The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] About once a year I get a reocurring abscess on the right/lower side of my groin. It always appears on what I think is a stretch mark type scar. Once drained, it disappears in about a week. What is a possible cause? 2006 (I was 23 yrs old) was the first time it appeared. [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have recurrent abscess in groin area. It can be due to acute abscess forming infection or may be due to tuberculosis or some other cause. You have send scrapping material from abscess for histopathological examination well as culture and sensitivity testing. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any doubts then feel free to ask me. I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I slipped in the bath this morning from a standing position. Came clattering down on my back. I was very winded and had difficulty breathing initially. I now have a bad ache in my back over the lower rib cage. I have no numbness in legs or arms. Should I lie flat or move around to keep the muscles active. I am using an ice pack at the moment. I am 63 and weigh 9st.I have controlled high blood pressure 5mg enalaprol a day and mild asthma. [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. After going through your query I think you are suffering from muscular pain due to injury. Treatment of it is rest and analgesics (diclofenac three times a day after meals). Sometimes strong analgesic(such as tramadol three times a day after meals) is required. Omeprazole before meals prevent acidity caused by analgesics. You should rest as far as possible as in this condition muscles need rest. It may take a week time to complete relief. However, you can get spine and chest x-ray done to exclude fracture. You can discuss with your treating Doctor about it. I think your query answered. Welcome to any follow-up query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I seem to have had a brain problem - I have not remembered what happened, all I know is that I find it very difficult to remember --- It seems that my mind has caused it extremely difficult for me to remember peoples names that I have known for a very long time. I know in my mind the people names, but I cannot say that person s name. Does that sound weird? [|AI|] Hi and thanks for question. Memory r two types: short term and long term short memory lasting from 10 sec to 10 days. Long term memory is lasting from 10 days to years. If you are doing repetition of something than it goes in long-term memory. But sometimes it will be difficult for us to find that thing in memory because it lost connection in mind, or we are not remembered the word which associated with it. So don't be panic, just try trick to store memory which will helpful very much. Trick r make a numeric, story, arrange in some pattern that easily remember. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my Dad has congestive heart failure and was about to start testing to get a heart transplant. His heart only works at 15% is what I was informed, i know that may not completely accurate but its what I somewhat remember. A week or so ago he was diagnosed with accute leukemia. They gave him a couple weeks to live. No one has informed me on what is to be expected for how he may deteriate through out this. Can anyone give me a little insight on what is to expect especially since his heart is so weak? [|AI|] Yes a heart transplant is for sure possible for a weak heart and the most common reason in the world for heart transplant is congestive heart failure. However, a recently diagnosed leukemia would not make him a good candidate for heart transplant and the life span because of leukemia may have been shortened and in such case s the risk of transplant in unusually high. So only and TER resolution of leukemia should he be considered for transplant. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HELLO I AM OM AGARWAL FROM SURAT (GUJ) INDIA. I HAVE A BABY OF ONE YEAR OLD. HER WEIGHT IS APPROX. 8KG AVERAGE DIET OF MY BABY IS 3-4 200(ML) EACH BOTTLE OF MILK AND EATING FOOD EVERYTHING WHICH WE TAKE,LIKE RICE OR DAL, WHEAT CHAPATI ETC.BUT FROM LAST ONE MONTH SHE IS NOT TAKING MILK OR FOOD BUT SHE IS FEEDING MILK FROM HER MOTHER. SHE IS CRYING VERY MUCH. SO PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO DO [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. I take this opportunity to tell you certain scientific facts and relieve your distress - 1. An active is a well kid even if she/ he is not eating well. 2. Development of a kid is as important as, or I would say even more important than growth alone.3. As the kids grow their interest in food decreases and interest in play activities increases so that they eat small quantity and run away to play. As parents, we need to be more patient and feed than less quantity but more liquors per day.4. This age rather than the quantity of the food I suggest you concentrate more on the number of times you feed her and also make whatever you feed her calorie dense by adding good amount of ghee to it.5. I suggest you not to use appetite stimulants on long run as they may cause Chat Doctor. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello,My Son is three months old, he s suffering from acute gastric and flatulence.. He was diagnosed with jaundice when he was 6 days old the level of bilirubin was 11.7, it took long 6-7 weeks to cure jaundice... After a few days he started having stomach aches n very acute gastric problem. He was first advised normal/general Colicaid n Gripe water... But the problem was severe that he was immediately prescribed Espumisan, Neopeptine and Drotin(SOS) it s been over a month with no relief... He farts like adults n that too with too much difficulty his stomach swells like a big HARD ball. Recently we got his stool test done the report is - PUS 5-6 with presence of mucus and Reaction RH is 6.3 also RBC - 1-2. Please Advice Regards Sourav Moudgil [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. This is called evening colic and is quite common in this age group. This happens when the baby sucks at the breast very fast and in eagerness to Chat Doctor. Unless the air comes out like burping or flatus this discomfort will be there and next time check if she is sucking too fast and gulping in air too. You will be more convinced. Usually I don't advice any medicines for this as they give only temporary relief. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am 28, 57 kg n my height is 5 4 I got periods last month on 15th n today is 18th. I would like to take unwanted kit got 4 misoprostol n 1 mifepristone. The kit says to take 4 misoprostol tablets vaginally. Do I need to take these 4 altogether? The second question is the kit says to take mifepristone after 1-3 days. Can u plz suggest me what time will be best to take mifepristone. Thanx [|AI|] Hello misunderstand your concernMifepristone and bisoprolol should be taken under the advice of gynecologist after confirming the intrauterine pregnancy by USG scan. It is used to terminate the intrauterine pregnancy up to 9 weeks of pregnancy. So first confirm the pregnancy. I think it is too early to use without diagnose the pregnancy procedure, Day 1: mifepristone 600 mg orally Day 3: Bisoprolol 400 UG (2 tablet) vaginally/buccal under the observation of gynecologist. If required 400 UG should be given after 4 hours. Day 14: USG should be done to confirm incomplete abortion In absence of pregnancy, period will be induced by progesterone pill/injection if period will delay by 12-14 days. Avoid stress, take healthy diet and do regular exercise. Best regardsContact Chat Doctor for further health query Best regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My knee swelled up for no reason about two weeks ago. I went to the ER where they wrapped it and gave me a brace. They said it was some kind of arthritis and needed pressure. Now my ankle and foot are swollen beyond recognition. My knee still hurts but the swelling of my foot is unbearable [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. As per your age and history there is possibility of soft tissue injury in knee. Most commonly meniscus injury occurs may be associated collateral ligament injury. You may need to do MRI knee to see for any functional defect. As per your symptoms you need to do physiotherapy and knee exercises to improve range of motion. Rest and ice fomentation along with supportive brace will help to reduce locking episode and pain. Small meniscus tear can be managed conservatively with physiotherapy with USG and TENS. Large meniscus injury can be managed by arthroscopic repair. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] IM 28 and have suffered with chest pain for the last 5 yearsdoctors tell me its astma.the pain is just right of my heart but feels like opening of my right lung when it started it used to feel wet and warm sensation and pain further into the lung. But now its just a dull pain i never cough due to it but can squeeze flem from the lung. It feels like i only every breathe from my left lung these days. And now ive the dull chest feeling is in the right hand side of my throat where a gland is. Which feels hard and makes it feel like my throats is closing and i struggle to get comfortable in on the sofa or in bed i can lie on my back as the feeling happens straight away leaning back in the sofa is the same any ideas surley this cant b astma [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Chest pain with breathlessness are commonly seen in asthma and heart disease. Get a chest x-ray, ECG and Echo done if they are normal, no need to worry about heart disease. Also consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). PFT is needed for the diagnosis of asthma. It will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You may need inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS). Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good morning, my 12 year old male golden is recovering from a splenectomy that was performed on tuesday. Doing ok, however very depressed (not him at all) eating very little (has never missed a meal). Giving him boiled chicken, some peas, and water. Eats just a little, then is not interested. How long should I expect such a change in his personality. Of course surgery can bring on some depression , this is so not him. Thank you Suzi [|AI|] Hi, His problem may be due to stress of surgery or due to some post-operative pain. The important thing is to maintain his nutrition. If he is not eating properly then some IV fluids can be given. Stress and depressive symptoms usually resolve after few weeks of surgery. For suspected pain problem you meet some veterinary surgeon. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Wish you Good Health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My left foot and ankle is swelled and has been for over a week. The top of my foot is sore to rub. My heel is really sore to touch and walk on. Can plantar fasciitis cause your foot and ankle to swell. I ve made no changes in my eating habits at all. I am limping from the plantar ficiatis. [|AI|] Hi and welcome. Yes it may be caused by plantar fasciitis. Also, an injury to the foot or ankle can lead to swelling. The most common is a sprained ankle, which occurs when an injury or misstep causes the ligaments that hold the ankle in place to be stretched beyond their normal range. To reduce the swelling from a foot or ankle injury, rest to avoid walking on the injured ankle or foot, use ice packs, wrap the foot or ankle witChatDoctorpression bandage, and elevate the foot on a stool or pillow. If swelling and pain is severe or doesn't improve with home treatment, see your doctor. Wish you good health. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hill good morning doc I m recently stay in Kuwait I m married my husband always complain about he s back closer to he s waist right side is hurt and he s pump and he s two foot ,during early in the morning he can t walk while he step on the floor is hurt ist atritis doc or kedney [|AI|] Dear friend I understood your concern, see your husband may be obese a little. So weight of his body may shift in. Wrong pattern, so pain may develop. He needs to do exercise daily without fail. And reason of foot or heel pain when gets up in morning will be same. Over weight so first needs to decrease weight. Then do everyday yoga Panama to make body relax and muscle strong. Go to physiotherapy doctor he will guide you more. I hope you satisfied with my answer.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi Dr, am a 25 years student. For the last few years, I have been so forgetful, lost interest and don t seem to concentrate on things that matter. no history of mental disorders or any other conditions of the brain that i know of in my family. what could this be? [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. The most important reason for forgetfulness at this young age is lack of concentration. If you concentrate well, then, your memory would improve. In addition, we need to exclude vitamin B12 deficiency and thyroid hormone deficiency, which are also important causes of forgetfulness. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly/
