Yes , a huge part of coding is picking up new tools on the spot , but it would be great to understand the fundamental theories behind how some of these libraries and concepts work at least once before being plunged into that reality !####[['fundamental theories', 'material comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'would be great to understand'], ['NULL', 'course relatability', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Thank you very much , Dr . Chuck and the team !####[['Dr . Chuck and the team', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
It would be great if you package all the tools needed for a given course into a predefined virtual machine image ready to be downloaded from the course .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
My only negative thing to say is that I hope they are able to update the time it takes to grade assignments on the server .####[['grade assignments', 'grades general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Maybe it ' s a little short .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'little short']] |
The assignments are challenging and interesting .####[['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'challenging'], ['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'interesting']] |
Wonderful course for true beginners .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Wonderful']] |
It is a really good overview about Dairy Production and Management .####[['overview about Dairy Production and Management', 'course general', 'positive', 'really good']] |
The painstaking attention to detail , intuition about particular pitfalls for new learners ( and more proficient ones too , in fact ) and of course , the self - deprecating humor all contribute to making this actually pretty advanced course a whole lotta fun !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'whole lotta fun'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'painstaking'], ['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'intuition'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'self - deprecating humo']] |
I might enjoy the whole course experience more if the design were not so technical .####[['course', 'course general', 'neutral', 'might enjoy']] |
Now I feel I have a good idea of what software engineering is about .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'have a good idea']] |
Which I don ' t mind , however , some of the comment wasn ' t relevant , so it was a bit weird .####[['NULL', 'presentation relatability', 'negative', "wasn ' t relevant"]] |
Very clear lectures .####[['lectures', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'Very clear']] |
I learned a whole lot and grasped and retained more only because of his teaching style and methods .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'learned a whole lot'], ['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'grasped and retained more']] |
Oracle database on Virtual box and pentaho data integration ) was a nightmare .####[['NULL', 'material quality', 'negative', 'nightmare']] |
Exercises and tutorials are very useful to complement lectures and help increase our skills in the domain .####[['Exercises', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'very useful'], ['tutorials', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'very useful'], ['lectures', 'presentation relatability', 'positive', 'complement']] |
The course is hard and needs previous knowledge of R .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'hard']] |
I wish there ' s a whole syllabus that we can access in the beginning of the course to prepare for the assignment .####[['syllabus', 'material quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I loved the simplicity of the course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'loved the simplicity']] |
Also , as the students start have to read multiple docs , etc . the time expectations per week should be increased .####[['docs', 'material quantity', 'negative', 'read multiple'], ['NULL', 'course workload', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Once again , Prof Chaikin has hit the ball out of the park in terms of design ( very hands - on ! ) of lessons and delivery of content .####[['Prof Chaikin', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'very hands - on']] |
Learning is explained in simple terms and the tips and best practices really stick to your memory .####[['NULL', 'material quality', 'positive', 'explained in simple terms'], ['NULL', 'material quality', 'positive', 'really stick to your memory']] |
I really enjoed it .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'really enjoed']] |
The instructor is obviously expert on the topic as well as in teaching and information is delivered very clearly .####[['instructor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'obviously expert'], ['instructor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'delivered very clearly']] |
Little to no support .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'Little to no support']] |
It gives you the feeling of being in an actual class .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'gives you the feeling of being in an actual class']] |
It cleared up a lot of the things that were blurry before .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The real inconvenience with this course is that the Forum does not work .####[['Forum', 'material quality', 'negative', 'does not work'], ['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'real inconvenience']] |
I highly appreciate having the opportunity of taking this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'highly appreciate']] |
The reason that I ' ve only rated 3 stars however is that the only useful thing you learn in this course is the design thinking framework .####[['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'only rated 3 stars']] |
I ' ll certainly continue .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'certainly continue']] |
It was a good course , however , it seems that the recording was from the earlier course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'good'], ['recording', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I never used it before and do not understand why I should leave somewhere my personal data if I do not plan to use this service in the future .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Its great to be a part of a course that has so many passionate individuals devoted to the health of the planet .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
He has really taken a great approach to presenting this course .####[['NULL', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'really taken a great approach']] |
This course perfectly blends in the knowledge I learned .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'perfectly blends in the knowledge I learned']] |
I do , however , appreciate the challenge and seriousness of the topic .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'appreciate the challenge and seriousness']] |
It might be useful for some ( especially those in B2C or willing to play around with the tech ) , but it was a waste of time for me .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'waste of time']] |
There was a little bit of handholding in the programming assignmentes , but that may be due to the aforementioned backgrounds the student came up with .####[['programming assignmentes', 'assignments quality', 'neutral', 'little bit of handholding']] |
I think that it would be better if these videos were scattered throughout the rest of the specialisation .####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'neutral', 'would be better']] |
The concepts and techniques I have learnt so far have helped me really improved in my University life as a student and in my work as an En glish teacher .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'helped me really improved']] |
Challenging Assignments .####[['Assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'Challenging']] |
Exciting , insightful and####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Exciting'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'insightful']] |
Introduction is much more than this course is , in my respectful opinion .####[['NULL', 'material quantity', 'negative', 'Introduction is much more than this course is']] |
This course has given me all that I require to further dig in and do the experiments .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Concepts well taught .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'Concepts well taught']] |
Also , I think that being overwhelmed could cause a lot of students to simply quit before they have really understood how the resources out there ( documentation , etc . ) could help them .####[['NULL', 'material quantity', 'negative', 'being overwhelmed']] |
Changed the way I think about several things which is what I think education should be about .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Changed the way I think']] |
Challenging with gamification .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Challenging']] |
Excellent tutors and material .####[['tutors', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Excellent'], ['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
Can ' t beat that .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', "Can ' t beat"]] |
Well pased and full of information .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Well pased'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'full']] |
Jeff says at the beginning that this is just an overview and points to some other resources .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'just an overview']] |
Lexalytics isn ' t available for a Mac , so I couldn ' t even use it .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', "Lexalytics isn ' t available"]] |
This course is very well structured and very well presented .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'very well structured'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'very well presented']] |
The course design is thoughtful and well - carried - out .####[['course design', 'course quality', 'positive', 'thoughtful'], ['course design', 'course quality', 'positive', 'well - carried - out']] |
So a help from the Forum is a real need for this course to work smoothly .####[['Forum', 'material quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I do see value in including this material in the specialisation but not as an outright course .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
It became a little bit confusing and overwhelming .####[['NULL', 'material comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'little bit confusing'], ['NULL', 'material quantity', 'negative', 'overwhelming']] |
I think I learned a great deal from this course and I ' m looking forward to the specialisation courses .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'learned a great deal']] |
This course could ' ve been better by the inclusion of more examples , the lecturer is very monotonous and sadly i see no discussion forum for this course , in addition to that , whenever i tried replying to the comments the reply button turned grey and nothing happened .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', "could ' ve been better"], ['lecturer', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'very monotonous'], ['NULL', 'material quantity', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'no discussion forum']] |
The power of MATLAB is well presented in this classes .####[['power of MATLAB', 'material quality', 'positive', 'well presented']] |
The last week of the course also introduces an interesting and seemingly effective framework for design thinking .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'introduces an interesting and seemingly effective']] |
Had a blast doing this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Had a blast']] |
Thank you Professor , and thank you Coursera .####[['Professor', 'course general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
You have to be objective .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Inspires teachers how to teach and practice character that can influence students to practice the same wherever they are .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Inspires teachers']] |
This is a wonderful course and I would definitely recommend it to others .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'wonderful'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'definitely recommend']] |
Amazing !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Amazing']] |
Andrew Ng is a great teacher .####[['Andrew Ng', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great']] |
However , this program of courses is rather a paltry touchdown , an insignificant approach .####[['program of courses', 'course quality', 'negative', 'paltry touchdown , an insignificant approach']] |
