2 values
1 value
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'getChartFont()' and method implementation: 'public Font getChartFont() { return myProjectConfig.getChartMainFont(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'getLength()' and method implementation: '/** * as the name indicated */ public int getLength() { try { length = Integer.parseInt(durationField1.getText().trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } return length; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'createPopupMenu(int,int,boolean)' and method implementation: '/** * Create a popup menu when mous click */ private void createPopupMenu(int x, int y, boolean all) { JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); Action[] popupMenuActions = getPopupMenuActions(); myUIFacade.showPopupMenu(this, popupMenuActions, ((x - (hbar.getValue())) + (vbar.isVisible() ? vbar.getWidth() : 0)), ((y - (vbar.getValue())) + 20)); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'okButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent)' and method implementation: 'private void okButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_okButtonActionPerformed if ((person.getId()) != (-1)) { // person ID is -1 when it is new one // i.e. before the Person dialog is // closed myUIFacade.getUndoManager().undoableEdit("Resource properties changed", new Runnable() { public void run() { applyChanges(); } }); } else { applyChanges(); } change = true; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'setI18N(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.options.OptionsPageBuilder$I18N)' and method implementation: 'public void setI18N(OptionsPageBuilder.I18N i18n) { myi18n = i18n; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'removeAssignment(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ProjectResource)' and method implementation: '/** * Removes the assignments related to the given resource. * * @param resource * Assigned resource */ public void removeAssignment(ProjectResource resource) { new ResourceAssignmentCollectionImpl.ResourceAssignmentImpl(resource).delete(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getShape()' and method implementation: 'public ShapePaint getShape() { return myShape; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: 'setFirstText(java.lang.String,int)' and method implementation: 'public void setFirstText(String text, int mlTimer) { if (!(isVisible())) return; message1.setText(text, mlTimer); mode = GanttStatusBar.MESSAGE_1; if (!(bRunning)) { bRunning = true; new Thread(this).start(); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'getTreeTable()' and method implementation: 'public GanttTreeTable getTreeTable() { return treetable; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'setDraw(boolean)' and method implementation: 'public void setDraw(boolean d) { draw = d; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'registerTimeUnit(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit,int)' and method implementation: 'private void registerTimeUnit(TimeUnit unit, int atomCount) { TimeUnit atomUnit = unit.getDirectAtomUnit(); List transitiveCompositions = ((List) (myUnit2compositions.get(atomUnit))); if (transitiveCompositions == null) { throw new RuntimeException((("Atom unit=" + atomUnit) + " is unknown")); } List compositions = new ArrayList(((transitiveCompositions.size()) + 1)); compositions.add(new TimeUnitGraph.Composition(unit, 1)); for (int i = 0; i < (transitiveCompositions.size()); i++) { TimeUnitGraph.Composition nextTransitive = ((TimeUnitGraph.Composition) (transitiveCompositions.get(i))); compositions.add(new TimeUnitGraph.Composition(nextTransitive, atomCount)); } myUnit2compositions.put(unit, compositions); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'visitTimeUnits(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeFrame,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit)' and method implementation: 'void visitTimeUnits(TimeFrame timeFrame, TimeUnit timeUnit) { for (int j = 0; j < (timeFrame.getUnitCount(timeUnit)); j++) { for (int i = 0; i < (myTimeUnitVisitors.size()); i++) { TimeUnitVisitor nextVisitor = ((TimeUnitVisitor) (myTimeUnitVisitors.get(i))); if (!(nextVisitor.isEnabled())) { continue; } nextVisitor.nextTimeUnit(j); } } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'getRowHeight()' and method implementation: 'public int getRowHeight() { return rowHeight; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'getUsername()' and method implementation: 'public String getUsername() { return myPhysicalDocument.getUsername(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'getIconFilePrefix()' and method implementation: 'protected String getIconFilePrefix() { return "save_"; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'public RoleManagerImpl() { DEFAULT_ROLE_SET = new RoleSetImpl(RoleSet.DEFAULT, this); SOFTWARE_DEVELOPMENT_ROLE_SET = new