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Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 期待しているのは もし衝突が十分なエネルギーを生み出せば 衝突による破片の一部を我々の次元から追い出して 他の次元に入り込ませることができるかもしれないということです
衝突の後にエネルギーの量を計測して 衝突前のエネルギー量と比べます 衝突後の方がエネルギーが少なければ エネルギーが流れ出したことの証明になります
もしその流出が我々に計算できる正しいパターンに従っていれば これが余剰次元の存在を証明することになるでしょう
重力子と呼ばれる粒子を思い浮かべてください 我々は、もし余剰次元が実在するならこれが押し出される 破片になるのではないかと考えています
もし私たちが正しければ その衝突によるエネルギーの一部が かけらになって余剰次元へと飛んでいきます
こうした実験を これからの5年、7年から10年後あたりにやろうとしています
もしこの実験が実を結んで その種の粒子が押し出されたことを 当初よりも我々の次元でのエネルギーが減ったことで 把握できれば 余剰次元の存在を示すことになるでしょう
私にとってこれは本当に注目すべき話であり 大きな機会です ニュートンによる絶対空間の考えは 宇宙で物事が起こる場や舞台を 提供したに過ぎませんでした
アインシュタインが現れて 時空は歪んだり曲がったりすることができ、それが重力だと言いました
そして今、ひも理論はこう言います 重力と量子力学、電磁力は すべて同じところに由来している ただし、もし宇宙が我々に見えるよりも多くの次元を持っていればの話だけれど、と
### ENGLISH: The hope is that if the collision has enough energy, it may eject some of the debris from the collision from our dimensions, forcing it to enter into the other dimensions.
How would we know it?
Well, we'll measure the amount of energy after the collision, compare it to the amount of energy before, and if there's less energy after the collision than before, this will be evidence that the energy has drifted away.
And if it drifts away in the right pattern that we can calculate, this will be evidence that the extra dimensions are there.
Let me show you that idea visually.
So, imagine we have a certain kind of particle called a graviton -- that's the kind of debris we expect to be ejected out, if the extra dimensions are real.
But here's how the experiment will go.
You take these particles. You slam them together.
You slam them together, and if we are right, some of the energy of that collision will go into debris that flies off into these extra dimensions.
So this is the kind of experiment that we'll be looking at in the next five, seven to 10 years or so.
And if this experiment bears fruit, if we see that kind of particle ejected by noticing that there's less energy in our dimensions than when we began, this will show that the extra dimensions are real.
And to me this is a really remarkable story, and a remarkable opportunity. Going back to Newton with absolute space -- didn't provide anything but an arena, a stage in which the events of the universe take place.
Einstein comes along and says, well, space and time can warp and curve -- that's what gravity is.
And now string theory comes along and says, yes, gravity, quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, all together in one package, but only if the universe has more dimensions than the ones that we see.
And this is an experiment that may test for them in our lifetime.
Amazing possibility.
Thank you very much.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: それでも 当然ながら 通過量はより多く そのくせ 事故は少ない 社会運動のモデルとして 面白いでしょう
クリニックで開発したものを お見せします まずは オタマジャクシ役人の飼育 「監視観察」とでも言いましょうか
ご説明すると オタマジャクシに その地域で 住民が飲む水の質を 決定する権限を持つ官僚の名前を つけて 飼います
つまり 水質を気にする「非患者」は 関心のある水のサンプルの中で 官僚オタマジャクシを育てるわけです
クリニックからは道具をいくつか与えます ブログやメールを書く時など 身近に置くための容器です
そして オタマジャクシの散歩装置 夕方に ペットのオタマジャクシを 散歩させるための器具です
すると面白いことが起こりますーー オタマジャクシだから 当たり前なのですが オタマジャクシは生物の中でも 最も優れた生体感度を誇ります 感覚によっては ヒトの感覚と比べて 何桁も優れた感度を持つため オタマジャクシは 内分泌かく乱化学物質 または 環境ホルモンと呼ばれる 一連の産業的有害物質に対し 有意な生体反応を示します
ペットのオタマジャクシを 夕方散歩させることで-- こちらが実況写真です-- まず 近所の人に言われるでしょう 「何してるんですか?」って
するとオタマジャクシを 紹介するはめになります 名前の由来についても
何をしてるのかとか また当然ながら オタマジャクシの成長過程の観察しやすさ ヒトと同じ甲状腺ホルモンを持つこと そんなことも説明するはめになります
すると ご近所さんと次に会ったときには 「例のオタマジャクシどうしてる?」って 言われますよね
で オタマジャクシと彼らを ソーシャルネットワークで繋げます 環境ヘルスクリニックには ソーシャルネットワークサイトが ありますが 人間の「非患者」用だけでなく 人間以外の動物用にもあるんですよ 人間と 人間以外の両方です
もちろん これらの環境ホルモンは 乳がんや肥満の異常発生 また女子の初潮年齢が 2.5年も低下したことや その他もろもろの関連する現象との 因果関係が疑われていますね
このプログラムの頂点は もし オタマジャクシを 行動・成長の記録をつけつつ 育て上げることに成功した場合 名前の元になった官僚に 会いに行き オタマジャクシを紹介します 観察してきた事実や証拠について 話し合うんです
プログラムをもう一つ紹介します 私たちの活動について 具体的にイメージしていただける かと思います-- 尿サンプルの代わりに ネズミのサンプルを出してもらうんです
幸運にも台所の棚を ネズミと共同で使ってる方いませんか? ネズミが家族にいらっしゃる方?
あなた とてもラッキーですよ
### ENGLISH: Some of the things that the monitoring protocols have developed: this is the tadpole bureaucrat protocol, or keeping tabs, if you will.
What they are is an addition of tadpoles that are named after a local bureaucrat whose decisions affect your water quality.
So an impatient concerned for water quality would raise a tadpole bureaucrat in a sample of water in which they're interested.
And we give them a couple of things to do that, to help them do companion animal devices while they're blogging and doing their email.
This is a tadpole walker to take your tadpole walking in the evening.
And the interesting thing that happens -- because we're using tadpoles, of course, because they have the most exquisite biosenses that we have, several orders of magnitude more sensitive than some of our senses for sensing, responding in a biologically meaningful way, to that whole class of industrial contaminants we call endocrine disruptors or hormone emulators.
But by taking your tadpole out for a walk in the evening -- there's a few action shots -- your neighbors are likely to say, "What are you doing?"
And then you have to introduce your tadpole and who it's named after.
You have to explain what you're doing and how the developmental events of a tadpole are, of course, very observable and they use the same T3-mediated hormones that we do.
And so next time your neighbor sees you they'll say, "How is that tadpole doing?"
And you can let them social network with your tadpole, because the Environmental Health Clinic has a social networking site for, not only impatients, humans, but non-humans, social networking for humans and non-humans.
And of course, these endocrine disruptors are things that are implicated in the breast cancer epidemic, the obesity epidemic, the two and a half year drop in the average age of onset of puberty in young girls and other related things.
The culmination of this is if you've successfully raised your tadpole, observing the behavioral and developmental events, you will then go and introduce your tadpole and discuss the evidence that you've seen.
Another quick protocol -- and I'm going to go through these quickly, but just to give you the material sense of what we're doing here -- instead of asking you for urine samples, I'll ask you for a mouse sample.
Anyone here lucky enough to share, to cohabit with a mouse -- a domestic partnership with mice?
Very lucky.
Mice, of course, are the quintessential model organism.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 私は法廷でこのことを証言しました 判事は本当に熱心に耳を傾けてくれましたが 再審請求の大変長い 意見聴取を経てきていたこともあり 数字だけではなく 何かもう一押しが必要なのではないかと 何かもう一押しが必要なのではないかと なんとなく感じました そこで私は大胆にも
判事に向かってこう願い出ました 判事に向かってこう願い出ました 「裁判官 ご自身で一度現場を ご覧になっては如何でしょうか?」 「裁判官 ご自身で一度現場を ご覧になっては如何でしょうか?」
お願いというより少し挑戦的な 口調だったかもしれませんが・・・ お願いというより少し挑戦的な 口調だったかもしれませんが・・・ にもかかわらず判事は誇りと勇気をもって言いました 「行きましょう」
そして実際に私たちが事件と全く同じ状況下で 現場の状況をふたたび再現し 判事は郡保安官に護衛され 仰々しい車列を組んで現れました 我々は判事に 実際に目撃者の少年たちが立っていた位置よりも 少し銃撃犯の車に近い位置に立ってもらい 彼は道路に向かって歩道の縁石から 数十センチの位置に立っていました 彼は道路に向かって歩道の縁石から 数十センチの位置に立っていました
そして少年たちが証言したとおりの車を走らせました そして少年たちが証言したとおりの車を走らせました
運転席と助手席に人が乗っており 判事の横を通り過ぎざま助手席の同乗者が 判事に向けて手を伸ばし 手は判事を指したまま 車は走り去ります 少年たちの証言に従って行いました
実物の銃ではなく 証言された銃に似せた黒いものを 手にしていました
助手席の窓からこちらに向かって腕が出ています 助手席の窓からこちらに向かって腕が出ています
約4.5メートルと証言した少年もいました 約4.5メートルと証言した少年もいました
この判事は絶対に ポーカーの相手にはしたくない人物です
まったく感情が表に出ないのです 眉一つ動かさず
まったく反応を読み取れませんでした この再現の後に 彼は私に向き直って尋ねました 「他に何か見せたいものはある?」
手元にある科学的な計測データと 正確な知識に励まされたのか あるいは被告弁護人の思うとおり 私の完全な愚かさからか 私の完全な愚かさからか 私は言いました 「はい裁判官 そちらでお立ちください 車をもう一回りさせて目の前
### ENGLISH: I testified to that to the court, and while the judge was very attentive, it had been a very, very long hearing for this petition for a retrial, and as a result, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that I thought that maybe the judge was going to need a little more of a nudge than just more numbers.
And here I became a bit audacious, and I turned and I asked the judge, I said, "Your Honor, I think you should go out and look at the scene yourself."
Now I may have used a tone which was more like a dare than a request — — but nonetheless, it's to this man's credit and his courage that he said, "Yes, I will."
A shocker in American jurisprudence.
So in fact, we found the same identical conditions, we reconstructed the entire thing again, he came out with an entire brigade of sheriff's officers to protect him in this community, all right? We had him stand actually slightly in the street, so closer to the suspect vehicle, the shooter vehicle, than the actual teenagers were, so he stood a few feet from the curb toward the middle of the street.
We had a car that came by, same identical car as described by the teenagers, right?
It had a driver and a passenger, and after the car had passed the judge by, the passenger extended his hand, pointed it back to the judge as the car continued on, just as the teenagers had described it, right?
Now, he didn't use a real gun in his hand, so he had a black object in his hand that was similar to the gun that was described.
He pointed by, and this is what the judge saw.
This is the car 30 feet away from the judge.
There's an arm sticking out of the passenger side and pointed back at you.
That's 30 feet away.
Some of the teenagers said that in fact the car was 15 feet away when it shot.
Okay. There's 15 feet.
At this point, I became a little concerned.
This judge is someone you'd never want to play poker with.
He was totally stoic. I couldn't see a twitch of his eyebrow.
I couldn't see the slightest bend of his head.
I had no sense of how he was reacting to this, and after he looked at this reenactment, he turned to me and he says, "Is there anything else you want me to look at?"
I said, "Your honor," and I don't know whether I was emboldened by the scientific measurements that I had in my pocket and my knowledge that they are accurate, or whether it was just sheer stupidity, which is what the defense lawyers thought — — when they heard me say, "Yes, Your Honor, I want you stand right there and I want the car to go around the block again</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ミトロフは貴族的対応の基礎として、倒れた影に手を貸そうとして、目を丸くした。
「魔物だ! 魔物がいたぞ!」
「ち、ちがいます! 魔物じゃありません!」
「たぶらかしていません! わたし、人間です!」
「骨になった人間なんです! 魔物じゃないんです! 事情があるんです、ええと......誤解が......!」
「うわっ! お、おい君! こっちに黒マントの魔物が来たろ!」
「何でか街に紛れ込んでやがる! 気をつけろよ!」
### ENGLISH: Mitrof, as a noble, offered his hand to the fallen figure, but was astonished when he saw who it was.
The small body was covered in a black cloak, right down to the feet. Due to the fall, only the hood that had covered the head had been thrown off.
The skull of a human was visible inside.
“There was a monster! A monster was here!”
A voice was heard from behind.
Mitrof instinctively reached for his sword hilt.
“N-No! I’m not a monster!”
The skull rattled its jaw, making a sound like ringing a bell as a girlish voice spoke.
“A monster that manipulates human hearts!”
“I’m not manipulating anyone! I’m a human!”
“You look like nothing but bone!”
“I’m a human who turned into bones! I’m not a monster! There are circumstances, um... it’s a misunderstanding...!”
The figure was frantically explaining, gesturing with his hands.
The old Mitrof wouldn’t have believed such a thing. There was no such thing as a human with only a skull, and its appearance was clearly that of a monster. Such a dangerous existence must not be left alone.
However, the current Mitrof is an adventurer. He dived into the labyrinth, saw and fought against real monsters.
He did not feel the strong hostility from those monsters and the unpleasant air that made the back of his neck tingle when he saw this figure.
Hasty footsteps approached.
Mitrof reflexively turned around and went out of the corridor.
“Whoa! Hey, kid! A black-cloaked monster came this way!”
“...Oh, it ran in that direction.”
“It infiltrated the city! Be careful!”
Several men ran together, their eyes bloodshot and foam at the corners of their mouths. What would happen if they caught up to him?
When he faced those men, the back of his neck tingled.
After confirming that there were no more pursuers, Mitrof returned to the passageway.
He thought the girl would have already left, but she was waiting obediently.
“...Why are you sitting like that?”
“I just wanted to thank you... for saving me. I owe you my life.”
She straightened her black leather gloves and bowed her head. Her face was covered in a hood, and now she looked small and delicate.
“No, it’s okay.”
He wondered why he had protected her, even though she was a suspicious and unknown skeletal person. There was no benefit to protecting her. It seemed as though his body had moved on instinct or some sort of primal urge rather than rational thought.
The girl sat on the cobblestone, looking up at Mitrof without moving. Her skull face was not visible due to the darkness under the hood.
“Excuse me, are you an adventurer?”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 頷きながらがりがりと板の上でペンが走る。羽ペンだがこれも鳥型魔獣の羽だ。よくわからんが普通の鳥の羽ペンより長持ちするらしい。板に書くと言うか削った所にインクが入り込むというか。
### ENGLISH: While nodding his head, the man continues to write on the board. Well, rather than saying he ‘writes’, it’s more correct to say he filled the carved place on the board with ink. He used a quill pen. The feather of the pen is made from the feather of a bird-type demonic beast. It’s said that the feather of a demonic beast lasts longer compared to a feather of a normal board. I don’t know if it’s true, though.
“Hmm... But if we follow your system, it would be impossible for me to record the exact amount of pay that will be received by our adventurers.”
“There will be base pay and additional pay depending on the danger of the site. Of course, the pay for the guild will also be calculated using the same formula with extra.”
“Thank you very much.”
Needless to say, a guild isn’t a volunteer organization. They need to pay the salaries of their staff, the building maintenance cost, and even the damage caused by some random drunkard that goes on a rampage and destroys their facility.
The guild’s main income is from the sale of various materials from purchased demonic beasts and demons’ carcasses and the guild’s commission fees. Most troublesome commissions like mine are sent to adventurers via the guild. There’s an unwritten rule that you must pay an additional % of the total adventurers fee for the guild commission fee.
The typical posting of the commission on the walls existed, but the postings often only contained a bare minimum of information.
I guess that’s to be expected. There’s not enough space to write the details of the commission. There are also cases where the client is someone in a delicate position or when the commission involved a spying activity in which the detailed information can’t be easily disclosed.
That’s why when adventurers decide to take a commission, they will first ask the guild for detailed information about the commission. The client often already told the guild the information beforehand, so the guild can explain it to the adventurers.
If the guild cannot explain the commission in detail, they will ask the adventurers to contact the clients directly. I think my commission this time will follow this pattern.
“Then, may I ask for the contents of the investigation?”
“All I can tell you now is that I want to investigate the frequency of demons’ appearance in the suburb of Gulbelk, the situation of demons’ appearance in the Heat Haze Ruins near Delmenln, and the state of security in Bielelitz Bridge.”
Because some places I’ve mentioned are located outside the kingdom, the guild official looked at me doubtfully. Well, sending scouts to foreign nations might seem like preparation for war.
The reason he asked me for the content of the investigations is to make sure that I’m not trying to investigate the actions of the kingdom’s nobles. It’s the guild’s policy to stay far away from the kingdom’s political strife.
“You see, I need to buy some goods from the places I mentioned, so I’m going to send a merchant party there. But because of the recent peculiar demon outbreak, I’m trying to be cautious.”
“Ah, so that’s why.”
Obviously, the information about a devil causing a demon outbreak has reached the guild. I made a commission to hire scouts to ensure that a similar demon outbreak didn’t happen in another area.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 確かにその10年間にエイズと その原因ウイルスHIVを発見しました
でもその何十年も前に人間に入り込んでいます チンパンジーから狩人に潜り込んだのです
この写真は世界恐慌前の コンゴ ブラザビルのものです
この時すでに何千もの人々が HIVに感染していたのだと思います
ここで2,3 重大な質問があります
何千もの人々が この時点で感染していたのなら なぜこのウイルスを発見するのに 1984年までかかったのでしょうか
次はもっと重要です もし我々が1940−60年代に存在し この病気を目撃し、正確に状況を 理解していたなら、感染性質を変え 全く別のものにできる方法があったのでしょうか
これはHIVに限ったことではありません ウイルスの多くは動物由来です
動物から人間へと感染するウイルスの ピラミッドと考えてもいいでしょう
ほとんどのエネルギーを費やすのは ピラミッドのこの階層です 人間に完全に適応し解明が非常に困難な ウイルスを研究しています HIVの例でおわかりでしょう
ここ15年間 初期段階の感染方法を研究してきました 「ウイルスのお喋り」は 恩師ドン・バークの造語です
この考えは 人間社会にウイルスをわざと投げ込み その動きを研究し 感染の瞬間を捉え ウイルスを早期発見できるかもしれないというものです
これがその写真です 現場の写真です
1つ注意すべき点は おびただしい血液接触です
これが決定的な鍵です 非常に直接的な接触です
ウイルスのお喋りを調査するなら 野生動物と接触する住民を探る必要があります
これにより動物ウイルスが人間に侵入した際 初期段階で捕えることが可能なのです
この研究の基本目的は 1回きりの調査ではなく 数千人の被験者を選び 定期的に継続して
観察することです 病気なら検体を採取します
今進行中ですが協力を得て 動物の検体を採取します
動物の標本採取の際 ろ紙に血液を取ります こうして対象動物から未確認ウイルスを発見します 実際に狩猟されている動物からです
語り手:カメルーンの人里離れた山奥で 2人の狩猟者が獲物に忍び寄ります
### ENGLISH: And certainly, this was the decade in which we discovered AIDS and the virus that causes it, HIV.
But in fact this virus crossed over into humans many decades before, from chimpanzees, where the virus originated, into humans who hunt these apes.
This photo was taken before the Great Depression in Brazzaville, Congo.
At this time, there were thousands of individuals, we think, that were infected with HIV.
So I have a couple of really important questions for you.
If this virus was in thousands of individuals at this point, why was it the case that it took us until 1984 to be able to discover this virus?
OK now, more importantly, had we been there in the '40s and '50s, '60s, had we seen this disease, had we understood exactly what was going on with it, how might that have changed and completely transformed the nature of the way this pandemic moved?
In fact, this is not unique to HIV. The vast majority of viruses come from animals.
And you can kind of think of this as a pyramid of this bubbling up of viruses from animals into human populations.
But only at the very top of this pyramid do these things become completely human.
Nevertheless, we spend the vast majority of our energy focused on this level of the pyramid, trying to tackle things that are already completely adapted to human beings, that are going to be very very difficult to address -- as we've seen in the case of HIV.
So during the last 15 years, I've been working to actually study the earlier interface here -- what I've labeled "viral chatter," which was a term coined by my mentor Don Burke.
This is the idea that we can study the sort of pinging of these viruses into human populations, the movement of these agents over into humans; and by capturing this moment, we might be able to move to a situation where we can catch them early.
OK, so this is a picture, and I'm going to show you some pictures now from the field.
This is a picture of a central African hunter.
It's actually a fairly common picture.
One of the things I want you to note from it is blood -- that you see a tremendous amount of blood contact.
This was absolutely key for us. This is a very intimate form of connection.
So if we're going to study viral chatter, we need to get to these populations who have intensive contact with wild animals.
And so we've been studying people like this individual.
We collect blood from them, other specimens.
We look at the diseases, which are in the animals as well as the humans.
And ideally, this is going to allow us to catch these things early on, as they're moving over into human populations.
And the basic objective of this work is not to just but to establish thousands of individuals in these populations that we would monitor continuously on a regular basis.
When they were sick, we would collect specimens from them.
We would actually enlist them -- which we've done now -- to collect specimens from animals.
We give them these little pieces of filter paper.
When they sample from animals, they collect the blood on the filter paper and this allows us to identify yet-unknown viruses from exactly the right animals -- the ones that are actually being hunted.
Narrator: Deep in a remote region of Cameroon, two hunters stalk their prey.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「『陰落ち』......そんなものが......」
### ENGLISH: “‘Kage-Ochi’... so there’s such a phenomenon...”
“By your looks, I suppose it’s safe to say that the origin of ‘Kage-Ochi’ is what you are searching for.”
Izumi nodded as Pumpkin told her about “Kage-Ochi,” wearing a mysterious expression.
“Yeah. The scale of the damage is in line with the information provided to me. And since the disaster has struck multiple times, there may not be much time left until the next wave of destruction.”
“Right. It happened roughly years ago, but since the -year cycle is not absolutely fixed, it might take place at any time.”
Pumpkin’s blunt statements gave Izumi the impression that she was determined about something.
“Pumpkin. Even though I know I said before that cooperation is not required, I will nonetheless share any information that is not personally sensitive on my part with you, and I also need your assistance to find the weapon. I don’t want that thing to be utilized in the world where Taiga lives.”
Saying this, Izumi extended her right hand towards him, her eyes reflecting firm willpower.
Apparently, Taiga’s existence—or, to be more exact, Majik’s former life—was of far more significance to Izumi than her client.
Well, if she’s willing to stand on my side, I don’t have to refuse her.
But there is one thing I need to confirm.
“Does that mean you’re willing to destroy it in the worst-case scenario?”
“If it is activated or about to be activated when I find it, I intend to. It would be a disservice to my client though.”
“I understand. Since you say so, I’ll take you up on your offer.”
Then Pumpkin took Izumi’s hand and exchanged a handshake.
With this, it was fair to say that Pumpkin now had a major ally on his side. After all, depending on Izumi’s information, details of the “Kage-Ochi” that were previously a mystery to him would be made clear.
“I’ll go right into it, but anyway I’ll provide any information that isn’t an issue for me to share.”
“I get it.”
Izumi then started outlining the details of the weapon that had caused “Kage-Ochi.”
“First of all, I am in pursuit of a certain weapon, as I said at the beginning.”
“Yeah. I already heard that.”
“That weapon’s purpose is to find an enemy at its own will, travel to the world where the enemy is, and eliminate the enemy it has found. A characteristic of this weapon is that, if it fails to vanquish the enemy after locating it, it will perform a mimicry and conceal its presence, then grow by utilizing the materials around it until it is able to defeat the enemy.”
That’s... the trickiest thing, to put it mildly.
That was Pumpkin’s genuine reaction to hearing Izumi’s tale.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「試練の内容の嫌らしさとはかけ離れた心遣いですね」
直後、氷竜はバサッ! と翼をはためかせると一気に上昇した。天井の氷壁がみるみるうちに迫って来るが、衝突する寸前で溶けるように氷壁に穴が空き、円柱形の通路が出来上がった。
そのまま地上に降ろされるのかと思っていたハジメ達だが、氷竜は全く止まる気配を見せずに上昇を続ける。そして、そのまま【シュネー雪原】の曇天に突っ込み、ボバッ! と音を立てて飛び出すと、太陽が燦々と照りつける雲海の上を優雅に飛翔し始めた。
### ENGLISH: “This consideration is far removed from the repulsiveness of the trial’s content, isn’t it?”
Each of them let out their impression while nodding at each other, then they crossed the neck where the scales were like a bridge and rode on its back.
Immediately after, the ice dragon flapped its wings grandly and ascended in one go. The ice ceiling was approaching in the blink of an eye, but just before they crashed the ceiling melted and a hole opened, a cylinder pillar was created there.
The ice dragon didn’t drop its speed at all and charged into that path.
The sound of cutting wind resounded in their ears and chilly wind caressed their skin, “The only dragon who master can ride is just me... does master want to change rides[ even now?” while enjoying such nonsense from a certain someone, they soared inside the ice tunnel for ten-odd seconds. The ice dragon Hajime and the rest rode finally flew into the visible light of the surface.
They were thinking whether they would be let down on the ground right after that, but the ice dragon didn’t show any sign of stopping at all and continued to climb into sky. And then without stopping it charged into the cloudy sky of the Shunee Snowfield.
“From the position of the sun we are heading to the northwest. ... It seems that it is kindly sending us until the border of the snow field.”
“... Nn. Miledi and Meiru should follow this example.”
“I get the feeling that the female camp of the liberator is just unscrupulous.”
The west of the snowfield was the territory of the devil, at the north was Raisen’s Grand Canyon, at the east was Haltina’s Sea of Trees. Advancing at the northwest like this meant that they would be let down at a place where it would be easy to go to the devil territory or to the north continent. Furthermore, they didn’t really feel the cold air of the sky, so it seemed a simple barrier was spread from the intermediary of the ice dragon.
Indeed, they wanted to be spared from getting tossed out into the snowfield of extreme cold after conquering the great labyrinth, but after thinking about the deed of a part of the liberators, “Such consideration!” this made Hajime and others a bit emotionally moved like that.
And then Shia’s guess was surely not mistaken. A woman who was an expert in irritating people, a woman who tossed them into the sea while saying it was a shortcut, a woman who forcefully made people love cockroaches... surely the male liberators in the past was considerably made to go through hardships of this and that which were caused by those women without doubt.
While thinking of such a thing, the ice dragon was gradually beginning to lower its altitude. It appeared they had approached near the landing place. Perhaps the ice dragon couldn’t go out of the snowfield, it seemed that it wouldn’t go through the sky and brought them outside the boundary, it once more plunged into the cloudy sky.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: それでは、何がこの勝利に満ちた進歩を止めたのでしょうか。
### ENGLISH: What, then, stopped its victorious advance?
Why was the scientific intellect compelled, like an exhausted soil, to lie fallow for nearly two millenniums before it could regather the elements necessary to its fertility and strength?
Bacon has already let us know one cause;
Whewell ascribes this stationary period to four causes obscurity of thought, servility, intolerance of disposition, enthusiasm of temper and he gives striking examples of each. 9
But these characteristics must have had their antecedants in the circumstances of the time.
Rome and the other cities of the Empire had fallen into moral putrefaction.
Christianity had appeared, offering the gospel to the poor, and, by moderation if not asceticism of life, practically protesting against the profligacy of the age.
The sufferings of the early Christians, and the extraordinary exaltation of mind which enabled them to triumph over the diabolical tortures to which they were subjected, 10 must have left traces not easily effaced.
They scorned the earth, in view of that 'building of God, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.'
The Scriptures which ministered to their spiritual needs were also the measure of their Science.
When, for example, the celebrated question of antipodes came to be discussed, the Bible was with many the ultimate court of appeal.
Augustine, who flourished a.d. 400, would not deny the rotundity of the earth;
but he would deny the possible existence of inhabitants at the other side, 'because no such race is recorded in Scripture among the descendants of Adam.'
Archbishop Boniface was shocked at the assumption of a 'world of human beings out of the reach of the means of salvation.'
Thus reined in, Science was not likely to make much progress.
Later on the political and theological strife between the Church and civil governments, so powerfully depicted by Draper, must have done much to stifle investigation.
Whewell makes many wise and brave remarks regarding the spirit of the Middle Ages.
It was a menial spirit.
The seekers after natural knowledge had forsaken that fountain of living waters, the direct appeal to nature by observation and experiment, and had given themselves up to the remanipulation of the notions of their predecessors.
It was a time when thought had become abject, and when the acceptance of mere authority led, as it always does in science, to intellectual death.
Natural events, instead of being traced to physical, were referred to moral causes;
while an exercise of the phantasy, almost as degrading as the spiritualism of the present day, took the place of scientific speculation.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: どうしてこんなひどい小劇場が 名声や革新の要因となっているのでしょうか?
それは 劇場に好き放題できたからです
ブロードウェイのプロセニアムなんか とても壊せません
しかしこの建物はときたら 芸術監督が 「桜の園」を上演するときに ステージ上で井戸から人を登場させたければ 単純に ショベルカーで穴を掘るまでです
なるほど 面白いですね
一流の芸術監督 舞台監督 役者達が 他では到底出来ないことを ここでやるために 全国から集まっていたんです
そこでまず 次の見解を示しました "よもや建築家がやってきてー ピカピカの劇場を建ててしまい おんぼろ劇場のもたらしていた自由を 奪い去るようなことがあってはならない"
次の論点は 一つ目とかぶりますが
つまり 労働力さえあれば 色々な様式に対応できたのです プロセニアム 張り出し舞台 平舞台 アリーナ トラバース なんでもこいです
労働力さえあれば 対応可能でした
しかしそうは言ってられなくなりました ここに限らず 世界各地の劇場に 通じて言えることですが
運用費や予算の調達が 困難になりました
安価な労働力も 手放さねばならず
結果として 組織を凍結せざるを得なくなり 劇場は 低品質の"張り出セニアム"に成り下がりました よって 我々は二つ目の見解を打ち出しました 運用費に影響されずに 自在に舞台を構築できるような 劇場を建てること いいですか?低予算運営です
これが出来上がった意匠図ですが 率直に言って 少々間抜けです...
家の表と裏を引きはがし 上と下に組み換えたのです
一目見て "おいおい ばかげているよ 一体何になるんだ?" と思うでしょう
(= 超イカす) スーパーフライとは 舞台機構(フライタワー)の自由度を 劇場全体に適応するコンセプトです
たちどころに芸術監督は 様々な舞台・観客席形態を 編みだせるようになります
劇場内の各部が昇降可能なので 残りの環境は暫定的なものになります 切ったり開けたり 打ったり留めたり— 塗り替えたり 取り換えたりが 低費用で できるようになるのです
予想外にも 三つ目の利点が 浮かび上がりました 思いがけず 劇場周辺に
自由に使えるスペースが出現したのです 芸術監督はこのスペースを活用して 観客を 虚構の世界に引き込めるのです つまりこの浮遊物体の底辺で
### ENGLISH: Why was this horrible little building so important to their renown and their innovation?
Because they could do whatever they wanted to to this building.
When you're on Broadway, you cannot tear the proscenium down.
This building, when an artistic director wanted to do a "Cherry Orchard" and wanted people and wanted people to come out of a well on the stage, they brought a backhoe in, and they simply dug the hole.
Well, that's exciting.
And you can start to get the best artistic directors, scenic designers and actors from around the country to come to perform here because you can do things you can't do elsewhere.
So, the first position we took was, "Hey, we as architects had better not show up and do a pristine building that doesn't engender the same freedoms that this old dilapidated shed provided the company."
The second issue is a nuance of the first.
And that's that the company and the building was multiform.
That meant that they were able to perform, as long as they had labor they were able to go between proscenium, thrust, flat floor, arena, traverse, you name it.
All they needed was labor.
Well, something happened. In fact something happened to all institutions around the world.
It started to become hard to raise operational costs, operational budgets.
So, they stopped having inexpensive labor.
And eventually they had to freeze their organization So, the second position we took is that the freedoms that we provided, the ability to move between stage configurations, had better be able to be done without relying on operational costs. Alright? Affordably.
The architectural manifestation was frankly just dumb.
It was to take all the things that are known as front of house and back of house and redefine them as above house and below house.
At first blush you think, "Hey it's crazy, what could you possibly gain?"
We created what we like to call superfly.
Now, superfly, the concept is you take all the freedoms you normally associate with the flytower, and you smear them across flytower and auditorium.
Suddenly the artistic director can move between different stage and audience configurations.
And because that flytower has the ability to pick up all the pristine elements, suddenly the rest of the environment can be provisional. And you can drill, cut, nail, screw paint and replace, with a minimum of cost.
But there was a third advantage that we got by doing this move that was unexpected.
And that was that it freed up the perimeter of the auditorium And that provided the artistic director suddenly the ability to define suspension of disbelief.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: さあ、それでは、このページが田舎の仕入先でございますよ、名前の後ろにある数字は、大きい方の台帳のどこに明細を載せているか、でございます。
### ENGLISH: Well, then, here on this page are the country folk, and the numbers after their names are where their accounts are in the big ledger.
Now, then!
You see this other page in red ink?
Well, that is a list of my town suppliers.
Now, look at that third name.
Just read it out to me."
"Mrs. Oakshott, 117, Brixton Road--249,"
read Holmes.
"Quite so.
Now turn that up in the ledger."
Holmes turned to the page indicated.
"Here you are, 'Mrs. Oakshott, 117, Brixton Road, egg and poultry supplier."
"Now, then, what's the last entry?"
"'December 22d. Twenty-four geese at 7s. 6d.'"
"Quite so.
There you are. And underneath?"
"'Sold to Mr. Windigate of the Alpha, at 12s.'"
"What have you to say now?"
Sherlock Holmes looked deeply chagrined.
He drew a sovereign from his pocket and threw it down upon the slab, turning away with the air of a man whose disgust is too deep for words.
A few yards off he stopped under a lamp-post and laughed in the hearty,
noiseless fashion which was peculiar to him.
"When you see a man with whiskers of that cut and the 'Pink 'un'
said he.
"I daresay that if I had put 100 pounds down in front of him, that man would not have given me such complete information as was drawn from him by the idea that he was doing me on a wager.
Well, Watson, we are, I fancy, nearing the end of our quest,
and the only point which remains to be determined is whether we should go on to this Mrs. Oakshott to-night, or whether we should reserve it for to-morrow.
It is clear from what that surly fellow said that there are others besides ourselves who are anxious about the matter, and I should--"
His remarks were suddenly cut short by a loud hubbub which broke out from the stall which we had just left.
Turning round we saw a little rat-faced fellow standing in the centre of the circle of yellow light which was thrown by the swinging lamp, while Breckinridge, the salesman, framed in the door of his stall, was shaking his fists fiercely at the cringing figure.
"I've had enough of you and your geese,"
he shouted.
"I wish you were all at the devil together.
If you come pestering me any more with your silly talk I'll set the dog at you.
You bring Mrs. Oakshott here and I'll answer her,
but what have you to do with it?
Did I buy the geese off you?"
but one of them was mine all the same,"
whined the little man.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 2人とも元気だねー。もっきゅもっきゅ。うん、おいしい。
「こっちのスープも凄く美味しいです! あの村長がベタ褒めしてたのもわかりますね!」
2人はあっという間に完食。少し物欲しそうに私を見てるけど、これは私の分だからあげないよ。ついでにおかわりも無いよ。そっちに残ってるのはノルン達の分だから。いや、昼に不機嫌にさせちゃったから......いや、ご機嫌取りじゃないし! あ、ちゃんとおかわりもありますので! 沢山食べてください! お願い、機嫌直して!
......というか、リリーさん達2人の分は大盛りだったからね? 私の1.5倍はあったからね? ここ数日ちょっと食べすぎじゃない? ホントに、太っても知らないよ?
そう伝えると二人は少し青い顔をして慌てていた。自業自得って知ってる? 私の所為にしないでね?
私が大きい? 正直、背はそんなに大きく無いと最近は自覚してますが。あははは......はぁ。
「......持たざる者の気持ちなんて分からないんですよ! こんな大きなものをぶら下げてる人には!」
怒り狂ったリリーさんが私の胸を鷲づかみにするという暴挙に! ちょ、やめて、それ拙いから!
「こんな! こんなものがあるから!」
「んはぁっ......! や、だめ、です......んんっ!」
### ENGLISH: The two of you sure were energetic~
“This soup is also very delicious! I can see why the village chief praised it so much!”
The katsudon had onions and eggs, and although the onion soup also had the same ingredients it wasn’t bad......the flavor was stronger like this. However, on the flip side, if you preferred something more refreshing after eating a flavorful katsudon, then miso soup would be better.
Both of them were finished eating in no time. They were staring at me hungrily, but I didn’t give them any since it was mine. There were also no seconds. The leftovers all went to Norn and Bell. Well, Norn was a bit unhappy during noon......no, it’s not like I’m trying to appease her! Ah, but there’s still more, so please eat up! Please feel better too!
......Rather, Lily and Arisa sure ate a lot, I think? I think the two eat about .x as much as me? Weren’t they perhaps eating a bit too much these past few days? You two will really get fat, you know?
After I told them so, the two of them became a bit flustered. But this was your own fault, you know? So don’t blame me?
“It was really delicious!”
“But I think I understand now.”
Ren is big since she always eats such delicious food.”
Big? To be honest, even I began to realize lately that I was a bit on the short side. hahaha....haaa.
“......Ah, I see~”
Arisa was looking at me and nodding. To be exact, a certain part of me. Ah, so that was what she meant.
“If I continue to eat Ren’s cooking like this, then someday I will also be......!
Lily had her hands on her chest and was muttering something.
