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a lot of post and answer here are about health anxiety which i don t have or social anxiety which i do have but isn t the problem most of the time i ve had really bad anxiety for a long a i can remember and it s only starting to get better now that i ve been taking antidepressant for about a month but i just don t understand where the anxiety is coming from and even what it is about i don t know what i m afraid of i couldn t tell you what i m stressed out about recently my therapist told me my anxiety come from an obsessive disorder but not like ocd he explained it wa only mental but i still don t get it so i guess my question is doe anybody else here have that kind of anxiety and could you explain it to me it just drive me crazy to have my life ruined by something that doesn t make any sense
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am i going through depression again
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twitter is a lot le interesting since cute people suddenly stopped flirting with me
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salah eddine y a une grande diff rence entre la d prime et la d pression une d pression c est maladie en tout ca je te souhaite de journ e meilleures que celles que tu pass en ce moment
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cause of depression 0 mark http t co ha ni dih
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omkar kurode you won coz i created quot avenue quot for you and yeah i made the mistake of choosing tango over zone
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i just don t have the will to do much most day when i finally do get the energy to be productive it doesn t last any longer than a week i procrastinate all task even the easy one and i can t just can t think straight even one the day i am motivated to be productive i can t focus and i end up being really tired
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siya oo natashia lindo noxolo n ori rsa i will never understand how they don t see it because it brings nothing but unnecessary stress anxiety and depression
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a lot of the time when it get dark i just start feeling so fucking shitty and i don t know why is this normal thing that will pop into my mind are thing like how i could just kill myself and people would get over it soon in different time of my life i ve planned out what date work best a to not ruin holiday or birthday im not sure if this kind of stuff is normal
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i m not ready for school yet
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omg more than 0 people is the death toll in italy
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is tired
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not feeling well again stupid migraine making my tummy upset and my whole body ache shoot me now
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strangling you like your worry won t let you breathe
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madninjacurl hey neighbor neither can i
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so many mistake every decision made wrong so many wasted opportunity so much brutality so much evil so much sadness so much loneliness so much failure so much betrayal so many addiction so many false hope too many failure to bear how long can my heart beat with this suffering how long until i give up
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i know how to get out it start with anger first then thinking ton of thinking think my way out of my own jail cell of the mind i m breaking out of here depression is a holding cell i don t wish on anyone
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i am not an ecomomist but i wa hit by the last recession to me i feel this will be more like recession depression i wa above my level in high school for this field hang on to your money
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don t go on social medium is the simple solution it is all a waste of time add to feeling of inadequacy can lead to depression and creates a split personality of how you want to be seen and who you really are it ha made everyone a narcissist http t co t myb jykc
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i have rewritten this post a hundred time and i have lurked this page trying to build up the courage to write my own i don t even care if anyone read this but i need to just finally get it off my chest a i have no one to confide in due to my career if i get help for my mental health i am basically saying goodbye to everything i have been working towards but i can t take it anymore everyday i pretend to be the picture perfect person who only feel happiness i hide how i am truly feeling and it ha become so exhausting to just get out of bed everyday my whole life ha been filled with abandonment and people who have only used me for their own personal gain no one ha ever truly cared for me not even my so called family i have isolated myself from everyone around me to prevent any further pain in doing this i have isolated myself from feeling any emotion at all i ve tried working through my abandonment issue and began to let people in and trust more just for them to show me exactly why i cut everyone out to begin with i am always alone and i feel a though i am no longer living i am just here taking up space and air i have felt this way for long that i don t even know if i have any real emotion anymore i don t know what to do i just want to feel something again
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lil bean always monkey hugging mama mama in her favorite hoodie finding comfort where we can from the pain and depression respectively we re okay and we re also a goddamn mess http t co jflyzoigh9
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just had a bowl of bran flake and is about to ave a shower and do revision
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i am gon na make sure i m dead by tomorrow morning every woman is disgusted by my horrendous face and would rather die than speak to someone who look like me time to die
