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chester see yes i often take the risk of running down the dlr step but today i just missed that last step and twisted my ankle
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why doe it take so long to go through one lecture which only took min to give and it s sunny outside someone is mocking me
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another assignment to be done an dinner with dad tomoz
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jenmcj will check it out just want a couple to read while away new one at liquid silver just some good read read some rubbish lately
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working but looking ward thailand and this week bank holiday weekend
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ewww cooky and cola dont mix well together my tummy hurt now
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childrensjewell so damn annoying when that happens isn t it hope she doesn t copy your work
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eminem we made you is gawbage rosci imma cop asher roth s album instead fuck em on his quot as like that quot flow
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beeen awake for awile sick
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mokshjuneja yesh it s a bank holiday but everyone else is working train traffic everything screwed a usual
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bleh i strongly dislike working at am everyday
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headache still a little sleepy i miss ma babyy soo damn much right noww wakee upp
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flight of the conchords album ha vanished from spotify what give spotify com
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leahearnshaw awww i m sorry
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spring is finally here cherry blossom galore such a shame they are so temporary
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head got bashed by a door today
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milkymoomoo yuk end of year account i need to make a start of mine too
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this is amazing but i can only get word per minute http play typeracer com
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flowersophy i slept so much when i wa a little girl i just started to not sleep a well when i turned 0
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why do friend feast while you are on fast
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bored of sims for today still thinking of a name for me and luke youtube account to post our awesome new vid on idea people
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i want to be trendy
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tierd whats pt swagger mean i love the sound of it
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feel like i have neglected twilight im sorry lol
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katestar oh yes extremely fun when whoever you talk to actually doesn t want to talk to you i m so lonely
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added the dns system compatibility is okay and am looking forward to the possibility now open but i need to rework the intro sequence
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no cold water tap in our bathroom i miss my cold water
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another shoe throwing incident journalist jarnail singh threw a shoe at home minister chidambaram bt missed target
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broke my tooth yesterday it feel like it s spilt in half
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wonginator i wish i wa on spring break
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theresaxo i still can t believe you have to move i will be over after work to help paint aww rip your walllllll
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justanotherjerk i wan na c quot no doubt quot soooo bad
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aw snapcase arent getting back together i must have dreamt it
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jonathanrknight you sure did do some tweet and i missed them glad to see you re enjoying urself always nice to hear from you x
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wishing we had fast internet now not in year http bit ly i oi
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getting ready for work 0
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stooopppiddd abbey national i need to get dosh out and it blooming shut
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imagethief i know where you found that but your url is so much tinier than mine
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finding it incredibly unfair that mom got more tan than i even though i spent more time in the sun miss him like crazy
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dr black yes i wa invited but will be in san francisco very sorry to miss it
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my dota ladder stats on garena don t seem to have been updated
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leanne is angry at me
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michatagana ahh i m sorry there s a nasty virus going around apparently shame atagana
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amber i don t know how often you check this but i really miss you right now like really really so friggen much i want a hug lt beth gt
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ate too many oreo yesterday feel very sick today
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mauricedb i tried the sitecom one to but felt to toy like
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i will never like getting up at am dumb work schedule
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need cuddling now
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http tr im imov i b c h i tho i th l gi t cu c i r i m nh v n c n nh c i nh t p th b t c a b c ch tr i
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awww my whitestrips are not staying on
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soluna is slower than accord
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contendo shit that s horrible poor kid
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btw eventbox is available for free on macheist for every visitor unfortunately i switched to tweetdeck http macheist com
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my back is in bit
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hmm so the sun shining brightly thru my curtain lit up my room n woke me up cnt sleep nw 0 is way too early to wake up
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hate math tuition on a holiday wanted to sync my i pod with the latest track nd podcasts will have to wait until im bck fb
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v a b d y kh i gi ng m t qu
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garcevisage aww did your mic work at all
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gemmaface awww gemma i hope you re not
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where s my search bar how come aoife got one and i didn t twitter must like her better than me
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suilin nobuuuuuuu you evil evil girl
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i wish i were playing reindeer game up at fowler
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trying to write an essay in english painful
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missymoouk oh no i know i haven t cried that much since wham split up
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mommy is school closed today
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westendactress nooo u shudent have deleted it x
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kaitlinmonroe aw that sound so fun i m so bummed that i missed it did you get to meet anyone
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trying to check my phone bill online seems like it doesn t like me though
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manu ginobili is out for the rest of the season and the playoff
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yeh totally dig firebug but enuff is enuff gon na start using safari charles ditch ff and see how debugging go too many ff crash
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sad movie make me think of thing that i don t really wan na think about
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i wish there wa something for dinner
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im up i slept an hour last night death
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off to pick up the dog doctor s note and back to work
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just been given ma marching order got ta go do some work yay
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moving moving moving keep those box moving rawhide think i ve gone delirious from moving
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why is change by pac not on itunes boo
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ugh stupid bug in spamassassin rule qa backend discovered it s going to take some fixing at some point adding to the todo list
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babyvtec yeah hw
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handyman just cancelled on me
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hi twiitters i ammm sooooo tired right nowwww falling asleep on msn i am thinking a le lazy day today p xx
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fed up of being ill
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wow everyone ha abandoned twitter
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just been given ma marching order got ta go do some work yay
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andrerib oh today it is not possible for me family matter but i will try to attend next
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gd mornin world i hav a cold my throat is burnin
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morning people away to get some breakfast and then sort myself out and then must start on hwm no lazing about today xx
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guess i should go to bed have to be up in hour haven t been able to sleep lately too stressed about website not being done yet
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aventure that s window for you i get to deal with about 0 window server and 0 window machine misbehaving every day shoot me
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babyvtec geez it s so late for you good luck at work tomorrow i am soooo knackered too love you
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just been given ma marching order got ta go do some work yay
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danaeatsyou hahaha im sorry i didnt mean to and you re supposed to film the day of silly thats cheating doing it the day before
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donniewahlberg wise word but life sometimes doesn t work out a you plan life ha a habit of kicking you when you re down
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gosh it is raining in summer cause of the global warming
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pigman i love the cooler trenchcoat weather but dnw the darker evening a it s scary to run at night
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i close my eye nd i see your face whens it gon na stop sigh time
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i have packed off hubby to bristol missing him already
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doing homework
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hopeok but i will be soon dy
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rustyrockets i ll give you a fiver towards the fine not much but im skint from paying for al darling eyebrow waxing
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