......No, I think that the growth of that certain area has something to do with genes. There were just some things in the world that couldn’t be achieved through hard work. Incidentally, I didn’t really care for it being this big......rather, I would prefer some growth in my height over my chest.
It seemed like what I was thinking appeared on my face, as Lily’s expression turned grim upon seeing me.
“.....You wouldn’t understand the feelings of those who don’t have them! As someone who’s swinging around those gigantic things!”
Lily flew into a rage and violently grabbed my breasts. Wait, stop! This was really bad!
“This! Something like this!”
Lily began squeezing down on my breasts. Like I said, if you do that!
“N-ha-.....! N-No, stop.....nnnn!”
I just let out a weird voice!
Lily immediately stopped and instantly moved away from me. Saved.
“I-I-I’m so sorry!”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「ついてくるでない、これから危険な場所に行くのじゃからな」
「にゃんと! 団長が女の子になってるにゃ! これは見事だにゃ、十点満点にゃー」
両脚を揃え起立の姿勢で敬礼するケット・シー。後ろに回した手に持つプラカードには [びしぃっ!] と効果音が書かれている。
### ENGLISH: 「Don’t follow me. I’m going to a dangerous place now.」
But they could not understand her words, as the hyperactive golden squirrel found itself right at home on Mira’s shoulder, while the Pure Rabbit kept looking at her with round eyes begging for a hug.
[Summoning Skill: Cait Sith]
She decided to call for an intermediary to sort things out. A small magic circle appeared in the air, and quickly after a small cat with wizard clothes jumped out of it.
It spun three times in mid-air before landing on its feet, holding up a card that came out of nowhere with . written on it. A rain of confetti also sprung out from the magic circle an instant before it vanished, adding an extra touch to that artistic performance.
「Meow meow meow! I was called so heow I am! It’s been a while so I tried adding some meow to my entrance. How meowny points do I get, chief?」
As he spoke in an exaggerated manner, the writing on the card changed to speed lines implying shock. That small touch made Mira giggle.
The fairy cat Cait Sith was one of the few low-level summons that could speak. His abilities were ill-suited for direct combat, but excelled when it came to scouting, given that he could obtain information even from animals. In other words, he could interact and talk with animals.
「What the meow! Chief, you’ve turned meownto a girl! And a splendid one at that, worth ten full points!」
Cait Sith looked up at Mira, jumping from side to side while waving around a sign with . written on it. The animals who had closely followed Mira all took a few steps back, wary of Cait Sith’s sudden appearance.
「You all accept it so easily...but that doesn’t matter. First lieutenant, I have a job for you.」
Cait Sith stood with his back straight and legs together, saluting Mira while the sign behind him changed to 「Snap!」
「I want you to tell all these animals here that I’m heading to a dangerous place, so it’s best if they stay behind. Can you do it?」
「I’ll accomplish that even if it costs meow life!」
After some time of that happening, they seemed to understand as they slowly dispersed from there. Lastly, Cait Sith climbed on Mira’s body and spoke to the squirrel on her shoulder, who also understood and jumped down before climbing up a tree.
「Meowssion complete.」
Cait Sith jumped off Mira’s shoulder, doing three flips before landing on his feet and striking a military salute. After Mira congratulated him on his success, she picked him up into a hug, using him as a replacement for all the animals that were gone now leaving her alone.
「It’s ticklish meow.」
As he spoke, he happily flopped his legs around while the sign had 「More!」 written on it.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 創魔記。それは文字の通り、魔法ができるまでの歴史である。かつてレイリア王国ができる前、そこにの神がいた。人々は神のことを崇め、神の子供であのことも崇めていた。
### ENGLISH: World Chronicle. It is a history of a period before the appearance of magic. Before the Leiria Kingdom was founded, there was a single god. The people worshiped the god as well as his two children.
The people back then weren’t aware of the concept of magic and weren’t able to utilize it.
One day, the god, who ruled the land for hundreds of years, died. The people thought that one of his two sons would become their leader. However, the god’s children considered each other as obstacles.
Due to that, the sons of god fought each other.
The god had a special power. Sometimes he「created objects」, sometimes he「erased objects」, sometimes「cured the disabled」, sometimes「relieved the pain and suffering」, sometimes「hardened the fragile bones」.
That’s why he was called a god.
That power was, of course, inherited by his children and used in their fight. The people felt as if the world was about to end and prayed for them to stop fighting as soon as possible.
However, the god’s children fight wasn’t about to end anytime soon. The god’s children had different powers from each other. One didn’t have the power to「erase objects」, the other wasn’t able to「create objects」.
Having the opposite powers, they recognized each other as enemies and decided to kill.
The people, who have been spectating the never-ending battle, at some day, joined it. They were driven by their desire to dispel the fear from the rest of the people.
The people pledged themselves to the god’s children, whom they believed in, and joined the fight. The god’s sons granted their respective divine protections to their followers.
That was mana. The people accepted the mana and obtained the power of god. But only the powers of「erase objects」and「create objects」didn’t manifest in any of them.
The war escalated and involved the whole humanity. The people fought with everything on the line and the day to settle everything finally arrived. It happened after years of fighting.
In the end, the god’s child, who had the power to「create objects」, killed the god’s child, who had the power to「erase objects」.
With that, the leader’s position was decided and the world was finally at peace. The new god with the power to「create objects」hunted and executed the allies of his enemy, who had the power to「erase objects」. As a result, he created a world void on any opposition.
After that, the new god married and left the world to his children. That was the beginning of the Leiria Kingdom. However, the magical beasts that appeared out of nowhere disrupted the peace and severed the god’s bloodline.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: いつもの街は最初から解放されているので、『風雲の隠れ里』の方の条件さえ満たせの街を自由に行き来できる。
「あっ!? ドラゴン討伐の戦利品をチェックしてない!」
「ああああっ!? それは......風雲竜の証!?」
「だ、誰か! 長老様を呼んできてくれ! 風雲竜様の証を持つ方が現れたぞぉ!!」
### ENGLISH: As the first town was already unlocked, I just needed to fulfill the requirements for this one, and then I would be able to move freely between towns.
And so I would try and finish that before logging out for the day.
But I felt as if I was forgetting something...
“Ah!? I didn’t check my rewards for hunting the dragon!”
I had been so desperate for new equipment that I even clung onto information that turned out to be false. And yet I forget when I finally acquire it...
I was either going senile or the joy of winning had erased my memory.
Indeed, there was no reward greater than the emotion you felt.
They say that you usually get a full set after killing a rare monster, so what could I have acquired?
“Let’s see... ‘Proof of the Windcloud Dragon’?”
It looked like some kind of emblem.
The dragon I just defeated was on it.
Was it categorised as an accessory?
Or was it just an item...
“Aaahhh!? Is that...the Proof of the Windcloud Dragon?”
The NPC had dialogue related to this emblem!?
Now that I thought about it, this was the ‘Hidden Windcloud Settlement.’
It must be related to the dragon then.
“So-someone! Go and call the elder! The person with the proof of the Great Windcloud Dragon has appeared!!”
He said as he went off somewhere.
Great Windcloud Dragon...huh.
Was that dragon venerated here?
But I...killed it.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 彼はただチャンスさえつかめば、友がやってのけたことやいずれやれることより上等なこと、単なる卑俗なジャーナリズムより高尚なことが自分にはできると確信していた。
### ENGLISH: He was sure that he could do something better than his friend had ever done, or could ever do, something higher than mere tawdry journalism if he only got the chance.
What was it that stood in his way?
His unfortunate timidity
He wished to vindicate himself in some way, to assert his manhood.
He saw behind Gallaher's refusal of his invitation.
Gallaher was only patronising him by his friendliness just as he was patronising Ireland by his visit.
The barman brought their drinks.
Little Chandler pushed one glass towards his friend and took up the other boldly.
"Who knows?"
he said, as they lifted their glasses.
"When you come next year I may have the pleasure of wishing long life and happiness to Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius Gallaher."
Ignatius Gallaher in the act of drinking closed one eye expressively over the rim of his glass.
When he had drunk he smacked his lips decisively, set down his glass and said:
"No blooming fear of that, my boy.
I'm going to have my fling first and see a bit of life and the world before I put my head in the sack
--if I ever do."
"Some day you will,"
said Little Chandler calmly.
Ignatius Gallaher turned his orange tie and slate-blue eyes full upon his friend.
"You think so?"
he said.
"You'll put your head in the sack,"
repeated Little Chandler stoutly,
"like everyone else if you can find the girl."
He had slightly emphasised his tone and he was aware that he had betrayed himself;
but, though the colour had heightened in his cheek, he did not flinch from his friend's gaze.
Ignatius Gallaher watched him for a few moments and then said:
"If ever it occurs, you may bet your bottom dollar there'll be no mooning and spooning about it.
I mean to marry money.
She'll have a good fat account at the bank or she won't do for me."
Little Chandler shook his head.
"Why, man alive,"
said Ignatius Gallaher, vehemently,
"do you know what it is?
I've only to say the word and tomorrow I can have the woman and the cash.
You don't believe it?
Well, I know it.
There are hundreds
--what am I saying?
--thousands of rich Germans and Jews, rotten with money, that'd only be too glad....
You wait a while my boy.
See if I don't play my cards properly.
When I go about a thing I mean business, I tell you.
You just wait."
He tossed his glass to his mouth, finished his drink and laughed loudly.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 私はグッと力強く閉じていた目をゆっくりと開く。
これは、妄想? ......その割には、リアルに熱を感じる。
「だ、だからって、ラヴァール国まで? デュルキス国のことは? 国王様は許したんですか」
### ENGLISH: I slowly opened my eyes, which had been tightly closed.
A strong body was holding me, protecting me.
Was this a delusion? ...Despite this, I could feel the warmth.
Perhaps I was unharmed because Duke-sama used magic on the spur of the moment. But why would Duke-sama be here?
I could not process the information in my head. Surrounded by the empty trees, I was somewhat in a state of lethargy.
Then Duke-sama relaxed his arms and lifted me up with a jerk. Sitting on the ground, facing me, he suddenly hugged me.
It was not a gentle hug. It was a little hard to believe because Duke-sama was always so relaxed and calm.
“I’m glad you’re okay.”
My heart tightened at the sound of Duke-sama’s voice. At that moment, I was sure that he was the real deal.
I wondered if I should hug him back at a time like this.... I slowly put my hands around his waist.
“I didn’t feel alive when I thought I was going to lose Alicia. ...I finally got to meet Alicia.”
There were so many questions I wanted to ask him, but I just stayed in Duke-sama’s arms and said nothing.
I was the only one in the world who knew Duke-sama like this. That made me so happy.
“I wish I could have met you too.”
I managed to get the words out.
Duke-sama gently took his hand away from mine, and his face came into view. I couldn’t help but admire his handsome face.
I could see my reflection in his clear blue eyes. At that moment, I remembered that I was dressed as a man.
I couldn’t believe I was in front of Duke-sama looking like this....
Suddenly, a sense of shame washed over me. I wanted to see Duke-sama again in a more feminine appearance.
“I’m like this...”
He covered my mouth to block out my words. The feel of his soft lips made me realize I was being kissed. His hands pinched my face.
There was no space, and the hot, forceful kiss was melting my brain. My heartbeat intensified, and I could not think of anything else.
“Sorry, I was unable to hold it back.”
If he said any more sweet nothings to me, my heart would explode. I managed to change the subject, trying to divert the conversation.
“Why are you here?”
I couldn’t stand up from the waist down, and I was too embarrassed to look at Duke- sama’s face, but I asked in my usual tone of voice.
Duke-sama smiled a sweet, melting smile and replied, “Because I’m in love with you”.
...Was he trying to kill me?
“But that doesn’t mean you have to go all the way to Ravaal, right? What about the Duelkis? Did the king allow it?”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 大将はこいつを何故か全面的に信頼しているようだが、どうにも気味が悪いのだ。
「うるせえ! 何故俺の援護に来なかった!?
「ええ。邪魔なのでしょう? あのゴーレムが。
### ENGLISH: She was an existence and someone that was brought in by the leader; one who possessed the title of the [Sun]. According to him, she was a real demon, but she was an entity that was shrouded in mystery.
It seemed that the leader fully trusted her, but Jupiter had persistently felt some reservation about her.
“Oh, you’re so scary. Don’t get angry, I don’t like it.”
“Shut up! Why didn’t you come help me out!?
And on top of that, why didn’t you stop Ruphas Mafahl from coming to this city or make a report about it!
Thanks to you, I’m in this condition!”
“Oh, are you able to say that? I was waiting at the meeting place for you the whole time. Not only did you make a lady wait for you, you even stood me up, you’re a failure as a man, you know.”
Whilst staring daggers at the girl who was purposefully making it obvious that she was faking tears, Jupiter’s expression was so full of hatred that he felt his teeth were going to shatter from grinding too much.
However, she was completely unconcerned with this and even topped it up with more words.
“I planned to make a report, you know. I seem to recall the person who didn’t come to the important meeting place was you, wasn’t it?”
“Guu.... Then, then why, then why did you just let them come to the city!? If it’s you, shouldn’t you have been able to stop them!?”
“Please don’t say such unreasonable things.
There’s no way someone like me would be able to stop that Supreme Ruler.
All that someone like me can do, is to just keep a lookout for where they’re going, that’s it.”
In response to what Venus just said, Jupiter clicked his tongue in a way that would be heard by her.
This ***** is always like this. Always so slippery and gets away from the pursuit. So truly, so detestable.
“But I also feel bad about it, you know. So tonight, I thought I should help you hence I have come before you.”
“Help me, you say?”
“Yeah. It’s in the way, right? That golem.
If it’s for just a small amount of time, I can handle that thing.”
Jupiter was suspicious towards this suggestion.
He was thankful for the suggestion itself. *A saving grace.
No, if anything, he really had no other option but to cling onto that suggestion.
“.....is it even possible?”
“If it’s about 20 minutes, it’s absolutely possible.”
“.....20 minutes huh.”
20 minutes.... is a short amount of time.
But if there’s that much time, as long as I get fairly close to the city from the start I can make the round trip.
With it, I can go to the country, randomly attack the White Town and then simply tell those idiots: “It’s an attack from the Black City” and it would be fine.
After I do that, those guys will simply crush each other for me.
Merak.... As for Merak, I’ll let it slide.
Once the country gets destroyed, I’ll first wait for Ruphas’ group to leave.
Even if it’s that person, as long as the country is gone, she should lose interest and leave.
Ruphas is the demon’s enemy but she should also be the 7 heroes’ enemy..... so she should leave.
After that happens, I can just assassinate Merak somehow.
“This is magic stone of the wind.”
“That’s right, if you use this I’ll know. Understand? Do things properly!”
After saying that, Jupiter pushed the stone onto Venus, then sat back down on that spot.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: これで私はとても解放され
あまり洞察的ではないかもしれませんが あるピエロの作品をベースに テーマとバリエーションを行う道筋を 歩みはじめることができたのです それはウフィツィ美術館にある素晴らしい絵画で 妻のバッティスタと向かい合う 『モンテフェルトロ公の肖像』でした
主題を自由にあつかってよいことに気づくと 私は次のような一連の絵を描きました
これはピエロ・デッラ・フランチェスカのオリジナルです 人類史上最高の肖像画のひとつです
コメントなしで いくつかお見せしましょう
モンテフェルトロ公の頭部のバリエーションです 彼はルネサンス時代のとても偉大な人物で マキャベリの『君主論』のモデルになったと言われています
彼は戦いで片目を失っていたので いつも横顔なのです
2人をちょっとあちこち動かしてみることにしました 歴史上はじめて同じ方向を向きました
おっと! すれ違いですね
ピエロの別の作品からお客さんです 『キリストの復活』から -- おしゃべりをしようとしている場面みたいですね
これは4枚の大パネルです 左上 右上 左下 右下
ちなみに 私には抽象主義と自然主義の対立が 理解できません
絵画とはそもそも本質的に抽象的なものですから 議論の余地はないと思うのですが
話題を変えましょうか ある日 妻と田舎をドライブしていました 私はある看板を見て ("信頼のダッチマン 自動車修理") "これは素晴らしいデザインだ" と言いました
すると妻は "なんの話?" と聞きました
"いや すごい説得力だよ 看板の狙いは客を修理工場に引き込むことだが 多くの人は修理工場に疑いを持っていて ぼったくられると思っているから '信頼' という言葉を使うんだ だけど誰だって自分を信頼できると言う
でも 信頼のダッチマンとは -- 素晴らしい!"
なぜかというと ダッチマンという言葉を聞くと -- これは古い言葉なので 今はオランダ人のことをダッチマンとは呼びませんが -- でもダッチマンと聞くと 少年が堤防の裂け目に指をつっこんで 決壊してオランダが洪水になるのを防いでいるような イメージが浮かぶでしょう
つまり ダッチマンという言葉が 毒気を抜いてしまうのです 大げさだと思うなら インドネシア人などに置き換えてみるとよいでしょう
スイス人もいいと思いますが 代金が高そうですね
実際にポスターを作る過程について 簡単にご紹介しようと思います 私は
### ENGLISH: And that was enormously liberating to me.
Perhaps it's not a very insightful observation, but that really started me on a path to be able to do a kind of theme and variations based on a work by Piero, in this case that remarkable painting that's in the Uffizi, "The Duke of Montefeltro," who faces his consort, Battista.
Once I realized that I could take some liberties with the subject, I did the following series of drawings.
That's the real Piero della Francesca -- one of the greatest portraits in human history.
And these, I'll just show these without comment.
It's just a series of variations on the head of the Duke of Montefeltro, who's a great, great figure in the Renaissance, and probably the basis for Machiavelli's "The Prince."
He apparently lost an eye in battle, which is why he is always shown in profile.
And this is Battista.
And then I decided I could move them around a little bit -- so that for the first time in history, they're facing the same direction.
Whoops! Passed each other.
And then a visitor from another painting by Piero, this is from "The Resurrection of Christ" -- as though the cast had just gotten of the set to have a chat.
And now, four large panels: this is upper left; upper right; lower left; lower right.
Incidentally, I've never understood the conflict between abstraction and naturalism.
Since all paintings are inherently abstract to begin with there doesn't seem to be an argument there.
On another subject -- -- I was driving in the country one day with my wife, and I saw this sign, and I said, "That is a fabulous piece of design."
And she said, "What are you talking about?"
I said, "Well, it's so persuasive, because the purpose of that sign is to get you into the garage, and since most people are so suspicious of garages, and know that they're going to be ripped off, they use the word 'reliable.' But everybody says they're reliable.
But, reliable Dutchman" -- -- "Fantastic!"
Because as soon as you hear the word Dutchman -- which is an archaic word, nobody calls Dutch people "Dutchmen" anymore -- but as soon as you hear Dutchman, you get this picture of the kid with his finger in the dike, preventing the thing from falling and flooding Holland, and so on. And so the entire issue is detoxified by the use of "Dutchman."
Now, if you think I'm exaggerating at all in this, all you have to do is substitute something else, like "Indonesian."
Or even "French."
Now, "Swiss" works, but you know it's going to cost a lot of money.
I'm going to take you quickly through the actual process of doing a poster.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: この旅で私たちは クレバスの危険や 猛烈な寒さに 直面しました あまりに寒くて 服の下で汗が凍り 歯がひび割れ 目の表面が凍るんです
ちょっとばかり涼しすぎたと 言っておきましょう 死にものぐるいの70日間の後 私たちは南極点にたどり着きました
しかしこの南極点に到る1986年の 70日間の旅で 私にあることが起きました 私がここに立つ 元になったことです
目の色が変わったんです 70日間に及ぶダメージのためです
顔の皮膚がはがれ落ち 不思議に思っていました
帰ってきた時に NASAから知らされたのは 南極上空に オゾンホールが見つかった — ということです 私たちがその下を歩いたのと 同じ年に発見されたんです
降り注いだ紫外線が 氷に反射して 目を焼き 顔の皮をはいだんです
ちょっとショックでしたね それから考えるようになりました
1989年 今度は 北極に向かいました
60日に渡り 凍った海の上を 一歩一歩 安全な土地から 遠ざかって行きました
氷点下60度の中 裸で体を洗って 戻ってきた所です
もし誰か「寒い」って 言う人がいたら 寒いってのは こういうのを言うんです
安全な土地から 千キロ隔たったところで 災難に見舞われました
私たちの足の下で 北極海が いつもより4ヶ月早く溶け始めたんです 安全な場所からは 千キロも離れています
周りで氷がぶつかり合い 擦れ合っています 「ここで死ぬんだ」と思いました
しかしその日 私の頭の中でひらめいたのは 世界は生きるか死ぬかの状況に あるんだということです 25年間 その思いが 頭から去ることはありませんでした
あの時の私たちは 進むか死ぬかでした
テレビのサバイバー番組 じゃないんです
何かがまずくなれば 即 命に関わります 北極へ歩いて行った 最初のアメリカ人となった 勇敢なアフリカ系 アメリカ人のダリルは あと200キロのところで 凍傷のため踵がもげ落ちました
彼はそれでも進み続け 60日間の氷の上の行進の後 私たちは北極点に立ちました
私の前に徒歩で両極に行くほど 馬鹿な人間はいませんでした これは我々にとって 成功でした
あいにく帰路は 楽しいものでは ありませんでした
成功してしまうというのは 時に 実現する過程より辛いものなんです
私は空虚で 孤独で 財政的に破綻し
希望を失っていました しかし希望が偉大な ジャック・クストーによりもたらされ 2041年問題に取り組むよう 私を駆り立てました
### ENGLISH: On this journey, we faced the danger of crevasses, intense cold, so cold that sweat turns to ice inside your clothing, your teeth can crack, water can freeze in your eyes.
Let's just say it's a bit chilly. And after 70 desperate days, we arrive at the South Pole.
We had done it.
But something happened to me on that 70-day journey in 1986 that brought me here, and it hurt.
My eyes changed color in 70 days through damage.
Our faces blistered out.
The skin ripped off and we wondered why.
And when we got home, we were told by NASA that a hole in the ozone had been discovered above the South Pole, and we'd walked underneath it the same year it had been discovered.
Ultraviolet rays down, hit the ice, bounced back, fried out the eyes, ripped off our faces.
It was a bit of a shock -- -- and it started me thinking.
In 1989, we now head north.
Sixty days, every step away from the safety of land across a frozen ocean.
It was desperately cold again.
Here's me coming in from washing naked at -60 Celsius.
And if anybody ever says to you, "I am cold" -- -- if they look like this, they are cold, definitely.
And 1,000 kilometers away from the safety of land, disaster strikes.
The Arctic Ocean melts beneath our feet four months before it ever had in history, and we're 1,000 kilometers from safety.
The ice is crashing around us, grinding, and I'm thinking, "Are we going to die?"
But something clicked in my head on this day, as I realized we, as a world, are in a survival situation, and that feeling has never gone away for 25 long years.
Back then, we had to march or die.
And we're not some TV survivor program.
When things go wrong for us, it's life or death, and our brave African-American Daryl, who would become the first American to walk to the North Pole, his heel dropped off from frostbite 200 klicks out.
He must keep going, he does, and after 60 days on the ice, we stood at the North Pole.
We had done it.
Yes, I became the first person in history stupid enough to walk to both Poles, but it was our success.
And sadly, on return home, it was not all fun.
I became very low.
To succeed at something is often harder than actually making it happen.
I was empty, lonely, financially destroyed.
I was without hope, but hope came in the form of the great Jacques Cousteau, and he inspired me to take on the 2041 mission.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「お、おい! まさか、本当にこのまま送り帰す気かっ! ちょっと待て、折角、フェアベルゲンまで来たってのにっ、色々知りたいことがっ。それにお前のことも、って離せ! こら、てめぇ! 俺は皇帝だぞ! 引きずるんじゃねぇよ!」
確かに、皇帝自らハウリアのさせた誓約を認めることが連れてきた理由なので、既に用済みと言えばそうなのだが......「覚えてろよぉ! 南雲ハジメぇ~!!」とドップラーさせながらゲートの向こうへ消えていった皇帝陛下は、流石に哀れを誘うものだった。
### ENGLISH: “O, oi! You can’t be seriously sending me back at this moment! Wait a little, I’ve finally come to Fair Bergen, there’s a lot of things I want to find out about. Also you guys too, tch let go! Kora, you! I’m the Emperor! Don’t go dragging me!”
Although Gaharudo was struggling violently, he wasn’t able to overcome the inhumane strength holding him and he was mercilessly thrown into the other side of the gate.
Certainly, the reason why they brought along the Emperor was only because he had to admit to the oath that the Hauria created and everything else he says afterwards was unnecessary but.....”I’ll remember this! Nagumo Hajime~e!!” as the Emperor shouted out it created a doppler effect as he disappeared onto the other side of the gate, that scene certainly provoked some sympathy.
Ririana who was by the side had an strangely glad face though, “Even though you’re an Emperor~, even though you’re an Emperor~, the way you’re treated~” she muttered out rhythmically. It appears that she was happy to have made a new comrade in having been treated in the same crude way that she was treated with.
Recently, Ririana had started becoming a regrettable princess, Shizuku who was by her side looked at her regrettably.
On the hand, the elders, especially Zell, were glaring at Hajime. “Why, did you dismiss the Emperor!” is what their eyes were expressing. The truth was quite ridiculous, to be honest, Hajime had no reason to be here either so if Gaharudo was returned then he could quickly leave.
“Please wait, Nagumo-dono. We still haven’t decided on an appropriate repayment. Would you please stay around for a bit longer”
“No, I don’t need anything, so. Those glances are irritating so we’re leaving”
“Don’t say that. If nothing is done with this much debt of gratitude, it’ll be extremely shameful for us Demi-humans. At the very least, allow us to give you a place to sleep and eat for tonight. That’s why, please stay around a while longer”
“....Haa~, I get it”
Although Hajime thought it was troublesome, he nodded to Alfrerick and sat down where he was before. after confirming that, Alfrerick turned around towards Cam.
“Well then, with this, the distinguishing achievements that the Hauria tribe has done has certainly been confirmed. Even though you were banished, you’ve helped us repel the invasions, moreover, going even as far as getting back all of our brethren from the Empire through an oath. We must repay you at all costs. For the time being, there is no one in opposition towards revoking your banishment. This was already decided after the last elder meeting after the invasion. From now on, you may visit Fair Bergen whenever you wish”
Revoking their banishment. That decision was already overturned at the last elder conference, having admitted to it just showed how big the achievements that the Hauria tribe contributed to were.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ロマの一族と共に ヨーロッパ中にホテルを何軒か建てました ドイツのフライブルクや パリ近郊モントルイユ バルカン諸国にも建てました
全部 本物のホテルで
ただ これは事業ではありません
オンラインで招待を申請すれば ホテル・ジェレム すなわち ロマの家で数日間 食事や仕事をして 暮らすことになります
ここでは ロマの一族は旅人ではなく 訪問者が旅人です
マイノリティは ロマの一族ではなく 訪問者の方です
重要なのは判断することではなく この多様で 一見 解消できない矛盾を決定づける 背景に目を向けることにあります
このグローバル化する世界では 大陸同士が どんどん近づいています
文化や商品や人間の交換は 絶え間なく続きますが 同時に 恵まれた世界と そこから排除された世界の間にある 溝は深くなるばかりです
最近 オーストラリアに行きました
ヨーロッパのパスポートと ビザ そして航空券があったからです
でも ボートでオーストラリアに たどり着いた亡命者は 強制送還か 刑務所送りです
ボートを捕捉していることや 亡命者たちが拘留システムの中に 消えていくことは オーストラリア当局が隠しています
こういった手続きは 極秘の軍事作戦とされているんです
危険地帯や戦争地帯から 劇的な逃亡を図った後に 男性も女性も子どもも 裁判なしでオーストラリア政府に拘束され それが数年に渡ることもあります
私たちは滞在期間中に 拘留されている亡命者たちに 厳しい審査と隔離があるにも関わらず なんとか接触し 一緒に作業ができました
このような背景から インスタレーションが生まれました 場所はブリスベンの クイーンズランド工科大学ギャラリーです
床には様式的なコンパスが それぞれ入国者収容所の 方向を指していて 距離と施設名が書かれています
ただ展覧会はネットワークに 接続する形で行われました
床に描かれたサインの上には ヘッドホンがあります
観客は その収容所に 入所していた難民に 直接 話しかけ 個人的に 会話することになります
この展覧会は 安全な環境なので 亡命者は自分自身のことや身の上話 自分が置かれた状況などを 結果を恐れず 自由に話せました
観客は長時間 話しこんでいました 離れ離れになった家族のこと 戦場からの劇的な逃亡の様子 自殺しようとしたこと 収容された子どもたちの運命などです
強い感情が表れ 観客の多くが泣きました
今ヨーロッパには大量の移民が 流入しています
### ENGLISH: These are real hotels.
People can stay there.
But they aren't a commercial enterprise.
They are a symbol.
You can go online and ask for a personal invitation to come and live for a few days in the Hotel Gelem, in their homes, eating, working and living with the Roma families.
Here, the Roma families are not the travelers; the visitors are.
Here, the Roma families are not a minority; the visitors are.
The point is not to make judgments, but rather to find out about the context that determines these disparate and seemingly insurmountable contradictions.
In the world of globalization, the continents are drifting closer to each other.
Cultures, goods and people are in permanent exchange, but at the same time, the gap between the world of the privileged and the world of the excluded is growing.
We were recently in Australia.
For us, it was no problem to enter the country.
We have European passports, visas and air tickets.
But asylum seekers who arrive by boat in Australia are deported or taken to prison.
The interception of the boats and the disappearance of the people into the detention system are veiled by the Australian authorities.
These procedures are declared to be secret military operations.
After dramatic escapes from crisis zones and war zones, men, women and children are detained by Australia without trial, sometimes for years.
During our stay, however, we managed to reach out and work with asylum seekers who were imprisoned, despite strict screening and isolation.
From these contexts was born an installation in the art space of the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane.
On the face of it, it was a very simple installation.
On the floor, a stylized compass gave the direction to each immigration detention center, accompanied by the distance and the name of the immigration facility.
But the exhibition step came in the form of connectivity.
Above every floor marking, there was a headset.
Visitors were offered the opportunity to talk directly to a refugee who was or had been imprisoned in a specific detention facility and engage in a personal conversation.
In the protected context of the art exhibition, asylum seekers felt free to talk about themselves, their story and their situation, without fear of consequences.
Visitors immersed themselves in long conversations about families torn apart, about dramatic escapes from war zones, about suicide attempts, about the fate of children in detention.
Emotions ran deep. Many wept.
Several revisited the exhibition.
It was a powerful experience.
Europe is now facing a stream of migrants.
The situation for the asylum seekers is made worse by contradictory policies and the temptation of militarized responses.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「分かっています。狐姫の耐圧術式は海中から空気を分離して、私たちの周囲に空気の膜を作るものですから、酸素の問題もありませんし、何の問題もありません。」
### ENGLISH: “I understand. The Fox Princess’ pressure-resistant technology isolates air from the sea and forms a layer of air around us, ensuring that we won’t encounter any problems with oxygen or other difficulties.”
Following my explanation, the nine of them stepped into the sphere set up in the center of the “Teleportation Room”.
“Now, I’d better get on with it too.”
Watching them, I also moved to the operator’s seat. The seat for the coordinates had already been installed through a Hanryojin by the use of the memory-reading technique and so on.
And then I started the chanting.
Within the sphere was pure darkness, impervious to all light.
“I’ll light a fire.”
Mugi lighted the cantera attached to her waist with ≪Fox Fire≫ to provide light.
With the light, the darkness inside the sphere was dispelled, yet nothing in particular can be found there. That was only reasonable, given that something new will emerge from now on.
“Activating the technique.”
A thin layer of air was stretched around me when I activated the technique contained in the silver ring attached to my right wrist.
And when the other members saw that I had activated the technique, they activated the ring as well.
“Has it begun?”
Kurokiri’s voice can be heard faintly from the outside. It was the chanting to activate the “Ultra-long-distance Transportation Formation”.
“This chanting is different from the one I heard before.”
Lady Ryo came up next to me and started conversing with me.
“The reason why the chanting is not the same depends on the coordinates of the target point and the environmental information surrounding the ‘Teleportation Room,’ so the chanting has been changed according to those coordinates and information.”
“Is it complicated after all?”
“I’m afraid it’s more complicated than that. Even I, who has been working on the development of this room for a long time, can comprehend less than half of what this room means and how it is handled.”
Kurokiri himself did not take pride in having created this room and treated it as if it were nothing, but in reality, it should not be such an easy feat.
He peeked into the abyss of this world and pursued knowledge to attain the purposes he had set for himself even if it meant being observed by the abyss.
While unaware of what was safe and what was dangerous, he nonetheless verified each of them with his own body and left a trail that will serve as a guide for those who will follow suit.
For over five years, he had been exposed to the depths of sorceries that would drive a normal person insane and dead with a single sentence, and he had made the sorcery into his own.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: なるほど、それで解毒魔法が効かなかったのか......って右手から草が生えた!?
「そんなことないよ! フェリすごいよ! 作り出せるという事は野菜では食費要らずじゃん!」
「植物なら何でもか!? だったら最近毛が抜けやすくてな、何か良く効く薬草はないか!?」
「エリンは剣の中にいるから生身で戦うのは我輩だろうが! 爺さんも殴れない相手じゃ無力だろ! そうなると魔法を使える我輩1人になるだろうが!」
ん? 使う? ......え!? エヴンラルに砂の刃が!?
「腐ってもわしは王国の元騎士じゃぞ? 剣くらい使えなんでどうする」
### ENGLISH: I see, so that’s why detoxification magic dind’t work, huh?......Wait, there’s some grass growing out of her right arm!?
“This is the detoxifying herb. You have to crush this......”
“You can make plants grow out of your hand...... That’s your power as a Shaker, right?”
She seems to be extremely familiar with this. She said that she produced these Flash Bulbs as well a while ago, so does this mean that she’s rather knowledgeable in this field?
“Yes, if I incorporated that plant into my body I am able to grow it or freely manipulate it. It also increases this medicinal herb’s growth speed.”
The mystery of the Dinner’s fresh vegetables and the large quantity of hay was solved. They were made by Felicia, huh?
“Ah...... It’s disgusting, isn’t it? Me being able to make things like this...... But now—-”
“Not at all! Feli is amazing! You being able to create vegetables cuts back all the food expenses!”
Food expenses, you say?...... Almost everything would be used on you, though, you *******.
“You can create anything as long as it’s a plant?! Then is there any medicinal herbs that helps against hair loss?!”
Old man.......
“Haah, that guy aside...... Without you, Felicia, neither of us a while ago and Bertra right now couldn’t have been saved, just to name a few examples.”
“So, how’s Bertra’s condition?”
“Ah, yes, I made her drink the antidote, but she has to quietly rest like this until the poison has been completely...... purged.”
“Is that so?......So you’re saying that I have to fight on my own, is it......?”
That’s impossible...... What should I do?.......
“Why didn’t you count me in?”
“Erin will be inside the sword so I’ll be the only living person that will fight! The old man’s attacks are useless against this enemy! So aren’t I the only other person who can use magic?!”
“Guess I have no choice......Should I use this just this once?”
Hm? Use this?...... Eh?! Evenral’s blade turned to sand!?
“Old man, you can use Evenral?”
“Though I am a bit rusty, I am a former knight, you know? I can use something like a sword, so what shall we do?”
That’s how it was, I completely forgot about the old man being a former knight.
“Then why didn’t you use it up until now?”
“That’s~ I like swing my fist more than swinging a sword”
Only for that reason......?
“However, that poisoned knife is rather troublesome, isn’t it? Can’t you do something about that?”
It’s about that, huh? Covering his whole body in armour...... it’s too late for something like that now.
“E, excuse me, please drink this”
“What’s that black liquid?”
“It’s the poison’s antidote, but if you drink it beforehand it can neutralize the poison.”
“Ooh, that is helpful......Nguh, ugeeh, bitteeeeer”
What’s with that bitterness?!</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: もしこれがうまくゆけば、一人の全く疑惑の中にある生活を、明るみに暴(さら)け出してみせることが出来ると云うものだよ」
### ENGLISH: which, if we can bring it to a successful conclusion, will in itself justify a man's life on this planet."
In vain I begged him to tell me more.
"You will hear and see enough before morning,"
It was indeed like old times when, at that hour, I found myself seated beside him in a hansom,
my revolver in my pocket, and the thrill of adventure in my heart.
Holmes was cold and stern and silent.
As the gleam of the street-lamps flashed upon his austere features,
I saw that his brows were drawn down in thought and his thin lips compressed.
I knew not what wild beast we were about to hunt down in the dark jungle of criminal London,
but I was well assured, from the bearing of this master huntsman, that the adventure was a most grave one--while the sardonic smile which occasionally broke through his ascetic gloom boded little good for the object of our quest.
I had imagined that we were bound for Baker Street, but Holmes stopped the cab at the corner of Cavendish Square.
I observed that as he stepped out he gave a most searching glance to right and left, and at every subsequent street corner he took the utmost pains to assure that he was not followed.
Our route was certainly a singular one.
Holmes's knowledge of the byways of London was extraordinary, and on this occasion he passed rapidly and with an assured step through a network of mews and stables, the very existence of which I had never known.
We emerged at last into a small road, lined with old, gloomy houses, which led us into Manchester Street, and so to Blandford Street.
Here he turned swiftly down a narrow passage, passed through a wooden gate into a deserted yard, and then opened with a key the back door of a house.
We entered together, and he closed it behind us.
The place was pitch dark, but it was evident to me that it was an empty house.