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i have never felt this feeling so strongly before like my borrowed time is up and my life is just a whisp away from being gone i feel like it s inevitable and i m almost at peace with it it s time i think and it ha been for so long
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just weird and pretty sure i m sane lol
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i m year old live by myself and i m losing my marble i wa with a girl for two year up living together for until a week before my birthday when she dumped me cut me off and told me how horrible i am i ll admit i ve been controlling i had caught and been told about her having an affair with a coworker halfway through and still forgave her around new year she told me she is pregnant with my child i m pretty positive it s mine but now i m hoping it s not im off the deep end i think horrible thought all day a i mindlessly build door for 0 hour i imagine just ending it after work and how thing are going to be so much better when i do it im broke with bill i m court ordered therapy and today wa my 90 compliance order time now i get violated i don t want help i want to die i m just scared what s it s going to do to my fragile parent i m a psychopath i m adopted i don t even know who made me i wa never even supposed to be here i don t think anyone will read these but i need to say it somewhere and i dont want help i can t change my mind anymore i wasn t made for this bullshit i ll do more harm to others if i don t end myself before pray for my daughter pray for my parent i can t do this shit anymore
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the only reason i can t bring myself to do it is the thought of my mom coming to wake me up and finding me dead or the rest of my family feeling burdened by it we ve already lost a cousin of mine to suicide barely two year ago i don t want to do that to them it s the only reason i haven t yet if only i could stop being so damn empathetic to my own detriment i could just stab myself and finally be free
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i have to take my sidekick back
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airlie is sick and now mason is sick too he is going to miss his school disco
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travian total cost of the atk for the aggressor 0 resource all said and done i m guessing he s not going to let that slide
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i can t handle people talking to me however they want anymore im over it fuck it
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hi everyone so i went to go see the batman at the movie today with my parent and i know this is probably really common but i feel so overstimulated at the movie thing are too loud and the room get too dark i can t see anything and it freak me out i get sensory issue when this happens man i wanted to see the batman really bad and it upset me because i can t enjoy it a much tried to do deep breathing muscle relaxation the sensory overload is just too much this happens for stuff outside of the movie just thing that are too loud too bright too dark anyone know how to get past this
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pogba never said that manchester united wa dead to him furthermore just day after opening up about mental health and depression some journalist label pogba a toxic waste absolutely awful and just plain wrong mufc http t co m0oaeifywc
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kenmcguire sorry i had to be the one to confirm your darkest fear
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pfff i want to go back to bed i feel horrible today
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mileycyrus hahaha dont be like that one time in ny when you got 0 min of sleep then got sick love you
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i ve been experiencing huge bout of just feeling unmotivated not useful i ve been randomly just tearing up but it never last long i don t feel like i have a reason to cry but i do and i don t know what to do there s other stuff but i don t want to drag on too long i also just miss how thing were i ve woken up like this for the past week and it s persisted throughout the day
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pjakma gadboit probably did well for mental health too a friend of ours who life in sweden came over to the uk last year and said literally everyone he met here had at least mild depression
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wishing i wa again
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i ve struggled with anxiety and depression since i wa a teenager i m now so it s been about 0 year of dealing with my silly little brain i first started taking zoloft back in maybe 0 maybe before then but i took the pill for several year last september i started noticing an increase of suicidal thought this can happen with ssri i believe i think the zoloft just stopped working for my brain and body so i stopped cold turkey i didn t have any major issue please don t comment the risk i know what they are and i m doing okay now for a few month i wa fine i could feel my feeling again feel my emotion and it wa kinda nice i felt almost free but after awhile i think all of the zoloft build up left my body sound weird but hear me out and i started feeling a bad a i did when i wa a teen health anxiety er trip panic attack daily so even though i do badly wanted to try to make it without medication i couldn t do it and that is okay for about month i ve been on lexapro and it s been helping the anxiety here s the revelation i had so i have only been on one other ssri in my life so i never realized this but holy fuck i finally understand what people mean when they say that medication almost completely numbs your emotion i can t remember the last time i cried and i usually cry a lot a an emotional person i feel very neutral i don t feel nothing but i don t feel the way i did unmedicated i think there will always be pro and con to medication but damn i finally after a decade understand what this medication doe it help but it also kinda turn you into an emotionless machine weird
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im thinking abt telling my parent abt everything how i wa molested my ed my sh problem my depression everything
