The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] please help me to check my hepa b result hepa b surface antigen - reactive - patient count 170.94 - cut off value 2.0 anti-HBs - non reactive - patient count 0.00 - cut 0ff value - 10.0 anti-HBC (IgG) - non-reactive - patient count 0.073 - cut off value 1.0 HBE-Antigen - non-reactive - patient count 0.53 - cut off value 1.0 Anti-HBE - reactive - patient count 0.063 - cut off value 1.0 Anti-HAV (IgG) - reactive - patient count 0.128 - cut off value 1.001 SGPT ( ALAT ) result 25.21 - reference value 0-40U/L SGOT (ASAT) result 24.15 - reference value 0-40 U/L hope you could help me. thank you. [|AI|] Hellos you have said that you are bag +, Antique +, anti Had +, alt 25, AST 24You have a benign disease as you are Head -, with normal Anti would recommend that if you are young we can wait to let your body fight on its own, and do a repeat testing for PCR -HBV-DNAIf you are middle age or 50+ then a liver biopsy and PCR -Havana. Should be performed as the next test As both these tests will tell us whether you should be treated with Entacavir or interferon Hope this keepsake care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] At 0130 last night I was woken up with severing itching hands both itched the same and burned when I stopped scratching them. They felt swollen but were not enlarged as I could see. It was jsut the hands and they ertr equal in intensity, I got up washed them with soap and water. and used 1% otc cortisine cream on them I used it like hand cream, But I was carful not to use too much. Just enough to cover my hands only. It seems like they were better the next am. But I noticed that my lips on the right side, ( I sleep on my left ) both upper and lower to midline felt swollen, did not look so much swollen. But felt that way, and I also noted that my throat ( again on the right side ) was slightly sore and scratchy. It seemed swollen and I had trouble swollowing. The coffe of the day seemed like it helped reduce the swelling in my throat. I have no idea what the cause is and I was quite concerned as I am not sure if this will lead up to something more troublesome in the future. Are ther any ideas as towhat this may be other than the apparent allergy to something? Thansk for the consideration.. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing your query. After reading your post, it seems that you are having some allergic reaction in your body, which needs immediate medical attention to limit its progress. I would suggest that you should immediately contact the Emergency Department and get yourself examined and record your vitals like blood pressure, pulse rate, etc. and if needed get injected to stop this allergic reaction. Also try to determine the cause of your allergy or insect bite and try to remove it. I hope this is helpful to you. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am suffering from Acute hepatitis B with symptoms shown in Dec 2009. My Bilirubin went as high as 14 and SGPT went as high as 1385. Now in the month of Feb 2010 all has become normal. My bilirubin as on March 2010 was 0.9. But HbsAg is weakly reactive (2.34) & it has not got eliminated. When can it be eliminated or Is there any chance of converting this Acute HVB to Chronic HVB. My age is 32 years [|AI|] Hi I read your question thoroughly. HBV infection has many outcomes: In the majority of patients(approximately 80 to 90 %) human immunity will eradicate the infection. In which case serology tests will only show Anti-bug and Anti Head(Egg). Normal it takes 5 to 6 months for the immunity of human body to eradicate Bag from the blood. So in your case you still need to wait 2 to 3 months to see if your infection gets completely eradicated or not. So, regular follow up with serology tests for Bag and Anti-bug is strongly advised. In a minority of patients(approximately 5 to 10 %) it may get converted into chronic infection. In which case there are two possibilities: 1) The infection might develop into a chronic carrier transmissible disease(Anti HbeAg-IgM and Bag +ve in blood) in which case there is high replication of virus, and it causes damage to the liver, therefore, it has to be considered for further evaluation that is repeating the tests such as Alt(SGPT) levels and a PCR for HBV DNA and a liver biopsy(in selective cases). Depending on the outcomes of the mentioned tests, treatment can be considered for a duration of 1-year.2) The infection might develop into a chronic carrier non-transmissible disease(Anti Beagling and Bag +ve in blood) in which case there is low replication of virus, and it causes minimal or no damage to the liver, however, it should also be followed with regular tests such as ALT(SGPT) levels and viral load(PCR) for HBV DNA. Mostly in this scenario treatment is not often required. I hope you find this helpful. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am taking care of my dad who is in final stages of chf, he has been breathing heavy but o2 sat has been 93-97. The past week he has been sleeping almost all day with confusion and seeing people. Just wondering what this means or if you think he is declining and if so what will happen next. He is on LASIK but still has pitting edema in legs and feet. He also has a pacemaker and pulse has run around 62. We do have hospice checking in on him as well. Thank you [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Since your father is having terminal CHF (congestive heart failure) with pitting edema, possibility of fluid accumulation in the body is high. This can cause delusional hyponatremia (low sodium). Sodium is very important electrolyte for brain equilibrium and function. So hyponatremia is known to cause disorientation, slurred speech, hallucinations, confusion etc. So better to get done serum sodium level and if it is low then give him hyper tonic saline (3%). Once his sodium level is normal, he will improve in confusion and hallucinations. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your father. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am kranthi of 19 years old and 5.6 height.My lips are black in colour.I have no habit of smoking and drinking.How to make them normally?? [|AI|] Hi!Ranchi, Welcome To Chat Doctor forum, I would say that the treatment would be difficult, but we still have some options. If your dark lips are acquired due to allergy to something then there is some possibility. But if it same since birth, then it would be difficult. In case of allergic condition one can apply tacrolimus cream locally along with a sunscreen. You can also try HY Chat Doctor. If nothing works then the last resort would be lasers. Specific laser for this would be Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. But the results are variable, and no doctor would promise you the results. I hope this answers your query, & would guide you towards the right line of treatment. Regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had an unprotected sex with my boyfriend last wk friday though he didn t cum inside me,suddenly i am scared of maybe conceiving and don t know what drugs to take to be sure I don t get pregnant,please advice me on what to do bearing in mind that I ve an issue of high prolactin for some time now that ve seized to stop even with the medications I took in the past also I have a case of renal problem.Please come to my aid,waiting patiently to hear from you [|AI|] Hi there,If you are having a high prolactin levels it is unlikely you are ovulating normally, making you get irregular periods. You need to take medications for the same, after meeting an endocrinologist; also for the renal problems you need to get in touch with a nephrologist immediately; as kidneys are very vital organs, and you need to make sure they function well. For contraception that will not be affected or will affect the above diseases you should consider Copper-T, an intrauterine device, it is safe, long term and does not have any hormones in it. It is very, very effective as well and can be fitted easily on OLD basis. Get it inserted after your next period, 8 or 9th day after the start of the period to be sure that you are not pregnant. Hope this helps. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Am I pregnant? I had unprotected sex on the 19th of September and sex with a condom on the 29th. I had some cramps a couple of days before my period on the first of october. I had a 3 day period with lighter bleeding but the cramps were just as bad. I usually have 4 day periods. My period ended on the 3rd and now when I wipe after peeing there is light pink on the tissue. Does this mean I am pregnant? [|AI|] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion the bleeding could be due to period only. But as it different from your usual period and there is light spotting I suggest you to do a urine pregnancy test to rule out any pregnancy. The irregular spotting can be due to pregnancy or hormonal imbalance. The negative pregnancy test rules out pregnancy. Avoid stress as it also causes hormonal imbalance. Consult doctor for further management. Best regards...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 13 yr old daughter who has had jar since she was 2 has had numerous other issues her whole life. She has been diagnosed with IBS last yr. She also has anxiety and. Post traumatic stress disorder. For the last couple of months her ankles and knees has been hurting her like her jar but she is in remission and not taking meds and has been examined by her rhyme and he says no swelling. Now she is acky all over and hurts more under her armpit and one side on the neck. She still gets pains in her lower back kidney area that we just keep telling her is because she doesnt drink enough of anything daily. Im tired of being told its nothing what do I do now [|AI|] Hello Welcome to Chat Doctor I can understand your situation. I appreciate your effort to seek online support. As per your details, you are possibly having underlying anxiety/depression. For this consult a psychiatrist for detailed evaluation. Following treatment strategies would be helpful- 1) Antidepressants like SSRIs (Escitalopram, sertraline, paroxetine etc.) 2) Antianxiety agents like clonazepam, lorazepam, alprazolam etc3) Psychotherapy/ Counselling sessions4) Relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing etc. Hope it helps Good luck Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have noticed that I have 3 fleshed colored dots on the inside of my cheek that connect. (Toward the very back by where by back teeth would be). Then I have 1 right next to them that doesn t connect. They are painless, they don t itch . They appear to look very similar to a scar . I go to the dentist Friday, and I m scared to death he is going to tell me I have mouth cancer or something. This fear is causing me to have panic attacks. Does this sound like it could be cancer, or do you have any other suggestions of what it could be? [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, brother do not assume or presume by yourself. Flesh color spot may be due to biting cusps of tooth also. If you have any chewing habit then also, cancer do not start very fast and if you have any such habit then stop it immediately. If the condition you think by yourself as cancer then you might not be able to eat properly from that side, or it would have been difficult for you to rotate the neck smoothly also. And what you have mentioned do not give such assumptions, so take a deep breath and visit the dentist and for your personal safety ask him/her for the biopsy report also. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Dr. Siegel, I am a female, aged 47 and experienced sudden back a few days back. The pain occurs while getting up from a chair or the bed. On showing to a doctor, I was asked to get a spine x-ray, which showed some problem in L5 and S1. Among other medicines, I have also been prescribed Meganeuron OD plus ( methylcobalamin , alpha lipoic acid and vitamins), which I understand is a supplement , Are there any side effects of taking this medicine? Thank you. Sinecerely, AAAAAA, Delhi, India [|AI|] Hello and welcome to ChatDoctorI, Chat Doctor. The history of backache which is more on getting up from chair or bed and X-ray findings of a problem at the level of L5-S1 indicates disc herniation or disc protrusion or prolapse. A disc made up of fibrocartilage is present between two BNY vertebrae. It acts as a shock absorber. Sudden getting up can cause this disc to move out from its normal position. The protruding the disc causes symptoms of pain by compressing the various nerves in the vicinity. Its management is conservative initially consisting of rest and supplements if required. Supplements mentioned by you does not have any side effects if taken in prescribed dosage. A displaced disc is at high risk of prolapse if there is no prolapse initially. You should avoid picking up heavy weights and no to bend/ stand up from a bending position suddenly. This may aggravate the problem. Take rest and further an MRI may be required. Stay in touch with your treating doctor. Thanks and take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hai sir... I am 34years old male.. my bilirubin level is 1.90 today.. 15 days before it was 2.3, my sgot level is 96 and sgpt level is 86. Fromm the last 3 days I am taking medicines.. please advise me how to lower bilirubin level quickly.. I am following strict diet from the last 15days... no non veg oily food... I ate lot of fruits etc... [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your bilirubin level is high. You may have hepatitis. You should go for hepatitis B and hepatitis A test. Avoid fatty food. Take high protein diet. Chat Doctor. Take proper rest and avoid alcohol. Repeat your liver function test after a week. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My dad is 79 and in February was admitted to hospital with Pneumonia. Unfortunately he had prior for many years had problems with swallowing and choking. He now has a gastrostomy tube and is nil by mouth as his Epiglottis is not working correctly. Is there anything that can be done we don t seem to be getting any answers [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion, your father is having aspiration pneumonia mostly. He is having the following risk factors for aspiration.1. Old age2. Difficulty in swallowing3. History of choking4. Non-functioning epiglottisAnaerobic infection is the most common cause for Aspiration pneumonia. So better to get done sputum culture and sensitivity to identify causative organism and start appropriate antibiotic therapy. Just make sure that his antibiotic regimen contain anaerobic coverage. So discuss all these with his treating doctor and start proper treatment.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I m a bit concerned with me taking labetalol anti-hypertensive at an early age 39 due to hypertension. It s genetics. I try to eat healthy and exercise regularly but I guess i really need the medication to control it. My pressure goes up t0 145/75. I have no problem with my diastolic pressure. It s well-controlled. It s my systolic that bothers me. I wanna get pregnant again. Is it going to be a difficult pregnancy just in case? and also can my liver handle it for another 30 years of taking medication? [|AI|] Hi, I did review your concern. Labetalol is a safe Chat Doctor. I would recommend you to consult your obstetrician if you are planning to get pregnant. There should not be any pressure related problems for conceiving apart from the risk of Pregnancy related Hypertension which can be nicely managed with great antihypertensives these days. However, your age puts you at risk of certain congenital problems in your child so a prenatal regular check up with serum markers and ultrasounds is mandatory for you. Forever, start taking folic acid after consultation with your gynecologist, it is always healthy for the fetus. Wish you all the best my friend Good luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hie i slept with my boyfriend a wk a ago i had stopped taking oralcon birth control pills for almost 3 months,i started taking them that night i slept with him,i took them everyday for 5 days and we had sex again and since them i am on the pills,and i am worried that may be i am preganant,wat are my chances of being pregnant [|AI|] Hello dairy understand your concernThere may be chance of the pregnancy when you begin the pill on the day of having sex. To prevent the pregnancy, it should be started from the first day of the cycle It should be taken regularly on the specific time every day. Taking pill for the 5 days does not protect against the pregnancy. So there is chance of the pregnancy. If you will be pregnant then still you can terminate the intrauterine pregnancy by abortion pill under the advice of the gynecologist. Avoid stress, take healthy diet, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I had root canal therapy 2 days ago. I have slight swelling above the canine tooth that was treated, that extends up to an inch below my eye. I am on amox antobiotics. No pain....Is this normal? I spoke to my dentist yesterday morning and he said he wasnt surprised, and to keep taking antibiotics... [|AI|] through your query....slight swelling after root canal treatment is usual...its just sign of inflammation due to instrumenting etc...nothing to worry.continue antibiotics prescribed by your dentist(its perfect).after a week it will be salt water gargle.and don't bite in that area for few days till a crown is placed...and be happy and cool...hope your benefitted something by my reply .have a healthy day!!!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello.... I have been experiencing pressure at the base of my neck. It feels like someone is pressing their thumb right in that hollow or something is lodged there and my voice is hoarse. I am constantly tired and have some muscle aching and have slight vertigo or dizzy spells. I get cold easily and swing from having diarrhea to being extremely constipated. I suspect this has to be related to my thyroid, although I have never had the hoarse voice and throat issue. I was diagnosed as hypothyroid before, but I lost my health insurance and have not been to the Dr. for 3 years, if not longer. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. Seems you are suffering from cervical spondylitis, the giddiness & the sensation of loss of balance in your case is termed as CERVICAL VERTIGO. This is generally a benign condition and is usually self limiting. I advise you to wear a soft neck collar during the day to help limit neck motion and reduce nerve irritation. You can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. For pain relief and muscle relaxants, particularly if neck muscle spasms occur after discussing with your doctor. Do exercises under guidance of a physical therapist to strengthen neck muscles and stretch the neck and shoulders. When you have episodes of dizziness (vertigo)- Do not lie flat on your back. Prop yourself up slightly to relieve the spinning sensation. Move slowly to avoid the risk of falling. Take rest. Resting will help prevent attacks of light-headedness. Do not
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I suffer from anxiety 2 years now, recently had pins and needles in the right side - hand and i have begun quivering - i have not been well and had a gastroscopy...due to removal of my gall bladder . I am worried and dont want to keep raising issues with my Dr, what do you suggest as I keep using google to diagnose myself and get even more my family there are no diseases such as MS etc. i am not sure what to do, i also have blurred vision but i do have glasses that i have and dont wear. [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query.First, I would like to reassure you that your symptoms are not suggestive of any serious neurological illness. Symptoms such as pins and needles and blurring of vision are non-specific and are not diagnostic of multiple sclerosis (MS). These symptoms can occur with anxiety, peripheral nerve problems, vitamin deficiencies, etc. However, if you are very concerned about MS, then, you. An get and MRI of brain and spinal cord done. A normal MRI study would exclude MS and other serious neurological illnesses. I hope it helps. Best wishes, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doctor i am taking krimston 35 since 1 month as contraceptive pill mean while i missed to take 2 pills in correct time but i have taken immedetely as i remembered, now my doubt is iam having sex with my husband wht is the chance of getting pregnancy i want to continue tablets for another 3months is it ok r not, [|AI|] Hello misunderstand your concerned there may be chance of pregnancy as you missed two tablets of crimson 35. After missing two tablets you have to used barrier contraception to prevent the pregnancy, but you did not use any other contraception so chance of pregnancy. You should go for pregnancy confirmation by UPT and or blood Chat Doctor if period will delay by the 10-12 days from the normal expected period date. Krimson 35 is not strong contraception. You can also use newer contraception like felon and microphone instead of crimson 35 to prevent the pregnancy after getting advice of gynecologist. Crimson generally used to regularize the period in PCs. Contraceptive pill should be taken regularly to prevent complication so make habit to take regularly by putting reminder in the mobile. Hope this may help you Best regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Very bad pain in thighs and hips last night. Unbearable couldn t sleep. Two voltarol made ache milder after about an hour but still really tender. Had a bad cold (not flu) couple of days before - are they connected? Pain was almost unbearable for me even tho i gave birth twice without pain relief [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. Pain in the thigh can be referred from the spine, the hip joint or from the bone and muscle in the thigh itself. A physical examination would indicate to a physician the likely site of the pain which could be further investigated with X-rays of your spine, hip and femur. The nature of your pain suggests to me that this is more likely a hip joint or thigh muscle problem. If the pain is coming from your hip joint the most common diagnosis at your age would be osteoarthritis of the hip joint. A strain of the qua Chat Doctor. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] yesterday I began to shake like a seizure and my hearbeat wa so fast and strong . I could hold anything or stand. It took 3/4 of an hour to pass by lying done. deep breathing and water. I really thought I was going toi have a heart attact. Over years I have had some sezuires-6 grand seizures where I lost consciousness, But this wasnt the same. My blood preesure I thought was a bit low . What happened. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, there are two possibilities. 1. Simple partial seizures. 2. Arrhythmias. So better to first consult neurologist and get done MRI brain and EEG (electroencephalogram) to rule out seizure. Consult cardiologist and get done ECG, 2d echo and Holder monitoring (24 hour continuous monitoring of ECG). You may need anti-epileptic and anti arrhythmia Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a teen and I am extremely territorial. When people come into my room when I don t want them to, I get agitated and anxious very quickly. But when people come into my room and move my things... it sends me into a rage. My heart starts racing, I begin to shake and I start crying and screaming for that person to leave. It doesn t happen a ton, but the first time I remember it, I was 8. As a kid I was very competitive and would get angry really quickly if I lost. [|AI|] Dear serve understand your concerns went through your details. You must introspect. Do you really have this anti-social behavior pattern with everyone who interacts with you ? Or is this behavior selective ? Do you become angry with everyone who comes to your room ? Or are you selective ? Do you scream at ever occasion or scream only when you are stressed ? The answer to these questions helps us to identify whether you are actually anti-social or not. You are a teen. Naturally you will have the lot of physical, organic and hormonal changes happening inside you. Almost all teens are aggressive towards their parents and teachers. That is natural. Provide all the answers to the above questions. Let us clear your problem. In the meantime, do not worry. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Im a 14 year old male I found this lump under my scrotum but think its from chafing. What should I do? Oh and I also urinate every hour, I think its an anxiety disorder. Ive seen a Dr about it and take medicine but it doesnt seem to be helping What would u reccomend? Im not gonna pay to ask questions but if u have a solution please email me [|AI|] Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. The frequency of urination could well be due to anxiety disorder, but as a routine I would advise you to get your urine routine/microscopic test and a blood sugar test done to rule out any pathology. The lump could be a cyst (sebaceous cyst) if it persisted for a longer duration. However, it could be diagnosed only by a clinical examination, and so I would suggest you to visit either your family physician or a general surgeon to have a physical examination so that further management could be planned accordingly. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] im a 55yr old male with black rash on my arms and legs, had it for a few years. it began first like a normal, abit like eczema. i itched it and it began to bleed, when it started to heal it scabbed up and went black and lumpy. when i itch it now it dont bleed as much. please help bacause i dont know what to use on it to make it better. [|AI|] Hi Dear, Understanding your concern. As per your query you have symptoms of rashes on arms and legs which is very common as dirt and moisture get trapped by your clothing and the friction that comes from sitting can cause pimple. Need not worry. I would suggest you to keep this area clean and Chat Doctor. You should apply warm compresses with soaked towel and apply vitamin C serum at night. Wear loose clothes. If condition doesn't get better than consult dermatologist for proper examination. Doctor will examine physically along with blood test and sample for lab test and start treatment accordingly. Hope your concern has been resolved. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My partner and i have been trying to get pregnant. i stopped taking the pill on the 4th of may and bled on the 7th for around 5 days ending on the 12th . i then had sex on the 12th 15th and 16th of may. i did and ovulation predictor on the 16th which was negative but positive on the 17th. could i get pregnant and do i need to have sex again? [|AI|] Hi there, I have understood your concern. I will suggest you the best possible treatment options. As you might be aware that Unprotected sex act on and around the day of ovulation can help you get pregnant. Also, sperms are alive and active for 24 to 36 hours after the intercourse. So with positive prediction test within 24 hours indicates that your sexual activity was around the day of ovulation. So you stand chance to get pregnant. You may opt to have sexual activity again, if you feel like having it. So please do not worry. Think positive. Start on Folic acid, vitamin B 12 and Omega-3 supplements at least 3 months before you plan to get pregnant. This helps to prevent many problems during pregnancy and delivery. May God bless you with a bundle of joy. I hope this answer helps you. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] About a month ago I was put on nortriptaline for depression . I am taking 150 ml. I was in the hospital during the time and had my blood pressure and pulse rate checked about three times a day. After a few days both I and the nurses noticed an increase in my heart rate . I asked them to tell my doctor (pysciatrist) and found out they never did. About two weeks ago at my appointment I brought it up... She did a manual test and said it was under 80 bpm. Three hours later I checked it on a blood pressure machine at the pharmacy and it was 134... Checked it again a few days ago and it was 128 and I ve done it manually many times and also have come up with these results. Now I m having mild chest pains and need to know if I should be concerned. I don t want to worry anyone unless absolutely necessary. [|AI|] Dear Good to talk to increased heart rate and hypertension is very normal phenomena for depressed people. Also becoming obsessive to BP apparatus is also normal. Most probably you are obsessed with your measurement of BP. That is the reason why you are not diagnosed with high heart rate when physician and nurses measure it. Anyway make sure that you don't suffer from any other physical problems. Consult your General Practitioner and rule out cardiac dysfunction and thyroid problems. Then as per his advice consult a psychologist/psychiatrist. Wish speedy recovery