Our feet creaked and crackled over the bare planking, and my outstretched hand touched a wall from which the paper was hanging in ribbons.
Holmes's cold, thin fingers closed round my wrist and led me forward down a long hall, until I dimly saw the murky fanlight over the door.
Here Holmes turned suddenly to the right and we found ourselves in a large, square, empty room, heavily shadowed in the corners,
but faintly lit in the centre from the lights of the street beyond.
There was no lamp near, and the window was thick with dust, so that we could only just discern each other's figures within.
My companion put his hand upon my shoulder and his lips close to my ear.
"Do you know where we are?"
"Surely that is Baker Street"</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: それが一番いい計画だわ」
### ENGLISH: I think that will be the best plan.'
It sounded an excellent plan, no doubt, and very neatly and simply arranged;
the only difficulty was, that she had not the smallest idea how to set about it;
and while she was peering about anxiously among the trees, a little sharp bark just over her head made her look up in a great hurry.
An enormous puppy was looking down at her with large round eyes, and feebly stretching out one paw, trying to touch her.
`Poor little thing!'
said Alice, in a coaxing tone, and she tried hard to whistle to it;
but she was terribly frightened all the time at the thought that it might be hungry,
in which case it would be very likely to eat her up in spite of all her coaxing.
Hardly knowing what she did, she picked up a little bit of stick, and held it out to the puppy;
whereupon the puppy jumped into the air off all its feet at once, with a yelp of delight, and rushed at the stick, and made believe to worry it;
then Alice dodged behind a great thistle, to keep herself from being run over;
and the moment she appeared on the other side, the puppy made another rush at the stick, and tumbled head over heels in its hurry to get hold of it;
then Alice, thinking it was very like having a game of play with a cart-horse, and expecting every moment to be trampled under its feet, ran round the thistle again;
then the puppy began a series of short charges at the stick,
running a very little way forwards each time and a long way back, and barking hoarsely all the while,
till at last it sat down a good way off, panting, with its tongue hanging out of its mouth, and its great eyes half shut.
This seemed to Alice a good opportunity for making her escape;
so she set off at once, and ran till she was quite tired and out of breath,
and till the puppy's bark sounded quite faint in the distance.
`And yet what a dear little puppy it was!'
said Alice, as she leant against a buttercup to rest herself, and fanned herself with one of the leaves:
`I should have liked teaching it tricks very much, if
--if I'd only been the right size to do it!
Oh dear!
I'd nearly forgotten that I've got to grow up again!
Let me see
--how IS it to be managed?
I suppose I ought to eat or drink something or other;
but the great question is, what?'
The great question certainly was,
Alice looked all round her at the flowers and the blades of grass, but she did not see anything that looked like the right thing to eat or drink under the circumstances.
There was a large mushroom growing near her, about the same height as herself;</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: これは正に 生体と機械の融合です
特に 腕を失った人の為に 生体工学が どう進歩しているかをお話しします
片手を失っただけで 日常的に必要とされる 身体的行為が難しくなります
私の診療室では 身体的不自由さと 同じくらい 精神的ダメージの治療にも 時間をかけています
手がなくなることは 障害を意味します
腕の切断の多くは 工場事故や交通事故 そして悲しくも 戦争による外傷の結果です
生まれつき腕のない子もいます 先天性四肢欠損です
残念ながら義手の製作は 困難を極めています
こちらは身体操作型義手といって 南北戦争直後に発明され 第1・2次世界大戦中に改良されました
これが1912年の 特許申請書です
現在の義手と そう違いはありません 肩の筋肉で制御するものです
手やフックを開いたり閉じたり 肘を動かせます
この義手は今でも使われています とても頑丈で単純な構造ですからね
最先端のものは 筋電義手という義手です
筋肉からのわずかな 電気信号により モーター駆動される義手です
筋肉を収縮させる時 わずかな電気信号が流れ それを電極やアンテナで読み取り 義手の操作に用いるのです
手を失ったばかりの人の場合 この義手をとても上手く操作します 手の筋肉がまだ残っていますから
しかしもっと上部で 腕の大半を切断するとどうでしょう
この筋肉だけでなく 手と肘そのものがありません
そのような患者さんは 腕の筋肉だけで ロボット義手を動かす 技術を要する方法をとります
開閉する手と 回転する手首と 肘があります
そこで シカゴリハビリテーション研究所では 手首の屈曲と 肩の関節を加え 6つのモーターで 6自由度を持つ試作品を作りました
### ENGLISH: It is essentially the stuff of life meets machine.
And specifically, I'd like to talk with you about how bionics is evolving for people with arm amputations.
This is our motivation.
Arm amputation causes a huge disability.
I mean, the functional impairment is clear.
Our hands are amazing instruments.
And when you lose one, far less both, it's a lot harder to do the things we physically need to do.
There's also a huge emotional impact.
And actually, I spend as much of my time in clinic dealing with the emotional adjustment of patients as with the physical disability.
And finally, there's a profound social impact.
We talk with our hands.
We greet with our hands.
And we interact with the physical world with our hands.
And when they're missing, it's a barrier.
Arm amputation is usually caused by trauma, with things like industrial accidents, motor vehicle collisions or, very poignantly, war.
There are also some children who are born without arms, called congenital limb deficiency.
Unfortunately, we don't do great with upper-limb prosthetics.
There are two general types.
They're called body-powered prostheses, which were invented just after the Civil War, refined in World War I and World War II.
Here you see a patent for an arm in 1912.
It's not a lot different than the one you see on my patient. They work by harnessing shoulder power.
So when you squish your shoulders, they pull on a bicycle cable.
And that bicycle cable can open or close a hand or a hook or bend an elbow.
And we still use them commonly, because they're very robust and relatively simple devices.
The state of the art is what we call myoelectric prostheses.
These are motorized devices that are controlled by little electrical signals from your muscle.
Every time you contract a muscle, it emits a little electricity that you can record with antennae or electrodes and use that to operate the motorized prosthesis.
They work pretty well for people who have just lost their hand, because your hand muscles are still there.
You squeeze your hand, these muscles contract.
You open it, these muscles contract.
So it's intuitive, and it works pretty well.
Well how about with higher levels of amputation? Now you've lost your arm above the elbow.
You're missing not only these muscles, but your hand and your elbow too.
What do you do?
Well our patients have to use of using just their arm muscles to operate robotic limbs.
We have robotic limbs.
There are several available on the market, and here you see a few.
They contain just a hand that will open and close, a wrist rotator and an elbow.
There's no other functions.
If they did, how would we tell them what to do?
We built our own arm at the Rehab Institute of Chicago where we've added some wrist flexion and shoulder joints to get up to six motors, or six degrees of freedom.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「それじゃあんまりおいしくなさそう――」
### ENGLISH: `That wouldn't be very nice, I'm afraid--'
`Not very nice ALONE,'
he interrupted, quite eagerly:
`but you've no idea what a difference it makes mixing it with other things
--such as gunpowder and sealing-wax.
And here I must leave you.'
They had just come to the end of the wood.
Alice could only look puzzled:
she was thinking of the pudding.
`You are sad,'
the Knight said in an anxious tone:
`let me sing you a song to comfort you.'
`Is it very long?'
Alice asked,
for she had heard a good deal of poetry that day.
`It's long,' said the Knight,
`but very, VERY beautiful.
Everybody that hears me sing it
--either it brings the TEARS into their eyes, or else--'
`Or else what?'
said Alice,
for the Knight had made a sudden pause.
`Or else it doesn't, you know.
The name of the song is called "HADDOCKS' EYES."'
`Oh, that's the name of the song, is it?'
Alice said, trying to feel interested.
`No, you don't understand,' the Knight said, looking a little vexed.
`That's what the name is CALLED.
The name really IS "THE AGED AGED MAN."'
`Then I ought to have said "That's what the SONG is called"?'
Alice corrected herself.
`No, you oughtn't:
that's quite another thing!
The SONG is called "WAYS AND MEANS":
but that's only what it's CALLED, you know!'
`Well, what IS the song, then?'
said Alice, who was by this time completely bewildered.
`I was coming to that,' the Knight said.
`The song really IS "A-SITTING ON A GATE":
and the tune's my own invention.'
So saying, he stopped his horse and let the reins fall on its neck:
then, slowly beating time with one hand, and with a faint smile lighting up his gentle foolish face, as if he enjoyed the music of his song, he began.
Of all the strange things that Alice saw in her journey Through The Looking-Glass,
this was the one that she always remembered most clearly.
Years afterwards she could bring the whole scene back again, as if it had been only yesterday
--the mild blue eyes and kindly smile of the Knight
--the setting sun gleaming through his hair, and shining on his armour in a blaze of light that quite dazzled her
--the horse quietly moving about, with the reins hanging loose on his neck, cropping the grass at her feet
--and the black shadows of the forest behind
--all this she took in like a picture,</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「どうして、こんな人を好きになっちゃったのかしらん?」と、実はかつてのシアと同じことを考えていたりすると、不意に、ハジメがぐりんと振り返り、アグニ・オルカンの銃口を味方に向けた。
一体、何を攻撃しているんだろう? と鈴達が心臓に悪い攻撃方法に冷や汗を流しながら考えていると、直後、その廃ビルから天に向かって純白の光が噴き上がった。
「な、南雲っ! 止めてくれ! 光輝は俺達に任せるって言ったじゃねぇか!」
### ENGLISH: Amidst the flame explosion and the dust, Shia and Tio were sending gentle gaze at Hajime who was laughing loudly “HAA―HA-HA-HA” (TN: Imagine the laugh of Laharl from Disgaea) while continuously gifting lethal wounds at possibly hundreds of enemies lurking in the ruined city. Looking at those two, Shizuku who was plugging her ears with her fingers from the thunderous roar let out a sigh from the many difficulties in her future wondering if she really had to reach the level of the two.
“Why did I fall in love with this kind of person I wonder?” Just when she was thinking of something that was actually similar to what Shia once thought, suddenly Hajime turned back and aimed Agni-Orkan’s muzzles at his allies.
And then, in front of the startled Shizuku and others, Hajime pulled the triggers with not even a speck of hesitation just as expected. Looking at the missile swarm that immediately flew out, Suzu went “Hii!” with a pathetic shriek.
But, naturally the missiles weren’t aiming at the allies, the missiles drew irregular trajectory while evading Suzu and others beautifully and flew behind them.
And then, flame explosions were scattered one after another at abandoned building around five hundred meters away from them. It was truly an air strike.
Just what in the world is he attacking there? Suzu and others were thinking that while trickling with cold sweat from the attacking method that was bad for their heart. Right after that, pure white light pierced the sky from that ruined building.
“Na, Nagumo-! Stop it! Didn’t you say that you gonna leave Kouki to us!”
Suzu and Ryutaro turned back at Hajime while yelling. Yes, the pillar of light rising to the sky was undoubtedly Kouki’s magic power. Most likely Kouki released his magic power to defend against the sudden air strike. Hajime supposedly promised to leave Kouki and Eri to Shizuku and others, so the two of them directed flustered look at Hajime.
“That’s why I attacked them. Those two looked like they were going to run away after all. I made the explosion to surround them without any direct hit so it’s fine. In the end, it was just to hold them in place.”
Hajime declared “hold them in place” while looking at the scene of high-rise buildings collapsing like a joke at the surrounding. He only looked like a guy screwing around saying “I hit them with the back of my blade” while directing the sharp blade at the enemy.
However, in actuality Kouki’s magic power kept piercing the sky from inside the flame without any sign of weakening at all, so certainly Hajime didn’t hit them directly. Even when they understood that, as expected the cramping of Suzu and Ryutaro’s expression didn’t stop.
“It appeared they were heading at that clock tower to escape. As expected, we can go to another space from there. I don’t know why they are in this kind of place but...well, you guys can talk with them to your heart’s content.”
“Ye, yep.”
“Ou...”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: この日のスケジュールでは、この休耕地で昼食を取った後、農園の人の案内でコスモス畑を見学して回ることになっている。
「まあ、ニコルちゃんになら打ち明けてもいいかな? 予定ではそろそろ畑の管理人さんがやってくるころなんだけどね。姿が見えないのよ」
「姿が? それは大問題じゃない?」
「エリオットは? 彼も非常勤とは言え教師でしょ?」
「いいの? 大丈夫かな......」
「でも無茶しちゃだめよ? ニコルちゃんはこういう時、絶対無茶するんだから」
### ENGLISH: Based on our schedule, once we had our lunch in the idle fields, we were going to have the plantation staff guide us to the Cosmos fields. Following that schedule, we finished our lunch and were having an after-meal rest.
Cortina passed by us while swaying her tail around. She had her thin finger on her chin, a habit of hers whenever she was in deep thought.
“Cortina, what’s wrong?”
“Mmm, oh... It’s you, Nicole. Well, there’s a bit of a problem, you see.”
She looked behind me and hesitated to say it. Based on her conduct, it was probably something she didn’t want the other students to hear.
I stood up from the blanket and followed her to a place separated from the other kids. Letina seemed to have guessed the reason and did not try to follow us. Being in a party with me had sharpened her intuition.
When we came to a place where other students wouldn’t hear us, Cortina finally started to talk.
“Well, I guess I can speak frankly with you. The field supervisor should show up about now, but they are nowhere to be seen.”
“Nowhere to be seen? Isn’t that a big deal?”
The person who should be here wasn’t showing up. That meant either they forgot about today’s plans or something came up and they couldn’t come, or maybe something occurred that made them unable to come.
If they simply forgot about it, that was still fine. If something came up, they should’ve contacted us by all rights. But the worst was if they were unable to come due to some reason.
They could’ve gotten sick, or had some other task. Either way, their safety was the concern now.
“Might be better to go look for them.”
“True, but I can’t just leave the students and go.”
“What about Elliot, then? A part-timer he may be, he’s still a teacher, right?”
“Making him move independently... would be problematic in its own way.”
Despite everything, he was still the king of the United Kingdom of the north. There were still many who aimed for his life. Hence the reason why he had an elite guard like Priscilla accompanying him.
Making him move independently in this countryside would be giving them a perfect opportunity.
“What a pain for a teacher.”
“I’m with you there.”
Cortina giggled seeing me trying to hold back my curses. But with everything said, it wasn’t a good plan to keep on waiting under these circumstances.
“Then, how about we go search for them in your stead.”
“Are you sure? I’m not sure if that’s a good idea...”
“Don’t worry, we may not look like it, but we’ve had our fair share of adventures already.”
Taking Matisse with us would be pushing it, but Michelle and Letina had enough experience to follow me into the forest. They should be plenty good to deal with minor emergencies.
“...Right then. Waiting like this will do us no good, so can I leave that to you?”
“Got it.”
“But don’t be reckless, okay? I know you are the type that tends to be reckless in these situations.”
“......I’ll deal with it sensibly.”
If I saw trouble brewing before my eyes, I tended to be a bit reckless. That’s why, I didn’t say that I wouldn’t, and just dodged the topic with a vague reply.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: そして、彼らは、ビジネス・プラン・コンペティションを開始しました。
彼らは、TEDx のイベントをやると決めました。
私はクリスとケビンから アレックスとハーバーとから 全ての青年から 実に多くを学びました。
「かつては、自分が何者でもないと感じていましたが 今は、なにがしかの人だと感じています。」
収入がそうさせていると考えるのは 完全に間違っていると思います。
人として真に望むのは お互いに見える存在になることなのです。 この青年たちが TEDx イベントを
やろうとしたのは、こんなわけでした。 スラムに来るワークショップといえば HIV に焦点をしぼったもので 良くてもマイクロ・ファイナンス。 もう、うんざりしていました 彼らは、キベラやマサレの
美しさを祝福したかったのです-- フォトジャーナリズムやその他の作品、 落書きアーティスト、教師や起業家とともに。
私自身は、慈善事業をより効率的にすることと、 資本主義をより包括的にすることに 集中しています。
アキュメンファンドでは、慈善の資金を得て 「忍耐力のある資本」と呼ぶ投資をします。 貧しい人たちも受け身で施しを受け取るだけではなく 自分達の問題を自分で解決して 決定していきたいと願う 完全な変化の主人公だと認めるような 起業家へ投資して行きます。
資金は10から15年貸し付けたままにして、 返済されたら、また変化にフォーカスした イノベーションに投資します。
これまでに、5千万ドルを50の会社に投資してきました。 これらの会社は、さらに2億ドルを 見過ごされたマーケットから創出しました。
今年だけでも、マタニティヘルスケア、不動産、 救急サービス、ソーラーエネルギーなど 4000万ドルのサービスを生み出しました。 それは、人々がもっと尊厳をもって自分の 問題に対処できるようにするためです。
「忍耐力のある資本」は 単純な解決や気楽なカテゴリーを 求める人には合わないものです。 私達は利益を単なる手段とは考えないからです。
これらの起業家たちは、 利益よりも人類や地球のことを 重視します。
私達はムーブメントの一部になりたいと望んでいます。 それは、つまり影響を考えること、 もっといえば、私達にとって最も大切なものを考えることです。
私の夢はいつか、 お金を元手にもっと儲ける人だけではなく、 我々のリソースを使って 一番ポジティブな方法で 世界を変えることができる人たちを 見いだして認めるようになることです。
そんな人を称賛し、祝福し、 きちんと地位を与えるようになって初めて 世界は本当に変わるでしょう。
### ENGLISH: And then they created a business plan competition.
Then they decided that they would do TEDx's.
And I have learned so much from Chris and Kevin and Alex and Herbert and all of these young men.
Alex, in some ways, said it best.
He said, "We used to feel like nobodies, but now we feel like somebodies."
And I think we have it all wrong when we think that income is the link.
What we really yearn for as human beings is to be visible to each other.
And the reason these young guys told me that they're doing these TEDx's is because they were sick and tired of the only workshops coming to the slums being those workshops focused on HIV, or at best, microfinance.
And they wanted to celebrate what's beautiful about Kibera and Mathare -- the graffiti artists, the teachers and the entrepreneurs.
And they're doing it.
And my hat's off to you in Kibera.
My own work focuses on making philanthropy more effective and capitalism more inclusive.
At Acumen Fund, we take philanthropic resources and we invest what we call patient capital -- money that will invest in entrepreneurs who see the poor not as passive recipients of charity, but as full-bodied agents of change who want to solve their own problems and make their own decisions.
We leave our money for 10 to 15 years, and when we get it back, we invest in other innovations that focus on change.
I know it works.
We've invested more than 50 million dollars in 50 companies, and those companies have brought another 200 million dollars into these forgotten markets.
This year alone, they've delivered 40 million services like maternal health care and housing, emergency services, solar energy, so that people can have more dignity in solving their problems.
Patient capital is uncomfortable for people searching for simple solutions, easy categories, because we don't see profit as a blunt instrument.
But we find those entrepreneurs who put people and the planet before profit.
And ultimately, we want to be part of a movement that is about measuring impact, measuring what is most important to us.
And my dream is we'll have a world one day where we don't just honor those who take money and make more money from it, but we find those individuals who take our resources and convert it into changing the world in the most positive ways.
And it's only when we honor them and celebrate them and give them status that the world will really change.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 鈴が恵里を追いかけて廃ビル群の向こう側へと消えていった後、雫と龍太郎は襲い来る屍獣兵達人を相手に互角の戦いを繰り広げながら光輝と相対していた。
「・引天〟! 〝四陣・閃華〟!」
「〝一陣・重閃〟! 切り裂け、〝飛爪・四連〟!!」
### ENGLISH: After Suzu pursued Eri and vanished at the other side of the ruined buildings, Shizuku and Ryutaro held a battle evenly against the attacking sixty corpse beast soldiers while also opposing Kouki.
If Ryutaro who metamorphosed his own flesh and invoked advanced metamorphosis magic ‘Sixth Heaven’s Demon Transformation’ to display a monster’s special characteristic approached Kouki, then the soldiers would try to hinder him or possibly take him by surprise, but Shizuku would deal with them.
The swarm of black katana she received from Hajime――’Living Swords’ rushed freely around the battlefield, they cooperated like a single living thing and grouped on the soldiers and cut them down.
Shizuku’s command echoed in the battlefield. Following that command, inside the swarm of twenty katana, four katana cut apart the large shields of the corpse beast soldiers who were possessing defensive type characteristic magic, even space was cut along with them. And then, the ranks of the soldiers became disordered. Four more black katana launched wind blades toward the soldiers who lost their steel shields.
The wind blades soaring invisibly with spectacular timing and mercilessly cut apart two large shield holders. The soldiers didn’t get bisected because of their high defensive power, but both their arms were severed from the shoulder and rotated in the air.
“‘Group Three – Draw Sky’! ‘Group Four – Flash Blossom’!”
Furthermore, nimble soldiers were using the shield holder soldiers as stepping stone, jumping in the air to stab Ryutaro in the back, but they were pulled back forcefully by four black katana shining dark blue. The large sword and spear they held in their hand were attached tight
The large sword user and spear user who exposed fatal opening were immediately split vertically into two by the space rifts launched behind them. As expected, although they were corpse beast soldiers they would be rendered unable to fight without fail after getting bisected vertically like that.
Even the soldiers with healing type characteristic magic would need time to heal the loss of limbs or from getting bisected. And then, there was no way Shizuku would give them that kind of time so this was the same like removing them from the stage.
The soldiers attempted simultaneous attacks from up, down, left, and right to such Shizuku. Reddish black glints’ of eyes stabbed Shizuku, the killing intents rode the wind and caressed her skin.
Yet, a soft mentality that would shrink back against something of that level had already been thrown away by Shizuku. Especially now that at her side she had the swarm of black katana given as protection to her from the man she was in love with.
“‘First Group – Gravity Flash’! Cut apart, ‘Soaring Claw – Four Ream’!!”
Four black katana pointed their tip outward at the four directions around Shizuku and then they orbited around her, the katana even rotated with twirls that looked elegant. The skill that was invoked was a skill that could temporarily cut gravity――’Gravity Flash’.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: まあ、爆発に巻き込まれなかったとしても、普通に潰れて死ぬ。
「帝都城の石材、ついて来い! 連続転移!」
### ENGLISH: Well, even if I wasn’t caught in the explosion, I’ll be crushed to death.
Besides, I have to check the results, so I need to check the drop zone from a safe place.
, now!” (Mitsuha)
Along with the flames of the explosion, the sound of exploding shells echoes.
Compared to firing from a cannon, the velocity of the bullet was slower, so the destruction was superficial.
Besides, as expected, 5 inches was too small a caliber to take down a castle.
I would like to use at least 12 inches here.
If the caliber is 2.4 times larger, the weight of the shell would be about 14 times greater. The power would be an order of magnitude greater.
......But what I don’t have, can’t be used.
I have to fight with what I got in hand!
......Ah, they’re coming out! They’re coming out!
No matter how small of a caliber a 5-inch shell was, it certainly had an effect. In destruction and in spirit.
People were popping out of the castle. Soldiers and non-combatants alike...
Okay, the higher-ups would have evacuated to a secret basement or something, and the rest of the people would have left the building...... perhaps.
The second attack force is to be launched.
Continuous transfer!
This time, it was a dive...... by several small air bombs, not, a free fall bombing.
It would not have a great destructive effect on the stone-made Imperial Castle, but the psychological impact would be great.
Again, I observed from the same location as before to check the effect.
......Dropping in, now!
Okay, now for the Molotov cocktails.
They’re already ignited, so I have to use them even if I don’t want to.
Molotov cocktails were observed dropping three times from the same location.
The Imperial Castle blazes in the evening twilight. It’s beautiful, it’s so picturesque......
Well, it seems easy to extinguish a fire from a Molotov cocktail on the outside of a stone building, but it’s all about the looks.
Okay, next, let’s change the target.
No one would be in the storehouse at dusk, and no soldier would be in the barracks in the middle of such a huge commotion.
Now let’s mix shells and bombs, and do it all at once.
I continuously transfer over what appears to be a food and supply storage facility!
Next, drop the shells and bombs to the barracks, which would be unoccupied!
After that, I’ll let Molotov cocktails rain on the warehouse of a large store that reportedly delivers supplies and food to the military!
......I’m not satisfied, it’s not enough......
As expected, against a stone castle, it would have to be a battleship’s main gun shell or a 500 kg bomb......
Oh, that’s right!
“Stones of the Imperial Castle, follow me! Continuous transfer!” (Mitsuha)
Do go ōo o~o n</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「聞いた事がありませんか。これはこれは私とした事が、ついつい自惚れてしまっておりました。実は私共の商会では主に冒険者用の商品を扱っているのですが、貴女のように楽しくお金を使える方ならば、当商会の商品もきっと気に入ってもらえるかと思いまして声を掛けた次第でございます」
「これは、なんじゃ? というより、そのカバンはアイテムボックスか?」
### ENGLISH: 「You haven’t heard of it before? Now, this was a blunder on my part, it seems I greatly overestimated the reach of my name. My company largely deals in items of interest for adventurers, so I was convinced an adventurer like yourself would most certainly want to inquire about my merchandise when hearing my name, hence the other reason why I spoke to you.」
「I see. Items for adventurers huh...」
Hearing Thedrick, Mira recalled that item Emera had used to negate the smell of rotten flesh. There was a large increase in demand for tools like that now that this world was reality, which was another large change Mira had noticed.
「Oh, do I have your attention now? Then let me give you something special then, on the house. This is the latest product of Dinowal stores, which has not been released officially yet but I’m sure you’ll appreciate it.」
In a showy manner, Thedrick opened the large suitcase and took out an excessively large object from it. It was as big as a mattress, the outside covered in blue cloth while the inside was made of some resilient black material. At first glance, it looked like some thick board, but it had an opening that made it look more like a bag.
「What is that? Or rather, is that suitcase an Item Box?」
That had clearly come out of the suitcase. Thedrick did not possess an Operator’s Bracelet, so he should not be able to use a regular Item Box. But that functionality had been manufactured into the bracelets in that world, so it was easy to imagine the same technology could be used on a suitcase.
Rather than the unreleased item placed in front of her, Mira was more interested in the suitcase.
「Yes, that’s exactly right. It’s another application of the same tech used in the Operator’s Bracelets high-level adventurers use. Though this suitcase was made to order, so it’s the only one in existence.」
Operator’s Bracelets were handed to adventurers as rented items, as their manufacturing cost was quite high. Yet Thedrick had employed that expensive tech and etched it into the suitcase which he used as a personal item. Mira was unaware of most details surrounding that, so she was oblivious to just how costly something like that was.
「Either way, I would prefer if you paid attention to this item here now.」
「Oh right. What is this?」
「This is a next-generation sleeping bag.」
Mira’s eyes focused on the mysterious item resting still on the ground. Thedrick proudly slid his hand into the opening in the blue cloth, pulling it open and turning what once looked like a boring plank into a bed mattress. He pulled again, which made pillows appear on top.
「Hohh... that’s quite marvelous.」
「It appears I’ve piqued your interest. Let me explain in more detail then.」</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「安心しろ傷つけはしない。必ず守る。我等が敵は
「ラニ。行こう? はやくセイリーン様の氷も溶かしてあげないとね」
「うん――! じゃ、じゃあ......!」
「ほんとだ! 雨宿りしよ、クリス!」
「中に入って、毛布を着た方がいいよ? 風邪ひくから」
### ENGLISH: 「Be at ease, we won’t hurt them. We will make sure to protect them. Our enemies are Highlanders alone.」
「Well, then. Let us meet again.」
「As opponents, gladly.」
Inglis shot a sharp glance towards Black Mask.
「For a girl with the appearance of an angel, she is fearsome...」
As expected, even Black Mask was perplexed by Inglis.
「Let’s go, Rani? We have to melt the ice soon.」
「Yeah! G-, goodbye...!」
Rafinha gave a small bow towards Black Mask and Cystia before she ran after Inglis.
These people made Cyrene drink Prism Powder in the first place, Rafinha shouldn’t have any reason to give them any courtesy.
It only showed how relieved Rafinha was since Cyrene was ultimately not killed, albeit even if that meant becoming an icicle.
After leaving the town Nova behind them, Inglis and Rafinha continued their journey towards the capital.
By now, they were just a few hours away from the town of Arlman, the town where the carcass of a Prisma was encased in ice.
splash—— splash——
Raindrops fell on the tip of Inglis’ nose while she was sitting on the coach’s seat.
「Ah, it’s raining.」
Fortunately, it wasn’t Prism Flow, just regular rain.
However, nobody could tell when the rain would turn into Prism Flow.
As such, it was best to seek shelter as soon as rain fell.
「Sure is! Let’s take shelter, Glis!」
「Yeah. Let’s move under that tree.」
Inglis led the wagon towards the shelter of a large tree.
「An obstacle so soon... Even though I want to reach Arlman as fast as possible.」
「There’s no other way. Let’s take our time. There’s still time until the Knighting School’s entrance ceremony, after all.」
Rafinha sprawled her body out on the coach’s seat.
「Why don’t we get in and put on some blankets? You’ll get a cold otherwise.」
Just after saying that, some squirming movements were evident from Inglis’ clothes in her chest area.
The one that popped out from her cleavage was the small figure of Cyrene, a mini Magic Stone Beast.
Cyrene, after being shrunk by Black Mask, was mobile as soon as the ice was thawed.
She was adorable in her palm-sized figure, but she was still a Magic Stone Beast.
She couldn’t talk and her temperament was fundamentally aggressive, but she gradually got used to her new circumstances, as she seemed to recognize both Inglis and Rafinha.After traveling together for some time, she had now become something akin to a pet to them.
The two called her Rene, taken from the last two syllables of Cyrene’s name.Although, the only troublesome part of the whole ordeal was that Rene’s favorite spot was Inglis’ cleavage.
Rafinha’s chest was too modest for Rene’s taste, so she would always snuggle in Inglis’ whenever she wanted to be enveloped by cleavages.「R-, Rene. Don’t move around so much, you’re tickling me...」
After showing an adorable gesture of tilting her neck in confusion, Rene dived in again.
And then—
Squirm squirm squirm squirm!
She rustled around even more than before!</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「マクファーレンが自分に不利な証拠を追加するために、夜、留置所を抜け出してきたとでも思うんですか?
### ENGLISH: ``I don't know whether you think that McFarlane came out of jail in the dead of the night in order to strengthen the evidence against himself,''
``I leave it to any expert in the world whether that is not the mark of his thumb.''
``It is unquestionably the mark of his thumb.''
``There, that's enough,''
``I am a practical man, Mr. Holmes,
and when I have got my evidence I come to my conclusions.
If you have anything to say, you will find me writing my report in the sitting-room.''
Holmes had recovered his equanimity, though I still seemed to detect gleams of amusement in his expression.
``Dear me, this is a very sad development, Watson, is it not?''
``And yet there are singular points about it which hold out some hopes for our client.''
``I am delighted to hear it,''
said I, heartily.
``I was afraid it was all up with him.''
``I would hardly go so far as to say that, my dear Watson.
The fact is that there is one really serious flaw in this evidence to which our friend attaches so much importance.''
``Indeed, Holmes!
What is it?''
``Only this:
that I know that that mark was not there when I examined the hall yesterday.
And now, Watson, let us have a little stroll round in the sunshine.''
With a confused brain, but with a heart into which some warmth of hope was returning, I accompanied my friend in a walk round the garden.
Holmes took each face of the house in turn, and examined it with great interest.
He then led the way inside, and went over the whole building from basement to attic.
Most of the rooms were unfurnished, but none the less Holmes inspected them all minutely.
Finally, on the top corridor, which ran outside three untenanted bedrooms, he again was seized with a spasm of merriment.
``There are really some very unique features about this case, Watson,''
``I think it is time now that we took our friend Lestrade into our confidence.
He has had his little smile at our expense, and perhaps we may do as much by him,
if my reading of this problem proves to be correct.
Yes, yes, I think I see how we should approach it.''
The Scotland Yard inspector was still writing in the parlour when Holmes interrupted him.
``I understood that you were writing a report of this case,''
``So I am.''
``Don't you think it may be a little premature?
I can't help thinking that your evidence is not complete.''
Lestrade knew my friend too well to disregard his words.
He laid down his pen and looked curiously at him.
``What do you mean, Mr. Holmes?''
``Only that there is an important witness whom you have not seen.''
``Can you produce him?''
``I think I can.''
``Then do so.''</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 書類を手にしたまま、ユーリカは先導する様に歩き出す。ミラはタクトの手を取ると完全に忘れていた事を悟られぬ為、さも当然とばかりにユーリカの後を追う。
「分かるか? まあまずは、これを受け取ってくれ」
ミラがカードからレオニールに視線を移すと、レオニールはテーブルの上に折り畳まれていた地図を広げた。それは、アーク・アース オンラインの舞台となるシュメゴーフェ地方とその周辺諸島の地図だった。
### ENGLISH: While holding the documents, Eureka walked ahead to lead them. Mira took Takuto’s hand and followed after Eureka.
「Miss Mira has arrived.」
Knocking on the Union chief’s door, Eureka’s voice resounded.
「Oh! Enter, enter.」
From inside the room, an excited voice could be heard.
「Well then, Little Takuto, come here. While Big Sis Mira is talking, we should go test your aptitude.」
Eureka leaned forward to match Takuto’s height and extended her hand to him. Takuto quickly glanced at Mira.
「I might take some time, go on.」
Mira let go of his hand and lightly stroked Takuto’s head.
Takuto nodded energetically and was taken by Eureka to the spellcasters’ aptitude examination room.
「Please excuse me.」
Mira opened the door after calling out. Entering the Union chief’s room, Leoneil welcomed her while cheerfully tipping a glass towards the young lady.
「Hmm, you seem to be in a good mood.」
While saying so, Mira sat in the chair opposite of Leoneil. A bit later, the secretary laid some tea and cake on the table in front of Mira while barely making any sound.
When Mira came the other day, the two chatted and hit it off well. As such, they learned that both of them were bad with formalities and had decided not to care about such things. Also, Mira shrewdly requested the secretary to serve some cake and tea whenever she comes.
「Well, take this for now.」
While putting some cake into her mouth, Mira glanced at Leoneil who was looking at two things placed on the table. One was a black card and the other was an envelope.
「Is this the thing you said was related to Solomon?」
Mira asked while placing her fork beside her plate and taking the card. The surface of the card was black and smooth like glass, and engraved on the back there were complicated symbols and magic circles.
「That is a pass for restricted areas.」
「Restricted areas, you say?」
Mira directed her gaze from the card to Leoneil who had unfolded a map onto the table. On it was the scenery of Ark Earth Online’s Schmägfen region and its surrounding islands.
「Do you know of the Tenma Labyrinth dungeons?」
「Tenma Labyrinth? I am aware of it」
Tenma Labyrinth. That was the nickname of multiple dungeons existing in this continent which had a very peculiar nature. Mira has visited them countless times, so she naturally nodded.
「Then this talk will be quick. That place was shrouded in mystery for a long time now, but recently the number of mysteries has increased. And now, it has been designated as a special restricted area.」</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 女性の身ならではの楽しみなので、せっかくなので楽しんでみようかと思っている。
「ねね、クリス、このリボンで髪を結んでみて? また印象が変わって可愛いわよ?」
「わ~! それもいい! いいわね~!」
「ですねえ♪ あ、次はこの服はどうですか? イングリス様に似合うと思って、置いておいたんですよ!」
### ENGLISH: This was, after all, the kind of guilty pleasure a female could enjoy. So, there was technically nothing wrong with her indulging in the activity as a female.
Moreover, it provided a good respite from all her days of training.
Although she had initially been embarrassed with the activity, she had grown accustomed and developed a liking for it after the numerous times of being dressed up by Rafinha.
Plus, even though it sounded impertinent coming from herself, Inglis was indeed very beautiful and literally anything would look good on her.
「Hey, hey, Glis, why don’t you tie your hair with this ribbon? It may change the whole impression, you know? You’ll look cute.」
「Of course. Then, do you want to tie it for me?」
「Okay, you two. Let me give you a hand 𝅘𝅥𝅮」
「Thank you, Miss Seamstress.」
「No problem. After all, I’m a woman too. I can’t help but want to see pretty things.」
And thus, with her silver hair tied up, her entire outlook did a three-sixty, making her look even more mature.
Inglis stood in front of the mirror with a pleased grin.
「Waah~! This is good too! It’s so good~!」
「Isn’t it 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Ah, what about this gown next? I placed it here just now since I think it’ll suit young miss Inglis! 」
「Then, let’s wear that one too, Glis!」
「Hahaha. I understand. Let’s.」
They then spent their day having fun dressing up Inglis until evening came.
As Inglis and Rafinha made their way back to the mansion, a massive shadow passed them by in the sky.
It was... a floating island.
It was so enormous that it was easily double the size of the fortified city of Ymir.
Even more miraculously, there were signs of people living on that floating island.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 父はそれが仕事でした そんな家で育つのは面白いものです
父のする仕事の意味や 何でそんなものが大切なのか いろいろ考えさせられたものです
子供の頃から 悪いデザインについて よく聞かされました 「ジョン 作る人が考えないから こうなるんだ」 何か問題が起こる度に父は言いました 子供が芝刈り機で怪我したり タイプライターのリボンが絡まったり 泡立て器がつっかかって動かなくなったり
よく考えないで作るから こういう事が起こる
ジョン 物はそれぞれ目的を持って 使う人を考えて作られるべきだ
ジョン 物はそれぞれ目的を持って 使う人を考えて作られるべきだ
使う人と物の両方が主役であることを 忘れてはいけない
「良いデザインとは--」父は続けます 「意図がなければならない」
父はIBM 360 コンピューターの 操作パネルのデザインに関わりました
重要な仕事でした コダックでの仕事も重要なものでした
スチールケース社での机や椅子などの オフィス家具のデザインも重要な仕事でした
我が家ではデザインは重要でした 生活がかかっていたのですから
ディキシーランド・ジャズバンドの仲間と ルイ・アームストロングの曲をよく演奏していました
時々父に尋ねたものです 「レコードみたいな演奏がしたいの?」
「いやジョン それではダメなんだ
それを自分なりに演奏するんだ 自分でデザインするんだよ
自分が何を意図としているのか 聞かせないと」
お父さん お父さん
この言葉について ちょっと考えて見ましょう
この車椅子も そんなものかもしれませんね?
