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he s the reason for the teardrop on my guitar the only one who ha enough of me to break my heart
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fuck everything i m done
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geoffmartinez youre going to be in mexico on easter why
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i finally started therapy last november because my social anxiety ha gotten too big to deal with and i feel stuck i thought it wa going well therapist understood my problem anxiety ha been my reality for year so i guess changing my mindset is a slow process and all that but a few week ago my mom told me i should try to talk with a few other therapist because she doesn t think i m not really making progress and she also doesn t like that my therapist ha suggested anxiety med and antidepressant which i m not on right now because it s like she s dismissing me she said this got me thinking that i truly don t know what the best path is because you trust your therapist you aren t the one who studied psychology so you assume she obviously know better so i thought i d try to ask people here who went to therapy and got rid of anxiety what should i expect i didn t expect my therapist to say a bunch of magic word and cure me but is it really anxiety is never going to go away you can just learn to handle it better just make yourself suffer by putting yourself in situation that cause you anxiety until you get used to it and take med to help if you want to because that s depressing i know i might sound whiny but having to make all the work myself make me lose all motivation and i just wan na off myself because i don t actually get used to stuff i ve taken the bus a million time in my life and yet i m still anxious every time i have to take it i feel like i can t win i thought that therapist would at least help a little bit because what am i paying her for telling me to accept that i can t control everything because risk is a part of life and to take a walk everyday because i could ve realized that by myself
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my interwebs is so fraked up that i can google map something on my iphone bar gprs no g faster than my 0mbps cable connection
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broadband plan a massive broken promise http tinyurl com dcuc via www diigo com tautao still waiting for broadband we are
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watching fallon with mom and working on a project school is hard
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princessbuddha im having the same problem i never drive anymore
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karenlo 0 i am okay tired and still struggling with my depression how about you
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hold tight it s nearly the weekend here s roger inferno attending a seminar to deal with his negative thought like a totally normal person depressed superhero webcomic mentalhealthmatters depression superheroes webcomics comic positivevibesonly itsokaytonotbeokay http t co erpvmv l n
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i want to overdose and be done with this shit i m tired any pill combo that could help me
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i wan na bash my head against the wall till my brain fall out i m so exhausted i hate myself for the mistake i ve made i hate myself i wish i could start over again and not be such a fucking idiot why why did it have to go this way
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damnnn i missed
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it s been a few month since i ve posted they ve medicated me but nothing ha changed i m still a worthless piece of shit no matter what i do i m the problem and no one will ever want me in their life i m never going to be good enough to have a real job or be anything more than a stupid customer service agent i went to college i have put in over 00 job application in the last week when i get an interview even company who contact me first ask me to apply when i arrive they say i m not a good fit it s because i m le than the same thing my mother saw when she gave birth and didn t want me is the same thing everyone else see that make me le than others i am not even worthy of being human i m just trash no pill or medicine will change that i wish i had the strength to self check out i don t tell my therapist bc it doesn t do any good they just want me to pay for more therapy that s supposed to train me to behave my insurance doesnt cover it so it s not even worth mentioning anymore i just wish i wa loved and had a life i felt like mattered i hate myself and the life i wake up too bc i m not good enough to have anything but sorrow
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i can barely live with me i am all the time closed in my mind i can not describe it better i can not focus on anything i can not sustain a conversation i get very overwhelmed by everything if i do very little house cleaning i get very overwhelmed i feel lonely in my life nobody understands me neither my wife nor my parent or brother or grandparent i might be on the autistic spectrum i am so done with my life so done i can not continue like this anymore i have to die i live on my wife s incoming i so want to die
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pretty sure everything electrical in my house is slowly dying on me like i have enough money to replace all my stuff
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what is the point of living life suck life is hard 90 of the time the 0 that doesn t suck doesn t make up for the other 90 people say that i need to just keep on living because they would miss me they re selfish what about what i want i just want to blink out of existence before anyone start feeling like a knight in shining armor i know i m loved i know i m not alone i m know i m smart and valuable i know all the thing but none of those thing make up for the fact that i simply don t want to be here anymore
