Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: My Whole issue with this is if the guy had been more aggressive when he knocked the man down and had tried to frisk him or rob or restrain him and found a gun on the man the criminal would have then been armed. That would have made the situation even worse. I really feel this ended up in a lucky situation for all involved and I really don't think anyone should be following this guys example. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: These "public servants" act like children and waste our time and tax dollars. Meanwhile, criminals continue to make money while legitimate business owners suffer. SHAME! SHAME! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: ""We're taking a close look at it," says PPS spokesman Jon Isaacs. "We definitely believe if an organization is raising money for staff in a school, they should be contributing to an equity fund, and we're reviewing whether there are similar fundraising organizations around the district."" This is just par for the course for Carole Smith's dream world of happiness and rainbows, where parents who contribute to meaningfully improve their child's school (how dare they!) are sent off with little more than a polite but terse "thank you." This reveals Smith's love of equity-based mediocrity--she knows full well that parent giving will decline if funds intended for a particular school are rerouted to the district itself--she would rather that every school suffer under her pay-the-administrators-first budgeting than some succeed due to the generosity of their parents. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I have never been the least bit worried about people on the road not wearing seatbelts. Failure to wear seatbelts doesn't cause accidents. The do-gooders that support this Three Flags garbage need to instead work on legislation that actually improves people's lives like improving the Delta-Beltline intersection. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: ....the mind of a career teacher. [sigh] Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You, Mr. Jenkins first! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Cable access tv and KBOO broadcast the inquest in Stevenson's death live. I produced this documentary. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Larson should be charged with shooting this poor criminal... Charged for having poor aim that is. He would have done infinitely better had he shot him in the face. Now this guy will bail out next week and be back to robbing / stealing to shoot junk in his arm. Best case scenario, he'll cost thousands in public funding to get 'treatment'. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I hate to put it this way but the only good hunter is a dead one...this way they can't harm, harass, wound and mutilate animals and that is why I love reading the stories about how these morons mistakenly kill each that's real conservation! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Friend, shooting to maim is not good shooting. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: That's an understatement, when I attended the Alaska State Trooper Academy, the FBI had to show up and haul off a great example of Alaska's legal system. The bank robber confused the Alaska State Troopers, that's why he fit in so well; crime pays best. Just Vote Criminal, they reside in every political office. The Governors duties clause. You can't make this up in any State, except for 1. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Bruce: Thank you for your letter, it offers the most valuable perspective I can imagine. I'm 73 and have recently witnessed the very "difficult" deaths of two good friends...One from ALS, the other after a long, "losing" battle with cancer. Both men reached the point where they were in constant pain, needed heavy, heavy pain medication and had no "in between" time giving them any quality of life....either intense pain or drug-induced "sleep." I strongly agree with you. At some point, it's time to "wave the white flag" and end one's life. It should be, as you say, at the stage of your choosing. It's a difficult circumstance, a difficult choice and a difficult topic for discussion. Thank you for reminding us all that we need to consider it, and, perhaps, will face the choice ourselves. We need the legal authority to do so. my best to you, Gary Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The comment section has devolved into character assassination. Good job, ADN. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Isolationism in the Middle East is looking better and better every day. We no longer need their oil; we have already appeased one of the major combatants, Iran; Israel has the capability to nuke Iran or anyone else who wants to come after them and they all know it. Where are our "National Interests" in the area? Let the Shii'a in Iran duke it out with Sunni Saudi Arabia as they are already doing in Yemen. Let those in the region, the Kurds, the Arabs and the Persians kill each other until they are satisfied. In the meantime, we guard ourselves from all the overflow from there, whether it comes through Europe or wherever and re-evaluate what our military role, if any, is in the rest of the world consistent with our national interests, whatever they truly are. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Gina, there is almost nothing but stupid in this comments section. Welcome to hell-where logic and reason have long since been put to death. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You jerks down in JNU are pitiful. Walker, you might've pulled your head out but you haven't grubbed out your ears. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Eugene "elects" a progressive (aka:socialist/liberal) mayor? NO WAY! It's like I have a crystal ball in predicting just how bassackwards this town can be in its liberal agenda. @Garycrum "...the people have spoke..."??? Blind people leading blind people (or electing) is a clear demonstration of just how uninformed and uneducated the voters are on real issues, not to mention basic facts and statistics that prove that socialist regimes (Bernie) never work. And ask who's a successful criminal.... to Hillary Clinton. This town is sad and pathetic. It reminds me of a kitchen full of drone sweeper robots who's batteries are near dead from sweeping up so much garbage. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Ever since you learned I smoke pot you have turned into a nasty little bigot tr0lling my posts. Up until then your posts agreed with mine 100%. have you ever considered counseling for emotional cripple behavior? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Gonna bring the brown bears into town and smell like hell at Spring Creek Prison in the summer westerlies. Not the best of places to make a deposit. It would seem no one involved in this operation has ever been in the vicinity of a rotting whale. Expect to hear more about this as the summer peaks and the whale seriously decomposes. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I guess the Overlords will have their Castle, the serfs be damned and taxed to support them in all their finery..... Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Get rid of the middleman. Single payer. Feel The Bern. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: "The criminal justice system should be reserved for the real wrong-doers, he says, with treatment for people with behavioral and mental and health problems and shelter for homeless youth offering better options — at a lower cost in the long run — than jail." Think I will move to the district so I can vote for Farr. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: It will be great to see more thoughtful discussion in the comments. Hopefully the Oregonian picks up the same or similar system because they have it the worst right now when it comes to trolls. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Malcolm Xavier: just a short clarification: he was a white man reaching for a gun while saying "you're going to have to shoot me." Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Sen. Mike Dunleavy states "This is a two and three year process". I can imagine how the process will work. Year 1, raid the PFD. Year 2, institute an statewide sales tax and/or income tax. Year 3, do nothing about the credits for the oil companies because possibility oil prices will rebound and they will start paying more. If it's a 2 - 3 year process why not start with looking at the credit given to the oil companies as well as reducing the state budget and not funding projects like the Knik Arms bridge, Juneau road, Ambler road, etc. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: She'll need crayons for that book. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Yeah, President Obama is so bad that he single handedly kept the nation from going over the Republicans fiscal cliff, sound familiar, saved the auto industry, provided 28 million Americans with healthcare that they didn't have, gave the order to kill Bin Laden when Dubya was too busy building his family's oil cartel, yada, yada, yada. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: We have never had a mass shooting on a college campus in Alaska either. So we do not need a law to protect us from a ghost! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Vets and bikers???? Hmmmm... I fit that description and there is no way could I get onboard with Trump's agenda. This ain't a reality tv show where the host can just blurt out any BS they please. Trump's too egotistical;a narcissist and just flat out unstable to be president of the Unitet States. My way or the highway might work in his boardroom but it won't work in the real world. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Hm. I work at a bank. Nobody has told us that. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Wish this information from your January 14th article had been brought forward to this update: ” This year’s policy debate topic focuses on domestic surveillance by the federal government. For half of their rounds, debaters are assigned to argue for reducing surveillance. During the other half, debaters will argue for maintaining present levels of surveillance” The subject of a debate should always be part of a real news story. Obviously, if it is extemporaneous debate, that isn’t possible. Here, you had the information two months ago and just lost it between article and update. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Threats, implied or actual, on the part of legislators are no big surprise. These egomaniacs are so used to getting their way that they'll use kiddie tactics to try to control and intimidate. I'm a registered Republican, but like many others I know, these clowns and self-righteous bums are not representative of my values. The trouble is that absolutely nothing we say will change the course they are on or change their minds and attitudes. Once oil decreases and ends its support of these folks, maybe then they'll be booted out by their constituents. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I have lived in Alaska almost 30 years. I think all responsible users are NOT "toking and driving" - just as responsible drinkers do not "drink and drive." Those who don't honor the law or principles of ethics are certainly not 'moral' in the sense I mean, and you should not have written they are among 'the most moral people' you know. Surely we must express disapproval of unsafe driving, as an absolute minimum. And maybe we should rethink legalization - if it going to make access easier to a significant population which won't behave well. As well as rethinking making the penalty for bad behavior merely a fine - which is the new proposed code. Sounds like those who have money and no sense are getting a 'get out of jail free card' until they actually kill someone. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: As stated in the article "In this region, residents aren't equipped with the explosive harpoons used for hunting bowhead in Alaska's far north" and "Pitka said he was told it took "hundreds of shots" to kill it" Might as "whale" beat the poor animal to death with clubs. And they thought it might get away also. Very poor choice by these people. Once again, wanton waste by the culture that says all game is sacred and should be respected. Utterly unbelievable and disgusting that this has happened. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Why, is the police's part. The neighborhood seems odd for home invasion at middle of afternoon. Unless we have a new group targeting upper middle class on hillside. How did they know he was home? He said he had package, wasn't afraid to use force. Then left. shoot the dog is scabby. Dog was probably doing what all dogs do. Warning strangers away! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The nominee was first suggested by that flaming liberal Orin Hatch as an example of a good fit for the Supreme Court. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: hell ya. i'd hit it. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Our biggest expenses in Alaska are at the Department of Health and Social Services, which provides Medicaid and welfare automatically to "fatherless" fetuses, and foster care to living children. Children (on welfare) are removed from homes where parents are suspected of not being perfect by anonymous tipsters. Adoptions make money for the State! Let's make sure our young people become a burden on the State by being uneducated in parenting responsibility and communicable sexual diseases. This bill targets one organization because it could save the state and the school districts money by teaching responsible sex, not abortion. Abortion is a horrible idea; let's teach our teenagers to prevent it, by learning individual responsibility. Let's teach them that having children is their own financial responsibility, and to plan parenthood. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: By grabthar's hammer, you shall be avenged! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I've lived in the Eugene/Springfield area going back to 1993 when I first settled in Eugene. And I certainly cannot remember the RG ever not endorsing any tax increase or new taxes, no matter how outlandish or excessive they were. That includes both the 2011 Eugene City Income Tax proposal for schools ( which was soundly defeated ), and also the Monthly Eugene City Fee ( defeated in 2013 ). The RG supported the 2007 County Income Tax proposal too, which 71% of the voters voted against. The Register Guard clearly believes that the public should be taxed much heavier. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: But she has lived part-time Los Angeles for several years now. In fact it's something that most people who follow her work already knew. She's always been upfront about spending some of the year in California. She's worked on Transparent there for the last two years. And the writing for Portlandia has taken place in Los Angeles, if not from season one, then at least for the last several seasons. By her own account, she still maintains a house in Portland, Sleater-Kinney is officially based out of Portland, and the show films there for about four months a year. It seems like this is another in the latest "lets hate on Fred and Carrie for ruining Portland" articles, using the spin that now neither of them even lives here. And that's just getting tiresome. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Not the first time Alaska Air has done this sort of deal; they bought out Jet America with it's MD - 83 fleet in the '90s. The MD's were promised by MD to provide all kinds of efficiencies that never materialized. Eventually the fleet transitioned to an all Boeing fleet. Ironically, Boeing now owns the old MDouglas! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I don't know this guy, but I've seen him out there a lot! I drive by him maybe once or twice a week. I try to wave back, but sometimes can't in time (I drive a manual). Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: This is such a crock. Seems we kill a "leader" or "high ranking official" every week. if this is the case, why are they still around? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: he has to be doing something right, the left and the right entrenched powers are scared *&^%less, and are in all out beast mode trying to take him down...and losing. He11, I'm about to vote for Trump just because he does piss off these political clowns. Get ready for the most brutal campaign in my lifetime, as team Billary is as vulgar and corrupt as they come, and Trump has plenty of issues of his own. That either of these fools are the top dogs in this contest speaks volumes to just how dysfunctional America has degenerated into. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: It's a nice goal but the fact remains that no one has a viable plan to get to 100% renewables that can handle the base load at all times. Unless the public is going to accept a brownout when the sun isn't shining and the wind isn't blowing we're going to need a reliable base load electrical generation capacity well into the future. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I hope so, because Hillary will beat Trump from prison. Trump is more unpopular with women than leaving the seat up. A vote for Trump, is a vote for Hillary ! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Bernie has been very consistent, he all about giving freebies to those that don't want to work for anything. He's the lazy peoples hero! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Gary, if you use the little "reply" arrow on the bottom-right of each comment, your reply should show up below that comment, as expected. Only the comments that are not direct replies are sorted by highest-rated. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The cop had his glock in hand, pointed at the guy when he kicked him. Also, if the biker was "fleeing", why did he stop? The cop was in an unmarked vehicle. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Unlike the usual 'animal rights' stuff we are used to from the looney tunes at PETA, this organization actually seems to have identified and documented incompetence at WSU. Killing off five animals and blowing it off as a 'learning experience' seems just a bit much for a professional organization, even one at a university. A vet school is supposed to be a lot better than that. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Sounds like the early morning capers need to organize a purging of their pent-up frustrations. For the past 10-days there's been 1-2 shootings. Give a criminal-minded night caper a gun and s(he) will want a piece of someone's hide. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The speaker is a complete hypocrite, just like most of the members of his party that were lambasting Trump a couple of months ago, but are now on board. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: One picture? Got to be more than that! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Wow. And human society has endured for how long since the first theaters opened? I guess you could wear gloves, a germ mask, and sit far from others if you're that terrified of a theater. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Not everybody needs to wait until November ;) Primaries are August 16th. John Z, fed-up citizen and non-politician Republican candidate for East Anchorage's State House seat (#27). Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Thank you Governor Walker!!! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Just another good reason to do your own cooking at home, then no other business will be held responsible for you. If you need a sandwich on the road, take one with you from home or take your chances with your decisions! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: remove their clitoris and sew their vaginas closed... alah, alah, alah Donald Trump.. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Sounds like some of this attitude might have come from home. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: What's that old saying? "If you're not taking flak, you're not over the target." Well Mr. Ryan, I'd say in this case your target acquisition has been close to perfect. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The State has no difficulty keeping a**es in seats; it has a lot more trouble getting rid of the ones it doesn't want in the seat. The only real problem I ever had with hiring was dealing with the functional illiterates that the government schools were turning out. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Spot on. We have been aggressively sold on this idea that we need to be afraid of ______ (our government, invading hoards of scary brown people, our neighbors, zombies, etc.), and also sold the easily debunked theory that we need a gun to defend themselves from that. Personally, I own firearms; I hunt and I sometimes go places where I'm not at the pinnacle of the food chain, and there may be bears, honey-badgers or vicious, feral Chihuahuas around. They are kept locked up unless I'm taking them somewhere. I do NOT need them to protect myself from my own government, from being punched in the nose by some road-rager, or that I need to kill someone to keep them from stealing my TV. I have bear spray and two large dogs for that. They won't have a good day if they try, but at least they'll have another chance to think that over tomorrow. Do I value human life? Yup, I do. Am I civilized? Sort of! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I find your attitude aggravating, Richard. I've just tried to return the favor. I've worked with populations of homeless mentally ill for years. I really never met any who wanted to be out there enduring the precarious intense, endless difficulties of street life. I've met a couple of low-lifes who tried to take advantage of the resources made available for those truly disabled who really needed them. I got them kicked out of the assistance programs for which they were applying. I can't imagine how your twisted logic leads you to a place to advocate starving those who can't take care of their own basic needs as a supposed "solution" to their distress. I find it analogous to your take on the unions you find so contemptible, those which negotiated your contracts, medical care, pensions, etc., yet you manage to think they're a bunch of hooligans or con artists. You think you're self made, but they lifted you into the middle class. I just don't think you have much empathy for others. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: It sounds to me like the dog was probably standing there barking at him and he let loose with his firearm to be a tough guy. I strongly doubt the dog was actually charging him, snarling, and he had enough time to yell at the dog, THEN draw and fire. And fire. And fire. And fire. And fire. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Did anyone get pulled over for DUI after this? You know not every MJ smoker is a wild eyed freak with not enough sense to get out of rain. I know many who do and are responsible. Do not put all smokers in with the ones who refuse to act responsible. We get punished by strangling laws just to keep irresponsible ones in check, and laws have done nothing to fix stupid people who refuse to behave with sense. They don't give a rat's ass about laws so everyone else is strangled to help the stupid irresponsible ones. Go figure. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Good for Gov. Walker and good for Alaska. While Comm. Monaghan and I didn't always agree on everything he was by far the best Public Safety Commissioner I ever worked with. He is a good man who will work hard in a tough position. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: At least it makes Kodiak a target. Oh wait, that's not good.... Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: When was the last time anyone saw a good investigative article in the RG? Looks like reporters have been trained to write soap opera scripts biased with copious amounts of personal opinion. Accurate facts from both sides sell papers not option pieces dressed up as news. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Caroyln McDermed is an amazing women/mother and I know that she had always put 100% into her work and had always taken time out of her days to help out with this new UO police department. A single mother raising three teenager's, 4 fat corgi dogs, and taking care of 7 1/2 acres worth of land on a mountain and are taking care of one of those houses that if you want it to stay nice you got to fix small problems weekly. All I'm trying to say is that she really does try and I can promise you that my brother and sister will both back me up on this subject. Love you mom, - Ty Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I always figured that USC had the Trojan endorsement locked on; so to speak. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Quarantine should end with a bullet between the eyes. What crap to be attacked by a loose dog. I hate it when a loose dog comes running up, and the owner says he is friendly. Bear spray to the face Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I am a genetic male, but I think genetic females are incredibly beautiful. I love females and am willing to call myself female in order to be close to the beauty of females. From now on I will call myself female and associate with them. Thanks to the state for letting me do that. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Actually, McBeath retired (see "emeritus" in the story). As it appears most folks who aren't Democratic insiders have long since forgotten about Scott McAdams, let me remind you that he was claiming to be "poor" when he and his wife were making around $150,000/year combined. Oh, I know, "it's expensive to live in Sitka" yada yada... Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: well, you are entitled to your delusions. and I am not surprised in the least you are proud of your liberal bigotry and shameless staggering hypocrisy. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Increase taxes on seniors and disabled veterans on top of doing away with college scholarships so that you don't have to do away with funding for boondoggle projects is so misguided. When Frank the Bank went after longevity bonuses his approval went into the crapper and never recovered. Go you heartless cretins go. Put the stake through your own cold and empty hearts. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Joshua, hope your boyfriend in jail shanks you and let's you whither and die. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Hmm... I dunno. In THIS alternate universe she was on the ballot, and the voters elected her. What's it like in your dimension? Is everyone there monochromatic? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Didn't know you could read or count, O'Booba. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Tasers do not work all the time, in fact it has been my experience that they are effective less than 50% of the time. Officers are trained to shoot to stop, not to kill and not to maim. All we want is to stop the threat, protect the innocent and the bystanders. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: #discriminationforjesus Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Unless your dart hit the name 'Donald Trump'. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: i was just trying to be realistic. you should try it Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I study better with a gun to my head. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: comedy, the genius fails to grasp it's "you're an idiot," not "your an idiot." Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Ask the kids whose dad murdered thier mom while they slept in Fairbanks? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: How's that democrat induced Medicare workin' for you Kate? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I wish Governor Walker, could line item veto you, Meyer. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I thinl kids rights to accurate safety information supercedes parental child "ownership" if they are attending a publicly funded school. I'm sure you can, unfortunately, opt them out. Or you can teach them your version at home, or send them to a private academic or cult school. Her sin was not being against this safety education - but in trying to kill it and then, with Dunleavy, credit for it when it passed, while ignoring to give credit to the law's true sponsor, Rep. Millett. Pretty shameful, and shameless.. Don't the ethics of that lying behavior bother you? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Wait, fer reals? That went to court?! And he WON?!? For the sake of every fuck. We finally made it criminal to tell the truth, and it started here. How sickening. I mean, I kinda get it, being socially shunned sucks, but not being able to inform your community about dangerous individuals sucks even worse. It would be one thing if the allegations were false, but if they're true ... well ... if you don't like the consequences maybe you shouldn't have done the deeds? I mean, I made the front page of my city's newspaper for being "different," on the heals of Columbine and on Mother's Day no less, and that was awkward as hell. It never even crossed my mind to accuse the newspaper of any misconduct. I was weird, apparently that was news, and they shared it. Well, fuck me then. How is Canada these days? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: AAU is Association of American Universities, not American Association of Universities. That is a pretty basic error for one whose "beat" is the university. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: This guy is a Bushy. We all know how much they did for the country. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Good thing it's just another lunatic with a gun. At least we're used to those headlines. Right? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Demoness......nailed best. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: “Those are stories manufactured by a really small number of people on both sides who amass a great deal of power and wealth by convincing the rest of us to keep killing each other.” Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Every time the paper runs a story about how it's getting warmer a couple of climate change deniers in Wasilla have fatal heart attacks. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I'd like to see a picture of the thugs. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: 1 in 9 have not been the victim of an assault. According to the survey, 1 in 9 have been victims of sexual misconduct or sexual assault. About 1 in 20 has been the victim of sexual assault. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The link on "Sir Cupcake's Queer Circus Goes to the Future" should have taken you to the tickets page. The show's over now, but Sir Cupcake does pop up pretty regularly, so you can probably catch another one. Did you make it to any shows this weekend? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Why not? Do we need more funding for enforcement? Perhaps licensing could bring in some extra revenue to hire police to enforce violations committed by ALL AGES of bicyclists. After all, it's for the safety and well-being of all. And the Oregon rules do specify safety equipment requirements, too. For example: "• Brakes must be powerful enough to let you easily bring your bicycle to a stop. You should be able to easily reach the brake levers. . . . • Lights are required by law when riding after dark. You or your bicycle must have a white light visible at least 500 feet to the front, and a red light or reflector visible at least 600 feet to the rear. THESE ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. More powerful lights will make you more visible to others, and help you see road hazards. A rear light is more visible than a reflector. Front white reflectors are not visible to motorists entering from a side street and DO NOT MEET LEGAL LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS." (My emphases) Output:
[ "No" ]