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello... Doctor.. very good afternoon... My Name is Venkatesh, Age 31 yrs. I have Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) problem... Very often I used to get pain in my chest... Actually, I am planning for marriage... Just a general doubt, it is OK, going for marriage...? Is there any serious issue or problem may occur after marriage...? If yes, what precautionary steps I should take..? [|AI|] Hi, actually it depends upon the severity of the illness which can be known from echocardiography. How you asymptomatic except some chest pain, it seems there shouldn't be any problem. However, if its severe then it may create problems in sexual life like decreased stamina. You are able to walk flight of stairs or run without excessive fatigue or shortness of breath then most likely it will be uneventful. However you should inform your partner regarding illness and there may be Need for valve replacement in the future.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dentist pulled 28 teeth left some roots and pieces of broken teeth in there sewed it up gave me dentures and sent me home .. I became bad bad infected he looked said dont no gave me a prescription sent me home I went back a day or 2 later he looked and sent me to a really good friend of his that is a oral surgeon looked at me n put me in hospital I was there almost a week they lanced infection spots and then sent me home . Go back to surgeon he cuts the inside of my jaw to get more infection out and sees that the infection is comin from my gums thats already healed he recuts it open to find pieces of broken teeth .. He removes the pieces and sewn it back up.. Still have complications and the oral sergeon thinks that I have a bone infection now but says it cost too much to do the test .. Im wondering if the original dentist should be responsible for these bills so I can be treated properly . [|AI|] Hello, Its difficult to evaluate the cause of gum infection after multiple tooth extraction. I would suggest you to get a thorough clinical as well as radiological examination. The remaining root pieces have to be removed if present. Take complete course of antibiotics-analgesics too. Maintain good oral hygiene. Please discontinue the use of dentures until the socket heals completely. Rinse frequently using warm saline and Betadine. Bone filing has to be done if there is any bony protrusions. I wish you good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had anxiety fir years. I lost a son and husband. I only take zanax for anxiety/panic attacks. For several months now, I wake up with nausea, shakiness, pain in between my breasts- bone and have a hard time getting a deep breath. I also feel more tired than I ever had. Its better at night. I sleep well with .5 mg of zanax. Also had diarrhea only once in the am for 31/2 month until I got some liquid iron which I took for 3 days and now thats gone. I am beside myself and dont know what to do. If its from anxiety or something physical. I had completel blood work last Dec and a chest xray last month-all normal Please help [|AI|] Hi dear. I had gone through your query. In psychological illness or in anxiety investigation came normal. Its presentation look like physical symptoms but psychological reason can produce physical symptoms. Xanax is very good Chat Doctor. But other symptoms require proper evaluation and diagnosis. It can be treated with medicine like SSRI. In SSRI sertraline / Escitalopram/paroxetine will be ideal choice. But take it acc. To your doctors advise. So consult psychiatrist and get help. Besides thisExercise and meditation will help. Proper sleep and diet can be useful. Relaxations exercise like deep breathing can help. I hope I have answered your question. Still if you have a query then feel free to ask. Thank YouTube care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] A thirteen-year-old girl, who is underdeveloped and thin, has a blood disorder. She frequently experiences chest and abdominal pain, fever, and coughing, and has trouble breathing. Her teachers often spend additional time with her, explaining concepts that the rest of the class is familiar with, as she tires very easily and is able to concentrate only for short spans of time. Identify the blood disorder that she might be suffering from. [|AI|] Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. She may have anemia. Or some other hereditary blood disorders. You should go for complete blood count and peripherals smear examination as well as ultrasound abdomen. This will give some idea regarding her disorder. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Dr.,Im 26 years old male, Im from calicut, Kerala, South India.Im working in South Africa since 2012. My problem is that less growth of facial hair.I dont have a thick and dark mustache/beard. My younger brother who is 4 yrs younger to me, still he has a good mustache and beard. Everybody making fun on me for not having facial hair.Can you please suggest me how occassionally should I shave, and the technique of shaving.?Is there any treatment for faster growth of facial hair.?Coming August Im getting married, can you please help to overcome this?Thanks & Regards,Vishnu [|AI|] Hi Vishnu. There are other better things to think about. Marriage or friends do have nothing to do with it. All those with great beard and mustache are not great or so. To make the story strong, there is no good way to help you for this. The treatment will be with its worst-ever side effects. More important is - do you have any other problems to b concerned about your Physical or sexual life. If no just forget about it.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I find a small white head on the tip of my husband penis. he was able to pop it and get a bit of pus from it. Should he be worried?? We didnt have sex for for months because of work travels but he had our when he got back. He has only been with me since we got married almost two years ago. I informed him that the body is covered in pores and that its possible to have pimples anywhere your body sweats and where ur pores get clogged. What do u think? [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. Yes, it is possible to have clogged glands or force spots, and also it may be rash due to allergy or irritation. I don't think this is STD but if there is associated pain, fever, urethral discharge and recent sexual intercourse the it may be considered as well. Second, it may be signed of reinfection or urinary stones and some other genital infection, but this is less common. In every case, he may need antiallergic and antibiotic ointment, so he should see dermatologist about this. Till that he should Chat Doctor. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi my name is natalie I am 31 yrs old mother of 5 and have been having abdominal pain for days now right below the breast bone, feels like a burning/tingling sensation sometimes spreading to my kidneys, made worse with spicy foods almost everything hurts it right now but I did feel like i pulled something there not too long ago and the pain went away and is back i dont feel like antacids help really at all i hoping it is not a hernia. unfortunatly with obamas wonderful healthcare plan i do not have insurance so i thought maybe id ask u guys, thanks [|AI|] Hi, thank you for the query. This presentation is in favor of gastritis. I would suggest you take a proton pump inhibitor like omeprazole (Prilosec over-the-counter) in association with the antacids for about 2 weeks. Also, you may need to avoid foods that would worsen the condition like spicy foods, fatty foods, alcohol, caffeine-containing foods and chocolate. I believe this will help if you try it hope this answers your queryRegards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Dr. When I was 6 ( almost 40yrs ago) I was diagnosed with ITP. The Dr. caring for me at that time removed my spleen and told my parents I was in remission. My concern now is that I am starting to bruise extremly easy and starting to get very small red spots on my lower extremities (several). Im worried that I may be out of remission. Is this something I should be concerned with? Should I see my local Dr? Thank you,Concerned in Kansas [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for your query on Chat Doctor. Getting bruises and red spots may be a sign of an underlying bleeding into the skin which is seen in bleeding problems such as idiopathic thrombocytopenia. You need investigations such as complete blood picture, platelet count, and other clotting studies.Hence, I advise you to consult the doctor for physical examination and investigations. Hope I have answered your query. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 37 year old African-American woman. I have developed an area under my chin and on my chest that is bumpy and doesn t clear up. I ve had this condition since I got ill over 7 years ago. The illness is gone, but this is something I ve been left with. A dermatologist diagnosed it as candida on the chin and inside my nostrils. I have taken the medication, which made the lesions smaller but but it never clears and its itchy at times. I believe I also have warts on my hands caused by HPV. [|AI|] Ello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Your history and the clinical symptoms are suggestive of fungal infection over the face and chin along with Wart or Condyloid Alumina over your hands. Wart which is painless and itching are the classical of Wart which is caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection can be transmitted to the partner as this is a sexually transmitted disease. This should be diagnosed by physical examination and confirmed by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The treatment for this condition includesCryotherapy- which should be done in the hospital.local application of 0.5% solution of podophyllin, which should be applied twice daily for 3 days and nothing should be applied for next 4 days (7 days cycle). This cycle should be continued for 4 weeks.local application of 5% Imiquimod cream for 3 times in a week for 16 weeks (4 months). For fungal infection you can use topical clotrimazole cream over the lesion. If it is not improving you need to undergo lab investigations like KOH mount. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a cousin in hospice and hes a tbi patient who has a trach and has a lot of mucus and we r having to stop is bolus feeds im just wondering how long he can survive without them [|AI|] Hello, I am sorry to hear what you and your family are going through. It must be very tough. The duration of survival without feeding depends on the underlying person. If he has a lot of nutrient stores, then he could theoretically survive for several weeks. Malnourished people on the hand may not survive as long without feeding. Hospice care focuses on the patients comfort, and it is important to realize that feeding him may not necessarily add to his comfort level and would in fact prolong his suffering.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi sir i am suffering from over masturbration and i become vert week also .....i started mastbt from the age of 13 and now i am 19 penise is als0 bent to the right side sir plz plz help me .......i seems that my worst then hell also ........i can not go for treatment to the docors and can not tell to my parents also about this .....sir i am good student in academics and then also i am not able to concentrate on my studies ........... [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. You had been indulged in masturbation since many years and now facing problems related to sexual activities.First there is myth in a mind of common man that excessive masturbation is the reason of all sexual problems But I would like to state that it has been discussed in scientific forums all over the world and proved scientifically that masturbation does not have any negative effect on any organ or system in the body. All the problems that you are facing now are mind related and due to anxiety. Following measure will help you to boost up your confidence and improve your general health 1) Practice regular exercise for 45 minutes followed by meditation for 1/2 an hour in the morning.2) Take high protein diet rich in vegetables and fruits and vitamin A, C,D, E.and Zinc3)Take anti oxidants like Almonds 5-6 every day.4) Avoid alcohol and smoking. Though it is harmless, excessive and frequent habitual masturbation does affect quality of erection and delays ejaculation. Please try to reduce the frequency of masturbation by keeping yourself busy in activities like sports, reading , social work etc. so that you will not get free time to masturbate. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello ,i am suffering from cough with thick mucus and sometimes no mucus only dry cough since 2 months and in two months two week no cough and then my cough starts again for two weeks.i did my xray whicChatDoctore out good.after using so many medication doctor asked me to take Aerius every night.please suggest wether i am using right medication or should i do some more tests ???cough gets worse at night time specially .. [|AI|] Hello there, I am Chat Doctor. Arius is an anti-allergy medicine. It helps control your allergic reaction and its symptoms. I think your cough is not related to any infection. It is probably because of allergy. Treatment of allergy is only avoidance of allergen. So now you need to find what is/are the allergen. By your observation or you can go for allergy testing. Second thing you may have inflammatory bronchitis which leads to