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it so hard to open up to people because even the one im close with forget about meksksjsjshdjsjs i ll die and they ll wonder why didn t she say anything well babe i did but nobody cared enough to remember the urge to make everyone feel guilty over it is real
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it just make me happy over and over again i just wish i wasn t afraid to fly http tinyurl com skpp
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no really i m just angry at the world i have mental illness and everything but i really blame the world because there s no system that can help me i m sure y all feel the same we re forgotten and fall between the crack and there s no help i m angry that i can t get better angry that i m getting worse angry that i probably can t off myself without my sister quickly following the fact that i can t escape this life because i have loved one just actually is almost rude love shouldn t make me feel trapped in existence but it doe i m running out of money because i can t work fulltime so it look like if i do end up dying it ll be at the world s hand not mine
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i spent my 0 s in a real mess i let anxiety get the better of me and quit a job outright with nothing to go to i developed agoraphobia and lied to family and friend that i wa still working i got really sick and couldn t go to interview because i didn t know how i would explain an month gap luckily i got a volunteering job which led to full time employment which i ve been in for year the only problem is the pay is terrible and the hour are incredibly long after year of deliberating i recently decided to apply for another job i got an interview but they told me that they wanted to discus my gap i panicked and pulled out of the interview i didn t want to humiliate myself in front of stranger that i had a break down and can t handle pressure i can t see myself lying about what i wa up to that year without my nervousness giving me away i just couldn t do it it suck because i really wanted to work for that organisation but i just chickened out i just feel like crap right now i guess i just needed to offload thanks for reading
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so i just completed my rd admission a a inpatient and a big worry ha been my eye becoming damaged anyway on my way home today around pm to 0 when the sun is low and glare is heap the sun wa in my eye the whole way home i wa coming in from a angle you just couldn t block out i didn t have sunnys now i am paronoid i have sunburnt my eye or given them flash burn or whatever it is called i am already spiralling downward and can t even enjoy being my family again after being away for so long
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feel like cry that s how sick i feel
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viennah yay i m happy for you with your job but that also mean le time for me and you
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i have to be out of my place in day any help i can get packing painting cleaning is much appreciated oh and rip my wall
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i hate myself i ve dreamed about finally gathering the courage to end my life for about year i have everything i need my basic need are met all paid by my caring family i m finishing a college degree also fully paid by my parent i feel weak and pathetic i see people with real issue traumatic shit who go on with their life while i m sitting here wanting to end my life without a reason why do i feel like this it feel invalid i ve never faced adversity every second of my life i ve spent tearing myself apart the only reason i haven t jumped in front of the metro is that i m scared to end up quadriplegic i m scared of everyone finding out that despite having my life served to me on a platter i still want to die i feel pathetic small and alone and i m scared i m starting to lose control of it before suicide felt like a refuge or a safe place to escape if necessary but now it s overwhelming and persistent i don t want to feel like this anymore but i can t stop it everything i do feel wrong i ve isolated myself from everyone and by the time i realized how lonely i felt i couldn t find the courage to reach out despite having everything given to me i feel like a failure and i hate everything about myself self loathing ha become the only way i interact with who i am and everything i do i feel like i don t deserve help i ve never faced adversity i m scared of failing to kill myself but i can t stop thinking about it
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i ve been waking up and going through the same day repeatedly for a long time i wanted to get better but i wanted this particular person to be by my side while i did it i ve made a plan and set a date i know in my heart it s the right choice i just hope he doesn t blame himself when it happens it wasn t him that make me want to follow through i m just done hurting everyone that come in to my i m done being ashamed of the person i ve become and i m done looking like i don t care i felt every emotion so keenly that it forced me to realize that those very same emotion made me react in a way that i wasn t proud of my reality is shifting and these shadow are the only thing that is my company nothing is ever going to change for me even if i go to therapy even if i get med sooner or later it always return i m done being a prisoner of my own mind idek why i m posting this maybe hoping the right person will see me and talk me out of it it s not that i lack love it s actually the opposite i have so many mental health issue that i m such a burden on my family now my addiction ha returned i m just so done with living like this it s a little ironic my selfishness is the cause of all this selfish to the end i m sorry s i hope you don t blame yourself and if by chance you see this i want you to know i think this is always how it would have ended
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featherinair call me back