I think i will use knowledge which i got from the course in my future works .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The weekly assignments were challenging and a lot of fun .####[['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'challenging and a lot of fun']] |
The material covered is this course is adequate and very insightful .####[['material', 'material quantity', 'positive', 'adequate'], ['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'very insightful']] |
I ' ve done the whole codecademy python course , which was very focused on the practical side , and it is great now to do this course to understand the theory behind it , and what was I actually doing .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
Dr . Chuck has also shared some interesting tidbits ( interviews ) throughout the course , which I felt were quite informative .####[['Dr . Chuck', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'also shared some interesting tidbits'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'quite informative']] |
I would like to rate this fabulous course as excellent under Dr . Emma Jakoi and Dr . Jennifer Carbrey , brilliant instructersThank you very much for all the kind explanation given for my questions , and good video quizzes , enjoyable problem sets and mind provoking exams .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'fabulous'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'excellent'], ['Dr . Emma Jakoi', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'brilliant instructers'], ['Dr . Jennifer Carbrey', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'brilliant instructers'], ['video quizzes', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'good'], ['problem sets', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'enjoyable'], ['exams', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'mind provoking'], ['Dr . Jennifer Carbrey', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'Thank you very much']] |
I like the content of the course .####[['content of the course', 'material quality', 'positive', 'like']] |
On the other hand , the questions resemble real world bioinformatics problems .####[['questions', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'resemble real world bioinformatics problems']] |
He engages the subject matter with attention grabbing vitality and spirit .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Very informative .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Very informative']] |
I ' ll start by saying that this course gives a good insight into a wide variety of applications of 3D printing .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'gives a good insight']] |
Margaret Meloni made this course as colorful with her melody voice and good explanations .####[['Margaret Meloni', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'colorful'], ['Margaret Meloni', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'good explanations']] |
The course was great .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
I think it was a mistake from the grader .####[['NULL', 'grades general', 'negative', 'it was a mistake from the grader']] |
I really appreciated your help .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'really appreciated']] |
Excellent course for learning the very basics of Python .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
The course starts out at a very basic level , working its way up at a pace that one should feel perfectly comfortable with .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'starts out at a very basic level'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'feel perfectly comfortable']] |
The time for for doing the " quizes " are not long .####[['quizes', 'assignments quality', 'neutral', 'not long']] |
Learned a lot !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Learned a lot']] |
It could have been done much better specially the lectures .####[['lectures', 'course general', 'positive', 'could have been done much better']] |
It is a very good starting point for anyone interested in FSI .####[['FSI', 'course general', 'positive', 'very good']] |
I would recommend it to be more data oriented like those case studies with specific examples so that it naturally converges to creating case study for a city at the end of the course as final project rather than optional study .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Thanks so much for a great course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
Also , suggest to reduce discussions centred to challenges ( the course has taken too much of time ) and more towards different new services adopted by different cities to capture benefits / impact to the city GDP .####[['course', 'course workload', 'negative', 'taken too much of time']] |
I ' m a spanish speaking mechanical engineer with just a programming hobby and I was able to finish with a 99 % grade .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'able to finish with a 99 % grade']] |
Great course , the teacher did a very good job explaining a very difficult subject to a group of students with signifficantly different backgrounds .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great'], ['teacher', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'very good job explaining']] |
In addition you will learn and practice with libraries that can make your life simpler : )####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'make your life simpler']] |
Incredibly interesting and insightful resources as well .####[['resources', 'material quality', 'positive', 'Incredibly interesting'], ['resources', 'material quality', 'positive', 'insightful']] |
Awesome course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Awesome']] |
Amazing assignment from which I learned a lot and I loved the structure , feeling and professor .####[['assignment', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'Amazing'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'learned a lot']] |
Such a Wonderful Course .####[['Course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Such a Wonderful']] |
This course is very helpful in giving ideas on how to do this better .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very helpful']] |
I especially enjoyed the Security part , which I deal with tangentially at work and I could never quite grasp the concepts , but now I do .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
In my opinion this course should be a start point for any individual who want to learn Machine Learning .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The workshop revitalized my poetry skills , which were more than a bit rusty previous to taking the class .####[['workshop', 'course general', 'positive', 'revitalized']] |
It does not bore with too much detail .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'does not bore'], ['NULL', 'presentation quantity', 'positive', 'too much detail']] |
That one single week of course can literally help so many companies / NGOs .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'T_NULL']] |
I liked the exercises .####[['exercises', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'liked']] |
Many thanks for this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This course provides all the necessary fundamentals with a little bit of math that gives an intuitive sense of the algorithms .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'necessary fundamentals'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'intuitive sense of the algorithms']] |
Prof . Douglas Kearney is an excellent and entertaining instructor with a lot of wisdom to impart .####[['Prof . Douglas Kearney', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'excellent'], ['Prof . Douglas Kearney', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'entertaining'], ['Prof . Douglas Kearney', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'lot of wisdom']] |
Mr . Bloom is a great teacher !####[['Mr . Bloom', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great teacher']] |
absolutely brilliant !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'absolutely brilliant']] |
I have met part of my goals of taking this program .####[['program', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
A very refreshing course that focuses on the character growth of students .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very refreshing']] |
I would gladly recommend this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'gladly recommend']] |
The quizzes were easy to solve once you took the time to see all the related videos .####[['quizzes', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to solve'], ['videos', 'presentation relatability', 'positive', 'related']] |
Very challenging to come up to speed with Natural Language Processing techniques if you have never taken any class about it .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'Very challenging']] |
The illustrations are delightful !####[['illustrations', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'delightful']] |
Prepare yourself though - it is quite a lot of material .####[['material', 'material quantity', 'negative', 'quite a lot']] |
I greatly enjoyed this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'greatly enjoyed']] |
Excellent course , specially if you want to start from scratch .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
His enthusiasm is something that should help you keep going through the course .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'help you keep going through']] |
The Managerial Accounting ( week 4 ) transforms my mindset ! !####[['Managerial Accounting', 'course general', 'positive', 'transforms my mindset']] |
Very disappointed with this final course .####[['final course', 'course general', 'negative', 'Very disappointed']] |
There were so many new libraries and concepts introduced in the last two chapters .####[['libraries', 'material quantity', 'negative', 'so many'], ['libraries', 'material quality', 'positive', 'new'], ['concepts', 'material quality', 'positive', 'new'], ['concepts', 'material quantity', 'negative', 'so many']] |
The amount of work and time that went in to creating this comprehensive and diverse course is extremely impressive .####[['course', 'course workload', 'positive', 'extremely impressive'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'diverse'], ['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'comprehensive']] |
Thank you Relay / GSE and Coursera !####[['Relay / GSE', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
And yes , like any really good teacher , Yakov feels the need to delve into theoretic niceties that most wouldn ' t .####[['Yakov', 'faculty general', 'positive', "delve into theoretic niceties that most wouldn ' t"]] |
The class was well organized and easy to understand .####[['class', 'course quality', 'positive', 'well organized'], ['class', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to understand']] |
This is simply a great course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'simply a great']] |
It touches upon a rather complex area of research but has masterly conveyed the essential skills and methods in a pace that is a bit challenging but not to a point of intimidating .####[['NULL', 'material quality', 'positive', 'complex area of research'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'masterly conveyed the essential skills and methods'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'neutral', 'bit challenging but not to a point of intimidating']] |
The course has definitely achieved what it is teaching - which is making sure you remember the material by testing yourself and by utilizing spaced repetition .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'definitely achieved what it is teaching']] |
I ' m sure that my programming skills got to a higher level and I ' ve been recommending to all my friends and colleages .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thanks for the awesome content !####[['content', 'material quality', 'positive', 'awesome']] |
Will be referring to the materials again and again .####[['materials', 'material quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
To the point and very useful ! ! !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'very useful']] |
I love the professors , but unfortunately , I do not feel much connection to me ( not really seeing so much importance for me to identifying if a company is making fake financial statements ; I am not an investor , and my everyday work does not really have so much to do with financial statements ) .####[['professors', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'love'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'do not feel much connection']] |
The lectures were great and engaging .####[['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'engaging']] |
Considering all this , is a great course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
