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for the past month i ve been postponing my suicide by escapism recently i ve grown a tolerance to any short and long term satisfaction with this i ve seen the only way to escape escapism is by death i want to send my regard to everyone in this sub for being some of the most kind people i ve had the pleasure of talking to everything is in motion and a in tomorrow i will no longer be a living man good night good morning thank you good bye
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i had an interview for a new job today it s the th one i have had in two week even though i wa the only candidate that showed up they said they had their hope on someone else i am a grown person an i can t find a real job every interview i m just not a good fit this company reached out to me i feel like there is a sign that only other people can see that say i m trash i am unworthy i don t know what i m doing wrong but i know it s me i know i m the issue i am going to be stuck a white trash customer service agent till i self check out there is no other way out for me no one will miss me when i m gone an everyone will be better off with out me i feel selfish for being scared to go to hell that s what i deserve
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c mon sean man
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paulcoles hmmm greed is good when it motivates the individual to do better not so much when it take away from others
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i don t like this 9 malarky i should be out seeing my friend who i haven t seen in month stupid work
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i ve had depression since i wa it come and it go but it came back around 0 and never really left just gradually got worse i dont enjoy anything anymore i dont look forward to anything i just wait for the day to end knowing there another one anyway all my day bleed together at this point insomnia doesnt help to where everything just feel like a long long loop my girlfriend of 9 year left me recently it got to be too much for her i wa trying but i guess not enough i only have a handful of friend but theyre either all going through something or dont quite understand how i put what im feeling into word so i dont feel like i can really talk to anyone i use talkspace but even that feel hollow no goal no aspiration i work in a job where there really no advancement im barely able to keep myself standing financially overall i just feel like a loser im i dont connect with people i feel like im just going to be alone forever the last few month pre and post break up i find myself sitting in my car alone in an empty parking lot till early morning talking to myself hoping that something will help but im just talking into an empty void im agnostic i want so badly to believe that there something somewhere that hears me but i know thats just not realistic i ve contemplated suicide several time but im to weak to go through with it too scared i ll screw it up or worse disappointing my family i really dont know what to do it like im just sleepwalking through life i find my moment to distract me whether it going to the gym or focusing on my other venture but at the end of the day it all just come back to this i had everything and i pissed it away like i always do i dont see my value
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i got an instagram ad for microdosing ketamine to treat depression uhhhhhhhhhhhh
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help me forget th april amp th july
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is going to be a long week funeral and work tomorrow jac
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can t sleep i hate these night when i try to go to bed early and stay awake for hour poo
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my friend ha suffered with depression for what seems most of their life and recently it s become apparent that it s become worse due to them distancing themselves being more irritable and stressed and even mentioning suicide they have also withdrawn from doing thing with me a much when we used to do thing very often i try to support them already of course but since i don t necessarily deal with severe depression like them i struggle to know how to handle thing sometimes what are some tip on how i can be there for them and support them many thanks if anyone answer a i really want to support my friend
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another sale pitch today for a potential surface customer i do more sale than development these day
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need hug
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dougiemcfly hey saw u guy play pushover didn t get meet u tho cuz of th huge line i wa very upset lol a msg would make up it
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why is it that sometimes i just randomly am completely consumed by anxiety i try think about something nice and i just feel random anxiety and i don t know why it make me feel awful or am i just tired i don t know but i do know that i m so easily consumed by defeat and depression i just want to give up and hurt myself i don t know what to do anymore i hope i can make it
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headed out to a state with lax gun law considering buying an over under in cash at a walmart with a box of 00 the thought keep running through my mind i fantasize and visualize how i will do it and where to not be found i m probably gon na throw away all my unsightly possession tomorrow before i head out i am suffering
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vacation make me feel sick
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got up an hou ago now lerning again really boring stuff
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i miss kenny power
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hi i m an yr old guy from germany i had a quite good childhood exept that i wa bullied my low class in school and didn t have any friend now i have quite many friend and a good place to work but anytime i am alone i overthink everything and that make me sad my friend say that i am one of the happiest and funniest person they know but when i am alone it s the complete different i worry about my friendship my loved one and my family and that i am not good for this world i mean i am nice to everyone and try to make everyone happy but the most don t give back anything and i can t be mean to them and ignore them because my heart won t let me that make me think a lot i think i really need a person that i can talk to when i am sad and lonely