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i m losing my best friend one of my friend is about to kill himself another friend is lying to me i m done i can t hold on i just can t i m done i m just so done i m ready to die i ve been ready to die so i m about to write my note and pick a time and day and hopefully i won t be alive much longer
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i m trying to take a sick mental health day but it s not working i m so paranoid i won t get to graduate eighth grade for having absence yeah our school give u 9 per semester but i m scared and yeah my principle ha been pretty lenient and let people with f s pas i have good grade but i always think everything is going to turn out horribly for me no matter what i do i feel so useless my friend don t seem like they even like me i m pretty much down to one friend that actually like me and it s an older girl i met online and that s pretty much it i want to die everyone and everything end up hurting me
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whenever i sit down to study my heart start racing and i feel overwhelmed and anxious i think it s my fear of failure sometimes it s so bad i have to lay down anyone else
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i can t sleep there s a fight outside how inconsiderate i wan na go sleep
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i try and try but i just can t do it
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pmelt the only bad thing about aid is you can only catch it once id want to inflict more pain on the deadshits of this world
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it s been five year and a couple day now since my first major attempt i m not too sure how i feel to be honest ha life improved well not really of course after that first attempt i tried a couple more time i think if we look at the net value i m relatively in the same spot a i wa five year ago vibing on the bridge thankfully i m not too upset about that i think sadness and my inability to get out of said sadness is something that i will have to live with i m getting better at fighting it that s for sure are some day tiring and fucking unbearable of course but now i m just content with existing sad day are hard some day are easy i think i m just shocked that i m still alive well i definitely know that younger me would be shocked i m still kicking around maybe he d be happy that i stayed for this long there really isn t any point to this post just a bit of selfish self congratulation and the ability to say i m still alive guy i hope everyone ha a good day it s raining where i am but it s really nice to look at
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last night i had a dream that ha been weighing on my mind all day long even now a i prepare for bed i cant shake the memory of it and i fear that it will be revisited in more horrible way than before the love of my life stephanie is traveling home with two of her male friend from a party their car is forced off the road by a pair of car and armed men jump out and pull them from their vehicle the friend are brutally executed with a hail of gunfire and stephanie covered in their sticky blood is forced into the trunk of one of their car pleading with the men she is taken to a dark place and sold a an object and she becomes the victim of human trafficking for 0 year i pine for my lost love a i wonder about her disappearance and out of the blue i learn of her fate and also her whereabouts i go to the gun store she is being held in and spy her in a back room chained inside a cage her form battered and bedraggled and only a sliver of her once beautiful form remaining i make pleasantry with the men behind the counter a i surreptitiously draw from my pocket a blade asking for the price of an item on the shelf behind him i draw the attention of one of the men away from me making him turn around when his back is turned i take my knife and swiftly slit his throat throwing his gagging body to the floor with shocked look on their face the other two men in the store watch a i bound over the counter and stab the first of them to death through his chest with a leap across the room i take hold of the last of them and we struggle furiously a he force the blade from my hand causing it to clatter to the floor we fight ferociously and eventually i best my foe caving in his skull with a piece of furniture and pulling the cage key from his pocket covered head to toe in gore i unlock stephanie s cage and help her to freedom she look at me like i m some fresh hell being visited on her but i reveal myself for who i am and tell her that she is rescued she burst into tear of relief and sob for hour over all the horrible thing she ha been forced to do and to witness for year nearly uncounted and i console her until she is calmed i produce for her a pair of cupcake that i had prepared before entering the store and had set aside i tell her that the first is made of sugar and apple and is all the sweet thing i will give to her the second is made of coffee and rat poison and will taste bitter but will be the end of her suffering at long last i give her the choice and without a moment hesitation she take the latter and eats heartily of it sending the former to the floor forgotten she smile a wan grin at me and tell me thank you before closing her eye and looking finally at peace with her lot i hold her in my arm to keep her warm and safe a she pass on into the next world unable to live with what ha happened to her in her captivity at this point i awoke and stared at the pillow beneath me and imagined all the terrible thing that stephanie must have experienced and for a long moment i wa horrified it wa only then that the realization that it wa a dream hit me and i remembered the truth stephanie ha been dead for fifteen year she took her own life in a fit of depression and did not in fact fall victim to human trafficking at this realization i said aloud i m glad you killed yourself with an unspoken underscore of this realization that she hadn t been sold a thought that in no way ha ever formed in my mind or lip before that moment writing out this account already make me feel better and i think i might be able to brave another round of unconsciousness though i have no doubt another mare of the night will visit this is my first reddit posting and i thank you for reading it