Not meant for learners new to the medical field .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'neutral', 'Not meant for learners']] |
The list of literature provided were quite extesive and strategicaly chosen .####[['list of literature', 'material quantity', 'positive', 'quite extesive'], ['list of literature', 'material quality', 'positive', 'strategicaly chosen']] |
Thank you for your great lecture , Dr . Chunk .####[['Dr . Chunk', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great lecture']] |
As an overview , this class works well .####[['class', 'course general', 'positive', 'works well']] |
However provides enough additional material to work with and get as far into the subject as one wishes to .####[['material', 'material quantity', 'negative', 'provides enough additional'], ['subject', 'course general', 'negative', 'get as far']] |
All the speakers were extremely informative and thought - provoking .####[['speakers', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'extremely informative'], ['speakers', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'thought - provoking']] |
Fun .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Fun']] |
You can expect to learn a bit about what machine learning is and how to to do it using the caret package in R .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'expect to learn a bit']] |
Materials of the course are were very exactly formulated and understandable .####[['Materials', 'material quality', 'positive', 'very exactly formulated'], ['Materials', 'material comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'understandable']] |
Hello , Thank you for this well structured course .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'well structured']] |
Despite the challenges , the material is very fascinating and anyone interested in anatomy will learn something .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'very fascinating']] |
Amazing teachers ! ! !####[['teachers', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Amazing']] |
In terms of content and how the course run , it was beyond my expectation .####[['content', 'material quality', 'positive', 'beyond my expectation'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'beyond my expectation']] |
The course utilizes outside research .####[['course', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'utilizes outside research']] |
Recomend .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Recomend']] |
They were a bit challenging in the end .####[['NULL', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'bit challenging']] |
Because not all that is questioned in the " quizes " are thought in the classes .####[['NULL', 'assignments quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
This course is a MUST , if you ' re looking to pick up on Machine Learning concepts or break in to the Data Science industry .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'a MUST']] |
I felt like they went too fast .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'too fast']] |
I would love it .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'love']] |
I really enjoyed the course and I learned a great deal .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'really enjoyed'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'learned a great deal']] |
The instructor is easy to understand and makes a good job introducing the language .####[['instructor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to understand'], ['instructor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'makes a good job']] |
The projects / assignments are awesome .####[['projects / assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'awesome']] |
This course was difficult to follow and the free trials offered seemed forced upon us .####[['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'difficult to follow']] |
The topics are very well explained and take a logical sequence .####[['topics', 'material comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'very well explained'], ['topics', 'material quality', 'positive', 'take a logical sequence']] |
The tasks were a bit more complex than the ones from the first course , but they are still very fun .####[['tasks', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'bit more complex'], ['tasks', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'still very fun']] |
Discussion Forum provides some level of help but you are basically on your own .####[['NULL', 'material quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
This course was great !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
Explaining everything in details .####[['NULL', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'Explaining everything in details']] |
Really enjoyed this .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Really enjoyed']] |
Star - - for feeling a little bit on rails , and not feeling the instructor involvement .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'not feeling the instructor involvement'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'little bit on rails']] |
The course was really good and it helped me to get some new learning techniques and ideas .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'really good'], ['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'helped me to get some new learning techniques and ideas']] |
This is a very interesting and rewarding course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very interesting'], ['course', 'polarity positive', 'positive', 'rewarding']] |
The playing on recording to other students for grades is way too cumbersome .####[['grades', 'grades general', 'negative', 'too cumbersome']] |
The course contains no dialogues , or any real situations where vocab ' s being reviewed .####[['course', 'course relatability', 'negative', 'contains no dialogues , or any real situations']] |
Don ' t miss this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', "Don ' t miss"]] |
Prof . Cramer presents the fundamental concepts of statistical mechanics in a sensible manner which makes this difficult subject somewhat manegable even for beginners .####[['Prof . Cramer', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'sensible']] |
Solid course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The recommended reading list , with links to most items , is worth the time spent on them .####[['recommended reading list', 'material quality', 'positive', 'worth the time spent']] |
Overall , great class if you plan visiting the country and want to be able to get by without a translator as we all know that not all Chinese natives speak English .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'great class']] |
Sachs and this revolutionary work for our world .####[['Sachs', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'revolutionary work']] |
For someone like me having 17years programming experience , and with some hands on of neural networks from colelge days , and analytic tools for a few applications in R ; it is a great refresher on the fundamentals and great breadth of practical technology elements that are most useful in machine learning applications .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'great refresher on the fundamentals']] |
this course , instructor Mr . Gabriele Troilo , course materials , videos , and interviews with professionals were absolutely perfect .####[['Mr . Gabriele Troilo', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'absolutely perfect'], ['materials', 'material quality', 'positive', 'absolutely perfect'], ['videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'absolutely perfect']] |
A better evaluation scheme would weigh testing and essays , for example , 60 % testing , 40 % essay .####[['NULL', 'grades general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
But this one i found it just a bit difficult and sometimes lost specially in Many - to - Many Relationship .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'a bit difficult']] |
Is a very useful course although you need more hours to complete it .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very useful'], ['course', 'course workload', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
The professor is very careful , clear , and methodical .####[['professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'very careful'], ['professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'clear'], ['professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'methodical']] |
I would have preferred to have a single , consistently good instructor .####[['instructor', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'would have preferred to have a single , consistently good']] |
Too many optional assignments perhaps .####[['assignments', 'assignments quantity', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
The lectures are captivating , but at a level that is appropriate for astronomy beginners .####[['lectures', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'captivating'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'appropriate']] |
This is an amazing course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'amazing']] |
Easy to follow .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'Easy to follow']] |
Also assignments are very nice .####[['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'very nice']] |
The video presentations are well done with information that is vital for developing the skill required to be an effective writer .####[['video presentations', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'well done']] |
Again , Thank you Dr Chuck and your team for creating such an interesting and exiting course .####[['Dr Chuck', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
The way Dr . BArbara Oakley and Dr . Sejnowsky developed this important course for us students also applies many interesting ways of understanding in a more natural way as well as clear explanation of the methods on how to get a better approach when we are trying to learn something .####[['Dr . BArbara Oakley and Dr . Sejnowsky', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'better']] |
Thanks Professor Hare and Coursera since I do enjoy this amazing course which challenges many stereotypes .####[['Professor Hare', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thanks'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'amazing']] |
It indeed spreads useful techniques and concepts in learning .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I wish they offer free certificate for the ones who complete the course .####[['course', 'course value', 'positive', 'offer free certificate']] |
I felt this course was fantastic - and it is my opinion that the course should be a requirement for all members of the US Senate and House of Representatives - as they might make less dumb decisions when pedalling democracy in Muslim countries .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'fantastic'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Professor Edwin Bakker didactic approach is especially suitable to my ideal concept of how a teacher should communicate with his / her audience .####[['Professor Edwin Bakker', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'suitable to my ideal concept']] |
Explaining the informations clearly .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'Explaining the informations clearly']] |
The instructors were very good at their job .####[['instructors', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'very good at their job']] |
This has got to be the worst Coursera course I have taken and I have taken quite a few .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I definitely recommend this to someone trying to get an introduction to programming .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'definitely recommend']] |
The organization , content , activities , practice and tasks were perfect .####[['organization', 'course quality', 'positive', 'perfect'], ['content', 'material quality', 'positive', 'perfect'], ['activities', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'perfect'], ['practice and tasks', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'perfect']] |
Videos are very boring and useless in comparison to incredible content in the first 6 courses of the specialization .####[['Videos', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'very boring and useless']] |
I have one word : Fantastic .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Fantastic']] |
The professor is clear in explaination and homurous as well .####[['professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'clear in explaination'], ['professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'homurous']] |
Very very bad communication from the teachers .####[['teachers', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'Very very bad communication']] |
