ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts file for Danbooru tag auto-completion.
Exclude tags that are used infrequently (post_count less than 20).
Also, normally you need to escape parentheses “()” with “\” when you type prompts,
The file is also available in a pre-escaped version.
Added on 2024/11/02
Because of the 2024/10/24 update of ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts, parentheses are now automatically escaped,
Use the escaped version only in versions prior to 2024/10/24.
How to use
Replace the downloaded “autocomplete.txt” or “autocomplete(escape parenthesis).txt” with the following file.
”autocomplete(escape parenthesis).txt” is the escaped version of the above. Rename the file to “autocomplete.txt” and replace it with the following file.
[your folder]\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts\user\autocomplete.txt