**Status:** Archive (code is provided as-is, no updates expected) |
# Jukebox |
Code for "Jukebox: A Generative Model for Music" |
[Paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.00341) |
[Blog](https://openai.com/blog/jukebox) |
[Explorer](http://jukebox.openai.com/) |
[Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/github/openai/jukebox/blob/master/jukebox/Interacting_with_Jukebox.ipynb) |
# Install |
Install the conda package manager from https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html |
``` |
# Required: Sampling |
conda create --name jukebox python=3.7.5 |
conda activate jukebox |
conda install mpi4py=3.0.3 # if this fails, try: pip install mpi4py==3.0.3 |
conda install pytorch=1.4 torchvision=0.5 cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch |
git clone https://github.com/openai/jukebox.git |
cd jukebox |
pip install -r requirements.txt |
pip install -e . |
# Required: Training |
conda install av=7.0.01 -c conda-forge |
pip install ./tensorboardX |
# Optional: Apex for faster training with fused_adam |
conda install pytorch=1.1 torchvision=0.3 cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch |
pip install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./apex |
``` |
# Sampling |
## Sampling from scratch |
To sample normally, run the following command. Model can be `5b`, `5b_lyrics`, `1b_lyrics` |
``` |
python jukebox/sample.py --model=5b_lyrics --name=sample_5b --levels=3 --sample_length_in_seconds=20 \ |
--total_sample_length_in_seconds=180 --sr=44100 --n_samples=6 --hop_fraction=0.5,0.5,0.125 |
``` |
``` |
python jukebox/sample.py --model=1b_lyrics --name=sample_1b --levels=3 --sample_length_in_seconds=20 \ |
--total_sample_length_in_seconds=180 --sr=44100 --n_samples=16 --hop_fraction=0.5,0.5,0.125 |
``` |
The above generates the first `sample_length_in_seconds` seconds of audio from a song of total length `total_sample_length_in_seconds`. |
To use multiple GPU's, launch the above scripts as `mpiexec -n {ngpus} python jukebox/sample.py ...` so they use `{ngpus}` |
The samples decoded from each level are stored in `{name}/level_{level}`. |
You can also view the samples as an html with the aligned lyrics under `{name}/level_{level}/index.html`. |
Run `python -m http.server` and open the html through the server to see the lyrics animate as the song plays. |
A summary of all sampling data including zs, x, labels and sampling_kwargs is stored in `{name}/level_{level}/data.pth.tar`. |
The hps are for a V100 GPU with 16 GB GPU memory. The `1b_lyrics`, `5b`, and `5b_lyrics` top-level priors take up |
3.8 GB, 10.3 GB, and 11.5 GB, respectively. The peak memory usage to store transformer key, value cache is about 400 MB |
for `1b_lyrics` and 1 GB for `5b_lyrics` per sample. If you are having trouble with CUDA OOM issues, try `1b_lyrics` or |
decrease `max_batch_size` in sample.py, and `--n_samples` in the script call. |
On a V100, it takes about 3 hrs to fully sample 20 seconds of music. Since this is a long time, it is recommended to use `n_samples > 1` so you can generate as many samples as possible in parallel. The 1B lyrics and upsamplers can process 16 samples at a time, while 5B can fit only up to 3. Since the vast majority of time is spent on upsampling, we recommend using a multiple of 3 less than 16 like `--n_samples 15` for `5b_lyrics`. This will make the top-level generate samples in groups of three while upsampling is done in one pass. |
To continue sampling from already generated codes for a longer duration, you can run |
``` |
python jukebox/sample.py --model=5b_lyrics --name=sample_5b --levels=3 --mode=continue \ |
--codes_file=sample_5b/level_0/data.pth.tar --sample_length_in_seconds=40 --total_sample_length_in_seconds=180 \ |
--sr=44100 --n_samples=6 --hop_fraction=0.5,0.5,0.125 |
``` |
Here, we take the 20 seconds samples saved from the first sampling run at `sample_5b/level_0/data.pth.tar` and continue by adding 20 more seconds. |
You could also continue directly from the level 2 saved outputs, just pass `--codes_file=sample_5b/level_2/data.pth.tar`. |
Note this will upsample the full 40 seconds song at the end. |
If you stopped sampling at only the first level and want to upsample the saved codes, you can run |
``` |
python jukebox/sample.py --model=5b_lyrics --name=sample_5b --levels=3 --mode=upsample \ |
--codes_file=sample_5b/level_2/data.pth.tar --sample_length_in_seconds=20 --total_sample_length_in_seconds=180 \ |
--sr=44100 --n_samples=6 --hop_fraction=0.5,0.5,0.125 |
