2 values
1 value
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'getMaximumUnitsPerDay()' and method implementation: 'public int getMaximumUnitsPerDay() { return maximumUnitsPerDay; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'getThird()' and method implementation: 'public GanttCalendar getThird() { if (((myMutator) != null) && ((myMutator.myIsolationLevel) == (TaskMutator.READ_UNCOMMITED))) { return myMutator.getThird(); } else { return myThird; } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getActivities(java.util.Date,java.util.Date)' and method implementation: 'public List getActivities(Date startDate, Date endDate) { return Collections.singletonList(new CalendarActivityImpl(startDate, endDate, true)); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'acquireLock()' and method implementation: 'public boolean acquireLock() { return true; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: 'getNameFromId(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public String getNameFromId(String id) { return ((CustomColumn) (mapIdCustomColum.get(id))).getName(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'setUpCoordinatorBooleanColumn(javax.swing.JTable)' and method implementation: 'private void setUpCoordinatorBooleanColumn(final JTable resourceTable) { TableColumn resourcesColumn = resourceTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(3); resourcesColumn.setCellRenderer(new TaskAllocationsPanel.BooleanRenderer()); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'centerViewOnSelectedCell()' and method implementation: ''. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'setPhone(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public void setPhone(String phoneNumber) { if ((resource) instanceof HumanResource) ((HumanResource) (resource)).setPhone(phoneNumber); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: 'addNestedItem(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.hierarchy.TaskHierarchyItem)' and method implementation: 'public void addNestedItem(TaskHierarchyItem nested) { nested.myNextSiblingItem = myFirstNestedItem; nested.myContainerItem = this; myFirstNestedItem = nested; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'addAttribute(java.lang.String,int,org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl)' and method implementation: 'protected void addAttribute(String name, int value, AttributesImpl attrs) { addAttribute(name, String.valueOf(value), attrs); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'getName()' and method implementation: 'public String getName() { return resource.getName(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'getTaskActivityRectangles(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task)' and method implementation: 'GraphicPrimitiveContainer.Rectangle[] getTaskActivityRectangles(Task task) { List result = new ArrayList(); TaskActivity[] activities = task.getActivities(); for (int i = 0; i < (activities.length); i++) { GraphicPrimitiveContainer.Rectangle nextRectangle = ((GraphicPrimitiveContainer.Rectangle) (myTaskRendererImpl.getPrimitive(activities[i]))); if (nextRectangle != null) { result.add(nextRectangle); } } return ((GraphicPrimitiveContainer.Rectangle[]) (result.toArray(new GraphicPrimitiveContainer.Rectangle[0]))); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'getFilePath()' and method implementation: 'public String getFilePath() { String result = myPhysicalDocument.getFilePath(); if (result == null) { try { result = myCreator.createTemporaryFile(); } catch (IOException e) { myUIFacade.showErrorDialog(e); } } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'public RoleManagerImpl() { DEFAULT_ROLE_SET = new RoleSetImpl(RoleSet.DEFAULT, this); SOFTWARE_DEVELOPMENT_ROLE_SET = new RoleSetImpl(RoleSet.SOFTWARE_DEVELOPMENT, this); createRoleSet(); clear(); myRoleSets.add(DEFAULT_ROLE_SET); myRoleSets.add(SOFTWARE_DEVELOPMENT_ROLE_SET); myProjectRoleSet.setEnabled(true); SOFTWARE_DEVELOPMENT_ROLE_SET.setEnabled(false); GanttLanguage.getInstance().addListener(new GanttLanguage.Listener() { public void languageChanged(GanttLanguage.Event event) { changeRoleSet(); } }); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'getURI()' and method implementation: 'public URI getURI() { return file.toURI(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'registerGanttProject(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttProject)' and method implementation: '/** * Regsiters the unique GanttProject instance. * * @param gp * The unique GanttProject instance. */ public static void registerGanttProject(GanttProject gp) { Mediator.ganttprojectSingleton = gp; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'setMail(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public void setMail(String email) { if (email == null) { return; } this.email = email; fireResourceChanged(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: '-init-(javax.swing.Icon,javax.swing.Icon)' and method implementation: '/** * Setup the border (invisible initially) */ private TestGanttRolloverButton(Icon iconOn, Icon iconOff) { this(); setIcon(iconOff); _iconOn = iconOn; _iconOff = iconOff; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: 'isNonWorkingDay(java.util.Date)' and method implementation: 'public boolean isNonWorkingDay(Date curDayStart) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'getTree()' and method implementation: 'public GanttTree2 getTree() { if ((this.tree) == null) { this.tree = new GanttTree2(this, getTaskManager(), Mediator.getTaskSelectionManager(), getUIFacade()); } return this.tree; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'setParserFactory(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.ParserFactory)' and method implementation: 'protected void setParserFactory(ParserFactory myParserFactory) { this.myParserFactory = myParserFactory; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'setValue(java.lang.String,java.lang.Object)' and method implementation: '/** * Set the value for the customColumn whose name is given. * * @param customColName * The name of the CustomColumn. * @param value * The associated value. * @throws CustomColumnsException * Throws if <code>customColName</code> does not exist or * <code>value</code> class does not match the CustomColum * class. */ public void setValue(String customColName, Object value) throws CustomColumnsException { if (!(myColumnStorage.exists(customColName))) throw new CustomColumnsException(CustomColumnsException.DO_NOT_EXIST, customColName); Class c1 = myColumnStorage.getCustomColumn(customColName).getType(); if (value == null) { mapCustomColumnValue.remove(customColName); return; } Class c2 = value.getClass(); // System.out.println(c1 +" - " + c2); if ((value != null) && (!(c1.isAssignableFrom(c2)))) throw new CustomColumnsException(CustomColumnsException.CLASS_MISMATCH, null); else mapCustomColumnValue.put(customColName, value); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'showPopupMenu(java.awt.Component,javax.swing.Action[],int,int)' and method implementation: 'public void showPopupMenu(Component invoker, Action[] actions, int x, int y) { myUIFacade.showPopupMenu(invoker, actions, x, y); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'equals(java.lang.Object)' and method implementation: 'public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean res = false; if ((this) == obj) return true; if (obj instanceof ResourceNode) { ResourceNode rn = ((ResourceNode) (obj)); res = ((rn.getUserObject()) != null) && (rn.getUserObject().equals(this.getUserObject())); } return res; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'showDialog(java.awt.Component,javax.swing.Action[],java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public void showDialog(Component content, Action[] buttonActions, String title) { JDialog result = new JDialog(myMainFrame, true); result.setTitle(title); final UIFacadeImpl.Commiter commiter = new UIFacadeImpl.Commiter(); Action okAction = null; Action cancelAction = null; Box buttonBox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); for (int i = 0; i < (buttonActions.length); i++) { Action nextAction = buttonActions[i]; JButton nextButton = null; if (nextAction instanceof OkAction) { nextAction = createOkAction(nextAction, result, commiter); okAction = nextAction; nextButton = new JButton(nextAction); result.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(nextButton); } if (nextAction instanceof CancelAction) { nextAction = createCancelAction(nextAction, result, commiter); cancelAction = nextAction; result.getRootPane().getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0), nextAction.getValue(Action.NAME)); result.getRootPane().getActionMap().put(nextAction.getValue(Action.NAME), nextAction); } if (nextButton == null) { nextButton = new JButton(nextAction); } buttonBox.add(nextButton); if (i < ((buttonActions.length) - 1)) { buttonBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); } } result.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); result.getContentPane().add(content, BorderLayout.CENTER); // JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); buttonPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 5, 5)); buttonPanel.add(buttonBox, BorderLayout.EAST); result.getContentPane().add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // result.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); final Action localOkAction = okAction; final Action localCancelAction = cancelAction; result.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { if ((localCancelAction != null) && (!