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1 value
ha lost his ring it s no where to be seen
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bed class work gym or then class 0 another day that s gon na fly by i miss my girlfriend
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tks pa quot tapauing quot croissant tuna knowing dat ive back to back meeting since morning amp zuraidah tks buying my fav starbuck mocha frap
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i m going to be in le then a week i d do anything to just go back a year or two restart highschool and actually pay attention fucking pas at least there s no fucking way i pas this year there s no fucking way i graduate by senior year i have 0 fucking friend to celebrate with but i would i even celebrate why would i celebrate being with absolutely jack shit going for me congrats your fucking failing highschool no friend just got broken up with no career i mean there is absolute jack fucking shit going for me i waited so long for this day because i wanted to join the military and you can at but i ve already ruined my gpa i m just done with even trying anymore everything i do nothing going to change the fact imma failure advice fucking pay attention in highschool and don t try to fit in with people who were never there for you
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ohmontana deal i ll murph you with my pliplup or whatever the water one barely at level 0
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can someone please help me i ve been having anxiety for the past few week but now i have been waking up in the middle of the night with my heart racing is their anyway to stop this please i need help
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really hungry and sad that i had to throw my breakfast in the bin
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i feel so lost and out of control with my emotion i don t know what to do with my free time nothing seems to bring me joy i keep thinking of way to end it all without impacting my family and child but who will find me i don t want to traumatize someone i fight with my wife all the time i don t feel wanted or loved
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argh fantasy surfer carnage dane marlon amp nat c all out fantasysurfer
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i m honestly at the end of a dead end and idk what to do with my life there s almost no option and people aren t supportive at all i like to bounce off my idea on other people but everyone tell me to stop complaining pick myself up by the bootstrap and solve my own fucking problem thanks i m cured
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i totally forgot we were going to do fisheye night what u doing thursday btw i m so late with the hill lol
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theekween heart break trauma anxiety depression pain of losing a loved one when u have witnessed something traumatic thelmasherbs
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i forget that i m depressed and not normal because people love to bash me for not caring about most thing other human do like making lot of money and being better than everyone else lmao i made a post earlier about how i ll never do extra work at my job bc it s not worth it knowing from experience and being on that side i know you just get used by company and they never pay you what you deserve so anyway i realized i don t care for most thing other people do lmao and for what why should i care it s not worth caring
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mother fucker changing the rota without telling me not cool off to work
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i loved mari trini s song when i wa a child
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i m currently taking 0mg effexor xr for anxiety and depression i ve also taken lexapro 0mg for year and zoloft 00mg for a year both had similar effect barely put a dent in my anxiety and really helped with the severe symptom of depression but it s still there my anxiety is still bad particularly my physical symptom i always feel on edge and nervous i can always feel my heart pounding hard not fast regardless of my mental state and it s the most debilitating symptom i feel i can never relax and never truly enjoy myself because of how anxious i feel i take propranolol 0mg twice a day and is the only thing that help a little with the physical symptom but they re still problematic i have tried meditation breathing exercise exercise i have read a multitude of book on cognitive behavioral therapy acceptance and commitment therapy and mindfulness no exercise in the book ha helped with the symptom whatsoever i should also mention i have had test for my thyroid adrenal any gi or diet issue antibody etc and i m sure i can rule out physical cause is anyone else in a similar boat to me and found buspirone helped if no ha anything helped you thanks
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lan at jetblackonyx s with miss mell wa a blasty blast now it s time for home
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i m a year old girl who s been talking to a psychologist for the last few month i have social anxiety and she s been helping me a lot with how to deal with intrusive thought and seeing different scenario when i started talking to her i didn t realise that this wasn t going to be a forever thing during our last meeting she told me that i wa doing great and trying to put myself out there by doing my homework telling some really close friend i got anxiety after talking in front of the whole class and such but then she also said that what we re doing right now is like learning how to ride a bike and that it would soon be time to take off the training wheel we booked session for about five more week before the session ended she think i m ready but i really don t i ve been having so much anxiety about this situation because i ve really come to depend on talking to her every week it s been three day and ive been cry so much i really want to tell her i m not ready but then i ll also have to tell her that i always pretend i feel better than i actually do when talking to her there are so many thing i ve not talked about because i thought i had more time i really don t know what to do right know any help or advice would be appreciated cause this is causing me so much stress
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feeling ill today too so not having a great day