Also , Mohamed Noor is very enthusiastic , and provides a lot of nice examples to illustrate the course .####[['Mohamed Noor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'very enthusiastic'], ['NULL', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'nice'], ['NULL', 'faculty relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
It encourages you to focus on the narrative and never distracts from it .####[['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Slow - paced , the order of the chapters makes sense ; the best Python course I ' ve rolled in and the only one that kept me .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Slow - paced'], ['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'order of the chapters makes sense']] |
We are getting basic ideas , but going through all the information structuring the ideas too quickly , with NO examples / limited examples , which is what will teach us the most .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'basic'], ['NULL', 'material quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Great lectures , great programming assignments and grading , overall I really enjoyed this course .####[['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'Great'], ['programming assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['grading', 'grades general', 'positive', 'great'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'really enjoyed']] |
This course is hard for the new comer of Ruby on Rails and MongoDB .####[['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'hard for the new comer']] |
Examples so relevant and memorable so as to make an everlasting impression .####[['NULL', 'presentation relatability', 'positive', 'relevant'], ['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'memorable']] |
A little basic for me .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'little']] |
The Professor is excellent and very student - friendly , and the course material is very clear .####[['Professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'excellent'], ['Professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'very student - friendly'], ['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'very clear']] |
Great professor .####[['professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Great']] |
I find myself applying what I have learned to my everyday writing as well as things I read and watch .####[['NULL', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'find myself applying what I have learned to my everyday writing']] |
Barbara Oakly was great .####[['Barbara Oakly', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great']] |
In this short course , you can learn few important key topics of business strategy .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
As a result this is a pretty bland and boring 4 weeks .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'pretty bland and boring 4 weeks']] |
The main thing this accomplished for me was practicing the tones , which are very challenging .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'very challenging']] |
This course motivated me to study further Economics related courses and I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in the subject and who is new to Microeconomics like me .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'motivated me to study further'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'definitely recommend']] |
Handy practical guidance on avoiding the happiness mistakes we make day to day - I didn ' t realise so many####[['NULL', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'Handy practical guidance']] |
Thank you for such great course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
But it ' s only the start !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I would like to sincerely thank The Coursera Community for providing this wonderful opportunity to get a overlook on the HTML , CSS , Java Script concepts .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'wonderful opportunity']] |
Liked it better the second time .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Liked']] |
It ' s very thought - provoking and provides insight into meditation - - a subject that eludes many people .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'very thought - provoking'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Superb video , quizzes and exercises .####[['video', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'Superb'], ['quizzes and exercises', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'Superb']] |
I recommend this course to every one .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'recommend']] |
I have since started the free Stanford course taught by a co - founder of coursera , and it is MUCH better !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'better']] |
Also , the homework exercises took me significantly longer than the estimates projected , but I budgeted about double the time and was able to complete the course on time .####[['homework exercises', 'assignments workload', 'negative', 'took me significantly longer than the estimates']] |
It is a very well presented and accessible way to start to grasp Einstein ' s most profound work in his " miracle year " of 1905 .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'very well presented']] |
He introduces you to coding in a way that is non - intimidating and feels completely natural within a couple of weeks .####[['He', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'non - intimidating and feels completely natural']] |
I enjoyed Professor Siedel ' s teaching style .####[['Professor Siedel', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'enjoyed']] |
I totally recommend it to anyone !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'recommend']] |
Very interesting concepts of calculus were taught indeep by professor Jim .####[['professor Jim', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'Very interesting']] |
Very encouraging and challenging with lot of learning on the way .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Very encouraging and challenging']] |
Sure , I will come back to check the optional material .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The assignments are also well designed , which help me enhance my learning !####[['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'well']] |
Thanks .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Thanks']] |
It is a great course to understand the purpose of telling stories across diverse platforms and in a sustainable form in time .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
The instructor was excellent , and I learned new things .####[['instructor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'excellent'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'new']] |
Strong Mathematics skills required .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'Strong Mathematics skills required']] |
The professor has a lot of case studies which shows he is a marketing practitioner and shares real / sample cases that help you better understand the concepts taught ( not just theoretically ) .####[['professor', 'faculty relatability', 'positive', 'better'], ['professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Prof . Charles is amazing .####[['Prof . Charles', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'amazing']] |
While there are a few technical issues , this is an awesome course .####[['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'few technical issues'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'awesome']] |
I ' ve taken more than 5 coursera classes , and this has been my least satisfying .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'least satisfying']] |
This was the perfect intro course for someone who knows nothing about HTML .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'perfect']] |
I really enjoyed Professor Michael Roth ' s breaking down of the content matter .####[['Professor Michael Roth', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'really enjoyed']] |
The course highlights the basic premises of how best to enter a market and how to keep a competitor out of the market .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'highlights the basic premises']] |
If I was very quick I could mute my volume until it finished , but I think this is totally unnecessary .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'totally unnecessary']] |
Nice and elaborative .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Nice and elaborative']] |
I really enjoyed this course and i am kinda sad that is over .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'really enjoyed']] |
Thanks for your guidance .####[['NULL', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'Thanks']] |
besides the major technical issues and lack of information before the postponed start of the course and minor technical issues , the way of teaching is well adapted to on - site classes where you can sit in study groups solving the problems together ; the given examples have partly little relevance and do not help to solve the assignments and according to the staff the best way to solve assignments is by using google ( or stackoverflow or whatever ) really ? ! somehow it seems they just took an on - site course , played with some fancy technical solutions and call it now a MOOC . they seem not really aware of the fact that on - site teaching and MOOCs require completely different types of pedagogic methodsamazing how the same university can offer both the best MOOC ( Dr . Chuck ' s ) and one of the worst ( this one )####[['examples', 'material relatability', 'negative', 'partly little relevance']] |
Still ok , but I expected better than wireframes and mockups which we already learned a while back .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
It ' s a badly designed assignment that wastes students ' time and creates a lot of frustration .####[['assignment', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'badly designed']] |
The videos are clear , easy to follow and with plenty of examples , great information and content .####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'clear'], ['videos', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to follow'], ['videos', 'presentation relatability', 'positive', 'plenty of examples'], ['videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'great information and content']] |
I enjoyed this course a lot .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyed']] |
The instructor tends to be humorous and that relieves stress at the moment of learning .####[['instructor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The course has addressed all the fundamentals and has given me direction and the information I required as a person that is not in the medical field , making it easy for further research .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'addressed all the fundamentals'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'given me direction and the information'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'easy']] |
A superb course ( and the accompanying book , The Genius of Dogs , and citizen science website , Dognition , are wonderful too ) .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'superb']] |
I am so glad to have found this course ! !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'so glad']] |
Perhaps it is designed for those who are more analytical than myself . .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
He makes learning about rhyme , metaphor and scansion uncomplicated while he hones your focus , so your writing can surprise you .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
After all , this track is geared toward using Python for analysis and data science , which is hardly a topic that is for absolute beginners .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
It is a condense and delicate course , which means in order to get the skill to build a website , the only thing has to be done is following the steps in the video and finishing the assignment ; and yet every topic in the course , even a line of code , deserves further contemplation .####[['course', 'polarity positive', 'positive', 'condense and delicate']] |
All the MATLAB / Octave exercises are interesting and relevant .####[['exercises', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'interesting'], ['exercises', 'assignments relatability', 'positive', 'relevant']] |
She presents material in a way that ' s really approachable and easy to digest .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'approachable']] |
Normally I prefer Lynda to Coursera for the assignments and the quizzes , but not in this case . . .####[['assignments', 'assignments relatability', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I ' d like to see more interaction and graded programming exercises in between videos to really hammer the concepts home .####[['programming exercises', 'assignments quantity', 'negative', 'like to see more'], ['videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'really hammer the concepts home']] |