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stustone your show is whack way worse than whack it s wiggety whack
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wtfanabel nite i still cant go to sleep
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i have been told by several people including my brother to kill myself recently it really just seems like everyone want me dead i ve been thinking and i know how i could do it the only thing keeping me alive is my dog but when he dy i die i cant deal with the bullying and toxicity anymore
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well so much for being productive on my day off from angel
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did i give myself erp year ago i think i did when i wa i had a pretty bad fear of gay stuff lol which lasted for maybe month idk i remember i eventually agreed with my thought and i got over the obsession i had a harm obsession a few year ago and i remember i eventually agreed with my thought there too i m going crazy and the thought eventually stopped bothering me maybe i can do it again lol
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just realized im talking to no one
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is piss off leg foot in load of pain running from a old man who tryed too trash our tent o
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fairy0 omg wtf sure he talk now i m at school i don t have a phone
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be alone btw it toxic and end up in depression from where i see
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stephendon i just cant commit the time though my play time isnt the same a everyone el
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last year when i wa i wrote a suicide note before attempting to suicide by overdose i tried to commit suicide because i wa a closeted gay atheist in a really conservative muslim country and family i tried to pray the gay away i endured listening to a lot of homophobia and unfair religious teaching and i couldn t take it anymore i wrote it in arabic translate i felt like my life is unlivable i felt like i wa living a lie i felt like a bomb that it is about to explode at any moment i felt lonely even though i wasn t alone i felt like there is something wrong with just my existence i felt like my happiness will be an unforgivable sin i felt like my truth is a secret that must be hidden this life is cruel and unfair the only place where i can find peace is my grave amp x 00b the overdose wa not enough to end my life i woke up in a hospital and it severely damaged my liver no one read my suicide note yet i am trying to stay alive and hold on to the last hope i have
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hi guy pls who know how to overcome depression i m dying slowly
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simon felice is no longer playing with the felice brother i m not sure how i feel about that
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i cant give up smoking i tried but it s not easy
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you go thru depression the first trimester of pregnancy
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hi friend i hope you all are well well i should explain myself i guess i don t feel like i exist i mean that i don t have many people in life and those who are i don t see them missing me friend are nonexistent i do have a few acquaintance i guess i ve tried to make new friend and reconnect with old but school work and the guard don t allow for much down time and it s like i m the only one trying so why bother the logic also go into my luck on dating though to be honest i haven t really been trying i think i would rather make friend first work school and the guard are just thing i do now i don t really do them because i want to but because they re thing i have to do and i don t remember why i just do them like i m on autopilot my family is currently ripping itself apart i ve known my parent haven t been happy for a while but i didn t realize how deeply they hated each other and in their crossfire is everyone else i ll keep it short but somehow a hundred mile away they still managed to hurt me a way i didn t expect and i ve decided to cut tie with my parent for the mean time at least my brother are quite literally the only thing keeping me tethered to the world i don t want to hurt them but i just don t feel any joy in any action i take or any agency i just feel numb to everything not angry not upset not frustrated just hallow i don t feel like the same person that played lego batman with his brother split a milkshake on his boyfriend played minecraft with his parent partied with his friend took pride in what i did could claim myself i m just not i look in the mirror and i don t feel like a person is looking back at me just this husk and i don t know how to undo that i don t know how i got here i don t know how to feel like a person again and not this ghost haunting the park i walked and the clothes i wore well thanks for listening to my rambling i wish the best for you have a good day
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have to update my picture co i look old and fat oh i am old and fat playing badminton is not working on weight
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meh almost lover is the exception this track get me depressed every time
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still feeling bleh spew burp and all
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lron jaii lmaooo mornin baybeeee don t lie a peaceful journey my train is straight boring not even a hooded teef in sight
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wow everyone ha abandoned twitter
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thesage 0 i wish i could got ta work though