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was bitten by my dog about 23 days ago. I went to urgent care and was treated with a variety of antibiotics as it became infected rapidly. long story short, it has healed well. However, there is a lump on my wrist near one puncture wound. the swelling has done down, but the lump remains. is this normal? will it gradually subside? note that it is not hot. [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some hematoma formation at site of dog bite. It will gradually subside. You should take anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. If it doesn't respond then you should go for examination. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i had flu like syptoms 9 days a go and they have lingured. i went to see my doctor and i now have bronchitis as well as my blood pressure has been lower than normal. my question is i have had lower back pain during these 9 days and at times it has been severe. can a virus cause back pain/ spasms? [|AI|] Hello, I had gone through the case and found that flu virus does not cause the lower back pain. It might be due to weakness and deny Chat Doctor. So take multivitamin and calcium and proper diet with muscle relaxant gel for apply. If not better than go for X-ray of Lumbar spine to get the correct diagnosis. Hope my answer will be effective for you. I will be glad to answer your further query. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my 3 year old son got sick tuesday afternoon with a stomach ache and nausea. he vomited a few times that day and was very cranky and crying a lot throughout the night. he had diarreah a couple times but non since wednesday morning. he has been getting tylenol every 4 hours for his fever which was 101 yesterday. he has been sleeping a lot. he woke up for about an hour this morning and is already back to sleep. he looks pale and seems very weak. he has barely ate anything since tuesday morning. i m worried that he s sleeping so much. he s normally very against napping in general. [|AI|] Vomiting, fever and diarrhea suggests that he has gastroenteritis which is the infection of the intestine usually caused by a virus. The pallor, weakness and sleepiness suggest he has moderate to severe deny Chat Doctor. The treatment of gastroenteritis is fluids therapy like ORS but in your children case you must rush him to the hospital because he will need intravenous fluid because he is intolerant to oral fluids. I suggest doing serum electrolytes also in the ER. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I am a dinesh patwa and i have a problem of malaria fever and pain in the stomach from 10 day and doctor give me the VIZYLAC capsule but i have not relief then after they give me a ZOFER MD4 Dr. Told that you have a problem in a KIDNEY, So tell me what i can do. Tommorow the DR. give me a AMLODAC 5 tab. Can iget relief after this tablet. [|AI|] Hello Mr. Dinesh, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. Sadly none of this tablet is a treatment of malaria. Vinyl is vitamin supplement along with lactic acid bacillus to correct disturbed intestinal flora. Gofer is for vomiting. Melodic 5 is for high blood pressure. If you have already done PS for MP (blood examination of malaria in blood) and found it positiver than you must take full course of antimalarial tablets depending upon the type of malaria (P. Falciperum or P. viva or other). If you are suffering from P. falciperum than you need to take Alternate tablet, sulphapyrimethamine tablet along with primarying tablet. If you are suffering from viva malaria, you need to take chloroquine and primarying tablets. This is as per the latest Indian guideline of malaria treatment. But you haven't seem to take this treatment, so I would recommend you to contact a physician and get the full course of treatment. Hope this will be helpful. Do ask if any further clarification is needed. I am available at http://www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Have ingrown had yellow drainage a week ago, have been on warm soaks and neosporin since then.the swelling has come down a bit and yday I started applying soframycin. It is getting better but I am not sure if there is an abscess. What must I do. I cant take oral antibiotics as I am breastfeeding [|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor An abscess is a collection of pus which is definitively treated by a small incision to encourage Chat Doctor. If the swelling and other evidence of infection is improving then you can consider monitoring it for now. If there is no further improvement or the symptoms worsen then you should consider visiting your doctor. There are some oral antibiotics that can be used in breastfeeding if this is what is needed. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I live in northern Indiana. One hour ago I picked up a handful of leave in an outdoor stairwell and was bitten on my index finger by something I never saw. It felt like a bee sting with a small amount of bleeding. I treated it right away with hydrogen peroxide but I m concerned. The pain is less now. Not much swelling. Still aching. [|AI|] HelloWelcome to ChatDoctori understand your concern. Most of the people with bee sting will have localized reaction to a bee sting. In the normal reaction to a bee sting, the skin will be reddened and painful. Swelling and/or itching may also occur, but the pain usually disappears over a few hours. So, i would advise you to 1.apply ice packs over the bite area2. Clean the area with soap and water, then apply HY Chat Doctor. Take antihistamines like chlorpheniramine male ate for itching and painkillers like ibuprofen. Hope you are happy with the answer. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My wife noticed a lump on the lower left side of her abdomen just below her rib cage, it is approx 3 X 2 , not sore to the touch (although, the area has become tender since she s been poking/prodding it all day during class), could this be a form of cyst, or hernia? [|AI|] Hi! Good evening. Although opining on a lump needs a complete physical check up by the doctor, from the history of yours it seems that it could be a benign swelling like a lipoma which has become tender due to excessive fiddling of the swelling by your wife. Hernia could be diagnosed only after a physical examination and so it might not be possible either to confirm or to rule it out. In case of a simple lump an FNAC could also be done to confirm the diagnosis. Till all these were done, you could go for an anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i was so healthy and then i got on essuire then i started have problems im 35 years old and i had a stroke and im on blood thiners and others suff i was paralized on my right side is it possible that essuire have somethimg to do with it i dont want it to happend no more [|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern looking to the history given here I would like to say that if you are taking blood thinner medicine, and you have not taken care in dose and duration then could cause leaking or oozing in cerebral region and this called cerebral hemorrhage which might be responsible for weakness of limbs, hope this information helps you, take care and have a nice day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Well.... I have been in lots of non fault car accidents, three bad accidents, I have minor problems with major symptoms and am trying to figure out the reason for how I feel. I have mild right sided cerebral tonsillar ectopia , 4 bulging cervical discs, a syrnix in my thoracic spinal cord and curvature of the spine with convexity to the right, I have faucet aropathy/neuropathy? And a degenerative disc in lumbar . So far none showing nerve impingement nor believed to be the reason for why I am in sooooooo much pain, like no joke if it wasnt for my 3 yr old I don t k ow why anyone would want to live a life with the way I always feel. I take to manage pain and agitation from pain, Percocet 10 s 4 times a day, soma 325 3x s, fironal 4 times a day give or take, and lorazopam 1mg twice a day. Also in the morning I seem to have a clear watery liquid draining from my nose, usually one sided and only in the morning I have noticed. I have never suffered from allergies. It s been happening a lot recently... Thank you for your time. :-) [|AI|] Hello, I have gone through your query. With disc bulge and degenerative changes, you can have enough pain to irritate daily routine. Only painkillers won't work here, you need to evaluate the pain and correct your posture according to every activity in daily life. Your bad posture affects more with such conditions. Avoid big pillow during sleep, take medium one. Your pillow should support not only neck but your both shoulder too. While Chat Doctor. Don't bend directly from your lumbar region to lift anything, instead bend from your knee and keep back straight. While sitting for long time, use a proper back rest which will cover your whole back. As you have so much pain, Consult a Physiotherapist and go for Interferrential current therapy (IT). It will reduce your pain and follow the above advice.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi sir im akhilesh doing masterbulation for the past 10yrs continuously i would like to check my sperm count i dont know whom should i ask and where to check ? please tell me the remedies for this problem..and also how to increase my sperm count ?? [|AI|] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. Semen analysis can be done in every infertility hospital. My opinion to increase the sperm count includes,1.avoid stress.2.sleep 8 hours a day.3.avoid wearing tight dinnerware.4.avoid alcohol, cigarette smoking.5.take nutritious diet.6.taking speak capsules twice daily helps to increase sperm count. Thank you. Hope my answer will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Im on my way to dinner with the family but..... I am quite sure I have a bladder infection. I was given a prescription for Nitrofurantoin Macrocrys in March which worked great but now I am having problems again. Are you able to give me a prescription or do I need to go to urgent care? [|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern. There are some symptoms of bladder infection like pain or burning sensation during urination. If you have any of them, then get a home testing for UTI. If infection is confirmed, should consult with your caring doctor for appropriate treatment. If the symptoms are unbearable, then should go to ER for immediate evaluation and treatment. Treatment consists of antibiotics for which you need prescription. Unfortunately we cannot provide to you as per terms and conditions of our portal. Meanwhile, you should increase water intake and cranberry supplement. Wish fast recovery.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello sir/mam.... i have an allergy since a year... frequent cold, sneezing ... so i went to ent specialist , he prescibed me tab montek-LC, so after 2-3 days my cold , cough, sneezing is gone.... but after a week, i have having severse stomach pain, digestion problem and even getting more and more sleep day time.... so is it the side effect of tab Montek LC or wat... ?? [|AI|] HiT hanks for your queries gastric irritation occurs in case of montelukast after prolonged use and probably that is causing your stomach pain and digestion problem and sleepiness probably is occurring from levocetrizine component of the Monteagle medicine. So if your symptoms are well controlled now you can omit this Chat Doctor. Better to go for local application of elastane fluticasone nasal spray now after consulting your doctor. For stomach pain you need to take local anesthetic gel like machine gel for symptomatic receive and pantoprazole tablets for healing of the erosion if any by Monteagle. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter was diagnosed with transient tachypnea 6 days ago after birth. Another x ray today revealed no improvement with reduction of fluid on lungs and a drop in saturated oxygen was observed. Doctors have put her back on oxygen and told me another week to clear. This seems a very long time for TTN to be a problem.....? What else could be issue? [|AI|] Hello dearWelcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query thoroughly.* There are different reasons for the same - Infection of the lung either bacterial or viral - Birth time aspiration of amniotic fluid - Other immunity related issues of the lungs.* Needs detailed case evaluation, certain lab tests and close observation to the progress of the para meters in the intensive care unit.* Have to keep patience, it will take time for sure. Hope this will help you. Welcome for further assistance. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I recently sprained my knee playing sweep up the following morning then I went to the doctor for it. No pain when it happened just the following day, it was stiff and hard to Move. I had mobility at the hospital, could move and bend it find with really minor pain, almost none. I have full mobility now, just water on the knee type swelling still and popping/cracking sounds when I bend it back and forth and on the left side of the knee on my left leg, when I bend it all the way back, there s a little bulge but not painful at all. Should I be concerned? [|AI|] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. As mentioned by you that you were not able to bend the knee and was painful, have your physician advised you an MRI of the knee. Or have you met an orthopedic surgeon? As post the recovery due to the weakness of the qua Chat Doctor. Also, an input from the orthopedic surgeon using a clinical examination and also the MRI will help to plan the further rehabilitation. As you are basket ball player your lower limbs have to be really stronger to get the torque in the muscles to jump for your goal. A sports physical therapist will be able to help you achieve the optimum strength. Also, in my clinical practice I have dealt with such sports injuries, but the rehabilitation plan will be totally different from applied on the normal individuals to get the optimum torque for the better sports. RegardsJay In