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everyday of my life is hell i m forced into this religious cult my parent pick my friend from the religion i m depressed feel like dying daily i have anxiety my parent don t even check up on me like parent are supposed to do i don t have many people i can talk to and let my feeling out so sometimes i come here and rant my frustration out i m turning on may th so i m gon na get a job and move out and live my life but my mom isn t helping me she tell me i m gon na be a prostitute get hooked on drug and end up homeless and y crazy which i m not and she s making me feel bad i m a good child i have straight a s shockingly i do everything she asks me too i don t know what else she want from me i have so much stress on me from her and i can t take it anymore
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unnati bagga understanding kill anxiety understanding kill depression understanding in detail and get super curious what is anxiety what is the real root cause how can i change the cause you re not your mind you re not your body you ve both of them so you re superior feel it
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davidt 00 virgin again today i m afraid a i m pushed for time having said that i wa delayed 0 min at brum
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i am pretty sure i have a porn addiction in particular i find myself drawn to the casting type video my therapist and i have discussed that seeing amateur and novel stimulus is sexually stimulating especially for someone who ha searched for porn all their life i d like to think that i am not hurting anyone besides myself in consuming this porn but i experience urge to watch girlsdoporn if you are not familiar many girl within this casting channel were coerced into filming and were essentially assaulted on screen i know morally that i should not watch these video and i always am able to stop myself but i am just so so ashamed that i have to seek validation on google is it wrong to watch gdp in order to stop myself to me it feel a though i need google to reaffirm my moral i just feel so weak when i am horny and after i am horny i just feel this terrible guilt am i a horrible person who view woman a nothing a sexual object am i so far removed from the concept of empathy that seeing woman possibly being assaulted is le important than satisfying my sexual urge how do you all view this situation do i pose a threat to those around me i feel a terrible shame but these feeling seem to almost evaporate when i m in that mood therapy and med have helped but i need to kick this habit and i don t want to hurt anyone i also feel that future relationship would be ruined if they were to find out about my blatant disrespect for woman
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today sucked i m gon na die without chris and callum wahhh
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i know i shouldn t feel upset about losing a follower who wa probably a porn star or trying to sell me something and yet i do
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can t believe cutner is dead on house sad day in santa rosa ca http loopt u orpl a
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my mom basically invalidated my feeling now i feel like doing sewerslide
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alissa rule basically i feel like i need to take better care of myself after seeing that fool no more juicin for me
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i dont want to move at all i just want to be stationary for the rest of my life school is actually so draining and i can t bring myself to do anything my parent think so highly of me a if i m really smart i don t think i deserve any kindness from them i ve disappointed them a lot i wonder quite a lot why they haven t disowned me yet i dont know what to do anymore i don t have any friend whom i can call close it s so lonely but i feel like i deserve this for all the pain i ve caused for so many people but the worst thing is i feel like im doing this just for attention and i feel like a horrid human being because there are people who are actually suffering from these horrible thought i just want to fade out of existence
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adhd autism and depression are a real nasty combo
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having lunch on my desk while i work
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i m on anti depressant for month now and they changed my life completely like i went from a terrible suicidal wreck to a normal functioning human being i had a good a no bad mood some physical issue even went away and i definitely had a more positive outlook on life i wa lucky enough to even have almost no side affect so i feel like my body work quite well with them around week ago i slowly started to get a little bit of bad feeling not too much or anything i thought it s probably normal because no human feel good every single day but the more time went by the heavier the bad mood gots until this evening where i found myself in bed hating the fact that i m alive it scare me because for the first time in my life i ve felt somewhat normal and okay with being alive and i don t wan na go back because i got ta do this for my family is it normal that it get like this
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moony 9 it must be because i slash their character sighhh gon na go sleep and dream happy thing about kutner
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what do u do when u find out that the person u supported and stood behind since day tell u that in the past they tried to blow u off
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onlinemigration me too although im still going hehe
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i don t think i have the ball to do it but i ve become obsessed with the idea of killing myself all i can think about is suicide i ve developed a deep and genuine hatred for myself i don t want to live to see another day i don t want to get better bc i don t deserve it i wish i had the courage to kill myself
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leepeesa story of my life stop looking and icaisfrank come again what is this i read about a vet visit memory photo may help
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mrnokill mrnokill problem is they aren t appealing to a wide enough audience even though they think they may be
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i m a stupid little bitch with a raging coke addiction unemployed have been raped time i ll never amount to anything i grew up thinking i had a lot of potential everyone thought the same thing too but i m a loser i wa wrong and so wa everyone i m now figuring out a way i can finally do it i m done