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my mood change fast and i don t think i am bipolar a it s usually a reason why my mood change and it can all change in a day like i m in a good mood and then like couple hour past and i just get negative thought and i m down again like i already lost people this year my ex best friend who used to be my best friend like year ago and losing him a a friend this year didn t really hurt a it wa my decision to cut him out of my life he wa a real bad narcissist and probably a sociopath so cutting him out felt good the one thing that hurt is losing my sister a we used to be so close but recently she became a lot more social and ha a lot of friend and she doesn t even want to speak to me or spend time with me anymore even though i m the older sibling i m and she s 0 it s just scary how easy people can just leave your life and even though i have a best friend that is good to me and i am talking to a girl but i m just worried it will end a i m just bad with my emotion probably because of my anxiety i m really not sure how i can get better like sometimes i feel great it feel like euphoric even like i m more hyper talkative and confident but it never last long and then i m just back to my usual mood just being sad depressed and anxious i know somethings wrong with me probably i tried cbt therapy for anxiety and depression but it didn t really help me i m on an antidepressant a well which ha never worked on me i just take it a it make me sleep i hate living like this i just want to smoke weed and get drunk so that i can stop all the negative thought and i hate it it feel like my life is a mess it s so much effort to get out of my bed and i just hate my life like wtf sometimes i feel like going to thailand and becoming spiritual or something
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vent cry needed to get it out it s been month since we had our miscarriage thing were looking up a my cycle wa finally back to normal i wa meant to ovulate this week and i felt hopeful last night i wa waiting for my husband to get home from work and he wa about hour late i wa getting so worried when i finally received a knock on the door police officer informed me that my husband had been in a fatal car accident devastated doesn t cut it i can t fathom life without him something that hurt and keep running through my head right now is two thing i am about to go through our lost baby due date alone while also grieving my husband to have my rainbow baby i will now need to find a new partner and then get to the stage of a relationship to even fathom trying again so let s say year minimum by then i will be considered a mature pregnancy and likely find it hard and be high risk i don t know what to do i don t know how i can carry on he wa my world i can t do this without him
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i m not sure if this is the right subreddit to put this in but this ha been ruining my self esteem for a while i m a senior in highschool and i m super hyper aware of my presence and reputation i try not to stand out too much but at the same time i m not some random face in the background i do all of this because i despise the word weird i hate being called weird or anything like it it make me feel like absolute garbage and want to erase my existence from the earth this is most likely since i wa bullied pretty decently in middle school so all through highschool i wa dedicated to being seen a normal or at least not on the bottom rank if that make any sense if i ever do anything that seems out of place or too extroverted i really almost cry since whenever i bring attention to myself it end up feeling super cringey and on the spot it s like i can t escape it like wherever i go and and whoever i meet they re all going to think that i m weird
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jeffsmithcars why would you want to send traffic to that page at the bottom you say you re not done
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seems like my anxiety this week ha been the worst it s been in a long time anyone else having a rough time
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lately my best friend only long term friend ha just been brushing me off we joke for hour on end and i listen to them vent almost daily but when i brought up that i lost interest in all of my hobby again they go lmao same me a month ago and changed the subject i always put in an effort to be there for them even when i m in a low place and if i m not really able to feel empathy i tell them i refer them to help hotlines they refuse to get actual help i have given them every opportunity to get professional help by making a list of therapist in their area that take their insurance i ve given them every helpline under the sun whenever i have relative advice i give it to them but they always ignore it at one point i just stopped i stopped trying so hard and realized how much they rely on me to do everything for them they asked me a question i usually google it for them and summarize it i told them to google it they got annoyed with me so i cut them off for a few week whenever we started talking again thing were going well but of course a their type doe they eventually fell back into old habit this is strike for me and while i really don t want to lose the positive time we have together they just don t outweigh the negative i m tired i ve put in constant work and effort into being a healthy and stable a i am today and i m honestly not willing to slow down or trip up because of them i m open to any feedback or advice
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the world ha been nothing short of a flaming corpse trash fire in these past few week there s no doubt about that but recently i can feel it around others when i m out in public no i don t have superpower lol i m just saying that i ve been getting this kind of collective i m so done with this shit vibe when i m out in public i don t know how else to explain it but everyone seems so exhausted and fed up it s like a butterfly effect since a lot of people have the same vibe right now i guess despite a lot of u being on the other side of the world it s certainly hard not to feel just how crazy these past few week have been it s like the pandemic already fucked people up for two year but now 0 just want to kick u while we re down with the current war it s neverending it s been hard for me a well i ve kind of been burying my head in the sand and focusing heavily on work and video game because holy shit is this world completely fucked up not to mention there s nothing i can really do about the situation and dwelling on it and obsessing over it isn t going to change the outcome even my friend on social medium have been talking a lot about how they ve been strangely depressed lately this situation is affecting everyone but with that said i really hope everyone pull through the rest of this month i m no military specialist so i m not even going to try and act like i know when all this will end but i hope the worst is over and that the war end soon there s a common saying thing will get worse before they get better i really hope that doesn t apply to the current situation the world need a break wishing everyone the best this week and stay encouraged