RoleSetImpl(RoleSet.SOFTWARE_DEVELOPMENT, this); createRoleSet(); clear(); myRoleSets.add(DEFAULT_ROLE_SET); myRoleSets.add(SOFTWARE_DEVELOPMENT_ROLE_SET); myProjectRoleSet.setEnabled(true); SOFTWARE_DEVELOPMENT_ROLE_SET.setEnabled(false); GanttLanguage.getInstance().addListener(new GanttLanguage.Listener() { public void languageChanged(GanttLanguage.Event event) { changeRoleSet(); } }); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'createContainmentFacade()' and method implementation: 'protected abstract TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade createContainmentFacade();'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: '1() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'isOnlyDown()' and method implementation: 'public boolean isOnlyDown() { return isOnlyDown; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: 'removeUndoableEditListener(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.undo.GPUndoListener)' and method implementation: 'public void removeUndoableEditListener(GPUndoListener listener) { myUndoEventDispatcher.removeUndoableEditListener(listener); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'getModel()' and method implementation: 'public GanttTreeTableModel getModel() { return treeModel; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'setMonth(int)' and method implementation: '/** * Change the month of the date */ public void setMonth(int m) { this.set(Calendar.MONTH, m); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'createButtonPanel()' and method implementation: 'private Component createButtonPanel() { Box buttonBar = Box.createHorizontalBox(); // JToolBar buttonBar = new JToolBar(); // buttonBar.setFloatable(false); TestGanttRolloverButton unindentButton = new TestGanttRolloverButton(myTreeFacade.getUnindentAction()) { public String getText() { return null; } }; buttonBar.add(unindentButton); TestGanttRolloverButton indentButton = new TestGanttRolloverButton(myTreeFacade.getIndentAction()) { public String getText() { return null; } }; buttonBar.add(indentButton); // buttonBar.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(3)); // TestGanttRolloverButton upButton = new TestGanttRolloverButton(myTreeFacade.getMoveUpAction()) { public String getText() { return null; } }; buttonBar.add(upButton); // TestGanttRolloverButton downButton = new TestGanttRolloverButton(myTreeFacade.getMoveDownAction()) { public String getText() { return null; } }; buttonBar.add(downButton); // buttonBar.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(8)); Action linkAction = new LinkTasksAction(myProject.getTaskManager(), Mediator.getTaskSelectionManager(), myWorkbenchFacade); myTreeFacade.setLinkTasksAction(linkAction); TestGanttRolloverButton linkButton = new TestGanttRolloverButton(linkAction) { public String getText() { return null; } }; buttonBar.add(linkButton); // Action unlinkAction = new UnlinkTasksAction(myProject.getTaskManager(), Mediator.getTaskSelectionManager(), myWorkbenchFacade); myTreeFacade.setUnlinkTasksAction(unlinkAction); TestGanttRolloverButton unlinkButton = new TestGanttRolloverButton(unlinkAction) { public String getText() { return null; } }; buttonBar.add(unlinkButton); // JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); buttonPanel.add(buttonBar, BorderLayout.WEST); return buttonPanel; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'getMouseListener()' and method implementation: 'protected MouseListener getMouseListener() { if ((myMouseListener) == null) { myMouseListener = new ChartComponentBase.MouseListenerBase() { protected Action[] getPopupMenuActions() { return new Action[]{ getOptionsDialogAction() }; } }; } return myMouseListener; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'getToolTip(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: '/** * Return the tooltip in html (with yello bgcolor */ public static String getToolTip(String msg) { return ("<html><body bgcolor=#EAEAEA>" + msg) + "</body></html>"; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'getDescription()' and method implementation: '/** * * * @return the description of the project. */ public String getDescription() { return _sDescription; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'setPublicHoliDayType(int,int)' and method implementation: 'public void setPublicHoliDayType(int month, int date) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'getUndoManager()' and method implementation: 'public GPUndoManager getUndoManager() { return myUndoManager; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: 'getText(int,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.util.TextLengthCalculator)' and method implementation: 'public String getText(int requestedMaxLength, TextLengthCalculator calculator) { String result = null; if (!