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Dare To Take A Path Less Traveled: Finding your way to success in a new world

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Book Synopsis : Dare to Take a Path Less Traveled is Herve Erudite Gnidehoue's memoir based primarily on his first decade as an immigrant in the United States. In a personal narrative that plumbs the full gamut of emotions, Gnidehoue recounts how he left his parents and his native country of Benin and ventured to a land where he knew almost no one. Like millions before him who have embarked on the journey to America, he arrived to confront the realities of this new land, but his dogged determination to succeed gives new definition to the American Dream.Thrust into a world where he had to adapt quickly to this new reality, Gnidehoue strove to find a way to support himself while pursuing his dreams. His memoir is a must-read for anyone curious about the challenges and hardships that lurk when one leaves behind everything familiar and sets foot in an entirely different society to start anew. Along the way, Gnidehoue tackles economic, political, and social issues of his adoptive country. In some, he .


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