``` |
Here, we take the 20 seconds samples saved from the first sampling run at `sample_5b/level_2/data.pth.tar` and upsample the lower two levels. |
## Prompt with your own music |
If you want to prompt the model with your own creative piece or any other music, first save them as wave files and run |
``` |
python jukebox/sample.py --model=5b_lyrics --name=sample_5b_prompted --levels=3 --mode=primed \ |
--audio_file=path/to/recording.wav,awesome-mix.wav,fav-song.wav,etc.wav --prompt_length_in_seconds=12 \ |
--sample_length_in_seconds=20 --total_sample_length_in_seconds=180 --sr=44100 --n_samples=6 --hop_fraction=0.5,0.5,0.125 |
``` |
This will load the four files, tile them to fill up to `n_samples` batch size, and prime the model with the first `prompt_length_in_seconds` seconds. |
# Training |
## VQVAE |
To train a small vqvae, run |
``` |
mpiexec -n {ngpus} python jukebox/train.py --hps=small_vqvae --name=small_vqvae --sample_length=262144 --bs=4 \ |
--audio_files_dir={audio_files_dir} --labels=False --train --aug_shift --aug_blend |
``` |
Here, `{audio_files_dir}` is the directory in which you can put the audio files for your dataset, and `{ngpus}` is number of GPU's you want to use to train. |
The above trains a two-level VQ-VAE with `downs_t = (5,3)`, and `strides_t = (2, 2)` meaning we downsample the audio by `2**5 = 32` to get the first level of codes, and `2**8 = 256` to get the second level codes. |
Checkpoints are stored in the `logs` folder. You can monitor the training by running Tensorboard |
``` |
tensorboard --logdir logs |
``` |
## Prior |
### Train prior or upsamplers |
Once the VQ-VAE is trained, we can restore it from its saved checkpoint and train priors on the learnt codes. |
To train the top-level prior, we can run |
``` |
mpiexec -n {ngpus} python jukebox/train.py --hps=small_vqvae,small_prior,all_fp16,cpu_ema --name=small_prior \ |
--sample_length=2097152 --bs=4 --audio_files_dir={audio_files_dir} --labels=False --train --test --aug_shift --aug_blend \ |
--restore_vqvae=logs/small_vqvae/checkpoint_latest.pth.tar --prior --levels=2 --level=1 --weight_decay=0.01 --save_iters=1000 |
``` |
To train the upsampler, we can run |
``` |
mpiexec -n {ngpus} python jukebox/train.py --hps=small_vqvae,small_upsampler,all_fp16,cpu_ema --name=small_upsampler \ |
--sample_length=262144 --bs=4 --audio_files_dir={audio_files_dir} --labels=False --train --test --aug_shift --aug_blend \ |
--restore_vqvae=logs/small_vqvae/checkpoint_latest.pth.tar --prior --levels=2 --level=0 --weight_decay=0.01 --save_iters=1000 |
``` |
We pass `sample_length = n_ctx * downsample_of_level` so that after downsampling the tokens match the n_ctx of the prior hps. |
Here, `n_ctx = 8192` and `downsamples = (32, 256)`, giving `sample_lengths = (8192 * 32, 8192 * 256) = (65536, 2097152)` respectively for the bottom and top level. |
### Learning rate annealing |
To get the best sample quality anneal the learning rate to 0 near the end of training. To do so, continue training from the latest |
checkpoint and run with |
``` |
--restore_prior="path/to/checkpoint" --lr_use_linear_decay --lr_start_linear_decay={already_trained_steps} --lr_decay={decay_steps_as_needed} |
``` |
### Reuse pre-trained VQ-VAE and train top-level prior on new dataset from scratch. |
#### Train without labels |
Our pre-trained VQ-VAE can produce compressed codes for a wide variety of genres of music, and the pre-trained upsamplers |
can upsample them back to audio that sound very similar to the original audio. |
To re-use these for a new dataset of your choice, you can retrain just the top-level |
To train top-level on a new dataset, run |
``` |
mpiexec -n {ngpus} python jukebox/train.py --hps=vqvae,small_prior,all_fp16,cpu_ema --name=pretrained_vqvae_small_prior \ |
--sample_length=1048576 --bs=4 --aug_shift --aug_blend --audio_files_dir={audio_files_dir} \ |
--labels=False --train --test --prior --levels=3 --level=2 --weight_decay=0.01 --save_iters=1000 |
``` |
Training the `small_prior` with a batch size of 2, 4, and 8 requires 6.7 GB, 9.3 GB, and 15.8 GB of GPU memory, respectively. A few days to a week of training typically yields reasonable samples when the dataset is homogeneous (e.g. all piano pieces, songs of the same style, etc). |
Near the end of training, follow [this](#learning-rate-annealing) to anneal the learning rate to 0 |
#### Sample from new model |
You can then run sample.py with the top-level of our models replaced by your new model. To do so, |