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was having pain in my right and found a cyst on spleen if I lay on my side I get a full bloated feeling when I stand, also having lots of heartburn ,feeling full easily, bad fatigue are all these normal and what should be done [|AI|] Hello Cindy, I am not clear on the information you have given. What I have understood is that you have pain on the right side of the abdomen, have heartburn, feeling full easily and fatigue. Spleen is present on the upper left side of your abdomen and the presence of cyst can be confirmed only by an investigation like an ultrasound scan. I think probably you are suffering from Acid Peptic Disease(APD), so please take cap. Omeprazole 40 mg once daily for 15 days. Also take B-Complex and iron tables because you have fatigue. Get well soon. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my wife slid out or her wheelchair today and twisted her right leg. Her leg and ankle swelled up. I am putting cold compresses every so often and have the leg wrapped and elevated. Is there anything else I can do to bring down the swelling. Nothing seems to be broken. I can not take her to the emergency room because I am blind and cannot drive. So we would not be able to get back home if we went by ambulance. We have no taxis in this area. [|AI|] Hello, Sorry to hear that your wife has been injured at the ankle joint due to fall. I will advise continuing the icing and elevate the limb and see for 2-3 days. If that doesn't come down then you should opt for an x-ray and take an opinion on the x-ray reports by the clinical physician. Usually, it's never a fracture if there is no osteoporosis. It means bone weakness. If osteoporosis than one can suspect for swelling. But again it isn't major than witChatDoctorpression, elevation and rest of the things become controlled. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi my name is sheilla and for the past 2 months I been having really bad chest pain when I wake up in the morning, when I lay down, when I m pressing down my chest. I m also having bad headaches were I would have to be in the dark because the light will bother plus I get the headaches in one side of my head and all over my forehead [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you are having muscular pain mostly. But as a rule in chest pain, we have to rule out cardiac cause first. So get done ECG to rule out cardiac cause. If ECG is normal then it is muscular cause only. So try to follow these steps for better symptomatic relief.1. Avoid heavy weight lifting and strenuous exercise.2. Avoid bad postures in sleep.3. Avoid movement causing pain.4. Take good painkiller and muscle relaxant.5. Apply warm water pad on affected site.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My Husband has pain and swelling in his knee. He also does not recall injuring it. He is 45, smokes, prone to High Blood Pressure, although it is under control. He is also prone to gout in his feet. He thinks it may be a "Cold" in his knee. Is that possible? [|AI|] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint pain and swelling in knee can be due to causes like Traumatic injury to knee, Arthritis, Bursitis, Gout, Pseudogout, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bakers cyst etc. I would suggest you to consult an Orthopedic and get evaluated and a thorough clinical evaluation and investigations like x-ray, MRI Scan, blood tests etc. can help in diagnosis and treatment can be planned accordingly. You can be advised to take anti-inflammatory painkillers like Ibuprofen for pain relief and topical application of analgesic ointment like Veteran. You can be advised to follow the most common technique that is R.I.C.E that is REST which means refrain from workout, sports, vigorous walking, long hours standing etc.ICE: Do cool compresses over the joint for fifteen to twenty minutes as it will help in reducing swelling.COMPRESSION: Cover the knee using a knee cap or crape bandage as it provides support as well as reduce swelling.ELEVATION:Put pillows under your legs while lying down and raise it from the level of body. By these techniques the swelling will reduce in 3 to 4 days and in case if there is no improvement treatments like Arthrocentesis or surgery can be advised depending upon the cause. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HelloI have a hard lump in my gum, in my chin just under my teeth. I have been to the dentist and they did tests to make sure it is not teeth related. It is not teeth related. They did do an x-ray which should a dark shadow. The gum tends to swell and throb for days. The feeling of a heart beat and pressure on my teeth. I have been to my GP twice, twice been given antibiotics. The lump does reduce in size if I am careful not to fuss it. But it takes just me to lean on my chin for it to flare back up!! Please can you help?? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking query, According to your explanation it seems that you're having periodontal abscess. It usually starts from the gingival service and extends down on one or more tooth surface. I suggest you to firstly visit your dentist get the scaling and Chat Doctor. Take tab oflox-ornidazole twice, tab ability thrice, daily. Maintain oral hygiene, prevent food retention. Use antiseptic mouthwash. Hope this will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good evening sir, thie Ganesan from T.N, in 2010 i was diagnosed with fatty liver along with first degree esophogaus varices, then i stopped drinking alchohol, after 3 years in 2013 i lost wife, sicnce then i have been drinking, last few days i have abdominal pain just below right rib, what it may be? [|AI|] Welcome at Chat Doctor I have gone through your and being your physician I completely understand your health concerns. For how long you're suffering from it? Any other associated problem? Like diabetes or hypertension? Are u having fever? Any other lymph node swelling in your body? As far as pain in the abdomen is concerned there area lot of differentials like epic ulcer disease, gall bladder problem, duodenal problem, Costco Chat Doctor. You need to be examined by the doctor so that exact cause can be sort out. If I am your attending doctor I would get your abdominal ultrasound along with LFTS and BBC. And ECG. IS there any association of food intake with the pain? Does it come on full stomach or empty stomach? You need to assessed fully before a reasoned conclusion can be
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] a boy 16 yrs . presents with h/o severe headache,irritability,appetite excess or low,occasional heavy perspirationpain abdomen off and on.clinically nothing significant found. invest. mri brain ,cerebral angio ruledout any neuro problem.hemodynamices and thyroid function normal.usg abd. reveales rt. pu junction narrowing with hydronephrosis . what next investigations may be done?what may be the probable diagnosis?pl. reply> [|AI|] HAI.with most of the stronger investigation done already your neurological, abdominal system look strong suspicion is regarding juvenile diabetes (idem), or any kidney disorder. U can go for these investigations:fasting blood sugars, HAC, post radial levels, serum creatinine, blood urea, Ct pub to rule any obstructionSerum electrolytes, Most probably the diagnosis could be kidney parenchymal disease, relating to diabetes. Good luck take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] SUFFER OCCASIONALLY FROM HEART PALPITATIONS PROBABLY CAUSED BY COFFEE OR ALCOHOL, SYMTOMS HIGH PULSE RATE (95) BLOOD PRESSURE LOW (90/65),TIREDNESS AND LOSS OF ENERGY QUESTION---- IF MY HEART IS PUMPING HARDER WHY IS MY BLOOD PRESSURE LOWER IS THE FATIGUE (LOW ENERGY)DUE TO LOW BLOOD FLOW (PRESSURE) RGDS [|AI|] Hi, Palpitations not necessarily mean that your heart is working harder. Palpitations are a type of arrhythmia caused by many factors. Arrhythmia is a distortion of the normal heart activity but does not mean that it is working more efficiently. On the contrary! Therefore, you could have palpitations and low blood pressure at the same time. Palpitations ate triggered by many factors including alcohol and coffee consumption, stress and anxiety, anemia, low blood pressure, etc. Please try to avoid substance use and check what happens with your palpitations!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doctor,My son 8 and half years old is suffering from cough for the last days and it triggers wheezing. He has history of bronchial asthma and he has been ok for quite sometime now. We are giving him Bronchipret syrup 5 ml twice a day and nebuliser to control wheezing. There is no fever. The cough is not stopping. Should we continue the same medicine for 5 days or any change required to bring his cough under control. He has phlegm which is not coming advise. [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, You can continue the medicine for another 5 days, the syrup helps to control the cough and the nebulization helps to control your son wheeze. In addition to this he may require a course of oral antibiotics in the form of syrup and oral antihistamine. I would have suggested my patients with1. Syrup Autoclave 375 mg twice daily for 5 days 2. Syrup T Mini thrice daily for 5 days. You can take these medicines and the medicine prescribed your doctor and inform him regarding these medicines. Thank You.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am suffering from sneezing, itching and running nose.Before one year i got asthma problem.Now i am in Mexico.My doctor in India advised me to take L-montus and Unicontin-400mg.i didnt get this medicine in mexico.What is the equivalent madicine for this?pl give advise to me. [|AI|] Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and your query. I can understand your concern. I would like to make following suggestions to you:1. If you have sneezing, itching and running nose, you can ask for any over-the-counter "antihistamine" Chat Doctor. They can be cetirizine, levocetirizine, fexofenadine, loratadine, or others. You can take montelukast in addition to the antihistamine
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband had an abdominal ct scan with contrast two days ago. Were trying to conceive. Should we skip this cycle and not try to make sure theres no effect on his sperm? Is there any risk of birth defects if I conceived this cycle after husbands ct scan? [|AI|] Jello, Thankyou for asking your question at Chat Doctor. I understand your concern CT scans utilizes X-ray in very low doses only. So a single CT scan will not cause any problems to the sperm. You do not need to skip trying this cycle. It will cause problems of radiation only if there are multiple exposure to CT scans in a very short period of time. Since you are trying to get pregnant, here are few health tips you and your husband can follow-You can start taken folic acid 400 mg tablets daily-healthy eating habits with more Chat Doctor. Seek help of your doctor if needed, so that he/she can guide through the process-You should avoid alcohol during pregnancy -If you have any medical conditions or taking any medications, talk to your doctor to see if it is safe to get pregnant Hope I was able to answer your question Please feel free to add
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 13 wks pregnant. I have had pneumonia 2 times over the last 3 years and am familiar with the symptoms. I currently am very week, and have a tickle in my chest that makes me want to cough once or twice a day. When I cough hard I can taste the congestion in my chest. This is the same taste as when I had pnemonia in the past. I have no fever, but when I went to the clinic the doctor said my lymph nodes are swollen but my chest dosen"t sound congested. I believe this is the beginning of Walking Pneumonia. Do I have to wait until I get more sick before they will prescribe antibotics?! [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Since you are pregnant, it is advisable not to take antibiotics by your own because the majority of antibiotics are contraindicated in pregnancy as they can harm your developing baby. So don't take any Chat Doctor. In my opinion, you should consult doctor at present and ask for prescription. Tell your doctor that you are pregnant. So that he prescribe
