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s nanna just passed away
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having delay to 00
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uni suck have to leave home at 00 to attend a lecture at 0 to 0 amp roadworks everywhere mt installing fibre cable
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started his week training it s going tobbr tough with so many birthday currently at work http twitpic com y k
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it s so upsetting ami s in agony and the vet can t see her until pm my poor little thing
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matthewknight i don t know i can ping the site but it won t load at all for me i m trying to contact dreamhost
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no body ever reply to me
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edbehrens thanks for all the good luck ala i wasn t good enough don t really want to explain but thanks for everything i lt you all
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can not stop coughing so much for sleeeping
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wet hair in my eye
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kevatkinson my bro and si but very young mum working today so thought i would help out i don t have any sun
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having a coffee and going through my twitter facebook and other social network it seems to become a full time job to keep up
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get to speak to my boyfriend til about so happy but then cant speak to him til may that may hurt a little
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princessbuddha im having the same problem i never drive anymore
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still up sad i lost follower
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a sad day i morn for my awesome car http twitpic com y e
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ok i think i m finally done with work for the yester day now for a beer and some tv before hitting the sack back at it around 9am
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working my life away
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examz coming really feeling helplessssss
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creepy outdoor on the speedway alli is now in portugal seems not so good losing weight not healthy
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francesdath not bad transitioning being visited by many globe wandering gypsy queer at the moment but you are missing
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loaded with the cold great fun
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up early my stomache is acting funny
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ha a headache it wont go away and i dont want to od on panadol lol seriously though it hurt
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http twitter com freddybust status thats right
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maybe that wa unclear i m planning to post on my own website later than usual today due to technical issue
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doe anyone else miss chatting in chat room i do but can t find one i feel comfortable in suggestion please
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vah the dreaded lurgy strike i m in dire need of tea chloroformed or otherwise ala i m off to asda for pizza no time for tea
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the leeds festival twitter man ha lied there is no update
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going going aaand gone poor moosie fell asleep in class http twitpic com y y
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is really fed up
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swapping song through email with carrie damn the tasman damn it to hell i wan na jam
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damn it i still can t find a decent sized photo
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anjeebaby i m fine if thing are busy just get hard at quieter time
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essay finished 0 word very pleased with self but dreading the return to project work
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violetscruk yeah off aberdeen on the miller platform the one the chopper left before it went down thew other day
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immm sooooo lowwww
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i still feel toss though i wa better yesterday but actually realised im not when i woke up at am feeling sick
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still have a lot of work to catch up on
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missed the gig
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khb count low today despite the changing weather
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dale wood i love uni coffee bet you won t get this one ilpc oh p uni tomorrow pick u up at p 000 word assignment arg
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now i m having a hard time digesting disappointment
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ready for friday at the ted go brave amp stocking up on ricola cough drop amp dayquil b c i have a cold from the constant weather change
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s geen how i met your mother vandaag
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no southpark for me
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yay migraine to round of berlin
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sheritingle really busy load of project to complete
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so much for my roast tonight still frozen solid
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up since 00 going to be a looooong day
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i m bleeding i shaved my leg and now i m bleeding haha i m a loser xp
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just got reduced to tear by jeremy kyle off to the doctor now i hate the doctor it so scary arghhhh
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i killed the eggnog thread on pj with my lame joke
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tommcfly hey no chance of adding brighton or eastbourne to the ucap tour gutted im missing out this time round i love you guy
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i am really tired but cant go to sleep
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saturngirl ha ha ha cap doffed okay you are right camping in the cotwolds again for me
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lol i did that then i wa silly and thoght kb wa the same a k so it still not working i doubt i will ever find one
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xovince pssht i miss u u don t respond to me
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donniewahlberg donnie when are you coming back to the uk it s been toooo long x
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went to the dentist today totally a a last resort totally broke now too god damn the dental industry need competition policy
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th m m t l n n i d i
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off too work gunna miss the lush weather x
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mandy emmerson bummer hope your ok
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http twitpic com y i miss thiss
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wow it way too early to be awake lot to do though and software post at 0 so i actually have to be to work on time boo
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missin my son he went home with my monster in law last night i can t wait to get him back this afternoon after work
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iamloz jspr ouch
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mirror kiss no i don t have money i m very upset too
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laz yeah i couldn t answer your call at work this arvo babe my break are usually at ish so call then haha i need credit sooo bad
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ugh i can t sleep because i m not feeling so great
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foilly oh no that s a shame you ll have to find them the next time tim pass through or organise a sydney feeter convention
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oh no kutner s dead watching house
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so bored still no internet at home
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been sent to the naughty boy corner in work http twitpic com y s
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triplejsr the new eminem single quot we made you quot it s got zero play on aftermath s myspace i wan na hear it soo bad
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i am wondering how to work this site
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finally home from work
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cant wait for easter but then after that it will be study time
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back at work after a great weekend my brother have left home and gone back to england though with my gorgeous nephew miss them
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nikrosser i don t think there is any kind of good stroke i ll wait to hear from you i love that little cat l xxx
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argh cant stop yawning
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if you have a computer which isn t doing much or a cpu core not doing much if you re technical get in touch i need processing power
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my phone is broke too bad i could have been sending you exciting tweet today on how the city election are going election judge day
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km on bike i m all hot n sweaty the rem marathon continues
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im trying to make a chicken soup like my mother but without a recipe this will be interesting and i cant find matzah
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ha a huge headache
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want quot someone quot to come over here
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itspink what boyzone are reforming i m never aware of anything
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sparkly devil hug i m trying really hard to concentrate on the nice dream instead i m sorry you had a bad one too hon
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theengteacher dammit getting to know this corner very well
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ugh what a waste of hour
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charltonbrooker you ve got my sympathy i ve got to go have my back x rayed
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time for lunch i m so craving spring roll to bad we don t have a chinese near who delivers
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i don t know how i am getting back to miami it s like no one care
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kal penn ok well i think i just got a spoiler for this episode i haven t seen it yet i m in the uk gutted now
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surely is this is the first time i have tried to do this
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have a ouchy head which is making me feel sicky
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alessandrod sadness but please keep updating hug
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loris sl morning how thing in italy today depressing i imagine that is bad news
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