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firefox e lanati hey crash hey crash
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i ve been accused of being a biscuit fascist because i said viennese biscuit weren t working class
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she will stay with u for a year i m introverted and anxious so i don t want anyone in my space please give me some coping idea
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bit lonely on here don t seem to have many friend who actually use twitter oh well
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yawn yawn yawn 0 more minute in bed
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there are a million thing to stress about right now and a million and one if you count my study i need to be good enough at art to get into college by january next year i m pretty confident i ll get in if i keep going but i can t focus at all and instead think of everything going on in my life i can t afford therapy or counselling meditation doe nothing medication doesn t work with this mindfulness break music podcasts and the like are already being exercised thank you in advance
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i guess part of me didn t really want to die so i m heading back home now
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buong nier series depression dala
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i went through a chill short term relationship break up three month ago which shouldn t have really even affected me but somehow it ha thrown me into a spiral of overwhelming anxiety i have difficulty sleeping and functioning with feeling or derealization and a constant sense of doom i can honestly barely function for the last year before this i have been completely normal feeling and could easily overcome stress i did have a month or so episode of anxiety when i wa where i wa put on lexapro for a short time i overcame it and wa fine ever since m now i now have a prescription sitting here but i dont want to give in to this anxiety any thought on why this happened to me and if i should just start the med
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i m frankly disappointed and offended that there is a blogger writing against fu penguin
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mercedesashley damn the grind is inspirational and saddening at the same time don t want you to stop cuz i like what u do much love
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i m trying really hard
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i know a lot of people are like you ll get over him over time and shit like that but he wa the best thing to have happened to me at this point it s not even love it s way more than that i put him up on a pedestal and admired him he made me so happy i m not close with any of my friend or family but with him i wa the most comfortable my world revolved around him because he deserves the world and more the way he helped me when i wa at my worst made me feel so appreciated i can go on and on hour and hour year and year talking about the love i have for him but no word can fully express it but of course he left me and it s all my fault he told me he didn t see himself being happy in the long run due to how high maintenance i wa that broke me in just a second my whole world is gone and it s all my fault i just wish i could reverse time and change the way i acted the only thing stopping me from committing suicide is the fact that we can still get back together but i just feel so hopeless right now i have had hopeless and suicidal thought before but he always wa by my side and helped me through it all now without him i basically have nothing all i want right now is him i ll give up anything for him i ll give up my phone all my money my academic achievement even my body part for him he is all i want and all i see and it s killing me and i feel so fucking selfish for that he said he wouldn t be happy with me in the long run and here i am begging for him back i m so mad at myself for making him feel unhappy yet still wanting to be with him he deserves more than me but i still want him i can t live without him and i can t live with myself i just want to talk to someone who went through is going through the same experience a me i feel stupid for putting my whole world into someone s hand but it felt like they deserved my whole world i feel so alone
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because i see a lot of people thinking they re alone with a certain problem slight trigger warning my panic attack have caused me to self harm my depression got so bad that it affected my physical health i couldn t get up without feeling dizzy for month i kept waking up
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poor mel feeling your pain
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theekween it help with depression loss of a loved one anxiety heart break or have witnessed something traumatic thelmasherbs
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how do y all cope with depression
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i still don t understand how to setup subversion for a website
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last day at lshs tomorrow