(calculator.getState().equals(myCalculatorState))) { myCalculatorState = calculator.getState(); myMinimaxLong = calculator.getTextLength(myLongText); myMinimaxMedium = calculator.getTextLength(myMediumText); myMinimaxShort = calculator.getTextLength(myShortText); } result = getCachedText(requestedMaxLength); return result == null ? "" : result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'endTimeFrame(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeFrame)' and method implementation: 'public void endTimeFrame(TimeFrame timeFrame) { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'deleteResource(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ProjectResource)' and method implementation: 'public void deleteResource(ProjectResource people) { removeNodeFromParent(getNodeForResource(people)); // myResourceManager.remove(people); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'getColumnName(int)' and method implementation: 'public String getColumnName(int column) { return ((ResourceColumn) (columns.get(new Integer(column)))).getTitle(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'equals(java.lang.Object)' and method implementation: 'public boolean equals(Object obj) { SearchKey rvalue = ((SearchKey) (obj)); return (((myFirstTaskID) == (rvalue.myFirstTaskID)) && ((myType) == (rvalue.myType))) && ((mySecondTaskID) == (rvalue.mySecondTaskID)); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getPath()' and method implementation: 'public String getPath() { return file.getPath(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'getChangeValueDispatchers()' and method implementation: 'public static List getChangeValueDispatchers() { return Mediator.changeValueDispatchers; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'getDependency()' and method implementation: 'protected TaskDependency getDependency() { return myDependency; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'columnRemoved(javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent)' and method implementation: '/** * * * @unknown */ public void columnRemoved(TableColumnModelEvent arg0) { (nbCol)--; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent)' and method implementation: 'public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { TaskNode root = ((TaskNode) (tree.getRoot())); setOn((!(isOn()))); putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, createIcon(myOptions.getIconSize())); if (isOn()) { taskManager.processCriticalPath(root); ArrayList projectTasks = ((GanttTree2) (tree)).getProjectTasks(); if ((projectTasks.size()) != 0) for (int i = 0; i < (projectTasks.size()); i++) taskManager.processCriticalPath(((TaskNode) (projectTasks.get(i)))); } Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().repaint(); appli.getUIFacade().setStatusText(GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText("criticalPath")); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'nameChanged(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public void nameChanged(String newName) { nameField3.setText(newName); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'SortTasksAlgorithm() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: 'showDialog(java.awt.Component,javax.swing.Action[])' and method implementation: 'public void showDialog(Component content, Action[] actions) { myUIFacade.showDialog(content, actions); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'getZoomListener()' and method implementation: 'public ZoomListener getZoomListener() { return getImplementation(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: 'getColumnCount()' and method implementation: '/** * {@inheritDoc } */ public int getColumnCount() { return columns.size(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'releaseLock()' and method implementation: 'public void releaseLock() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'save(java.io.OutputStream)' and method implementation: 'public void save(OutputStream target) { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: '-init-(javax.swing.Action)' and method implementation: '1( $anonymous0) { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'createTimeUnitText(java.util.Date)' and method implementation: 'protected TimeUnitText createTimeUnitText(Date startDate) { myCalendar.setTime(startDate); myCalendar.setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(4); Integer weekNo = new Integer(myCalendar.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR)); String shortText = MessageFormat.format("{0}", new Object[]{ weekNo }); String middleText = MessageFormat.format(((GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText("week")) + " {0}"), new Object[]{ weekNo }); return new TimeUnitText(middleText, middleText, shortText); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'getHeight()' and method implementation: 'protected int getHeight() { return myHeight; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: '-init-(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public TimeUnitText(String longText, String mediumText, String shortText) { myLongText = longText; myMediumText = mediumText; myShortText = shortText; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'applyThirdDateConstraint()' and