Maybe Professor Waters - Rist and her team could conduct another Osteoarchaeology class introducing techniques not covered in this course .####[['Professor', 'faculty general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
The video lectures are exciting and I look forward to the time I spend viewing them , the core readings are relevant and there are good suggestions for those wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the material .####[['core readings', 'material quality', 'positive', 'relevant'], ['video lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'exciting']] |
I learned a lot from this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'learned a lot']] |
Great content !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great']] |
The lectures are very long , not chunked for easy viewing ( to the point where I couldn ' t download to my phone for offline / off - wifi use ) .####[['lectures', 'presentation quantity', 'negative', 'very long']] |
As somebody who studies management , I have grasped an unreal amout of knowledge regarding financial markets .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'unreal amout of knowledge']] |
Overall this was a good intro course####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'good intro']] |
This course was much more useful than I thought it would be .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'much more useful']] |
This was a good overview of the services Google Cloud Platform offers .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'good']] |
Brilliant , other course providers should follow a similar method .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Brilliant']] |
I have no doubt about this awesome learning method .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'awesome']] |
Great course . my constructive criticism has to do with the organizing of the group activities , it ' s just very difficult to organize into groups via people whom you have not met , especially given the time zone differences as well the differences in daily schedules for group members .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great']] |
This is one of if not the best course that I have taken .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'the best']] |
Very information .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I recommend this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'recommend']] |
The contents about SCRUM are presented eight times partially through the introduction and here .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
The videos are short , to the point , and I would advice anyone to be committed .####[['videos', 'presentation quantity', 'negative', 'short']] |
Quality of teaching is very poor and too fast to follow through .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'Quality of teaching is very poor'], ['NULL', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'too fast to follow through']] |
Practical demonstration of the problems provides a better clarity .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
It was an interesting insight .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'interesting']] |
Thank you very much professor .####[['professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you very much']] |
I appreciate that reading materials were complimentary to the videos .####[['materials', 'material relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I give 5 star for the teacher , really approach having such a well - organized teaching material .####[['teacher', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
People had to wait a long time for feedback and I also thought that those who had paid for the first of the 5 sections , should not be obliged to pay for the next four if they wanted at least to access the material , without being graded .####[['NULL', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['graded', 'grades general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I loved this class !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'loved']] |
I recommended this course to my friend and any one interested in music should definitely try this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'recommended'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'definitely try']] |
I think it ' s better to do this information not obligatory but on choice####[['NULL', 'course general', 'neutral', 'better']] |
It was easy to understand the points mentioned by him .####[['NULL', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy']] |
Pace of course is also extremely slow , though it may be appropriate for novice students .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'extremely slow'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'appropriate']] |
Only wish there were more graded programming assignments !####[['graded programming assignments', 'assignments quantity', 'negative', 'Only wish there were more']] |
I will recommend it to my friends .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'recommend']] |
I found this course very useful and learnt how use of regular expressions and later used them to parse HTML pages to look at various tags and content .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very useful'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
A great introductory level course to Competitive Strategy .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great introductory']] |
I would like to thank to instructors and all those who are involved of making such a helpfull and good quality course .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'good'], ['instructors', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'helpfull']] |
As an introduction , it was a great experience .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
And , by the way , too much stories .####[['NULL', 'presentation relatability', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
If you cannot afford to participate you have limited access to the testing material .####[['testing material', 'assignments quantity', 'negative', 'limited access']] |
Instructors have rushed to present course material .####[['Instructors', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'rushed to present course material']] |
Subject is presented in a very elegant and formal way by professor Ng starting with basic things and advancing with perfect pace to more difficult things .####[['professor Ng', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'presented in a very elegant and formal way'], ['professor Ng', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'perfect pace to more difficult things']] |
Splendid wonderful course ¡¡¡####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'wonderful']] |
This course is very important to all learners from developing and developed countries , since world ' s growing population facing acute food shortage , thereby saving losses becomes need of the hour .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very important']] |
Course is interesting , but sometimes its so hard to perceive the information with such accent :####[['Course', 'course general', 'positive', 'interesting'], ['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'sometimes its so hard to perceive']] |
Really enjoyed it and most importantly , I learnt a lot .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Really enjoyed it'], ['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'learnt a lot']] |
Platform quizzes and assignments help you make progress and push you to review your notes and the book content , enabling you to feel comfortable with the speed of the lessons .####[['Platform quizzes', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'help you make progress'], ['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'help you make progress'], ['Platform quizzes', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'enabling you to feel comfortable'], ['assignments', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'enabling you to feel comfortable']] |
John Covach is a fantastic instructor .####[['John Covach', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'fantastic']] |
The course is a very practical approach to the language .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very practical approach to the language']] |
very good introduction but as i go through the videos and then do the quiz i feel like the material doesn ' t highlight exactly what is needed for the quiz .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'good'], ['videos', 'presentation relatability', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['material', 'material relatability', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['quiz', 'assignments relatability', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
The real reason I ' m rating it 3 / 5 , though , is that the mathematical notation is all over the place .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
You will learn very interesting things about Machine Learning , but you will also work your programming skills ( MATLAB / Octave ) .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'learn very interesting things']] |
I asked for help on the forum , but no one responded .####[['NULL', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Thank you Andrew Ng !####[['Andrew Ng', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
I had taken this course first out of the ruby on rails specialty courses , and decided to enroll in the entire course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
While the tutors clearly know their stuff , I found the assignments really quite challenging and of limited educational value due to the mixture of new concepts introduced by the lectures along with new ( to me ) mathematics or CS that also needed to be grasped .####[['tutors', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'challenging'], ['lectures', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Also many assignments improved my knowledge and skill about machine learning .####[['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
For all people of all ages , backgrounds and interests I tell you : take the opportunity to do this course and you will not look back .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I really like the challenges .####[['NULL', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'really like the challenges']] |
Just plenty of work to be done and small amount of that work is going to stay with you .####[['NULL', 'assignments workload', 'negative', 'plenty of work to be done'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'small amount of that work is going to stay with you']] |
Outside of the necessary downloads , recordings , playback the course was presented well and scales and position playing were particularly helpful and clear .####[['presented', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'well'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'particularly helpful'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'clear']] |
The first 3 weeks is nice package for learning Bootstrap .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'nice package for learning Bootstrap']] |
However , I really appreciate the whole courses , and I think it has been a great experience to go through the courses !####[['courses', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
This was the kickstart I was needing to completely dive myself into the world of ML .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thanks a lot Mr . Landers and other authors for this course !####[['Mr . Landers', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thanks a lot']] |
You Learning in IBM suggests 12 hours - most on forums were taking 6 - 10 hours per assignment !####[['assignment', 'assignments workload', 'neutral', 'taking 6 - 10 hours']] |
Thanks for your work ! ! !####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thanks for your work']] |
Machne Learning is an important tool for a variety of branches of science and engineering and####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
After you finish the course you are not an expert but you have the right concepts and knowledge for developing your projects .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I highly recommend this for any teacher of ESL or TEFL or CELTA .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'highly recommend']] |
The course was great .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
I think to become a data scientist this is the best place to start pleased to complete rest of the course also .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'best']] |
He is enthusiastic and explains the materials very good .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'enthusiastic'], ['NULL', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'explains the materials very good']] |