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i m going 9 this year life ha always been a rollercoaster for me consistently an a student till h then dropped out of college due to severe disinterest and had to take care of mother that had stage cancer not formally diagnosed but i m sure that s when i developed some sort of depression after all that i went to work on and off in small bakery without formal training of any kind which is a pressure of it own cooking and baking ha always been my catharsis though which is why i never gave up pursuing this career even now picked it up really well but have gap of missing knowledge since i never went to culinary school wa doing well for a few year there but then the pandemic hit and at the same time my mother went into remission so i had to leave the west coast back to the east to take care of her i love my family don t get me wrong i am more than happy to take of them but we are not financially stable in any sense even before the pandemic so i guess this is where it lead to the present my current rock bottom always thought the low point of my life can t get any worse but here i am experiencing it all over again mom is now stable or a stable a can be so i m back in the west coast and currently have a job working in a hotel in pastry i m pretty good at what i do or at least the thing i know how to do in term of pastry but working at a hotel is a whole different scene and they expect a lot out of you i m pretty sure i m about to be fired because i may be a liability i have huge gap in my work history due to family issue and huge gap in my pastry knowledge because i am only well versed only in what i would consider 0 of the basic employer really don t care about all of this they just want qualified people not your sob story so yeah life ha always been hard for me personally and i feel it s about to get worse if and when i do get fired it ll hit me pretty hard mentally thanks everyone for reading through this entire rant i don t have anyone else to tell this to
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the hoyts distribution nz website isn t working for me great and it ha to be like this when i need it most
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nikkiwoods exactamundo for some reason i think foxx is knocked out so idk what s gon na happen sorry
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tw child loss long story short my infant son passed last year and my fil is a pastor we were invited to a spaghetti supper tonight and of course had to go going to these event is anxiety inducing for my husband and i but usually if we lay low we can tolerate it there s this lady who ha to hug u and she just come up with this huge grin and loud voice and hug u doesn t ask or anything just hug and kiss u on the cheek like lady it s covid season and please don t just touch me when we left i just broke down sobbing i can t do it that s just too much and sends me into a panic i m gon na have my pastor fil have a conversation with this woman that it s incredibly inappropriate and unwanted for her to just be hugging u like that
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i am a male within the armed force and never really got the chance to speak my mind about a lot of thing i wa always told by everyone thats male shouldn t cry or even show a slight a bit of sadness or else it would redeem them weak a little bit if background before the military i wa a person that would always have friend along with people i thought they would appreciate who i am later on bad luck started to come around or at least i thought it wa bad luck to this day i do not have any idea why thing happen around me or people i love it seemed like every week or month or so i would go to a funeral that wa among all my friend i made accident suicide cancer or even by natural cause so far i been to funeral at this point and not able to cry or shed a tear it seems like whenever i try to show an emotion to what ha happened it never doe then people look at me like a monster and think i am a psycho or a robot in reality i am lost in the void of either to try to keep or make more friend eventually i got to enlisting into the military to serve or find a purpose in life and eventually found myself in a deeper hole i remember i had a platoon size or so group of buddy i drank and had fun with a brotherhood many would call it a home away from home that did not really last long one by one they killed themselves due to various amount of situation either it be from a divorce or just pure depression that dragged them to the ground despite all these thing i came to the conclusion that i always will think i am a robot or even a ghost that sens nothing but just what go on non human to the point where at one point i saw them paint their brain on the wall a i walked in to give them a well needed drink my reaction wa nothing and to just calmly report it to the mp on base i am sorry elijah currently in the service still have about two year left my wife at home with the dog i do feel love for both of them but for me not at all i feel guilt in the fact of it all happening like i am the bad luck charm i been seeing what seems like people that i used to speak to and where alive around me at time my old friend that could have been around but aren t i am not much of a paranormal type person but i feel them watching me or even expecting me to join them at some point a heavy weight on my shoulder if you will i can t lose myself in thought or else they are everywhere so i keep it to myself and ruck on but believe me the demon have learned how to swim after i tried drowning them with drinking i keep going in life but what purpose what it be if i keep losing those i love whoever read this thank you to my wife a well i love you and our dog despite my dark situation i don t want my demon to win but they try every night who know if i will ever wake up to see something bright again
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i still can t find my key
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amyg0 thats really sad i wolud hate that but i had choco milk earlier d lol
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uh d why did the dentist hurt today holy crap i feel like my teeth are all about to fall out
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http twitpic com y i miss thiss
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ha anyone else ever experienced a state of almost constant light headedness brain fog just a weird feeling in your head due to anxiety just want to know if i m alone in this or not i ve had it for week now
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