Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: $65,000 dollars? Really? You people are so out of touch with reality. Throwing around $65,000 dollars on a fence, to keep people from sleeping under a bridge? It's shit like this that can make a person hope the system burns. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Chain-gangs are slave-labor, yet few object to someone suggesting chain-gangs. The real objections to prisoner labor comes from the unions, who want to prevent anything which impacts the regular job market. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I wonder if they consulted Tommy Teestleman Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Jerzy. A sentence or two about the exact location would have been of interest to some. What peak and face would have been helpful. Thanks. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Wow, thanks for the high opinion. I was part of the IT support that kept the whole thing running. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: He will be disbarred for day trading with client money, if that was what he was doing. The bar comes down hard on that sort of behavior. It's too bad. Paul is a good lawyer and a nice enough guy. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I have lived in Alaska for 10 years and I still find it so weird how people can complain so bitterly about taxes and state expenses when they personally do not pay any of those state expenses. How can anyone conscionably argue to decrease school funding (from the state level) when he isn't providing any of that expense? The level of entitlement in this state is just weird. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: How bout stop deactivating comments on particular articles just because the moderaters don't like opinions opposite of their own? The voting system should handle racist, profanity etc. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Enjoyed my visit to Norway. The Kon Tiki raft is at the museum in Oslo. The train ride from Oslo to Bremen is a nice ride. Nice memories. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Well, the trial has just begun, so undoubtedly we will hear more. Unfortunately, it will all be Highly edited and selective - to make whichever points the prosecution or defense is trying to make. This is of course expected to the defense [it's their job], but one would like to see AST and the DA do Considerably Less selective editing and dramatic posturing, for a fuller and more realistic presentation of the fact to the jurors. After the trial the case file Should be Public Information, available to anyone that files a FOIA request. Good luck though, breaking the file out of AST's grip, or in gaining a solid and unbiased understanding of the events from the file if you get it. Often, and most especially when AST has "a personal interest" in the prosecution, the Troopers appear incapable of conducting open, unbiased investigations. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Senator Stevens' prosecution was discredited, but not 'totally'. Stevens allowed Bill Allen to be his buddy and do his Girdwood remodel without drawing clear lines. Stevens exposed himself to the charges and deserved the heat and damage to his reputation. Lie down with dogs and wake up with fleas. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: When I was arrested on a felony assault charge last September, by Officer Damon Jackson, not only did he not take into account that the facts didn't add up, he lied to the magistrate. Jackson stated , "I was dressed in all black and that I was resisting arrest", because I would not give him a 'story' about what happened. Based on what I was wearing at the time, he probably thought I was poor and would not be able to fight the charges. Boy was he wrong and I'm not done with him or the state for kidnapping, false arrest, and false imprisonment. I was held at the Anchorage Jail for more than 10 hours after I stated that I could bail in a matter of minutes. I had a cash only bail for something I should not have been arrested for. The D.A. tried to get me to plea take a plea deal; thinking I had no money. The first instruction I gave to my attorney was, " I will NOT take any deals." Guess who caved! I'm coming for the D.A. Now lets see who wants to make a deal. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Wow, this is somewhat of a surprise. Although the Bundys are facing far more serious charges in Nevada. So for them, this is a hollow victory. They will definitely get life in prison for their crimes in Nevada, which they deserve. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: How much information do you need? A woman is going to get her mail, gets shot, sues the shooter. The comments here are probably like the ones the attorneys will offer up. "He didn't see her, it was an accident, he didn't know." What's missing so far is her negligence in being where she was if she heard shooting. That'll be for the defendant's attorney to bring up. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Interesting Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: When you were a child, and there were half as many people around...And now we're recycling stuff and that's bad because there's a financial incentive and we're somehow stupid for recycling...and that has a tie-in to an old pick-up you had, which "they" told you you couldn't put a new engine in... Answer you? I'm trying to figure out what you're saying here: Don't you think recycling is a little better than digging it up (or chopping it down) and throwing it in a landfill? Yes, it takes effort, equipment, and infrastructure---I hope we as a society are able to engage in a science-and-evidence-based discussion over whether the net result is really worth it. I've read studies that indicate we could possibly phase out fossil fuels in a decade: I can see that as a possible motive for oil producers to flood the market and drive the price of their product down, and try to shift this discussion to the background for as long as possible, with the "help" of people like Sarah and you. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The legislature is NOT fiscally conservative, nor were Palin or Parnell. Knowles was the last conservative we had and he was a democrat While I applaud Walker for trying to solve this, he has not addressed the bloated state government really - a 30%+ Reduction in Force is needed to get us back in line with income Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: This incident shows how woefully inadequate our gun control laws currently are. This boy and his mother both deserve to be in jail. Write your state legislator, and demand new, tougher restrictions on young people possessing firearms, and parents giving them access to them. We need to make irresponsible behavior like this a crime. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I guess Ed needs the money Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: ...Where has President Obama been these past 7 years, Miller? He saved the Auto industry when Mittens said let Detroit go bankrupt and kept million of Americans working; he stopped the nation from going over the fiscal cliff by launching a road to economic recovery and without the Just Say No Republican majority; he gave the order to kill Bin Ladin, he proposed and signed the Affordable Care Act which has saved millions of lives and gave people without healthcare a chance to to better their lives, he's faced the nation a half dozen times pleading for the NRA to meet him halfway to help pass responsible gun legislation that would save more lives but the NRA and Republicans in Congress continue their Just Say No campaign. I can go on and on but it'll only fall on deaf ears. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Jade...You feel the need to tell Noelle's loved ones the very obvious! Implying she deserved to die? This has impacted my family in a very painful way. Please be mindful of your words. Thank you Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: As to the "many" I was referring to "many" you mentioned here: "I think you mean trespass. Precious Earth/Davis is one of many property owners who have asked the Higmans to stop trespassing on their land..:" The question about the possible public nature of depositions was a general question about any depositions in civil cases. My reference to the City attorney was made as he was present at the last Council meeting and he did address questions of law in general rather than those only pertinent to a specific case. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Our problem is similar to the homeless problems nationally: Mentally ill, substance addicted, rural in-migrants & under-educated chronically unemployable are the bulk of our park dwellers & homeless. Some are decades old cases who have either been ignored, cast aside or have avoided treatment by appropriate agencies. Others are- sadly - new youth with only older homeless as daily role models. I support rapid response by community service patrols/police to clear the parks - for at least moments at a time. But CHANGE takes a larger perspective. I'd prefer to see minimal-cost, sponsored & "controlled" year-round homeless camping areas in our City - jointly managed by the Muni and by the homeless themselves. Provision of a scheduled mobile meal-prep/delivery van; lease-purchase of a mobile military/emergency services showering unit; use of an on-site motor home as a center for various social services personnel to "do their thing"- ALL could begin profound improvements to our situation. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: For sure there are many tragic stories of this type, as the Indians for some reason resented the Euro-Americans moving in, taking over their lands and moving them out. We grew up hearing about how the "savages" opposed our Manifest Destiny, the heroics of the Cavalry, the struggles we had in the "Winning of the West." In Oregon we have historic monuments to whites killed by Indians, such as the "Jedediah Smith Massacre" at Reedsport, the Geisel/Battle Rock monument at Port Orford, etc., but no highway signage that I know of commemorating Native Americans massacred by whites. I'd like to see a more balanced, accurate history narrative. (And in Eugene, our Parks Department puts forth that stupid racist story that Spencer Butte was named for a HBC traveler killed by the Kalapuya!) Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Take away their dayem cell phones while working for starters. Idiots. Start garnishing wages if they're that oblivious; that'll get their attention. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Who would you get to kill the children and other members of their family? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: If I was paranoid enough to carry a gun on my 20 minute evening walk I'd have the opportunity to shoot a dog every night. You're right. This guy just wanted to shoot a dog. Because he's a lawyer he thinks he's going to skate. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: ADN, your phone lines are not working either. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: It is a pretty flat pay scale for the nano guy. As a long-time full professor in engineering/computer science in San Diego he was probably making $175,000 a year or more. So he doubles his pay to become chief of a huge research center, and makes ~10X more than the lowest-paid employee. He probably makes less than some of the doctors in the institute. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Automation has been in use in Europe for years...long before our debate about $15 hr...never been able to figure out why they get tech long before we do. They were using card chips long before us a completely different way...waiter comes to table with wireless scanner, scans card and immediately hands it back...completely opposite of our use of the chip, where we put card in, complete transaction , take card out. Leave it up to us to screw that up too. Back to the point - lol - at McD's across euro, enter order at kiosk, get receipt number, pick up at counter. Talk about efficient. Hey, did I mention how much better euro Big Macs taste than ours? Ok, I guess I've digressed enough :) Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: This not because of the quality of the schools, it is because of the quality of parents and like them or not Mormons know how to parent their kids. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Start making cash right now... Get more time with your family by doing jobs that only require for you to have a computer and an internet access and you can have that at your home. Start bringing up to $8012 a month. I've started this job and I've never been happier and now I am sharing it with you, so you can try it too. You can check it out here... ---------------->> Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You can't deduct your PFD unless you are "rich" and itemize deductions. Most people use the standard deduction Get those out of state workers…and WE ALASKANS pay an income tax? Taxing 10,000 slope workers at the net proposed income tax of 1.5% making 100,000 a year nets the state $15 Million. Creating a new income tax state bureaucracy with 100 state workers making $100K a year costs $10 Million. This makes no sense, and then I pay an income tax as do my kids and grandkids ..forever. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Increase the penalties for starting a wildfire and maybe people would wake up. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Check the sponsors on the bill that would cut them loose. Your "lefties" crap is unfounded. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Another propaganda rant from Suzanne Downing and the Alaska Republican Party. Nice to see that she's changed the focus of her personal attacks from Governor Walker to Hillary Clinton. She claims "many voters will take their chances with Trump....?" Sure, just ask Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney. I can't help but wonder why Ms. Downing failed to mention any of Trump's policy positions, like foreign policy (scared the heck out of everyone of all stripes recently), Muslims (ban 'em), women who seek legal safe abortions (punish 'em), Mexicans (wall 'em in), monetary policy (print as many of 'em dollars as you need), torture (kill the families after waterboarding), and federal lands in Alaska (keep 'em all in federal hands). I wonder. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I agree. In this age of computer data bases a person can no longer "start over" nor can we continue to view incarceration as the only option. Also, I was intrigued by Coghill's statement that we are sending these young Alaskans to outside prisons where they become well educated in the criminal life style and bring those lessons back home. My concern is that future legislatures cannot be bound to fund these programs that might reduce the recidivism and we wind up worse off than we are now. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Sooner later we'll have to stand up to the troublemakers. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Can you say, Medicaid expansion? Idiots! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You're a piece of racist garbage, Kearon. PLEASE GO AWAY FOREVER Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: That is the modus operandi of the PC left. I think most Americans have had their fill of PC liberalism and are finally pushing back with Donald Trump. He's gonna deep fry Hillary now. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: One of the many benefits of a slightly warmer climate. Another benefit is fewer human deaths due to extreme cold. Latest study shows twenty times more human mortality from extreme cold than from extreme heat. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: We have 90+ schools empty 1/3rd of the time also nights weekends and holidays, lets use them. Save money. Excellent venues to interact with constituents. The Capital and offices are in Juneau. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I am an above the knee amputee and I ride my hand cycle on the coastal trail most days. You sir, are an idiot. Having to have you by my side would be the true handicap. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Violence begets violence, Shortridge. You get what you dish out, right? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Rural communities get government funding to replace their tank farms and diesel power plants. Then there's ADEC and EPA and the Coast Guard and all of the other government expenditures driven by the risk of toxic oil spills (seen any boom stretched around solar panels lately?). And must we get into the massive tax deductions and credits slathered onto the entire oil supply chain, compliments of campaign bribes and lobbyists? And then there are the externalities of spewing fossil carbon into the air...but those don't exist on your planet, do they? Now, you were talking about subsidies? Do tell. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Sure wealth accumulation from a gormless citizenry through hot air blasting over monster speakers containing certitude of an invisible power only available through self-appointed agents wielding absolute political power. Religious tax scofflaws brought in to aid the Republican dictatorship to certify the destruction of the governing system to allow monster corporations to finish the looting of the state. A feudal religion born in Empire demanding return to religious theocracy enslaving all and inquisition for all dissent. The death of democracy and the Constitutional Republic orchestrated by traitors infesting every facet of the human experience. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You sir have never bern attacked by a dog when they do go for you and this is from expetience. I was pulled off my sled and on the ground on my back in a blink of an eye. My throat is still here because it was really cold and had talked me into wearing a huge scarf wrapped around my neck five or six times. My dad took the dod off of me and killed it within about 8 or 9 seconds oterwise i might not be here today. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: WYATT---YOU show your---"true grit" or lack there-of---haha Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: always amazes me how some advocate for an income tax because a few thousand non-residents would pay, but ignore the simple fact that only a sales tax would capture the income of millions of tourists each year. Just here in Ketchikan we have over a million cruise ship visitors each year. All an income tax will do is drive the wealth out of this state and be yet another reason for people to not retire in Alaska. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: If it were true that you just received a(n) email from a teacher with that many errors, and assuming you have the ability to count and correct each one, then you'd be able to provide a specific number instead of an ambiguous range, along with examples of the most egregious mistakes. SYH won't help with this fairy tale, but I can. "Teacher" is singular, "them" and "their" are plural. You flunked. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Bob Bell lost because he was out of touch with his constituents, just as the Republican Party is today Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: they claimed to have proof they were chemically poisoned, their proof was thorough debunked through unbiased studies of the water source they claimed to have inflected them. that you are incpale of addressing this fact and keep spamming my post with your ridiculous nonsense, well, you can be a troll online if you want. your choice, but the bottom line is, these shameless liberal liars were busted lying, and their evidence they tainted was busted as well. run along troll, Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Part #2: ...was more important than funding services. Then the library "enhancement" levy was pasted, to enhance our already award winning library system. So, effectively this levy will indirectly fund the city hall. This brings us to our current situation, which includes earthquake upgrades. The cost of the upgrades is unknown, and the city councilors are now demanding individual offices. (It never ends.) On top of this budget MESS and deception, is the ongoing Urban Renewal District, the one the council promised to "sunset" several years ago. (BTW - A quarter of a million dollars of the URD is earmarked for a bicycle-share program, the same type of program that is FAILING in Seattle.) It seems there must be a toilet within the city government that is in dire need of a thorough flushing. The new city hall design needs to be agreed upon, settled, and accurately priced. Then it needs to be funded by a voter approved bond measure, not by depleting the general fund. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Easy. We Americans are sick and tired of paying for illegal immigrants. They have been on the gravy train way too long. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Tell that to Oklahoma. I asked my dad who worked in the oil fields up here for 40 years and he says it wasn't done while he worked up here. He retired in 1986. Just what this state needs is more earthquakes! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: HB 247 can wait until next year! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: your reasoning may be true for 1 victim but not 2... maybe for 1 pull of the trigger but no more... and not when you tamper with the bodies to make it look like self defense... and not when you cry after you moved the bodies show pretend remorse... his defense was going to rest on "look what the white man made me do" by pointing a weapon at him. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: oh, please. then let's cut it all together. just what DO you think they are teaching? sex ed is in the health texts at the high school level. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Compelling argument. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Taken up tons of space at the docks and generally annoying crabbers. About it though. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: As far as smoking bans go, there should be no difference between tobacco and pot. A ban is a ban is a ban. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Is "hippocracy" intended to be a pun in this context? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The implication is easily recognized by anyone with half a brain. Guess that leaves you out charlie. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: It's nice to hear that all the candidates for mayor are being asked about the issue of homelessness. After many years of working at ShelterCare, it's clear to me that Lucy Vinis' depth of knowledge and capabilities to move us forward on this important issue will set her apart from the other candidates. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Spock, I am old too and I LIKE the fact that an ambulance and EMTs can get to my house in 3-4 minutes-- as opposed to 20-30 minutes. Ditto fire and police. We pay for this (renters too). Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Yeah tell me again parents are not the reason behind the LACK of discipline here. A 15 year old took a shotgun, to an elementary school. First, the child obviously has mental issues, and a HORRIBLE set of parents at home who are blind to the obvious. PUNISH him hard... Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: bingo rus - you hit the nail on the head. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: i would think that any legislator who kicks this can down the road would be kissing their chances for surviving this election cycle goodbye. but what do i know. we were stupid enough to elect these hacks. we might still be dumb enough to give them another shot. i consider myself a conservative independent, but i'll be damned if i'll vote for any incumbent republican candidate who isn't willing to stand up and deal with the problem this session. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I hope you get ticketed for harrassment Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: People with bikes and no cars are taxed to provide for roads for your car, and have been since you started driving, so perhaps you paying a little extra for a bike-centric project just might be a small start in evening things out, if you want to be pedantically "fair" about it. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Oil bottomed at $27 and is back to $50. This more than wipes out the "need" for a state income tax Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I guess I can understand why this would be news down in America... But who cares about another dead bear in Alaska? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Militia's aren't your friend nor are they trying to protect or help anyone except themselves. Please inform yourselves about what Sovereign Citizen Movement Militias are trying to do. This militia group associated with this philosophy of Sovereign Citizens who believe in their right to not obey the laws, pay taxes they're lawless and make up their own laws and Constitution. These Militias have killed more law enforcement across the United States than any other movement. The the membership is all white extremists hate group who want to overthrow the State and United States Government. They're not good guys they criminals and they kill people and seek revenge. Militia's hold Kangaroo Courts, bully, stalk, harass and kill people in communities that disagree. Communities do not want their help or protection so please get educated about these Sovereign Citizen Militias, they're dangerous. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: “This is a 12-point pullquote (PullQuote12_No_Attribution) without attribution. There are also 14- and 18-point versions also 14- and 18-point versions This is the important part of her column. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: And as usual convoluted rules of engagement from this white house passed along through the military they scorn, targeting low level direct US military combatants, no interest in winning by Obama, and this hospital having admitted and treated the terrorists fighters, what can you expect? And yes they did it to the soldiers in Vietnam as well. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I've been saying this for a long time. Of course, there already have been a couple of people killed...the guy at the UAA campus, you can watch video of that, and a woman was found dead in her back yard and the evidence pointed to a moose stomping. Kids have been attacked, but none killed...yet. And I'll be the first to say, "I told you so." Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Where did the 20 Trillion Dept come from Mr repub and don't say Obama, 2000 to 2009 put us in downward Spiral and we are still reelling from it. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The failure of citizens to educate others on basic principles which led to the creation of our country, is what is leading to its downfall. I think of the citizens of the super sized cities as having a Hive Mentality, probably by necessity. They are far divorced from any reality but big city life. This is leading to politicians adopting suicidal policies because it wins them the votes of the scum. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Mayor Dan Sullivan is the one who gave us Housing First, where we provide the homeless with apartments (Karluk Manor). They are not required to stop drinking, or go to rehab, or get jobs. Apparently, this is cheaper, than arresting these folks and keeping them in jail. Mayor Berkowitz wants to increase the program. I wondered how long it would take for right-wing demagogues, like Paul to attack the program, and blame it on liberals. The answer is, about one year. Notice Paul, offers no solutions to the homeless problem in Anchorage. Just his snarky, sophomoric drivel. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Clayton you have seen how ideas of restructuring is to caucus. They get all revenue except the small amount for PFD. They have squandered billions over last ten years. They do not want restructure they want it all to pay for their idea of government. If they cannot budget the past multi-billions what makes you think anything will change when top six block any changes to status quo. No confidence vote on Republican majority. Seems every GOP legislator got marching orders from Sullivan's boss. Take everything and let voters eat cake. How did that work out for Frances ruling idiots. Ignore the angry frustrated mass at own peril. Sooner or later it will come back to bite your head off. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: From their own website: The 1976 state law establishing the Permanent Fund (AS 37.13), states that the Fund was created: to provide a means of conserving a portion of the state's revenue from mineral resources to benefit all generations of Alaskans to maintain safety of principal while maximizing total return to be a savings device managed to allow maximum use of disposable income for purposes designated by law. I think that's pretty clear insofar as it's purpose. To conserve for the benefit of all generations of Alaskans. Using the principal to produce earning to fund government (like Norway did for example) is certainly one way the fund, using a POMV payment model, would provide benefit to all generations of Alaskan's, not just the individuals who happen to live in Alaska for a year, then get a dividend that second year. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: you are as despicable as the scum who tell a raped woman it's her fault she was raped. Your kind absolutely disgusts and sickens me. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Given your so obvious observation and the implication that an insensible engineer did the wrong thing, maybe you can answer the question I posed to Domestic.... Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Did you not comprehend my post Jonnie Boy. I said nothing regarding the article. I only referenced it as being similar to my own experiences. Got your panties in a wad eh! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: JUST SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Last Patriot - If the 2nd amendment actually said we could all have an ice cream cone, why do you insist that your 'right' includes that it comes with sprinkles ? Can you not be happy with your plain old ice cream cone. All those extra sprinkles just kill you quicker. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Susan L. Fenton suggested I "should try adopting a zygote" so I would learn "the difference between a zygote and an actual person." Fenton is obviously ignorant about what is known as surrogacy. An introduction can be read online at: The following quotes from the "Surrogacy" Wikipedia article are telling. QUOTES: "Gestational surrogacy (GS) A surrogate is implanted with an embryo created by IVF. The resulting child is genetically unrelated to the surrogate. There are several sub-types of gestational surrogacy as noted below. ... Gestational surrogacy and donor embryo (GS/DE) A donor embryo is implanted in a surrogate; such embryos may be available when others undergoing IVF have embryos left over, which they opt to donate to others. The resulting child is genetically unrelated to the intended parent(s) and genetically unrelated to the surrogate." In a GS/DE, a "genetically unrelated" embryo (previously a zygote) is being legally adopted. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Well, he could have bought a box and nails and pressure cooker and blown up even more people. He could have loaded his car up with propane tanks and gasoline and driven it through the building and killed and maimed even more. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: ...funny how I never mentions specific names in my bigot, racist list, but you reared your head. If the shoe fits, wear it. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Wall street picked Hillary by a very wide margin. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: This is utterly rubish. If the state wants to know who is homeschooling they can look at the PFD records minus enrollment data in the ANSWERS data base held by ACPE. Before ANSWERS, they could use borough level recreation records, so let's knock offthe " we don't know" struff, because they DO know. The issue here is not how many. The real issue here is that OCS is looking for ANY reason to come and invade homes. These folks receive no money from the state and thus the state has no legitimate reason to intercede unless there is probably cause that a crime is being or has been committed. The parents are accountable--because if you mess it up you are stuck with the kids living with you rather than being independent. What happened in this case, if true, was terrible, but to suggest all homeschool families are terrible because one is is a bridge too far. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: “I cannot support it,” Rep. Lynn Gattis, R-Wasilla, said in an interview late Sunday. “We should not change tax regimes willy-nilly.” You changed ACES willy-nilly, didn't you? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: With all due respect, I am spot on. The Fire Chief in Fairbanks recently lobbied to codify Fire Sprinklers for domestic dwelling within the city limits , and was lobbied against by the insurance companies , and the AGC because of the additional, one time expense to the contractor( that would be passed on to the consumer ) of 5 or 6 thousand dollars. I am a retired Sprinklerfitter( in full disclosure ) and know a bit about that of which I speak. One needs far less fire insurance coverage when they have a Fire Protection Sprinkler System. Smoke alarms do nothing more than let you know you are on fire, Sprinkler systems extinguish fires. Hence there would be less justification for the high cost of fire insurance ( required by banks to qualify for a loan). Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: "as the housing crunch is reaching crisis proportions." Correction. The Portland city council has already declared a "housing crisis." Portland is in the PUBLIC HOUSING business. It is NOT in the David Douglas nor the Portland Public Schools business. Portland MUST dramatically and equitably increase the density of housing by massive zoning changes especially in single family zoned neighborhoods. Downzoning is NOT an option in Portland. When you officially declare a "housing crisis" then you have to make political decisions that reflect that declaration. Downzoning and increasing property taxes are antithetical to increasing housing affordability. Richard Ellmyer Author of more stories on the politics, players and policies of Public Housing and its euphemisms, Affordable/ Regulated Affordable/ Publicly Subsidized Affordable and Low-Income Housing in Multnomah County over the last fourteen years than all other journalists and elected officials combined. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Sigh I am not for logging in Natl Forest as you desribe either, so don;t assume. By comparing Homer to Kivalina you are comparing apples and oranges, I stand by my position, we should not spend Mllions on a road for a few hundred people, for four wheelers especially when it is temporary. If you paid taxes you would agree. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Whoever put the construction of the capital building b4 the convening of the legislature SHOULD be fired. Who was that state employee? Who wrote the assinine RFP? Stupid Alaska. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Let's not prejudge (as in "prejudice"). Let's keep an open mind and hope for the best. We may be surprised. There's a lot to criticize in this world. I do my share of it. But I see a lot of negative thinking in people's comments (I'm speaking generally here) sometimes with no other point than to nitpick and be negative. Some of that energy needs to be turned to positive, solution oriented thinking and actions. Otherwise, we're creating the very world we say we don't want. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: So there we have it. It's the position of the industry, (advocated by their sock-puppets in the legislature) that AK's fiscal needs are a threat to their tax gift. Thank you Rebecca, for making it so very clear. Strip funding for all govt service, however necessary, so that the industry can extract AK's resource wealth, for their benefit alone. And our crooked, bought off legislature obediently goes along. Counter to AK's constitution, and the oath they've sworn, to uphold the same. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: _"arcane and biased nomination process"_ Right. This is the "arcane" process: Most votes = A winner! And this is the "inane" expectation: Sanders should be lifted above the voters because of your whining complaints. Go Hillary! You are going to crush Trump. -- Paul Output:
[ "No" ]