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a leg in aircast (walking boot) for 13 days and a few started to stick my shins hurt when getting up from bed. The pain is similar to the contraction of the calf. Only occurs when standing up for a while. Like a muscle strain. I can not see the calf swelling. Aircast strip off the shower and I use wheels. To date, very little went and held his leg up. I get fragmin injection every day. I am 20 years old and 75 kg [|AI|] Hello, It looks that you are in recovery phase. You asked about Frag min injection for muscle strain. The frag min injection contain an anticoagulant agent known as delteparin. This is given as prophylaxis for ischemia or to dissolve clots in upper or lower limbs. For muscle strain it is of no use. Keeping your limb in position of rest with good analgesic is sufficient to treat muscle strain. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I m concerned about my 4 year old daughter. She s has had excessive hunger for about 3 months now. I thought it was due to a growth spurt, but now I don t think this is the case. She can eat a full meal and is then hungry 15 mins. later. I m concerned something more serious is going on. What are some possible causes? We do have a 1 year old puppy who has had a history of intestinal worms. I m concerned it s either worms or an endocrine disorder. [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your question. Yes some endocrine disorders can cause excessive hunger. It would be best if meet your pediatrician for further evaluation to rule to hyperthyroidism (thyroid disorder). Worms is usually associated with loss of appetite. I would suggest you deform your daughter every year twice till she is 6 years old. You can ask your doctor for the prescription. I hope this answers your query. Good luck. With best regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi,i have had a miscarriage 5days ago...this is my 3rd first 1 was of 12 weeks,2nd one was 17 weeks and 3rd one was 23 weeks..i have been married for 4 DNC was qs is can i start trying to conceive from now?i m egerly waiting for a more thing this time my problem has been detected..i have cervical incompetency... [|AI|] HelloThanks for your query. You had three miscarriages. Last one being of 23 weeks gestation. This is likely to be due to Incompetent cervical Os. Since you have a history of repeated miscarriage you have to get your hormonal study done during first trimester of pregnancy Please consult some Gynecologist once you conceive and follow her instruction as regards any supportive Hormonal treatment to avoid miscarriage again. If the cervical Os is incompetent you have to get it stitched by taking suture to close the Os so that it will prevent to precipitate the premature labor. There is no reason for you not to conceive.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Dr, Greetings. I am Thambi Durai, 59 Male from Tirunelveli. I am having a calculi measuring 3 to 4 mms present in upper and mid pole of right kidney . Calculus measuring 4 mms present in upper pole of left kidney. Calculus measuring 6 mms present in right upper ureter causing obstruction and mild proximal hydroureteroneohrosis. Please give me the solution for that. [|AI|] Hi Thai, you have stones in both kidneys and one lodged in your right upper ureter. Luckily the stones are 6 mm or smaller. So medical treatment is preferable. Take lots of fluids (unless you have any heart/kidney or liver problems). Take citrus juice (lemon/wasabi/orange). Your family physician or a urologist may prescribe you medicines to decrease pain/avoid infection/ help expel the stones. Flush therapy can also be given if fluid intake is less. Get a repeat sonography done after 7-10 days. If you have severe pain/vomiting/fever or if the ureteric stone refuses to move even after 10-15 days of flushing, endoscopic surgery may be needed. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been dealing with fibromyalgia for at least 12 years and am now having trouble with lower back pain due to bulging discs. My pain level with my fybro has greatly increased in the past 5 years. So much that along with the chronic back pain I finally agreed to pain management to be able to function as normally as possible before the pain became so severe and continuous. I am also a roux n y gastric bypass success going on 12 years. I do still have malabsorption issues and am not able to take time released medications and always have to take a double dose of antibiotics when needed. I have been dealing with pain management center who simply do not understand the complexity of my situation, dont really have time to care or just dont want to spend extra time to understand and listen. I have attempted to work with them and explain that the current treatment just does not work. I am prescribed Norco 10/325 which helps take the edge off for a short period of time but I am never at a truly comfortable functioning pain level. I will soon have to provide a new provider as they are no longer accepting cash paying patients who do not have insurance. I do currently live in southeast Missouri and would appreciate any advice or recommendations at this point. I am very discouraged and running out of time and options. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. [|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI can understand your pain, but you do not have any option but to follow the treatment given by pain management, from this platform nothing much can be done only we can give you moral support, you had gone through such critical procedure, and then pain is more likely, the best way to rid out of this pain is bear it as hard as you can, once the pain intensity achieved the peak level then it starts declining slowly, and this phase gives much relief from the pain else all the pain killing pills are too dangerous for your health, be brave man, have good day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter is 28yr her son is 6yr and her daughter is 8yr. The 8yr old was admitted to the hospital 4 days ago for spinal maningitis found out it was the viral not the bacterical kind. Now all three of them are at the hosp. right now recently some walls were openned in the building she lives in. A complaint was made to the health department about mold. This was a yr ago. However this we just found out, and my daughter moved in there months now. not yrs ago they have been sick ever since. My granddaugher came home yesterday now shes back up at hospital er. with my daughter and her son as well. The fella that lives below her is also in the hospital. Do you have any suggestions my daughter cant make another move either. I was told by the local health dept. it has to be in writing that this illness is from mold before they will even test the building? What do you think symptoms are headache, vomiting, dizzy, cant straighten up, cant keep anything down. fever all symptoms on each are the same? [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Based on the description, the symptoms are suggestive of viral meningitis. So, I agree with the doctors observations and diagnosis. However, the building is unlikely to be the source of the virus. The virus most often is in the environment, and can affect several people in the locality. In any case, it needs to be investigated by the Health authorities, as several members in one building are affected. I hope it helps. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly/
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi,I am jag 40 yrs I have a severe back pain ,very tired last few days . I went to see the doc he did all the tests and he said Liver enzyme level littlebit high and take rest 1 week then again we will do the test.can u please tell me the reason? ta [|AI|] Thank you for posting your query at Chat Doctor. Hepatitis presentation. what's your height?weight?are you obese?further evaluation advice if not done yet. Have you been vaccinated for Herb?increase in the level of liver enzymes(AST, ALT) reflect an INJURY to the Liver. Medically, the condition is known as "Hepatitis". It maybe caused by:1. Virus (A, B, C, D, E) 2. Alcohol 3. Chat Doctor. Gall bladder or common bile duct pathology 5." Fat excess" further evaluation needed do following test:1. Viral serology (HEPA, B and C) anti HAD, Bag, antiphon, anti HCV2. Lipid profile3. Ultrasound abdomenHepA virus is a common cause and self limited disease. You may visit hepatologist and after receiving results of aforementioned tests as soon as possible. If any further questions, feel free to ask. Health professionals aim to diagnose properly and manage patients according to their limited knowledge. Cure is blessed by the ONE who Created us, whose power and knowledge is unlimited .wish you good health. Regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] am married and my hus is working abroad..i got a central govt job here so he asked me to be here..but i want to be with him..i alwaz feel like he doesnt hav any such feelings of being together..n cuz of this i fight with him daily...i go mad atimes that i cant control myself..i start hurting myself..wat to do [|AI|] Yes, I believe this disorder is called LOVE. Jokes apart, you are missing him an is leading to frustration. Solution is in your hand. Please tell him what you are going through frankly. If he understands it he will be or should be very proud of you. I may be denounced by the so called righteous or conservatives, but it is my duty to ask you to frankly consider if this frustration is due to forced celibacy. Discuss this frankly with him and plan things/solutions accordingly together. In this day and age of IT, this should not be a problem. If this is not possible at least acknowledging what may be happening helps. Hope this helps and I have not hurt your sensitivities. Good luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Doctor, My Name is Pradip and I am 27 Year Old. Since 9 Month I am losing my hair and now the stage like scalp is visible. Also I consulted with doctor they suggest me for Mesotherapy which I had done before 4 month back at 2 times. Still no benefit. Today onward I started to take Tinafal Forte Tables twice in a day. Can you suggest me another tables for the same or other medicine. Should I consult to doctor? I am getting depress due to this reason. Please help me. Note: In My Family My Father has same problem and Grand Father as well. [|AI|] Hello. Thanks for writing to us at Chat Doctor Your problem of hair fall is definitely linked with similar history in your family history. Scalp hair are genetically programmed for thinning and hair loss under the influence of testosterone. This programmed hair loss and thinning is known as An Chat Doctor. Hair loss is predominantly from the top of the scalp; there is anterior hair line recession and widening as well as deepening of the angles of anterior hair line thus giving a "V" like shape to the anterior hair line. Minoxidil and Finasteride have approval from US FDA for use in this type of alopecia. Treatment must be begun early to arrest progression of alopecia to later stages from which recovery may be difficult. The goal of treatment is to arrest the progression of alopecia. The tablets you have just begun contains Biotin which would help in recovery of hair fall along with minoxidil and finasteride, but it is not specific therapy for this type of alopecia. I would suggest that you visit a dermatologist for a confirmatory diagnosis as well as appropriate prescriptionRegards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Mosquito repellant swallowed by child, released through urine. What could the side effects be?my child just chewed the stem of the mosquito liquid repellent bottle. It was dry at that time but has the smell i give him loto of water and washed his mouth thoroughly. [|AI|] HelloMosquito repellent contains permethrin compound. When consumed in toxic dose it can cause mild to severe toxicity depending on the dose and body metabolism. The symptoms may be mild nausea, vomiting,abnormal movement of body, increased salivation, respiratory distress and even respiratory failure and coma. As your child has not consumed the liquid and just chewed the stem, chances of toxicity are less. But as I said it depends on body metabolism and metabolism of every child is different, be careful with the symptoms I mentioned above. Once there are toxic symptoms only washing of mouth and giving plenty of fluids is not sufficient. One should consult emergency room for proper assessment and management if needed like gastric lavage, inj atropine, IV fluids etc. I would suggest you to be careful with any abnormal symptoms and if there is any consult emergency medical room immediately. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi myself mithun 34years old(m). My SGPT last check up two months back is lavel is 59 from 88 was on 11months back.My doctor prescribed me LIVOPAL DS twice daily for 100days at the first check up and also prescribed same on 2nd check up. I am not feeling fit even i avoid the fatty foods most of the time.pls suggest me what is going on and what should i do is there anything worry.ThanksMithunage-34yearsheight-57weight-73.5kg [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for posting query at Chat Doctor. Usually ALT or AST values higher than "two times the upper normal limit", is considered abnormal (in some countries, ALT or AST values of more than 100 are considered abnormal). Value of AST or ALT greater than 85 or above maybe investigated further. Alcohol ingestion and obesity are common causes of fatty liver disease. Advice :- Rule OUT Hepatitis B and C- abstinence from "Alcohol" - LOW fat diet should be followed, AVOID junk food and beverages-decreased oil consumption (oily food)- NO red meat-green vegetables should be ingested daily-use lemon juice (lemonade) once in a day-reduce weight if overweight/obese-"recheck liver enzymes after 6 to 8 weeks" and/or ultrasound. Any further questions are welcomed. Hope to answer your concern. Wish you good health. Regards, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Sir, One of my friend aged 29 years ultrasound report of kidney is both the kidneys are small in size with raised texture and poor cortico-medullary differentiation . The Coritcal thickness measures 7 mms on the left and 5 mms on the right. No localised solid or cystic mass is identified in either of the kidneys. There is no evidence of dilatation of collecting systems of either of the kidneys to suggest obstructive uropathy. Kidney measurements are as follows: Right kidney measures 8.9 x 3.7 cms Left kidney measures 8.4 x 3.2 cms It would be great if you can advice me line of treatment we should go about also suggest the hospital where he will get affordable medication above report provided by Bombay Hospital. [|AI|] Hellraiser cortical echo texture of both kidneys with poor cortico-medullary differentiation may indicate renal parenchymal disease. This condition need proper evaluation. Complete renal function should be assessed. It includes routine hologram, random blood sugar, serum urea and creatinine, creatinine clearance, GFR,serum sodium, potassium,calcium, bicarbonate,phosphate, bicarbonate etc. Proper treatment depend upon findings. Your friend can consult any renowned hospital. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello doctor ive been told I have very low blood plaes. What can I do to build them up.? Can anything at the health food help me i had a bone marrow test done didnt get the results yet. please help. my name is Barbara Canady Iam sorry Iam on ssI I dont have enough to take me the doctor tomorrow. Thank you for being there. [|AI|] Hi!welcome to Chat Doctor! It is important to note that, even though, the platelet numbers are decreased in thrombocytopenia, their function usually remains completely intact. The treatment of thrombocytopenia is largely dependent upon the cause and the severity of the condition. In general, platelet transfusion is not necessary, unless an individual with low platelets (less than 50,000) has an active bleeding or hemorrhage, Sometimes, transfusion may be recommended without any bleeding if the platelet count is less than 10,000. If a Chat Doctor. In autoimmune thrombocytopenia or ITP, steroids can be used to weaken the immune system in order to impair the attack on platelets. Take healthy well-balanced diet with plenty of fluids and wait for the B. M result. Hope this helps you! Take care!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello good morning doctors, i would like to ask for a patient who has diagnosed PTB with +20mm result of Mantoux Test. Can you diagnose immediately a patient with PTB though the doctors didnt ask for Sputum Smear and Chest X-ray? Please reply thank you [|AI|] Montoux is not a diagnostic test, it just tells that you are exposed to tuberculosis and in countries like India, Africa and most of the developing countries almost 70-90 percent of ppl are exposed to TB and almost all medical professionals are also exposed to TB, that means everybody lol have a contour positive in other words you can say Contour tells the immune response not the disease diagnosis of tuberculosis disease is made only by sputum smear examination or sputum culture for tuberculosis and never by contour discuss this with your physician so that he can guide you best thanks feel free to ask more questions
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My partner and i had sex on the 8th day of her cycle(26 day), the condom split and she took the morning after pill the next day, yesterday the day before her period was due she had an amount of light coloured bleeding but today there is no sign of her period. Does this mean she is likely to be pregnant, we are both teenagers and definately not trying to conceive, should we worry?Thankyou [|AI|] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion there was no need of morning after pill as the 8th day of cycle comes under safe period. Safe period is that part of the menstrual cycle where there is no chance of pregnancy even with unprotected sex. But anyway as you have taken pill the chance of pregnancy is rare. And the pill causes hormonal imbalance leading to effect on timing and bleeding of the period. It might also cause irregular bleeding. So the bleeding might be due to pill effect. So relax. If the period doesntoccur even after 10-15 of expected period then do a urine pregnancy test and consult gynecologist. Over all the chances of pregnancy are very rare. Best regards...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 5 Year old daughter has two red markon her tounge one at the front which is almost the size of the tip of a finger and the other is in the middle and smaller, im sure i saw them there before a few months ago, any ideas what these could be? also the tounge seems to be a v pale pink colour [|AI|] Hello, I can understand your concern. Are the marks causing your daughter any pain or discomfort? If they are painful, then it could be a bacterial infection or from trauma from some food item. If the marks are painless, then they suggest either allergic reaction or viral infection. It is very difficult to pinpoint a diagnosis or suggest medicine based on the description of the mark and symptoms. I would advise you to visit a dentist for clinical examination of the tongue and investigations if required. If the marks are painful, you can apply local Endocrine gel (McCoppin) over the rashes for relief. I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. Take care. Best,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had unprotected sex 2 days after my period ... took Next Choice 9 hours after. 6 days afyer taking the pill I had a period like bleeding (this happened while I was supposed to be ovulating) after the bleeding went away Ive experienced some discharge thats white and sticky. Whats the cause of that should I be worried? [|AI|] Hi dear, The fact that you have taken pill 9 hours after and had bleeding like normal period, makes you quite safe from pregnancy. However, these are hormonal preparations and do leave some side effects in body. The discharge which you are experiencing, if not associated with foul smell or itching may be normal and nothing to worry about. In presence of any associated symptom, consult a gone for the treatment
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Sir,I am Indrajeet from India - Age 37 years. Since last 4-5 years I have developed severe allergy to dust and cold. It aggravates during winters, coupled with the high pollution levels we have here in India. Earlier, I also used to develop a nose abscess for which I had to consume antibiotics (Augmentin / Levoflox etc.). While regular cleaning of the nostrils with warm water (1-2 times a day) has kept me off this abscess problem for over a year now, I still suffer badly from this throat infection problem. I got rid of my tonsils just last year. My throat goes completely dry (I believe there is lack of sufficient saliva generation) at nights (in sleep) and I have a terrible time swallowing for first 1-2 hours of the mornings, once I gett up. To reduce the tingling feeling due to allergy (dust) I consume Zyrtec and Decdan SOS and it does relieve me of the sensitivity and itching. However, my throat continues to pose problems every single morning. In worst times, the ENT has also put me on Zithrox to get rid of my throat infection. However, this is just a temporary solution. Just to mention, along with the tonsillectomy I simultaneously (same time) underwent a septoplasty procedure, last year.Hope to find a permanent solution to this problem (repeated throat dryness/ infection + sensitivity of the nose).Thanking youRegards,Indrajeet [|AI|] Hello dear, The symptoms as mentioned in your post can be attributed to Tracheobronchial allergy. Management consists of:1. Warm saline water gargle & steam inhalation.2. Montelukast preparations- used as a maintenance therapy to relieve symptoms of seasonal allergies.3. Antihistamines can also be used to provide symptomatic relief.4. A course of antibiotic depending on culture & sensitivity reports.5. Protect yourself from exposure to cold, dust or other allergens.6. Maintain adequate HY Chat Doctor. If symptoms still persist, kindly consult a Pulmonologist for further evaluation & management. Investigations like complete blood count, X-ray of chest & Pulmonary function test will be helpful. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 54 years lady. My husband expired in april 2011 and i am not regular in my diet. Last night i was having a bad headche i cant even sleep and i hold my head with both the hands. I have survical problem as well. I had gone to lab and check my BP itis 90/60. Is there any risk. I amin stress as well due to some official problem for the last two days. Kindly suggest i have to go to doctor or any -------- Anu [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Normal blood pressure in middle-aged women is 120/80. You have headache and your blood pressure is very low. You need to take treatment. Furthermore, you should take lemon and salt water to raise your blood water. If it remains persistently low then you should consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My brother is kidney patient.his left kidney is not visualised.and left side is paralised.And right kidney is effected.he is under dyalisis per week and one espogen10000 injection per week.Medicine rocaltrol 0.25mg,panD,Tide10,folic acid. His urine is not normaly.and he is not improve. [|AI|] Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor. Looking to your brothers' history, i as a nephrologist can fully understand your concern. It seems that your brother has kidney failure requiring dialysis. Dialysis is not a treatment for kidney failure. It is a supportive therapy. It is necessary to determine the cause of kidney failure and type of kidney failure - acute (reversible) or chronic(irreversible)Do basic urine report and sonography. Then discuss with your nephrologist regarding disease and further treatment plan. You can communicate with me further with detailed reports. I think this would be helpful to you. Best wishes. TC. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 5 year old vomiting for the last 6 hours every hour.after noon meal vomited at 6 pm with loose stools. And after that vomits even water.after that frothy yellowish vomit.Put her on electrolytic ORS. passed urine once at 9 pm. But vomits again every stools.Domstal at 11 pm.No effect.Vomits again at 11.30.Please advice [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, i was operated for peri anal abscess in left hip in july 2011. as of now the wound has not healed up rather it has converted into peri anal sinus and i keep having mucus discharge. also i was operated for the same in the right hip but it did not recur. i am fed up of anti biotics (leflox) which the doctors keep prescribing. please advise as to what permenant cure i can have. also i have small cyst formation (painless) in different parts of my body. [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor! I appreciate your concern for the recurrent perianal problems you are suffering since July 2011. I am of the opinion that you have developed perianal fistulas on the left side due to incomplete Chat Doctor. These fistulas continue to discharge mucus like secretions because they have internal openings the anal canal. You need to have a histogram to see the extent of its tract the internal opening etc. Kindly consult a surgeon who is efficient in managing the perianal problems. Also, get your basic investigations like fasting blood glucose etc. to find out the cause of painless cysts you have developed in other parts of the body. I hope I clarified your doubts. Hope it will work. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] The bottom of my big toe gets numb and itches somtimes after i sit in a hard chair. I also have mild scoliosis. The itch is really deep and sends a shock to me when it starts itching. but of course because its numb i cant relieve the itch until i get up and walk around a while. What do you think this could be? [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. This can be nerve entrapment. This condition requires clinical examination. Please consult a Neurosurgeon at the earliest Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. In the future, for continuity of care, I encourage you to contact me directly in Chat Doctor at
