hoyoMusic / midi2abc.py
compress all midis into zip
history blame
19 kB
# Copyright (C) 2011 Nils Liberg (mail: kotorinl at yahoo.co.uk)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# New in version 0.2:
# better handling of accidentals in keys with many flats and sharps
from midi.MidiOutStream import MidiOutStream
from midi.MidiInFile import MidiInFile
from fractions import Fraction
import os
import os.path
import sys
import getopt
import math
from simple_abc_parser import get_best_key_for_midi_notes, get_accidentals_for_key
from io import StringIO
num_quarter_notes_per_bar = 3
bars_per_line = 4
usage = '''PyMidi2Abc version 0.1 May 30 2008, usage:
python pymidi2abc.py <options>
[-f] <input file>
-o <output file>
-k <key signature> key name, or -6 to 6 sharps
-l <default note length (L: field)>
-m <time signature>
--nbb no beam breaks
--aux=<denominator of L: unit length>
--nt Do not look for triplets or broken rhythm
--s8 insert slurs on groups of 8th notes
--s16 insert slurs on groups of 16th notes
--bpl=<number> of bars printed per line
--title=<string> Adds T: field containing string
--origin=<string> Adds O: field containing string
def time_to_note_length(time):
# corresponds to the length of a 16th note (one forth of a quarter which corresponds to 1.0)
unit_time = 0.25
num = int(round(time / unit_time))
length = Fraction(1, 16) * num
return length
class Note:
def __init__(self, start, end, note):
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.note = note
self.length = time_to_note_length(self.end - self.start)
class MidiHandler(MidiOutStream):
def __init__(self, first_channel, last_channel):
self.division = None
self.first_channel = first_channel
self.last_channel = last_channel
self.noteon_time = {}
self.notes = []
def sysex_event(self, data):
def time_signature(self, nn, dd, cc, bb):
sig = Fraction(nn, 2**dd)
def header(self, format=0, nTracks=1, division=96):
self.division = division
def note_on(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40):
if self.first_channel <= channel <= self.last_channel:
self.noteon_time[note] = float(self.abs_time()) / self.division
def note_off(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40):
if self.first_channel <= channel <= self.last_channel:
if note in self.noteon_time:
end_time = float(self.abs_time()) / self.division
self.notes.append(Note(self.noteon_time[note], end_time, note))
def is_triplet(notes):
if len(notes) < 3:
return False
tolerance = 0.025
for total_len in [1.0, 0.5]:
if abs(notes[0].end - notes[1].start) < tolerance and \
abs(notes[1].end - notes[2].start) < tolerance and \
abs(notes[2].end - notes[0].start - total_len) < tolerance and \
abs(notes[1].start - notes[0].start - total_len / 3) < tolerance:
return True
return False
def bar(time):
global num_quarter_notes_per_bar
return int(time / num_quarter_notes_per_bar + 0.003)
def bar_residue(time):
global num_quarter_notes_per_bar
return time - bar(time) * float(num_quarter_notes_per_bar)
def duration2abc(f):
if f == Fraction(1, 1):
return ''
elif f == Fraction(1, 2):
return '/'
elif f == Fraction(1, 4):
return '//'
elif f.numerator == '1':
return '/%d' % f.denumerator
return str(f)
def note_to_string(note, duration, default_len, key_accidentals, cur_accidentals):
n_accidentals = sum(key_accidentals)
accidentals_to_scale = {
7: '^B ^C ^^C ^D ^^D ^E ^F ^^F ^G ^^G ^A =B',
6: '^B ^C ^^C ^D =E ^E ^F ^^F ^G ^^G ^A B',