- Add an entry `my_model=("vqvae", "upsampler_level_0", "upsampler_level_1", "small_prior")` in `MODELS` in `make_models.py`. |
- Update the `small_prior` dictionary in `hparams.py` to include `restore_prior='path/to/checkpoint'`. If you |
you changed any hps directly in the command line script (eg:`heads`), make sure to update them in the dictionary too so |
that `make_models` restores our checkpoint correctly. |
- Run sample.py as outlined in the sampling section, but now with `--model=my_model` |
For example, let's say we trained `small_vqvae`, `small_prior`, and `small_upsampler` under `/path/to/jukebox/logs`. In `make_models.py`, we are going to declare a tuple of the new models as `my_model`. |
``` |
MODELS = { |
'5b': ("vqvae", "upsampler_level_0", "upsampler_level_1", "prior_5b"), |
'5b_lyrics': ("vqvae", "upsampler_level_0", "upsampler_level_1", "prior_5b_lyrics"), |
'1b_lyrics': ("vqvae", "upsampler_level_0", "upsampler_level_1", "prior_1b_lyrics"), |
'my_model': ("my_small_vqvae", "my_small_upsampler", "my_small_prior"), |
} |
``` |
Next, in `hparams.py`, we add them to the registry with the corresponding `restore_`paths and any other command line options used during training. Another important note is that for top-level priors with lyric conditioning, we have to locate a self-attention layer that shows alignment between the lyric and music tokens. Look for layers where `prior.prior.transformer._attn_mods[layer].attn_func` is either 6 or 7. If your model is starting to sing along lyrics, it means some layer, head pair has learned alignment. Congrats! |
``` |
my_small_vqvae = Hyperparams( |
restore_vqvae='/path/to/jukebox/logs/small_vqvae/checkpoint_some_step.pth.tar', |
) |
my_small_vqvae.update(small_vqvae) |
HPARAMS_REGISTRY["my_small_vqvae"] = my_small_vqvae |
my_small_prior = Hyperparams( |
restore_prior='/path/to/jukebox/logs/small_prior/checkpoint_latest.pth.tar', |
level=1, |
labels=False, |
# TODO For the two lines below, if `--labels` was used and the model is |
# trained with lyrics, find and enter the layer, head pair that has learned |
# alignment. |
alignment_layer=47, |
alignment_head=0, |
) |
my_small_prior.update(small_prior) |
HPARAMS_REGISTRY["my_small_prior"] = my_small_prior |
my_small_upsampler = Hyperparams( |
restore_prior='/path/to/jukebox/logs/small_upsampler/checkpoint_latest.pth.tar', |
level=0, |
labels=False, |
) |
my_small_upsampler.update(small_upsampler) |
HPARAMS_REGISTRY["my_small_upsampler"] = my_small_upsampler |
``` |
#### Train with labels |
To train with you own metadata for your audio files, implement `get_metadata` in `data/files_dataset.py` to return the |
`artist`, `genre` and `lyrics` for a given audio file. For now, you can pass `''` for lyrics to not use any lyrics. |
For training with labels, we'll use `small_labelled_prior` in `hparams.py`, and we set `labels=True,labels_v3=True`. |
We use 2 kinds of labels information: |
- Artist/Genre: |
- For each file, we return an artist_id and a list of genre_ids. The reason we have a list and not a single genre_id |
is that in v2, we split genres like `blues_rock` into a bag of words `[blues, rock]`, and we pass atmost |
`max_bow_genre_size` of those, in `v3` we consider it as a single word and just set `max_bow_genre_size=1`. |
- Update the `v3_artist_ids` and `v3_genre_ids` to use ids from your new dataset. |
- In `small_labelled_prior`, set the hps `y_bins = (number_of_genres, number_of_artists)` and `max_bow_genre_size=1`. |
- Timing: |
- For each chunk of audio, we return the `total_length` of the song, the `offset` the current audio chunk is at and |
the `sample_length` of the audio chunk. We have three timing embeddings: total_length, our current position, and our |
current position as a fraction of the total length, and we divide the range of these values into `t_bins` discrete bins. |
- In `small_labelled_prior`, set the hps `min_duration` and `max_duration` to be the shortest/longest duration of audio |
files you want for your dataset, and `t_bins` for how many bins you want to discretize timing information into. Note |
`min_duration * sr` needs to be at least `sample_length` to have an audio chunk in it. |
After these modifications, to train a top-level with labels, run |
``` |
mpiexec -n {ngpus} python jukebox/train.py --hps=vqvae,small_labelled_prior,all_fp16,cpu_ema --name=pretrained_vqvae_small_prior_labels \ |
--sample_length=1048576 --bs=4 --aug_shift --aug_blend --audio_files_dir={audio_files_dir} \ |
