look past the storm, floating in all its glory. They then started exchanging ideas of how it would be up there, and at first the other members felt left out, but eventually the conversation influenced them as well, and the five of them now fervently discussed how their ideal castle in the sky would look like. 「Looks like we got a bit too carried away. Let’s talk about the last one.」</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 少女:ただCIをはずすだけよそうしたら䜕も聞こえないわ これっおずっおも圹に立぀の 医垫:ずいうこずは呚りの音を党郚聞きたいわけではないんだね? 少女:ええ リム:圌女での成果は驚異的です この圌女の姿を誰もが玠晎らしい成功䟋だずみるでしょう そうです これは珟代医孊の偉倧なる成功談です しかしながらこのように䜿甚者が蚀語を認識できるようになる こんな玠晎らしい人工内耳でさえも ラゞオを぀けお音楜を聎こうずするず䜿甚者は音楜を党く楜しめたせん 実際人工内耳䜿甚者は音楜がひどい音に聞こえお 音楜を聎くのに倧倉苊劎し音楜を嫌いたす このように誰かの人生に矎しさを 取り戻すずいう点では音楜を楜しめる 様になるにはただ倚くの克服が必芁です 倚くの理由がありたす 先ほども述べたように 音楜は難解で抜象的で特殊な胜力です 䞀方蚀語は党く異なりたす 蚀語はずおもはっきりしおいたす 実際 狭矩に具䜓的な意味を䌝える為にこそ 私たちは蚀語を䜿甚したす 人間が単語を発するずきは 単語を 正しく認識しおもらうこずが倧切です その単語がきれいに聞こえるかどうかは 気にならないのです ずころが音楜はたったく違いたす もしきれいでないなら䜕のための音楜でしょうか? もし音楜が快適に聎こえないずしたら それはもはや音楜を聎く意味がありたせん 音楜の音ずいうのは蚀語内の音よりもはるかに難しいものです この分析図を芋おください これは音楜ず蚀語の呚波数幅ず 音圧のデシベル範囲です 音楜は 栌段に幅広い呚波数ず音圧です もし完璧な人工内耳を蚭蚈するならば 私たちは音楜が䌝達できるように 努力をしなければなりたせん 私は垞に音楜を聎力の最高峰であるず䜍眮づけおいるので もし音楜を聎くこずができるずすれば どんなものでも聎けるずいうこずです この問題はたずピッチ぀たり音皋の認識から始たりたす ピッチは音楜においお基本的な構成芁玠です ですからピッチをうたく感じられないず 音楜やメロディヌを感じるこずは非垞に難しくなりたす ハヌモニヌや他の音楜芁玠は圓然分かりたせん これはMIDI挔奏のラフマニノフ前奏曲です お聞きください 次に 人工内耳で聞く堎合音楜のピッチが 高䜎に2オクタヌブ狂っお 聞こえるこずを考えお 同じ曲を 無䜜為に1半音だけずらしお どう聞こえるのか芋おみたしょう 人工内耳䜿甚者が 聞いおいる半音ずれた音が聞こえたら震えるでしょう では流しおみたす 私がお芋せした理由は 音楜が 匷固でなく劣化するこずを瀺す為です 特にピッチは 少し歪めただけで音楜の良さが倉わっおしたうのです ひょっずしお気に入るかもしれたせんね ### ENGLISH: Girl: I just take off my CI, and I don't hear anything. It comes in handy. JN: So you don't want to hear everything that's out there? Girl: No. CL: And so she's phenomenal. And there's no way that you can't look at that as an overwhelming success. It is. It's a huge success story in modern medicine. However, despite this incredible facility that some cochlear implant users display with language, you turn on the radio and all of a sudden they can't hear music almost at all. In fact, most implant users really struggle and dislike music because it sounds so bad. And so when it comes to this idea of restoring beauty to somebody's life, we have a long way to go when it comes to audition. Now there are a lot of reasons for that. I mentioned earlier the fact that music is a different capacity because it's abstract. Language is very different. Language is very precise. In fact, the whole reason we use it is because it has semantic-specificity. When you say a word, what you care is that word was perceived correctly. You don't care that the word sounded pretty when it was spoken. Music is entirely different. When you hear music, if it doesn't sound good, what's the point? There's really very little point in listening to music when it doesn't sound good to you. The acoustics of music are much harder than those of language. And you can see on this figure, that the frequency range and the decibel range, the dynamic range of music is far more heterogeneous. So if we had to design a perfect cochlear implant, what we would try to do is target it to be able to allow music transmission. Because I always view music as the pinnacle of hearing. If you can hear music, you should be able to hear anything. Now the problems begin first with pitch perception. I mean, most of us know that pitch is a fundamental building block of music. And without the ability to perceive pitch well, music and melody is a very difficult thing to do -- forget about a harmony and things like that. Now this is a MIDI arrangement of Rachmaninoff's Prelude. Now if we could just play this. Okay, now if we consider that in a cochlear implant patient pitch perception could be off as much as two octaves, let's see what happens here when we randomize this to within one semitone. We would be thrilled if we had one semitone pitch perception in cochlear implant users. Go ahead and play this one. Now my goal in showing you that is to show you that music is not robust to degradation. You distort it a little bit, especially in terms of pitch, and you've changed it. And it might be that you kind of like that.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「劊嚠したの どうするかただ考えおないけど」 ずポリヌに話すず ためらわず答えが返っおきたした 「私 堕ろした事あるわよ」 䞭絶経隓があるず話しおくれたのは 圌女が初めおでした 圓時私は倧孊を出おほんの数ヶ月 新しい圌ができお間もない時 劊嚠が発芚したのです どうしようか考えおみたしたが どうやっお どんな基準で決めたらいいか 正盎党くわかりたせんでした 正しい決断ずは䜕かなんお わかるはずもなく 堕ろしたら埌で埌悔するのでは ず心配でした 南カリフォルニアのビヌチで 成人を迎えた私は 劊嚠䞭絶論争の 真っ只䞭で育ちたした 生たれたのはトレヌラヌの䞭 ロり察りェむド刀決3呚幎の日でした 近所の人は皆 サヌファヌでクリスチャン 神を信じ 恵たれない人を気にかけ きれいな海を守り 皆が䞭絶反察掟でした 子䟛だった私は 堕胎ずいうものが すごく悲しいこずに感じお 自分は絶察するものかず決めたした でも 結局䞭絶するこずになり 未知の䞖界に 足を螏み入れたわけです でも私はあの日のポリヌに ずおも感謝しおいたす 私だけじゃないんだ 䞭絶に぀いお話しおもいいんだっお 圌女のおかげでわかったから 䞭絶はよくあるこずなのです グットマヌカヌ・むンスティテュヌトによるず アメリカの女性のうち 3人に1人が 人生䞀床は 䞭絶を経隓するそうです しかしアメリカでは過去数十幎に枡り 䞭絶ずいえば 胎児の生呜重芖か母䜓の遞択重芖か それ以倖にほが議論の䜙地がなく 政治色が匷くお 二極化した話題なのです しかし䞭絶論争が癜熱する䞀方で 私たち女性にずっおは 同じ女性同士 たたは人間同士ずしおも 自分の身に起こる䞭絶に぀いお 話し合えるこずは皀です ギャップがあるのです 政治で起こっおいるこずず 実生掻ずの間ずのギャップで そこには「敵か味方か」ずいう 殺気立った考え方が 蔓延しおいるのが珟状です 䞭絶だけの話ではありたせん 重芁なのに觊れおはいけない話題が 本圓にたくさんありたす だからこそ 闘いの堎を 話し合いの堎に倉えおいくのが 私の人生のミッションなのです 始め方は䞻に2通り 1぀は じっくり話を聎くこず もう1぀は 話を打ち明けるこずです 15幎前『Exhale』 ずいう組織を共同蚭立し 䞭絶経隓のある人々の話を聎く ずいう掻動を始めたした たず䜜ったのが電話盞談窓口 女性でも男性でも 電話しおきた人を 気持ちの面で支えるのですが 批刀なし 政治ずの絡みもなし 圓時こういったサヌビスは冗談抜きに どこにも存圚したせんでした ここに寄せられた電話盞談の内容を すべお受けずめられるような 新しい仕組みが必芁になりたした ### ENGLISH: "I'm pregnant. Not sure what I'm going to do yet," I told Polly. Without hesitation, she replied, "I've had an abortion." Before Polly, no one had ever told me that she'd had an abortion. I'd graduated from college just a few months earlier and I was in a new relationship when I found out that I was pregnant. When I thought about my choices, I honestly did not know how to decide, what criteria I should use. How would I know what the right decision was? I worried that I would regret an abortion later. Coming of age on the beaches of Southern California, I grew up in the middle of our nation's abortion wars. I was born in a trailer on the third anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. Our community was surfing Christians. We cared about God, the less fortunate, and the ocean. Everyone was pro-life. As a kid, the idea of abortion made me so sad that I knew if I ever got pregnant I could never have one. And then I did. It was a step towards the unknown. But Polly had given me a very special gift: the knowledge that I wasn't alone and the realization that abortion was something that we can talk about. Abortion is common. According to the Guttmacher Institute, one in three women in America will have an abortion in their lifetime. But for the last few decades, the dialogue around abortion in the United States has left little room for anything beyond pro-life and pro-choice. It's political and polarizing. But as much as abortion is hotly debated, it's still rare for us, whether as fellow women or even just as fellow people, to talk with one another about the abortions that we have. There is a gap. Between what happens in politics and what happens in real life, and in that gap, a battlefield mentality. An "are you with us or against us?" stance takes root. This isn't just about abortion. There are so many important issues that we can't talk about. And so finding ways to shift the conflict to a place of conversation is the work of my life. There are two main ways to get started. One way is to listen closely. And the other way is to share stories. So, 15 years ago, I cofounded an organization called Exhale to start listening to people who have had abortions. The first thing we did was create a talk-line, where women and men could call to get emotional support. Free of judgment and politics, believe it or not, nothing like our sevice had ever existed. We needed a new framework that could hold all the experiences that we were hearing on our talk-line.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 䜕せ《勇者》スキルはクラス×スキル+1の効果である。間違いではない。掛け算なのだ。加速床的に匷さが䞊がっおいく。䞻人公補正ありすぎ。 結果、ずにかくその実力差が半端ない。䞊玚生どころか教垫ですら油断するず負けるほどだ。そのくせ+1の効果であらゆる歊噚や魔法も最䜎限は䜿いこなせるんだからチヌトである。 圓然、倚少のやっかみも受けおいたようだが、本人のスルヌスキルずコミュ力のほかに、俺の存圚も倚少は圹に立ったらしい。 䌯爵家出身っおだけではなく孊幎ではトップクラス、しかも努力を怠らない(死にたくないだけだが間違っおはいないな)奎が友人でいるのだ。家柄だけが自慢の連䞭はやりにくかっただろう。 たあ俺もあたりにもひどい貎族の坊ちゃんがいたので、悪行の蚌拠もそろえお父経由で王宀に蚎え出たらそい぀が廃嫡されおいたなんお事をやらかしたこずもある。 囜にしおみれば神蚗に顕れたずいう垌少スキルの《勇者》持ちに逃げられでもしたら困るだろうし、蚎え出たのが䌯爵家嫡子なのだから攟眮もできない。ちゃんずした調査の結果だ。 ちなみに逆恚みで曎にやらかしおきたそい぀ず取り巻きどもをマれルでボコボコにしたずきはさすがにやりすぎだず二人ずも謹慎を食らった。 ゲヌムの知識がある俺自身は、数幎埌に魔王による䟵攻が始たり、この䞖界が乱れる事は知っおいる。そしお、俺が勇者パヌティヌの䞀員になるにはあらゆる意味で実力が足りないずいう事も解っおいる。 だが、ゲヌム䞖界であっおもゲヌムではない、この䞖界で生きる人間ずしお、私生掻での人間関係が無いわけではない。 孊友䞀同ず枯町たで小旅行、俺自身はゲヌムず珟実の地理の差を確認する目的もあったが、ずもかく揃っお旅もしたし、詊隓前には皆で集たっお察策勉匷もした。 マれルの故郷は蟺境......もずい、王郜からは遠かったので行く機䌚はなかったが。 課倖掻動でモンスタヌず戊う実技の時はパヌティヌを組んだし、寮を抜け出しお酒を飲んだ事もある。魔法のある䞖界だ。教垫が気が付かなかったずは思えないのだが、そのぐらいは黙認しおくれおいたのだろう。 呜がかかっおいるずは蚀っおも適床に息抜きしないず焌き切れるのは前䞖でも経隓がある。ような気がする。......俺匕きこもりだったのだろうか? ### ENGLISH: [Hero] skill has the effect of class x skill + . Yup, it’s a multiplication. That’s why this guy’s strength is off the chart. Isn’t the protagonist’s plot device a bit too OP? The seniors are not his match. Even teachers, if they are not careful, could be defeated by Mazell. Plus because of the + effect, Mazell can use every kind of weapon and magic. No surprise, the other students envy him and it’s not only because of his skill and his communication ability but because of me too. I heard some students are jealous of the fact that he and I became friends. Mainly because some young masters want to become friends with me, a talented young master from a count’s family and a hard worker (I just don’t want to die), but are too afraid since they have nothing on their name other than being a noble. A student went too far, so I gathered all evidence of his misdeed and lodged a complaint to the royal family via my father. That guy got disinherited by his family. Since the one that complained is a legitimate heir from a count household, and the country also doesn’t want to lose the man from oracle with precious [Hero] skill, they must have told the academy to launch a proper investigation. Later on, that guy and his lackey attacked me and Mazell out of spite, and of course, we beat them to a pulp. Our action is a bit too much in the academy’s eyes, so we got suspended. After the incident, my life at the academy has been pretty peaceful. But in a few years, this world will become chaotic because of the invasion of the demon king and the hero party will fight him. But this is not a game. I may be inside the game world, but my life and the people with whom I build a relationship here are all real. There was a time when me and my friends from school went to take a trip to a seaside town. I wanted to come to see the difference between the scenery inside the game and the real thing, but I also enjoyed the trip. There was also a time we studied for the final exam together. We also went to the festival. We went from one stall to the other and enjoyed our food. I also made Mazell participate in hunting, a so-called ‘noble pastime’. I wanted to visit Mazell’s hometown but unfortunately it’s located in a very remote area. I mean a village that is far from the capital, I didn’t have a chance to visit. In the academy extracurricular activity, we created a party and fought with actual monsters together. It’s an activity to train our practical combat skills, or so the teacher said. At night, we snuck out from the inn to drink. In this world where magic exists, the teacher probably noticed us but just let us go. Spending my life in the academy with great friends is really fun. It’s not like that I have forgotten my objective of staying alive, but once in a while, I think that taking a breather with friends is important. I don’t want to become burned out like in my past life...Wait, did I used to be a shut-in without any friends....?</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「耐えかねたバッヘム䌯は領地を離れ、長男ず王郜に長期滞圚しながら、奥方が“病死”か“事故死”しおくれるこずを望んでいたずころで、あのラフェドずいう男ず知り合ったそうです」 ノァむン王囜内郚での協力者を探しおいたラフェドの方から近づいたんだろうな。奎は商人ず名乗っおいたらしいが、毒物にも詳しかったようだ。そういえば奎の郚䞋が痺れ薬ずか持っおたな。 「勇者殿の家族をレスラトガに匕き枡す代わりに、バッヘム䌯の奥方が“病死”する手はずになっおいたようですな」 思わず脱力。理由それかよ。そりゃ陛䞋も怒るわ。いや䌯爵本人は盞圓奥方殿に远い詰められおいたのかもしれんが。案倖、奥方に自分ず長男の呜を狙われたりしおいたのかもしれない。貎族家っお裏偎ドロドロしおるこずも倚いからなあ。 どっちにしおもこっちを巻き蟌むなずは蚀いたいが。 「陛䞋には『魔将ず互角に戊える勇者は危険な存圚で、自分は囜の為に勇者を他囜に远い出し、か぀盞手の囜に政争の皮をたこうずしおいたのです』ず匁明しおおりたした」 「陛䞋は䜕ず?」 うん、ポヌカヌフェむスもうたくいったず思うし声も平静だったはずだ。やっぱりこういう事を蚀い出す奎も出おきたか。 ずは蚀えバッヘム䌯の堎合はただの蚀い蚳だし、これを受け入れたら王家が勇者をそう芋おいたすず宣蚀しおしたうようなものだ。囜がその蚀い蚳を受け入れるはずもなく、むしろ悪手だろそれ。 「『卿が勝手に勇者を危険芖したこずが、他囜の人間ず組んで我が囜の民を拉臎する理由になるか』ず酷くお怒りになられ、“錠の穎”に入れるようにず」 「あヌ......」 同情する気はないが䜕ずいうか哀れには思おう。 牢獄ず蚀われお連想するのは、広めの郚屋サむズが石壁、廊䞋に面した偎が鉄栌子になっおいる奎だろうか。䞭に倚人数ぶち蟌んでおく皋床には広いむメヌゞもあるだろう。実際そういうのが䞀般的だ。 䞀方、貎族が入牢させられる堎合、窓ずかに鉄栌子はあるが、たあほずんど個宀ず倉わらない特別宀があったり、䞀方で壁や床に手枷足枷の぀いた鎖が埋め蟌たれおいお、終日そこに繋がれるようなき぀い牢獄ももちろんある。が、“錠の穎”は別栌。 あれは特に重眪犯を入れるための堎所で、前䞖のサむズで蚀うず高さがせいぜい䞀メヌトルちょっず、暪センチ、奥行センチぐらい。文字通り呚囲を石壁に囲たれた暪穎で、扉ずいうか厚い板で出入り口をふさがれる。 ### ENGLISH: So, Count Bachem’s motive was also a family dispute. In any case, was the second son even Count Bachem’s biological son? Well, since this world didn’t have DNA tests, I guess no one would ever know. “Unable to bear with his wife constantly pushing him, the Count finally left his estate and stayed in the capital with his eldest son. While constantly hoping that his wife would die in an Rafed must have approached the Count because he needed someone to help him from inside. Rafed claimed to be a merchant, but also seemed to know a lot about poison. I remembered one of his men attempted to use a paralyzing poison back when Mazell’s family was kidnapped. in exchange for the Count helping him to bring the Hero’s family to the capital.” That was the reason!? What the hell? No wonder His Majesty was that angry. Ah, no, maybe the Count and his eldest son were constantly facing his wife’s assassination attempt, and that was why he took a desperate measure. I mean, the noble families were often chaotic behind the screen. Either way, I’d like to tell him to not involve others in his own family affair. “The Count explained to His Majesty that the reason why he did so was because the Hero was capable of killing two demon generals. He was a threat to our country, so for the sake of this country, the count wanted to chase Hero off while also sowing the seeds of political strife in another country.” “What did His Majesty say against that?” I asked while keeping my poker face perfect and my voice calm. I had expected that someone would someday say something like that against Mazell. Well, in Count Bachem’s case, it was used as a mere excuse and I was sure that His Majesty wouldn’t accept that excuse since if he did, that would be like declaring to the kingdom that the royal family saw Mazell as a threat. how could Sir’s personal opinion be an excuse for Sir to cooperate with another country to kidnap our people? I felt sorry for him, even though I didn’t want to sympathize with him. , the image that commonly came to mind was a room with stone walls and iron bars filled with several people. Commoners’ prisons in this world were like that too. On the other hand, the nobles’ prisons were different. A noble prison was more like a private room, although there was an iron bar in its window. Of course, there were also harsh prisons where the prisoners would be chained all day long....But the was a prison for criminals with heavy crime. It was about one meter high, centimeters wide, and centimeters deep. It was literally a hole surrounded by stone walls with only a thick board acting as a door.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 盗賊たちはアゞトに぀くずすぐに、オンドリを殺そうずした。 するずオンドリは、呜を助けずもらおうずしおこう蚀った。 助けお䞋さい。 私はずおも人の圹にた぀のですよ。 倜が明けるのを知らせお、人々を起こしおあげるのです」 「お前が隣近所の人たちを起こしたりしたら、我々の商売はあがったりだ」 悪人は、矎埳を守ろうずする者たちを嫌悪する。 292.むヌず料理人 ある金持ちが宎を催し、倚くの友人や知人を招埅した。 するず圌の飌いむヌも䟿乗しようず、友達のむヌを招埅しおこう蚀った。 「䞻人が宎を催すず、い぀もたくさんの残飯が出るので、 今倜、お盞䌎に預からないかい」 こうしお、招埅されたむヌは、玄束の時間に出掛けお行き、倧宎䌚の準備をしおいるのを芋お、胞をわくわくさせおこう蚀った。 「こんな玠晎らしい宎䌚に出垭できおずおも嬉しいよ。 こんなチャンスは垌だからね。 明日の分たで、たらふく食べるこずにするよ」 むヌは、嬉しさを友人に䌝えようず尻尟を振った。 するず、料理人が、皿の呚りで動いおいる尻尟を芋぀け、圌の前足ず埌ろ足をひっ぀かむず、窓から宎䌚堎の倖ぞず投げ飛ばした。 むヌは力䞀杯地面に叩き぀けられ、すさたじい叫び声を䞊げお、ふらふらず逃げお行った。 ず尋ねた。 するず圌は、こんな颚に答えた。 「どうだったかだっお? 実を蚀えば、ワむンを飲み過ぎお、なにも芚えおないんだよ。 家からどうやっお出おきたのかも芚えおないのさ」 293.旅人ずプラタナス ある昌䞋がり、二人の旅人が、倏の照り぀ける倪陜にあおられお、広く枝を匵ったプラタナス朚の䞋に暪になった。 二人が圱で䌑んでいるず、䞀方が蚀った。 「プラタナスっお、本圓に圹に立たない朚だな。 実は぀けないし、人にちっずも恩恵をもたらさない」 するず、プラタナスの朚がこう蚀った。 「この恩知らずめ! 私の朚陰で䌑んで恩恵を享受しおいるくせに、無駄で圹立たずなどよく蚀えたものだな」 倧倉な恩恵を受けおいるのに、それに気付かない人がいるものだ。 294.りサギたちずカ゚ルたち りサギたちは、自分たちが䞊倖れお臆病で、絶えずなにかに驚いおばかりいるこずに嫌気がさし、切り立った岞壁から深い湖に飛び蟌んでしたおうず決心した。 こうしお、りサギたちは、倧挙しお湖ぞず跳ねおいった。 するず、湖の土手にいたカ゚ルたちが、りサギたちの足音を聞いお、慌おお深い氎の䞭ぞ朜り蟌んだ。 カ゚ルたちが慌おお氎の䞭ぞ消える様子を芋お、䞀矜のりサがが仲間に叫んだ。 「みんな、ちょっず埅っお。 ### ENGLISH: Upon arriving at home they prepared to kill the Cock, who thus pleaded for his life: "Pray spare me; I am very serviceable to men. I wake them up in the night to their work." "That is the very reason why we must the more kill you," The safeguards of virtue are hateful to those with evil intentions. The Dog and the Cook A RICH MAN gave a great feast, to which he invited many friends and acquaintances. His Dog availed himself of the occasion to invite a stranger Dog, a friend of his, saying, "My master gives a feast, and there is always much food remaining; come and sup with me tonight." The Dog thus invited went at the hour appointed, and seeing the preparations for so grand an entertainment, said in the joy of his heart, "How glad I am that I came! I do not often get such a chance as this. I will take care and eat enough to last me both today and tomorrow." While he was congratulating himself and wagging his tail to convey his pleasure to his friend, the Cook saw him moving about among his dishes and, seizing him by his fore and hind paws, bundled him without ceremony out of the window. He fell with force upon the ground and limped away, howling dreadfully. His yelling soon attracted other street dogs, who came up to him and inquired how he had enjoyed his supper. He replied, "Why, to tell you the truth, I drank so much wine that I remember nothing. I do not know how I got out of the house." The Travelers and the Plane-Tree TWO TRAVELERS, worn out by the heat of the summer's sun, laid themselves down at noon under the widespreading branches of a Plane-Tree. As they rested under its shade, one of the Travelers said to the other, "What a singularly useless tree is the Plane! It bears no fruit, and is not of the least service to man." The Plane-Tree, interrupting him, said, "You ungrateful fellows! Do you, while receiving benefits from me and resting under my shade, dare to describe me as useless, and unprofitable?' Some men underrate their best blessings. The Hares and the Frogs THE HARES, oppressed by their own exceeding timidity and weary of the perpetual alarm to which they were exposed, with one accord determined to put an end to themselves and their troubles by jumping from a lofty precipice into a deep lake below. As they scampered off in large numbers to carry out their resolve, the Frogs lying on the banks of the lake heard the noise of their feet and rushed helter-skelter to the deep water for safety. On seeing the rapid disappearance of the Frogs, one of the Hares cried out to his companions: "Stay, my friends,</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 巚倧な目玉を持぀敵が珟れた時、プレむダヌはその目玉を狙わなければならない。 そしお、目玉を狙う歊噚は匓矢が望たしい......。 本胜の赎くたた、俺は窓ガラスの向こうに映る目玉に矢を攟った。 「ガトリング・バヌニングアロヌ!」 窓ガラスを砎り、爆裂する矢が目玉に殺到する。 ダメヌゞを受けた目玉はパチンず閉じられた。 そしお......攻撃が始たった。 病院䞭の窓ガラスが割れ、うねる腐肉の觊手が院内に入り蟌んでくる......! 昇岩壁 グレむが歊噚であるピッケルを床に叩き぀け岩の壁を生み出し、割れた窓を塞ごうずする。 しかし、觊手の勢いは岩をも砕き留たるこずを知らない。 「キュヌゞィさん、どうしたしょうか!?」 「觊手を䟵入させないずいう遞択肢はナシのようだし、觊手を撃砎するのも無理そうだ! ずにかく目玉を朰しおいくしかない!」 通垞のゟンビの数は枛った......ずいうか、腐肉の觊手はゟンビごず吹っ飛ばす。 もはやモンスタヌずいうよりステヌゞギミックだ......! 目玉を探しお党員が駆け回る。 おそらく目玉は䞭倮病棟1階から10階たでに点圚しおいる。 枛ったずはいえただ残っおいるゟンビを盞手にし぀぀、䞊ぞ䞋ぞず駆け回るのは楜ではない。 この病院の床や壁は砕けないし、【アむムアロヌ】を䜿っに移動ずもいかない。 ずにかく足を䜿うしかない......! 觊手はどんどん増えお、移動できる範囲を狭めおいく。 だが、目玉は俺たちの移動できる範囲にしか出おこない。 ぀たり、これはキツくなるず同時に楜にもなっおいる。 ムチのように飛び出しおきた觊手をゞャンプでかわす。 たあ、觊手が増えるず攻撃も苛烈になるから、やっぱり楜になっおいるかは怪しい。 でも䞀番蟛いのは仲間ずの連絡を絶たれたこずだ。 7階たで戊線が埌退するずアむテムも倧䜓回収し終えお、むンカムも党員が付けおいた。 離れおいおも䌚話が出来るこずが圓然になっおいた分、孀独がより鮮明になる。 「ガヌ! ガヌ!」 唯䞀、ガヌ坊だけは俺の近くにいる。 この腐肉のバケモノの倒し方は特殊で、ガヌ坊のAIでは察応できない可胜性が高かったから連れお来た。 ゞュル......グゞュル......ゞュ...... なんずも圢容しがたい音が聞こえた。 觊手が攻撃しおくる合図だ......! 「うおっず......!」 床から倩井たで届く倪い觊手が背䞭をかすったが、䜕ずか避けきれた! このたた䞋の階に向かっお残りの目玉を......! 「あっ! したった! ガヌ坊!」 ### ENGLISH: When an enemy with a giant eyeball appears, the player must target that eyeball. And the best weapon for that is a bow... And so I followed my instincts and unleashed an arrow at the eyeball that was on the other side of the glass window. “Gatling Burning Arrow!” The exploding arrows broke through the glass and shot towards the eyeball. After taking damage, the eyelids closed over it. And then...the attacks began. The glass windows all over the hospital shattered, and writhing, rotting tentacles invaded the building...! “Rise Rock Wall!” Gray slammed his weapon, which was a pickaxe, onto the ground, creating walls of rock that would cover the shattered windows. However, the walls were not enough to stop the momentum of the tentacles. “Mr. Kyuji. What should we do!?” “It seems like there is no way to stop the tentacles from getting in. And we can’t destroy them either! We have no choice but to crush the eyeballs!” There were fewer normal zombies now... Because the tentacles were blowing away the zombies with their attacks. They weren’t so much monsters as a stage gimmick...! And so everyone began to run around in search of the eyeballs. My guess was that they would be somewhere between the first floor and tenth floor of the central ward. While there were fewer of them, fighting the zombies while running up and down was not easy. You could not break the walls and floors of this hospital, so I couldn’t use I’m Arrow to go through it speedily. I just had to run on foot...! The number of tentacles kept increasing, which meant less space for us to move in. However, the eyeball only appeared in places that we could go. In other words, it was both harder and easier for us now. I jumped over a tentacle that lashed out like a whip. Well, the more tentacles there were, the more severe the attacks. I was starting to feel that things weren’t getting easier after all. But the worst thing of all, was that I lost contact with the others. Once the battle line had retracted all of the way to the seventh floor, we had finished gathering most of the items, and everyone had an earpiece. So I had gotten used to talking to them even when separated. And so I felt even more alone now. “Gar! Gar!” Only Garbow was nearby. As these rotting monsters had to be defeated in a special way, it was likely that Garbow’s AI would not be able to deal with them. And so I brought him with me. Juru...gujuru...ju... I heard sounds that were difficult to describe. It signaled that the tentacles were going to attack...! “Woah...!” A thick tentacle shot out from the floor and into the ceiling. And while it scratched my back, I was somehow able to dodge it! I had to continue to make my way down and find the remaining eyeballs...! “Ah! Damn it! Garbow!”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: この人はスカむダむビングをせず 凧のように飛ばされおいるのです あるいは凧のように動かされおいたす そしおこれは ギネス䞖界蚘録ぞの詊みです 2004幎に 50呚幎蚘念の ショヌのオヌプニングに頌たれたした 再び技術のおかげで 100メヌトルを超える最速の懞垂䞋降をし 地面から1メヌトル匱のずころで ロヌプを摩擊で溶かさず 止たるこずができたした 䞋降甚装眮に特殊な合金を䜿ったからです ロンドンのセンタヌポむント・ビルで 行なわれ すぐ傍の亀差点は 立ち止たる人で溢れたした ヘリコプタヌでのスタントは い぀も楜しいものです 倖に吊るされおも䜕でも あず空䞭スタントです スカむダむビングは必須です ここでうたく本題に戻りたす プロゞェクト・スペヌス・ゞャンプです 1960幎 米囜空軍の ゞョセフ・キッティンゞャヌが すごい事を行いたした 高床3䞇メヌトル 正確には 3侇1千メヌトルから降䞋です それは2侇5千メヌトルほどの 高床たで䞊昇する 新たな航空機で 軍のパむロットが䜿甚する 高高床システムの実隓ずしお 行いたした それでは 圌が行った圓時の映像を 少しお芋せしたいず思いたす 1960幎 そんな時代に たったく勇敢でしたね プロゞェクト・゚クセルシオです 3぀のゞャンプからなりたす たず初めに ダミヌ人圢をいく぀か萜ずしたす そしおあれが巚倧なガス気球です ヘリりムが広がる必芁があるため あの圢になっおいたす 私の気球は500倍たでふくらみ 限界たでふくらたすず 倧きなカボチャのように芋えたす これらは䞊空3䞇メヌトルから 萜ずされたダミヌ人圢で カメラが装着されおいたす あそこたでの高床になるず 地球の湟曲がはっきり芋えたす 私はずいうず 3侇6千メヌトルからの 降䞋を蚈画しおいたす ぀たり玄36キロです ほずんど真空の マむナス50床の環境になりたす 極めお過酷な堎所です こちらはゞョセフ・キッティンゞャヌです 皆さん1960幎ですよ 圌は助かるか分かりたせんでした 極めお勇敢な男です 数か月前 圌ず電話で話をしたした ずおも謙虚で玠晎らしい人物でした 圌からのメヌルには 「蚈画が軌道に乗るよう幞運を祈りたす」ず 曞いおありたした 「いっおらっしゃい」ずのサむンずずもに それを芋おずおも玠敵だず思いたした 圌は80代でフロリダに䜏んでいたす 圌はずおも玠敵な人です これは䞎圧服を着た姿です さお 高床を䞊げる挑戊の䞀぀は 1䞇メヌトル近くなるず -- すごいですよね? 1䞇メヌトルになるず 酞玠に頌るしかありたせん ### ENGLISH: This guy is not skydiving. He's being flown like a kite, or moved around like a kite. And this is a Guinness World Record attempt. They asked me to open their 50th anniversary show in 2004. And again, technology meant that I could do the fastest abseil over 100 meters, and stop within a couple of feet of the ground without melting the rope with the friction, because of the alloys I used in the descender device. And that's Centre Point in London. We brought Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road to a standstill. Helicopter stunts are always fun, hanging out of them, whatever. And aerial stunts. No aerial stunt would be the same without skydiving. Which brings us quite nicely to why I'm really here today: Project Space Jump. In 1960, Joseph Kittenger of the United States Air Force did the most spectacular thing. He did a jump from 100,000 feet, 102,000 to be precise, and he did it to test high altitude systems for military pilots in the new range of aircraft that were going up to 80,000 feet or so. And I'd just like to show you a little footage of what he did back then. And just how brave he was in 1960, bear in mind. Project Excelsior, it was called. There were three jumps. They first dropped some dummies. So that's the balloon, big gas balloon. It's that shape because the helium has to expand. My balloon will expand to 500 times and look like a big pumpkin when it's at the top. These are the dummies being dropped from 100,000 feet, and there is the camera that's strapped to them. You can clearly see the curvature of the Earth at that kind of altitude. And I'm planning to go from 120,000 feet, which is about 22 miles. You're in a near vacuum in that environment, which is in minus 50 degrees. So it's an extremely hostile place to be. This is Joe Kittenger himself. Bear in mind, ladies and gents, this was 1960. He didn't know if he would live or die. This is an extremely brave man. I spoke with him on the phone a few months ago. He's a very humble and wonderful human being. He sent me an email, saying, "If you get this thing off the ground I wish you all the best." And he signed it, "Happy landings," which I thought was quite lovely. He's in his 80s and he lives in Florida. He's a tremendous guy. This is him in a pressure suit. Now one of the challenges of going up to altitude is when you get to 30,000 feet -- it's great, isn't it? -- When you get to 30,000 feet you can really only use oxygen.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: もし今日アメリカで 性行為に぀いお — 誰かず話したら 話しおいるのは 性行為だけではない事に — すぐに気づくでしょう それは野球に぀いお 話しおいるずも蚀えるのです アメリカで 性行為に぀いお話す時 — 野球が䟋えずしお — 䞀番よく䜿われるからです 英語では 野球のこずを話しおいるようでも 実は性行為に぀いお 話しおいるずいうこずがよくありたす あなたがピッチャヌか キャッチャヌだずしたす それはあなたが性行為を — 受ける偎か䞎える偎か の比喩です 明確な順序で — 具䜓的な性行為を意味する — ベヌスも勿論ありたす 最終的に点を取ったり ホヌムランずいう — 結果になるのは 通垞それは膣性亀で — オヌガズムに達する事を 意味しおいたす 少なくずも男性はそうですが 䞉振もありたす それは党く性行為がないこずを意味したす もし補欠なら 性行為がない生掻をしおいるか バヌゞンかもしれたせん それは幎霢によるものか 䞍胜なのか — 技術的問題が 原因なのかもしれたせん バットはペニスを意味し — ベンチは倖陰郚か膣 グロヌブやキャッチャヌミットは コンドヌム スむッチヒッタヌは バむセクシュアル ゲむやレスビアンは 盞手チヌムの為にプレむしたす こういう蚀葉がありたす 「野原があれば 野球をしよう」 それは通垞 こういうこずです もし若者 特に若い女性で — 恥毛があるなら 十分に — 性亀可胜な幎霢だ ずいう意味です この野球モデルには 驚くべき問題がありたす 同性愛者に察する差別であり 目暙を定められた競争です それでは 若い人達や倧人達の䞭に — 健党な性を 育おる事にはなりたせん 新しいモデルが必芁なのです そのモデル玹介の為に 今日は来たのです そのモデルは — ピザです 今やピザは䞖界䞭に知られおたす 殆どの人はピザから ポゞティブなものを想像したす それでこうしたしょう 性行為の3぀の点を 話し合うのに — 野球ずピザを 比范しおみたしょう 性行為を觊発するもの — 行為の間に起きる事 — 行為から期埅される結果の3぀です 野球はどんな時したすか? 野球シヌズン時や — 蚈画されおいる時ですね 必ずしも 自分で遞べたせんね プロムナむトか 結婚匏の倜か — パヌティの時か 芪が留守の時です 打垭に぀け!ず蚀われおいるのです こうコヌチに蚀えたすか? 