2 values
1 value
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'createCancelAction(javax.swing.Action,javax.swing.JDialog,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.UIFacadeImpl$Commiter)' and method implementation: 'private Action createCancelAction(final Action realAction, final JDialog result, final UIFacadeImpl.Commiter commiter) { return new CancelAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { realAction.actionPerformed(e); commiter.commit(); result.setVisible(false); result.dispose(); } }; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'isTitled()' and method implementation: 'public boolean isTitled() { return isTitled; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ResourceManager,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ProjectResource[])' and method implementation: 'public ResourceEvent(ResourceManager mgr, ProjectResource[] resources) { super(mgr); myManager = mgr; myResources = resources; myResource = ((resources.length) > 0) ? resources[0] : null; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getTask()' and method implementation: 'protected Task getTask() { return myTask; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getPath()' and method implementation: 'public String getPath() { return file.getPath(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'setPublicHolidays(java.net.URL,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttProject)' and method implementation: 'public void setPublicHolidays(URL calendar, GanttProject gp) { publicHolidaysArray.clear(); if (calendar != null) { XMLCalendarOpen opener = new XMLCalendarOpen(); HolidayTagHandler dependencyHandler = new HolidayTagHandler(gp); opener.addTagHandler(dependencyHandler); opener.addParsingListener(dependencyHandler); try { opener.load(calendar.openStream()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'equals(java.lang.Object)' and method implementation: 'public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean res = false; if ((this) == obj) return true; if (obj instanceof ResourceNode) { ResourceNode rn = ((ResourceNode) (obj)); res = ((rn.getUserObject()) != null) && (rn.getUserObject().equals(this.getUserObject())); } return res; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: '1() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'getFilePath()' and method implementation: 'public String getFilePath() { return getPath(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: 'createColorComponent(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.options.model.ColorOption)' and method implementation: 'private Component createColorComponent(final ColorOption option) { final JButton colorButton = new JButton(); Action action = new AbstractAction(myi18n.getColorButtonText(option)) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ActionListener onOkPressing = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Color color = OptionsPageBuilder.ourColorChooser.getColor(); colorButton.setBackground(color); option.setValue(color); } }; ActionListener onCancelPressing = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // nothing to do for "Cancel" } }; JDialog dialog = JColorChooser.createDialog(myParentComponent, myi18n.getColorChooserTitle(option), true, OptionsPageBuilder.ourColorChooser, onOkPressing, onCancelPressing); OptionsPageBuilder.ourColorChooser.setColor(colorButton.getBackground()); dialog.setVisible(true); } }; colorButton.setAction(action); colorButton.setBackground(option.getValue()); return colorButton; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: 'isExplicitlyHidden(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task)' and method implementation: 'public boolean isExplicitlyHidden(Task task) { return (myHiddenTasks) == null ? false : myHiddenTasks.contains(task); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getVisibleLength()' and method implementation: '/** * * * @return A length of the visible part of this chart area measured in the bottom line time units */ public TaskLength getVisibleLength() { double pixelsLength = getBounds().getWidth(); float unitsLength = ((float) (pixelsLength / (getBottomUnitWidth()))); TaskLength result = getTaskManager().createLength(getBottomUnit(), unitsLength); return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'geti18nedValues(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.options.model.EnumerationOption)' and method implementation: 'String[] geti18nedValues(EnumerationOption option) { String[] ids = option.getAvailableValues(); String[] result = new String[ids.length]; for (int i = 0; i < (ids.length); i++) { result[i] = GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText((("optionValue." + (ids[i])) + ".label")); if (result[i].startsWith(GanttLanguage.MISSING_RESOURCE)) { // System.err.println(result[i]); result[i] = ids[i]; } } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'getCompletionPercentage()' and method implementation: 'public int