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello i am a 39 year old male EMT, i am having some concerning symptoms that might lead me think i could have ALS. i am having uncontrollable muscle twitching in my face on the right side under the eye, uncontrollable muscle movement and shaking of the right and left hands that at points require me to use my other hand to help control the affected hand to perform simple tasks like using a mouse. i have difficulty in swallowing and a constant feeling of choking or a blocked airway when i finish eating to the point that it often triggers my gag reflex and i vomit. severe back and neck pain most days visual disturbances, and painful eyesight, 1 syncope episode, dizziness that is chronic. and a generalized feeling of exhaustion and lack of sleep even when i sleep for 8 hours or more. i am not having any issues with the low extrimites except for pain which is present in both due to preexisting injuries. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query.*** It seems that you have muscle twitches or articulations. These are small, local, involuntary muscle contraction and relaxation visible under the skin arising from the spontaneous discharge of a bundle of skeletal muscle fibers. You might consult your doctor who can order 1. A few blood tests including thyroid function tests, 2. Serum electrolytes including Serum calcium and potassium levels. 3. Serum B12 levels In case the above tests are normal further testing can be done including - nerve conduction studies, Electromyography, etc. These tests might help to diagnose any underlying neurological issues. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doctor,My boyfriend has a lot of pain under his tongue. I am not sure about the name of it in English. But I think he has inflammation on his Plica fimbriata. It hurts even when he is not eating.What should we do? Please help me.Thanks Best regards mercedeh [|AI|] Hi Mercedes, It might be possible that your boyfriend may have hurt or burnt underside of tongue while eating. Pizza or sandwich can do that sometimes. However, it would have been good if you could describe how long has he been suffering from pain or if you can see presence of ulcer or lump in the area. It sounds more like an ulcer and may take 3-5 days to heal. Meanwhile, to get relief, you can apply McCoppin or Colonel in the area 3-4 times a day, preferably before eating. It has an anesthetic component that will numb the area for some time, so eating will be trouble free. If you find presence of lump or swelling in the area, do consult a dentist or physician promptly for physical examination. If pain does not subside in 5 days, I would suggest consulting dentist for physical examination. I hope this information helps. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter age 29, very good health, very active, lhas developed over several readings at doctors office high blood pressure, all blood work came out fine. she has been on birth control pills for 12 years. Can this be the problem. she also has been feeling lightheaded for 2 weeks. she did have a cold/allergies about 3 weeks ago. [|AI|] His appreciate your concern for your daughters high BP. Apparently the use of oral hormonal contraceptive pills (birth control pills) seems to be the reason behind her high BP. When used for such a long time or 12 years the oral hormonal contraceptive pills are associated with a number of side effects like deep vein thrombosis, jaundice, and increased BP. She is therefore advised to stop taking the birth control pills to control her BP. Hope to have answered your query. A feedback is appreciated.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 19 year old healthy female and have been having a jittery feeling in my left shoulder for a few days now. My blood pressure and heart rate are fine as I have checked them with a home blood pressure monitor. Just wondering what could be causing this? It feels like I have to move my arm but if I do it doesn t help at all. [|AI|] Hello, With history, it sounds to be nothing major. As your age is 19 you should not have any kind of high blood pressure or diabetic issue. This jittery feeling can be due to some other factors which need a physical examination. To ask you this. Are you having any kind of trouble? Like the pressure of studies, fight or argument with friend or teacher or anyone at home. If you are nervous that this kind of jittering feeling might come. But if you aren't nervous then wait and watch if the symptoms come again. Till then, you can relax and stay calm. There is nothing much of a worry. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i (stupidily) just burned myself playing with some alcohol and fire and got caught by the flame on my hand about 4 or 5 hours ago and it looks like it has a dime sized blister and i have soaked it in ice water since then but it still burns like hell so plz help p.s. i havent told my parents they think i hit it with a hammer [|AI|] Cellophane You for contacting Chat Doctor. I would suggest you following things:> Mix sulfasalazine & ignorance gel in equal amount and rub over the burnt area three times a day> keep hand clean. Avoid unnecessary touching> Use acetaminophen for pain> If blisters are formed then they avoid touching them repeatedly. Report to hospital if:> Condition remain same after 2-3 days> Any unusual symptom appears> Condition deteriorates. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my sisters son who is 4 yrs old has suffered from ITP. He passed stool with traces of blood in it.we quickly took him to hospital where they checked his platelet count.His platelet count was 2000.same kind of situation had hapeened 8 months back when we noticed dark blue spots on his body and face.That timehiscount was1000.this whole thing has made us very nervous as we dont know the cause and remedies for ITP.please help us in knowing the cause for ITP also what can we do to prevent it [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern.ITP is immune thrombocytopenic purpura. In ITP there is immune mediated destruction of platelets and it leads to low platelets count and bleeding. Mainstay of treatment is immunosuppressive Chat Doctor. He can also take immunoglobulins. Consult your doctor and start steroid treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a severe toothache about seven days ago. It was around the upper left molar teeth.I have had sensitive teeth for a long time, but the impact would be only for a few seconds. And that too my teeth have been sensitive to only cold things, not hot. But now, the pain would become more severe even if drank something hot.I tried home remedy initially. I applied clove oil, but that did not help. And then I took a dose of Panadol (Paracetamol 500mg x 2 tablets), but that wasnt of much help too. The ache lasted for several hours. I couldnt sleep at all that night. The next morning I went and saw a dentist.He did cleaning and scaling. He had to local anaesthesia when working on the left side, due to the existing pain. He took an x-ray. He said the pain was caused by inflammation of gums which was due to infection in the pulp. He said two teeth were affected. He has indicated that I would need to do root canal treatment for both the affected teeth.He prescribed an antibiotic and a painkiller: Amoclan Forte 625mg (Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid - 1 tablet twice daily for 5 days; Dolgit 400 (Ibuprofen 400mg) - 1 tablet twice daily for 5 days, if I the pain exists). He asked me to come bad for the next visit after completing the course for five days.I have completed the five days of medication. My next visit to the dentist is due today.My questions are:(1) Do I really need root canal treatment? How can I be sure? Are there any alternative treatments?(2) I have been told that I will need to come for two visits. Does root canal treatment take multiple visits? Can it be done in one visit? What all steps does it involve?(3) Is it possible that commercial reasons may have prompted the dentist to recommend root canal treatment instead of an alternative treatment that may cost much less?(4) I was told that if I delayed the root canal treatment, the infection would get worse. Is that right? I live in the UAE, and I would be on a visit to India two months later. Medical costs are much lower in India than in the UAE. Would it be okay if I postponed the root canal treatment, so that I can do it in India.(5) How much of an emergency is root canal treatment? Does it need immediate attention? After this course of medication that I have already been through, in case the pain does not occur again, then will it be okay if I saw a dentist in India and then take action as required - whether a root canal treatment or any other treatment?Look forward to your response. Many thanks.Regards,Arun Joshi [|AI|] Hello, Requirement of root canal treatment can be decided only after examining your oral cavity. If the tooth is decayed, and it has involved the pulp it should be root canal treated. Root canal treatment usually takes 3 sitting, but now there is single sitting RCT which can be done if the tooth is not infected. Since the cost of RCT is higher in the UAE you can get it done at a cheaper cost in India. You can use Colgate Prorelief toothpaste for sensitivity. It gives quick relief. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had an MRI done a couple of weeks ago and the report says I have a pituitary tumor and specs of hyperintensity scant chronic ischemic gliosis. I followed up with an endocrinologist who is doing blood work to check hy hormore levels. Should I make an appointment to see a neurologist? Could this gliosis be causing my headaches? [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Chronic ischemic gloss can occur due to small vessels in brain being blocked resulting ischemia where small areas of brain are devoid of blood supply and become dead. These changes are usually common in patients with hypertension and also in older individuals. These changes itself are not a cause of headache. But a pituitary tumor can definitely cause headache and vision problems if it compresses on the optic chiasm. In any case I advise you to consult a neurologist for further evaluation.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had the Mirena iud placed on march 28,2013, it expelled on its own april 27, 2013. It was encased in a large blood clot the size of a tennis ball. now I have nonestop heavy bleeding, I have gone through 5 pads in a 5 hour period and have passed 11 clots twice the size of fifty cent pieces in 9 hours, the blood is a dark red. i also have discomfort, pain and lighheadedness when the clots pass. I am 22 years old, 55 and 190 lbs. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for the query. You once consult gynecologist and get examined to find out the possible cause for the bleeding. Take medicines to stop the bleeding first. The if there is any local cause for the bleeding let it be treated. If the bleeding was only due to hormonal imbalance, then you have to go for hormonal pills for few months to regularize the periods. For more details you can ask me through: http://www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a cyst removed from my neck 5 1/2 weeks ago and a seroma ever since. It seemed to be clearing up, and the fluid loss was down to a constant drip, but now a new swelling is growing again that feels harder than the original seroma and not necessarily fluid filled. Advice please! [|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern.First you need to diagnose the reason for swelling. You can diagnose it with the HRCT thorax. It will give you exact dimensions of swelling and the nature of the same is also should be known. The common cause of the swelling rising is the cystic aroma in this area. If It's so, then there is need for radical cure. Until you are not done with the radical cure this swelling will never go permanently. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Yesterday I noticed that my almost 1 year old has an almost marble sized hard lump under his chin. It is hard to tell if it hurts him because he has a double chin so you have to hold him down to see it and he cries but not sure if it because it actually hurts or if he just doesnt like it. He has been as happy as ever, sleeping well and eating fine. Do I need to take him in to the doctor? What could it be? [|AI|] HI, Dear,Thanks for the inquisitive query to Chat Doctor.1-I studied your query in depth.2-In my opinion, your 1 yr child most probably has an infective hard painful lump, and would need treatment with pediatric and surgeon doctor both, 3-Before that please give him NSAID syrup, if it gets reduced, then it's good, 3-a-but if it increases, then antibiotics' syrup under pediatric cover would help him out, 3-b-if not then surgeon would be need to treat it surgically as need be.4-Hope this would solve your query .5-Wellcome for more queries to me On Chat Doctor.6-Thnks once again for your inquisitive query. Have a Good Day.!!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I ve had pancreatitis before and they took out my gallbladder , just the other night I had a severe attack and I couldn t even take my self to the Er, emsa had to come and get me, I m also getting pain in my left side of my chest on into my shoulder blade, they did a ct scan and blood tests and nothing came back, they released me with unknown abdominal pain , I go to a specialist Thursday, any ideas what s happening? I m getting real tired of these pains!!! [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. Upper abdominal pain and left chest pain radiating to your shoulder blade can be caused by heart problem. And this should be ruled out at first. To do that, heart ECG and heart enzymes should be checked. It is also possible that there is a stone in your bile ducts, and it is causing your pain. Usually gallstones are invisible in the CT, that is why abdominal ultrasound should be done. Do not know what blood tests were performed, but you should have GGTP and AP checked (usually elevated with bile ducts stones). Upper GI endoscopy should be also done to rule out peptic ulcer. If no findings in ultrasound and blood tests, ERCP procedure should be also considered (to contrast pancreas ducts and bile ducts). Hope this will help. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter was just diagnosed with mono due to her blood work. She also, though, has blood in her urine, which she is now on antibiotic to treat. Her doctor does not seem to know what the blood in the urine is from-believes it is a separate problem. Could the blood in urine be part of the mono? Thanks! [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Infection with Epstein-Barr virus (ABV) is very common and usually occurs in childhood or early adulthood. ABV is a contagious infection that spreads from person to person.ABV is the cause of infectious mononucleosis and the symptoms are fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, and enlarged spleen. The symptoms like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are very much rare with ABV infection. Individuals with ABV infections requires1. Adequate rest 2. Plenty of Fluids3. Corticosteroids to treat significant swelling in the throat4. There is no specific medicine to treat ABV infections. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter 18 is on period but it s a lot worse this time with lower abdominal pain and pain in sides and back. Had urine tested at urgent care came back negative but on the way in car pain subsided and felt better now back at dorm room starting again. She s drinking fluids mother has had 37 kidney stones don t think it s that though, no fever . [|AI|] Hi there, Thanks for writing in. Most probably it just might be a case of dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation). We can rule out urinary tract infection as the urine test has come back as normal. Renal stones sometimes have a genetic predisposition. Might want to get an ultrasound of the abdomen mainly focussing on the kidneys, ureters and bladder to rule out stones in the renal tract. In the meantime, give her a pain relief medication along with an antispasmodic. Advise her to Chat Doctor. Application of hot water bag on the lower abdomen and back might help. If the pain is due to her periods, it should resolve in a day or 2. However, if the pain persists or is severe in intensity, better to pay a visit to the doctor. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My MCV is 79.1 (and I know that it is below the range 80) I would really appreciate if you could help me what is the problem and for the marriage is there any problem with this result? 29 years old, 179 cm height, 103 Kg weight, no special medical problem, Im giving blood every 4 or 5 months, I drink tea often (4-5 glasses each day) [|AI|] Hi, your MTV value is almost near normal. MCV is the mean corpuscle volume. It indicates the average size of RBC's. So low MTV means that you have microcytic RBC. It is seen in iron deficiency anemia, thalassemia minor etc. but you said that you are donating blood every 4 to 6 months that means your he level is also normal and you don't have any abnormality. So just be relaxed, don't's not a problem. And it will not great any problem after marriage. Thanks for using Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] sir,i am of 20yrs... even am controlling its not posible fr me... relesing sperm 4 times in a week.... actual problem is here:- am concentrating on my physical growth(body development) and i guess this sperm release is wekening my body.... is this true sir...?! -waiting fr ur full pledge reply [|AI|] Hi. That is true partially. If you continue masturbation more than once a day or more than 4 to 5 times a week it may affect your energy levels as well as affect your sexual potency and libido in the future. My advice would be to reduce it to every alternate day, and you will feel better and more full of energy. Also, you will be preserving yourself for your life partner of future. Take care. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello doctor.....i m tkmk,. n married in 2011....i m suffering from irregular period problem from last 7th period date for last month was 11th oct...n suddenly on 6th november i got 2 or 3 drops of blood discharge, after 4 days on 9th november i got my periods date with heavy pain n flow...after that i consult with the doctor she suggest me to take krimson 35 tablet for 3-4 month...n said it will help u to for getting pregnant...i just only wants to know that is now my periods are regular or should i start to take these pills.....?please help me....thank you doctor..... [|AI|] Hi, Your irregular period could be due to PCs Crimson 35 will help you to regularize period by correcting hormonal imbalance. Once period will become regular then chance of pregnancy is high if you have normal ovarian function, patent fallopian tube and normal semen parameter of partner are normal. If period is regular then no need to take as you want to become pregnant. You can consult gynecologist and undergo reproductive hormone analysis, USG scan, ovarian follicle study for further management. Chat Doctor. Avoid stress, take healthy diet,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello I am currently having a lot of lower n mid back pain n some abdominal cramping it started yesterday went away now its back it feels like alot of pressure wen I go to the bathroom #2 i feelba lil relieve of pressure it feels almost like cramps but a lil worst what could this be? I am feelin a lil nausea as well. And my thighs n legs are hurting. [|AI|] Here you have mention two issues that is back pained with thigh pain as well abdominal pain with cramping feeling in abdomen also associated with nausea. Usually this both will not be associated to each other. You can do treatment first which ever is disturbing you more. Check either the back pain started first or abdominal pain started first. If you used to have regular back pain problem then it will be related to either back muscle weakness or it can be related to spinal level issues like loss off curve, lumbar spondylitis, lumbar disc issues etc.However conformation can be done by specialist like orthopedic and physiotherapist with physical examination, and they may ask you to go for MRI of lumbosacral spine. And then based on report doctor will guide you treatment. If there is major problem at spinal level then it will be surgical correction and if there is mild to moderate issue it will be treated with physiotherapy exercises and treatment along with some medication as per your body need like calcium, vitamin D, muscle relaxants etc. You can also use hot pack for some more relief in pain. For your abdominal pain I suggest if it is first time it may be gastritis also so change your food habits. Do not take oily and spicy food. Maintain food timing. Keep water intake of 3-4 liter per day. And do walking regularly in night before you go to sleep. Have one anti acid pill daily morning with empty stomach for 15 days and see how you feel. If it goes in 2 to 3 days well and good or else you need to visit a physician and may need to do ultrasound abdomen to rule out other possibility. Later can plan treatment as per the ultrasound report. Possibility is many with abdominal pain like gastritis, gastric ulcer, kidney stone since it is also associated with back pain, gallbladder stone, liver issues etc. However the conformation can be done only with ultrasound and proper physical examination only. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was recently admitted to hospital with SVT 192 bpm, also bad chest pains, I suffer with Prinz-metals Angina. Blood test AFTER 12 HOURS indicated raised blood enzymes, does this mean I have had a heat attack. heart rate returned to 150 bpm after apporx 90 mins, and 10 mil of morphine, dropping further to 107 bpm after a further 20 mins. It then remained at 107 for approx 3 hours when it returned to normal. Doctors were vague to say the least and gave conflicting opinions as to whether or not I had actually suffered a heart attack. one doctor said there was a "small injury" to the heart muscle, whilst another stated it was only "marked". I still do not know whether or not I have actually had a heart attack or a severe angina attack. I was discharged after three days with blood thinning drugs and an appointment to return in six months to see the consultant ,if it does not happen again. Your thoughts and opinions would be most welcome. Thank you for your time. Christine Browning (56 years of age and type 2 diabetic) email address YYYY@YYYY [|AI|] HiT hanks for consulting us. You did not mention ECG changes and magnitude of enzyme levels. Your description indicates that it was subtle Attack, not involving the whole thickness and subsided quickly. We call it unstable angina, and it is associated with increased risk of further events. You take the medication prescribed, control diabetes, walk regularly, treat hyperlipidemia with station. You must have been prescribed this. I recommend you to angiogram with a plan to stent placement. Hope you are satisfied. ChatDoctor shall be pleased to help you in the future, too. Please rate our services.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I HAD BEEN ON PREDNISOLONE 40 MG FOR 4 DAYS AND TAPERED TO 20 MG IN LAST 3 DAYS FOR SEVER COUGH.DOES IT CAUSE DELAY IN PERIODS?AND ALSO HAVING SEVERE ABDOMINAL PAIN.IAM A HEPATITIS C TREATED PATIENT.PREVIOUSLY IT WAS 28 DAY MENSTRUAL CYCLE LASTING 5 DAYS [|AI|] Hi, Prednisolone can cause alteration of menstrual cycles especially when consumed for a long period of time. In your case, the duration of 1 week may not cause much of disturbance to hormone to affect the cycle. I would advise my patient to wait for a week in conditions like this before evaluating further. Prednisolone is a steroid, and it should be taken as prescribed by a registered health care profession. Hope you are aware of this. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had this lump on my leg for 5-6 months now. I had a hard blow to the leg and a huge bruised formed and now there is now a dent where I got hit. Further down is the lump. It is around the size of half a tennis ball. The skin is also a bit numb where it is. I have booked for an ultrasound, but is there anything I should be worried about? It doesn t hurt to touch. [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor. 1. The history suggest the possible cause of the lesion at the site of the previous injury could be infective collection. 2. Though there is no history mentioned pain or fever infective etiology to be ruled out.3. Other possible cause could be lipomatous lesion - fat content.4. The Ultrasound examination is the investigation of choice in this case, ultrasound will help to evaluate the nature of the lump, its source and extensions.5. First thing one has to examine the lump, I do not think there is much to worry as there is no pain on touch. Good luck. Hope I have answered your query,anything to ask ? Do not hesitate to ask.http://doctor.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am having strange prickling in my neck that move up I feel dizzy and nausea 3 weeks ago was so severe I lost consciousness. My arms also have sort off electric like feelings my neck and face get red also. Every day after I have been up awhile These symptoms start and progressively get worst. I have had a neuclar stress test and was fine also have had ct scan but have not gotten results as of yet. I get very tired easily and am not functioning well at all. I am 60 female, have had 3 stents in LAD and have left internal occluded temporal artery. Ex smoker for over 4 years have excercised and tried to eat well and just keep have one ironic problem after another. But have never passed out until recently. My weight is 126 at 5 ft 2. What kinda of test do I need to be seeking? [|AI|] Hi, First, you should measure your blood pressure and if it were high, you should receive a medical treatment and do an ECG and an ECHO on your heart to assess the ejection fraction. Second, if you took oral contraceptive pills or a hormonal replacement therapy, you should ask a gynecologist for help. Second, you should do ESR to assess the left temporal artery occlusion. Besides taking medical treatment for your heart condition, you should change your lifestyle by stop eating too much fat and salt in your food. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] There s a needle stuck in my head Q.Last night i was sewing my project then one of my needle was missing then i go to sleep,when i woke up i sleep again in the sofa and the needle was there!The needle was stuck in my head!how do i get it out without pain?i dont want to tell my parents cause it will be much trouble [|AI|] Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. At the outset, I would advise you not to hide this from your parents, whose help you need at this moment, and they would always be happy to help you even though might snub you a little for your benefit. So, be brave and tell them the truth. I would advise you to go with them to the local ER or to your family physician who might examine you to see the site of the needle, which could possibly be removed easily under local anesthesia. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I woke to find a lump has appeared just above my right eyebrow not that big but abit red and hurts when touched yesterday I had really bad back ache and some chest pain 2 weeks ago I had an operation to have my gallbladder removed was wondering if it could be a blood clot [|AI|] Hi, Dear thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual clinic. I studied your query in full details updated from you. I understood your health concerns. Based on your query data, In my opinion, Dear You seem to suffer from periorbital painful infected clot developing in to abscess/ or it could be a boil in hair follicle with weak defenses due to postoperative stress. Treatment-Would be by Surgeon who would fix the cause from above possibilities and would get USG / CT to understand the nature of the painful lump above eyebrow right side. Moslty aboil seems to because in your case. Treatment would be by medicines and if not by surgical Chat Doctor. Possibility of this lump being clot during the post-operative period could not be ruled out and needs to be treated with blood thinners like warfarin following initial use of heparin at the surgery. Antibiotic cover would be needed for removal of infected clot, or it could be just a Clot in periorbital eyebrow tissue, with pain due to sudden vascular obstruction. Hope this reply would help you to evaluate your case and treat it with your doctors in time to come. Hope this would resolve your query and worry and Anxiety accompanied by it. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME. I would love to help you out.Awaiting any further query. Wish you fast recovery from this intriguing health problem. Have a Good Day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] yesterday after lunch i was feeling great. about 1 hour later my heart started beating extremely fast, and it felt like something was pressing down on my chest, and right leg pain. I checked it and it was 132 (resting) it went away after about 5 minutes. this am i woke up with major irregular heartbeat and headache. i just ate lunch and i seem fine but im still worried sick. am on levothyroxine for hypothyroid for 2 weeks now. [|AI|] Hello, Thyroxine can cause tachycardia, so I need to know how much dose you are taking, also the TSH level before starting thyroxine. If you are feeling your pulse is irregular then you need an ECG to look for atrial fibrillation. You also need to know your hemoglobin level as it may also aggravate palpitations. You can visit your doctor again and ask for dose reduction if possible. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Yes. My GI doctor is worried about my fatty liver, which I ve had for years (40). I am also anemic and have had gold-colored stool for years. They have found cysts in my liver, so far. I am a 67 year old female. Does it sound to you like I may have cancer? They also found 6 polyps in my stomach and colon, recently. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should first get done stool microscopic examination to rule out occult blood. Since you are anemic I think you have chronic slow blood loss in stool. And if occult blood in stool is present than possibility of cancer is high. You may need CT ABDOMEN and colonoscopies biopsy of the polyps to rule out malignancy. So consult your gastroenterologist and discuss all these.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello.Im 23, female. 60, 250lbs. Im allergic to nothing. Ive had my gallbladder and tonsils removed but other than that Im fairly healthy.I am taking Femara this month for fertility. My worst fear is developing HOS (Hyper-ovulation Syndrome). Today I am suppose to be ovulating and Im having constipation and mild rectal pain. No swelling that I can tell. Just uncomfy, and Im obviously nervous. Nobody ever mentioned pain in my backbone while on Fertility drugs so Im a little unnerved. [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for writing. I am Chat Doctor. I have read you question completely, I understand your concern and will try to help you in the best way possible. There is just no reason to worry about its NT related constipation might be because of food and rectal pain may be because of constipation just take Luke warm milk and put 1 teaspoon of olive oil in it, you will see the miracle it will go also DNT take stress you are on treatment and thy usually work nothing to work about the less you worry, the more favorable it will be for u and your family it will help u incisive and DNT work u will NT he hos doc has prescribed desired dose will be fine eat healthy and
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a 14 month old that all she wants is milk and isn t eating very much and is filling up a lot more pee diapers and poop diapers are decreasing. she is teething also, but have history of type 1 diabetes. if I took her blood sugar what would be a normal fo rher age? [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for asking question on Chat Doctor. The growth in the second year is slower than first year.3 kg baby will become 9.5 kg at the end of first year, but she gains only 2.5 kg in the second year reaching 12 kg maximum. Nothing to worry, and his appetite will improve in due course, but you have taken more time for feeding with tender loving care. Hope this answer will serve your purposeless feel free to ask any more queries if requiredTake care Chat Doctor. V. Subrahmanyam MD;Disassociate professor of pediatrics
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My wife has been having seizures for 2 years now...SHAKING EYES ROLL BACK, SLEEPS AFTERWARDS FOR APPROX. 3-5 HOURS AFTERWARDS. She had these back 22 years ago but we got them stopped by taking Depakote and Dilantin...Seizure free for a year and doctor slowing reducedd meds until she was off totally... and was good up until 2 years ago. This doctor is giving her Gabapentin and Depakote, which is really doing no good. She has them almost every day, but he doctor keeps her on this meds. What would suggest doing at his point ?? Thank you in advance Rod G. [|AI|] Thank you for asking Chat Doctor. My name is Chat Doctor. I would like to get Fresh ct scan brain plain and EEG brain. Also blood valproate level... If she is not responding to above medicine then switch her on to Tab. Levetiracetam 500 mg twice or thrice according to frequency of seizure. Also give Tab. Carbamazepine 200 mg thrice a day...I hope your wife will be seizure free within some months. Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi!! I have a mild pain and discomfort in my left testicle ...It has been more than 2 weeks now...First the testicle was swallon but now it seems fine.....Ive had a short corse of antibiotic( ciprofloxacin )..4 days....It helped to reduce the swelling .....I am still having pain killers to reduce the pain.... Pain comes after ejaculation .....I ejaculate 2-3 times a week....And my age is 17.. Help is appreciated!! [|AI|] HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have infection of Epididymis and Testis (Epididymis Orchids) which has responded well to antibiotics, Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical examination and get your ultrasound scanning of the scrotum done to confirm the diagnosis. Orchitis takes long time to get cured hence you will need to take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication for long time (3 weeks). Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a woman in my mid 50 s that is experiencing hair loss. I had tried shampoo s but still am loosing. I take Levothyroxin for a thyroid condition I have had for years. This hair loss has been happening for a couple of months now. What can I do what is causing it? [|AI|] Hi... You seem to have halogen effluvium ..... There may be some anemia, vitamin and nutritional deficiencies, thyroid dysfunction, stress, anxiety, worries,travelling, any other internal disease, certain Chat Doctor. ... ..etc. Poor hygiene and poor nutrition may be responsible for halogen effluvium. In your case. You have thyroid dysfunction and you are asking treatment. Kindly have retesting for thyroid function and revise the dose of levothyroxine after consulting your physician. You consult dermatologist for firm diagnosis. Investigations may be done to find out some other causes. To control hair fall and to improve hair growth you may take biotin 10 tabs daily for few months and apply mild steroid lotion on scalp at night daily. Kindly avoid minoxidil application. If you have Dan
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I constantly have this feeling that I must be adopted. I also know for a fact that I am not adopted. I have studies my genetics and they all match up with my family s, and I even search the adoption database to confirm that I am not adopted. But yet for some reason I have this feeling/thought that I am adopted. And it weird to explain, but it just hovers in the back of my mind all day. I have to look through my birth certificates and documents from when I was born just to be able to sleep at night. I m tired of feeling this way. I know it s weird to feel this way, and I m not sure why I feel this way, especially since I know I m not adopted. Also note I come from a very supportive family and was well brought up. I just... Feel so out of place... I have no motivation to do anything and find myself sleeping a lot when I m home during the day, and staying up really late at night. [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor You have repeated thoughts that you are adopted. These thoughts dominate your mind and despite you know that you are not adopted, you can't control the thoughts. These cause significant distress to your functioning. You have checked genetics, database but still have these thoughts. In night, you are compelled to check your birth documents to relax yourself. It appears that most likely you are suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. In this disorder individuals develop persistent dominating thoughts which are distressing thoughts. They can't control the thoughts. Consult a Psychiatrist for treatment. SSRIs in high doses are mainstay of treatment. Fluoxetine, Paroxetine are very useful. Behavior therapy, exposure and response prevention technique are also equally efficacious. Thanks, hope this helps you. Talk to your parents about that and consult a Psychiatrist.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am 35 years old and planto put clip for my teeth as it looks bad. I already have more teeth with cavities and my gums too weak as i get pain oftenly as well as sensitive. Can i go for clip treatment as my doctor told its one year process only. Will it pain too much and how many days the pain will last. Will it worsen my gums further.I am in a panic. Please do advise [|AI|] Hello there, Thanks for writing your query, Orthodontic wiring or clip treatment is better to be done on the sound teeth with good gum support. So before going for orthodontic treatment I would suggest you to go for complete oral prophylaxis and treatment rendering good oral health. Cavities in the teeth can be filled with restorative materials. Weak and sensitive gums indicate gingival infection. It needs to be treated by thorough professional deep scaling of gums and root planing of the teeth to remove all the irritants. This will help in resolving the symptoms followed by a course of antibiotic and analgesics. I would suggest you to go for symptomatic treatment at home like gargling with lukewarm saline water or antiseptic mouthwash like chlorhexidine or Betadine. I hope this helps, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 19 month old got what I thought were mosquito bites yesterday afternoon. After about 2-3 hours they got very enlarged, irregular shaped and swollen through the night and this afternoon they are very red, raised and blotchy and oozing a yellowish pus. Should I be concerned and take her to a doctor. No fever, no strange behavior and it doesn t seem to hurt or itch. [|AI|] Welcome to the ChatDoctorI completely understand your concerns but don't worry. Many a time our body releases histamines in response to some insect bites which leads to such type of reactions. You may take the following measures to help her:1. Apply lactocalamine lotion on the lesions. It will be soothing.2. Start her on an antihistamine such as Spy Ben Chat Doctor. 3. In case the condition worsens, steroids and a
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi,I have stomach pain last Two months,I m 45year old and I m cancer survivor I have stomach pain deworing radiation my treatment is finish but I am suffering stomach pain, If I take mucaine gel it will be ok however that ugly burning feeling will always be there mainly during night [|AI|] Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. You have not mentioned which cancer you had. However, from your history, it seems that you have a post radiation gastritis/esophagitis. If I were your doctor, I would add a proton pump inhibitor and a prokinetic agent to your treatment regime along with the machine gel. Also, I would advise you to go for bland diet without many spices in it. Elevating the head end of the bed by two blocks might give you some relief in the nighttime burning sensation. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HI i am 37 year old and i have on baby 5 year old,after this baby i dont have another child from last 5 per my medical reports my sperm count is 47% but sperm motility is just 10% and as per doctor your sperm motilaty should be above 40% then you become father again.Plese advise me wot i will do now? [|AI|] Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor... You have fewer sperm motility ... Cause searched for and treated accordingly ... Avoid stress /smoking / alcohol these three can decrease sperm motility so.... Avoid excess heat exposure. Wear somewhat loose cloths ... Hot shower not taken ... When you had submitted semen for analysis at least three day abstinence should be there .... Avoid using anabolic steroids if taking.... Take antioxidant and vitamin rich foods like .... Broccoli /red peppers /spinach / orange /blueberries /peaches etc . L carnitine tablet can be taken as it is useful in increase sperm motility... Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a bartholin cyst or abcess (whichever one can burst) but I did not know I had it until it bursted. It bursted while i was peeing on the toilet. I then researched it because I got scared I had never experienced anything like that before. I felt instant relief as soon as it happened. Now here s where it gets tricky, I caught chicken pox a few days ago so I also have a few tiny blisters down there. I had the chills for about 2 days before this happened that I thought May have been from the CP but I m starting to think maybe it was infected because I read one of the symptoms for an infection is the chills and blood and pus did come out of it along with a whitish orange scab. It s still a little sore down there I m not sure if it s from the burst itself and needs to heal or it s just the blisters from the CP? Also every time I go to the bathroom or wipe a little discharge comes out of a blackish color. Is this normal? Please answer me I cannot see a doctor about it as I m still contagious from the CP. Thank you [|AI|] Hello and thank you for your question. Catholics gland cysts are caused when this gland gets blocked and is a separate problem from the chicken pox, but is hard to know if the pain is from the healing cyst or the chicken pox. The cyst can ooze fluid, pus and even blood for a while until it heals up. Occasionally these cysts are so large that they have to be surgically opened and Chat Doctor. If yours has already opened up, then the best thing to do is to use warm compresses and/or soak in warm water to encourage it to completely