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nototyrannynow a stagflationary prolonged recession or a hyperinflationary then deflationary depression
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kal penn i am so sad kutner wa my favorite of the new team
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nothing much not well in bed all day
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dreamtimeswift taylornation i saw her once for 9 9 tour and i suffered serious post concert depression the next day when i created a spotify playlist for the tour setlist and i cried very badly in my bedroom
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so here we go i am very lonely i tried talking to a lot of people i just can t i leave everything i want i have no idea why i just tend to leave everything and everyone i love my mind is fucked i just sit and overthink for hour in one sitting cant someone kill me already i am just a burden to everyone in existence i want to die pleasee for god sake someone kill meeee at least i wont be a disappointment i tried my best i am done i cant anymore i didnt want to admit to it but yes i am ready to die now i will have a ton of regret but it alright please kill me help
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sephystryx i ve been looking about for good stuff to write but also been doing load of uni work
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musikpirat durch den h heren preis sinkt die nachfrage und durch den zoll kann sich die marge verringern aber das vor allem spekulanten damit reich und reicher werden und das strafz lle in der weimarer republik und den usa in die great depression gef hrt haben lassen wir au en vor
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i had to return a phone call from last week on an anxiety inducing topic i already have problem with talking on the phone i thought i d do it first thing in the morning and get on with my work but of course i had to leave voicemail and now i m waiting for the call back and i can t think about anything else i m going to take an ativan for the first time in about a month i m like a deer in the headlight at present
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spencer is not a good guy
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boxee now ha pandora useless to me here in oz boo hoo
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so for awhile now i ve tried multiple time to hang myself and also tried to slit my wrist but all my suicide attempt have failed and im trying to find happiness in life and find a reason to live but everday i just wan na end all my suffering anyways here s why i feel suicidal so basically my mom and dad are abusive and make me feel like shit and then my brother and sister don t uderstand what im going through so they make it worse and my parent threated me if i call cps or anyone about what happens at the house i would get whooped till i turned red and got brusies and alot of bad thing somebody please help me before i take my life
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i woke up an hour ago now i m having a hard time going back to bed in lakewood ca http loopt u rywlhq
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good morning ready go but i want go back bed
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nothing freak me out more then when i get that stabbing pain in my chest i m it s my anxiety all my test are good i am healthy dr said many i have inflammation in my chest but reading in here that other people get chest pain to helped me pea together that it s my anxiety i ve had anxiety my whole like started getting medicine for it year ago med work at first then stop i just took a fast acting pill bc the anxiety wa so bad it s hard to focus but i try and distracted myself by reading i just want a normal day
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why are there kid show on pb right now it supposed to be nature
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buttload of homework
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even with the best intention i m late for work again
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i wa planning to kill myself from the last month i just wanted to spend whatever time i had with my friend and family i met up with my friend last week for what would be the last time so that wa done then i wanted to spend some time with my parent which i did yesterday and only my grandparent remained so i spent some time with them today and i decided that would jump from some tall building in the night but my grandmother surprised me with something she call dosa party so yes dosas stopped me today but i don t know that i can face tomorrow i really don t know
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im in the mood for some chocolate i want miniature reeses cup now
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i seriously don t get how people just live their every day life without completely falling apart and i don t get how people are just happy with their life i m in college right now and i m failing class have no friend and zero motivation to do anything about it i really just don t see the point in putting myself through hell for a degree so i can get a job i don t want and coming home from that job to absolutely no one i really don t think anyone could ever love me so if i ll hate my job have no friend and no romantic partner what s the point there s nothing in my life worth working towards and i m ready to give up on everything i just can t do this anymore and i don t know what s left to do other than kill myself
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why am i still alive i havent done anything with my life other than eat and leech of my parent and im already why am i still here
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mizzzidc im sorry to say that you are one useless child any parent would wish to have such a desrespectiful child u spoke with your mother and u desrespected her enough privately why the need of posting on social medium we have people who suffer with depression stop hiding behind it