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i can t find the strength to do anything i m supposed to do like studying going to the gym or finding a job i have been losing interest in thing i used to like to the point i don t enjoy doing them and they are becoming difficult to do because they are supposed to make me happy and being happy requires a lot of energy i don t have by losing interest and thing i like i m running thin of thing that keep me motivated for living and hope for the future i have difficulty getting help because i don t think it is worth the effort for a hopeless person like me i don t even think i deserve that help considering the thing i hate about myself i don t even want to talk about this thing with other people that care for me because with my point of view of the world and future might grab them down to this dark and hopeless vision the only thing that keep me from km is that i know it would hurt people around me i really need something to look forward something that give me the motivation to keep going
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regalkimi we re still clear of man united in everyone s book amp in refent time the world man united is nothing but i bin get class of 9 smaller than wolf plus a trophyless club that give pogba nightmare amp depression he had to shave his hair ratio
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want to go to easterfest
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i have severe cardiophobia due to two traumatic week of my life i suffer from hyperthyroidism which cause intense palpitation and very high rhr the first bout happened back in 0 and my rhr wa in the 0 0 got put on an anti thyroid med a beta blocker metoprolol er mg and potassium helped out tremendously and i ll be honest wa never anxious until this second round in july august of 0 9 i made the stupid as mistake of stopping all of my medication because i wa feeling good again well wouldn t ya know it come february 0 0 my thyroid went hyperactive again and the difference is this time i have crippling anxiety a well a crippling cardiophobia it got to the point that i went to my cardiologist had a panic attack and during the ekg my pulse wa 0 so now i m on metoprolol er mg x a day and my thyroid ha improved at least since the last time my level got checked so now i m on mg of methimazole instead of the mg i wa on the first round of treatment fast forward to now and all i have to say is the last couple day a well a today ha been quite the day so far i m currently at my girlfriend s house and wanted to go home since yesterday i wa too lightheaded to drive and it would ve been a horrible decision to risk it well we re getting ready to leave and a soon a i stand up the ol kicker decides to kick it into high gear and my pulse went from the 0 90 which i know is quite high but wa already a bit anxious beforehand and decided i needed to be up in the 0 0 for the fuck of it needle to say i feel the comedown of all the anxiety and man doe it suck hoping i get to be back home today so i can have the peace of mind that i won t have to leave to go anywhere for a bit p s my girlfriend and i live minute apart i would ve for sure chanced driving if we lived closer but that s a long as time in a car when you feel like you re just gon na drop at any given moment
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mai asher 9 lynnestactia the guy look depressed depression is real
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i tried to change thing and live happier but nothing i do work so im just gon na give up bye
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i m leaving tonight i can t keep doing this i m sorry
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carlyw haha i cried i guess he did
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it nemesis
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cassou post concert depression tu connais
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i know it seems contradictory but hear me out when my anxiety start acting up i seclude myself then that lead to feeling of depression and hopelessness that my anxiety will never get better and that i ll be a hermit forever anyone else feel that way
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i always issue and now they are catching up with me my blood pressure is dangerously high most day i m dizzy and disoriented worst of all i m tired the last one wa here for a long time but it got to the point where i no longer have the energy to do anything no matter how hard i try to push it i wa passively suicidal for a long time i didn t have the courage to actually kill myself but i wouldn t look both way when i crossed the street i drank and smoked did stuff that i knew wa dangerous and now it seems it worked and now i m scared i don t care about myself but i have man who love me i have a month old little brother and i m terrified what how they would feel if i died but my condition is getting worse and i can t bring myself to do anything about it
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i have an interview tomorrow and i feel like i am dying from how stressed i am right now i already had a panic attack earlier but thankfully i came down from it fast this would be my second job ever and i wa at my first job for three year so i feel like i will be rusty and mess it up and i have to drive a route i am not used to and dont know well which driving is a major trigger for me can i have some word of support or encouragement to get through this please
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so had a really bad few week with my anxiety my doctor decided to put me on citalopram and now i ve barely eaten and drank for day which ha made this experience so much worse so i ve decided to stop taking them and stick to my propranolol i m going to create new healthy routine for my day to day life drink more water maybe a new hobby i ve also ordered new book one on how to heal from narcissistic abuse route of my anxiety from a parent and how to let go of painful memory that are causing me to be miserable on a positive note i ve had a really good conversation with my boyfriend who s my rock a sometimes he get deflated with my anxiousness and negativity which i can completely appreciate also i m going to start going back to therapy and get into that routine too i don t know what the point of this post is lol but i just want someone who can relate to me or me to them after the worst week ever
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i feel like i just need to have a long long chat with one person about how i feel constantly i m not in crisis or anything i just want to know what s going on in my head so i can stop my self destructiveness because i don t even know what i do to mentally kill my self thank you