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we re here to help we are online therapy platform which essentially connects certified psychologist and people suffering from mental health issue such a depression stress and anxiety among dozen of other clinically defined disorder book your appointment now http t co nglipxulsq
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hello i f have told all my friend amp family i m in a dark place i just started treatment with a therapist amp am meeting a pcp soon i am on a personal leave from work to deal with these personal issue it wa tough but i have been transparent with my support system family friend that i left an abusive relationship amp i am deeply ashamed that i almost did not leave i left my home amp family for yr amp lived with my partner in another state i just moved back in with parent grateful but struggling to adjust in my heart there is shame knowing that i only left because he admitted he did not love me for the past yr not because it wa an abusive relationship amp i nearly died i couldn t amp still can barely see past the love i had for this partner amp grasp that it wa abusive my trust wa betrayed so deeply from this yr relationship it wa a if a switch had been flipped amp the person i believed i wa in a mutual loving relationship with wa suddenly gone i wa treated so callously by my partner i know this is simply how the world is amp i need to come to term but now i struggle with depression amp anxiety with every relationship in my life i am utterly terrified to trust even family amp friend but i have been high functioning forcing myself to be active amp social my family amp friend have been here for me bringing me back from the ledge amp encouraging positive outlet like socializing with friend amp working out i am scared because all i can think in the moment of stillness is what is the point for now the point is to keep pushing on for family amp friend because i do not want them to have to live with my death if i committed suicide i feel like i am on borrowed time amp my excuse for sticking around will soon mean nothing my cup is so low i just want to sleep all day amp not wake up i m terrified i want to be okay i don t know what else to do i hate putting the pressure on my friend amp family to pull me back from this metaphorical ledge i know they love me amp they have told me i am not a burden i can not shut out that voice in my head saying i am being a burden i should just be strong get up and amp move on i just want to be able to be fine again can anyone help me by suggesting resource that i have not already exhausted or by answering the question what is the point my sibling shared that personally his point purpose in life is to spread positive energy amp change with each person he interacts with i used to amp my heart still longs to be this way but at the end of the day what is the point we re all going to die anyways i m tired someone please help
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stompthewalrus haha well i have lived in texas the past year i think that explains itself lol si habla espaool
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sometimes all i want is for someone to tell me everything will be okay i m proud of you i love you you re doing great just general supportive word you have no idea how happy a simple good job can make you feel
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wish restaurant city or pet society could be ported to the iphone itouch http plurk com p n0lb0
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keeeerrrrriiiiii i really have nothing better to do then post on this thing at am wonderfullll say alot
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i now think about suicide constantly i feel like it is my only option in the long term i will never finish school and be able to hold down a job i will never be able to be stable enough to give my wife child i can t live up to anything anyone expects of me i am stuck though my death would be a catastrophe in my wife s life and my brother s life and i have a few friend who would be devastated a well also and i really hate to say this but the biggest reason i can t is because i can t leave my dog with anyone else he is very attached to me and no one else and would be very unhappy without me so i am stuck i can t function despite 0 year of trying medication and therapy i have no will to live except not to hurt people around me i hate this
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theekween vhulivhadza help those who suffer from depression anxiety heart break or have witnessed something traumatic thelmasherbs
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rustyrockets it not my birtday something went wrong please reply or i feel you dont love me
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you re easily replaceable and trust me they will replace you if you re lucky you ll be born into a loving and sweet family but that s often not the case for most people you re alone and will be alone for most of your time on this earth you ll reach an expiration date for your usefulness and they ll kick you to the curve it doesn t matter if you re really struggling and barely hanging on or if they re aware of what you re going through and they ll give you every excuse in the book but the simple matter of the fact is that they don t care about you anymore what do you have to offer now
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my father disagrees with me on everything and always brings nay topic up he know will annoy me i m only one person s true friend and even that is flimsy my stepfather bearly talk to me my mom always make acscusses about being mean i m atheist and my whole family is except sister are christian and think i m a failure for it my grade are going no where i see no point in continuing if god is real i m going too hell which is what i deserve i don t even know if these thing are true i hate myself and is not great at anything i don t know how i would even kill myself but if i saw a car coming i would not get out of the road if god isn t real ill never have to worry again because i don t exist anymore i just dont want too live and don t tell me the generic nonsense i ve heard it before it doesn t work