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i feel trapped and like there s no way out everything feel like shit i went through ton of family and mental health issue but i soldiered on and i got my college diploma in social science and my bachelor degree in sociology i wa on the dean s list i worked my as off through mental illness and exhaustion and i m in thousand of dollar debt i did everything people told me to do keep going get a degree take out loan and now i can t find a fucking job that doesn t pay total shit public transit is beyond atrocious i just have 0k debt staring at me in the face every time i open my bank app i ve applied to hundred of job hundred of job my brother want me to go back to school and get more debt more fucking debt he want me to leave my boyfriend and move to another province i can t talk to him about my issue because every time that s all he suggests same with my best friend my dad life in a tiny town in newfoundland and make shit wage my mom life somewhere in ontario and ha made no effort to help me out despite not getting to see me grow up due to a nasty divorce i have no will left i m afraid i m gon na snap and go crazy i try really really hard to be positive but it s really hard to keep it up i feel like i m in one of those trap where the wall are slowing squishing you until you die please doe anyone have any advice anyone i m dying my hope is fading so fast
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hey there feel good to talk to people who just a me suffer depression i never talked about it much on the internet though one of my best buddy who is a psychiatrist my parent and some other people know about it it s not many and i feel it s better this way but at least i can talk about it here a i am anonymous on the internet i hope anyways for me it s been many year that i am in a severe depression mine ha developed through a chain of various dumb decision i made that lead me to the place i m at now thing i can t change now can t simply make forgotten since the wheel of time keep spinning it s really interesting though a a 9 year old me would have never believed to suffer severe depression year later though it started many year ago back a a 9 year old i just graduated from school successfully and had every possibility like the world wa open to me a luxury many people sadly don t have and i wa dumb enough to not see clearly ahead of me thinking about what i wanted from life or where i would love to end up now i know and thinking back my 9 year old self should have known it s not really hard to figure out and i would tell my 9 year old self to think about it and keep chasing his dream especially since there wa so much time for it the path i walked though wa a pretty dark one nothing criminal nothing that would at first glance appear a particularly dark but i managed to scare away many people that in retrospect would have been great buddy friend and even girlfriend relationship like the old saying say you are your own worst enemy it s true it really is i have experienced it myself a far a i know there are two kind of depression depression that is genetically biologically caused and depression that is the product of bad experience and decision you made let s call it a reactive depression for me a you can imagine it wa the second and i could punch myself for it a what i did in all these previous year wa almost a textbook example of what not to do bad decision the worst part is that i have this mental image of an alternate reality where i didn t decide the way i did where i wa smarter and while i know it s a mental image it doesn t feel that way the worst thing is it s a devil chain a bad experience lead to me feeling worse while some people learn to hide their depression and keep smiling and joking in front of others just so that others won t realize how you truely feel i don t have that gift a i am usually in a bad mood and are perceived a a very unfriendly person by others which again lead to social alienation which make my depression even worse it s gotten really worse the last few year interestingly after coming back from being homeless and living on the street for half a year to a point where i don t want to live anymore where i want to forget
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i want to be dead ive been suicidal for year im such a fucking retard filled with regret and anger im done with life i want all of this to stop why i cant do one thing right
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lying manipulating aunt taking advantage of my mom forcing my parent apart stealing money stealing clothes for year and counting i couldn t take it my school grade dropped covid hit couldn t muster up the courage to talk to friend had a drive through high school graduation barely graduated at all no uni plan working at a dollar store just floating on with no motivation or will my sister almost suicided but had the courage to talk about it i attempted more time than i can count but couldn t talk about it the closest to death wa when i wa bleeding so much from my neck i dyed the knife and clothes i wa wearing i tried talking about everything but the attempt but those that know stopped talking to me unless i try first wouldn t it be better if i off myself and get it over with it s not like it matter nothing doe another person will just grow up and fill my spot in society life doesn t matter all life is only equal cause it s equally worthless everything is worthless but the few friend that did help me would hurt but it s better to get it over with like a bandaid instead of make them watch me suffer nothing is going my way i m constantly cry myself to sleep i ve been called wise but it s just watered down suicidal thought coming up in normal conversation religion helped for a bit but it s just more rule on how to live i need help but i don t have the will to do anything i just need someone to comfort me i try hugging myself but it just reminds of how lonely i am every time i try reaching out it just end with a passive one word reply we haven t talked in so long how ve you been doing good just cut me off if you don t like talking to me quit playing these mind game and say it to my face i m seriously messed up am i messed up or is everyone else messed up but that s what s socially acceptable no matter how much i hate the world my mind always try to justify thing or see thing from they re point of view even if it s a blatantly bad thing are my friend bad or am i bad i don t know i just feel sad or numb but cover it with a smile so if i can make a difference in someone s life it s a positive one unlike mine i feel like such an attention seeker by talking about what i m going through maybe being anonymous like this is what s letting me write this it s am again so goodnight we ll see if it s the last time i say that or not