「今日は そんな気分になれないので 詊合には出たせん」ず そんな事はありたせんね 野球をしようず集たれば — 盎ちに 盞察する2チヌムが 集たりたす 1぀のチヌムは防埡 もう䞀方は攻撃 グラりンドをどんどん突き進む姿は 男性の行動を意味し グラりンドを突き進む人を 抌さえようずする姿は 女性の行動の比喩です ### ENGLISH: If you talk to someone today in America about sexual activity, you'll find pretty soon you're not just talking about sexual activity. You're also talking about baseball. Because baseball is the dominant cultural metaphor that Americans use to think about and we know that because there's all this language in English that seems to be talking about baseball but that's really talking about sexual activity. So, for example, you can be a pitcher or a catcher, and that corresponds to whether you perform a sexual act or receive a sexual act. Of course, there are the bases, which refer to specific sexual activities that happen in a very specific order, ultimately resulting in scoring a run or hitting a home run, which is usually having vaginal intercourse to the point of orgasm, at least for the guy. You can strike out, which means you don't get to have any sexual activity. And if you're a benchwarmer, you might be a virgin or somebody who for whatever reason isn't in the game, maybe because of your age or because of your ability or because of your skillset. A bat's a penis, and a nappy dugout is a vulva, or a vagina. A glove or a catcher's mitt is a condom. A switch-hitter is a bisexual person, and we gay and lesbian folks play for the other team. And then there's this one: "if there's grass on the field, play ball." And that usually refers to if a young person, specifically often a young woman, is old enough to have pubic hair, she's old enough to have sex with. This baseball model is incredibly problematic. It's sexist. It's heterosexist. It's competitive. It's goal-directed. And it can't result in healthy sexuality developing in young people or in adults. So we need a new model. I'm here today to offer you that new model. And it's based on pizza. Now pizza is something that is universally understood and that most people associate with a positive experience. So let's do this. Let's take baseball and pizza and compare it when talking about three aspects of sexual activity: the trigger for sexual activity, what happens during sexual activity, and the expected outcome of sexual activity. So when do you play baseball? You play baseball when it's baseball season and when there's a game on the schedule. It's not exactly your choice. So if it's prom night or a wedding night or at a party or if our parents aren't home, hey, it's just batter up. Can you imagine saying to your coach, "Uh, I'm not really feeling it today, I think I'll sit this game out." That's just not the way it happens. And when you get together to play baseball, immediately you're with two opposing teams, one playing offense, one playing defense, somebody's trying to move deeper into the field. That's usually a sign to the boy. Somebody's trying to defend people moving into the field. That's often given to the girl.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 地球で最も叀い岩は36億幎前のものでしかありたせん 我々の地質孊的な理解によれば 10億幎のギャップがあるのは プレヌトテクトニクスによるものです 地球の地殻は埪環を繰り返しおいたす 最初の10億幎にさかのがる 地質孊的な蚘録がないのです その蚘録が火星には残っおいたす 私たちが芋おいる地域は 地球ず火星が圢成された 46億幎前にさかのがりたす 火曜日のこずでした この地図が瀺しおいるのは 我々が火星の衚面に着陞船を送り蟌んだ堎所です バむキング1号ず2号です オポテュニティ号ずスピリット号 そしおマヌズ パスファむンダヌず 2幎前に着陞したばかりのフェニックス 我々の地䞊探査機ず着陞船はすべお 北半球に行きたした 北半球が 叀代の海盆であった 地域だからです クレヌタヌはあたり倚くありたせん 氎が小惑星や隕石の衝撃から 海盆を守ったからです では南半球を芋おください 南半球には衝突クレヌタヌや 火山のクレヌタヌがありたす ヘラス盆地です 地質孊的に非垞に異なる堎所です メタンがあるのは 非垞にでこがこした地域です 火星に存圚する 謎を解き明かす最善の方法は䜕か? この問いを10幎前に発したした 最高の火星研究者10人を 2日間ラングレヌ研究所に招埅したした その堎で 答えの出おいない倧きな問題を取り䞊げ 2日間を費やしお どうすればこの問いに答えられるのかを話し合いたした 䌚合の結果は ARESずいうロケット動力のロボット飛行機でした 空から地域レベルで環境探査する飛行機です これはARESの暡型です 五分の䞀の倧きさです この飛行機はラングレヌ研究所で蚭蚈されたした もし火星を飛ぶ飛行機を䜜れる 堎所があるのならば ラングレヌ研究所に他なりたせん ほが100幎にわたっお 䞖界の航空孊をリヌドしおきたした 地衚の1.6キロほど䞊空を飛びたす 䜕癟マむルも飛行できたす 時速は玄720キロです 地衚探査機や着陞船では できないこずが可胜になりたす 山や火山 衝突クレヌタヌや 谷の䞊を飛ぶこずができたす 地衚の磁気や 極冠や内郚に氎を含む地衚の䞊も飛べたす そしお火星の生呜を探すこずができたす でも同じぐらい重芁なのは 火星の倧気䞭を飛びながら その蚘録を送信するこずです 地球倖で初の飛行機によるフラむトの 画像を地球に送りたす 私たちは皎金を通じおこのミッションを支えおいる アメリカの人々を元気づけたいず思っおいたす さらに重芁なこずは 次䞖代の科孊者や テクノロゞスト ゚ンゞニア 数孊者たちを奮起させるこずです ### ENGLISH: The reason there is a billion-year gap in our geological understanding is because of plate tectonics, The crust of the Earth has been recycled. We have no geological record prior for the first billion years. That record exists on Mars. And this terrain that we're looking at dates back to 4.6 billion years when Earth and Mars were formed. It was a Tuesday. This is a map that shows where we've put our spacecraft on the surface of Mars. Here is Viking I, Viking II. This is Opportunity. This is Spirit. This is Mars Pathfinder. This is Phoenix, we just put two years ago. Notice all of our rovers and all of our landers have gone to the northern hemisphere. That's because the northern hemisphere is the region of the ancient ocean basin. There aren't many craters. And that's because the water protected the basin from being impacted by asteroids and meteorites. But look in the southern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere there are impact craters, there are volcanic craters. Here's Hellas Basin, a very very different place, geologically. Look where the methane is, the methane is in a very rough terrain area. What is the best way to unravel the mysteries on Mars that exist? We asked this question 10 years ago. We invited 10 of the top Mars scientists to the Langley Research Center for two days. We addressed on the board the major questions that have not been answered. And we spent two days deciding how to best answer this question. And the result of our meeting was a robotic rocket-powered airplane we call ARES. It's an Aerial Regional-scale Environmental Surveyor. There's a model of ARES here. This is a 20-percent scale model. This airplane was designed at the Langley Research Center. can build an airplane to fly on Mars, it's the Langley Research Center, for almost 100 years a leading center of aeronautics in the world. We fly about a mile above the surface. We cover hundreds of miles, and we fly about 450 miles an hour. We can do things that rovers can't do and landers can't do: We can fly above mountains, volcanoes, impact craters; we fly over valleys; we can fly over surface magnetism, the polar caps, subsurface water; and we can search for life on Mars. But, of equal importance, as we fly through the atmosphere of Mars, we transmit that journey, the first flight of an airplane outside of the Earth, we transmit those images back to Earth. And our goal is to inspire the American public who is paying for this mission through tax dollars. But more important we will inspire the next generation of scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians. And that's a critical area of national security and economic vitality, to make sure we produce the next generation of scientists, engineers, mathematicians and technologists.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: こう答えたす 「この本を曞けた事だ」 今たでに䞀床も どんな倧胆な倢の䞭でも䞀床も 䜜家になるなんお考えたこずは ありたせんでした これもよく聞かれたす 「なぜ こんなにも倚くの人が 読んでいるず思いたすか この本は今でも1ヶ月に 100䞇郚のペヌスで売れおいたす」 私が思うに これは粟神的虚無感が 䞖界的な病になっおいるからなんだず 心の䞭である時 私たちは枕に顔をうずめ こう思いたす 「人生にはもっず意味があるはずだ」 朝起きお、仕事ぞ行き 家に垰り、テレビを芋る 朝起きお、仕事ぞ行き 家に垰り、テレビを芋お、たた寝お 週末はパヌティヌぞ行く 「生きおいるんだ」ず倚くの人は蚀うでしょう でもそれは 単に存圚しおいるだけです 人には内に秘めた願望があるず思うんです キリストの蚀うこずを信じたす あなたは偶然この䞖に生たれたわけではない あなたの䞡芪はそうでなくおも 神はあなたの誕生を蚈画しおいたず信じたす もちろん予期せず芪になった人は たくさんいるでしょう しかし 偶然生たれた子䟛は 䞀人もいたせん 䞀人ひずり倧事なんだず思うんです 神にずっおも 歎史にずっおも この䞖界にずっおも 倧事なんだず 生存するレベルの人生ず 成功するレベルの人生 そしお有意矩な人生の違いは こんなずころに衚れるのだず思いたす ― 「自分はなぜこの䞖に存圚するのか」 ずいう問いに答えられるでしょうか? 私はこんなこずを蚀う賢い人達に よく出䌚いたす 「なんで自分の問題を解決できないんだ」 それに ずおも成功しながらも 「なんでもっず達成感がないんだ」ず蚀う人 たるで私は停物みたい ずか 本圓の自分以䞊に振る舞わないず いけないなんお気持ちになるのは䜕故だ?」 それは意味、重芁性、 目的ずいった問題に 垰着するのだず思いたす そしおこんな問題も関係するでしょう 「なんで 䜕のためにここにいるんだ? どこぞ向かっおいるんだ」ず これは宗教䞊の問題ではなく 人ずしおの問題です マむケルには圌の話の前に 圌の仕事に感謝するこずを䌝えたかったのです なぜなら私の仕事を ずっず楜にしおいるからです 牧垫ずしお 倚くの倉わり者を芋たす どんな所にも倉わり者がいるず知りたした 宗教が独占しおいるわけではありたせんが 宗教的倉わり者はたくさんいたす 非宗教的な倉わり者だっおいたす 賢い倉人、銬鹿な倉人 ある日䞀人の女性が来お その人は癜い玙をもっおいたした- マむケル これ気に入るず思うよ- 圌女はこう蚀いたした 「䜕が芋えたすか?」 私はその玙を芋お 「䜕も芋えたせん」 するず圌女は 「む゚ス様が芋えたす」ず 泣き始め 去っお行きたした ### ENGLISH: And I say, "That I got to write it." I would have never imagined that. Not in my wildest dreams did I think -- I don't even consider myself to be an author. And I'm often asked, "Why do you think so many people have read this? This thing's selling still about a million copies a month." And I think it's because spiritual emptiness is a universal disease. I think inside at some point, we put our heads down on the pillow and we go, "There's got to be more to life than this." Get up in the morning, go to work, come home and watch TV, go to bed, get up in the morning, go to work, come home, watch TV, go to bed, go to parties on weekends. A lot of people say, "I'm living." No, you're not living -- that's just existing. Just existing. I really think that there's this inner desire. I do believe what Chris said; I believe that you're not an accident. Your parents may not have planned you, but I believe God did. I think there are accidental parents; there's no doubt about that. I don't think there are accidental kids. And I think you matter. I think you matter to God; I think you matter to history; I think you matter to this universe. And I think that the difference between what I call the survival level of living, the success level of living, and the significance level of living is: Do you figure out, "What on Earth am I here for?" I meet a lot of people who are very smart, and say, "But why can't I figure out my problems?" And I meet a lot of people who are very successful, who say, "Why don't I feel more fulfilled? Why do I feel like a fake? Why do I feel like I've got to pretend that I'm more than I really am?" I think that comes down to this issue of meaning, of significance, of purpose. I think it comes down to this issue of: "Why am I here? What am I here for? Where am I going?" These are not religious issues. They're human issues. I wanted to tell Michael before he spoke that I really appreciate what he does, because it makes my life work a whole lot easier. As a pastor, I do see a lot of kooks. And I have learned that there are kooks in every area of life. Religion doesn't have a monopoly on that, but there are plenty of religious kooks. There are secular kooks; there are smart kooks, dumb kooks. There are people -- a lady came up to me the other day, and she had a white piece of paper -- Michael, you'll like this one -- and she said, "What do you see in it?" And I looked at it and I said, "Oh, I don't see anything." And she goes, "Well, I see Jesus," and started crying and left.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ちなみに、別にハゞメが嫉劬したずかそういう事情はない。そうなのかず銙織が頬を赀くしおハゞメをチラチラ芋おいたりしたが、単玔に第二、第䞉の光茝や檜山を䜜りたくなかっただけである。 クロスビットにしがみ぀きながらずいう埮劙に情けない姿でありながらも、事情説明を手早く枈たせるビィズ。話はトントン拍子に進み、執事らしき人が持っおきた静因石の粉末を服甚しお完治させたビィズに銙織が回埩魔法を掛けるず、党快ずたでは行かずずも行動を起こすに支障がない皋床には治ったようだ。 なお、完治ずいっおも、䜓内の氎分に溶け蟌んだ毒玠がなくなったわけではなく、単に、静因石により効果を発揮できなくなったずいうだけである。䜓内の氎分に溶け蟌んでいる以䞊、時間ず共に排出される可胜性はあるので、今のずころ様子芋をするしかない。 「じゃあ、動くか。銙織はシアを連れお医療院ず患者が収容されおいる斜蚭ぞ。魔晶石も持っおいけ。俺達は、氎の確保だ。領䞻、最䜎でも二癟メヌトル四方の開けた堎所はあるか?」 「む? うむ、蟲業地垯に行けばいくらでもあるが......」 「なら、銙織ずシア以倖は、そっちだな。シアは、魔晶石がたたったらナ゚に持っお来おやっおくれ」 ハゞメがメンバヌに指瀺を出す。ハゞメ達のやるこずは簡単だ。銙織が、ビィズにやったのず同じように、〝廻聖〟を䜿っお、患者たちから魔力を少しず぀抜き぀぀、〝䞇倩〟で病の進行を遅らせお応急凊眮をする。取り出した魔力は魔晶石にストックし、貯たったらそれをナ゚に枡しお氎を䜜る魔力の足しにする。 ハゞメは、貯氎池を䜜るナ゚に協力したあず、そのたたオアシスに向かい、䞀応、原因の調査をする。分かれば解決しおもいいし、分からなければそのたた【グリュヌ゚ン倧火山】に向かう。そういうプランだ。 ハゞメの号什に、党員が元気よく頷いた。 珟圚、領䞻のランズィず護衛や付き人倚数、そしおハゞメ、ナ゚、ティオ、ミュりはアンカゞ北郚にある蟲業地垯の䞀角に来おいた。二癟メヌトル四方どころかその䞉倍はありそうな平地が広がっおいる。普段は、ずある䜜物を育おおいる堎所らしいのだが、時期的なものから今は䌑耕地になっおいるそうだ。 未だ、半信半疑のランズィは、この非垞時に謀ったず分かれば即座に死刑にしおやるず蚀わんばかりの県光でハゞメ達を睚んでいた。藁をも掎む思いで氎ずいう生呜線の確保を任せたが、垞識的に考えお䞍可胜な話なので、ランズィの県差しも仕方のないものだ。 ### ENGLISH: Incidentally, it made it seemed Hajime was jealous. Thinking so, Kaori’s cheeks were reddened and she took a peek at Hajime, but it was simply because Hajime didn’t want to create another Kouki or Hiyama. Even though he was in such a miserable appearance, clinging to the Cross Bitt, Viz quickly finished explaining to his father. As the talk advanced, a butler-like person came bringing in a powdered form of Serene Stone which Viz drank, who was still receiving Kaori’s healing magic. Thus, he was cured as if there was no obstacle to prevent him from being cured. Even so, it was only a feeling; the toxin itself was still inside his body’s liquid. It was simply the effect of Serene Stone doing its work. The toxin was merged with his body’s liquid, so there was possibility of it being excreted, and there was nothing more that could be done. “Well then, we should get going. Kaori, you go with Shia to the medical center where the patients are. Bring along Magic-Crystallization Stones. The rest will be securing the water. Lord, is there a broad space around 200 meters on all sides at the lowest?” “Hmm? Um, though there’s one in the farming area...” “Then, other than Kaori and Shia, we will go there. Shia, you must go to Yue if the Magic-Crystallization stones are full.” Hajime issued instruction to all of the members. What Hajime’s party needed to do was simple. Just like Viz’s case, Kaori will use “Holy Ground” to extract magic power from the patients little by little and delayed the disease’s progression using “Ten Thousand Heaven.” The extracted magic power will be stocked inside Magic-Crystallization stones. Then, it will be carried to and used by Yue to create water once they were filled. After he helped Yue create a reservoir, Hajime will go towards the Oasis. He was going to investigate the cause. He will solve it if he find the cause, but if not, he will just go to «Guryuu-en Great Volcano». It was such a plan. Everyone nodded vigorously towards Hajime’s instruction. Currently, the Lord, Randzi, the guards, and his attendants went to a corner of the farmland area in northern part of Ancadi, followed by Hajime, Yue, Tio, and Myuu. The plain was almost three times of the 200 meters on four sides. Normally, it was the place where a certain crop was grown, but it was now in its resting period. Currently, the dubious Randzi was staring dagger into Hajime’s party expressing that if not for the emergency situation, they would receive capital punishment. Although he truly wanted to secure water, common sense told him Hajime’s plan was an impossible one thus it couldn’t be helped that Randzi was glaring at him.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: むンタヌネット奜きの子䟛達が 「バレルロヌル」ずいった倉な蚀葉を 蚀ったりするんです 「スタヌフォックス」ずいうゲヌムの移動方法です 「スタヌフォックス20?」(助手:「スタヌフォックス64」) トム・グリヌン:ええ 圌らは1幎䞭 私をからかうんです 正盎 気が狂いそうになりたすよ たたに真倜䞭に起きおこう叫ぶんです 「4chan!」 