楽譜にあるのは ちょっと怖い曲です
「可哀想に あの人どうしたんだろう
歩けないんだって 何があったのかな
あまり人には話したくないのですが 今日はどうしてこうなったのか お話します
36年前の丁度この週でした デザインの悪い車に乗っていて デザインの悪いガードレールにぶつかり デザインの悪いペンシルベニアの道から 60 メートルの土手を まっすぐに落っこったのです 車内の二人が死亡し
それ以来 車椅子が 私の生活の前提となったのです
私の人生はデザインの良し悪しに 左右される人生です
### ENGLISH: I had to figure out what it is my dad did and why it was important.
Dad talked a lot about bad design when we were growing up, you know, "Bad design is just people not thinking, John," he would say whenever a kid would be injured by a rotary lawn mower or, say, a typewriter ribbon would get tangled or an eggbeater would get jammed in the kitchen.
You know, "Design -- bad design, there's just no excuse for it.
It's letting stuff happen without thinking about it.
Every object should be about something, John.
It should imagine a user.
It should cast that user in a story starring the user and the object.
Good design," my dad said, "is about supplying intent."
That's what he said.
Dad helped design the control panels for the IBM 360 computer.
That was a big deal; that was important. He worked for Kodak for a while; that was important.
He designed chairs and desks and other office equipment for Steelcase; that was important.
I knew design was important in my house because, for heaven's sake, it put food on our table, right?
And design was in everything my dad did.
He had a Dixieland jazz band when we were growing up, and he would always cover Louis Armstrong tunes.
And I would ask him every once in a while, "Dad, do you want it to sound like the record?"
We had lots of old jazz records lying around the house.
And he said, "No, never, John, never.
The song is just a given, that's how you have to think about it.
You gotta make it your own. You gotta design it.
Show everyone what you intend," is what he said.
"Doing that, acting by design, is what we all should be doing.
It's where we all belong."
All of us? Designers?
Oh, oh, Dad. Oh, Dad.
The song is just a given.
It's how you cover it that matters.
Well, let's hold on to that thought for just a minute.
It's kind of like this wheelchair I'm in, right?
The original tune? It's a little scary.
"Ooh, what happened to that dude?
He can't walk. Anybody know the story?
I don't like to talk about this very much, but I'll tell you guys the story today.
All right, exactly 36 years ago this week, that's right, I was in a poorly designed automobile that hit a poorly designed guardrail on a poorly designed road in Pennsylvania, and plummeted down a 200-foot embankment and killed two people in the car.
But ever since then, the wheelchair has been a given in my life.
My life, at the mercy of good design and bad design.
Think about it. Now, in design terms, a wheelchair is a very difficult object.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 昨日 私は家の近くの スーパーマーケットに行ってきました そこは私がよく行くところで 彼らが何を捨てているのか 調べることができます
そこで私はフルーツや野菜が 捨てられている中に 大量のビスケットを 見つけました
私は これで今日の状況を 表してみようと思いました
私がゴミ箱の中でみつけたビスケットが 世界の食料供給を表していると考えてください いいですか? はじめは9枚です
これが 世界中で1年間に生産される 食料がだと考えます
1枚目は農場から出荷される前に 消えてしまいます
これは主に未発達な農業技術のせいです インフラの整備や 冷蔵技術 低温殺菌 穀物の貯蔵 フルーツの箱詰めなどの 関連技術が未発達であれば 市場に出せない食料は 農場を離れる前に捨てられることになります
次の3枚のビスケットは人間が食べるのではなく 家畜に与えるトウモロコシや小麦 大豆などです
残念ながら家畜はエネルギー効率が悪いので 食べた食料の3分の2のエネルギーは 糞になったり熱として消費されたりします なので2枚は家畜が消費し 手元には肉や乳製品の形で 1枚だけ残ります
これが食料廃棄と聞いて みなさんの頭に浮かぶものです 家庭やスーパーのゴミ箱 レストランのゴミ箱などに 捨てられる食料です こうして2枚を失い 私たちが食べられるビスケットは わずか4枚になりました
これでは地球上の資源を 有効に活用しているとは言えませんよね 特に今日 何十億もの人が飢餓に苦しんでいるのに このままでいいのでしょうか
データを整理した後に私がしたことは これらの廃棄食料が どこに行っているのかを示すことでした
食卓に並べられることのなかった 廃棄食料は どこに行ったのでしょう?
では まずスーパーマーケットから始めてみましょう
するべきことは 私の大好きな ゴミ箱調査です 何でこんな事をするのかと 思われるでしょうが お店の裏で何が行われているのか 会社側が正直に話してくれれば こそこそと裏手に回ってみて ゴミ箱を開けて 中を調べる必要はありません
でもこれが ヨーロッパ そして北米での 街角の光景です
これは食品の大量廃棄の様子です ただ 本を書きながら気付いたのです これはまだ大規模な食料廃棄問題の 氷山の一角にすぎないのです
どんどん生産元へとさかのぼっていくと 食料廃棄がさらに大きな規模で 起こっていることが わかったのです
すみませんが 家に食パンがある人は 挙手をお願いできますか?
### ENGLISH: And yesterday, I went to one of the local supermarkets that I often visit to inspect, if you like, what they're throwing away.
I found quite a few packets of biscuits amongst all the fruit and vegetables and everything else that was in there.
And I thought, well this could serve as a symbol for today.
So I want you to imagine that these nine biscuits that I found in the bin represent the global food supply, okay? We start out with nine.
That's what's in fields around the world every single year.
The first biscuit we're going to lose before we even leave the farm.
That's a problem primarily associated with developing work agriculture, whether it's a lack of infrastructure, refrigeration, pasteurization, grain stores, even basic fruit crates, which means that food goes to waste before it even leaves the fields.
The next three biscuits are the foods that we decide to feed to livestock, the maize, the wheat and the soya.
Unfortunately, our beasts are inefficient animals, and they turn two-thirds of that into feces and heat, so we've lost those two, and we've only kept this one in meat and dairy products.
Two more we're going to throw away directly into bins.
This is what most of us think of when we think of food waste, what ends up in the garbage, what ends up in supermarket bins, what ends up in restaurant bins. We've lost another two, and we've left ourselves with just four biscuits to feed on.
That is not a superlatively efficient use of global resources, especially when you think of the billion hungry people that exist already in the world.
Having gone through the data, I then needed to demonstrate where that food ends up.
Where does it end up? We're used to seeing the stuff on our plates, but what about all the stuff that goes missing in between?
Supermarkets are an easy place to start.
This is the result of my hobby, which is unofficial bin inspections. Strange you might think, but if we could rely on corporations to tell us what they were doing in the back of their stores, we wouldn't need to go sneaking around the back, opening up bins and having a look at what's inside.
every street corner in Britain, in Europe, in North America.
It represents a colossal waste of food, but what I discovered whilst I was writing my book was that this very evident abundance of waste was actually the tip of the iceberg.
When you start going up the supply chain, you find where the real food waste is happening on a gargantuan scale.
Can I have a show of hands if you have a loaf of sliced bread in your house?</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 研究で明らかになったのは 一人当たりの国民所得が 年間千ドルの場合 その国の民主主義は 8年半継続する試算です
一人当たりの国民所得が 年間2千から4千ドルの場合でも 民主主義は33年しか 継続しません
一人当たりの国民所得が 年間6千ドルを超える場合のみ 何が起ころうと 民主主義が継続し続けるでしょう
このことが教えてくれるのは 政府の説明責任を追求できる ミドルクラスを 先ず構築する必要があることです
でも 更に考えられるのは 世界中に民主主義を 押し付けることは 注意が必要であるということです なぜなら 最終的には 非自由主義的民主主義に陥るリスクが伴い 市民が追い払いたいと願う 独裁主義政権よりも たちが悪いかもしれないのです 独裁主義政権よりも たちが悪いかもしれないのです
反自由主義が のさばる国を見れば その酷い顛末がお分かりでしょう
Freedom Houseは 世界の5割が 民主主義国家であるとしていますが その内の7割の実態は 言論や移動の自由が制約され 反自由主義を呈しています
更にFreedom Houseが 昨年 出版した報告書によると 過去7年間に渡り 年々 自由が後退しているというのです
このことが 私のように 自由民主主義を大事に考える者たちに 伝えているのは 私たちは もっと持続的な方法を見つけ 持続可能な形の民主主義で 自由主義の方向に進めなければならず それは経済に根差すということです
しかし 専門家によると 2016年までに 中国が世界最強の 経済大国に近づくことが 予想されており 結果として 欧米社会と他国間の 政治・経済的な イデオロギーの分裂が 広がるそうです
私が思うに 世界は もっと国家が介入する 国家資本主義に変容し 国家による保護主義が広がります しかし 少し前に指摘したように 政治的権利や個人の権利が 大幅に失われます
私たちに投げかけられる問いは 欧米諸国は何をすべきかです
欧米諸国は「競争」か「協力」 どちらかの道に歩むことができます
もし欧米が中国のモデルを 潰しにかかって そのために世界中で 民間資本主義と自由民主主義を 押し付けて回ることは 向かい風に ― 立ち向かっているようなものです でも これも欧米にとっては 自然な流れなのでしょう なぜなら 民主主義を優先せず 国家資本主義を推し進める 中国モデルの アンチテーゼなのですから
ただし その結果はどうでしょう もし欧米諸国が競争に走れば 広範囲に及ぶ亀裂が起きるでしょう
### ENGLISH: The study found that if your per capita income is about 1,000 dollars a year, your democracy will last about eight and a half years.
If your per capita income is between 2,000 and 4,000 dollars per year, then you're likely to only get 33 years of democracy.
And only if your per capita income is above 6,000 dollars a year will you have democracy come hell or high water.
What this is telling us is that we need to first establish a middle class that is able to hold the government accountable.
But perhaps it's also telling us around the world and shoehorning democracy, because ultimately we run the risk of ending up with illiberal democracies, democracies that in some sense could be worse than the authoritarian governments that they seek to replace.
The evidence around illiberal democracies is quite depressing.
Freedom House finds that although 50 percent of the world's countries today are democratic, 70 percent of those countries are illiberal in the sense that people don't have free speech or freedom of movement.
But also, we're finding from Freedom House in a study that they published last year that freedom has been on the decline every year for the past seven years.
What this says is that for people like me who care about liberal democracy, is we've got to find a more sustainable way of ensuring that we have a sustainable form of democracy in a liberal way, and that has its roots in economics.
But it also says that as China moves toward being the largest economy in the world, something that is expected to happen by experts in 2016, that this schism between the political and economic ideologies of the West and the rest is likely to widen.
What might that world look like?
Well, the world could look like more state involvement and state capitalism; greater protectionisms of nation-states; but also, as I just pointed out a moment ago, ever-declining political rights and individual rights.
The question that is left for us in general is, what then should the West be doing?
And I suggest that they have two options.
The West can either compete or cooperate.
If the West chooses to compete with the Chinese model, and in effect go around the world of private capitalism and liberal democracy, this is basically going against headwinds, but it also would be a natural stance for the West to take because in many ways it is the antithesis of the Chinese model of de-prioritizing democracy, and state capitalism.
Now the fact of the matter is, if the West decides to compete, it will create a wider schism.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 人体においてもっとも不経済な組織のうちの二つは 神経組織と消化組織です
そして1995年よりも前に驚くべき結果を生むことになる ある仮説を提唱していた人がいたことが判明しました
彼女の論文は 神経組織の為に消化組織は 犠牲になったと提唱していました
ある体質量に対して大きな脳を望めば 消化管は小さくならざるを得ません
そこでこの二つは関連していると はっきりと思ったんです
こうして 食べ物と情報の生産は同じものだと考えました 我々は情報の狩猟採集民だったんです
そこから 私達は情報を生み出す生産者へと移行したんです
今日 目にする知的財産権争いは これで本当に説明できますか? 今日 目にする知的財産権争いは これで本当に説明できますか?
元々は狩猟採集民族だった人々が 欲しいままの情報取得を求めたのに対して 情報の生産に従事していた人々は 情報の囲い込みを行って 所有権と富を獲得し 体系と訴訟を生み出しました
耕作においては常に 農耕民と狩猟民の中の食通の間では 大きな衝突があったそうです
調理段階でも二つの見解があること以外 状況は同じでした
蒸留して そこから価値を抽出して 提供することができると片方は主張しますが もう一方はそんなのダメだ 熟成させないと言います
一つにして すりつぶしてこそ 価値が出るという主張です
というのも当時 消費の方法は 本当に多種多様なんだと私は気づき始めたんです
情報について考えてみても いつも同じことが言えます
マニアックな類似点が見えてきました 情報にも消費期限があって 日付表示の間違った情報は人々を欺き 株式市場や企業価値に 実際に影響を及ぼすこともあります
次に疑問に思い始めたことは 私たちは事実とフィクションを混ぜてしまうということです ノンフィクション・フィクションとでも呼びましょうか 情報の何%が事実かを 数値化する時代がやってくるんでしょうか?
情報の何%が事実かを 数値化する時代がやってくるんでしょうか?
情報に事実含有量のラベルを貼ることになるんでしょうか? 情報供給が遮断されると 情報の空腹を感じる日がくるのでしょうか?
そろそろ 話は大詰めです
### ENGLISH: And what transpired was that people had put forward a hypothesis that was apparently coming up with some fabulous results by about 1995.
It's a lady named Leslie Aiello.
And the paper then suggested that you traded one for the other.
If you wanted your brain for a particular body mass to be large, you had to live with a smaller gut.
That then set me off completely to say, Okay, these two are connected.
So I looked at the cultivation of information as if it were food and said, So we were hunter-gathers of information.
We moved from that to becoming farmers and cultivators of information.
Does that really explain what we're seeing with the intellectual property battles nowadays?
Because those people who were hunter-gatherers in origin wanted to be free and roam and pick up information as they wanted, and those that were in the business of farming information wanted to build fences around it, create ownership and wealth and structure and settlement.
So there was always going to be a tension within that.
And everything I saw in the cultivation said there were huge fights amongst the foodies between the cultivators and the hunter-gatherers.
And this is happening here.
When I moved to preparation, this same thing was true, expect that there were two schools.
One group of people said you can distill your information, you can extract value, separate it and serve it up, while another group turned around and said no, no you can ferment it.
You bring it all together and mash it up and the value emerges that way.
The same is again true with information.
But consumption was where it started getting really enjoyable.
Because what I began to see then was there were so many different ways people would consume this.
They'd buy it from the shop as raw ingredients.
Do you cook it? Do you have it served to you?
Do you go to a restaurant?
The same is true every time as I started thinking about information.
The analogies were getting crazy -- that information had sell-by dates, that people had misused information that wasn't dated properly and could really make an effect on the stock market, on corporate values, etc.
And by this time I was hooked.
And this is about 23 years into this process.
And I began to start thinking of myself as we start having mash-ups of fact and fiction, docu-dramas, mockumentaries, whatever you call it. Are we going to reach the stage where information has a percentage for fact associated with it?
We start labeling information for the fact percentage?
Are we going to start looking at what happens when your information source is turned off, as a famine?
Which brings me to the final element of this.
Clay Shirky once stated that there is no such animal as information overload, there is only filter failure. I put it to you that information, if viewed from the point of food, is never a production issue; you never speak of food overload.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「ぐっ、それはそうだが、心意気というかなんというか......」
### ENGLISH: “It’s fine. This small change will not cover it anyway.”
“Ugh, you have a point, but it affects my conscience...”
“If you fall into a poor life because of that, your parents will hate me. Sir Lyell aside, I don’t want to be hated by Miss Maria. She’s honestly scary.”
“I get you.”
I reflexively agreed.
But well, we were talking about our remuneration now. As she said, what she has done for me could not be repaid by mere money. I had to prepare something else instead.
“I see. Then I’ll obediently accept it this time. I will pay you back when another chance arises.”
“Hehe, I’ll be looking forward to it.”
She waved her hand with those words, and the Fire Phosphorite disappeared in a flash. It could have been teleportation magic, or perhaps dimensional storage. Either way, I couldn’t understand what she did.
“Well then, before long.”
Then, she turned her back on us and disappeared into the crowd of hustling people.
Given how she appeared completely randomly, I’m sure she would show up again as she said.
With that in mind, this parting only felt half as sad as it should have been. The way she spoiled things like that was really like her.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「? どうして二人だけなんですか? ......ハッ!? まさか、ユエさんとしっぽりねっとりする気ですか!? いつもみたいに! いつもみたいにっ!!」
「なっ!? そうなの、ハジメくん!? ダメ、絶対ダメ! こんな状況で何考えてるの!」
「むっ? ユエばかりずるいのぅ~。......のぅ、ご主人様よ。妾も参戦してよいかの?」
「その夜戦は、帝城への侵入のことを言ってるんだよな? そういう意味だよな?」
「お、大人だぁ! 同級生が凄く大人な会話しているよぉ、シズシズ、どうしよう!」
「......やっぱりそういう事してるのね。......でも、香織はまだ? ......どうしましょう? ここは親友として応援すべき? それともまだ早いと諌めるべき? ......わからないわ。私には会話のレベルが高すぎる!」
### ENGLISH: “? Why is it only you two? ....Ha!? Surely, your not just trying to get some time alone with Yue!? Always! Always!!”
“Na!? Is that so Hajime-san!? No, that’s no good! Just what are you thinking in this situation!”
“Mu? Its always only Yue~. ....hey, husband. May i participate in the battle too?”
With the suspicion of Shia and Kaori who sensitively reacts to it, and, to Teio that demands a 3P, Hajime instinctively threw out a tsukkomi.
Kui~Kui~ Hajime’s sleeve was pulled. It was Yue with blushed cheeks glancing upwards at Hajime.
“.....We’re doing it outside?”
“No, because we’re not doing it”
“.....Then, we’re doing it indoors?”
“No, its not a problem of where we do it. Please just leave it there”
“.....Muu, i understand. I’ll prepare for the battle at night”
“The battle at night, you’re talking about the invasion of the Imperial castle right? that’s what you mean right?”
Yue’s joke is clear. .....It must be a joke. Though her eyes had a sharpness to them which resembles a wild wolf about to prance on its prey with a bewitching atmosphere.
On the other hand, Shizuku who had been watching the exchanges of Hajime was considerably confused.
“O, How mature! It should be a conversation between classmates, but its a mature topic
“....Afterall what can i do. ....But, Kaori still? .....What should i do? should I be supporting my best friend here? Or should I scold them while its not too late? ....I don’t understand. The level of the conversation is too high for me!”
With Suzu who was blushing and hiding herself behind Shizuku while squirming to keep the ero inside, and Shizuku was muttering things, “Are you Okan ka!
“You guys stop it already.....The reason why its just Yue and me is because if Nedeiru isn’t obedient, a politer “talk” will be needed, Yue who’s accustomed to Reproduction magic will be useful.....”
“Even i can use Reproduction magic.....”
“Kaori, you should leave it to Yue this time.”
Nedeiru was a soldier of the Empire, he wouldn’t obediently give information about the Imperial castle. In other words “Force” will be used through questioning. And, Reprodction magic would be useful in order to use “Force” properly, its too severe for Kaori, Shizuku who guessed Hajime’s intentions calms Kaori down.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 靄のかかったような陽光が降り注ぐ朝、畳敷きの部屋で仄かな日本の気配に包まれながらまどろんでいると、突如、空に溶かしこんだような鐘の音が響く。
### ENGLISH: The morning soon passed through a thin veil of mist before entering Mira’s Japanese-style room. Still drowsy, she heard what sounded like a bell melded into the air.
「Mm... what’s that noise?」
Mira peeked her face out of the blankets, looking around. She managed to pinpoint the source as somewhere outside her window, and then the sound stopped.
『Notice from the continental railroads: A train departed from Woodholm station at :, expected to arrive on the left lane here at :. Notice from the continental railroads...』
It was an announcement from the station, indicating the state of the trains departing and arriving. Since this world did not schedule everything to the minute like in the modern world, they broadcasted everything daily like that.
When the announcement was over, Mira opened her menu and checked the time, :30.
(That gives me around four hours left.)
Mira lazily pulled herself up, stretching lightly before walking to the window. She rubbed her sleepy eyes with the palms of her hands before she looked at the morning scene outside, seeing a broad scene of people from all races and in all sorts of attire walking from one place to another. Looking up a bit, she saw the large building of the station, waves of people walking in and out in droves.
She watched the crowds absentmindedly for a while, until the station finally reminded her of her experience last night.
She had only taken a quick peek inside the station, but it was large enough that it would take her a long time to explore fully.
She really wanted to explore the station before she had to leave, so she hurried to get out of her night robe and she went through her morning preparations. First, she washed her face in an ornate sink similar to what one would find in a shrine, then she sat on the Japanese toilet and it was time to change into her Magic Robe Set.
「Oh right, I almost forgot.」
Muttering to herself, she lightly flicked the small bell fixed next to the flowers in the room. The waitress had told her that was the signal for breakfast to be brought to her room last night.
Once she was done changing, she poured herself some tea and sat down. Some time passed like that, with her doing nothing but just leisurely drinking from her cup.
「So peaceful...」
She muttered, sounding like an old man in retirement with nothing exciting left in his life.
「Good morning. I brought your breakfast.」
A pleasant and calm voice came from the corridor outside, ringing clearly inside the room. Mira stood up, turned the key and let the waitress pass.
The food she placed on top of the table replicated a Japanese breakfast perfectly.
Mira sat at the table, almost salivating for it already. The waitress explained all the items in front of her, just like she had done the night prior, and then Mira grasped for the natto and began mixing it around.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 当人と、心配をするものと。意見がすれ違ったときにはどちらが強いのか。
「大昇降機を? 赤字じゃないか」
### ENGLISH: It is a matter of who is stronger in disagreements between the person and the one who worries.
Mitrof insisted he was fine and wanted to continue exploring the labyrinth.
Canule, though feeling embarrassed under the hood, insisted on giving up exploring while avoiding eye contact with Mitrof.
In reality, Mitrof’s left arm still felt numb and painful. His arm felt awkward to move, as if he had strained his muscles from strenuous exercise. Applying force caused a dull ache, and his arm’s mobility was restricted.
Mitrof tried to keep this a secret and wanted to continue forward.
“The antidote has worked well—thanks to the rest, the pain has subsided—let’s move forward.”
The harvest after going down to the th floor is small. Hunting paraponeras without any gains from defeating them would put today’s balance in the red, just from using the antidote.
“I am sorry, Mitrof-sama. If we want to explore unknown territories, we should be in perfect condition—we should not underestimate the effects of the poison.”
Mitrof pursed his lips, feeling that his protector was being overly cautious.
Just as they were about to leave, a group of adventurers came up behind them and passed by them at the end of the corridor.
It seemed like they overheard what was being discussed, leaving behind lukewarm glances.
“On the way back, please use the great elevator.”
Canule said after seeing the adventurers off.
“The great elevator?—It’s going to put us in the red.”
“Only Mitrof-sama will be using it—I will walk back—with that being said, I do a little more exploring.”
Mitrof pulled his chin back. The excess fat overlapped, creating a blob of fat around his neck.
“If you don’t like the great elevator, let’s just walk back now while we still have energy to spare.”
Mitrof agreed, acknowledging that Canule was right.
It would be too late to turn back after running out of energy. There may be situations where Mitrof must fight monsters on the way back.
Even if he feels alright now, it’s possible that the poisoning will flare up again in a few dozen minutes.
Mitrof could insist on continuing and force his way through, but Canule is watching him.
She blocks the way with her hands on her waist, standing in a warrior stance. Canule’s determination was unwavering.
Mitrof groaned and reluctantly nodded.
“...I understand—let’s turn back today.”
“Really? Mitrof-sama is a good boy.”
Canule said cheerfully. Her voice was light and airy.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 小さな喘ぎのような声と淫靡さの漂う音を立てながらハジメの首筋に舌を這わせる美貌の少女の姿に、血を吸うという普通に考えれば感じるはずのおぞましさやユエの種族に対する疑問すら忘れて、周囲の男達は前かがみになった。領主だけは、流石というべきか、驚愕からも立ち直り、鋭い眼光でハジメ達を見ている。頭の中では色々考えているのだろう。ちょっと鼻息が荒い気がするし、目も血走っている気がするが、いたって真面目に考察しているに違いない。
ハジメから血をもらい〝血力変換〟により魔力に変換したユエは、そっと、ハジメの首筋から体を離すと、一度舌舐りし、今度はハジメの唇にキスをした。熱を孕んだ瞳で見つめ合うハジメとユエに、ゴホンッ! と咳払いが届く。領主ランズィと前屈みのお供達だ。ハジメとユエは、しまったという苦笑いをすると......向きを変えて再度キスをしだした。
### ENGLISH: The appearance of the beautiful little girl using her tongue to lick the scruff of Hajime’s neck while making small, lewd, gasping sounds made everyone forgot to question Yue’s race, when thinking normally, was actually the hateful, bloodsucker. The surrounding men were slouching. Only the Lord, as expected of a Lord, had recovered from his astonishment and stared daggers at Hajime’s party. A lot of things were swirling inside his head. He thought they were being a little too arrogant, he thought of things seriously and his eyes became bloodshot.
Incidentally, though Tio also wanted to exhibit her pervertedness, she was completely blindfolding Myuu from behind because it was too early for Myuu, while being aroused herself. “Myuu can’t see~,” Myuu complained only to be hugged from behind and could not resist since her head was wrapped by breasts far bigger than Shia’s.
Converting Hajime’s blood into magic power using “Blood Conversion,” Yue quietly separated from Hajime’s neck after she licked it for once more. Then, she kissed Hajime’s lips. Hajime and Yue were looking at each other with burning gazes and Ahem!, it ended with coughs. They came from Randzi, the Lord, and the slouching men. Thinking they overdid it, Hajime and Yue made wry smiles... then they turned around and began to kiss again.
“No, no, no, you should do it where we can’t see... I also have various guesses about that thing, the bloodsucker, but for the time being, I want you to do the thing that should be done... Rather, shouldn’t you be the one who understands it the most!?”
The Lord’s rebuttal made Hajime and Yue shrugged their shoulders in reluctance, leering at Randzi and the others who were irritated by their gestures, they began their work.
Hajime went into the reservoir, and took out the four-wheeler from “Treasure Box.” Using land-leveling function installed in four-wheeler, he used “Mineral Separation” and coated the surface of the reservoir with metal so water couldn’t be absorbed. After Hajime returned when he finished the coating, Yue thrust out her arm and used water element magic against the instant-reservoir.
“”Fissuring Wave.””</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: それから母さんは父さんの背中に隠れるのをやめ、ティム達の前に姿を現した。
■ ◇ ■ ◇
「我の屈辱などお姉様に比べたら足元にも及ばん。見ろ! 邪神にまで上り詰めたお方が、人間如きにあのように馴れ馴れしくされても我慢をされておられる」
常連客の一人が馴れ馴れしくお姉様に話かけている。人間ごときが許せぬ! できうることならこの手で引き裂いてやりたいところである。
### ENGLISH: After that, Mum stopped hiding behind Dad’s back, and walked in front of the two of them.
“Timu, forgive me. Mum was a little funny in the head.”
“No, I am the one who was in the wrong. I am relieved that you’ll forgive me, Esteemed Mother.”
“Right. Then Tilea, help out in the shop please.”
“Ye~es. Timu, you can rest, okay? You didn’t sleep last night, right?”
“Elder sister, thank you for your consideration. I am fine.”
Saying that, Timu smiled happily. Timu, even though you can make such a great smile, it’s a waste if you’re so expressionless, you know?
After a short break, I stared at the back of my beloved and respected elder sister. Perhaps busier due to the influx of guests, elder sister moved about in a hurry.
“Nielsen, was my acting acceptable?”
“There was no problem. You are flawless in all endeavors, Lady Camilla.”
“I see. From now on, we will need to continue acting even around those surrounding humans.”
“It will be bitter.”
“The humiliation of somebody like me cannot even hope to reach elder sister’s. Behold! A personage who has risen to even the level of Evil God is enduring even when the likes of humans are being overfamiliar with her.”
One of the regular customers was speaking to elder sister in an over-familiar manner. A mere human. Unforgivable! If possible, I should like to tear them apart with my own two hands.
“Indeed. With the likes of a human taking that kind of attitude, Lady Tilea’s insides must be burning and writhing with rage.”
“Umu. However, for the sake of her path to domination, elder sister is enduring the unendurable. We cannot allow the likes of our puny pride to interfere with elder sister’s strategy!”
Well then, shall I help out with the shop as well? Oop, I very nearly forgot my smile. It is humiliating to behave modestly around the likes of humans, but when I think that it is for elder sister’s sake, it becomes a simple task. Although my expression was stiff, I headed to the table to take their orders. Nielsen came along beside me.
“But still, Nielsen, is my face that expressionless?”
“Yes. Even your lack of expression is flawless.”
“...I-, I see.”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: あー、うん。考えてみればリーン様っどころか人間にはほぼ知られて無い神様だったね。何も言わなければ創造神に仕えている何かとしか見られないか。
### ENGLISH: “...”
Ah, yeah. Come to think of it, Lean-sama is a God who is almost unknown to humans, let alone the general public. I would be perceived as someone working for the God of Creation if I remained silent, right?
Well, there’s no point in saying anything, so I’ll just keep my mouth shut.
“Well, is it right to say that your purpose is to summon the God of Destruction using the magic power that’s been piling up in this place?”
“Oh. How did you come to that conclusion?”
“I once heard from a source that there had been an attempt to call forth the God of Destruction close to the capital. Apparently, people were able to stop them then, but from what I’ve heard, I didn’t think they’d give up after one or two failed attempts...”
Pointing to a glowing, though rather blackened, a mass of magic power under the scaffolding, Pumpkin remarked about what the priest was intending to accomplish.
“With this much magic power, you could probably pull off almost anything.”
“Hahaha. You sure have a good grasp of it.”
The priest laughed hysterically at the words he heard.
After that, he opened his arms wide as if he were delivering a speech and began to express his thoughts without having been asked by anyone to do so.
“Yes! My purpose is to utilize the magic power of this place to summon the God of Destruction to descend into this world! On this day and at this hour, the current societal structure will crumble, and we’ll take over as the supreme rulers of this world!”
“It’s been a really long time since I came this far... After all, more than ten years ago, I heard that adventurers interfered with my plans, and four years ago, I drew one of the royal concubines to my side with a lot of money and connections, but it all went up in smoke when an explosion occurred... Thanks to this time I had to adopt a forceful method such as bringing in her son to stage a coup d’état, and I really do have a hard time with you running dogs of the God of Creation.”
What a long story... Well, I’ll make sure preparation is thoroughly ready for it in the meantime.
Nevertheless, this priest’s magic power... is an unusual dark attribute, but more than that, I feel that the form is strange for a human being.
“This time, however, is different since you are the only person who has arrived, and there is absolutely no chance that anybody else will emerge before the ritual is finished. That signifies our long-held wish for the advent of the God of Destruction will undoubtedly come true as long as you are taken out!”
“Do you not reckon that I could thwart you?”
“Hahaha... are you seriously saying that?”
“This is...”
Along with these words, the priest’s magic power shifted and his silhouette began to change as if to adapt to the transformation.
“I see... it’s the same magic you used on Monokio and the others.”
“You figured it out quite well...”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: マタラ合従国、沖合い。
### ENGLISH: In the Matara Alliance, offshore.
Due to the commander’s injury, Celica Helion and Zanastia Amamiya, who were suddenly entrusted with the command of the defense force, gazed at the city with mixed emotions.
Following the teachings of their high school classmate, Nicole, they concluded that they couldn’t defeat the Devils. As a result, they prioritized the evacuation of civilians and the military, leading to the abandonment of the city.
They managed to minimize human casualties, which, for two recently graduated from the academy, was a significant achievement.
However, they couldn’t celebrate the outcome of abandoning their hometown with open arms. Three Devils loomed offshore, staring at the city’s harbor.
Only three Devils, and yet, it was these mere three that led to the city’s defeat.
They clench their fists until their knuckles turn white, suppressing their anger at this fact.
“Target all cannons at the Devils in the harbor, but do not fire,” Celica ordered calmly, considering the possibility of pursuit.
No soldier questioned her orders anymore. They knew that without the two’s guidance, the extent of the damage would have been immeasurable.
“Yes, understood.”
Firing upon the Devils prematurely might provoke them, potentially leading to a protracted naval battle against these uncertain adversaries.
Aiming the cannons was merely a show of force. The Devils should’ve understood the disadvantage of fighting at sea, so the instruction was issued under the assumption that the Devils wouldn’t pursue them.
“The question is how much damage the city will suffer.”
“No, we can rebuild as long as people are safe. I understand that, but...”
“For now, we should be glad that everyone is safe.”
Celica returned a resentful gaze to the Devils staring at them from the harbor. For someone as mild-mannered as her, it was an unusually intense look.
“The problem is how to deal with those Devils.”
“It would be nice if they just went somewhere else.”
“Someone defeating it would be appreciated, as there’s a possibility it might come back. But can the Adventurer’s Guild handle it?”
“It might be difficult right away; it was a sudden attack.”
The Adventurer’s Guild itself had also moved to the evacuation ships. There shouldn’t be a single soul left in the city now. If anyone remained, the Devils would likely head there. Even if adventurers capable of opposing the Devils appeared elsewhere or means to defeat them were developed, there would be no city to accommodate them. It would take a considerable amount of time for information to reach the evacuation ships offshore.
“The problem is food and water, right? How much did we manage to load?”
“About three days’ worth. Even with rationing, it won’t last a week.”
Having evacuated the entire city, there were quite a few magicians who could magically purify seawater for drinking. However, the shortage of food was critical. Given the lack of time to load supplies, securing three days’ worth was considered a success.
However, within three days, it seemed unlikely that they could expect help from elsewhere. It would take well over three days for anyone to learn about the crisis in this city, prepare, and comprehend the current situation. Moreover, there was no guarantee that the Devil attack was exclusive to this city.
If other cities were under attack, the relief effort would be further delayed.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「......逆にどうしてバレないと思ったのかが不思議だ。男と女じゃ骨格が大いに違う。いくら布できつく胸を巻いても意味はない」
あら、そんなにおかしなこと言ったかしら? 私とて人間よ、歳をとるのは当たり前。
......目を見せたから? けど、ちゃんとラヴァール国の古語を話したし。私、抜かりなくこの国の人間を演じたわよね?
### ENGLISH: “... On the contrary, I wonder how you thought you wouldn’t be found out. A man’s frame is very different from a woman’s. It doesn’t matter how tightly you wrap your chest with cloth.”
Cate spoke quickly, as if disgusted. Everyone around him agreed with him and shook their heads.
“The whole squad didn’t find out.”
Mark responded to my quiet mutter.
“They’re the kind of guys who think muscle is more important than brains. Even if they find out you’re a woman, you could probably shut them up with your strength.”
“I’d love to see their faces when they find out that they lost to a woman.”
Victor grinned and looked as happy as a young general.
“This fellow is pretty decent. I mean, I’ve never seen a kid like this before.”
“You’ve been talking so much about kids and brats for a while now. I’m sixteen today.”
Everyone froze at my words.
Oh, did I just say something funny? I’m only human, it’s natural for me to age.
“Is today your birthday?”
Victor’s mouth opened wide in amazement.
“Yes, it is... What’s wrong?”
“You’re old enough to drink.”
I was told many times that you have to be to drink and smoke. I mean, when you hear about a birthday, wouldn’t it be normal to say “Happy Birthday” without any thought or care?
...You should not expect anything normal from Victor.
“It’s legal in the Ravaal Kingdom, you know. I don’t know about your former country, though.”
“Which country did you say I was from?”
I responded immediately, but I was extremely nervous on the inside.
Since when did they know I was not from this country?
... Because I showed my eyes? But I did speak the ancient language of the Ravaal Kingdom. I acted as if I was from this country, didn’t I?
“You are not from this country? This is interesting.”
Cate took an interest in me at once. The way he looked at me was as if he had discovered a new kind of flower.
“Actually, I’m not from this country either.”
I know.
“These three are your educators from today on.”
Victor’s suggestion made my mouth drop open.
The grandfathers didn’t seem to have heard of it before, but they didn’t seem surprised either.
“Why are you asking the brains of this country to educate me?”
Victor did not answer, so I continued talking.
“As the prince said, I may not be from this country. Maybe I will rebel. And yet, you are trying to educate me.... What on earth do you want?”
“... You think too deeply. I just give my people a chance to learn things. Take it as a birthday present.”
“Sure, a chance to learn new things is a most welcome gift, but...”
