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melaniengzuer haha nah no more i go back twice a month the bus ticket too expensive already
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really want to see kasabian at eden project th july just need someone to go with
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morning all it s a grey day in holland come on spring you can do it
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sad that the time shift mean it s dark when we go home
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sneffielynn i wish i knew what s going on with tb it s driving me crazy
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damn i have missed gsoc apply deadline
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hate revision
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khensu i always feel like that too have an amazing day though xx
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http twitpic com y i miss this
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quite busy today attended appointment well tomorrow going to be another busy day
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iiiii havent slept yet and i have to be at work in 0 minute boo
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is stuck in history
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claireboyles thought a much
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going to work
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the nowhere land not 00 sick but definately not healthy either
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i am still suffering from a headache which ha been with me since yesterday afternoon feel like my head is in a vice not pleasant
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working at uni red bull and a packet of sultana for dinner
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csimiamijenny i know thats how i felt after givin them present them not appreciating it horatio is the real man lol
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missykesson cant find u on it
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firefly uk twitter is really playing up brace brings back memory of bad gagging reflex
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carli chick i can t get photo x
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on the bus going to work booo
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can t tweet working over the head
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robparsons too difficult who are these people no doubt the one who only ever see african a starving and helpless grrrrrr
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sitting in work
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nickynocky i pay just over a hundred for me and occasional kid in a house but not metered yours doe sound high then
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abhian abey lalloo me n dake then went for the pm show cp u cud ve made it chal koi nahi nxt weekend try karenge again
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up with my sick little girl who just came in my room and vomitted on my bed
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insomnia ha got the best of me again ohhh so tired and can t find sleep
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lol what anna schmance i soo wan na meet up with you in the holiday man haha im missing you so bad
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i sooo can not afford to get an iphone
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yay i can txt to twitter but can t receive to my cell bcos im in new zealand
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sleeping at a friend today x whats going on with u don t understand
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retrochick uk oh probably pmt and thoughtless men a bit too
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to transcode a 00mb wmv to a 00mb flv file without loss of quality possible or not anyone know everything i try is terrible
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kenmcguire sorry i had to be the one to confirm your darkest fear
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divapromotions i agree sendout card rock just sent one today to a dear friend that i had to let go
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dat some fast internet we ll probably be stuck with that 0 though http digg com d o kd
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it s a new morning pulled back the curtain sunshining bird tweeting and i m stuck inside working
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joypalmer i wake up at am and think ah yes that s mouse running around in the ceiling again
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at school right now just watched this is england and i m sorry to say that i didn t like it that much maby because i watched it here
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kangaroogav preach brother special k single gammon roll amp water no dinner
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meeting aren t always boring but i wonder why i m always sleepy towards the close
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surprised how little i miss having a house or car or really any of my other worldly possession but i do miss my dog
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chrisgedrim that s it we re over
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fancyelastic would use red onion if we had any chive are abundant at the moment so using them instead lid of sunflower seed is stuck
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jasonarnopp our membership had expired and to renew them we have to do a new induction which can t happen til next tuesday
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is needing some love
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getting ill and very fed up with how thing have turned out
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myapplestuff sadly we can t turn back time we have to help to re build everything amp give those poor family much love
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so dissappointed right now guess it not meant to be
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so tomorrow today finishing up hmwk getting over being sick then getting ready for another day of school tomorrow
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jlo 9 ahhhhh so when are you leaving will you not make friday
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captainseebass sparkyma girlfriend trouble got some serious thinking to do
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monkey cat mom s brain are fried not juicy that s what she say when she s in front of teh compy too much my brain are fried
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allieblue i have one vodka mudshake not going to be enough
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i ve been accused of being a biscuit fascist because i said viennese biscuit weren t working class
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up early ish to study before getting taken to lunch but then i have to come back from lunch and study more
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ha twitter changed in past week can only view page of tweet on phone a selecting older repeatedly show page and no more
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got ta calm the weekend down monday blue carrying on into tuesday
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intelligensia i totally get you why you did it is beyond me i rediscovered some new bone on my back after sunday escapade
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wish i were i sleeping
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it d be great if some opensource luminary would record talk file for rockbox the daleky voice is unimpressive
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polkadotskirt i m getting my card in two week and it s a solo iirc threadless com is already out of the question
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shruticute got any web link to it here we only get the hindu and toi
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moving on to managerial finance nicht gut
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oops havnt been on a while so much school work hardly any time myself
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is sad watching himym sea so i can be cool like everyone else but not feeling it and keep forcing myself to watch the next episode
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andy winward only quot seem quot funny
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hugbubble im keeping my distance well well away from your comment this is not good for the male specie
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i can ha migraine
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feeling ill today too so not having a great day
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rather tired after last night work getting woken up early doesn t help either
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rgdub yes i really wan na go bad but i have to work
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at work plus im sick blah
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bleach on my hair for the third time in four day ho hummm got to go out later to post the gazillion thing ive sold too bad
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good morning just found out i need to have a wisdom tooth out
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stuff finding a small enough picture i will jsut have to be this weird face for the rest of my twitter life lol
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you guy i can t sleep but i really need to cause i have work gt lt fml
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wish p kid wasn t so sick and in hospital tonight
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tired cant sleep baby feeding at 0
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ha a really sore elbow i think it s broken
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is depressed he isn t going to be able to see david archuleta
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hero is soooo boring ugh and i just found out there are more episode this season
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kiyala aw what did the poor donkey ever to do to you
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is in pain after having her brace tightened
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is at work x
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spring break is over school amp work are monster that have taken over my life seriously
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redpr no look like housework for me
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arisan no free day for you
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is somehow sick again day till my exam wonderful timing
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preparing for work and leaving the balcony but i ll give it tomorrow another try niceweather berlin goodlife
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didn t want to be a tax inspector anyway
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tweetdeck can you not become a seperate program rather than use air air is awful and this ram leakage is bloody annoying
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is annoyed with the amount of glass on dublin road and the number of puncture i am getting
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omg there is a super massive bee downstairs my phobia is kicking in big time and i can t go downstairs unless i know it s gone help
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t minus minute to go home well not home but to do laundry at home kindof the laundry is at home but the washer and dryer isn t
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and i am now a division of one
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lancehenrikson just writ a ticketbot thing it is spamming people with ticket for band with quot that word quot in probably child too
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just got home going to sleep for a couple hour no age of conan i hope i dream about eating delicious sushi
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