getCompletionPercentage() { return ((myMutator) != null) && ((myMutator.myIsolationLevel) == (TaskMutator.READ_UNCOMMITED)) ? myMutator.getCompletionPercentage() : myCompletionPercentage; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'ShapeConstants() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getZoomManager()' and method implementation: 'public ZoomManager getZoomManager() { return myUIFacade.getZoomManager(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: '-init-(javax.swing.Icon,java.lang.String)' and method implementation: '/** * Setup the border (invisible initially) */ public TestGanttRolloverButton(Icon icon, String text) { this(); setIcon(icon); _iconOn = icon; setText(text); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'findRole(int)' and method implementation: 'public Role findRole(int roleID) { Role result = null; for (int i = 0; i < (myRoles.size()); i++) { Role next = ((Role) (myRoles.get(i))); if ((next.getID()) == roleID) { result = next; break; } } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'getTask()' and method implementation: 'public Task getTask() { return myTask; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'buildTasksLoadsRectangles(java.util.List,int)' and method implementation: '/** * Renders a list of loads in a single chart row * Precondition: loads belong to the same pair (resource,task) and are ordered * by their time values */ private void buildTasksLoadsRectangles(List partition, /* <Load> */ int ypos) { /* <Offset> */ LinkedList offsets = getOffsets(); /* <Load> */ Iterator loads = partition.iterator(); while ((loads.hasNext()) && ((offsets.getFirst()) != null)) { final LoadDistribution.Load nextLoad = ((LoadDistribution.Load) (loads.next())); final Date nextStart = nextLoad.startDate; final Date nextEnd = nextLoad.endDate; GraphicPrimitiveContainer.Rectangle nextRect = createRectangle(offsets, nextStart, nextEnd, ypos); if (nextRect == null) { continue; } String style; if ((nextLoad.load) < 100.0F) { style = "load.underload"; } else if ((nextLoad.load) > 100.0F) { style = "load.overload"; } else { style = "load.normal"; } style += ".first.last"; nextRect.setStyle(style); nextRect.setModelObject(new ResourceLoadRenderer.ResourceLoad(nextLoad.load)); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'getDayMonthLanguage()' and method implementation: '/** * Return an array with all name of month */ public String[] getDayMonthLanguage() { String[] res = new String[12]; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) res[i] = language.getMonth(i); return res; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'format(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit,java.util.Date)' and method implementation: 'public TimeUnitText format(TimeUnit timeUnit, Date baseDate) { TimeUnitText result = null; Date adjustedLeft = ((DateFrameable) (timeUnit)).adjustLeft(baseDate); result = getCachedText(adjustedLeft); if (result == null) { result = createTimeUnitText(adjustedLeft); myTextCache.put(adjustedLeft, result); } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'contains(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task)' and method implementation: 'public boolean contains(Task task) { return myTask2treeNode.containsKey(task); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'getTaskManager()' and method implementation: '// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --End CL 15-May-2003 private TaskManager getTaskManager() { return myTaskManager; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'setDuration(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskLength)' and method implementation: '/** * Sets the duration of the task. * * @param length * The duration to be set. */ public void setDuration(TaskLength length) { TaskMutator mutator = task.createMutator(); mutator.setDuration(length); mutator.commit(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'getComponent()' and method implementation: 'private Component getComponent() { OptionsPageBuilder builder = new OptionsPageBuilder(); OptionsPageBuilder.I18N i18n = new OptionsPageBuilder.I18N() { public String getOptionLabel(GPOption option) { return getValue(option.getID()); } }; builder.setI18N(i18n); final JComponent mainPage = builder.buildPlanePage(new GPOptionGroup[]{ myGroup }); mainPage.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); tabbedPane.addTab(language.getText("general"), new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/properties_16.gif")), mainPage); tabbedPane.addTab(language.getText("daysOff"), new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/holidays_16.gif")), constructDaysOffPanel()); // mainPage.requestDefaultFocus(); // final FocusTraversalPolicy defaultPolicy = mainPage.getFocusTraversalPolicy(); // FocusTraversalPolicy customPolicy = new FocusTraversalPolicy() { // public Component getComponentAfter(Container aContainer, Component aComponent) { // return defaultPolicy.getComponentAfter(aContainer, aComponent); // } // // public Component getComponentBefore(Container aContainer, Component aComponent) { // return defaultPolicy.getComponentBefore(aContainer, aComponent); // } // // public Component getFirstComponent(Container aContainer) { // return defaultPolicy.getFirstComponent(aContainer); // } // // public Component getLastComponent(Container aContainer) { // return defaultPolicy.getLastComponent(aContainer); // } // // public Component getDefaultComponent(Container aContainer) { // return mainPage; // } // }; // //mainPage.setFocusCycleRoot(true); // mainPage.setFocusTraversalPolicy(customPolicy); tabbedPane.