クリストファヌ・プヌル:私が15歳の時 ふたばちゃんねるずいうりェブサむトを芋぀けたした それは日本のフォヌラムず画像掲瀺板で その圓時のフォヌラムの圢匏が 日本以倖にはあたり知られおいたせんでした そこで私はそれを真䌌お 英語に蚳し 友人達が䜿えるように公開したんです そしお今 6幎半埌 700䞇人以䞊が利甚しおいお 毎日70䞇ポストが投皿されおいたす そしお1぀の板から 48もの板にたで増えたした こんな感じになっおいたす このサむトのナニヌクな所は 匿名性であるこずず 内容を保存する機胜がないこずです アヌカむブはありたせん 垣根がなく 登録も必甚ありたせん フォヌラムにおいお今たで芪しんできた 機胜は4chanには存圚したせん それによっお フィルタヌ無しで 完党に生の情報が投皿されおいるのです このサむトはそういうこずで知られおいたす この環境によっお ノァむラルビデオのような「ミヌム」ずいわれる むンタヌネットにおける珟象を䜜り出しおきたした このサむトから生たれた最も倧きなミヌムを2぀ 挙げるず ご存知の方もいるず思いたすが LOLcats ず呌ばれる おかしな テキスト付きの猫の写真がありたす 䜕䞇もこのようなものが存圚しおいるこずから 倚くの人々の反響を呌んでいたす このような写真に熱心な 広倧なブログ垝囜が存圚するのです リック・アストリヌのここ2幎における 人気の再燃もありたした リックロヌルずいう ずおも単玔な昔ながらの仕掛けがありたす 誰かがずおも面癜いものにリンクしおいるず蚀っお クリックするず80幎代のポップ゜ングが出おくるのです たったそれだけです それがあたりにも広たりすぎお 昚幎のメヌシヌの感謝祭パレヌドの山車に リック・アストリヌが飛び出し 倚くの人々の前でリックロヌルを披露したのです サむトからは倚くのミヌムが生たれたす 人気ずなるものは 今 私がお芋せしたような 䞀握りのものだけですが 毎日 毎月 人々はこういうのを数倚く䜜り䞊げおいるのです では このようなサむトにはルヌルがあるでしょうか? ありたす 私が考えだした䜓系化されたルヌルがあるのですが コミュニティヌ偎は倧䜓 無芖したす そしお圌らは「むンタヌネットのルヌル」ずいう 独自のルヌルを考え出したのです 皆さんには具䜓的に3぀玹介したいず思いたす 1぀目のルヌルは /b/に぀いお話さないこず ### ENGLISH: These kids on the Internet, they have this group of kids and they like to say funny words like "barrel roll." It's a video game move from "Star Fox." "Star Fox 20"? Tom Green: Yeah. And they've been dogging me for a year. I got to tell you, it's driving me nuts, actually. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I scream, "4chan!" Christopher Poole: When I was 15, I found this website called Futaba Channel. And it was a Japanese forum and imageboard. That format of forum, at that time, was not well-known outside of Japan. And so what I did is I took it, I translated it into English, and I stuck it up for my friends to use. Now, six and a half years later, over seven million people are using it, contributing over 700,000 posts per day. And we've gone from one board to 48 boards. This is what it looks like. So, what's unique about the site is that it's anonymous, and it has no memory. There's no archive, there are no barriers, there's no registration. These things that we're used to with forums don't exist on 4chan. And that's led to this discussion that's completely raw, completely unfiltered. What the site's known for, because it has this environment, is it's fostered the creation of a lot of Internet phenomena, viral videos and whatnot, known as "memes." Two of the largest memes that have come out of this site some of you might be familiar with are these LOLcats -- just silly pictures of cats with text. And this resonates with millions of people, apparently, because there are tens of thousands of these, and there is a whole blogging empire now dedicated to pictures like these. And Rick Astley's kind of rebirth these past two years ... Rickroll was this bait and switch, really simple, classic bait and switch. Somebody says they're linking to something interesting, and you get an '80s pop song. That's all it was. And it got big enough to the point where there was a float last year at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, and Rick Astley pops out, and rickrolls millions of people on television. There are thousands of memes that come out of the site. There are a handful that have escaped into the mainstream, the ones I've just shown you, but every day, every month, people are producing thousands of these. So does a site like this have rules? We do; they're the codified rules that I've come up with, which are more-or-less ignored by the community. And so they've come up with their own set of rules, the "Rules of the Internet." And so there are three that I want to show you specifically. Rule one is you don't talk about /b/.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 歌姫を䜿ったので、シ゚ルにしおみれば軜いゞョギングくらいなものだっただろうけれど、それでも3時間走り続けられるずいうのは、すごいず思う。 3時間ず蚀っおも倪陜の動きを芋ながら、なんずなくそれくらいなので誀差は倧きいけれど。 ハンタヌ組合に人がいるかどうかは埮劙な時間だったけれど、幞いただ空いおいたので、カりンタヌに薬草を持っおいの他にも䜕本か自分甚に取っおおくこずにした。 ぀いでに、薬草の長期保存の方法がないか聞いおみたずころ、やっぱり也燥させるのが䞀番らしい。倧䜓1~2幎はそれで持぀のだずいう。 確認が終わり次第、ハンタヌ組合を埌にする。倉に絡たれるのは勘匁なので。 『゚むンが䜓を借りたいず蚀い出すのは、珍しいわね』 コロコロず楜しそうなシ゚ルの声が頭に響く。 『わたしが個人的に気になるこずがありたしお、ちょっず説明がしにくいんですよ』 『ポヌションに関係するこずよね?』 『そうですね。でも、自分でもどう調べたものかわからないので、話を聞きながら刀断しようかず思っおたす』 『私を挟むず時間がかかるのね』 『申し蚳ないです』 シ゚ルの人生はシ゚ルが生きるべきで、わたしはシ゚ルが生きやすいように手䌝うだけずいうのが理想なのだ。 シ゚ルにその䟡倀を理解しろずいうのも難しい話だずは思うので、曖昧に笑っお返すこずしかできない。 数日で品物が倉わる事はなく、すぐに2階に䞊がった。2階を改めお芋お回るず、包垯や傷薬などが眮いおある䞭に、ポヌションも売っおいた。 むしろ、ポヌションが売っおいるずころに、包垯や傷薬も売っおいるず芋たほうが良いだろう。 傷薬が䞋玚ハンタヌ甚だったず蚘憶しおいるので、初玚ず蚀っおも倧きな効果を発揮するに違いない。 䞊玚ポヌションがあったずしお、たぶんここに䞊べられるような倀段にはならないだろう。 『どうしたの?』 『王郜のポヌションは倀段が高いずいう予想のもず、実際に倀段を芋お考えようず思ったんですが』 『他の町でのポヌションの倀段がわからないのね?』 『そうです......その通りです』 ### ENGLISH: While we spent half a day on the way to the forest, it only took us about three hours to return to the capital. As I used the Song Princess’ buff this time, it probably just felt like a light jog for Ciel, but it’s really amazing how she can run for three hours straight. During my lifetime, how long could I run again? I’m at least confident that I won’t last even a minute when running in full sprint. And while I did say three hours, this is really just my rough estimation based on the sun’s movement, so there’s a large margin of error here. I’m not sure if the guild is crowded right now since we came at an awkward time, but it was luckily still empty, so we brought the herbs to the reception counter. Just in case, we decided to keep several herbs, other than the four-leaf clover, for ourselves. The receptionist was the same as the one from yesterday and it looked like she wanted to say something, but after seeing the large bundle of herbs, she was startled and quickly began dealing with them. Incidentally, we also tried asking her about methods of preserving plants for long periods of time and as expected, drying seems to be the best way. She said that herbs would last about one to two years that way. However, dried herbs are never accepted in requests unless the requestor allows it. Since it’s difficult to trace when herbs are dried, it could cause inventory problems and such. As soon as the validation was finished, we left the Hunter Guild. We don’t want any weird people going at us after all. And after that, I asked Ciel if I could borrow her body for the whole day. 『Ain wanting to borrow my body, that’s pretty unusual.』 Ciel’s pleasantly delighted voice echoes in my head. 『There’s something I’m personally curious about, but it’s a bit difficult to explain.』 『It’s related to the potions, right?』 『That’s right. But I myself don’t know how to start looking into it, so I was thinking of asking other people while making my judgment.』 『So having me in between will make this take a lot of time, right?』 『I’m sorry.』 Me taking control of the body means that I’m taking away Ciel’s time. Ideally, Ciel should be the one to live her own life and I should be only helping her live comfortably. But Ciel only asks me 『Why are you apologizing?』 like it’s no big deal. years old is about the age of elementary students in my former life and individuals at this age are also still considered to be children even here. While this might be based on my old world sentimentalities, now that I reflect on them, every day at around this age was extremely valuable. I know that having Ciel understand this value is difficult, so I can only reply to her with a vague smile. As we continued on, we arrived at the tool shop from before, so I opened the door and entered inside. Their product line-up hasn’t changed during these few days, so I immediately headed to the second floor. Having another close look around the second floor, I found potions at the place where the bandages and salves are sold. Rather, I guess it might be better to describe it as a potion area with bandages and salve sold as well. What they have for sale are basic and intermediate grade potions. I remember that the salves are for lower-ranked hunters, so I’m sure that even the basic-grade potions work in great effect. As proof, the basic-grade potions are still slightly more expensive than the high-grade salves. As for the intermediate-grade potions, they’re even more expensive than that. Even if they do have high-grade potions, it’s probably so expensive that they wouldn’t display it along with these. 『What’s wrong?』 『Since I expected potions to be expensive here at the capital, I thought of looking at the actual prices as a basis for my judgment but...』 『Ain doesn’t know how much potions cost in other towns, right?』 『Right... Exactly that.』</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 血糖はずおも重芁で 糖尿病に関䞎しおいるこずが分かっおいる 薬による血糖の倉化に぀いお 䜕か分かるかやっおみよう」 そしおニックを送り出し ニックが戻っおきたした 「先生 このデヌタベヌスの デヌタに基づいお 副䜜甚による 薬の分類を䜜りたした これを䜿うず 薬で血糖が倉わるか どうか分かりたす」 圌のやったこずは ごく単玔です 血糖を倉えるこずが 分かっおいる薬のグルヌプず 血糖を倉えない薬のグルヌプを 比范したんです 「䞡者の副䜜甚に どんな違いがあるのか? 倊怠感は? 食欲は? 排尿習慣は?」 これらを合わせるず ずおも良い指暙になりたす 「薬が血糖を倉えるかどうか 93%の粟床で圓おられたす」ず 「すごいじゃないか」 若い孊生です 自信を付けお やらなきゃいけたせん 「問題は どの薬が血糖に圱響するか 医者ならみんな知っおいるずいうこずだ ずおも重芁なこずだからね 良い成果だが 本圓に興味深いずは蚀えず 論文にはならないな」 「先生がそう蚀うのは 分かっおいたした」 ニックは頭の良い孊生です 「そうくるず思っお もう1぀実隓をしたした デヌタベヌスで薬を 2぀䜵甚しおいる患者に 血糖が倉化しおいる 兆候がないか探したんです 服甚しおいる2぀の薬が 単独では血糖を 倉えないけれど 䜵甚するず 倉化する芋蟌みが 高いケヌスです」 「なるほど いいアむデアだ リストを芋せおご芧」 そこには あたり興味を匕かない薬が たくさん䞊んでいたしたが 目を匕く薬が 2぀ありたした パロキセチン 別名パキシルずいう 抗う぀薬ず プラバスタチン 別名プラバコヌルずいう 高コレステロヌル血症治療薬です 「おや この2぀を飲んでいる患者なら アメリカに䜕癟䞇人もいるぞ」 実際埌で分かったこずですが その圓時でパロキセチンは1500䞇人 プラバスタチンも1500䞇人のアメリカ人が服甚しおおり 䞡方服甚しおいる人が 癟䞇人ほどいるず掚定されたした ぀たり癟䞇人もの人が 薬のせいで 血糖の問題を抱えおいる かもしれないのです ニックがFDAのデヌタを 機械孊習にかけお ごちゃごちゃやった結果が もし正しいのであれば 「でもただ論文にはできないな 君のやっおいる 機械孊習ずか蚀うや぀を 私は面癜いず思うが 我々の分野で確立した 実蚌方法ずは蚀えない」 もっず䜕かやる 必芁がありたす スタンフォヌドの電子医療蚘録に あたっおみるこずにしたした 研究宀にコピヌがあっお 個人情報を取り陀けば 研究目的に䜿えたした 「この2぀の薬を 䜿っおいる患者に 血糖の問題がないか 芋おみよう」 ### ENGLISH: Glucose is very important, and we know it's involved with diabetes. Let's see if we can understand glucose response. I sent Nick off. Nick came back. "Russ," he said, "I've created a classifier that can look at the side effects of a drug based on looking at this database, and can tell you whether that drug is likely to change glucose or not." He did it. It was very simple, in a way. He took all the drugs that were known to change glucose and a bunch of drugs that don't change glucose, and said, "What's the difference in their side effects? Differences in fatigue? In appetite? In urination habits?" He said, "Russ, I can predict with 93 percent accuracy when a drug will change glucose." I said, "Nick, that's great." He's a young student, you have to build his confidence. "But Nick, there's a problem. It's that every physician in the world knows all the drugs that change glucose, because it's core to our practice. So it's great, good job, but not really that interesting, definitely not publishable." He said, "I know, Russ. I thought you might say that." Nick is smart. "I thought you might say that, so I did one other experiment. I looked at people in this database who were on two drugs, and I looked for signals similar, glucose-changing signals, for people taking two drugs, where each drug alone did not change glucose, but together I saw a strong signal." And I said, "Oh! You're clever. Good idea. Show me the list." And there's a bunch of drugs, not very exciting. But what caught my eye was, on the list there were two drugs: paroxetine, or Paxil, an antidepressant; and pravastatin, or Pravachol, a cholesterol medication. And I said, "Huh. There are millions of Americans on those two drugs." In fact, we learned later, 15 million Americans on paroxetine at the time, 15 million on pravastatin, and a million, we estimated, on both. So that's a million people who might be having some problems with their glucose if this machine-learning mumbo jumbo that he did in the FDA database actually holds up. But I said, "It's still not publishable, because I love what you did with the mumbo jumbo, with the machine learning, but it's not really standard-of-proof evidence that we have." So we have to do something else. Let's go into the Stanford electronic medical record. We have a copy of it that's OK for research, we removed identifying information. And I said, "Let's see if people on these two drugs have problems with their glucose."</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 26テラバむトはこのぐらいのコンピュヌタヌに入りたす リナクスを䜿えば 6䞇ドルくらいです 家を買うぐらいの倀段です たぁ この蟺では ガレヌゞでしょうか これで 議䌚図曞通のすべおの本を保存するこずができたす すごいでしょう 問題はこれで䜕が埗られるかずいうこずです 詊す䟡倀があるのか? デゞタル化する必芁があるのか? 実際に始めにしたこずの䞀぀は 読者に本の䞭身を怜玢できるようにしたこずで それは結構楜しいものです それらをダりンロヌドするず 本を 新しく違った読み方ができたす ノヌトPCがあれば むンタヌネットから離れおいる時でも本が読めたす たるで本のように ペヌゞをめくるこずのできるむンタヌフェヌスもでおきお 本の䞭身を怜玢したり しおりを付けたり いろんな面癜いこずができたす 本に芋えおも ノヌトPC䞊ですから たぁ ノヌトPCで䜜品を読むこずはちょっず... ノヌトPCを䜿うのは仕事の気分がするので だからキンドル(電子ブックリヌダヌ)はすごいず思いたす キンドルを読んでも 仕事をしおいるず感じないですみたす もっず読むこずに限定されおいたすから でも 私自身は叀いテクノロゞヌの方が奜きなんです 本物の本の方がね だから私は䜜品をデゞタル化しお むンタヌネットにのせお それから 奜きな本をダりンロヌドしお 印刷し 補本しお たた本にするのです それはどのぐらい難しいのでしょうか? 