The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am suffering from jaundice, bilirubin count 3.5. I took rest for 15 days and i was gaining energy so i thought i was getting cured and so i started smoking. But after 15 days when i tested once more my bilirubin count has increased to 4.9. is there a problem with smoking. [|AI|] Welcome at Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and being your doctor I completely understand your health concerns. Are you having itching over body?? Are u having white stools and dark urine?? Do you have any blood disorder ? In my opinion smoking is not causing increase in bilirubin levels. You should better consult hepatologist regarding it to rule out the possible causes of acute hepatitis. Meanwhile, take rest and avoid spices. Do Chat Doctor. . Stay safe Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter is 4 years 4 months old. 2 months back she bumped in the centre table but there was no bleeding in her mouth . Later that day she told that her upper front tooth was wobbly. I went to the dentist . But they said keep an eye if color changes. It has been 2 months already the color has not changed but now all four teeth in the front of the upper gum are loose. Appointment is not available at the moment. The teeth are hurting because she is not able to eat even a biscuit. Just soft food. I am really worried. Is this some sort of deficiency? Please help me. Regards [|AI|] Hi.welcome to Chat Doctor of course everyone matters for their child Chat Doctor. Actually the dentist advised you for color changes were meant that your daughters tooth might have got infection AUR may have lost its blood supply. But if for 2 months if there are no color changes then it means there is nothing to worry about. Now your concern about the loosening of the upper four gums is a natural process leading to the appearance of her permeant teeth. It is normal for this age and all her teeth will be replaced by the permeant ones. However she is in a growing age, so she may need calcium supplement to enhance her growth process. Meanwhile use soft diet which can readily swallow.thanks with regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HI sir,my self Kiran and i am from Bangalore. On Jan 25th , 2014 PTCA+ stentnig performed to me in one hospital. i was discharged after 5 days and was told to review in two weeks i.e. Feb 13th. But i am unable to get the appointment with the same doctor till Feb 24th. can you suggest me , how to proceed with medication and can I go to another hospital for review. [|AI|] Greetings. Welcome to Chat Doctor, and thank you for your question. I read your query. Well, yes, of course, you can go to another hospital or doctor for review and control. I am glad that you have followed doctors advice with a great discipline. The procedure of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTC) with stent placement requires a good discipline by the patient and careful controls, at least for the first 6-12 months, period during which, the probability for within stent narrowing is the highest. In our clinics experience, we recommend to post-PTCA and stent patients that clopidogrel 75 mg should be taken once daily for at least 6 months (in cases of bare metal stents) and 12 months (in cases of Chat Doctor. Also, if the stent was placed in a terrain of acute myocardial infarction, an echocardiogram is required three to six months from the procedure, to evaluate if there is any gain in left ventricle function after the urgent procedure. Wish you all the best. I hope I was helpful with my answer. My regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had my gall bladder removed June 3, 2011. Have no problems!!! I am on a regular diet with low fat & low cholesterol. Would it harm me to have snow crab legs/shrimp with no butter light seasoning.I am 72, weigh 191. I take Crestor, Quinapril, Synthroid.Thanks for you assistance. [|AI|] Thank your for posting query at Chat Doctor. You may eat crabs/shrimps. No harm but do NOT over eat and stomachfull. Gall bladder is very important in the digestion process and diet modification maybe needed after gall bladder removal. Gall Bladder stores bile. Bile is very important and essential for digestion of Fats. When gall bladder is removed, fat digestion is IMPAIRED.a person without gall bladder, when eats a fat meal, It's difficult to digest and feels very uncomfortable. Therefore after removal of gall bladder, patients are advice to:- avoid high fat meal and diet altogether-take medium or Antacid 20 mg once daily before breakfast-small meals at regular interval is better-NOT eat stomach full.- not cold Chat Doctor. Health professionals aim to diagnose properly and manage patients according to their limited knowledge. Cure is blessed by the ONE who Created us, whose power and knowledge is unlimited .wish you good health. Regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Had an xray that showed signs of possible degeneration in my left hip after pain for a month but not conclusive. Recent MRI and doctors says I have AVN in left hip and need to see an ortho surg. My pain started end of January, peaked end of February when I had xrays, the subsided almost completely by the time I had the MRI. Still just a little stiff but no real limp like I had. Everything I read seems to say that AVN pain would not go away but would progressively get worse. Any opinion on this? [|AI|] Dear patient You have got AVN of hip and it's good for you that it's diagnosed at early stage. Avascular necrosis of hip is usually progressive and leads to collapse of head with secondary arthritis of hip if not treated early. Treatment at this stage is core decompression surgery. In this procedure hole is made into femoral neck and head so that pressure inside them is reduced and hence revascularization of femoral head occurs. This is effective in many cases but not all. At later stage witChatDoctorplete head collapse and secondary arthritis of hip only option left is hip replacement. You need to consult expert orthopedic surgeon nearby you and get yourself examined. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query boyfriend usually has high blood pressure he went to play golf today almost passed out 3 times came home and blood pressure is 97/57 which is extremely low for him is this something we need to go to Dr or ER about? [|AI|] Hello, thanks for posting a question on our site. I can understand your concern towards your boyfriends' health issues.- His blood pressure at 97/57 mmHg is a little low. Usually, hypotension is a blood pressure below 90/60 mmHg and most patients do not have complaints.- Hypotension can be caused by diseases like thyroid diseases, heart issues etc. Symptoms can worsen in event of deny Chat Doctor. - I advise that he goes to the hospital for full evaluation, to know what is causing his low blood pressure. Warm regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello, i have a red rash looking thing on the inside of my thigh and on my testicles it has been a month and still no progress. i thought it might have been poison ivy so i have been using calamine lotion, it has calmed down but still hasnt gone away. symptoms are irritated and itchy not severe but annoying. [|AI|] Thank you for query. It may be due to fungal infection. Please take following precautions. Use loose cotton clothes. Keep area Chat Doctor. Apply antifungals like terminating which is fungicidal. Once subsides use regularly antifungal dusting powders like candid or absorb powder to prevent recurrence. Consult doctor if it does not subside. You can get back to me for any clarifications with the photos.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my right side, id say about where my liver is, i feel like maybe something is enlarged and it couses discomfort and pain. when i smoke marijuana the pain and discomfort heavily increases, meaning whatever is wrong gets irriteted when i smoke or becomes more enlarged, so ive stopped for now but its still always there. anyone know what this may be? [|AI|] Hello Thanks for writing to ChatDoctorYou need proper clinical examination and few investigations. You need investigations like random blood sugar(RBS), renal function test(RFT), liver function test(LFT), lipid profile, urine RE/ME, ultrasound of abdomen. Further investigations can be done if needed. Ultrasound of abdomen is very important in screening. Proper treatment depend upon findings. Get well soon. Hope I have answered your question. Take Care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hiii my complaction was so fair before my delivery but after delivery its very change.and pinmentations also plz u give me some tips how can i reduse to my pigmentations.i he taken your meladerma but nothing effect on my face.. thx [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query. After delivery pigmentation of face is very common, and it is called as plasma. This hyperpigmentation can be removed by using skin lightening creams. Various creams are available like Melanie XL, lookalike, Bungalow etc. You can take any of them. The following should be procedure to use it.1. Wash your face in evening around 7.2. Chat Doctor. 3. Keep it for one hour.4. Wash face again.5. Apply some moisturizing cream and sleep.6. In morning apply a sunscreen with SPF at least 30. Do this for a month, you will see the results. Let me know if you have any other doubts. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 26 yr old female, Yesterday I ate dinner and had intense pain in my lower abdominal and pelvis both on the left side, the pain caused me to regurgitate my dinner and I had an urge to urinate the whole time but didnt have to go. The pain lasted a few hours then became less intense. I woke up the next day with no pain then again after eating breakfast the pain came back. I didnt regurgitate this time but the pain was the same and same urge to urinate and again became less inentense . What is the cause of this? [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. Urge to urinate and abdominal pelvic pain and regurgitation symptoms - It looks like renal / ureteric calculus.2. The other cause is if there are symptoms after the intake of food - then it goes towards the bowel pathology (but you have not mentioned any bowel symptoms) so we take it as incidental.3. Mean wile you can take a painkiller and see if resolves fine. If not then you have to see your doctor and get an ultrasound abdomen done, which will help to reach diagnosis. Hope it helps you. Wish you a good health. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter who is 9yrs old complains of stomach ach quite often now a days and its usually followed by either oily food or cheesy food etc. also it happens when she happily plays and only while coming back home. Not able to discriminate if she is faking it. she is too smart to act when someone is looking at her and other times watching tv and acting on and off to keep attention from all [|AI|] HI. This is true that it is difficult to discriminate the faking and actual reason of pain in abdomen. One history of pain on oily and cheesy food and when she is coming back home is indicative of some organic problem. We have to rule out all the probable reasons like Colitis, allergy to particular food, appendicitis, mesenteric lymph nodes -so common in this age group and worms. I would advise you to take her to the General / Pediatric surgeon when she is in pain so that a physical examination will help to see if she is faking or not, go for tests of blood, urine, stool, ultrasonography for a probable diagnosis and treatment. I would also advise such a patient to take one course of an antibiotic, metronidazole and anti-worm treatment.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] experiencing tingling (NOT pins and needles) onleft side of face from back of head around to face, concentrated in the ear area. Does not hurt but can get stronger. Comes and goes. has an electrical shock feel to it and sometimes comes around to the corner of the mouth and the eye. [|AI|] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that your symptoms seem to be related to trigeminal nerve compression. The electrical shock pain seems to be caused by the irritation of this nerve (also called trigeminal neuralgia). For this reason, I recommend consulting with a neurologist for a physical exam. A brain MRI is necessary to exclude a possible intracranial cause (a cyst, a tumor or a vascular compression of the nerve). Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 42 Female, with a hx of heart disease of my Dads side. He had 2 MIs before age 50,and his brother died of MI at 48. I started having CP yesterday, feeling like someone is sitting on my chest. Today I woke up still with discomfort in chest, having a bad headache, got clammy earlier,and it feels like its hard to swollow. I also have high cholesterol and started crestor 10mg about a month ago. I feel really tired and really tired. Worried I may be having signs of a heart attack. What should I do? [|AI|] Hello Welcome to Chat Doctor. You symptoms like chest heaviness and clamminess in presence of strong family history of premature heart disease, point a suspicion to a cardiac event. Also, you have risk factor of high cholesterol. Headache and swallowing difficulty may not be directly connected to symptoms of cardiac event but can be present as associated symptoms. I recommend you get checked up for the same. You should take an ECG, 2 D Echo and a cardiac enzymes test to see if there is any damage to the heart. IF ECG and 2D Echo show no changes and cardiac enzymes are normal, then you must do a stress test after 4 days when you do not have these symptoms. A stress test can help predict if you got blockages in your heart. Please do the above and revert with the test findings. If all the above tests are normal, you still stand at a higher risk of heart disease than other people, and you must undergo yearly 2D Echo and stress tests to detect heart disease early. Wishing you good healthRegards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 9 year old daughter is saying she sometimes feels like she cannot take a deep breath. She is not wheezing, that I can tell, and this passes, usually after resting or sleeping. She is on daily zyrtec and has no history of asthma before. She does not complain of any other symptoms with this. [|AI|] Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. If your daughter is not wheezing, not having fast breathing and not coughing, you should not worry about asthma at present. Feeling of not able to take deep breath can be due to nasal obstruction. Common causes can be allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, or adenoids. I guess she is taking daily Zyrtec for allergic rhinitis. If she is feeling nasal obstruction I would suggest her to take montelukast along with Zyrtec for 2 weeks. If this does not improve, I would suggest consulting a pediatrician who will examine her in detail and may suggest her some investigations to identify the cause. Hope this will be helpful to you. Wish your daughter the best of the health. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Can the TESE procedure be repeated if occasional immotile sperm not found? [|AI|] Welcome to ChatDoctorYes THESE procedure can be repeated if sperms are not found. If no spermatozoa is seen, then (1) additional biopsies of tissue are obtained through the same tunica incision, (2) biopsies are performed using additional incisions, and (3) contralateral biopsies are obtained, if needed. After dispersal, immediate intraoperative evaluation of the specimen is performed by a member of the IVF laboratory in the operating room. Subsequent processing of the testicular tissue suspension, including microdissection of the specimens is performed in the IVF laboratory. Hope this information helps u. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Iam 30 yrs. I had my 1st child in 2005. Now we are planning to have a second child for the past one year, but I have not yet conceived. I had taken siphene and susten 100 mg tablets last month. But no positive result. I had got my periods today and shall I continue the tablets this month also. Please help me out doctor. [|AI|] Hi, How are you doing ? You can try those hormone medicines for 2-3 myths. They do increase the number of follicles coming out each month & indirectly improve pregnancy chances. But that alone may not get you pregnant. May I advise - Kindly see if the following checklist of investigations is househusband- Semen analysis at least 2- done 4 weeks apart preferably in an infertility center (examination done by an Chat Doctor. Being such a small opening tube can get blocked easily, So check with HSG(X-ray with dye), or SSG (Scan with dye) or Laparoscopy all this done & found normal, nothing can stop a pregnancy with Gods will Hope I have cleared your overall the best
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, last night at a part I got a bit worse for wear and fell over, i awoke this morning to a lump on my inside bone in arm (close to my wrist) is painful to touch, but I can clench my fist and move my palm up and down, but its painful to move my hand side to side and to flex my fingers...any ideas? Is it just a bruise? [|AI|] Hi, Susan. Dear, Good Afternoon. I am Chat Doctor. -I studied your query in-depth and Understood your health concerns.-To Start with-I would advise you NOT to worry about what you are suffering from. For every problem there is a solution with Me.-Treatment and Cause of lump close to wrist- -The painful lump you have is due to the Contused Wrist bones-with Wrist joint Contusion and painful lateral side way movements.-In my opinion-the inside bone lump of the arm above the wrist -is contused Ulna-with painful side-way movements.-This is because you could clench your fist.-Restricted sideways movements and restricted painful flexion of fingers-points to ?fracture without displacement or with little displacement.-I would hence advise Xray-Wrist joint with wrist bones-and to consult ER-Ortho-Surgeon if your ER-Surgeon advises. Treatment Advised--A bruise would be relieved - in 2-3 days time-with treatment by-Tb-NSAIDs/ice compresses and / Wrist Support bandages.-If no relief-Xray wrist and ER Ortho-surgeon consultation is advised to your.-Hope this elaborate advise on your most complex issue would help you to recover fast. Wish you recovery ASAP. Wellcome and ThanksWith Best of Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I waitress In a poker room and stepped on a poker chip rack and I slammed onto the floor hitting my right hip and gave myself whiplash. I got up and finished my shift but when I got home I felt like I had been in a car accident... Its been 4 months and I have put off going to a doctor because the casino has to give me a drug test and I wont be able to return to work until results are back. I dont do drugs but depend on tips to pay bills. Can I ask my regular family doc to give me a referral for an MRI ??? I just had thermography done and am waiting on those results [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, The history given by you suggests that you have sustained an injury around the hip joint and probably the back. It is important to visit an orthopedic for clinical examination and relevant investigations. Whether MRI is required or not will be decided by the orthopedic after examination. So, instead or getting a referral for an MRI, get a referral to an orthopedic. The injury should not be ignored as it can lead to long term sequela. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been having a fluttery feeling in my chest on and off today. I have not been weak, dizzy or faint. I have bot been running a fever or sweating. I have however had to stop to catch my breath a few times today after walking up stairs or reading out loud to my class. I have had a cough and cold for over a week now. What could it be? [|AI|] Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Your symptoms could be related to a cardiac arrhythmia. But a lung infection can not be excluded either, considering the fact that you have been having fever. Coming to this point, I would recommend consulting with your attending physician for a careful physical exam and some tests: -a resting ECG- a chest X-ray study and pulmonary function tests- a cardiac ultrasound-complete blood count, PCR, ESR for infection-thyroid hormone levels - blood electrolytes. An ambulatory 24-48 hours ECG monitoring would help investigate for possible cardiac arrhythmia if suspicions are raised by the above-mentioned tests. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello,my husband had recently done his medical exam for his work.The result are all normal except his blood pressure of which i say its unstable .thats why he was advice to have his 2d echo test.My question is what is the usual problem we can encounter when doing this kind of test.Please help me [|AI|] Hi,2D echo is a very safe test with almost no complications. The technician will make him lye on a couch then he would use a probe(having ultrasonic waves) all over his chest wall to make different views of separate chambers of heart, he would use some jelly in between probe and chest wall.Sometimes rarely patient can be allergic to jelly(Allegra 180 can be taken). Apart from that there can be many bookish problems but in practical it's a 10-minute test with no problem. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doctor, I am having kidney stone problem & I am on medication having Zyloric for past one and a half month, yester day I faced issues urinating and had thick fluid like substance deposited on tip of my penis which dint wash off using the jet spray, had to take it out with my hands; was very sticky...definately not semen.Kindly assist. [|AI|] thanks for your query can feel your concerns you seems to have a urinary infection advise you to consult urologist have a routeing urine examination do you have frequency or urgency?I advise you to take a lot of water use catwalk for urine alkalinization urine R/E Shows pus cells and infection then take a course of antibiotic after consulting your doctormoniter kidneys stone continue zyloricwishing you a speedy recovery Hope I have answered your query am available for your help regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter is almost 19 years old. She had a baby 9 months ago. She has been suffering from severe back pain . Exrays show she has a 13th rib. Also told that her L5 is messed up and she has no spacer between A1 and S2. She has been told she will need back surgery. Apparently to repair the spine and remove the extra rib which is attached badly. Any idea what the recovery time should be following such a surgery? She is alone with a 9 month old baby. [|AI|] Hi, I empathize with your daughters problems and hope the surgery helps her get back to normal life. As far as recovery from spine surgeries is concerned, the period varies individually. 3 months is usually the average period. This would include the time when she will be on absolute bed rest and rehabilitation. It is always better to discuss this and other issues about surgery, complications, benefits of the surgery beforehand with the operating surgeon. Hope this answers your query. Wish her good luck!!!! Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i am roop my question is when i was 15 years old this is my problam water tap then i sat down on the water layer side was my sexual part i did feel relax but now i leave this bad habit who has this habit does not leave after my health contracts please tell the doctor that you have a side affect. [|AI|] Hello Room had gone through your question very diligently, and I will try to help you out in the best possible way. Masterbation doesn't cause major health problem unless it is practiced twice or thrice in a week. Excessive indulgence may cause weakness, loss of energy or adverse effect on healthPlease follow these guidelinesDont think much about this concentrate on your study or business should keep a distance from all. Kind of pornograpChatDoctoraterialsStay with family or friends, don't stay aloneHave good balanced diet with all essential nutrients Exercise regularly Hope this helps you Best wishes