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i genuinely wish i could say fuck this i m out there s so many responsibility and yet so little life in me to carry all those thing i just hurt someone i love accidentally of course because i wa trying to hurt my self and that s so fucking depressing and embarrassing for god sake i m almost and still acting like a bratty teenager my body hurt my heart hurt can someone please just kill me already
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think about it i cant do a single thing anymore and the fact that i just suck at everything is just totally fantastic sarcasm i just keep bottling up everything and everything i thought about running away and dieing alone but i don t know how brutal that is
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ha twitter changed in past week can only view page of tweet on phone a selecting older repeatedly show page and no more
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so far this year hasn t exactly been easy i ve been out of work cause my grandpa had back pain that he had to get surgery for then he had to be put in the hospital due to internal bleeding then he got diagnosed with cancer then he had to go to the hospital again due to fluid build up and if that weren t enough something happened between my dad and stepmom that had me afraid that they were gon na get a divorce or something thankfully thing had be getting better lately i managed to get an xbox series x my grandpa is out of the hospital and making a lot of progress on regaining his strength thing are now better between my dad and stepmom and a game i ve been eagerly looking forward to tiny tina s wonderland will be releasing this friday however my enthusiasm is starting to rain dramatically now i m getting to the point where i d have to work on final assignment and honestly i m not exactly feeling great about them one for my technical writing class ha so many step and aspect i have to try and think about that even though it s the one that ha me the least worried i feel myself getting depressed thinking about it but a for my maine history class that s the one that really ha me overwhelmed for that i have to write a term paper of at least double spaced page on an issue in maine history not only is that by far the biggest paper i would have to write since 0 0 but it s on a subject that i m seriously not exactly passionate about even though i m from maine i can t exactly think of any big issue in the state s history let alone one s i can write page about the closest thing i thought of is the fact that paleontology is very limited in this state but i m not exactly sure if that subject will fly and i m almost certain that won t be able to turn that into page now i m at the point where i m just absolutely sick of college and what assignment like this keep doing to me and my mental health i swear once i have enough credit for my associate degree i am fucking done with this shit i could keep going for my bachelor s but since i m going part time it will take me another year and i can t stand the idea of having to go through all that for that much longer
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theekween depression and anxiety thelmasherbs
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i m not a big fan of sharing overly personal stuff online so i ll just say that i ll have to take a moderately long plane ride soon a couple week from now i think and every day i have at least one mini panic attack worrying about it there are some minor complication that could happen to me on the flight but nothing particularly harmful or super bad in any sense i m mostly concerned about anxiety claustrophobia and the side effect of that while on the flight this is stressful and feel pointless a i know from past experience i never know how i ll feel until i m there or in this case in the anxiety inducing situation any advice
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i ve decided to mourn my break up of year together that happened week ago last night i dropped all my hope and faith she d come back to me we both were evil to each other definitely not ready for one another we did love each other like no one else we both were each other s first love and then my heart my soul feel like some nasty hand came to my soul ripped apart half of my heart watched me die on the street alone and giggled at me i don t want this amount of pain it almost led me to act on you know what last night i ve ruined every decision i ve made in life i don t want to ruin more tomorrow is not promised then i want to change my personality since i never made friend with who i am i want to i just want to change 0 degree of who i am today but this pain it s killing me how do i get over this pain a quickly a possible i ve no friend to speak to about it i m alone here and dying to just have someone in a similar experience and help me with it irl friend i haven t had in so many year and being at home is killing me too for so many year but i want to change it all
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feel annoying like gaslight to me since i wa born i just like to do thing alone but recently i went to see a lot of doctor for a thing that happened to me and all of them did not helped they said i only had anxiety and i needed therapy they did not cure my infection fortunately i had a last doctor that heard me and believed and wanted to help after year ha passed this is annoying my mother also since i wa born spent 0 000 eur on therapy because she believed i had social anxiety because i did not wanted to go to school i wanted to work at a young age so she though wa something wrong with me i am a very calm person if i do not like to talk about tik tok dance that is not my problem
