if [ "$1" == "-h" -o "$2" == "-h" ] |
then |
echo -e "\n\n BUILD_DESC.SH\n" |
echo -e " INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE\n --------------------\n" |
echo -e "'build_desc.sh' can be called with up to two (2) arguments.\nThe first argument is the side of the hand, left or right, and\nthe second argument determines the use of a robot tree diagram.\n\n" |
echo -e "Examples:\n" |
echo -e " $ bash build_desc.sh RIGHT 1\n Builds the right hand URDF from its xacro file and shows the robot tree diagram when finished.\n" |
echo -e " $ bash build_desc.sh left\n Builds the left hand URDF from its xacro file and DOES NOT show the tree diagram.\n\n\n" |
echo -e "Possible variations of the 1st argument are:\n RIGHT, Right, right, R, r, LEFT, Left, left, L and l.\n" |
echo -e "For the 2nd argument, '1' produces the tree graph.\nLeft blank or passed any other value, the graph will not be created." |
echo -e "\n\n" |
exit 0 |
fi |
if [ "$1" == "right" -o "$1" == "Right" -o "$1" == "RIGHT" -o "$1" == "R" -o "$1" == "r" ] |
then |
hand="right" |
elif [ "$1" == "left" -o "$1" == "Left" -o "$1" == "LEFT" -o "$1" == "L" -o "$1" == "l" ] |
then |
hand="left" |
else |
echo -e "\n\nWrong or incorrect amount of arguments.\nUse 'bash build_desc.sh -h' for instructions.\n\n" |
echo -e "If you see an error like\n'[: 7: right: unexpected operator',\nuse 'bash build_desc.sh' instead of 'sh build_desc.sh'.\n\n" |
exit 0 |
fi |
echo -e "\n\nBuilding the [[$HAND]] Allegro Hand URDF...\n" |
rosrun xacro xacro.py allegro_hand_description_$hand.xacro -o allegro_hand_description_$hand.urdf |
rosrun urdf check_urdf allegro_hand_description_$hand.urdf |
echo -e "\n" |
if [ "$2" == "1" ] |
then |
rosrun urdf_parser urdf_to_graphiz allegro_hand_description_$hand.urdf |
rm *.gv |
echo -e "Removed file allegro_hand_$hand.gv\n" |
echo -e "Opening graph pdf...\n\n" |
gnome-open allegro_hand_$hand.pdf |
else |
echo -e "NOTE:\nTo open a graph of the hand upon URDF compilation,\nenter "1" as the second arg when calling 'bash build.sh'\n\n" |
fi |