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have been tired for over a month im am always tiristy i have headaches that come and go my feet hurt my heals have cracks on them i poked my finger the other day and it seemed to bleed forever body aches lower back pain that comes and goes and as tired as i am i have trouble sleeping at night and get up every couple hours [|AI|] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor ! Your symptoms could be related to a metabolic disorder, as well as a hormonal disorder. For this reason, I would recommend consulting with your GP for a careful physical exam and some tests: - complete blood count-thyroid hormone levels-blood electrolytes- PCR, sedimentation rate for inflammation- fasting glucose- a urinalysis. A brain MRI may be needed, in case of hormonal imbalance, in order to examine better the pituitary gland. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Best wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello. I have had an attack of pancreatitis last may and it cleared up ok. Now, for about a week, I have had very dark yellow urine so I went to my doctor. He confirmed high levels of bilirubin but no blood in the urine. I had an ultrasound exam today and the Dr believes he sees a mass that has grown since he suspected one last may. My question: Can I grow stones in the pancreatic that would block the bile duct and cause my problem? If so, what would be the normal treatment. Thanks, Don Cancel please. I did not know there would be a charge for your service. I will wait for my doctor to find my problems. [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for the query. High bilirubin levels are not caused by obstructed pancreatic duct. It is caused by obstructed biliary ducts which can be caused by pancreatic cysts, tumors or lesions. So you need to do ct scan of abdomen to verify UIs these such pathology. It may indicate benign conditions such as hepatitis or gallbladder stones or some serious malignant disease, so it should not be ignored. Wish you good health. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Ive been having a constant burning in my penis for the past few months now, but ive been only getting it when i have an erection, and at times urinating. The burning is not consistant during urination but it is when i get an erectionn its around the middle of shaft and burning goes away after urinating [|AI|] Hi. This looks to be due to a condition called Urethritis, meaning infection or inflammation or urethra. You have rightly mentioned the condition and the timing. I would suggest such a patient to undergo blood and urine tests; recommend undergoing Urethra- cystoscopy to confirm or rule out the diagnosis. The treatment will contain an antibiotic suitable for urinary tract infection, Urinary alkalinize (a liquid to be taken with a glass of water usually after food), plenty of oral fluids to keep the urinary flow and dilution. Further treatment plan would be according to the reports and findings on reports
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am on day number five of recovering from (Stomach Flu), I have had the runs really bad, and now it has stopped with meds from the Dr, but I have only drank water and ate crackers, what can I now eat, im scared, and my heart is fluttering a little, I type slow sorry. ro [|AI|] Dear Friend. Welcome to Chat Doctor. Hi, I am Chat Doctor, I have read your query in detail, I understand your concern. We suggest following diet in case of Acute Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu):1. Soft bland diet2. More of liquids3. Curd4. Soup and Khichidi5. Pulses. More important here is to see if stomach flu is infective, then antibiotics are required. This is my personal opinion based on details available here. If you still have any other query, you may please ask me. Stay Healthy. Chat Doctor, MD
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Ive recently started taking Yasmin birth control and first of all Ive had my period for the whole month and 2 days ago i started drinking the white pills from the pack so im assuming that that is when my period starts. Secondly my breast have become a bit bigger and they are a bit tender. is all this normal??? [|AI|] Birth control pills are not supposed to cause any irregularity in bleeding neither the heavy nor prolonged bleeding. In fact, they are supposed to regularize otherwise irregular periods. If with the pills you had continuous bleeding for the whole of the month, it means that either the pills were not taken regularly or they are not suiting you, and you may have to switch to some other dosage combination, may be with higher dose of estrogen in them. Heaviness and tenderness in breasts is known while on birth control pills. It is due to the water retention property of progesterone component. Soon you will be used to the size and the tenderness will not last long. If it is becoming too uncomfortable, you may try restriction on salt intake.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HI DR. Grief, my name is Roberta. At the end of February I had the flu. After the flu started to go away I developed a chronic cough accompanied with mucus. I went to my a physician`s assistant who prescribed Benzonatate 200 MG take 1capsule by mouth every 8 hrs. as needed. I did this for a few weeks and this did not help. My cough was atill persist and accompanied with mucus. I coughed so hard and could not breath when trying to clear the mucus from my throat. I have gone back to my Dr.s office after a month and was seen by a nurse practitioner who prescribed Ventolin HFA 90 MCG inhaler, 2 puffs by mouth every 6 hrs as needed, and Montelukast SOD 10 MG, 1 tablet at bedtime. I was told that this won`t take affect right away, that I have to take this over a period of time before it does! Does this sound right to you? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, you are not taking right treatment. By your history and description, possibility of post infectious bronchitis is more. This condition is common after common cold due to flu infection. And treatment of choice is inhaled corticosteroid (ICS). Ventolin is short-acting beta 2 agonists (SAGA). Its action lasts for 1-2 hours. So frequent dosing is required. Montelukast is anti-allergic, and it has no role in post infectious bronchitis. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). PFT will tell you about severity of the disease and treatment of bronchitis is based on severity only. Better to stop montelukast and start ICS after discussing with pulmonologist. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have been in hospital with quite a bad case of tonsilitis today. i have pains in the top of my neck, my head, my ears, cheeks, and throat. i also have swollen lympth nodes in my neck. I have come home and am on antibiotics, codeine, paracetamol, and ibuprofen. I have just in the past hours started to get pain in my legs, arms, shoulders, and lower back. i have researched things on the computer and everything i read is scaring me. i panic alot if there is something wrong with me and get really anxious, so i was just wondering if i should seek medical attention or if i will be fine? [|AI|] Hello, I read carefully your query and understand your concern. The symptoms seem to be related to a tonsillitis. The presence of an infection in the system can cause muscular and articular pain. I suggest continuing using anti-inflammatory medications such as Acetaminophen to relieve the pain. The symptoms will go away on its own in a few days. Hope my answer was helpful. If you have further queries feel free to contact me again. Kind regards! Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter is 6 years old.She is having heavy hair fall.We check her blood and find all report normal Hb (12.6), calcium level r OK We started Multivitamin but not getting controlledShe was having Lices and we used AntiLice shampoo 2-3 times .Any suggestions ? [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for writing here. Most common cause for hair loss in child Chat Doctor. You need to clear that problem first. Permithrin lotion is the best option for treating lice. It is available in brand name as per lice. You need to apply whole lotion in a single application. Once the problem of lice is resolved hair fall will reduce on its own and no other treatment is required. Instead of multivitamin you can give her biotin containing tablets. Do not apply horse shampoo or oils for her hair. A good diet containing eggs, fruits and vegetables will also stop hair fall. Hope this will help you. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I hit my lower shin really hard two weeks ago, it was very painful, warm to the touch even so I took ibuprofen, iced it, and kept it elevated. At this point the swelling has gone away as has most of the pain unless I touch it or bump it. However I just noticed that there is a large solid feeling lump right above where my shin connects to my foot. Is this lump something to be worried about or will it just go away with time as the deeper levels of bruising heals? [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. This lump is most likely a hematoma. Due to recent injury blood vessels have been ruptured, and the blood appeared in the soft tissues. Such blood collection, if its large enough, can not be absorbed without medical help. That is why it should be checked by a general surgeon. Soft tissues' ultrasound should be done at first. If fluid collection will be confirmed, it should be Chat Doctor. Hope this will help. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I got the Nexplanon implant in April 2013 and recently I ve been having a lot of pregnancy symptoms. Fatigue, cramps/feeling full and nausea off and on throughout the day. I haven t had a period since it was inserted, but I was on some antibiotics about a month ago. Home pregnancy test was negative, but I can t shake the feeling that it s wrong. Is there any possibility that it was wrong? [|AI|] Hello, and I hope I can help you today. Explain, as long as it is not expired (which occurs after 3 years) has never been shown to have a pregnancy failure. Therefore, as long as your device has not been in longer than 3 years, you should be completely protected against pregnancy, even if you are having regular unprotected sex. In addition, antibiotics (except certain kinds that are very strong given by IV) have never been shown to actually increase risk of pregnancy while taking birth control-the interaction is theoretical only. Furthermore, the side effects that most people attributed to pregnancy like nausea, bloating, breast tenderness, and mood changes are also common side effects of any progesterone only contraceptive. The reason for this is that the hormone in Explain is very similar to the hormone that is produced by a normal pregnancy. In addition, many women do not menstruate on Explain, which is normal. So you really do not have to worry that you are actually pregnant with the Explain based on your symptoms and with a negative pregnancy test. If you are having side effects you find unpleasant, you may want to discuss changing to an alternative birth control method with your healthcare provider. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was walking while holding a lot of office supplies (pencils, pens, a pair of scissors and a binder). I dropped one on the pens and bent down to pick it up. As I bent down I felt a slight stabbing in my leg. I assumed it to just be a pen and bent down all the way picking up my dropped pen. When I stood up my leg started hurting really bad (inside thigh). I looked down and it turned out I stabbed myself with the scissors. It is a small cut, but it was really sharp thin scissors and it bled a lot. I got it to stop and bandaged it. Now its been about three four hours and it hurts when I walk. And it hurts like the size of a softball around my little cut. I don t know what to do. Is it okay? [|AI|] Hi first check if all your muscles are working fine or not, similarly check movements of all joints. Check the color of your toes. If all these are normal then chances are you have not damaged anything seriously. Next see the wound - thoroughly wash it-- If it is large then go to ER for repair, If small one without a large cut then keep on Chat Doctor. Take painkillers as and when required. If at any stage you are not comfortable visit Emergency or your doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my wife coughed some blood ( a tea spoon) following throat irritation in early hours (4 a.m) while at sleep. This is the second time she is experiencing the similar problem after 6 months. She had been diagnosed to have infection of the lungs. Scope and scan had been done for the lungs. X-ray seems to show tiny scars in the lungs and possible cause had been identified as infection and being treated with augmentin antibiotic. Few years ago she has been treated for reflux esophagus. Please can you advise the possible cause? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Your wife is having hemoptysis (blood in sputum). Most common cause for this is bronchitis. Other common causes are tuberculosis and lung infection like pneumonia. Since she is having scars on her chest x-ray, no need to worry about tuberculosis or pneumonia. Possibility of post infectious bronchitis is more in her case. So better to get done PFT (pulmonary function test). PFT will not only diagnose bronchitis, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. She may need inhaled bronchodilator and inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). Don't worry, you will be alright. First diagnose herself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your wife. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my daughter has suffered from low back pain for a long time but mri s show nothing; she has extreme itching; pica; and has just found out she is extremely anemic. her iron level was 19 with a norm of 50-170; total iron binding 521 with norm 250-400; and % of saturation 6 with a norm of 20-50. Is lymphom a possibility? [|AI|] Your daughter can go for an MRI if back pain is persistent to isolate the cause. For treatment, she can take some painkiller like attract or biozobid-plus only when her back pain is worse enough or disturbing her routine work. Apart from this she can take some calcium supplements like shall or toscal-gem once daily preferably in afternoon. She can do some physiotherapy exercises after an expert opinion of physiotherapist. I will also advise her to sleep on a plain surface as it is very helpful in case of back pain.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi thereI jave had pcos for the last couple of years but have been actively trying to concieve but with no luck.I started taking metformin 500gm in november to help with my polycystic ovarys and since then i have not had my period. It is now the 5th of january 2018, could i be pregnant or is it just my pcos causing my flow to be late?Please keep in mind that i am overweight and the only tjings affecting me is that im more tired than usual, have lower back aches, and have cramps but not everyday.. [|AI|] Hi There, After going through your question, I am of the opinion that:1) Yes, infertility caused by PCs can be treated. There are many patients suffering from PCs who conceive naturally.2) Metformin helps to overcome insulin resistance and thus combats hormonal problems associated with PCs.3) Amenorrhea which follows unprotected sexual intercourse can lead to pregnancy.4) My suggestion is that you get a urine pregnancy test done at home. If that is positive, it means you are pregnant.5) The symptoms also point vaguely towards pregnancy, and testing is the only way to tell. I hope this helped.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello, I first felt the pain sensation when i bent forward three days ago and it started of dull pain on my lower back. The next day it was very hard to stand up and walk, as days went by I felt that the pain had gradually spread in to my right hip which very uncomfortable when I sit down. On the third day, it got worst and it spread into my lower abdomen and affects my groin when I walk. please can you tell me what is wrong. [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. After going through your query I think You are suffering from acute backache. It may be due to slip disc or muscular. Treatment of both is rest and analgesics. Diclofenac three times a day after meals is effective. Sometimes strong analgesic(such as attract three times a day after meals) is required. OMEPRAZOLE 20 MG before meals prevent acidity caused by analgesics. To further investigate MRI of the region is advised. I think your query answered. Welcome to any follow-up query
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, My son is 13months old and he has had a lump under his chis for about a month now. Its gotten bigger in the past couple of weeks. I have taken him to the doctor and they feel that it is a swollen lymph node due to his being ill. He has had cough and cold for about a month and for the past two weeks a double ear infection that I have been treating with antibiotics. I am starting to worry that he has something seriously wrong like (cancer) or something. Should I be really concerned here? [|AI|] Hi dear, I understand your concern It seems he has reactive lymphadenopathy due viral infection. You should be worried, but not too much. Observe for lymph. Node, if it will decrease till 1sm,it is normal. If it will more, then 1 am, then perform blood test to exclude mononucleosis, other viral infection as herpes, for this you can give IG M, G to HHV 6 type, Cytomegalovirus, ABV. It is also important to perform throat culture and consult child at ENT doctor to exclude chronic infection:adenoids, tonsillitis,thyroiditis. If everything is Ok. You should wait at least 1 month,it will decrease. For speedy recovery you should put on compress witChatDoctorphor every night(crash 2 tablets,mix with water and apply to node, it will resolve, Camphor is strong antibiotics inflamed medicine). Please contact me before visiting your primary doctor. Wishing your baby good health
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a hard knot on the back of my neck. its been there about 2 years and has gotten bigger. I dont know if its related, but i also have joint pain and keep a low grade fever. I had a soft tissue MRI and it didnt show anything. Any idea what this could be? thank you. [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have enlarged lymph node due to reactive hyperplasia, tuberculosis, lymphoma or metastatic carcinoma. Or you may have some tissue tumor like lipoma or neurofibroma. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment according to diagnosis. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi there I have had a blood test which has shown high pro lactin. I had the test because my periods have been very light and irregular and my boyfriend and I have not been using protection for the last two years and I m still not pregnant. I m tired and very thirsty all the time and for about a week a month I feel dreadful with blocked sinuses and puffy eyes and a headache. I m having another blood test today to see if my levels are still high. What can this mean? [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Increased prolactin levels can be seen in conditions like Polycystic ovary disease, Chronic renal failure, increased stress, Hypothyroidism and prolactin secreting pituitary tumors. It can cause infertility and irregular and decreased menstrual flow. In view of head aches and increased thirst I will recommend you to do a CAT scan brain to rule out pituitary adenoid. Also do a thyroid function test and renal function test. Hope this helped, Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son has serious pooping issues where he strains ans screams on the top of his lungs and holds his breath and turns red and is pooping out peanut butter consistency and gets so many rashes and it s like every 5 min of pushing ans pooping little at a time. I have tried so many things and nothing seems to be helping with what the doctor says I believe there is somethin really wrong he is just miserable and waking up alot the night and through his naps so he is not getting enough sleep please help me I m so sick of seeing him like this and he is almost 8 months old [|AI|] Hi.... Suggestions:1. Natural methods are the best to relieve constipation.2. Constipation is a risk factor for UTI3. Maximum milk consumption per day should not exceed 300-400ml4. Minimum 3-4 cups of fruits and vegetables to be consumed per day5. Toilet training - that is - sitting in Indian type of lavatory or potty or on the mothers legs at feet in sitting position daily at the same time will help a lot. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 8 year old daughter has 2 black spots on her spine. They have been there for about a month. They are very painful to the touch. We thought it was a bruise, but it is not going away. Do you have any idea what it might be? Thank you so much for your help! [|AI|] Could you elaborate as to where on the spine are they located, their size and whether there is any redness, blistering or itching of the same? I think that most likely they are due to a skin infection that has healed and left the black spots behind. It might help to share the actual photos of this in a paid question, but if this is the only way you would seek help (i.e. through the free forum), I understand. Please revert with my name in the question, so that I will see it.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a bad tooth that has behaved itself mostly for some time. it has been sore to press on the area under my nose above the gum and to bit hard on it . .or if food gets into the decayed area . .but otherwise no biggie. This morning I woke up and my face is swelling in that area and sore . . . . the tooth no longer hurts however even to bite hard on it. Suggestions [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking the query, According to your symptoms I suppose that you have developed infection in your tooth this had spread to the periapical tissue leading to pain and swelling. I would suggest you to visit to a Dentist. Get an x-ray done. Start with root canal treatment of the tooth. Take complete course of antibiotics and analgesics. At home take lukewarm saline and antiseptic mouthwash rinses. Hope this helps out, Regards...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] something weird happened to my body these last couple of months. last month my period didnt come but then, when december kicks in, it arrived unexpectedly and it last for a bout two weeks and now i am experiencing thse spots for about a week until now. i also started taking a birthcontrol pill and i am somewhat sexually active. this is the first time this has happened to me, is there something wrong with my body? or this is just hormonal? [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It may be due to the anemia, hormonal disturbance, etc. Still it is better to consult your gynecologist for diagnosis and treatment. I usually prescribe to my patient with such symptoms' fluconazole, lifetime, iron preparations, till she consults her doctor. Take more of green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, and protein rich foods to prevent such changes. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] The right side of my mouth is swolen well my cheek I noticed is a little fatter than the left and when I feel the back of my gum in the back of my mouth on the right side I felt pain and when I touch my cheek it s hard for me to eat on the right side and I can still laugh and talk a little but not too much, I have no clue what the issue is except for I was suppose to go for a deep cleaning at the dentist because I was told I had plac in my gums so I m not sure if that s the issue but it s been going on day 2 [|AI|] Hello and welcome, normally,deep cleaning will not cause any kind of pain or swelling over gums and cheek other than sensitivity unless any trauma occurred during the procedure while using ultrasound scale and hand instruments. Have you got checked for any decay or impacted wisdom tooth in your right side?without clinical examination, we cannot decide your diagnosis and treatment plan. If you have severe gum infection, or gingivitis, i advice you to take tab.doxycycline.100 mg once a day for 3-7 days depending on severity of the problem. Please give your medical history like epilepsy, cardiac disease etc. to your dentist so that doctor can give a proper diagnosis. Hope you get well soon.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Yes, I have had high blood pressue for the last 4 months and want to be sure the medicine a doctor gave me a scrip for will be helpful. I have what I believe is Alport syndrome (mother has it). I am 52 with Asthma. I have had blood in my urine since I was a kid. Also am getting hard of hearing in my left ear. I am a female. I can not get in to see my moms kidney dr (will be my first visit) until end of Feb. The doctor gave me lisinopril.Oh I am 5 7 weight of 119 lbs. [|AI|] Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have hypertension. You should take antihypertensive medicine like calcium channel blocker or beatboxer or ACE inhibitors like losartan. Furthermore, you should take it according to your doctors' advice. And hearing loss may be due many causes. You may have conductive deafness or sensorineural deafness. You should consul tent specialist and ho for examination and then take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I woke up yesterday with extremlly swollen cheeks, slightly sore throt. today i woke up there a lil better. I have no allergys but i grind my teeth and jaw could that cause this? Im 22 i am 5 7 and i weigh abot 170 have no medical history regarding this [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for consulting ChatDoctorRead your query, as you have teeth grinding habit yes swollen cheek can be due to grinding but sore throat can be due throat infection, I will advise you not to take stress as teeth grinding can be stress induced and consult dentist and go for appliance Night guards that will help in reducing teeth grinding, for sore throat you can take antibiotic like Azithromycin by consulting with your doctor, do warm saline rinses. Hope this will help you. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doc, I am 22 years old, weighing 76 kgs and a patient of PCOS and was advised to take metformin 850 mg which did not suit my stomach i.e i got loose stools , nauseous feeling, I took around total of 10-12 tablets of metformin and then discontinued because of its side effects, that month i got my periods on time, but the next month again my periods were missing, I consulted another gynae and she prescribed me Primolut Nor 10 mg for 5 days, after that I got a withdrawl bleeding on the 5th day after finishing the doses of Primolut. Now today is the 7th day of my cycle as per the start date of withdrawl bleeding, and my gynae prescribed me Diane 35, for my acne , as well as to help me with PCOS and also because I dont want to get pregnant for now. Can i start Diane 35 today (i.e 7th day of withdrawl bleeding started) ?? Will i be fully protected against pregnancy after 7 days of taking Diane 35 ?? and can i take metformin along with diane 35? Will metformin lessen the contraceptive effectiveness of Diane 35 ?? Because my gynae said I should continue taking less dose of metformin along with diane 35 and get used to metformin side effects. And i have heard that Diane 35 can gain weight, is that true ?? Thanks in Advance :) [|AI|] Hi, It is true that Metformin is a very valuable Chat Doctor. You can take it with food to lessen the side effects. Diane 35 is usually started on day one initially, yet, you may start it now. Please remember that the first couple of cycles of any contraceptive pill are not completely safe and additional protection is needed. Metformin does not inhibit the contraceptive effect of the pill. You should space the two medications. Please try to achieve a healthy BMI and do regular exercise. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Doctor--Writing on behalf of my Mom. She is 81 years old and right now she is experiencing excruciating pain in her upper back/torso. Additionally, this pain has caused her to develop a large red rash on her back that burns but does not itch. What could this possibly be? [|AI|] Hello, Common causes of pain in the upper back are:- 1) Injury or trauma 2) Improper posture 3) Pulled muscle or sprain 4) Spondylosis 5) Herniated disc 6) Arthritis 7) Referred pain due to cardiac issues and many more. You can give tablet Diclofenac. Apply Diclofenac gel or Voting spray. Do physiotherapy as advised. Take a rest. You can do x-ray back after consultation. I will suggest you review here with detailed history or consult with the orthopedic with reports. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am almost positive I have anger issues. It does run in my family (Dad, uncle, grandfather, and great-grandfather) and my dad and uncle have both been sent to jail because of their anger. I think I have anger issues because for something so little and un-important I will hurt others around me with my words and actions. I am constantly in trouble at school (8th grade) for fights and just words I have said when I go in rage. I have had this problem as far as I can remember. One time I remember in 4th grade distinctly sitting there imagining myself throwing my teacher in the brick wall behind her. Also when I was 5 and 6 I got thrown out of a privet daycare because I would bite the children, my face would turn red when I was angry and I would just sit their and scream to. My friends are afraid of me, because when I am really mad (this happens often I hate that it happens I just cant control myself) I will hit my very close friends. I will scream at my mom to for nothing to. I wish I could control this. Do you have any tips of how I could control this? [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. This is the first time I am reading that anger runs into generations. I shall make it my research next chance. Anger should not be controlled. We have to understand the anger creating situations and stay away from it or tackle it so that it cannot create anger. There are so many occasions in your life where you are largely annoyed but never gets angry, because we know there is no use getting angry. Such circumstances are your answer. Why such a discrimination? For example, we board a crowded bus in the busy hours, there is good amount of push and pulls. We are annoyed, but never shouts at everybody at the bus. We never misses buses because we know there shall be crowd in the bus. Such experiences give you practical approach about your misconception about anger. Once you understand your mistake, correction comes easily. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i recently had a blood test because i was having a lot of pain whicChatDoctores and goes i have a crush fracture of t9 blood tests are generally ok, except for the eloctrophoresis which shows a discrete band consistent with plasma cell dyscrasia such as myeloma or mgus [|AI|] Your electrophoresis reports says that it is consistent with plasma cell ascariasis. However not specified that it is myeloma or Gus. You need further investigation to confirm that what the disease you have. It depends on your monoclonal IG levels and your symptoms. Go for Monoclonal IG levels, bone marrow study, x-ray skull also needed. Also scan you have any lytic lesion AOR not. What is creatinine level and albumin level is also important. But one thing is sure you need further investigation for plasma cell ascariasis. Go for that and take treatment accordingly.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 33 years of age and a female .I have a very oily skin in summer and dry in winter.very sensitive too. Having a hyperpigmentation and acne/pimples problem, I need a very good sunscreen which can get rid of both pigmentation and pimples. Couldnt use most of the sunscreen because it makes my skin more oily. Thank you. [|AI|] Hi, You are having facial Melanesia and acne vulgarism. Facial Melanesia may be due to pollution, cosmetics, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, anemia, internal diseases, stress,excessive sun exposure and so on. Acne vulgarism is due to tendency ... and you have oily may be acne form eruptions...acne form eruptions may be due to stress, anxiety, oily food, milk intake, ghee, excessive sun exposure, Chat Doctor. . You take vitamin C, nicotine acid and glutathione contains tablets for Melanesia. Kojic acid and vitamin C containing cream may be applied at night on melanotic patches. For acne, you take antibiotics like azithromycin or minocycline. And you apply clindamycin gel on acne lesions. I do not advise applying sunscreen at this stage . After control of acne lesions, you may apply sunscreen. No sunscreen can cure acne. It only protects the skin from sun rays, which cause Melanesia. You avoid tension, worries, foods which aggravate acne lesions. Take healthy food and proper sleep. I hope you may get proper advice. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have what feels like a flutter in my chest, like my heart skipping. It has been constant for a couple weeks now. It is bothersome and i dont like the way it feels. I do not experience any lightheadedness, or anything else with it. But it happens all day. I have noticed that if I have a glass of wine or a beer, it seems to stop. I take tylenol pms every night to help me sleep and it stops when I take those as well. Please help!!! I need to know if I should go to ER, will it go away, I just want to know what to do to make it go away. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Fluttering sensations in chest are seen with arrhythmia (rhythm disturbances in heart). So consult cardiologist and get done ECG, 2d echo, stress test and Holder monitoring (24 hours continuous recording of ECG). If all these are normal then no need to worry about arrhythmia or other heart diseases. Sometimes undiagnosed stress and anxiety can also cause similar symptoms. So consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am Sonia having asthma attacks on almost daily basis I am 33 years old got this disease 10 years back and it was under control but in this year it becomes a serious problem for me pls adv some medicine a I am using ventoline inhaler with montiget tab and on severe attacks I take ive inj avil plus dexa. Thanks [|AI|] Dear Sonia, The symptoms as mentioned in your post can be attributed to Acute exacerbation of asthma, secondary to the respiratory tract infection. Management consists of:1. A course of antibiotics based on culture & sensitivity reports.2. Stalin+ Aeroflot inhaler-provide symptomatic relief by causing bronchodilator (dilating the smaller airway passages, relieving the obstruction & increasing airflow to lungs). So, it can be used during an acute attack.3. Montelukast preparations- used as a maintenance therapy to relieve symptoms of asthma.4. Antihistamines like Cetirizine can also be used to provide symptomatic relief.5. Also make sure that you are well protected from exposure to cold, dust or other allergens. If symptoms still persist, kindly consult a Pulmonologist for proper clinical evaluation. Wishing a good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Yes, I am trying to ascertain if a blood pressure reading of 96/54 is optimal or considered too low.I am currently taking blood pressure medication.Additionally, with a reading comprable to mine, would taking Viagra be dangerous or detrimental?...Mark. [|AI|] Hello the blood pressure reading mentioned are considered low particularly when you are taking blood pressure medications. So a review with your doctor to decrease the dose and tier your blood pressure medication regime is justified in your case. Optimum pressure range should be man tinned at least above 110 / 70 for beat health benefits. If you are not on any nitrate based medication then you can safely take Viagra, however if you are taking any likewise medication Viagra is contra indicated. Last Viagra can further decrease the blood pressure and so adequate HY Chat Doctor. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a dream that i had pain in my heart and that too twice. The pain was too strong in dream itself, it was more like stretch in muscles nd as if my heart were split into two pieces. When i woke i could still feel the lil pain on heart side. And one thing i forgot to tell that there has been a constant pain in my left arm from shoulder to Fingers for like 2-3 years and i always ignored that. Now i am feeling worried that it can be related to some heart problem. I can t stop thinking about that dream, what could it be? I still don t know if I felt the pain in real or it was just a bad dream.. btw i am 22 years old [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Considering your symptoms and your young age (22 years), possibility of panic attacks is more. But better to rule out heart related pain first. So get done ECG and 2d echo. If they are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. Consult psychotherapist for bad Chat Doctor. You need counseling sessions. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 26yo son is in hospital with low heamaglobin he had a colonoscopy last friday and they found a 50cent coin lodged in his bowel which has been there for over a year (he thought it had passed) at the lodgement site they found a large mass behind the coin which is being tested as they dont know what it is. Can the coin lodgement cause bowel cancer? [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for the query. Basically it can't cause cancer. It can cause granulomas or fibrous tumors if there was inflammation around this coin. These are benign structures which extremely rarely can alternate to malignancy. But if it continues to grow it may cause bowel obstruction so you should be aware of it and if this happens surgery may be necessary. Wish you good health. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doctor i m having cardiomegaly with a right side kidney also affected and my legs,ankles and face have prominent swelling on them often when i wake up what do u suggest is it due to cardiomegaly or due to kidney problem ??? waiting for ur suggestion..... [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. It is difficult to say what is causing the swelling without clinical examination. You need to take tests specific to heart like ECG and echocardiography. If there is fluid around heart, pericardial effusion then there is possibility of hart related swelling. You also need to get kidney tests done and if you have an abnormal kidney function and your kidney on right side is showing a progressive medical condition then it is kidney related.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] baby is one month old...he cries a lot at night...sumtimes he s inconsolable...he s on breastfeed n top feed..we burp him regularly Aftr every Feed...still he cries a lot..we hav been suggested by our friends to give neopeptine as a mild dose n colicaid only if necessary ..wht do you suggest ...our doctor refused. Us fr any medicine. [|AI|] Hi.... Your doctor is 100% right. I, too, do not suggest any medicine. I will give an explanation why so... This is called evening colic and is quite common in this age group. This happens when the baby sucks at the breast very fast and in eagerness to Chat Doctor. Unless the air comes out like burping or flatus this discomfort will be there. Next time check if she is sucking too fast and gulping in air too. You will be more convinced. Usually I don't advice any medicines for this as they give only temporary relief. The two best ways to relieve this distress is - 1. Do not put her in lying position after feeding till she burps out the swallowed air.2. If she is still crying - put her in prone position and keep patting her back gently so that she passes off the flatus and gets relieved. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i ve consumed an entire bottle of liquid geritol within the past month. i ve read a lot about pregnancy success from taking the supplement . i had intercourse on the afternoon and night of my ovulation day and and the day after. what are my chances of being pregnant? i am trying to conceive and currently am 5 dpo. how soon can i know? what symptoms should i look for? [|AI|] Hello, Liquid Geritol is iron supplement, and it helps in preventing anemia, not cure conceive problem. If you do intercourse around ovulation time, then pregnancy rate is high if both of you have normal reproductive parameter. If you conceived, then first symptom will be amenorrhea with nausea or vomiting tendency. Then you do urine Chat Doctor test for pregnancy. If you are trying to conceive but not getting, then consult with your doctor and need proper investigation to detect underlying pathology. Take healthy diet, Vit-E supplement, do light exercise, avoid stress and take proper sleep. Be well and TC.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] For the past several hours my chest has been in severe pain. I take prograde metabo 223 x and I ve been using advocare. But usually when I take the metabo my chest hurts a bit then it goes away. But after eating a bag of jerky today my chest has been in severe pain for atleast 6 hours now. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion you are having HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) related chest pain. But better to rule out cardiac cause first. So get done ECG to rule out cardiac cause. If ECG is normal then no need to worry much for cardiac cause. You are mostly having HERD due to Chat Doctor. It is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach, tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms of chest pain. So avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. Avoid stress and tension. Start proton pump inhibitor. Go for walk after meals. Don't worry, you will be alright.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have cronic neck pain from fusion of4 and 5th cerfical disk over a year ago. I take alive250m and tizanidine pain doc. wants to do facet joint shots and burn out nerve connection if one is found. I need pain relieve now. I am getting weak and shaky and am becoming debilitated by the pain. I am a75 year old female and ilive by myself [|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have chronic nerve pain in neck. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like injury, arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia spondylosis or meningitis. I would suggest you to consult orthopedic surgeon again for proper examination and treatment. Doctor may order CT scan, MRI or physical examination. Doctor may prescribe muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory along with nerve supplement. Doctor may recommend physical therapy and stretching exercises which will help a lot. Doctor may also refer you to neurologist for nerve problem. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] thank you for your time. I am suffering with a bout of depression and have been for just over three months. I have been prescribed gabapentin for my anxiety. I have been doing some reading and do not see anything about the drug and my condition. is it ok to take? [|AI|] Hi dear I had gone through your query. Gabapentine is useful for anxiety but it won't be indicated in depression. Depression requires proper psychological evaluation and assessment. It can be treated with medicine like combination of SSRI and benzodiazepine. In SSRI sertraline / Escitalopram / paroxetine will help. Benzodiazapine like lorazepam and clonazepam will be useful in anxiety also. Psychological counselling and supportive psychotherapy will be useful. Consult psychiatrist and get help. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] ive noticed these little bumps arount the base of my penis and a littl on the bottem of the shaft there color is like a mix of greay purple and white but these bumps donot bother or itch or hurt me there just there i noticed them tho after a camping trip i didnt change my underwear or shower too frequently [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. You seem to have developed multiple sebaceous cysts over base and shaft of the penis. Skin in genital area a penis is rich in sebaceous glands and hence prone to get more sebaceous cyst due to accumulation of sebum beneath the skin. Normally they fade away without treatment however they need to be treated if increase in size or get infected. Please consult qualified General Surgeon for clinical evaluation and further treatment. If needed some of them which are bigger may need to get excised in Toto Completely along with the sac) Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Doctor, I started with cough without cold or flu soon after Christmas and when doctor checked she said I have lung infection and was given antibiotics for a week. I faithfully completely the dosage last month but still continues with dry cough. Then the doctor checked and said my lungs are clear and said the cough will go but gave me Apo-Mometasone nasal spray but its now 5 days but still I get dry cough and feel like phlegm stuck in the throat. I also take Benilyn dry cough syrup but the cough is still there although it has reduced. Can you please advise if this cough is dangerous. [|AI|] Hello, I advise you to have a chest x-ray so that the things will be more clear. You might have some kind of allergic cough which takes some time to stop completely. You can continue to use the cough syrup. Use APO mometasone if you have nasal problems also like cold or frequent sneezing. Better let's have a consult with a respiratory physician to have complete and thorough checkups followed by correct treatment. Take care. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Sir, Good Morning, My wife sugar level is fasting 172 and 232 for PP, just we found three days back, Now we consult the doctor, and prescribed Geminor M 1 and Zerodol, I want to know what is the food tobe taken and how to control the sugar by diet. Thanks. [|AI|] Dear Sir . I understand your query . I as u rightly understood lifestyle changes which include good nutritious diet and exercise are the key component s of management of diabetes . Along with proper timely medications . Say no to fried, fast and processed food stuffs . Take ore of green leafy vegetables, fruits, miles, oats. Whole grains . Which gives you lots of fibers . Avoid direct carboy Chat Doctor. . Like egg white, fish, and thin slices of meat . . Also do exercise at least 1 hour of waling a day . Please also check your HbA1c and microalbuminuria . And contact us . Use more of garlic turmeric in boiled food stuffs . Thank you and do contact us with the report .
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, my name is Nichole and I have a 2 year old son who passes stool 4 to 5 times a day, and they are not solid stools, theyre most runny. Is this normal? He is wanting to potty train and has no problem going pee in the toilet but cant control his stools and ends up going in his diaper. HELP! Is this normal? [|AI|] Thank you for following up. It seems your baby has diagnosis or infection of intestine. You should take your child to a doctor and get him examined especially stool analysis and stool culture for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics. I would suggest taking probiotic Enterogermina 1 Sasha 2 times 5 days, ORS. Try to keep the baby HY Chat Doctor. If stool will worse than add antibiotic-taxim(definite) in dose 4 mg/kg/dose 2 times during 5 days. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi!.. Me and My Husband is trying to have a baby.. i have spotting for 4 days and negative pregnancy test . i when to a gyn and she advice me to take noresthisterone ( Aminor ) for 3 days. she did not tell also what is the result to the transvaginal ultrasound my LMP Oct. 19 - im confused right now. i dnt know if im pregnant or im just experincing PMS . thank you. [|AI|] Hi, If you are having 28-30 day cycles previously, you may wait for a few days for your period. If you had the spotting on the days corresponding to your cycle, it could also be some hormonal imbalance. You can repeat the pregnancy test and ask for the report of the sonogram. Norethisterone is not advisable if you suspect pregnancy. You can get a blood test for pregnancy done. Please contact your doctor for further advice. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my name is Monique. My brother called me tonight to tell me about my father this past weekend. He is 72 years old and always a very active man. He still works (barber). I learned he has been taking something called a quinie for leg cramps. Another possible name Qualaquin? I guess the drug is prescribed here in the USA but it comes from Canada. Over the weekend, my father had difficulty moving around. Said everything hurt, including his back. he would lay on the floor and moan from pain constantly. This is very unusual behavior for my father. I guess he just renewed his prescription (that he has been taking for years) recently which has me concerned if this is a new onset of symptoms. I know he is also on a BP med, however I don t know what kind or dosage. I was told he also drank a lot of water over the weekend too. I m concerned there is more going on here and possible med interactions or something completely different. Leg cramps are a far cry from being in a ton of pain and not being able to move along with the excess intake of water. Can you please advise? [|AI|] Hello, The causes of pain below ribs are:1. Sprain2. Overuse3. Injury4. Blunt trauma5. Electrolyte imbalance6. Deny Chat Doctor. Improper posterior that, you can take electoral solution. Do serum electrolyte, CBC. Treatment mainly depends upon underlying conditions. Kindly follow with detailed history or consult with physician. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi my son has just turned 4. For the past 6 weeks he hasnt been his usual happy confident self. He is pale and looks washout all the time.. His appetite is not as good as it is normaly and he is always complaining of being tiered. He has a VP shunt.. Can it be normal to be unwell for such a long time? His main complaint is a pain in his stomach..regards Lauren [|AI|] Hi Lauren ! I would like to know if your son is getting fever either low or high grade in between. The symptoms you have mentioned are pointing to infection in the course of the shunt. It could be the peritoneal cavity (abdominal cavity). I would suggest you to contact your doctor/pediatrician at the earliest, who may apart from clinically examining him suggest some blood tests for your son to see if there are any features of infection. I hope this should help you in dealing with the situation. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, My daughter is 3. I ve just realized that it seems every time we take her to the Doc they ask if she had a bowel movement today... (interesting) She has been complaining of her tummy hurting for well over a month. I took her off of milk but it s not helping. The other day she had diarrhea that had smelled very awful and actually now that I think about it, the last time I saw her go #2 just a little came out and it wasn t very solid. hmmm [|AI|] Hello, It seems your kid have viral diarrhea. Once it starts, it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting. You need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic-associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z and D Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] well, i have this pain in my back that was from an injury from when i was like 9 or 10. i got this injury from going down a slide the wrong way and i literally heard it crack and i stopped breathing for a few seconds. i just was wondering if there was anything serious? [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. After going through your query I think your You are suffering from chronic backache. It may be related to old injury Treatment of back pain is exercises and analgesics (diclofenac 100mgSR). Sometimes vitamin D deficiency is the cause so get your vitamin D checked. If it is low then vitamin D supplementation(On DK 60K weekly with milk) can be taken. Avoid long continuous standing. Sit in a straight posture. Eat milk, fruits and green leafy vegetables daily. I think your query answered. Welcome to any follow-up query