結局 そんなに難しくありたせんでした 私たちは移動本屋を䜜りたした 移動本屋はバンの倧きさで、衛星受信甚アンテナやプリンタヌや 補本機やカッタヌが付いおいお 子䟛たちは自分たちの本を䜜るこずができたす 3ドルで ダりンロヌドしお プリントしお 1冊の普通の本を補本するこずができたす 実際 かなり芋栄えよくできたす 材料費が1ペヌゞに぀き 1ペニヌぐらいで 本圓に玠敵な本を䜜るこずができるのです この技術の発想は実際 人々の手にもう䞀床本が戻るずいうこずかもしれたせん 䜕台かの移動本屋が既に掻動しおいたす 圌ぱリック ゚ルドレッドで りォルデン池で ゜ロヌの䜜品を本にしおいたす これは公園の本屋ずもめお 公園の管理人に远い出される前の写真です むンドでは いく぀かの移動本屋が掻動しおいたす これぱゞプトの新しいアレキサンドリア図曞通での オヌプニングデヌ ずおも人気がありたした 自分たちの本を䜜っおいる子䟛たち 生たれお初めお持぀本に喜んでいる子䟛 この技術を䜿っお 手に実際持おる玙の本を䜜るずいう アむディアはすこしレトロに響くかもしれたせんが ただ圹に立぀ず思いたす 私たちはいわば䞖界のナヌトピアのような シリコンバレヌの出身ですが この技術をりガンダの田舎のようなずころで䜿えれば すごいこずだず思いたす ### ENGLISH: 26 terabytes fits in a computer system that's about this big, on spinning Linux drives, and it costs about 60,000 dollars. So for the cost of a house -- or around here, a garage -- you can put, you can have spinning all of the words in the Library of Congress. That's pretty neat. Then the question is, what do you get? You know, is it worth trying to get there? Do you actually want it online? Some of the first things that people do is they make book readers that allow you to search inside the books, and that's kind of fun. And you can download these things, and look around them in new and different ways. And you can get at them remotely, if you happen to have a laptop. There's starting to be some of these sort of page turn-y interfaces that look a whole lot like books in certain ways, and you can search them, make little tabs, and it's kind of cute -- still very book-like -- on your laptop. But I don't know, reading things on a laptop -- whenever I pull up my laptop, it always feels like work. I think that's one of the reasons why the Kindle is so great. I don't have to feel like I'm at work to read a Kindle. It's starting to be a little bit more specified. But I have to say that there's older technologies that I tend to like. I like the physical book. And I think we can go and use our technology to go and digitize things, put them on the Net, and then download, print them and bind them, and end up with books again. And we sort of said, well, how hard is this? And it turns out to not be very hard. We actually went off to make a bookmobile. And a bookmobile -- the size of a van with a satellite dish, a printer, binder and cutter, and kids make their own books. It costs about three dollars to download, print and bind a normal, old book. And they actually come out kind of nice looking. for on the order of one penny per page, sort of the parts cost for doing this. So the idea of -- this technology actually may end up putting books back in people's hands again. There are some other bookmobiles running around. This is Eric Eldred making books at Walden Pond -- Thoreau's works. This is just before he got kicked out by the Parks Services, In India, they've got another couple bookmobiles running around. And this is the opening day at the Library of Alexandria, the new Library of Alexandria, in Egypt. It was quite popularly attended. And kids starting to make their own books, and a happy kid with the first book that he's ever owned. So the idea of being able to use this technology to end up with paper where I can handle sort of sounds a little retro, but I think it still has its place. And being from the Silicon Valley, sort of utopian sort of world, we thought, if we can make this technology work in rural Uganda, we might have something.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: もっずも、次は仕事に䜙蚈な口を挟たない埓順な奎が良いずゲメルは思っおいた。若い女で巚乳ならさらに良い。 が終わったら考えるか。 ゲメルは䟝頌曞を受け取り、垰っおいった。 そんな圌がギルド支郚に怒鳎り蟌んでくるのは、䞀週間埌のこずだった。 * * * 「隙しやがったなおめぇコンチクショり!!」 「ひいっ!」 ゲメルは力䞀杯、拳をカりンタヌに叩き付けた。 巚挢でもあり、冒険者ずしお戊いの経隓を積んだ圌の身䜓胜力は既に人間の物理限界に近い。 頑匷なはずのカりンタヌテヌブルは干魃を受けた畑のようにひび割れた。 「䜕がレギオンりルフだ、狌ですらねえ単なるゎブリンの矀れじゃねえか! 俺ぁ“䞃ツ目賜”だぞ、分かっおんのか! こんなク゜安い仕事をさせやがっお!!」 ゲメルの怒鳎り声に、ギルドのロビヌは隒然ずなる。 事前の調査で想定されおいたような匷力な魔物ではなく、䞀山いくらのザコの仕業だったのだ。 楜な仕事ではあるが、それはゲメルの基準からすれば小遣い皋床の報酬しか貰えない雑甚たがいの だった。 こんな仕事をしおいる暇があれば、もっず自分たちに盞応しいレベルの仕事をしお、がっぜり皌げたはずだ。 「も、申し蚳ありたせん! ですが、党おギルドの芏定通りに......」 こんなくだらんミスで俺ら゚ヌス冒険者(少なくずもゲメルはそう思っおいる)の時間を無駄にさせおよお!」 「ですが、こ、このように予備調査ず異なる魔物が蚎䌐察象ずなるこずも倚く、たた予備調査は冒険者の方の安党確保のため最倧限に脅嚁を芋積もる方向でしお......!」 でゎミみおえなザコず戊わされた事はここ䞀幎以䞊なかったぞ!?」 ゲメルが叫ぶず、それを聞いお、ロビヌに居合わせた冒険者たちはどよめき顔を芋合わせた。 「え、䜕蚀っおんだ? あい぀」 「普通、だよな......?」 「あんだず?」 たるっきり頭がおかしい奎みたいな目を向けられお、ゲメルはうそ寒く感じおいた。 カりンタヌの向こうでは、脅されお瞮こたっおいた若い女性職員の代わりに、オフィスの奥に居た幎配の職員が出匵っおくる。 「倧倉申し蚳ありたせんが、それが普通です。貎方ほどの等玚の冒険者でも『ハズレ』の 「じゃあ、なんで......」 呆気にずられるゲメル。 「あなたのパヌティヌは......その、マネヌゞャヌさん? 圌が......そういった 涙目の若い職員がそれでもハッキリず蚀った。 幎配の職員も深く頷く。 ### ENGLISH: He had enough leeway to hire one handyman. A single servant that he could push the chores on wouldn’t hurt. But he also thought that he should choose an obedient guy who wouldn’t butt in on their work. A young girl with big boobs would be even better. —Ah well, let’s just think about it once we finish this quest. Gemel took the quest paper and returned back. It would be a week until he would return to the guild raging and screaming. * * * “You f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g tricked me, you b̲i̲t̲c̲h̲!!” “Eek!” Gemel slammed down his fist on the counter with all his strength. He was a huge man, and his strength was already near the physical limits of a human after adventuring for so long. The counter that was supposed to be sturdy got cracked like a field after drought. “Legion wolves my a̲s̲s̲, there weren’t even any wolves there! Just f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g goblins! And just a trash group of six without a single superior species!! I’m from , you know?! How could you give me a cheap-a̲s̲s̲ quest like this!!” The guild’s lobby turned noisy with Gemel’s raging. Instead of the powerful monsters that the investigation assumed, they turned out to be worthless small fries. It was an easy job, but from Gemel’s standards, it was a chore of a quest that didn’t pay more than a pocket change. If he had time to take on jobs like this, he would instead want to take on the work more suited for their level and earn more. “M-My apologies! But it was all according to the guild’s regulations...” “Then go and f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g hire whoever investigated it!! Ace adventurers (in Gemel’s mind) like us are wasting our time on it!” “But t-there are many cases where different monsters than what the investigation assumed show up, and it also serves as the minimum safety baseline for the adventurers’ safety...!” “Stop making excuses! I haven’t taken a high-paying quest that turned out to be trash in over a year, you know?!” Gemel’s yells were heard by the adventurers in the lobby and they exchanged glances. “Huh, what is he on about?” “Isn’t that normal...?” “Huuh?” Everyone stared at him like he was crazy, making him a bit chilly. An elderly staff member came out from the office behind the counter and took the place of the young female staff member who was curling herself from fear. “My apologies but that is normal. Adventurers of your level often get the “Then, why...” Gemel was taken aback. “Your party had...um, Mr. Manager? He... used to turn down all such quests.” The teary-eyed female member mustered her courage and said so clearly. The older staff member also gave a deep affirmative nod.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そしおそれは......『射皋』を䌞ばしおいたから埗られたものだ。 だが、これ以䞊䌞ばしおも意味があるのかずずっず悩んでいた。 é•·å°„çš‹......いや『超射皋』の掻躍する堎はあるのかず自問自答しおいた。 人よりもずっず長い射皋を抌し付ける戊法は最匷だ。 それを捚おるこずはあり埗ない。 しかし、射皋だけでこれからの戊いに぀いおいけるのかずいう䞍安もあった。 これに振っおおけば射皋はじわじわず䌞び続け、矢の性胜も䞊がるず蚀っおくれおいる......! 俺は匓矢以倖䜿わないから、攻撃のステヌタスを䞊げるより、矢の性胜を䞊げる方が良い。 もし、超射皋が必芁になった時には......再び『 䞀床なったこずがある職業ぞの再クラスチェンゞは可胜だ。 『射皋』ず『星域射皋』の数倀は連動しおいるから『射皋』も䌞び続ける。 極たった射皋が新たなむベントで掻躍するこずもあるかもしれない。 クラスチェンゞを経お、䜿い分けずいう新たな遞択肢を埗られたのだ。 俺は『射皋』ず『星域射皋』の柱で戊っおいく! 「ずっず悩んでいたこずに......俺なりの答えを出せたな」 』になっおも芋た目に倉化はない。 矢は光り茝くようになっおも、俺自身は黄金に茝いおはいない。 だが、ステヌタスやスキル以䞊に俺にずっおは倧きな倉化があった。 遠くから敵を攻撃し、反撃を受けずに倒す。 このコンセプトは倉わらない。 だが、敵ずの距離はバトルの状況次第で倉わる。 今回のようにデカい敵だず攻撃範囲もデカくお、普通に反撃を食らうこずもある。 しかし、デカブツず接近戊をしなくおいい利点もあるし、動き回りながらでも垞に敵を攻撃範囲に収められる自由さもある。 これからも俺の䞀番の歊噚は『射皋』だ。 「ここがたた新たなスタヌト地点だ」 誰に向けたわけでもない蚀葉ず決意を胞に......冒険は続く。 ### ENGLISH: However, I had been wondering for a while if there was any point in continuing to extend it. Long range...no, it was ultra range. Was there really a place where this would be useful? Having a range that was far superior to others was a good strategy. I would never abandon that. But I wasn’t sure that I could keep up this pace if I relied on Range alone. In a way, ‘Star Area Range’ was a lifesaver. My Range would continue to grow, just more slowly, and the abilities of the arrows would be enhanced...! As the bow was my only weapon, it made sense to raise my arrow abilities instead of my attack status. And in the future, if it turned out that I did need more Range...I could class change back to Bow Master. It was possible to go back to classes that you had before. And since the numbers of Range and Star Area Range were connected, my Range would continue to increase. Perhaps it would come in handy during a new event. This class change had now offered me a new option of switching. I would fight with these two pillars, Range and Star Area Range! “So, I was able to find the answer...to this question I had been asking myself.” There was no change in appearance for Sagittarius. While my arrow glowed brightly, I myself did not shine like gold. However, there was a difference that was even bigger for me than the status and skills. Attacking enemies from far away in order to defeat them without getting hit. That concept I would not change. But the distance between me and the enemy depended on the battle situation. Like this time, large enemies had wide-area attacks that I couldn’t avoid. However, at least I didn’t have to fight them close-quarters. I had the freedom of being able to always move around and still keep the enemy within range of my own attacks. And so my biggest weapon would continue to be Range. “This will be a new start for me.” I said to no one in particular. With this resolve in my heart...my adventure would continue.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: マヌク・゚むブラハムズずいう 人が電話をしおきたのです 「あなたのカモの論文が ― むグノヌベル賞を受賞したした」 むグノヌベル賞ずは ― (拍手) むグノヌベル賞ずは たず人を笑わせ そしお考えさせる研究に ― 莈られる賞で より倚くの人が 科孊に関心をも぀こずを 目指しおいたす それはいいこずだず思っお 賞をもらうこずにしたのです ずころで マヌクの電話は ストックホルムからではなく ずころで マヌクの電話は ストックホルムからではなく マサチュヌセッツ州の ケンブリッゞからでした 私はボストンを経お ケンブリッゞぞ向かい ハヌバヌド倧孊で開かれた ― 玠晎らしい授賞匏に出垭したした ずおも楜しい䜓隓でした 本物のノヌベル賞受賞者が 衚地しおくれるのです それでも ほんの序の口です 他に9人の受賞者がいたした 圌は䞀緒に受賞した チャヌルズ・パクストンです 圌の[2002幎]の 生物孊賞 受賞論文は 『むギリスでの飌育条件䞋における ― 人間に察する ダチョりの求愛行動』 でした 今 ここにもむグノヌベル賞の 受賞者がいるはずです ダン・アリ゚リヌは どこですか? 圌に拍手を (拍手) ダンは 安䟡な停薬よりも 高䟡な停薬の方が 効果が高いこずを立蚌しお 医孊賞を受賞したした これが私の いわば「1分間の栄光」 ― 受賞スピヌチの様子です これが そのカモです アメリカ西海岞では 初公開になりたす 今 たわしたす どうぞ 皆にたわしおください これは暙本資料です 鳥むンフル゚ンザに かかる心配はありたせんよ 受賞埌 私の人生は䞀倉したした たず カモにた぀わる ― いろいろな物が 送られおきお 充実したコレクションが できたこずです もっず良いこずに 驚くべき動物の行動に関する ― 蚘録が集たっおきたのです 蚘録が集たっおきたのです だから動物の倒錯した行動なら 䜕でも知っおいたす 本圓です これはムヌスです 亀尟しようずしおいるのは バむ゜ンの銅像です 亀尟しようずしおいるのは バむ゜ンの銅像です 2008幎 モンタナ州での蚘録です これは金魚ず 亀尟しようずするカ゚ル 2011幎 オランダです オヌストラリアの オオヒキガ゚ルです 車に蜢かれおいお 屍姊の事䟋です 䜓䜍も目を匕きたす 正垞䜍は動物界では 非垞に珍しいのです ロッテルダムで 芳察されたハトです 2004幎 銙枯のツバメです りィスコンシン州の シチメンチョりです むヌサン・アレン少幎院の 構内で芳察されたした 亀尟は䞀日がかりだったので 受刑者も楜しむこずができたした さお この行動は 䜕を意味するのでしょう? なぜ自然界で こんなこずが起こるのか? これが私の疑問です ### ENGLISH: I got a phone call from a person called Marc Abrahams, and he told me, "You've won a prize with your duck paper: the Ig Nobel Prize." And the Ig Nobel Prize — — the Ig Nobel Prize honors research that first makes people laugh, and then makes them think, with the ultimate goal to make more people interested in science. That's a good thing, so I accepted the prize. I went -- let me remind you that Marc Abrahams didn't call me from Stockholm. He called me from Cambridge, Massachusetts. So I traveled to Boston, to Cambridge, and I went to this wonderful Ig Nobel Prize ceremony held at Harvard University, and this ceremony is a very nice experience. Real Nobel laureates hand you the prize. That's the first thing. And there are nine other winners who get prizes. Here's one of my fellow winners. That's Charles Paxton who won the 2000 biology prize for his paper, under farming conditions in Britain." Ig Nobel Prize winners in this room. Dan, where are you? Dan Ariely? Applause for Dan. Dan won his prize in medicine for demonstrating that high-priced fake medicine works better than low-priced fake medicine. So here's my one minute of fame, my acceptance speech, and here's the duck. This is its first time on the U.S. West Coast. I'm going to pass it around. Yeah? You can pass it around. Please note it's a museum specimen, but there's no chance you'll get the avian flu. After winning this prize, my life changed. In the first place, people started to send me all kinds of duck-related things, and I got a real nice collection. More importantly, people started to send me their observations of remarkable animal behavior, and believe me, if there's an animal misbehaving on this planet, I know about it. This is a moose. It's a moose trying to copulate with a bronze statue of a bison. This is in Montana, 2008. This is a frog that tries to copulate with a goldfish. This is the Netherlands, 2011. These are cane toads in Australia. This is roadkill. Please note that this is necrophilia. It's remarkable: the position. The missionary position is very rare in the animal kingdom. These are pigeons in Rotterdam. Barn swallows in Hong Kong, 2004. This is a turkey in Wisconsin on the premises of the Ethan Allen juvenile correctional institution. It took all day, and the prisoners had a great time. So what does this mean? I mean, the question I ask myself, why does this happen in nature?</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 私にずっおのきっかけは ダブル゚スプレッ゜を日に6杯飲むような友人が こう蚀ったこずです。「コヌヒヌを1幎絶぀よ― お前が海で1キロ泳ぎ切ったらね」 私のチャレンゞが始たりたした 私はトラむアスロンの遞手を探したした 氎泳䞀筋の人は教えるのが䞊手くない、ず気づいたからです ビヌト板での緎習もしたしたが 足がカミ゜リのように氎を切るだけで 進みたせんでした。やる気をなくし、足を芋぀めるだけでした ハンドパドルもやっおみたした オリンピック遞手に教わっおもダメでした 今では芪友のクリス サッカず出䌚いたした æ°—æž©39°Cの䞭、アむアンマンレヌスをフィニッシュした人です 圌は「力になれるかもしれない」ず蚀っお テリヌ ラフリンを 玹介しおくれたした Total Immersion Swimmingの創蚭者です 生䜓力孊から孊んでいき 正しい泳ぎ方を知りたした 泳ぐのが怖い人、苊手な人は たず脚のこずを忘れおください 意倖でしょうけど 脚は倧した掚進力にはならないのです 匷く蹎るだけでは解決したせん 平均的なスむマヌは、゚ネルギヌのたった3%しか 前進する力に倉換できたせん 問題は氎の抵抗なのです 意識すべきこずは 䞊半身に䞋半身を匕っ匵らせるこずです 倧きい車の埌ろを走る小さい車のようにです そしお䜓を氎平に保぀ようにしおください そのためには 氎面を泳いではいけたせん 密床の関係で、䜓の95%は 自然に氎の䞭に沈みたす 3぀めのルヌルです クロヌルの堎合、倚くの人が お腹を䞋にしお、氎面に䞊がろうずしたすが 流れるように右から巊ぞず 回転させるのが正解です 胎䜓をたっすぐ保぀ようにしおください 䟋を芋おみたしょう 圌がテリヌです 右腕を䌞ばしおいたすが 頭より䜎く、かなり前に䌞ばしおいたす 党身が氎䞭に入っおいたす 頭より䜎く腕を䌞ばし 頭は背骚に沿った䜍眮です するず氎圧で足が浮くようになりたす これは䜓脂肪が少ない人には特に重芁です ストロヌクの䟋です 脚は蹎るのではなく、返す感じ 巊手を䌞ばしお 巊脚を返したす それによっお 腰を回転させたす 右手の浞氎䜍眮ですが 真正面の氎をかくのではなく 腕を45床の角床で 入れおいきたす 氎の抵抗を受けないように䌞ばしおいたす 䞊は間違いです ほずんどの氎泳コヌチはこう教えたす もちろん圌らに責任はありたせん 埌で「衚ず裏」ずいうこずに぀いおお話ししたす ### ENGLISH: And the turnaround in swimming came when a friend of mine said, "I will go a year without any stimulants" -- this is a six-double-espresso-per-day type of guy -- "if you can complete a one kilometer open water race." So the clock started ticking. I started seeking out triathletes because I found that lifelong swimmers often couldn't teach what they did. I tried kickboards. My feet would slice through the water like razors, I wouldn't even move. I would leave demoralized, staring at my feet. Hand paddles, everything. Even did lessons with Olympians -- nothing helped. And then Chris Sacca, who is now a dear friend mine, had completed an Iron Man with 103 degree temperature, said, "I have the answer to your prayers." And he introduced me to who is the founder of Total Immersion Swimming. That set me on the road to examining biomechanics. So here are the new rules of swimming, if any of you are afraid of swimming, or not good at it. The first is, forget about kicking. Very counterintuitive. So it turns out that propulsion isn't really the problem. Kicking harder doesn't solve the problem because the average swimmer only transfers about three percent of their energy expenditure into forward motion. The problem is hydrodynamics. So what you want to focus on instead is allowing your lower body to draft behind your upper body, much like a small car behind a big car on the highway. And you do that by maintaining a horizontal body position. The only way you can do that is to not swim on top of the water. The body is denser than water. 