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The Ten Day Edit: A Writer's Guide to Editing a Novel in Ten Days

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Book Synopsis :  You?ve written a novel. Now to perfect it. Fortunately, it isn?t as hard as you think.Through this step-by-step ten day challenge, The Ten Day Edit will help you face the overwhelm that comes with editing a novel. Along the way, it?ll teach you everything you need to know to master the editing process, create a page-turning story, and build a team of readers to support you.You?ll learn to:? Organize the editing process, stay focused, and maximize your time with a game plan built for your story.? Strengthen your story through advanced skills like scene and chapter structure.? Work with beta readers, critique partners, and editors to hone your skills.? Perfect your prose, opening line, and title to create a professional-level manuscript.? Bring it all together in a final novel ready to share with the world!Each day of this editing challenge comes with easy to follow prompts and intuitive goals, helping you make sense of the editing process. By the end, The Ten Day Edit will have .


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Supporting : PC, Android, Apple, Ipad, Iphone, etc.

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