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I Keep getting severe tooth and head ache every two to three days which last for about forty five minutes. It seems to start in a particular tooth and the builds up to my ear and the temple. Then fades to nothing. This is excruciatingly painful, any ideas? [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The pain in the tooth could be because of tooth infection the pain can radiate to the temple region, head and cheek region. This kind of pain occurs when the infection arises from the wisdom tooth. Consult an oral physician and get a radiograph done and take a course of antibiotics. If the infection is from wisdom tooth get the tooth removed. I hope my answer will help you. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi me and my wife was try to ivf .because my sperm is less. and my wife eggs was workin slow.we had one baby was we want one more babby .but stiil my sperm is lees and my wife eggs small.pleas help for as what we need ...ivf or medication... [|AI|] Hi, I think you should go for IVF because both you and your wife have problems. But if you want to try 1 or 2 cycles of GUI, you can go for that. Your wife will take some medicines like camphene for the growth of the follicles and track the follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound. When follicles reach a size more than 17 to 18 mm, injection will be given to rupture the follicles. GUI will be done the next day. Progesterone will be given for 2 weeks. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. If it doesn't work, then you can go for IVF. Your wife can take DHEA for increasing the number of follicles. Discuss with your doctor. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hI,I WAS TOLD I HAVE CHRONIC KIDNEY DIEASE,AN THAT MY KIDNEY FUNCTION IS ONLY 22%,BUT I AM ONLY EXPREIMENTING ABOUT 3 OF THE 7 SYMPTOMS,I HAVE SICKLE CELL DIEASE, AN WAS TOLD THAT BY THE END OF THIS YEAR BEGINNING OF NEXT YEAR I WILL BE ON DIALIYIAS, THAT IS NOT A GOOD COMBINATION,SO I WAS WONDERIN IS IT SOMETHING I COULD DO MYSELF TO IMPROVE MY KIDNEY FUNCTION [|AI|] Dear patient, The best way to protect your kidney, with the limited things you can do because of the serious underlying disease, is to avoid medications or conditions that cause deterioration of kidney function; the 2 most common and easy to ignore are deny Chat Doctor. Sickle cell patients indeed can get end stage renal disease, and if you get to that stage, then dialysis, either intravascular or peritoneal, could be indicated to replace the functions of the kidneys. Yours truly,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Sir, Good morning, My brothers son is totally upset with something. Everyday evening his hands are shaking he is fearing with something which we cannot identify. Everyday from 6-7pm he is doing like that. Remaining day is normal. Please advise any medcal treat. [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. From the description it is very difficult to diagnose your brothers sons problem. But outer it seems like an anxiety induced psychoses. Please consult a psychologist / psychiatrist for proper diagnosis and further treatment. Please Do not try other household remedies or black magic or other baseless treatment methods. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I m 25 had a baby girl 4month ago, recently started getting pain on the heel of my feet and it goes up behind my knee to my thigh I can t barely walk and know started getting pain in my wrist and arms it s been going on for 3weeks already I need help [|AI|] Hi, Firstly congratulations on becoming a mother and sorry to hear you are having pain. Coming to the point of you history, let's consider this, that since you deliver a child there will be a weakness in your abdominal region by which the muscles are not able to stabilize the spine and getting nerve trapped leading to pain in the lower limb. This is one of the common symptoms which most female go through post delivery. Doing some exercise to improve the quality of muscle strength and stabilizing the spine would be of great help. Also, some lower limb exercise will be of additional benefits. Strengthening exercises doesn't mean doing crunches or using weights or gyms. Some basic mat exercises will be of great help for now. Coming to wrist problem as this is also a common one I feel you need to do small hand muscle strengthening exercises using some hand grip strengthening equipment which is available online and can be purchased. Rest assured if you follow some basic exercise in mat itself will help resolve much of the symptoms and this is definitely not a major condition to worry about. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello doctor, my son is 16 months old and suddenly he had fever which was too high,that his whole face and body became reddish, he don t even have cough or and cold related issue, it was on Sunday evening . I consulted a pediatric and he prescribed three meds for him alex p+, meftal p, and monocef 0. Although I gave all meds as per his prescribed dosage but my baby is unable to sleep for more than 30 mins or more. Also his feet and face are again reddish. Am very much worried about him please please help me whether the prescribed meds are not too hard for him also what precautions should I take. [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (maximum ceiling dose of 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. Meftal-P contains Metonymic acid which is a NSAID. It carries the risk of gastritis and renal problems in the long run. Please do not use Metal. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have about 4 lumps on the right side of my labia minora each containing small white dots. Nothing happens if I try to squeeze them. One of them is painful to touch (stings). Could this be herpes? If not, what else could it be. Please I am desperate to know. [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some sexual transmitted infection or some benign cyst. You should consult gynecologist and go for examination. It will give you exact diagnosis. If needed go for biopsy of that lump. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I just received my chest xray report and this was stated at bottom. All else seemed to be normal. What exactly is this and what could it mean? Thank you. IMPRESSION: I just received my chest xray report Prominence of the interstitial markings in both lung fields. [|AI|] Hi thanks for asking question. If you have no symptoms at all then it has of less value. But here are few possibilities.1. First interstitial pulmonary edema can lead to such prominent marking. Patient will also complain pink frothy sputum and dyspnea.2. Second if you are working in textile industry or asbestos using industry then chances of pneumoconiosis is present like silicosis, asbestos is etc. Can lead to dyspnea with such x-ray finding.3. If you have dyspnea, cough, fever, chest pain then interstitial pneumonia like atypical viral or cytoplasm pneumonia can be the cause.4. If you have increasing breathlessness and no specific cause found for that idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis has to be ruled out. To distinguish between restrictive and obstructive disease pulmonary function test is useful. Complete blood examination also helpful. I hope my suggestion will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my mom is currently being treated for myleofibrosis. Has shown symptoms of the disease for approx 20 months. she is having transfusions at this stage every couple months. She has been taking Jakafi for the enlarged spleen, has helped greatly. She now is showing signs of extreme gout. Her left foot,ankle, arm, elbow and shoulder are effected. The family wants to know is the disease progressing, is the Jakafi not working, what will happen from this point? [|AI|] Hi! Welcome to Chat Doctor and I'm feeling sorry for the medical history of your mother. As per standard protocol, only bone marrow transplantation can cure myelofibrosis and splenectomy is also required for symptomatic management otherwise the disease might progress to leukemia! Therefore, please discuss the possible line of management with a hemato-oncologist and revert to us if any more clarification is required!regards!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query son is 23 months old , is down with lose motion from 8 days ,no blood had fever first 2 days now no fever,motions 3-4 a day,weighs 12 kg,having all water food everything possible, doc gave some antipasmodic, antifaculent, asked to wait,how long should i be patience.... [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a red rash on ears, mainly behind the ears. Also, mainly around one eye. Doc said its psoraisis. I was on predisone for 10 days. The eye is better but the ears arent. Ive tried different shampoos and hairsprays. Maybe its a food allergy. Im in perimenopause also. [|AI|] Hello, I read carefully your query and understand your concern. The symptoms can be related to psoriasis as your doctor indicates. Another possible cause can be atomic dermatitis. A photo would be very helpful through the diagnosis. Meanwhile, I suggest continuing using prednisone. I also suggest using a steroid cream for local application. Hope my answer was helpful. If you have further queries feel free to contact me again. Kind regards! Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I believe my child may have a diaper rash. He has an read urethra (about 2 days) and just recently has around 5 or so red bumps on the tip of his penis and some on his scrotum. He is 13 months old and does not seem to show signs of discomfort. I am wondering if I should take him to the doctor. I have many nieces and know what it looks like on a little girl, but not my own little boy. Thank you for your insight. [|AI|] Hello, What you describe could very well be a diaper rash. As this is not bothering him, let me suggest you change his diaper frequently (maybe every two hours) to minimize the time his skin is in contact with the urine. Also, you might have him sleep without a diaper on and place something absorbent between his body and the sheet. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Several days ago I noticed a very soft lump in the hollow space of my left clavicle. It is painless and measures about 3 cm by 5 cm. I went to the doctor today and he had blood drawn for a CBC and scheduled me for an ultrasound next week. he told me it could be a hematoma or a cyst or lymphoma. If I injured my shoulder in January could this soft tissue lump be from that ? I am very concerned since cancer runs in my immediate family. [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. First some good news for you. Most of such lumps are benign lesions and not a cancer for sure. Yes, it can be a hematoma caused by the trauma in January (sometimes blood collection can stay in the tissues for years). It can be also a cyst or lipoma (NOT lymphoma). All mentioned types of lumps are benign and can be easily diagnosed with an ultrasound. Hematoma should be Chat Doctor. Cyst or lipoma can be removed and send for histopathology to make sure no cancer is present. Hope this will help. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a diabetic of 38 years. My blood work today showed the sgpt(42)and sgot (46) were slightly elevated. Everything else was normal. My cholesterol was 195, my triglyceride was 59, my hdl was 79, and ldl was 104. Could it possibly be a diet issue. I have been eating more fatty foods than normal, and have craved and eaten coconut lately. I am 54, through menopause and everything seems to be topsy turvy. My mom died 2 years ago with cirrosis of the liver and she never drank a drop in her life. I am not a drinker of alcoholic beverages either. Advise please! [|AI|] Thank you for the query. As per history, you a 54yrs old lady (through menopause), a long term diabetic (around 38yrs) with slightly deranged Liver enzymes. Your lipid profile is within acceptable limits. Your profile is similar to a condition known as Non-Alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is common in diabetics (though the liver enzymes are more deranged in this condition). Consumption of fatty diet, may indeed be a cause. It is recommended to avoid refined carboy Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Does By Mycin cause yeast infections? Was on Clonocid, and got yeast infestion on my tongue, had to back to Dr yesterday for treatment tablet for that and By Mycin as I have had a sinus infection for last 2 weeks now. I am afraid I will get another yeast infection elsewhere by taking this, plse help [|AI|] Hi, Yes, By-Mycin can also cause yeast infection. By-Mycin is a broad spectrum (tetracycline) antibiotic that can disturb the natural balance of microorganisms in your body which can result in the overgrowth of non-susceptible organisms including yeast. This can be prevented by brushing your teeth and floss regularly. Limiting the amount of sugar-containing foods you eat. F you are using dentures, make sure they fit properly and don't cause irritation. Clean your dentures daily. Over the counter antifungal creams (statin or clotrimazole) would also be helpful. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. I recently was diagnosed with sinusitis and allergies. I never had allergies before, so at first I was skeptical that was what was wrong. I was prescribed 10 days of amoxocillin and told to buy an OTC allergy medication, so I bought Walgreens generic Zyrtec. I was feeling discouraged because though Ive faithfully taken my antibitiocs, I could not stop coughing. Finally, on Monday when I started the allergy medication, my cough was starting to be alleviated. Unfortunately, this past week the back of my tongue has become swollen and it is painful to swallow. How can I treat this at home? My doctor didnt seem too concerned with it. [|AI|] THESE ARE ALLERGIESSINUSITIS IS OUTCOME OF ALLERGIES WHEN THEY OCCUR EVERY YEAR WE DON'T BOTHER AND WHEN SINUSES ARE FILLED THEY GIVE THE SIGNS NO USE OF ANTIBIOTICSTAKE METRO 200 MG BDT AB CONTAIN FX(MONTELUKAST AND FEXOFENADINE COMBINATION)BDS YP TOSSED 1 SF NIGHT(CPM+CODEINE)SVP ASTORIA 1 SF BDS YP GENUS 2 SF BDNEOSPRIN H EYE OINTMENT IN NOSE BD SEA WATER 2 DOES IN EACH NOSE NIGH TNO STEAMER 14 DAYS NINETEEN GO FOR PERMANENT CURE FOR ALLERGIES