5: '^B ^C ^^C ^D E ^E ^F ^^F ^G =A ^A B',
4: '^B ^C =D ^D E ^E ^F ^^F ^G A ^A B',
3: '^B ^C D ^D E ^E ^F =G ^G A ^A B',
2: '=C ^C D ^D E ^E ^F G ^G A ^A B',
1: 'C ^C D ^D E =F ^F G ^G A ^A B',
0: 'C ^C D ^D E F ^F G ^G A _B =B',
-1: 'C ^C D _E =E F ^F G ^G A _B =B',
-2: 'C ^C D _E =E F ^F G _A =A _B =B',
-3: 'C _D =D _E =E F ^F G _A =A _B =B',
-4: 'C _D =D _E =E F _G =G _A =A _B =B',
-5: '=C _D =D _E =E F _G =G _A =A _B _C',
-6: '=C _D =D _E _F =F _G =G _A =A _B _C',
-7: '=C _D =D _E _F =F _G =G _A __B _B _C', }
scale = accidentals_to_scale[n_accidentals].split()
notes = [n.lower().translate(str.maketrans('', '', '_=^'))
for n in scale] # for semitone: the name of the note
# for semitone: 0 if white key, -1 or -2 if flat, 1 or 2 if sharp
accidentals = [n.count('^') - n.count('_') for n in scale]
note_scale = 'CDEFGAB'
middle_C = 60
octave_note = (note - middle_C) % 12
n = notes[octave_note].upper()
accidental_num = accidentals[octave_note]
accidental_string = ''
scale_number = note_scale.index(n)
if cur_accidentals[scale_number] != accidental_num:
cur_accidentals[scale_number] = accidental_num
accidental_string = {-1: '_', -2: '__',
0: '=', 1: '^', 2: '^^'}[accidental_num]
octave = (note - middle_C) // 12
# handle the border cases of Cb and B# to make sure that we use the right octave
if octave_note == 11 and accidental_num == -1:
octave += 1
elif octave_note == 0 and accidental_num == 1:
octave -= 1
if octave > 0:
if octave >= 1:
n = n.lower()
if octave > 1:
n = n + "'" * int(octave - 1)
elif octave < 0:
if abs(octave) >= 1:
n = n + "," * abs(octave)
result = accidental_string + n
shown_duration = duration / default_len
if shown_duration != Fraction(1, 1):
result = result + duration2abc(shown_duration)
return result
def is_at_even(time, note_value):
offset_in_16ths = time_to_note_length(bar_residue(time)) / note_value
return offset_in_16ths.denominator == 1
def fix_lengths(notes):
for i1 in range(0, len(notes)):
for i2 in range(i1 + 1, len(notes)):
# if the i2 note starts at a later time and there is a sufficiently large difference between either start times or end times
if notes[i2].start > notes[i1].start and abs(notes[i2].start - notes[i1].start) + abs(notes[i2].end - notes[i1].end) > 0.25:
notes[i1].end = notes[i2].start
notes[i1].length = time_to_note_length(
notes[i1].end - notes[i1].start) # update length
def midi_to_abc(filename=None, notes=None, key=None, metre=Fraction(3, 4), default_len=Fraction(1, 16), bars_per_line=4, title='', source='', no_triplets=False, no_broken_rythms=False, slur_8th_pairs=False, slur_16th_pairs=False, slur_triplets=True, no_beam_breaks=False, index='1', anacrusis_notes=0):
global num_quarter_notes_per_bar
num_quarter_notes_per_bar = metre * 4 # int(metre * 4)
if filename and not notes:
# read midi notes
handler1 = MidiHandler(0, 15) # channels 0-15
# handler1 = MidiHandler(0, 0) # channels 0-15
MidiInFile(handler1, filename).read()
notes = handler1.notes
elif not filename and not notes:
raise Exception(
'midi_to_abc needs to be passed either a filename or a notes argument')
# sequence of Note(start, end, note)
notes = sorted(notes, key=lambda n: n.start)
# determine key and accidentals
if not key:
key = get_best_key_for_midi_notes([note.note for note in notes])
key_accidentals = get_accidentals_for_key(key)
cur_accidentals = key_accidentals[:]
output = StringIO()
output.write(u'X:%s\n' % index)
if source:
output.write(u'S:%s\n' % source)
if title:
output.write(u'T:%s\n' % title)
output.write(u'M:%s\n' % metre)
output.write(u'L:%s\n' % default_len)
output.write(u'K:%s\n' % key.capitalize())
# initialize variables used in loop
last_note_start = -1.0
bow_started = False
broken_rythm_factor = Fraction(1, 1)
num_notes = len(notes)
bar_num = -1
if anacrusis_notes:
time_shift = 4 * float(metre) - notes[anacrusis_notes].start
# print notes[0].start, notes[1].start, notes[2].start
# print 'shift', time_shift
for n in notes:
n.start += time_shift
n.end += time_shift
# don't count the first bar if it's an upbeat (to get equal number of bars on each line)
inside_upbeat = (notes and bar_residue(
notes[0].start) > 1.0) or anacrusis_notes
while notes:
# if current note is in a different bar than the last one, emit '|'
if bar(notes[0].start) > bar(last_note_start):
if len(notes) != num_notes:
output.write(u' |')
cur_accidentals = key_accidentals[:]
if not inside_upbeat:
bar_num += 1
inside_upbeat = False
if bar_num % bars_per_line == 0 and bar_num > 0:
# if we have advanced the length of a quarter note, emit space (for note grouping)
br = bar_residue(notes[0].start)
if is_at_even(notes[0].start, Fraction(1, 4)) and not no_beam_breaks:
output.write(u' ')
# check if next three notes can be interpreted as a triplet
if is_triplet(notes) and not no_triplets:
length = time_to_note_length(notes[2].end - notes[0].start)
_notes = [n.note for n in notes[:3]]
# convert notes to string representation
s = u'(3' + ''.join([note_to_string(n.note, n.length * 2,
default_len, key_accidentals, cur_accidentals) for n in notes[:3]])
if slur_triplets:
s = u'(' + s + ')'
last_note_start = notes[0].start
notes = notes[3:]
# else handle notes one by one or as a chord
is_four_16th_notes = len(
[n for n in notes[0:4] if n.length == Fraction(1, 16)]) == 4
# either two eights or two eights with broken rythm
is_two_8th_notes = (len([n for n in notes[0:2] if n.length == Fraction(1, 8)]) == 2 or
len(notes) >= 2 and (notes[0].length, notes[1].length) in [(Fraction(3, 16), Fraction(1, 16)),
(Fraction(1, 16), Fraction(3, 16))])
note = notes.pop(0)
last_note_start = note.start
# build a chord from notes near each other in time (will result in just one element in the non-chord case)
chord_notes = [note.note]
while notes and abs(notes[0].start - note.start) < 1.0 / 50:
# let the duration of the first note determine the chord's duration (for simplicity)
length = note.length
# if the current note is the first of four 16th notes then add a bow on the two first notes
bow_started_here = False
if notes and abs(br - int(br)) < 1.0 / 20 and not bow_started and is_four_16th_notes and slur_16th_pairs:
bow_started_here = True
bow_started = True
elif notes and abs(br - int(br)) < 1.0 / 20 and not bow_started and is_two_8th_notes and slur_8th_pairs and br < 2.0:
bow_started_here = True
bow_started = True
# check if it's possible to use a broken rytm (< or >) between the current and next note/chord
broken_rythm_symbol = ''
if not no_broken_rythms:
# a broken rythm was activated at the previous note
if broken_rythm_factor != Fraction(1, 1):
length = length * broken_rythm_factor
broken_rythm_factor = Fraction(1, 1)
elif notes and is_at_even(last_note_start, Fraction(1, 8)) and bar(last_note_start) == bar(notes[0].start):
# use > between this and next note
if notes[0].length == length / 3:
broken_rythm_symbol = '>'
length = length * Fraction(2, 3)
broken_rythm_factor = Fraction(2, 1)