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { boolean isFirstTime = true; public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { if (isFirstTime) { mainPage.requestFocus(); isFirstTime = false; } super.focusGained(e); } }); return tabbedPane; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'setDelay(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.delay.Delay)' and method implementation: 'public void setDelay(final Task task, final Delay delay) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { TaskNode taskNode = ((TaskNode) (getNode(task.getTaskID()))); if (taskNode != null) treetable.setDelay(taskNode, delay); } }); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'fireProjectClosed()' and method implementation: 'protected void fireProjectClosed() { for (int i = 0; i < (myModifiedStateChangeListeners.size()); i++) { ProjectEventListener next = ((ProjectEventListener) (myModifiedStateChangeListeners.get(i))); next.projectClosed(); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'SaverBase() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'deleteTasks(boolean)' and method implementation: '/** * Delete the currant task * * @param confirmation * TODO */ public void deleteTasks(boolean confirmation) { getTabs().setSelectedIndex(UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); final DefaultMutableTreeNode[] cdmtn = tree.getSelectedNodes(); if ((cdmtn == null) || ((cdmtn.length) == 0)) { getUIFacade().setStatusText(language.getText("msg21")); return; } UIFacade.Choice choice = getUIFacade().showConfirmationDialog(language.getText("msg19"), language.getText("question")); if (choice == (UIFacade.Choice.YES)) { getUndoManager().undoableEdit("Task removed", new Runnable() { public void run() { ArrayList fathers = new ArrayList(); tree.stopEditing(); for (int i = 0; i < (cdmtn.length); i++) { if (((cdmtn[i]) != null) && ((cdmtn[i]) instanceof TaskNode)) { Task ttask = ((Task) (cdmtn[i].getUserObject())); getTaskManager().deleteTask(ttask); ttask.delete(); DefaultMutableTreeNode father = tree.getFatherNode(ttask); tree.removeCurrentNode(cdmtn[i]); if (father != null) { GanttTask taskFather = ((GanttTask) (father.getUserObject())); AdjustTaskBoundsAlgorithm alg = getTaskManager().getAlgorithmCollection().getAdjustTaskBoundsAlgorithm(); alg.run(taskFather); // taskFather.refreshDateAndAdvancement(tree); father.setUserObject(taskFather); fathers.add(father); } } else if (((cdmtn[i]) != null) && ((cdmtn[i]) instanceof BlankLineNode)) { ((GanttTreeTableModel) (tree.getTreeTable().getTreeTableModel())).removeNodeFromParent(cdmtn[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < (fathers.size()); i++) { DefaultMutableTreeNode father = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) (fathers.get(i))); if ((father.getChildCount()) == 0) ((Task) (father.getUserObject())).setProjectTask(false); } } }); refreshProjectInfos(); area.repaint(); this.repaint2(); getResourcePanel().area.repaint(); setAskForSave(true); // setQuickSave (true); // quickSave("deleteTasks"); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'getDirectAtomUnit()' and method implementation: 'public TimeUnit getDirectAtomUnit() { return myDirectAtomUnit; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'ViewSaver() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'adjustLeft(java.util.Date)' and method implementation: 'public Date adjustLeft(Date baseDate) { return myFramer.adjustLeft(baseDate); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'getSelectedTasks()' and method implementation: '/** * Returns the selected tasks list. * * @return The selected tasks list. */ public List getSelectedTasks() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(selectedTasks); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'scrollLeft(java.util.Date)' and method implementation: 'public void scrollLeft(Date date) { setStartDate(date); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'addDaysOff(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.calendar.GanttDaysOff)' and method implementation: 'public void addDaysOff(GanttDaysOff gdo) { myDaysOffList.addElement(gdo); fireResourceChanged(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'getActiveCalendar()' and method implementation: 'private GPCalendar getActiveCalendar() { return myProject.getActiveCalendar(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'getHumanResourceManager()' and method implementation: 'public abstract ResourceManager getHumanResourceManager();'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getName()' and method implementation: 'public String getName() { return name; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: 'calculateLowestFrameableUnit(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit)' and method implementation: 'private DateFrameable calculateLowestFrameableUnit(TimeUnit topUnit, TimeUnit bottomUnit) { // DateFrameable lowestFrameable = null; // for (TimeUnit timeUnit = topUnit; timeUnit!