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi,my brother 47 yrs had a gi bleed,he is diabetic on oral meds and having low platelets,the reason for which is unknown.we did bone marrow and other tests and it is normal.he had a tooth infection last week and was on two course of antibiotics,he was alcoholic as well,now the dr says he may need a liver banding ,how does it helps,should we go for that,what are its complications [|AI|] Hello,1) history of alcohol + GI bleeding + low platelets suggest cirrhosis of liver due to alcohol with portal hypertension2) in this condition liver is damaged from excessive alcohol consumption and normal liver tissue replaced by high-functioning fibrous tissue. Thus liver function will get compromised. This fibrous tissue in liver also produce hypertension in portal vein (supply blood to liver).3) due to portal hypertension, blood flow to liver will be decreased which further aggravate cirrhosis and blood flow to spleen increase (spleen size increase). Because of increase flow to spleen, blood cells get destroyed in seen (cause low platelets, low WBC).4) because of portal hypertension, small blood vessels in lower part of esophagus get enlarged (esophageal varices). If these varices enlarge beyond acceptable limit then it may rupture and cause GI bleeding.5) To prevent such rupture of esophageal varices, endoscopic banding must be done regularly.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i m curious what might be the problem..i have had 3-4 kidney stones passed the past year all resulting in kidney infections . i have consistently had protein levels above 20 in my urine for years now. i am doing a 24 urine collection tomorrow for my doc. my last lab results were from when i had my last kidney stone/infection and i will paste them in. i m just wondering if i have something wrong with my kidney or do i just need to drink more water? thanks, 41 yr old female, Component 6/12/2012 UA GLUC NEGATIVE UA BILI NEGATIVE UA KETONES NEGATIVE UA SP GR 1.009 HGB, UR QL LARGE (A) PH UA 7.5 UA PROT 30 (H) UA UROBILINOGEN 2.0 UA NO2 NEGATIVE LE, UA LARGE (A) APPEARANCE UR SLCLDY COLOR UR YELLOW SP SOURCE CLEAN MICRO EXAM, UR COMPLETE WBC, UR 116 (H) RBC, UR 182 (H) UA BACT/HPF PRESENT (A) SQUAMOUS CELLS, UR SED QN 35 (H) AMORPHOUS SED PRESENT [|AI|] Hi there, it seems your problem is proteinuria with kidney stones. Mild proteinuria up to 1 to 2 grams can occur from tubular injury by kidney stones and infections, so it is important to quantitative the proteinuria in 24 hrs urine sample. Recurrent stones can be from various reasons depending on the chemical content of the stone. Recurrent stones warrants a battery of blood and urine tests which your doctor should prescribe to find out the cause of stone formation. Kindly follow advice of your doctor for the same.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello , my father ( 70 years old ) suffered an Intracrebral Hemorrhage , he was admitted to the hospital in Jan.15 and stayed in the ICU for 69 days , then was transferred to a regular room , he is not oriented or as the doctors say ( semi oriented ) , he sometimes recognizes me (his son ) , and sometimes not , weve been taking him to rehabilitation for the past 32 days but i personally dont see any improvement when it comes to moving his own self in bed or when we help him to sit , what i forgot to mention is the he can move both arms and his lift leg , but the right leg is still absent , is there anything that you would recommend me to do or ask for that might help my father gain his functionality back ? [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Brain hemorrhage leads to irreversible damage to brain nerves (where the bleeding occurred). Therefore, complete or significant recovery usually does not occur and survivors are left with varying degrees of disability. Future treatment would consist of good physiotherapy and brain stimulation activities under the guidance of a rehab specialist. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly/
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My wife is 30 weeks pregnant and has been in the the Hospital for 4 days now. Her Dr first said it was a kidney infection but now thinks it may be kidney stones. Her symptoms started out as pain in her left side then moved to her back with a temp of 101. They started her on antibiotics and nausea medicine. Her temp will stay down for extended periods and out of nowhere will spike into the low 100s. The Dr said that they can not do a CT Scan for stones if that is what it is due to the radiation. Have performed Ultrasound on her kidneys and said that it is enlarged. Just wondering if it could be something else because the fever. [|AI|] Hello, from what description you have given here it seems it could be urinary tract infection vs kidney stone. But fever goes more with urinary tract infection. Kidney stone won't cause fever in most of the cases. The doctors are right as we can't expose her to radiation in form of X-ray or CT scans. One thing is we can get her urine checked for routine and culture examination. If it shows multiple pus cells or bacteria present we can pinpoint to urinary tract infection and can treat her with appropriate antibiotic based on the culture report. I hope this may help. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Doc,My mom is suffering from severe back ache , more like muscle pulls . She is not able to sleep or change postions due to this . The pain subsides for a little while leaving a shadow and pops up again . Initial treatment suggested this was because of gas. Is there any exercise that she can follow to get rid of this pain . Please help! [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for writing to us. The pains that you have described are likely to be due to a muscular pain most likely caused by a wrong body posture. Taking mild painkillers and muscle relaxants will bring a short term relief. Regular exercise will be helpful. I suggest her to try back strengthening exercises by extension of the back muscles which can be taught by your Orthopedic or Physiotherapist. This will help to relieve the possible muscle spasm which causes the pain. Hope this helps you. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My sons symtoms started with a bad headache followed by the chills, fever of 103 over the weekend, spitting up mucus,fatigue,difficulty swallowing and all this has taken its course. Now white pus patches on the right gland has appeared and now no fever. Hes doing the warm water with salt to gargle, plenty of liguids and is able to tolerate solids some. Hes been seen by the doctor with similar symtoms and has taken over the counter Mucinex and no actual signs of strep. Please advise. Thank you. [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, The history and symptoms of your son suggest me that he is having upper respiratory tract infection along with acute tonsillitis. It should be managed properly with1. Salt water gargling2. Steam inhalation with Vapocaps3.NSAIDs like tab Ibuprofen to reduce pain and fever.4. A course of antibiotics like Spy Autoclave, twice daily for at least five days. If the symptoms are not subsiding he should be tested for CBC, throat swab culture and blood culture. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had several sexual encounters over the past year. All but 1 with a condom and 1 where a condom broke. After the one where the condom broke, I have been constantly checking myself. (multiple times per day). About a month later, out of the blue I had to urinate constantly and my penis was very tender. I got checked from Chlamidia and gonorhea and negative. I made myself quit checking so often and it has subsided. My question is, could constantly checking myself like that cause urithritis or balantis which could cause me to have to urinate constantly. By the way...Not other symptoms other than that..No discharge , no penis was irritated , but I beleive that was from it rubbing as I shave that area, but had not dones so in two weeks. It think it was rubbing on the growing soon as I shaved, that stopped as well. [|AI|] HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have developed infection of the urethra and glans (Urethritis and Atlantis)due to unprotected sex. Please get your routine urine test and urine culture done to find out the organisms causing this infection and antibiotics to which they are sensitive to. Please take broad spectrum antibiotics like Čeferin along with urinary antiseptic like Nitrofurantoin twice daily and anti-inflammatory medicine like Diclofenac twice daily. Later on switch on to appropriate antibiotics as per culture report. Get the prescription of medicines from your family Physician. Ensure to Chat Doctor. To keep your urine dilute This will help to control dysuria. Ensure to wash your genitals with warm water twice dailyEnsure to avoid sexual encounters till it heals up completely.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doc, i have a very painful, quarter sized, hard lump just above my elbow. The immediate area surrounding the lump is red and feverish. I wrestle and am thinking that it may be bursitis but am unsure due to the hardness of the lump. The lump just appeared within the last week. [|AI|] Hi, greetings from is common to develop bursts of elbow especially olecranal bursitis in trauma. Bursa can enlarge is size due to associated inflammation. It can even be felt like a hard lump below elbow after a few days. This is a harmless lump. If it is causing concern you may consult an orthopedic and get it removed. Excised specimen to be sent for HPR to rule out other bony swellings
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my sister and daughter seem to be allergic to most food and.only eat a handful of diffrent things they feel bad most of the time they have been to all kinds of doctors and they cant seem to figure out why this has happened and what they can to about it [|AI|] Hi I do care for your concern. The immune system over responds to normal food substance causing this type of allergic reactions. You have not mentioned the age as some type of allergy will resolve after few years. I would advise consulting your dermatologist of allergy specialist and get tested for different substance that you might be allergic with. This usually consist of introducing small amount of antigen and to find out which one they are allergic. If found then desensitization procedure can be done to blunt the immune response. Hope this will help then a lot. Hope I have answered your question. If you have more feel free to ask. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] This morning I woke to our usual 5 am alarm, but when I tried to get to the bathroom, I literally stumbled, had to hold onto the walls, dresser, etc. did not feel dizzy, just could not stand and walk as usual. Then, whenI tried walking back to bed, the same thing. [|AI|] If you're living a very busy lifestyle, sleeping less than 7 hours then that might be reason for your problems. Avoid not to Chat Doctor. There are certain food, that also makes you dizzy, and sleepy all the time. Avoid junk food, white bread, add more of whole grain bread, fruits in your diet, avoid caffeine, be active, go for running and jogging .am sure your problem will leave you for good if you just take theses simple steps. Take Care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi m suffering from pco m periods have been irregularly irregular since start my gny asked me to tak asmita for 6 min now we want to have a child he has prescribe me clofert 50 and blong f tab to be taken on 3 day of period for 5 days pls let me know cant i conceive naturally n r ther any chances of conceiving twins .doc pls help i m depressed with my pcod problem [|AI|] Hi, At the outset, please do not get disappointed. POD is the commonest cause of infertility and hormonal imbalance observed in the reproductive age group, and it responds very well to management. Before initiating any treatment, you should get completely investigated; a hormonal profile, glucose tolerance test, tubal patency test, ovarian reserve, serum RHEAS levels, serum prolactin levels and thyroid profile are needed. Your partner also needs to be assessed. You may need priming with dexamethasone or Metformin before induction. If you are overweight, please maintain a proper diet and exercise and regulate your body weight within the normal BMI (19-25). Natural conception is possible; twin pregnancy may sometimes occur with hyper-stimulation of the ovaries and this is why regular monitoring is done during induction. Wish you good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have pcos problem, I m have been prescribed by doctor to take ovacare 2tymes a day along with lycomin at night .For 3 month. I want to consive ,I was not getting my periods regularly,bt after taking medicine I don t see any result my period is still irregular and very light bleeding occurs during period .. what to do [|AI|] Hi there, I will suggest you the best possible treatment options.First do not panic. At the outset I will suggest you to get USG done to rule out PCs- Polycystic ovaries as a cause of your irregular periods. Thsi is a lifestyle disorder and can be tackled by healthy lifestyle changes. Secondly, get post menstrual HSG- Hysterosalpingography done. This helps to know about the patency of the Fallopian tubes. Also, partners semen analysis with 4 days abstinence should be done, this will help to know about the quality and quantity of the sperms. If these reports are normal, you can seek prescription support from your treating doctor for ovulation induction medicines. Follicle study from day 10 of the cycle will help to know exact date of ovulation. You can opt for GUI- Intrauterine insemination on the day of ovulation or opt for natural unprotected sex activity on and around the day of ovulation. Please start on Folic acid and vitamin B 12 supplements regularly. Think positive. Meditate regularly. May God bless you with a bundle of joy. I hope this answer helps you. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello ,the other day i was eating cherry with my 4 year old child .after eating a hand full of the cherry my son came to me saying he tasted one that is different from the other tast .i looked at it ,it had white worms that look like long grain rice , but a bit fater .should i be concerned about it .and what should i do ? we did not feal any stomach ack or something else in our health .im worried please answer me . [|AI|] Brief answer:No need to worry. Detailed answer:Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor. Your child has might eat a cherry with insect in it but I want to clarify to you that most insects or worms do not survive the acidic pH in our stomach. Also, since your child is not complaining of fever or stomach ache, I think that you should not worry about this. Wishing your child good health. Take care. Regards: Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a fifteen year old boy. I have had a very small lump (about pea-size or smaller) on the right side of my neck, around half-way between my collarbone and my ear. It is painless unless i squeeze it fairly hard, and if i poke it it moves, but always goes back to the same place. Do you think that this is serious? I weigh 55 kilos, measure around 172cm, and have had no medical conditions in the past apart from eczema ( i have also had chicken pox) [|AI|] HI, Dear -Very Good Morning from India. Thanks for your query. I understand your concerns. I studied your query in depth.-I would advise you not to worry. In my opinion its -Cervical lymphadenitis -post -Chicken pox. ? Or post-infected eczema.-Er doctor would treat it with Tb NSAIDs, to reduce the tenderness post poking.-Hope this reliefs your worry-some query. Welcome for any more queries in time to come. Have a Good Day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] In which treatment you use this product?I know a man who is 58 years old and had prostate cancer, I think his weight is 165 pounds and I do not have his height. He has already received radiation but the PSA is still high and now he has been prescribed to use zintag 250 mg. [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. He has prostate cancer so PSA is high. Treatment depends on stage and spread of disease. May be radiation therapy alone is not sufficient to control prostate cancer. Chemotherapy can be taken along with radiation. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Ive recently ( one week ago) had a right sided inguinal hernia repair, a mesh was used. I am concerned that Im getting funny sensations in the groin, the occasional bit of shooting discomfort into the right side of the penis and testicle ( I assume this is nerve related) and pain in the right side of my back (SI joint region) when I sit too long. And when I empty my bladder it feels as I havent emptied it fully and within in 30 minutes I need to go to the toilet again.Its also numb around the incision area. What I am experiencing is this normal? will all these symptoms eventually wear off?. I wasnt informed of any of this before my surgery and now I am concerned and worried. Im started to regret having the surgery. Thanks [|AI|] Hello. Thank you for the query. After inguinal hernia surgery the main symptom is pain in the wound area. Other mentioned symptoms are not characteristic. Your symptoms indicate urinary tract infection or testis inflammation. Frequent urinating, burning while urinating, back main, lower abdominal pain and groin pain are typical UTI symptoms. I suggest you to visit your doctor, have urinalysis and testis ultrasound. Hope this will help. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi for the past 3 days I ve been having a thick light orange/pink looking discharge and I m not sure what it s from. I get my period in 11 days and it s usually always on time. I m not sure if it s because I recently started taking birth control. Thank you for your help! [|AI|] Hallow Dear, Birth control pills contain Estrogen and/or Progesterone combination jointly or singly. Estrogen is a hormone which increases vaginal discharge due to the proliferation of glands in the mouth of the uterus (cervix) while Progesterone thicken the secretions. So while on birth control pills, increased vaginal mucoid discharge is expected and is a physiological phenomenon. You need not be concerned about it. Even when examined vaginally, cervical erosion also will be noted while on birth control pills. This needs no attention nor any treatment. I hope your stress is removed.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HI, My 6 year old son has several blackheads with pimples below them on his scrotum? What can I do for this? Is this simple acne on his scrotum? thanks. [|AI|] Hello... Mr. Mark...welcome to Chat Doctor. ...according to your is not acne., we are not calling acne on that area....not mentioning symptomatology...because it is very important....... possible diagnosis are....1)Scabies(itching)., 2) folliculitis (pain), 3) capillary hematoma, 4)sebaceous cysts (painless.cystic lesions) or 5)Forces spots...hence don't bather about this .first consult dermatologist and confirm the diagnosis and go accordingly.ok good luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... I weigh 100 lbs and I am diabetic ---- last month I was diagnosed with MRSA ----- I had a sore on my back that got infected and grew to over half the size of an orange ----- since then I have lost 4 lbs and have had a severe pinch under my right rib and some swelling ----- I do not have a gallbladder anymore it was removed in 1996 please advise what I should do and dont tell me to go to the hospital I will not step foot in one again that is where I got MRSA from in the first place thank you Chrystal [|AI|] Thanks for posting your query to Chat Doctor. MRSA is a bacterial infection found resistant to many of the antibiotics mainly to beta lac tum group of antibiotics. If not treated properly may lead to serious systemic infection. Vancomycin is the Chat Doctor. You should contact to your physician and advice him to give to full course antibiotic treatment as per your culture and sensitivity report .take care .
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 10 month old granddaughter sways her head from side to side and at time also clenches her fists (not at the same time). She will especially do it when there s a favourite song of her s playing, but will also do it with no music. Is this something to be concerned about? [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, I don't really think that as a problem. Behavior can be varying from child to child. As long as she is not having any such persistent activities, and she is otherwise behaving well, feeding well and developing well, you needn't worry. If it gets worse, the only thing that needs to be done is an EEG test to check if any seizure like activity on. Hope I cleared your query. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my right leg foot is paining with swell..i am unable to walk and stand for more than 10 minutes. i have approached to almost 6 doctors specialised in dermatology, ortho and neurology. But no one is giving exact problem and solution for it. Hence kindly guide and suggest [|AI|] Hello, THX to contact us. I understand your concern. If I am your doctor I advise you to take analgesics Diclofenac with chlorzoxazone, vitamin B complex like erosion forte to relieve pain due to vitamin deficiency. Also take good physiotherapy to prevent further pain. Exercise and physiotherapy is the definitive treatment for you. I will be happy to answer more of your concerns, kindly know me, Wish you a very good health at Chat Doctor. Chat Doctor. Infectious Disease.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HELLO My 16 year old son has problems with his kidneys etc and has a mitrofanoff etc and has a number of other medical problems. I have just received a review letter after seeing his consultant which states his right kidney measures 10.6cm with focal cortical thinning and mild calyceal prominence with the AP diameter measuring 7mm (previously 18mm). The left kidney measured 9.7cm with focal areas of cortical thinning, mild calyceal prominence and AP diameter of 7mm (previously 13mm). Could you please tell me exactly what this means, and why the diameters would be so different and if I should be concerned at this stage. I thank you for your help. [|AI|] Based on information you provided, I would presume he has had issues related to obstruction for some time hence the Stroganoff. The radiologic reports are suggesting the following: 1. The kidney sizes mentioned are within normal range, perhaps the Left a bit smaller. In general, I would consider between 9 and 12 cm normal-sized. The discrepancy in the size of his kidneys is within physiologic normal range and that in and of itself would not be concerning 2. The cortex of the kidney is where majority the "functional units" of the kidney are locate die the microscopic parts that are responsible for filtration and urine formation. Cortical thinning would indicate some loss of these functional units perhaps from prior injury or scarring. I would be considered a marked of what is termed Chronic Kidney disease. The ultrasound itself would not be the determinant of his kidney function. This would be assessed based on blood tests and certain urine assessments 3. The calyx is a portion within the collecting system. In your sons condition, I would presume there was/or is some degree of reflux (urine refluxing back into the ureter). This is likely the cause of the cancel dilation. Stone, stricture, scarring, mass are other causes but based on your recent Ultrasound not commenting on such a finding and his history, this seems less likely
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, i had sex on thursday, we used a condom, and he ejaculated in the condom but when i came up the condom was half way hanging out of my vagina, the close part was still in my vagina and the open was no where close, on friday i took plan be, ever since i have been have lower abdominal pains, back pains, rib pains and a head ache, is this normal? [|AI|] Hello, You seem to be experiencing the pill effects, though rib pain may be non-related. You are safe from conception since you consumed the pill soon after the accident, and more so, if you are in the safe period. You can expect some amount of with Chat Doctor. Your next natural period may get delayed by a week or two, and please contact a specialist for further help if you do not see a period even after ten days after it is due. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I started birth control (mid cycle, so not effective right away) recently and my package and doctor said it will be effective without backup 7 days in. So, I took 7 pills consecutively and had unprotected sex the night after I had taken the 7th pill that morning. However, I realize this is technically SIX days, because the package says Sunday to Sunday whereas I did Sunday to Saturday, 7 pills but only 6 days. My partner did pull out as well, but I m still a little concerned. Should I be worried about a pregnancy risk? [|AI|] Hallow Dear, You have to be worried. If you have started the pills midcycle, this cycle will not be protected. You will start getting the protection against pregnancy only from your next cycle, when your pills will be continuous from day 2 of the cycle. Now, if you take two pills after the unprotected intercourse within 72 hours, you will get the same protection as post-coital emergency pill. Beta Chat Doctor test 10 days after the last unprotected intercourse will give you the reliable information of your pregnancy status. I would advise you to report to your Gynecologist ASAP for further advice and any intervention if needed.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doc! good day! i have a little problem but iam shy to go to doctor. i have a warts , a big one in my butt. color red. i notice i just had this when i gave birth. i dont know what causes it but im wondering if theres any home remedy that i can do to remove this/ i want to cut it but im scared cause it might worsen it. what can i do? thank you. [|AI|] HELLO & FORUM AS MENTIONED BY YOU, THERE MAY BE SOME DIAGNOSTIC DILEMMA BETWEEN WARTS AND PILES. MASS FELT IN BETWEEN BUTTS ARE NOT VISIBLE TO CANDIDATE AND MAY BE PILES AND REMOVAL AT HOME WITHOUT EXPERT CONSULTATION MAY BE DANGEROUS. YOU SHOULD CONSULT TO DERMATOLOGIST/ SURGEON WARTS ARE CAUSED BY PAPILLOMA VIRUS AND ARE TREATED BY ACID BURNING BY DERMATOLOGIST/ SURGEON. TAKE CARE AND GET WELL SOON. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. A week ago I had a toothache went to the dentist and tried extraction but due to pain it didnt finish. She said it could have a pus. Was it really that painful despite putting a lot of anesthesia? And so thw dentist prescribed me with cloxacillin 500mg 3xa day and diclofenac sodium every 12hours. Days passed by discomforts went on so I went to another dentist. He said looking at it it was traumatised. So I asked him if it was possible already to pull it out. The first attempt was painful even with anesthesia so he injected again and again until the last dose.. unfortunately I still felt the pain and I just bore the pain for the sake of having it extracted already. 