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... My daughter is 16 and woke with chest pain. It went across her chest area around her breast and under her arms. Within a hour, she started feeling nausea and had a severe headache. I brought her to ER and they did a EKG and chest xray that were both normal. A couple days later she woke again to chest pain and headache. The doctors did not give me any diagnosis but a family member said that it could be her gallbladder. Please help! [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No, I don't think it is due to gall bladder. Gall bladder related pain is more commonly seen in the right upper abdominal area, and it is associated with fever and chills. Possibility of panic attack in night is more likely. So better to take her to psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in her life and start working on its solution. She may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, she will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your daughter. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have not had regular periods for the past 5 years since I went off birth control after getting married. I am sexually active and we want to get pregnant. No luck with over 4 years trying. I usually get pretty normal period about every 2 or 3 months. My last one was around Decmber 22nd lasting about 5 days average flow, using tampons and pads. On this past Friday I had a cramp went to the bathroom and saw little blood when I wiped, assuming that I was starting my period I put on a tampon, left it in for about 6 hours only to pull it out (very painfully) to notice there was little to no blood on it kind of brownish. On Saturday I only bled enough to see a hint of pink when I wiped and had a few bad cramps , then Sunday we even had sex and it was like I was not even on my period. Today Monday I had a really bad cramp went to the bathroom around 2pm and had some spotting. I put in a softcup around 2:30 and left it in until 9pm and when I took it out it only had a tiny amount of clear and brown liquid. Could I be pregnant, or is this somthing else. I had blood work done last year to make sure I was okay due to not getting prego for 4+year and irregular periods and nothing came back unusual. [|AI|] Hi, It looks like you are experiencing a breakthrough spotting, could be premenstrual, as you usually have 2-3 month cycles. Though, it is better to get a pregnancy test and a pelvic/trans-vaginal sonogram done to see the cause of the spotting. You may see your health care provider for a complete evaluation and also to help for conception as you have already tried enough time for natural conception. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My WBC count was 4.7 in Feb April it was 3.4 My Dr. has me taking double does of supplements from now til December when she will have another blood test done. In the mean time she mentioned something about watching for Lukemia. It seems to me that she would want another test sooner. My iron, B12, and D are and have been low for the last year. She will not give me a referral to a hemotologist for a second opinion. What is your opinion? I am a 25 year old female [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Leukemias are characterized by high WBC counts. However, there are some leukemia wherein the WBC count is low. Your history suggests that there is deficiency of vitamin B12, iron and vitamin D for which you are taking supplements. However, the history posted by you does not suggest malignancy. You can get another blood test to rule out leukemia since your doctor is suspicions regarding that. You can post me the reports of the tests for further assistance. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son is 8 years old and he is 4 feet and 6 long and weight is 204 kg. and suffering from breathing problems. When consulted in Max Hospital Delhi Doctors told to operate the nose because of flesh deposition in his nose. Tell me whether it will be safe or not and what are the risk factors [|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query your son have symptoms of flesh deposition in the nose which seems to be due to formation of skin tags which usually grow where skin get irritated. They are generally harmless and do not bother. But some people get them removed because of esthetic purpose. Sometimes they are a nasal polyp, which looks like skin tags. There can be other reasons for skin tags other than skin irritation like hormonal changes, disease like diabetes and during pregnancy. Need not worry. I would suggest you to consult ENT specialist doctor may order nasal endoscopy or CT scan to confirm the diagnosis. Doctor may remove them under local anesthesia by freezing liquid nitrogen or burning electric current. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a lump on my inner thigh like a boil, but now Im not so sure. I was in pain and decided to squeeze it. About 10mls of blood came out with pus what looked like clots or smears of dried blood mixed in with it. It also smelt really bad. I pierced it with a needle, then I heard like a squish noise and the blood continually flowed. I then sqeezed it again and out came bubbled blood. What could this be? Please help. [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have some enlarged lymph node, inflamed cystic lesion or someone tissue tumor. You should go for biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] explain about stem cell therapy [|AI|] Hello welcome to Chat Doctor. Stem cell therapy is a relatively new modality of treatment being tried for certain diseases. There are only a few diseases which might benefit from stem cell therapy. Stem cells are the initial cells /embryonic cells which have the potential to divide into adult cells. These then are useful in treatment of certain diseases, particularly degenerative/neurological diseases. If you want to know their stem cell therapy can be used for a certain illness you must consult the specialist of that illness.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have significant dental pain. The dentist X-rayed the area and could not find any abscess or cavities and he thinks it is due to grinding my teeth at night. He made a night guard for me and said it might take several days to help relieve the pain. Im wondering if there is inflammation involved (around the nerve) and if Relafen would be of some help. [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The pain in the teeth or jaw can be because of either tooth infection or TMJ disorder nothing to be panic, consult a good oral physician and get it evaluated. If it is a tooth infection, you need to take a course of antibiotics like amoxicillin and get the tooth treated. If it is a jaw joint disorder then you can take proximal with a muscle relaxant like chlorzoxazone after consulting the physician(if you are not sensitive and allergic)I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a child that has broken out in small bumps in between her collar bone area and on her sides a little. Its a very light rash and they itch. At work another woman said her son had the same rash in the same areas. Is this a coincidence or something to be concerned with? [|AI|] Hi! This is not co-incidental and possibly related! As per my experience, I have seen some community infections that often infect child Chat Doctor. . In fact, some infections are contagious or community-based and in such cases of itchy skin rashes, I must consider some possibilities like:1. Fungal infection like ring worm2. Viral exanthem3. Parasitic or worm infestations4. Co-incidental skin infections, bites, folliculitis etc.Therefore, please see a dermatologist for a close and detailed examination and opinion regarding treatment if needed...regards!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter has been suffering from reflex anoxic seizures from when she was 4 months. Now she is one. As the seizures have become frequent she is not that stable on her feet. When she walks her feet turn in and she trips over alot and is forever falling. I just wanted know should i take her to the gp and is it linked to reflex anoxic seizures. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. The term reflex anoxic seizures are a term used to describe a condition arising due to overactivity of vagus nerve, the cranial nerve controlling the heart functioning. In medical literature, reflex anoxic seizures are paroxysmal, spontaneously-reversing brief episodes of asystole triggered by pain, fear or anxiety. Anoxic seizures are non-epileptic events caused by a reflex asystole due to increased legal responsiveness. Following are symptoms of reflex anoxic seizures1. During the episode, the child becomes suddenly pale and limp, will fall if standing, and loses consciousness.2. This is followed by stiffening and clinic jerking of the limbs.3. The episode is usually brief (30-60 seconds) and recovery is rapid.4. There may also be upward eye deviation and urinary incontinence.5. On recovery, the child may feel tired for some time.6. Reflex anoxic seizures do not cause tongue-biting and this may be useful in the differentiation from epilepsy above symptoms might indicate a likely reflex anoxic seizure. Whether your child has the above symptoms she must be seen by the pediatrician to confirm another diagnosis like epilepsy or causes of fainting involving the heart or brain.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with HFM (hand foot mouth) last Wednesday. It only effected her mouth. Very swollen gums, blisters on gums and at the tip of her tongue. Her gums bled periodically throughout the week. I took her back to the doctor this Monday because she wasnt improving. He prescribed magic mouth wash which was helpful. She is still unable to eat much. Fever has subsided but now a cold has joined in on the party. Today, her gums above her right canine tooth bled heavily and now she is very fussy again!! I mainly am concerned with the bleeding gums. It was enough blood to wear I actually checked to see if her teeth were loose! Is that just a rupture of a blister? Should I bring her to urgent care or ER now that it is the weekend? Worried now this illness will have evaded her little body for 2 weeks this coming Wednesday. Thank you so much for your input. [|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI can understand your concern, your daughter must be having hypovitaminosis this could be the common cause right now we can think about but looking to age this is little questionable, and for this reason I would suggest having routine blood examination of baby including bleeding time and clotting time, meanwhile you can put her on vitamin C tab 500 mg just one tab in day, this will control the bleeding have nice day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi,I have visible green veins towards the left chest and running through the shoulder and to almost half of my left arm. I am a smoker, and drink lightly. I am otherwise healthy.I do notice very slight trembling of my fingers. anything that I need to worry about? [|AI|] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that your symptoms (increased vascular visibility on your chest) could be related to smoking. Anyway, I would recommend performing a chest X-Ray study and a cardiac ultrasound to examine the blood flow in vent cave and your lungs. Regarding the trembling fingers, it could be age related (especially if you have a family history of essential familiar tremor). Anyway, if the problem persists, I would recommend consulting with a neurologist for a physical exam and performing some blood lab tests to exclude other possible causes (complete blood count for anemia, thyroid hormone levels for thyroid dysfunction). Hope to have been helpful! Kind regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I m pretty sure I broke my baby toe last night, it s completely purple and swollen.. My baby toe use to be very close to the toe next to it, almost laying on top of it but now there is a space between them and I can t move it, the pain is horrible, shooting up my leg at times and then other times it feels nume... What do you think?? [|AI|] Your symptoms suggest that you have sever soft tissue injury over toe. Icing, anti-inflammatory analgesic such as diclofenac, limb elevation over pillow and rest will decrease pain. Strapping of injured toe with adjacent toe will give support to its tissue injury. If swelling persists for more than seven days than visit to your orthopedic and get a X-ray of injured toe. Hope this helps. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a lump under my right arm. I have had the lump for 2 1/2 months. Its not causing any pain however it is getting larger. I also have been having swelling in my wrist and ankle on the same side as the lump. No pain as well there just swelling.Do the lump and swelling have any correlation, and should I be concerned about the lump? [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. The possible cause could be enlarged lymph nodes - history more consistent with the lymph nodal enlargement.2. Lymph nodal enlargement is seen in case of localized or systemic inflammation / infection. If you are aware of any pathology treat the cause first.3.Otherwise lymph nodal pathology itself can be the cause. For which you need to get an ultrasound scan done to assess the nature of the lump and its source and extensions.4. An FNAC - fine needle aspiration cytology to evaluate the nature of cells.5. Other symptoms seem like vascular cause - which needs Doppler study that will help. Good luck. Hope it helps you. Wish you a good health. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. My son who is one year old, weight is 11 kg, is suffering from DNS, his right side of nose is completely blocked and water comes from his mouth, eyes and nose. While sleeping he experiences difficulty in breathing and voice comes from his chest. what is the treatment, can we get DNS operation for him, as he is just one year old? Are there any other method to open the nose say fitting a pipe in the nose etc? should I consult ENT specialist or paediatric specialist? [|AI|] Hi, thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. It is very uncommon to have severe DNS at this age, it tends to improve as they grow old. But as he is having difficulty breathing contact an ENT specialist as they will evaluate the degree of obstruction and advise simple airways to open his nose till they grow old. Hope this has been helpful to you, kindly feel free to contact again for any queries. Kindly rate the answer if so. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi - I have been recently diagnosed with severe degenerative disc disease, advance osteoarthritis and my MRI MRI Spine was called a hot mess by a MD friend. I just went thru the 1st epidural block, he could not get all the med thru as the block is pretty bad. But it really has helped so far. I know there is really no cure, need to loose at least 80 lbs. Took prednisone for 1 month did nothing. Taking 10-325 hydrocodone/ aceta. for pain, just started 3 weeks ago (hate meds) My blood work came back with elevated SGOT 54 states it should be less than 45. SGPT normal. What do you think about the blood test. Worried liver issues on top of all this [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. It seems you are suffering from degenerative disc disease & it occurs due to repetitive overload or stress to the disc & it increases the risk of disc herniation spinal canal stenosis. The main treatment of such pain is bed rest along with painkillers and muscle relaxants. Muscle relaxants can help with your symptoms if used in appropriate dosage in combination with a potent analgesic. You can get the appropriate Chat Doctor. Meanwhile, you can follow these measures:- If the pain is severe, you need bed rest till the pain resolves. - Get some analgesics prescribed and apply analgesic spray or ointments.- While resting, keep a pillow under your knees if it doesn't bother you.- Avoid lifting heavy objects.- Back strengthening exercises and stretching exercises daily as advised by a Physiotherapist.- Avoid exercises in times of pain. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my 9 mth old boy suffering from severe diarrhea for past 4 days. Is it safe to give him gramogyl suspension as i heard that its antibiotic action will kill useful intestinal bacteria also along with harmfulones. I also giving him enterogermis ampules twice a day and zincovit 0.5ml thrice a day. please help me. is the treatment going right way. [|AI|] Hi, It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting, you need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been coughing and sneezing after cleaning houses, dust and cats are my allergies, lately I have been noticing a tightness in my chest when I cough and a metal taste in my mouth only when I cough. This is the second time it has happened. About three weeks ago I had a back tooth pulled as it was infected, however much better now and no pain and swelling is gone, I wouldnt think it would be that. [|AI|] Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. I usually prescribe my such patients levocetirizine and montelukast for 2-3 days for symptom relief.2. For patients with tightness in chest, wheezing, difficulty breathing, etc., I also add albuterol or levosalbutamol for relief of bronchoconstriction.3. If you have such symptoms only second time, no regular medication is required.4. As an Allergist-Immunologist, I would suggest you allergy testing for house dust mites, molds, insect proteins, pollen and cat proteins. This will help to identify the substances causing allergies to you and also to know the measures to avoid them.5. Based on allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy, however, I suggest it only for those who have repeated/constant symptoms. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, my father who is 83 years old has been suffering since around August/September with painful calves and feet. It really hurt to walk on his feet (felt like walking on golf ball) he said. Also, he had some slight numbness in his left hand. However, over the months, he has gotten progressively worse. He cannot stand on his feet now, his right hand is now numb and is unable to hold a glass or pencil or anything for that matter. I ve also noticed that his cognition is declining. He is starting to forgetting words to say and becomes a bit disoriented to time. He also says things nonsensical at times. This has changed quite rapidly in the last month. We are worried and at our wits end. Any possibilities we should be paying attention to? Please help [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. The symptoms that you are having are likely to be due to a nerve root compression. You need to get an MRI scan of the area done and consult a neurophysician for proper diagnosis and treatment.Meanwhile, you can follow these measures:- If the pain is severe, you need bed rest till the pain resolves. - Get some analgesics prescribed and apply analgesic spray or ointments.- While resting, keep a pillow under your knees if it doesn't bother you.- Avoid lifting heavy objects.- Back strengthening exercises and stretching exercises daily as advised by a Physiotherapist.- Avoid exercises in times of pain. - Improvise your posture while sitting. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter who is 28 yrs old went for a mamagram as she has had a swollen lymph node under her arm for 3-4 weeks. At the mamagram she was told it looked suspicious and was considered a B-4 ? and to go for a biopsy. My question is what does that mean suspicious and a B-4? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, [|AI|] BIRDS is a score given to Demographically visualized lumps or lesions and given a score from 0 to 6 with chances of cancer being present in the lump increasing as the score increases. 0 means incomplete assessment. 1 and 2 are negative for cancer. 3 means low chances of 2% of having breast cancer. 4 is suspicious with 20 to 35% chances of cancer. 5 is 95% chance of cancer. 6 means already proven cancer by pathologist. So in your case as the score is 4 yours is a suspicious lesion. Please go ahead with the biopsy at the earliest. Treatment can later be tailored depending on the report. You can let me know the report by asking a question on my profile page or by using the Ask a Specialist section of the site. Take care. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Samuel, not sure what is going on but for the last year I have had stomach issues. Went to the dr. and he told me to try previcid which I used for a while. Helped a little. If I push in where my stomach is located it feels tender. This last week I was in so much pain I had to lay down for a couple of hours at a time. Was actually sick to my stomach because of it. Took a previcid and a gas x plus 2 tums. Felt better after a hour but still have a tender stomach. [|AI|] Hi thanks for your question. Most probably you are suffering from gastritis that is inflammation of the stomach. Gastritis is due to increased acid output and commonest cause for increased acid output is cigarette smoking, excessive tea, coffee and spicy food. Second common cause of gastritis is infection of stomach by a bacterium called as H Pylori. I would suggest you to consult a physician who may be able to perform upper G I endoscopy on you. You may also need ultrasound abdomen to rule out gall stone as cause of stomach pain. You can continue with prevised, and additionally you can take proton pump blocker like pantoprazole. Hope this answers your question.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I used a condom having sex and then after the first O took it off, put on another, and continued. I was careful and didn t notice any semen on my hands when removing the first one, but now I am concerned that an unnoticeable but pregnancy risking amount could have gotten on the second one. How big a risk is there of this? [|AI|] Hello, Using condom alone carries a failure risk of 15 percent, though the use can be near perfect. In the manner you have described, it is likely that some semen may have entered the vagina after being stained on the surface of the second condom. If it is the fertile or ovulatory period and if you do not wish a pregnancy to occur, you may go for emergency contraception either as an IUD or a pill. If it is the safe or non-ovulatory period, there is nothing else to be done. In the future, please use double protection. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, My 6 year old had a fever last night of 101 and it went away after I gave him tylenol. Its back again tonight at 101.6. He is also complaining of chest pain when he takes deep breathes. He has no other symptons. No coughing, no sore throat. nothing.. Advice? What should I do? [|AI|] Hi, If no cough, cold, throat pain or any other symptoms, this may indicate just a viral fever. Chest pain may be caused by myalgic or pleural inflammation (less likely as he has no cough). If he is otherwise active, playful and eating as usual, need not worry-just give Tylenol 3 times a day (after food) for 3 days. If not getting sown by then or fresh symptoms appears, kindly take him to doctor as this, may need further evaluation and antibiotics. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a female 67 years old. I have had a stiff neck for about a month. Other than that I feel great. I ve been blaming it on a crappy pillow. It is mostly stiff turning side to side. Also I am a side sleeper. Should I be worried or look for a better pillow. [|AI|] Hello, Stiff neck may be due to cervical spondylosis or neck muscles spasm or meningitis. Until examination is done, it is difficult to say what it is. Avoid pillow while sleeping, use tablet Zanaflex once a day for five days. Use cold and warm compression. If symptoms not improved please get an X-ray cervical spine then consult your physician. He will examine and treat you accordingly. Hope I have answered your query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a vehicle accident 2 a month ago.I have a clavicle bone fracture.the left ribs are bruised as per the orthopaedic surgeon.I recovered completely in 3 weeks felt no pain in the ribs. Two days before it started to pain again and it started to get worse. I had chest x ray and ecg done.the doctor says everything is normal. [|AI|] Dear friend, this is common problems happened all patients who have clavicle fractures... no need to worry at all. When high impact load will exert on thorax, then there will be irritation happen to skin superficial facial near to bone... so you may have pain. But currently you can take ultrasonic therapy and IT therapy 15 min daily for 15 day. Your pain will decrease. For future prevention, you need to strengthen your muscles around shoulder joint. I hope you satisfied with these answers.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband is 35 yrs old and high bp patient from last 2 yrs , I m not satisfied from dr. because the Dr.prescribe the medicine that cant the pressure repace h , repace n and 2 medicine other and now Dr. Gave today Oslo-tel2.5, ltd 12.5, etizolam 0.5 what can I do now today pressure of my husband is 160/110 and before 1 week it was 170/110 [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. His blood pressure is very high. He should take salt restricted diet and antihypertensive medicine. Many options are available. Losartan is the Chat Doctor. Calcium Chanel blocks like nifedipine or beta blocker like atenolol can be used in combination according to need. All are prescription based medicine so consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, When lyin on my stomach just before after playing a round of golf, i got 3 heart pupatations within 5 mintues, almost like gas in my stomach but it happens then i feel my heart beats harder after each one then settles down. happens more lying on my stomach, is this normal [|AI|] Dear-thanks for using our service. I read your question with care and want to advise you to consult with your primary care physician about this problem that you are having with palpitations. I don't know your age, but it is important to have a basic evaluation with a 24 hour holder to be able to identify what type of arrhythmia you are having and what triggers it. You will need to have a complete laboratory exam to in order to check for abnormal electrolytes levels as potassium, chloride and calcium which can cause irregularities in the heart when they are not between the normal levels. The reason that happens more when you are lying on the stomach could be related that you are pressing that area, and it is creating an increase of the blood flow to the heart. I hope that my advice has been helpful Chat Doctor.