=null; timeUnit = // timeUnit.getDirectAtomUnit()) { // if (timeUnit instanceof DateFrameable) { // lowestFrameable = (DateFrameable)timeUnit; // } // if (bottomUnit.equals(timeUnit)) { // break; // } // } // return lowestFrameable; return bottomUnit; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: 'getHardness()' and method implementation: 'public TaskDependency.Hardness getHardness() { return myHardness; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'importData(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.roles.RoleSet)' and method implementation: 'void importData(RoleSet original) { Role[] originalRoles = original.getRoles(); for (int i = 0; i < (originalRoles.length); i++) { Role nextRole = originalRoles[i]; createRole(nextRole.getName(), nextRole.getID()); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit)' and method implementation: 'MyTimeUnitPair(TimeUnit topUnit, TimeUnit bottomUnit) { super(topUnit, bottomUnit, this); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'isIconVisible(boolean)' and method implementation: 'public void isIconVisible(boolean isNull) { setIconVisible(isNull); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document.ProxyDocument$SuccessState,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document.ProxyDocument$FailureState)' and method implementation: '/** * * * @param success * * @param failure * */ public ParsingState(ProxyDocument.SuccessState success, ProxyDocument.FailureState failure) { mySuccessState = success; myFailureState = failure; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: '1() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit)' and method implementation: 'public LineHeader(TimeUnit myUnit) { this.myUnit = myUnit; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task)' and method implementation: 'public RangeSearchToKey(Task task) { super(3, task.getTaskID(), 0); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'getInputStream()' and method implementation: 'public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return myPhysicalDocument.getInputStream(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'public TaskInteractionHintRenderer() { draw = false; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'createPopupMenu(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)' and method implementation: '/* Create the popup menu */ private void createPopupMenu(MouseEvent e) { JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); AbstractAction[] resourceActions = myResourceActionSet.getActions(); menu.add(resourceActions[0]); if ((table.getSelectedNodes().length) == 1) { menu.add(myResourcePropertiesAction); for (int i = 1; i < (resourceActions.length); i++) { menu.add(resourceActions[i]); } menu.add(appli.createNewItem(GanttProject.correctLabel(lang.getText("sendMail")), "/icons/send_mail_16.gif")); menu.addSeparator(); menu.add(myMoveUpAction); menu.add(myMoveDownAction); menu.addSeparator(); menu.add(appli.getCutAction()); menu.add(appli.getCopyAction()); menu.add(appli.getPasteAction()); } menu.applyComponentOrientation(lang.getComponentOrientation()); Point popupPoint = getPopupMenuPoint(e); menu.show(this, popupPoint.x, popupPoint.y); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'GraphicPrimitive() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'deleteDependency(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependency)' and method implementation: 'public void deleteDependency(TaskDependency dependency) { delete(dependency); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: 'getOldFinishDate()' and method implementation: 'public GanttCalendar getOldFinishDate() { return myOldFinishDate; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'getRole()' and method implementation: 'public Role getRole() { if ((myRole) == null) { System.err.println(("[HumanResource] getRole(): I have no role :( name=" + (getName()))); } return myRole; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: 'isFixed()' and method implementation: 'public boolean isFixed() { return isFixed; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: '-init-(int,int,int)' and method implementation: '/** * From super * * @param year * * @param month * * @param date * */ public GregorianCalendar(int year, int month, int