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hmm a request for me to feature an app on my site from a quot merketing specialist quot sic addressed to quot dear editor quot oh dear
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nishitd no i missed everything onwards stupid work getting in the way of tennis
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thought this being a day week would make tuesday more bearable i wa wrong
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i m more tired than a very tired thing today
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mark mulligan exactly that wa the core of my concept for virgin just a shame the money ran out before we could realise it
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jonathanchong i could do with a long week
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ambermatson yes seems to have been much worse than normal over past few month
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just found the most gorgeous pair of vintage dior sunglass they are though
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i am a work martyr give me chocolate coffee and sympathy and now my cat s decided she s dying
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nothing much not well in bed all day
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looking at the rain fall in rotterdam
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eoghanquigg wish i could but i m no where near belfast love the new song btw
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fever ha started anyone have any miracle cure for a cold
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i have just really really splattered the bowl
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why do most video i play skip and jump
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is hungover and just want to stay in bed all day
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i just set up a twitter profile for one of my colleague and noticed he s got a much more swish sidebar how do i get that
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had a great st birthday but is sick a with the flu
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fromthestars i wan na go to an amusement park ek is getting tired
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just had myself a driving lesson went pretty well need to stop crossing my hand over on the wheel apparently though bad time
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found a nice lake side park with a small beach but no grill oh well i ll have to keep looking another time
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billbeckett did you know tai mean shit in indonesian
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is dreading tomorrow i hate hospital especially when it s your baby that is the patient
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not feeling so hot
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jedi yup the whole game wa amazing technically it looked great gutted i sold the game and my original xbox now actually
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is not looking forward to working today
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blooming great change of weather now i have a cold just my luck don t seem to be having much luck lately life suck at the mo
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playandstay well i ve actually only been to thorpe park so i m sooo looking forward to alton tower
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want to go out badly
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this is way to early to go to work
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bradiewebbstack sway sway tour in julyyyyy exitedd muchh follow me pleaseeee i need more followers
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living on neurofen for another day please go away headache
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is gon na start revising for exam in may
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ladyerlynne awwww you could always post in the transfig classroom with sharmila
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i have to go to the library and get some book on the bloody wa i really can t be bothered with these a level anymore
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nothinn nothing on tv maybe they ve run out of program
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retracelady djslump morning oh no more of them terremoto earthquake italy
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is seriously wondering what the australian public were thinking by kicking my baby kat off of sytycd i miss her already
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so today is apparently cuddle up day and i have no one to cuddle up with
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erickaaa im at workkkk im freezing too i need a mass hug from you can i call u night babe xxx
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winetweat sorry but follow u we re going to publish picture and video and sometimes also in english
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quinparker i find that in this age of internettery this is how you perfectly express sorrow and empathy for another s pain
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argh finally figured out whats killing inquizitor game on jailbroken device about 0 star review too late though fix on the way
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considering new business name which mean new logo and website finding it very difficult to pick a name though been week fail
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office time
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beatccr i can t wait to read that one still waiting on my copy
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having lunch on my desk while i work
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want an iphone
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it april stop snowing
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trying to find the motivation to write some essay and finding it sad that my life revolves around essay writing
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i heard he stopped singing it s a shame http blip fm xath
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theletterj couldn t agree more people keep stealing my elastic band ball
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stuck inside poorly little people
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mizfitonline is ur host down i m getting nothin
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lyn thanks hun didnt even no he wa going to be on pitty we couldnt see him sing
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myrtti ouch
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i m all snuffly and then hot and cold tired and bunged up woe is me
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just a head up site s being wonky so will like probably post late today flippin technical issue
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skinnylatte it a great article but quite sad we are the saddest pinnacle of evolution
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goodbye jive test server so very sorry to have to shut you down
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i m up amy s coming around today so i have to clean my room
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finishing the tax return instead of making some track or enjoying the sun
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be offline
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hoping my new kitten is well a she isn t eating or drinking hopefully just stress of a new place
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danielhcwong taylor ce gt amp amp sweet mother of amp amp amp my livie is only 900
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elltotheice poor kid damn all those people who want to cut there grass ahaha day lt
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i m wish i wouldn t have drank coffee all day long need sleep must sleep can t sleep
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is feeling even worse cold cough sore throat the work
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finally have the vintage logo of greatness over here now kinda tough to do right now w o a home computer oh well someday
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is feeling weird today happy and sad at the same time and missing my people from italy ilyyy lt
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argh there go my plan for friday
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heidimontag i dont know im in the uk so isn t out here yet so jealous
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got formal invitation what am i gon na do about my date i should ve said to put quot nick amp guest quot
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ande now i m not sure i want to associate with such a violet product may have a re think about my screen name
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markhardy 9 it is but i m still waiting for my ride itm
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wish the sun would shine more i have a cute yellow dress to wear come on sun come out and play stupid england
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well my foot odor problem is def back hmph
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the drawback to this is that every picture i take with my phone is broadcast and is sent with the file name a text automationatacost
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petemc they re horrible they re out to get me
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dontcha just love microsoft corrupted open xml document
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i have fucking shin splint im in pain drug please i never realised they could be so painful
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taratomes i applied to go on that but my dad wouldn t drive me to manchester for the audition
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i have no idea how to use twitter no one want to follow me cause i m a bland person
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helenthornber i dunno but i used to get fruitsalads and blackjack from the post office we never got applejack tho
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my best friend amy is coming round today to i ve got to clean the house and i ve got to find my amp cable
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where is my phone amp good food aaaaaaaaah
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the muppet whatnot workshop site is temporarily down apparently totally sold out quot working hard to get it back asap quot hurry up y all
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ednaiscool is up again yay but all my video are gone
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james yeah gah poor illazilla and shame about the mutt but best of luck this time around
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ib nji yeh i know but it wasnt on the showbags list in the paper the other day i heard that they are broadcasting from the show on thurs
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alexfoster re cat prob have amazing effect on vet bill too watch for change in character of remaining cat pus
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need uuuuuuuuuuuuuu http plurk com p n0vpg
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sonnyjoeflangan goddammit i missed it what song xx
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catq wa so thinking of you family and friend glad you re okay but it s a black day for italy with all those people killed
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just had a great time that is if i forget about the fight on the way back
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horrible weather
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davidblue someone spoiled it for me last week
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nicsknots what up
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cant eat drink or breath thanks to the bad throat infection
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cant eat drink or breath properly thanks to the bad throat infection
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