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jeremyvine people will stop spending so the economy will contract further inflation rise further we end up with hyperinflation stagnation and ultimately a 0 style depression which the govt can t do anything about
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kristinfinley ur phone and it breaking disease ha spread to my phone it doesnt ring any more just flash agh only one moth till a
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penalty scored at tynecastle still got beat though
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tired and borrrrrred this vacation sooooooo hot
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theekween depression anxiety loss of a loved one heart break thelmasherbs
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hi all i m a 0 year old male with diagnosed anxiety depression and add a form of adhd minus external hyperactivity i m not entirely sure what this post is other than i d just like to share what i feel like often i think it would be interesting to hear if this is relatable to anyone else or if i can possibly provide some form of way to help others understand how they can explain what they re dealing with firstly a majority of my life is cut short due to the symptom alone of anxiety sweating profusely is by far the worst for me a it stand already i have a condition called hyper hydrosis simply meaning that i sweat far more than normal this combined with my feeling of anxiety no matter how big or small mean i m constantly sweating a i type this i m having to wipe my screen dry my under arm are dripping etc and all i m doing is sitting down anxiety come with ton of insecurity and in my experience hygiene is the biggest killer i shower everyday which is relatively normal but due to the amount i sweat i often have to rinse myself to feel clean again more often than not i ll end up needing shower within hour because of this i can t enjoy myself being around people knowing that i potentially smell due to my severe sweating this tends to mean jacket and long sleeve to prevent any possible smell being noticeable and of course in return the extra layer mean even more sweat without dragging on too much on one topic here this applies to thing like breathe skin cleanliness teeth condition etc almost everything you can be insecure about i m insecure about it add will often feel this is a best a i can personally describe it like there is some sort of ticking clock that is always close to hitting 0 even when thing are going slow or i m feeling relatively relaxed i often feel a if i m pressured by time in some sort of way this by itself is a nightmare to live with not to mention the never ending trouble that come with add but that s more subjective to me so i ll move on now having that combined with my anxiety is sometimes unbearable the most simple of task for example pulling up arriving somewhere and grabbing your bag and belonging before stepping out the vehicle it s never that simple people are waiting for me i need to hurry up my mum want to go home i got ta speed up i need to hurry up there s other driver probably being forced to stop because i m gathering my thing and so on often will end up in such a panic that i ll leave the car leaving behind a large amount of my item answering a phone call for whatever reason phone call send me into such a panic that i automatically hang up at any given moment it could even be mid sentence i always feel incredibly rude and it s the exact opposite of my intention a with my anxiety being a good person and not being judged or disliked is something so important to me phone call alone i have 000 thought going on make sure you sound interested you re gunna freeze up oh god it s going to get awkward am i speaking too much am i trying too hard with it okay just relax i can go on for a long time these are just some odd example of ton and ton of thing that i deal with and what everyone here deal with a well really i just hope this post ha given someone an idea that they re not alone with it which is a statement i find relatively comedic a nobody truly know how you actually feel and they never ever will however even in feeling alone you still aren t alone nobody is alone my heart go out to every person that deal with this can only apologise if any of this is hard to understand or isn t very clear putting thought into word is something that i think we all find probably the most difficult thing to do
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abacab 9 still sore come put tomorrow though
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waiting for my love to get home and getting sad that there won t be hot cross bun after next week
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for a long a i can remember i ve always just felt inferior i m not good at anything i m not attractive i m not rich i don t have any unique talent or ability i literally just exist to let people down i always thought that a i got older i d slowly figure it all out but it hasn t gotten better and it never will i deserve to die for being a burden to everyone in my life
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cahmo done condone nonsense in your marriage oo that s how most woman slip into depression your life must not revolve around your man them no born two of una together if he love and respect you he won t drag you in the poteaux poteaux
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hatoumadks mdrrrr d pression c est petit m me
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so because of my anxiety i have this big fear of being alone i m afraid that i will lose my mind and hurt myself or something i constantly surround myself with people and when my partner leaf town i have family stay with me i feel like this is kind of becoming a problem because i m never facing my anxiety alone so when i m alone driving or doing anything else alone i panic
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off to work
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robabanks i can t sleep either
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i don t know how i can feel this horrible and unable to breathe so badly and this only be anxiety i genuinely feel like i m going to pas out and i have nothing to be anxious about is this really what anxiety feel like i can t take a deep breath this is so awful
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hebb i wish i could go to bed
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every time i talk to somebody outside of my house and can relate to somebody or have thing in common with people i just want to curl up and cry almost every time i meet somebody irl i freak out and say i never want to see them again and if i don t do that i act distant the next time i see them i only have online friend and having friend making friend irl is scary i m and a half and everyone say thing like your going to be getting a job soon but if i cant even make friend how am i suppose to get a job