(commiter.isCommited()))) { localCancelAction.actionPerformed(null); } } }); result.pack(); // setSize(300, 300); DialogAligner.center(result, myMainFrame); result.setVisible(true); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'loadPersistentValue(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public void loadPersistentValue(String value) { setValue(value); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ProjectResource)' and method implementation: 'public ResourceAssignmentImpl(ProjectResource resource) { myAssignmentToResource = resource.createAssignment(this); // resource // .setAssignmentCollection(ResourceAssignmentCollectionImpl.this); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'redo()' and method implementation: 'public void redo() throws CannotRedoException { mySwingUndoManager.redo(); fireUndoOrRedoHappened(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getDepth(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task)' and method implementation: 'public int getDepth(Task task) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document.ProxyDocument$ParsingState,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document.ProxyDocument$FailureState)' and method implementation: '/** * * * @param parsing * * @param failure * */ public OpenCopyConfirmationState(ProxyDocument.ParsingState parsing, ProxyDocument.FailureState failure) { myParsingState = parsing; myExitState = failure; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: 'addAttribute(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl)' and method implementation: 'protected void addAttribute(String name, String value, AttributesImpl attrs) { if (value != null) { attrs.addAttribute("", name, name, "CDATA", value); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskManager,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskSelectionManager,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.UIFacade)' and method implementation: 'public UnlinkTasksAction(TaskManager taskManager, TaskSelectionManager selectionManager, UIFacade uiFacade) { super(taskManager, selectionManager, uiFacade); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.IGanttProject,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.UIFacade)' and method implementation: 'public PublicHolidayDialogAction(IGanttProject project, UIFacade uiFacade) { super(GanttProject.correctLabel(PublicHolidayDialogAction.language.getText("editPublicHolidays"))); myProject = project; myUIFacade = uiFacade; this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/holidays_16.gif"))); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'determineColor(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: '/** * parse a string as hew and return the corresponding color. */ public static Color determineColor(String hexString) { if (!(Pattern.matches("#[0-9abcdefABCDEF]{6}+", hexString))) { return GanttGraphicArea.taskDefaultColor; } int r; int g; int b; r = Integer.valueOf(hexString.substring(1, 3), 16).intValue(); g = Integer.valueOf(hexString.substring(3, 5), 16).intValue(); b = Integer.valueOf(hexString.substring(5, 7), 16).intValue(); return new Color(r, g, b); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getRowCount()' and method implementation: '/** * Return the number of rows */ public int getRowCount() { return (myAssignments.size()) + 1; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'paint(java.awt.Graphics)' and method implementation: 'public void paint(Graphics g) { int height = ((int) (getBounds().getHeight())) - (getChartUIConfiguration().getHeaderHeight()); myTopUnitOffsets.clear(); myBottomUnitOffsets.clear(); myDefaultUnitOffsets.clear(); if (getTopUnit().isConstructedFrom(getBottomUnit())) { // It is the case when top unit can always be constructed from integer number of bottom units, // and bounds of top unit and start/end bottom units are aligned // e.g. week can be constructed from days RegularFrameOffsetBuilder offsetBuilder = new RegularFrameOffsetBuilder(myTimeUnitStack, myTaskManager.getCalendar(), myTopUnit, getBottomUnit(), myStartDate, getBottomUnitWidth(), ((int) (getBounds().getWidth())), RegularFrameOffsetBuilder.WEEKEND_UNIT_WIDTH_DECREASE_FACTOR); offsetBuilder.constructOffsets(myTopUnitOffsets, myBottomUnitOffsets); } else { // In this case top unit cant be constructed from integer number of bottom units // and unit boundaries arent aligned. Thus, month and weeks are skewed units SkewedFrameOffsetBuilder offsetBuilder = new SkewedFrameOffsetBuilder(myTimeUnitStack, myTaskManager.getCalendar(), myTopUnit, getBottomUnit(), myStartDate, getBottomUnitWidth(), ((int) (getBounds().getWidth()))); offsetBuilder.constructOffsets(myTopUnitOffsets, myBottomUnitOffsets); } myChartHeader.setHeight(height); myChartHeader.render(); myChartGrid.setHeight(height); myBackgroundRenderer.setHeight(height); myPainter.setGraphics(g); myBackgroundRenderer.getPrimitiveContainer().paint(getPainter(), g); myChartHeader.getPrimitiveContainer().paint(getPainter(), g); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskManager,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTree2,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttOptions,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.UIConfiguration,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttProject)' and method implementation: 'public CalculateCriticalPathAction(TaskManager taskManager, GanttTree2 tree, GanttOptions options, UIConfiguration uiConfiguration, GanttProject appli) { super(null, options.getIconSize()); this.taskManager = taskManager; this.tree = tree; myUIConfiguration = uiConfiguration; myOptions = options; this.appli = appli; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: 'showConfirmationDialog(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public