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nickdawson hope your knee feel better quickly though after having been on it all night
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hello i am neurotic with symptom of anxiety disorder and ha mild suicide ideation i am generally better the last month i have taken the past year off college to focus on taking care of myself i went to therapy but had recently stopped so i could afford to go to school again this year i think i have been doing well in implementing lifestyle change that improve my mental well being such a setting clear boundary reaching out and eating which is one of my biggest challenge i still struggle to be consistent in aspect of taking care of myself but i wonder what change do you suggest or have tried that helped you a lot in continuing to live i struggle in finding joy or even interest in living and in time of difficulty still ideate my death i know i m sick and that is something i should fix i hope you could help me with your answer they don t have to be big since small change are more sustainable and le overwhelming thank you
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i sleep plenty i drink plenty of water and i eat pretty healthy no matter what i do though i m exhausted and just want to nap all the time i m seeing my psychiatrist this friday so hopefully i can find some answer but ha anyone experienced this or have some advice i have taken a couple of blood test too but the result were normal everything wa fine
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i have a sad feeling that dallas is not going to show up i got ta say though you d think more show would use music from the game mmm
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i just can t stop think about i see myself doing it in my mind all the time it s so hard i just want to do it rn i have a break soon i think i am gon na do it but i feel so bad for my friend but i just can t do it anymore
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for some reason i can t explain i know st peter won t call my name
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stephenkruiser awww so sad i m so sorry
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thisismyiq layin down i dont feel well
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b barnett i did not really see that coming
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i miss watching rocko s modern life
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it april stop snowing
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we found out a couple of day ago that my dog needed to be put down we had a beautiful last day with her yesterday technically she wa the family dog but she spent the most time with me and turned into an unofficial support dog for me she ha been with me through trauma and therapy and everything in between she ha been my rock scarlett ha been an anchor point a grounding into the world she ha been the only thing that ha stayed steady in a world of ups and down she wa there no matter the mood or how sick i wa she ha kept me engaged with the outside world walk and beginning interaction she greeted the world with a smile no matter what she forced you to give her affection and in turn forced hers on you she ha been the definition of unconditional love in my life mainly because i can t assume or misunderstand what she doe or say she ha been my safe place both physically and mentally i didn t want to leave her behind not understanding i ve been struggling with everything even with her to bring me calm i don t know how to do this without her i ve been using numbness to try and stop myself from shattering but a it splinter into smaller and smaller piece there s only so long it can hold a i hear the splintering standing on the cliff edge the ground start to shake i know that if i move i will explode into tiny fragment and that i can t escape from the edge of the cliff falling the splinter are so small i won t be able to be put back together without missing piece the fall into the abyss will spread the fragment far and wide there isn t a way to climb back out this time there isn t the energy to hope enough to look i don t want to die specifically i just can t keep doing this anymore i m beyond tired i m spent i can t see any other option i ve tried and tried and tried different treatment i ve pushed to do exercise and socialise and do what other people have decided is the best for me i ve taken medication even with shitty side effect taking some rest time with no appointment or pressure wa lovely but didn t change anything inside i ve been fighting a hard a i can and it hasn t been enough i began having passive suicidality when i wa and having intense trauma later certainly didn t help the past year ha been the hardest and lowest i ve ever reached i ve been in and out of hospital tried over 0 different med tried different therapy than i have in the past had ect and tried emdr i have a whole team mental health social worker psych intervention team a doctor specialist and so on the only advice that i wa given when i explained that i wa too tired wa to push through to keep going because there have been improvement and people think it will change and to be patient for thing to start working and maybe i should try doing more thing or le thing or have extra support or change my dosage or simplify my medication or go to hospital or an outpatient program i can t do anymore i can t keep forcing myself onwards because other people will notice a change in the outside without much of a change inside i know it s a selfish decision and that it doesn t get rid of the pain just pass over to the people around me it will affect them forever it won t disappear with time i can t kid myself that they will get over it a much a i think it will be the better option i know none of them will agree i can t look through rose coloured glass saying it take away the burden it just change it from me to the people around me i d love to say my goodbye with everyone and give them time to grieve and prepare with them have a perfect last day making sure that everyone know