The use of actual journal articles added a practical twist to the theory and applications of statistics .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I learned a lot .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'learned a lot']] |
When I did contacting a teacher ( Eva ) about some specific questions , she was super helpful and helped me with the issue .####[['Eva', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'super helpful']] |
The citizen science material was also interesting .####[['citizen science material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'also interesting']] |
A very good course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'good']] |
Maybe , the course which based on the writes of Mr . Bakker and one of his books could think us a commercial or promotional purposses , but It ' s a great , really great , course and way for understanding actually world we ' re living , and an excellent way for naming many things which happen all of us .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I ' ve been trying to understand this for three years , and finally am making progress .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
It would however be great if you also could provide the Chinese characters for all the stuff we ' ve learned * while * we learn it and not in the end of the course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Overall , course quality is good and have a appropriate level of knowledge for new analysts .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'good']] |
I loved the way####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'loved']] |
Thank you cousera and Berklee for offering the opportunity !####[['Berklee', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
5x video speed because of lots of talking .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'lots of talking']] |
I ever took Carlo ' s excellent machine learning courses at UW and was really feeling pretty good .####[['courses', 'course general', 'positive', 'excellent'], ['courses', 'course general', 'positive', 'pretty good'], ['Carlo', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
it isn ' t even covered until the next course .####[['course', 'course general', 'neutral', "isn ' t even covered"]] |
It is very well made with a balance of theory in robotics motion control with practical assignments using the popular language Matlab .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'very well made'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'balance of theory'], ['assignments', 'assignments relatability', 'positive', 'practical']] |
They course instructors should provide more information to begin with that it is essential to watch the videos and read the course material almost before the new week starts because of the fact that groups needs to be created and discussions and research with teammates have to be coordinated .####[['course instructors', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'should provide more information']] |
It made the experience more special .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'more special']] |
Apart from that it was excellent .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
So many equations presented without explaining why these things work or how they are derived .####[['NULL', 'presentation relatability', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Course also focuses a lot on the history when it would be more relevant to look to the future .####[['Course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'neutral', 'focuses a lot on the history when it would be more relevant to look to the future']] |
It would be great to have more courses like this .####[['courses', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
This course is absolutely awesome !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'absolutely awesome']] |
GREAT .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'GREAT']] |
taking this course helped me explore my writing more .####[['course', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'helped me explore my writing more']] |
And thanks Coursera also : )####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'thanks']] |
Very happy ultimately .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Very happy ultimately']] |
It is so very well - explained and easy to follow .####[['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to follow'], ['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'so very well - explained']] |
However , I did not like the fact that you get limited to learn how to use a paid and ( very ! ) expensive platform , mostly because there are many other free packages available for machine learning .####[['NULL', 'course value', 'negative', 'expensive']] |
Yes , the assignments require immersing oneself in problems that have little to do with parallelism per se .####[['assignments', 'assignments relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
For me it was very interesting to watch interviews with people whose work is closely connected with the EU ; these videos are absolutely inspiring .####[['videos', 'presentation relatability', 'positive', 'absolutely inspiring'], ['NULL', 'presentation relatability', 'positive', 'very interesting']] |
It is a wonderful course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'wonderful']] |
Professor Fowler is great !####[['Professor Fowler', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great']] |
This course is highly recommented !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'highly recommented']] |
I really enjoyed this class .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'really enjoyed']] |
All information is provided very simple and it ' s easy to understand .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'very simple'], ['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to understand']] |
All things aside , if you are really curious about machine learning you should take this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Challenging if not a developer and grader needs very specific code . that aside , this was a fun interesting course , great intro to bluemix and Node - red and js .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'fun interesting'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great intro']] |
My only recommendation would be to add more in - video questions .####[['in - video questions', 'assignments quantity', 'neutral', 'recommendation would be to add more']] |
I can feel how hard you people worked out to get these materials to us .####[['materials', 'material quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This is a great course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
It is suitable for students in school as well as adults trying to learn something new which can be quite hard at their age .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Very glad I took this course and finished it .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Very glad']] |
Dr . Chuck for all the material , quiz and assignments .####[['Dr . Chuck', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The information is good but is going too fast and I don ' t feel I have learned much from it .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'information is good'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'going too fast'], ['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'negative', "don ' t feel I have learned much from it"]] |
Both older and younger people can benefit .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
A practical course by a capable professor .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'practical'], ['professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'capable']] |
I loved it because it provides great insights for corporations or ventures by linking econ . theories to businesses .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'provides great insights']] |
I can ' t believe that it is possible to find a such qualified course for free !####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'qualified'], ['course', 'course value', 'positive', 'free']] |
Definitely worth the money that I paid for !####[['NULL', 'course value', 'positive', 'Definitely worth']] |
I found this course too advanced for my level of familiarity with statistics .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'advanced']] |
Highly recommended to anyone at any stage of learning .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Highly recommended']] |
I hope to be able to take more classes from Duke University .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
. tricky ) ) so they provide you with possibility to think out of the box )####[['NULL', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'tricky'], ['NULL', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'possibility to think out of the box']] |
Thank you to all the teaching faculty for this great learning experience .####[['teaching faculty', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great'], ['teaching faculty', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
Loved most all of it .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Loved most']] |
I really liked the interactive small group format lectures .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'really liked']] |
Great experiece .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great experiece']] |
This course is a very good refresher of the basics and Dr Whiteman has explained things very clearly and precisely .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very good'], ['Dr Whiteman', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'very clearly and precisely']] |
Sir Hitoshi Murayama was amazing .####[['Sir Hitoshi Murayama', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'amazing']] |
Videos run way to fast when someone is working between multiple windows to accomplish tasks .####[['Videos', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'run way to fast']] |
Assignments are good and thought - provoking , but not clearly written .####[['Assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'good'], ['Assignments', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Besides , you don ' t need programming skill to complete the assignments , but it takes a lot of time to learn free , ready - made datavis tools and they are too limited to deliver the outcomes we want .####[['assignments', 'assignments workload', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Its probably more useful for someone with some previous experience , limited time and some problems they want to solve , rather than a student .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'neutral', 'probably more useful']] |
It ' s a very fundamental machine learning class .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'very fundamental']] |
The course is rather a prolonged description of the research field than a proper part of general education .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This provide general knowledge to create simple web pages , some basic HTML tags and a few practices .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The professor basically read everything .####[['professor', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'basically read everything']] |
I don ' t like that the course then makes me feel that I must rely on a specific product to solve problems .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
The style of teaching does not really challenge or give insight .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
This is much more basic and offer a fundamental view about all programming language not only just python .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
It was fantastic , No lot ' s of calculation , but more focus on the concepts , such as relativity , standard model of particles , quantum mechanics .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'fantastic'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'more focus on the concepts']] |
Hope she would be my teacher at college : ( jaja .####[['teacher', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This class was incredible !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'incredible']] |
Inspired and motivated me to continue the course in spite of my struggle to understand certain concepts .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
You will not learn much concepts or theories or practice any R programming here .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
As a result , every week I spent several hours on the fora and stackoverflow to figure out what the autograder wants , instead of actually learning pandas .####[['NULL', 'course workload', 'negative', 'spent several hours']] |
It is an interesting course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'interesting']] |