3 days now post extraction and it still feels inflammed even if under amoxicillin and mefenamic acid. Moving my cheeks or mouth still hurts.. I think I may also have some sores on my gums that part where the tooth was extracted.. what am I supposed to do and ro take to feel better? Please help. [|AI|] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have mentioned that you have undergone extraction now you feel pain in check and extraction area don't worry it can be due to trauma due to extraction, bony spicules or unhealed socket. Do warm saline gargle two - three times a day. Apply ointment Gum paint twice daily on painful Gums. Take one capsule vitamin B complex once daily for 7 days. If you won't get relief then go to dentist for oral examination. Hope this will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, my Mother passed away suddenly on Christmas Eve. My Aunt, in October. I have health issues, in which my Mom was planning to move down here with us, to help my husband with our 5 daughters. With the sudden losses of my Aunt and Mother, who was my best friend, the upcoming Graduation of my oldest, and my brothers wedding, I am going through so much, and Im feeling extremely overwhelmed. Im not sleeping or eating the way I should, and I just dont know how to get through this. My PCP prescribed Serroquel for me to try, but I am not feeling a difference. I am inquiring as to the correct route I should be taking to get through all of this, and if theres a different type of med I should look into taking. Thank you. [|AI|] Hi. I understand your concern. Stress can affect your sleep pattern. Improvement in daily stress level can improve your sleep problems. Discuss with friends/see all thing with different angle/positive outlook/confidence etc. can help. Exercise/meditation/deep breathing and hyperventilation proper sleep stress free activity/do pleasurable activity/music and hobbies all this will help you to counter daily stress. Medicines like benzodiazepine can act as anxiolytic and sedative Which can counter your stress level and improve sleep also. I hope I have answered your query. Still if you have query then feel free to ask. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have woke up in the middle of the night 3 times with a sqeezing sensation in the middle of my chest and between my shoulder blades. I am 55, went into cardiac arrest and had anMI in Dec 2010. I have had 2 stent placements. Is this something I should be overly concerned about or could it be GI related. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, you should definitely concern about this squeezing type of pain. Possibility of cardiac chest pain (angina) is more because you already had MI (myocardial ischemia). So immediately consult doctor and get done ECG, 2d echo and stress test (trade mill test) to rule out heart diseases. If all these reports are normal then HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) can be the cause. It is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the central squeezing type of pain. So take proton pump inhibitors and prokinetic Chat Doctor. Avoid hot and spicy food. Don't worry, you will be alright, but first rule out cardiac chest pain. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doctors. i have a 2.4cm endometrial cyst in my right ovary. have undergone assistive reproductive insemination many times but failed. i am taking clomiphene nitrate. i have been married for almost 4 yrs now. i am 32 y/o. my husband has a low sperm count. Pls. advise. Ty. [|AI|] Hi The fact that you have undergone assisted insemination suggests that your baseline hormone studies and Fallopian tubal patency tests are normal. You have not mentioned how low is your husbands' sperm count. Is there any evidence of infection in the semen analysis done. What about other parameters of sperm like morphology, motility etc. Your husband needs to see a Chat Doctor. If you have already done six cycles of insemination and have not conceived the next mode of treatment will be IVF. (in vitro fertilization)Before IVF treatment the endometrial cyst needs to be aspirated to optimize the success rate of IVF treatment. Take one tablet of folic acid daily. I would also like to advise on simple measures. Maintain normal BMI (20-25 kg/M2)If you both smoke cigarettes you need to quit smoking. Good luck. Keep me updated about your treatment. If you have any further concerns I will be happy to answer.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I m concerned about consistent high ggt levels in my blood tests.I m 42 yo male and I drink socially on weekends and would have upto 10 beers on a Friday and Saturday night. I hold my alcohol well and am not rolling drunk with this quantity of alcohol. I m 6 feet tall and weigh 205 pounds.My sat reading is 23 u/l and my ALt reading is 41 u/l my gama gt reading is 78 u/l And has always been around this figure or lower over the last 10years.I worry as when you read up about thes levels it says I will end up with liver cancer or sclerosisyour thoughts . And are there any sublime nuts I can take to protect my liver or cleanse it?Thanks jeremy [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I read carefully your query and I understand your concern. Your high level o GGT (gamma-glutamyl transpeptidasa) is related with your alcohol consume, as you say you have a high level of alcohol Chat Doctor. Your ALT and AST are at their normal range only GGT have a high value for it referential normal range. These results shown that the liver is affected, but there is no disease, but you should avoid the heavy amount of alcohol to avoid the damage to your liver in the next future. I recommend decreasing the amount of beers at one or two during weekend day no more than two or replace beer or other alcohol
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello,I was woken up this morning from a sever pain in my left abdomen section that stretched to my upper part of my back. I tried to walk it off, but it did nothing. So I got some Advil and took it with water. I tried to lay back down in my bed, but the pain was so unbearable I got up and got on the floor, trying to find some type of relief. After about 2-3 minutes on the floor, my mouth got really watery. I went into the bathroom and immediately started throwing up. However, it was only liquid. The pain is still ripping through my stomach, what should I do? [|AI|] Hello, You have excruciating, unbearable pain in left side of your abdomen along with radiating in your back and also had vomiting, and you slightly relived on lying down and again having such a sever pain, in this regard in my opinion you might be having left Ureteric colic pain, which might be due to a stone in your left ureter. So it's my opinion and suggestion to you that you must consult your nearby urologist or get emergency treatment by undergoing first taking analgesic Injection and followed by Ultrasonography of your abdomen and X-Ray of your PUB region with continuing urologist treatment at your nearby hospital or medical facilities. Hoping you will get relieved by my guidance. Good Luck and take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query my 18 month old is struggling to get his poo out its like he has a fear from when he has been constipated in the past i still am breastfeeding and he has a very healthy diet any tips [|AI|] Hello, I think your kid is having habitual constipation. I have certain questions and suggestions for you. Questions:1. Did your kid pass motion or meconium on day one of life?2. Since how long is the kid constipated?3. Does the kid have any bleeding along with hard stools?4. How much milk does the kid consume per day?5. Does the kid eat fruits and vegetables (fiber diet) appropriately? You can get back with answers at the following link -www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have a lower back pain. i did all x rays and MRI to my back but all is OK and my doctor said all is muscle spasm. This was last year. I am still sufferingfrom that pain with neausea...which exceeds when i do any extra physycal effort. I did a urine test plus culture urine test and the result was that i have E.coli ( colony count 100.000 ). I really would appreciat your kind help [|AI|] Hi dear. Any case of acute pain can lead to nausea even headache or toothache. Regarding your back pain, although you did all investigations, muscular pain sometimes is so hard to treat. Moreover I had the couple of patients that checking their calcium and vitamin D revealed vitamin and mineral deficiency also should be considered. For chronic back pain:using NSAIDs and muscle relaxation and corticosteroid plus physiotherapy can help.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hey there!I am a gay, me and my mate have a daily penetration, he cums inside question is, if i have hommeroids and his sperms goes inside my blood, will my immunity system consider semen as a intruder and fight it then,if yes, what about the semen which is in my body(my testicles), will be fought as well?thank you [|AI|] Hi! Semen is nothing but a protein-rich secretion that must generate immunity in your body if somehow inoculated; actually it is not against semen as a whole but against some protein components of it! The sperms die soon and only digested/residual proteins will initiate some allergic/immunities in your body!there is no communication of blood with semen due to blood-testes barrier and not to worry! Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. All the best!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I m on Loestrin 24 FE for about 7 months now & I m on the second week of white pills and this morning noticed some brown discharge as well as some blood . Not suppose to get my period for another 2 weeks when i start brown pills. Nervous that this is not normal. is this normal? also first time every been on birth control . using to subside period pain. [|AI|] HelloThanks for your query. You seem to be having breakthrough bleedingPLease do not worry, as this is quite NORMAL with pills, particularly in initial months. Continue taking the pills as recommended, do not skip any of them. If the spotting continues, and does not stop within a couple of days, consult your healthcare provider, as you might require another brand with different (slightly higher) doses of estrogen. Remember to take the pills correctly at the same time every day. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Sir, plz cure me as i ve been suffering from single vein pain in right leg. If it gets relax then i get pain in left leg. Nerve become swell very much. It pains frm childhood wen i ws 6yrs old . Till m 27 yrs old. I ve taken lots of medicine ,bt didnt get cure. Plz suggest medicine. I ve also taken allopathy , homeopathy n ayurvedic medicine with doctors consult [|AI|] 1. since you are suffering from the symptoms since the age of 6, any history of injury to muscles, bones, joints,tendons, soft tissues?2. Any wear and tear, overuse, spine problem, poor circulation, varicose veins.3. Since it's quite a long time, hopefully deep vein thrombosis or any clot is ruled out.4. Were investigations like Doppler study carried out to rule out DVT? Or RA factor, ASO title were done to exclude Rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever in childhood?5. Check your potassium and calcium level, as low concentration (deficiency) result in nerve dysfunction and leg pain.6. Regarding painful vein: have you noticed any symptom like swelling, ulcer, skin change, around the leg?7. Was orthopedic doctor consulted for any compartment syn Chat Doctor. Your health care provider can guide you with further evaluation and treatment aspect, so make an appointment with him for further necessary management.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I am 20 years old and I am having my gallbladder removed on Friday. I have been taking Zicam to keep me from getting sick in the time being. I have noticed that my tongue has gotten a thick white coating on it. Does that have anything to do with my gallbladder or would it be the Zicam? [|AI|] Hello, Coated tongue is a common indicator of digestive disorders. Your gall bladder has a definite impact and could well be the main factor. Your medication may contribute as many of the products contain sugar. Additional since combats against coated tongues due to since deficiencies which should be an advantage of your medication. Staying well HY Chat Doctor. Try to keep an easily digestible diet, lower in sugar and yeast products. Remember to include care of your tongue in daily care. Brush your tongue and consider use of a tongue scraper. I recommend that you re-evaluate after surgery, after your digestive system has had a chance to heal. Please ask any additional questions if you won like my assistance. I wish you a quick recovery.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Sir, my daughter is 4.5 yrs and she has problem of pollution after consulting Dr I am giving her montair syrup and now rumilast for the last 1.5 it safe to use for such long? As I stop using the medicine she suffers from cold, cough and sneezing..plz help [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Your child seems to be troubled with reactive airway disease and the medications prescribed are very much needed, and its unfortunate child needs it for so long. But it's not unsafe to use it for so long. Having said that, for your child to be so sensitive for so long there should be some trigger factor in your home or in the area that child is coming in contact with. You need to identify that and get it off from his life, then things should fall in place. Keep away from pollen, dust, smoke, cold etc. triggers. Wet mopping of home floor. Dusting and Chat Doctor. Take care. Wish your child a good health.