95 percent of it would be, at least, submerged naturally. So you end up, number three, not swimming, in the case of freestyle, on your stomach, as many people think, reaching on top of the water. But actually rotating from streamlined right to streamlined left, maintaining that fuselage position as long as possible. So let's look at some examples. This is Terry. And you can see that he's extending his right arm below his head and far in front. And so his entire body really is underwater. The arm is extended below the head. The head is held in line with the spine, so that you use strategic water pressure to raise your legs up -- very important, especially for people with lower body fat. Here is an example of the stroke. So you don't kick. But you do use a small flick. You can see this is the left extension. Then you see his left leg. Small flick, and the only purpose of that is to rotate his hips so he can get to the opposite side. And the entry point for his right hand -- notice this, he's not reaching in front and catching the water. Rather, he is entering the water at a 45-degree angle with his forearm, and then propelling himself by streamlining -- very important. Incorrect, above, which is what almost every swimming coach will teach you. Not their fault, honestly. And I'll get to implicit versus explicit in a moment.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そこでプルヌロボットのような 生物ロボットや数孊モデルは 理解に圹立ちたす では生物ロボットずは? 生物ロボット工孊はロボット工孊の䞭でも 特に研究が盛んで 動物からヒントを埗お 野倖で掻躍する 奉仕ロボット、捜玢・救出ロボットや 珟堎䜜業ロボットを 䜜ろうずしおいたす ここで掲げた倧目暙は 動物にヒントを埗お 耇雑な地衚 ― 階段、山、森など ロボットが今もなお苊手ずするものの 動物なら容易な堎所を 進めるようにするこずです ロボットは玠晎らしい 科孊的道具にもなりたす ロボットを䜿った ずおも面癜いプロゞェクトがありたす 神経科孊、生物力孊や流䜓力孊向けの 科孊的道具ずしお䜿いたす たさにプルヌロボットが 目的ずするずころです 我々が研究宀で行っおいるこずは フランスのボルドヌ圚䜏の ゞャン=マリ゚・カベルゲンのような 神経生物孊者達ず共同で 脊髄のモデルを䜜っお ロボットで確かめるこずです たずは簡単なこずから始めたす ずおも原始的な魚である ダツメりナギのような動物から始め 段階的に 耇雑な動きを目指すのが 良いでしょう むモリ ネコ、ヒト 他の哺乳類ぞず進めおいきたす このずおり ロボットは我々のモデルを実蚌する 興味深いツヌルずなりたした プルヌロボットは 私にずっお倢の実珟です 博士課皋の時から ダツメりナギやむモリの動きを コンピュヌタで再珟しようずし 20幎前埌の幎月が経ちたした しかし シミュレヌションは 近䌌に過ぎないず垞に認識しおいたした 氎、泥や耇雑な地面ずいった 堎所における物理珟象を コンピュヌタでシミュレヌトするこずは ずおも困難です では本物のロボットを 珟実の条件䞋で詊しおは? これらの動物の䞭で 私のお気に入りはむモリです なぜかずいうず 䞡生類だからです 進化の芳点から 鍵ずなる動物です りナギ、魚類の泳ぎず りナギ、魚類の泳ぎず ネコやヒトなどの哺乳類に芋られる 四足歩行を芋事にリンクさせおいたす 事実 珟生のむモリは 最初の陞生の脊怎動物ず ずおも䌌通っおいたす 生きた化石ずいえるもので 我々の祖先 ― 党おの陞生の四足歩行動物の祖先のこずを 知るこずができたす むモリは りナギ型の泳ぎをしたす 頭郚から尟たでの筋肉を 波を打぀ように芋事にうねらせたす むモリを地面に眮くず 速足歩行モヌドに切り替わりたす 手足を䞊手に呚期的に連携させたす ぀たり 定垞的な波の様に 身䜓をうねらせるのです たさにこの動きを プルヌロボットで芋るこずができたす ずおも驚くべき か぀玠晎らしいこずは この動きが脊髄ず胎䜓の間だけで 行われおいるこずです ### ENGLISH: This is where biorobots like Pleurobot and mathematical models can really help. So what's biorobotics? Biorobotics is a very active field of research in robotics where people want to take inspiration from animals to make robots to go outdoors, like service robots or search and rescue robots or field robots. And the big goal here is to take inspiration from animals to make robots that can handle complex terrain -- stairs, mountains, forests, places where robots still have difficulties and where animals can do a much better job. The robot can be a wonderful scientific tool as well. There are some very nice projects where robots are used, like a scientific tool for neuroscience, for biomechanics or for hydrodynamics. And this is exactly the purpose of Pleurobot. So what we do in my lab is to collaborate with neurobiologists like Jean-Marie Cabelguen, a neurobiologist in Bordeaux in France, and we want to make spinal cord models and validate them on robots. And here we want to start simple. So it's good to start with simple animals like lampreys, which are very primitive fish, and then gradually go toward more complex locomotion, like in salamanders, but also in cats and in humans, in mammals. And here, a robot becomes an interesting tool to validate our models. And in fact, for me, Pleurobot is a kind of dream becoming true. Like, more or less 20 years ago I was already working on a computer making simulations of lamprey and salamander locomotion during my PhD. But I always knew that my simulations were just approximations. Like, simulating the physics in water or with mud or with complex ground, it's very hard to simulate that properly on a computer. Why not have a real robot and real physics? So among all these animals, one of my favorites is the salamander. You might ask why, and it's because as an amphibian, it's a really key animal from an evolutionary point of view. It makes a wonderful link between swimming, as you find it in eels or fish, and quadruped locomotion, as you see in mammals, in cats and humans. And in fact, the modern salamander is very close to the first terrestrial vertebrate, so it's almost a living fossil, which gives us access to our ancestor, the ancestor to all terrestrial tetrapods. So the salamander swims by doing what's called an anguilliform swimming gait, so they propagate a nice traveling wave of muscle activity from head to tail. And if you place the salamander on the ground, it switches to what's called a walking trot gait. In this case, you have nice periodic activation of the limbs which are very nicely coordinated with this standing wave undulation of the body, and that's exactly the gait that you are seeing here on Pleurobot. Now, one thing which is very surprising and fascinating in fact is the fact that all this can be generated just by the spinal cord and the body.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: こうしお荘厳であるけれど幻想的な抜象抂念を䌎った䞭䞖の神秘䞻矩、魔術、錬金術、新プラトン䞻矩哲孊が珟れたした。 それらのせいで、人間は自らの肉䜓を恥らいながら、それを創造䞻の祝犏のうちぞず被造物を同化するこずの障害物ずみなすようになったのです。 最埌に、ランゲによれば、アリストテレスの未成熟な抂念ず西欧キリスト教の融合物である、スコラ哲孊が珟われたした。 その成果は知的な停滞でした。 霧の䞭の方䜍磁石をもたない旅人が、道を進んだ぀もりで長い間さたよい、埒劎のはおに出発点にいるのに気付くのず同じように、スコラ孊者たちは、「同じ結び目を結んでは解き、同じ雲を沞き立たせおは払っお」、なん䞖玀もたっおから、自分たちが叀い立堎に立っおいるのに気づいたのでした。 アリストテレスが䞭䞖に及がし、たたそれほどでないにしおも今なお及がしおいる圱響に関しおは、䞀蚀意芋を述べさせおください。 どの分野かで人間の知力が偉倧なこずを成し遂げ、非凡な胜力があるこずを瀺すず、他のどの分野でも同じような胜力があるず思い蟌む傟向がありたす。 こうしお神孊者たちは、ニュヌトンが啓瀺の問題を扱っおいるずいう考えに慰めず安心を芋出しおきたのですが、圌が人生で䞀番脂ののりきった時期にたるで異った皮類の考えにその力を泚いだこずで、神孊的で歎史的な問題を扱うには圓然資栌を倱しなったのはもちろん、それを扱う胜力を増倧させるどころから小さくさせる傟向にあるこずを圌らは忘れおいるのです。 ゲヌテは詩人ずしおの確固たる名声から出発し、さらには博物孊での圌の独断的な発芋から出発しお、ニュヌトンの色圩に぀いおの理論を打砎しようず詊みた『色圩論』を出版しおドむツの画家たちに倚倧な圱響を䞎えたした。 このニュヌトンの理論はあたりにも明癜に䞍合理だず思えたので、ゲヌテはその著者をペテン垫だず芋なし、盞応の激しい蚀葉で非難したのです。 博物孊の分野ではゲヌテは十分重芁な発芋をなしおおり、 それで私たちは、圌が科孊の偎にも党霊を捧げお、詩人ずしお埗た名声ず比肩しうるだけの名声に科孊でも到達したにちがいないず、思いこんでしたっおも圓然です。 芳察が鋭いこずや、たずえどんなに関係が薄く芋えおも、類比を発芋するこず、芋分けられた類比にしたがっお事実を分類し組織化するこずにおいお、ゲヌテは比類のない胜力を持っおいたした。 科孊的研究におけるこうした芁玠は詩人の修緎に䌌぀かわしいものです。 しかし、その䞀方で、博物孊の方面で才胜豊かな粟神は、もっず厳密に物理孊ずか力孊ずいわれる科孊の関しおは、ほずんどその才胜を奪いずられおいるのです。 ゲヌテはこうした状況にあったのです。 圌は明確な力孊的抂念を定匏化できたせんでした。 ### ENGLISH: Then came the mysticism of the Middle Ages, Magic, Alchemy, the Neo-platonic philosophy, with its visionary though sublime abstractions, which caused men to look with shame upon their own bodies as hindrances to the absorption of the creature in the blessedness of the Creator. Finally came the Scholastic philosophy, a fusion, according to Lange, of the least-mature notions of Aristotle with the Christianity of the West. Intellectual immobility was the result. As a traveller without a compass in a fog may wander long, imagining he is making way, and find himself after hours of toil at his starting point, so the schoolmen, having 'tied and untied the same knots and formed and dissipated the same clouds,' found themselves at the end of centuries in their old position. With regard to the influence wielded by Aristotle in the Middle Ages, and which, though to a less extent, he still wields, I would ask permission to make one remark. When the human mind has achieved greatness and given evidence of extraordinary power in any domain, there is a tendency to credit it with similar power in all other domains. Thus theologians have found comfort and assurance in the thought that Newton dealt with the question of revelation, forgetful of the fact that the very devotion of his powers, through all the best years of his life, to a totally different class of ideas, not to speak of any natural disqualification, tended to render him less instead of more competent to deal with theological and historic questions. Goethe, starting from his established greatness as a poet, and indeed from his positive discoveries in Natural History, produced a profound impression among the painters of Germany when he published his 'Farbenlehre' in which he endeavoured to overthrow Newton's theory of colours. This theory seemed so obviously absurd that he considered the author a charlatan, and attacked him with a corresponding vehemence of language. In the domain of Natural History Goethe had made fully considerable discoveries; and we have high authority for assuming that, had he devoted himself wholly to that side of science, he might have reached in it an eminence comparable with that which he attained as a poet. In sharpness of observation, in the detection of analogies, however apparently remote, in the classification and organization of facts according to the analogies discerned, Goethe possessed extraordinary powers. These elements of scientific inquiry fall in with the discipline of the poet. But, on the other hand, a mind thus richly endowed in the direction of natural history may be almost shorn of endowment as regards the more strictly called physical and mechanical sciences. Goethe was in this condition. He could not formulate distinct mechanical conceptions;</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「あたりいい気分はしないだろうが卿も芋おおいた方がよいかもしれん。ノァレリッツの町䞭を芋おくるずよい」 「は、はい」 なんだかよくわからんが頷いおおく。そしおその埌でものすごく埌悔するこずになった。 「うぐ......」 「これは、䜕ず蚀いたすか......」 ノむラヌトずシュンツェルがそこたで蚀っお絶句する。俺も䜕ず蚀うか蚀葉がない。城壁だったものはただの厩壊した石積みになっおいるし、䞭には人どころか生き物の気配がない。俺の印象で蚀えば無差別倧芏暡空襲を受けた埌みたいだ。 そしおそれ以䞊にせめお昌間だったらマシだっただろうず思うのは、所々に転がっおいる 「臭いもものすごいな」 「日数を考えるずこの状況になったのは数日前だ。やむを埗んだろう」 二人の䌚話を耳から耳に玠通りさせながら呚囲を芋やる。厩れた壁、燃えた埌の家、道路に散らばる様々な生掻品、そしおどす黒く也いた血の海ずなっおいただろう道路。 ネズミずかなら魔物は䞞呑みしおしたうだろう。逆に蚀えば䞞呑み出来ないサむズの生き物は噛り付くこずになるわけで、食い散らかされた数日前たで生きものだった肉塊がそこかしこに散乱しおいる。犬、猫、銬、そしお人。お構いなしだ。 これは確かに城内に泊たれない。生理的にも気分悪くなるし疫病ずか恐ろしすぎる。ず蚀うかもうここは街䞭党䜓に火をかけお凊眮するしかないんじゃ。䌯爵が行方䞍明なのもやむなしっお感じだ。 そしおこの虐殺をやった集団が今フィノむに向かっおいるのか。ドレアクスが枩厚に芋えるぐらいだな。魔軍を甘く芋すぎおいたかもしれん。 「胃が痛くなりそうだな。戻ろう」 「はい」 道路の隅に転がっおいた小さな靎ずそこから䌞びる足銖だけを目にしお思わずため息を぀いおしたう。ダメだこりゃ、気が滅入るず同時に怒りが湧き䞊がっおくる。怒る盞手はここにはいないんだが。 くっそ、ゲヌムじゃないずわかっおいる぀もりでもこういうのを芋るずむかむかしおくるな。こんなものを芋お平然ずしおいられるような人間にはなりたくないけど。 いささか顔色を悪くした俺たち䞉人がツェアフェルト隊の宿営地に戻る途䞭、簡易的な陣地の盎前でたさかず蚀う声が聞こえおきたんで足が止たった。 「あっ、兄貎!」 ......フェリぃ!? なんでお前がここにいるの? ### ENGLISH: For a moment, the place falls into silence. Not long after, with a bitter face, the captain opened his mouth. “It wasn’t a pleasant scenery but you might have to take a look around Valeritz on your own, Sir” I don’t know what exactly is happening here but for now, let’s just nod. After that, I will come to thoroughly regret my decision. “Urgh...” “This...How should I describe it...” After saying that, both Neurath and Schunzel were speechless. I, too, don’t know what to say after seeing this scene. The things that were probably the castle walls are now just a pile of stones. There’s no sign of people... Hell, there’s not even any sign of life. How to describe it... it’s like this entire place has just suffered from an air raid. And the worst part is that stuff which makes me think that it would be a bit better if I at least saw it during the day... “The smell is also terrible.” “It’s probably been a few days since Valeritz became like this so there’s nothing we can do about the smell.” As I was listening to the conversation of the two, I gazed at the scene in front of me. Crumbled war, the burning remains of houses, and various household items scattered on the road. Along with... a blackened and dried sea of blood, meat and bones. If it’s only a creature of the size of a rat, then the demon can swallow them whole. But on the contrary, if the demon eats a bigger creature, they leave some remains just like the scattered pieces of blood, meat and bones I am currently seeing. No one knows if they belonged to dogs, cats, horses, or humans. No wonder the 2nd division choose to stay outside of Valeritz. The current Valeritz not only will make you feel sick physiologically but it might also be the source of infectious diseases. With Valeritz’s current state, it will be better to just burn this entire place to the ground. It’s no wonder that the Count is still missing. Now, the group that caused this kind of atrocity is heading to Finoi. Seeing this scene makes Dreax look gentle. I might have underestimated the demon army. “Continuously seeing this scene might make me feel sick. Let’s return.” “Yes.” I sigh as I see a small shoe with just an ankle inside of it at the corner of the road. This isn’t good. I feel depressed but at the same time I can feel anger boiling inside of me. Though the thing I’m angry with isn’t here. Damn it. I should’ve understood that this is not a game, but I still felt nauseated when I saw that scene. I don’t want to become a person that feels perfectly calm while seeing such a massacre though. With a rather pale expression, the three of us made our way to return to the Zeacert’s army encampment. When we were just short of reaching the simple encampment, an unexpected voice stopped our track. “Ah, Big bro!” Feli!? Why are you here!?</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 党くもっお 持続可胜でないモデルであるのです 移動手段を他の途䞊囜倧郚分の問題ずしお捉えるず お金や技術の問題ずいうよりも 平等性 公平性の問題なのです 途䞊囜での䞍平等が非垞に倧きいため それが沢山の問題を芋えにくくしおいたす 䟋えば 亀通手段の芖点から芋るず 先進的な郜垂ずいうのは 貧困局が車を利甚するこずはなくおも 裕犏な人が公共亀通機関を 利甚する郜垂のこずをいうのです 自転車の利甚もそうです 䟋えば アムステルダムでは 30%以䞊の人口が 自転車を利甚したす 実際のずころオランダ人1人圓たりの 所埗はアメリカ合衆囜より高くおもです 䞖界䞭の途䞊囜の郜垂では お金 政府投資の仕方に぀いおの衝突が倚々ありたす。 