method implementation: 'public void applyThirdDateConstraint() { if ((task.getThird()) != null) switch (task.getThirdDateConstraint()) { case TaskImpl.EARLIESTBEGIN : if (task.getThird().after(getStart())) { task.setStart(task.getThird().newAdd(0)); } } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'paintMainArea(java.awt.Graphics,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.chart.Painter)' and method implementation: 'protected void paintMainArea(Graphics mainArea, Painter p) { super.paintMainArea(mainArea, p); mainArea.translate(0, (-(getVerticalOffset()))); myTaskRendererImpl.getPrimitiveContainer().paint(p, mainArea); myTaskGridRendererImpl.getPrimitiveContainer().paint(p, mainArea); myTaskRendererImpl.getPrimitiveContainer().getLayer(1).paint(p, mainArea); myTaskRendererImpl.getPrimitiveContainer().getLayer(2).paint(p, mainArea); // // myTaskRendererImpl.getPrimitiveContainer().paint(p, mainArea); // myTaskRendererImpl.getPrimitiveContainer().getLayer(1).paint(p, // mainArea); // super.paintMainArea(mainArea, p); // myTaskRendererImpl.getPrimitiveContainer().getLayer(2).paint(p, // mainArea); // myTaskGridRendererImpl.getPrimitiveContainer().paint(p, mainArea); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'toString()' and method implementation: '/** * * * @unknown */ public String toString() { return task.getName(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'getCollision()' and method implementation: 'public TaskDependencyConstraint.Collision getCollision() { TaskDependencyConstraint.Collision result = null; Task dependee = getDependency().getDependee(); Task dependant = getDependency().getDependant(); GanttCalendar dependeeStart = dependee.getStart(); GanttCalendar dependantStart = dependant.getStart(); // int difference = getDependency().getDifference(); GanttCalendar comparisonDate = dependeeStart.Clone(); comparisonDate.add(difference); boolean isActive = ((getDependency().getHardness()) == (TaskDependency.Hardness.RUBBER)) ? (dependantStart.compareTo(comparisonDate)) < 0 : (dependantStart.compareTo(comparisonDate)) != 0; // GanttCalendar acceptableStart = dependee.getStart(); GanttCalendar acceptableStart = dependee.getStart().Clone(); addDelay(acceptableStart); result = new TaskDependencyConstraint.DefaultCollision(acceptableStart, TaskDependencyConstraint.Collision.START_LATER_VARIATION, isActive); return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getLayer(int)' and method implementation: 'public GraphicPrimitiveContainer getLayer(int layer) { if ((layer < 0) || (layer >= (myLayers.size()))) { return this; } return ((GraphicPrimitiveContainer) (myLayers.get(layer))); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: 'lock()' and method implementation: 'public void lock() { for (int i = 0; i < (myOptions.length); i++) { myOptions[i].lock(); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'indentCurrentNodes()' and method implementation: '/** * Indent several nodes that are selected. Based on the IndentCurrentNode * method. */ private void indentCurrentNodes() { final DefaultMutableTreeNode[] cdmtn = getSelectedTaskNodes(); if (cdmtn == null) { myUIFacade.setStatusText(language.getText("msg21")); return; } getUndoManager().undoableEdit("Indent", new Runnable() { public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < (cdmtn.length); i++) { // Where is my nearest sibling in ascending order ? DefaultMutableTreeNode newFather = cdmtn[i].getPreviousSibling(); // If there is no more indentation possible we must stop if (!(newFather instanceof TaskNode)) { continue; } if (((cdmtn[i]) instanceof TaskNode) && (newFather instanceof TaskNode)) { Task nextTask = ((Task) (cdmtn[i].getUserObject())); Task container = ((Task) (newFather.getUserObject())); if (!(getTaskManager().getDependencyCollection().canCreateDependency(container, nextTask))) { continue; } getTaskManager().getTaskHierarchy().move(nextTask, container); } } area.repaint(); appli.repaint2(); } }); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'projectModified()' and method implementation: 'public void projectModified() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getAvailableValues()' and method implementation: 'public String[] getAvailableValues() { return myValues; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'auxCreateDependency(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependencyConstraint)' and method implementation: 'private TaskDependency auxCreateDependency(Task dependant, Task dependee, TaskDependencyConstraint constraint) { TaskDependency result = new TaskDependencyImpl(dependant, dependee, this); result.setConstraint(constraint); result.setDifference(0); return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'isEnabled()' and method implementation: 'public boolean isEnabled() { return isEnabled; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'checkCustomField(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public boolean