UIFacade.Choice showConfirmationDialog(String message, String title) { /* MyDialog dialog = new MyDialog(GanttDialogInfo.WARNING, message); dialog.show(); return dialog.result; */ // int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(myMainFrame, message); String yes = GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText("yes"); String no = GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText("no"); String cancel = GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText("cancel"); int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(myMainFrame, message, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, new String[]{ yes, no, cancel }, yes); switch (result) { case JOptionPane.YES_OPTION : return UIFacade.Choice.YES; case JOptionPane.NO_OPTION : return UIFacade.Choice.NO; case JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION : return UIFacade.Choice.CANCEL; case JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION : return UIFacade.Choice.CANCEL; default : return UIFacade.Choice.CANCEL; } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'getAllChildTask(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task)' and method implementation: '/** * Return all sub task for the tree node base */ public ArrayList getAllChildTask(Task task) { ArrayList res = new ArrayList(); if (task == null) return null; DefaultMutableTreeNode base = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) (getNode(task.getTaskID()))); if (base == null) return res; Enumeration e = base.children(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { res.add(e.nextElement()); } return res; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: 'resourceChanged(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ProjectResource)' and method implementation: 'public void resourceChanged(ProjectResource resource) { ResourceNode node = getNodeForResource(resource); if (node == null) { return; } TreeNode parent = node.getParent(); int index = parent.getIndex(node); assert index >= 0; nodesChanged(parent, new int[]{ index }); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'setIconVisible(boolean)' and method implementation: 'public void setIconVisible(boolean isVisible) { iconVisible = isVisible; putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, (iconVisible ? myIcon : null)); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: '-init-(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public DefaultDateOption(String id) { super(id); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'showDialog(java.awt.Component,javax.swing.Action[],java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public void showDialog(Component content, Action[] actions, String title) { myUIFacade.showDialog(content, actions, title); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: '-init-(java.lang.Throwable)' and method implementation: 'public TaskDependencyException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'setTaskColor(java.awt.Color)' and method implementation: 'public void setTaskColor(Color myTaskColor) { this.myTaskColor = myTaskColor; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'showDialog(java.awt.Component,javax.swing.Action[])' and method implementation: 'public void showDialog(Component content, Action[] actions) { myUIFacade.showDialog(content, actions); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'getMenuFont()' and method implementation: 'public Font getMenuFont() { return myMenuFont; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'getDependency()' and method implementation: 'protected TaskDependency getDependency() { return myDependency; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: 'startDateChanged(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.chart.ChartViewState$ViewStateEvent)' and method implementation: 'public void startDateChanged(ChartViewState.ViewStateEvent e) { setStartDate(((Date) (e.getNewValue()))); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'nextTimeUnit(int)' and method implementation: 'public void nextTimeUnit(int unitIndex) { if ((myCurrentUnit) != null) { Date unitStart = myCurrentTimeFrame.getUnitStart(myCurrentUnit, unitIndex); Date unitFinish = myCurrentTimeFrame.getUnitFinish(myCurrentUnit, unitIndex); myUnitStart = unitStart; pullQueue(unitStart, unitFinish); // System.err.println("[TaskRendererImpl] nextTimeUnit(): // unitStart="+unitStart+" posX="+myPosX); // if (!myCurrentlyProcessed.isEmpty()) { // System.err.println("[TaskRendererImpl] nextTimeUnit(): // processing:"+myCurrentlyProcessed); // } for (Iterator startedActivities = myCurrentlyProcessed.iterator(); startedActivities.hasNext(); startedActivities.remove()) { TaskActivity nextStarted = ((TaskActivity) (startedActivities.next())); processActivity(nextStarted); } if (myModel.isPrevious()) { for (int i = 0; i < (myPreviousStateCurrentlyProcessed.size()); i++) { Object next = myPreviousStateCurrentlyProcessed.get(i); // System.out.println (next + " : " + i); if (next != null) { GanttPreviousStateTask previousTask = ((GanttPreviousStateTask) (next)); drawPreviousStateTask(previousTask, i); } } myPreviousStateCurrentlyProcessed = new ArrayList(); } myPosX += getChartModel().getBottomUnitWidth(); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'showPopupMenu(java.awt.Component,javax.swing.Action[],int,int)' and method implementation: 'public void showPopupMenu(Component invoker, Action[] actions, int x, int y) { myUIFacade.showPopupMenu(invoker, actions, x, y); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'setUserInfo(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public void setUserInfo(String user, String pass) { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'processDaysOff(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ProjectResource)' and method implementation: 'private void processDaysOff(ProjectResource resource) { HumanResource hr = ((HumanResource) (resource)); DefaultListModel daysOff = hr.getDaysOff(); if (daysOff != null) { for (int l = 0; l < (daysOff.size()); l++) { processDayOff(((GanttDaysOff) (daysOff.get(l)))); } } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: '-init-(javax.swing.Action)' and method implementation: 'public TestGanttRolloverButton(Action action) { this(); setAction(action); Icon smallIcon = ((Icon) (action.getValue(Action.SMALL_ICON))); if (smallIcon != null) { setIcon(smallIcon); _iconOff = smallIcon; myIcon = smallIcon; } if (action instanceof RolloverAction) { _iconOn = ((RolloverAction) (action)).getIconOnMouseOver(); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar)' and method implementation: 'public GanttDaysOff(GanttCalendar start, GanttCalendar finish) { myStart = new GanttCalendar(start.getYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDate()); myFinish = finish; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'processCriticalPath(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskNode)' and method implementation: 'public void processCriticalPath(TaskNode root) { try { myAlgorithmCollection.getRecalculateTaskScheduleAlgorithm().run(); } catch (TaskDependencyException e) { if (!(GPLogger.log(e))) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } CriticalPathAlgorithm criticAlgo = new CriticalPathAlgorithmImpl(root, getCalendar()); Task[] tasks = criticAlgo.getCriticalTasks(); resetCriticalPath(root); for (int i = 0; i < (tasks.length); i++) tasks[i].setCritical(true); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'logErrorMessage(java.lang.Throwable)' and method implementation: 'public void logErrorMessage(Throwable e) { myErrorNotifier.add(e); myStatusBar.setErrorNotifier(myErrorNotifier); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'setPublicHolidays(java.net.URL,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttProject)' and method implementation: 'public void setPublicHolidays(URL calendar, GanttProject gp) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'treeNodesChanged(javax.swing.event.TreeModelEvent)' and method implementation: 'public void treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent e) { isValid = false; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'endUnitLine(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit)' and method implementation: 'public void endUnitLine(TimeUnit timeUnit) { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'isVisible()' and method implementation: 'public boolean isVisible() { return visible; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'setId(int)' and method implementation: 'public void setId(int id) { // setting the id is only allowed when id is not // assigned if ((this.id) == (-1)) this.id = id; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: '-init-(javax.swing.Icon,javax.swing.Icon)' and method implementation: '/** * Setup the border (invisible initially) */ private TestGanttRolloverButton(Icon iconOn, Icon iconOff) { this(); setIcon(iconOff); _iconOn = iconOn; _iconOff = iconOff; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'deleteCustomColumn(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: '/** * deletes a custom column from the datamodel */ public ResourceColumn deleteCustomColumn(String name) { ResourceColumn toDel = null; Collection vals = columns.values(); Iterator i = vals.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { toDel = ((ResourceColumn) (i.next())); if (name.equals(toDel.getTitle())) { ((HumanResourceManager) (myResourceManager)).removeCustomField(toDel.getTitle()); /* this deletes the object from the Hashtable too */ vals.remove(toDel); return toDel; } } return null; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'setEnd(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar)' and method implementation: 'public void setEnd(GanttCalendar end) { GanttCalendar oldFinish = ((myEnd) == null) ? null : myEnd.Clone(); myEnd = end; recalculateActivities(); // System.err.println("we have "+myActivities.size()+" activities"); // if (areEventsEnabled()) { // myManager.fireTaskScheduleChanged(this, myStart.Clone(), oldFinish); // } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'newTask()' and method implementation: '/** * Create a new task */ public Task