もし高速道路に投資が偏るず 勿論 䜏宅にたわるお金は少なくなりたす å­Šæ ¡ 病院も同じです それにスペヌスの抵觊もありたす 車を所有する人ずそうでない人ずの間では スペヌスに぀いおの抵觊があり぀぀ありたす 車を所有する人ずそうでない人ずの間では スペヌスに぀いおの抵觊があり぀぀ありたす こんにちではほずんどの人々が 私的所有ず垂堎経枈は 瀟䌚資本倧郚分を管理するのに 䞀番の方法だず考えおいたす しかし それには問題がありたす それは 垂堎経枈は収入の䞍公平がないず 機胜しないずいうこずです それは 垂堎経枈は収入の䞍公平がないず 機胜しないずいうこずです お金を増やす人もいれば 枛らす人もいたす 成功する䌚瀟もあれば倱敗する䌚瀟もあるのです では どんな平等性を こんにち垂堎経枈の䞭で 私たちは求めるべきなのでしょうか こんにち垂堎経枈の䞭で 私たちは求めるべきなのでしょうか 私は2぀提案したす 䞡方ずも 郜垂に関連するこずです 䞀぀目は生掻の質の平等性で 特に子䟛にずっお 党おの子䟛は 健康ず教育ずいった圓たり前のこずの他にも 緑の広堎 スポヌツ斜蚭 スむミングプヌル 音楜教宀などにアクセス出来るようにするこずです そしお二぀目は いわゆる「民䞻的平等」です どんな憲法でも最初の条項で 党おの垂民は法のもずで 平等だず宣蚀しおいたす これは単なる食り蚀葉ではありたせん 匷い効力を持぀原則です 䟋えば それが真実なら 80人が乗ったバスは 䞀人乗りの車より 80倍も道路を利甚する 暩利がありたす 䞀人乗りの車より 80倍も道路を利甚する 暩利がありたす 私たちは時に 䞍公平に䜙りに慣れおいるせいか それが目の前で起きおいおも 気が぀くこずが出来なくなっおいるのです 100幎足らず前には 女性に投祚暩がないのが 普通でした こんにち 枋滞の䞭でバスが目に入っおも 普通なのず同じようにです ### ENGLISH: Clearly, a unsustainable model. Mobility, as most other developing country problems, more than a matter of money or technology, is a matter of equality, equity. The great inequality in developing countries makes it difficult to see, for example, that in terms of transport, an advanced city is not one where even the poor use cars, but rather one where even the rich use public transport. Or bicycles: For example, in Amsterdam, more than 30 percent of the population uses bicycles, despite the fact that the Netherlands has a higher income per capita than the United States. There is a conflict in developing world cities for money, for government investment. If more money is invested in highways, of course there is less money for housing, for schools, for hospitals, and also there is a conflict for space. There is a conflict for space between those with cars and those without them. Most of us accept today that private property and a market economy is the best way to manage most of society's resources. However, there is a problem with that, that market economy needs inequality of income in order to work. Some people must make more money, some others less. Some companies succeed. Others fail. Then what kind of equality can we hope for today with a market economy? I would propose two kinds which both have much to do with cities. The first one is equality of quality of life, especially for children, that all children should have, beyond the obvious health and education, access to green spaces, to sports facilities, to swimming pools, to music lessons. And the second kind of equality is one which we could call "democratic equality." The first article in every constitution states that all citizens are equal before the law. That is not just poetry. It's a very powerful principle. For example, if that is true, a bus with 80 passengers has a right to 80 times more road space than a car with one. We have been so used to inequality, sometimes, that it's before our noses and we do not see it. Less than 100 years ago, women could not vote, and it seemed normal, in the same way that it seems normal today to see a bus in traffic.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: この囜の安党保障に 䞀番必芁なのは 次の䞖代を 我々に取っお代わり 思想や技術 民䞻䞻矩その他 重芁な分野で䞖界のリヌダヌずなるべく 準備させるこずです 恐らく ほんの埮々たるこず 埮々たるこずです 我々が こうした問題の解決に 本栌的に乗り出すために必芁なのは いよいよそんな時がきたら 私の怒りも静たるでしょう そうなれるよう みんな力を貞しお䞋さい ありがずうございたした ありがずう (拍手) ハヌレム・チルドレン・ゟヌンの高校䞭退率は どの䜍ですか? そうですね ゞョン 昚幎床は うちの生埒達党員が 高校を卒業したした そしお党員が 倧孊に進孊したした 今幎床も党員が 卒業する芋蟌みです そしおそのうち 93%の孊生の 倧孊進孊が決たったそうなので あずは 残る7%に泚力するこずになる そういったずころです(拍手) 高校卒業埌は 圌等ずは どんな関係を築いおいくんですか? ご存知の通り この囜が抱える問題の䞀぀は こうした子䟛達 無防備な子䟛達が ようやく孊校に入った埌 蚘録的な数で䞭退しおいるずいうこずです そこで しっかりした支揎ネットワヌクを構築しお あらゆる面で ちゃんずした芪埡さんの 接し方を真䌌しなくおは ずいうこずになったんです そういう芪埡さんは うるさくないですか? 「成瞟衚を芋せお この前のテストはどうだった? 孊校をやめたい?䜕蚀っおんの! そんなこずしたら 家に入れないわよ」 同様に うちの教育特区の子䟛達の倚くは そんなこずしたら ハヌレムに垰れない だっおゞェフが芋匵っおるから そう分かっおいたす 「マゞやばい」ず思っおいたす ダメです ちゃんず孊校に行かなきゃ 決しお冗談じゃありたせん あずは ヘコタレない根性にも係っおきたすけどね 子䟛は そうやすやすず萜第させお貰えないず分かるず 違った意味でプレッシャヌを感じたす そしお簡単には諊めなくなりたす そもそも そういう自芚がない堎合もありたすが 「おか、本圓は嫌なんだけど ― ほら、母芪がうるさいからさ」ずいう具合です それは子䟛にずっおは 倧切なこずで 様々な局面を乗り越える助けになりたす 今 個別指導やその他 必芁な支揎を 受けられるような戊略的な仕組み䜜りず共に 「君ならできる 結構き぀いけど 萜第させはしないよ」ず 激励をおくる方法を暡玢しおいたす Dr.カナダ ありがずうございたした 皆さん もう䞀床盛倧な拍手を ### ENGLISH: The real safety of our nation is preparing this next generation so that they can take our place when it comes to thinking and technology and democracy and all that stuff we care about. I dare say it's a pittance, what it would require for us to really begin to solve some of these problems. So once we do that, I'll no longer be angry. So, you guys, help me get there. Thank you all very much. Thank you. John Legend: So what is the high school dropout rate at Harlem Children's Zone? Geoffrey Canada: Well, you know, John, 100 percent of our kids graduated high school last year in my school. A hundred percent of them went to college. This year's seniors will have 100 percent graduating high school. Last I heard we had 93 percent accepted to college. We'd better get that other seven percent. So that's just how this goes. JL: So how do you stick with them after they leave high school? GC: Well, you know, one of the bad problems we have in this country is these kids, the same kids, these same vulnerable kids, when you get them in school, they drop out in record numbers. And so we've figured out that you've got to really design a network of support for these kids that in many ways mimics what a good parent does. They harass you, right? They call you, they say, "I want to see your grades. How'd you do on that last test? What are you talking about that you want to leave school? And you're not coming back here." So a bunch of my kids know you can't come back to Harlem because Geoff is looking for you. They're like, "I really can't come back." No. You'd better stay in school. But I'm not kidding about some of this, and it gets a little bit to the grit issue. When kids know that you refuse to let them fail, it puts a different pressure on them, and they don't give up as easy. So sometimes they don't have it inside, and they're, like, "You know, I don't want to do this, but I know my mother's going to be mad." Well, that matters to kids, and it helps get them through. We try to create a set of strategies that gets them tutoring and help and support, but also a set of encouragements that say to them, "You can do it. It is going to be hard, but we refuse to let you fail." JL: Well, thank you Dr. Canada. Please give it up for him one more time.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 冒険者達はニダニダしながら、ティレアさんが銖にぶらさげおいるクカノミを指差す。あぁ、もうだからやめたほうがいいのに。冒険者達にバカにされおいるよ。 「おぉ、よくわかりたしたね」 「くっくっ、それが歊噚? そんなのがあんたの力なの?」 「いやいや、これは力ずいうより知識ですよ」 「ぷっ、知識? そういえば知の将を倒したんだっけ?」 「そうです。いや~死闘でしたよ。私は力がないぶん、ここで勝負するしかないですからね」 ティレアさんはそう蚀っお、自身の頭をちょんちょんず指差しおいる。冒険者達もそれを聞いお笑っおいる。なんか盛り䞊がっおいるよ。 「本圓かよ。あんた、そんなに頭が良さそうに芋えないけどな」 「うぁ~ひどい。本圓ですよ。そばに魔法孊園生埒のゞェシカちゃんもいたした。圌女が私の頭脳戊の蚌人です」 ち、ちょっずティレアさん、やめおよ。 蚌蚀なんおそんな......。 いやいやいや、私に停蚌させる気ですか! ずにかく無茶な話をされる前にティレアさんに声をかけよう。 「ティレアさん」 「ゞェシカちゃん! 気分はもう平気?」 「はい、倧䞈倫です」 「本圓に心配しおたんだよ。トラりマになっおなくお良かった」 「ティレアさんには䜕床も呜を助けお頂きたした。本圓にありがずうございたす」 「いやいや、そんな......あ、そういえばさっきゞェシカちゃんの話をしおたんだ」 え!? ティレアさん、䜕蚀い出すの? 「皆さん、さっき話したゞェシカちゃんです。圌女が私の頭脳戊の生き蚌人です」 「くっく、あんたがこのほらふき――おっず倱瀌、圌女の蚌人か」 む!? あなた達にティレアさんを䟮蟱されたくない。頭脳はずもかく、力だけならあなた達の癟倍は匷い人なんだよ。 「魔法孊園所属、ニコル・ゞェシカずいいたす。頭脳はずもかくティレアさんの話は本圓です」 「ち、ちょっずゞェシカちゃん、頭脳はずもかくっお......」 「はっはっはは、やっぱりなぁ。倧嘘もここたでくるず倧笑いだ」 「嘘はあなた達です! さっきから嚁勢のいいセリフを吐いおたしたが、䞀床でも戊闘したしたか? ただ逃げ回っおいただけではないんですか?」 「な、なんだず! 小嚘、我々を䟮蟱する気か!」 「ゞェシカちゃん、なんおこずを!」 冒険者達が、怒りを滲たせる。だけど、私は䜕床も恐ろしい魔族ず察峙したのだ。この人達の怒りなど䜕も恐ろしくない。そよ颚そのものだ。ティレアさんは冒険者達の怒りを芋お、恐怖の顔をしおいる。 いやいやいや、ティレアさん、あなたは本圓に勘違いしすぎです。 ### ENGLISH: “Oohh, nice guess.” “Ku ku, that’s a weapon? That’s your power?” “No, no, rather than power, it’s knowledge.” “Pfft, knowledge? Speaking of which, you defeated the Wisdom General, you say?” “That’s right. Man~ It was a tough battle. Because I don’t have any strength, I had no choice but to battle with this.” Ms. Tilea tapped her head, causing the adventurers to burst into laughter. Why do they seem to be having so much fun? “Are you kidding me here? You know, you don’t look all that smart.” ‘Uwahh~ You’re so mean. It’s true. I had this student of the Magic Academy, Jessica with me. She’s a witness to my battle of wits.” W-, Wait, Ms. Tilea. Please cut that out. You can’t be asking me to give a testimony... Whoa, whoa, whoa, are you trying to have me testify with lies! Anyway, before the conversation turns crazy, I’ll call out to her. “Ms. Tilea.” “Jessica! Are you feeling okay?” “Yes, I’m fine.” “I was really worried, you know. Thank goodness. You don’t seem traumatized.” “You saved my life many times, Ms. Tilea. Thank you very much.” “No, no, you don’t have too... Ah-, speaking of which, I was just talking about you.” Eh-!? Ms. Tilea, what the heck are you saying? “Everybody, this is the Jessica that I mentioned. She’s living testimony to my battle of wits.” “Ku ku, so you’re the braggart― oops, I mean, witness.” Mu-!? I don’t want people like you to make fun of Ms. Tilea. Leaving her wits aside, her power is enough to eclipse you lot a hundred times over. “I’m Nichol Jessica from the Magic Academy. Leaving her brains aside, Ms. Tilea’s story is true.” “H-, Hey, Jessica, what do you mean ‘brains aside’...?” “HA HA HA HA! I knew it. Honestly, such a big lie just makes things funnier.” “The liars are you people! Just now you were happily bragging, but have you fought even once? Didn’t you just run away this whole time?” “W-, What did you! Little girl, are you insulting us!” “Jessica, what are you doing!” The adventurers all became angry. But I’ve faced off with the terrifying demons numerous times. There’s nothing scary at all about this lot. Their anger is like a breeze to me now. Ms. Tilea looked at the angry adventurers, and her expression turned fearful. Whoa, whoa, whoa, Ms. Tilea, you really are misunderstanding too much. Just as our confrontation was about to explode, an incredible roar boomed from above.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: でも 今 自分の人生を倉えたいか尋ねられたら 私はノヌずいいたす なぜなら 足に障害を持ったこずで 可胜になったこずがたくさんあるからです 障害を乗り越えるために 想像力を䜿い 可胜性を信じお生きおきたした そしお私は信じたす 私達の想像力は 限界を壊す道具になるず なぜなら 心の䞭では私たちは䜕だっお出来るし 䜕にだっおなれるからです これらの倢を信じるこず そしお目の前の恐怖に立ち向かうこずは 限界を超えお 自分の人生を送るこずを 可胜にしおくれたす 今日の技術革新に境界はないず蚀われおいたすが 私の人生においおは 自分の䞭に境界があるからこそ 革新が可胜なのだず思いたす 境界ずは ただの物理的な可胜性の限界ではなく 想像や物語が始たる堎所でもあるず 私は孊びたした 今日 みなさんにお䌝えしたいこずは 困難や制玄をマむナスで良くないものずしお 捉えるのではなく 䞎えられたギフトずしお捉えおみようずいうこずです 想像力をかき立おるこの玠晎らしいギフトは 出来ないず思っおいたこずさえ可胜にしおくれたす それは境界線を壊すずいうこずではなく 境界の範囲を拡倧しお 玠晎らしい堎所に出䌚えるこずが 可胜になるのです ありがずうございたした ### ENGLISH: But if you ask me today, if I would ever want to change my situation, I would have to say no. Because my legs haven't disabled me, if anything they've enabled me. They've forced me to rely on my imagination and to believe in the possibilities, and that's why I believe that our imaginations can be used as tools for breaking through borders, because in our minds, we can do anything and we can be anything. It's believing in those dreams and facing our fears head-on that allows us to live our lives beyond our limits. And although today is about innovation without borders, I have to say that in my life, innovation has only been possible because of my borders. I've learned that borders are where the actual ends, but also where the imagination and the story begins. So the thought that I would like to challenge you with today is that maybe instead of looking at our challenges and our limitations as something negative or bad, we can begin to look at them as blessings, magnificent gifts that can be used to ignite our imaginations and help us go further than we ever knew we could go. It's not about breaking down borders. It's about pushing off of them and seeing what amazing places they might bring us. Thank you.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 『神に捚おられ、進化が停滞し緩やかに滅び぀぀ある䞖界に䜏みし者たちよ』 倧孊の構内をうろ぀いおいたら突然俺の頭の䞭に劙な声が響いおきた。 けれど、呚囲を芋回しおもそこに広がっおいるのはい぀も通りの倧孊だ。 ずりあえず、䞍審がられないように食堂の手近な垭に着く。 『私は䞖界から䞖界ぞず枡るもの』 垭に着いたたた呚囲の人間の顔を芋おみるが驚いたり、混乱したりしおいる様子はない。 恐らくだがこの声は俺にしか(他の奎も俺のように顔に出しおいないだけかもしれないが)聞こえおいないずいう事なのだろう。 『停滞せし䞖界に倉化を䞎えるもの』 それにしおも、俺たちの䜏む䞖界はい぀の間にか神様に芋捚おられおいたらしい。 たあ確かにここ数十幎新しい技術開発されおない䞊に、食料や戊争の問題がどうしようもない事になっおいるが、それにしおも芋捚おるずは神様も無責任だず思う。 『あヌ、うん。やっぱ栌匏高そうに蚀うの面倒だわ。ずいうわけでここからは気楜にいかせおもらうわ。どうせこの声が聞こえおる人間なんお殆どいないんだし。』 オむむむむィィィ!? 䞀気に軜くなったな!?しかも今たでの声は性別・幎霢䞍詳な䞍思議ボむスだったのに急に幌女ボむスになりやがった! ず、いかんいかん思わず勢いよく垭を立っおしたったせいで呚囲が倉な目を向けおきおいる。 尻の蟺りを気にする様に装い぀぀、静かに座りなおす。 『たっ、そんな蚳だからこの䞖界を救う。か぀、私の研究を進めるためにちょいずこの䞖界に察しお干枉をさせおもらう。』 ...。䜕をする぀もりだ...?しかも、凄く嫌な予感がする。 『ずりあえず、今この声が聞こえおいる連䞭。うん。そうそう。貎様等だ貎様等。』 ...。なんか劙な汗が出お来た。これはダバい。䜕かがダバいず平和ボケで俺の殆ど無くなった本胜が叫んでる。 『貎様等には人間を蟞めおもらうから。』 「ハむむむむむむむむむむむィィィィィィィィ!!?」 俺は呚囲に目がある事も完党に忘れお思わず叫んでしたっおいた。 ダバい。呚囲の目線がすごく痛い。ずいうか痛すぎる。ずりあえずここから移動しよう。 ずいうわけで、呚囲の「䜕をしおいるんだアむツ。」的な目から逃れ぀぀、倧孊の空き教宀たで移動した。機䌚があるならこの件で幌女ボむスの䞻には䜕かしらの仕返しをしたいずころではある。 ### ENGLISH: [O ye who dwell in a world forsaken by God, where evolution is stagnant and gradual catastrophe is in the offing!] A mysterious voice unexpectedly resonated within my head as I wandered around the campus grounds. Nonetheless, as I peered around, all I noticed was the same university I was used to. In any event, I occupied the nearest seat in the cafeteria lest I be perceived as suspicious. [I am the one who crosses from world to world.] I scanned the faces of others around me while seated, but none of them exhibited any signs of astonishment or disorientation. Perhaps it was an indication that I was the only one who could hear this voice (or that the others simply didn’t display it on their faces the way I did). [The one that brings transformation to the stagnant world.] Nevertheless, it seemed that the world we were residing in was forsaken by God at some point. Certainly, it was true that no new technology has been developed in the past few decades, and the issues of food supply and war had spiraled out of control, but I still believed that God was irresponsible in abandoning the world. [Ah, yes. You know what, phrasing things in such a distinguished manner is a headache. Therefore, I’m going to take it easy from this point on. There’s barely a soul out there who can hear this voice anyway.] Heyyyyyyyyyyy! You are being light-hearted all at once! Furthermore, the voice that was previously a mystical voice of indeterminable gender and age was rapidly replaced by the voice of a little girl! As I rose from my seat, the people around me began to cast quizzical glances at me. I returned to my seat quietly, feigning concern for my buttocks. [Well, for that reason, let’s save this world. And in order to advance my research, I’m going to do a minor intervention in this world.] What are you planning to do...? More importantly, I have a very unpleasant feeling about this. [Anyway, those of you who are hearing this voice right now. Yeah, you guys.] I was perspiring in an unorthodox manner. This was not a favorable situation. My instincts, which were practically non-existent due to my peace of mind, were screaming, “Something’s gone haywire.” [I’m going to have you quit being a human being.] “Haaaaahhhhhhhh!?” When I noticed that there were eyes all over me, I completely overlooked them and involuntarily let out a scream. Damn. The way they are shooting their glances at me is really painful. Or rather, it is too excruciating. For the time being, I should depart this place. After all, those glances that were directed at me implied, “What the hell is he doing?”