checkCustomField(String title) { return customFields.containsKey(title); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'isEmpty()' and method implementation: 'public boolean isEmpty() { return myRoles.isEmpty(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'setYOffSet(int)' and method implementation: 'public void setYOffSet(int offset) { myYOffset = offset; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: '-init-(java.lang.Object)' and method implementation: 'public TaskPropertyEvent(Object source) { super(source); myTask = ((Task) (source)); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'isIconVisible(boolean)' and method implementation: 'public void isIconVisible(boolean isNull) { setIconVisible(isNull); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'delete()' and method implementation: 'public void delete() { getDependencies().clear(); getAssignmentCollection().clear(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.algorithm.AdjustTaskBoundsAlgorithm)' and method implementation: '1( $anonymous0) { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'isEnabled(java.util.List)' and method implementation: 'protected boolean isEnabled(List selection) { return (selection.size()) >= 2; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'public TaskInteractionHintRenderer() { draw = false; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'getCustomColumnsNames()' and method implementation: '/** * Returns a collection containing the names of all the stored custom * columns. * * @return A collection containing the names of all the stored custom columns. */ public List getCustomColumnsNames() { // return customColumns.keySet(); // ----- List c = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = mapIdCustomColum.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String id = ((String) (it.next())); c.add(((CustomColumn) (mapIdCustomColum.get(id))).getName()); } return c; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'getCriticalTasks()' and method implementation: '/** * Returns an array containing the critical tasks. * * @return An array containing the critical tasks. */ public Task[] getCriticalTasks() { // System.out.println("getCriticalTasks"); List lastTasks = getLastTasks(); List res = new ArrayList(lastTasks); // System.out.println("lastTasks " + lastTasks);; Iterator it = lastTasks.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Task t = ((Task) (it.next())); res.add(t); checkCriticalTasks(t, res); } Task[] r = new Task[res.size()]; res.toArray(r); return r; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'taskPropertiesChanged(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.event.TaskPropertyEvent)' and method implementation: 'public void taskPropertiesChanged(TaskPropertyEvent e) { myGanttProject.setModified(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'toString()' and method implementation: 'public String toString() { return getName(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'createProgressGroup()' and method implementation: 'public IProgressMonitor createProgressGroup() { return myStatusBar.createProgressMonitor(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getRoleManager()' and method implementation: 'public RoleManager getRoleManager() { RoleManager result = ((RoleManager) (managerHash.get(GanttProject.ROLE_MANAGER_ID))); if (result == null) { result = RoleManager.Access.getInstance(); managerHash.put(GanttProject.ROLE_MANAGER_ID, result); } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'SpringUtilities() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: 'getPrimitive(int,int,int,int)' and method implementation: 'public GraphicPrimitiveContainer.GraphicPrimitive getPrimitive(int x, int xThreshold, int y, int yThreshold) { for (int i = 0; i < (myRectangles.size()); i++) { GraphicPrimitiveContainer.Rectangle next = ((GraphicPrimitiveContainer.Rectangle) (myRectangles.get(i))); // System.err.println(" next rectangle="+next); if (((((next.myLeftX) <= (x + xThreshold)) && (((next.myLeftX) + (next.myWidth)) >= (x - xThreshold))) && ((next.myTopY) <= (y + yThreshold))) && (((next.myTopY) + (next.myHeight)) >= (y - yThreshold))) { return next; } } return null; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'getById(int)' and method implementation: 'public ProjectResource getById(int id) { // Linear search is not really efficent, but we dont have so many // resources !? ProjectResource pr = null; for (int i = 0; i < (resources.size()); i++) if ((((ProjectResource) (resources.get(i))).getId()) == id) { pr = ((ProjectResource) (resources.get(i))); break; } return pr; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: '-init-(boolean,boolean)' and method implementation: 'public TuningOptions(boolean renderProgress, boolean renderDependencies) { this.renderProgress = renderProgress; this.renderDependencies = renderDependencies; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.HumanResourceManager,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.roles.RoleManager,boolean)' and method implementation: 'public TaskAllocationsPanel(Task task, HumanResourceManager hrManager, RoleManager roleMgr, boolean onlyOneTask) { super(task); myHRManager = hrManager; myRoleManager = roleMgr; this.onlyOneTask = onlyOneTask; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'languageChanged(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage$Event)' and method implementation: 'public void languageChanged(GanttLanguage.Event event) { updateName(); updateTooltip(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: 'removeNodeFromParent(javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode)' and method implementation: ''. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'reset()' and method implementation: 'public void reset() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: 'move(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task)' and method implementation: '/** * * * @unknown */ public void move(Task whatMove, Task whereMove) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'getLatestEnd()' and method implementation: '/** * Returns the latest end date. * * @return The latest end date. */ public Date getLatestEnd() { Date res = null; Iterator it = selectedTasks.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Task task = ((Task) (it.next())); Date d = task.getEnd().getTime(); if (res == null) { res = d; continue; } if (d.after(res)) res = d; } return res; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: 'getOptions()' and method implementation: 'GPOptionGroup getOptions() { return myOptions; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'setHardness(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependency$Hardness)' and method implementation: 'public void setHardness(TaskDependency.Hardness hardness) { myHardness = hardness; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: 'add(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ProjectResource)' and method implementation: 'public void add(ProjectResource resource) { if ((resource.getId()) == (-1)) { resource.setId(nextFreeId); } if ((resource.getId()) >= (nextFreeId)) { nextFreeId = (resource.getId()) + 1; } resources.add(resource); fireResourceAdded(resource); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getActions()' and method implementation: 'public AbstractAction[] getActions() { if ((myActions) == null) { myActions = new AbstractAction[]{ new NewHumanAction(myManager, myRoleManager, myProjectFrame, myProjectFrame), myDeleteHumanAction }; } return myActions; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'getFinish()' and method implementation: 'public GanttCalendar getFinish() { return myFinish; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: 'removeNodeFromParent(javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode)' and method implementation: ''. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'deleteResources(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ProjectResource[])' and method implementation: 'private void deleteResources(ProjectResource[] context) { for (int i = 0; i < (context.length); i++) { context[i].delete(); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'getResource()' and method implementation: 'public ProjectResource getResource() { return myResource; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'compareTo(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar)' and method implementation: '/** * This function compare two date * * @return 0 If the two date are equals * @return -1 if the date is before when * @return 1 if the date is after when */ public int compareTo(GanttCalendar when) { int[] comparissons = new int[]{ Calendar.YEAR, Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.DATE }; for (int i = 0; i < (comparissons.length); i++) { switch (module(((this.get(comparissons[i])) - (when.get(comparissons[i]))))) { case -1 : return -1; case 1 : return 1; default : break; } } return 0; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getManager()' and method implementation: 'public ResourceManager getManager() { return myManager; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'DialogAligner() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'endUnitLine(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit)' and method implementation: 'public void endUnitLine(TimeUnit timeUnit) { myCurrentUnit = null; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'getStartDate()' and method implementation: 'public Date getStartDate() { return myStartDate; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'getIconOnMouseOver()' and method implementation: 'public Icon getIconOnMouseOver() { return ((Icon) (getValue(Action.SMALL_ICON))); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: 'getRoleManager()' and method implementation: 'private RoleManager getRoleManager() { return myProject.getRoleManager(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.