Week 4 is better .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'better']] |
Beautiful !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Beautiful']] |
The course gave me an overview of the industry , the types of players in it , different models and strategies that can be applied .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
With the properly adjusted pace of this class , even with knowledge of Arithmetic only and NO programming what so ever , you should do well in this class provided you make at least a moderate effort !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thank you for your efforts , to give me a graet course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'graet']] |
It had a good balance between a lot of breadth for time invested .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'good balance between a lot of breadth for time invested']] |
I learned a lot on this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'learned a lot']] |
And the story telling was fantastic .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'story telling was fantastic']] |
If you are an introvert or simply a person who values privacy , this is not the course for you .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'values privacy']] |
5 + stars .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', '5 + stars']] |
Very well taught .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Very well taught']] |
The teacher YaaKov is a great instructor , his assignments are written in great detail and very clear steps , so is easy to comprehend and execute .####[['YaaKov', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great instructor ,'], ['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'written in great detail'], ['assignments', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to comprehend'], ['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'very clear steps']] |
The teacher as well as the teaching staff always answer promptly and in depth your questions or comments in the forum .####[['teacher', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'answer promptly and in depth'], ['teaching staff', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'answer promptly and in depth']] |
In my opinion , Andrew Ng excels in teaching this course .####[['Andrew Ng', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This was an excellent course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
Only 2 * because of technical issue that i faced in most of the videos are not loading properly . they will stuck somewhere and only audio will be continuing . so i couldnt finish the course . apart from that teaching is really good . hope you guys work on it to fix it .####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'not loading properly'], ['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'really good']] |
Thank you very much for opportunity to go through this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Thank you very much']] |
I loved the course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'loved']] |
The assignments are therefore not particularly challenging - - you get out of this class what you put in !####[['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'not particularly challenging']] |
I admit , the instructor ' s accent had me distracted at first .####[['instructor', 'faculty general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Except that , it ' s wonderful .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'wonderful']] |
I really enjoy discovering the world of the teacher and friends .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'really enjoy']] |
I feel comfortable with the concepts and algorithms .####[['NULL', 'polarity positive', 'positive', 'comfortable']] |
Computer flashcards , or even extra little quizzes in each lesson would have been nice .####[['NULL', 'material quantity', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
The teacher is excellent .####[['teacher', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
The material given is good for an introductory course on child nutrition .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'good']] |
Good introduction to macroeconomics .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Good']] |
However , some of the video lectures are only of average quality .####[['video lectures', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'average quality']] |
It is an excellent introduction to R .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'excellent introduction']] |
Thanks Andrew Ng for your excellent short videos which gave so much of knowledge in short span .####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'excellent'], ['Andrew Ng', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thanks']] |
Hardly any assignment took me more than an hour to complete .####[['assignment', 'assignments workload', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Very well made , great contents .####[['NULL', 'material quality', 'positive', 'Very well made , great']] |
One problem about the course is probably going to be the lectures .####[['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'problem about the course']] |
Also , the language being taught in this course ( Python ) is much more intuitive than many of the other programming languages I have tried (####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The entire course is designed to overload you with terminology to get you up to speed for the follow courses .####[['course', 'course workload', 'negative', 'designed to overload']] |
Also , i still haven ' t figured out the discussion forum as in my opinion isn ' t as engaging .####[['discussion forum', 'faculty response', 'negative', "isn ' t as engaging"]] |
I can say I actually walked away with information I can apply to my career .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Narration has been wonderful and straight from the heart .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'wonderful and straight']] |
Siedel conducted the course is very practical and useful .####[['Siedel', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'very practical and useful']] |
The instructor elucidates every detail , though you may will face much harder problems on the assignments .####[['assignments', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'much harder']] |
Most of them are not readable - many fonts , many colors , some with complicated pictures , some with no information at all .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I feel that I now have a really good understanding of linear and logistic regression and neural networks as well as the other learning methods that we touched upon .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'really good understanding']] |
Extremely useful course .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Extremely useful']] |
Thanks from the heart for this incredible course : )####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Thanks from the heart']] |
However , there is not so much practice within this course , that I expected .####[['course', 'course general', 'neutral', 'not so much practice']] |
Excellent course , I highly reccomend it !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'highly reccomend']] |
I did not see a date done but I would guess this course was constructed in 2013 - 2014 , so the information is certainly current .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Some concepts in JavaScript can be tricky for students without a CS background , but this course really makes things easier to understand .####[['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easier to understand']] |
I will definitely use the tools that they taught me in my second year and to be a more effective teacher .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
People with former experience with statistical mechanics will , on the other hand , benefit from the inclusion of the more involved connections to quantum mechanics and physical chemistry .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I have a much better understanding of motivation & procrastination .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'much better']] |
Even though I was extremely with my schedule during the fourth week , I have really enjoyed the course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'really enjoyed']] |
High level text , graphs and references .####[['text , graphs and references', 'material quality', 'positive', 'High level']] |
In addition to greater incorporation and emphasis on the written materials , I think more real - life examples of diplomatic successes and failures would be a far more effective and entertaining use of the lecture time than the esoteric philosophising that seems to characterize it in this edition . )####[['written materials', 'material relatability', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Thank you Professor !####[['Professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
My biggest complaint is that many of the programming exercises have errors in them that haven ' t been fixed , despite this course having been running for years .####[['exercises', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
While these are excellent foundations , I wish there was almost a part two for more state of the art material , especially deep learning and an expansion of neural networks .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I found the exercise nitpicky and confusing , and there ' s no indication nor review of what actually you did wrong .####[['exercise', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'nitpicky'], ['exercise', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'confusing']] |
Each section is clear and flows to the next section .####[['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'clear']] |
I found the pace , content style worked for me to allow me to proceed on other courses .####[['pace', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'worked for me'], ['content style', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'worked for me']] |
Instead of dreading class I found myself excited about attending everyday and was able to progress faster than the course outline due to his extremely clear and supportive teaching method .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'excited']] |
Detailed explanation .####[['NULL', 'presentation relatability', 'positive', 'Detailed explanation']] |
The material was exceptional , but as I came to found out , that the assignments were watered down with respect to the earlier version of the course that was available in 2014 .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'exceptional'], ['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Thank you so much for this course , I really enjoyed it !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'really enjoyed']] |
I have learned and enjoyed a lot these weeks .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'enjoyed a lot']] |
Using intuition or commonsense is already enough to solve them .####[['NULL', 'assignments quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Completing this course somehow makes me feel much better prepared to self - study the intermediate / advanced level GR books I ' ve owned for so long !####[['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'makes me feel much better']] |
So I recommend this course to anybody who wants to get better and more efficient at learning .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'recommend']] |
Very good : Professor is patient and nice .####[['Professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Very good'], ['Professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'patient'], ['Professor', 'course general', 'positive', 'nice']] |
It would be great if they could come back with a course for multi - variable calculus .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
I really loved this class , very , very much !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'really loved this class , very , very much']] |
The assignments were tough and they really tested your knowledge of python .####[['assignments', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'tough'], ['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'really tested']] |
The class is set up well , and it is a great introduction to students seeking to learn about digital marketing .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'great introduction']] |
The variety and concentration of detail was impressive and the lecturer always engaging and clearly strongly invested in the material .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'variety and concentration of detail'], ['lecturer', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'engaging'], ['lecturer', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'clearly strongly invested in the material']] |