I have never heard a woman say such a thing before.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 2つの職業の狭間で 芸術家になるか 会計士になるか あるいは住む場所を 都会にするか 田舎にするか 2人のどちらと結婚するか ベティにするか ロリータにするか
子どもを持つか 持たないか 病気の親を引き取るか どうするか パートナーが信仰している宗教に 自分は興味がないけど 子育ては その宗教でやっていくか
一生分の蓄えを 慈善事業に寄付するか やめておくか
おそらく 皆さんが思い浮かべた 難しい選択は 大掛かりで 重大で 自分にとって重要なことでしょう
どうやら 難しい選択とは 苦渋や心配や歯ぎしりを もたらす場面のようです
しかし私は 難しい選択や それが人生の中で 果たす役割について 誤解があると思います
難しい選択を理解すれば 私たち一人ひとりが持っている 隠れた力が見つかります
選択を難しくするのは 他の選択肢との関係性です
簡単な選択では ある選択肢が他より良いのですが
難しい選択では ある選択肢は ある面では 他より良いけど 別の選択肢には別の面で 良いところがあり 総合的には どっちが良いと 言い切れないのです
頭を抱えて 悩みます 今の仕事を続け 都会に残るか 心機一転 田舎へ引越して もっと やりがいのある仕事をするか ある面では留まる方が良いし 別の面では動いた方が良いし 総合的には どっちが良いと 言い切れないのです
難しい選択は 重大なことだけでは ありませんよ
朝食に何を食べるか 迷っているとしましょう
食物繊維たっぷりの シリアルにするか チョコレート・ドーナツにするか
仮に 選択のポイントが 美味しいか 体に良いか だとしましょう
シリアルの方が体に良いですが ドーナツの方が ずっと美味しい でも 総合的には どっちが良いと 言い切れない 難しい選択です
小さな選択でも 難しくなり得ると知ると 大きくて難しい選択に 立ち向かう気になるかもしれません
朝食を何にするか 決められるんですから 都会に残るか 田舎へ引越して 新しい仕事をするかだって 決められるでしょう
また 難しい選択が難しいのは 自分の頭が悪いせいだと 思うのは止めましょう
大学を卒業した時 私は 哲学か法律の どちらに進むべきか 決められませんでした
哲学者になれば 素晴らしいことが学べて 肘掛け椅子に座って 快適に仕事ができます
しかし私は 慎ましい移民の家に生まれ 贅沢といえば お弁当の豚タンと ジャムサンドという 環境でしたから 一生をかけて 肘掛け椅子に座って ただ考え事をするだなんて 私にとっては無駄と軽薄の極み という印象でした
### ENGLISH: It might be between two careers -- artist and accountant -- or places to live -- the city or the country -- or even between two people to marry -- you could marry Betty or you could marry Lolita.
Or it might be a choice about whether to have children, to have an ailing parent move in with you, to raise your child in a religion that your partner lives by but leaves you cold.
Or whether to donate your life savings to charity.
Chances are, the hard choice you thought of was something big, something momentous, something that matters to you.
Hard choices seem to be occasions for agonizing, hand-wringing, the gnashing of teeth.
But I think we've misunderstood hard choices and the role they play in our lives.
Understanding hard choices uncovers a hidden power each of us possesses.
What makes a choice hard is the way the alternatives relate.
In any easy choice, one alternative is better than the other.
In a hard choice, one alternative is better in some ways, the other alternative is better in other ways, and neither is better than the other overall.
You agonize over whether to stay in your current job in the city or uproot your life for more challenging work in the country because staying is better in some ways, moving is better in others, and neither is better than the other overall.
We shouldn't think that all hard choices are big.
Let's say you're deciding what to have for breakfast.
You could have high fiber bran cereal or a chocolate donut.
Suppose what matters in the choice is tastiness and healthfulness.
The cereal is better for you, the donut tastes way better, but neither is better than the other overall, a hard choice.
Realizing that small choices can also be hard may make big hard choices seem less intractable.
After all, we manage to figure out what to have for breakfast, so maybe we can figure out whether to stay in the city or uproot for the new job in the country.
We also shouldn't think that hard choices are hard because we are stupid.
When I graduated from college, I couldn't decide between two careers, philosophy and law.
I really loved philosophy.
There are amazing things you can learn as a philosopher, and all from the comfort of an armchair.
But I came from a modest immigrant family where my idea of luxury was having a pork tongue and jelly sandwich in my school lunchbox, so the thought of spending my whole life sitting around in armchairs just thinking, well, that struck me as the height of extravagance and frivolity.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「論文を読んでるだけだと現状は分からないからね」
僕から勉強を教えてもらうことがそんなに嬉しいのか? ......なんだか不気味だ。
「え? けど、さっき」
### ENGLISH: “Well, you can’t know what’s going on if you’re just skimming the news.”
I was starting to feel sorry for her.
Liz Cather told me that she was studying without sleep.
That was why her grades were always at the top of the class. Her name was always placed under the Duke’s name on the academic exam posters.
I knew she was putting in significant effort, but I just couldn’t help but think that Alicia’s name would have been at the top of the list, so I couldn’t help but compare her with Alicia.
“Hey, Gilles, will you teach me how to study?”
A soft, sweet smell wafts through the air. I was so disgusted with Liz Cather, but now I find myself getting attracted to her.
I wondered if she had no pride in asking someone younger than her to teach her how to study. Is she willing to give up on her pride to learn about the world?
“And what do I get in return?”
“I do not have the power to heal your broken heart, Gilles. But I would like to get to know you better.”
We were completely at odds with each other. I knew there was no point in talking any further, but I couldn’t move my legs. I found myself feeling comfortable at her side.
And my heart wasn’t broken.I’m no longer bothered about the terrible things that happened to me in the impoverished village when I was younger. That was how much love Alicia had poured into me.
I would like to shout out, “Don’t decide on your own,” but for some reason I couldn’t say anything when I imagined the pained expression on Liz Cather’s face.
What in the world was this? It was my body, but I was unable to control it.
Hearing that clear, low voice, I felt as if my body was suddenly lightened.
Duke’s voice.
“What are you doing here?”
He stared quizzically at Liz Cather. Her face twitches a little.
“Nothing. I was just having a conversation with Gilles.”
“So you’re done talking?”
“Yes. Yes, I was thinking that I would like to learn from Gilles.”
She raised the corners of her mouth slightly and smiled softly.
Why would she be so happy to learn from me? It was a little creepy.
“I never said anything about teaching you.”
“But you just asked me what I could do for you in return, not what you could teach me...”
Liz Cather, the watchdog. Suddenly, the word popped into my head.
I see, I might need to fulfill Alicia’s role. I would have to be the one to carry on what she had started.
Liz Cather looked at me suspiciously as I suddenly stopped talking.
“Okay. I’ll teach you. But you have to be serious about following me.”
Her face lit up, and Duke just looked at Liz Cather coldly, not surprised.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「ふうむ......やはり珍しい建築様式ですね......」
### ENGLISH: “Hmm... It is an unusual architectural style after all...”
On the subsequent day, Gorky was in a team with one of the scholars that were accompanied by several other adventurers when they arrived near the building.
Anks was in a different party heading in the opposite way to explore the building’s exterior while Crave was waiting at the base.
They were split up into two groups for two reasons: first, without defenders, the base would be destroyed by forest animals; second, given the number of people and the time needed, separating into two groups would facilitate the investigation go more efficiently.
“Can you find out that much by simply observing the external appearance of the place?”
“I mean, just the sight of the trees and such are already extraordinary...”
A square box-shaped building with tree branches and leaves poking out from all places of it stood before the group, and the scholars who encountered it let out a roar, while the other adventurers who had not had a first-hand observation of the building were dazed and awestruck aside from Gorky.
“I can’t go into detail, but the exterior of a building is very distinctive from one period to the next.”
“I see.”
The scholar’s words elicited a nod of approval from Gorky.
Truthfully, this was a subject that escaped Gorky’s comprehension, but considering that each one of them had a different race, equipment, and abilities, perhaps even the buildings themselves were equally unique.
“Moreover, since the trees are growing in tandem with the building, it is possible to determine how long the building has been abandoned by assessing how well the trees have developed. However, in this case, the concentration of magic power in the surrounding area is too high for this approach to be of any use.”
The scholar then appeared subtly uneasy, as though recalling that he had suffered Magic Intoxication yesterday after arriving near the structure.
“Don’t worry about what happened yesterday.”
“Is that so...? For my part, I feel that I have inconvenienced you adventurers a tremendous deal...”
“No, depending on how you look at it, it can also be viewed as an opportunity to set up a solid base of operations.”
“Right. Even several of the base team members said that things will go more smoothly starting today.”
“Yeah, yeah. Even we were able to recover from the fatigue of the journey.”
“We also got some good drawings.”
“Look, Gorky’s buddy said something like that, too.”
“Sorry... no, thank you all. Then I shall firmly carry out my responsibility.”
But there they all encouraged the scholars.
In fact, as other adventurers have said, there was nothing particularly problematic about the scholars collapsing in that place.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: いよいよ騎士科のコース分けが発表された。
◇ ◆ ◇
### ENGLISH: Finally, the course placement for the knight department was announced.
Sheila’s complete victory in the competency tests placed her in the special course, just as she had hoped. It was unprecedented for a commoner to join the special course, and when the announcement was made, it was as if a beehive had been poked.
Cody, Zechs, and Seiryuu were as happy as she was. There were also a few people here and there who approved, like Leidyrune and Regress. However, there were definitely a certain number of aristocrats who were averse to the idea of a commoner joining the special course.
The following week, after the lunar day, the special course’s classes finally began. Sheila didn’t expect them to accept her without any problems at all, but she would like to do so without any friction if possible.
When she won the battle against Leidyrune, many people congratulated her. However, not everyone at that time was on her side. It was such a rare thing for a commoner to attend the special course.
Anyway, Sheila managed to make it through the week.
As she sat down on her bed, after saying her usual prayers before going to bed, her eyes were suddenly drawn to the moon outside the window.
A bright starry sky with a full moon. If she listened carefully, she could hear the hooting of an owl. Sheila thought as she soaked in the beautiful scenery.
That’s right. Let’s go hunting.
◇ ◆ ◇
Felix, who was reading a letter, called out to Richard and Lulu who came to the office.
“Sheila says she has some business to attend to this coming lunar day, so she didn’t want me to pick her up.”
“Miss isn’t coming home this week?”
Lulu’s wide-eyed expression and voice were filled with loneliness that couldn’t be hidden. As a newcomer, she was just beginning to be able to do her job without letting her emotions show on her face. For Sheila, her mask seemed to come off, but that just showed how much she adored her.
“She regrets not being able to see everyone’s faces. She said not to worry because she’s not causing any problems and is doing well in her studies.”
It was Richard who reacted to the second part of the letter.
“I don’t trust her to stay out of trouble. That’s what the young lady always says.”
“I agree with you.”
Every time she came home to report, Sheila was fond of saying, “I haven’t had any problems this week.” However, this was usually overturned when he asked about the details.
Lulu began working as usual, perhaps because she had received word from Sheila. A teacup was placed in Felix’s hand.
“So, what is it that the young lady wants?”
“She wants to go hunting.”
“.... Hunting? That’s.... something.”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: やがて満足したのか、恵里が銀色の糸を弾きながら唇を離す。そして、目を細め恍惚とした表情で舌舐りすると、おもむろに立ち上がり、倒れ伏して血を流す生徒達を睥睨した。苦悶の表情や呆然とした表情が並んでいる。そんな光景に満足気に頷くと、最後に雫に視線を定めて笑みを浮かべた。
「うーん、わからないかなぁ? 僕はね、ずっと光輝くんが欲しかったんだ。だから、そのために必要な事をした。それだけの事だよ?」
そんな事もわからないの? と小馬鹿にするようにやれやれと肩を竦める恵里。ゴミ呼ばわりされても、余りの豹変ぶりに驚きすぎて怒りも湧いてこない。一人称まで変わっており、正直、雫には目の前にいる少女が初対面にしか見えなかった。
「アハハ、気がついた? そう、僕だよ。彼等を使って大結界のアーティファクトを壊してもらったんだ」
### ENGLISH: Was she finally satisfied, Eri separated her lips while creating a silver thread. Then, with an ecstatic expression in her eyes she licked her lips and started to stand up slowly, she then glared at the students who were being held down and bleeding. Absentminded expressions, as well as agonized expressions, were lined up. When she saw such a spectacle she nodded in satisfaction, her eyes stopped towards Shizuku and she smiled.
“Ma~a, these kinds of things. Shizuku”
With an expression which showed she didn’t understand, Shizuku vomited blood as she glared at Eri, Eri shook her head with an expression that said, my bad, and began to talk about the reason as if she was talking to a baby.
“U~n, you don’t know huh? You see, I’ve always wanted Kouki-kun. That’s why, I did what was necessary to obtain him. It’s as simple as that”
“......If you liked Kouki then...if you’d confessed then...this kind of thing...”
Towards Shizuku’s rebuttal, for a moment Eri’s becomes expressionless. However, she began to talk and returned a smirk immediately again.
“It’s useless, useless, use~less. Confessing is useless. Kouki-kun’s kind-hearted so there’s no way he’d see someone else as special. Even if there’s only garbage with no value around his surroundings, he wouldn’t leave them alone because he’s too kind-hearted. That’s why, in order to make Kouki-kun mine only, I have to work hard and get rid of all the garbage in the surroundings”
You can’t even understand that? as Eri shrugs her shoulders like it was a foolish thing. Although they were Being called garbage, they didn’t have much anger as they were too surprised at the sudden change. For the person in front of her to have changed this much, honestly, Shizuku looked at the girl as if this was the first time they’ve met.
“Fufu, it was good that we were sent to a different world. In Japan, it would have been truly difficult to clean up the garbage, it was harsh living there. Of course, I won’t allow us to be sent back after this war is over. Along with Kouki-kun, the both of us will continue living here for ever~and~ever~”
While looking at the laughing and giggling Eri, a sudden impossible guess came into Shizuku’s mind and she unintentionally voiced it out.
“...It can’t be...the reason the large barrier...broke so easily was because.....”
“Ahaha, so you’ve noticed? Right, It was me. I told them to break the artifact maintaining the large barrier”
It appears that Shizuku’s worst-case scenario was spot on. The reason why the Majinzoku was able to arrive at the outskirts of the Kingdom without being spotted and easily breaking through the large barrier, everything was due to Eri. Eri’s line of sight was interestingly looking at the soulless soldiers and knights that were standing by her side, she would probably let them do it.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 勤勉はこの方程式における共通項です それに勤勉が成功に繋がるという話には もううんざりしています 何故ならそれは― ありがとう
(拍手) その手の話の中の「成功しない者は それに値しない」という含みによって 成功しない者は自らを 「成功に値しない」と信じてしまうからです
私たちは心の中で思い 時には口に出してこう言います 「そんな貧しい人たちには どこか間違った所がある筈だ」
我々は「間違った所」について 頑なに こう信じています
「貧しい人たちは怠惰なたかりやで 真っ当に仕事をせず ズルをしたり嘘をついたりする」とか
「貧しい人たちは希望もなくおそらく 虐待をする両親から読み書きを 十分教わらなかったのだ もしすべき事を教わり 正しい道を 示されていたならば 彼らは成功出来たのに」と
シングルマザーや父親不在を 悪者扱いするどの話にしてもー シングルマザーや父親不在を 悪者扱いするどの話にしてもー こんな風に私の両親を 考えているかもしれませんが 同じ人に関して 50もの異なる噂がありますが 毎日勤勉に全力を尽くしています
否定的な話が真実でないと 言っている訳ではありません しかしこれらの話のせいで私たちは 貧しい人たちの実態を把握出来なくなります 彼らの一部しか見えていないからです
真実の一部や限定的な会話を 見て私たちはこう確信します 貧しい人たちは正す必要のある問題を 抱えていると
実際に動いているのは彼らで 私たちのアプローチが 間違っていたらどうでしょう?
私たちが探している専門家 手本とする必要のある専門家が 貧しい人たちなら どうでしょう? 貧しい人たちなら どうでしょう?
壮大な解決法の代わりに 私たちがただ 既に燃え盛っている炎に火を 投げ入れるならどうでしょう?
指示するのではなく 力をつけることもなく 彼らの自発性を 後押しするだけで良いのです
ここの丁度北側に その一例があります シリコンバレーです
大規模ベンチャーキャピタル産業は こう信じながら成長しています 「良いアイディアがあり それを広めたいと思うなら 自分たちが沢山のたくさんのお金を 彼らに与えるべきだ」と
そうですよね? でもテレサやバキア にとっての戦略はどこにあるでしょう?
彼らにとっては起業支援機関も 企業育成機関も奨学金も全くありません
ジョバンナ、シンシア、バーサは 世界のマーク・ザッカーバーグと どう違うでしょうか?
これを不備のある戦略を 練り直すものと考えてみてください
このチャンスをつかみましょう 使い古されて 誤った物語を手放し 真実の話を探し それに耳を傾けましょう 低所得の人々、家族、コミュニティに関する 素晴らしいけれど一筋縄ではいかない話に
### ENGLISH: Hard work is the common denominator in this equation, and I'm tired of the story we tell that hard work leads to success, because that allows -- Thank you.
... because that story allows those of us who make it to believe we deserve it, and by implication, those who don't make it don't deserve it.
We tell ourselves, in the back of our minds, and sometimes in the front of our mouths, "There must be something a little wrong with those poor people."
We have a wide range of beliefs about what that something wrong is.
Some people tell the story that poor folks are lazy freeloaders who would cheat and lie to get out of an honest day's work.
Others prefer the story that poor people are helpless and probably had neglectful parents that didn't read to them enough, and if they were just told what to do and shown the right path, they could make it.
For every story I hear demonizing low-income single mothers or absentee fathers, which is how people might think of my parents, I've got 50 that tell a different story about the same people, showing up every day and doing their best.
I'm not saying that some of the negative stories aren't true, but those stories allow us to not really see who people really are, because they don't paint a full picture.
The quarter-truths and limited plot lines have us convinced that poor people are a problem that needs fixing.
What if we recognized that what's working is the people and what's broken is our approach?
What if we realized that the experts we are looking for, the experts we need to follow, are poor people themselves?
What if, instead of imposing solutions, we just added fire to the already-burning flame that they have?
Not directing -- not even empowering -- but just fueling their initiative.
Just north of here, we have an example of what this could look like: Silicon Valley.
A whole venture capital industry has grown up around the belief that if people have good ideas and the desire to manifest them, we should give them lots and lots and lots of money.
Right? But where is our strategy for Theresa and Baakir?
There are no incubators for them, no accelerators, no fellowships.
How are Jobana, Sintia and Bertha really all that different from the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world?
Baakir has experience and a track record.
I'd put my money on him.
So, consider this an invitation to rethink a flawed strategy.
Let's grasp this opportunity to let go of a tired, faulty narrative and listen and look for true stories, about who marginalized people and families and communities are.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「代喩的」なんて言葉を知っていると どうにかして「代喩的」と口にしたくなります
今日ずっと話をしてきたのは 皆さんに「代喩的」と言うためでした
本当にごめんなさい でも何かの一部を使うとき - 辞書と言うのは言語の一部ですし 旗が国のシンボルとしてアメリカを表したりしますが - 代喩的に使っているということになるのです
辞書は、言語のシンボルであるだけでなく 言語全体にすることができるのです
私が本当に望んでいるのは、今月7歳になる息子が 辞書はこんな形式のものだった事を ほとんど忘れてくれるようになることです
もしすべての単語を辞書に入れることができて 良いとか悪いの人為的区別をする必要がなくなれば 科学者のように言語を表すことができるでしょう
そうなれば、私はもう交通警官をやめて 漁に専念することができるのです
### ENGLISH: And one of the problems of knowing a word like "synecdochically" is that you really want an excuse to say "synecdochically."
This whole talk has just been an excuse to get me to the point where I could say "synecdochically" to all of you.
So I'm really sorry. But when you use a part of something -- like the dictionary is a part of the language, or a flag stands for the United States, it's a symbol of the country -- then you're using it synecdochically.
But the thing is, we could make the dictionary the whole language.
If we get a bigger pan, then we can put all the words in.
We can put in all the meanings.
Doesn't everyone want more meaning in their lives?
And we can make the dictionary not just be a symbol of the language -- we can make it be the whole language.
You see, what I'm really hoping for is that my son, who turns seven this month -- I want him to barely remember that this is the form factor that dictionaries used to come in.
This is what dictionaries used to look like.
I want him to think of this kind of dictionary as an eight-track tape.
It's a format that died because it wasn't useful enough.
It wasn't really what people needed.
And the thing is, if we can put in all the words, no longer have that artificial distinction between good and bad, we can really describe the language like scientists.
We can leave the aesthetic judgments to the writers and the speakers.
If we can do that, then I can spend all my time fishing, and I don't have to be a traffic cop anymore.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: それはルシェラやイヴァーに対して、初めて行われたのではなかったのだろう。
「臭い! 例のニオイです」
### ENGLISH: What they did to Lucella and Ivar was likely not their first time.
“Why adventurers, though? Those guys have some level of experience, they’re strong, cautious, and have the backing of the guild.”
“Hmm... Maybe they were looking for powerful sacrifices...”
Lucella had some knowledge of evil god worship.
While offerings to evil gods were commonly associated with virgins or children, some evil gods sought strong sacrifices.
Ivar also peered into the cave as well, but there was nothing there anymore.
“If those kids were buried deeper in, this would have been a short conversation.”
“That’s a bit...”
As Lucella began to speak, she suddenly noticed something on the periphery of her vision.
“That slope...”
“What’s wrong?”
“If a Bandit Lynx was making a den, I’d expect it to prefer the area beyond this one.”
A place away from the river was slightly elevated, and its side resembled a gentle cliff. It might be easy for a person to slip, but for agile creatures, it would be no problem.
“This is the ‘Land of Water,’ so magic beasts not adapted to water tend to avoid flat areas or places near the river. I heard some interesting cases from Viola...”
“Hmm, regional preference, but does that still stand true with evil god’s familiars?”
The slope was lush with greenery, but there were sporadic patches of exposed soil, which gave Lucella a feeling that something was not right.
Lucella grabbed the grass and began to climb up the slope when a pungent odor hit her nose.
“Yuck! It’s that smell.”
“That smell...? I don’t smell anything.”
From the exposed soil, there was a noxious chemical-like smell wafting out. Lucella pointed at it, and flames surged, causing a small explosion that blew away the soil.
“Just as I suspected...!”
A deep cave was revealed. It wasn’t just a result of the explosion blowing away the soil; the entrance to the cave had been sealed with earth, and Lucella had merely uncovered the ‘lid.’
A strange foul odor mixed with the smell of blood.
Inside the sealed cave, the Bandit Lynx was dead. It had split its own belly with its strong claws and devoured its entrails with its sharp fangs. It was dead, and there was no sign of the children.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: どういう意味で言っているのか? これは動物が生気をなくし 死んだかのように見えるのに 何の支障もなく 再び意識を戻せるプロセスです
さてここでちょっと驚く見解があります 自然を見渡すと 気づきますが 仮死状態があるところには 生命の永続性が見られる傾向があるのです
ですから 私がお話しするのは 患者を少し仮死状態に近づける方法を見つけることです そうすれば 心臓発作の患者も 簡単に死なせないですみます
極めて永続性のある生物の例を 1つか2つ挙げると 植物の種や 細菌胞子があります
これらの生物は 地球上の最も永続性のある生命体の代表で ほとんどの時間を 仮死状態で過ごす傾向にあります
科学者らによると 細菌胞子は 個別の細胞として存在し 仮死状態であれば 2.5億年でも存在できるそうです
このような微小生物のことを分かってもらうため 身近な例を挙げます
人間の 卵巣にある 不死胚細胞の卵子です 卵子は実際に女性の一生で最高50年ほどの間 仮死状態で卵巣に存在します それから私の気に入っている 仮死状態の例として
子供がいる人は 知っていると思います
ペットショップやおもちゃ屋で 購入できます
袋を開けて中身を プラスチックの水槽に入れると 1週間ほどで 小エビが泳ぎ回るのが見られます
袋の中で何が起こっているかに興味を持ちました おもちゃ屋に並んでいる袋 その中に仮死状態で 半永久的に眠っているエビです
さて 仮死状態は細胞や変わった小さな生物だけに 見られるわけではありません
ごく稀に 人間が少しの間 死んだようになることもあります このような人々の話で 一番関心を引くのは 低温状況に関連するものです
10年前 ノルウェーで凍った滝に落ちた スキーヤーがいました 救助されるまで2時間水の中にいた彼女は
非常に冷たくなっていて 脈もありませんでした 事実上凍死でした
7時間後も 脈がないままでしたが 彼女は生き返り その後 彼女を救った病院の 放射線科医長になりました
2~3年後― この手の話には興奮するんです― 約2~3年後 カナダで生後13ヶ月の赤ん坊が
冬に父親が夜勤で出かけたとき 一緒におむつだけで外に出て凍死し
何時間もあとに 見つけられたことがありました でも赤ん坊は生き返りました
65歳の女性が 去年のある冬の朝 ミネソタ州ダルースの自宅の前庭で 凍死しているのが見つかったこともありました 彼女も生き返り 翌日あまりに
### ENGLISH: It is the process by which animals de-animate, appear dead and then can wake up again without being harmed.
OK, so here is the sort of big idea: If you look out at nature, you find that as you tend to see suspended animation, you tend to see immortality.
And so, what I'm going to tell you about is a way to tell a person who's in trauma -- find a way to de-animate them a bit so they're a little more immortal when they have that heart attack.
An example of an organism or two that happens to be quite immortal would be plant seeds or bacterial spores.
These creatures are some of the most immortal life forms on our planet, and they tend to spend most of their time in suspended animation.
Bacterial spores are thought now by scientists to exist as individual cells that are alive, but in suspended animation for as long as 250 million years.
To suggest that this all, sort of, about little, tiny creatures, I want to bring it close to home.
In the immortal germ line of human beings -- that is, the eggs that sit in the ovaries -- they actually sit there in a state of suspended animation So then there's also my favorite example of suspended animation.
This is Sea-Monkeys.
Those of you with children, you know about them.
You go to the pet store or the toy store, and you can buy these things.
You just open the bag, and you just dump them into the plastic aquarium, and in about a week or so, you'll have little shrimps swimming around.
Well, I wasn't so interested in the swimming.
I was interested in what was going on in the bag, the bag on the toy store shelf where those shrimp sat in suspended animation indefinitely.
are not just about cells and weird, little organisms.
Occasionally, human beings are briefly de-animated, and the stories of people who are briefly de-animated that interest me the most are those having to do with the cold.
Ten years ago, there was a skier in Norway that was trapped in an icy waterfall, and she was there for two hours before they extracted her.
She was extremely cold, and she had no heartbeat -- for all intents and purposes she was dead, frozen.
Seven hours later, still without a heartbeat, they brought her back to life, and she went on to be the head radiologist in the hospital that treated her.
A couple of years later -- so I get really excited about these things -- about a couple of years later, there was a 13-month-old, she was from Canada.
Her father had gone out in the wintertime; he was working night shift, and she followed him outside in nothing but a diaper.
And they found her hours later, frozen, lifeless, and they brought her back to life.
There was a 65-year-old woman in Duluth, Minnesota last year that was found frozen and without a pulse in her front yard one morning in the winter, and they brought her back to life.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: (ピンカー)でも どの例をとっても 偉大な思想家の主張が 少しずつ伝わり 社会全体に 浸透するまで1世紀はかかっている
私達の慣習の中に 反対意見が 公然と存在するにも関わらず 続いている慣習はあるだろうか?
(ゴールドスタイン) 私達の子孫が過去を振り返って 今 私達がしていることに 愕然とするかしら? 私達の先祖が奴隷を所有し 異端者を火刑にし 妻を殴り ― 同性愛を非難したことに 私達が愕然とするように
(ピンカー)誰でも一つは 例をあげられるだろうね
(ゴールドスタイン) 私なら工場式農場で 動物が虐待されていることをあげるわ
(ピンカー)暴力的でない麻薬犯の投獄や 国内の刑務所における レイプの容認もそうだ
(ゴールドスタイン)人命を救う 開発途上国への義援金を カットするのもそう
(ゴールドスタイン)宗教を利用して 避妊の禁止といった 普通は許されないことを 正当化することもそう
(ピンカー)じゃあ 信仰全般については?
(ゴールドスタイン) あまり期待はしていないわ
(ピンカー)とはいえ 私は納得したよ 理性こそが善き天使で 人類が享受してきた 道徳的な進歩に最も貢献し 将来もその進歩が続くという ― 希望を抱かせてくれる
(ゴールドスタイン)そして もしも皆さんが この主張に欠点を見出したとしても それを指摘する時 理性に頼っていることを 忘れないでください
ありがとう (ピンカー)ありがとう
### ENGLISH: SP: Still, in every case, it took at least a century for the arguments of these great thinkers to trickle down and infiltrate the population as a whole.
It kind of makes you wonder about our own time.
Are there practices that we engage in where the arguments against them are there for all to see but nonetheless we persist in them?
RNG: When our great grandchildren look back at us, will they be as appalled by some of our practices as we are by our slave-owning, heretic-burning, wife-beating, gay-bashing ancestors?
SP: I'm sure everyone here could think of an example.
RNG: I opt for the mistreatment of animals in factory farms.
SP: The imprisonment of nonviolent drug offenders and the toleration of rape in our nation's prisons.
RNG: Scrimping on donations to life-saving charities in the developing world.
SP: The possession of nuclear weapons.
RNG: The appeal to religion to justify the otherwise unjustifiable, such as the ban on contraception.
SP: What about religious faith in general?
RNG: Eh, I'm not holding my breath.
SP: Still, I have become convinced that reason is a better angel that deserves the greatest credit for the moral progress our species has enjoyed and that holds out the greatest hope for continuing moral progress in the future.
RNG: And if, our friends, you detect a flaw in this argument, just remember you'll be depending on reason to point it out.
Thank you. SP: Thank you.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: そして ある学校を訪ねました そこで子供たちと話をしていると 教室の向こうで 女の子を見かけました 私の娘と 同じくらいの歳に見えました 近づいて 彼女に話しかけました
そして 大人がよく子どもにするような質問をしました そして 大人がよく子どもにするような質問をしました 「好きな教科は何?」
そうしたら ぽかんとした表情になり 私に言いました 「私に未来はないの
何か誤解があるに違いないと思い 同僚の方を向くと 彼女は私に説明しました このキャンプには 中等教育への財政的支援が ないのだと
その瞬間 私はこう言えたら どんなにいいだろうと思いました 「私たちが学校を建ててあげるわ」
同時に なんてもったいないのかしら
彼女はソマリアの未来であるべきだし 実際にそうなのに と思いました
ジェイコブ・アテムという少年にも チャンスはありました しかし 彼が最初に経験したのは ひどい悲劇でした
これは彼の村スーダンです まだ7歳でしたが 彼は目撃したのです その場所が 焼け落ちていくのを そして 母親 父親 家族のみんなを その日に殺されたと知ったのです その日に殺されたと知ったのです
いとこだけが生き残り 彼ら2人は 7ヶ月間歩き続け これは彼のような少年たちですが 野生動物や武装集団に 追いかけられ付きまとわれ ついに安全が確保される難民キャンプに たどり着いたのです その後7年間を ケニアの難民キャンプで過ごしました
しかし彼の人生は アメリカに再定住のチャンスを得た時 変わりました アメリカに再定住のチャンスを得た時 変わりました 里親の元で愛情に出会い 学校へ行くことができました 彼は 是非この瞬間を 皆さんに見てもらいたいそうです 彼が大学を卒業した この晴れ姿を
(拍手) 先日スカイプで話したのですが 彼はフロリダの新しい大学に入学しました 公衆衛生の分野で博士号を取るためです そして彼は誇らしげに語ってくれました 村に帰って診療所を設立するための 十分な資金を アメリカ市民から集めた方法を アメリカ市民から集めた方法を さて ハニーに話を戻します
私がTEDのステージで 皆さんに お話する機会を得たと彼に話した時 彼は一篇の詩を読むことを 許可してくれました メールで私に送ってくれたんです
こう書いてありました 「自分自身が 恋しい 僕の友達が 小説を読む時間や 詩を綴る時間が 朝の鳥と紅茶が
僕の部屋 本 僕自身が そして 僕に笑顔をくれる すべてのことが恋しいんだ
あぁ 僕にはたくさんの夢があった 叶うのを待ちわびた夢が」
私が言いたいのはここです 難民に投資しないのは 多大な機会損失です
### ENGLISH: And we went to visit a school and started talking to the children, and then I saw this girl across the room who looked to me to be the same age as my own daughter, and I went up and talked to her.
And I asked her the questions that grown-ups ask kids, like, "What is your favorite subject?"
and, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
And this is when her face turned blank, and she said to me, "I have no future.
My schooling days are over."
And I thought, there must be some misunderstanding, so I turned to my colleague and she confirmed to me there is no funding for secondary education in this camp.
And how I wished at that moment that I could say to her, "We will build you a school."
And I also thought, what a waste.
She should be and she is the future of Somalia.
A boy named Jacob Atem had a different chance, but not before he experienced terribly tragedy.
He watched — this is in Sudan — as his village — he was only seven years old — burned to the ground, and he learned that his mother and his father and his entire family were killed that day.
Only his cousin survived, and the two of them walked for seven months — this is boys like him — chased and pursued by wild animals and armed gangs, and they finally made it to refugee camps where they found safety, and he would spend the next seven years in Kenya in a refugee camp.
But his life changed when he got the chance to be resettled to the United States, and he found love in a foster family and he was able to go to school, and he wanted me to share with you this proud moment when he graduated from university.
I spoke to him on Skype the other day, and he was in his new university in Florida pursuing his Ph.D. in public health, and he proudly told me how he was able to raise enough funds from the American public to establish a health clinic back in his village So I want to take you back to Hany.
When I told him I was going to have the chance to speak to you here on the TED stage, he allowed me to read you a poem that he sent in an email to me.
He wrote: "I miss myself, my friends, times of reading novels or writing poems, birds and tea in the morning.
My room, my books, myself, and everything that was making me smile.
Oh, oh, I had so many dreams that were about to be realized."
So here is my point: Not investing in refugees is a huge missed opportunity.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: アカン、思い付かん!!
### ENGLISH: “Mitsuha, about the reward for that thing...” (Sabine)
It’s hereeee~~!!
However, I couldn’t come up with any ideas for what options I could offer.
What kind of request did Sabine-chan come up with...
Of course, I’m sure she understood that things that were impossible, things that were too difficult or too much of a burden on me, and things that were dangerous were unacceptable. Right, Sabine-chan?
I have already dismissed the transportation-related issues, mainly because of the dangers. I’ll have to put up with that mountain bike though.
Sabine-chan, being a sensible person, shouldn’t be too reckless...
“I demand a large refrigerator, a freezer, an electric range, a garbage disposal, and a dishwasher. Also, a regular replenishment of frozen foods, fresh ingredients, and snacks!” (Sabine)
“What the hell is that~~~!!” (Mitsuha)
That’s too much of a burden on me!
No, those things themselves were fine. It’s not really expensive for me right now.
However, in addition to the flush toilet and septic tank installation work, it’s also necessary to perform cleaning and inspection regularly.
At least once a year, a professional cleaning company must be contacted to carry them out, and there are parts that must be replaced every few years.
Yes, it’s difficult to maintain. As expected, I can’t bring a contractor to this world every year to have it serviced...
If I want to install it in my territorial mansion or the general store Mitsuha, I can do the maintenance myself, or I can transfer the entire system to the Japanese mansion only during the maintenance.
But it would be difficult to do so if they were installed in the royal palace.
It would be a bad image for Viscount Yamano, the [Great Hero of Salvation, Hime Miko of Thunder], to maintain the toilets at the royal palace every year.
Compared to that, it’s easy to provide home appliances, but it’s absolutely impossible with the current solar power generation system installed in Sabine-chan’s room to cover this much power. At least a system comparable to General Store Mitsuha, in other words, a household fuel cell... a power generation system using LP gas, a larger capacity storage battery, a control panel, and so on.
...And, of course, regular replacement of gas cylinders...
If the load in the equipment becomes too large, accidents would likely occur. Electric shocks, electric fires, gas leaks, and so on...
After all, this is the level of the culture here. They would not mind touching the part where electricity is running with sweaty hands or putting a candle near the source of a gas smell at night to investigate the cause......
Besides, if we go that far, it will go beyond the realm of a secret magic item just for Sabine-chan, and it will become a rumor in the royal palace, then the other royalty and nobles may come saying “I want it at my home too!”.
Oh, when I say royalty, I don’t just mean the king’s family, who are sensible people who know what they are talking about, but there may be many relatives who have the right to inherit the throne. Some of them may be selfish or may mistakenly believe that everything they say will go through.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 彼ら自身にとっては、世に捨てられ、ゼロに等しいものでしたが、
### ENGLISH: They seemed unto themselves as of no reputation, and in the world's eyes contemptible;
but in the sight of God they were precious and beloved.
They stood fast in true humility, they lived in simple obedience,
they walked in love and patience;
To all religious men they were given as an example, and they ought more to provoke us unto good livings than the number of the lukewarm tempteth to carelessness of life.
5. O how great was the love of all religious persons at the beginning of this sacred institution!
O what devoutness of prayer!
what strict discipline was observed!
what reverence and obedience under the rule of the master showed they in all things!
The traces of them that remain until now testify that they were truly holy and perfect men, who fighting so bravely trod the world underfoot.
Now a man is counted great if only he be not a transgressor, and if he can only endure with patience what he hath undertaken.
6. O the coldness and negligence of our times,
that we so quickly decline from the former love, and it is become a weariness to live, because of sloth and lukewarmness.
May progress in holiness not wholly fall asleep in thee, who many times hast seen so many examples of devout men!
Of the love of solitude and silence
Seek a suitable time for thy meditation, and think frequently of the mercies of God to thee.
Leave curious questions.
Study such matters as bring thee sorrow for sin rather than amusement.
If thou withdraw thyself from trifling conversation and idle goings about, as well as from novelties and gossip, thou shalt find thy time sufficient and apt for good meditation.