date) { super(year, month, date); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'removeCustomColumn(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumn)' and method implementation: '/** * Removes the CustomColumn whose name is given in parameter. If the column * name does not exist, nothing is done. * * @param name * Name of the column to remove. */ public void removeCustomColumn(CustomColumn column) { CustomColumEvent event = new CustomColumEvent(CustomColumEvent.EVENT_REMOVE, column); fireCustomColumnsChange(event); mapIdCustomColum.remove(column.getId()); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'showErrorDialog(java.lang.Throwable)' and method implementation: 'public void showErrorDialog(Throwable e) { myUIFacade.showErrorDialog(e); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'getPluginManager()' and method implementation: 'public static PluginManager getPluginManager() { return Mediator.pluginManager; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'getLocalizedName()' and method implementation: 'protected String getLocalizedName() { return ""; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'jumpLeft(java.util.Date)' and method implementation: 'public Date jumpLeft(Date baseDate) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException((("Time unit=" + (this)) + " doesnt support this operation")); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.shape.ShapePaint)' and method implementation: '/** * Constructor */ public ShapePaint(ShapePaint pattern) { this(pattern.width, pattern.height, pattern.array, pattern.foreground, pattern.background); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'getExceptionReport(java.lang.Throwable)' and method implementation: 'static String getExceptionReport(Throwable e) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(((e.getMessage()) + " ")); StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(stringWriter); e.printStackTrace(writer); writer.close(); result.append(stringWriter.getBuffer().toString()); return result.toString(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'setProjectName(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public abstract void setProjectName(String projectName);'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: 'getTaskManager()' and method implementation: 'public abstract TaskManager getTaskManager();'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getWebLink()' and method implementation: 'public String getWebLink() { return prjInfos.getWebLink(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getParserFactory()' and method implementation: 'protected ParserFactory getParserFactory() { return myParserFactory; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'toString()' and method implementation: 'public String toString() { return (((("long=" + (myLongText)) + ", medium=") + (myMediumText)) + ", short=") + (myShortText); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: 'addCustomColumn(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumn)' and method implementation: '/** * Add a custom column. * * @param col * CustomColumn to be added. * @throws CustomColumnsException * A CustomColumnsException of type * CustomColumnsException.ALREADY_EXIST could be thrown if the * CustomColumn that should be added has a name that already * exists. */ public void addCustomColumn(CustomColumn col) { if (getCustomColumnsNames().contains(col.getName())) { return; } String id = col.getId(); while (id == null) { id = (CustomColumnsStorage.ID_PREFIX) + ((CustomColumnsStorage.nextId)++); if (existsForID(id)) id = null; } mapIdCustomColum.put(id, col); col.setId(id); CustomColumEvent event = new CustomColumEvent(CustomColumEvent.EVENT_ADD, col); fireCustomColumnsChange(event); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: '-init-(java.util.TimeZone)' and method implementation: '/** * From super * * @param zone * */ public GregorianCalendar(TimeZone zone) { super(zone); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit)' and method implementation: 'MyTimeUnitPair(TimeUnit topUnit, TimeUnit bottomUnit) { super(topUnit, bottomUnit, this); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'getHolidayTimeBackgroundColor()' and method implementation: 'public Color getHolidayTimeBackgroundColor() { return myHolidayTimeBackgroundColor; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'run(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task)' and method implementation: 'public void run(Task task) { TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade facade = createContainmentFacade(); recalculateSupertaskCompletionPercentageBottomUp(task, facade); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'createMutator()' and method implementation: 'public TaskMutator createMutator() { if ((myMutator) != null) { throw new RuntimeException(("Two mutators have been requested for task=" + (getName())), myException); } myMutator = new TaskImpl.MutatorImpl(); myException = new Exception(); return