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Every once in a while I get these episodes where I get this weird feeling and then if someone is talking to me or if I m watching TV I can t understand what they are saying. It only last like 15-20 seconds and then it s gone. No pain associated with it or anything. I just keep going. I might get 2-3 a month and then nothing for a month or so. I went and had a CAT Scan and they didn t find anything (was worried it was a tumor or something). I tell my doctor the symptoms and he looks puzzled. I m 59 and in good health. Any ideas? [|AI|] Dear friend, You are having brief psychotic breaks, which may be due to impending psychosis (schizophrenia) or due to other emotional situations, such as episodes of past trauma (PTSD), or severe depression or anxiety. I urge you to see an experienced mental health professional in order to investigate this further. You have already checked for medical reasons, and have thus far come up with negative causes on that end. It really seems psychological, and you should assess it with a caring and intelligent professional. I wish you good health an sound mind. Warmest regards, Elliott
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my 13 year old grandson gets heartburn. his diet is consist of cold cereal, mac and cheese, fried chicken, rice, potatoes, pizza & sweets. Bananas and corn are the only fruits and vegies he eats. His mother is beside herself with worry but the kid won t change. he will go to bed hungry rather than eat something he doesn t like. and he has many nights. but this heartburn thing really bothers me can you give us some advice? should he see a Dr.? [|AI|] DearWelcome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your details. I am sorry to say, your grandson do not need any medical treatment, but needs corrective behavior. I suggest you to consult a psychologist who can provide your grandson with values and health counseling. As far as heart burn is concerned, physical exercises and right food will be enough. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my small brother was bitten by a dog before 9 years...and now i am noticing that he is changed....he get angry on every matter....he does not talk gently to anyone...he stare with one eyes close and one open if anyone try to tell him something good.....he eats lots of medicine for headache and so many other disease when i asked why are you eating these medicine no reply from it possible that he is infected by rabies virus....Please help me.... [|AI|] An infection from rabies is fatal and there are no known survivors of rabies. So your brother surely does not have rabies infection. The mood swings might be because of his age or hormonal changes in his body. As for the headache you need to get it checked by a doctor for detailed evaluation. Also get his eyes checked by an ophthalmologist, since he may require glasses because of any refractive errors in his eyes. Hope this helps a lot. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My brother is having a DJ stent placed in the kidney for calculi at mid uretor. He has come home. He was prescribed with antibiotic medicines, pain killers and medicine for fever. he even joined office for 2-3 days. Now he is having chills with fever. On advice of doctor he is taking calpol tab . the fever stops with lot of sweating. Is this ok. should he take calpol only if fever comes or is it that he has to take it even if fever is not advise. [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. Your brother has been detected to have stone in the mid-ureter and D. J stent has been placed in his renal unit to felicitate stone to pass down easily without any pain. The fever with chills that he has is mostly due to inflammation of ureter (Urethritis) or primarily due to infection. He needs to get his urine culture done to trace out the organisms causing this infection and to know the antibiotic sensitivity. Please give him broad spectrum antibiotics like Definite along with urinary antiseptic like Nitrofurantoin twice daily and urine alkalizer thrice daily. Later on switch on to appropriate antibiotics as per culture report. Get the prescription of medicines from your family Physician. Ensure he Chat Doctor. To keep your urine dilute This will help to control dysuria. Do not worry his will get resolved once the stent is removed.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a swollen area behind my knee. I can hardly walk because the pain is so bad in and behind my knee. The pain goes down my leg. The area hurts but also feels a little numb. I may have been stung by a wasp in that area several weeks ago. Would an infection from a wasp sting cause this problem [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case and most probably you are having backer cyst enlargement. This is collection of fluid in the posterior part of the knee due to either a meniscus tear or a knee arthritis. You should get MRI of the knee to see the cause than accordingly we can plan for further management. If there is meniscus cyst than you can remove it arthrscopically. If there is Backer cyst then you need to get it removed from posterior aspect of the knee joint. I hope this answer will be useful for you. Let me know if there is any other followup questions. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have swelling in both legs, lately has become much. I feel the swelling has starting up my leg as my slacks have become tight around my leg. i m scared. I have been un a terrible amount of stress for the last 2 months. My Dr has me taken xanes, however I feel swelling basically all over my body. My my legs are the worst and can t get y shoes on. Appreciate any help you can advise me. Kay Koldyk [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. Foot and leg swelling suggest internal disease process. You need to consult your doctor before any other complication arises. Due to compression of this nerve root there is pain in your foot. Physiotherapy like ultrasound and inferential therapy will give quick relief. I will advise checking your it B12 and it D3 level. Ultrasonography leg will help to rule out other pathology leading to pain like deep vein thrombosis. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Had a collapse lung in October had chest tube which did not seal the lung doctors requested I have the vats surgery to prepare two bleb within the lung in the month of march I had an X-ray which show my left to which the lung has collasped is slightly evelated when I inhale my chest hurts along with my shoulder blade is that normal please advise [|AI|] Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. Yes, it is normal to have chest pain and shoulder pain in collapse lung with breathing. Collapsed lung cause pleurisy (inflammation of pleura). And chest pain on breathing is characteristic feature of pleurisy. If diaphragm is irritated by collapse lung, referred pain in shoulder can be felt because of same nerve supply of diaphragm and shoulder. So better to start vigorous chest physiotherapy and deep breathing exercise for collapse lung.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am experiencing severe gastro problems with pain in the upper right abdomen. I am nauseaus and vomited a couple times with only a bitter foam coming up. I feel very bloated and acidy. A gallbladder scan was normal and was given a strong acid reducer, but still no relief. Any suggestions? [|AI|] Hi and thanks for the query, Gastritis today is thought to be caused by the bacterium, Helicobacter pylori. It imperative you get tested for it first if you have not done so yet. You need a course of antibiotics to get this germ eradicated. A healing phase that could range from 4 weeks to 8 weeks depending on the intensity ulcers if present. Proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole are then used in this case. A microscopy could be required to make a definitive diagnosis. Dyspepsia, another medical condition also has a similar presentation in some persons. Kind regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I m only 25 and really scared of going to the dentist and haven t been since a child, iv got a hole on my back bottom teeth one each side there isn t really a tooth there atall. And also on both my front top teeth there is a hole on both the insides of my teeth looks abit like it s rotten away abit n im very embarssed n scared but would like to know is there is anything that can be done [|AI|] Hi...welcome to Chat Doctor forum... please... visit your dentist and there is nothing to be scared of...holes in the front upper teeth can be easily filled by tooth colored materials and procedures are not painful at all... so go for it, get back your beautiful smile and be confident about it...and also get your lower molars filled before It's too late to perform any conservative treatment... so please go for it...take care...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doctor. My eyelids are very dry and sometimes itchy. The main patch is from the middle of the eyelid to the inside corner on my right eye. Also, now I have it on the top of my right ear and its worse here; a lot more dry and itchy, and now flacky. Could it be ringworm? Thanks! [|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Ring worm usually infects the area where sweating is more.Eyelids usually do not have much sweating. So ringworm is having very low possibility in that case. Ringworm is common in inguinal area and other arras of sweating. So in my advice you should show this to your dermatologist. Skin condition can't be diagnosed with description only. If we do not have visuals we can't diagnose it perfectly. Keep good moisture on the lesion area. Avoid sweating. Wash the face frequently. Avoid injury to the affected site otherwise it can. Cause infection. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i had sex on Friday morning by Friday night I felt minor cramping and discomfort in my lower is Saturday and I still the minor discomfort as if I am pregnant....yesterday was the first day of being fertile could I be pregnant? it feels exactly the same as my first child and I knew with in 2days I was pregnant the first time. [|AI|] Hi, Nothing can be said for sure, sometimes cramps occur due to fluctuation in hormonal level. As you said you had previous similar experience that you knew that you were pregnant, means a lot as far as you know your body better than any physician in the world. Here is what I recommend you to do.1) Wait for next 5 days if you still feel the same sensation you can take over the counter urine pregnancy test for confirmation. 2) If negative first test after first test try testing it again next week after the first test date. Just to make sure. The urine test is mostly 90% accurate in diagnosing pregnancy then any sonography or any human made instrument. Hope it helps.