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mizzzidc mizzzidc you need help depression is setting in pls seek for a professional care
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wait i take that back rather than just for today stay away from me for the rest of my life my depression will only get worse with you around
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my depression ptsd and anxiety have reached an all time high this past two month it honestly breaking me
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theekween help people who suffer from depression anxiety loss of loved one heartbreaking or have witness something traumatic thelmaherbs
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davedynamix i m still sad over marley amp me also that damn clearance dog
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rumblepurr lol wish they understood daylight saving ha ended though and breakfast is an hour later they keep waking the kid up too
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i feel lonely today
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gon na probably be really long im sorry since saturday i have a really horrible fucking mood i can not explain tomorrow i have to study chemistry i have a test on friday go to my therapist which make me cry so fucking hard and is probably one of the major reason why i want to end myself the thing is i cant fucking do it im too scared of death but i feel like i just cant escape i just want to be fucking normal my problem are fucking bizzare and they ruin my whole life but yeah i wan na keep them to myself and wait but then i feel like my whole life ruined but i cant km it just all so fucked up and idk what to do i also have no friend and no way of finding any so that just make it worse in the end im just so fucking confused idk what to do thanks for reading this if anyone did ig
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you can be rich asf and still suffer from depression
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not handling the loss of my father barely making it day to day i m in so much pain i don t think i can make it much longer
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i once had some talent look charm and a sense of the endless possibility of life and existence but i blew it all with terrible decision now i stand here with head bowed beaten destroyed the oyster is rotten
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morning all i m back from my little break from the computer back to work again today
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anybody else experience feeling scared of your own mind or wanting distraction from your own self i feel like everyday it s a battle where i need to try to stay sane or find distraction i feel like if i don t find a distraction i might go crazy but if i do find distraction i feel like i m giving in to the anxiety i m so tired
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dnwallace i am shuddering and shaking too
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why is it that i have follower none of whom acknowledge me
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sentricmusic suffice to say their offer wa ignored then emi com launched and they all laughed rather a lot
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argh got up early for girl aloud on freshly squeezed and it wa just the video
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well my foot odor problem is def back hmph
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terrible toothache feeling very grumpy hotel to write about in my work queue
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stats feed indian doesn t know what is depression we would have been topping the list otherwise
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i don t know if it s depression or loneliness or what but i just feel like i m a drain on this world and society a a whole i m never gon na be someone that impact anyone s life no one is going to wake up one day and be like dang i miss blank what a great guy he wa outside of my family i ll be forgotten in a matter of day if not hour i m convinced that i ve left no impact on this world and won t leave an impact of i m here for 0 or 0 more year i simply don t see a point in staying alive if all i m doing is draining resource without contributing thank you for reading if you did i needed to get this feeling out before i actually do or attempt to do it even if i want to i probably won t have the courage
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is it mostly in your thought mostly in your body or both if it is in your body where is it centered doe it feel like a buzz or suffocating sorry for all the question i m just curious about all of u
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ha to return the shirt she bought from topshop bc she ha 0 in her bank account that ha to last her the rest of the month life suck
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anyone else having trouble accessing their reply when i click on the link on the right nothing happens i can t access them
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the exact date are kind of fuzzy at this point but it s so stupid he said they put me in an altered state seriously i need them to sleep and not hate every waking moment of my life
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it s 0pm early day in a looooooong night at work
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i used to always think the answer to life wa living i really did but this thing called living is abhorrently cruel all that run through my mind is why would anyone else do it they must know the answer to something i don t they must know that the only thing separating them from everyone else is the collective knowledge possessed to follow through it is such a deep and passionate act that in reality the act itself is the meaning of life the meaning of life is to die
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doe someone feel the same i don t want to be alone with this feeling it s misery
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i ve been dealing with serious depression for the last 0 year one huge thing is the mental fatigue i m always feeling in my head making it hard to get up and do thing what have you done to help relieve that so thing are much easier to do and enjoy i m planning on switching job but the mental exhaustion is making so hard to go for it so any advice would be amazing
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