myMutator; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: 'getActivitiesBackward(java.util.Date,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit,long)' and method implementation: 'protected List getActivitiesBackward(Date startDate, TimeUnit timeUnit, long unitCount) { List result = new LinkedList(); Date unitStart = timeUnit.adjustLeft(startDate); while (unitCount > 0) { Date prevUnitStart = timeUnit.jumpLeft(unitStart); boolean isWeekendState = isNonWorkingDay(prevUnitStart); if (isWeekendState) { Date lastWorkingUnitStart = getStateChangeDate(prevUnitStart, timeUnit, false, false); Date firstWeekendUnitStart = timeUnit.adjustRight(lastWorkingUnitStart); Date lastWeekendUnitEnd = unitStart; result.add(0, new CalendarActivityImpl(firstWeekendUnitStart, lastWeekendUnitEnd, false)); unitStart = firstWeekendUnitStart; } else { result.add(0, new CalendarActivityImpl(prevUnitStart, unitStart, true)); unitCount--; unitStart = prevUnitStart; } } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'scrollLeft(java.util.Date)' and method implementation: 'public void scrollLeft(Date date) { setStartDate(date); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: 'applyThirdDateConstraint()' and method implementation: 'public void applyThirdDateConstraint() { if ((task.getThird()) != null) switch (task.getThirdDateConstraint()) { case TaskImpl.EARLIESTBEGIN : if (task.getThird().after(getStart())) { task.setStart(task.getThird().newAdd(0)); } } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'columnMarginChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent)' and method implementation: '/** * * * @unknown */ public void columnMarginChanged(ChangeEvent arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getEnabledRoles()' and method implementation: 'public Role[] getEnabledRoles();'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'jumpLeft(java.util.Date)' and method implementation: 'public Date jumpLeft(Date baseDate) { Calendar c = CalendarFactory.newCalendar(); c.setTime(baseDate); c.add(myCalendarField, (-1)); return c.getTime(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'setGraphics(java.awt.Graphics)' and method implementation: 'public void setGraphics(Graphics g) { myGraphics = g; myTextLengthCalculator.setGraphics(g); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'getProjectTasks()' and method implementation: 'public ArrayList getProjectTasks() { ArrayList projectTasks = new ArrayList(); // for (int i = 0 ; i < getAllTasks().size() ; i++) { // TaskNode node = (TaskNode)getAllTasks().get(i); // if (((Task)node.getUserObject()).isProjectTask()) // projectTasks.add (node); // } getProjectTasks(this.rootNode, projectTasks); return projectTasks; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: '-init-(javax.swing.JFrame)' and method implementation: '/** * Default constructor. */ public GanttStatusBar(JFrame mainFrame) { super(new BorderLayout()); myMainFrame = mainFrame; // pbp = new ProgressBarPanel(); message0 = new GanttStatusBar.MessagePanel(215, false); message1 = new GanttStatusBar.MessagePanel(400, true); message2 = new GanttStatusBar.MessagePanel(250, true); myErrorNotificationPanel = new GanttStatusBar.ErrorNotificationPanel(); // myMainFrame.setGlassPane(pbp); // pbp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(160, 16)); // message1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(360,25)); // message2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(210,25)); // add(pbp, BorderLayout.WEST); // add(message0, BorderLayout.WEST); add(myErrorNotificationPanel, BorderLayout.WEST); add(message1, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(message2, BorderLayout.EAST); message0.setText((("GanttProject.biz (" + (GanttProject.version)) + ")")); // pbp.setValue(0); setFirstText(GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText("welcome"), 500); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: '-init-(java.lang.String,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnitGraph,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.DateFrameable)' and method implementation: 'public TimeUnitDateFrameableImpl(String name, TimeUnitGraph timeUnitGraph, TimeUnit atomUnit, DateFrameable framer) { super(name, timeUnitGraph, atomUnit); myFramer = framer; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'delete()' and method implementation: 'public void delete() { removeAllAssignments(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: 'getTextLength(java.awt.Graphics,java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public static int getTextLength(Graphics g, String text) { if ((text.length()) == 0) return 0; Graphics2D g2 = ((Graphics2D) (g)); FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext(); Font font = g.getFont(); TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(text, font, frc); Rectangle2D bounds = layout.getBounds(); return ((int) (bounds.getWidth())) + 1; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'beforeProcessingTimeFrames()' and