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incredibly immensely indecisive
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new article from obmintegrativeandcomplementarymedicine covid on the brain anxiety sensitivity and mindful awareness mediate the relationship between covid 9 obsession and anxiety http t co vfegm9dpzf http t co wkkexnjdys covid 9 anxiety depression http t co u pembdvcm
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they knew this life isn t worth living and gave all their possession to their family i want to do the same so my friend and family benefit from my death i want to be dead my family and friend get all my stuff everyone win i m 00 fucking worthless and everything i consume is for no reason every friend and partner just stay with me out of pity and i want to pay them back i plan on hanging myself in my garage and calling 9 just before so they find my body instead of someone innocent i don t want to hurt i don t know why i m posting here tbh i guess i m looking for any reason not to suicide hotlines are just more depressing with the same scripted word in between question trying to find out where you are so they can call someone to your place this is just going to lead to more frustration and probably huge hospital bill and embarrassment anyone else feel this way what s keeping you from doing it
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simonekali get me an autograph and shout out you have to record it though my computer is dead so i can t listen
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smaffulli correction they don t tell you but a cert is there how you can use it is a different matter and without win yet another
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latroneb oh but there s one bestie missing
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dang i m lazy i ve begun three short story in the last three week and never finished anything will have more focus
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amberpacific i know i dont know why i said that
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my biggest wish is for my family to allow me to end it all i want them to understand the pain and suffering i m going through the constant daily battle that make it so hard to live i want them to be prepared i just want to disappear from life and hurt the least amount of people
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so i have a mild stutter and i just had an epiphany i ve been letting my stutter control me but i found something amazing out i let my stutter define who i wa a a person instead of an aspect of myself it s so bad that when my parent talk to me like a normal person i d think to myself wow they act like i m normal despite my stutter they see past that and when i would work people would see my name tag and say oh i have a son named my name and i would think he probably doesn t stutter tho i let this define who i wa a a person and i let it really get to me i wa looking at old reddit post from other people asking how people view stutter and most people said they didn t care at all and even found it interesting some even said it wa hot cute made joke sound more natural and a a result more funny not like they found the stutter funny tho and one even said they were turned on by it and someone said something that stuck out to me they pretty much said how you perceive yourself is how others will so if i see myself a weird and anxious i will act that way and be perceived in that way but if i see myself a confident and charismatic and just act like my stutter doesn t bother me and even joke about it then others will perceive me a such this blew my mind a i thought everyone didn t pick up on my stutter at first and just thought i wa super weird but it s just me convincing myself of that so even tho this clicked i still can t just flick the switch off so how do i actually become confident with my stutter it s very mild and is fueled by anxiety so if i can get rid of my anxiety it ll in my opinion make me sound more charismatic and confident so i really wan na figure out how to just own it how do i do this
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it s just fever
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the worst part about laundry is the longer that you wait to do it the more unpleasant it becomes
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i ve been struggling for a long time but it s getting worse i feel alone constantly no matter who s around me i fake a smile to pretend i m okay but i m far from it idk what to do anymore i don t eat i can t sleep no matter how hard i try i never feel that i m good enough what do i do do i give up i don t wan na die but i don t wan na live like this
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glinner don t think that s the right username for mr brook
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i started this job five month ago and i wa really anxious starting it it my first job and now i am pretty comfortable there my bos and manager really like me and have asked me to be a manager this is exciting and everything but the change horrifies me my schedule is changing and i really like my current schedule and loosing that feel like i am loosing everything the thing that scare me the most is they said i would need training at another location for 0 hour one week being part time this feel like i am loosing all my own time i am scared of the responsibility and feel like i shouldn t have taken the job
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i am not a fan of sleeping alone baby boo
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been sat for minute listening to breathing apps and doing dare mediation it really exhausting