Very useful for beginners . she speaks very slow and keeps repeating the words until you get it .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'speaks very slow'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Very useful for beginners'], ['NULL', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'repeating the words until you get']] |
Andrew Ng provides valuable instruction on the intuition and implementation of machine learning algorithms .####[['Andrew Ng', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thank you Barbara and the course team for sharing your personal inspiring stories .####[['Barbara', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
They should replace these quizzes with project , where you write real code .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Good course , but could be more challenging .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Good'], ['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'could be more challenging']] |
If one is a complete novice , start at the beginning of this specialty on one ' s own schedule ( on demand at the speed of light ) and at an affordable price ( $ 0 ) and be confident of significant advances in one ' s knowledge of internet function , in general , and Python , in particular .####[['NULL', 'course value', 'positive', 'affordable price']] |
It was not very interesting for me to listen to the functions of i - phone ans sumsung####[['NULL', 'course relatability', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
The professor has an immense amount of charisma and a concise way of breaking down concepts .####[['professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'immense amount of charisma'], ['professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'concise way of breaking down concepts']] |
Thank you , Dr . Chuck .####[['Dr . Chuck', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
It could have been better if the tracking problem had more examples showing practical application .####[['NULL', 'presentation relatability', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Great course , really covered so many details !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Very focused on concrete applications , but also in providing a certain level of depth on the theory side .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I knew some of the things in the course but I was clueless about some others .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I might not agree with everything in the course , and some of his statements might have made me a bit uncomfortable , but overall this is an engaging and insightful course .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'made me a bit uncomfortable'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'engaging and insightful']] |
This being said , the course was very well organized , had great examples , and excellent lectures ( although the audio could be clarified by quite a bit using a higher - end microphone , preamp , interface , and affordable audio production software such as Reaper to clarify the voice ) .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'very well organized'], ['course', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'had great examples'], ['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
Prof . Yaakov Chaikin is a talented mentor .####[['Prof . Yaakov Chaikin', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'talented mentor']] |
Super useful .####[['NULL', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'Super useful']] |
The course is very good , but would like to make three suggestions : 1 ) You don ' t have a feedback from what you made wrong in the exercises .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very good']] |
I would highly highly recommend to everyone who wants to understand the nuance of power and influence and use them to get there right ideas forward and avoid getting influenced with wrong ones .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'highly highly recommend']] |
Harris teaches complex things in an easy manner .####[['Harris', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'teaches complex things in an easy manner']] |
You ' ve done a great work !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'done a great work']] |
This course has helped me a lot to become a visionary leader .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
In addition , he has excellent presentation skills , that make his lectures enjoyable and easy to follow .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'excellent presentation skills'], ['NULL', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'make his lectures enjoyable and easy to follow']] |
Dr . Maya Adam did a very good job with the lecture videos , course content , etc .####[['Dr . Maya Adam', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'very good job with the lecture videos']] |
I positively adored the instructor ( his accent and way of explanation made it so fun ) .####[['instructor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'positively adored']] |
A few issues with the programming assignment .####[['programming assignment', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'few issues']] |
The step by step method to explain this complex field in simple terms is really helpful .####[['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'helpful']] |
Exceptional presentation .####[['presentation', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'Exceptional']] |
This is excellent course for anyone to understand what machine learning is all about .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
A little disappointed .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'little disappointed']] |
But it is an outstanding course , and it is amazing , if you think about it , to have hours of free access to Gary Burton .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'outstanding']] |
Download code may be an option , yet it is better for us to type code by following the lecture , because downloading makes me lazy , typing code by ourselves is a good way to learn .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'lazy']] |
Thanks a lot to Mr . Kim for high professional teaching and funny time .####[['Mr . Kim', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'high professional teaching'], ['Mr . Kim', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'funny time']] |
Because reading we can do our - self and lots of content are available freely .####[['content', 'material quality', 'positive', 'available freely']] |
The course is really good .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'really good']] |
Combined with the HTML & CSS course at CODECADEMY I have the ability to write simple html , read somebody else ' s code and find resources necessary to get me started with my own page .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'T_NULL']] |
Hi , I loved this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'loved']] |
I really enjoyed this course overall ( and it was somewhat easy for me because I have some background in this already ) , but there were some technical issues especially regarding accessing assignments .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'really enjoyed'], ['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
This class did ok teaching the basics of R , but it did not do anything toward teaching testing of R code ( a key part of writing code ! ) best practices for modularization and factoring , and so on .####[['class', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'did ok teaching the basics']] |
I have reviewed 7 papers ( requirement of 3 ) and am shown as being deficient .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Together with part 1 of the course , I will recommend it to all students working in nanotechnology .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'will recommend']] |
I have a lot more questions , but until I see the final course , I can ' t say whether they ' ll be addressed .####[['course', 'course general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Felt the course is more UK centric , also bit more insight to education referring to the old educationists should be added advantage !####[['course', 'polarity neutral', 'positive', 'more'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The lectures are explaining fundamental basics in Swift , which are really useful , but they are not comprehensive enough .####[['lectures', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'not comprehensive enough']] |
Thank you for this lecture - it ' s a really life - turning experience for me !####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I think for the most part the lecturers did a great job in explaining the materials in the course .####[['lecturers', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'great job in explaining']] |
Was a good experience .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'good']] |
I think I spent about 20 hours per week to try to absorb the material .####[['material', 'material workload', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I love Dr . Oakley ' s lectures , her use of metaphors and zombies make the course really fun .####[["Dr . Oakley ' s", 'faculty value', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'really fun']] |
Thank you Dr . Biccheiri for taking me through this course .####[['Dr . Biccheiri', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
By the end I felt like I really have solid grasp on low level programming and the basic programming concepts .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'solid grasp']] |
I am very attached to this Course & would find it extremely difficult not having an affective reaction to it .####[['Course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Functional notation and series would be especially useful .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'useful']] |
I ' m eternally grateful .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'eternally grateful']] |
The solution of the problems usually turns out to be quite simple , but is not applicable to a large set of problems , only to the particular dataset that is given ( and the characteristics of this dataset is not given ; so I end up thinking about all possibilities that might occur for that dataset , which makes the problem more difficult ) .####[['NULL', 'assignments quality', 'neutral', 'simple']] |
I have completed this course in a short time but the course is awesome and providing info from basic and videos are helping a lot .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'awesome'], ['videos', 'material quality', 'positive', 'helping a lot']] |
The information he gives you beside the course itself it ' s really useful in making your own games ! and practicing by your own .####[['NULL', 'faculty relatability', 'positive', "it ' s really useful"]] |
I also felt that the sections on dynamic programming seemed a bit rushed and I needed to spend a bit of time researching this on third parties before I felt comfortable completing the exercises .####[['sections on dynamic programming', 'material quality', 'negative', 'seemed a bit rushed']] |
Prof . Yaakov is incredibly talented and keeps the lessons dynamic and he goes into details without making it tiresome .####[['Prof . Yaakov', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'incredibly talented'], ['Prof . Yaakov', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'keeps the lessons dynamic'], ['Prof . Yaakov', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'goes into details without making it tiresome']] |
This course is great .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
The slides have several mistakes and typos , which makes you doubt the whole course .####[['slides', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'have several mistakes and typos']] |
The necessary text that ought to have been taught was given carefully , without suffocating the student .####[['NULL', 'material quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I ' d recommend this course to existing developers without a computer science background .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'recommend']] |
A lot of opinion based on scant evidence .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
This series of classes is more than worth time and cost .####[['NULL', 'course value', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
That ' s really fantastic .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'really fantastic']] |
It is a recommended course for any teachers out there .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The course material did not cover what we needed for the weekly quizzes ( particularly in Week 3 & 4 ) and the final exam was immensely difficult .####[['final exam', 'assignments workload', 'negative', 'immensely difficult'], ['material', 'material comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'did not cover']] |