method implementation: 'public void beforeProcessingTimeFrames() { getPrimitiveContainer().clear(); getPrimitiveContainer().getLayer(1).clear(); getPrimitiveContainer().getLayer(2).clear(); myActivity2ordinalNumber.clear(); myTask_WorkingRectanglesLength.clear(); myActivitiesOutOfView.clear(); myVisibleActivities = getSortedTaskActivities(); if ((myTasks) != null) { myPreviousStateTasks = ((ArrayList) (myTasks.clone())); } myCurrentlyProcessed.clear(); myPosX = 0; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: 'getBottomUnit()' and method implementation: 'public TimeUnit getBottomUnit() { return myBottomUnit; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'setStatusText(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public void setStatusText(String text) { myUIFacade.setStatusText(text); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'nameChanged(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public void nameChanged(String newName) { nameField3.setText(newName); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'updateAssignment(java.lang.Object,int,int)' and method implementation: 'private void updateAssignment(Object value, int row, int col) { ResourceAssignment updateTarget = ((ResourceAssignment) (myAssignments.get(row))); switch (col) { case 4 : { updateTarget.setRoleForAssignment(((Role) (value))); break; } case 3 : { updateTarget.setCoordinator(((Boolean) (value)).booleanValue()); break; } case 2 : { float loadAsFloat = Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(value)); updateTarget.setLoad(loadAsFloat); break; } case 1 : { if (value == null) { updateTarget.delete(); myAssignments.remove(row); fireTableRowsDeleted(row, row); } else if (value instanceof ProjectResource) { float load = updateTarget.getLoad(); boolean coord = updateTarget.isCoordinator(); updateTarget.delete(); ResourceAssignment newAssignment = myMutator.addAssignment(((ProjectResource) (value))); newAssignment.setLoad(load); newAssignment.setCoordinator(coord); myAssignments.set(row, newAssignment); } break; } default : break; } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: 'getRoleManager()' and method implementation: 'public RoleManager getRoleManager() { RoleManager result = ((RoleManager) (managerHash.get(GanttProject.ROLE_MANAGER_ID))); if (result == null) { result = RoleManager.Access.getInstance(); managerHash.put(GanttProject.ROLE_MANAGER_ID, result); } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: 'setUpResourcesComboColumn(javax.swing.JTable)' and method implementation: 'private void setUpResourcesComboColumn(final JTable resourceTable) { List resources = myHRManager.getResources(); final JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox(); for (int i = 0; i < (resources.size()); i++) { comboBox.addItem(resources.get(i)); } TableColumn resourcesColumn = resourceTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(1); comboBox.setEditable(false); resourcesColumn.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(comboBox)); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'setName(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public void setName(String name) { resource.setName(name); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'afterProcessingTimeFrames()' and method implementation: 'public void afterProcessingTimeFrames() { for (int i = 0; i < (myActivitiesOutOfView.size()); i++) { TaskActivity next = ((TaskActivity) (myActivitiesOutOfView.get(i))); Integer nextOrdNumber = ((Integer) (myActivity2ordinalNumber.get(next))); int topy = ((nextOrdNumber.intValue()) * (getRowHeight())) + 4;// JA Added GraphicPrimitiveContainer container = getContainerFor(next.getTask()); GraphicPrimitiveContainer.Rectangle rectangle = container.createRectangle((-10), topy, 1, getRowHeight()); container.bind(rectangle, next); } for (int i = 0; i < (myVisibleActivities.size()); i++) { TaskActivity next = ((TaskActivity) (myVisibleActivities.get(i))); Integer nextOrdNumber = ((Integer) (myActivity2ordinalNumber.get(next))); int topy = ((nextOrdNumber.intValue()) * (getRowHeight())) + 4;// JA Added GraphicPrimitiveContainer container = getContainerFor(next.getTask()); GraphicPrimitiveContainer.Rectangle rectangle = container.createRectangle(((getWidth()) + 10), topy, 1, getRowHeight()); container.bind(rectangle, next); } if (myDependenciesRenderingEnabled) { createDependencyLines(); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'getTree()' and method implementation: 'public JTree getTree() { return this.getTreeTable().getTree(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'protected GPAction() { this(null, "16"); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage)' and method implementation: 'public Event(GanttLanguage language) { super(language); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'reset()' and method implementation: 'void reset() { isValid = true; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.