--labels=True --train --test --prior --levels=3 --level=2 --weight_decay=0.01 --save_iters=1000 |
``` |
For sampling, follow same instructions as [above](#sample-from-new-model) but use `small_labelled_prior` instead of `small_prior`. |
#### Train with lyrics |
To train in addition with lyrics, update `get_metadata` in `data/files_dataset.py` to return `lyrics` too. |
For training with lyrics, we'll use `small_single_enc_dec_prior` in `hparams.py`. |
- Lyrics: |
- For each file, we linearly align the lyric characters to the audio, find the position in lyric that corresponds to |
the midpoint of our audio chunk, and pass a window of `n_tokens` lyric characters centred around that. |
- In `small_single_enc_dec_prior`, set the hps `use_tokens=True` and `n_tokens` to be the number of lyric characters |
to use for an audio chunk. Set it according to the `sample_length` you're training on so that its large enough that |
the lyrics for an audio chunk are almost always found inside a window of that size. |
- If you use a non-English vocabulary, update `text_processor.py` with your new vocab and set |
`n_vocab = number of characters in vocabulary` accordingly in `small_single_enc_dec_prior`. In v2, we had a `n_vocab=80` |
and in v3 we missed `+` and so `n_vocab=79` of characters. |
After these modifications, to train a top-level with labels and lyrics, run |
``` |
mpiexec -n {ngpus} python jukebox/train.py --hps=vqvae,small_single_enc_dec_prior,all_fp16,cpu_ema --name=pretrained_vqvae_small_single_enc_dec_prior_labels \ |
--sample_length=786432 --bs=4 --aug_shift --aug_blend --audio_files_dir={audio_files_dir} \ |
--labels=True --train --test --prior --levels=3 --level=2 --weight_decay=0.01 --save_iters=1000 |
``` |
To simplify hps choices, here we used a `single_enc_dec` model like the `1b_lyrics` model that combines both encoder and |
decoder of the transformer into a single model. We do so by merging the lyric vocab and vq-vae vocab into a single |
larger vocab, and flattening the lyric tokens and the vq-vae codes into a single sequence of length `n_ctx + n_tokens`. |
This uses `attn_order=12` which includes `prime_attention` layers with keys/values from lyrics and queries from audio. |
If you instead want to use a model with the usual encoder-decoder style transformer, use `small_sep_enc_dec_prior`. |
For sampling, follow same instructions as [above](#sample-from-new-model) but use `small_single_enc_dec_prior` instead of |
`small_prior`. To also get the alignment between lyrics and samples in the saved html, you'll need to set `alignment_layer` |
and `alignment_head` in `small_single_enc_dec_prior`. To find which layer/head is best to use, run a forward pass on a training example, |
save the attention weight tensors for all prime_attention layers, and pick the (layer, head) which has the best linear alignment |
pattern between the lyrics keys and music queries. |
### Fine-tune pre-trained top-level prior to new style(s) |
Previously, we showed how to train a small top-level prior from scratch. Assuming you have a GPU with at least 15 GB of memory and support for fp16, you could fine-tune from our pre-trained 1B top-level prior. Here are the steps: |
- Support `--labels=True` by implementing `get_metadata` in `jukebox/data/files_dataset.py` for your dataset. |
- Add new entries in `jukebox/data/ids`. We recommend replacing existing mappings (e.g. rename `"unknown"`, etc with styles of your choice). This uses the pre-trained style vectors as initialization and could potentially save some compute. |
After these modifications, run |
``` |
mpiexec -n {ngpus} python jukebox/train.py --hps=vqvae,prior_1b_lyrics,all_fp16,cpu_ema --name=finetuned \ |
--sample_length=1048576 --bs=1 --aug_shift --aug_blend --audio_files_dir={audio_files_dir} \ |
--labels=True --train --test --prior --levels=3 --level=2 --weight_decay=0.01 --save_iters=1000 |
``` |
To get the best sample quality, it is recommended to anneal the learning rate in the end. Training the 5B top-level requires GPipe which is not supported in this release. |
# Citation |
Please cite using the following bibtex entry: |
``` |
@article{dhariwal2020jukebox, |
title={Jukebox: A Generative Model for Music}, |
author={Dhariwal, Prafulla and Jun, Heewoo and Payne, Christine and Kim, Jong Wook and Radford, Alec and Sutskever, Ilya}, |
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.00341}, |
year={2020} |
} |
``` |
# License |
[Noncommercial Use License](./LICENSE) |
It covers both released code and weights. |