# use < between this and next note
if notes[0].length == length * 3:
broken_rythm_symbol = '<'
length = length * Fraction(2, 1)
broken_rythm_factor = Fraction(2, 3)
# convert notes to string representation and output
s = u''.join([note_to_string(n, length, default_len,
key_accidentals, cur_accidentals) for n in chord_notes])
if len(chord_notes) > 1:
s = u'[' + s + ']' # wrap chord
# output broken rythm symbol if set
if broken_rythm_symbol:
# if a bow was previously started end it here
if bow_started and not bow_started_here:
bow_started = False
# print 'note', note.start, length, chord_notes, '%.2f' % last_note_start, bar(last_note_start), '%.2f' % bar_residue(last_note_start)#, note.note
output.write(u' |')
# left strip lines
lines = output.getvalue().split('\n')
lines = [l.lstrip() for l in lines]
return u'\n'.join(lines)
def main(argv):
# setup default values
filename = ''
output_filename = ''
key = None
default_len = Fraction(1, 16)
metre = Fraction(3, 4)
bars_per_line = 4
title = ''
source = ''
no_triplets = False
no_broken_rythms = False
slur_8th_pairs = False
slur_16th_pairs = False
no_beam_breaks = False
# if a single parameter was given and it's a path to an existing file use it as filename
if len(argv) == 1 and os.path.exists(argv[0]):
filename = argv[0]
# otherwise interpret options
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hm:k:f:o:l:', ['help', 'metre=', 'key=', 'bpl=',
'file=', 'outfile=', 'length=', 'bpl=',
'title=', 'source=', 'nbb', 'nt', 's8', 's16', 'aux='])
except getopt.GetoptError:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
elif opt in ('-m', '--metre'):
x, y = map(int, arg.split('/'))
metre = Fraction(x, y)
elif opt in ('-k', '--key'):
k = int(arg)
key = {-7: 'cb',
-6: 'gb',
-5: 'db',
-4: 'ab',
-3: 'eb',
-2: 'bb',
-1: 'f',
0: 'c',
1: 'g',
2: 'd',
3: 'a',
4: 'e',
5: 'b',
6: 'f#',
7: 'c#'}[k]
except ValueError:
key = arg.lower()
elif opt in ('--bpl',):
bars_per_line = int(arg)
elif opt in ('--title',):
title = arg
elif opt in ('--source',):
source = arg
elif opt in ('--aux',):
default_len = Fraction(1, int(arg))
elif opt in ('-l', '--length',):
x, y = map(int, arg.split('/'))
default_len = Fraction(x, y)
elif opt in ('--nt'):
no_triplets = True
no_broken_rythms = True
elif opt in ('--nbb'):
no_beam_breaks = True
elif opt in ('--s8'):
slur_8th_pairs = True
elif opt in ('--s16'):
slur_16th_pairs = True
elif opt in ('-f',):
filename = arg
elif opt in ('-o',):
output_filename = arg
except Exception:
print('Error parsing argument: %s' % opt)
if not filename:
print('Error: filename (-f) required!')
# do midi to abc conversion
result = midi_to_abc(filename, None, key, metre, default_len, bars_per_line, title, source,
no_triplets, no_broken_rythms, slur_8th_pairs, slur_16th_pairs, no_beam_breaks=no_beam_breaks)
# output to stdout or file
if output_filename:
open(output_filename, 'w').write(result)
def midi2abc(filename):
key = None
default_len = Fraction(1, 16)
metre = Fraction(3, 4)
bars_per_line = 4
title = ''
source = ''
no_triplets = False
no_broken_rythms = False
slur_8th_pairs = False
slur_16th_pairs = False
no_beam_breaks = False
if not filename:
print('Error: filename (-f) required!')
# do midi to abc conversion
return midi_to_abc(filename, None, key, metre, default_len, bars_per_line, title, source,
no_triplets, no_broken_rythms, slur_8th_pairs, slur_16th_pairs, no_beam_breaks=no_beam_breaks)
if __name__ == '__main__':