The greatest saints used to avoid as far as they could the company of men, and chose to live in secret with God.
2. One hath said,
"As oft as I have gone among men, so oft have I returned less a man."
This is what we often experience when we have been long time in conversation.
For it is easier to be altogether silent than it is not to exceed in word.
It is easier to remain hidden at home than to keep sufficient guard upon thyself out of doors.
He, therefore, that seeketh to reach that which is hidden and spiritual, must go with Jesus "apart from the multitude."
No man safely goeth abroad who loveth not to rest at home.
No man safely talketh but he who loveth to hold his peace.
No man safely ruleth but he who loveth to be subject.
No man safely commandeth but he who loveth to obey.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ミシェルちゃんの意見は実に田舎者らしい。確かにミツバチは地味に栄養価が高いため、食べ物に困る辺境では貴重な食材でもある。
「あ、ほら! 牛! 牛さんだよ?」
「よっし、着いた! ほらみんな、ここが目的のコスモス園だよ!」
### ENGLISH: Michelle said something exceedingly bumpkin-like. But as she said, honeybees that had high nutritious value were indeed precious ingredients in rural areas that had food problems. It was a little difficult to make a city dweller like Matisse nod to that.
I held back a laugh at her stiff reply at Michelle’s comment. I don’t know how it happened, but in the academy, she had a reputation of a “collected and hardworking young lady”. There was hardly a reason for me to ruin that reputation with my laughter.
“Ah, look! A cow! It’s a cow!”
“Yeah, looks tasty.”
Matisse once again shouted in excitement when she saw a cow that was grazing leisurely, but Michelle only saw it as an ingredient. In the first place, we hunted a buffalo around the capital, so it wasn’t such a rare sight. For us, that is.
Even after that, Matisse reacted a few more times whenever she saw some animal only to be replied with ‘looks tasty’ by Michelle.
“You really eat anything, huh, Michelle?”
“It’s not everything... but I suppose I eat everything that’s huntable?”
“You are pretty... wild, huh.”
“I-It’s not just me, Nicole’s the same, okay?”
She looked at me to pass the topic... but I wasn’t sure it would do good to my reputation to answer truthfully. After all, while I was Lyell and Maria’s child, I was also a huge bumpkin. I ate bees and hunted cows. And in some cases, I even ate lizard-like monsters called Kratos.
This was partly due to my discipline from the adventuring days, but my parents did not particularly comment on it other than saying that it was good that I wasn’t a picky eater.
Rather, when remembering my infancy days where I ate far too little, I was thankful to eat whatever food was offered to me.
“W-Well... I suppose I eat most things that can be put on the table. And there are various customs based on regions too.”
“Oh, you are quite well informed, Nicole.”
“You’re quite informed yourself, Letina, since you are explaining all that.”
I was mainly specialized in personal battles since my previous life, so my knowledge about monster ecology wasn’t that good. That kind of knowledge fell under Maxwell, Cortina and Maria’s field of expertise. I merely followed their directions and aimed for the weaknesses that they taught me.
For that reason, I barely had knowledge regarding the monsters I’ve never actually seen. It was far easier for me to challenge humans whose abilities could be guessed from their movements and posture.
“You’re amazing too, Lady Letina!”
Matisse still used ‘lady’ when referring to Letina. This was because she was still a major noble of this country. I was a commoner by standing, so she was more casual with me, but part of the reason was that I hated being called with honorifics.
Thus, while we were busy talking amongst us, our destination, the field of flowers, finally came into sight. Kevin Domain was originally in the middle of the forest, but the lord cleaned up the trees, and after searching for the local specialties that would suit the climate, he settled on the flower fields.
The various flowers distributed from their fields were tended with magic and drugs and made to be hard to wither, and then shipped to every corner of Raum. And then, they were used to decorate various ceremonies and rituals. Such vast flower fields were a rarity even in Raum.
“Okay, we’re here! Take a look, this is the Cosmos Garden!”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ベリウレスの巨体で走ったため、他の魔物との間にかなりの距離が生まれていたのだ。砂煙によりベリウレス以外の魔軍兵が人影を見落としたことも大きかったかもしれない。後方の魔軍との隙間に広がった魔除け薬は、他の魔物が神殿内に踏み込むことを躊躇する目に見えない壁となる。魔軍の足が短時間ではあるが確実に止まった。
### ENGLISH: Due to his huge body, when Beliulace ran, he created a considerable amount of gap with the rest of his army. The anti-demon medicine spread in that gap and caused an invisible wall that made the rest of the Beliulace army hesitate to proceed. For a brief moment, the demon army came to a halt.
The next moment, countless arrows and magics rained down on Beliulace.
With a roar, Beliulace flung all the arrows and resisted the magics with his body. In the meantime, the temple’s gate was shut. Now, Belulace was trapped in the temple, alone.
“Caught you.”
Beliulace swung down his massive sword in the direction of that voice but his sword was repelled. Beliulace was astonished.
Behind the closed gate, Beliulace heard the scream of his subordinates alongside the sounds of arrows and magic. He turned back and saw a man holding a gigantic sword, standing with his back to the gate and smiling condescendingly at him.
“I’ve been pretty frustrated too so let’s do it with a bang!”
It was Luguentz. The man next to Luguentz took off his robe with an annoyed look and then smiled.
“Big Bro Mazell, if we lose after all of this, we won’t be able to face Big Bro Welner.”
“I know.”
It was the [Hero] Mazell that repelled Beliulace’s sword. On his right was Elrich. Laura, who persuaded the people that it is safest beside the hero, stood on his left.
Facing Mazell, Beliulace felt an unknown emotion raging inside of him. His face twitched slightly, a behavior unfit for his position as the demon commander. Unable to accept the fact that his sword was repelled by a mere human, Beliulace roared and rushed to Mazell.
Mazell narrowed his eyes. He readjusted the grip of his sword, then calmly and softly declared.
“Demon commander, this is your end.”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「あの資料によると、神命光輝の聖杯は幾つかの手順を追って作成するというアイテムだって事が分かったんだ。でもそれは、材料を集めて生産するという類の物じゃないみたい。長期クエストの報酬、みたいなものかな」
### ENGLISH: 「According to those documents, the Brilliant Chalice of Divine Decree was an item obtainable after following a lot of steps, though they weren’t steps like gathering ingredients and making it, it was the reward of a really long quest, apparently.」
「Hmm... I remember hearing a lot of rumors about the Chalice, but so it was a quest item.」
There were many arguments about it back during the game era, though the most trusted theory said that it was the reward of some quest, and that the Brilliant Chalice of Divine Decree was in the same league as artifacts.
「Calling it a quest item...is not quite correct.」
Solomon closed his eyes as he sorted his thoughts before continuing to speak.
「Apparently it’s a rather unique item that can’t really be classified as a crafted item, drop, or quest item.」
There really were no words to accurately describe what the Brilliant Chalice of Divine Decree was, so Solomon began his explanation by throwing that fact out.
First, the chalice was an item obtainable after following a long and arduous process, but it was not to create or build one, it was completed after satisfying multiple conditions.
As for what those conditions were, most of them had not been deciphered yet, but the first steps were known now, so they called for Mira.
「So, what are those conditions?」
「The first condition, which also counts as gathering the basis for the Chalice, also has its own conditions, but it’s basically gathering the root of a sacred tree that is more than three thousand years old. The sacred tree of that age closest to us, or should I say, closest to the underground graveyard where Soul Howl was is in-」
「Past the Primal Forest. The elder of the Forest of Praying Children...I guess.」
Sacred Tree was a term used to refer to any tree that after living for long enough, had become able to house divine energy, and were revered as gods. There were multiple of those that were older than three thousand years throughout the continent, but it was a safe bet going to the closest one to the underground graveyard since it was hard to believe Soul Howl would go through the cumbersome task of going to another faraway land. Which meant going to the Forest of Praying Children on the southwest part of Arkite. The Tenma Labyrinth Primal Forest was also in that area, which is why Solomon said it was just the perfect opportunity.
「That’s pretty much it. Since it’s the first condition he probably isn’t there anymore, but you might be able to find more traces of him, or maybe even learn something from the elder, which would put you right behind him.」
「Well, I guess so. Also, if you had told me about the Founding Seeds after I returned from visiting the elder, I would’ve gotten annoyed at you for not telling me earlier.」
「I’m aware of that much. Either way, we’ll need a few for our experiments, as well as some spares, so please bring around ten if you can.」</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: こちらの整頓したバージョンをお見せしましょう
もとの絵では わかりにくかったことが ひと目でわかります 17個の赤とオレンジと、その隣を見ると2個の緑の四角があります
こんなので驚いてはいけませんよ 今のはビギナー向けです
こんなに色々なものを 散らかして
私の部屋がこんなだったら お母さんに怒られて 3日間の外出禁止になるでしょう
ではこの絵にも しっかりとした構成を持ち込んでみましょう
(拍手) ここで普通 拍手があるんですが スイスだったら 大喝采になります
スイスはチョコレートとチーズに加えて 電車の正確さでも有名です
スイス人は 物事がきちんとしているのが 好きですからね
線や図形をちょいちょいと用意して 黄色い背景の上に適当に配置したという趣きです
丁度 皆さんが電話中にする落書きみたいな物です
そしてこちらはー ずいぶんスッキリしたのが わかると思います
まだ冗談かと思っている方が いらっしゃるようなので
私がどれだけ真剣なのかを伝えるために このプロジェクトに関する 特許の詳細書を持ってきました このやり方の特許を取ったんですよ もちろんスイスはベルンの特許庁で
ちょっと明細書を 読んでみます
ただ、人に新しいアイデアを紹介する時にはやり方というものがあって こうした書類が必要になることもあるのです
右手は普通 文字を書く時に使う手ですよ
今からみっつ数えますので、3まで数えたら 後ろの人と握手をしてください。いいですか?
おわかりでしょうか、この様に整然とした行動でも、時には 簡単に混乱状態になってしまうのです
もとの絵では 絡み合う模様が何を表現しているのか まったくわかりませんが
### ENGLISH: And I would like to show you here my tidied up version of this picture.
We can see now what was barely recognizable in the original: 17 red and orange squares are juxtaposed with just two green squares.
Yeah, that's great.
So I mean, that's just tidying up for beginners.
I would like to show you here a picture which is a bit more advanced.
What can you say? What a mess.
I mean, you see, everything seems to have been scattered aimlessly around the space.
If my room back home had looked like this, my mother would have grounded me for three days.
So I'd like to -- I wanted to reintroduce some structure into that picture.
And that's really advanced tidying up.
Yeah, you're right. Sometimes people clap at this point, but that's actually more in Switzerland.
We Swiss are famous for chocolate and cheese. Our trains run on time.
We are only happy when things are in order.
But to go on, here is a very good example to see.
This is a picture by Joan Miro.
And yeah, we can see the artist has drawn a few lines and shapes and dropped them any old way onto a yellow background.
And yeah, it's the sort of thing you produce when you're doodling on the phone.
And this is my -- -- you can see now the whole thing takes up far less space.
It's more economical and also more efficient.
With this method Mr. Miro could have saved canvas for another picture.
But I can see in your faces that you're still a little bit skeptical.
So that you can just appreciate how serious I am about all this, I brought along the patents, the specifications for some of these works, because I've had my working methods patented at the Eidgenössische Amt für Geistiges Eigentum in Bern, Switzerland.
I'll just quote from the specification.
"Laut den Kunstprüfer Dr. Albrecht --" It's not finished yet.
Ja, well I could have translated that, but you would have been none the wiser.
I'm not sure myself what it means but it sounds good anyway.
I just realized it's important how one introduces new ideas to people, that's why these patents are sometimes necessary.
I would like to do a short test with you.
Everyone is sitting in quite an orderly fashion here this morning.
So I would like to ask you all to raise your right hand. Yeah.
The right hand is the one we write with, apart from the left-handers.
And now, I'll count to three. I mean, it still looks very orderly to me.
Now, I'll count to three, and on the count of three I'd like you all to shake hands with the person behind you. OK?
One, two, three.
You can see now, that's a good example: even behaving in an orderly, systematic way can sometimes lead to complete chaos.
So we can also see that very clearly in this next painting.
This is a painting by the artist, Niki de Saint Phalle.
And I mean, in the original it's completely unclear to see what this tangle of colors and shapes is supposed to depict.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: アイリスのベッドに寝せておいたシェリルは、数分後にたわけた寝言を呟き始めた。
「どんな夢見てるのよ! ちゃんとパジャマ着てるし!」
「うっさいわね! 当たってるから腹が立つわ!」
「な、何だと! あれは決闘だったんだから仕方がないだろ! すぐ燃える服を着てるほうが悪い! 言っておくが、私やお母さんが着ている服は、私たちの魔力で出来ているから。燃えても再生するんだ。どうだ、凄いだろう!」
「魔力で出来た服......その手があったか! 今度パクらせてもらうわ!」
「嫌よ! だって全裸になりたくないし!」
「まあ、アイリス様の全裸はどうてもいいとして......それで、えっと......さっき、そちらの方がドラゴンに変身したような気がするんですが......私の夢ですよね? ドラゴンがこんなところでアイリス様と仲良くコントしているはずないですよね......あはは」
「食べないわよ! ドラゴンのこと何だと思ってるの!? 言っておくけど、私はただお母さんを連れ戻しにきただけよ。すぐにいなくなるから安心して」
「お母さん! 私は従者になんかならないからね! お母さんのことも連れて帰るから!」
### ENGLISH: Sheryl, who was left sleeping on Iris’ bed, started muttering a few minutes after.
「Un, munyamunya.......Iris-sama is naked today as always......」
「What kind of dream are you seeing!? I’m properly wearing my pajamas! 」
Iris tried to protect her honor.
Then, Sheryl woke up and came back to reality.
「Good morning, Iris-sama. Is today 「naked but sometimes in pajamas」 day? 」
「Shut up! You aren’t wrong and this is irritating! 」
「I’m always naked, so we are comrades」Punigami tried to comfort her in a weird way.
Having been comforted by a slime on for such reasons, Iris felt as if she fell as low as possible.
「All of this happened only because Marion incinerated my clothes!」
「W-What!? It was a duel, so it couldn’t be helped! It’s your fault for wearing clothes that easily burn! On a side note, the clothes worn by me and my mother are made from magical power. They can regenerate even after being burnt. How is it? Amazing, right? 」
Marion puffed her humble chest.
「Clothes made of magical power......so there was that option! I should utilize this next time! 」
「Do not!」
「Not gonna! After all, I don’t want to stay naked! 」
Let’s make a set of inflammable clothes from magma. With this, anti-naked measures should be completed.
「Well, leaving aside the problem of Iris-sama’s clothes.........so, emm........I seem to have a recollection of this person turning into a dragon.......was this a dream of mine? Dragons aren’t supposed to be friendly with Iris-sama in this place........ahaha」
「Nope, I’m a dragon」
Said Marion as she swung her tail.
「Hieee.......it wasn’t a dream.......please don’t eat meee........」
「I won’t! What do you think dragons are!? But don’t misunderstand, I’m only here to bring my mother back. I’ll go back in no time, you can relax」
「Ha........I presume that this person is your mother then」
Being watched by Sheryl, Julia put her hand to her cheek and laughed. []
「That’s right. I’m Julia. This girl is Marion. We are parent and child. I became Iris-sama’s servant」
Introducing herself as such, Julia began petting Iris’ head.
「Mother! I won’t become something like a servant! I’m going to bring mother back! 」
「Even if you say that........then I have no choice but to bring Iris-chan to the Village of Dragons」
The moment Julia muttered so, Sheryl jumped out of the bed with a great momentum.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 多少は父上もお疲れのようで。まあ今日は公的な立場の人間は仕事の嵐だっただろうからな。軍務の人間は当然だが典礼大臣の父だっておそらく外務大臣と一緒に対外処理をやるようなこともあっただろうし。
### ENGLISH: Father looked tired. Well, I guess today was a hell of a day for the officials. Without a doubt, the military was busy today, but even Father, who was the Minister of Ceremonies, must have been busy dealing with the foreign affairs with the Minister of Foreign Affair.
“Tomorrow, you need to go to the palace in the early morning. His Highness said he wanted to discuss several things with you.”
“Just me alone?”
“Yes. His Highness said we wished to speak with you alone first.”
“I understand. Then, let me give you a simple report about today.”
It looked like Father knew about what His Highness wanted to discuss with me, but he didn’t tell me anything. That meant whatever it was, it must be highly classified, so I needed to go to the palace to talk with His Highness. I got a feeling that I would be roped into some troublesome things again.
I put this matter in the back of my mind for now and focus on my report. I told Father about the situation in Valeritz, the incident in Alea Village, and the war in Finnoi. Really, how could these many things happen in just a month? And Father, what was with that bitter expression?
“Several people, including Duke Grunding, told me they envy me for having an excellent heir like you.”
In this life, I just happened to get a cheat code called the memory of my past life. In terms of combat power, I wasn’t a match for Mazell while in terms of intelligence, there were people like the Crown Prince and many others who were far smarter than me. I only have my memory of my past life and the memory of the game. As for my work efficiency, that was the fruit of the knowledge and experience I had gathered in my previous life.
Or rather, I didn’t want to get too close to Duke Grunding since I had experienced just how reckless he could be. When I thought so, I realized something and asked Father a question.
“Since when did you start hearing that kind of flattery, Father?”
“The messenger informed me you were the one who created the plan in Finnoi’s defense battle. The flattery probably started around the time that news spread.”
Mr. Messenger, just what kind of thing did you say in your report that things become like this!? Well, the messenger had the duty of reporting exactly what he had heard. Despite that, I want to complain! I needed to make a lot of preparations for the eventual attack on the capital, so I didn’t have time to attend a noble lady tea party!
“I have many things I plan to do, so I want to refuse the noble ladies’ invitations as much as possible.”
“Ever since stuff they call prototypes has started to arrive in the mansion from craftsmen, I know that there’s something else you want to do. What exactly are you planning?”
“It will be hard for me to explain it with words, so I am planning to bring the things to the palace later. That is why, Father, I hope you will be there as the representative of Zeavert House.”
If this world were still a game, I could have just brought the thing tomorrow when I go to the palace but in reality, if I wanted to bring an unknown thing to the palace, a third party needed to investigate the thing and then gave me permission first. This was the rule created in order to prevent assassins from bringing weapons to the palace.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: すなわち、〝助けてやる〟と。リリアーナの心が激しく動揺する。それはダメだと王女のリリアーナが叫ぶ。結婚は果たさねばならない責務だ。だからこそ、夢想を抱く女の子の自分をバッサリ切り捨てて欲しかったのに、と。
「そこは、嘘でもお前の為だと言うべきじゃありませんか? 私、きっと落ちていましたよ?」
「さっきの暴行発言と関係あるわね。......リリィが危ないところを助けたって言っていたし、今のダンスで止めを刺したってところかしら? ねぇ、一体、何を囁いていたの? 一応、リリィは人妻なのよ? 分かってる? ねぇ、分かっているの? 南雲君?」
### ENGLISH: In other words, “I’ll Help you”. Ririana’s heart was shaken intensely. The princess within Ririana began to shout. This marriage is an obligation that should be fulfilled. That’s why, I wanted you to cast away that girl who held onto those dreams in one strike.Then.
“Why?”, in another sense acting upon cruel treatment, or perhaps it was due to her joy that her eyes moistened up towards Hajime, Hajime acted as if it was nothing, in another sense, he replied without reading the atmosphere and gave the worst response possible.
“The Princess is unfortunate, to be feeling bad for those guys”
Hajime said so and glanced over towards Kaori and them. In brief, their purpose was not exactly for Ririana’s sake, although Hajime said, Ririana was unfortunate, he seemed to also imply don’t hurt my “Important” people
“Isn’t that, too much of a lie even if it’s coming from you? We’ll, surely fall?”
“What are you going do if it happens? Ma~a, for the time being, it’s just necessary to think that the worst outcome that you’ve thought of won’t be happening. As long as you’re important friends of these fellows, that is”
“......Nagumo-san’s resolution doesn’t shake huh........truly, I’m envious of Yue-san”
Ririana watches Hajime with a hateful expression. Hajime was indifferent towards it and glanced right back. Then finally the end of the music was coming up. Hajime looked unfazed, Ririana who eventually gave up, “Fuu~”, breathed outwards and leaned her body onto Hajime, she decided to at least momentarily enjoy the dance for now.
And while leaving a lingering sound, the music stopped, Ririana reluctantly parted her body away, and for a while kept their hands held together while quietly staring at Hajime......”Thank you” she muttered. With a lovely smile just like a flower that was fully bloomed.
It was simply the smile of a 14-year-old girl. A smile that was so pure that it didn’t have any impurities, it pierced through all the hearts of the people who saw it. A sigh filled with heat could be heard somewhere. And, after a while, a grand applause which didn’t lose against Yue’s dance from a while ago resounded. It appears that Ririana only danced with the other people simply because it was required, Hajime separated from her and returned alone, and the eyes of ladies greeted him.
“Hajime-kun’s a woman killer.....”
“.......Hajime-san, when on earth did you......I can’t let down my guard at all”
“No~o, Master. I got a little wet from the neglecting play, is it alright for me to change my underwear?”
“This has to do with those assault remarks from a while ago right. .....You said something about helping out Riri during a dangerous time, did you plan on dealing the finishing blows during the dance? Ne~e, what exactly did you whisper to her? To begin with, isn’t Riri a married woman now? Do you understand? Ne~e, do you understand? Nagumo-kun?”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ――さらに、逃れることのできない自分自身がもうひとり!
### ENGLISH: -- yet the other as unescapably himself!
One humiliation he was spared:
the desire to live never revived in him.
Not for a moment was he tempted to a shabby pact with existing conditions.
He wanted to die,
wanted it with the fixed unwavering desire
which alone attains its end.
And still the end eluded him!
It would not always, of course -- he had full faith in the dark star of his destiny.
And he could prove it best by repeating his story, persistently and indefatigably, pouring it into indifferent ears, hammering it into dull brains, till at last it kindled a spark, and some one of the careless millions paused, listened, believed. . .
It was a mild March day,
and he had been loitering on the westside docks, looking at faces.
He was becoming an expert in physiognomies:
his eagerness no longer made rash darts and awkward recoils.
He knew now the face he needed, as clearly as if it had come to him in a vision;
and not till he found it would he speak.
As he walked eastward through the shabby reeking streets he had a premonition that he should find it that morning.
Perhaps it was the promise of spring in the air
-- certainly he felt calmer than for many days. . .
He turned into Washington Square, struck across it obliquely, and walked up University Place.
Its heterogeneous passers always allured him
-- they were less hurried than in Broadway, less enclosed and classified than in Fifth Avenue.
He walked slowly, watching for his face.
At Union Square he felt a sudden relapse into discouragement,
like a votary who has watched too long for a sign from the altar.
Perhaps, after all, he should never find his face. . .
The air was languid, and he felt tired.
He walked between the bald grass-plots and the twisted trees, making for an empty seat.
Presently he passed a bench on which a girl sat alone, and something as definite as the twitch of a cord made him stop before her.
He had never dreamed of telling his story to a girl,
had hardly looked at the women's faces as they passed.
His case was man's work:
how could a woman help him?
But this girl's face was extraordinary
-- quiet and wide as a clear evening sky.
It suggested a hundred images of space, distance, mystery,</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ラベルを付けずに展示ホールに この2つの絵を並べ 鑑賞する人に どちらの絵が好きか ー 訊ねるのが好きなんです
ほとんどの人が考えを変えますよ 左側がヒットラーだと教えると 右側がマーチン・ルーサー・キングです
そうしているうちに 僕は360色を 認識できるようになりました 人間の視覚と同じです
カラーホイールの全て角度を 識別できるようになったんです
でも 人間の視覚だけでは 満足できなくなりました
僕たちの周りには もっと色があります 人間が認識できないだけです 電子アイは認識できます
そこで 色彩認識の幅を広げようと思い このデバイスが音にできるスケールに 赤外線と紫外線を加えました 人間の目が認識できない色です
赤外線が認識できると便利です 部屋に赤外線装置があれば分かります
紫外線が認識できれば 日光浴に適した日と そうでない日が分かります 紫外線は危険ですからね 紫外線で死ぬことだってあるんですから 認識できないものが認識できれば便利です
それで2年前 サイボーグ基金を設立しました 人がサイボーグになるのを助けたり テクノロジーによる感覚の 拡張を勧める団体です テクノロジーによる感覚の 拡張を勧める団体です
テクノロジーによる感覚の 拡張を勧める団体です 知識は感覚から育まれます 感覚を拡張できれば
知識を拡大することができるのです 携帯電話のアプリなど開発しないで 自分達の体のためのアプリを開発したら
人生はもっとエキサイティングになると思います 今世紀には このような
大きな変化が起きると思います ですから 皆さんも 自分のどの感覚を 拡張したいか考えて下さい
みんなで やりましょう ありがとうございました (拍手)
### ENGLISH: And I like to exhibit these paintings in the exhibition halls without labels, and then I ask people, "Which one do you prefer?"
And most people change their preference when I tell them that the one on the left is Hitler and the one on the right is Martin Luther King.
So I got to a point when I was able to perceive 360 colors, just like human vision.
I was able to differentiate all the degrees of the color wheel.
But then, I just thought that this human vision wasn't good enough.
There's many, many more colors around us that we cannot perceive, but that electronic eyes can perceive.
So I decided to continue extending my color senses, and I added infrared and I added ultraviolet that the human eye cannot perceive.
For example, perceiving infrared is good because you can actually detect if there's movement detectors in a room.
I can hear if someone points at me with a remote control.
And the good thing about perceiving ultraviolet is that you can hear if it's a good day or a bad day to sunbathe, because ultraviolet is a dangerous color, a color that can actually kill us, so I think we should all have this wish to perceive things that we cannot perceive.
That's why, two years ago, I created the Cyborg Foundation, which is a foundation that tries to help people become a cyborg, tries to encourage people to extend their senses by using technology as part of the body.
We should all think that knowledge comes from our senses, so if we extend our senses, we will consequently extend our knowledge.
I think life will be much more exciting when we stop creating applications for mobile phones and we start creating applications for our own body.
I think this will be a big, big change that we will see during this century.
So I do encourage you all to think about which senses you'd like to extend.
I would encourage you to become a cyborg.
You won't be alone. Thank you.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 生殖巣を解剖すると 睾丸が2つ 卵巣が2つに 肥大した睾丸や卵巣- 普通じゃありませんよね
キタヒョウガエルという種類には 精巣に卵子があるオスもいました
この大きく育った卵は オスの睾丸からはじけ出ています
妻も おそらくペネロピも同意見でしょうが 出産ほど痛いものはないでしょう 私は経験できませんから 何とも言えないのですが おそらく1ダースの鶏の卵が 睾丸にあるのと 匹敵するかもしれません
私たちが出版した最近の研究で アトラジンに晒された生物の オスの中には完全に メスになったものもいました
遺伝的にはオスであるにもかかわらず 交尾をするだけでなく 実際に卵を産む事も可能なのです
私たちが提唱し 今や多くに支持されているのは アトラジンがホルモンのバランスを 崩しているという事実です
通常 精巣は男性ホルモンである テストステロンを作ります
しかしアトラジンはエンザイムの1種 アロマターゼを働かせ テストステロンをエストロゲンに変えます
結果としてこのオスは テストステロンを失い 化学的に去勢され 女性ホルモンを作るようになり メス化したのです
女性に一番多い乳がんが エストロゲンとエンザイムアロマターゼによって
引き起こされると分かったからです 胸に がん細胞ができると アロマターゼが アンドロゲンをエストロゲンに変えます それが がんを成長させ 腫瘍にし 広げるのです
事実 アロマトーゼは乳がんの主要原因ですが レトロゾールという化学物質を使う 最新治療は アロマターゼとエストロゲンをブロックし 細胞が変異しても腫瘍になりません
不思議な事に 未だに 3万6千トンものアトラジンが使われています それは最も飲み水を汚染し その一方で アロマターゼやエストロゲンを増やし ラットに腫瘍を発生させ 人間の腫瘍 乳がんとも関係しているのです
おかしなことに 3万6千トンの アトラジンを売るこの会社は 乳がんを発症させる一方で 乳がんのブロッカーを売っています 同じ会社がです
おかしいと思いませんか この化学物質を避けて 病気を予防するどころか さらに多くの化学物資を 環境に投入しているんですよ
エストロゲンと言えば タイロンが映画の中で述べていた ビスフェノールA BPAという化学物質が 最近取り上げられています
### ENGLISH: These are the dissected gonads of an animal that has two testes, two ovaries, another large testis, more ovaries, which is not normal ...
even for amphibians.
In some cases, another species like the North American Leopard Frog showed that males exposed to atrazine grew eggs in their testes.
And you can see these large, yolked-up eggs bursting through the surface of this male's testes.
Now my wife tells me, and I'm sure Penelope can as well, that there's nothing more painful than childbirth -- which that I'll never experience, I can't really argue that -- but I would guess that a dozen chicken eggs in my testicle would probably be somewhere in the top five.
In recent studies that we've published, we've shown that some of these animals when they're exposed to atrazine, some of the males grow up and completely become females.
So these are actually two brothers consummating a relationship.
And not only do these genetic males mate with other males, they actually have the capacity to lay eggs even though they're genetic males.
What we proposed, and what we've now generated support for, is that what atrazine is doing is wreaking havoc causing a hormone imbalance.
Normally the testes should make testosterone, the male hormone.
But what atrazine does is it turns on an enzyme, the machinery if you will, aromatase, that converts testosterone into estrogen.
And as a result, these exposed males lose their testosterone, they're chemically castrated, because now they're making the female hormone.
Now this is what brought me to the human-related issues.
that the number one cancer in women, breast cancer, is regulated by estrogen and by this enzyme aromatase.
So when you develop a cancerous cell in your breast, aromatase converts androgens into estrogens, and that estrogen turns on or promotes the growth of that cancer so that it turns into a tumor and spreads.
In fact, this aromatase is so important in breast cancer that the latest treatment for breast cancer is a chemical called letrozole, which blocks aromatase, blocks estrogen, so that if you developed a mutated cell, it doesn't grow into a tumor.
Now what's interesting is, of course, that we're still using 80 million pounds of atrazine, the number one contaminant in drinking water, that does the opposite -- turns on aromatase, increases estrogen and promotes tumors in rats and is associated with tumors, breast cancer, in humans.
What's interesting is, in fact, the same company that sold us 80 million pounds of atrazine, the breast cancer promoter, now sells us the blocker -- the exact same company.
And so I find it interesting that instead of treating this disease by preventing exposure to the chemicals that promote it, we simply respond by putting more chemicals into the environment.
PJC: So speaking of estrogen, one of the other compounds that Tyrone talks about in the film is something called bisphenol A, BPA, which has been in the news recently.
It's a plasticizer.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: そうして晒してしまったコンマの隙は、ハジメの刃を届かせるに十分だった。血に濡れて分かりづらいが、神結晶を含有する玩具の如き小さなナイフは透き通った刀身に深紅の光を纏いながら突き出され......そして、狙い通りエヒトルジュエの体にズブリと埋め込まれた。
エヒトルジュエの体がドクンッ、ドクンッ! と脈打ち始めた。
### ENGLISH: He was astonished because he sensed the abnormal presence filling the flying out blade. His spine was having goosebumps, his instinct was ringing the alarm bell noisily. This presence was undoubtedly the same presence like what he felt previously――a presence of concept magic.
In a world of instantaneous moment, Ehitorujue immediately tried to use Heaven Existence. However, the clusters of micro blades stirring up inside his body(blood vessel) obstructed his thinking and magic usage, even his automatic regeneration was slowed down. In addition, the metal shackle that had sewed through both his legs before he noticed prevented him from physically jumping away.
That opening which was exposed for less than a second was enough for Hajime’s blade to reach. It was hard to understand because of all the blood, but the small knife that looked like toy contained god crystal, its transparent blade was clad in a deep crimson light which was thrust toward Ehito...and then, accurately the knife plunged into Ehitorujue’s body.
Instantly the deep crimson magic power swelled up. At the center was Ehitorujue’s body. At the same time Ehitorujue’s scream resounded.
A scream of uneasiness and agony that was impossible to come from merely getting stabbed by a small knife resounded. The blades that came out from inside his body were annihilated by platinum light and the restrain was undid, Ehitorujue then stepped back in staggers while holding his head and his body writhing in agony.
Ehitorujue’s body began to
dokun, dokun!
That was the beacon of the awakening. The yell of determination that original owner of the writhing body was raising.
“Impossible-, the vampire princess should have been annihilated completely!”
Indeed, Ehitorujue had felt the soul vanishing in annihilation. Ehitorujue’s face warped from the torrent of power welling up inside his body trying to push him out while he yelled the question that expressed his bewilderment.
The one who answered that was Hajime. While his body was unable to even wake up, his mouth was showing a fierce smile.
“Yue was a cut above you, that’s all there is to it isn’t that right?”
Ehitorujue guessed from those words. That was to say, Yue’s annihilation was actually a feign that she intentionally showed to him. She feigned using up all of her strength before vanishing, and then she concealed her own soul and lurked at the deepest depth of the body.
She believed that in time help would surely come.
By any chance the scream that Ehitorujue heard might also be Yue’s acting performance.
“But, but-, why-!?”
Ehitorujue writhed, and finally he fell on his knee while holding his head before unconsciously whispering his indescribable question.
To that, Hajime pushed out his hand and he answered while running spark on his hand.
“The bullet of ‘godslaying’ shook your soul and awoke Yue’s soul. The ‘Blade of Blood Pledge’ severed your invading thought and granted strength to Yue.”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: そこのセンターでは 読み書きを教えたり ごみ収集で感染する 病気のワクチンを打っていました 私がセンターで
一部屋に7人が押し込められ 夕食もマトモにとれないのに 精神的にタフで笑顔が絶えない 女性達でした
結婚式やお年寄りなどの記念写真を 撮りはじめました
2年ほどして カイロでの国連人口開発会議で 私の写真を使いたいと頼まれ
初めての展覧会にすべての写真を提供したら 2日後に展示されたのはたった3枚でした
汚い場所の写真ばかりだとか ロバの死体はマズイだろうと
みんなに怒られました 落ち込みながら
会場の壁をながめました 残された きれいな写真を見て 自分の間違いを思い知らされました
しかし じっと眺めていると 人物が持つ力を感じました
まだ18歳の小娘でしたが 壁にかかった私の写真は 何か問題があって 取り外されたのです
映像が持つ力は 想像以上でした
その展覧会の意義は ごみ収集者の村を訪れたり 困難な状況で生きる人を知らない人が 会場に来ていた事です
このことで私は 写真やビデオを使って 異なる文化を持つ人が国境を越えてつながるのではと
そこでMTVでは『Startup.com』を製作し 2000年頃に何本かの音楽ビデオを作りました
2003年のイラク戦争が始まる前 私には開戦の実感がありませんでした すでにメディア合戦が始まっていて
N.Y.のテレビはどの局も 偏った報道をしていました 国務省や派遣された兵士の 情報しか流していなかったのです
ニュースを観ると誰でも この戦争による被害は最小限で 米軍はイラク人には解放軍であり 歓迎されると思ってしまいます しかし中東では
全く別のことが起きていました この事実を米国人は知りません 双方の報道のされ方が 全く異なるのを知らない中で
共通理解を深めたり 歩み寄りを図るなんて
私はとにかく 現場に向かいました
カメラも忘れていて あとで届けてもらいました アルジャジーラという ブッシュ大統領が好きな 中東のテレビ局は アラブの政府からは嫌われ 米国からはビンラディンの代弁者と 呼ばれていました
いろいろな人に嫌われているのは 正しい事をしているからでしょう
### ENGLISH: I taught English, and I met some incredible women there.
I met people that live seven people to a room, barely can afford their evening meal, yet lived with this strength of spirit and sense of humor and just incredible qualities.
I got drawn into this community and I began to take pictures there.
I took pictures of weddings and older family members -- things that they wanted memories of.
About two years after I started taking these pictures, the UN Conference on Population and Development asked me to show them at the conference.
So I was 18; I was very excited.
It was my first exhibit of photographs and they were all put up there, and after about two days, they all came down except for three.
very angry that I was showing these dirty sides of Cairo, and why didn't I cut the dead donkey out of the frame?
And as I sat there, I got very depressed.
I looked at this big empty wall with three lonely photographs that were, you know, very pretty photographs and I was like, "I failed at this."
But I was looking at this intense emotion and intense feeling that had come out of people just seeing these photographs.
Here I was, this 18-year-old pipsqueak that nobody listened to, and all of a sudden, I put these photographs on the wall, and there were arguments, and they had to be taken down.
And I saw the power of the image, and it was incredible.
And I think the most important reaction that I saw there was actually from people that would never have gone to the garbage village themselves, that would never have seen that the human spirit could thrive in such difficult circumstances.
And I think it was at that point that I decided I wanted to use photography and film to somehow bridge gaps, to bridge cultures, bring people together, cross borders.
And so that's what really kind of started me off.
Did a stint at MTV, made a film called "Startup.com," and I've done a couple of music films.
But in 2003, when the war in Iraq was about to start, it was a very surreal feeling for me, because before the war started, there was kind of this media war that was going on.
And I was watching television in New York, and there seemed to be just one point of view that was coming across, and the coverage went from the US State Department to embedded troops.
And what was coming across on the news was that there was going to be this clean war and precision bombings, and the Iraqis would be greeting the Americans as liberators, And I knew that there was a completely other story that was taking place in the Middle East, where my parents were.
