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Seasonal Food

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Book Synopsis : A crucial companion for the keen cook who wants the best ingredients ? fresh, organic and local, if possible ? in season.Unless you are a farmer, grower or food expert, your knowledge of what?s in season and when is probably pretty slim. Despite a renaissance in home cooking, together with a rediscovery of local produce through farmers? markets, many of us are missing some crucial ingredients. Seasonal Food is the book that tells you what to look for, what to buy, when to buy it and even how to cook it in order to eat the best that you can eat.Seasonal Food covers not only seasonality ? fruits and vegetables, meat and fish and other seasonally-influenced produce such as cheeses but also recipes and preparation suggestions. This easy-to-use guide gives the reader the story behind seasonality to broaden our knowledge of food and its cyclical quality. .


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Supporting : PC, Android, Apple, Ipad, Iphone, etc.

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