newTask() { getTabs().setSelectedIndex(UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); int index = -1; MutableTreeNode selectedNode = getTree().getSelectedNode(); if (selectedNode != null) { DefaultMutableTreeNode parent1 = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) (selectedNode.getParent())); index = (parent1.getIndex(selectedNode)) + 1; tree.getTreeTable().getTree().setSelectionPath(new TreePath(parent1.getPath())); tree.getTreeTable().getTreeTable().editingStopped(new ChangeEvent(tree.getTreeTable().getTreeTable())); } GanttCalendar cal = new GanttCalendar(area.getViewState().getStartDate()); DefaultMutableTreeNode node = tree.getSelectedNode(); GanttLanguage lang = GanttLanguage.getInstance(); String nameOfTask = options.getTaskNamePrefix();// language.getText("newTask"); // if (current != null) { // current.setMilestone(false); // node = (TaskNode) tree.getSelectedNode(); // cal = current.getStart(); // if (!node.isRoot()) // nameOfTask = current.toString(); // } GanttTask task = getTaskManager().createTask(); task.setStart(cal); task.setLength(1); getTaskManager().registerTask(task);// create a new task in the tab // paneneed to register it task.setName(((nameOfTask + "_") + (task.getTaskID()))); task.setColor(area.getTaskColor()); // if (current != null) { // if (current.colorDefined()) { // task.setColor(current.getColor()); // } // if (current.shapeDefined()) // task.setShape(current.getShape()); // } TaskNode taskNode = tree.addObject(task, node, index); /* this will add new custom columns to the newly created task. */ getCustomColumnsStorage().processNewTask(task); AdjustTaskBoundsAlgorithm alg = getTaskManager().getAlgorithmCollection().getAdjustTaskBoundsAlgorithm(); alg.run(task); RecalculateTaskCompletionPercentageAlgorithm alg2 = getTaskManager().getAlgorithmCollection().getRecalculateTaskCompletionPercentageAlgorithm(); alg2.run(task); area.repaint(); setAskForSave(true); getUIFacade().setStatusText(language.getText("createNewTask")); // setQuickSave(true); tree.setEditingTask(task); if (options.getAutomatic()) { propertiesTask(); } repaint2(); return task; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: '-init-(java.util.Date,java.util.Date)' and method implementation: 'public DateInterval(Date start, Date end) { this.start = start; this.end = end; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'getColor()' and method implementation: 'public Color getColor() { Color result = myColor; if (result == null) { if ((isMilestone()) || ((getNestedTasks().length) > 0)) { result = Color.BLACK; } else { result = myManager.getConfig().getDefaultColor(); } } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'getTask()' and method implementation: 'protected Task getTask() { return myTask; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: '/** * Default constructor with no parameters. */ public PrjInfos() { this._sProjectName = "Untitled Gantt Project"; this._sDescription = ""; this._sOrganization = ""; this._sWebLink = "http://"; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'isExplicitlyHidden(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task)' and method implementation: 'public boolean isExplicitlyHidden(Task task) { return (myHiddenTasks) == null ? false : myHiddenTasks.contains(task); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: 'getColumnName(int)' and method implementation: '/** * Return the name of the colums col */ public String getColumnName(int col) { return columnNames[col]; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskImpl,java.util.Date,java.util.Date,float)' and method implementation: 'TaskActivityImpl(TaskImpl task, Date startDate, Date endDate, float intensity) { myStartDate = startDate; myEndDate = endDate; myDuration = task.getManager().createLength(task.getDuration().getTimeUnit(), startDate, endDate); myIntensity = intensity; myTask = task; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: 'getDaysOff()' and method implementation: 'public DefaultListModel getDaysOff() { return myDaysOffList; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getActivities(java.util.Date,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskLength)' and method implementation: 'public List getActivities(Date startingFrom, TaskLength period) { return getActivities(startingFrom, period.getTimeUnit(), period.getLength()); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'getActivityBinding()' and method implementation: 'TaskDependency.ActivityBinding getActivityBinding();'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: '-init-(javax.swing.Icon,javax.swing.Icon)' and method implementation: '/** * Setup the border (invisible initially) */ private TestGanttRolloverButton(Icon iconOn, Icon iconOff) { this(); setIcon(iconOff); _iconOn = iconOn; _iconOff = iconOff; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: 'setYear(int)' and method implementation: '/** * Change the year of the date */ public void setYear(int y) { this.set(Calendar.YEAR, y); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'createContainmentFacade()' and method implementation: 'protected abstract TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade createContainmentFacade();'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'ProjectBoundsAlgorithm() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'resourcesRemoved(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ResourceEvent)' and method implementation: 'public void resourcesRemoved(ResourceEvent event) { refreshProjectInfos(); setAskForSave(true); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'getTimeUnitStack()' and method implementation: 'protected TimeUnitStack getTimeUnitStack() { return myProject.getTimeUnitStack(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: 'getTask()' and method implementation: 'public Task getTask() { return myTask; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'getLength()' and method implementation: 'public long getLength() { return ((long) (myCount)); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: 'setTopUnit(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit)' and method implementation: 'private void setTopUnit(TimeUnit myTopUnit) { this.myTopUnit = myTopUnit; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'getStartDate()' and method implementation: 'public Date getStartDate() { return myStartDate; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'getName()' and method implementation: 'public String getName() { return name; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: '3() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'getDescription()' and method implementation: 'public String getDescription() { return description; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'getResources()' and method implementation: 'public List getResources() { return resources; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getUnitCount(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit)' and method implementation: 'public int getUnitCount(TimeUnit unit) { TimeFrameImpl.LineHeader lineHeader = getLineHeader(unit); if (lineHeader == null) { lineHeader = new TimeFrameImpl.LineHeader(unit); // return getUnitCount(getLineHeader(), lineHeader, // getLineHeader().myFirstItem); fillLine(getLineHeader(), lineHeader); return lineHeader.getItemCount(); } int result = (lineHeader == null) ? -1 : lineHeader.getItemCount(); if (result == (-1)) { throw new RuntimeException((("There is not time unit=" + unit) + " in this time frame")); } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'run(java.util.List)' and method implementation: 'protected void run(List selection) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < (selection.size()); i++) { Task nextTask = ((Task) (selection.get(i))); nextTask.getDependencies().clear(selection); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: '1() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: 'getTimeUnitStack()' and method implementation: 'protected TimeUnitStack getTimeUnitStack() { return myTimeUnitStack; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getDuration()' and method implementation: 'public int getDuration() { return (myStart.diff(myFinish)) + 1; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'getUnitText(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit,int)' and method implementation: '// public int getUnitCount(TimeUnit unitLine) { // int counter = 0; // for (Date nextUnitStart = shiftDate(myStartDate, unitLine, counter); // nextUnitStart.before(myNextFrameStartDate); // nextUnitStart = shiftDate(myStartDate, unitLine, ++counter)) { // //System.err.println("myStart="+myStartDate+" // nextFrame="+myNextFrameStartDate+" nextUnitStart="+nextUnitStart); // } // return counter; // } public TimeUnitText getUnitText(TimeUnit unitLine, int position) { TimeFrameImpl.LineHeader lineHeader = getLineHeader(unitLine); TimeFrameImpl.LineItem lineItem = (lineHeader == null) ? null : lineHeader.getLineItem(position); Date startDate = (lineItem == null) ? null : lineItem.myStartDate; TimeUnitText result = (startDate == null) ? null : getUnitText(unitLine, startDate); // if ("31".equals(result)) { // System.err.println("unit line="+unitLine+" position="+position); // } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: '1() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnitStack)' and method implementation: 'public OffsetCalculatorImpl(TimeUnitStack timeunitStack) { myStack = timeunitStack; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: 'createNewItem(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)' and method implementation: '/** * Create an item with a label and an icon */ public JMenuItem createNewItem(String label, String icon) { JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(label, new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource(icon))); item.addActionListener(this); return item; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'getRoleManager()' and method implementation: 'public RoleManager getRoleManager() { RoleManager result = ((RoleManager) (managerHash.get(GanttProject.ROLE_MANAGER_ID))); if (result == null) { result = RoleManager.Access.getInstance(); managerHash.put(GanttProject.ROLE_MANAGER_ID, result); } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.