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it s been so long i have been avoiding to get treated especially because it s social anxiety i definitely don t want to talk to a stranger but it s been ruining my life so here we are any tip anything i should prepare what question do they ask you i am already getting anxiety attack because of the appointment
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today s plan driving back to vienna spring cleaning in my flat
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tiredd nothing to do today
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so i am very fortunate that my husband ha financially provided for u while i have been going to school and working on my mental health i have one more year left and had to transfer for his job and determined that i would get something part time a well a finish my degree i applied to a school district job and got called back for an interview i m beyond excited and of course anxious i m trying not to pester those around me too much but my mind is reeling with all these thought a well a worry for me going back to work mainly if i ll be able to keep up to standard for a company and if i ll be able to communicate effectively in a professional environment a i have struggled with it in the past this could also be effected by the fact i m neurodivegent but i m not entirely sure the interview is wednesday i m going to journal to help get my jitter out and thought i reach out to other anxious individual who maybe had to deal with a similar transition also i haven t established a new therapist yet but that will be taken care of in the next few week so i need to talk about this somewhere tldr i m really moving forward in my life which is exciting but feel really anxious about it
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bonniebix controlling own life not possible uni after graduation when i start master boohoo
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just a head up site s being wonky so will like probably post late today flippin technical issue
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stupid bus wa early i missed it stupid thing then i missed the bus after that finally got a bus then missed my second gutz
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it the holiday and i still bloody insist on waking up at school time
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weebeedee run wa great thanks is very windy today so bike ride not an option this morning
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this trolley ha up packed in like sardine padre game and they remove a car good call mt
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i hate how i can t do anything but think about the phone call and then i feel like i don t have permission to relax until it s over anyone have advice for this
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just saw dan off neighbour walking down chapel street random feeling like they are going to fire me at work any got a job going
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another hungry depressed day who knew living in a shelter wa so fucking expensive lol i now have 0 left to get by i just bought two gallon of water since the tap water is probably dangerous to drink though i m trying an experiment of boiling it first to get out whatever make it weird the last time i posted here i got a bunch of troll pretending to care and then cursing me out lol like imagine being suicidal don t need to i guess lol and then imagine being even more miserable than a suicidal person that you have to extract some kind of emotional feedback from them just to feel better about yourself lmao surprisingly i still pity them more i d rather want to be dead than be an asshole who cant find happiness unless they re causing others pain especially trolling reddits where people are actually seeking help lol the lack of dignity in it like damn my 0 0 ramen and i are poor af but there s still more dignity than those troll i never thought i d say that but here we are why is it that a soon a night time hit all the thought come rushing in this feel like when i wa a kid growing up abused i had given up hope i just got by every day but i wa a shell of the person i wa or could ve been i just floated through the day hoping it wouldn t suck worse i watched a ot of cartoon to escape feel something else other than depression and pain if you allow all the feeling in let yourself feel them what happens in my mind it all go numb but maybe now it just flow or maybe this is me giving up letting it all happen anyways who care i could die here and no one would know lol i wonder if the universe ha forgotten me forsaken me said you re on your own now kid good luck and i m just standing here smiling tear in my eye holding a fucking plant and small suitcase thinking cool that s cool hope i don t kill myself hope this doesn t kill me hope i remember the person i wa trying to become or wa at least she had hope and self love now i look in the mirror and think hope you don t fuck it up kid because i don t know i don t know what else to do i mean why do i expect myself to fuck it up because a little crappy voice in my head say you fuck everything up lol fuck that that s not even my voice it s theirs fucking little narc and sociopath who ever saw their kid turning into a narc and thought let s keep him and not get intervention lol i would yeet that kid out of my life and throw it into a psych ward a if life isn t hard enough there s the scum of the earth running around getting off on other s pain pathetic i m glad they all die alone and miserable i m glad they move through life miserably i m glad they have to work so fucking hard to be happy or experience something resembling happiness before their own action ruin it all i m glad there s still good people in the world y all ever look through human being bros it s chill restores some faith in humanity like at least it s not all shit lolll i don t think anyone see me not anymore i m just a number a victim to exploit a survivor to play with a body to mess with lol they re so fucking depressing these abuser at least i lived
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