I knew that there was a completely other story being told, and I was thinking, "How are people supposed to communicate with each other when they're getting completely different messages, and nobody knows what the other's being told?
How are people supposed to have any kind of common understanding or know how to move together into the future?
So I knew that I had to go there.
I just wanted to be in the center.
I had no plan. I had no funding.
I didn't even have a camera at the time -- I had somebody bring it there, because I wanted to get access to Al Jazeera, George Bush's favorite channel, and a place which I was very curious about because it's disliked by many governments across the Arab world, and also called the mouthpiece of Osama Bin Laden by some people in the US government.
So I was thinking, this station that's hated by so many people has to be doing something right.
And I also wanted to go see Central Command, which was 10 minutes away.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 素晴らしい自然主義者である カール・サフィーナは それを 「マグロを捕り尽くすための国際的な共謀」 と呼んでいます
もちろん ここ数年ICCATによる管理は 著しく改善しています 様々な点で改善しているのですが マグロは回遊魚なので 管理するには 地球全体で管理しなくてはなりません
養殖する試みもありましたが マグロは全く 養殖には向かないのです
マグロが温血魚であることは あまり知られていません
体温は海水より高い20度で 時速65キロ以上で泳ぐことがでぎます
だから 養殖には向かないことを お分りいただけますか?
養殖できる魚は 冷血魚で あまり移動しない魚です
時速65キロで泳ぐ 暴れん坊で 野生の魚— しかも温血魚であるマグロは 養殖の適切な候補ではありません
次の魚は アメリカや西欧諸国で 一番食べられている 鮭です
鮭も生息地を奪われていますが 必ずしも漁業によって ではありません
これは私の故郷の コネティカット州ですが
以前は天然の鮭が 多く生息していました
でも この地図を見てください 点はすべてダムです
コネティカット州には 3千以上のダムがあります
これが住民をイライラさせ保守的にさせる 原因だと私はいつも言っています コネティカット州の 「気」の流れをよくすれば 物凄く住みやすくなると 思います
以前 ある会議の場で 国立公園の職員に私がこういうと ノースカロライナ州出身の彼は 私の側に来て言うのです 「コネティカット州のことで ムキになりすぎてるよ ノースカロライナ州には 3万5千のダムがあるんだよ」
ダムは国中に いや 世界中に乱立しています
ダムがどこにでもあり これが産卵のために 川を遡る天然の鮭を 邪魔しているのです
だから 養殖したのです 鮭は様々な点で 最も養殖に成功した魚です
最初に鮭の養殖が始められた頃 餌となる6キロの天然魚が 1キロの鮭の養殖には必要でした
業界の名誉のために言うと かなり進歩したので
2対1を下回っています ただ少し誤魔化しもあり 養殖の餌を製造する所では ペレットを計量しており 1キロの鮭には 何ポンドものペレットを与えます
このペレットも同様に 魚の量を減らすものです
結局 魚を投入して魚を得る 略して FIFO です 言いにくい言葉ですね
しかし いずれにせよ 業界の名誉のために言うと 鮭1キロに対する 餌となる魚の量を減らしています
### ENGLISH: The great naturalist Carl Safina once called it, "The International Conspiracy to Catch all the Tunas."
Of course we've seen incredible improvement in ICCAT in the last few years, there is total room for improvement, but it remains to be said that tuna is a global fish, and to manage it, we have to manage the globe.
Well, we could also try to grow tuna but tuna is a spectacularly bad animal for aquaculture.
Many people don't know this but tuna are warm-blooded.
They can heat their bodies 20 degrees above ambient temperature, they can swim at over 40 miles an hour.
So that pretty much eliminates all the advantages of farming a fish, right?
A farmed fish is -- or a fish is cold-blooded, it doesn't move too much.
That's a great thing for growing protein.
But if you've got this crazy, wild creature that swims at 40 miles an hour and heats its blood -- not a great candidate for aquaculture.
The next creature -- most consumed seafood in America and throughout the West -- is salmon.
Now salmon got its plundering, too, but it didn't really necessarily happen through fishing.
This is my home state of Connecticut.
Connecticut used to be home to a lot of wild salmon.
But if you look at this map of Connecticut, every dot on that map is a dam.
There are over 3,000 dams in the state of Connecticut.
I often say this is why people in Connecticut are so uptight -- If somebody could just unblock Connecticut's chi, I feel that we could have an infinitely better world.
But I made this particular comment at a convention once of national parks officers, and this guy from North Carolina sidled up to me, he says, "You know, you oughtn't be so hard on your Connecticut, cause we here in North Carolina, we got 35,000 dams."
So it's a national epidemic, it's an international epidemic.
And there are dams everywhere, and these are precisely the things that stop wild salmon from reaching their spawning grounds.
So as a result, we've turned to aquaculture, and salmon is one the most successful, at least from a numbers point of view.
When they first started farming salmon, it could take as many as six pounds of wild fish to make a single pound of salmon.
The industry has, to its credit, greatly improved.
They've gotten it below two to one, although it's a little bit of a cheat because if you look at the way aquaculture feed is produced, they're measuring pellets -- pounds of pellets per pound of salmon.
Those pellets are in turn reduced fish.
So the actual -- what's called the FIFO, the fish in and the fish out -- kind of hard to say.
But in any case, credit to the industry, it has lowered the amount of fish per pound of salmon.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: と、この気配はダンジョンの主ですね。急いで離れますか。
### ENGLISH: And, I guess the presence I am sensing now is the owner of the dungeon. I shall leave at once.
My temper has deteriorated once again today. Why? Wasn’t that self-evident?
“Dammit! I can’t find that guy anywhere! Quit creeping around and come at me from the front!”
Obviously, my disposition was worsening since I couldn’t locate the rat that had snuck into my dungeon three days before!
Where the hell is that b*stard?
With a thud, I wandered into the labyrinth of my creation. And then,
A sudden warning blared in my head after that. Speaking of mysteries, it was likewise a mystery why this alarm was not sounded earlier.
When a human entered the dungeon, this alarm was supposed to go off in the Demon King’s head, but it hadn’t gone off three days ago when the turbulence first erupted.
“Well, I’ve got more than enough to worry about. Hey, you goblins. We’ve got company! Entertain them with everything you have to offer!”
I issued a command to all the goblins in the fortress to take down the intruder.
Hahaha. There is no chance of my goblins losing in direct combat. They are outnumbered by a large margin. At that juncture, the adversaries would be under pressure.
Oh dear, so that was the owner of this dungeon, and indeed, I agreed with Kurokiri’s prediction that this dungeon will collapse in a couple of months or so.
After all, this dungeon can defeat most opponents in a head-on confrontation thanks to the elevated combat ability of the master himself, but there will always be humans they will fail to eliminate.
And if the same individual was unsuccessfully taken down several times, that individual’s level will soar and eventually progress to the brink of being capable of driving a sword into the chest of his opponent. Therefore, there were only a few more months to go before the devastation of this labyrinth.
No, considering the military’s coordinating capabilities, it might happen even sooner.
“Then all I have to do is... adjust the war situation to a competitive state, and if it leans out of control and the owner of the dungeon is on the verge of being vanquished, I shall strike him down for a little extra experience.”
As I nodded, I contemplated what I alone ought to carry out.
“Now then, I’ll make my way to the main gate and dispatch the adversaries away from the battlefield stealthily.”
I then proceeded to the entrance I had entered three days ago.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: これで西側のマグロたちは 東側へ移動することが 分かってきました
2つのマグロの個体群は 片方はメキシコ湾流の個体群で タグ付けができ 先ほどのとおり メキシコ湾にも行きます そしてもう一方
私たちの北米のマグロにも 入り混じっているのが 地中海方面から来る ヨーロッパのクロマグロです
ホットスポットや ホープスポットに関わらず 彼らは入り混じって 存在しているのです
この科学情報をもとに 私たちは国際委員会に向けて 新しいモデルを構築することで 今日まで2つの個体群が それぞれ独立して存在するという ワシントン条約の否決にも用いられた モデルの間違いを訴えています
こちらの重なり合うモデルが 前に進む方法です
どの海域を管理すればよいのか 予測できるからです
メキシコ湾や地中海などは 単一の種や個体群が 捕獲できるところです
これらが真っ先に保護しなければ ならない場所になります
混じり合いが起きている 大西洋の中心で 漁業体制がしっかりしている アメリカとカナダには 漁業権を認める政策を 取っても良いと思います
ただし過剰な漁業が行われてきた 国際海域においては ホープスポットを 作らなければならない所もあります
クロマグロを保護するには これだけの海域が必要なのです
次のプロジェクトは “Tagging of Pacific Pelagics”で 海洋生物センサスに身を置く私たちは 地球を相手に一丸となって挑みました
当初はスローン財団などから 資金提供を受け 17あるフィールドプログラムの一つである 私たちのプログラムを遂行することができ マグロのみならず多くの捕食者に タグを付け始めることができました
私たちがやったのは アラスカでネズミザメに タグを取り付けるために 彼らがホームグラウンドで サケを捕まえる姿を追いかけながら 分かったことがあります もしサケをエサに釣り糸を垂らせば ホホジロザメの仲間である ネズミザメを 捕まえられるということです そして注意深く ―これが重要です―
暴れないよう ホースを口に入れ デッキから遠ざけて 衛星タグを取り付けることができます
そうすれば通信衛星がサメの状況を 連絡してくれます
ジャンプしているサメを よく見ると アンテナが見えます
衛星タグ付きの野生のサメが サケをジャンプして追いながら データをこちらに送信してくれるのです
タグを取り付けるのは ネズミザメだけではありませんが
ここではネズミザメがいる 水温をレベルメーターで 色分けします 暖かい海は明るい色になります
サメたちは熱帯に 産卵のため南下し その後モントレーにやってきます
モントレーの隣のファラロン諸島の ホホジロザメのチームは スコット・アンダーソンと サル・ジョルゲンセンが率いています
### ENGLISH: And now we're showing that tunas on the western side go to the eastern side.
So two populations of tunas -- that is, we have a Gulf population, one that we can tag -- they go to the Gulf of Mexico, I showed you that -- and a second population.
Living amongst our tunas -- our North American tunas -- are European tunas that go back to the Med.
On the hot spots -- the hope spots -- they're mixed populations.
And so what we've done with the science is we're showing the International Commission, building new models, showing them that a two-stock no-mixing model -- to this day, used to reject the CITES treaty -- that model isn't the right model.
This model, a model of overlap, is the way to move forward.
where management places should be.
Places like the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean are places where the single species, the single population, can be captured.
These become forthright in places we need to protect.
The center of the Atlantic where the mixing is, I could imagine a policy that lets Canada and America fish, they're doing a good job.
where fishing and overfishing has really gone wild, these are the places that we have to make hope spots in.
That's the size they have to be to protect the bluefin tuna.
Now in a second project called Tagging of Pacific Pelagics, we took on the planet as a team, those of us in the Census of Marine Life.
And, funded primarily through Sloan Foundation and others, we were able to actually go in, in our project -- we're one of 17 field programs and begin to take on tagging large numbers of predators, not just tunas.
So what we've done is actually gone up to tag salmon shark in Alaska, met salmon shark on their home territory, followed them catching salmon and then went in and figured out that, if we take a salmon and put it on a line, we can actually take up a salmon shark -- This is the cousin of the white shark -- and very carefully -- note, I say "very carefully," --
we can actually keep it calm, put a hose in its mouth, keep it off the deck and then tag it with a satellite tag.
That satellite tag will now have your shark phone home and send in a message.
And that shark leaping there, if you look carefully, has an antenna.
It's a free swimming shark with a satellite tag jumping after salmon, sending home its data.
Salmon sharks aren't the only sharks we tag.
But there goes salmon sharks with this meter-level resolution on an ocean of temperature -- warm colors are warmer.
Salmon sharks go down to the tropics to pup and come into Monterey.
Now right next door in Monterey and up at the Farallones are a white shark team led by Scott Anderson -- there -- and Sal Jorgensen.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ミラは、心の中で溜息を吐くと、やっぱりこの国にもこういった貴族が居ると知り、ソロモンを今度労ってやろうかと思案する。
### ENGLISH: Mira sighed to herself. Now that she knew that there were nobles like that in Arkite as well, she considered consoling Solomon the next time she had a chance.
After a slight delay, they crossed the door and came out to a large, circular space that could be described as a colosseum. The ground was made of dirt that had a nice springiness to it, surrounded by a wall around three meters tall. Outside of it, there were rows of seats, occupied by a few dozen people in nice clothes.
The air there was fresh and calm. A man wearing white was standing in the middle, and on the other side of the entrance stood a mannequin wearing armor like a knight. The ceiling was a dome with a loose curvature. The light came from four light orbs floating in midair on the four cardinal directions of the dome, their position illuminating every angle and making shadows basically non-existent, only slightly visible on the walls.
The representatives that entered before were standing along the wall, though only Kairos directed an irritated look at them.
Mira, Hinata and Mary went to the wall opposite to where Kairos stood. In the end, in front of them stood only him and his assistant. Seeing that made Mira laugh internally, but Kairos saw it differently. He believed they had learned their lesson and did not dare to stand in the same place as the mightiest spellcaster that was himself.
But that would be completely irrelevant soon. There was a more pressing matter, Mira had expected the examination grounds to be much larger than that.
The space given for their performances was roughly fifteen meters in diameter, including the seats it reached twenty.
Mira felt agitated as she examined her surroundings, measuring it with her gaze and realizing small was not enough to describe it.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 今日の司教の後継者にはなにかしら陳腐に思えるにちがいありません[15]。
### ENGLISH: and they must seem somewhat hoary to the Bishop's successors of to-day. 15
It is hardly necessary to inform you that since his time the domain of the naturalist has been immensely extended―the whole science of geology, with its astounding revelations regarding the life of the ancient earth, having been created.
The rigidity of old conceptions has been relaxed, the public mind being rendered gradually tolerant of the idea that not for six thousand, nor for sixty thousand, nor for six thousand thousand thousand, but for aeons embracing untold millions of years, this earth has been the theatre of life and death.
The riddle of the rocks has been read by the geologist and palaeontologist, from subcambrian depths to the deposits thickening over the sea-bottoms of to-day.
And upon the leaves of that stone book are, as you know, stamped the characters, plainer and surer than those formed by the ink of history, which carry the mind back into abysses of past time compared with which the periods which satisfied Bishop Butler cease to have a visual angle.
The lode of discovery once struck, those petrified forms in which life was at one time active increased to multitudes and demanded classification.
They were grouped in genera, species, and varieties, according to the degree of similarity subsisting between them.
Thus confusion was avoided, each object being found in the pigeon-hole appropriated to it and to its fellows of similar morphological or physiological character.
The general fact soon became evident that none but the simplest forms of life lie lowest down, that as we climb higher among the super-imposed strata more perfect forms appear.
The change, however, from form to form was not continuous, but by steps―some small, some great.
'A section,'
In the presence of such facts it was not possible to avoid the question:
―Have these forms, showing, though in broken stages and with many irregularities, this unmistakable general advance, been subjected to no continuous law of growth or variation?
Had our education been purely scientific, or had it been sufficiently detached from influences which, however ennobling in another domain, have always proved hindrances and delusions when introduced as factors into the domain of physics, the scientific mind never could have swerved from the search for a law of growth, or allowed itself to accept the anthropomorphism which regarded each successive stratum as a kind of mechanic's bench for the manufacture of new species out of all relation to the old.
Biassed, however, by their previous education, the great majority of naturalists invoked a special creative act to account for the appearance of each new group of organisms.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: このコマーシャルで香水がどれだけ売れたか知りませんが 抗うつ薬や抗不安薬はきっと たくさん売れたことでしょう
女性にとって恥は「女性はこうあるべき」という 達成し得ない 矛盾に満ち 相反する 期待に取り巻かれた状態です
男性にとっての恥は 矛盾に満ちた相反する期待ではなく
恥はただ1つのこと こうとだけは絶対思われたくないこと それは何でしょう?
研究し始めの4年間は 男性を対象にしていませんでした
本のサイン会で男性がこう言うまでは・・・ 「恥についてのお話大変興味深いです でも男性の場合がないのはどうしてです?」
私が「男性は研究してないんです」と言うと 彼は
彼は「だって あなたはこの本で 手を差し伸べて 自分のことを話し 弱さを見せ“無防備”になれと言うわけでしょう?
本にサインしてもらったのは 妻と娘たちのためだってわかりますよね?」
「家族は 私が英雄のように戦って死ぬ方が 落馬して生きているよりもいいと思っていますよ
もし救いを求めて弱いところを見せたりしたら 叩きのめされます
男や コーチや 父親に 弱さを見せろなんてことは書かないようにしてくださいよ
研究対象にするようになりました 研究から分かったのはこんな答えです もし男が本当の弱さや恐れを 話し合えるような女性がいるなら これは信じられないくらいの偉業を成し遂げた女性ということです
もし 女性が完璧にこなす日々に— 疲れてしまった時 そばにいて 話し合えるような男性がいるなら・・・いやいや家事をして こんな風に言う男性じゃないですよ 「食洗機から 皿出して片づけたから もういいだろう!」
よく話を聞いてくれるような男性がいるなら— それが必要なすべてなんです— これは偉業を成し遂げた男性ということです
この取り巻かれた状態から逃れて 支え合えるようになるためには 恥が私たちにどう影響するのか 私たちの子育てのやり方にどう影響するのか 私たちの働き方や お互いを見る見方にどう影響するのか 理解する必要があります
彼は 女性が女性らしくある為にすべきことは何か尋ねました
この国で最も多かった回答は 感じ良く 痩せていて 控え目で あらゆる手を尽くして 容姿に気を使うことです
男性について 男性らしくあるために どうするべきか尋ねると 主な回答は 常に感情を抑え 仕事第一で 高い地位を求め 暴力的であることです
### ENGLISH: I don't know how much perfume that commercial sold, but I guarantee you, it moved a lot of antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds.
Shame, for women, is this web of unobtainable, conflicting, competing expectations about who we're supposed to be.
And it's a straight-jacket.
For men, shame is not a bunch of competing, conflicting expectations.
Shame is one, do not be perceived as what?
I did not interview men for the first four years of my study.
It wasn't until a man looked at me after a book signing, and said, "I love what say about shame, I'm curious why you didn't mention men."
And I said, "I don't study men."
And he said, "That's convenient."
And I said, "Why?"
And he said, "Because you say to reach out, tell our story, be vulnerable.
But you see those books you just signed for my wife and my three daughters?"
I said, "Yeah."
"They'd rather me die on top of my white horse than watch me fall down.
When we reach out and be vulnerable, we get the shit beat out of us.
And don't tell me it's from the guys and the coaches and the dads.
Because the women in my life are harder on me than anyone else."
So I started interviewing men and asking questions.
And what I learned is this: You show me a woman who can actually sit with a man in real vulnerability and fear, I'll show you a woman who's done incredible work.
You show me a man who can sit with a woman who's just had it, she can't do it all anymore, and his first response is not, "I unloaded the dishwasher!"
But he really listens -- because that's all we need -- I'll show you a guy who's done a lot of work.
Shame is an epidemic in our culture.
And to get out from underneath it -- to find our way back to each other, we have to understand how it affects us and how it affects the way we're parenting, the way we're working, the way we're looking at each other.
Very quickly, some research by Mahalik at Boston College.
He asked, what do women need to do to conform to female norms?
The top answers in this country: nice, thin, modest and use all available resources for appearance.
When he asked about men, what do men in this country need to do to conform with male norms, the answers were: always show emotional control, work is first, pursue status and violence.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: この話で、一同は目に見えていろめきたちました。
4. うさぎ、小さなビルをおくりこむ
### ENGLISH: This speech caused a remarkable sensation among the party.
Some of the birds hurried off at once:
one old Magpie began wrapping itself up very carefully, remarking,
`I really must be getting home;
the night-air doesn't suit my throat!'
and a Canary called out in a trembling voice to its children,
`Come away, my dears!
It's high time you were all in bed!'
On various pretexts they all moved off, and Alice was soon left alone.
`I wish I hadn't mentioned Dinah!'
she said to herself in a melancholy tone.
`Nobody seems to like her, down here,
and I'm sure she's the best cat in the world!
Oh, my dear Dinah!
I wonder if I shall ever see you any more!'
And here poor Alice began to cry again,
for she felt very lonely and low-spirited.
In a little while, however, she again heard a little pattering of footsteps in the distance,
and she looked up eagerly,
half hoping that the Mouse had changed his mind, and was coming back to finish his story.
CHAPTER IV The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill
It was the White Rabbit, trotting slowly back again, and looking anxiously about as it went,
as if it had lost something;
and she heard it muttering to itself
`The Duchess!
The Duchess!
Oh my dear paws!
Oh my fur and whiskers!
She'll get me executed, as sure as ferrets are ferrets!
Where CAN I have dropped them, I wonder?'
Alice guessed in a moment that it was looking for the fan and the pair of white kid gloves, and she very good-naturedly began hunting about for them, but they were nowhere to be seen
--everything seemed to have changed since her swim in the pool, and the great hall, with the glass table and the little door, had vanished completely.
Very soon the Rabbit noticed Alice, as she went hunting about, and called out to her in an angry tone,
`Why, Mary Ann, what ARE you doing out here?
Run home this moment, and fetch me a pair of gloves and a fan! Quick, now!'
And Alice was so much frightened that she ran off at once in the direction it pointed to, without trying to explain the mistake it had made.
`He took me for his housemaid,'
she said to herself as she ran.
`How surprised he'll be when he finds out who I am!
But I'd better take him his fan and gloves
--that is, if I can find them.'
As she said this, she came upon a neat little house,
on the door of which was a bright brass plate with the name `W. RABBIT' engraved upon it.
She went in without knocking, and hurried upstairs,</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: これ以上、学園内を乱されては困る。ここは勉学に励む場所だ。馬鹿騒ぎをするなら他でやって欲しい。
「確かにリズ様は俺達を騙していたのかもしれない! だが、理想を追い求めてこそ、この世の中は良くなると信じている!」
「けど、ラヴァール国に国外追放されたらアリアリに会えるんだよ!? それなら、私、アリアリ過激派集団に所属するのも悪くないかも!」
ヘンリかな? こんなに急いでどうしたんだろう。
キャザー・リズの特別な能力や性質を考えると、彼女が軸であることは間違いないだろう。けど、 同時にウィリアムズ・アリシアも軸だ。
### ENGLISH: We didn’t want to disturb the school any more than we already had. This was a place to study. If they wanted to make a fool of themselves, they should do it somewhere else.
The inside of the school building was noisier than I had anticipated, and I could hear people giving speeches about the greatness of Liz Cather’s idealism.
From the looks of it, Liz Cather had yet to enter the classroom.
“Sure, Liz-sama may have fooled us! But I believe that only by pursuing this ideal will the world be a better place!”
I could hear many voices agreeing with these words.
We deliberately avoided their presence and moved to a seemingly calm location.
It was important to encourage ourselves not to give up hope. But what pisses me off is the people who have done nothing to deserve such righteousness.
I could understand Liz Cather and Alicia taking the initiative and speaking out. It was, however, inappropriate for others to create such a ruckus in their absence.
It was like they were proving to themselves how stupid people in this academy were.
“A wise man looks for solutions before he attacks his opponent. It’s a perfect blend of harmony and threats.”
Duke muttered as he walked away.
“Well, nothing’s going to get resolved if we don’t do something about it.”
After I said this, Mel sighed as she said, “One crisis after another~.”
The old library was silent, even in the midst of all the noise.
It was an ideal place to discuss our future plans.
“What should we do~?”
“We want to get this riot under control as quickly as possible, don’t we?”
“Should we exile everyone?”
“That would make me feel sorry for the country that would accept them.”
“But if they are exiled to the Ravaal Kingdom, they will be able to meet Aliali! If that’s the case, maybe it’s not a bad idea for me to join the Aliali extremist group!”
“...I’ll ask Liz to lend a hand.”
Duke answered as if he didn’t hear Mel’s words. At the same time, the door to the old library swung open with a bang.
Was that Henry? What happened? Why was he in such a hurry?
I shifted my gaze towards the door. I froze at the sight that came into my vision.
There were Albert, Henry, Alan, Curtis, Finn, Eric, and Gayle. And Liz Cather, too.
It suddenly occurred to me. There were two main actors in the current state of Duelkis Kingdom.
I had thought that Liz Cather was at the center of the story and that she would never change, but it was always Alicia who was the driving force of the story.
Given Liz Cather’s special abilities and nature, there would be no doubt that she would be an important factor. But at the same time, Alicia Williams was also an important factor.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: これは司法省によって20年前にその見解が却下されているし、1997年には連邦地方裁判所で違憲判決がおりている。
DES 鍵探索アレイのデザイン
それぞれのアドレス指定については、Figure 2-1を参照。
たとえば、最初の5バイトがなにかのヘッダでわかっていて、残りの3バイトがわからないときには、 PlaintextByteMask に 0x07 を入れればいい。
このレジスタはふつうはCBC mode IV のときにつかわれる。
Figure 2-1: レジスタのアドレッシング
レジスタ 説明とコメント
どの平文テキストのバイト P[i=0..7]についてもP[i]ビットがセットされていなければ、その復号キーははねられる。
このビットがセットされていると、平文がチェックされる前に、Ciphertext0 が Ciphertext1を復号してできた平文にXORされる。
ExtraXOR と UseCBC は同時には使用できない。
(つまり SearchActiveがゼロになっている)。
このレジスタの値は、すべての探索ユニットの SearchStatus バイトをANDして得ている。
### ENGLISH: having been rejected two decades ago by the Justice Department, and declared unconstitutional in 1997 by a Federal District Court.
The prevalence of illegal wiretapping and communications interception by government employees is also in question;
Design for DES Key Search Array
In this chapter:
On-Chip Registers
Search Unit Operation
Sample Programming Descriptions
Scalability and Performance
Host Computer Software
On-Chip Registers
Each chip contains the following registers.
They are addressed as specified in Figure 2-1.
The value of the first ciphertext being searched.
Ciphertext0 is identical in all search units and is set only once
(when the search system is first initialized).
The value of the second ciphertext being searched.
Ciphertext1 is identical in all search units and is set only once
(when the search system is first initialized).
The plaintext byte selector.
One-bits in this register indicate plaintext bytes that should be ignored when deciding whether or not the plaintext produced by a particular key is possibly correct.
This mask is helpful when only a portion of the plaintext's value is known.
For example, if the first 5 bytes equal a known header but the remaining three are unknown, a PlaintextByteMask of 0x07 would be used.
This register is XORed with decryption of ciphertext0.
This is normally filled with the CBC mode IV.
Figure 2-1: Register Addressing
Register(s) Description & Comments
Identifies allowable plaintext byte values
(ignoring those masked by the PlaintextByteMask).
If, for any plaintext byte P[i=0..7], bit P[i] is not set, the decryption key will be rejected.
PlaintextVector is identical in all search units and is set only once
(when the search system is first initialized).
The bits in SearchInfo describe how the correct plaintext identification function works.
Bits of SearchInfo are defined as follows:
If this bit is set, Ciphertext0 is XORed onto the plaintext produced by decrypting Ciphertext1 before the plaintext is checked.
This bit is used when checking CBC-mode ciphertexts.
If set, the right half of the resulting plaintext is XORed onto the left before any plaintext checking is done.
ExtraXOR and UseCBC cannot be used together.
If cleared, one or more search units in this chip have halted
(e.g., SearchActive is zero).
This value is computed by ANDing the SearchActive bits of all search units' SearchStatus bytes.
The inverse of this value is sent out on a dedicated pin, for use in driving a status LED which lights up whenever the chip halts.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 何かを回すと飛び散ろうとするわけです
アンドラ・プラデッシュ州に住んでいたら これはヤシの葉で作ったでしょう
多くのおもちゃには 科学の法則が利用されています
両手で回せば 陽気な 飛行太郎 になります
このおもちゃは紙でできています 面白いですよ
虫が見えますね 今度はカエル ヘビ ワシ チョウチョウ カエル ヘビ ワシ
この反転おもちゃは マーティン・ガードナーの本には繰り返し登場します 1928年にハーバードの数学者 アーサー・ストーンが考案しました
虫を食べたカエルがヘビに食べられ タカがそのヘビを食べるのです
A4サイズの紙で これを応用すれば 地域の学校でも国立学校でも 紙と鉛筆と物差しがあれば ノリやハサミは不要で
さて この鉛筆には溝が掘られており
このリードでこすると とても面白いことが起こります
幼少時 ファインマンはこれに魅了されました
30億ドルの大型ハドロン衝突型加速器も 必要ありません プログラムでは全ての児童に これを提供し 遊んでもらっています
色付きの円盤を取り付け回転させると 七色は全てが融合します
これは400年前 ニュートンが話していた 七色で構成される白い光なんです ただ回してるだけですけど
両端をテープでとめて 上は右端を 下は左端をカットしています つまり対極には穴が開いている状態です
これはある種の 吹きストロー です
製作費はほぼゼロですが 子供は大いに楽しむことが出来ます
ここにとてもシンプルな 電気モーターがあります
これは自転車用チューブを ゴムのバンドとし 安全ピンも使います
これは永久磁石で 電流が
二つの磁石の相互作用で モーターが回転します
### ENGLISH: If you spin something, it tends to fly out.
Well in terms of -- if you were in Andhra Pradesh, you would make this with the palmyra leaf.
Many of our folk toys have great science principles.
If you spin-top something, it tends to fly out.
If I do it with both hands, you can see this fun Mr. Flying Man.
This is a toy which is made from paper. It's amazing.
There are four pictures.
You see insects, you see frogs, snakes, eagles, butterflies, frogs, snakes, eagles.
Here's a paper which you could [unclear] -- designed by a mathematician at Harvard in 1928, Arthur Stone, documented by Martin Gardner in many of his many books.
But this is great fun for children.
They all study about the food chain.
The insects are eaten by the frogs; the frogs are eaten by the snakes; the snakes are eaten by the eagles.
A4 size paper -- you could be in a municipal school, you could be in a government school -- a paper, a scale and a pencil -- no glue, no scissors.
In three minutes, you just fold this up.
And what you could use it for is just limited by your imagination.
If you take a smaller paper, you make a smaller flexagon.
With a bigger one, you make a bigger one.
Now this is a pencil with a few slots over here.
And you put a little fan here.
And this is a hundred-year-old toy.
There have been six major research papers on this.
There's some grooves over here, you can see.
And if I take a reed -- if I rub this, something very amazing happens.
Six major research papers on this.
As a matter of fact, Feynman, as a child, was very fascinated by this.
He wrote a paper on this.
And you don't need the three billion-dollar Hadron Collider for doing this. This is there for every child, and every child can enjoy this.
If you want to put a colored disk, well all these seven colors coalesce.
And this is what Newton talked about 400 years back, that white light's made of seven colors, just by spinning this around.
This is a straw.
What we've done, we've just sealed both the ends with tape, nipped the right corner and the bottom left corner, so there's holes in the opposite corners, there's a little hole over here.
This is a kind of a blowing straw.
I just put this inside this.
There's a hole here, and I shut this.
And this costs very little money to make -- great fun for children to do.
What we do is make a very simple electric motor.
Now this is the simplest motor on Earth.
The most expensive thing is the battery inside this.
If you have a battery, it costs five cents to make it.
This is an old bicycle tube, which gives you a broad rubber band, two safety pins.
This is a permanent magnet.
Whenever current flows through the coil, this becomes an electromagnet.
It's the interaction of both these magnets which makes this motor spin.
We made 30,000.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: DVDには様々の利点があります メディアが小さく 封筒に入れて 安く送れるという点もそうです
こういった利点は テクノロジーが進歩するまで だれも その存在に気づくことがなかったのです
Apexという 無名ブランドの中国企業があります 過去数年間で何度か 米国のDVD販売で一位になりました 昨年の平均価格は48ドルでした
おそらく 噂話になった ウォルマートでの30ドルDVDへの殺到の件を 思い出されるかもしれません
DVDは安く 安くなっているのは確かです さらによく見てると興味深いことが分かります DVDが安くなるにつれ プレミアブランド つまりソニーなどがマーケットシェアを失っています そしてApexeなどの無名ブランドがシェアを奪っています
DVDはすっかりコモディティ化されました これがゼロに近づく時に起こることです ビジネス環境は厳しくなります
テクノロジーを考える際に それを分割できる4つの段階をすべて経験しました テクノロジーがたどる4つの段階を経験したのです
それでは その他のテクノロジーについてもお話ししましょう 我々のレーダーで捉えたテクノロジーです 同じ考え方をしましょう この4つの段階の考え方で テクノロジーがそれぞれ開発のどの段階にあるか考えたいと思います
トップ10に入るテクノロジーである必要はありません それぞれの段階にある テクノロジーの例としてお話しするだけなのですから
しかし こういったテクノロジーが交差路 あるいは交差点に近づいていることについては 考えるに値します
まず 遺伝子配列解明技術について
ご存じのように 遺伝子配列解明は そのほとんどを コンピュータによって実装しており 価格が下落しています ムーアの法則と同じ状況です
現在可能 あるいは可能になると思いますが クレイグ ベンター博士が今日来られていれば このように言ったに違いありません 「年末には 4000万ドルでヒトの遺伝子配列を解析できるようになる」
創造のツールを理解するための我々の能力は ますます高まっています
もう一つ面白いことは 発見される遺伝子の数も 非常な速度で増えているということです
将来 希望すれば 何十万という遺伝子の テストを受けられる日が来るかもしれません 非常に安価で 自身のモザイクについても調べることができるでしょう
WHOの素晴らしい調査によれば ジェネリック薬品が 抗レトロウイルス薬の混合薬およびカクテル療法での使用において効果を示しています
2000年1月時点では その価格は1万ドルでした 一日27ドルです
### ENGLISH: Among the DVD's many assets is that it's very small; you can stick it in the mailer and post it cheaply.
That gave an advantage; that was an implication of the technology's rise that wasn't obvious to everybody.
And then finally, DVDs are approaching free.
There's a company called Apex, a no-name Chinese firm, who has, several times in the past year, been the number-one DVD seller in America. Their average price, for last year, was 48 dollars.
You're aware of the perhaps apocryphal Wal-Mart stampede over the 30-dollar DVD.
But they're getting very, very cheap, and look at the interesting implication of it. As they get cheaper, the premium brands, the Sonys and such, are losing market share, and the no-names, the Apexes, are gaining them.
They're being commodified, and that's what happens when things go to zero. It's a tough market out there.
Now they've introduced these four ways of looking at technology, these four stages of technology's life.
I'd like to talk about some other technologies out there, just technologies on our radar -- and I'll use this lens, these four, as a way to kind of tell you where each one of those technologies is in its development.
They're not necessarily the top-10 technologies out there -- they're just examples of technologies that are in each one of these periods.
But I think that the implications of them approaching these crossovers, these intersections, are interesting to think about.
Start with gene sequencing.
As you probably know, gene sequencing -- in a large part, because it's built on computers -- is falling in price at a kind of a Moore's Law-like level.
It is now possible -- will be possible, and if Craig Venter indeed comes today, he may tell you something about this -- to sequence the human genome for 40 million dollars by the end of this year.
That's as opposed to billions just a few years ago.
You know, our ability to capture the tools of creation is getting closer and closer.
What's interesting is that at the same time, the number of genes that we're discovering is rising very quickly.
Each one of these genes has potential diagnostic test.
There will come a day when you can have hundreds of thousands of tests done, very cheaply, if you want to know. You can learn about your own mosaic.
Here's another technology that's approaching a critical price.
This is a fascinating research from WHO that shows the effect of generic drugs on anti-retroviral drug compounds and cocktails.
In January 2000, the price was 10,000 dollars, or 27 dollars a day.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: あのレフィリア貿易の時も、倉庫でうちの商品を発見するまでは手出ししていなかったんだからね。
### ENGLISH: Even at that time of the Rephilia trade, I hadn’t touched them until I found our product in their warehouse.
So again, no matter how suspicious they are, I won’t go on the offensive right away.
It’s true that there was only one merchant association that persistently demanded purchasing routes, pushed Larushia to be their handmaiden, and tried to recruit Larushia Trading employees after the incident, but there were several others that did the same.
Anyway, we need proof.
It’s not that I need evidence that will hold up in court.
Just as long as I can identify the criminal, that’s all that matters.
It’s not the government officials or nobles, that is under the control of the criminals, who will judge.
......I will be the judge.
Well then, let’s go~!
Night camouflage leotard,
Head-mounted night vision scope,
Ultra-compact IC voice recorder,
By the way, it can record for 400 hours continuously, has a voice detection auto-recording function, and has a standby time of 300 days. It did not cost more than 5,000 yen. I bought about 10 of them.
The ones that send out wiretap signals run out of battery quickly, and you have to be nearby all the time to intercept them, and it’s hard to follow many at once, so there’s no better choice than a recorder.
A wiretap is good if you can get a semi-permanent power source by planting it in an electrical outlet or something, but you know... That’s not important. I haven’t even read RL La 〇 Ora 〇 Fu * since my brother passed away......
Anyway, what I need this time was a recording device, not a wiretapping device.
Even if they find it, the people here won’t know what it is, and whether they find it or not, it’s only a matter of me going near their store and transferring with them to retrieve it.
So I have to pay them a visit when I install it, but I don’t have to sneak in when I collect it.
......Well then, it’s time to go.......
Mitsuha, teleportation!</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 少女......イズミの言葉に俺は疑問符を浮かべる。
### ENGLISH: The girl... Izumi’s words raised a question mark in Pumpkin’s mind.
It is true that I chose my own name, but it is not an alias, I guess?