i love them and that it is no one s fault doing thing with people that are special for u trying to say everything that i want to to people face to face to give big hug and laugh together one last time i wish i could give everyone that i m so sorry that i can t and for the suffering that brings there is too much to say to all the people who are precious in my life to write down i m sorry i love you you did nothing wrong you are so important to me i m sorry that i stopped trying thank you for our relationship you have added so much joy to my life i believe in you and all you can achieve i m sorry that there is no time to come to term with the idea i know there isn t any combination of word or thought that will make it any easier for anyone i know there isn t anything that i can do to assuage the guilt and pain and anger i wish i could but that doesn t really matter doe it i don t even know if i can commit to finishing a plan everyone seems to think so but i don t know and if i can t go through with it then no one need to worry or be concerned because there isn t actually danger and i can just be unhappy without the need for restriction and people feeling responsibility for me
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what a lousy day buh
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codaqueen oh wait he doe have in oakland on the th can t understand why he only ha amp in oakland
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fuck toxic positivity you have every right to feel angry pissed depressed frustrated sad numb tired exhausted if your life s shit no even if your life isn t shit it s fucking okay
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kpreyes remember my bum leg strike back this time it serious
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not twittering in the past day obviously 0am and taking a small break from ochem
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like i can t even focus on anything my mind is always racing overthinking and obsessing this is especially annoying right now because i have my final exam coming up real soon and i need to work but i can t concentrate i hate the way i act around people i am so awkward i don t even speak just awkwardly nod whenever someone talk to me and whenever i do talk some dumb shit come out of my mouth it seems like i have started to isolate myself more and more from people and i am always moody people have started to catch on saying that i always look sad tired among other not very nice thing whenever someone asks me if i am okay i just lie and say yes nod my head awkwardly or make up some excuse i wish i could tell someone about my problem in depth but really i don t know what i would say and honestly no one would actually care and i don t blame them everyone ha their own shit going on and i don t want to bother anyone with my problem my own mother ha started to catch on to my moodiness and she ha started to yell at me and everything cause of the way i am acting i don t even think i am doing anything wrong i m just not talking and i want to be left alone i wish i could tell her but again i don t know what i would say i don t know how she would take it and i don t want to stress her out anxiety really suck i hate using these thing a an excuse cause i just want to get on with my life like everyone else
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bipling are you coming to au or is cobi going to you jealous lol misser you
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new article from obmintegrativeandcomplementarymedicine mindfulness in tai chi chuan a practised amongst higher education student with implication for health and learning a narrative review http t co p aciaxzd http t co usqjekvyaq taichichuan depression http t co scx fegnqf
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tierd whats pt swagger mean i love the sound of it
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i am 0 trying to achieve my goal but i stay on bed doing nothing for several month i live alone and feel loneliness all the time i want somebody to get motivated together on daily basis to overcome our problem
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i wish i could find a way to live without these voice in my head but if i lose my only companion i would be better off dead depression poetry poem mentalhealth
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digg link are now nofollow
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i m back unintentionally took a mental health break my depression got pretty rough
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i m done with this world and there s no changing my mind on that but i do know that i don t want my death to mean nothing i m a healthy teenage athlete with a good body so if anyone here know how i could go out but keep my organ preserved for people in need of them i need answer there s people that want to live and me who is done with living so i want to help them live their life if i laid in a tub of ice would it help
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goodnight everyone well i m not feeling much better and i m going to the doctor tomorrow
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so cold
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wo ist die studie eigentlich ver ffentlicht oder machen wir ffentliche diskussion jetzt einfach ohne faktenbasis tipp f r alle die auch schlechte studien machen wollen einfach die spezifischen longcovid symptome nicht testen kipptisch usw daf r depression nicht abgrenzen
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doesnt want to go to work lol
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kal penn omg i am so mad you were my favorite character i ll miss you
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i feel like when i m drunk i act like everyone else around me doe sober and i hate it like i ll talk more il feel more confident in myself everything in my existence will feel worth living
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i wish i wa in sydney
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claireboyles thought a much
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enibeni i would if i knew them ed si que se duerme temprano s
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hoping my new kitten is well a she isn t eating or drinking hopefully just stress of a new place
