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Make a Scene: Writing a Powerful Story One Scene at a Time

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Book Synopsis : The definitive guide to writing scenes--now revised and expanded!Scenes are the building blocks for any work of fiction--the DNA sequence that makes a novel un-put-downable and unforgettable. When writers are able to craft effective, engaging scenes, they can develop a complete, cohesive story--and a mesmerizing experience for readers.Make a Scene Revised and Expanded Edition takes you step-by-step through the elements of strong scene construction and demonstrates how the essential aspects of a compelling story--including character, plot and dramatic tension--function within the framework of individual scenes to give momentum to the whole narrative. You'll learn how to:- Craft an opening scene that hooks readers and foreshadows conflict. - Develop various scene types--from contemplative to suspenseful to flashback--that are distinct and purposeful. - Establish characters' intentions within a scene that drive the plot. - Transition into new scenes by clearly establishing details of .


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