. I headed to an empty classroom at the university. If there was an opportunity, I would pay back the owner of the little girl’s voice in one way or another for this incident.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: コルティナが䜿い魔で戊堎を監芖しおいたので䜿えなかったが、この窮地ずなれば仕方ない。銖郜を守るのももちろんだが、今の俺は死ぬわけにはいかないのだ。 襲い掛かっおきた残を殎り぀け、手銖の爪で動脈を掻き切り、糞で足を瞛っお転ばせ顎を螏み砕く。 残った䞀䜓は回し蹎りで跳ね飛ばしおおいた。その段階になっお、俺は日光を遮る存圚に気付く。 ゎブリンに手間取っおいる間にゎブリンロヌドが俺のそばたでやっおきおいたのだ。 ゎブリンロヌドの顔には、勝利を確信した衚情が浮かんでいる。 しかし糞を手にした俺にずっお、その動きは臎呜的ず蚀える。瞬時に糞を飛ばし、振り䞊げた腕の肘の蟺りに糞を絡め、そしおそれを銖に巻き付けた。 埌は奎が腕を振り䞋ろせば、自動的に銖が締たる。双剣の魔神盞手に䜿った戊法。 刹那の間に互いに自身の勝利を確信し、口元に笑みを浮かべる。そしおゆっくりず腕が萜ち始め―― 盎埌、ゎブリンロヌドの頭郚を鋌鉄補の矢が射抜いたのだった。 ### ENGLISH: Then, I poured magic power into my gloves and summoned my trusty gauntlets. I couldn’t use them since Cortina was monitoring the battle with the familiar, but there was no choice given my dilemma. Protecting the capital was a given, but I couldn’t let myself get killed here this time. I beat down the remaining four Goblins, slit their throats with my wrist claw, and tripped their legs with threads and crushed their jaws with a stomp. I roundhouse kicked the remaining one too. By then, I noticed that something was blocking the sunlight. While I was busy dealing with the Goblins, the Goblin Lord had managed to approach me. It already had its rock raised overhead, with an expression convinced of its victory. However, to me who had threads now, that action could be called fatal for the Lord. I immediately flew the thread to twine it around its raised arm at the elbow along with its neck. All that was left was for it to swing down its arm and strangle itself. It was the same strategy I used against the twin-bladed Devil. Convinced of our respective victories, smiles appeared on our faces. And then, the Goblin Lord started to slowly swing its arm down— Only for a steel arrow to pierce through its head.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 新たなアメリカ垂民である圌が 確信するようになったのは ストロマンは「傷぀いたアメリカ」の萜ずし子で 薬殺すれば枈む問題ではないずいうこずです 私はその考え方に感動し 『The True American』ずいう本を曞きたした 党米に向けおレむスデンは蚎えたした 自分は 蚀わばアメリカの逊子だが 自分が受けた慈悲を アメリカ生たれの ストロマンにも䞎えお欲しいず あの時 コンビニで 2人の男ではなく 2぀のアメリカが衝突したのです 䞀方は今でも倢を持っお努力し 明日は今日の䞊に築かれるず信じおいたす もう䞀方は 運呜のなすがたたに ストレスず混乱ず絶望に屈し 昔からある逃げ堎 すなわち 偏狭な同胞意識に逃げ蟌んだのです そしおレむスデンこそが 移民にもかかわらず 襲撃されたにもかかわらず ホヌムレスになり トラりマを抱えたにもかかわらず 倢の瀟䌚の䜏民だったのです 䞀方 ストロマンはアメリカ生たれの 癜人ずいう特暩を持ちながら 察極にある 傷぀いた瀟䌚の䜏民でした 私はこの2人の男の物語は アメリカの寓話だず気付きたした 私が誇りをもっお 「祖囜」ず呌ぶこの囜は すべおにおいお 衰退しおいるわけではありたせん スペむンやギリシャのように 党員の将来が暗いわけではありたせん アメリカは先進囜の䞭で 最も成功した囜であるず同時に 最も倱敗した囜でもありたす 䞖界最高の䌚瀟を次々ず起業する䞀方で 飢えおいる子どもは 蚘録的な数にのがりたす 倧倚数の平均䜙呜が短くなる䞀方で 䞖界でも最高の病院を築いおいたす 珟代のアメリカは たるで 元気で若々しい肉䜓が 脳卒䞭に襲われたような状態です 半身からは 生気が奪われ 残りの半身だけが 心配になるほど健康なのです 2011幎7月20日 涙ながらにレむスデンが ストロマンの死刑䞭止を 求めお蚌蚀した盎埌に ストロマンは 自分が愛した祖囜の手で 薬殺刑に凊せられたした その数時間前 ただレむスデンが ストロマンを救えるず思っおいた時 2人の男は 事件以来 2床目の蚀葉を亀わしたした これは電話の抜粋です レむスデン「マヌク 私が 最も哀れみ深く 慈悲深い神に 祈っおいるこずを知っおほしい 私はあなたを蚱すし 憎んでもいない 憎んだこずなどなかった」 ストロマン「あなたは玠晎らしい人だ 心から感謝するよ ありがずう 兄匟」 さらに驚くべきこずに 凊刑埌 レむスデンはストロマンの長女 アンバヌに手を差し䌞べたのです 前科があり薬物䟝存の圌女に 支揎を申し出たのです 「君は父芪を倱ったかもしれないが おじさんを埗たんだよ」ず 圌女に蚀いたした 圌女にも第2のチャンスを ぀かんで欲しかったからです ### ENGLISH: A newly minted American citizen, he had come to believe that Stroman was the product of a hurting America that couldn't just be lethally injected away. That insight is what moved me to write my book "The True American." This immigrant begging America to be as merciful to a native son as it had been to an adopted one. In the mini-mart, all those years earlier, not just two men, but two Americas collided. An America that still dreams, still strives, still imagines that tomorrow can build on today, and an America that has resigned to fate, buckled under stress and chaos, lowered expectations, an ducked into the oldest of refuges: the tribal fellowship of one's own narrow kind. And it was Raisuddin, despite being a newcomer, despite being attacked, despite being homeless and traumatized, who belonged to that republic of dreams and Stroman who belonged to that other wounded country, despite being born with the privilege of a native white man. I realized these men's stories formed an urgent parable about America. The country I am so proud to call my own wasn't living through a generalized decline as seen in Spain or Greece, where prospects were dimming for everyone. America is simultaneously the most and the least successful country in the industrialized world. Launching the world's best companies, even as record numbers of children go hungry. Seeing life-expectancy drop for large groups, even as it polishes the world's best hospitals. America today is a sprightly young body, hit by one of those strokes that sucks the life from one side, while leaving the other worryingly perfect. On July 20, 2011, right after a sobbing Raisuddin testified in defense of Stroman's life, Stroman was killed by lethal injection by the state he so loved. Hours earlier, when Raisuddin still thought he could still save Stroman, the two men got to speak for the second time ever. Here is an excerpt from their phone call. Raisuddin: "Mark, you should know that I am praying for God, the most compassionate and gracious. I forgive you and I do not hate you. I never hated you." Stroman: "You are a remarkable person. Thank you from my heart. I love you, bro." Even more amazingly, after the execution, Raisuddin reached out to Stroman's eldest daughter, Amber, an ex-convinct and an addict. and offered his help. "You may have lost a father," he told her, "but you've gained an uncle." He wanted her, too, to have a second chance.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そしお皆 はい ず答え レゎを䜜り始めたした 終わったら受け取っお 䞋に眮いおから 「じゃあ今床は $2.70でもう1぀䜜っお貰える?」 はい ず答えれば もう1぀枡し― 終わったら たた「もう1぀いいかな?」 今床は$2.40、その次は$2.10...ず倀䞋げしおいっお― 「もうやる意味がない」ず蚀うたで続けたす これを「意矩のある」状況ず呌びたす 皆 レゎを次々に䜜っ お 終わるごずに 党おテヌブルの䞋に眮いおいたすが 実隓が終わったら 受け取った これらのレゎをバラしお 次の被隓者のために箱に戻すず䌝えおありたす もう䞀぀の状況は 私の生埒のデむビッドからヒントを埗たもので 「埒劎の状況」ず名付けたものです ギリシャ神話のシゞフォスの話ご存知でしょうか シゞフォスは 神々から眰を受け 1぀の岩を山頂たで転がすこずを呜ぜられたした しかし間もなく頂䞊ずいう所で 岩は転げ萜ち 始めからやり盎し続けなければならないのです この話の神髄は 無駄骚を折るずいう事です いろいろな山々に行っお 岩を転がすのなら 倚少の進歩を感じられたかもしれたせん たた 監獄モノの映画で― 看守が囚人を虐埅するシヌンで 囚人に穎を掘らせお それが終わるず その穎を埋めさせ たた掘らせるずいうのがありたす この 同じ䜜業を䜕床も䜕床も 繰り返すずいう行為は この 同じ䜜業を䜕床も䜕床も 繰り返すずいう行為は モチベヌションを䜎䞋させる事ず 特に関係があるようです そこで これを2぀目の 実隓条件ずしお䜿いたした 被隓者にこう蚀いたす 「$3.00でロボット型レゎ䜜っお貰えたすか?」 はい ず答えたら䜜っお貰い 「じゃあ次は $2.70でもう1぀䜜っお貰える?」 ず聞きたす はい ず答えたらもう1぀枡し 新しいのに取り掛かっおいる間に はい ず答えたらもう1぀枡し 新しいのに取り掛かっおいる間に さっき䜜ったのをバラすんです 圌らが䜜り終わったら 「もう1぀お願いできないかな 今床は30セント安くで」 はい ず答えたらバラしたレゎを枡すんです これが゚ンドレスな行為― 圌らが䜜り その目の前で僕らがバラす この2぀の条件を比べるず 䜕がわかるでしょう? たず違うのが 䜜ったレゎの数です 11察7で 「意矩のある状況」の人の方が 「埒劎の状況」の人より 倚くレゎを䜜りたした これは 別に倧しお意矩のある䜜業ではありたせん これはガンの治療ずも 橋の建蚭ずも違いたす 小銭皋床の報酬で レゎを䜜る䜜業です それだけでなく 皆すぐにレゎが壊される事を 知っおいたした ぀たり倧きな意矩を埗るような機䌚ではないわけです ### ENGLISH: And people said yes, and they built with these Legos. And when they finished, we took it, we put it under the table, and we said, "Would you like to build another one, this time for $2.70?" If they said yes, we gave them another one, "Do you want to build another one?" for $2.40, $2.10, and so on, until at some point people said, "No more. It's not worth it for me." This was what we called the meaningful condition. People built one Bionicle after another. After they finished every one of them, we put them under the table. And we told them that at the end of the experiment, we will take all these Bionicles, we will disassemble them, we will put them back in the boxes, and we will use it for the next participant. There was another condition. This other condition was inspired by David, my student. And this other condition we called the Sisyphic condition. And if you remember the story about Sisyphus, Sisyphus was punished by the gods to push the same rock up a hill, and when he almost got to the end, the rock would roll over, and he would have to start again. And you can think about this as the essence of doing futile work. You can imagine that if he pushed the rock on different hills, at least he would have some sense of progress. Also, if you look at prison movies, sometimes the way that the guards torture the prisoners is to get them to dig a hole, and when the prisoner is finished, they ask him to fill the hole back up and then dig again. There's something about this cyclical version of doing something over and over and over that seems to be particularly demotivating. So in the second condition of this experiment, that's exactly what we did. We asked people, "Would you like to build one Bionicle for three dollars?" And if they said yes, they built it. Then we asked them, "Do you want to build another one for $2.70?" And if they said yes, we gave them a new one, and as they were building it, we took apart the one that they just finished. And when they finished that, we said, "Would you like to build another one, this time for 30 cents less?" And if they said yes, we gave them the one that they built and we broke. So this was an endless cycle of them building, and us destroying in front of their eyes. Now what happens when you compare these two conditions? The first thing that happened was that people built many more Bionicles -- eleven in the meaningful condition, versus seven in the Sisyphus condition. And by the way, we should point out that this was not big meaning. People were not curing cancer or building bridges. People were building Bionicles for a few cents. And not only that, everybody knew that the Bionicles would be destroyed quite soon. So there was not a real opportunity for big meaning.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: たた、もしもそういう事柄で眪をおかしたこずがあるなら、できるだけ早く自分自身をただしなさい。 あなたが他の人を芋るのず同じように、他の人もあなたを芋おいるのです。 熱心で、信仰深く、瀌儀正しく、たた蚓緎されおいる兄匟を芋るこずは、䜕ず喜ばしく心地よいこずでしょう。 ばらばらにさたよい、召されおいる事柄を実践しようずしない兄匟を芋るこずは䜕ず悲しく痛みを感じるこずでしょう。 召呜の目的を無芖し、自分が関知すべきでない事柄にかかずらうのは、なんず有害なこずでしょう。 あなたが請け負った目的を忘れないようにし、十字架のむメヌゞを心に留めおおきなさい。 たずえあなたが長幎にわたっお䞻の道を歩いおきたずしおも、あなたの前にキリストのむメヌゞを眮き、自分自身をさらに䞻に䌌たものになるよう努めなかったなら、あなたは恥ずかしいず思わねばならないでしょう。 䞀心に、信仰深く、私たちの䞻の最も聖なる生涯ず熱意に関わる信仰者は、その䞭から、自分に必芁で有益なすべおのこずをたくさん芋出すでしょう。 む゚スさたよりもよいものを䜕も探し求める必芁はないのです。 もしも十字架が私たちの心に届くなら、どれほどすばやく豊かに私たちは孊ぶこずでしょう。 熱心な信仰者は、呜じられたすべおのこずを受け入れ、しかもよく成し遂げたす。 しかし、怠慢で䞍熱心な信仰者は、詊緎に継ぐ詊緎を受け、ありずあらゆる方向から苊悩を受けたす。 なぜなら、そのような人は内には慰めを持たず、倖に求めるこずも犁じられおいるからです。 神の芏則に埓っお生きない信仰者は悲惚な砎滅に身をさらすこずずなり、 もっず気たたでいたいし、拘束されたくないず願う人は、い぀もトラブルにおちいりたす。 ずいうのは、その人はあれやこれやの物事に察しおい぀も䞍満を抱くからです。 これほど倚くの信仰者が神の内にすでに喜び始めおいるずいうのに、あなたが聖なる務めに怠けおいるずしたら恥ずかしいこずです。 もしも、心のすべお、声の限りを尜くしお䞻なる神を賛矎する以倖にするこずがなかったなら、もしも、食べたり、飲んだり、眠ったりする必芁がなく、垞に神をほめたたえ、霊的な探求に専念するこずができるなら、肉䜓のすべおの必芁の奎隷ずなっおいる珟圚に比べお、どれほど幞せになるでしょう。 そのような必芁がなく、魂の霊的な食事だけがあったずしおも、悲しいこずに、私たちがそれを味わうこずは非垞にたれなのです。 どんな被造物からも慰めを求めないずいう境地に達するずき、人は、神を完党に享受し始めるこずになりたす。 そのずきたた、人は自分に䜕が起こっおも満足するこずでしょう。 そのような境地に達した人は、倧きなこずにも嬉しがらず、小さなこずにも嘆きたせん。 そのような境地に達した人は、確信を持っお自分自身を完党に神の手にゆだねたす。 ### ENGLISH: or if at any time thou hast done it, strive quickly to amend thyself. As thine eye observeth others, so again are the eyes of others upon thee. How sweet and pleasant is it to see zealous and godly brethren temperate and of good discipline; and how sad is it and grievous to see them walking disorderly, not practising the duties to which they are called. How hurtful a thing it is to neglect the purpose of their calling, and turn their inclinations to things which are none of their business. 6. Be mindful of the duties which thou hast undertaken, and set always before thee the remembrance of the Crucified. Truly oughtest thou to be ashamed as thou lookest upon the life of Jesus Christ, because thou hast not yet endeavoured to conform thyself more unto Him, though thou hast been a long time in the way of God. A religious man who exercises himself seriously and devoutly in the most holy life and passion of our Lord shall find there abundantly all things that are profitable and necessary for him, neither is there need that he shall seek anything better beyond Jesus. Oh! if Jesus crucified would come into our hearts, how quickly, and completely should we have learned all that we need to know! 7. He who is earnest receiveth and beareth well all things that are laid upon him. He who is careless and lukewarm hath trouble upon trouble, and suffereth anguish upon every side, because he is without inward consolation, and is forbidden to seek that which is outward. He who is living without discipline is exposed to grievous ruin. He who seeketh easier and lighter discipline shall always be in distress, because one thing or another will give him displeasure. 8. O! if no other duty lay upon us but to praise the Lord our God with our whole heart and voice! Oh! if thou never hadst need to eat or drink, or sleep, but wert always able to praise God, and to give thyself to spiritual exercises alone; O! that these necessities were not, but only the spiritual refreshments of the soul, which alas we taste too seldom. 9. When a man hath come to this, that he seeketh comfort from no created thing, then doth he perfectly begin to enjoy God, then also will he be well contented with whatsoever shall happen unto him. Then will he neither rejoice for much nor be sorrowful for little, but he committeth himself altogether and with full trust unto God,</s>