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money isnt suppose to depress you
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i m off to bed way to late will likely be a sac a shit at work tomorrow
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a an fyi i wa diagnosed at with ocd usual hand washing fear of germ thought of death checking thing over and over again different trigger didn t leave the house for two year it s well controlled now but i m worried now that it s having an impact of relationship so she wa at the time now i m we chatted for two month dated for went on date but mainly she wanted sex had a lot of sex more than actual going out and doing stuff she becomes distant then when we see each other again she say she want to see me more we end up texting a lot a she wa always unavailable either with friend family or her guy friend she would see him more than me we re texting a lot so i tell her how i feel and that i want to see her more few day later she break up with me with a text won t go into detail why i try and text call her everything at first she ignored me then she gave me a couple of reply saying we ll talk thanks me for birthday gift i d gotten her before we d broken up then she just cut me off two week later she s in a very public relationship with her guy friend who wa seeing a lot when we were together and even stayed over in his place not long before she ended thing my problem is i couldn t accept that it wa over just after a text even before i knew she wa in a new relationship i replied to her she ignored me few day later she reply tell me we ll talk she then ignores me again i call her a day later she ignores me and cut off my call she message me a few day later thanking me for a birthday present i d given her before we d broken up apologises for ignoring me and say she shuts down and act weird in situation like this i tell her she doesn t have to feel that way and can talk to me to tell me what s gone on then send her a voice clip trying to talk her round she ignores so i tell her i won t try again except i did and messaged her happy birthday she replied and i try and make conversation she ignores me i then ask her if she want her stuff back she ignores me two week later i see she s in the relationship so i message her telling her how i felt and that it wa right to end thing a she wasn t making time for me i m bothered that i couldn t just let go and it s making me more concerned that maybe this is my ocd making me obsessed with someone and that i didn t actually feel anything for her i feel like i ve been set back about 0 year here worrying whether i acted normal or whether it wa driven by my ocd
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my family only care when im manic but im just quiet they act like nothing ever happened idk if i want them to care or is me just wanting attention but im really tired of living for them
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the mighty tap are doing a one date world tour but i will have a newborn http news bbc co uk hi entertainment 9 stm
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very very busy not getting a chance to twitter a much a before
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i ve had anxiety for a while now but my worst experience with it to date happened a couple of week ago i wa experiencing panic attack daily for a week and anxiety daily for week before that too now i ve managed to calm my mind slightly and i don t have the psychological symptom anymore but i still have some fuzzy head light headed feeling and crazy fatigue exhaustion where i have to lay down after going out this happens when i m not even necessarily feeling anxious could i still be experiencing symptom of anxiety but just the anxiety is subconscious and i m feeling the physical symptom more strongly any help tip are welcome thanks guy
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hubby ha such a tight scedule for u during easter vaca that it stressing me out visit all over denmark in day
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thinking of pay day another week to go lol
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the n0nesuch oneman official buildersanmi etubolion my sisterrrrrr if na depression he enter nko make god no make trailer jam u
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ahh sorry ya ll for not being able to twitter from the show my phone so did not work in there at all but brit wa amazeing ahhh
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i don t want to talk to advisor they don t advise the judge your arse off
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grum wah i can t see clip must be el stupido work filter can t wait till i get a puter something else blame ex he broke mine
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i can literally wake up and drink a coffee or i can kill myself the earth would keep spinning regardless and nothing change
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what happened to last night s twit they ve gone and run away
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hello so i have ptsd bipolar disorder and a back injury that will never heal i recently had to move from maine to florida i am in the process of re establishing my medical care in a new state a more restrictive state the doctor here want me off my back pain medication my anxiety medication and want me to quit smoking pot it took me a long time to figure out the exact combination of medication that work for me amp x 00b i moved from california to maine about ten year ago it took me a few trip to the looney bin for doctor to believe me figure out what wa wrong with me and treat me i spent my first three year in maine in constant pain due to a back injury that my nurse practitioner thought i wa way too young to have which i absolutely did and still do have she sent me to specialist that verified i do have a serious injury and she would say she doesn t believe them i turned her into the board of director at the hospital i wa in for basically torturing me but because i live with debilitating depression i did not follow through with it and it wa dropped amp x 00b when i finally found a doctor that believed my x ray and wa willing to treat me and a doctor that wa able to diagnose my ptsd and