Well, anyway, this is question one and answer one for both of us.
“Right. You are unaware of it. Then let’s not dwell on it.”
“A-Ah. Next, how did you end up in this world? You and Majik seem to have had something happen in a previous life, but you didn’t know he is here, so there must be some other reason, right?”
At any rate, since the matter has been swept away and its priority was low, he put this matter on to the back and asked the next question.
Because of what she had learned from Uriko, Izumi was able to sense Majik’s presence, which astonished Pumpkin to no end.
“I came to this world to search for something at the request of someone. Why did you come to see me?”
“I see. My part is to investigate. I heard from a certain source that people from Outer World will be coming to this city this time of the year.”
“Hmm. If I am a dangerous existence, you will do whatever you can to defeat me, otherwise you will exchange information with me. Well, we don’t have a choice but to treat it as such, do we?
Ah, yeah. It’s obvious, isn’t it? Well, even if I don’t know if I could prevail or not, I would be the one most likely to be able to defend myself in case something were to fall into disarray.
As Izumi said, as a person with power, she couldn’t be left unattended in any case.
“What is it you are looking for? If it’s hazardous and you bring it back without any harm, I’ll cooperate with you in your search.”
“The thing I’m looking for is a certain weapon. I cannot disclose the details. Thanks for the offer, but I am only interested in locating it, not bringing it back, so I probably can’t take you up on that offer.”
But still, a weapon. If it is a weapon sought by a being that can travel Outer World, that would be rather ominous...
At this point, the word “weapon” reminded Pumpkin of one thing.
Right. A weapon is a thing that leads to destruction in some form or another. If so, I must have done a lot of digging about it.
“Here’s a question for you. Have you ever seen or heard rumors of large-scale devastation anywhere in this world?”
Although she may not have read his mind, Izumi’s question was exactly what he was thinking at the time, as if demanding that he speak his mind.
What if Izumi is not... Izumi herself, but the entity behind Izumi is a force that is hostile to Lean-sama? Perhaps that someone would be willing to use the weapon... that would cause “Kage-Ochi”.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「白の閣下、ダイナはいったいいつになったら、おまえを洗い終わるのかしらねえ。
### ENGLISH: `when WILL Dinah have finished with your White Majesty, I wonder?
That must be the reason you were so untidy in my dream--Dinah!
do you know that you're scrubbing a White Queen?
Really, it's most disrespectful of you!
`And what did DINAH turn to, I wonder?' she prattled on, as she settled comfortably down, with one elbow in the rug, and her chin in her hand, to watch the kittens.
`Tell me, Dinah, did you turn to Humpty Dumpty?
I THINK you did
--however, you'd better not mention it to your friends just yet,
for I'm not sure.
`By the way, Kitty, if only you'd been really with me in my dream, there was one thing you WOULD have enjoyed
--I had such a quantity of poetry said to me, all about fishes!
To-morrow morning you shall have a real treat.
All the time you're eating your breakfast, I'll repeat "The Walrus and the Carpenter" to you;
and then you can make believe it's oysters, dear!
`Now, Kitty, let's consider who it was that dreamed it all.
This is a serious question, my dear, and you should NOT go on licking your paw like that
--as if Dinah hadn't washed you this morning!
You see, Kitty, it MUST have been either me or the Red King.
He was part of my dream, of course
--but then I was part of his dream, too!
WAS it the Red King, Kitty?
You were his wife, my dear, so you ought to know
--Oh, Kitty, DO help to settle it!
I'm sure your paw can wait!'
But the provoking kitten only began on the other paw, and pretended it hadn't heard the question.
Which do YOU think it was?
A boat beneath a sunny sky,
Lingering onward dreamily
In an evening of July--
Children three that nestle near,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Pleased a simple tale to hear--
Long has paled that sunny sky:
Echoes fade and memories die.
Autumn frosts have slain July.
Still she haunts me, phantomwise,
Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking eyes.
Children yet, the tale to hear,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.
In a Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream--
Lingering in the golden gleam--
Life, what is it but a dream?</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「前衛は私とアスバルさん。真ん中にミラちゃんとタクト君を挟んで、後衛にフリッカとゼフ君ね。いいかな?」
「はい! よろしくお願いします!」
### ENGLISH: With those words, Asbar, thinking that she was at the age of wanting to act like an adult, prepared himself to grab her and run away if they were to encounter any danger. The other three members thought the same.
「Me and Asbar will be the vanguard, and we will be positioning Mira and Takuto between us, Fricca and Zef will guard the rear. Everyone got that?」
「Yes! Thank you all!」
Everybody replied while the four members of Écarlate Carillon began to check their weapons. Asbar examined the handle and tie of his hammer, Fricca, in addition to her cane, lined up several cards. Zef smeared his daggers in something resembling oil. And Emera took a saber out of her item box in order to equip it at her waist, moving the sword she had worn there before into the item box.
「Oh, isn’t this the leader’s sword?」
Asbar asked once he saw it. At the same time, everybody turned to face Emera.
「Yeah, it is. It’s the Nevrapolis after all, so after hearing the reason, he lent it to me. It should help us considerably.」
With those words, Emera unsheathed the blade. This double-edged sword cast a faint white light, revealing that it wasn’t a common sword.
「Oh, a light spirit sword? You have some interesting stuff.」
Mira said, looking at Emera’s sword. The faint light is a trait of the light element. And, even amongst light elemental swords that were rare to begin with, this one seemed to have somewhat particular details.
The most popular light elemental sword — holy sword — is made by a blacksmith through swapping water with holy water and fire with sacred fire. There are several different methods, but the designs of holy swords and divine swords are unique, and everyone can tell at a glance that they’re no simple swords.
But the sword that Emera held in her hand was a mediocre saber. Even though it emitted pale light, it didn’t seem unusual. But that only applied to non-magicians, the top magicians could easily see what happened around the sword.
「How did you know it? It’s the leader’s saber, I borrowed it.」
Speaking those words, Emera put the sword back in its scabbard and the shining particles around it quickly disappeared.
Those shining particles were the reason Mira said it was a spirit sword. A spirit sword is a sword that received the blessing of a spirit, and so the exact effect depends on the spirit. It doesn’t have to be a sword, and so these weapons are usually called spirit arms.
The effect can be attached to any arms, and magicians can see a glimpse of this power. Just like warriors are able to see battle aura, magicians can see spirits. That’s why they can see the spirit power in swords. It is common knowledge for magicians. And the top magicians can even see a lot of spirits with precision.
Emera, Asbar, and Zef simply thought that she’s a well-informed girl, but for Fricca it was different. She couldn’t see the light particles that proved the spirit’s force in the sword. And without seeing them, it’s hard to tell that it’s a spirit sword at a glance. This girl saw the remains of a light spirit, which even the high-level adventurer Fricca couldn’t see. At that moment, Fricca started to suspect that Mira was no ordinary girl.
「We’re going to rely on you.」</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 彼はその研究をホプキンス大で行いました 控えめな彼のもとに 電話してきた母親は 「ホプキンス大で もう一人の知らないハム スミスさんが ノーベル賞を取ったんだってね」 お母さんにして このありさまです 彼はまさに一流でした 毎日欠かさず ピペットと試料を手に実験台に向かっていました
こんなこと これは何か? むき出しの DNA を移植する最初の試みです ある細胞から丸ごと取り出した DNA という OS を 別の細胞に注入しました 注入された細胞を 別の生命体として起動させました これで発生から 1 ヶ月 来月にはこの技術について 更に重要なものを目にするかもしれません この技術とその意味とを考えると
非常に高い補助金を払ってコーンを エタノールにする以外にやることがあります 生物学がエネルギーの領域に入っていくのです エネルギーを作り出すために お金もエネルギーも
大変なコストをかけています アルバータのタールサンドから集められた 硫黄のブロックです 砂と石油を分離するときには 大量のエネルギーを使って蒸気を作り 水蒸気で成分を分離させます そして硫黄も分離しなければなりません 軽油と重油の違いは 1 バレルあたり 14 ドル そこで 分離された硫黄がこんなピラミッドになります
これを作るエネルギーの一部でも取り出せるなら 生物学の原理による もっと小さなシステムで エネルギーの抽出を始められます ここから 技術を伸ばして行って 風力発電や太陽光発電や原子力発電に 追い着かなければなりません でもお願いです 次の原子力発電所は 美しい海岸線でも 活断層が近いところには
建てないで下さい 気になっています
当面 少なくとも次の10年間 それが石油であれ ガスであれ 石炭であれ ターゲットは炭化水素です さて 話が長くなりすぎないうちに 今のエネルギーシステムには
こんなことが起きています 消費するエネルギーの 86% は炭化水素 つまりエネルギー消費の 86% は おそらく変成した植物やアメーバなのです 資源保護と代替エネルギーの 役目はここにあります しかし 無駄になっている部分についても 解決しないといけません
無駄をどうするかということは、未来への架け橋です この未来への橋については じっくりと考えるべきことがあります 現在 石油の2/3は油田に残されています つまり巨額を投じていてもエネルギーの過半は そこに残置しています 取り出して利用するには 追加のエネルギーが必要だからです
### ENGLISH: He was at Hopkins when he did this, and he's such a modest guy that the day he won, his mother called him and said, "I didn't realize there was another Ham Smith at Hopkins. Do you know he just won the Nobel?" I mean, that was Mom, but anyway, this guy is just a class act. You find him at the bench every single day, working on a pipette and building stuff. And one of the things
this guy just built are these things.
What is this? This is the first transplant of naked DNA, where you take an entire DNA operating system out of one cell, insert it into a different cell, and have that cell boot up as a separate species. That's one month old. You will see stuff in the next month that will be just as important as this stuff. And as you think about this stuff and what the implications of this are, we're going to start not
just converting ethanol from corn with very high subsidies. We're going to start thinking about biology entering energy. It is very expensive to process this stuff, both in economic terms and in energy terms.
This is what accumulates in the tar sands of Alberta. These are sulfur blocks. Because as you separate that petroleum from the sand, and use an enormous amount of energy inside that vapor -- steam to separate this stuff -- you also have to separate out the sulfur. The difference between light crude and heavy crude -- well, it's about 14 bucks a barrel. That's why you're building these pyramids of sulfur blocks. And by the way, the
scale on these things is pretty large.
Now, if you can take part of the energy content out of doing this, you reduce the system, and you really do start applying biological principles to energy. This has to be a bridge to the point where you can get to wind, to the point where you can get to solar, to the point where you can get to nuclear -- and hopefully you won't build the next nuclear plant on a beautiful seashore next to an
earthquake fault. Just a thought.
But in the meantime, for the next decade at least, oil, be that gas, be that coal, this is what we're dealing with. And before I make this talk too long, here's what's happening in the current energy system.
86 percent of the energy we consume are hydrocarbons. That means 86 percent of the stuff we're consuming are probably processed plants and amoebas and the rest of the stuff. And there's a role in here for conservation. There's a role in here for alternative stuff, but we've also got to get that other portion right.
How we deal with that other portion is our bridge to the future. And as we think of this bridge to the future, one of the things you should ponder is: we are leaving about two-thirds of the oil today inside those wells. So we're spending an enormous amount of money and leaving most of the energy down there. Which, of course, requires more energy to go out and get energy. The ratios become</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ゴランの説教は少し長かった。
「いいか? たしかにゴブリン退治が大切ってぇのは、俺にもわかる」
「......なんだと? それはよくないな」
### ENGLISH: Goran’s lecture was a bit long.
Perhaps the fact that he was drinking contributed to its length.
“Do you understand? Goblin hunting is important, even I know that.”
“However, you could have easily left a word, told me that you were leaving for a while!”
Are you my mother!
For now, I just wanted to change the subject.
“By the way, while it was just a goblin hunting quest for F Rankers, there was a Goblin Lord.”
“...There was? That is not good.”
Goran’s eyes locked on mine.
An F Rank party encountering a Goblin Lord would mean death.
But it was not possible to constantly prevent this discrepancy between rank and difficulty.
Still, this mistake could still be attributed to the rank setting of the mission.
And as Grand Master of the Adventurer’s guild, he might have found this a little embarrassing.
“Well, it was a good thing that I was there. The F Rank Adventurers are fine. I think it was a good experience for them.”
“That’s good. Thank you.”
It was experience as long as you came back alive.
And the harder the quest, the more experience you acquired.
“I only completed the mission that I was given. There’s no need for you to thank me.”
“Well, these F Rank Adventurers are the future of the guild. As Grand Master, of course, I would thank you for saving them.”
Goran really was serious about these things.
“On to the main issue, that Goblin Lord was only a minion.”
“A what?”
“There was a Vampire Lord deep in the nest.”
Goran was at a loss for words.
Vampire Lords were typically hunting targets for B or even A Rank Adventurers.
If you went about it the wrong way, it could result in the destruction of an entire town.
“...Thank you for killing it.”
The first thing that Goran did when he returned to himself, was to thank me.
I hadn’t made any such report, but he decided that that was the outcome.
That was how much trust he had in me.
“Well, I did kill it...but I have to tell you the details of what happened.”
Goran’s eyes narrowed at this.
I told him everything, including what I heard from Shia.
“And here is the medal. Half of it, anyway.”
“I would like it to be inspected by professionals. May I borrow it?”
“I don’t mind.”
Goran picked the medal up and stared at it.
“What material is this?”
“It looks like gold, but is not gold.”
“It’s not orichalcum or mithril. As a Sorcerer, do you have a clue?”
“Not at all. Maybe an alchemist would know.”
Goran put the medal on top of his desk.
“What that vampire hunter girl said about there being a god of the dark ones, it is all true.”
“Goran, you know about it?”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 『魔法陣詰め込みましたね』
『なあに? エイン』
### ENGLISH: 『I see that you packed a lot into that magic circle.』
『Yup, it’s really interesting; how you can put so many conditions into it. I was relieved that I somehow added no-killing as a condition.』
『I’m happy that you were satisfied with the results. By the way, it looks like fighting without depending on the barrier seems difficult.』
『Fighting a D-Rank hunter without any preparations seems to be impossible. All I could do was dodge him after all. Though it would be fine if I could at least prepare something in advance.』
『Well, although I did make you do this, I don’t believe that you fighting without a barrier is something that would occur frequently.』
, naturally. But you don’t need to push yourself if it gets difficult, okay Ain?』
Maybe it’s because she was able to do something she wanted to or perhaps she just feels refreshed after beating up Alejo, Ciel is now in a good mood. Rather, it might only be that, no matter how bad her mood is, she cheers up when talking with me. Even back at the mansion, there were a few times when Ciel got in a bad mood but it was never directed at me.
I considered alluding to the fact that she snapped in the middle of the fight and ended up relying on my barrier, but if I limit her that much then she probably wouldn’t win. So, well, I’ll let it slide.
After all, I only wanted to know the gap between Ciel’s current unenhanced physical strength and the strength of a D-Rank hunter. If it didn’t seem like she would win, then there’s no need to push it. Rather, I don’t think that situations where Ciel, a Sorcerer-type, battles head-on against a full-on vanguard axe-user will happen that much at all.
Now then, for now, since I believe that this is a win, I borrowed Ciel’s body and looked at Carol.
Likely noticing my gaze, Carol, who had been staring at me —or rather the magic circle by my feet— finally gave an announcement, 「The match has ended.」
After that, she went out of this stadium-like place and brought a few guild staff —or maybe just some nearby hunters— back with her. The people following her were startled after seeing the bloodied Alejo on the floor and then shot a questioning glance at Carol.
I see. They’re likely thinking that Carol caused this disaster. Certainly, it’s more convincing than thinking that I —Ciel— did it.
And then they looked at me with a confused look, but come to think of it my hair is still hidden. Considering that, Carol probably noticed it with how much we moved, so I don’t think I need to keep the hood up anymore. After saying something to the people, Carol walks up to me.
「With this, you can now start as an E-Rank hunter.」
「Yes, thank you very much.」
「My, you don’t seem that happy about it. Well, it’s hard to feel a sense of accomplishment after winning while barely using your full strength, right?」
「No, it was really difficult, you know?」
「There’s no use in hiding it. Nobody that can use a magic circle like that would ever lose to a D-Ranker after all. At that level, you could’ve instantly killed him if you wanted to, right? 」
『Ciel, would you mind if I ask you something?』
『What is it, Ain?』
『Showing our full power to a certain extent and quickly aiming for B-Rank, or hiding our strength and steadily working towards being a B-Rank. Which would you prefer?』
『Once we become B-Rank, we’ll stand out whether we like it or not, right? Then, there’s no need to hide our strength, is there?』</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 薬湯に沈めた右腕を揉みほぐしても、肘から手首につながる痛みと違和感は拭えない。
### ENGLISH: Even after massaging and soaking his right arm in medicinal water, the pain and discomfort from the elbow to the wrist remained.
“...Either way, the sword is damaged by this.”
He muttered as if rolling the words in his mouth.
The thrusting sword that Mitrof was using was sturdy, made to fight monsters. However, there was no difference from a sword specialized for thrusting, and the blade was thin.
If you receive the tsuchinoko’s charge multiple times, it is possible that it will eventually break. It is also not good to be knocked back and have the sword hit the floor or wall.
So, with his arms crossed, Mitrof wondered what to do and let out a small cry of pain from his right arm.
With a sigh, Mitrof got out of the hot spring.
He changed into clothes in the dressing room and headed to the resting area. Men who had just finished bathing were sitting on the lined up wooden benches.
While there were loud voices chatting in the hot springs, the men sitting on the benches were calm.
Some were gently swaying on their chairs as they cooled their bodies after their bath. Others were lying down on the benches.
Next to them were often wooden mugs. There is no doubt that Mitrof knows what is inside.
Mitrof headed to the wall-side shop and ordered a milk ale. After his bath, he rests here while drinking milk ale. That is Mitrof’s daily routine.
Behind the counter, there was a giant box filled with ice water, and several small barrels were floating in it. The elderly receptionist picked one up and uncorked it, pouring the ale into a mug. One small barrel was enough for one mug.
Mitrof received the mug and chose a bench away from the few other people there to sit on.
There were several working men in the rest area, fanning themselves with large fans. One of them thoughtfully directed the wind towards Mitrof. The cool breeze felt pleasant against his heated body.
The milk ale, with its white foam, was so cold that just looking at it made one feel refreshed. Mitrof put his lips on the mug.
Gulp, gulp, gulp...
He swallowed the cold milk ale, making his throat jingle. Mitrof tightened his eyes at the extreme coldness, but he did not stop. The coldness resonated in his throat, chest, and stomach.
The exhaustion from the labyrinth, the dryness in his throat and body from the bath—everything was satisfied with this one mug.
Mitrof took a deep breath and drank about half of the drink, finally releasing his mouth with a sigh.
“... Ah, this makes me feel alive.”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: どちらも目に見えないので
それを示すために モニュメントのような建造物を 我々建築家に作らせるのです
建築家とはそういう職業で 歴史的に見ても 現代においても 同じ様な仕組みです
多くの人々が自然災害によって 家を失っているというのに 建築家は社会の役に立っていない― そのことに とても失望していました
実際のところ もはや「自然」災害ではないのです
たとえば地震そのもので 人は亡くなりません 建物が倒壊するから 亡くなるのです
仮設住宅が必要とされる場に 建築家の姿はありません 特権階級の為に働くことで 忙し過ぎるからです
そこで私は考えました 「建築家と言えども 仮設住宅の建設に関われば いいじゃないか
こんな理由から あちこちの被災地で 働くようになりました
1994年にアフリカのルワンダで 大きな災難がありました
フツとツチの2つの種族が 武力衝突し
二百万人以上が 難民になりました
私は国連が設営管理していた 難民キャンプを見て 非常に驚きました
すごく気の毒な状況でした 雨期で 難民たちは 毛布に包まって 凍えていました 国連の避難所で 支給されたのは プラスチックシートだけだったので 難民はこのように木を 切らなければなりませんでした
二百万人以上が 木を切ったため
甚大な森林破壊となり 環境問題が起きました
このため国連はアルミパイプと バラックを支給しましたが
アルミは高価なので 難民はパイプを売ってしまい また木が切られました
私は この事態を改善する為に リサイクル紙管を使うことを 提案しました 紙管は非常に安価で 強度があるからです 予算は1軒あたり わずか50米ドルでした
私たちはモニター試験用に 50軒の小屋を建て 耐久性や防水性能 シロアリ耐性などを調べました
そして翌年の1995年には 日本の神戸で 大きな地震が起こりました
7千人近い方が亡くなり 長田区をはじめ 街全体が 地震の後の火災によって 焼け野原になりました
やがて私は 被災した大勢のベトナム難民が カトリック教会に 集まっていることを知りました 教会の建物は全壊していました
私は現場へ行って 神父に こう提案しました 「紙管で教会を 再建しませんか?」
すると こう言われました 「アホか!火事の後なのに
彼は全く信じてくれませんでしたが 私は諦めませんでした
神戸に通うようになり ベトナム人コミュニティの人々と 出会いました
非常に粗末なプラスチックシートの テントを建て 公園で暮らしていました
### ENGLISH: Those are invisible.
So they hire us to visualize their power and money by making monumental architecture.
That is our profession, even historically it's the same, even now we are doing the same.
So I was very disappointed that we are not working for society, even though there are so many people who lost their houses by natural disasters.
But I must say they are no longer natural disasters.
For example, earthquakes never kill people, but collapse of the buildings kill people.
That's the responsibility of architects.
Then people need some temporary housing, but there are no architects working there because we are too busy working for privileged people.
So I thought, even as architects, we can be involved in the reconstruction of temporary housing.
We can make it better.
So that is why I started working in disaster areas.
1994, there was a big disaster in Rwanda, Africa.
Two tribes, Hutu and Tutsi, fought each other.
Over two million people became refugees.
But I was so surprised to see the shelter, refugee camp organized by the U.N.
They're so poor, and they are freezing with blankets during the rainy season, In the shelters built by the U.N., they were just providing a plastic sheet, and the refugees had to cut the trees, and just like this.
But over two million people cut trees.
It just became big, heavy deforestation and an environmental problem.
That is why they started providing aluminum pipes, aluminum barracks.
Very expensive, they throw them out for money, then cutting trees again.
So I proposed my idea to improve the situation using these recycled paper tubes because this is so cheap and also so strong, but my budget is only 50 U.S. dollars per unit.
We built 50 units to do that as a monitoring test for the durability and moisture and termites, so on.
And then, year afterward, 1995, in Kobe, Japan, we had a big earthquake.
Nearly 7,000 people were killed, and the city like this Nagata district, all the city was burned in a fire after the earthquake.
And also I found out there's many Vietnamese refugees suffering and gathering at a Catholic church -- all the building was totally destroyed.
So I went there and also I proposed to the priests, "Why don't we rebuild the church out of paper tubes?"
And he said, "Oh God, are you crazy?
After a fire, what are you proposing?"
So he never trusted me, but I didn't give up.
I started commuting to Kobe, and I met the society of Vietnamese people.
They were living like this with very poor plastic sheets in the park.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 我々は選挙に赴き 投票し そして選挙を見守ります
我々は皆選挙の意義を理解し 同じ日に投票のために 家を出るのです
国家の未来を担う決定に対する 発言権を我々は尊重しているのです
基本的なコンセプトは 我々の代表である政治家に 国民全員に関与する決定を下す― 権限を委任するというものです
不幸にも権力は堕落し 人々は権力の獲得 維持のためなら 選挙における不正行為を含む あらゆる手段を講じます
選挙のコンセプト自体が 完璧であっても一国内での 選挙運営は大きなプロジェクトで 大概はめちゃくちゃなものです
選挙があれば必ず なにかが狂ってしまうようで 不正を行う者があわられたり 何か計画が狂ったりします こちらで投票箱がなくなったり 投票用紙のパンチくずが散らかったりしています
可能な限りミスを減らすために 選挙には手順があるのです
例えば 今あなたが投票場に着くと 投票用紙を渡される前に 身分証明書の提示を求められます それから投票ブースに行き 用紙の記入を行いますね
ブースから戻ってきて投票箱に 用紙を入れると 他の投票用紙と混ざり あなたの投票は誰も知りえません
そこで考えて頂きたいことは 投票箱に用紙を入れた後 どうなるのかということです
ほとんどの人は家に帰り 選挙システムはきちんと働いていると 信じているので 自分の用紙が 集計されることに疑念はありません
選挙運営側と監視側が彼らの 職務をきちんと行っていると信じているのです
開封され 取り出された用紙は 入念に集計されると信じているのです
我々のほとんどは 自身の投票 皆の投票に対して これらが正しく行われているということを 信じなくてはいけないのです
考えてみてください 何百万の有権者が投じた 何百万の投票用紙は正確に集計を― されるべきですが なにか誤りが生じると このように新聞の見出しを飾るのです こうなると選挙をよりよいものにという 考えにはうんざりせざるを得ません
この手の忌むべき見出しを前に 研究家は一歩退き どうしたら 選挙を異なる方法で行えるか考察しました
その全体像とは 照合可能な選挙です
### ENGLISH: We stand in elections; we vote in elections; we observe elections.
Our democracies rely on elections.
We all understand why we have elections, and we all leave the house on the same day to go and vote.
We cherish the opportunity to have our say, to help decide the future of the country.
The fundamental idea is that politicians are given mandate to speak for us, to make decisions on our behalf that affect us all.
Without that mandate, they would be corrupt.
Well unfortunately, power corrupts, and so people will do lots of things to get power and to stay in power, including doing bad things to elections.
You see, even if the idea of the election is perfect, running a countrywide election is a big project, and big projects are messy.
Whenever there is an election, it seems like something always goes wrong, someone tries to cheat, or something goes accidentally awry -- a ballot box goes missing here, chads are left hanging over here.
To make sure as few things as possible go wrong, we have all these procedures around the election.
So for example, you come to the polling station, and a poll station worker asks for your ID before giving you a ballot form and asking you to go into a voting booth to fill out your vote.
When you come back out, you get to drop your vote into the ballot box where it mixes with all the other votes, so that no one knows how you voted.
Well, what I want us to think about for a moment after you drop your vote into the ballot box.
And most people would go home and feel sure that their vote has been counted, because they trust that the election system works.
They trust that election workers and election observers do their jobs and do their jobs correctly.
The ballot boxes go to counting places.
They're unsealed and the votes are poured out and laboriously counted.
Most of us have to trust that that happens correctly for our own vote, and we all have to trust that that happens correctly for all the votes in the election.
So we have to trust a lot of people.
We have to trust a lot of procedures.
And sometimes we even have to trust computers.
So imagine hundreds of millions of voters casting hundreds of millions of votes, all to be counted correctly and all the things that can possibly go wrong causing all these bad headlines, and you cannot help but feel exhausted at the idea of trying to make elections better.
Well in the face of all these bad headlines, researchers have taken a step back and thought about how we can do elections differently.
They've zoomed out and looked at the big picture.
And the big picture is this: elections should be verifiable.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 子供のころ私は できの悪い生徒でした
平均成績が5段階で 2に近いものでした
私がそんなに成績が悪かったのは 学校教育というのが 大人になるために設定された 単なるハードルのように 感じていたからです
私はそんな恣意的なハードルを 別に越えたいと思わず 実際越えないこともよくありました するとみんな脅しはじめます この記録は一生ついてまわるんだとか 将来良い仕事に就けないぞとか
でも良い仕事になんかに 就きたくはありませんでした
11、12歳頃の私に言わせるなら 良い仕事に就いている人たちというのは 朝すごく早く起きなければならず 彼らが朝一番にするのが 何かと言えば 首つり縄みたいなものを 首に巻くということです
文字通り自分の首に 首つり縄をかけて 何か知りませんが 仕事に出かけていくんです
それが幸せな人生のためのレシピとは 到底思えません
象徴に魅了された 12歳の子供の想像力からすると 毎朝最初にするのが 自分の首を締めることだ なんて人たちが 幸せなんかではあり得ません そんな結末を迎えるために
努力してハードルを越えようなんて どうして思うでしょう?
それから高校1年になって このインディアン・スプリングス・ スクールに移りました アラバマ州バーミングハム近郊の 小さな寄宿学校です
そして私は突如として 学ぶ者へと変わりました
そうなったのは 学ぶ人々のコミュニティに 入ったためです そこでは 知の追求や取り組みを
尊ぶ人たちに 囲まれていました それまで私がかっこいいと思っていた 斜に構えて真剣に取り組まない姿勢は そこでは賢明でも面白くもなく 挑み甲斐ある難しい問題に対する 愚かで凡庸な反応でしか なかったのです
学ぶのは素敵なことだと知った私は 学び始め
無限集合にも大小があることを 知りました 弱強五歩格とは何で なぜそれが耳に心地良いのかを知りました
南北戦争とは国有化の争いだったことを学び 物理の初歩を学び 因果と相関を混同してはならないことを 学びました このような知識は 文字通り私の日々を 豊かにしています
その多くを「仕事」で 使わないのは確かですが それは要点ではなく
知とは地図作りに 関わることなんです
地図作りの過程とは どんなものでしょう?
どこかの地へと航海して行って 「この場所の地図を作ろう」と思い それから「地図にすべき場所が もっとあるかもしれない」と思う
学びが本当に始まるのは そこなんです
### ENGLISH: So I was a really terrible student when I was a kid.
My GPA was consistently in the low 2s.
And I think the reason that I was such a terrible student is that I felt like education was just a series of hurdles that had been erected before me, and I had to jump over in order to achieve adulthood.
And I didn't really want to jump over these hurdles, because they seemed completely arbitrary, so I often wouldn't, and then people would threaten me, you know, they'd threaten me with this "going on [my] permanent record," or "You'll never get a good job."
I didn't want a good job!
As far as I could tell at eleven or twelve years old, like, people with good jobs woke up very early in the morning, and the men who had good jobs, one of the first things they did was tie a strangulation item of clothing around their necks.
They literally put nooses on themselves, and then they went off to their jobs, whatever they were.
That's not a recipe for a happy life.
These people -- in my, symbol-obsessed, twelve year-old imagination -- these people who are strangling themselves as one of the first things they do each morning, they can't possibly be happy.
Why would I want to jump over all of these hurdles and have that be the end?
That's a terrible end!
And then, when I was in tenth grade, I went to this school, Indian Springs School, a small boarding school, outside of Birmingham, Alabama.
And all at once I became a learner.
And I became a learner, because I found myself in a community of learners.
I found myself surrounded by people who celebrated intellectualism and engagement, and who thought that my ironic oh-so-cool disengagement wasn't clever, or funny, but, like, it was a simple and unspectacular response to very complicated and compelling problems.
And so I started to learn, because learning was cool.
I learned that some infinite sets are bigger than other infinite sets, and I learned that iambic pentameter is and why it sounds so good to human ears.
I learned that the Civil War was a nationalizing conflict, I learned some physics, I learned that correlation shouldn't be confused with causation -- all of these things, by the way, enriched my life on a literally daily basis.
And it's true that I don't use most of them for my "job," but that's not what it's about for me.
It's about cartography.
What is the process of cartography?
It's, you know, sailing upon some land, and thinking, "I think I'll draw that bit of land," and then wondering, "Maybe there's some more land to draw."
And that's when learning really began for me.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 俺はマクスウェルの手によって先回りして、コルティナの家にやってきた。
### ENGLISH: With Maxwell’s help, I arrived at Cortina’s home in advance. The door seemed to be locked, which meant I made it in time to arrive before her.
This time, I wore black clothes and a coat so she could tell who I was at a glance. I had gauntlets on my arms, but instead of the Aste’s new designs, I camouflaged it to look like the one I used to wear in my past days through the illusion ring.
My body was real, so I didn’t think she would realize even if I was camouflaging the gauntlet designs alone.
I stood at the entrance as I racked my brains.
Would it make for a better surprise if I slipped inside the house instead?
As I stood there contemplating on that, I heard a soft thud of something hitting the ground behind me.
Turning around, I saw Cortina frozen in place as she stared at me.
It was also my first time meeting her in this form, so I didn’t know what to say.
Her voice sounded hoarse. Her eyes were being flooded with tears.
“Uhh, I made you wait for a long time, but I’m finally back.”
She did not respond. I suppose she was still doubting that I was real. I suppose I had to talk about something that only the two of us would know to prove that I was real.
“Err, oh right. We met at the park the other day, didn’t we? I had some circumstances and couldn’t talk then so—”
It seemed like she finally accepted it was me, she muttered in a small voice. But that wasn’t a “word” that held any meaning.
Before long, she raised her disheveled face, and glared at me with her usual expression. That gaze no doubt belonged to the Cortina I knew.
But still, did she really have to glare at me like that...
“Ah, I mean, my circumstances made me delay this. Look, getting reborn would come with a lot of mess to clean up, right?”
“Um, it makes me happy that you cry for me, but—”
“Uhh, Cortina?”
Seeing her lower her posture, I imagine a punch would fly my way any moment now. Nevertheless, I decided to accept that punch. I was aware that I more than deserved it.
“Um, I’m really sorry, okay. I wanted to meet you faster but...”
With a shriek, she charged at me. She dashed with a low posture like a fierce animal.
Imagining the punch that she could draw from that momentum, I closed my eyes and grit my teeth. I expected the punch to hit my face, but I felt the impact in my abdomen instead.
Cortina charged at my abdomen without raising her first at all.
I was by no means tall, but Cortina was even smaller. So when someone like that lowered her posture even more, her head would naturally hit my stomach instead of my chest.
Still, given my light body, Cortina’s charge, who excelled in physical abilities despite her petite build, would naturally be beyond me to stop in place.
Pushed by the force, I was blown back.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 医者にも収入の糧が必要で そのための訓練しか受けていません 医者にも収入の糧が必要で そのための訓練しか受けていません 保険制度が変われば 医療行為と教育は変わります
保険はバイパスや血管形成手術に適用されますが 最近まで生活習慣と食事は除外されていました 保険はバイパスや血管形成手術に適用されますが 最近まで生活習慣と食事は除外されていました
そこで 最初はNPO団体を通して アメリカ中の病院で指導を行いました すると 大半の患者は手術なしで治療が出来ました 効果的な治療で費用も抑えられました
保険会社も患者1人あたり 3万ドルの費用削減になりました 保険会社も患者1人あたり 3万ドルの費用削減になりました メディケアは私たちが訓練した病院で 1,800人の医師を無償トレーニングする メディケアは私たちが訓練した病院で 1,800人の医師を無償トレーニングする 実証プログラムを行っています
占い師が言います 「喫煙者は割引 短い予言になるのでね 」 このスライドは動機付けに 何が効いて何が効かないか うまく表しています 「死の恐怖」はよく言われますが いい動機付けではありません
「死の恐怖」はよく言われますが いい動機付けではありません
タバコは体に悪いと皆知っているのに アメリカ人の30%が依然として喫煙します 喫煙者が人口の80%の国もあります なぜでしょう?
後でも話しますが 人類を襲う本当の疫病は 心臓病 肥満 喫煙ではなく 孤独と憂うつです
ある女性患者が言いました 「カートンの中には友達が20人います」 「頼りになる唯一の友達なの」
憂うつになると食べ過ぎたり 嫌なことを忘れようと アルコールを飲んだり 働き過ぎたり テレビを見たり
精神的苦痛を避ける術はたくさんあります しかし 原因に対処しないといけません
苦痛は原因ではなく 症状です
「死ぬぞ」と脅しても 怖すぎて患者は無視します 肺気腫や心臓発作の 恐怖も同様です 怖すぎて患者は考えようとしません
萎えたタバコに注目してください タイトルも肺気腫ではなく インポテンツです
数年前に発売され 記録的に売れた 医薬品は何だったでしょう? 数年前に発売され 記録的に売れた 医薬品は何だったでしょう?
バイアグラです 多くの人が求めました
### ENGLISH: Insurance will cover the bypass, it’ll cover the angioplasty; it won’t, until recently, cover diet and lifestyle.
So, we began through our nonprofit institute's training hospitals around the country, and we found that most people could avoid surgery, and not only was it medically effective, it was also cost effective.
And the insurance companies found that they began to save almost 30,000 dollars per patient, and Medicare is now in the middle of doing a demonstration project where they’re paying for 1,800 people to go through the program on the sites that we train.
The fortuneteller says, "I give smokers a discount because there’s not as much to tell." I like this slide, because it’s a chance to talk about what really motivates people to change, and what doesn’t.
And what doesn’t work is fear of dying, and that’s what’s normally used.
Everybody who smokes knows it’s not good for you, and still 30 percent of Americans smoke -- 80 percent in some parts of the world. Why do people do it?
Well, because it helps them get through the day.
And I’ll talk more about this, but the real epidemic isn’t just heart disease or obesity or smoking -- it’s loneliness and depression.
As one woman said, "I’ve got 20 friends in this package of cigarettes, and they’re always there for me and nobody else is.
You’re going to take away my 20 friends? What are you going to give me?"
Or they eat when they get depressed, or they use alcohol to numb the pain, or they work too hard, or watch too much TV.
There are lots of ways we have of avoiding and numbing and bypassing pain, but the point of all of this is to deal with the cause of the problem.
And the pain is not the problem: it’s the symptom.
And telling people they’re going to die is too scary to think about, or, they’re going to get emphysema or heart attack is too scary, and so they don’t want to think about it, so they don’t.
The most effective anti-smoking ad was this one.
You’ll notice the limp cigarette hanging out of his mouth, and "impotence" -- the headline is, "Impotent" -- it’s not emphysema.
What was the biggest selling drug of all time when it was introduced a few years ago?
Viagra, right? Why? Because a lot of guys need it.
It’s not like you say, "Hey Joe, I’m having erectile dysfunction, how about you?"
And yet, look at the number of prescriptions that are being sold.</s> |