bipolar disorder and treat me my life took off in the right direction i wa able to finish my bachelor s degree my master s degree and start my phd one right after another my family wa forced to leave maine because of all the people that flooded into maine due to the pandemic and maine s low number of reported case in the beginning amp x 00b now i am having to redo all of these complicated step and i feel myself falling into my depression hole i feel so defeated i m coming down off my back pain med and my back is hurting so incredibly bad it make me want to die i have gone through so many year of physical pain i thought it wa over i thought i had that figured out my anxiety about doctor s opinion in my medical care and anxiety behind being looked at like a druggie when i don t do drug the anxiety of having to plead my case to people that just have heard so many lie they wouldn t know the truth if it smacked them in the face depression at having to do all of this crap over again
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i m pretty sure she ha depression i m a good listener and don t judge i know how hard it is from reading alot of post in this sub i want to help her and i m genuinely concerned about her how can i do this
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i m fucking and why the fuck do i still feel this shit fuck fuck fuxk fuxk fuck fuck this i hate this
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i have a friend group at school yet i feel lonely and helpless i have anxiety and depression i ve always been a big guy 9 0 pound and i ve always been bullied for it i can t get a girlfriend because i m ugly and socially awkward i can t focus on school because i m always tired i can t talk to anyone about my feeling because i hate letting people into my bubble i miss the happy and innocent me at young age my mom left me with my grandma i hate to think what s gon na happen once she dy i hate myself i m ashamed of myself i wan na kill myself i m such a pussy i m afraid that god is real and i ll be punished i m afraid that when i die it will all be black and boring i don t know what s gon na happen if i do it if i fail straight to a hospital if my life doesn t get better i ll do it i hope if i do it i ll be reborn a someone normal and start over
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i ve tried to do everything right i ve tried so hard it never get better no matter what it s always a circular road and i always end up in the same place i m just so tired
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now i know everyone will say you need some fresh air get outta the house more often i also have real bad anxiety so bad that i only go out one time a day i don t like walking around with money on me or no money at all anyway i ve been smoking weed and eating edible for year because i have real low self esteem and i don t want to just be sad all the time my boyfriend hate it because he say i don t need all of that to be happy which is true but it s already hard enough getting out of bed a it is my boyfriend pretty much get high a much a i do but it s only marijuana and thc that s it nothing other then that he think i should get out more but when i m out i get anxiety because i feel like i m being stared at and judged i love smoking weed because it s good to laugh and when i m high i m not thinking about my low self esteem and body dysmorphia or wanting to harm myself if you ask me it s better then talking to a therapist psychologist
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mattg00d i dont like you not having internet you dont tweet a much
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befoot sport aubameyang en d pression
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courtneybrwn awww thanks i hate being sick
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so about day ago i started sh again and i cut to deep i waited a week till i went to the hospital by then it wa to late to get stitch but the doctor said i should have got them my best friend knew i went to the doctor and she told me i didn t need stitch she accused me of lying and doesn t believe me she act like she s a doctor and always act like she s right
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blahhh my throat is sore amp i keep coughing i hate being sick
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work today
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im a year old college student who is supposed to graduate this may the only problem being i havent been able to get out if bed to go to class in a month i have lost nearly all of my motivation and feel trapped by my mind the only time i leave my house is to go to work because i need the money or go to the gym because it is one of the only thing that make me feel alive happy anymore ive reached out to professor and advisor telling them i just need help but they have been essentially useless instead of being pointed towards cap ive just been told to give up and widthdraw from my class and it taking an even larger toll on me i just need a break from everything and everyone
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today wa the first time i ve gotten feedback from an interview and they want to give me a second chance i m really thankful for that but i feel like my anxiety is holding me back even though i know i m fully capable of preforming a job i just get nervous in interview because i don t know if i m wasting my time googling how to fake confidence because i know i shake my hand a lot and who want to hire someone who is anxious for a job that requires social skill probably no one i ve gotten better at socializing but i m clearly lacking in the social awareness department
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it s like no matter what i do i fuck it all up why am i a giant fuck up machine
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willie day can t sleep it and i have to be at work at 0 don t know what the problem is
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delicatelyreal i feel your pain
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mizzzidc imagine making sacrifice just to raise a child and said child flip up at you like this because of a sneaker she s gon na get back an average parent might go into depression
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